Key data Neath Valley Key data Neath Valley Contents Neath Valley 1 Introduction 3 2 Population and Social Profile 4 2.1 Population 4 2.2 Ethnicity 4 2.3 Welsh Language 4 2.4 Health 4 2.5 Housing 4 2.6 Economy and Employment 5 2.7 Communities First Areas 5 2.8 Index of multiple deprivation 5 3 Access to facilities 6 3.1 Services and facilities 6 3.2 Highways and Access to a private car 7 3.3 Travel to work 8 3.4 Public transport 8 4 Minerals, Renewables and Waste 9 4.1 Mineral and aggregate resources 9 4.2 Renewable Energy 9 4.3 Waste 9 5 Quality of life 10 5.1 Air quality and noise pollution 10 5.2 SSSIs and areas of nature conservation 10 5.3 Built Heritage 10 Key data Neath Valley This is one of a series of overview papers that are being prepared to inform discussion on the preparation of the plan. These overview papers outline the main issues that have been identified through work on the background papers. They will be amended and expanded as the discussion and work develops and any comments on omissions or corrections will be gratefully received. Background papers are being prepared on the 8 community areas that make up Neath Port Talbot and on specific themes such as housing. They will be available from the LDP website How to contact the LDP team 1. Via the website; 2. Via email;
[email protected] 3.