LIFE AND State of any images come to mind when we bring up the word ‘fl ower.’ We envision Mbeautiful and delicate blooms in a myriad of colors, many of which smell sweet. None of our Disunion FEAR NOT previous knowledge can prepare us for the world’s largest fl ower, The Stinking Corpse Lilly. OCTOBER 2005 VOL. 3 NO. 7 APPROXIMATE Found only in the deepest rainforests of Indonesia, The Stinking Corpse Lilly has a bloom NUMBER OF TOTAL NUMBER OF three feet across, with an eight foot spike rising COALITION FORCES CIVILIANS KILLED up from the center of it. Blossoms weighing killed in Iraq: in Iraq: twenty fi ve pounds or more are the norm. 2215 100,000+ Few plants are as appropriately named as The Stinking Corpse Lilly. As you might suspect, NUMBER OF PERCENT it reeks of pungent, rotting fl esh. It’s the strength PEOPLE of total U.S. executions of the odor that surprises; it can be smelled over a who succeeded in that have taken place in mile away. taking their own life the South since 1976: To further appreciate this fl ower, we must in 2001: 82 also understand that it produces amines that 30622 give off fair amounts of methane. This, for all PERCENT practical purposes, means that not only does this APPROXIMATE by which the plant reek of putrid death, it also farts. As one NUMBER OF rate increased in the botanist at State University at Fullerton South: puts it, “This fl ower could knock a buzzard off a in a year attributed to 2.1 shit-wagon.” tobacco: In order to further its cause, The Stinking 400,000 AVERAGE NUMBER Corpse Lilly has parts of its bloom fl esh-colored, OF IRAQIS and parts are covered with hair. This is not a APPROXIMATE who have met violent HIDING THE DEAD IN IRAQ plant seeking communion with Hummingbirds, NUMBER OF deaths everyday since DeathDeath Issue butterfl ies, or honeybees. The primary pollinator DEATHS the invasion: he Pentagon has been aware of the relation shows a mass sight outside of Samara fi lled is the blue-green, metallic-looking blowfl y, the in a year attributed to 34 between casualty numbers and public with dead soldiers in US military uniforms. The bane of all outhouses. The fl y mingles in and out the illicit use of : Tsupport of overseas wars. The total number of ‘green card soldiers’ buried in the of various Stinking Corpse Lillys and pollination 20,000 NUMBER OF Syndrome–the idea that as casualties mount, sands of Iraq will probably never be known. occurs. ANIMALS who have public support for war wanes–puts pressure on In August 2003, US troops killed Mazen Death is as natural as life; one cannot even PERCENT been observed partici- the Pentagon to lowball causalities in the wars in Dana, a cameraman, fi lming outside exist without the other. The strategy that The of all deaths caused by pating in necrophiliac Iraq and Afghanistan. The military minimizes of Abu-Ghraib . Offi cially, the troops Stinking Corpse Lilly has evolved to live and heart disease: behavior: casualties in three ways: ‘Green-Card Soldiers,’ mistook his camera for a rocket-propelled grenade reproduce reminds us of just how intertwined life 28.5 5 private contractors, and by narrowly defi ning launcher. Dana’s brother in an interview with and death really are. • what is counted as a casualty. stated that Dana was murdered According to the Pentagon, there are at least because he was fi lming mass graves fi lled with CALL TO ACTION 37,000 non-citizens serving in the US military. US soldiers. Dana also told his brother that US Most of these foreign fi ghters are from south military intelligence had been following him The Red Pill is looking for volunteers: graphic designers, of the border. These soldiers are often treated around for days, and that he was certain that he writers, poets, cartoonists, artists, and photographers are as cannon fodder and serve on the front-lines would be killed “sooner or later.” needed. Get your work published now. Help distribute in Iraq. The Pentagon admitted that ‘green- By using private contractors to provide The Red Pill in your community, church, and school: card soldiers’ killed in Iraq are often buried “in essential services, the Pentagon further reduces theater.” A DVD produced and distributed by the offi cial casualty fi gures. Since the beginning contact us at [email protected]. You can also do your “Majles Shora Al-Mojahideen in Fallujah,” one of of the war, at least 278 private contractors have part to keep us in print by donating time, paper, fi lm, the main branches of the Iraqi insurgency, clearly been killed. These deaths are never offi cially copies, and of course money (it doesn’t print itself). counted. The benefi t of using private contractors (i.e. mercenaries) was summed up best by Miles Frechette, Clinton-era ambassador to Colombia, when he said the following in reference to the continuing -war in Colombia, “When private contractors are killed, we can simply declare that The Red Pill is produced by Grand Junction Alternative they are no part of our military forces.” There is also evidence that the Pentagon is Media, with the aim of publishing stories and ideas that underreporting US wounded and killed. This the mainstream media won’t cover. It is distributed free, is accomplished by narrowly defi ning what collects no advertising, and is completely staffed by casualties are counted. For example, non-combat volunteers. All materials are copyleft, no rights are reserved. related injuries are not counted. Soldiers who die on the operating table in Germany, PHOTOCOPY AND DISTRIBUTE AT WILL! “HIDING THE DEAD” ON NEXT PAGE

