FORUM SPORTS Sex on the Internet who 'Across the Middle' looks at Hawai'i, should have access? scholar-athlete and 'Waking' special Page 2 team play Page 4 SPARTAN DAIL l'oloote 1 1:;, No. 16 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 r) r.r hr.,' /1199 Temperament of mobile workers lightens

By D.S. Perez The boundaries of the minioffice ironic gift of the Prison Industry building which will be torn the grounds where the Wahlquist ironic," she said. down to make room for the new buildings stand. Originally, Wahlquist employ- writer are marked by padded walls, Authority, the maker of the all Daily senior staff solid enough to block sound and the furnishings. The cubicle is a Joint Library with the city of According to Norma Lorigo, ees were hesitant if not hos- Cecilia Hoang's cubicle on the soft enough to lay your head on. demonstration model of what San Jose to an interim office director of procurement services, tile to the move into the third floor of Wahlquist Central The standout thing inside this will be a typical employee's being constructed on the first it was a strange twist of fate in garage. The workers questioned is a $2,920 sight to behold. workstation is a small circular workstation in the 10th Street floor of the 10th Street garage. that the sticker was put on the whether the new environment The speckled purple, gray and sticker hanging near the garage offices. The Joint Library will be the furniture by the Prison Industry would be safe from toxic fumes, blue motif is 64-square-feet of entrance of the cubicle. A blazing The sticker may be the senti- new library serving both San Authority, who had no knowl- earthquake damage or crime. cabinets and shelves covered red circle with a line through it ment going around the move of Jose State University and the edge of the situation. See Wahlquist, page 7 with family photos and papers. and the word "Whining" an employees from the Wahlquist city's public. It will be built on "Their attempt at humor. Very Night watch Protesters rally against police brutality By Clarissa Aljentera "I don't trust anybody," Amaya said. see me Daily staff writer "She isn't there for me, she won't graduate from high school in about a Amaya peered out onto King year. won't see me get married and won't yretteRoad and clutched a sign in memo- see her H-year-old son grow up." y of her mother who was shot by Amaya's uncle Lonny was also among police a year ago. the supporters Tuesday night. The a 15-year-old was in her mother Family members had gathered at Chila's house when the 35-year-old was Chile's house to help her in her time of gunned down by Union City Police, said crisis, Lonny said. She stepped to the Amaya, who was one of 50 demonstrators front door of her house with two steak who came out to the Mexican Heritage knives in her hands and officers ordered Plaza to rally support to stop police bru- family members to the back of the house. tality along with supporters for Mumia As Chile turned around the cops shot Abu-Jamal. her five times, Lonny said. The rally and march were held in con- "She never made threats to the family junction with El Dia de Los Muertos, the members at all," said Lonny who was Day of the Dead, an ancient Spanish tra- also clutching a sign memorializing his dition to honor friends and family who sister. "It was very traumatizing." have passed away. See Protest, page 7

Chris Corpora/Spartan Daily

Above, Gary Wood, a leader of the Citizen Tribunal, waits to walk down to the Mexican Heritage Plaza in front of Tropicana, a grocery store at Story and King, Tuesday night. The Citizen Tribunal is a watchdog group created to moni- tor police brutality. Wood was one of the many who helped organize the march to bring attention to what he sees as a growing number of police shootings and brutality cases committed by the San Jose Police.

Left, Joshua Lipkowitz imitates a San Jose chief of police at the Dia de Los Muertos Procession and Vigil in Memory of Lives Lost to the Killings by the Police, down King Road. Tuesday. In the middle of the vigil, the victims' families simu- lated an arrest on Lipkowitz to make him pay for the deaths of their loved ones.

Chad Pilsier Sparian Daily

Young soldiers of misfortune Sweating it out Robert Garner Student group rallies against Spartan apparel By Erika Coron and they comply. speaks out against The fliers, put out by Daily staff writer Students Against child conscription Cheaper is not necessarily Sweatshops, call for student better, at least that's what action against using the one organization believes. SJSU symbol on apparel they By Liz Cloutman made in sweatshops. Daily staff writer Students Against claim is Sweatshops, a fiedgling orga- "How can you prove that nization at San Jose State they're not (made in sweat- Over 300,000 of the world's shops)," said Dale Weaver, children under the age the age of University, has been distrib- uting fliers to stir student's who organized Students 18 some as young as 7 have Against Sweatshops. He said been conscripted as soldiers, interest and awareness about an alleged connection the companies that work with Robert Garner, a volunteer for the sweatshops are difficult to Speakers Bureau of UNICEF, told between sweatshops and the clothing bearing the Spartan track down because they do members of the International not disclose their actual work Relations Club Tuesday after- logo. Small, bright yellow cards, sites. noon. "These activist organiza- The problem is particularly with black bold print saying "Spartan Pride, or Sweatshop tions are raising the aura of ser"re on the continent of Africa the possibility that university where some nations such as product?" somehow found their way into Spartan merchandise may be made in Angola. Somalia and Rwanda countries that may allow sub- have experienced years of inter- Bookstore garments last week, said Bookstore standard working conditions, nal civil conflict. Garner said. i.e., child labor," Warren said. The club met in the Costanoan Director Court Warren said. "Our staff on the floor "We are all sensitive to the Room of the Student Union at San issue." Jose State University to hear found them," Warren said. "They (Students Against Diane Medina, a senior Garner describe the plight of child majoring in English said she soldiers in Africa. Sweatshops) walked the sales floor and put them on the would not buy garments at Garner has a masters degree in the Spartan Bookstore if she international relations from the Chad Paster /Spartan Daily merchandise that was on the sales floor." knew they' were made in London School of Economics with Robert Garner (left), a United Nations International Childrens Education Foundation volunteer speaker, sweatshops. a concentration in African devel- This type of conduct, talks with Karim Kahwaji, president of the San Jose State University International Relations Association, Warren said, is considered a "I wasn't aware of the cir- opment. cumstances until now," "I invited Mr. Garner to raise before his speech on "Civil Conflicts in Africa and the Soldier Children," Tuesday in the Student Union. misdemeanor according to SJSU regulations. He said it Medina said. "I think people awareness about the suffering of need to put the word out, children in Africa," said Karim separated from their families, and many children have been dis- girls are often raped and forced to usually doesn't come to prose- to meet become officers' wives or involun- cution because university because I wasn't informed Kahwaji, president of the club and those who are poor or are from placed and are unable most of us aren't until some- an SJSU senior majoring in inter- marginal ethnic groups are the their most basic needs. tary laborers. administrators usually advise national relations. "You rarely most likely to be conscripted, Factions in conflicted nations "Civil conflict makes children people about those actions See sweatshop, page 6 hear about Africa in the news." Garner said. In Angola, there is a typically go after boys, ages 13 to Children who are orphaned or high rate of volunteers because 18, but also conscript girls. The See Garner, page 6 2' ALIMILIMITMOINIIMPRIMAP FORUM San Jose State University Millions of Internet users, including children, have access to all kinds of sites. Should explicit Web sites be regulated, and by whom?

Regulating Web sites Restrictions needed restricts freedom of to protect kids from access to information sexually explicit sites

_Loon Stull

Last November, a federal easy access to any sexu- judge ruled that a public Theally explicit Web site on library in Loudoun County, the Internet may soon be VII. could not institute an effort coming to an end, as a judge will to filter sexually explicit Web be ruling on whether the federal sites. government can begin enforcing The library's decision to the Child Online Protection Act screen Internet sites that were in the near future. deemed "harmful" to minors vio- The bill is an attempt to lates free speech rights. keep Internet pornography away In December, ano her federal judge ruled that a from the United States' estimated 16 million users Marble Hill, Mo. high school student could not be pun- under age 17, according to USA Today. ished for criticizing his school and officials on his own With that many young people connected to the Web site. Internet, some kind of law is needed to restrict which America Online has instituted a policy of removing, sites children have access to. from any areas of its service, Web pages devoted to mak- Countless laws have been drafted in the houses of ing bombs. Congress, but the Child Online Protection Act is the It is clearly evident the Internet is the latest battle- by the federal ground most successful attempt government to where free speech and censorship advocates are control which Web sites people can access. duking it out over what can be viewed by whom. This law will not resolve the concerns of every par- Advocates for censoring or tagging Web sites fbr dubi- ous content, ent who doesn't want their kids looking at porn sites, such as pornographic sites or pages devoted but it will make sexually explicit areas of the World to bomb-making, have their hearts in the right place. explore. Children need and deserve protection from such influ- Wide Web more difficult for children to ences. Unfortunately, the library is not the place to insti- The Child Online Protection Act only covers Web tute these restrictions. sites, and does not address the concern of potentially pornographic messages sent by e-mail or posts to chat There are a plethora of computer programs and even step for parents is online services, such as, a company that rooms or discussion areas. The first offers advice and software to consumers and businesses, controlling where their children go online. that filter out Web sites with pornographic or violent Take an interest in the Web pages they are down- loading. Find out what they are looking at, and discuss themes. under- Restricting access to pornographic Web sites on a the contents with them to find out if they even stand the sexual imagery they are being bombarded library computer restricts the flow of information to peo- their ple who are of age to view and rationally, objectively with. Parents should not expect a law to solve digest such information. problem of limiting children's access to sexually explic- Sorry. Mom, but I have the right to look at XXX sites, it Internet sites. People seem to be waiting for the government to and that access should not be denied to me. People have the right, but the discretion to view the information is up pass a perfect law that will address all their concerns to the user. about where their children go on the Internet. Rather Media Metrix, a company that measures World Wide than taking the time to see for themselves what their Web traffic, said that 32.:3 percent of the 56.8 million kids are looking at, and being responsible parents, they people who logged on to the Web viewed adult-themed want the government to make value decisions for them. sites. They need to take charge of their families and Censorship advocates cannot legislate the morality of become actively involved in what their children are the citizens of this country. Information is there for us to looking at on the Internet. Parents have many look at and make a valid decision on our own as to resources available to them that can assist in restrict- whether or not we agree, like or are disgusted with what- ing what sites their children have access to. It's simple ever it is we see. AOL's decision to remove bomb-making to take advantage of the programs and technologies pages and chat groups from its service is its own busi- already available. ness. AOL owns the hardware and the network. Many Internet Service Providers, such as America However, it seems users can no longer make decisions Online, Pacific Bell Internet Services and Compuserve, on their own to view them or not. Subscribers to already have built-in mechanisms that ask users if they AOL can still dial up to the service and activate another are over 18 to visit explicit sites. In addition, computer Web browser to look at such pages, hut the fact that AOL software programs such as Net Nanny are available to users' has made the decision fir them seems a bit like Big screen the words in Internet addresses and block Brother. access to sites with sexually-connotative words in them. It sounds as if AOL got caught up in the post- Public libraries that offer free Internet access to Columbine whirlwind and decided prematurely that it patrons have filters restricting the Web sites minors can had the responsibility to filter infiirmation, forgetting visit. Parents and the government need to follow in that kids who view pages on the Web have parents who these footsteps and protect children from unnecessary are. capable of restricting their access to "bad" Milo-mo- exposure to vulgar and explicit content on the Internet. tion. Rather than sitting back and complaining about The Internet is a great resource for all who want to the images children are downloading off the Internet, shop, be entertained, or who need to get information. parents should take charge and work with the govern- It would be. sad if it turned into a feeble, hollow shell ment to control their offspring's access. of a once-fabulous wealth of knowledge. The law will mean nothing if parents sit back and wait for the government to control the actions of their children. Jason Stall is a Spartan Daily staff writer Illustration by Cindy Wong Daniel Severin is a Spartan Daily staff writer Talking Heads Should sexually explicit Web sites be regulated?

