Western North American Naturalist

Volume 69 Number 4 Article 14


Records of the yellow-nosed (Sigmodon ochrognathus) in southwestern New

Keith Geluso University of Nebraska at Kearney, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Geluso, Keith (2009) "Records of the yellow-nosed cotton rat (Sigmodon ochrognathus) in southwestern New Mexico," Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 69 : No. 4 , Article 14. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/wnan/vol69/iss4/14

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Keith Geluso1

ABSTRACT.—The yellow-nosed cotton rat (Sigmodon ochrognathus) previously was known only from extreme south- western New Mexico in the Peloncillo and Animas mountains. Here I document S. ochrognathus at 3 localities from the Big Burro and Mogollon mountains in southwestern New Mexico. My northernmost capture represents an extra-limital record of 160 km north of prior records in southern New Mexico and represents the northernmost occurrence in . Lack of intensive mammalian surveys in the region render it difficult to interpret my recent captures, but the most parsimonious explanation is that captures likely represent overlooked populations. I captured S. ochrognathus in grassy areas ungrazed by domestic livestock along the Gila River. Understanding the use of limited grassland habitats along arid rivers by terrestrial vertebrates in the region is important because many of these grasslands have been con- verted to agricultural lands or are grazed by livestock.

Key words: Sigmodon ochrognathus, yellow-nosed cotton rat, New Mexico, range expansion, distribution.

In New Mexico, the yellow-nosed cotton rat records of S. ochrognathus in the region. My (Sigmodon ochrognathus) is known from the voucher specimens were deposited in the Animas and Peloncillo mountains in southern United States Geological Survey, Biological Hidalgo County, where it occurs from higher- Survey Collection at MSB. elevation grasslands to pine-oak forests (Find- On 31 March 2003, I captured an adult ley et al. 1975). This generally inhabits female (MSB catalog number 124219) in an rocky hillsides containing bunchgrass, agaves, array of 20 traps at the north end of the Big prickly pears, oaks, and other shrubs (Findley Burro Mountains, Grant County (T17S, R17W, et al. 1975, Findley 1987, Cook 1986). In Ari- NE1/4, Sec. 21; 32°48.914N, 108°35.963W; zona, it also occurs in grassy habitats in south- elevation 1330 m). This individual had a body ern mountains (Hoffmeister 1986, Davis and weight of 66 g, was lactating, and contained 5 Ward 1988). embryos with the largest uterine swelling mea- Herein, I report on new distributional suring 8 mm. On 1 April 2003, I captured and records for S. ochrognathus in southwestern released another female from the same trap New Mexico. Individuals were trapped in Sher- array. Both females were captured in a grassy man live traps baited with mixed seeds during depression along a gravel road. The road was brief exploratory surveys of small terrestrial situated immediately above the floodplain of in the region, while I conducted the Gila River in an area ungrazed by domestic research on bats (e.g., Geluso 2007). Trapping livestock. Runways of Sigmodon were observed was initiated because I observed runways of only in areas with dense matted grasses. Adja- small mammals that resembled those con- cent slopes were xeric, and dominant shrubs structed by Sigmodon in an area where no were honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) published records of Sigmodon were known and catclaw acacia (Acacia greggii). No other (Findley et al. 1975). I also personally examined was captured in the trap array. I set whether unpublished voucher material existed another 50 traps in the area, but traps were at the Museum of Southwestern Biology, Uni- not in dense grasses. In this trap array, I cap- versity of New Mexico, Albuquerque (MSB) and tured Ord’s kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ordii) the Gila Center for Natural History, Western and a cactus mouse (Peromyscus eremicus). New Mexico University, Silver City (WNMU). I On 8 April 2003, I captured a nonreproduc- further contacted biologists regarding potential tive female (body weight 57 g; MSB 124221)

1Department of Biology, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE 68849. E-mail: [email protected]

