OneDrive Podcast: SYNC UP Episode – EP Bonus October: OneDrive Personal Vault Transcript

Sync Up – OneDrive podcast Episode Bonus – OneDrive Personal Vault Transcript TRT: 48min 1. Show Intro [00:00] Topic of the Week – OneDrive Personal Vault 2. Guest Perspective – Ryan Hoge and Paul Diamond, OneDrive Personal Vault [06:05] 3. Guest Perspective – Chris Leadley, consumer [26:25] 4. FAQs [38:40] 5. Upcoming Events [44:05] 6. Show Wrap [46:30]

TC VO Dialogue #1 SHOW INTRO – TOPIC OF THE WEEK: OneDrive Personal Vault THEME MUSIC 00:00:00:00 Ankita Kirti Hello all, welcome to Sync Up a show about OneDrive, the intelligent app for 365 we are your hosts, Ankita Kirti and Jason Moore. I am Ankita Kirti, product manager on the OneDrive team and on behalf of my co-host Jason Moore, who is currently traveling to my native land and enjoying my favorite food. I would like to welcome you to a bonus episode of Sync Up. Today we are sharing the recent episode of our sister podcast, The Intrazone, produced by the Microsoft SharePoint team. You may remember hearing me mention it as my recommended podcast in our last Sync Up episode. Ankita Kirti They have talked about OneDrive before in the “Ready Player OneDrive” episode and I'm so happy that they are exploring it again. This episode of The Intrazone reveals our new OneDrive consumer release Personal Vault. My favorite hosts, Mark Kashman and Chris McNulty talk with two of my colleagues, Ryan Hoge and Paul Diamond of the OneDrive team. We hope you enjoy the special edition of Sync Up and our partner show, The Intrazone. Stay tuned for our next syncope episode in the second week of October where we cover collaboration and shared experiences. #2 SHOW INTRO – TOPIC OF THE WEEK: OneDrive Personal Vault THEME MUSIC 00:00:00:00 Mark Kashman Welcome to the Intrazone, a show about the intelligent .

Hey, I'm Mark Kashman. I focus on SharePoint in OneDrive plus. What about you?

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OneDrive Podcast: SYNC UP Episode – EP Bonus October: OneDrive Personal Vault Transcript

Chris I'm Chris McNulty. I focus on content services and business applications in Microsoft 365. So, I guess that makes sense. Mark Kashman Well, we cover a lot of topics. We're now on episode number what, 38? And if you look at the history of all episodes, we often talk about SharePoint OneDrive your focus area around the enterprise continental will. We cover a lot of topics, so we often cover a lot of what's in Microsoft 365, so we thought we'd just play around with adjusting the expectations. Chris McNulty It's a really exciting opportunity as well because when we think about Microsoft 365 left to right, that includes so many technologies that are using to drive productivity in their organizations. And I think it gives us a reason why we get to include more people and more voices on the show. I'm really excited. In addition to our own. Mark Kashman Absolutely. Well, we want to always add clarity on what is Microsoft 365 and of course we'll always be very clear on what we're talking about in the context of Microsoft 365. So today, Chris, what's on the episode? Chris McNulty Well today we'll be sitting down to talk about OneDrive, especially OneDrive’s new consumer Personal Vault technologies, which is a new set of features helping you keep your information secure and safe and easily accessible wherever you need to take your with you. We'll be talking with Ryan Hoge, he’s the principal group for OneDrive, and also Paul Diamond Project manager on the OneDrive consumer team. Mark Kashman And we're also going to talk to Chris Leadley who is using OneDrive from a consumer perspective. It's the first time we really talked about consumer offerings and so you really get some good insight in how Chris from a consumer perspective is leveraging OneDrive and of course Personal Vault. Chris McNulty When you talk to the OneDrive consumer team, you know, we were kind of used to the scale of things like SharePoint, but when you realize just how many, how many millions and millions of people are using that tool, it's vast. I know myself, I have about half a terabyte in my OneDrive consumer. You know, all my photos, all my music, all every presentation I've done at every conference ever plus my own vault. and I discovered there's other people just like me. Well, no one's exactly like me, fortunately. Mark Kashman I have taken a picture of you today and I will swear, at least in the Pacific northwest, there are very few people exactly like you, Chris, in your Patriots’ Number 12 trying to be the 12th man.

Chris McNulty I love it. You know, you're expanding. We're expanding the Microsoft 365 and you're expanding to a point where you can reliably incredibly start a sports-

related topic.

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Mark Kashman So, to set a little context of the episode, it's sort of the, where are we at with Personal Vault? We announced it in preview a June 25th. We opened it up a little more broadly in the beginning, September and the goal, and now by the time you're hearing this podcast is to release that feature to everyone. In October of 2019 we highlighted at the Samsung plus OneDrive plus a few other things. They have it as their unboxed event and we got a ton of feedback both off of that event, our announcement. And so, we're hearing a lot of great things and you'll hear from the team what they've heard and what they're doing with that feedback. Chris McNulty You know, Mark, when we're sharing the message about Personal Vault, it reminds me we're sharing more today than just that. Are we not?

Mark Kashman We are, we are. And of course, we always will be sharing but what, what particularly are you mean? What are we sharing?