"To a certain point it should "I don't think they should be "I think they should be regu- "I think they should be regu- "My answer is 'no.' In a free "I think explicit Web sites be controlled. The parents regulated because! think it's a lated to a certain extent. A lot lated obviously for children, country, everyone has the right should be regulated. Due to should probably control it matter of freedom of speech. of people under age 18 might but I don't think they should be to access the information." the technology now, it is easy their responsibility with their People should regulate them- not be mature enough to look regulated for adults." for minors to go to the sites." kids." selves." through that stuff"

Isai Pizano Luis Costa Jennifer Louie -- Kevin Dotts Rajiv Prinja Samuel Yee freshman freshman freshman graduate student graduate student freshman materials engineering radio televsion film undeclared special education physics computer engineering Compiled by rrika Cot-on nidpilot os hy lohtt-t lirodshow

6 1, :f.-"’da."...... Wednesday, November 3, 1999 3 FORUM San Jost: Statc ni versify

Preparing to travel abroad not an easy road C1.." Sparta Guide Aless weeks ago one ut my one too many tittles by bounc- fellow Spartan Daily ing $20 bills. Today to student groups on topics such as For more information, call the editors offered some And, since when did state healthy eating on campus. sports acquisitions department at 924 - valuable advice to students and federal offices start work- Catholic Cam pus Ministry nutrition, body image, eating disor- 2705. ders and general nutrition. For traveling abroad on a budget. ing bank hours anyway? I have Daily Maas 110111 12.10 p.m to One thing she neglected to no idea, but keep in mind 12:35 p.m. at the Campus Ministry more information, call Nancy SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry consider was the utterly incon- there's only one passport accep- Center, 300 S. 10th St. For more Black. nutritionist, at 924-6118. Young women's prayer group: venient - yet absolutely tance office in San Jose and information, call the Rev. Bob The Cup of Life, followed by a light mandatory - process of they end their work day at 3 Barry at 938-1610. Asian American Christian dinner. 5:10 p.m. to 6:30 p.m at the obtaining a passport. p.m. I guess they decided Fellowship Catholic Campus Ministry Chapel, After being granted the employees were too tired after Chicano Commencement Large group meeting, 7:30 p.m. 300 S. 10th St. For more informa- opportunity to travel to Israel. their lunch hour to continue Weekly meeting 7 p nt. in the in the Pacifica room. Student tion, call Sister Marcia Krause at Union. For more information, call 938-1610. and possibly other countries in that region, I set out working the second half of the day. In any event, Costanoan room. Student Union. on my mission to become a passport-holding citizen. don't make the mistake I did and assume they close For more information, cell Celeste Eli at (5101 770-1903. Little did I realize the seemingly endless obsta- at 5 p.m. like most offices in this country. Remember, at 259-5630 or Aleiandra at 971- Career Center, International cles soon to be planted in my path. this is the government we're dealing with. 7942. India Students Association Programs and Student Services The first barrier was as simple as a phone call. Realizing a passport is a legitimate form of iden- Glimpse update, ticket sales for International students employ- show and after party. 11 a.m. to 1 ment, 12:30 p.m. in the Career Assuming I'd be able to make verbal contact with a tification, I was safe in assuming they'd require a M.E.Ch.A. real-life human employee of any federal, state or certified birth certificate along with my application. Weekly general meeting, 2:30, in the Guadalupe room, Center Conference Room, Building county agency was a huge mistake on my part. What I didn't consider was that not only do you need p.m in the Chicano Resource Student Union For more informa- F. For more information, call the Whoever invented the automated phone system an official copy from the county recorder's office, but Center. For more information. call tion, call Andy Atte at 787-1030. International House at 924.6570. should be burned at the stake. you apparently need a "special passport obtaining Herlinda at 407-2020 or Mario at I thought the purpose of a telephone was to allow certified copy" from the county recorders office. 15101 218.2425. GLBTA The Listening Hour Concert two people to communicate with one another with- Huh?? My point exactly. Being that the certified copy Gay, bisexual, lesbian and trans. Series out actually being in the same place. I outgrew the of my birth certificate was issued in the county in School of Art and Design gender alliance weekly meeting. 5 University dance theatre: desire to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" with a tele- which I was born, which is Los Angeles, I'll now have Student galleries art exhibi- p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Guadalupe Contemporary dance works by phone keypad at about age 6. to pay an additional $15 accompanied by a written tions, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m in the Art room. Student Union. For more advanced students, Fred Mathews, Push pound-three if you want to kiss my ass and request and wait another 10 days to receive this and Industrial Studies buildings. information. call John Heinnickel coordinator, 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. waste my time. "special copy" by mail. In plain English, the original For more information, call John or at 985-7499. in the Music building Concert Hall. All I wanted to know was how long I should certified copy my mom sent away for years ago is Jenny at 924-4330. For more information, call Joan expect this whole process to take. Since my trip isn't basically obsolete and was a waste of the first $15 we Thursday Stubbe at 924-4631. until January, I figured I was pretty safe. I mean paid. Career Center how many things actually take longer than two I'd have to say this whole passport ordeal was Employer presentation: Intel, SJSU Theatre Arts Department Alpha Phi Alpha months? I'm not carrying a child for God's sake. equivalent to dealing with the DMV, times about a 1230 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Almaden "War of the Worlds Version 2.0." Date rape prevention seminar, 8 Apparently the passport office takes six weeks to million. room. Student Union For more 11 a.m. in the University Theatre, p.m. in the Dining Commons. For deliver your passport from the day they receive the So for those planning to temporarily leave the information, call the Career Hugh Gillis Hall. For more infor- more information, call Pat at 924- application. Or, if you're really in a rush, you can opt wonderful U.S. of A. for the first time, go forth and Resource Center at 924-6031. mation, call the Box Office at 924- 8867. to pay an additional $35 on top of the standard $60, experience everything this amazing world has to 4555. to receive it in three business days. So learn from my offer. Just keep in mind the following: They almost Re-entry Advisory Program Tsunami Anime make it harder to leave this freaking country than Brown bag lunch - Networking School of Art and Design Weekly meeting with video mistakes, and plan ahead - way ahead. p.m. in Washington While we're on the subject of money, a good thing they do to get in. with other re-entry students, 12 Student galleries art exhibitions showing. 7 p.m. to 1:30 p nm. in the Pacheco 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Art and Square Hall, Room 109. For more to make note of is that you cannot pay for your pass- 924-8545. port with the exchange of currency. Why on earth an room, Student Union. For more Industrial Studies buildings. For information, call Keith at information, call Jane Boyd at 924- more information, call John or agency of the federal government does not accept Black Student Union plain old-fashioned cash is totally beyond my com- Mindy Leigh Griser is the Spartan Daily features 5950. Jenny at 924-4330. prehension. Hmmm ... maybe they've been burned editor. "Repeat After Me" appears Wednesdays Black poetry / talent night, 7 Tau Delta Phi Career Center p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Music General meeting, 6 p.m. in Employer presentation. 12:30 Listening room, Student Union. For Morris Dailey Auditorium. For p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Almaden room, more information and to sign up in more information. call John at 445. Student Union. For more informa- advance, call Sewit Gebremichael SPARTAN DAILY 5440. tion, call the Career Resource at 924-6229. Center at 924-6031. (408)974.3780 E -mod SDAILYaPpnc situ edu SJSU Ballroom Dance Club Who's Who F1)11010\1 ADVERTISING Beginning and intermediate cha- Counseling Services Now accepting nominations for Workshop: How to live with students to be selected in the 1999- Executive Editor .1..iertoth Advertising Director Monica Dithulai cha lessons with a guest instructor. Managing Editor Leah Ito,,, Retail Manager RUM Laharn followed by open dancing. 7 p.m. to stress. 3:30 p.m. to 430 p.m. in the 2000 Who's Who Among Students Features / Projects Editor Mindy Liagh tins, Downtown / Entertainment Mgr. lEinielle Feldei 9 p.m. in Spartan Complex. Room Administration building. Room 269. in American Universities and Production Editor (Allis Eiley National Manager JosIma Patel 089. For more information, call For more information, call Mang-So Colleges. Forms available in the Opinion Matchak Marketing Manager Jocelyn Harker Sports Editor Perez Michelle Lehne at 260-8187. TsoiPullar at 924.5910. Student Life Center, deadline is Art Director Run Du Assistant Sports Editor Aaron Williams Nov. 19, 1999. For more informa- Account Executives Necel Anselino. Kimberly Entertainment / Lifestyle Editor !AIM' SW/111,1111 Counseling Services tion, call 924-5950. Haggett. Marc Carle, Ctiong Deng, Michael Fiorito. Library Donations and Book Photo Editor Roan Nino. Sales Relationships workshop. 8 p.m. Copy Editors 'Aline Phillips. Conny White lhane Ho. Phil Mendoza, Mai Trinh, Carolina Van to Chief Photographer ttire. Tremolos der Hoek. Eugenia Zamudio Ongoing book sales, 10 a.m. to 4 9 p.m. in Washburn Hall. For Artists Marc Canet. Diane Ho p.m. in Clark Library, Room 408. more information, call Wiggsy Senior Staff Writer.: ('ootv Atom. Marvin liethel. lionna Carmichael. For more information, call the Sivertsen, Christie Fukunanga or Franklin I /on Perm ADVISERS acquisitions department at 924- Margot Brown at 924-5910. Staff Writer.: Clarissa Aljentera. Lance Anallit l,,t Cloutnian, Erika New. Mack Lundstrom, .tin Ohio 2705. Sparta Guide is provided free of charge Como, eltnstina Lurareati, Ryan MrCrossin. Mike Dsegueda. Daniel Advertising Jack Quinton Library Donations and Book to studentx faculty and staff The deadline for entries Severn,. Charmain Smith..lason Stull Photo Jim McNsy Student Sales is noon, three days before desired Health Center publication date Entry forms are available Production Chief Tin, Burke Ongoing book sales. 10 a.m. to 4 11,/rI III .111-11 I 1111- Vacate, 1/.1,111 The Nutrition Education Action in the Spartan Daily Office Space restric- Photographers: Corpora. Glenn tions may require editing /11,11.1 N1,11111% /1 el e Chad Mister. A11111111 SalltlIS Team is available for presentations p.m. in Clark Librare. Rooni 408. of submissions

