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Providence Opera Percy Told Soviet Leaders He Favors Theatre Wi II ·Palestinian State Led By Arafat Perform "La Boheme"

WA SHI NGTON - Senator Charles H. Percy, acrording lo one of the c:ible-grams. lt•a.m Pe rcy, the likely chairman of the Senate told Foreign Minister Andre, A Grom)kO The second r<'.i.son for conc-ern JS that Fo reign Relations Committee, is said to have that this would permit Arafat " to realu:,- h" PerC') told the , ,et leaders he had spoken told Soviet leaders two -.eek> ago that he w"h to be a ch,ef of ,tale b<-fore he d,c ·· ,. 1th Rca2,an about h1> romment , \\'at,on favors a Pal,·stinian slate 1,·d by Yasir Arafat, Prt•sident-el.,.,t Ronald Reagan s tram1tion s.11d. le.- inJ( the ,mpre. hina and Afghamslan Rea11:0n Team l"pset messages lo the State Department from The Repubhc:in senator from Illinois will The \\'atson 01blegrams ha1e e,ok..d T ho mas J. Watson Jr., the American Am­ gain lewrage in fo r 1gn policy when he har h romments from Rea!{an aides bassador to the Soviet Union, acmrding to a .usumcs the foreign relallons committee The mt gc cast a different light on report in The New York Times lc-adersh,p, and th, "Ome the Reaiian Pere, , pubhch opl1m1 ll<' tatement> about the J'.)O'S1b1ht) of a nr" ALT treat) "1th the !,o" t Umon Moynihan Rejects Role For Arafat, Re, ,e-.rd in the C'ablt>1tram, a.re PerC) · three da" of talk> -.,th Lcomd Brrihne,. Praises Reagan, Denounces U.N. Grom) k~ and Def en,<' \1 ini,ter D1m1tn L,11no, NEW YORK - Senator Daniel Patnck ArafJt al the he.d, not .,.h,le Im in the L'n- Brezhne, and t,nov told Pern. ac• Moyn ih an o f New Yo rk has praised 1tcd ~late, Senate cordin11 to the cable)!ram . that althou11:h the Prt•sidcnt-elecl Ronald Reagan's quick Amc.•ncan oppo,1tion to ~uch a itJh' 1 a SoY1ct lmon 1s rt"ad~ lo d1 u, -i.nn ques­ ROBERTA PETERS denial of Sc·nator Cha rl es Percy's backing of bipartisan pohcy, Moymhan "''d lJon<. ,t L un-. ,lhn)!, to reopen negollallon> a Palestinian state led by Yasir Arafat The conference addrc>ssed by \1o) nihan on th(" arm lr("al\. La Boheme b) Pucrini. considered to be In a speech to the Committee for United issm'Cl a itatement s111nc-d b) more than 100 P re) rt· ponded with d, may to the th,· most popular opern in the repertory, will Nations Integrity, Moynihan was highly scholar , scientist and art, t that denounC'l.'d rel.-a..- of thr 01bl1"g111Jru, '-'ling th docu­ J,.. presented on Saturday, Dec. 13 at the critical of the arter Adminbtration·s perfo r­ the a "no loni1er the KUard,an of \OC1al ment could be m1S1ntrrpretcd hecause Oc-ean Stair Pcrform111g Arts Center in mance at the U.N .. ju l1ct•, human nght, and t>quahl) amonK na­ 'th,"S<" are ,horthand tatement ·· Providcnre Th,s is the fourth opera in o Moynihan said that Percy represented tion," Al l~a,t half a dm:en Rca1tan a,d rcpor- ~em_,.~ of Ho.; productions I hi, sea.son produced only him.elf. ·· 1l e d,wsn't n·prt·><·nt th,· m"· ThP ,tatc->rnt•nt \aul tlw or17.im1al1N1 ,, 1..-dh f 1;prre0" One oH,cial of The product,un 1CJCl' it elf " at some of the things he told the Ru<senlati,e, amillo Pierannunzi pulled and honorary president of Congregation sage. d,ed Friday. 'Im .'l() at the ag<- of .~ Born m 1·,Jna lo a Je>11 h mother, Ca" out the "111111ng ticket held b) Charles and Mishkon Tfiloh. He was a member of Tem­ He""' buri..d the same da. nn the \tount of C'Jme to France as a l,o) He ser\ed as a pilot JJck Dunn of PrO\ idence ple Emanu-EI Men's Club, Touro Fraternal Olives where h,s casket was brou~ht on foot dunn~ the "ar .. ,th the French ,\,r Force The SJ)t'C1al J\\ard so li ci tors "ere· Mrs Associa ti on, Jewis h Home for the Aged, by pupils and adm irers and "as one of the flrst officers to 10111 Gen Ed .. ard B \ledoff. \lrs Frank Krasin . Her­ Miriam Hospital, Chessed Schei Emmess Rabb, 11 untn "as born ,n Poland of a d, - Chari"' de CJulle, Fr"" French In ls.IS he bert B Stern, \lart111 Goodman. Israel Association, Waadhacashruth, Providence t,ngu, heel rahbm,c famil} A J mun~ man entered th,· d1plomat1c se" ice ,nd at one \ledoff, Samuel J Medoff. La" rence B Hebrew Day School, Providence and the h., puhl,shnl J learnpd "ork on thr I""' of time "J French Consul Cen,•ral ,n Los Sad" Ill. Ronald Daruel,. Da, id Daniels , Providence Hebrew Free Loan Association th.- a11n1,, "h,ch ,•,rm'fl h,m the pra1«• of All1tel1 "" Nathan C Coldfllld. Judf!e In ing l He leaves four daughters, Della F Linder l,·ad11111 T•lmud,c scholar H" •uthored «',eral bool..s and some ha,e Z1mmem1a11, ~Ir Shepp,e Dressler, Mr., of Los Angeles, a., Mrs Rose Schneider of Lat er, h., SC'ttl..d 1n th., L ~ "1th h,, fam,h bN-n mad., 11110 f,lm . 1ndudm1t " Root of GJr\ Gu"' 1t z. Ri chard R Ackerman, ~lrs East Providence, Ida Linder of ew York and foundt-d thr R•bl,, Ha,m Balm) c h"; He» en and "Pmm1h Prt-s1dent of the ,allm>JI Cnn­ PROVID ENCE - Russe ll J Bonneville, democracy and a dangrr to Bntuh J•" I") feren<'<' of C..thol,c 8,shop . THE THIRD JEWISH CATALO G 87, died Friday, Dec. 5 at lfopkins Hea lth After the "•r \1oslc) cla,med he " not I hat 11 looked for" ard In Center, No. Providence, where he had anti- em,tic and had fought Je,. m self­ " ron trocl1\;f" cooperallon in resided fo r two years. He was the husband of defense because they wanted Bntam to "ar promoting und,•rstandmg and the late Bessie (Glass man ) Bonnevil le. with Germany mutual re.peel b.:t"cen the Born in Wil mington, Del ., he had been a During the 19.50' and '6(J's, Mosle) at- atholic Church and the )e"• h people dunnJ( )our Pres,denC) .. FRED SPIGEL'S I KOSHER MEAT MARKET ~THE DISCDHT IDOi DUTUT Ill24 3 Rese rvoir Ave., Providence Empire Turkey 1.09 lb. SAVE! ( sla rting a t 8 lb . a nd up) FIIOM RSVP Full SeNice Empire Barbecue Chicken 1.19 lb. 20%-80% Catering By Roslyn Morrison & Schiff and Isaac Gelli s OFF PUBLISHERS Huny! Only a few dates left. Salami and Bologna 2 .99Ib. PRICES! Call 751-3040 Delivery Wed . & Thurs. 461-0425 77 Burlington St. , Providence, R.I. COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES 25Eag11St.,~11.L. l ocated IT tho old U,raya1 1u1t> COLOUR CRFATIONS - onEage S1. , wi.ct,~1>e­ ..,.vn.~~ ., ,t,,_·, A"". & v-.,,, S1. -S-.. !/P. DISCOUNT GIFT STORE '11]\ entrance as Eastern Butctw Bloci. \\',JUid,:kl'l<>~\pr._,;, SAVE30to60% ~~ I, (1 ~ Wicker-Floral Arrangements BOOKS FOR THE ENTIRE FANILY ( 1ur thtir.k::- to nur man1. DISCOUNTIOOK OU1lET in~\~: l"ll'.-t< JfTI1.'r~ \~ rv > hd\\ ' ht..'!p eJ f() - makt:> ()U f f: r.; t and Much More! \. 't_'c.1:- ::1 l1 Lb:!l1.'Y·• i ! -:-:ul-lt'S~ T(J ht!lr us ceit::'b rc1 te. Custom designed macrame tables and curtains from ~ ...... n...y IOA.M.•li:30'.M. ,,_,.10A.M.to 1,.M.. s....,.10.ui. • o.M. pi 1.'<1 ~1:. · -- ft 1p ;n '.: )f d frcl-' y!ass nf cider (-·1rillJ<~\-. Dt!c $30.00 (the competition gets $50.00 and up!) Sunday Hours, 12 p.m. lo 4 p.m. 1°,1 !: We will soue you money on all yourdecora~ve and . , '-•.#: 727 Hope St., Providence 751-6257 Gift Needs 401-274-7390 ,}-~~. We uir'e /n1itba.,kets anyffhere.