Chris McNulty Well, as part of our sharing, we hear at the Intrazone would love to share with you our listener news about our new sister podcast syncope produced directly by the Microsoft OneDrive team. If you enjoy our discussions today, be sure to check it out. Mark. Where can people learn more about sync up 00:03:56:00 Mark Kashman As easy as it is with S-Y-N-C-U-P. And you'll see all the episodes. You'll learn more about the show, the hosts and everything that that show has to offer. I can tell you from the inside scoop, they have a lot planned throughout the year.

You know, knowing our audience, they love you, they tolerate me, but it's about Chris McNulty time to be able to introduce on Ankita and Jason to a much wider audience. So, you're in for a real treat.

Mark Kashman Yeah, you get a nice balance of engineering, it's a very worthwhile podcast to subscribe to.

Chris McNulty But for today's podcast here on the intro zone, OneDrive, Personal Vault up next. #2 GUEST PERSPECTIVE – Paul Diamond and Ryan Hoge TRANSITION 00:04:30:00 Chris McNulty Up Next, today on the Intrazone, we're opening up the Personal Vault. We have new technologies talking about how individuals can secure their most sensitive files through the power and ease of use throughout OneDrive. So, Paul and Ryan, welcome to the studio. Ryan Hi.

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Paul Thanks for having us. Mark Kashman So, Ryan, you are a principal group program manager and your full name, Ryan Hoge. Yes. What does that mean, Principal Group program manager? Ryan Hoge Well the pre principal I think you can, you can just ignore, I think that tells you how long I've been at the company.

Chris: As long as it's not vice principal.

Exactly. Don't want to be a vice principal. Um, but group program manager means I'm uh, I'm responsible for a section of the product in this case, OneDrive. Um, that spans I guess multiple aspects. Um, I've been at Microsoft 14 years now and uh, up until this past week I've been mostly driving r one r the OneDrive mobile, um, roadmap strategy plans, working with the engineering team. And new part of my job is picking up all of the collaboration and sharing experiences as well. Mark Kashman Very nice. So, you're expanding after 14 years. You're like, I need more. It was given to me. Yeah. Alright. And Paul Diamond, you're on our side of things in marketing. As a product marketing manager. Uh, do you often just refer to yourself as I am the OneDrive for consumer PMM or how do you, how do you state it? Paul Diamond Yeah, typically. And what that means is I am helping to control and disperse the messaging for OneDrive across all the teams in Microsoft that uh, that want to talk about OneDrive and it's integrated into many products are a lot of teams do want to talk about it. I also help with, uh, research, uh, and that research tends to be an input for the product teams to help them figure out what to prioritize next in terms of building. 00:06:10:00 Mark Kashman Paul, we want to know first from you, what is OneDrive when you think about it from a consumer perspective and generally in this room and we've had conversations on the show before about OneDrive. What is it from a consumer lens? Paul Diamond Sure. So OneDrive is where you can store your files and photos that you can access them online, on your mobile device or through your PC , 8, 10. Um, and OneDrive is also integrated into many other products at Microsoft so that when you share a document from word or, when you collaborate on a, a file in excel, you're using OneDrive, OneDrive’s also integrated in . A lot of people when they get a new device, they ask, why do I have two sets of the same files in my file explorer? Well that's because one set is your OneDrive. Chris McNulty So, one of the things that has slipped into our marketing speak is the notion that OneDrive isn't just a place, it's the experience of all of your content. Can you kind of tease that out for our audience a little bit? Because it's a place, I know it's, I can

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find a location to upload something or to synchronize something, but how we extend OneDrive to provide that interface around the suite. Ryan Hoge It's way more than a place. I think the mental model for end users is to think about it as a place. If they've got their c drive, their d drive and they've got their cloud drive and just at a location to store things. But as we've had this product out in the market now for we just past 12 years, uh, from having the first version and I've actually worked on most of it from the beginning. Um, we've evolved it a lot and I think some of the more interesting things that we've done over the years, in addition to having a place to provide an extra layer or a place that's more secure in case you lose your device or a device gets broken or your hard drive fails and the um, benefit of having anywhere access so you can be moving across pcs or across phones and getting access. We've also enabled things like making it easier to share and collaborate with other people. We built specialized views around content types, like our photos view. Ryan Hoge So we have this really neat photos view on the OneDrive website and in the mobile apps that spans all folder locations in your OneDrive provides a really rich immersive view across all those in a flattened view as well as things like some of our interesting albums use and tags that we apply it to certain photos and places

and suggestions.

Chris McNulty There's a lot of really cool stuff that we do. And looking at my OneDrive consumer, it's like, did you know that, um, two years ago this was a picture you took in London? Ryan Hoge Oh yeah. You're talking about one of my favorite features. Yeah. We have this teacher called on this day, uh, that is available on It's available on our IOS app and it is coming soon to the android app. Um, this is a really loved feature that we know a lot of people bet on OneDrive to store all of their memories, keep them safe. Um, and people are really delighted when we remind them of, uh, of some of these great memories from years past. Chris McNulty I'm looking forward to the memories from years future. I can't wait for that. Mark Kashman You're working on that feature with AI in the Azure AI or – Ryan Hoge I have nothing to disclose at this time. 00:09:20:00 Mark Kashman So, I have one little off-script place that I'd like to go, but I think it'll be a decent segue into talking about Personal Vault. You both, while we have you here, we're involved with a pretty big partnership with Samsung. They just released a couple of new phones, Note 10, the Note 10 plus a. And I know you were both involved.

