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Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean

LEAD AUTHORS Jenna Jambeck, Ellie Moss and Brajesh Dubey

CONTRIBUTORS: Zainal Arifin, Linda Godfrey, Britta Denise Hardesty, I. Gede , To Thi Hien, Liu Junguo, Marty Matlock, Sabine Pahl, Karen Raubenheimer, Martin Thiel, Richard Thompson and Lucy Woodall About this Paper Established in September 2018, the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (HLP) is a unique initiative of 14 serving heads of government committed to catalysing bold, pragmatic solutions for ocean health and wealth that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and build a better future for people and the planet. By working with governments, experts and stakeholders from around the world, the High Level Panel aims to develop a roadmap for rapidly transitioning to a sustainable ocean economy and to trigger, amplify and accelerate responsive action worldwide.

The HLP consists of the presidents or prime ministers of , , Chile, Fiji, , , Jamaica, , , Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Palau and Portugal, and is supported by an Expert Group, Advisory Network and Secretariat that assist with analytical work, communications and stakeholder engagement. The Secretariat is based at World Resources Institute.

The HLP has commissioned a series of ‘Blue Papers’ to explore pressing challenges at the nexus of the ocean and the economy. These papers summarise the latest science and state-of-the-art thinking about innovative ocean solutions in the , policy, governance and finance realms that can help accelerate a move into a more sustainable and prosperous relationship with the ocean. This paper is part of a series of 16 papers to be published between November 2019 and October 2020. This paper examines the leakage of and other into the ocean and the resulting impacts on marine ecosystems, human health and the economy. The paper comments on the kind of regenerative global industry that needs to be built, as well as integrated solutions to reduce all pollutants to the ocean.

This Blue Paper is an independent input to the HLP process and does not represent the thinking of the HLP, Sherpas or Secretariat.

Suggested Citation: Jambeck, J., E. Moss, B. Dubey et al. 2020. Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean. Washington DC: World Resources Institute. Available online at: agricultural-and-maritime-.

ii | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Table of Contents

Foreword...... 1 Key Messages...... 2 1. Introduction...... 3 2. Sources of Ocean Pollution ...... 5 3. Impacts of Ocean Pollution on Ecosystems, , Human Health and Economies...... 21 4. Human Dimensions...... 39 5. Opportunities for Action...... 41 References ...... 51 Acknowledgments ...... 63 About the Authors ...... 63


The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (HLP) commissioned us, the co-chairs of the HLP Expert Group (a global group of over 70 content experts), to organise and edit a series of ‘Blue Papers’ to explore pressing challenges at the nexus of the ocean and the economy. The HLP identified 16 specific topics for which it sought a synthesis of knowledge and opportunities for action. In response, we convened 16 teams of global content experts. Each resulting Blue Paper was independently peer-reviewed and revised accordingly. The final Blue Papers summarise the latest science and state-of-the-art thinking on how technology, policy, governance and finance can be applied to help accelerate a more sustainable and prosperous relationship with the ocean, one that balances production with protection to achieve prosperity for all, while mitigating climate change.

Each Blue Paper offers a robust scientific basis for the work of the HLP. Together, they provide the foundation for an integrated report to be delivered to the HLP. In turn, the HLP plans to produce by the end of 2020 its own set of politically endorsed statements and pledges or recommendations for action.

Historically, the ocean has been viewed as so vast and untouchable as to be capable of absorbing everything that we discharge into it. It has become the ultimate sink for land-based pollution—the most recent and most visible being solid plastic waste. Thankfully, we have seen a wave of action targeting plastic waste—with individuals shifting their own behaviours and governments stepping up to put in place a variety of policy measures. This paper aims to complete the picture on pollution in our ocean—by looking across four main sectors at the full extent of waste that is currently being discharged into our ocean—and identifying a pathway to change the way we see our ocean and what we put into it.

As co-chairs of the HLP Expert Group, we wish to warmly thank the authors, the reviewers and the Secretariat at World Resources Institute for supporting this analysis. We thank the members of the HLP for their vision in commissioning this analysis. We hope they and other parties act on the opportunities identified in this paper.

Hon. Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D. Professor Peter Haugan, Ph.D. Hon. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ph.D. State University Institute of Marine Research, Norway University of Indonesia

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 1 ƒ

Key Messages ƒ Plastic is the newest to be entering the and new materials; implement coastal zone ocean in significant quantities. It joins nonplastic improvements; practice radical resource efficiency; solid waste; nutrients; antibiotics, parasiticides and recover and recycle the materials we use; and build other pharmaceuticals; ; industrial local systems for safe food and water. chemicals including persistent organic pollutants; ƒ These seven approaches address the major sources ; and oil and gas, each of which has a longer of pollution entering the ocean and contribute to history of scholarship and greater body of existing multiple United Nations Sustainable Development research as an ocean pollutant than does plastic. Goals. ƒ There are four major sources that discharge ƒ Each of the approaches identified are cross-sectoral pollutants into the ocean: municipal, agricultural and system-level in , making them perfect (including aquaculture), industrial and maritime. candidates for delivery through public-private These pollutants have damaging impacts on partnerships, innovative financing arrangements and ecosystems and marine life, human health and the leveraging capital from a range of sources. economy. ƒ To solve the pollution challenge we need to start ƒ The presence of plastic in the ocean in growing with the premise that there is no such thing as waste. quantities is symptomatic of many societal challenges The Earth is a closed system and there is nowhere that are relevant to the other pollutants and pollution for damaging pollution to go that won’t harm pathways: the lack of access to sanitation and ecosystems, plant and animal life and, ultimately, wastewater and stormwater processing for millions human life. of people around the world, the need for safe use and disposal of chemicals, the development and ƒ Once we adopt a no-waste approach, our economy degradation of coastal zones, the need for an efficient will be very effective at finding the most efficient ways use of natural resources, and the need for improved to stop the problem of pollution access to safe food and water.

ƒ This paper proposes seven holistic approaches for the reduction of pollutants in the ocean: improve wastewater management; improve stormwater management; adopt green chemistry practices

2 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy 1. Introduction

Overview puts plastic pollution in the context of an ocean already receiving significant pollution from nutrients, heavy The ocean is the ultimate sink for anthropogenic metals, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), pesticides pollution. According to the HydroSHED model, over and oil. 80 percent of the land mass on Earth is in a watershed that drains directly to the ocean (Lehner and Grill 2013). While successful implementation of all the United Until recently, the ocean seemed to be endlessly able to Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) absorb all the waste that human activity has discharged would help protect the ocean, SDG 14: Life Below Water into it. The Ocean Health Index (OHI) scores the health is the primary SDG directly related to the ocean. But of the ocean on a range of criteria, from how clean the there are several other SDGs that are very relevant to water is to the ability of the ocean to continue providing pollution reaching the ocean: SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG services such as food provision, carbon storage, tourism 3: Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 6: Clean Water and and recreation, and biodiversity (Halpern et al. 2012). Sanitation, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, The 2019 combined global ocean score was 71 out of SDG 9: Industrial Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG 100 (as it has been for the last five years), showing that 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 12: significant impairment has occurred, but that many Responsible Consumption and Production. of the functions and services of the ocean remain and must be better managed (OHI 2019). The Clean Water Context section of the OHI includes details on the statuses and Plastic is the newest pollutant to be entering the pressures of chemical, nutrient, pathogen and trash ocean in significant quantities. It joins nonplastic solid pollution. It also includes social pressure as a further waste; nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous); antibiotics, pressure. Indicators of resilience were based upon the parasiticides and other pharmaceuticals; heavy metals; Convention on Biological Diversity (in particular for industrial chemicals including persistent organic marine ecosystems) and quality of governance (using pollutants; pesticides; and oil and gas, each of which Worldwide Governance Indicators). The score for Clean has a longer history of scholarship and greater body of Water has tracked closely to the overall score, remaining existing research as an ocean pollutant than does plastic. at 70 for the past five years (OHI 2019). With an estimated This paper seeks to put ocean pollution from plastic into 91 percent of all temperate and tropical coasts predicted the context of total pollutant inputs to the ocean and to be heavily developed by 2050 (Nellemann et al. 2008), identify the interventions that can have the greatest total this is a critical time to significantly reduce and prevent impact on all pollution to the ocean, capitalising on the anthropogenic pollution to the ocean. current global attention on plastic pollution.

Pollutants enter the ocean in four ways: They may be In this Blue Paper, four major sectors that create discharged directly into the ocean, discharged into pollutants are explored—municipal, agricultural rivers which flow to the ocean, washed from land by (including aquaculture), industrial and maritime—and stormwater into rivers or directly into the ocean or three types of impacts are characterised—ecosystems deposited from the air onto land to be washed into and marine life, human health and economic. The waterways or directly into the ocean. impacts on ecosystems include harm to marine life There are many anthropogenic sources of pollution, from ingestion of and entanglement from plastic, and this paper focuses on pollution inputs to the ocean and , and biomagnification from four sectors: municipal, agricultural, industrial of chemicals. The human health impacts from direct and maritime. This paper focuses first on plastic, as or indirect exposure to these pollutants include the newest and least well understood pollutant, and reproductive, developmental, behavioural, neurologic,

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 3 endocrine and immunologic adverse health effects; 1. Improve wastewater management acute or chronic toxicity; cancer; increased exposure 2. Improve stormwater management to pathogens and mosquito-borne diseases; and risk of entanglement or entrapment. The economic impacts 3. Adopt green chemistry practices and new materials come from impaired productivity of fisheries, loss of 4. Implement coastal zone improvements seafood supply resulting from toxicity and reduced tourism and recreation in coastal areas. 5. Practice radical resource efficiency

The presence of plastic in the ocean in growing 6. Recover and recycle the materials we use quantities is one symptom of a set of societal challenges that are also relevant to the other pollutants and 7. Build local systems for safe food and pathways: the lack of access to sanitation and These seven opportunities for action address the wastewater and stormwater processing for millions major sources of pollution entering the ocean, and of people around the world; the need for safe use and contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable disposal of chemicals; the development and degradation Development Goals (SDGs). They would directly of coastal zones; the need for an efficient use of natural influence SDG targets 2.1, 2.3, 3.9, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.B, 8.3, resources; and the need for improved access to safe food 11.6, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5 and 14.1 and indirectly influence a and water. number of others, such as through expanded economic At the heart of these challenges is recognising that the opportunities, benefits to people’s livelihoods and notion that things can be thrown away is a myth—there increased well-being. The cross-sector, system-level is no ‘away’ where pollutants can safely go. nature of these challenges makes them perfect candidates for public-private partnerships, innovative This paper proposes seven intervention approaches financing arrangements and leveraging capital from a that with reducing plastic inputs to the ocean but range of sources. also seek to maximise the reduction of other pollutants as co-benefits. Four types of actions were considered: Finally, while the body of research on plastic is growing innovation, infrastructure, policy and mindset. Specific rapidly, there remain significant data gaps both on actions of each type were identified across the sectors inputs and impacts. More research is needed to better and pollutants described in the report. These actions understand and document the scope and scale of plastic were then bundled into the following seven holistic pollution, as well as its impacts on ecosystem and opportunities for action (not in ranked order): human health. Given the global nature of the problem, open data protocols that can facilitate the aggregation and sharing of compatible data are critical.

4 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy 2. Sources of Ocean Pollution

This paper includes pollution inputs from land and The industrial sector includes manufacturing, sea, grouped into four sectors: municipal, agricultural, and energy production. Pollutants coming industrial and maritime. from this sector include plastic pellets and waste, other solid waste, dredge spoils, industrial chemicals Municipal sources are residential and commercial solid including POPs, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and waste and wastewater as well as runoff from roads and pharmaceutical waste products, and oil and gas. landscaping activities. Additionally, debris entering the ocean as a result of natural disasters is included here. Maritime pollution comes from the shipping, cruise and fishing industries and from recreational boating. Land-based agricultural activities impacting the ocean Pollution from these sources includes , food waste, include plastic, and nutrient use as well as and accident debris. for animal agriculture. Ocean-based aquaculture’s pollution impacts include the use of Figure 1 shows the primary sources of pollution in antibiotics and parasiticides, antifoulants containing the marine environment from these sectors. Table 1 heavy metals, loss of equipment and management of summarises the types of pollution entering the fish waste. ocean and the ways that each sector contributes to ocean pollution.

Figure 1. Sources of Ocean Pollution

Vehicle Wear & Tear, Road Runoff and Air Emissions Solid Waste (Plastics, Dumping, Leakage from Waste Management)

Crop & Animal Industry, Sewage Agriculture Pharmaceutical & Treatment Plants & Power Stations Wastewater

Atmospheric Deposition Oil Platforms & Recreational Oil Spills Aquaculture Industrial & Boating Recreational Fishing Shipping Cruises Disaster Debris

Source: Graphic developed by K. Youngblood

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 5 Table 1. Sources of Pollutant Discharges into the Ocean


Microplastics (<5 Microbeads, microfibres, Slow release fertiliser Industrial pellets Pellets lost at sea in shipping a millimetres [mm]) tire , fragments in pellets, accidents, dredged materials runoff from land fragments and breakdown of other dumped at seab Macroplastics Unmanaged plastic waste Aquaculture infrastruc- Unknown Fishing gear, lines and a (>5 mm) within 50 kilometres (km) ture and equipment, lures; litter from ships and of river or ocean1 greenhouses, plastic boats; debris from shipping sheeting and associated accidents equipment

Other solid waste Unmanaged solid waste Lost/unmanaged aqua- Dredge spoils Fishing gear, litter from ships within 50 km of river or culture infrastructure and boats, debris from ship- ocean, disaster debris, and equipment, manure ping accidents, food waste wood, food waste dumpingc and land discharge from ships application

2 Pesticides Residential and commercial Crop-based agriculture Minimal Minimal landscaping and gardening

Nutrients (N, P) Untreated municipal Crop-based agriculture, Airborne nitrogen Sewage discharges wastewater, residential and lagoon leakage, aqua- from energy produc- into ocean commercial landscaping culture fish waste tion deposition into and gardening, airborne ocean nitrogen from vehicle ex- haust deposition into ocean Antibiotics, Treated and untreated Aquaculture/mari- Pharmaceutical Treated and untreated parasiticides, other wastewater culture, land-based production waste- wastewater from ships pharmaceuticals animal agricultural water runoff Heavy metals : copper, Aquaculture/maricul- Mining manufacturing: Paints and pigments: , , ; ture: arsenic, , copper, zinc, lead, tributyltin, lead, mismanaged electronic cadmium, lead cadmium, chromi- waste um, nickel, arsenic, mercury

Industrial chemicals Treated and untreated Use of organochlorine Regulated and unreg- Treated and untreated and persistent wastewater, urban runoff pesticides ulated discharge from wastewater from ships organic pollutantsc manufacturing

Oil and gas Urban runoff Accidental discharge Spills, water contami- Drilling rigs, bilge water and from agricultural nation, and improper fuel release, tanker spills, equipment use and disposal from oil shipping maintenance refineries and logistics (pipelines, rail, trucks)

Notes: Table 1 notes shown on page 7. Notes: Table 1 notes shown on page 7.

6 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Other than specific pollutants regulated by international example, bivalves since they are stationary (Dong et treaties in certain situations—e.g. International al. 2018). in the ocean from shipping, Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from oil and gas exploration and military activities can also Ships (MARPOL) for plastic discharges; Stockholm impact marine life (Francis and Barber 2013). The Convention for specific chemicals; International Whaling Commission and Convention for waste exportation; London Convention and Protocol on Biological Diversity have groups working on noise for ocean dumping—and acts that have regulated pollution. Biological pollution is the transfer of, for discharge nationally and locally—e.g. total maximum example, invasive species, which has been exacerbated daily loads under the Clean Water Act in the United by evolving due to climate change and ocean States—pollutants continue to enter the ocean without acidification (Miranda et al. 2019), topics covered in Blue consistent and global limits or regulation. Paper 2 (Gaines et al. 2019). The of invasive species by plastic is covered in this paper. While these Past emissions of ocean pollution remain relevant today, other pollution sources are out of scope for this paper, especially in the case of persistent pollutants such as it is worth noting them here as they underscore the high plastics, heavy metals and POPs, as they remain in number of stressors that ocean ecosystems are facing. the ocean interacting with each other and the marine environment. For example, while 28 POPs are banned 2.1 Plastic Pollution or restricted and have been for a number of years (12 since 2004, 16 since 2010), they are readily absorbed by Plastic is a material that has permanently changed our plastic in the ocean, which creates a new mechanism for world since its introduction into mainstream society (in them to interact with the (Rochman some countries) after World War II; global annual plastic et al. 2013; Rochman et al. 2014b; Rochman 2015). Heavy production has increased from 1.7 million metric tons metals have also been found to adhere to plastic in the per year (MMT/yr) in 1950 to 422 MMT/yr in 2018 (Geyer ocean as biofilms accumulate on its surface (Rochman et et al. 2017; PlasticsEurope 2019). Along with a steep al. 2014a; Richard et al. 2019). increase in production, we have seen a resulting increase in plastic in the waste stream from 0.4 percent in 1960 It should be noted that the ocean is also subject to to 13.2 percent in 2017 (by mass) in the other forms of pollution, including acidification (see (EPA 2014; EPA 2019). In 1966, two U.S. Fish and Blue Paper 2, Gaines et al. 2019) and other nonphysical Service employees, Karl W. Kenyon and Eugene Kridler, forms like thermal, noise and biological pollution. were among the first scientists to document plastic and is a change in temperature in the wildlife interactions when they discovered plastic had ocean water from discharges, often warmer water from been consumed by (albatross) chicks that died powerplant cooling, that can change both physical in the National Wildlife Refuge (Kenyon and chemical properties of the ocean, impacting, for and Kridler 1969). Since then, analysing plastic material

Table includes both point source (e.g. specific discharge points) and nonpoint source (e.g. stormwater runoff) forms of pollution. a. Macroplastics are any plastics larger than 5 mm. are small pieces or fragments of plastic smaller than 5 mm (Galgani et al. 2010; SAPEA 2019). b. Wastes allowed to be dumped at sea according to the London Convention and Protocol include dredged materials; sewage sludge; fish waste, or material resulting from industrial fish processing operations; vessels and platforms or other man-made structures at sea; inert or inorganic geological material; organic matter of natural origin; bulky items comprising primarily iron, steel, concrete or non-harmful materials; and streams from carbon dioxide capture processes for sequestration. c. Jambeck et al. 2015. d. Persistent organic pollutants are organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological and photolytic processes. They include polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides.