PRECIOUS METALS Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel & FINE ARTS PURCHASING COMPANY is NOW buying fine quality jewelry at a premium Rhode Island's only home over gold value. Up to 110%. .. . ofyour family traditions and records WHY SELL YOUR JEWELRY AT SCRAP PRICES? Special consideration given to age, quality and resalabil1ty of ,terns. Art and antiques also bought. 331,8094 Free Appraisals. 458 HOPE STREET. PROVIDENCE Airport Professional Bu 1id 1ng Corner Hope g_ Doyle Avenue 1845 Post Rd Warwick. R.I Mon.-Sat. 11 :30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. IN FLORIDA (305) 861 -9066 LEWIS I, B?SLER, R. E. 738-0294 THE RHODE ISLA D HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1980-3 JWB Issues Directory NEW YORK - More than 150 speakers Israel Deports West Bank Mayors Despite are listed in " Learning for Jewish Living," a 1981-198,3 directory issued by the JWB Lec­ ture Bureau. Supreme Court's \\Trial Period" Proposal The directory carries an index of topics JERUSALEM - Two prominent West The Government's decision follo"ed the 2 that run the gamut from Aging to Zionism, The court was denounced by the Israeli including: Bank Mayors "ere deported lo southern to I Supreme Court ruling that the expulsion right and accused of stepping beyond its Lebanon last weekend after a security com­ "as legal American Jewish Community; American judicial role in making the suggestion. mittee led by Prime Minister Menacbem Jewry; Anti-Semitism; Arabs, Islam and The \la) ors appealed to the supreme Begin, who is Acting Defense ·l inister, Begin decided to reject the Supreme Court's Mos/ems; Archaeology; Bible; Blacks and court, "hich in August refused to re,erse came under pressure from high-ranking proposal that they be allm,ed to remain in Jews; Campus Judaism ; Chrl.lttan/Jewlsh their banishment but allo"ed them to ap­ arm) officers, Jewish settlers in the West the country for a " test" of their commitment peal their case before a milita') re, ie" Bank and members of his political faction to Relations; Cults; Drugs; Genealogy; to C'Oexistence Hasldis m ; Ho locaust; Hu mor; Inter­ committee carT) out the deportation. marriage; Israel and the Diaspora; l,rael: \layors Fahad Ka"asmeh of Hebron and Judge he1k Raia Ba)ud Tamimi, a Mo - Israeli rnl) officers argued at the time of Foreign Affairs; Israel: Internal Issues; \lohammed \1,lhem of Halhoul "ere depor­ lem "ho had also been deported, "as the original deportation that the Mayors had Israel: Land & People; Jerusalem; Jewish t,-d to ,out hen Lebanon last \lay The depor­ denied the nght of appeal because he had made statements against Jewish settlers Cultural Herltage; Jewish Educatlon;Jewish tation follo,q•d a t,·rromt ra,d on a Kroup of been filmed ,a)Jnl( Palestm1an 0ags one da) which 1110amed the Arab population. Family Issues; Jewish Food ; Jewish History; Je" ish "orsh,pers m Hebron ,.h,ch left 6 would n) o, er Israel, Cities Begin con, ened the seven-member J ewish Identity; J ewish Law; Jewish dead and 16 "ounded Appeal Rejected Ministerial Committee on Defense the morn­ Leadership; Jewish Life Cycle; Jewish Life The \la)ors returned for the appeal in Oc­ mg after the court ruling. The committee Styles; Jewtsh Thought and Thinkera; Jewtsh Thl' rulmf( recommended that the \la)ors tober and the committee and 8q!111 refused heard arguments from security officers, then Values; Kashrut; Media Treatment; Medical 1,.. " t, ted' lo pro,e the honest ) of their to r.. ,erse the reJtttJon The, then returned ,oted 7 to I - with Deputy Prime linister Ethics; Middle East ; Mldrash ; Politics and stalC'ments "1thout e,;x·llmR them a1tain to supreme court. and "ere hdd ,n Ramie Yigael Yadin reportedly dissenting - to ex­ Jew,; Sephardic Jewry; Sex and Jewish The \1a)ors had denied ad,ocatinK the an­ Pnson pending the court rulmiz and a dec,­ pel the Ma)ors for the sake of .. security and Values; The South and Jewish Life; Soviet nihilation of Israel ,ion from Bci:in of public peace." J ews; Surviva l of J ewis h Life ; The 1a) ors "ere taken by car from Ramie Theatre/Movies; U.S . Foreign Policy and Prison to the northern border of Israel, ac­ Israel; Raoul Wallenberg; Women, Yiddish Neo-Nazi Publication Still cording to a milita')' spokesman, and were "The speakers were chosen for their grasp sent mto Lebanon Both Mayors are Jorda­ of subject matter, authority, speaking abilit y, man c1t1zens, but Jordan does not accept adaptability to local needs, and potential use Sold On Buenos Aires Streets deportees as a rt'sourcc," says Joseph H urwitz, West Minister of Just,.,.. Mo he issim said at a EW YORK - A nro-N,m publu:at1on, ln1111ral Part) (Partido Ano , ac,o11.1hsta lnte­ Hart ford, Conn., Chairman of the JWB Lec­ ne" conference that the banishment could ,.,th Hitler and \1u solm, on the co,er " irral1 "as till .-ail.able on nc" land, m ture Bureau Committee. " The subjects were be re,ersed open!) being sold in the strect of BuenO\ do" nlo"' n Bueno, .\ires chosen fo r their interest and concern to the The three-1ud11e panel ruled 2 to I that the Am·s de· p,te an alleied pol,.,.. crackdo" n. In the October " ue. aboH· the photos of Jewish community and for their potential lo JC<'Ordmg to the Ant1 -Dcfamat,on League of ll,tler and \lue h,m of \loue l R L. Bayer, Director, JWB Lecture Bureau, 15 of Popeks, pub!· h..'CI by the Arya.n abonal1>t PUD-CAUFOINIA -'UD East 26th Street, New York , N.Y. 10010. l UNITED AfllllN(S T sm.eo ROUND TR1' A R ff TI CKmD lffOII lsraerReassures Lebanon l A l DIC. IS V In First Talks In Two Years ~...... ,__ ( T GWV CMAITOS l JERUSALEM ()TA ) - Israel sought to Lcbane e border ...... _ R IOSTON AVA ILAIU reassure Lebanon this week, in the first Informed sources a,d the atmo phere at 1--­...... A ST. MAITIN A face-to-fa ce talks in more than two year , the meeting "as "very good , very relaxed " 111u..ta V AIUU G that it fu ll y respects Lebanon's "sovereignty After a half hour of formal discu ion the ...... IU. E SAN JUAN E and territorial integrit y." two teams lunched together, joined by the l CIUAUNTIUI l'IICIS N .... CAU TOOAT chai rman of the se sion, the chief of taff of T ----'---- 'rwo Lt. Colonels of the Israeli army and a the U Truce upervisor Organization Foreign Mi nistry diplomat conveyed that mes­ IOSTOII CNAITIIS ( NT 0 ). The apparentl y hopes to I IDUCIDI G sage when they met with Lebanese army arrange further such meetings in the future A - • - • ,...i.n 0 officers under UN auspices at Ras Nakura, In the meantime, both the and the TRISHA E. BLICKER l . '-1211, ...... "" headquarte rs of the United Nations Interim Israeli si de are treating the meeting in a low Force in Lebanon (U NIFI L) on the Israel- l • =,. ,2, 2, •.•••.• "" W key despite the months of meticulous efforts * * * * * • i;.. 12121 I that went into preparing it. Presumably this A Licensed Electrologist C - 12/21 ...... "" E Saudi Arabia Bans is to avoid incurring hostility from Syria or R •-.12/21 N other Arab extremist quarters. u loylJ/27 ...... - ( Who Specializes In Giving • s..-12/2S R Visitors, Pilgrims The Lebanese, moreover, are reporting the I 1/ 1 ...... - meeting as an reactivation of the long-defunct You T hat Professional And S ,._ w ,.. & s.ntc• SAUDI ARABIA - The Ministry of Israel-Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission ( W&I-OAT sn