[email protected] [email protected] The following list of quotes are from real notes, and were compiled Suicide Notes “The only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage.” by Russ Kick in his book Book of Lists. — Chuck Palahniuk — n March 26, 1999, “Dr. Death,” Jack when he threatened his own life by starvation Male, 74, “I married the wrong nag-nag-nag and Female, “I don’t want those assholes Jane and I lost my life” Kevorkian, was sentenced to 10 to 25 years to see peace; we have seen the protests of Thich Joe to get my car.” Oin prison for administering a lethal Quang Duc, when he was self-immolated to curb Female, 31, “My boss, Kenneth J., seduced me to Thomas Youlk, an ALS sufferer, on September the oppression of Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam. We Male, “I am tired of failing. If I can do this I will 17, 1998. Kevorkian was found guilty of second- have seen suicide in war, as the suicide bombers and made me pregnant. He refuses to help me. succeed.” I had not had intercourse in two years. He says degree murder and delivery of a controlled of the Taliban, as Samson’s suicidal destruction that I will have to suffer through it by myself.” substance, as he himself had administered the of a Philistine Temple, recounted in the book of Male, “If your interested you are welcome to drug. Judges, as the Japanese Kamikaze pilots in World what ever you want in the garage.” Male, “Bury or Burn me as cheap as possible.” Over the course of eight years, from 1990 War II. to 1998, Dr. Kevorkian assisted in the of Jesus himself, though pinned by other Male, “What a rotten sham to pull. It’s too bad I over 100 terminally ill patients. In each case, he hands, sacrifi ced himself for our sins. Female, “Don’t let the kids in the bedroom I’m don’t have enough personality to be ashamed of dead.” hooked the individual up to a machine he created, We have seen the liberation of suicide myself.” in which the client would push a button that would in terminally ill patients who, as in the case of release the drugs or chemicals to end his or her Elizabeth Bullier, fought like hell to get the right life. Two such assisted suicides were by means of a to die and chose to continue living because the lethal injection machine, which Kevorkian called option was there. Chose, like Hunter S. Thompson “HIDING THE DEAD” FROM LAST PAGE a “Mercitron,” and the rest were by machines that had for so many years before his death, when he United States, or in transport may or may not would kill the client by means of a gas mask fed told good friend Ralph Steadman “He would be included in the count. There are some by a canister of carbon monoxide. feel real trapped if he didn’t know that he could discrepancies in the offi cial numbers. According The Kevorkian case raises an important question commit suicide at any moment.” the military, 2016 US soldiers have died and that needs to be asked in today’s culture – under We have seen suicide, and we have seen another 15,867 have been wounded, but military what circumstances does an individual earn the on thousands of personal struggles, the agony of documents show, at least 27,000 soldiers have right to die? In a country that consumes, per- losing a friend, a brother, a sister, or a lover. We been evacuated out of the theater of combat. capita, more resources than any other in the have seen the damage done by the selfi sh will of Furthermore, manifests of planes landing at Dover world, what is the morality of ten years of energy those who have died to leave a body for those they Air Force Base show that more caskets have been to keep a person alive? loved. We have felt apathy, we have felt empathy, fl own in from Iraq and Afghanistan then the what Suicide is nothing new to the world and we have felt contempt. has been reported. – Cleopatra killed herself on August 12, 30 BC For this issue, there is no summarization. This isn’t the fi rst time the Pentagon has hidden when she poisoned herself with an asp. Sigmund There is no sum total, no global scale by which we the dead. In September of 1998, U.S. Veteran Freud overdosed on morphine. In Japan, can analyze the choices of those who have taken Dispatch reported, the US suffered over 20,000 (also known as hara-kiri), the act of ritual suicide their own lives - because the intricate workings more deaths in Vietnam than the 58,182 names by , was considered a viable path of the mentality of suicide are everything but inscribed on the Vietnam Memorial in of restoring a samurai’s dignity and honor. Before defi nable. But we can fi nd our own peace with the D.C. A public Pentagon fi le named the Combat committing the act, the Samurai would write a decisions of those who have touched our lives. We Area Casualties Current File (CACCF), is the , kneel down and open his kimono. can make them , we can make them saints, basis for Vietnam casualties statistics, but with He would take up his wakizashi, short sword, and we can make them devils, and we can