Sources: 1. Jambeck et al. 2015. 2. Weibel et al. 1966.

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 7 flows (especially the waste streams), in 2004 (Thompson et al. 2004) and the identification of in our environment and the economics of the material microplastics is a relatively new field (Shim et al. 2017), has become a recognised scientific discipline, with with nanoscale plastics (not even yet formally defined) rapid increases in the science, especially in the last especially challenging to identify because of limits to five years (Beaumont et al. 2019). But as a relevantly the capabilities of the current instrumentation used for young scientific discipline, there are still many gaps in environmental samples. As a consequence, quantifying knowledge and a lack of information for solutions to inputs has been challenging (Koelmans et al. 2015; Rist plastic pollution (Bucci et al. 2019; Forrest et al. 2019). and Hartmann 2017; SAPEA and Academies 2019). Even with knowledge gaps, plastic pollution has quickly As of 2017, 8 billion metric tons of plastic had been become one of the most salient topics of late—people produced for human use. Because a large quantity was around the world passionately used for packaging (about 40 percent) and single-use care about and want to address items, 6.4 billion metric tons had already become waste As of 2017, this issue. by 2015 (Geyer et al. 2017). Many packaging and single- 8 billion metric 2.1.1 Municipal plastic use materials are composed of pollution (high and low density, HDPE and LDPE), tons of plastic and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). These polymers Plastic pollution is often had been are often the materials used in the most common subdivided into macroplastics items found littering the environment, especially on produced for and microplastics (e.g. the coastlines: cigarette butts, plastic , plastic food U.S. National Oceanic and wrappers, straws, plastic bags and caps (Ocean human use. Atmospheric Administration Conservancy 2018). uses this division), and Because a although there is much The total quantity of plastic entering the ocean every discussion internationally year is still unknown. While there have been estimates large quantity about terminology (GESAMP of some sources (e.g. municipal waste), there are more was used for 2015), these size categories sources that do not have current estimates. While are currently used extensively many scientists would agree that a large portion of packaging (about around the world. Macroplastics mismanaged plastic comes from land, even the 80 are any plastics larger than percent from land is a questionable statistic since the 40 percent) and 5 millimetres (mm) and can true total from all sources remains unknown. Some single-use items, include both short-use items (e.g. of the sources have been quantified. Jambeck et al. food packaging and foodservice (2015) found that the annual input from mismanaged 6.4 billion metric disposables) and longer-use solid waste on land (one of the major sources) in 2010 items (e.g. flip flops, printer was between 4.8 and 12.7 MMT/yr. Other estimates tons had already cartridges, synthetic textiles). have come from riverine input and other geographic become waste Microplastics are small pieces information system (GIS) analyses, which have found or fragments of plastic less that from 0.41 to 4 MMT of plastic is entering the ocean by 2015. than 5 mm (Galgani et al. 2010; every year from rivers (a subset of the total quantity SAPEA and Academies 2019) entering the ocean) (Lebreton et al. 2017; Schmidt et that enter the environment as al. 2017). Up to 99 MMT of mismanaged plastic waste a consequence of either the has been estimated to be available to enter waterways direct release of small particles such as from around the world (Lebreton and Andrady 2019). The cosmetic products; the fragmentation of larger items estimate of 8 MMT as a middle estimate for input to the of litter in the environment; or the wear or abrasion of ocean (Jambeck et al. 2015) remains the most widely products during use, such as the release of fibres from used value for land-based input of plastic waste into the textiles or particles from car tires (Law and Thompson ocean, although this is likely conservative. Forrest et al. 2014). The term microplastic was first used in this context (2019) built on the existing research by incorporating

8 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy additional estimates of plastic waste flows to the ocean market would reach 7.4 million tons in 2019 (Sintim arising from imported waste by developing countries and Flury 2017). At the end of the growing season, from wealthier consumer economies. This export/import plastic mulch should be recovered from fields but this imbalance was initially outlined in (Brooks et al. 2018), is difficult because it shreds easily, so it is common which describes the plastic import ban, more commonly practice to till plastic mulch into the soil (Steinmetz known as the National Sword policy, imposed by et al. 2016). Depending on the proximity to the ocean and its impacts on global plastic trade. Forrest et or ocean-bound waterways, this improper end-of-life al. (2019) estimated current plastic flows to the ocean management of the mulch could contribute to inputs of from all sources to be at least 15 MMT/yr. plastic, especially microplastic, into the ocean.

There are at least two more global baseline estimates Aquaculture also contributes significantly to marine in the process of being calculated for plastic, one plastic pollution. Several studies have reported by a working group through the National Socio- abandoned, lost and discarded aquaculture gear in Environmental Synthesis Center funded by the U.S. coastal waters or on shores (Heo et al. 2013; Liu et al. National Science Foundation and one through The 2013; Hong et al. 2014). Near aquaculture centres, Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ, which, while not often contain large amounts of lost or discarded available before publishing this document, will make plastic materials (Fujieda and Sasaki 2005; Hinojosa and it possible to measure the impacts of interventions at Thiel 2009; Andréfouët et al. 2014; Jang et al. 2014b; the global and country levels, similar to the wedges Bendell 2015). Lost aquaculture gear that is floating approach developed for climate change (Pacala and at the sea surface can also be transported over long Socolow 2004). Clearly topography and proximity distances, potentially bringing non-native species to to the ocean are relevant for land-based or riverine other ecoregions (Astudillo et al. 2009). One of the few plastic, but some of the biggest data gaps in modelling studies that has estimated the losses from aquaculture and measuring quantities entering the ocean exist for activities and their contribution to marine plastic these pathways. The most credible current estimates debris has been conducted in South Korea (Jang et al. nonetheless indicate that the quantities of plastic 2014b). The authors showed that lost aquaculture gear entering the ocean are significant. The only regulatory contributes a significant amount of plastic litter (mostly limits on plastic concentrations in the ocean are the total expanded , or EPS) in the coastal waters of maximum daily load limits in aquatic systems in the South Korea. United States (Smith 2000; DoE 2010), the Convention on the Prevention of by Dumping of 2.1.3 Industrial plastic pollution Wastes and Other Matter 1972 (the ‘London Convention’ Plastic resin pellets, the raw material from which for short, and then later the ‘London Protocol’ upon its plastic items are made, continue to leak into the ocean revision in 1996) (International Maritime Organization despite voluntary industry campaigns like Operation 2019), and MARPOL Annex V, all of which have zero Clean Sweep that encourage secure handling of the tolerance for plastic pollution. pellets. Pellet pollution in the ocean has been further 2.1.2 Agricultural plastic pollution documented because they are used to study POPs and bacteria as well (Heskett et al. 2012; Rodrigues Land-based agricultural plastic use typically includes et al. 2019). While quantities of inputs have not been greenhouse or hoop house sheeting, netting, plastic published on a global scale, one case study quantified mulch (film), irrigation tape and piping, agrochemical inputs from a facility along the west coast of containers, silage, fertiliser bags and slow release (Karlsson et al. 2018). While most of the pellet pollution fertiliser pellets. The best current estimate of agricultural was reported to be localised, 3 to 36 million pellets plastic usage extrapolates from the ’s (above 300 micrometres) were estimated to enter the (EU’s) demand for agricultural plastics of 1.6 million waterways surrounding the production facility annually. tons annually to place world demand at approximately Karlsson et al. (2018) also stated that while there are 8–10 million tons in 2015 (Cassou et al. 2018). A separate regulatory frameworks that can be applied to reduce calculation projected that the global agricultural film

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 9 this pollution, they are not being effectively applied is designed to capture and kill marine animals (Gilman or enforced. Lechner and Ramler (2015) found that 2015; Gilman et al. 2016). The Food and Agriculture the regulations in Austria still allowed a production Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO’s) Committee facility to legally discharge 200 grams of pellets per on Fisheries, the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible day and up to 200 kilograms (kg) during a high rainfall Fisheries and the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines for the event. An important legal precedent was just set in the Marking of Fishing Gear have also presented on marking United States with Formosa Plastics agreeing to pay fishing gear and ALDFG reporting and recovery (Gilman a US$50 million settlement for a lawsuit against them et al. 2016). Richardson et al. (2019) reviewed 68 for discharging resin pellets into Lavaca Bay and other publications from 1975 to 2017 that contain quantitative nearby waterways (Collier 2019). Besides paying the information about fishing gear losses and found that settlement, it has to adhere to a ‘zero discharge’ policy at an annual rate, all net studies reported gear loss moving forward with fines that increase over time for any rates from 0 percent to 79.8 percent, all trap studies future discharges (Collier 2019). reported loss rates from 0 percent to 88 percent, and all line studies reported loss rates from 0.1 percent to 79.2 2.1.4 Maritime plastic pollution percent. Based upon this review, Richardson et al. (2019) Fisheries activities contribute to pollution through performed a meta‐analysis estimating global fishing gear the accidental or intentional discarding of nets, ropes, losses for major gear types, finding that 5.7 percent of all buoys, lines and other equipment, also known as fishing nets, 8.6 percent of all traps, and 29 percent of all ‘abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear’ lines are lost around the world each year. Abandoned, (ALDFG) (see Box 3 for a discussion of aquaculture). lost or discarded fishing gear can ensnare or entangle Historic fishing nets were made from biodegradable, marine wildlife, have economic consequences due to locally sourced natural materials like cotton, flax or losses of commercially important food fish and can hemp, but as materials like and other polymers smother sensitive coral reef ecosystems (Macfadyen et were introduced, fishing practices (and efficiencies) al. 2009; Gunn et al. 2010; Wilcox et al. 2013; Richardson were increased, as early as 1951 in the United States and et al. 2018). Commercial shipping and discharge from Canada (Pycha 1962). United Nations General Assembly ocean-going vessels result in plastic inputs through and United Nations Environment Assembly resolutions accidental releases of cargo during ocean transit, which (2014, 2016, 2017) have addressed ALDFG, encouraging may occur during rough weather or when containers are the reduction of impacts from this that insufficiently secured during transport (World Shipping Council 2017).

10 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Box 1. Spotlight on projected population growth between against plastics. Currently, these ’s Current and 2017 and 2050 is expected to come regulations vary from a ban on single- Future Rapid Growth from only 10 countries, with 6 of these use (thin) plastic bags, with associated in Africa—, the Democratic requirements for bag thickness, to Africa’s contribution to waste Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, a complete ban on all plastic carrier generation is currently low by global Tanzania, Uganda and (ordered bags. However, the growing concern standards.a However, the continent by their expected contribution to around plastic waste is sparking h is set to undergo a major social and global growth). discussions in many African countries economic transformation over the on possible further bans on other Where the impacts of plastic and coming century as its population single-use plastic products, such as nutrients on coastal systems in Africa explodes, cities urbanise and PET beverage bottles and food service have been modelled, the models consumer purchasing habits change.b industry products such as straws, cups, have forecasted significant growth These changes will lead to significant containers and utensils. in waste generation and potential growth in waste and wastewater impact.i Tonnages of mismanaged There is, however, a growing response generation, including nutrient exports plastic waste is expected to increase from a number of brand owners, to coastal waters,c with sub-Saharan significantly between 2010 and 2025, retailers and convertors to address Africa forecast to become the particularly in coastal countries such the current waste problems in Africa. dominant region globally in terms of as Nigeria, Egypt, , , South Africa, for example, has had generation.d This and Senegal (ordered by their voluntary industry initiatives in place will put significant strain on already forecasted 2025 mismanaged plastic).j for over a decade aimed at growing constrained public and private sector The nutrient risk for large marine the local plastic industry. services and infrastructure.e ecosystems forecast for 2050 shows Initiatives such as the South African As noted by Yasin et al. (2010) and very high coastal eutrophication risk PET Recycling Company, which has UNEP (2018a), there are limited off the coast of West Africa around the achieved a 65 percent post-consumer k reliable, geographically comprehensive Gulf of Guinea. PET bottle recycling rate in South n waste and data for Africa. Africa, are now being rolled out in While waste volumes produced in This makes it extremely difficult to Kenya, with plans to launch in Ethiopia Africa are currently low, waste is o assess the potential impacts of waste and Uganda. There are also a number impacting the environment due to a and wastewater systems locally and of social innovations emerging in Africa number of factors, including limited regionally. However, anthropogenic to deal with the plastic waste problem. environmental regulation and often sources of nutrients in rivers, including These often focus on innovative weak enforcement, inadequate waste agricultural sources and human community-driven collection systems and wastewater systems and the sewage (often untreated) from urban and associated financial rewards transport of waste into Africa, often centres, will become more important for recyclables, such as Wecyclers from developed countries.l With than natural sources in large parts of in Nigeria and Packa-ching in South an average municipal solid waste Africa.f Furthermore, with growing Africa. collection rate of only 55 percent for population comes increased waste Africa,m the potential for plastic to leak Notes: generation and changing waste a. Kaza et al. 2018. into the environment is high. There b. African Development Bank 2012; UNDESA types.g As such, in the absence of is growing citizen and government 2015a; UNDESA2015b. reliable waste and water quality data, c. Yasin et al. 2010; UNEP 2015. concern around the leakage of d. Hoornweg et al. 2015. population growth and economic plastic waste into the environment, e. UNEP 2015. development can provide signals of f. Yasmin et al. 2010. resulting in many African countries g. UNEP 2015. potential ‘geographic areas of concern’ moving to ban single-use plastics h. UN 2017. with regard to plastic, industrial, i. Jambeck et al. 2017; UNEP 2018a. as a way of limiting their negative agricultural and municipal wastes. j. Jambeck et al. 2015. impacts. According to UNEP (2018b), k. Seitzinger and Mayorga 2016. According to the United Nations’ 29 countries in Africa, predominantly l. Brooks et al. 2018; UNEP 2018a. Department of Economic and Social m. UNEP 2018a. coastal countries, have already n. PETCO 2018. Affairs, more than half of the world’s implemented some sort of regulation o. Coca Cola 2019.

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 11 2.2 Other Pollutants (663.3 MMT) being managed by ‘open dumping’ (Kaza et Compounding Ocean Stress al. 2018). Approximately 50 percent or more of this waste is organic waste (e.g. food waste) in many places except Pollution in this category stems from anthropogenic for and , which generate around development (including in rural and urban areas). 30 percent organic waste. In high-income countries Municipal sources of pollution can be especially (as ranked by the World Bank), 51 percent of the waste high where population densities are high. Lack of stream is plastic, paper, cardboard, metal and glass, infrastructure that can handle sanitation and waste while in low-income countries, only 16 percent of the management in rapidly growing cities, especially near waste stream is estimated to be dry waste and able to the coasts, is a large source of ocean pollution. Sources be recycled (Kaza et al. 2018). These statistics do not in this sector include residential and commercial solid even include special waste materials like medical and waste and wastewater as well as runoff from roads and (e-waste), which pose even further landscaping activities. Additionally, debris entering the management challenges beyond municipal waste. While ocean as a result of natural disasters is included here. regulated by the Basel Convention in international trade, e-waste continues to be processed in areas without 2.2.1 Other municipal solid waste adequate infrastructure or protection for workers; pollution to access the metal, the plastic housing and coatings The World Bank estimates that 2 billion metric tons of on wires are often burned, releasing toxic emissions municipal waste are generated globally with 33 percent impacting ecosystems and human health (Asante et al. 2019).