AM STERDAM ()TA )- A Dutch Reform them rabbi is considering a trip to South Africa to The ar1 coll,·ction ronsi I of painttng,. discuss an art coll ection bequeathed to the Pt."r~ion ca rpe ts. antique \J. e:~\ and SAVE-A-BUCK Universit y of Pretori a by a former Nazi dland, Hadassah Blocker. \linlz, fmm Argentina. a member of lhe \tadge Turner, Leah Seltzer and Evelyn Sisterhood of Congrrgalion Beth Israel. Werslro. Dianne Ellen Levine Weds Barry Gens \\'orcester, Irma I a tan from Turke, , a re· cent member of Temple Israel isl~rhood, Double Simcha The marriage of Dianne "ampscoll , idd, :\'athanson from Ellt'n LI-vine. of 22, umm,I CZ<'Choslo>ak1a. a member of Temple Israel Celebrated Or Cranston to Rarr) isterhood. Sharon. \laureen 1mmon Rabbi and ~trs. Abraham C hill of Charl!"s(,ensof heslnul H,11. from ',nuth ~fnca, a memb..r of Temple Jerusalem and Rabbi and ~lrs. Philip Kaplan \lass took place on 0<'<' 6 JI Re\lm ,sterhnod ,;\e"ton. and Denise Telio of Pa" tucket were guests at the double a 7 pm service al Temple from E~)pl. a member of Temple Emanauel Simcha when their children, Dr. and Mrs. Beth-El. Pm"dence !uhb, S, lerhood. ;\e" Ion Leonard Shapiro, Mr. and l rs Daniel Lt-<.lie Gulkrman off,c,alt-d at Th,• four \\omen "111 discud and the stalu of "omen m 1hr The hills mo,ed from Providence 11 l(r<>om IS the V>n of \Ir and , JnnuCi rulturn )ears ago "hen the) "·ent on Aliyah. ~t rs . "1rs Burton Cens of~ I Cutler Ch,11 is a sisler lo Rabbi Kaplan Mrs Kaplan Lane, Chestnut H,IJ . \Lu is lhe former Esther Koffler Follo",nl( 1h,· ,,,,-,c,· • Susan Gelfer To Wed r1·ceplmn ""' hPld al lhc· Lawrence Ginsberg Bruce We ine r Tc·mplc Tlw lmdr ,rnre a mod1f1<'t I man of 1h,·1r v,n, Han e) J liap,m lo \1" Betsy \Vl•,t V1r~1niu ,h,·rs "er<· Jo-.·ph Bulian. I. Gn·alhouw daughter Clf \In \1:rnne The couple will make their home In Pl aln­ J,•ffre) Frcudberii;, Brian Cri·alhou e and 1hr lal<' Donald W \lllt', Ma \forl(ol" and John Tru Iman fter • "'·ddmii; tnp lo Klrshenbaums "1tZl'rland and France the Announce Birth URI Hillel couple" ,II make their homr ,n Forms Malling List MRS. BARRY GENS Ro,bul'), 1.u U and 1n Juon K,rshonbaum have an­ nounced the birth of th ,r k"rond daughter, The niv<•rsily of Rh ode Island Hillel Yad Va hem , where they will be addr~ Meli»a Ann on No, 6, I al Offutt Air .Local Couple Force Ba,e, Omaha. ebraska House is currently forming-a mailing list of by Dr. Yehuda Bauer, director of Holoawl Je" ish alumni and any graduate interested in To Attend Aliyah Studies of Hebrew niv rsity tell ·, maternal grandparent ar Mr. and Mrs Lou11 Bak r of Pa"luckel Pate r­ adding his or her name to lhe lisl may contact Conference In Israel Pa.rtici panls will also vi II the home of the Hillel, 34 Lower College Rd ., Kinglon, R. I. Presidenl of Israel, Ylt zchak avon nal gmndparent.s are Mr and Mrs David Seym-;;-u·r Krieger, di rector of education at Klrshenbaum of Delmy Beach. Fla. formerl y 02881 Hill el will be mailing its fi rst nyer to alumni in January Temple Beth-El, and his wife Celi a, will be of ranston attending the 1980 Aliyah Conference in Local B.U. Law Israel of the National Association of Temple Grads Admitted To BOSTON BRANCH Educators. The association is an affili ate of Supreme Court Bar OF MAJOR Avoid the crowdl and high price• the Union of American Hebrew Congrega­ INTl:RNATIONAL BANK tions. Two local Boston University Law chool seeks o career orlento­ of large department etoree. " Holocaust and Rebirth" is the the Iheme graduales were admitted. along with more ted. highly motivated Com• to Ellubeth'• where dnlgner of the conference which wi ll take place Dec. than 50 olhers, lo practice before the . college graduate with 3 and name brand clothlng I• alway• 18-28, stressing the teaching of the two Supreme Court. The graduates are Irvmg I to 5 years of sales/ momentous events of modem Jewish history. Zimmerman of 45 late I. , Woonsocket and finance experience to Holocaust and the emergence of the Stale of Roland 0 . Fou rnier of 835 Great Rd .. orth coll on Moss. corpora­ off Israel. Smithfield. tion. Successful oppH­ T he keynote speaker wi ll be Kn esset mem­ A special admissions session " as held cont must have good ticket be r , Gideon Hause r, w ho was C hi e f recently for the graduales and was officiated selling skills and ability Prosecutor of Adolph Eichmann. Members by Paul J. Li acos, fellow al umnus and justice to think creatively. Bank­ 50% price. will attend special seminars and workshops at of lhe Supreme Court of Massachusetts. ing or financia l exper­ ience o plus. Salary Elizabeth's. Meet Your New Ask About Our Special commensurate with I P.M . • I A.M. Rate 50% ability and background. FASHIONS Prudential Agent For Elderly Please send resume 464 Branch Ave. Providence Tel 273-9220 off ...... VttA. • -C...... CflNa 9/1,0, with financial require­ "--:--...... ~nr-..1,...... ments to P.O. Box 33, MARGARITA Boston, Moss. 02101 184 Angell St.

AmyPayton LANZI FURSANNOUNCES 100BetsyWllliamsDrive Cranston. R.I. 02905 "Collection '81" 401-941-2234 From now on she'll be help­ Fn,e P.-lung ing us S8IV8 you better. ~ For the well-dressed woman who wants you have any questTons about l~e Insurance, an­ more than an off the rack fur coat, Lanzi Furs nuities, health Insurance, proudly announces their Collection '81 line of group Insurance or group furs that are custom tailored or specially pensions, why not call her? designed to your specifications. Our prices are surprisingly modest. Daytime hours 10-5 and evening and Sunday showings FOR by appointment. THE PRUDENTIAL 1981 ... INSURANCE COMPANY THE OF AMERICA LANZI FURS A Mutual NEW 231-9174 or 231-5130 life Insurance Company ROMANTIC 1854 Atwood Avenue. Johnston, R.I. 1414AlwoodA\'9. Johns1on, R.I. 02919 401-831~2 THE R HODE ISLA D H ERALD, T H U RS DAY, D ECEMBER I l, 1980- 7 Holocaust Survivor Guest Speaker Calendar At Temple Beth Am-Beth David Cerda Weismann Klein, a prisoner in lo concentration cam ps during the Cennan the German concentration camps in Worl d occupation in 1939. She was the onl y fam ily I War JI , is currently an author, lecturer and member to survive. Beth Am-Beth David Cranston Hadassah chronicler of the Holocaust and "ill be the Her first book, " All But 1y Life," has guest speaker at Temple Beth Am-Beth been described as "one of the most moving Men's Club Hosts Meeting Slated David on Frida,, Dec 19 al 15 pm and beautifull y written books of Je,1•ish suf­ \I rs Klem' s appearance is sponsored b) fering and survival. " She has also authored Sackin-Shocket Post The next meeting of the Cranston Chapter the Temple and the Southern Area Sen ices the book. "The Bl ue Rose" which was selec­ of Hadassah will be on \ 1onda)', Dec. 15 al The Sackin-Shocket Post No. S.33 will be of the Je" ish Federation of Rhocle Island ted for the Children's Books Best Sell er List. 12 :JO pm at Weathersfield Common the guests of the Temple Beth Am-Beth An Oneg Shabbat "ill folio" the program Present I) , she writes a week! ) column, Meelllll( Ro0m in Warnick David Men's Club al a joint breakfast Born m Poland. her entire fam,I) v.as sent "Stories for Young Readers," fo r the Buffalo \ 1rs Tob) of the BrO\,n L' nnersil) meeting on Sunday, Dec. 14 al 9:30 a m at E,enin!,? ews the Temple, 40 Ga rdiner St., Warwick \ 1l-cl1cal School "ill speak on "Se,uahl) and A film will be presented on Jewish War th,· M•lurc Woman AJC Campaigns For Vete rans acti vities fo ll owed by a guest All members and guests are mv1tecl to al­ Aid To Quake Victims lt-nd Harnt'II Koslo" IS program chairman. speake r, whose , ubjecl wi ll be anli­ :S. E\\' ) ORK - The Amencan Je" ish Semitism. and Arlene Buckler" e, nff1c10 Dessert and coff, .,, ,., II be served 0:1mm1ttee. responding to the tragic eJrth­ quake m southern Ital) , has launched a Touro Holds Elm Grove ORT nation" ,de campaign among its members to Business Meeting a,d the unl\or< Holds Meeting, Auction The C'amp.a1gn "'II start" 1th an m1t1al gift · The Touro Fraternal Association wi ll The next mectmg of the Elm Grove ORT of 2.500. represenlm~ contnbut,on of $500 holds its Decem ber Business Meeting on from eac-h of r,.,. Aj . chapter< The chapters Wednesday, Dec.17 al 8 p.m al Touro Hall, wi ll be held on Tuesday, Dec 16at the home are located in :--e" Yorl Cit) , h,cago, 8 I 5 Reservoir Ave., Cranston o f Carl)n Bergman, 4 Franc, St . Barnngton Ph1ladelph1a . 1 lout'. and \\'estchester The Leo Green berg Memorial Student Count, , . Y Loan Fund wi ll be discussed al the meeting The only adm,mon requ,remenl « that each person brmg a gift that "eighs al least Each chapler "'II pn-senl 11< contnbut10n The next Association meeting wi ll take In an appmpnate loc;il Italian rd,ef orizamza­ place on Wednesday, Jan 21 1981 one pound and ,s wrapped All item "'II be aucllonecl off, '11(hl un"'t'n. lo the h111h<"I tion for lran and last meeting of the season on Dec 16 al Th" Si l<'rhoocl of Con11.rcizat1on ffn,1 chapter cha1rper<0n , \la) nard I \\'1 hner. 12:30 p.m. al Temple Beth Torah, Park lsrJd "1II hold 1ls r"l(ular mretmg on un­ AJ , allonal President. tatecl Ave., C ranston clay, Dec. 21 m Darman Hall al JO am ' As Je"' ,.ho l,a,e all too frequent!) ex• GERDA WEISMANN KLEIN Plans fo r the Florida trip wi ll be fi nallu-d T h fea tured speaker will be Rabb, pt"nenC<'d af01ct1om \ISJlecl on our people m Also, a trip lo the Pines in South Fall sburg, Ric hard 1arker, director of Brown L' nl\er­ man) part of the world. '"e share the gnef Mrs Klem i vice-president of the Silver N. Y. is planned for May 17 through Ma y 22. sil y Hillel Rabbi Ma rker wi ll speak on, " The and concern o f ou r ll ahan-American Circle of Rosary H,11 College and one of the 198 1, whi ch wi ll be for 5 nil(hls and 6 days Purpose and Funchon of Hillel " neighbors l Imo,. ~our chapter "'111 "ant lo Judges of the Smolar Aw ard for Excell ence Refreshments wi ll be served by Mrs . Entertammenl for the meelln!( "111 be Im r pond m the trad,llon of our commuml) by in orth merican Juni or Journalism. In Jean Connis and her committee fo ll owing dancmg presented by Irene Dane,, Studio upportm11 the,r efforts in a,d of their unfor­ 1974 she received the " Woman of th e Year the meeti ng. Refreshment will be se" eel tunate brother> and ulers " Award" fro m the Counci l of Jewi sh Women. -TheMiniMall- 1920 Mineral Spri ng Avenue Mon -Frt 10a.m. -930p.m. Sat !0a.m. to6p.m. Open Sunda1-5