You are actually at the event. It was the unboxed on –

Ryan Hoge Unpacked.

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Mark Kashman Yes.

Ryan Hoge In Brooklyn.

Mark Kashman So I just want to hear a little bit about the event, but, um, what are some of the things that through Samsung, which is primarily a consumer event, uh, first starting with Paul, what were the main things that we highlighted there? Um, and some of the unique things that we are adding to their experience? Paul Diamond We integrated three products into the Note 10, Outlook, OneDrive and the app, which is the product that I worked on previously. The Your Phone app, I love it. It's basically syncs your phone to your PC. You can throw up an image of your phone on your PC and do everything on your PC that you could do on your phone. Mark Kashman Nice. So, and I know specific to the OneDrive, at least from what we demo it, what we talked about was the of photos. The actual Samsung Gallery will now rely on OneDrive. And this is the segue. We also talked about Personal Vault coming to the Samsung phones. Ryan Hoge Yep, we, we talked about the new deeper gallery integration that's going to be, uh, coming out later this fall to, uh, to the Note 10 as the first device where instead of having the OneDrive app do all of the and, and um, kind of being just sideloaded there on the device. Uh, we're actually integrating OneDrive natively into a gallery app, which is the default photos app on Samsung devices. Note 10 is going to be the first one to show that, but yeah, up on stage one of our VPs Demos scanning content into her Personal Vault. It was great. And uh, yeah, we're really excited about that feature. Um, it has, it has been in, in kind of test market release for a couple months and we're just starting the broader roll out now. So, let's explore that in a little more detail. Chris McNulty So now the, you know, we've broken the ice on this. Can we walk through what is Personal Vault and kind of how we approach the design of it and the rollout? Ryan Hoge Personal Vault is actually a pretty simple concept when you, when you really boil it down to its essence. We had heard from multiple customers through multiple different channels that sometimes they have content that's extra sensitive that they want to have that extra layer of protection in case somebody gets access to their device. Maybe their account credentials get compromised for whatever reason. And they really wanted to have another form of verification before somebody can actually view, edit, make changes to any other content. 00:11:50:00 Ryan Hoge And so, what Personal Vault is, is it's requiring customers to enable two factor authentication on their . And then we imply enforcement of that at what we call the scenario level, which is accessing a sub section of your

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OneDrive. So, every single time you want to go in there and do something with it, you have to verify it's you. And that's really the, the crux of what this feature is.

Mark Kashman And that's the same when you want to access the Personal Vault. If you're on your mobile tap, the volt, it requires the authentication. Same. True for when you're coming through the web and even sync.

Yep. Yep. And I think, you know, we take advantage of things where they're Ryan Hoge available to make it a little bit more seamless. So on your mobile device, if you've got biometric inputs set up, if you've got face id on your apple device or um, or a fingerprint on, um, any other device, we'll use that as the proof we need to, uh, to allow you to get in.

So, if we start that is the, what is Personal Vault and certainly the, the design behind it. Paul, what are some of the scenarios, either that we're highlighting or Mark Kashman we're starting to see people use the vault for? Paul Diamond Some scenarios are scanning your IDs directly into Personal Vault, so your passport, your driver's license, insurance cards, et Cetera, so that you always have them handy. Others are certain documents such as maybe taxes or budgets, finances, et Cetera, that you may want to keep extra secure. A lot of photos going in to Vault as well. Photos and videos really. I should say also that to authenticate vault is pretty simple. It's a fingerprint of a face, read from your camera or windows hello Microsoft authenticator app or a pin. Paul Diamond Personal Vault also includes three security features in addition to two factor, which includes auto locking after a set interval of time, a encryption for when you're downloading files from your Personal Vault, they will be stored in a separate bitlocker encrypted area of your, uh, Windows 10 drive. and we also ask browsers not to cache any of the information that, that you’re accessing when in a browser on Personal Vault. Mark Kashman And from a design perspective, uh, there's also a visual nature to it. The vault itself, it looks like a vault. It's not, uh, just a yellow folder. Right. Uh, and there's the nature of when it's open and when it's closed, you get a lot of cues around, you know, what state it's in. Um, one of my favorite things is the closing of the vault. It's, it's a nice animation. if there are these hardened features or things that you get to then take advantage of when you start to use the product from a design perspective, how did the design, the actual design team think about, um, making sure that this felt like a secure place to put content in its actions in its, uh, iconography and all that? 00:14:53:00 Ryan Hoge Yeah, that's a great question. Mark. We actually, our designers probably went through at least six or seven variations of how we wanted to represent, uh, the