Newt Room - Advertising 405 024 :1270 SPARTAN DAILY a SPS.509-4140. is published cvery school day fur 1(0 .1/ A/11/1111 1/1/.11 tl. / . I.1,1,1 II ',All Mail subscnimons accepted oe a remainder of semester bame i MTMA.S 11 11 Se.1111 Aililf ; Si,, .1..'. -.I. ouventh Inv Washongton SquAre :inn Jon rA 96192-014,i Correction On page 6 of the Nov. 2 Spartan Daily, there was an incorrect caption. The cap- Opinion page policies tion should have read as follows:

Readers are encouraged to express themselves on the Opinion page with a Letter to the Editor. Breton Nicholson (left), who plays a 1938 radio actor, and Jason Barba (right), A Letter to the Editor is a 200-word response to an issue or point of view that has appeared in the Spartan Daily who plays Orson Welles, read their scripts for the reproduction of Orson Welles' Submissions become the property of the Spartan Daily and May M. edited liir clarity. gratilMar libel and length. 1938 broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" during San Jose State University's Submissions must contain the author's name, address, phone number, signature and major. "War of the Worlds, Version 2.0" Thursday. In the background Submissions may be put in the Letters to the Editor box at the Spartan Daily Office in Dwight Bentel Hall Room 209, dress rehearsal of sent by fax to (4081 924-3237. e-mail at SDAIIN( or mailed to the Spartan Daily Opinion Editor, School of foley artists use glasses of water, crumpled newspaper, wooden sticks and other Journalism :mil Mass Communications. San Jose State University. One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0149. objects to make live sound effects for the broadcast. Foley artists were also used Editorials are written by, and are the consensus of, the Spartan Daily editors, not the staff. in the actual broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" in 1938. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of the Spartan Daily, the School of Journalism and 'ii .cis Communications or 5.151'

YOUR FUTURE IN EXPLORE sjsu theatre arts presents HEALTH SCIENCES! war of the worlds version 2.0 Samuel Merritt College Open House Saturdal, No% ember 6, 9 a.m.


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--r1." Enclosures ,rimndatiammonimosmommignummrpMfglIMPIPIRM19 SPORTS San e St alt.. ri t Powering up for home game

By Mike Osegueda Daily 'full .riter "It's a big game for us. It's our

It is said home is where the senior's last home game, their heart is. For the Spartan football last hurrah." Football Notebook team, maybe, home is where the partan wins are. think you can ask for more in an The San Jose State University receivers will provide a different The business administration grade point average individual." team struggled during its three Dave Baldwin offensive look for the Spartan major's 3.15 in the month of defense to match up against. and work in the community led to trips to Texas head coach October, losing three straight to With that will come some adjust- the honor. Bailey, Waking up drop its record to 3-5 and 1-3 in ments for the team and its sec- The money will go into SJSU's Waking Bailey is also Western Athletic Conference ondary. general scholarship fund, but receiv- ing accolades this week after his play. "There will be changes in Wucinich thinks the scholarship return When the Spartans square oil It may not successful at Aloha state, produc- defensive secondary because of will do more than just bring 81 -yard punt in the will Spartans' with the University of Hawaii be as nice for ing a 5-3 record and a 3-2 mark in what they do offensively," money into the university. It loss to Saturday, the change of scenery the Hawaii WAC play. Baldwin said. "We'll have six DBs build a better reputation for stu- the and the new month might help team to have Baldwin said the Hawail pass- (defensive backs) prepared to dent athletes, he said. University of them get back to their winning to make its ing offense is the best they have play, and because of that we'll "I'm just happy that it brings a Texas-El Paso ways that had them thinking first trip to seen this season and very similar have some linebackers having to better name for the student ath- Saturday. about a WAC title last month. California to the run -and -shoot offense play defensive line because of the letes at our school," Wucinich His efforts "It's going to mean a lot this season. Jones used in his NFL days. pass rush." said. 'It doesn't matter whether it earned him because these kids haven't played The trip will The offense has made quarter- Koustas will be part of that goes to me, or the athletics pro- the WAC spe- at home in a month now," head mirror the back Dan Robinson the No. 1 secondary, who said the team will gram, or the general scholarship cial team's coach Dave Baldwin said. "It's a trip the passer in the be playing a lot in the nickel fund, I'm just honored I was cho- player of the award. big game 14 us. It's our senior's Koustas Spartans WAC and in package. sen for it." The last home game, their last hur- made when turn, has "We have to match up speed on Aside from the challenging junior is cur- a high GPA, rently rah." they traveled to Rice University made Hawai'i speed," Koustas said. task of maintaining Bailey ranked Baldwin pointed to a goal on - one of time adjustments, long a different while putting in time on the foot- No. 1 among the bulletin board outside the flights and an early game. The team than Wucinich honored ball field, Wucinich also finds the conference's punt returners team's locker man that said to be 12:35 p.m. start time will be at the one the time to work with the Fellowship with a 11.6 -yard return average. unbeaten at home as added 10:35 a.m., Hawaiian time. Spartans Before the game Saturday, of Christian Athletes and is a pen Baldwin had faith in Bailey's incentive. Couple that with a 34-14 loss heat 45-17 linebacker Jeff Wucinich will be pal of local elementary school stu- abilities and called him into "We're 2-0 at home and we'd to Texas Christian University, last year. honored with dents. action Saturday. like to stay that way," Baldwin and the Rainbows are coming "He's a $10,000 "I know these kids like to hear "I challenged him in a team said. into Spartan Stadium on a down (Robinson) scholarship from us, so I just try to help out meeting that he could return a Cornerback Carlos Koustas note. night and day from the and do what I can while I'm punt," Baldwin said. "I think that echoed the sentiments of his "We basically got our butts Robinson from this year Burger King here," Wucinich said. Waking likes to be challenged. I coach on one key point: It means kicked (last week)," head coach to last year," Corporation. Aside from his consistent play think he's one of those guys who a great deal fin- the Spartans to June Jones said. "We didn't Baldwin said. "This year he Wucinich all season, Baldwin said likes to be singled out and chal- be back on their home turf. throw the ball and catch the ball stands in the pocket, he is is one of eight Wucinich's outside activities tai- lenged." "We miss our home crowd," like W been doing." extremely talented to hold onto scholar ath- lored him to win the award. In his duties as a receiver Koustas said. "It's going to l'eel The vast numbers of throws the ball until the last minute, he letes being "He's involved in the commu- Bailey has a total of 20 receptions good to have our friends and fam- and catches is a system that the takes punishment and throws the nationally nity, involved in Christian life, a on the season and an average of ily watching us. Most of all, it former San Diego Chargers and ball where it has to get to." recognized great student, and a great foot- 30 yards per game, putting him feels good to be hack in Cali." Atlanta Falcons coach has made Robinson and his crop of Wucinich this week. ball player," Baldwin said. "I don't third among Spartan receivers.