' tann11tyEMU 0.,.0otliag Cyd Ilene ,._ England »-raat Ladies Sportswear DilcollrtPricet SIZES 7-48 Hllltan.llg 01" CERTIFICATES "Qua/i1y luJS always bun our bu.siMJ.J" Layaways Dilrle Vonfuntenberg Dllcount to VIN· M/C Sizes 2-14 Ewn Picone Hosiery Sentor Clllzen1 Thank You R.I.! 353-2333 112D ...... A,,., for making this llllt • C.V.I. 313-7171 past year a success! D■1r 11». l■L 1M. a.. 12-t

£,p/'iWlcation ~ ~n ·••······················•·"ii ■ •■ 1820 MINERAL SPRING AVENUE - NORTH PROVIDENCE MINI MALL ■ ■ FULL SERVICE SALON !Ct.Soir SHOES, INC: • ■ ■ ■ •■ • ! 15% OFFi ! •■ =• ■ Any "-fl. Prit»d ShH in Stoclc ■ Precision cut, 10.50 Permanent 23.50 ■ 1 W•ekOnly ■ A cut for everyone in The perm with special • •■ your family. Tailored conditioners to help ■ ■ Selected to your individual hair thicken hair and leave •• ■ it with terrific body. Gih Certifi,ates Available ■ texture and type. ■ H ■ fall Shampoo and styling Includes shampoo, cut ■ The Mini-Mall ours: ■ ■ Mon.-Fri. 10-9 ■ included at no extra and styling. •• 1920Mineral Spring Ave. Sot. 10-6 ■ merchand~se charge. No. Providence, 353-7126 Sun. 12-5 ■ Dfllcner whlom 353-7390 Hours: Mon.-Frt 10-9 Sat. 10-6 353-2951 & accnsorirs i I ~ • -..J. ' .• , I f "_,';, : ,t f_7,;i(f/ , •~..------~------::--.·,;.';'//.I, t-- -•.it." Jl ~)•f'.. J. ~•:.~"'.>? ..:"J.,_ _··---·-·····--···--····.. . o.,""'·'.-'1' ~•.r.<:.A"'.r."',·J,V..-..------_, ____ _._.,,____ , 8 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEM BER 11, 1980

fun-loving, need change and variety in their lives and are reluctant to accept responsi­ bility.·· On the other hand, brunettes are the "Your Face Is Your Destiny" serious type. The)' are career oriented, hard working and studious. {Continued on page 9) by Linda A. Acciardo facial structure and specific features in order Marry a man who looks very much like lo determine personality traits yourself and you will have a happy life In 197-1 , Copperfield bought the book, together. This is the opinion of Sandra Jean ·· Face Reading , The Chinese Arl of Copperfield, phre nologist and face reader. Physiogomy.. by Timothy Mar. Hercuriosil) ing friends and potential life partners "Although opposites initially may led her lo conduct extensive research on her Copperfield finds that most persons are attract - a blonde, blue-eyed woman, who own al the Providence and Bro" n niversil) skeptical al first , but are astonished b) her marries a man with dark hair and dark eyes, libraries The more she observed about pro- accurac) "hen describing their personalities is entering into a marriage that will not last,"" says Copperfield . She offers as an ex­ ample of Eddie Fis her and Debbie Rey­ Does You r Face Re veal The " True " Inner nolds, who have opposite coloring and facial features and whose marriage ended in di­ You ? Local Phrenologist Says Face vorce. Reading Can Tell A Lot About A Person. On the other hand, a couple like Ozzi and Harriet Nelson, who nol only had the same coloring, but looked ve ry much alike, had a pie·, fa ces the more accurate hNrondu>1ons .. A her I pro, e m) • Ha,en I her rondu­ that a couple gets lo look alike after years of II has been said that the .. e1 es are the" m­ s1on f"\er ·bN,,n maC'C'urate-:, · 1 haH•n·t been marriage - they do look alike ·· do" s of the soul .. and accordml( lo Copper­ uronJZ ~et i\ e,er" " :\o neH·r." ~J~1- P· The study of facial reading and field each fac,al feature 0p<'n the door to a perf1eld phrenology began in the 18(XJ°s and ac­ perwn·, real mner self One ,tnkmf,! character, lie Copperfield cording lo Copperfield il is .. like pulling the H r husband see adv1c'e from her "hen has obse"ed bet,.een blondes and brunelles SANORA JEAN COPPERFIELD of pieces of a puzzle together .. She examines he hires p,-rsonnel for his business Other 1 th.JI the, look al life d1ffer<·nth ·· Blonde< Cranston offers her services of face the size and shape of the head, hair coloring, fa.mil) members lru I her Judgment cone-em- do ha,e more fun because the, are Jct11e. reading, consultations and lecture presentations for a minimal fee .


Ul\\ le, el Job. sati sfied with \\ ork--0nenled. high le,el SKIN Down to earth, easy lo g t Formal, rec..e rn..J. enJ0\ HEAD \\Or~. less progressive (unless Slr<", and strain m hfe Job along with, fri endly fmer thmg, m hfe features are prominent ).


!Slo" peaker and thinkers. 1ud11ment. ,hrewd. Fa.11 tal~ers and thinkers. Good Skeptic-al. , hre"d. alert I st•rious. career•oriented. con• EYES Large-gullible, naive balan<,-d, ,keptical. d1 - HAIR ,1ct1,e. ple~.sure-onentcd. wlf• non•tru,llnK sef'ative. diligent, cautious lru tful ronr,dent. creatrH' bu) ers. practical

LARGE SMALL LONG & ARCH.t.u FULL THIN Cool. cold TiJ,1ht -lipped - Rounded - talkative. l.c)ng plumt-d - inqu it,,('. \ionc-, •cnn c101n. \\ l\f> qwel. Loose-lipped - lalka- NOSE and strai~~I - .. administra• Conc.-e with high no lnl, ,n, l""\lor. lcadn. cnt'rgd1c. MOUTH Authontat11 c. leaders. 11\ f tive nose - can·1 hold a M-crel admm1>lrat11e ab1ht) "•rm. fnendl) Firm. mouth i1itlicates deci- \IVt'llf:'SS HIGH & RECEDING HIGH &ROUND LOW THIN THICK

FORE- H igh ideals and principles, High Ideals and pnnc1ple. Lack tact and d1plomac, EYE- [No amb1t1on Pointed arch quick thinkers. perceptive. religious, high S<'lf-,· teem. Fluent spea k,•r, Opm1ona- heh, e-c-n <')'t'bro"' s indicates Ambitious HEAD observant, diplomatic. studiou,. tactful tr


Active, independent. opin- .. the Keen , s hrewd. persist en I. p10ionaled . doer. Pt·rft.-"C l1on1.st creatl\ e . .sour(."(" ionated, practical. cautious, can FACE Ene~elic. dili~enl. leaders qualit y-conscious. supervisors act ion-or1en I JI rd, le If. of 1d<'J.<, 1ud1ou be crafty and cu nning, argu - confident mentative.