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Personal Vault in the broader context of a, of a customer's OneDrive. some early versions were, you know, it's just another yellow folder or I guess we call them golden folders, golden folders with, uh, maybe a lock iconography on it. But we felt like that didn't do it justice. It kind of got lost in the mix of all of your other, other folders, where really, this is a super unique, um, place inside of your OneDrive. And we wanted to also be super clear the state that it's in locked, unlocked. I think that conveys a lot of important information to customers. And so, the kind of safe metaphor is something that we kept coming back to and we did multiple rounds of user testing and getting feedback on the visual style. And uh, we ultimately landed on that kind of safe metaphor. And then we went through I think three iterations of the actual look in closed and open states. And that's what's in the product today. Chris McNulty We’re incredibly disciplined about listening to our customers, especially in preview modes. What are some of the pieces of feedback that we've been getting throughout? Ryan Hoge Yeah, I mean with this feature, it was a big effort to build. It took us almost two years of planning and development to get this thing built in, out to market. And we had a lot of questions we wanted to understand, you know, not only is it reliable and is it working as designed, but how are people using it and, and hearing from, from folks on what their, what their experience is. 00:16:10:00 Ryan Hoge We wanted to know did it have a positive impact on other parts of the product. and so that's why we, we rolled it out in this limited test market release to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, back in. Um, some of the feedback that we've heard from people, um, are some of the use cases. Paul has talked about that there, it's, it's coming in super handy. They're more comfortable putting certain content that they maybe weren't comfortable putting in OneDrive before. Um, we've been able to verify reliability of some of the different parts of the system that we've built. Whether it's some of the new auth components we have or some of the other aspects that are rolled out. and we also noticed some usability things too that, um, where we would look at maybe the con the customer journey, uh, as far as success rates of getting things configured and set up and actually enabling to factor off. And so we were able to tweak some of the wording and button placement to make that flow easier and more understandable before we take it broader out to, uh, to the rest of the world. Mark Kashman Anything that you are seeing with the feedback coming through, whether it was a tweet or something more direct to the team that either validated the scenarios that you were walking through or at least highlighted the how we should convey it or things that we might consider, you know, in the future. What are you hearing Paul? Paul Diamond One question that we heard often is, is the rest of OneDrive not that secure that I need Personal Vault and um, and the answer is no, definitely not. so Personal

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Vault is, is one more step in our journey or mission, uh, for robust security. and, and we've been on this journey for a while. We've added things like, uh, ransomware detection and recovery. We have suspicious login monitoring. we have file encryption at rest and in transit we have mass file deletion notification,

we have virus scanning on download for known threats and a version history for all file types. So –

And, and we have password on share. Yeah, that's, I mean there's lots of things Chris McNulty like that.

Right. Password protected, sharing links, expiring sharing links. So, this is just one more step in our evolution towards the most secure cloud storage. Paul Diamond Mark Kashman So it is not the only security feature, obviously you just, you know, listed a ton of great stuff that helps people no matter how they're getting content in or out of vault or sharing it. Um, so let's talk about our own Personal Vaults. Uh, I've got my own story that I'll share, but I'll save it. Uh, just going around the horn here, starting with Paul, how have you been using Personal Vault? Pre preview during preview now going forward? Paul Diamond Yeah, so I've got all my tax returns in there. I've got my, um, driver's license, passport, uh, some insurance, some other ideas, and now if I lose them, if I don't have them when I need them, they're on . Mark Kashman Awesome. Chris?

Chris McNulty I'd say that for me the biggest benefit isn't just that the stuff is in OneDrive. It's where it's not, because prior to having this my information, passports, driver's license, uh, global entry ideas, they might be on a thumb drive or I might have emailed them to myself and all those tricks people would do to make sure that they could print something out and so forth. I don't have to worry about a three- year-old thumb drive. The lets sitting in a conference room somewhere that has my taxes from two years ago anymore. It's in one place, which means it's not in five places. Mark Kashman Mr. Ryan, you probably maybe use the feature for the very first time in this whole world. What was the first thing you did and then what are you doing now?

Yeah, so I've been using the feature for a while. Um, one of my first use cases was Ryan Hoge I had to register my youngest daughter for kindergarten this year. That happened earlier in the, I think it was February timeframe. I had her birth certificate at

home. I scanned it using the mobile app, saved it into my vault. I went to the school, literally was able to open my vault, show my phone to the registrar, uh,

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and use that as a valid proof of her age and enrollment for school without me having to lug around that birth certificate risk losing it. And then also knowing that that's pretty sensitive content and I've got that in a safe place

Mark Kashman And she's still in school learning today. Ryan Hoge Uh, she's in the second week. We still have tears. Mom and I are trying to work through her getting comfortable. There are new school friends.

Mark Kashman But you keep any of those new fresh tears in your Personal Vault?

Ryan Hoge Sometimes. Sometimes.

Mark Kashman That's awesome. Um, I used it recently when I went traveling. I went to both, uh, Dublin, Ireland and then onto Finland and I had scanned my passport. Uh, but for the part of the trip I had also been traveling with my kids. So, I scanned each of their passports for Sophie and Eli. Um, and most recently I actually scanned, um, my social security card, uh, that used to be sitting in a nice tin, you know, this old rickety tin thing in a locked file cabinet, pun intended. Um, but now it's much easier to, like you said, reference it if you need to show it to somebody or just look up a number of something that you've scanned, like a passport number. Mark Kashman I've done that a number of times now. Um, very easy to scan. It's also very easy to just drag and drop something in there if you've already got a file, they just want to put in the better location. [Yup.] And that's very easy to do.

Ryan Hoge From my point of view. I think the, the scanning into Personal Vault is really, uh, kind of the killer use case. There's a lot of physical documents and physical, um, artifacts that you want to have a digital record of. And we've always, uh, for the last couple of years now had the great tech from Office lens integrated right into the OneDrive apps. Now by adding the streamlined flow going right into your Personal Vault, uh, it opens up whole new world of possibilities to get into. Mark Kashman I just want to be really clear on this feature because I think it's the most interesting design choice that you made. When you scan something that's outside of your Personal Vault, it is available to the rest of applications, right? So if you're on an iPhone or an android phone and you scan, let's say a document and you

don't put it in your vault, that file has the potential to be available to other

applications and that's a good thing. [Correct]. But when you scan it through Personal Vault, tell us what happens.