548 2009] NOTES 549 in an array of 40 traps set in the Big Burro neither J.K. Frey nor I have been able to find Mountains, Grant County (T17S, R17W, voucher specimens of S. ochrognathus from NW1/4, Sec. 16; 32°50.012N, 108°36.430W, Grant County to substantiate that statement elevation 1350 m). This individual was cap- (J.K. Frey personal communication). tured on a grassy hillside above but near the My recent captures of S. ochrognathus in floodplain of the Gila River. The location was the Big Burro and Mogollon mountains could on an ungrazed gravelly slope, and dominant represent a recent expansion in distribution plants included bush muhly (Muhlenbergia), or overlooked populations that have always three-awn (Aristida), mustard, honey mesquite, occurred in the area. Davis and Dunford (1987) and catclaw acacia. Additional captured postulated a generalized northward range included Bailey’s pocket mouse (Chaetodipus expansion for S. ochrognathus in Arizona. baileyi), rock pocket mouse (Chaetodipus inter- However, lack of intensive mammalian surveys medius), Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys in the Gila River region of New Mexico ren- merriami), Ord’s kangaroo rat (D. ordii), western ders it difficult to interpret my captures. Frey harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis), (2009) suggested that records representing and western white-throated woodrat (Neotoma shifts in distribution should be based only on albigula). conclusive evidence. If conclusive evidence is On 26 June 2006, I captured a subadult not available, extra-limital records should be male (MSB 125022) in the floodplain near the viewed as previously undocumented popula- confluence of Mogollon Creek and the Gila tions. Within this framework, the most parsi- River along the southwestern edge of the monious explanation of my records from the Mogollon Mountains (Grant County, 10 mi E Big Burro and Mogollon mountains is that Buckhorn; 33°02.553N, 108°31.817W, eleva- captures of S. ochrognathus represent previ- tion 1410 m). This individual weighed 44 g ously undocumented populations. Only limited and had testes that measured 8 × 5 mm in past surveys of mammals have been conducted length. It was captured in tall grasses and along the Gila River in the vicinity of my forbs in an ungrazed area that was fenced. The captures (Bailey 1931). Bailey (1928) reported ungrazed area measured about 225 × 75 m, limited visits to the area by biologists (6–9 and plants were about 1.2–1.8 m in height. November 1906 and 5–12 October 1908), and Dominant trees surrounding the grassy area there are no recent published works on sur- consisted of Arizona sycamores (Platanus veys of mammals in the area, although some wrightii), Rio Grande cottonwoods (Populus unpublished specimens from the region are deltoides wislizeni), and junipers. Other species housed in collections at WNMU. Thus, the of mammals captured in the 40 traps included limited surveys of small mammals along the the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), Gila River, the rather disjunct occurrence of S. western harvest mouse (R. megalotis ), hispid ochrognathus across its range (Findley and pocket mouse (C. hispidus), and hispid cotton Jones 1960), and the apparently low abundance rat (S. hispidus). of individuals compared to other Sigmodon These records represent the northernmost (Baker 1969) suggest that S. ochrognathus records of S. ochrognathus in North America might always have occurred in the area. How- (Hall 1981, Hoffmeister 1986, Davis and Dun- ever, the possibility that the records represent ford 1987). The nearest published record to a range expansion cannot be excluded. my northernmost locality at the edge of the Captures of S. ochrognathus in upland habi- Mogollon Mountains is 140 km to the south- tats of desert mountains are expected for this west in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona species (Findley and Jones 1960, Baker 1969). (Hoffmeister 1986), and the nearest record in However, the capture of an individual in a New Mexico is 160 km to the south in the Ani- grassy floodplain with another species of Sig- mas Mountains (Cook 1986). Frey (2004:22), in modon is unusual because competitive inter- her annotated checklist of the mammals in actions between species appear important in New Mexico, reported this species from the determining local distributions (Baker 1969). “vicinity of the Big Burro Mountains in Grant In the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Coa - County,” but details of specific location, dates huila, for example, S. ochrognathus occurs at of occurrence, habitat associations, and voucher higher elevations than the specimens were not presented. However, (Baker 1956, Anderson 1972). In Arizona, 550 WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [Volume 69