O ,o= f licker ntique.s HAPPY CHANUKAH C and other treasures ornpfete line of ontiques. We buy single items, entire estates. East Bay Consignment accepted. Op.n ott.moon1 fue1 .•$ot. or by oppo,ntment WEXLER'S 433-2667 884 Willett""~ Jl,.,.o,d., IU Coins, Stamps and Collectables 113 Taunton Ave. Seekonk, Mass. '\N'SM~e~ ( 617) 336-9103 Company . gola & 6eyona for the enduring gift ... a large_ selection of ruby, sapphire anJ at Angelo's Ltd. emera/J jewtlry in our own 90/J mountings. The-Jackie Duality Men 's& Women 's Cloth ing Jl.lso semi-precious stones, beaJs anJ a com- _ Woman ... plete line of ste.:ling silter, antiques, clocks ... Elegant but 434-7799 anJ much more, all in the ¥try best quality Understated anJ taste, induJing a wiiJe assortment of Angelo soys, "Stop in and browse. exquisite ha,u}loomeJ Oriental carpets from You may find a few surprises." arounJ the wor/J. Sneakers, Radios & Other Accessories Gifts of Casting Value &-1 'Delight Central Plaza SEEKONK, MASS Mon.- Closed We'i>e moi>eJ lo : . Tues., Wed., Thurs: - 10:00-12,00 Noon 21:< 9.,~1,,.1 :~ .. Fridoys - 10,()()..8,30 p.m. 'B,frk Mt1rkd fft1ff Saturdays - 10:00-5,00 N.-.,,..,1 849-3848 p.m . 448 Waterman Ave., East Providence ¼ ' THE RHODE ISLA D HERALD, THURSDAY, DECE -fB ER II. 1980-9 Face Reading USSR Fans Flames Of Free Blood Pressure (Continued from page 8) Screening At Malls T he blonde earns his money to spe nd in Anti-Semitism Abroad: Blum In cooperation with the R. l. Affiliate of the pleasurable wa ys, says Copperfield . They are Ame ri can Heart Association, the Rhode a lso creative and imaginative. " Ma n y U !TED NA TIO 1S (JTA ) - Yehuda cants Island Medical Societ)' County Auxiliaries blondes t hink of ideas, but unless the ir Blum Israel's Ambassador to the United a­ O nl) 16,000 Je" s " ere a ll 01, ed to lea, e have volunteered for the fourth year lo con­ featu«·s a re very prominent, it takes a t ions.' has charged that the Soviet Union .. is the Soviet Urnon in the fi rs t nine months of duct free blood pre sure screening clinics at brunette to carry them out." Brunettes think still fann ing the fl ames o f anti-Je" is h 1980. Bl um said. less than half the number the Lincoln , \Var" ick. and ~lidla nd ~1alls. and speak more slowly than blondes, but are hatred " lea\lng d uring the correspond ing period in The Au,illarr membership consists of doc­ more accurate with their statements, she In a sharply worded statement to the 1979 tor's wh-es. who have dedicated many hours adds. Gene ral Assembly Third Committee, (SOCia l Bl um also cited in h is statement the plight of solunteer time to a va ri ell· of worthwhile Copperfi eld has discovered that similar and Cultural Committee) the Israeli enrnr ol S)nan and Iranian Je" s He said t hat the said that the Soviets are encouraging anti­ en ,ces fo r the communit):. ~fan r in the facia l features c rea tes h a rmonio us ~.500 remaining ) ri an Je" s an, deprhed of organization are nurses relationships between people Semitism under the g ui>e of " anh-Zionism .. their bas,c human nghts The screenings " ill be held the fi"t Thurs­ " f can see how peopl e of the same racial, H e c ited recen t anti- e m itic books " T he, l,,e as >eeond class citizens ... Bl um d a) of each month at t he Lincoln Ma ll , the relig io us and national backg rounds can li ve publis hed 111 the SS R "under the cloak of an sa,d H~ appealed to the ) nan g01emment second ~f o nda , o f each mo nth a t the together peaceabl y and creati vely The attack on Zi onism ·· O ne of these books 1s .. to respect their bas,c human ri!(h ts · and \l'am ick Ma ll ; nd the fourth ~1 onda, of Jewish peo ple have the ir own bas ic facial " Israel The Realit) Behind the Myths,' b) allo" them to emigrate Blum also appealed each month at the Midland Mall. ' traits, the Italians have theirs, the Swedes the "" ell kno" n ant,- em,te, Lev Ko r­ to Iran to let ,1 Jt'\\ ISh c,t ,zens emigrate ·· ,f neyev,'' Bl um said. claim ing the So, iet For further info rmation call the Heart Of­ and so on They a re inclined to think, work the) should so ", h · fice at 72 -5300 and act alike" Whereas, families of mixed authontws ,elected the book " for d istnbu­ nationalities, with a ll types of fa cial trait s. t, on (In English) in such places as the 1nter­ view things differentl y, she add, " Often nat1 onal airport at \Iosco" · you' ll hear them say, ' Why a ren't we a clo>e Bl um also char!(ed that the more than t"o fami ly'!' .. million Je" 111 the U R are deprived of Citing the in creasing rate of d ivorces Cop­ basic human n~hts " Je" ,sh culture (in the perfield says that fa cial differences accoun t SS R) has been sy tematicall) suppresee, countrv and onlr a fe" dozen synagogues he r children and husba nd, not as they reall y rema,~ open," Bl um said arc, but the way she wants to see them " I le added " \l1ll iom of copies of anll- Copperfield says she has become more 5em1t1 c books, pamphlet and magazines cu­ humble, compassionate· a nd understanding culate under o ffi cial Sm ,et auspices The at­ toward others b y reading their faces and tacks come from all qua rte"" realizing why they react the way they do it s urta ilment o f Emigration " Each person has a certain job to d o We The right of Je"s to emigrat e, Blum are a ll here for a specific purpose and each of cla,med, has been drastic.all) rurta.1l ed nH•r us has somt'lhing special to offer," say, op­ the last )ear b) th So\lel authorih b) pcrfield. severe!) rcstnctrn i( the eli i(1b,hty ol apph- The implication here is that no person can change and we will always re fl ect the per­ HOSid im Disrupt sonali ties stamped on o ur fa ces. " That's ri g ht ," sa ys Copperfield . " Your fa ce is your Hospital Autopsy d estiny." JER 5A LE\f- AgroupofH asid,c J.-v. rnvaded f f ada sah medica l ('{·n ter la,t " ed. Klezmer Conservatory smas hinR .-qu1pment and d, ru pting an op<' ralin~ room \.\ h l' f l' an autopsy wu un­ Band To Perform d Prway, pol, Ct' n,ported lost " eek The Klezmer Conservatory Band, led b y Abou t .1,5 ol th,· 111,aders v.ere arr ted Mankus Netsky, wi ll pc•rform o~, Sunday, Docto" m mpleted th,• autopsy on • 7.5- Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium of the yc•a r-old "Oman ,n ,p,tc of the rnt erruption Federa l Reserve Bank of Boston. 600 Atlantic to d,·it'rmrne the cau,,· o f her death A nc" Ave., Boston, Mass. Admission is free la" v. h,ch was na rro" I) apprc" ed by I rad The concert is sponsored by the America n Parl ia ment 1·a rl 1 la,t ''<·ck "ould proh,lnt Je wi sh H istorical Society in conjunction with such Jction , the exhibition, " On Common Ground : The The ne" law, not \el 111 e ffect, wu up­ Boston Jewish Experience, 1649- 1980," ported by the rel,g,ous parties that g" e current ly on display at the Fed era l Reserve str(• ng th to Prime l1111 ster Menache m Ban k Display Arca. The exhibition is open Beg in ' coa lition in the Parlia ment Monday throug h Friday 10 a m. to 4 p.m Th,· law provides that autops1e, ma) not T he Klezmer Band is d evoted to the play­ he perform,-d ,f the dett.1.wd had fo rbidden ing of music wh ich can best be described as it or if close rr lath es obwcted. unless a judge " Yidd ish music wit h a jazzy beat. " The Band soid it was neC("SS3r) fo r a criminal ln, e-.s t1 ga­ includes Je wi sh and non-Jewish area musi­ ti on " OUR YOUNGER SET:" Marcie Lynn and Jeffrey Scott are the chffdren of Mr. and Mrs. cians. T he concert is made possible by the If the cl e<'C'ased had not e,pressed a " 1 h Alan Pearlman of TexH. They are the rrandchffdren of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levin and Mr. Massach usetts Co uncil on the Arts and and had nosurvlv,n~ fa mil). a,, in thecast•of and Mrs. Donald Pearlman of Chelmsford, Mau. Jeffrey and Marcie are the great­ H umanities. For further informa ti on call the " oman at Hadassa h. no autopsy would vandchlldren of Mr. and Mrs. Loura Gershman of Pawtucket, Mrs. Rose Hafsha of 89 1-811 0. be a ll owed Baltimore, Mrs . Spl9&ef of Florida and the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Levin. Dres5ed In wcedos We WIii Appear At Your Function With A Song To Sing And A Baker's Doz. Of Pastel Balloons. ' CHARLES STREET Now a ccepting reservations lor OYSTER HOUSE Christmas and New Years. EWYEAR'S EVE PARTY Dinner Starts at 8:00 p. m. ~~~ Chowder OYAMAHA Choice of: ~~TM728•8705 New ovAMAHA Lobster New o YAMAHA Baked Stuffed Shrimp Organ GH 1 Grand Piano or Choice N.Y. Sirloin Reg . S995 .00 Reg . S4670 . Salad Bar Sale $695.00 Sale $3875.00 Coffee Dessert 1/ 2 Carafe Wine • Gift Items $25 per person • Stocking Stutters $50 per couple • Gifts for the Teacher Includes: gratuity, tax, noisemakers, hats, live , entertainment, champagne at midnight followed DISCOUNT PRICES by a continential breakfast. I I (Prices include Bench, Set-up, Normal Uelive,yl

SPECIAL SAVINGS ON Reservations Required . EVERYTHING FOR NEW YEAR'S CONSOLE & UPRIGHT PIANOS Call 621-9747 New Year Kit for Parties ModelP202 NOW $187S00 Make Your Rese rvations Early of 25 and 50 People AIRPORT You Don' t Want To Miss Out PLAZA RTE. 146 SEE JEANNE STEIN Party Warehouse Warwick North Smithfield 616 Charles St., Providence 738-3996 762-6353 334 EAST AVE PAWTUCKET IU.'1 ONLY AUTHOtiZEO YAMAHA DIAi.Ei TEL 72b-2491 - \. ,t. MA)' Eli(H ,H

R.I. Jewish Singles, Inc. Eo;oy U, Fo,lo0

521 MAIN STREET HOUD,\ Y UOURB EAST GREENWICH 884-3800 D,\JL Y 10 a.m. lo 9 p.m. (Nat lo A.lmaca) SUND.\Y 10 a.m. lo 5 p.m. Rhode Island Jewish Singles, Inc. VISA • MASTERCHARGE Announce Bowling League Teams

Ole' lovable Santa Ray says ... 1 ROLL11 G TO ES 5 THE WHO Beverl y Laza roff (Capt. ) Gerry Friedman (Capt. ) "Don't miss this famous pre-Christmas Sale on all Mi chael Kaufman Lynn Dember clocks, American Tourister luggage and silverplate Bruce White Lisa Katzman holloware in stock. Top of the line . . . all name Marc Blazar brands ... no ifs, ands or buts! No-nonsense prices Leonard Schwartz this way, that way, my way, any other way. Just 40% off the retail price." 2 THE CARS 6 THE DOORS Stu Sol up (Capt. ) Margie Gregerman Il ena Sack Jan Rosenbaum Larry Winkler Neil Landes e~-~~ Paul Formal 7 BEE GEES Pre-Christmas 3 EARTH WIND & FIRE Ron Graubart (Capt.) Special Rick Karnes (Capt:) Debbie Field SUNDAY Rhonda Solup - Chet Symanski Harris Yetra ONLY! Everett Levenson 8 BEACH BOYS December 14th Rich Garfinkel (Capt.) 12 Noon to 5 p.m. 4 BEATLES Lance Hodosh Mark Karnes (Capt.) Ronnie Resnick Karen Rittner Randy Baker Steve Blazer Barry Golden