Ryan Hoge 00:21:50:00

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Yeah, it's, it's really kind of locked down and secured just in that location. We've, uh, really restricted the ability for that file to flow outside of the OneDrive app container so you can preview it. Um, you can use all the built-in previews at the OneDrive app has to view that content and get access to it. But as far as passing that file, um, to another application or having another application read that file that that's locked down, unless the user, uh, literally goes through a specific choice and take that content, move it outside of the OneDrive app and then it's a multistep thing, um, to where another app could access it. And we've also restricted the ability to, to share Personal Vault content at the moment. 00:22:30:00 Paul Diamond So, Ryan, I have a question I've been dying to ask. When was the very first germination of Personal Vault? Like when did that happen? Who came up with the idea? Who decided we should look into this? Ryan Hoge We probably started talking about this feature about two and a half years ago. it was around the same time that we were looking into going deeper in the kind of security and protection pillar of, of promises, the like ransomware detection. and this, this was an idea that a few people in the team had kind of come up with. they already were using OneDrive and having some of this content stored, um, just in folders. and we did some research and we talked to some customers around the world to gauge potential future interest in, in different scenarios or things we could go after and provide in this notion of having a lockbox for certain content, whether it's things we've discussed like passports, birth certificates, driver's license or any other kind of nontraditional photos that we haven't discussed being an appealing solution that people would be likely to use and find value in, uh, their Office 365 subscription. Ryan Hoge Cause that was, that's another key thing that we want to do here is this is more benefits to the M 365 subscribers to have a feature like this in addition to the additional storage they get with OneDrive.

Mark Kashman Which I think is maybe just a part of a clarification. So, people are aware at this point in time, you know, how do you qualify for Personal Vault? How do you get it? Is there a difference in, you know, you might have this, you might have that and some of the things you can do with the vault? Paul Diamond Yeah. So, anyone with a free OneDrive account can use the full feature of Personal Vault, but there'll be limited to three files that they can store in Personal Vault. And with Office 365 subscription you can store and unlimited number of files up to your storage limit in Personal Vault. Mark Kashman Excellent.

Chris McNulty As we're closing the door on our discussion of Personal Vault today, we're looking forward to taking this out of preview in coming weeks and seeing how this goes

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around the world. So, we're really encouraged and really excited about what this is going to mean for OneDrive and for our customers globally. So, Paul, Ryan, thank you very much for coming in today. Ryan / Paul Thanks for having us. Thanks. #3 GUEST PERSPECTIVE – CHRIS LEADLEY, Consumer TRANSITION 00:24:50:00 Mark Kashman So, let's switch this conversation from talking to people who work at Microsoft to moving to a voice that comes from outside of Microsoft. We're going to be talking to Chris Leadley who works for a company in the UK called Forbes Burton. He's a marketing manager, but we actually want to start to pick his brain about what he

does outside of work. So, Chris, not Chris McNulty, Chris Leadley, welcome to the Intrazone.

Chris Leadley Thank you very much, Mark. Nice to be here.

Mark Kashman Can you give us a little flavor of where you're calling in from? Chris Leadley Yeah, that's, I'm actually calling from, it's the east side of the UK. Um, so you guys probably know more familiar with the Manchester, London. I'm a little bit further north than that. The closest landmark that may come to mind is the home of rich. A big huge bridge that we have over here. Mark Kashman Let’s get into it. We want to know, you know, all about your use, about OneDrive. Um, starting with when did you actually start using it? Did you actually start using it when it was called OneDrive? Um, if you were using other cloud storage before, we want to know everything that is the past of Chris Leadley and his cloud storage. Chris Leadley I've been using OneDrive for many years, back way back when. So, it's actually called SkyDrive. Um, now there was a name change. Yeah, that's a long time ago, but it was a, I'll call it when the name change occurred. It must have been seven, eight, nine years ago, something like that. Mark Kashman You've been on the service for a while and obviously it's, it's grown up since then. Um, you know, if you think across your day or think of your days, you years ago compared to now, what are some of the things that you're most commonly doing with OneDrive? Chris Leadley At the moment it's actually, so it takes care of everything that I need to be to be backed up. it has all my files and everything, uh, start in depth. This is just very useful to be able to access any of those files if I am on the move through my phone or through my laptop. so generally on a day to day basis, it's, it's if it working on something at home, some sort of personal projects or personal files

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that they locked up that this, that gives me the peace of mind that it's being installed as well. Mark Kashman And just before we get too far into it, give us a sense. Is that, is that just for personal use or are you balancing between work in life across what we think of as OneDrive consumer and OneDrive for business? Chris Leadley I have a OneDrive consumer set up for myself and at work we have a OneDrive for Business, um, which we also, which am also familiar with as well. So, but the consumer side of it. Chris McNulty You know it's interesting, you know, just hearing that, like for myself, I've been using OneDrive for OneDrive the consumer property for years. And it is a mix of, of personal as well as business files. Like, every PowerPoint presentation I've ever used at a conference publicly anywhere even going back to before Microsoft is all

there in my OneDrive. And is that GDPR compliant?