Hoffmeister (1986) reported that S. ochrog- BAILEY, F.M. 1928. Birds of New Mexico. New Mexico nathus is found rarely in association with other Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe. BAILEY, V. 1931. Mammals of New Mexico. North Ameri- species of Sigmodon. I suspect my capture of can Fauna 53:1–412. the subadult adjacent to the Gila River likely BAKER, R.H. 1956. Mammals of Coahuila, Mexico. Uni- represents a dispersing individual from a versity of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural nearby hillside rather than an individual from History 9:125–335. a local population in the floodplain. Additional ______. 1969. Cotton rats of the Sigmodon fulviventer group. Pages 177–232 in J.K. Jones, Jr., editor, Contri- surveys of small mammals in the area are butions in mammalogy: a volume honoring Professor needed to support or refute this hypothesis. E. Raymond Hall. Museum of Natural History, Uni- All individuals of S. ochrognathus reported versity of Kansas, Lawrence. herein were captured in areas ungrazed by BAKER, R.H., AND K.A. SHUMP, JR. 1978. Sigmodon ochrognathus. Mammalian Species 97:1–2. domestic livestock. Although considered the COOK, J.A. 1986. The mammals of the Animas Mountains most xerophilous species in the genus Sig- and adjacent areas, Hidalgo County, New Mexico. modon (Baker 1969, Baker and Shump 1978), Occasional Papers, Museum of Southwestern Biol- S. ochrognathus still requires adequate vegeta- ogy 4:1–45. tive cover for many runways (Hoffmeister DAVIS, R., AND C. DUNFORD. 1987. An example of con- temporary colonization of montane islands by small, 1963, 1986). Baker (1969) suggests that the nonflying mammals in the American Southwest. preferred habitat of S. ochrognathus has been American Naturalist 129:398–406. altered where grazing has been severe, but DAVIS, R., AND O.G. WARD. 1988. A vacant “Microtus this species can persist on rocky hillsides with niche” now occupied by the yellow-nosed cotton rat (Sigmodon ochrognathus) on an isolated mountain in limited grass. In a study comparing grazed southeastern Arizona. Journal of Mammalogy 69: and ungrazed habitats in the southwestern 362–365. United States, S. ochrognathus was captured FINDLEY, J.S. 1987. The natural history of New Mexican almost exclusively in ungrazed habitats (Jones mammals. University of New Mexico Press, Albu- et al. 2003). Understanding the use of limited querque. FINDLEY, J.S., A.H. HARRIS, D.E. WILSON, AND C. JONES. grassland habitats along arid rivers by terres- 1975. Mammals of New Mexico. University of New trial vertebrates in the region is important Mexico Press, Albuquerque. because many have been converted to agricul- FINDLEY, J.S., AND C.J. JONES. 1960. Geographic variation tural lands or are grazed by domestic livestock. in the yellow-nosed cotton rat. Journal of - ogy 41:462–469. These riverine habitats may support and bene- FREY, J.K. 2004. and distribution of the mammals fit a number of vertebrates that are restricted of New Mexico: an annotated checklist. Occasional to or closely associated with them. Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 240:1–32. ______. 2009. Distinguishing range expansions from pre- I thank C. Ramotnik (U.S. Geological Sur- viously undocumented populations using background data from museum records. Diversity and Distribu- vey, Biological Survey Collection, MSB) and tions 15:183–187. R. Jennings (WNMU) for their assistance in GELUSO, K. 2007. Winter activity of bats over water sources museum matters and M. Ramsey, P. Barnhill, and flyways in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist and J. Baumberger (National Forest Service, 52:482–492. HALL, E.R. 1981. The mammals of North America. 2nd Silver City Ranger District) for providing edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2:601–1181 assistance in obtaining a special-use permit to + 90. conduct research on federal lands. Discus- HOFFMEISTER, D.F. 1963. The yellow-nosed cotton rat, sions with J.K. Frey on definitions of range Sigmodon ochrognathus, in Arizona. American Mid- expansions have helped shape my ideas on land Naturalist 70:462–469. ______. 1986. Mammals of Arizona. University of Arizona this topic. I also thank J.K. Frey, K.N. Geluso, Press, Tucson. and 2 anonymous reviewers for comments on JONES, Z.F., C.E. BOCK, AND J.H. BOCK. 2003. earlier versions of this manuscript. communities in a grazed and ungrazed Arizona grass- land, and a model of habitat relationships among rodents in southwestern grass/shrublands. American LITERATURE CITED Midland Naturalist 149:384–394.

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