HOLIDAY HOURS: Mon.-Sat., 9-9 Sunday, 12-5 VISA O MC O LAYAWAY Special Message To ° CASH O AMERICAN EXPRESS R.i. Jewish Singles &~. If you're moving, taking a new job, ha¥e an interesting WOO.OS hobby, please write or call us at the Jewish Herald. 40 Main Street ~ Have an opinion to express? Write a letter to the East Gr~nwich ~ editor. We want to hear from you. ' 884-2900 ~ 12-THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEM BER I I, 1980 Speech Pathologist Madrid Conference-"Stunning Success" Presents Paper At For Jews, Human Rights, Korey Says National Convention Elaine Spivack Katz, daughter of Mr. and WA SHINGTON -The Madrid conference mer vice chairman of B' nai B'nth's Anti­ ence ""s the distnbution to eser) delegate i\1rs. Herbert L. Spivack of 80 Birchwood reviewing the implementation of the Helsin ki Defamation League, fo r much of the success of the Bluebook of the Presidium of o, iet \Va), Ea t Greenwich, recently participated accords has been a "stunning success" fo r and ci ted Kampelman's "outstanding per­ Jew') The Bluebook. prepared b) B' nai B' rith in the annuat national Convention of the the U nited States. its all ies, Jews and other ceptiveness and knowledge " and se,eral other Jev.ish organizations, con­ American Speech-Language Hearing Asso­ human rights advocates over the Soviet Union, Korey also credited Soviet Jews, 200 of sists of 100 pages of case studie of So,iet ciation held in Detroit. i\1rs. Katz, a speech said Dr. William Korey, director of interna­ "horn began a hunger strike on the ese of human rights , iolations pathologist, "as one of more than ·soo per­ tional poli cy research for B' nai B' rith the \1adrid confen,nce Nov 11 , thus making Kore) concluded that the \\'est pointed sons who pre ented papers and proposals at Korey, a noted Sovietologist who has just " human rights and themselves an 11em on oul 10 the Kremlin that there ,s linkage the Coll\ention returned from the conference, told a B' nai Madrid's agenda " bet"' een nghts and issues of concern to the B' ri th Publ ic Affairs Forum here that the And he singled out the mothe rs and "'"es So-.ets Her paper, co-authored with Constance objectives of the United States were " greatly of refuseniks These "'omen, no" residing in " The Lmted States made ,t clear that there Schoen. \\as entitled, .. Effect of Total Com­ surpassed." Israel, sh°" ed up 1n \fad rid and helped press must be a bdlance. ,I the o,iet L'nion "ants munication on De, elopmental Aproxia." The meetings in Madrid mark the second conferences to ensure that the "orld "'ould a conference o n dt~nnament or" ants more review of the far-reaching Helsinki Accords be aware of the s,tuabon 1n the So\let Cnion, trade"' 1th the \\'est, ,t must permit em1gra­ Mrs Katz is affiliated with the Provise signed in August 1974 by ~5 European coun­ he said t1on, human contact and other rights to ,ts Earl) l ntervenlion Program, Bellwood, tries, Canada and the United States The Another significant act,nn al the confer- cit1U'ns." he said lllinoi accords establi s~ standards for concern and coope ra tion in IO major issues, including human rights "The overriding objective of the United New Japa'l Restaurant States in sensitizing the world lo human nghts .... was made c-o ncrete lo p,,ople everywhere,'· R M-F -11:30-9 e S.t. S-10 e Clos.cl Sundoy Ben Weiss Invites You Korey said. 14.S Wolhin;lon ~. l'rovidenea, It.I. Americans found support not only fr om To Visit His their Western all ies, but also from neutral E t.i. ( 401) 351-0300- 0301 nations. "Even Warsaw Paci counlri e\ were CHARLESS1REET sympatheticall y disposed" lo ou r po>1t1on o n human rights, Korey declared s OYSTER HOUSE Korey contended ,hat the Soviet nion frequent ly blund<·red in its responses to T • Wann Atmosphere • Raw Bar charges of viola ti ng the human right, of Its • Excellent Food • Reasonable Prices citizens. A FINE FRENCH COOKING The Kremlin's " terrible strategy," which You Will Love It included stonewalli ng, had the e ffect o f uni­ L,ue music Thurs .-Sze By cultivating the meaty Dockside Boals at • Baked Stuffed Shrimp, Baked Potato and Salad $5.95 porgy in vast sea cages, troughs peace Inside A lotal and ponds, the l nstitute's harbours1de view Foo,j • 14 oz. Fresh Broiled Scrod, Baked Potato. Salad $5.75 researchers have been able to Fresh seafood grow the fish at a rate three • Fil et of Sole Almondine, Baked Potato, Salad $5.75 times faster than normal. That Lobsters Quahog spells bountiful protein - and chowder Wines profits. Everythin g a restaurant Another happy side to the should be. with so much For Dinner project is the use of oysters to more Dock your boat or 72 Orange St. Reservations gobble po nd waste. The park your car Live Band oysters grow to the size of Providence, R.I. Call 421-3855 steaks - and are cheerfully every night Dance gobbled by the_ researchers! Listen Harbourside Monday to Friday Please bring ad Lobstermania 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. for these specials Anti-Fascist Day Water Street East Greenwich. R.I. This Gaslight coupon may not be used with any other Gaslight promotion. In Austria 884-6363 VIENNA (JTA) - Several thousand students marked Anti-Fascist Dav a t Austrian Cocktails/ Dinner Tues. thru Sun. S: 30-10: 30 unive rsitit>s last· wet'k. Thev FEATURING Luncheons Tues. thru Fri. 11-3 organizt• d discussions and cultural programs, screened OUR SUNDAY Directions, films and demanded a ban on located ot the Ma sthead Morino, Warwick, Rhode Island neo-Nazi organizations a nd a n Toke Rt . 95S to Exi t JOA (Rt. 117) to Rt . 1 (Post Rd .) - CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH_ turn right (southbound). amendment of th<' t> lection One mile, left tu rn ofter Lehigh Gos Station, under roil rood law lo prohibit fascist groups 11 o.m.-3 p.m. trestle, follow signs. from participation in student Clos~d Mondays ~ovt> rnment. The Supn"' rne • Crepes • Kahlua French Toost • Bogels and Lox :=ourt h., ruled that a ll groups WATERFRONT RESTAURANT • Quiches • Omelettes Galore Full Catering Services Available n ust take p a rt in studen t RSVP 884-1850 Boclcstoge Food Services, Inc. ~ov t:> rnment elections. THE RHODE ISLA D HERALD, TH U RSDAY, DECE 1BER I I, 1980- 13 Recycling Waste Water, Swift And Satisfying: Making Green Soup Trinity's "A Christmas Carol"