Box 2. Waste National Plan of Action (Rencana Aksi waste processing for both inorganic Management in Indonesia Nasional) on marine plastic debris for and organic waste. In December 2018–2025, which includes five main 2019, 47,500 people received waste The Indonesian government, through actions: change behaviour, reduce collection, mostly for the first time, President Act No. 83 in 2018 regarding land-based leakage, reduce sea-based from two facilities established by the marine debris management, has leakage, enhance law enforcement project. These facilities have collected committed to reducing plastic waste and financial support, and increase 3,000 tons of waste so far and employ up to 70 percent by 2025.a To support research and development.b 80 local people.c this effort, the Coordinating Ministry of In addition to regulatory solutions, Indonesia is also looking for Maritime and Investment Affairs plans some villages are setting up their own alternatives to for plastic to build a protocol to collect marine waste management facilities. In 2018, waste that cannot be recycled. One debris data from several big cities in Muncar, a small village in East Java, option being investigated is a plastic Indonesia, including Banjarmasin, worked with a private organisation road tar that uses plastic waste, Balikpapan, Bogor and Denpasar, and named SYSTEMIQ on a pilot project mainly LDPE and HDPE. The plastics has taken action through the Mayor Act called Project STOP, which, if are shredded, melted and added into (Peraturan Wali Kota) and Governor Act successful, can be implemented in road-tar mix. In 2017, this method (Peraturan Gubernur) to regulate the other villages throughout Indonesia. was piloted at Udayana University, reduction of single-use plastic. While For this project, they built a waste , where they laid a 700-metre-long some regulations regarding waste management system in the area plastic road. However, an evaluation reduction, segregation, collection that focuses on waste segregation hasn’t yet been done assessing the and transport already existed, the in households and capacity building potential for contamination into the lack of enforcement has caused through a sorting centre. The environment. them to be poorly implemented. plan has five strategies, including To amplify efforts to reduce plastic Notes: optimised , behaviour a. Purba et al. 2019. waste, the national government has b. Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs change, regulation setting, village also constructed a cross-government 2018. waste management, institutional c. National Geographic 2020. collaboration approach through a capacity building and optimised

12 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Another contribution beyond municipal waste is disaster 2.2.3 debris. With climate change increasing both the intensity Untreated sewage carries a large volume of pollutants and frequency of storms around the globe, this pollution to the ocean (Islam and Tanaka 2004) and wastewater input may increase in the future. One quantified example itself contains a number of pollutants: nutrients, of disaster debris originated from the 2011 Japanese pathogens, plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals tsunami that washed out 3.6 MMT of debris, with 0.91 and other suspended solids. On a volume basis, raw MMT floating across the Pacific Ocean and portions sewage discharge is of most concern where sanitation of it reaching the western shores of North America infrastructure is still developing. For example, in (NOAA 2013). Southeast , more than 600,000 tons of nitrogen 2.2.2 Pesticide pollution are discharged annually from the major rivers. These numbers may become further exacerbated as coastal Municipal pesticide pollution has been recognised in population densities are projected to increase from nonpoint source stormwater runoff since the 1960s 77 people per square kilometre (people/km2) to 115 (Weibel et al. 1966). It is sourced from use in commercial people/km2 in 2025 (Nellemann et al. 2008). The global and residential landscaping and wastewater (Sutton et anthropogenic nitrogen (N) load to fresh water systems al. 2019). Pesticide use and pollution can be significant from both diffuse and point sources in the period in densely populated areas where use is common, but 2002−2010 was 32.6 MMT/yr (Mekonnen and Hoekstra it is often on a smaller scale compared with agriculture 2015), though only a portion of this might reach the use. One study of the Marne River in determined ocean. that urban uses of pesticides were considerably lower (47 tons/yr) than agricultural ones (4,300 tons/yr) The accumulated anthropogenic N loads related to gray (Blanchoud et al. 2007), with similar trends observed water footprints in the period 2002–2010 was 13 × 1012 in eight urban streams in the United States (Hoffman cubic metres per year, with China contributing about et al. 2000). 45 percent to the global total. Twenty-three percent came from domestic point sources and 2 percent from Agricultural pesticides represent a category of human- industrial point sources (Nellemann et al. 2008). From made or human-appropriated chemicals that are used 2002 to 2010, the global total phosphorous (P) load to to prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate any pest, or as a freshwater systems from the sum of anthropogenic plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant (U.S. Code 1947). diffuse and point sources was estimated to be 1.47 Pesticides are categorised based on the target class MMT/yr, though only a portion of this might reach the of organisms they are designed to impact. The most ocean. About 62 percent of this total load was from common categories include , insecticides, point sources (domestic, industrial) while diffuse fungicides, rodenticides, algaecides and antimicrobials. sources (agriculture) contributed the remainder. China The ocean is exposed to pesticides through air, water, contributed most to the total global anthropogenic P soil and biota. The air pesticides globally, load, about 30 percent, followed by (8 percent), the documented as early as 1968 (Risebrough et al. 1968; United States (7 percent), and Spain and (6 percent Seba and Prospero 1971), and has resulted in detectable each) (Bouwman et al. 2011). levels of pesticides in every part of the biosphere, A global indicator of wastewater treatment to inform the including in arctic ice (Pućko et al. 2017; Rimondino SDGs has been recently created: Wastewater treatment et al. 2018). Pesticide transport through was normalised by connections to wastewater systems occurs in both the liquid phase, where the pesticide around the world. The regions with the greatest average is solubilised in the runoff water, and the solid phase, scores (i.e. the most comprehensive wastewater where the pesticide is bound with soil particles that treatment) are Europe (66.14 ± 4.97) and North America erode with surface runoff. Both mechanisms transport (50.32 ± 17.42). The Middle East and North Africa (36.45 pesticides from their application sites to the ocean. More ± 6.33), East Asia and the Pacific (27.06 ± 6.91), Eastern areas are likely to face high pesticide pollution risk as Europe and Central Asia (18.34 ± 5.40), and Latin America global population grows and the climate warms, likely and the (11.37 ± 2.51) had scores falling in the requiring even higher rates of pesticide use for increased agricultural activity and crop pests (Ippolito et al. 2015).

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 13 middle, with some infrastructure lacking. Sub-Saharan Global crop production is often seen as the primary Africa (3.96 ± 1.50) and South Asia (2.33 ± 1.34) have accelerator of N and P cycles. However, the demand the lowest scores with extensive needs for wastewater for animal feed produced from different crops and treatment improvements (Malik et al. 2015). Even where by-products of the food industry has rapidly increased treatment facilities exist, they may sometimes discharge in the past century. At present, about 30 percent of untreated sewage into waterways and the ocean due to global arable land is used for producing animal feed, decayed infrastructure, facility malfunctions or heavy probably also involving a similar fraction of fertiliser rainfall events that overwhelm systems using combined use to produce crops for human consumption (Steinfeld sewers and stormwater drains (known as combined et al. 2006). In addition, total N and P in animal sewer overflows). manure generated by livestock production exceed the global N and P fertiliser use (Mekonnen and Hoekstra Nutrient pollution from agricultural sources comes from 2018). Livestock production has increased rapidly in using synthetic nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers and the past century, with a gradual intensification that from discharging animal waste into the ocean, either via has influenced the composition of livestock diets. In direct runoff, rivers or disaster events (e.g. hurricanes). general, intensification is accompanied by decreasing Globally, humans increased the application of synthetic dependence on open range feeding in ruminant systems nitrogen fertilisers by nine-fold and phosphorous and increasing use of concentrate feeds, mainly feed fertilisers by three-fold between the 1960s and the 2000s grains grown with fertiliser and fed to animals at feedlots (Sutton et al. 2013). The global agricultural system fixed with concentrated manure to manage. 50–70 Teragrams (Tg) of N biologically, while nearly double that, 120 Tg per year of N, was added as synthetic 2.2.4 Antibiotics and other fertilisers to support the production of crops and grasses pharmaceuticals as well as feedstock for industrial animal agriculture (Galloway et al. 2008; Herridge et al. 2008). A large share Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals are present in of the human-applied N is lost, including some 40–66 most wastewater both from improper disposal (flushing Tg N/yr exported from rivers to the ocean from 2000 to down sinks or toilets) and from . Where 2010 (Seitzinger et al. 2005; Seitzinger et al. 2010; Voss et wastewater treatment facilities exist, treatment primarily al. 2011; Voss et al. 2013). Estimates show an increase in removes solids and pathogens, but is not typically able the total N and P exports to coastal waters by almost 20 to remove pharmaceuticals without advanced treatment percent and over 10 percent, respectively, from 1970 to (Keen et al. 2014). A rapid increase (up 65 percent in 2000 (Seitzinger et al. 2010). Diffuse sources, including defined daily doses) of antibiotic use between 2000 agriculture, contributed about 28 percent of the global and 2015 was seen globally, with the largest increases total P load to freshwater systems, which eventually lead in lower-middle-income countries where wastewater to the ocean. treatment may be less available (Klein et al. 2018).

Box 3. The Impacts two additional biological impacts— the worst-performing sector as marine of Aquaculture escaped fish and pathogens—that are finfish in tropical and subtropical considered out of scope for this paper. water, such as groupers, red drum The four primary discharges to the Plastics discharged by aquaculture and cobia, and the worst geography ocean from ocean-based aquaculture, are presented at the beginning of as Asia, with Asian countries holding as identified and quantified by the this section. The relative volume and the lowest 15 spots in the species- Global Aquaculture Performance impacts of these four discharges vary country ranking. These countries Index, are antibiotics, antifoulants by species, geography and type of tended to score particularly poorly on (primarily copper), parasiticides and aquaculture, with impacts ranging biochemical oxygen demand and use uneaten feed and faeces, the last of from relatively benign to quite of antibiotics and parasiticides.b which impacts the biochemical oxygen damaging for the marine environment Notes: demand of the water.a There are and marine life. The index identified a. Volpe et al. 2013. b. Volpe et al. 2013

14 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy 2.2.5 Heavy metals, persistent organic waters (UNDP 2002). Globally, 80 percent of wastewater, pollutants and oil and gas including some industrial wastewater, is discharged into the environment without treatment (UN Water 2018). Urban runoff, especially roadway runoff, is the primary In the United States, around 60 percent of coastal rivers source of heavy metals, POPs and oil and other and bays had already been degraded by 2006 (UNEP/ chemicals from municipal sources, although some GPA 2006). The Mediterranean coastline has faced major of these can also be contained in wastewater. One environmental pressures from industrial development, recent example from China shows road runoff contains with wastewater flows from the mineral, chemical and significant cadmium, chromium, copper, , energy sectors (GRID-Arendal 2013). Meanwhile, China nickel, lead and zinc when classifying with a pollution has discharged approximately 20–25 billion tons per load index, and that roadways have two to six times year of industrial wastewater since 2000 (Jiang et al. greater metal concentrations than rooftop runoff (Shajib 2014). The real number may be even higher, due to et al. 2019). underreporting and a mismatch in both water quality Pollution from industry refers to any discharges of standards and wastewater standards. In 2018, only about hazardous substances, which may be a result of effluent 71 percent of the industrial wastewater was treated discharges from manufacturing operations and cleaning in —craft villages near Hanoi, for example, equipment and any accidental spills. Industrial activities were discharging 156,000 cubic metres of water a day may generate waste that contains heavy metals, into the Red River Delta near the coast (World Bank carcinogenic hydrocarbons, dioxins, pesticides, and 2019). The World Bank (2019) also states that treating noxious organic and inorganic substances. Hazardous 22 million cubic metres of wastewater from industrial substances are used to produce electrical equipment, oil clusters along the Nhue-Day River could considerably and petrochemicals, organic and inorganic chemicals, improve coastal water quality. The Ganga River, despite pesticides and heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, being a sacred river, is heavily polluted by untreated cadmium), and are used by the wood/pulp processing industrial activities. Seven hundred sixty-four units of and electroplating industries. Additionally, by-products industry generate 501 million litres of wastewater from tanneries, textile mills, paper, pulp and other sources of industrial processes include toxic dioxins (e.g. C4H4O2) produced in the manufacture of certain herbicides and (India Ministry of Water Resources 2017). The Tiram River chlorine from paper pulp bleaching. Hazardous materials in had high levels of toxics due to the improper can be explosive, toxic or carcinogenic, and must be treatment of industrial effluent in 2015 (Asri 2015). Only treated and managed appropriately. Like other pollutant one-third of Philippine river systems are considered pathways already discussed, industrial pollutants suitable for public water supply due to untreated can enter the ocean directly through point discharges domestic and industrial wastewater (Asian Development or by flowing in rivers (water or sediment transport) Bank 2009). These polluted rivers stream to the ocean to the ocean, but may also come from atmospheric and threaten the coastal resources in the . deposition as illustrated in a river and estuary source Monitoring of fish and macroinvertebrates in Manila and transport case study of organochlorine compounds Bay, Philippines, showed the content of cadmium, lead by Wu et al. (2016). and chromium were considerable (Sia Su et al. 2009). Heavy metal pollution for lead and Industrial water consumption comprises 22 percent of had accounted for 99.2 percent of disease burden from global water use (UN Water 2018). In 2009, industrial toxic exposure among those in India, Indonesia and the water use in Europe and North America was 50 percent Philippines (Chatham-Stephens et al. 2013). Seawater of total water use compared with 4–12 percent in along the coast of the Korean Peninsula was analysed developing countries, but it is expected to increase for heavy metal concentrations three times from 2009 to by a factor of five in the next 10–20 years in rapidly 2013 and copper and zinc concentrations were found to industrialising countries (UN Water 2018). As far back exceed acceptable standards all three times (Lee et al. as 2002, 160,000 factories were estimated to discharge 2017). Untreated industrial discharges threaten not only between 41,000 and 57,000 tons of toxic organic ecosystem services, but potentially billions of people. chemicals and 68,000 tons of toxic metals into coastal

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 15 Box 4. Jakarta Bay respectively, between 1982 and 2002 the capture fishery sector decreased Struggles with Industrial (Arifin 2004). In 2006–07, sampling in the last five years. Fish production Pollution found that sediment distribution in continuously declined from about the estuary of Jakarta Bay consisted 35,000 tons in 1999 to almost 18,000 d Jakarta Bay is on the northern coast of mostly of black clay, which is indicative tons in 2002. Jakarta Bay is under Jakarta Metropolitan City, Indonesia. of anthropogenic influences from the stress from both intensive fishing b Three large rivers, the Citarum, Jakarta River Basin. Sampling done and degraded water quality due to Ciliwung and Cisadane, flow into from June 2015 to June 2016 showed pollution from both land and marine Jakarta Bay. These rivers are used that around 97,000 debris items sources. Mercury content in green by inhabitants as well as industry in entered the bay daily through nine mussels and arsenic concentrations the Jakarta, West Java and Banten rivers, and about 59 percent of it was in green mussels and tuna samples c Provinces. There has been significant macroplastic, a further stressor on in Jakarta Bay are above the national anthropogenic impact on the Citarum Jakarta Bay. standard concentrations (1.0 milligram e River dating back to the increase in use per kilogram), yet the polluted green Thousands of people, such as fishers of the area for industrial activities in mussels can be found in local markets. in North Jakarta and those along the early 1980s.a Septiono et al. (2016) Despite being highly used for food and the Thousand Islands, depend on discovered heavy metals—namely to support livelihoods, Jakarta Bay is a the ecosystem goods and services cadmium, chromium hexavalent, zinc, sea of wastewater and solid waste. provided by the river. However, the mercury, lead and copper—exceeding extreme pollution of toxic chemicals, Notes: the national concentration standards a. Bukit 1995; Parikesit et al. 2005; Dsikowitzky eutrophication and sediment load in et al. 2017. in the river. The concentrations of lead the area, as well as overexploitation b. Tejakusuma et al. 2009. and copper in the sediment of Jakarta c. Cordova and Nurhati 2019. of marine resources, are threatening d. Arifin 2004. Bay increased five and nine times, coastal communities. Production of e. Koesmawati and Arifin 2015.

2.2.6 Maritime pollution Because of policies by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and goals to improve safety and Pollution into the ocean does not arise only from land; reduce environmental risk, the overall trend of oil spills the ocean is also impacted by ocean-sourced pollution. from tankers (not including rigs and platforms) has Pollution other than plastic (see section 2.1.4 for a decreased over time (Kontovas et al. 2010). However, discussion of plastic pollution), results from fishing, in 2010 BP’s Deepwater Horizon resulted in 4.9 shipping and transportation, cruises, recreational million barrels of oil entering the ocean, the largest oil boating, ocean exploration and other maritime activities. spill in the history of the petroleum industry; thousands Similar to land-based sources, wastewater and grey of scientific papers have assessed the impacts of this oil water contribute to nutrient and chemical loading in spill since it occurred. the ocean, and unique to ocean-going vessels, improper management of bilge water can also cause pollution. 2.3 Compounding Effects of Sewage and grey water are regulated under MARPOL Multiple Pollutants Annex IV and bilge water under Annex I. Beyond that, oil spills are one of the most evident forms of ocean More than one source and pollutant can cause a pollution due to large areas that may be impacted and complex mix of stressors on the ecosystem and marine the visible consequences for and other marine life, with sometimes synergistic effects (the impact of wildlife (Palinkas et al. 1993). Most maritime oil spills the two together is greater than the sum of their occur due to transportation mishaps or accidents on individual impacts). oil rigs. Less frequently, a sunken vessel or discharge of oil-containing bilge or ballast water may be released.