make their just a quick glance, it becomes clear that the plunge the blade into his abdomen, making fi rst a choice into compassion or greed. Pentagon is cooking the books. According to the left to right stroke and a second slightly upward On the one hand, suicide is a blind decision document, 37,259 servicemen lost their life in S. stroke. Attended by a second, when the samurai made out of unintentional avarice. It is so, because Vietnam, 167 in , 11 in Mexico, and so made the last stroke, his attendant performed a the person dying will not grieve, will not pay the on. But the United States is left off of the list. cut called daki-kubi, in which the samurai was all penny to the coffer. On the other, however, we It is a real stretch to think that during the entire but decapitated. need to remember the suffering of an individual Vietnam era, 1965-1975, not a single solider died From the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide in ready to end their life. If the tension is really that in the United States, and this is how they are 1997 to the mass murder/suicide of Jonestown, strong, the pain that unendurable, the cause that hiding dead. Soldiers that died in the United Guyana, we have seen cult suicides on a grand worthwhile, then what right do we have to keep States were not counted. An Army fi le named and frightening scale. We have seen Gandhi, them here? • TAGCEN shows that the US Army lost 57,586 soldiers, and that’s just one branch of the armed forces. U.S. Veterans Dispatch cross-referenced the fi les and found at least 19,644 deaths that were not counted. Suicide Notes Last week, protesters all over the United Female, 52, “I’m so tired and lonely. There goes Male, 45, “My darling, may her guts rot in States used the occasion of the 2000th US soldier a siren. Oh how can I stand being left. I need to hell—I loved her so much.” (entire note) to be killed in Iraq as a call for peace, but that go to a Dr. but I am afraid. I’m so cold.” • milestone had already been passed. •

Every Sunday • 6PM Every Wednesday • 6PM Tuesday, November 22, 2005 • 7:30PM Friday, November 25, 2005 Weekly Vegan Dinner. We’ll cook the main dish. Please Grand Junction Fair Trade Alliance meets at The MSC A Voice of Reason’s Documentaries for Change Buy Nothing Day bring a vegan side dish, dessert, or drink. Dinner starts Confl uence Collective (1450 Elm), to work for community Film Series will be screening Participate by not participating. around 6:30PM. The Confl uence Collective (1450 Elm). solutions to Free Trade, both iinternationallynternationally aandnd llocally.ocally. “Preventative Warriors” at the Saccomanno Lecture Hall. “LESSONS” FROM LAST PAGE appreciate the company of a coworker with the When one thinks of death in a positive and understanding that they will not always be there to DEATH AND ITS LESSONS open minded fashion, one’s life takes on a whole appreciate. Make love, eat meals, exercise, work, new meaning. Appreciation for simple pleasures all with an understanding that one day you will his issue of the Red Pill is celebrating different ways. This practice draws us into our and the company of friends and family becomes not be able to any more, at least in this lifetime. Halloween by confronting death in all its present moment of being alive in a very profound commonplace, and moments become precious in Become intimate with all the experiences of your Tforms. and spiritual way. It, in its essence, brings a special their fl eeting nature. life with an open mind, and live a vibrant and fully Why would one think about or even celebrate quality to the moments of our lives to envision Death is a mysterious, profound, and realized existence without lying to yourself about death? Isn’t death a horrible and tragic experience and become comfortable with our deaths. mystical part of our existence, that should be the ever-present reality of Thanatos and Eros, and that should be avoided in conversation and But what advantages can there be to a embraced and intimately understood in life, so tell someone you love that you are happy about only thought about when absolutely necessary? society that accepts and chooses to learn from as to experience a fuller and more vital existence the time you have and will be able to spend in their Shouldn’t we as a society do everything in our this temporal existence? Perhaps we will no before our deaths fi nally take us from our earthly company before you move on. • power to prevent death and celebrate life as much longer become so attached to material things. circumstances. Talk more openly about death as possible? Perhaps we will become more concerned with and the with your friends and family, The reality of life, however, is that death our spiritual evolvement than our fi nancial well- is just as real and ever-present as life, and is being. Indeed, there are radical differences in not a concept to be avoided, but a concept to be attitude between those who fear death, and those embraced. Death is, in fact, a part of every life, who embrace it. The acceptance of the mystery A HOLIDAY FOR THE DEAD and one’s own death is a moment that should of death can enrich a person’s experience of life amhain (pronounced Sah-wen) is the of nuts, apples, and gourds–all popular symbols