It is, uh, and we knew this a little bit of a cheat Chris Leadley that you know, you Mark Kashman from a work perspective, tell us a little bit about that, that approach of GDPR and OneDrive on the business side. Chris Leadley Yeah. Everything that's um, sort of stored, um, on any system anywhere has to be GDPR compliant. Um, and I, it's a, it works similar [inaudible] there as um, we have to, in our privacy policy we actually have to say, well, we have to let our clients or anybody know anybody that we deal with know where that data is stored. and honestly if it not a hundred, so some of this OneDrive service that you have all over the world would be based in the US and we have to decide to declare where that's stored. but that's only if that's personal data. If it's a, you'd mentioned a PowerPoint document or something now, which wouldn't concern anybody's personal, personal details then. Yeah, I use, I do copy them from sort of the, the work OneDrive over to definitely my OneDrive if I need to, to work on them for whatever reason at home. But the great thing about the work OneDrive is I can access it as well. So, it's, it works both ways. 00:28:50:00 Mark Kashman Yeah. And you know, I just know from, you know, the biggest thing that has grown up over the years as it is now a single sync client for both consumer and business and it's a single application if you're using it from a mobile perspective. but with distinction with, you know, who can access it, how you can share, uh, you know, obviously where the data resides is very similar for as far as in country, but the rules that you might apply, you know, on you, on your end, you might have, you know, very different rule set of what you can do with content in OneDrive when you're at work. And of course, very different for, you know, how you work with your files, photos, whatnot in your personal. Chris Leadley Yeah, definitely.

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Mark Kashman The biggest thing that we'd like to talk about is to get into your first use of Personal Vault. How did you first hear about it when you first tried to use it? And some of your thoughts on it? Chris Leadley I'd heard some rumblings of on some of the tech blocks I read a while back, but I hadn't actually given much thought to it since then. It just pops up. I was actually in the OneDrive one time and it pops up the notification or the Personal Vault was ready to go. Which I thought was, was useful, sort of explored around the pop up that came up and the various options that gave as well actually that, that could be very useful for storing the type of document as says suggested in. and uh, it actually, that's what I actually tweeted the OneDrive team to congratulate the one on it and how well it works. so I use it to store different things like personal accounts and pay slips or sorts of thing in that, um, tax receipts for various other personal documents on May need access to. But I want to add added layer security to. Mark Kashman Can you walk us through a couple of scenarios? The one is I have something new that I want to put into my Personal Vault and just to be real clear, we have already covered sort of the technical how, but just your end user experience, you are real, you know, I have something that I want to scan and put in there? Chris Leadley Yeah, it depends, which were, how I'm accessing it. If I'm on my phone when I use it, it's OneDrive app. Then it just go to click on the Personal Vault icon, ask my fingerprint, um, put with finger, given the senior print access and it just, uh, opens up. And then you have to scan and options to just literally scan a document is put in there. which is really easy to use on the, if you want to, if I'm on my PC for example, I want to drag a file in. So, it's a similar thing. I just double click on the icon and then it asks, it sends a notification through to my phone to ask me if I approved the access. And if I do, I just click on the approved and it allows me to access the vault to put whatever document I wants into again, works flawlessly. Now, when I first set it up, it did throw up a couple of little errors, but I think that was just because of the initial setup is there sort of authorizing t he different PCs and stuff. But I've had absolutely no problems with it since. 00:31:40:00 Mark Kashman When we talked to the team that was building the feature, they certainly, and if you, I think you came across the scanning suggestions. If you look at, you know, of course you can pretty much store whatever you want there, but at the end of the day it's the user choice that puts what type of content that they want to have a little bit harder to get to for other people. At the same time, they want to balance the making it easy for you to get to. It doesn't have to be too many hurdles but the right ones. Um, and you know, when you go through the list of all the document types, uh, you know, some of the scenarios start to light up and, and I'll tell you for my own Personal Vault experience is I have now my driver's license in there, my passport and my kids’ passports.

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Mark Kashman But I do find it often times mostly to reference a number or to reference an ID or to, you know, when it comes to using it. And just as kind of a last question to you, Chris, when do you find yourself using it? You've maybe gone beyond the preview and playing with it. Have you actually had a time when you, you went and referenced a document or, and what did that look like? Chris Leadley The most of the use I'd find for it now as a, I said I keep herself a personal budget planner in that access quite frequently, so, and well, I could see lots of potential uses. One, I just spoke to, you know, like he said about that the licenses. There's also sort of insurance documents for your car. Uh, my private here would be if you have a balloon for a scrape is price, obviously that paper and then what your insurance, um, policies, um, who they can contact and stuff too, things like that. instead of having to store that in a car glove or something where it's potentially is unsafe, because you just saw the electronic one in your vault and you can just access it instantly, wherever, wherever you are, so - Mark Kashman So, you have now a more balanced budget, thanks to Personal Vault. I'm just, I'm just plugging some marketing here. Uh, you have, you have an amazingly accessible, uh, list of information, um, but let's turn, uh, just before we close out here to really give you the microphone, you know, as somebody who's gone through preview, moving into real use, uh, and balancing the win, uh, you have the ear of Microsoft. And I don't mean Chris McNulty and Mark Kashman. I mean the OneDrive team. Um, what's your feedback to them either about this particular feature or just anything about OneDrive or something that still is listed as SkyDrive. The floor is yours. What's your feedback to Microsoft? 00:34:10:00 Chris Leadley Well, generally, actually the OneDrive as a whole just seems to come on leaps and bounds over the last year or so. I think [inaudible] sort of fairly recently within that last year, major competitor did have the slight edge on features and excel assess accessibility, perhaps usability as well. But I think it's definitely level pegging on that now. And I think if you keep introducing stuff like this, it's just going to get better and better. I use OneDrive pretty much every day for, for most things. One thing I'm not sure about, I haven't actually tried it out, but there is perhaps documents in the vault which, which may need to be shared securely perhaps with a spouse or a partner or someone, uh, just in case it was an accident happened, but they need to be able to access those documents as well. So, I don't know whether, is it a secure way of being able to set that up? Or something like that. I don't know how that would work technically. So, I think that would be very useful. I know obviously if you start sharing stuff out that it allows me to see the security of anything. Chris McNulty That's definitely, you know, great feedback for us to be able to bring back to our engineers. You mentioned one thing I wanted to follow up on, which was how you discovered this in the first place and I'm always curious to find out when we're talking to our customers, how do you stay current with what Microsoft is