16 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Distinct pollutants may also enter the ocean through The agriculture sector has the highest input of nutrients similar pathways. The municipal sector, for example, is a to the ocean. In one of the largest river basins, the source of both plastic waste and wastewater. In general, Mississippi River, fertiliser use delivered 64 percent wastewater also carries all the contaminants of urban and 41 percent of the N and P, respectively, to the Gulf stormwater runoff in addition to pollutants in sewage. of Mexico. Pasture use delivered another 5 percent When municipal infrastructure for handling solid and and 38 percent of the contribution, for a total N and liquid wastes is lacking, rapid economic development P from agriculture of 70 to 80 percent of the total (by exacerbates pollution. In some cases, open sewage comparison, urban use is 9 to 11 percent) (Alexander et canals are sometimes used to ‘manage’ wastewater in al. 2008). The research also found that source reductions urban systems, yet solid waste on land washes into these on land near large rivers (nearly 1:1) or quickly flowing canals and drains into waterways that can lead to the streams (2:1) had the greatest reduction of overall ocean. In other cases, aging infrastructure incapable of nutrient loading to the Gulf (Alexander et al. 2008). This handling stormwater leaks both sewage and plastic into means that in large river basins, it is possible to get a waterways from combined sewer overflow events. Just nearly kg per kg reduction to the ocean by decreasing as negative synergies exist, so do positive ones: Waste fertiliser use and adjusting management of grazelands. management of the residual solids from wastewater Figure 2 shows use of N and P on land, as well as all the treatment are often managed within the solid waste major watersheds that drain to the ocean. management sector, and development of infrastructure to manage biosolids can help properly manage other solid waste, including plastic waste.

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 17 Figure 2. Global Nitrogen and Phosphorous Applications (minus endorheic basins)

Global Phosphorus Application (kgha of P fertiliser applied per grid cell)

ndorheic iverasins

Global Nitrogen Application (kgha of N fertiliser applied per grid cell)

ndorheic iverasins

Notes: These applications could impact the ocean based upon runoff and drainage. Kg/ha stands for kilogram per hectare. N stands for nitrogen, and P for phosphorous. As used here, an endorheic basin is a body of water that has no outflow to other bodies of water, such as rivers or the ocean.

Sources: Potter et al. 2010; Potter et al. 2011a; Potter et al. 2011b. Map created by A. Brooks.

18 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Box 5. Spotlight on were designed with a wastewater average, 20–30 percent of pesticides Vietnam treatment system—and those and chemical fertilisers applied will treatment systems have been shown not be retained by plants and will be Vietnam has a coastline of 3,260 to have a number of limitations. In washed by rainwater and irrigation kilometres with over 3,000 islands and addition, wastewater from handicraft water into surface water resources 114 river mouths and estuaries. Due to villages also contributes to marine as well as accumulate in the soil the rapid rate of population increase, pollution.d and in the form of urbanisation and industrialisation, a residues. In summary, the pollutants Waste from agricultural activities large amount of pollution has been released by these activities include, also contributes to marine pollution, introduced into the coastal zone in among others, nutrients, organic especially from the livestock, recent decades. The major sources of chemicals, sediments and pesticides, aquaculture and crop sectors. The pollution discharges into the ocean which ultimately end up in the sea estimated livestock solid waste— include untreated or incompletely of Vietnam. In addition, wastewater including nutrients, suspended treated effluents from the municipal is also discharged from ocean-going solids, organic matter, pathogens and and industrial sectors, as well as waste ships, other maritime facilities, ship pharmaceuticals—was reported to from agriculture activities and seaport building and repair plants, seaports be 47 million tons in 2016, of which and tourism activities. and freight yards and stores. 40–70 percent was treated and the The total amount of domestic rest discharged into lakes, streams The two major river basins in Vietnam, wastewater in both urban and rural and rivers.e For instance, 70–90 the and the Red River, areas in Vietnam is estimated to be percent of the wastewater from one annually discharge approximately 500 8.7 million cubic metres per day pig farm, comprised of nutrients million and 137 billion cubic metres (million m3/day).a Major pollutants are (nitrogen), minerals, heavy metals of water into the ocean, respectively.h nutrients, organic matter, suspended and pharmaceuticals, was reported Sediment is discharged from the solids and nitrogen-containing organic to be excreted into the environment. Mekong alone at a rate of 36 MMT/ substances. According to the Vietnam Aquaculture activities also release yr, although this is a decrease from Ministry of Construction, the total a large amount of untreated waste previous estimates since dams are designed capacity of 39 domestic directly into the ocean with high levels now reducing that transport.i However, wastewater treatment plants over the of nitrogen and phosphorus. In 2014, both of these water and sediment country is approximately 907,950 m3/ more than 10 billion cubic metres of flows can transport pollutants from the day, which covers only 11 percent wastewater containing 51,336 metric anthropogenic activities in the river of domestic wastewater.b In Ha Noi tons of nitrogen and 16,070 metric tons catchment and coastal areas to the capital and Ho Chi Minh City, the of phosphorus in a pangasius fish farm ocean.j About 13 MMT of solid waste two largest cities in the country, the were estimated to be discharged to is mismanaged in Vietnam each year, percentage of all domestic wastewater local canals to eventually end up in the with 1.8 MMT of that plastic, and an processed by centralised wastewater Mekong Delta River.f estimated 0.28–0.73 MMT entering the treatment plants is 20.6 percent and ocean from Vietnam each year.k The use of pesticides and chemical 13 percent of the total wastewater, fertilisers in agricultural production In Vietnam, not many studies on respectively.c By the end of 2016, 344 is another major source of surface plastics, including microplastics, have industrial zones had been established water pollution. Fertilizer use is been conducted, although Vietnam is with the amount of industrial increasing in Vietnam. From 1983 to one of the top countries in the world wastewater varying in the regions, and 2013, fertiliser consumption increased in terms of plastic waste.k The plastic 220 industrial zones were in operation nearly seven-fold to 26 MMT in 2013, industry during 2010–2015 was the of which 86 percent had a centralised and about 80,000–100,000 tons of third-largest industry in terms of wastewater treatment plant. Only 98 of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides 620 industrial clusters, or 16 percent, continued on page 20 were used from 2012 to 2014.g On

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 19 Box 5. Spotlight on Vietnam, and Ha Noi combined.m In Ho Chi Minh, To more effectively address plastic continued microplastics were found in urban waste, more research is needed. In canals with 172,000 to 519,000 items/ particular, research that provides growth, with an annual increase m3,n and in the surface water in Can Gio a more complete characterisation of 16–18 percent (following the Sea at a rate of 0.176 ± 0.0 items/m3.o of macro and microplastics at telecommunications and textile sea is needed, as well as further Vietnam is addressing the plastic industries). The amount of plastic used study on effective strategies for issue on both the national and per capita increased from 3.8 kg/year managing plastic waste—particularly regional scales. The government has in 1990 to over 41 kg/year in 2015.l microplastics (including microbeads). released a national action plan for Although there are no official statistics marine litter (Government of Vietnam Notes: on the amount and varieties of plastic a. MONRE 2016. 2020). Regionally, the Lower Mekong in the Vietnamese sea, plastic waste, b. Nam 2016. Initiative, a multinational partnership c. MONRE 2017. originating from wastewater and solid d. MONRE 2017. among Cambodia, Laos, , waste from the mainland, can enter e. MONRE 2016; World Bank Group 2017. , Vietnam and the United f. World Bank Group 2017. the ocean through 114 river mouths g. MONRE 2014; World Bank Group 2017. States to create integrated subregional and estuaries. h. World Bank 2019. cooperation among the five Lower i. Thi Ha et al. 2018. Fishing, aquaculture and on-sea j. World Bank 2019. Mekong countries, launched in 2009, k. Jambeck et al. 2015. activities are also major sources of is now also working to address plastic l. VPAS 2019. plastic in the Vietnamese sea. Every contamination upstream before it gets m. Vietnam News 2019. n. Lahens et al. 2018. day, about 80 tons of plastic waste and to the ocean. o. Hien et al. 2019. bags are thrown away in Ho Chi Minh

20 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy 3. Impacts of Ocean Pollution on Ecosystems, Marine Life, Human Health and Economies

There are a multitude of potential impacts pollutants and economic. See Table 2 for a brief outline of these can have on the ocean, which we have categorised impacts. into four types: ecosystem, marine life, human health

Table 2. Potential Ecosystem, Marine Life, Human Health and Economic Impacts from Ocean Pollution


Microplastics ƒ Potential to alter the ƒ Negative effects on ƒ Unknown impact of ƒ Reduction in global distribution of sediment food consumption, ingestion through marine ecosystem services dwelling organisms in growth, reproduction consumption of has been estimated at assemblages and survival across a marine animals US$0.5–2.5 trillion1 ƒ Can provide surface wide range of organ- with microplastics vectors that facilitate the isms at the individual in their tissues transport of potentially level ƒ Unknown exposure harmful microorganisms ƒ (due to to toxic chemicals ingestion) due to ingestion ƒ Potential of exposure ƒ Unknown exposure to toxic substances to pathogens (in or absorbed by plastics) ƒ Trophic transfer

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 21 Table 2. Potential Ecosystem, Marine Life, Human Health and Economic Impacts from Ocean Pollution


Macroplastics ƒ Smothering and impact At the individual level: ƒ Increase in mosqui- ƒ Estimated $40 billion in on coral reefs ƒ Starvation (due to to-borne diseases negative externalities 2 ƒ Transport of invasive ingestion) ƒ Potential for expo- annually species ƒ Entanglement sure to pathogens ƒ Global damage to marine ƒ Chemical exposure environments from plastic pollution estimated at a minimum $13 billion per year3 ƒ Aggregated estimates across the plastics life cy- cle concluded that annual damages from plastic pro- duction and the current stock of plastic waste in the ocean amount to $2.2 trillion4 ƒ Fishermen lose time and efficiency from catching trash in nets ƒ Damage to maritime industries in the APECa region was estimated at $1.26 billion per year5 ƒ Loss of revenue from tour- ism, e.g. reducing marine debris by 100 percent was estimated to improve the savings and welfare of local residents by $148 million over the three- month summer period6 Other solid waste ƒ Additive nutrients to ƒ Ingestion, entrapment ƒ 15 million people ƒ Fishermen lose time and the ocean as source of or entanglement worldwide work efficiency from catching hypoxia (from organic causing impairment informally in waste trash in nets waste) or death management in ƒ Debris in water can dam- ƒ Source of heavy metals ƒ Transport of invasive poor, unhealthy age fishing gear and nets conditions7 (e-waste) species ƒ Loss of revenue from ƒ Risk of entrapment/ tourism bodily injury ƒ Heavy metal contamination and exposure (e-waste) ƒ Pathogen exposure (medical waste)

22 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Table 2. Potential Ecosystem, Marine Life, Human Health and Economic Impacts from Ocean Pollution


Pesticides ƒ Reduced photosyn- ƒ Death, cancers, ƒ Toxicity via con- ƒ Loss of productivity and thetic efficiency of sea tumours and lesions sumption of marine resiliency of seagrass beds grass, corals and algae on fish and animals, species who have and coral reefs due to pes- (herbicides), resulting in reproductive inhibi- bioaccumulated or ticide pollution impacts chronic stress tion or failure, sup- biomagnified pesti- global economic security ƒ Measurable impacts on pression of immune cides in their tissue. by reducing provision of seagrass productivity, es- system, disruption of Most at risk are vul- ecosystem services that pecially when combined endocrine system, cel- nerable populations are essential for human with light attenuation lular and molecular (children, elderly) in society. While exact level from high sediment loads damage, teratogenic communities with of damage is not known, from agricultural runoff effects, poor fish high levels of sea- if we assume a reduction health marked by low food consumption in productivity of these ƒ Can restrict or fully red to white blood cell ecosystems by 25%, the inhibit coral settlement ratio, excessive slime annual economic impact and metamorphosis at on fish scales and of those pesticides in concentrations as low as gills, intergeneration- the ocean would be $200 one part per billion, and al effects, and other billion per year8 at higher concentrations physiological effects can cause coral branch such as egg shell death thinningb Nutrients (N, P) ƒ Eutrophication and ƒ Fish kills, red tides ƒ Respiratory irrita- ƒ Black Sea fishery value hypoxia ƒ Decreases in popu- tion from harmful was reduced by 90% ƒ Biodiversity losses lation and species algal blooms (from roughly $2 billion). (HABs), e.g red tides Other economic impacts ƒ Ecosystem losses diversity with benthic and fish communities ƒ Illness from con- included an estimated loss of $500 million in tourism ƒ Release of ammonia suming seafood revenue9 and hydrogen sulfide, exposed to HABs ƒ which can be toxic to A major and extensive red marine life tide outbreak occurred along the coast of and south China, covering an area of more than 100 km2. Over 80% (3,400 tons) of mariculture fish were killed, and the total loss was over $40 million10 ƒ Major economic impacts on fisheries, aquaculture and tourism

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 23 Table 2. Potential Ecosystem, Marine Life, Human Health and Economic Impacts from Ocean Pollution


Antibiotics, ƒ The occurrence of ƒ The occurrence ƒ Carcinogenic, ƒ Unknown parasiticides, other subtherapeutic doses of of subtherapeutic mutagenic and re- pharmaceuticals antibiotics on bacteria doses of antibiotics productive toxicity over a prolonged period on bacteria over a potential to resistance, prolonged period ƒ Endocrine system which is a threat to the leads to resistance, impacts environment which is a threat to the environment Heavy metals ƒ Toxicity to some micro- ƒ Increase in the ƒ Acute toxicity at ƒ Unknown organisms and animals, permeability of the high doses, chronic cancer in animals, uptake cell membrane in toxicity, cancer, by plants and impacts to the other marine algae, nervous system and leading to the loss of behaviour (espe- intracellular constit- cially lead) uents and, therefore, cellular integrity ƒ These include lym- phocytic infiltration, lesions and fatty degeneration ƒ In addition, cadmium, lead and mercury are potential immuno- suppressants; of concern is the buildup of mercury, which marine mammals tend to accumulate in the liver

Industrial chemicals ƒ Food chain interactions, ƒ Abnormal behaviour, ƒ Reproductive, ƒ Unknown and persistent birth defects, cancer, birth defects in fish, developmental, organic pollutantsc accumulation and birds, mammals behavioural, neu- transformations in the ƒ Biomagnification in rologic, endocrine, environment the food chain and immunologic adverse health effects

24 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Table 2. Potential Ecosystem, Marine Life, Human Health and Economic Impacts from Ocean Pollution


Oil and gas ƒ Coat and smother ben- ƒ Death ƒ Localised health ƒ BP’s Deepwater Horizon thic areas ƒ Negative impacts on impacts from spill in the Gulf of Mexico reproductive health immediate expo- is estimated to have cost sure, potential for the company $61.6 billion ƒ Carcinomas and pap- longer-term impacts in penalties and fines; illomas on the lips of from exposure, cleanup and remediation; bottom-feeding fish, e.g. cancer, mental and payments to affected as well as changes in health issues if companies, communities the cell membrane fisheries and liveli- and individuals11 ƒ Severe eye irritation hoods are impacted ƒ The ‘true’ cost of the with subsequent 2010 Deepwater Horizon blindness in seals oil spill including loss of ƒ Individual birds be- tourism, cost of cleanup, come unable to swim and loss of fisheries is or fly and nervous estimated to be $144.89 system abnormalities billion12 can occur ƒ Population-level effects of oil toxicity on aquatic birds occur through the loss of egg viability

Notes: Pathogens present in human and animal waste discharged to the ocean can infect marine animals, but this is considered out of scope for this analysis. a. APEC stands for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. b. These effects are not necessarily caused solely by exposure to pesticides or other organic contaminants, but may be associated with a combination of environmental stresses such as eutrophication and pathogens.

Sources: 1. Beaumont et al. 2019. 2. World Economic Forum et al. 2016. 3. UNEP 2014. 4. Forrest et al. 2019. 5. McIlgorm et al. 2008. 6. Leggett et al. 2014. 7. Medina 2008. 8. Cesar et al. 2003. 9. World Bank 2009. 10. Yang and Hodgkiss 2004. 11. Mufson 2016. 12 Islam and Tanaka 2004.