HAIFA - Using the power of the sun which are fed to poultry, fish and cattle, by Lois Atwood future are " ell pla) ed by David C. Jones in a and single-celled algae, Israeli scientis ts are replaci ng between 25 and 30 percent of SO) Charles Dickens A Chnstmn.s Carol still fanlaslic fool's costume, Barbara Orson in an turning domesti c waste water into valuable meal in chicken feed and all f,sh meal Israel can and does enchant audiences T rinil) m ,·rn helming wi g and green go" n, and animal feed and, al the same lime, producing is currently importing 95 percent of ,ts Rep. mounting for the fourth time an adapla• Bradford Cotti in dressed as the Crim Reaper, purified water for irrigation - and all al sources of protein for the production of feed lion b, Adrian Hall and Richard Cumming. but ,\ithout a sc, the prese~ts this )l"ar ales -t>mbell,shed, '"ifter minimal cost. for poultry, cattle, sheep and fi sh Eg) pt is ,n H,mard London is a fin e rag-and-bones ,ers,on 1han before It IS directed b) ~l elanic Egyptian scientists have also been carrying even more urgent need of sources of prote,n man Others in the com pan). many playing Jones (\\ ho al o pla~s three roles!. and runs out research in this fi eld for some time. ow, for development of ,ts da,ry cattle and differt'nl roles in su<=<>ding scenes, are Ed "ithout antermisSton for less 1han 90 with the signing of the Israeli-Egyptian poultry ,ndustries and such algae production HJII. Oa,id Kennell . 1orman Smith, Rose mmutes peace treaty, photosyntheti c waste water ,... 0 uld obvious!) alle,iate the protein shor- \\'e;l\er, Artie \V a~ne, Andre,, Kavanaugh, lreatment may become one of the first sub- !age The production IS rich I) sa11sh mg Light. Anne II' Scurriu. Tom O'Lear,. lichael color. 11\e animals, ll\el) dancrng. scenes jects of the long awaited scientific coopera- Emphasis On Water Reille Corrente. Deborah 1e,d1all. D,;rothea I. no" mg smooth!, from one area to another. lion between Israel and Egypt After the algae a re removed, safe, Roberts. ean XI Reill) and David Yashar. and abO\ e all the e,cellent, ariet, of charac­ Green Soup nutritious water ,s available for imgat,on, Richard Cummong's music and lyri cs The Israeli system , whi ch has been and Israel, "here 95 percent of all ters combme lo make Chnstmns Carol )USI 10 (aside from monks chanting " Die I rue" in developed at The Technion (Israel ln,litute available "ater is used, and almost 70 per- about trrM1st1ble London streets in 18-13. which St"ems pretty of Technology), is based on sha llow, mean- cent of 11 for agriculture, wa ter reu_se i, of Ceo~e \lart,n pla,~ crooge as a gleeful unli~e ly) add a great deal lo the production. dering, cha nn el-like ponds containing wa5te paramount ,mportane<' The heavy empha" mt->er. h, IJ\ el) antics and e,presm c face The nC). and lion results in a g reen, soupy liquid are used to rl'C")de water Am) \ 'a.n ~ oslrand a \ff" Cratch,t brings a Th,, choreograph) "as b) Sharon Jenkins The mixt ure is exposed to na tural sunlight ProfMsor Cedal)ah held of The Tech- "•nnth to the fam,I, ne, that make, Th,•, and the abl,• director " ere dearl)• ,•ital which enables the algae to relea5e hi~h quan- nion, "ho heads the prnJect. pomts out 1hem brl,e, able en_sembl< to thtS tnneles pl.,). ,d1ich celebrates the lilies of oxygen, he lping to br ak down another benefit of the solar•J>O" red " lite The 1thos1 of Chmtma. p;ul. present and ba>tc goodne of the human heart phosphates, nitrates and other materials water reclamation scheme Aft er the algae found in waste water Most of the nutrients are separated from the elnuent, 1he h,i;ih are then Incorporated into the algae and, af- quaht) of thl" .ale nutrient rem,11n10g ,n the Special Performance ter the algae are removed and the water is recl.,m<-d "astc "•tcr c-an ubsltlute for a For Hearing Impaired filt ered thro ugh sand, the water is made good port ton of fNtilm·r n....ded b, oountriM availahl e for irrigation like "rael and Fg) pl ·· Fcrt,ltun are exf)('n• Th.- Jan ~ pt·rfonnance al p m of si11n..d p<>rfonnanc..· for <'Jc h of its futurt> The algae are dried, mixed with other in - \Ive," hel,·f ,•xplain..d " They con umr D,ck,·n · .I C/,rutmm Carol al Tnntl) prnductmm Fundinit is being sought from ~redients and turned into pellets or Oakes em•r~y and there " a <1uare Ref)('nOC) ,,.,mpan) ",II ht· a ,pec,al "'wrJl local sources for the continuation of ,ign..d pt·rfonnancr for heann11 1mpa1red tlw prn~ram Homage Pa Id To t ,o;he algae·b35.-d 'l'C") dmg concept ,ndt'l"d ~ud,~n~ Prior ti, the 1x·rform anc.•. 1-luston will siit n Israel's First President po,nt th e "ay lo a chl"ap, sola.r-po"'m-d 8111 H u ton, an ,·,f)('nrnc<>d tlwalrr "II" a prt'· hO\, e,planat, on for the deuf member.; LONDON(JTA ) - The Greater London >)stem of protein production and "•ler 1nlrrprd,·r from the Bmlon arr a. ",II do the of the audlt'nCt' This 1xirt1 011 of the evening Counci l paid homage to the me mory of reclamation wh1d1 can onl ben f,t the en- 11~ntnJ! Th .. a11d1enc,-. ,n odd11ton lo those ",II lx•~m al ,.,,.,,,. pm C haim Weizmann, Israel', fir.I President, vironm nl Shelef <'I h, ,ght on direct "ho are draf •nd the r 11ular 1lwatr<-gocrs. Prderr,'Cl St'Jl in j( ",11 lw made available lo by unveiling a plaque on a house whrre the coop<•rat,on "1th Eicypt ,n the near futu,.. "'II mclude •rra.l<'C'rt,f,r<.I Rhndc l1land 111 - tht• lw.1nnJ,,t 1mpJin·d Rest-' rvations can be..· former Zionist leader lived in 19 17 when " The problem n be sol,ed in bo1 h ooun- lrrprt·lc "ho "'II U><' 1hr [X'rtormance 35 a made h) calling 3.5 1- ~2~ 2 for ti cket s. Groups Britain iss ued the Balfour Declaration tries," lw »)>, "and the sooner the brtt " lr.;1mml( \ ton ma) contact ancie tiC"ra t 521- I IOOfordis• ....------, Tnntl) Rrp hope to prnv1dc ot lcJ>I 0 1w counted group fl'M.' rvations ~•;o"'\;~~~~\•~~;;. CRANSTON TRAVEL ~~~"";°;~~~~ SPECIALS ~oO~~ ot'0 ~~0 'o0~~~~• 785-2300 ,-ll> ~Q~l ',\~ ,oO..,tl '~l ',\E ,~\,ot ,o r,<\ ~' ;,.si,tl ,o .,.,vl ~ O!>tl ,o ,o0~,o r,<\ ,oO' ~ .. \.l\,.~l"\ ..."I _..._ _ ,.\S) _.

If you' re shopping somewhere els_e, 10: ~ Or mail check Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra JJ-4 Wostminstor Mall, Providence, Rhode Island 02903 you're getting less than you bargamed for.

:.. " ...... ~., ~-•· ,_ .. Bridge ______by Ro~rt E. Starr

T od ay's hand is similar in principle to I watched as almost every Declarer ducked another we showed not too long ago. It is the opening lead and then had to "in the quite interesting in that it seems to violate continuation in Dummy Next, they couldn't normal reasoning. Yet after reall y thinking wait to establish that g reat Diamond suit and about it there is only one sequence of play when East won his Ace he"' as able to lead his that should be adopted. Those who do not last pade to ,et up the su_1t The Diamond think things throug h wi ll feel that this is a "ere now run all right but as "e said, that very simple hand and when they find them• Heart fin esse would sti ll ha,e to be taken selves going down, they wi ll b lame it on poor ri ght into the hand with the Spades When, luck. T hat is not a valid excuse. supposedly unfortunately, it lost and the Spades set the hand ever} Declarer North bemoaned the fact that had the finesse \\On • K 5 the hand "ould have made • J 8 5 I suppose these pla}ers "ere following the adage saying to try to a,oid lin<"ses unless A LIFE MEMBERSHIP Savlngi Brunch wu held at the home of Mrs. Henry Jacober on ♦ KJ 91l3 • J 7 2 absolutely nece"af) and to postpone them ,I Wednuday, Nov. 19' In memory of her mother Mrs. Lee Stein, who was active In poSSlble Remember tho>e \\Ord , 11 pos ible. Crans1on Hadanah for many years. Plc1ured (left to right): Mrs. Arlene Buckler, presl• for in thi, hand 1t is not. The line,se must be dent; Mrs. Doris Jacober, life-membership chairperson; Mrs. Estelle Kortlck, co· taken sometime chalrperM>n; Mrs. Gloria Braverman, Mrs. Evelyn Sherman, Mrs. Betty Cutler, Mrs. Sylvia W est East What can we do about this? 1mple, Just Blazer, Mrs . Barbara Shulkln, Mrs. Jeannette Sorenson , Mn. Florence Hanzel and Mrs. • 9 7 3 • Q J 10 8 4 take the finesse before touching the Dia­ Esther Zarum. • K 9 4 • 10 6 3 2 monds Sounds "ron~ hut n t and the la,t ',pade top­ Mistreatment Of per I\ remowd No" knock out the Diamond South Ace Black Hebrews • A 6 2 If West has 11 along" 1th the ~ood Spad, no ELEGANCE for the • \\A Hll-, GTO1' (}TA ) - • A Q 7 one in the world would make the hand But ♦ Q 10 6 4 Ea,t has 11 and at th,s poml ha, no more The tale Department i,a,d 11 "'"""' ,oo~ io ecure. COLLECTION OF LITTLE WHIMSIES AT To start with, to count the ni ne tricks The Attorney G<>neral' oll,ce has accused not because there 11 any threat need ed , two Hearts must be scored and easily th<' mini ter of taking k, ckbac out of but ,mpl) because the} arc LITTLE PRICES can be even should the fin esse lose. Between min isl ry grant, to relig,ou educational American c1 t11..ens who are li v­ Ask About Our GIFT CERTIFICATES the Ace Queen and Jack su rely there wi ll be In titullons ing in that count'} and " ' Open Monday, Thursday, Friday 10 to 9 two tricks no matter how one plays the suit. Thr minister has a,d he " as bemg framed look out for them a, we look Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 10 to 5 And that is the key to making this hand. T he by a former assocrnte m the ational out for any American citizens counting to nine and reali zing that sooner or Religious Part y, Deputy Ma or Yisrael Gott­ who are re idents that we 132 ROUTE FIVE, WARWICK, R.I. later you will be fa ced with taking that li eb, who Is to be the principal witne s fo r know about" • fin esse before being able to make the hand. the state . Mccrudden Radiator Repair •Cleaning •Repairing newsy •Recoring iris blue pleating moves with grace on a creamy two-piecer by Castleberry Knits. It's the answer to sleek dressing here or 738-2550 south. 6-14. 835 West- Slln It, Ina *150 Shown one of SPARKLE for a collection. her precious moments