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announcing? Is it through some of our web properties? Is it through user groups? How do you stay informed? Chris Leadley I use, uh, read various blogs. Talk a name, know if you, if you want me to. I think that would be all right. Yeah, there's the Verge, Tech Crunch and Gadget. They also, there's obviously YouTube videos, there's a one up, there's various channels that are following, they're the, so I show new features and stuff, but actually they, I'm just going back to the boat. I did, I remember seeing something about it on, on one of the blog some time ago, but again it was just, it was almost like a, a pleasant surprise when it pops up in the lower, lower right hand corner to say this is now ready. Do you want to use it? And then go through and explain everything in actually very user-friendly terms as well. It's um, some could argue that in the past some of the stuff that has not been quite so user friendly, but this is just incredibly, incredibly easy to use and setup. Mark Kashman I will tell you there is an entire team of about two or three folks that obviously then spread out to have a lot, a lot reviewed. They call it the first run experience. And of course, we're a three-letter acronym crazy here. So I see a lot the FRE team and they would, they would love and they will hear it cause we will point them to your statement, um, that you had a good first run experience. And obviously there's a balance of not always having a great first run experience, but your second run, I swear is going to be amazing. Chris Leadley I would say thank you for letting me, um, share my experience a bit more than anything and just getting in touch and getting the feedback, getting feedback from people who are using it every day can help you make it better in the future. Chris McNulty Chris, thank you very much for joining us on The Intrazone. #4 FAQs TRANSITION 00:37:00:00 Chris McNulty Up next on The Intrazone FAQ or frequently asked questions, things that we've been hearing from our customers and our guests around the world. So, Mark, what's a question you've been getting most recently? Mark Kashman Most recently I've been given a couple of talks. I've done it now twice where I talk about governance and it’s governance across the entire spectrum of teamwork. And so, by the end of this session, hopefully people are aware that you know, Teams with SharePoint Planner, all the things that come with Office 365 group apps. But a big part of that component is what we're talking about OneDrive. And so, the big question is can I manage and govern OneDrive? Uh, and the answer of course is yes, it's a big part of not only where you store content but how you share how you take content with you. Um, so some of the things around governing OneDrive is who gets a OneDrive? Everybody in the organization, not everybody needs a OneDrive or not everybody is a, somebody that they want to enable with a OneDrive. So, you can manage who you can also span hybrid. So if

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you wanted to govern, uh, people in the cloud get a hybrid, but people who are still on premises for a period of time, but then it gets to how do they share? And I bet, Ryan, that's a big part of what you're focused on these days is, is the enabling of sharing. But you can really minimize from an IT perspective, the ways that people can share internally, externally, you know, is certain rights implied or not. And the last thing is always from an IT perspective to be able to monitor and manage. How have people used OneDrive, how do they share, um, how much content are they using? Are they using too much storage? Uh, whatever that that a report might be, you can certainly do that. So absolutely OneDrive is a big part of a governance plan and we think an important one. Paul, what's Your FAQ? Paul Diamond I already have two factor authentication on my Microsoft account. Does Personal Vault add anything more or should I just stick with two f a on my account? [mouth noise] And the answer to that is you can have 2FA on your account and Personal Vault and what Personal Vault adds to it is, as we've discussed before, auto lock for your Personal Vault. A bit locker encrypted area on your Windows 10 drive for any files downloaded from vault and a browser will not cache your Personal Vault file or information. Mark Kashman So, if you have 2FA already enabled and then you have vault in, you know, kind of steps you through the requirements. Do we call that for 4FA? I think we've got a new term here. FFA. It's like a new fighting club. Ryan Hoge It's kind of like having an umbrella insurance policy on top of your home and auto standard policies. Mark Kashman All right, well we'll get the insurance companies all over that. Uh, so Ryan round us out. Ryan Hoge Yeah. For me, with, with my, my primary gig leading our, um, our mobile apps, I get a lot of questions about why should my organization deploy and use the, the OneDrive mobile apps. there's actually three core use cases that we find and we, we hear from customers that they're getting value, especially in the enterprise space. The first is viewing and accessing, uh, and sharing all of your files for your organization, whether they're your own personal files or those across your organization. So those could be in shared libraries, um, or your own personal OneDrive. And we support over 300 different file type viewers, so you don't have to have another application in order to access and view that content. The second use case is around scanning and being able to digitize physical things and having them go into either a shared library or your own, your own personal storage location. And the third one that a lot of people don't know about, but we hear from a lot of C-suite executives in particular is on iPads. We have a very robust annotation, mark up an inking experience that is really, really killer. And we've actually just revamped, uh, the UI around that, having a new way to get it,