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 25 3.1 Impacts of Plastic reproductive cysts and minor delays in chick growth and sexual maturity, but did not affect ultimate survival 3.1.1 Impacts on ecosystems and or reproductive output. With regard to the transfer of marine life chemicals by plastics from seawater, recent work has shown that other pathways including direct uptake from MICROPLASTICS water and natural foods are likely to be more important Microplastics have accumulated across a wide range pathways than microplastics (Bakir et al. 2016; Koelmans of environmental compartments including marine, et al. 2016). Less is known about the risks associated terrestrial and freshwater habitats as well as in the air with the release of additive chemicals from plastic. (SAPEA and Academies 2019; Eerkes-Medrano et al. Determining the release of additives is particularly 2015). These areas also include remote locations far from challenging since chemical formulations are not typically population centres such as in the (Woodall in the public domain (SAPEA and Academies 2019). et al. 2015) and the Arctic (Obbard et al. 2014). There is clear evidence that microplastics are ingested by a wide Most experimental work on effects has focused on range of species including marine mammals, birds, fish those on individuals, but there is some evidence of and small invertebrates at the base of the food chain wider ecological effects including the potential to (Law and Thompson 2014; Lusher 2015). While it has alter the distribution of sediment-dwelling organisms been shown that particles can pass through the digestive in assemblages (Green 2016) and to influence the system and be excreted, it has also been established that sinking rates of faecal material to the (Cole et some particles can be retained in the body for several al. 2013). Microplastics also provide a surface that can weeks (Browne et al. 2008; Ory et al. 2018). Microplastics readily become colonised by microorganisms including can also transfer between prey and predator species pathogens and there are concerns that microplastic within food webs (Watts et al. 2015; Chagnon et al. particles may therefore provide vectors facilitating the 2018). Many of the species that have been shown to transport of potentially harmful microorganisms (Zettler be contaminated with microplastics are commercially et al. 2013; Kirstein et al. 2016). important for human consumption (Lusher et al. 2013). Plastic is rapidly colonised by microorganisms Laboratory experiments indicate that at high doses in a marine environment (Harrison et al. 2014). ingesting microplastics can induce physical and Plastic surface has even been defined as the chemical toxicity (SAPEA and Academies 2019). The ’’ in recognition of the unique communities physical presence of microplastic particles has been it harbours (Zettler et al. 2013). In fact, litter items made shown to have negative effects on food consumption, with many materials appear to have unique biofilm growth, reproduction and survival across a wide range communities (Woodall et al. 2018). These communities of organisms, and there is evidence that zooplankton, include potentially harmful pathogens such as Vibrio spp. non-mollusc invertebrates and juvenile fish are (Kirstein et al. 2016) and E. coli (Rodrigues et al. 2019) particularly sensitive (Cole et al. 2015). For example, a and are known to colonise the surfaces of submerged reduction in feeding efficiency has been demonstrated plastic surfaces, similar to how they colonise other hard for zooplankton, lugworms and fish. In addition, when submerged surfaces (Shikuma and Hadfield 2010). A ingested, microplastics can transfer potentially harmful submerged laid on a seagrass meadow can chemicals to biota; this can occur as a consequence serve as a home for more than 500 individual meiofauna, of the transfer of hydrophobic chemicals from the which potentially affects meiofauna community surrounding water or the release of additive chemicals structure (Susetiono 2019). These communities might incorporated at the time of manufacture (Teuten et also impact biogeochemical cycles (Cornejo-D’Ottone et al. 2007; Tanaka et al. 2013). While the transfer of al. 2020). chemicals by plastics to biota has been demonstrated, It is important to recognise that most studies of physical it is the dose that determines the poison. In a recent and particle toxicity have been conducted using bird feeding experiment, Roman et al. (2019) found that concentrations and/or particle sizes that are not typical plastic ingestion caused higher frequencies of male of those currently recorded in the environment (Lenz

26 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy et al. 2016). There are challenges since environmental rays, sawfish, turtles, seabirds, crocodiles, dugongs, concentrations are not known with confidence, , dolphins and numerous other marine taxa. especially for particles smaller than 300 micrometres, Ghost nets can also damage fragile habitats (such as which are less likely to be collected from water using by smothering or breaking coral reefs (Sheavly and conventional net sampling. Plastics can fragment Register 2007), entangle propellers, cause navigation because of environmental exposure and so the hazards to other vessels (Gunn et al. 2010; Hong et al. abundance of very small particles in the nano-size range 2017) and transport invasive species (Macfadyen et al. could be considerable. These particles are currently too 2009). Impacts can be substantial—it has been estimated small to detect in environmental samples, but laboratory that in the Gulf of Carpentaria in northern Australia studies show the potential for these particles to transfer alone, derelict nets have likely from the gut to the circulatory system with the potential entangled more than 10,000 sea to rapidly become widely distributed in organisms turtles (Wilcox et al. 2013). Plastics can (Brandelli 2020). More work is needed to understand Ingestion of plastic debris the potential toxicological impacts of this. Despite the fragment uncertainties about environmental concentrations in There are numerous because of relation to evidence of harm, there is some consensus demonstrated effects of plastic based on risk assessment approaches that if microplastic ingestion by marine fauna. These environmental emissions to the environment remain the same or may include not only death (van increase the ecological risk may become widespread Franeker 1985; Schuyler et al. exposure and so within a century (SAPEA and Academies 2019). 2012; Wilcox et al. 2015) but also the abundance reduction in body mass (Schuyler MACROPLASTICS et al. 2012), starvation that may of very small To date, around 700 species of marine life have result from the physical blockage been demonstrated to interact with plastic (Gall and of the gut (van Franeker 1985; paticles in Thompson 2015), with the main impacts occurring Laist 1987; Acampora et al. 2014; the nano-size through entanglement, ingestion and chemical Hardesty et al. 2015), ulceration contamination (Wilcox et al. 2015). Far more is known or perforation of the digestive range could be about harm to individuals through interaction with tract (van Franeker 1985; Laist plastic than is known about harm to populations, 1987; Schuyler et al. 2012) and considerable. species and ecosystems within the marine environment potential toxicity due to sorption More work (Rochman 2015). of chemicals contained within and sorbed to the plastic (Teuten Entanglement in plastic debris is needed to et al. 2009). In some studies, Impacts on marine systems from entanglement are incidence of plastic ingestion understand most commonly associated with abandoned, lost, or was as high as 60–80 percent derelict fishing gear. Called ‘ghost fishing’, derelict or more of individuals sampled the potential fishing nets can continue to indiscriminately catch fish (crustaceans as reported by toxicological (and other marine organisms) for weeks, months or (Murray and Cowie 2011); green decades, which, in addition to impacting ecosystems turtles in Brazil as reported by impacts of this. and marine life, results in food security issues through (Bugoni et al. 2001) and deep sea lost resources to feed the world’s population (and the species as reported by (Jamieson associated economic consequences of lost revenue). et al. 2019). With an estimated 640,000 tons of gear lost to the ocean Chemical contamination from plastic debris each year per a census taken a decade ago (Macfadyen et al. 2009), some areas have reported up to three tons At present, far less is known and understood about of derelict nets per kilometre of coastline in a given year the effects of chemical contamination (which takes (Wilcox et al. 2013). Derelict nets have been reported to place through ingesting plastic) than impacts from ensnare or entangle invertebrates, crabs, fish, sharks,

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 27 entanglement. In laboratory experiments, it has produced in the 1940s and 1950s. The growing use been demonstrated that ingested plastic can induce of plastics in primary food packaging has resulted in hepatic stress in fish (Rochman et al. 2013). Plasticisers increased exposure to them over recent years, and the (softening and other chemical agents such as dibutyl increased waste has resulted in more plastic entering and diethylhexyl phthalate that are often the environment (Jambeck et al. 2015). Consequently, a added to plastics) have been detected in the preen host of recent studies have reported microplastics found gland oil of wild-caught seabirds, with higher levels of in nonmarine foodstuffs—e.g. honey (Liebezeit and plasticisers found in birds that had eaten more plastic Liebezeit 2013), beer (Liebezeit and Liebezeit 2014) and pieces (Hardesty et al. 2015). Polystyrene, heavily used in seafood (Rochman et al. 2015)—and the air (Dris et al. fisheries and aquaculture, is also of particular concern, 2016). However, realistic measures of humans’ exposure as styrenes have been shown to leach into marine to plastics have neither been taken nor modelled systems (Kwon et al. 2015). Jamieson et al. (2019) found (Koelmans et al. 2017). plastics in animals in some of the deepest parts of the ocean. Endocrine-disrupting compounds leaching into POTENTIAL PATHWAYS OF HARM tissues from plastics are of increasing concern, not only Ingestion for wildlife (Olivares-Rubio et al. 2015), but also for A recent review (Wright and Kelly 2017) concluded humans (Meeker et al. 2009; Halden 2010). that toxicity from chemical constituents could occur 3.1.2 Human health impacts via leaching from plastics ingested by eating seafood, and this also could result in the chronic exposure of The risk of marine plastic debris to human health some chemicals due to the bioaccumulation of toxins can be measured by the likely exposure of humans to in tissues. It is known that additives such as plasticisers marine plastic multiplied by the potential for harm by (e.g. ) and bisphenol (BPA) can cause harm the plastic. This is not a simple equation, as plastics directly or from their breakdown products. For example, comprise many and diverse chemical additives in BPA, which has received the most interest to date, can addition to their primary polymer component. The migrate out of to contaminate food and limitless combinations of polymers and additives mean drink products (Guart et al. 2013). Once internalised, this that each plastic product has a different combination chemical interacts with receptors, resulting of chemicals, uses and disposal pathways with varying in a complex bodily response (Koch and Calafat 2009). levels of risk to humans. As a result, plastics should not Plastics are also known to adsorb persistent organic be treated as a single product, and need to be addressed pollutants and heavy metals once they have become separately (Lithner et al. 2011). To understand the risk, waste in the . With a larger surface potential exposure should be identified and quantified, area–to–volume ratio, microplastics can act as a and the potential for harm, including from factors such conduit and/or sink for these chemicals, and hence can as the concentration of chemical additives, size fraction transport them into humans through ingestion. Physical (Smith et al. 2018) and ageing (Kedzierski et al. 2018), interactions between internal tissues and microplastics should also be determined. Because there are so many may also be problematic. Smaller particles have been confounding variables and ethical issues, and a lack of flagged as the most concerning (reviewed in Galloway a control group, studying human exposure to various 2015), but, again, knowledge gaps mean the potential for plastic materials and forms is challenging. This section harm is unknown. outlines exposure pathways, but without reliable measures for all exposure pathways (pre and post waste) Inhalation it is not possible to calculate the relative risk of plastic Inhaling fibrous material is known to be hazardous to waste on human health. human health at high concentrations; consequently, Humans have been exposed to plastics and their this type of exposure has been monitored by industry constituent components since they were first mass for many years. These studies have shown that fibres (natural and synthetic), once inhaled, can cause chronic irritation and inflammation (reviewed by Prata 2018).

28 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy The harm caused at the exposure level generally found in but also due to the challenges in placing an economic the environment is unknown. value on a healthy environment. Irrespective of the categorisation and estimation methodologies, the above Littering and human health direct and indirect costs are ‘avoidable costs’ (McIlgorm The connection between human well-being and et al. 2008). ocean proximity has only recently been investigated, Direct and indirect costs of plastic pollution and studies have revealed that coastal proximity and blue spaces positively affect well-being (Wheeler et The impact of plastic not being a fully costed system al. 2012; White et al. 2010). However, litter and is highlighted by the particularly problematic plastic microplastics are considered a risk to well-being (Gollan packaging sector. It produces a conservatively estimated et al. 2019), and are one of the biggest threats to the $40 billion annually in negative externalities, such as benefits local communities receive from the marine degradation of natural systems and estate. Litter can undermine the positive effects of a emissions, outstripping the profits of the sector (World coastal estate and inhibit beach use (Wyles et al. 2016; Economic Forum et al. 2016). Including plastic products, Rangel-Buitrago et al. 2018), potentially reducing the total environmental cost in 2015 to society from enjoyment outdoors and exercise, both of which are plastics was estimated to be over $139 billion, which known to positively affect mental and physical health equated to nearly 20 percent of revenues in the plastic (Gladwell et al. 2013). As society begins to better manufacturing sector (TruCost 2016). recognise mental health challenges, this is an area that The UN Environment Programme has estimated the requires more research as it could be the most important global damage to marine environments from plastic influence marine plastic has on human health. pollution to be a minimum of $13 billion per year 3.1.3 Economic impacts (UNEP 2014). Moving beyond damage costs to the environment, the reduction in global marine ecosystem Plastic pollution in the ocean also has broad economic services has been estimated at $0.5–2.5 trillion, based consequences. All sectors of the economy use plastic, on 2011 stocks of marine plastic pollution (Beaumont and, across sectors, plastic waste is generated in near et al. 2019). Forrest et al. (2019) aggregated estimates proportion to the level of use (Lin and Nakamura 2019). across the plastics life cycle to conclude that annual The full life cycle cost of plastics is not reflected in the damages from plastic production and the current stock pricing of plastic products (Oosterhuis et al. 2014). of plastic waste in the ocean amount to $2.2 trillion. Plastic production is therefore not a fully costed system. The European Parliament’s new measures to regulate Instead, the economic costs of plastic pollution are single-use plastics cite benefits including avoiding the predominantly borne by the environment and by society emission of 3.4 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (United Nations Environment Assembly of the United and environmental damages equivalent to €22 billion by Nations Environment Programme 2017; Forrest et 2030, as well as an estimated savings to consumers of al. 2019). €6.5 billion (EU Comission 2019). The costs of plastic pollution can be broadly divided Marine litter and plastics in particular both originate into two categories: direct and indirect. The direct mainly from sea-based and coastal activities (fishing, costs of plastic pollution include prevention (e.g. aquaculture, tourism, shipping) and can, in turn, environmentally sound waste management, awareness- significantly impact these economic sectors (Newman raising, behaviour change campaigns), remediation (e.g. et al. 2015; Krelling et al. 2017). For example, fishermen beach grading, fishing-for-litter programmes) and direct report nets fouled with plastic litter (Wiber et al. 2012; damage (e.g. lost productivity from fish mortality or Brennan and Portman 2017) sometimes even reaching reduced ecosystem services, repairs to equipment). The levels that cause them to move to areas less polluted indirect costs of plastic pollution have proven difficult to with plastic litter (Nash 1992). Litter accumulating quantify, partly due to differences in the values held by in the net may also affect the efficiency of the nets individuals (such as the importance of a clean beach),

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 29 (Eryaşar et al. 2014). Fishermen lose time cleaning reduce their accumulated microplastic load during litter out of nets but surprisingly then dump the same moulting (Welden and Cowie 2016). In addition, the risk litter overboard (Neves et al. 2015). Similar to cultured of ingesting microplastics is reduced when the gut is species, commercially caught fish may have ingested removed (such as those of fish, crustaceans and most microplastics (see, for example, Rochman et al. 2015), other species) prior to consumption by humans (Lusher which could affect the health of the fisheries and, et al. 2017). eventually, the economic value of the catches. Shipping can be severely impacted as vessels can Aquaculture may suffer from get entangled with marine litter, causing high risk of Fishermen lose marine litter through fouled damage to the ships and injury to mariners and travellers holding cages and health risks (Newman et al. 2015; Hong et al. 2017). These risks time cleaning to the cultured species, which might be exacerbated in harbour waters where the same litter out of nets may ingest small microplastics. structures that protect the harbour from wave exposure There is special concern accumulate large quantities of marine litter (Aguilera et but surprisingly regarding cultured bivalves, al. 2016), including fishing lines (Farias et al. 2018), which which have been shown to ships can become entangled in. then dump contain microplastics in their McIlgorm et al. (2008) estimated damage to maritime tissues in several independent the same litter industries in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation studies (De Witte et al. 2014; Van (APEC) region to be $1.26 billion per year in 2008 terms. Cauwenberghe and Janssen overboard. For comparison, the gross domestic product for this 2014; Davidson and Dudas 2016; same region of 21 member countries was $29 billion in Similar to Li et al. 2016; Li et al. 2018; Li et 2008 (McIlgorm et al. 2008). McIlgorm et al. (2020) have al. 2018; Naji et al. 2018; Phuong updated these numbers, now estimating $10.8 billion in cultured species, et al. 2018; Cho et al. 2019; damage per year to industries in the marine economy Teng et al. 2019). While this is of commercially attributable to marine debris. This is eight times greater concern for consumers, there than the previous estimate due to improved data, growth caught fish may are other sources of microplastic in the marine economy and an increase in the amount of ingestion (e.g. from air on food) plastic in the ocean over that time. By 2050, this damage have ingested that might far exceed those taken is projected to be $216 billion (McIlgorm et al. 2020). microplastics, up by bivalves (Catarino et al. 2018). Interestingly, ingesting Beach litter may cause annoyance among beach visitors which could small microplastics (between (Schuhmann et al. 2016; Brouwer et al. 2017; Shen et al. 1 and 10 micrometres) by 2019) or even induce people to abandon a heavily littered affect the health oyster larvae had no effect on beach (Krelling et al. 2017) and travel to more distant, of the fisheries the survival or growth of those cleaner beaches (Leggett et al. 2014). A study in South larvae (Cole et al. 2015), but a Korea showed that following a litter event (rains flushing and, eventually, similar study on mussel larvae inland litter onto coastal beaches) visitor numbers showed detrimental effects of decreased dramatically; the authors estimated income the economic microplastic ingestion (Rist et al. losses of millions of dollars (Jang et al. 2014a). On tourist value of the 2018). beaches, large amounts of litter are removed daily (Williams et al. 2016), incurring substantial costs for local There is also concern of trophic municipalities (de Araújo and Costa 2006). Interestingly, catches. transfer of microplastics (Nelms several studies show that people would be willing to pay et al. 2018), but a recent study to visit beaches if they were cleaned (Brouwer et al. 2017; suggested that large predators Shen et al. 2019). Besides the impact on the aesthetic rapidly egest microplastics taken up with their small value of beaches (Rangel-Buitrago et al. 2018), litter can prey organisms (Chagnon et al. 2018). Commercially also pose a health risk to visitors (Campbell et al. 2016), important crustaceans can contain large numbers of especially to young children (Campbell et al. 2019). microplastics, but it is suggested that they significantly