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H411... Basketball (Red) Basketball (White) PHC Hockey Hockey (Black) Hockey (Green) a Meet me here: (Wednesday) W L (Tuesday) W L (Tuesday) W L (Thursday) W L T (Wednesday) W L tio Events Center Aerobics Room 1. R.Ridaz 2 - 0 C 1. 1:11 Gold 2 - 0 1. AZ 1-0- 0 1. (elx 1 - 0 - 0 1 ATS1 1 - 0 Monday/Wednesday 1. Sky Blue 2 - 0 1. Bonkey 2 - 0 1. AOT1 1 - 0 2. a 0-0-1 1 III 1 - 0 Z 111M1o sis 4:30 -5:15 1. Bronze 2 - 0 3. Ice Cold 1 - 1 3. KA 0 - 0 2. AY 0 - 0 - 1 3 E.W 0 0 - 1 VI ....$ a Tuesday/Thursday 1. Bulls 1 -O 3.8811 1 - 1 4. AO 0 - 1 4. KI 0 - 1 - 0 3 Ilkik 0 - 1 *4 11:45 - 12:30 1. SSJ Playaz 2 - 0 3. KI Silver 1 - 1 5. 0 - 1 IA 1. Blue Devils 1 - 0 3. Akbayan 1 - 1 Student Unton Moan 7:30 - 8:15 Level 7. Inure 1 - 1 1u) A S Busmen oil.. 8 30 4 30 3. D.Rebellion 1 - 1 7. Hot Boys 1 - 1 3. Savage P. 1 - 1 C 41 9. Perfect Mix 0 - 2 3. Ell Silver 0 - 2 for info roll Akron' 9. Gold 0 - 2 3. Showtime 0 - 2 i’ 9. East Siders 0- 2 11. KG old 0 - 2 9. T.Threat 0 - 2 11 ATG's 0 - 2 40N0924R1t.)E 9, Raja Augis 0- 2 "Wednesday, November 3, 1999 SPORTS iii\Cislty S a 11 Jose State I Another black Marco doesn't know this Polo Sophomore eye for boxing Melanie Nichols, a mem- MIAMI (API More than 30 Fraudulent fights helped Esch ber of San Jose prizefights have been fixed or boost his earnings from $600 a tainted with fraud in the past 12 bout as a little-known club fighter State years, according to The Miami to $60,000 as a star attraction, University's Herald. according to two opponents and water polo team, The admissions come from box- two boxing commissioners. and senior Liz ers who fought and lost to George According to sworn statements Garcia wrap their Foreman, Eric "Butterbean" Each and interviews The Herald did and other ranked fighters. Some with more than 60 fighters, pro- hair into swim negotiated payments to throw moters, trainers, managers, caps Tuesday matches. Others weren't bribed matchmakers and commissioners: during practice but fell down merely to avoid MI Two former heavyweights, at the Aquatics injury and get an easy paycheck. Smiley and Mike Smith, said they Tony Fulilangi, once a world- threw fights at the behest of Sean Center. Garcia is ranked heavyweight, told The Gibbons, a matchmaker with Top the team cap- Miami Herald that he faked a sec- Rank Inc. "A complete lie," Gibbons tain. ond-round knockout by George responded. Foreman on Oct. 27, 1998, in Two other men said they Marshall, Texas. helped fix matches for the late pro- Fulilangi, who received $30,000 moter Rick Parker. Former heavy- to fight Foreman, said nobody weight Tim Murphy said he con- asked him to throw the bout. The spired with Parker to throw a 1991 fight ended when Fulilangi ducked fight with former NFL star Mark under a punch and hit the canvas. Gastineau. Boxer-turned-match- "I went down just to get the maker Sonny Barch said that money," he said. under instructions from Parker, he Former heavyweight Andre bought 10 or 11 victories for Florida Smiley said he made thousands of heavyweight Mitch Sammons in dollars faking 14 knockouts from the late 1980s and early 1990s. 1990 to 1997. "I made a lot of Sammons didn't comment. money throwing fights," he said. Little-known heavyweight Widely suspected but rarely James Calvin Baker said he threw Sophomore Neva documented, fake fights threaten four fights, including bouts against West practices the credibility of professional box- Esch and former world light Tuesday at the ing. Some fighters say the sport is heavyweight champion Iran plagued with corruption far worse Barkley. Esch and Barkley said Aquatics Center. than alleged criminal misconduct they have no knowledge of oppo- West was one of four now under FBI scrutiny. nents throwing fights. freshman starters on "The fix goes to the issue of II Two other Each opponents, the team last season integrity and trust in the game," Richard Davis and Bill Duncan, and earned the have been suspended by state said U.S. Rep. Mike Oxley, R-Ohio, Photos by Jessica Malloy I who has sponsored a boxing commissions for taking dives. coach's outstanding reform bill aimed at protecting A New Jersey grand jury is Spartan Daily defensive player young fighters from unscrupulous examining allegations that the award. The team, promoters. "Nothing could be more International Boxing Federation which starts their American than believing in a fair extorted money from fighters and season in the spring, happening, promoters in exchange for elite fight. And if that is not finished ninth in the the public has every right to lose rankings. In June, federal agents faith in the sport." raided the Deerfield Beach head- National Collegiate The Herald reported that box- quarters of promoter Don King, Championship held in ers said many fraudulent matches seeking evidence that might link May at the University were arranged by promoters or him with alleged kickbacks to the of California, Davis. matchmakers intent on improving federation.The FBI investigation a fighter's record and ranking to does not center on fighters paid to earn big-money title fights. throw matches.

It's not too soon to think (thou/ Graduation Acceleration Savvy SJSU students have learned that Winter Session units help them graduate earlier. Lorna Dee Cervantes Earn one unit per week. Si.SV Alumna Free schedules American Book Award are available in CallIptI i\ci iihtd Paterson Prize & IMM1111111111111M...." Latino Literary Classes meet olaiitiar 3 - 21, NM Award Winner center Register on Author of Emplumada, literary muchtoneNumlith.r I-, I )(VC11111C1* 14, 1999 From the Cables of Genocide: Poems on Love and Hunger a rt s For more information: S:iii se Slaw I iinersin Book Signing 1999-2000 Continuing Education .\ 110 Spartan Bookstore MAJOR 08 (12 i-26-0 .4O8-924-2630 (24 hour request line) Friday, November 5, 1999 http://conted.sistiedu 10:00- 1 1:00 AM AUTHOR infoC( SERIES A Conversation with Lorna Dee Cervantes San Jose State U Spartan Memorial Friday, November 5, 1999 ort,lotI 12:30 pm

San Josi:State 'the programs of the Center Mr Literary Arts are made possible in part by funding UNIVI Psi Tr provkled by the patrons of the College of I lumanities and the Arts at San Jose State University, and by grants from the San Jose Arts Coinmission, the Arts Council of Silic n Valley and the California Arts Council.ity,

This 'mem cc wheekhair accessible. If you seed a Vie-it/vane interpreter, please call 408.924.4304 FOR INFORMATION 405.924.4304 NEWS San Jose Slate ersity

Sweatshop "Since this whole thing started Continued from pg 1 ... Nike finally disclosed to five Key to success body tells us." schools only the names and The SJSU logo is licensed by a company called Collegiate addresses of 41 factories pro- Licensing Company (CLC). ducing for those five schools." Warren said any vendor Spartan Shops does business with must submit a copy of the Dale Weaver company's code of conduct. The organizer of Students Against Sweatshops apparel companies must comply with the Collegiate Licensing manufactured in such countries protest, just a couple of weeks Company's code of ethics, which as Malaysia, Korea, Jamaica, ago. Nike finally disclosed to five requires vendors to follow wage, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, schools only the names and working hour, health and other Dominican Republic, the United addresses of 41 factories produc- regulations. States and Mexico. ing for those five schools," "Just this past December, Gear for Sports, who manu- Weaver said. under intense pressure from stu- factures sweatshirts and caps for Weaver said SJSU is getting a dent activists. CLC came out the SJSU bookstore, announced late start combating sweatshops with their own code of conduct, it would release a list of its over- compared to the activities of but it doesn't go far enough," seas factories in January 2000. other universities. Weaver said. Gear for Sports is a leading man- "Our contention is, there is There are more than a dozen ufacturer of sportswear apparel not only a possibility, there is a company names on the tags of for the collegiate market, head- vast probability that some stuff shirts, pants and caps through- quartered in Lexena, Kan. in there is sweatshop manufac- out the racks and shelves at the "Since this whole thing start- tured," Weaver said in reference Spartan Bookstore that were ed, after the first student to the bookstore.

Major tabloids merge David Heller Spartan Daily "I've finally found something that works for me," said aerospace major Gill Munoz of his study mer Deputy Treasury Secretary and distinguish each of the print Owner of Enquirer Roger Altman. properties from one another, and habit of using different color Hi-Liter pens to signify the importance of study content. He began using The combined company will be that same strategy will be this technique last semester. "It helps ... it helps a lot," said Munoz while reading on a bench in front acquires Globe, Sun "one of the largest publishers of applied to the Globe properties." of the Engeneering Building. celebrity-driven content in the The Globe this week has more for $105 million world," with annual revenue of coverage of the JonBenet Ramsey $400 million, said David Pecker, case and the breakup of radio NEW YORK (API chairman of American Media. shock jock Howard Stern's mar- TABLOIDS GETTING Facing declining circulation, riage, while its sister publication, HITCHED! the National Enquirer has been the Sun, touts features on the Garner In a deal that would unite trying to improve its credibility world's biggest cat and a clairvoy- some of the best-known celebrity by moving away from stories ant's prediction that the Virgin Continued from pg 1 gossip tabloids, American Media about and alien Mary would appear at the UNICEF is also working to tration in Kukes and Korce, Inc., whose holdings include the abductions. It also tweaked its Lourdes shrine this year. vulnerable to conscription and raise the legal age of conscription Albania. National Enquirer, is acquiring design last month, making its As part of the deal to acquire mistreatment," Garner said. to 18 under international law. Currently working as a volun- the publisher of the rival newspa- headlines look more modern and Globe, the two companies will Garner said the problem is The Geneva Conventions of 1949 teer for Amnesty International, pers Globe and Sun for $105 mil- bold. also consolidate their Florida exacerbated by the fact that chil- originally set the legal age at 15. Garner helps research and docu- lion. Other parts of the American properties and move their com- dren in developing nations are Garner recently served as a ment refugee cases for the American Media also owns the Media family are sticking to more bined headquarters to the Globe's not registered at birth, so age consultant and logistics coordina- National Refugee Program. Star and Weekly World News, traditional tabloid fare. A recent main building in Boca Raton. cannot be verified. Organizations tor for Relief International in the "Mr. Garner's htur-initarian while Globe Communications issue of Weekly World News has a American Media is currently such as UNICEF are pressuring refugee camps In Kukes, Albania. work and dedication to the Corp. has the National Examiner. story about the exact day the based in Lantana. the governments of these nations His work included distribution of human rights cause overwhelms It was the first acquisition by world will end and another about The owner of the Globe, Mike to establish registration agencies. non-food items and refugee regis- me," Kahwaji said. American Media since being pur- UFOs being piloted by angels and Rosenbloom, will take a nonexec- chased in May for $300 million by demons. utive post of chairman in the new Evercore Partners, a New York Pecker said American Media's company. He will also keep a sig- investment firm headed by for- goal has been to "differentiate nificant ownership position. UCH Wit ANOEIINft JOH(

1st Annual San Jose Reptile Show For one weekend only, tons of reptiles and supplies at wholesale prices Learn to care for your reptile A wide varlet of lies


Two cops on the trail Saturday & Sunday of a brutal killer They must see as one, November 6 & 7 they must act as one, 10:00am- 5:00pm they !mist think as one, San Jose State University before the next victim falls Loma Prieta Ballroom inside the Student Union ...parking in the 7th St. Garage... off of Hwy 280 the NE COLLECTS LI1111.181A PICILIfo ' Ilf 1fif f1111111CliffICIIIR 'ml4f11 ii[)!