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the different pens, highlighters, text thickness and uh, that's a really delightful way to take notes on the go. Mark Kashman Maybe there's a future c-suite are out there that's going to buy a new Note 10 and do some new ink annotations with the S-pen possible. Possible? Ryan Hoge Yeah, that's another one too. We do support S-pen for the same type of markup on Android as we do on iOS. 00:41:30:00 Mark Kashman Wonderful. Chris, take us home FAQ of this week for you.

Chris McNulty You know, one question I've heard at a lot of conferences recently is comes from consumers and small businesses who have made a bet on OneDrive and OneDrive consumer and they know that we have some fairly sophisticated application integration and metadata management services in SharePoint. And the question is do I have to move to SharePoint to get the advantage of all of those scenarios? And the answer is no. And the explanation for the answer is we have some great capabilities inside of OneDrive using AI to automatically recognize objects inside images, auto tag your photos with recognized objects and locations in there. And we open up all that metadata so you can add an augment or remove something, um, that you don't necessarily like. You can also take all of those great files and photos inside of OneDrive and generate embed codes. So, if I need to extend and integrate those into any other web property or blog, you can do that without having to move those files anywhere else. Mark Kashman Fantastic. Well, it sounds like you all actually have had these questions asked you frequently, and of course your answers are always a cherished and welcomed. Thank you for sharing them. We will now move on to events. #5 UPCOMING EVENTS TRANSITION 00:42:30:00 Mark Kashman So if you wear your SharePoint hat, not just today, not just tomorrow, but every day and you want to be trained, anytime you put that hat on, there's always a place to plug into. So, we always want to focus on what are the most current events where you can get that SharePoint training. That's right, Mark.

So SharePoint Saturdays are a great way to plug into it. It's a grassroots Chris McNulty community organization. There are dozens and dozens happening around the year. And most importantly, I know how much you love the price. They're free. Um, two that are coming up on October 5th one, um, in Boston, or actually technically Burlington, Massachusetts, SharePoint Saturday, New England.

Mark I think I know a guy who's keynoting that one. I know a guy.

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Chris Well it's actually, I'm close - I'm close noting it. Ooh, I like that. That's a new word for me. Mark I just show up at the end and take questions. And Ottawa, Ontario also on Chris October 5th. We'll have the link to those in the show notes and you can go to to find other upcoming SharePoint Saturdays in a city near you.

Mark Now the next two events of course are big. We've talked about them a lot on the show and we're going to save a little bit more energy on talking about them as they get a little bit closer. Mark Kashman But for now we always want to highlight Ignite 2019. That's November 4th through the eighth in Orlando, Florida. And companion to that is Ignite the Tour, which is of course going to be 30 cities across the world in 2019 and 2020.

Chris And Ignite is sold out, but Ignite the Tour is not and it's free and it happens everywhere. So, if you really would love to go see a two day Ignite in Mumbai or Paris or Milan, Ignite Tour's the place for you. Chris McNulty And looking ahead to next year, Microsoft Build, we've just announced the dates May 19th to 21st here in Seattle. Learn more at Build is really tailored to the needs of the developer audience. Corporate individual ISV says the latest trends in technology. Satya is always certain to have some great

announcements there.

And if you want to get everything that they're going to start pumping out about Mark Kashman Microsoft Build, you can subscribe to their email updates. For the latest news about the premier Microsoft developer event that's live now, go to the site, sign up for the newsletter, get in the know about what it's going to be. Microsoft Build 2020. Chris McNulty So that's all our updates for events here on The Intrazone. If you have an event you'd like to us to share, please reach out to us and we will be sure to feature it in a future podcast.

#6 SHOW WRAP / OUTRO TRANSITION 00:44:55:00 Mark Kashman Thank you to our guests, Paul diamond, Ryan Hoge, and Chris Leadley.


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Check out our show page for links to everything we talked about today and more. Go to Mark Kashman Send us your questions or feedback for the SharePoint engineering and product teams. Email us at [email protected] or via @SharePoint, @MKashman and @CMcNulty2000, Patriots’ 12th Man. Chris McNulty Thank you. And make sure to tell all your friends and colleagues about the show. Share the SharePoint and share the Microsoft 365 love. Subscribe down at your local grid iron or wherever you get your podcasts. Mark Kashman Thanks again for listening. Where are your host Mark Kashman and Chris McNulty, you've been listening to the Intrazone, a show about the Microsoft 365 intelligent intranet. Ankita Kirti Thank you for listening to Sync Up a show about OneDrive, the intelligent app for Microsoft 365. We are your hosts, Ankita Kirti and Jason Moore. We hope you're enjoying this new show for a OneDrive users, administrators and developers. Subscribe, engage and stay tuned for the next month's episode. And definitely visit our show page for links, resources, and more at 00:48:00:00 END FILE

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