30 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy In , modelling indicated that a 25 percent the marine ecosystem. According to the International reduction in marine debris on all 31 of its beaches would Solid Waste Association, improve the welfare of local residents by $32 million over across the economy—which indirectly impact the ocean three summer months by improving the welfare value through climate change effects—can be reduced by of beach visits by residents and increasing the number 15–20 percent with improved global waste management of visits made. Improving marine debris reduction to (UNEP 2015). 100 percent raised the savings to $148 million for the same period (Leggett et al. 2014). The chemical burden 3.2.2 Human health impacts and disease cost of endocrine-disrupting chemicals Inadequate waste management, especially open burning within the European Union has been estimated at and dumping, around the world produces pollution €119 billion (Trasande et al. 2015), of which some daily (Vasanthi et al. 2008; Wiedinmyer et al. 2014) that contact is likely via plastics (Feldman 1997; Magliano can impact people living near management facilities and Lyons 2013). The environmental costs of marine and those working directly with solid waste. About plastic pollution are not fully understood. The concern, 15 million people globally, often called waste pickers however, is of such gravity that the issue is now being (who include men, women, children, migrants and the considered within the realm of a planetary boundary underemployed), work informally in the waste sector threat (Villarrubia-Gómez et al. 2018). (Medina 2008). In China alone, it is estimated that 3.3 to 5.6 million people work informally in the recycling of 3.2 Impacts of Other Solid Waste solid waste (Linzner and Salhofer 2014), and Forrest et Inadequate waste collection and uncontrolled dumping al. (2019) acknowledge the millions of people working or burning of solid waste still occurs around the world, in poor conditions for little money in jobs that would but primarily where waste infrastructure is lacking, not qualify as decent work by the International Labour often in low- and middle-income countries (Kaza et al. Organization. While these issues must be addressed, 2018). This other waste includes all other municipal it is also important to recognise that waste and plastic waste, medical waste, e-waste and disaster debris, and management constitute the livelihoods of millions of mismanagement of it has a range of impacts. Inadequate people. Any interventions used to address plastic and sanitation and mismanagement of organic waste and other waste must incorporate the views and participation medical waste can cause exposure to pathogens and of informal workers, and especially waste pickers, so disease, and e-waste mismanagement results in the that millions of people aren’t negatively impacted release of heavy metals into the environment. For through the unintended consequences of ‘traditional’ example, the plastic used to house wires and cases is infrastructure, such as eliminating a crucial source of often open burned where informal processing takes income (Dias 2016). Women can be disproportionately place, releasing dioxin, particulate matter and heavy harmed by the formalisation of waste management, as metals into the air (Asante et al. 2019). they are typically excluded from formal employment in the formalized sector. But they can be helped through 3.2.1 Impacts on ecosystems and inclusive improved recycling operations, capacity marine life building, provision of equipment, formal training and awareness building, financial assistance and health (liquid that accumulates from waste containing insurance since they have high levels of participation in organic compounds as well as heavy metals and POPs) the informal sector but often have less access to these can drain directly into the ocean (depending on the kinds of benefits (Krishnan and Backer 2019). proximity of the waste) or into rivers, groundwater and the soil (Yadav et al. 2019), further contributing to 3.2.3 Economic impacts ocean pollution. Organic waste from can also contribute to nutrient loading in waterways and the While there are global data on the cost of plastic ocean, and the open burning of solid waste gives off pollution (see section 3.1, Impacts of Plastic), there is not particulate matter and emissions (Wiedinmyer et al. a global number for the cost of mismanaged waste. The 2014) that can contribute to atmospheric deposition into World Bank estimates that proper waste management

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 31 infrastructure would cost $50–100 per metric ton (Kaza transport mechanism and depositional environment. et al. 2018), which is in the same range as tipping fees The toxic impact of pesticides is generally proportional charged for municipal solid waste disposal in the United to the concentration, so very low concentrations States. In Palau, where the ocean is extremely important often have very low impacts. However, pesticides can to the economy, the cost of waste-related pollution, or be bioconcentrated and biomagnified through the mismanaged waste (not the cost of waste management food chain to result in cumulatively higher impacts which is estimated at $87 per ton), was estimated at be on predators and scavengers (including humans). $1.9 million per year, which is 1.6 percent of the country’s Bioconcentration is the process of uptake of a chemical gross domestic product and equates to an annual cost of by an organism from the abiotic environment, resulting $510 per household (Hajkowicz SA et al. 2005). in higher concentrations in that organism than in the environment (LeBlanc 1995). Bioconcentration of 3.3 Impacts of Pesticides pesticides occurs when the active ingredient persists Pesticide mixtures include active and inert ingredients; in the environment long enough to be ingested by an both are important, as the active ingredient is the organism such as krill, where it is either metabolised, toxicant for the target organism, and the inert ingredient excreted or stored in fatty tissues (Cincinelli et al. often amplifies the exposure mechanism. For example, 2009). The pesticides that are stored in fatty tissues an with an active ingredient might be can persist through many cycles of ingestion, and mixed with an inert ingredient that is water soluble to thus accumulate in the organism. Biomagnification more effectively penetrate soil, while the same active is the process whereby the amount of the pesticide ingredient can be mixed with a non-water-soluble oil is amplified up the food chain, and the active to more effectively penetrate the leaf. The same active ingredient can be concentrated in the fatty tissues ingredient can have different toxic effects on the target of top predators such as swordfish, sharks and tuna. organisms, and potential environmental effects, based These concentrations can be amplified over 1,000-fold on the carrier or inert ingredient. In the United States, through this process. Most modern pesticides have only the active ingredients must be disclosed in pesticide been designed to not persist in the environment, and labelling, making impact assessments very difficult thus are less prone to bioconcentration. However, early to conduct. 20th-century pesticides, which are banned in Europe and the United States but are still manufactured and Pesticides are very effective at improving the efficiency used in many countries, can last over 100 years in the of agricultural production by reducing crop and animal environment and are very prone to bioconcentration losses. However, there are risks associated with pesticide and biomagnification (Dromard et al. 2018). In general, applications to nontarget organisms. Nontarget organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), which were developed organisms include the people who apply the pesticides, in the early-to-mid 20th century, are the world’s process the products and consume the products. There most persistent legacy pollutants in the ocean. These are also risks to nontarget organisms in the fields and include dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), paddocks where these pesticides are applied. Broad hexachlorocyclohexanes, heptachlor, aldrin, alpha and spectrum insecticides kill desirable insects such as beta-endosulfans, dieldrin, endrin, endrin aldehyde, pollinators and the biological predators of undesirable endrin ketone, methoxychlor, endosulfan sulfate and insects. Some pesticides persist in the environment and heptachlor epoxide (Guo et al. 2007). move through the food chain, resulting in toxic impacts on nontarget organisms including song birds, raptors, Pesticides have been documented to reduce the rodents, reptiles and fish (UNEP 2019). photosynthetic efficiency of sea grass, corals and algae (herbicides), resulting in chronic stress (Brodie et al. 3.3.1 Impacts on ecosystems and 2017). Certain herbicides in common use, including marine life Diuron, Atrazine, Hexazinone and Tebuthiuron, have been shown to have measurable impacts on seagrass Pesticides that reach the ocean can impact nontarget productivity, especially when combined with light organisms in several ways, depending on the active attenuation from high sediment loads from agricultural ingredient pesticide category, inert ingredient mediator,

32 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy runoff (Flores et al. 2013). Seagrass beds are critical are also stressed by other pollutants, sediment and habitats for many marine species and support global climate change. Some estimates suggest that under a fisheries. Insecticides, including , high greenhouse gas emissions scenario, more than 90 organochlorines, carbamates and pyrethroids, as well percent of coral reef communities would be lost by 2100 as fungicides, have been shown to restrict to fully inhibit (Speers et al. 2016). Cumulatively, these pose imminent coral settlement and metamorphosis at concentrations threats to Earth’s ocean ecosystems. as low as one part per billion (Markey et al. 2007). Concentrations just 10 times that amount have caused 3.4 Impacts of Nutrient Pollution coral branch death. These concentrations are at or 3.4.1 Impacts on ecosystems and below detection levels for conventional laboratory analyses, rendering these pesticides virtually invisible to marine life investigators. Nutrient pollution, which occurs when anthropogenic sources of primarily N and P are discharged into marine 3.3.2 Human health impacts systems, leads to eutrophication, algal blooms, dead The primary exposure mechanism to humans from zones and fish kills in freshwater and coastal waters. ocean-borne pesticides is through ingestion of species Scientists have estimated that about 80 percent of large that biomagnify those pollutants. The most common marine ecosystems in the world already suffer from pesticides found in seafood at concentrations above serious eutrophication, hypoxia and anoxia in coastal background levels are OCPs. Communities whose diets waters (Selman et al. 2008; Diaz et al. 2011; STAP 2011). are seafood-based are most at risk given their higher In addition, related incidences of toxic algal blooms rates of fish consumption. Consuming fatty piscivores such as ‘red tides’ have become more frequent (Rabalais such as hairtail, mackerel and tuna in South Korea was 2002). Eutrophication also leads to habitat changes and shown to increase exposure of vulnerable populations the loss of species of high value (Heisler et al. 2008). (children and elderly) to increased OCPs (Moon et al. Many species can be impacted directly or indirectly by 2009). In general, these pesticide concentrations are nutrients in marine ecosystems as nutrient inputs have below chronic toxicity levels for most people (Smith altered the abundances and distributions of marine and Gangolli 2002). Toxicants of concern in fish from species (e.g. through algal blooms). Eutrophication and biomagnification include heavy metals (mercury, oxygen depletion (often referred to as ‘dead zones’ when cadmium and lead—see section 3.7 on heavy metals), affecting a large area) have direct adverse effects on and legacy organochlorines from industry such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, fish and shellfish (Bouwman polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (Storelli 2008). et al. 2011). Diaz et al. (2011) identified more than 770 3.3.3 Economic impacts eutrophic and hypoxic coastal systems worldwide, where 70 percent of the areas had documented hypoxia and The economic impacts of pesticides in the ocean are almost 30 percent were developing hypoxia. The dead largely through decreased productivity rather than zone in the Gulf of Mexico resulting from agricultural human toxicity. The loss of productivity and resiliency runoff into the Mississippi River has been studied of seagrass beds and coral reefs is having a significant extensively, but there is less data on these zones in impact on global economic security. These critical developing countries, so these estimates are likely ecosystems provide a portfolio of ecosystem services conservative. that are essential for human society, including the provision of food, water, energy and other resources, One example of the direct impact of increased nutrients and tourism. The estimated net present value for 2050 in the ocean is the world’s largest macroalgal bloom, of Earth’s coral reefs was almost $800 billion (Cesar et which was recorded from 2011 to 2018 (the most recent al. 2003). If pesticides are reducing the productivity data available). Using images, (Wang et al. 2019) of these ecosystems by only 25 percent, the annual showed that since 2011, the free-floating mats of brown economic impact of those pesticides in the ocean would macroalgae called Sargassum spp. have increased both still be $200 billion per year. These critical ecosystems in density and size, generating a long belt of 8,880 km

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 33 extending from West Africa to the Caribbean Sea and Gulf fish and shellfish, or through exposure to aerosolised of Mexico. Sargassum is a naturally occurring seaweed NSP toxins near water bodies where a bloom is occurring that provides a critical habitat to a diverse array of (Grattan et al. 2016). species in this ecosystem. However, when the Sargassum mats overcrowd the coasts, it can impact the movement 3.4.3 Economic impacts of some marine species. When the excess Sargassum Attempts to evaluate the monetary impacts of dies and sinks to the ocean bottom in large quantities, eutrophication have been made over the last two corals and seagrasses can be smothered. On the beach, decades. Studies indicate a variety of impacts and costs rotten Sargassum releases a strong smell, potentially that are quantifiable fairly directly, for instance, when imposing health challenges for people who have cities of hundreds of thousands of people are deprived of asthma. Sargassum blooms and their adverse effects drinking water for several days. One example is the toxic could reduce the number of tourists during a bloom. For algal bloom that occurred in the western Lake Erie basin example, in 2018, had to declare a national in 2011, which led to a disruption of water supplies for emergency because of a bloom. 400,000 people (Watson et al. 2016). In another example, a major and extensive outbreak occurred along The ocean is becoming more stratified, and while there the coast of Hong Kong and south China, covering an is still some discussion over coastal marine ecosystems area of more than 100 km2. Over 80 percent (3,400 tons) being N- or P-limited, (Elser et al. 2007) found that, of mariculture fish were killed, and the total loss was for coastal systems, N and P limitations play a similar over $40 million (Yang and Hodgkiss 2004). On the other role, implying that reducing the discharges of both N hand, integrating all the environmental, health and and P is important for alleviating pollution in coastal socioeconomic impacts in the calculations of indirect areas. This is exactly what was shown by (Beman et al. effects poses more of a challenge. 2005), who found that areas that are nitrogen deficient were especially vulnerable to nitrogen pollution. They 3.5 Impacts of Antibiotics, also found that agricultural runoff had a strong and consistent influence on biological processes, stimulating Parasiticides and Other algal blooms 80 percent of the time within days of Pharmaceuticals fertilisation in the Gulf of California. They then projected 3.5.1 Impacts on ecosystems and that by 2050, 27–59 percent of all nitrogen fertiliser marine life would be applied in developing regions upstream of nitrogen-deficient marine ecosystems. These ecosystems Our understanding of the impacts of emerging are especially vulnerable to agricultural runoff and contaminants is limited to what has been learned nitrogen pollution impacts (Beman et al. 2005). by studying specific instances where they have been found and identified; impacts on the overall marine 3.4.2 Human health impacts environment are not well-understood. Pharmaceutical substances have been examined worldwide in surface Some important drinking water sources (e.g. Lake Erie) water, groundwater, tap/drinking water, manure, soil and cannot be used during algal blooms, as the toxins either other environmental matrices. (aus der Beek et al. 2016) increase the cost of treatment or make it impossible to reviewed 1,016 articles and found that pharmaceuticals treat. Other human health impacts come from direct or their transformation products have been detected in or indirect exposure to toxins resulting from algal the environment of 71 countries covering all continents. blooms—for example, a red tide can cause ciguatera Six hundred thirty-one pharmaceutical substances poisoning, paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic were found at levels above the detection limit of the shellfish poisoning (NSP), amnesic shellfish poisoning respective analytical methods employed. Residues of and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, which are the five 16 pharmaceutical substances were detected in each most commonly recognised illnesses related to harmful of the five UN regions, and the antibiotic tetracycline algal blooms (HABs). Exposure to the toxins from HABs was detected in wastewater treatment plant effluents is mediated through the consumption of contaminated in all UN regions. Regional patterns of pharmaceutical

34 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy leakage to the environment emerged as well: Antibiotics There is concern over the impacts of commonly were most prevalent in Asia, analgesics edged out other used organic UV filters, including oxybenzone pharmaceuticals as most prevalent in Eastern Europe, (benzophenone-3), 4-methylbenzylidene lipid-lowering drugs were highest in Europe and Latin camphor, octocrylene and octinoxate (ethylhexyl America, oestrogens were found most in Africa, and the methoxycinnamate), on the marine environment. ‘other pharmaceutical’ category was predominant in Oxybenzone, octocrylene, octinoxate and ethylhexyl Western Europe (aus der Beek et al. 2016). salicylate have been identified in water sources around the world, and are not easily removed by wastewater Research presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the treatment plant techniques (Schneider and Lim Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2019). Oxybenzone has been found that of the sites monitored, 65 percent of them specifically linked to coral contained at least one of the 14 most commonly used reef bleaching. In addition, Antibiotic antibiotics. These sites were located in rivers in 72 4-methylbenzylidene camphor, countries across six continents. The concentration of oxybenzone, octocrylene and contamination is one antibiotic, metronidazole, found by the researchers octinoxate have been identified at a site in was 300 times the ‘safe’ level. a global problem. in various species of fish (The AMR Industry Alliance recently established ‘safe’ worldwide, which has possible Sites with the levels of antibiotics in the environment, ranging from consequences for the food 20 to 32,000 nanograms per litre depending on the chain (Schneider and Lim 2019). highest risk of antibiotic.) Ciprofloxacin, a general antibiotic used Danovaro et al. (2008) found to treat various bacterial infections, most frequently contamination that even low concentrations of exceeded safe levels, surpassing the safety threshold sunscreens caused bleaching in 51 places. Geographically, ‘safe’ limits were most were typically of corals. The organic UV filter frequently exceeded in Asia and Africa (to the greatest induces the lytic viral cycle in adjacent to degree in Bangladesh, Kenya, Ghana, and symbiotic zooxanthellae with Nigeria), but sites in Europe, North America and South latent infections. Therefore, wastewater America also had levels of concern, showing that sunscreens may be playing an antibiotic contamination is a global problem. Sites with treatment important role in coral bleaching the highest risk of contamination were typically adjacent by promoting viral infections systems and to wastewater treatment systems and waste or sewage in areas with high recreational dumps and in areas of political turmoil, including the use by humans (Danovaro et al. waste or sewage Israeli and Palestinian border (University of York 2019). 2008). dumps and in Benzophenone-2 (BP-2) is an additive to personal-care products and commercial solutions that protects against 3.5.2 Human health areas of political impacts the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) light. BP-2 is an turmoil. ‘emerging contaminant of concern’ that is also often Wastewater treatment plants released as a pollutant through municipal and boat/ are a main source of antibiotics ship wastewater discharges and , as released into the environment. well as through residential septic fields and unmanaged An overabundance of antibiotics in wastewater may cesspits. Although BP-2 may be a contaminant on coral generate antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic reefs, its environmental toxicity to reefs is unknown. resistant bacteria. Some scientists are concerned that This poses a potential management issue, since BP-2 wastewater treatment plants are becoming hot spots for is a known as well as a weak resistant genes and bacteria, which has implications for genotoxicant (Downs et al. 2014). human health should people get infections that are then resistant to typical antibiotics (Rizzo et al. 2013).