? a din s s ion IIIIII;INAI !;11 111 I II I , this coupon AVAII AIII I IIN III 11A ill I 111"'11%11.1:111511i'll Pc I s To o COLUMBIA ; 011,0,1111.1111, 111 All 1 III f NI I 111111k 1416,, epee ANT you can Mist :? lot Annual San dose Rept/I Show: PICTURES ...L. jII Wednesday, November ..:..,,N.A., 3, 1999 7 NEWS ty, Wahlquist Continued from pg 1 But the new equipment, which will come with the new offices, is viewed in a positive light for employees who will be moving in early March. "The Ides of March," said Karla Larson, student resource adviser in Wahlquist Central. "It's coming. Besides, we're tired of looking at the green waits of these old cubicles." Larson said employees have changed their attitude about moving to the garage. She said there have been grumbles from employees signs protesting the move are still hanging around the office but almost all of the employees are agreeing with the move to the garage. "Well, we lost the battle. But now we're looking on the bright side. We've had to accept it and look for the positives in the move," Larson said. According to Larson, not only will the employees get to work in larger, newer workstations, but students will be able to access all of the student services within one building. "It's better for us and the stu- dents," she said. The new furniture was chosen, Lorigo said, because cost analysis on using the existing furnishings and cubicles within the Wahlquist building showed new equipment would be a more effec- tive choice than having to move the old equipment. Lorigo said that the selection of cubicles depends on the indi- vidual worker's needs. At present, the number and sizes of cubicles Weather have yet to be determined or ordered, but she said there will be an estimated 170 workstations in the new office. According to Jim Zavagno, or not facilities planner, there are three different sized workstations, and three alternate layouts for each Above, Brian Maes, a senior meteorology cabinet and desk. Zavagno said major, gives a weather briefing to fellow class- all of the furnishings would be mates in his weather analysis and forecasting made by prison industries by class. Students summarize data gathered from contract, almost all furniture in satellite images and weather balloons for their the California State University system is purchased from the presentations. company. Buyer Rosemary Beazley said Right, students in the weather analysis and the Prison Industry Authority forecasting class analyze the day's weather data guarantees having the products for the United States on a computer projection done within 120 days of the order barring lockdowns, of course. screen. The Prison Industry Authority Photos by Robert Bradshaw also builds furnishings for the dorms and classrooms of SJSU. / Spartan Daily There are a number of perks in dealing with the company, as well. "They also charge no sales tax Protest Hallowed attacker caught and the price for the order includes installation," Beazley Continued from pg 1 SAN BERNARDINO (A1') both a bat and a golf club. said. A Hesperia man was charged Authorities also found drugs The furnished cubicles are The march started out at Story Tuesday with attempted mur- inside the home. priced between $2,100 and and King roads and proceeded up der for allegedly beating a 12- Colbrunn was on parole for a $3,500. The $3,500 model mea- to Alum Rock Avenue and King year-old trick-or-treater with a misdemeanor conviction of sures in at 80 square feet. Road, to end at the Mexican golf club and stabbing him with attacking a San Bernardino The current equipment being Heritage Plaza. the broken shaft. County sheriff's deputy in June, used in the Wahlquist offices is Many of the supporters were Randall Colbrunn, who was the prosecutor said. He was more than 10 years old, Lorigo friends and family members of held without bail, was also recently released from county said. people killed by the San Jose charged with using a deadly jail after serving 180 days. Zavagno said the cubicles and Police Department. weapon to inflict great bodily His girlfriend, Doreen the structure within the garage One of the people, Gwendoline injury, said Deputy District Johnson, also was arrested late are flexible and can be modified. Hayes, was marching in memory Attorney Ron Barbatoe. Sunday for investigation of pos- The floor is raised above the sur- of hor son, Anthony, who was Colbrunn, 35, was scheduled sessing a controlled substance face of the garage, making it easy killed on April 10 around the cor- to be arraigned Wednesday. If and violating her parole. to run wires throughout the com- ner from his house. convicted on all charges, he Johnson, 40, was on parole for plex. "I still don't krow anything," faces a maximum penalty of life auto theft and receiving stolen "There's been no overcoats and said Hayes, about the lack of in prison with parole plus five property. we're 99.9 percent on schedule," information the SJPD has provid- years. No charges have been filed Zavagno said. "Besides, we don't ed to her family. She was accom- Richard Hernandez, his against her, and prosecutors have any money left. We're now panied by her two grandchildren brother and a friend were trick- said they have not yet filed a just trying to make it on time." and niece and nephew. or-treating Sunday night when drug-related charge against One new gripe Wahlquist Joshua Lipkowitz was one of they approached Colbrunn's Colbrunn. employees have is the number of the protesters who came to sup- home, where the porch light was bathrooms. Larson said employ- port the East San Jose communi- off. ees have noted that plans they ty, where r;ie march was held. According to police, Colbrunn have viewed show only three des- "The police have been murder- opened the door and attacked ignated restroom spots two for ing the San Jose community," Richard, hitting him on the employees and one for visitors. Lipkowitz said. "They should be head with the golf club again On that issue, Zavagno said responsible for what they do." and again, and when the club the number of restrooms each Eight people were killed by the broke stabbing him in the back with a men's and women's room San Jose Police Department this Chris Corpora/Spartan Daily with the broken shaft. met state and city code year, according to fliers handtd A passerby attempted to stop requirements. out at the rally. A picture of Anthony Montiel Jr. is held up outside the Mexican the attack but feared for her "It wasn't an oversight," Lipkowitz was dressed as a Heritage Plaza located on King and Alum Rock where the mile-long own safety. Zavagno said. "We started with police officer, in a dark gray shirt march ended. Anthony Montiel Sr. spoke at the rally about his son Richard was in critical condi- with SJPD stickers on his chest tion Tuesday at Loma Linda the basics, of course." who was shot and killed by San Jose Police on Feb 6. At the entrance of the new and shoulders. University Medical Center, said offices will be an information When the marchers had Julie Smith, a hospital spokes- kiosk and, according to Larson, stopped at the plaza he portrayed University of California, murdor he is now on death row woman. several computers students can the SJPD while victims' families Berkeley. for Investigators found an alu- use to access their files and print verbally crucified him. They South Bay Mobilization to Free -I did this because we needed minum bat and a metal pole, out unofficial transcripts. blamed him for the deaths of their Munua Abu -Jamal was one of' the to get %vim? out about what is both with blood on them, at the Both Larson and Zavagno said loves ones and took him away in 40 groups that participated iii the coin;! ,n," said Lanstrom, an envi- scene. Witnesses told police they there is a possibility in stationing handcuffs. organization of the event. ronment:II studies major. "He saw the boy being beaten with a guard in the office for security Unlike the supporters and vic- Organizer and San Jose State cxims,1 ,t little too much for the purposes, but according to tims who have known about the. University student Melanie l'hjl ill2Iiia Police Department, event for a few weeks, Eddie Lanstrom helped put the event t he ,y needed to shut him up." University Police Chief Ric fic Abeyta, there has been no men- Morales and his friend Xiam together not only to draw atten- tioning of anyone from the police Ballesteros were given a flier tion to the deaths in San Jose. but aleigocq,h.,, co. $155 department being posted there. about the event and decided to also to the plight of Mumia Abu- In attend recently. Jamal, an African American jour- T-SHIRTS! $2,15 Abeyta believes the eyes and CUSTOMIZED cp’- \1 ears of 500 to 600 employees "It sounded interesting," said nalist from Ploidelphia who said Morales, a student at al, he was framed fir committing a e r will & mertertord tIN1s1 % ts.\. within the offices will be enough 110111i01,1' of a security system. EACII "There will be a person 7.37 how,' 0" cut% one color print on T if there is a need," ADD/ADHD are for a artw,:;;4; i 4 assigned there Neu cotton Hines Bely-Tx he said. "We will continue with Adult Therapy Group & Parent white 1 Tax not included (408) 985-7578 i'uelsii it iii the usual patrols of the garage CPR Classes, Individual therapy. sstostolvvrn" CENTURY GRAPHICS X 1225"errs Itcs and security procedures that are Call Eve Solis, MA Motif already in place." can keep \ ir love alk (408) 246-3874 faxI40816167733 14081616-7700 MO(f) 121, '271o) I LE, 8 NEWS San Jose Slate I 11 1 \ I \ Discovery of intact bodies unlikely Coast Guard searchers, two brigadier generals, a The Coast Guard, fearing bad weather Relatives of EgyptAir who also found the first colonel and a major. The by tonight, has stepped up its search for large piece of wreckage and officers were returning to debris and human remains. crash victims informed from the plane. The search "Everybody was screaming Egypt after undergoing Debris collected so far some of it by is concentrated 60 miles crying, because they weren't training in the United student sailors from the U.S. Merchant of gruesome reality south of Nantucket Ireland States, part of extensive Marine Academy includes shoes, purs- in water some 270 feet expecting to hear something military exchanges es and twisted, sodden teddy bears. NEWPORT. R.I. (AP) Crash investi- deep. between the two countries. None of the retrieved debris has any gators informed stunned relatives today The boxes could provide like that." The officers' ranks had burn marks that might indicate a fire or that intact bodies were not expected to be key clues for hundreds of George Arian been kept off the passen- explosion, search officials said. security Government rules require the cap- retrieved from the shattered wreckage of investigators trying to Egyptian community leader ger manifest for EgyptAir Flight 990, a spokesman for the determine why the Cairo- reasons, Egyptian officials sules holding flight data and cockpit families said. Some relatives screamed or bound Boeing 767 plunged acting as spokesman for the families said. voice recorders be able to withstand pres- fainted. 33,000 feet without warn- FBI investigators in sure at 20,000 feet under water and "Everybody was screaming and crying, ing into the sea early Newport said they had no resist corrosion from salt water for 30 because they weren't expecting to hear Sunday, a half hour after gesting foul play. information suggesting days. The pinging sounds are supposed to something like that," said George Arian, leaving Kennedy International Airport in About 600 FBI agents from New York, that the presence of Egyptian military be emitted every second for 30 days. an Egyptian community leader from New York. Los Angeles and other bureaus were officers might have made the flight a sab- The sonar-equipped Grapple helped Jersey City, N.J., who has been acting as All 217 people on board were killed. involved in the investigation. otage target. retrieve wreckage from the 1996 crash of a spokesman for the flunilies gathered at According to Arian, NTSB officials told The FBI took a bomb-sniffing dog to The victims also included 106 TWA Flight 800 off New York's Long a Newport hotel. relatives at today's briefing that identify- an unidentified Los Angeles hotel after Americans, many of them retirees Island and the 1998 crash of Swissair An ambulance was brought to the ing victims could be extremely difficult an EgyptAir crew member complained to embarking on group tours to the Nile Flight 111 off Nova Scotia. hotel in case any needed medical care because of the small size of the human management that a briefcase had been River region of Egypt. But Jim Hall, chairman of the after the grim briefing by National remains being retrieved. Only one body tampered with, CBS News reported Across Narragansett Bay from National Transportation Safety Board, Transportation Safety Board officials. has been recovered, and even that one Monday. Newport, crash debris and human said divers face an especially daunting The briefing was closed to the media. was not intact. The dog reacted to sugar in a hotel remains were being unloaded at Quonset task this time. Flight 990 crashed in About 80 relatives arrived in Newport "Everybody here from the Egyptian room, The New York Times reported Point, a former Navy base where investi- water twice as deep as Flight 800. on Monday, and about 70 more were families expected to see his loved one, his today, citing a law enforcement source. gators will try to reconstruct the shat- The plane's co-pilot, Adel Anwar, had expected later today after flying from brother, his sister, as a body that they The sugar and loose wires found in the tered plane. been on his way back to Egypt to get mar- Egypt to New York during the night. could identify easily," Arian said. "The room are being analyzed, but investiga- A temporary mortuary was being set ried Friday. Eager to help with wedding Also heading into the area was the news was a shock to all of them." tors reportedly don't believe there was up in a Quonset Point gymnasium, and a preparations, he had swapped shifts and USS Grapple, carrying divers who will The investigation is expected to take ever a bomb or bomb material in the team including forensic pathologists, took a colleague's place in the cockpit try to retrieve the plane's flight data and months and cover many areas, from room. dental experts, X-ray technicians, foren- that fateful night. cockpit voice recorders. potential human error and mechanical Egypt's government confirmed today sic anthropologists, and the FBI disaster "It was just another regular flight," A signal believed to be from one of the failure to the possibility of sabotage. that 33 Egyptian military officers were squad was deployed to help identify the Anwar's tearful brother, Tarek, said in "black boxes" was detected Monday by Authorities say there is no evidence sug- on the plane. A source said they included remains. Cairo. "Or so we thought." Wal-Mart pulls 'brutal' WWF toy Valuable experience Critics say action figure promotes violence against women ATLANTA (AP/ A doll of a Cartersville Wal-Mart kind of message would this toy depicting a professional wrestler prompted the decision to pull the send them about brutalization of carrying a female mannequin's toy, called Summer Slam '99: women?" Ms. Parton asked. head was removed from Wal- Road Rage Al Snow. Jim Byrne, WWF vice presi- Mart stores Tuesday after com- The toy is modeled after Al dent for marketing, defended the plaints that it makes light of vio- Snow, a World Wrestling doll. lence against women. Federation competitor who car- "This is the first complaint John Bisio, a company ries a female mannequin's head we've had about the toy," he said spokesman, said complaints from into the ring. from WWF headquarters in Sabrena Parton, assistant pro- The wrestling doll carried a Stamford, Conn. "Al Snow's act fessor of communications at female doll's head with "Help with the mannequin head is as Kennesaw State University near Me" written across its forehead. silly as it gets loads of fun." Atlanta, and from the manager "My sons are 6 and 11. What

