THURSDAY, 14 April 2005 AT 7.00PM



TO: MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE (Quorum: One quarter of the membership, including at least two local authority members)

Chairman: Matthew Offord Vice-Chair: R Harrod (Brent)

Councillors : Chris Harris Arun Ghosh Ansuya Sodha

Councillors : M Farrell J O'Sullivan

Organisations: Barnet Council for Sports and Recreation Strategy Directorate of the GLA Birchen Grove Residents’ Association Training Ship Broadsword Brent Sport Council Community Forum British Waterways Welsh Harp Conservation Group English Nature Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre Environment Agency Welsh Harp Sailing Association Local Agenda 21 Welsh Harp Youth Sailing Base West Hendon Youth Club Old St Andrew's Residents' Association Woolmead Residents' Association Princes Park Youth Football Club

You are requested to attend the above meeting for which an Agenda is attached.

John Marr Head of Committee

Committee Section contact: Janet Rawlings on 020 8359 2156 Press and Public Relations contact: Oliver Berman on 020 8359 7794


The Town Hall has access for wheelchair users including lifts and toilets. If you wish to let us know in advance that you will be attending the meeting, please telephone Janet Rawlings on 020 8359 2156. People with hearing difficulties who have a text phone, may telephone our minicom number on 020 8203 8942. All our Committee Rooms also have induction loops. Town Hall Hendon NW4 4BG


Item No. Title of Report Contributors Page Nos.

2. MINUTES - 1 – 3




6. Welsh Harp Management Barnet’s Cabinet 4 - 7 Member for the Environment and Transport

7. Welsh Harp Management Plan Brent’s Director of 8 – 12A Environment

8. Regeneration of the West Metropolitan Housing Hendon Trust



Fire/Emergency Evacuation Procedure

If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest available exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by Committee staff or by uniformed porters. It is vital that you follow their instructions.

You should proceed calmly; do not run and do not use the lifts.

Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

Once you are outside, please do not wait immediately next to the building, but move some distance away and await further instructions.

Do not re-enter the building until told to do so.


20 January 2005

*Councillor Matthew Offord (Barnet) (Chairman) Councillor Richard Harrod (Vice-Chair) (Brent)


Arun Ghosh (Barnet) *Ansuya Sodha (Barnet) Terry Burton(Barnet) *Jim O’Sullivan (Brent) Mary Farrell (Brent) Cllr Christopher Harris (Barnet)

Organisation Representative Barnet Council for Sport & Recreation * Frank Hewlett Birchen Grove Residents’ Association Dorothy Jakes British Waterways Mike Manuel English Nature Paul Losse Local Agenda 21 * Julie Johnson London Wildlife Trust Clive Cohen West Hendon Community Forum * Judy Shepherd West Hendon Youth Club Rebecca Goh Welsh Harp Conservation Group Leo Batten Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre * Roy Beddard (for Harry Mackie) Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre Action Group * Malcolm Scott Welsh Harp Sailing Association * Brian Turgoose Welsh Harp Youth Sailing Base Haydn Matthews Woolmead Residents' Association * Jean Stedall

*denotes Member present

Also in attendance were Mark Evison (Barnet Leisure & Youth Services), Leslie Williams (Brent Parks Service), Philomena Jemide, (Barnet Principal Solicitor) and Nick Musgrove (Barnet Democratic Services)

1. MINUTES RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 October 2004 be approved as a true and accurate record. However, it was noted that some members felt that the previous minutes had not done justice to the strength of concern they had expressed in regard to some of the environmental problems raised at the meeting.

2. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from: • Councillor Arun Ghosh (Barnet); • Councillor Christopher Harris (Barnet); • Councillor Richard Harrod (Brent); • Dorothy Jakes (Birchen Grove Residents’ Association); • Harry Mackie (Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre); • Leo Batten (Welsh Harp Conservation Group).

3. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS' PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS Malcolm Scott of the Welsh Harp Environmental Education Centre Action Group declared a personal interest in the items under consideration because he was a shareholder (director) of the Greenhouse Garden Centre in Brent and the Woodfield Nursery in Barnet

4. PUBLIC SPEAKING ARRANGEMENTS No members of the public had asked to address the Committee.

5. WELSH HARP MANAGEMENT (BARNET) (Item 6) The Committee received a progress report from Mark Evison, updating the Committee on the Local Nature Reserve declaration, site management, the Heritage Lottery funding and the Woodfield Park Pavilion. In noting the position the Committee expressed concern at a report from Julie Johnson of LA 21 that heavy plant accessing the pavilion site had made use of the Cool Oak Lane Bridge. Barnet’s representative, Mark Evison, undertook to enquire into the position regarding weight restrictions on the bridge and whether the contract terms made any provision to control site access. The Committee asked Barnet’s officers to report to the next meeting on the position regarding the Local Nature Reserve declaration.

6. WELSH HARP MANAGEMENT PLAN (BRENT) (Item 7) Leslie Williams presented a report from Brent’s Director of Environment detailing progress on the Management Plan, with particular regard to the residual Heritage Lottery expenditure and the use of Pavilion. He also gave a verbal update on the installation by Transport for London of signs for the London ring. The Committee noted that officers would now be completing work on the Local Nature Reserve declaration. Discussing the Neasden Pavilion, the Committee noted that efforts to find alternative users had been fruitless. Given the pavilion’s poor location, internal layout, and physical condition as well as the evident lack of interest from potential users, the consensus of opinion was that demolition was the appropriate course of action. The Committee urged Brent to take the option of demolition.


7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Committee agreed that the next meeting would be held on 14 April (rather that 13 April as mooted on the agenda).

8. OTHER BUSINESS: WATER QUALITY Julie Johnson of LA21 raised the need for vigilance against water pollution, particularly when arising from improper disposal of cooking oil. The Committee noted the action taken by Barnet officers in educating and informing local food retailers, and by Brent in relation to enforcement action taken in response to a past incident. At the suggestion of the Chairman the Committee agreed that the Environment Agency be asked to reinstate the previous practice of submitting regular reports on water quality. Hopefully it would be possible to submit the first such report to the next meeting.

9. OTHER BUSINESS: SECURITY Judy Shepherd of the West Hendon Community Forum enquired about progress in action to address anti-social behaviour in the area; and the Committee were informed of arrangements for increased patrolling and installation of signs.

10. WEST HENDON REGENERATION (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) After the conclusion of the formal business of the meeting, the Committee received a presentation on the West Hendon regeneration from Yvonne Harrison of the Metropolitan Housing Trust. This matter would be placed as an item of formal business on the agenda for the next meeting.

The meeting ended at 7.35 pm

3 AGENDA ITEM: 6 Page nos. 4 - 7

Meeting Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee (WHJCC) Date 14 April 2005 Subject Welsh Harp Management Report of Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport Summary Position on the Local Nature Reserve (LNR) declaration, site management, Heritage Lottery Fund project and Woodfield Pavilion

Officer Contributors Head of Environmental Services Status (public or exempt) Public Wards affected West Hendon Enclosures Draft byelaws to be circulated separately For decision by Joint Committee Function of Executive Reason for urgency / N/A exemption from call-in (if appropriate)

Contact for further information: Mark Evison, Greenspaces Officer 020 8359 7826


1.1 That the Joint Committee note the position relating to the LNR designation and ask Barnet’s Officers to report on progress to the next meeting.

1.2 That the Joint Committee agree the proposed byelaws and refer them to the Hendon Area Environmental Sub Committee for approval. with the request that that Committee recommend the Council to approve them.

1.3 That the Joint Committee agree to the proposed closure of the car park on Cool Oak Lane to the general public.

1.4 That the situation relating to other site management issues be noted.


2.1 9 March 1998, Recreation, Leisure and Arts Committee, resolved to recommend to Council that LNRs be declared at the Welsh Harp, Big Wood and Fields Nature Reserves. However, the Chief Executive’s supplementary report to Council on 21 April 1998 stated amongst others that the Council should not approve the draft byelaws for the Welsh Harp LNR, and that they must be amended as necessary and resubmitted to Committee.

2.2 Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee on 9 December 2003 - approved the proposed boundary of the LNR.

2.3 Hendon Area Environmental Sub-Committee on 15 March 2005 agreed the designation of a Local Nature Reserve on the Welsh Harp.


3.1 The ongoing management of the Welsh Harp contributes towards a Cleaner, Greener Borough.

3.2 The work also helps deliver the Corporate Plan priority: ‘Improving usage and standards of greenspaces’.


4.1 Continuing the status quo at the Car Park leaves the council open to further costs associated with clearing up following fly-tipping and other anti-social behaviour.


