CURRICULUM VITAE (Detailed) ATHANASIOS A. TSIOUTRAS MSc Civil Engineer – Transport – Environmental (June 2018) PERSONAL DATA SURNAME: Tsioutras NAME: Athanasios FATHER’S/MOTHER’S NAME: Adam/Angeliki ADDRESS: 5A Thodori Litsa st. - Thermi - 57001 - Thessaloniki - Greece DATE OF BIRTH: 23.09.1970 TEL.: +30-2310-498.264, +30-2310-347.234, +30-694-50.400.88 E-MAIL:
[email protected],
[email protected] STUDIES 1. June 1988: Graduation from the 25th Lyceum of Thessaloniki (grade:18.3/20.0). 2. March 1996: Civil Engineer Diploma, Civil Engineer School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), 5 year course, Grade of graduation: (7) -seven- «very good». 3. June 1997, Successful attention of 4 post graduate lessons, 1 year Post Graduate Program which was a precondition for a PhD Thesis, Transport Laboratory, Civil Engineer School of A.U.Th. 4. September 1999: Post Graduate Diploma on Environmental Physics, School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, A.U.Th, 2 year course, Grade of Graduation: (9) -nine-«excellent». 5. October 2001: PhD Candidate in Transport Laboratory, Civil Engineer School of A.U.Th. Thesis title: «Modelling of effect of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems regarding the traffic and environmental conditions». FOREIGN LANGUAGES 1. English, First Certificate in English, 1985. KNOWLEDGE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1. Languages of programming: Fortran 77. 2. Operational systems: DOS, Windows. 3. Handling of programs: MsOffice, QSB+, Grapher, Origin, Mathcad, Mathematica, Programs of working out the image (ACDSee, Corel, Paintshop-pro, Photoshop, Picture Publisher) , Civil Engineer Fees. TRAINING SEMINARS 1. Technical Estimations on real estate, National Bank of Greece S.A., 13-14/9/2012.