Stupid things to say at a cool party #16,

"THAT'S NICE Jessica Malloy / Spartan Daily CUTE FRIEND Rand Schiltz (right), an instructor in San Jose State University's art department, assists senior THAT YOUR Rika Noda during a jewelry and metalsmithing class Monday in the Art building. Noda is working on a one-inch box project, which includes soldering a brass box, making a hinge and then constructing WANTS TO MEET Isl2 a mechanical clasp. BUT I'M GOING BACK Nuclear waste expensive TO MY ROOM LAS VEGAS AP) A plan to Eight transmutation stations TO CHECK MY EMAIL." weaken the toxicity of deadly Study estimates at unspecified sites would be, nuclear waste could cost $280 bil- needed, the report said. Noting lion, 11120 .rd ng to a new Energy cleaning toxic refuse the potential resistance by the, Department report. And the plan communities chosen for stations, would st ii call for a national stor- to be $280 billion the report said, it would be age, sae. such as Nevada's Yucca important to develop a national Mount ain. determine whether it is suitable, consensus supporting transmuta- The process, known as trans- for a nuclear waste dump. About tion. mutation, lowers toxicity in the, $6 billion has been spent on the Domenici has questioned mime. study. The, cost for the entire pro- whether a repository at Yucca A report by the Energy ject is estimated at $43 billion. Mountain will ever be built and Department claims even if trans- A steering committee of offi- has turned to transmutation as a mutation is a viable alternative, cials front the Energy potential alternative. He asked the dump at Yucca Mountain, 100 Department, national laborato- for the study as chairman of the miles northwest of Las Vegas, ries and the National Academy of Senate Appropriations subcom- will still be needed to hold the Sciences prodtaed the transmu- mittee on energy and water. less dangerous waste. tation report after a request last Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., the The report ranking says even if Democrat on its "Some impact of (transmutation), the subcom- works it could mittee, said he. take 117 years if successful, on the first reposi- thinks . and cost $280 Domenici will billion to trans- tory program, could reduce push ahead on : form all of the transmutation. nation's nuclear potential long-term radiation by a Reid and waste into a factor of about 10." either members less -deadly of the Nevada product. congressional The report - Energy Department report del ega t i on calls for a six- staunchly :- year $281 mil- oppose the pro- lion study of transmutation. year by Sen. Pete Domenici, R- posed repository at Yucca * "Some impact. of' transuta-in N.M. Mountain and welcome any other rn on,. , f successful, on the first Referring to the projected solutions. 3. repository program, could reduce costs of transmutation, the report "If transmutation becomes a potential long-term radiation by acknowledged "such a large large scale project with regional 10," the report factor of about myTal a upfront expenditure commitment centers across the country, we. "However a repository is will 1. said. be a major challenge." Some may be able to develop options FREE. still required due to the presence costs could be offset by the sale of other than a repository," Sen. Listen and respond to your email over any phone. of ( Department of) Defense electricity that could result from Richard Bryan, D-Nev., said. waste's, which are not readily transmutation but those offsets Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., said Siqn up today at treatable by ... transmutation of "may be small," the report said. it is better to pursue transmuta- waste, and the long lived radioac- The report also suggested pur- tion than to continue studying tivity generated by (transmuta- suing technical and financial col- Yucca Mountain. "This is the pol- tion) operations." laboration with ongoing trans- icy this nation should have Earn extra cash as an on-campus myTalk rep. Contact our The Energy Department is mutation programs in Europe, undertaken in 1979, and we can- campus recruiter at [email protected] for details. studying Yucca Mountain to Russia and Asia. not afford to delay another year." EggtaimmIlmirgrpWINIIC614R,5uONNIIIIMMICIIIMMOIA