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 35 3.6 Impacts of Industrial Greenland has some of the highest concentrations of POPs in humans in the Arctic—with the exception of Chemicals Including Persistent PBDEs, Greenland populations had the highest measured Organic Pollutants levels of POPs than any other Arctic country (Gibson et 3.6.1 Impacts on ecosystems and al. 2016). marine life 3.6.3 Economic impacts Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and POPs are Studies indicate a variety of economic impacts from toxic, are not easily degradable in the environment, industrial pollution. The tangible economic impacts bioaccumulate in the food chain and undergo long- include those that occur during pollution incidents as range transport (European Environment Agency 2019). well as from activities undertaken to prevent, mitigate, Many industrial chemicals and POPs are known to be manage, clean up or remedy pollution incidents. The poisonous and to damage the environment and the global economic cost related to the pollution of coastal organisms living in the affected ecosystems. These waters is $16 billion annually, largely due to human pollutants have become distributed throughout the health impacts (UNEP 2006). An additional source of ocean and have been found in seemingly pristine cost is the loss of earnings caused by damage to natural environments. These pollutants also bioaccumulate resources. The intangible costs are the loss of marine in marine organisms such as fish and invertebrates biodiversity and the provision of other environmental such as corals, which can lead to various physiological services caused by industrial pollution. impairments, varying from subcellular changes such as direct effects on DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) to 3.7 Impacts of Heavy Metals metabolic stress (Logan 2007; van Dam et al. 2011). 3.7.1 Impacts on ecosystems and 3.6.2 Human health impacts marine life POPs and PBDEs can cause cancer and toxicity in the Exposure to heavy metals can increase the permeability liver, kidneys and reproductive system (Qing Li et al. of the cell membrane in phytoplankton and other marine 2006). The main impacts of industrial pollution to human algae, leading to the loss of intracellular constituents health are derived from making direct contact with and cellular integrity, and inhibiting metabolism (Sunda contaminated water. The direct contact with polluted 1989; González-Dávila 1995; Hindarti and Larasati 2019). water puts people at risk when the toxins are heavy High trace element burdens in marine mammals have metals. The chemical content in the water, whether been associated with lymphocytic infiltration, lesions carcinogenic or not, may nevertheless play a role in and fatty degeneration in bottlenose dolphins, and contributing to cancer mortality risk (Hendryx et al. decreasing nutritional states and lung pathologies 2012). Bathing in contaminated water increases the risk in other marine mammals (Siebert et al. 1999). In of respiratory disease and skin problems. addition, cadmium, lead and mercury are potential Human consumption of marine organisms that have immunosuppressants; of particular concern is the been contaminated with polluted water is one major buildup of mercury, which marine mammals tend to impact of industrial pollution on humans. Many of the accumulate in the liver. fish that are a primary food source for the indigenous 3.7.2 Human health impacts people in the Canadian Arctic are heavily contaminated by POPs (Dewailly 2006). While some persistent organic Mercury and Arsenic: Methylmercury is a neurotoxic pollutants have started to decrease in humans and food compound responsible for microtubule destruction, in monitored Arctic locations because of international mitochondrial damage, lipid peroxidation and restrictions, levels of oxychlordane, hexachlorobenzene, accumulation of neurotoxic molecules such as serotonin, polybrominated diphenyl ether and perfluorinated aspartate and glutamate (Patrick 2002). Consumption compounds are not decreasing (Abass et al. 2018). of contaminated aquatic animals is the major route of human exposure to methylmercury (Trasande et

36 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy al. 2015). Seafood contaminated by heavy metals or potential to harm any creature that comes in contact metalloids such as mercury and arsenic can contribute with it. This includes larger animals such as sea turtles, to human health risk (Harris et al. 2014; Gao et al. 2018). which are sensitive to chemical exposure at all stages One unforgettable case was the mass poisoning of of life and lack an avoidance behaviour, and seals, people in Minamata, Japan, in the 1950s, when 2,252 which can become blind, as well as smaller organisms, people were impacted by the contamination and 1,043 such as zooplankton and larval fish. Oil spills, and their died (Harada 1995). associated responses, can be particularly damaging to fragile but vital marine ecosystems such as coral Cadmium and Lead: Consuming fish containing to reefs and mangroves, but are believed to damage life cadmium and lead can cause major diseases in humans throughout the water column. Heavier oils settle and such as renal failure, liver damage and symptoms of can coat and smother benthic areas. In areas impacted chronic toxicity in the kidney (Bosch et al. 2016; Gao et by oil spills, bottom-feeding fish have developed al. 2016). carcinomas and papillomas on their lips, as well as Chromium: Because of its mutagenic properties, changes in their cell membranes. Spilled oil can persist hexavalent chromium is a that humans can in the environment, continuing to injure and kill marine get exposed to through soils, sediment and surface life. More research is needed to fully understand the less waters, as well as some fish (Copat et al. 2018; Tseng et obvious impacts of oil spills on the marine environment al. 2019). (NOAA OR&R 2019).

3.7.3 Economic impacts 3.8.2 Human health impacts Heavy metal pollution results in substantial economic A 2016 review article on the human health impacts of impacts to the fishing sector. Bioaccumulation of metals oil spills looked at mental health effects; physical and in fish limits the species that can be safely eaten and the physiological effects; and genotoxicity, immunotoxicity frequency that those fish can be eaten, and as a result and endocrine toxicity. While there exist a number of can limit imports and exports. For example, in 2006, obstacles to calculating human health impacts—such European Commission Regulation 1881/2006 established as challenges to determining exposure levels and the the maximum levels for cadmium, lead and mercury in level of effectiveness of personal protective gear as well food products. High quantities of heavy metals in fish as a reliance on self-reported health symptoms and are one of the principal reasons why fish are detained at variations in genetic sensitivities to chemical exposure— EU borders and the main problem that importers from the authors concluded that there is sufficient evidence non-EU countries must address. The economic losses to establish a relationship between exposure to oil deriving from EU border detentions amount to hundreds spills and the development of adverse health effects in of millions of euros each year (FAO n.d.). exposed individuals (Laffon et al. 2016). 3.8 Impacts of Oil and Gas 3.8.3 Economic impacts 3.8.1 Impacts on ecosystems and Oil spills can be very costly to the responsible companies as well as to the fishing and tourism industries affected marine life by the spill. For example, BP’s Deepwater Horizon Oil spills tend to disproportionately impact sea birds, spill in the Gulf of Mexico is estimated to have cost the which can be harmed and killed by exposure to oil. company $61.6 billion in penalties and fines; cleanup Individual birds become unable to swim or fly and and remediation; and payments to affected companies, nervous system abnormalities can occur. Population- communities and individuals (Mufson 2016). The sinking level effects of oil toxicity on aquatic birds occur of the Prestige oil tanker in November 2002 off the through the loss of egg viability. Because it is inherently coast of Galicia, Spain, resulted in estimated losses to poisonous, oil in the marine environment has the the Galician fishing sector of €76 million by December 2003 (Surís-Regueiro et al. 2007). Kontovas et al. (2010)

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 37 calculated a per metric ton cost for oil spills based upon issue is tangible and understandable, and countries a regression of 38 years of oil spill and cost data—the around the world are working on solutions because average value being $4,118 per metric ton in 2009. of marine ecosystem and economic impacts. It is also evident from this work that nutrient pollution is of great 3.9 Impacts Summary concern to the ocean. Nutrients contribute to harmful algal blooms and create low-oxygen hypoxic zones and Inputs lead to impacts stratification, ultimately impacting the health of marine Based upon the literature reviewed for this Blue Paper, life and humans. Without changes to either of these two it is evident that all pollutants discussed in this report pollutant input systems in a business-as-usual trajectory, are concerning to our ocean, though some may be more the impacts from them will get only worse as populations urgent or easier to address than others. In addition, grow and economies continue to develop. Figure 3 multiple pollutants can act synergistically, creating provides a global map showing nitrogen use, along with a greater effect on the ocean than the sum of their the drainage basins and the impact of this drainage individual impacts. Exploring the present and future by showing hypoxic areas in the ocean. Urgent action impacts, as was done in this section, is one way to start is needed to protect the ocean from further impacts to prioritise which pollutants to tackle first. At this from pollution. moment, the plastic pollution crisis is very salient—the

Figure 3. Global Nitrogen Use and Hypoxic Areas in the Ocean

Global Nitrogen Application (kgha of N fertiliser applied per grid cell)

ImpactedCL utrohic yoxic ndorheic iverasins roved

Note: Mismanaged nitrogen use on land and incidences of eutrophication and hypoxia.

Sources: Data compiled from Potter et al. 2011a; World Resources Institute 2013. Map created by A. Brooks.

38 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy 4. Human Dimensions

The issue of pollutants leaking into the ocean is entirely capacity and resilience (Brown and Westaway 2011). It a consequence of human decisions and behaviours. It is important to understand risk perception differences is determined by individuals, communities, companies among stakeholder groups because they can influence and politicians, to name but a few of the actors within how media reporting is interpreted, and should be taken the social-environmental system (Pahl and Wyles 2017; into consideration when policies and interventions are SAPEA and Academies 2019). These actors have varying developed. perceptions, goals and values that motivate existing Behavioural practices can contribute to pollution but are practices (and can also be harnessed for change). For rarely quantified. For example, the dosage of fertilisers example, a farmer might decide to employ a pesticide to and timing of applications might vary according to increase yield and be willing to accept adverse effects on practices and knowledge available to farmers, and fine- wildlife. A cosmetics company might decide to replace tuning practices could greatly reduce environmental natural ingredients with plastic microbeads to save (and health) impacts. Behaviour is determined by a range money and reduce allergens in their products. of factors beyond mere knowledge. To illustrate, most Within the social and behavioural sciences’ research people understand healthy lifestyles but few eat very on environmental pollution, the focus has been on healthily and regularly exercise. This is similar in the principles of risk perception and determinants of environmental domain, where knowledge is one factor behaviour (Pahl and Wyles 2017). In other words, how that can motivate behaviour change, but other factors does a person or community decide that a pollutant are more powerful, including perceived control, social poses a risk, and what factors motivate behaviour approval and moral norms, among others. In addition, change (including not just individual actions but also contextual factors, such as the accessibility and design of demand for legislation and policy change)? the waste disposal system and availability of materials, are important. For example, if there is no Researchers have found that how experts assess risk is nearby, a person needs to have a strong motivation to different from how non-experts assess risk (see (Böhm recycle to put in the extra effort to find one (Pahl and and Tanner 2013). Experts apply scientific methods of Wyles 2017; SAPEA and Academies 2019). risk assessment that focus on specific thresholds or outcomes such as fatalities or concentrations, whereas To change perceptions and behaviours, a multipronged non-experts judge risk levels using a wide range of approach can target actors individually. Laws, bans factors such as moral evaluation of the issue, perceived and restrictions are powerful tools that can signal a fairness, perceived control and positive and negative social norm of undesirable behaviour. While outlawing emotions such as dread and pride. These discrepancies a particular substance can be the most powerful tool, can contribute to conflict between stakeholders. some materials, such as plastics, are so widespread Mental model approaches are useful in this context that a simple ban would fall short or could be applied because they can illustrate different expectations only to certain products. Education and public outreach about the sources, pathways and impacts of pollution, campaigns are necessary to accompany policy change which can provide triggers for change. However, it has and are powerful instruments in their own right. Good also been noted that perception of risk in itself is not campaigns build on behavioural science insights strongly linked to action, and if too strong, could even and integrate key elements that have been shown to undermine action (Peters et al. 2013). However, when work, e.g. empowering individuals, making specific the risk is associated with an emergency event such as suggestions for behavioural solutions that are effective a natural disaster, this may encourage people to take and socially acceptable. It is important not to crowd action, depending on personal agency, community out intrinsic motivation but rather to build on personal

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 39 norms and values and develop a pro-environmental of a community can trigger wider change and could be identity as this could spill over into other domains empowered as change agents. Change can happen top and behaviours. Effective interventions link to the down and bottom up; to target plastic pollution, for target group’s understanding of the issue and to their example, there are many examples of community-led motivations and concerns, and build on existing social actions, voluntary efforts in the retail sector (e.g. bans on networks and channels. Often, there is initial reluctance plastic bags) and nonprofit initiatives. to change (e.g. introduction of seat belts, smoking bans), but early adopters may forge the path. Trusted members

40 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy 5. Opportunities for Action

Over the last several years, marine plastic pollution has companies large and small, by elected officials and captured the world’s attention and inspired hundreds policymaking staff, by citizens and by innovators. There of commitments from governments, businesses and is likely a role for some form of voluntary collective nongovernmental organisations (NGOs); dozens of action from the biggest producers and users of innovation challenges; hundreds of start-up companies plastics. In fact, hundreds of companies have signed seeking to create solutions; and millions of citizens taking on to frameworks such as the New Plastics Economy, action, whether as citizen scientists, as part of a beach facilitated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and/ clean-up or by changing their own consumption choices. or have set goals regarding how they will address the problem of plastic pollution. This paper does not It is extremely challenging, at least with available data, speculate about the precise paths companies will take, to weigh the damage done by marine plastic pollution but rather focuses on the specific actions most likely to against the harmful impacts of nonplastic pollution from move the needle on plastic and other types of pollution municipal, agricultural, industrial and maritime sources, reaching our ocean. After the details of the approaches though the latter group has been more exhaustively are introduced, they are then summarised and compared studied. A more helpful question to ask, however, might based on their breadth of mitigation across pollutants be this: How can action to address plastic pollution and sectors. be leveraged to maximise the benefits across as many other ocean pollutants as possible? If plastic pollution is In this section, the list of key interventions and actions uniquely able to catalyse action on solutions, how can are mapped to the following: we prioritise and design solutions to also stop the flow of ƒ Sectors: Municipal (M), agricultural (A), industrial (I), other pollutants into the ocean? maritime (Mar) The seven approaches developed from this research and ƒ Types: Infrastructure, Policy, Mindset and Innovation presented below begin to address these questions. Each approach includes recommendations for interventions ƒ Pollutants: Sourced from Table 1. Given below each and actions to address ocean pollution through four corresponding intervention table levers: infrastructure, policy, mindset and innovation. ƒ These levers consider actions that may be taken by Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)



i. Create or expand wastewater treatment i. Ensure supporting policies for i. See wastewater as i. Develop washing capacity (M) wastewater improvements and a natural resource, machine filters for ii. Add tertiary treatment for nutrients and sustainability of infrastructure especially in water- microplastic fibres (M) microplastics (M) over time are in place (M) constrained regions (M) ii. Innovate ways to iii. Install toilets (wet or dry) where needed remove pharmaceuti- to prevent (M) cals and antibiotics from iv. Install septic tanks where access to muni- wastewater cipal wastewater systems is limited (M) effectively and afford- ably (M) v. Ensure industrial wastewater is appropri- ately treated, whether through municipal or other infrastructure (I)