be contemplated and even celebrated as the in so many ways as to bring life and wonder and Wiccan holiday associated with Halloween. of Samhain. Although we are not sure of the conclusion of a successful life. mystery to what would otherwise be an anxiety SThe Wiccan holiday calender is based on true nature of the jack-o-lantern, it is popularly Buddhists practice a spiritual meditation in fi lled existence. agrarian societal practices. Of the eight Wiccan thought that they were seen as guiding lights for which they envision their own deaths in numerous “LESSONS” ON NEXT PAGE holidays, this is one of the most widely celebrated. those spirits that walk the land this sacred night. Much of the symbology of Halloween has its This time of year has long been associated roots in pagan ideas and practices of old. (Note: with death and destruction. November 1st is All Although Wicca is a pagan religion, not all pagans Saint’s Day and November 2nd is El Dia De Los DOIN’ THE DEAD are Wiccans. Pagan, a general term that literally Muertos–The Day of the Dead–in Latin culture hances are high that most Red Pill readers almost instantaneously. As the newly dead duck means ‘country-dweller,’ In some traditions, don’t give much thought to necrophilia–sex lay motionless, a second fl ew up to it. Dr. refers to those that do not this is the time of the Cwith dead people. All fi fty states have laws Moeliker initially thought he was witnessing duck identify with Christianity, descent of the Goddess into against it, and world wide, it is nearly a universal , but things went differently. After dragging Judaism, or Islam. While the Underworld. In many taboo. However, reports of necrophilia, while the corpse into nearby bushes, the second duck common beliefs, such as, instances, She, the Crone, is still rare, do occur regularly. sodomized the corpse repeatedly over the next respect for Mother Nature searching for her lover/God, The majority of necrophiliacs, over 90%, are hour. Moeliker was stunned. and all living things, may whom was sacrifi ced, in white, heterosexual males; no one really knows Furthermore, his new research found that be held by both Pagans and mid to late summer, in order why. Most common is the or homosexual necrophilia is surprisingly common Wiccans, the two terms are for his Children (us) to home worker, probably because of the availability in ducks. And once he released his fi ndings, not interchangable.) continue to live. In others, of fresh corpses. In addition to the obvious information poured in from all around the world. October 31st, along it is a sacrifi ce not just problem of a lack of consent, necrophiliacs also Necrophilia in pigeons, mice, and squirrels has with May 1st (Beltane), between lovers. Usually, expose themselves to health and safety issues. since been documented and verifi ed. is one of the most sacred these Gods are sacrifi ced to Necrophilia exists in nature as well. Dr. Kees So, how prevalent is necrophilia in the world at times of the year. It is a be born again on the Winter Moeliker, of the Rotterdam (Holland) Museum of large? No one knows, and chances are high that time when the veil between Solstice. This is evident Natural History, has observed it in ducks. One few scholars will take up the issue. For now, we the physical world and the in the many myths; Ing day, a mallard accidentally fl ew into his offi ce must paraphrase the words of Smokey the Bear; spiritual (astral) world is and Nerthus in Germanic window, breaking its neck and killing itself only you can prevent necrophilia. • the thinnest–making this legend, Damuzi and Ishtar an optimal time for contact in Babylonian lore, Demeter with the astral world. and Persephone in Greek Samhain is also the myth. Celtic New year, it is a In our culture time of self-refl ection and especially, Death is discarding that which we something that is feared. do not want to take with Life is prolonged to the last us into the new year. It is possible minute regardless the turning from the light of quality of life. Death, half of the year to the dark however, is transformation, half. A main focus of Samhain is the Mystery of it is change. And change is necessary. Samhain Death. At this time, ancestors are remembered celebrates Death’s role in life. From death and and honored. Traditionally, a place will be set at decay, springs life. Samhain is a recognition the dinner table (or some form of sharing food) of the dark side of things in a culture that over- for those who have passed on that we would like emphasizes the light. • to remember. It is the time of the last harvest

Wednesday, November 2, 2005 • 6:00 – 8:30PM Wednesday, November 9, 2005 • 7:30PM Tuesday, November 1, 2005 November, 2005 Roadless Task Force Public Hearing at the Bill Heddles MSC A Voice of Reason’s Documentaries for Change Last day to mail in ballots for the fall elections. Local radical and writer Laurel Hara, will have an article Recreation Center 530 Gunnison River Drive, Delta CO. Film Series will be screening, featured in this month’smonth’s Clamor Magazine detailing an For carpools and more information call 256-7650 or visit “The World According to Bush” alternative technique. Look for it at newsstands at the Saccomanno Lecture Hall. starting on the 1st.