San Jose State University

PHN: 408-924-3277 CLASSIFIED FAX: 408-924-3282 The SPARTAN DAILY CASHIERS NEEDED TO WORK REPUTABLE MONTESSORI has VALET PARKING ATTENDANTS TEACHERS, AIDES and SUBS ANNOUNCEMENTS SHARED HOUSING RIMALEggilha makes no claim for products or at 4th & Santa Clara Chevron. openings for following positions: Ambitious & energetic people NEEDED! Enjoy working with kids? services advertised below nor is Full-time available, graveyard. *DAYCARE STAFF PERSON needed, FT/PT. Earn 58-515 per Join the team at Small World FREE ONUNE NEWSPAPER! ROOMS FOR RENT Across the APARTMENT FOR RENT there eny guarantee implied. The Hacienda Chevron, swing or Part Time 12:308:301. Working hour (average). Flexible, will work Schools and get great expenence Enjoy the cntically acclaimed. street from campus. Newly remod 2 bed/2 bath. new lino & carpet. cluelfled colleens or the Spartan Mid shift. Please call ()fella @ with elementary aged children. around your school schedule. working with kids ages 5 12. Pulitzer prize winning Christian led. $4565500 885.9482 51195 rent, month to month. Daly consist of paid advertising 295-3964 INFANT TEACHER ASSISTANT Lots of fun and earn good money. SMALL WORLD SCHOOLS offers Science Monitor for free online at $800 security deposit. and Merin& are not approved or Full or Part -Time. Must have Call (408)867-7275. leave competitive pay. excellent training, Close to campus on So. 11th St. verified by the newspaper. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Si Area 6 ECE units. voicemal or email us at and a fun work environment. AUTOS FOR SALE Call for appt. 2955256. Clerical, Technical, Full-time. Contact Usa at 408.723-5140 Leave F T and PT available. Call (408) FREE VIDEO "Breaking the Cal Lupe 408/942-8866 or email name and number where you can 283-9200 ext. 21. Biggest Story in History," 650CC 93 HONDA SHADOW- ORIGINAL 1920's 6 plea. 181. EMPLOYMENT [email protected]. SOUTHWEST YMCA is hiring be contacted. Hope is in our midst. The Cruiser for all cycling levels. bonus/office. Clean, quiet sober Preschool & School Age Asst. DIRECT SALES MARKETING, Christ and the Masters have lint Cond. Peter 408/972-4490. & financially responsible only. CAVED BANK-200 W TAYLOR ST INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES Spec. Ed Directors. Teachers and Aides. VALET PARKERS Part-time. International Golf Co. SJSU returned. Toll free recorded Yard . 1 off street parking. $900. Si (408) 2863334 CALL DARLENE & Regular Class 58.60-$11.52 hr. PT & FT with excellent benefits evenings & weekends in Los location, $10-$30 per hour, part message 1-888-877-8272. 93 FORD PROBE OT, V6. AC 5 sp. & up. 551C S. 6th St. 292-1890 Cust serv rep P/T w/benefits Saratoga School Distnct, Call 370-1877 x 29. Gatos and Saratoga. Must be or full time. Morning or afternoon. All powered, am/fmatese. 88k mi. or 746-1900. Allan, Exp. Cash handling/windows NT Cal 867-3424x504 for application neat in appearance with good Call 971-1645. IT'S ABOUT HAPPINESS wheels. $5950 fern. 5106610816. & information. Immediate Need. CHILD DEVELOPMENT INC. customer service skills. Must be It's about freedom. It's about you! SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BORhl APTS. WANTED: Behavioral Therapists offers positions for: able to drive a 5 speed and have PT CASH $1.000 $1,500/MO. "WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY?" Find Live in luxury and walk to school! for 3.5 year old autistic child, for 2 ACUFACTS SECURITY Directors Assistant Directors a valid CDL. Immediate opening & Looking for the ideal part-time out for yourself. Order 'WHAT IS FOR SALE We offer a pool, spa. sauna, hour sessions in the late after- GREAT JOB FOR STUDENTS! Teachers Teacher Aides flexible schedules available. Earn college oppty. with great income + SCIENTOLOGY'? And get your full gym, on-site management, all noon. Training will be provided. Full & part-time positions available FT & PT opportunities available $10 to $15 per hour. Please call flexible hours? San Jose Area FREE personality test. Call Ilene at SNAKES; Baby Rod TOM Boas. appliances included.central A/C. 4089857140. Paid training working with infant/toddler, 1-9252101232. (5erten Gate Valet. Marketing & Promotions firm is the Church of Scientology. born 4-20-99. 2 ft long. Beautiful Stop by today for a tour. Excellent benefits preschool & school age children. looking for individuals to help out 1-800-293-6463. vibrant red tails call 4089394123. Open Monday thru Saturday. COFFEE SHOP POSITIONS No experience necessary COI/CDC offers a competitive P/T INSTRUCTORS - PARTY in the following areas: THE COLONNADE available. 6:30am 5:30pm. 21 Apply in person at salary, excellent benefits package ENTERTAINERS. Fun Science Public Relations /Promotions ADVERTISERS Coupon Book VIVASMART.COM 201 So 4th St. (408)2743639. N. Second St. Apply in person. 555 D Meridian Ave. San Jose to FT & PT employees and an programs. Need reliable car & Marketing / Sales forming 10,000 copies. $350 gets Buy/Sell Your Stuff & More! Experience preferred. 971-2287. Or call Laune at 408-286-5880 enriching work environment. For exper. w/kids. Excellent pay! Will Traming /Recruiting you in. Also Computer Services: Bikes. Cars. Jobs. Roommates, positions avail at our centers in: train. Mad Science 408/262-5437. Pease call for appt. 408-483-2573 WP, DTP, Graphic Design. Web Visit SJSU's FREE marketplace @ BEAUTY/HEALTH MAKE MONEY AT HOMEI SECURITY Sin Jaw, Sunnyvale, Los Altai, Pages. Custom Photo T-shirts. Wash my laundry. $5/load ABCOM PRIVATE SECURITY Campbell, Saratoga, Cupertino, TEACHERS INSTRUCTORS RECEPTIONIST for upscale Color Photo Business Cards. etc. ELECTROLYSIS CUNIC $5/pickup 55/delivery. We will train you. Student Friendly Morgan NM & Redwood City P/T Instructors Elem. Schools. Saratoga Spa. Heavy phones Commission Sales Jobs. too! Unwanted hair removed forever. Rose Garden Area 408.977-4104 F/T, PIT. Weekdays 8, Weekends cal (408) 371-99C0or Degree / Credential NOT Required. & scheduling, some retail. 408-287-9158 INSURANCE Specialist. Confidential. Swing & Graveyard Shifts, fat resumes 10 )408)371-7685 Opportunity for leaching exp. Need Exceptional customer service Your own probe or disposable. MANCE: INVESTMENT BANKING Flexible Schedule. email: [email protected] Car. VM: (408) 287-4170 ext. 408. skills and a commitment to AUTO INSURANCE 335 S. Baywood Ave. San Jose. firm that specializes in issuing 408-247.4827 For more info about CDI/CDC & EOE/ME excellence required. Competitive YOUR PERSONALITY determines Campus Insurance Service 247-7486 tax-exempt bonds for nonprofit qualifications, call our 24 Hour pay. benefits. Flexible sched- your success: relationships, Special Student Programs organizations seeks individuals to ISWIM INSTR & LIFEGUARDS Jobline @ 1-888-9-CDICDC. EOE ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES, Graphic ule PT/FT. Also hiring for: school. future! Call 800.755-8003 Serving SJSU for 20 years practice/briseno.htm assist with new client develop- wanted. Fun environment, close to Designers & Writers wanted for CUSTOMER SERVICE order for free personality and IQ testing. 'Great Rates for Good Dnvers" ment and financial analysis. SJSU. Indoor & outdoor pools. Flex BICYCLE MESSENGER weekly newspaper. PT & Intern- fulfillment for on-line orders, "Good Rates for Non-Good Drivers" BEAUTY CLUB: 505 S. 10th St. PT, flex daytime hours, salary hours. Central YMCA 298171704. Part-time, Flexible Hours. ship available. Call 408-9251750 and LICENSED MANICURIST. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS: #205. Hair cut as low as $6. plus commission, heavy phones. Great for Students! or fax resume to 408.928.1757. Harmonie European Day Spa. TUTORING 'Good Students" "Educators" 1 free cut for every 10 visits. $15 Fax resume to 408.323-1485. WANTED 29 PEOPLE Serving Downtown SanJose, Fax: 408-741-4901, Phone: "Erigneers" "Scientists" for full-set nails. 408-993-2250. to get $S PAID $S Inner City Express. REPUTABLE MONTESSORI Sara 408-741-4997 ext 115. WANT SIUDENTS: Learn Japanese CALL TODAY 296.5270 (corner of 10th & Williams) THERAPIST to work with Autistic to lose up to 30 lbs. 22W. Saint John St. San Jose. looking for a Daycare Assistant Beginner only. $5/hr. student, FREE QUOTE Children. Must be within 12 mo. in the next 30 days. 6 ECE units required. $10/hr adult 4087293145. Kyoko NO HASSLE CONFIDENTIAL FREE BIRTH from a B.A. in Psychology or a Natural. Guaranteed. For Part-Time and Children 2 6 years old. Contact TEACH DRIVING. Company car. NO OBLIGATION Control for women: pills or De-po related field. Own trans., various Call (4081793-5256. Full-Time Positions. call Pascale at 408-6151254. Good Pay. After school + wknds. Ell-LINGUAL TUTORIAL CENTER Also open Saturdays 9-2. shot. STD screening. pap &- locations. Ph: 408-280-1112 HALLMARK PERSONNEL HS grad. 18+. Call 971-7557 Math: Algebra Geometry pregnancy tests. etc. 942-0980.' Fax: 408-2861113. EARN EXTRA CASH $ Fast placement. no fees TELEMARKETING Part/Full-Tlmo www.del used Statistics - Trig Calculus BEST RATES ON Up to 5600/month Office jobs in local companies Newspaper Subscnptions. Hourly Physics: Mechanics Electric AUTO INSURANCE MEN & WOMEN SITE SUPERVISOR: FT/Salaried. Become a Sperm Donor Students/grads/career change ? bonus. Weekend shifts avail. 5 DIRECTORS, ASST. DIRECTORS, SAT GED - CBEST - ESL - TOEFL Free Phone Quotes PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL. Supervise shelter program at Natl Healthy males. 19-40 years old Temp/Tempto-Hire/Direct Hire blocks from SJSU. Near light rail. TEACHERS, II, AIDES Computer: Vis.Basic. Vis.C++ No Driver Refused Stop shaving. waxing, tweezing Guard Armory. Staffing. client Univ. Students/Grads/Faculty San Jose to San Mateo Media Promotions 408494-0200, Thinking about a career working Spanish: All levels 454's or using chemicals. Let us development, community liaison. Contact California Cryobank Phone: (650) 325-1133 with children'? The YMCA of Santa Call: Michael 408-298-7576 Accidents permanently remove your Organized, dependable. Swing/ 650-324-1900, M-F. 84:30. Fax: (650) 3253639 DAYCARE TEACHERS. Clara Valley is now hiring for Email: Cancelled unwanted hair. Back Chest - Lip ' Graveyard. Weekends. K-8 school seeks responsible Preschool & School-Age Childcae Tickets Bikini - Chin - Tummy etc. SHELTER WORKERS: FT/PT. SUMMER Management Program individuals for extended daycare. Centers in San Jose. Cupertino D.U.I. Students & faculty receive 15% Supervise client activity in emer- NOW HIRING FUTURE BUSINESS LIBRARY P/T in he afternoon. No ECE units Santa Clara, Los Gatos, Saratoga, SERVICES S.R. Filing discount. First app!. 1/2 price if gency shelter. Assist in providing LEADERS. Marketing, Sales and FulTime / Part-Time Positions required. Previous experience with Campbell, Evergreen, Milpitas & Good Student Discount made before 12/31/99. housing & job referrals. Lite lifting. Management Skills Trained. Available Throughout CA. children preferred. Please call Berryessa. Full and part-time PREGNANT? FREE Walk In Tests Call us now Hair Today Gone Tomorrow, Swing/Graveyard. Weekends. Confidence, Leadership and Librarians. Assts. & Clerks 244-1968 x16 positions available. Hours flexible for problem pregnancies at the 408-244-9100 621 E. Campbell Ave. #17. Crnbl. DRIVERS: FT/PT. Motivation Required. Salary range: Library Education/Experience. around school. Fun staff teams. Juan Diego Center 12 N. White 8am - 8pm Mon Sat (408) 379-3500. Shuttle clients to med appts, inter- $5-000 (base) $20.000 (summer) Visit us at SOCIAL SERVICES Part-time great experience in working with Rd. off Alum Rock, Call 258-2008. ALL-COVERAGE INSURANCE views Deliveries. Heavy lifting. Good 1-804295-9675 (8-25hours/week) positions avail- children, career advancement, driving record. Day/Early, Weekends. GROOMER'S ASST/KENNEL HELP able with youth serving agency. and good training opportunities. LOW COST COUNSELING AVAIL. FAX RESUMES TO: needed for small, exclusive Opportunities include gang preven- Teachers require minimum 6 units Services provided to adults. =roles 408-2941400 Attn. HR, or e-mail PSYCHOLOGY MAJORS: shop and kennel. PT, Tues-Sat. tion specialist, after school coordi- in ECE, education, recreation, & families with problems related to [email protected]. HOPE Rehabilitation Services. Must be reliable. honest, able to nator (at-risk elementary & middle psychology, sociology, physical In cfrPSS, depression, anxiety. a non-profit agency which offers a do physical work. Exp. working school), data entry and admin education and/or other related relationships & more. Evening KICKBOXING AEROBICS INSTR. variety of quality services for indi- w/dogs preferred. but will train. support. Bilingual Spanish a plus. fields. Please call Beth Profio at appointments. For nun information Daily Need a job with a positive working viduals who have developmental Great poly for clog lover! $6.50 hr. Salary $8 to $12 an hour. 408-291-8894 for information and call SJSU Psychological Services environment? Instructors needed disabilities, has part & full time Can FAX resume to 408/3770109 Resume and cover letter to Girl IdcatIons. Center at 408-9245670. Mon/Wed. 7-8pm. Join the YMCA! employment opportunities. or Call 371-9115. Scouts of Santa Clara County ROSS WORD Contact Debi 226-9622 x26. EOE. If you are interested in living Dept. MM. 1310 S. Bascom Ave., DELIVERY DRIVERS WANTED! PROF. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY with a developmentally disabled ATTENTION: SJSU STUDENTS San Jose. CA 95128. AA/EOE Earn $200 every weekend. Enhance Photography. 8 hours GENERAL OFRCE/COMPUTER individual in exchange for rent; or Part-time work available with Fax: (408) 287-8025 or Email: Must have reliable truck & ins. coverage. 170 punts. 1 11x14. & ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED SKILLS: Almaden Valley. PT/Flex assisting someone during the flexible hours (5-30 hours/week) asullivan@gdscouts-gssccorg Lifting required Ingagement Sitting included. 1 Llama's cousin hours. Fax resume to week with daily living skills such Intemships possible 408-292-7876 $950.00. Call 408-723-8053. 7 Natural resource 4053241485 or email to as grocery shopping ($10/hr) call All majors may apply EGG DONORS NEEDED! All races. 10 Swift NUM MOMM NMOR [email protected]. Shannon at 408/2820410. Scholarships awarded annually Ages 21-30. Compensation $5,000. FREE CD OF COOL INDIE MUSIC 14 Brother's If you would like information Some conditions apply OPTIONS National Fertility Registry. OPPORTUNITIES when you register at daughters MOMO MOON MON0 EARN $25/HOUR about the FT, benefited positions Start at $13.10 base- appt. 1-800-886-9373 the ultimate website for your 15 Fishing pole =OM NOMOM UMUN Clean My House of job coach and instructor (day Eam $65 -$393 per week TALK TO ME college needs. 16 Mountain refrain UNNMMN ONNNNMON Rose Garden Area 408977-4104 activity, work activity or senior Gain valuable experience in As a teen were you ever without 17 Join ONUUM MOURN center program) or PT substitute customer service & sales WANT TO EARN EXTRA MONEY a place to call home? Have you DEBT PROBLEMS? 18 Burrow ODOM MO002 FOOD SERVICE/ESPRESSO BAR/ positions in various programs No expenence necessary & LOVE CHILDREN?? couch surfed. stayed in REDUCE your monthly bills up to 19 Hemoglobin MOON WOO MEMNON HOST. FT & PT positions avail. ($9/hr) call Valerie in HR at Extensive training provided TOP PAY! shelters, or on the streets? 60%. CONSOLIDATE your bills component Busy family style restaurant in 408/748-2890. Endorsed by National Immediate temp/perm If so. I'd like to talk with you. (credit cads, student loans, medical, 20 Fuel-burning DOM OMOOONN NOM S'vale. All shifts avail, Flex hrs. We have flexibility to work Academic Advisory Board substitute positions as I'm a student at SJSU writing cars. IRS) into ONE LOW monthly device MOMONO NOM 00014 $9.25 to start. Call Wendy @ around a student schedule for the CALL 979-9700 11am - 4pm TEACHERS or ASSISTANTS about youths' experiences. payment. FREE CONSULTATION. 23 Term of MONO WMOU 408-733-9331. PT work & are located close to at After School Programs, It's confidential and you'll 408-278-1500 / 800774-7977 endearment MUMMA UOUMM SJSU. FT positions come with Day Care Centers. Etc. receive $ for your time. GEFS, Inc. 12 S. first St. Ste. 406 26 - Vegas 27 Habitat of NNOOMOON UMNMOU PART-TIME CLERICAL person excellent benefits. This is a good DRIVING INSTRUCTOR Full/Part 140818668550 Please call Anne 408-8659235 San Jose, CA 95113. MOO =ONO NOON needed immediately for Campus opportunity to get practical expen- Time. Will train. Flex hours. Call for more info. 1 Across Insurance Service. The duties will ence in the field & work with a 408.363-4182. TEACHERS/AIDES/LEADERS WRITING HELP: 28 Fertile soil BUBO MOOMM MOM include heavy filing & working with great group of clients & staff. All Los Gatos -Saratoga Rec. Dept Highest quality writing, editing, 29 Wire measure 014MM MOWN MNI110 30 Greek letters the mail. No typing skills are majors welcome. ACTION DAY NURSERY/PRIMARY Elementary School Age Recreation WORD PROCESSING ghostwnting. Essays, application C1999.UmWdFeMuraSyndcaa required. A good command of the PLUS seeking Infant. Toddler. and prog. P/T hrs. 2-6pm, M-F. A few statements, reports, etc. 31 Pond leaf English language, both wntten and CROCODILE CAFE Reschod Teaphers and Aides. F/T & positions avail approx 7am-llam. PROFESSIONAL Word Processing Please call Dave Bolick.M.A. at 33 Sportscaster 65 Legal document 22 Hammered oral is required. Hours: lpnv-5pm HAVE A CROC OF FUN! At the P/T Positions available. Substitute %Int salary, no ECE units req. Theses. Term Papers. Resumes. (510)601.9554 or Allen 66 Primary color 23 Relieve Mon-Fri and every other Saturday Crocodile Cafe in Valley Fair Mall. positions are also available that Call Janet 354-8700 x223. Grcup Projects, etc. email bolickilibestcom 34 Poisonous 67 Cloyingly 24 Ruckus 9am2pm. $7/hour. If interested. Come join our talented team of offer flexible hours. ECE units are All formats. specializing in APA. VISA/MasterCard accepted. snake sweet 25 Formal events call Dawn @408-296-5270 ext. hosts, food runners, bussers. and required for teacher positions but Si STARTUP P/T tolornadrator Micro/mini tape transcnption. Fax. 37 Sharp - tack 29 Sleight-of-hand 12 to set up an interview. servers. We're always accepting not required for Aide positions. needed. Good pay, flexible hrs, Experienced, dependable, STUDENT DENTAL PLAN I 38 Epoch 30 Big name in applications. Please apply in Excellent opportunity for Child friendly environment, growth opply. quick return. Only $57.00 per year. 39 Before, to Blake DOWN copying TECHNICAL SUPPORT/SALES person Monday -Thunday. 2- 5pm. Development majors. Please call Exp. required. Call 408-260.8733. Call Linda 408-264-4504. Save 30% 60% 40 Meadow 1 Anecdote 32 Idle talk Internet experience a must. 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cathy for interview at 2444968 or on your dental needs. 41 "Of course!" collection 33 Average size $9.00- $11.50/hr + bonuses. fax resume to 2481350. For info calf 1-800-655-3225. 42 Poetic 2 Aglow 34 Excuse raises. Great opportunity! contraction 3 Favonte 35 Mexican email: [email protected] 43 Ducking 4 Military school Mister fax: (408) 6151569 45 And so on 5 Photographer 36 Beeps 46 Mingle Beaton 44 Recovered FOR NATIONAL / AGENCY RATES CALI, 408-924-3277 THE OLD SPAHETTI FACTORY DAILY CLASSIFIED - LOCAL RATES 47 Woodwind 6 '75 Wimbledon from Now hiring for part time positions. 48 Cognizant champ 45 Fool's - We offer: 51 Old French coin 7 Trying fruitless tnp Flexible schedules, day or evening. Print your ad here. Line is 30 spaces, including letters, numbers, punctuation & spaces between words. 52 Acts like a cook experience 46 Docked a great environment with 53 Salad-bar item 8 Muddies the 48 Felt sore excellent benefits. 56 Queen of waters 49 In which place? NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!! Olympus 9 Trim 50 Chttside nest We have our own training program!! JLIJULIJJ[..S.JLIJJLIJJJJLILEJUJUILIULIULJUL1 57 Hearing organ 10 Pretends 51 Barrel part We are looking for neat. bright, & 58 Sweethearts 11 Bitter 52 Full of rocks arergetic people in the timing areas: 62 Actress Gray 12 Glistened 54 2000. e.g. Food Server (21 or older please). 63 Caesar's 13 Shades 55 "Woe is me'" Hostess, Busser. & Kitchen Help. greeting of color 59 OsInch kin Apply in person LILILEJLILILILLILILILILILILILILILIJLILILEJLIL1LILIJUll 64 Deficiency of 21 Playground 60 Tear 2pm to 4pm. Monday thru Friday 19 Across amenities 61 Utter 51 N. San Pedro, San Jose. LILILLIULILILILILIJLILILIJLILIJJLILILIJLEJULIJILI11 MEMEMM MIME $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL Name mailing our circulars. Free Ad Rates: 3-line minimum Please check UM= MEM UMIIM information. Call 202-452-5901. One Two Three Four Five Addess one classification: Day Days Days Days Days MEM. ME MEM 3 lines $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 toy Sum _Lost and Found' __Rental Housing Announcements __Shared Housing MMEMMINMUMMEM Rate increases $2 for each additional line per ad Phone _Campus Clubs _Meal Estate Certain advertisements in Rate increases $2 for each additional day Mild= ME ME= -Greek Messages Services these columns may refer the Send check or money order to: (No Credit Cards Accepted) WM= telephone Eff.cax_Y_DffM; _Events _HealthSeauty Mil MU reader to specific 20 . consecutive IT. off or addr for issues receive Spartan Daily Classifieds _ Volunteers _SportsThnlls numbers 40 . consecutive issues receive 20. off MINIM UMM Oda additional Information. SanJose State University For Sale _Insurance 50 v consecutive issues receive 25. off San Jcee, CA 95192-0149 Classified readers should be _Autos For Sale _Entertainment MEM MUIR ME MEM

reminded that when making Local rates apply to Santa Clara County adywnswa they Classified desk is located in Dwight Bentel Hall, Room 209. _Elecironics Travel these further contacts, and SJSU students, staff & faculty. MEM ME MINIM should require complete III Deadline- 1000 a m. two weekdays before publication. Wanted _Tutonng information before sending First line in bold for no extra charge up to 25 spaces II All ads are prepaid No refunds on cancelled ads _Employment __Word Processing MEM MU MN= money for goods a services. Additional words may be set in bold type at a per ad III Rates for consecutive publication dates only _Opportunrkes _Scholarships In addition, readers should charge of $3 per word QUESTIONS? CALL (409) 924-3277 WM= MEM MIME carefuNy Investigate aN firms offering employment listings SJSU STUDENT RATE: 25% OFF. Rate applies to private party ads only, no discount for other persons or businesses MIIMMEMOMMAMM orcoupons for discount Ads must be placed in person in DBH 209 from 10am to 3pm STUDENT ID REQUIRED. %mations or merchandise. WM ME AMMildd * Lost & Found ads are offered free as a service to the campus community MI= iiMM MEM. MI= MIOMMEM lirw

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