Sectors: Municipal (M), industrial (I) Pollutants: Macroplastics; microplastics; other solid waste; nutrients; antibiotics, parasiticides and other pharmaceuticals; heavy metals; and industrial chemicals and POPs SDGs: 6.2, 6.3 Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 41 IMPROVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT


i. Use natural filters such as berms and clay i. Set total maximum daily loads i. Change cultural norms i. Conduct research and to minimise runoff into the ocean (A, M) (TMDLs) for trash (M) around having mani- development in storm- ii. Implement stormwater and storm drain ii. Impose regulatory limits, cured lawns to reduce water and other treat- filtration and river mouth trash collection TMDLs for discharge (I) the use of pesticides, ment systems (M, A, I) herbicides and fertilisers (M) iii. Employ stormwater permit- ii. Change crops, seeds used for residential and ting (M) and farming practices commercial landscaping to minimise nutrient iv. Regulate animal waste la- (M) application prone to goons that have the potential ii. Create a culture of leakage (A) to discharge into the ocean responsibility regarding (A) picking up dog feces (M) v. Regulate use of pesticides, iii. Change habit of wash- herbicides and nutrients for ing with excessive soap, residential and commercial shampoo and products use (M) that contain high levels vi. Require nutrient manage- of nitrogen and phos- ment plans and pesticide phorus (M) management plans (A) vii. Require reporting of and/or limit usage of nutrients and pesticides (A)

Sectors: Municipal (M), agricultural (A), industrial (I) Pollutants: Macroplastics; microplastics; other solid waste; pesticides; nutrients; antibiotics, parasiticides and other pharmaceuticals; heavy metals; industrial chemicals and POPs; oil and gas SDGs: None

42 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy ADOPT GREEN CHEMISTRY PRACTICES AND NEW MATERIALS


i. Construct treatment facilities i. Ban or limit the use of i. Adopt green chemistry i. Develop new materials that with ‘green engineering’ prin- chemicals of concern and principles as a practice for maintain the desirable ciples (M) hazardous materials (I) companies (I) performance characteristics ii. Develop infrastructure for the ii. Ban hard-to-manage ii. Change cultural norms around of plastics but not the production of new or alterna- materials (M) having manicured lawns to problematic ones, e.g. true reduce the use of pesticides, biodegradables (M, A) tive materials iii. Require tracking/ manifest of herbicides and fertilisers chemicals of concern (I) ii. Develop alternative cleaning used for residential and products, e.g. phosphate-free commercial landscaping (M) soap and detergents (M) iii. Use fish waste or seaweed to make for fishing gear (A) iv. Support research and development in green chemistry and alternative chemicals (I) v. Reduce and prevent tire wear and tire dust by using new materials or other mechanisms vi. Use new materials for fishing gear, e.g. biodegradable components (Mar) vii. Support the development of products and services that do not use any chemicals of concern (I)

Sectors: Municipal (M), agricultural (A), industrial (I), maritime (Mar) Pollutants: Macroplastics; microplastics; other solid waste; pesticides; heavy metals; industrial chemicals and POPs SDGs: 3.9, 12.4

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 43 PRACTICE RADICAL RESOURCE EFFICIENCY


i. Enable the development of circular i. Impose fees on single-use or i. Change cultural i. Design zero-packaging business models through shared infra- other high leakage items (M) norms around waste grocery stores or include structure, for example, reverse logistics or ii. Encourage industry volun- generation/consumption ‘packaging free’ or commercial washing services for reusable tary contributions to reduce and , in particular ‘plastic free’ aisles in foodservice items (M) fossil-fuel-based plastics (M, to reduce the use of regular grocery stores (M) A, I, Mar) single-use plastic ii. Develop new purchasing items (M) iii. Support policies that allow models that end personal container use in reliance on single-use shopping and dining (M) plastics (e.g. packaging as a service, reuse iv. Enable treatment and use models) (M) of food and human waste in appropriate applications iii. Pricing structure/busi- (M, A) ness model for nutrients and pesticides to optimise outcomes and minimise waste (A) iv. Require fishing gear tracking (Mar)

Sectors: Municipal (M), agricultural (A), industrial (I), maritime (Mar) Pollutants: Macroplastics; microplastics; other solid waste; pesticides; nutrients SDGs: 8.4, 12.2, 12.5



i. Implement systems for compliance with i. Implement extended producer i. Change cultural norms i. Invest in tracking tech- bale contamination standards in exported/ responsibility laws (M) around proper sorting nology to combat illegal imported waste (M) ii. Provide incentives for waste and recycling (M) dumping (M) ii. Deploy technology for advanced waste segregation and recycling (M) ii. Expand home ii. Develop and scale composting (M) drop-off facilities (M) iii. Strengthen markets for recy- on-demand waste iii. Promote and iii. Use materials that are recyclable and cled plastics (e.g. mandate collection (M) expand commercial retain value (M) use, secure demand, create composting infra- iv. Improve technology used at recycling price premiums) (M) structure (M) facilities (M) iv. Implement Fishing for Litter v. Use equipment and processes to recover programmes (Mar) and recycle chemicals and materials (I)

Sectors: Municipal (M), agricultural (A), industrial (I) Pollutants: Macroplastics; microplastics; other solid waste; nutrients; industrial chemicals and POPs SDGs: 8.3, 8.8, 11.6, 12.2, 12.5

44 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy IMPLEMENT COASTAL ZONE IMPROVEMENTS


i. Provide for sediment/dredge material i. Enforce international dumping i. Engage people to adhere i. Innovate equipment and removal and treatment (I, Mar) agreements (M, Mar) to MARPOL to reduce ille- methods for managing ii. Conduct sediment remediation with in ii. Strengthen oil spill prevention gal discharge (Mar) wastewater and solid situ mats (Mar) policies (M) ii. Ensure that shipping/ waste on ships (Mar) maritime developments iii. Improve wastewater and solid waste iii. Restrict locations and types ii. Develop new oil spill prioritise marine protec- management on ships (Mar) of coastal and open-ocean prevention technology tion (M, Mar) (Mar) iv. Build ships and rigs to prevent and mini- aquaculture (A) iii. Operate and manage mise oil spills (Mar) iii. Conduct research and oil rigs and ships to development in individ- v. Improve infrastructure at ports to manage minimise oil spills (I) ual pollutant cleanup waste generated from ships, including iv. Encourage participa- systems (I, Mar) making waste management affordable (M, tion in beach clean- iv. Shift to land-based I, Mar) ups, Adopt-a-Beach aquaculture systems (A) vi. Land solid waste where infrastructure is programmes and clean available (Mar) beach certifications such as Blue Flag and Project Aware (M) v. Use apps such as the Debris Track- er to engage citizens on pollution issues (M)

Sectors: Municipal (M), agricultural (A), industrial (I), maritime (Mar) Pollutants: Macroplastics; microplastics; other solid waste; pesticides; nutrients; antibiotics, parasiticides and other pharmaceuticals; heavy metals; industrial chemicals and POPs; oil and gas SDGs: None

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 45 7. Build Local Systems for Safe Food and Water


i. Expand drinking water infrastructure (M) i. Ensure adequate drinking i. Use technology to raise i. Use multitrophic ii. Develop municipal composting systems to water standards (M) awareness and provide aquaculture produc- support local food production (M, A) practical solutions, e.g. tion—‘waste’ from one Fill it Forward and apps aquatic species becomes to locate water fountains food for another (A) (M) ii. Farm mussels, sea grass ii. Encourage local sourc- or other nutrient-ab- ing of food (e.g. people, sorbing species for restaurants, govern- nutrient equilibrium (A) ment) (M) iii. Encourage people to bring their own pack- aging to purchase local food (M) iv. Use sustainable meth- ods of food production (both on land and aqua- culture) and minimise pesticide and nutrient use (A)

Sectors: Municipal (M), agricultural (A) Pollutants: Macroplastics; microplastics; other solid waste; pesticides; nutrients; antibiotics, parasiticides and other pharmaceuticals; heavy metals; industrial chemicals and POPs; oil and gas SDGs: 6.1, 6.B. 2.1, 2.3

For comparison purposes, the scope of each intervention approach is presented in Table 3. As the data do not exist today to quantitatively compare the value of one approach versus another, this table focuses on showing the reach of each intervention by sector for each pollutant and those directly related SDGs.

46 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Table 3. Summary of Interventions and Pollutants Addressed across Sectors and SDGs


SDGS 6.2, 6.3 NONE 3.9, 12.4 8.3, 8.8, 8.3, 8.8, NONE 6.1, 6.B, 11.6, 12.2, 11.6, 12.2, 2.1, 2.3 12.5 12.5

Microplastics M M M, A M, A, I, Mar M, A, I, M, Mar M, A Mar Macroplastics M M M, A, Mar M, A, I, Mar M, A, Mar M, Mar M, A

Other solid M M M M, A, Mar M, Mar M, A waste Pesticides A M, A M, A A

Nutrients (N, P) M, A A M, A M, A A M, A

Antibiotics, M, I A A A parasiticides, other pharma- ceuticals Heavy metals M, I M, A, I M, A, I, Mar A, I, Mar A

Industrial M, I M, A M, A, I, Mar I I chemicals and POPs Oil and gas M, A, I I, Mar I M, I, Mar

Notes: Sectors are municipal (M), agricultural (A), industrial (I), maritime (Mar) Bold sectors are the primary scope of influence, non-bold are secondary; cells are shaded progressively darker as more sectors are impacted.

Source: Authors.

Figure 4 presents spider graphs of each intervention to visually compare their effects on each class of pollutants across the sectors. These graphs do not illustrate a score for each intervention, but show the extent to which they impact pollutants across single or multiple sectors (depicted by how far the shape spreads outward). In general, the overall impact increases as more pollutants and sectors are impacted, but the metrics of mass quantities, discrete counts and values, as well as risk and impact, are not able to be taken into account in these illustrations. However, synergies in addressing other pollutants while addressing plastic pollution are illustrated.

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 47 Figure 4. Spider Graph Illustrations of Approaches 1–7 by Pollutant and Sector

How to read these graphs Improve waste water infrastructure

Microlastics Microlastics Maritie Oil and gas Macrolastics Oil and gas Macrolastics ndustrial Sectors Agricultural

ndustrial Municial Other solid aste ndustrial Other solid aste cheicals cheicals and POPs and POPs Shae intervention scoe and coverage eavy etals Pesticides eavy etals Pesticides

Pollutants Antiiotics utrients P Antiiotics utrients P arasticides arasticides and other and other haraceuticals haraceuticals

Improve storm water infrastructure Adopt green chemistry practices and new materials

Microlastics Microlastics

Oil and gas Macrolastics Oil and gas Macrolastics

ndustrial Other solid aste ndustrial Other solid aste cheicals cheicals and POPs and POPs

eavy etals Pesticides eavy etals Pesticides

Antiiotics utrients P Antiiotics utrients P arasticides arasticides and other and other haraceuticals haraceuticals

Practice radical resource efficiency Recover and recycle the materials we use

Microlastics Microlastics

Oil and gas Macrolastics Oil and gas Macrolastics

ndustrial Other solid aste ndustrial Other solid aste cheicals cheicals and POPs and POPs

eavy etals Pesticides eavy etals Pesticides

Antiiotics utrients P Antiiotics utrients P arasticides arasticides and other and other haraceuticals haraceuticals

48 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Figure 4. Spider Graph Illustrations of Approaches 1–7 by Pollutant and Sector

Implement coastal one improvements Build local systems for safe food and water

Microlastics Microlastics

Oil and gas Macrolastics Oil and gas Macrolastics

ndustrial Other solid aste ndustrial Other solid aste cheicals cheicals and POPs and POPs

eavy etals Pesticides eavy etals Pesticides

Antiiotics utrients P Antiiotics utrients P arasticides arasticides and other and other haraceuticals haraceuticals

Source: Authors.

Governments, together with businesses, investors, Pollution is an externality of a linear economy. In creating individuals, communities and NGOs, can have a an economic system where product costs nearly always major impact on changing the trajectory of pollution exclude the environmental impacts for those products discharges into the ocean—with the opportunity to (whether during their creation, useful life or end of life), address other intersectional social and environmental we have effectively designed our economies to maximise challenges in the process. Solutions will come from pollution, in service of maximising profits. We have innovative policies, support for research and innovation, invented the idea of ‘throwing things away’—and the investment in wastewater and solid waste infrastructure vastness of the ocean has enabled this fiction to persist and shifting mindsets and behavioural practices. Many for a very long time. companies that are facing increased costs—or are Alternative economic systems, such as the circular taking responsibility for costs that they have historically economy or regenerative economy, begin with the imposed on others—will inevitably claim that these premise that there is no such thing as waste; that in a actions will only result in a loss of jobs, profits and closed system like that of Earth, there is nowhere for economic prosperity. damaging pollution to go that won’t end up harming It is important that we don’t confuse the minimisation ecosystems, plant and animal life and, ultimately, of harmful pollution with a reduction in quality of life, human life. The branding of an economic model is less livelihood opportunities or economic success. In fact, the important than this fundamental premise: There is reality can be quite the opposite. Pollution in the ocean no ‘away,’ so we must design our economic system to is already negatively impacting human health, economic recognise complete life cycle costs. Once the boundaries prosperity for ocean-based businesses and marine of the economic system are fixed, the machinery of the ecosystems on which humans depend for essential economy itself will be very effective at finding the most ecosystem services. Solutions to ocean pollution can efficient ways to stop the problem of pollution. create jobs, reduce costs to many businesses and governments and improve the health and prosperity of millions of people.

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 49 How one place can make a success in the past at reducing some impacts on the difference ocean (e.g. , Stockholm Convention). As communications and make the While no single community or country can solve the world feel like a smaller place and emphasise the problem of ocean pollution alone, a single country interconnectedness of humanity and our environment, can be a first mover in adopting innovative policies there may be openings to build global support for such and solutions that show the way for others to follow. an agreement. At a minimum, current declarations from One barrier innovators face is helping to bridge the the G7 and G20, as well as United Nations Environment imagination gap between today’s and tomorrow’s Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme realities. A community, country or region can bring the and other UN initiatives, can be built upon. vision of a pollution-free future to life and make it easier for others to begin to adopt the same solutions. Further research Regional strategies While much has been learned about the scope, scale and impacts of marine plastic pollution in recent years, Smaller communities and countries can consider there remain significant gaps that could help inform adopting regional strategies to help achieve critical and prioritise solutions. There are multiple significant mass for certain types of innovations, investments research efforts underway that were not published in and infrastructure. For example, regions that align time to be referenced in this paper. It is the authors’ their requirements for companies to innovate around hope that these studies will be completed and released packaging, end-of-life responsibility and other issues as soon as possible as they are expected to contribute can make it more compelling and less complex for significantly to the state of knowledge on this topic. multinational companies to comply. Ongoing research on ocean plastic is also needed, and would be greatly facilitated by the creation of open Global collaboration data protocols to aggregate and share data globally for The ocean is a global resource impacted by all actions scientific scholarship. everywhere. Given this, it would be appropriate and Finally, just as we see synergies in the solutions to ocean effective to organise a global compact or commitment plastic and other pollutants in the ocean, more research to improving the health of the ocean so the ocean can is needed to understand their other interactions in the better support all life. International treaties have had ocean as well as their implications.

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62 | High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Acknowledgements

The paper’s technical reviewers, Grant Collins, Rob Kaplan, Chris Reddy and David Tickler, as well as its arbiter, Martin Stuchtey, all provided helpful technical comments.

The authors thank World Resources Institute for providing support as the HLP Secretariat.

The authors would also like to acknowledge Amy Brooks for GIS analysis and map images, Kathryn Youngblood for technical graphic assistance, and Connor Keisling for referencing assistance.

The authors thank Sarah DeLucia for copyediting and Jen Lockard for design.

About the Authors Co-authors Jenna Jambeck is a professor at the University of Georgia in the United States.

Ellie Moss is an independent consultant and researcher in the United States.

Brajesh Dubey is a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in India.

Contributing Authors Sabine Pahl is a professor at the Zainal Arifin is deputy chairman I. Gede Hendrawan is a researcher University of Plymouth in the for Earth science at the Indonesian and lecturer in the Department of United Kingdom. Institute of Sciences in Indonesia and at Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, at Udayana the Research Center for Oceanography. Karen Raubenheimer is a lecturer University in Indonesia. at the University of Wollongong in Linda Godfrey is a principal researcher Australia. at the Council for Scientific and To Thi Hien is dean at VNUHCM- University of Science in Vietnam. Industrial Research in South Africa. Martin Thiel is a professor at the Catholic University of the North in Britta Denise Hardesty is a Liu Junguo is professor at the Chile. principal research scientist at the Southern University of Science and Technology in China. Commonwealth Scientific and Richard Thompson is a professor Industrial Research Organization, Marty Matlock is the executive at the University of Plymouth in Oceans and Atmosphere, in Australia. director of the University of the United Kingdom. Arkansas Resiliency Center at the Lucy Woodall is a senior research University of Arkansas in the United fellow at the University of Oxford States. and principal scientist at Nekton in the United Kingdom.

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean | 63 10 G Street NE Suite 800 Washington, DC 20002, USA +1 (202) 729-7600