A clwt,r ring ANAMARIE SARAZIN WINTHROP COREY of diamonds and . .• , Miss Sarazm appears counesy of Boston Ballet 1.52 d . Rubi, MICHAEL GRANDO f.80 ct. dia.t S 1600. CORP DE BALLET I COMPANY OF 60 Sa11pl1ires in a Dec 26·27·28 at 8:00 PM Dec 27-28 at 3:00 PM -~ double cluster, S950, $12.00 $9.00 $7.00 $5.00 Subject lo prior sale : CHILD DISCOUNT - GROUP RATES - VISA & MASTEACHARGE Reliable Gold, Ltd. • lfll.•tlers ' OCEAN STATE 181 Wayland Ave. PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 400 WESTMINSTER MAU.. PROVIDENCE Open ~ 9•5:30. Thu~ 'tll 9 Wayland Square 421-9015 353-1129 RT. 2. WARWICK, Opposite Midland Mall Open JO to 9 ~ except Sun~ 12 to 5 THERHODEISLA DHERALD,TH U RSDAY DECEMBERII,1980 15 i Escape From The Crowds And ( Set Sail On A Yachting Trip TR AV E·L= Join the yacht set - with­ out the posh prices! The Vela and the Lyra, twin fl eet of Caribbean Schooner Cruises, registered in Panama, sail every Sunday ou t of Nassau on just about th e laziest - or if yo u prefer, the liveliest - loveliest yacht vacations imagi­ nable! Distinctl y a yachting craft , rach vessel accommodates 34 passengers in a choice of 17 compact double cabins, with conveni en tl y located showers and toilets. Add a crew of eight Pr ices Just Reduced $392-$649 to you r yacht -board needs, and 7 days / 6 nights - round trip u fare, selected 1st class & deluxe you' re merril y on you r way! hotels, MANY MEALS, rum swizzle, airport / hotel trensporUtion, diacoont for boat cnriM & night club show, pool beech, marina, tennie While you' re fo rgetting the couru. gntuities, taus & more. Weelcly departures. ALSO 7 DAY / 6 everyday routine of work, hou5t' NIGHT BERMUOA BARGAIN FOR $.114. ►¥!, n■ chores, the day-t ime soap, or NEW: BERMUDA FOR GOU>EN AGERS • It~ the neighbor nex t door, you'll be relaxing on deck - as your • HA WAU THREE-A (Smarter then Chanerll, ..• $789-$1597 own yacht sails among is lets, 9 days / 8 nights - 1 1 days / 1 0 nights - 1 5 days / 14 nights Roond trip C'Oral reefs and through narrow air fare: selected budget, 1st clu.s & deluxe hotels; traditional lei greeting, pool. beech. get acquainted t.n.fing, sightseeing. DESCRIP­ channels unnavigable by larger TIVE TRAVEL GUIDE. c:oonesy travel dealt. loall host, aervice charges, craft. taxes & baggage handling - Fr~ rturaa. ALSO ASK FOR NEW Designed for ample r deck HAWAII CRUISES. space and greater sailing power • SPECIAL AAA CARIBBEAN CRUISES .. and stabilit y (each is equipped CWTTH SIZEA8lE MA ClflOI.F TIIA\IU IIEDUCTIONSI wit h effecti ve junk sa il s), th e Jan. 26 - Feb. 6, Caribbean & Maya Cruise. 6 Save Up To Vek, and Lyra are ideal for th e YAC HTING THROUGH THE CARIBBEAN 11 the perfect p,-ovoc:etive poru, Franch Gourmet Cuiaine, escape from bustling crowd, and bright city lights. The COMPLIMENTARY WN AT LUNOl & OW­ $845 ,. ,, . vamtioner who enjoys the fret4 NER . Round-trip air fare to Miemi only Sl 26. photoo for oriy ~ 1...... , 'f04J TRAVELERS CHECKS lounging on deck in the sun, delight. But so is going ashor.­ are truly unu uaJ H re I a ...... your foroigri t .... WIDfOOT SERVICE CHARGE playing cards, reading or en­ As these yachts cannot dock very special ambien~ - an arranga,,w,ts w,tt, ua.J joying the seascapes as they at tht' ports along the ""Y· ocean holidav hared "'th ,en- 1urous sun a~d ,ea lo"'erl "ho CRANSTO N TRAVEL SPlCI ALS 715-2300 \Jvor tlw tru<· " grt -ol\, a)• from $249 frnm -,t -all" vacation If )ou' re )acht-r adi. the Vela and Lyra Jre wa1tin~ to "elconw you aboard Bon oyagt•1 Cancun Caribl>Mn $499-$09 Rio Brazil $669-$839 broat Chart.-, S599-$849 Wonderful ~ $599 CHARTERS SfO-Hawu-Vagas S849-S989 Me'1"rite C•riWt- Sl"-SS3f $S99-$679 Com dal Sol F'tast.1 S570-S682 Orient Eq,lore< $999 Jet Round Trip ON BahameaFJ109 '34944119 lr.i.nd & Britain $687-$819 $S99-N. Y .-$679-lloston SALE Montell()Bay $369-$599 Dutch AntJllas $399-$849 From Jet-s.tAcapoloo $649-$909 Santo Domingo $269 785-2300 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONL YI Montego Bay 299 San Juan SAVE $600 PER COUPLE ON HOLIDAYVACAT IONS 229 Arv~a-Otc. 20-27 St. Mu rtea-Dec. 21 -28 Freeport 199 ,. Curacao 269 F-OR RE ',UVAllON PlEASE CONTACT Departures from GAIL RUBENSTEIN New York, Boston 1 OH RE SEP I/Ollil AVE or Hartford C RAN', TQ"-1 RI 9 44 .7 300 O THER O HICE '!r. IN PR OVIDENCE BAIUUNGTON Call for details NEWPO Af W'AkO IHO ANO FAU RIVEfil

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CNINI• taxes, baggage handling and ~ore - frequent dep_artures . c....a..._...... ,_ All price• are per per■on , double occupancy and ■ubject to change " without notice. Space ■ubject to availability at time of booking. Travel arrangemente may be changed for operational rea■on■ . Fuel ■ur­ chargn may apply. Pricn may vary according to accommodation• P.O. b 368, 'MlrTc:n, RJ. Oi885 Toi Frt~ B00-556-,7450 ■elected and date of travel. Travel ln■ urance strongly recommended. R.L (onty} (401) i4~1350 16- TH E RHO D E ISL AN D H ERALD, TH U RSD AY, DECEMBER 11, 1980 Surprise Strikes Lebanon has resulted in a sub­ AUTO SHOW stantial reduction of terrorist For Your Volvo Cut Terrorism activity against Israel Sales Parts & Service J E R SALEM (]TA) Eitan spoke on tele, ision af­ Needs Call Rilv Bon a Chief of Staff Gen Raphael ter the latest preempti,e raid CLASSIFIED Eitan said that Israel's policy by Israeli forces in Lebanon. A (617) 336-9777 of surprise strikes at Palesti­ sea-home Israeli force last CALL 724-0200 nian ter ro ri st bases in week struck what "ere described as Palestine Libera­ tion Organization positions on APPLIANCE REPAIRS FOR SALE SERVICES WE'VE BEEN the Lebanese coast 25 GRANO PIANO - Kowoi 6' kilometers south of Beirut and K & D APPLIANCE service and WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!! porls - woihers, dryers, re­ - Walnut, perfect condition. JANITORIAL SERVICE week ­ 70 kilometers north of the New, S8,300. Asking $4,900. ly . Commercia l, ind us tria l offices. Israeli borders The raid "as /rige,olor\, cfKhwosher.. Prompt, Toke Advantage of Our Expertise and reo>onoble, guaranteed. Bonded, Coll any day ofter 6 p.m. (617) Floors, toilets, dust and va cuum. one of the most northerly 674-6239. 12/ 11 / 80 Knowledge - Coll Us For Information on on,ured. Dove Mal 723-0557. Coll Denette Co. 724- 07 14 . penetrations of Lebanon eser 1/ 29/ 81 1?/11 /Rn Winter and Spring Trips. carried out b) Israel NEW queen or king size woter­ bed, never opened, IO year RUG SHAMPOOING Sl0.50 per room, two rooms or more We've got the · Answers, and There is No At least six terrorists ""ere warranty. walnut stained pine ENTERTAINMENT S9.25. Coll 336-8062 onylime. Obligation! Our Service is Free!!/ killed and. accord ing to frame, heodboord, deelic£\tessen KJfety efficiency and structural The R.1. Jewi,h Herold 1n,pec110n 399-8771. 12/25/ 80 99 Webster Street BOCA llA TON , Ce<1tvry Vil- Powtuckel, R.I . 02861 FOR THE DISCRIMIN- 109, - yeorty rental, Ne.w , This newspaper will not, know­ W h1 ·re Ouo/ity ,~ o fom,ly Trod,t,on ATING IN TASTE: Hond- unfurnished 2 bedrooms, 2 ingly, accept any advertising for letter.d stohonery, 1nY1tations bo1h, Deluxe Coll 617-122- reol estole which is in violation and onnounc,ementl and cords 1645 morning, • (2 week,). of the R.I . Fair Housing Act and for oll occo'1on,. 751-•819. HHREW NATIONAL - IIOSHIR 12/ 11 80 Section 804 (C) of Ti tle VIII of 12/ 11 / 80 the 1968 Civil Rights Act. our give a gift INVITATIONS ANO PERSON ­ reoden ore hereby informed that 3.19 ALIUD STATIONERY. Di,­ oll dwellin g/ housing occomm o­ to a friend count pnces, fabulous sele<1ion. dohons advertised in this news• THE HERALD RSVP lynn Gronl, 9-43 -2979 paper ore available on on equal 12/ 11 / 81 opportunity basis. CLASSIFIED AD ORDER-SHEET ~

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FINE FURNITURE INVESTMENTS Offered By Herb Leapman at his always reasonable prices

TWO-PIECE SECTIONAL $1389°0 (as shown) Features genuine hand-woven rush arms, reversible seat and 1121 WARWICK AVE., WARWICK back cushions of poly-dacron. -~ 781-1470 Sofa and loveseat also available. Choose from a wide selection of __ , . fabrics. OpenDaily9'a.m. to5:30p.m . Table available on special order. o.,--,''" Monday and Thursday to 9 p.m.