, Satterleigh and Warkleigh Parish Council www.cswparish.org.uk

Chairman: Paul Blackwell [email protected] 01768 540180 Parish Clerk: Linda Stapleton [email protected]

Agenda of Parish Council Meeting on Monday 26th June 2017 at 7.30pm in Chittlehamholt Village Hall 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations 3. Parishioners’ Open Session – to provide parishioners with an opportunity to raise issues with the Council 4. Reports – to receive reports from: a. Police - to report on the availability of speed monitoring equipment for community use (Clerk) b. District Councillor c. County Councillor 5. To receive and approve Minutes from meeting held on 24th April 2017 – (circulated previously) 6. Matters Arising a. Strategy to deliver work (road repairs, Snow Warden duties, maintenance work in Launds Playing Field) – to report progress (AC/AK) including: i. To receive draft specification for works to lay-by (AK) ii. To receive response from RoSPA inspectors regarding comment on cable (AC) b. Public Convenience – to receive a progress report on alternatives (DB) c. Biographies – to receive an update on progress (if any) (AC) d. Air Ambulance night landing site - to receive an update on progress (if any) (MP/AC) e. Inn – to receive response from NDC (Clerk) f. Ownership/restrictions on Launds Playing Field – to receive a report on progress (Clerk) g. West Pugsley X/Swing Gate X – to note response to request for temporary barrier (Clerk) h. Vacancy for Parish Councillor– to receive an update on the process for co-option i. Section 106 Funding - to receive progress report from task group j. Issues arising from Clerk’s Short Course: i. To consider alternative arrangements for storage of historic files ii. To consider shortening length of minutes - it is suggested these should be kept to a minimum with action only recorded – suggested length - 2 pages. iii. Numbering each minute - it is recommended each minute has a separate number for ease of future recognition, e.g. 1/2017 Apologies 2/2017 Declarations of I & D. iv. Minutes placed on the website - it is recommended these should be signed.

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k. Dog fouling – to receive an update (Clerk) 7. Planning - to receive details of applications, correspondence and follow up issues a. Planning Application 63128 – to consider change of use at Greendown Farm Chittlehampton (circulated separately (cs)) b. Planning Application 63112 – to consider listed building application for conversion of attached barn to form additional living accommodation at Little Satterleigh, Satterleigh (cs) c. Planning Application 63203 – to consider extension to dwelling & conversion of the Old Forge to additional living space with installation of flue at Cobblestone Court, Chittlehamholt (cs) d. Planning Application 63061 – to consider listed building application for extension to dwelling & conversion of Old Forge to additional living space with installation of flue at Cobblestone Court (cs) e. North Link Road – to note public consultation on Proposals for Improvement - to - from 9th June to 28th July 2017 (leaflet to be tabled) f. Eggesford & Wistlandpound Forest Plan Consultation – to note comments required at https://englandconsult.forestry.gov.uk/forest-districts/eggesford-wistlandpound-forest-plan/ - by 7th July 2017 (cs). 8. Finances a. Current balance – to note current balance - £8,723.34 - as at 15th June 2017 b. VAT return – to note progress with preparing return (Clerk) c. Payments – To approve payment to Internal Auditor of £98.93 (for work during 2016/17) (invoice circulated separately) d. CSW Parish Council Internal Audit Report 2016/17 – to consider report (circulated separately) e. Devon Communities Together – Training Hub – to note half day courses to October 2017 (cs) f. North Devon Council – Rural Funding Event – 29th June – to note – (circulated separately) 9. Matters Raised by Councillors - not included elsewhere in the agenda 10. Training opportunities for Councillors/Clerk • Training opportunities – see Devon ALC Newsletter (circulated separately) 11. Correspondence a. North Devon Against Domestic Abuse (NDADA) – to consider request for NDADA to bring their promotional ‘bus’ to the parish on a regular basis – (letter circulated separately) b. Dogs Trust – to receive request to display help/talk freely available from the Dogs Trust c. Grants & Community News from NDC – to note newsletter (circulated separately) d. Overhanging branch on Newlands Hill – to note e-mail received by parishioner e. Temporary Traffic Notice – Hilltown Cross to Satterleigh Cross, Chittlehamholt, Satterleigh and Warkleigh (circulated previously and to note) f. Temporary Traffic Notice - West to Honeybeetle Cross, Chittlehampton, Chittlehamholt, Satterleigh and Warkleigh (circulated previously and to note) g. Latest newsletter from Devon ALC – to receive newsletter (circulated separately) h. Parish Forum – to note rearranged date of meeting – now 10th July 2017 (circulated separately) 12. Date of Next Meeting Monday 31st July 2017

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