5.1 There will be a small cost related to closing the car park and issuing keys, this will be outweighed by the savings made in reduced vandalism.


6.1 The Local Authority has a statutory duty under Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to safeguard, protect and enhance sites of special scientific interest. The Local Authority has the power under Section 21 of The National Park and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 to acquire, declare and manage nature reserves. The 1949 Act states that a Local Nature Reserve (LNR) must be managed in such a way that uses to which people put the site to do not damage the natural features.


7.1 The terms of reference of the Joint Committee, as set out in its Constitution, include : “to consider and co-ordinate all the interests of recreation/leisure/maintenance/nature conservation and statutory requirements of the British Waterways Board and the Environment Agency at the Welsh Harp; with the object of protecting the Welsh Harp and surrounding open land as a unique environment for both recreation and wildlife conservation.


8.1 Local Nature Reserve and Bye-laws Declaration of a Welsh Harp Local Nature Reserve was agreed by the Hendon Area Environmental Sub-Committee on 15 March 2005. The instruments of declaration have now been drawn up and are awaiting signature.

The draft byelaws drawn up in 1998 gave rise to issues which were not resolved at the time. These issues have now been addressed and will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Once these byelaws and the changes have been approved by the JCC they can be referred to the relevant body for consultation as required.

The byelaws can then be referred to the Hendon Area Environmental Sub-Committee for referral to the Council in order that application may be made to the Minister for the Environment to sanction them.

8.2 SES Patrols and enforcement The Street Enforcement Service (SES) have considered daily patrols of the Welsh Harp between 2pm and 10pm, this has been discounted on resource grounds, as one officer patrolling would cost in the region of £100,000 per annum. It would not be practical on safety grounds to have one officer working alone in the area during the hours requested. The borough police commander Chief Superintendent Mark Ricketts has agreed to one office accompanying a Street Enforcement Officer. These joint patrols will take place on Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 6pm between May and September. At other times SES will continue to carry out occasional patrols.

8.3 Water Quality The Environment Agency has supplied water quality data from three sampling points for the period 2001-2003. This has been graded according the General Quality Assessment (GQA) scheme, the national method for classifying water quality in rivers and canals. There are four separate criteria: chemistry, biology, nutrients and aesthetics

6 • , Neasden Lane was graded C ‘fairly good’ water quality • River Brent, Priestley Way: E ‘poor’ water quality • , Silk Bridge: D ‘fair’ water quality

8.4 Cool Oak Lane car park This car park is isolated and suffers from anti-social behaviour. In particular fly-tipping and abandoned vehicles. Closing this car park to the general public will not cause too much disruption as there is parking available at Woodfield Park and in nearby residential roads. Keys could be made available to those legitimate users such as football teams and the Welsh Harp Conservation Group.

Last year the council spent £2,200 on securing and repairing gates and bollards. 60 tonnes of soil were fly-tipped last summer. Six abandoned cars have been removed since August 2003, at a cost of £70 each time.

8.5 Cool Oak Lane bridge Following an enquiry regarding the capacity of the bridge, the Head of Highways and Design has reported: The weight carrying capacity of Cool Oak Lane bridge is 30T although it is signed as 7.5T except for access. This bridge is in need of extensive repairs to prevent further deterioration. The parapets needs to be re-built to cater for potential side impacts to prevent vehicles bursting through. As this bridge is a listed structure no approval to carry out any works has been given.


9.1 Report to Hendon Area Sub-Committee 15 March 2005

9.2 The Welsh Harp Management Plan can be found on Brent Council’s website: find the plan in the biodiversity section.



ITEM NO………..7


Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee 14 April 2005

Report from the Director of Environment

For information Wards affected: Welsh Harp, , Fryent, All

Report Title: Welsh Harp Management Plan

Forward Plan ref:

1.0 Summary

1.1 This report presents progress on the Welsh Harp Reservoir Management Plan and related issues. The Welsh Harp Reservoir Management Plan is a joint Management Plan between the three main land-holding and land-managing organisations in the vicinity: Brent Council, British Waterways, and the London Borough of Barnet.

2.0 Recommendations

2.1 Members are asked to note the report and that officers will be completing the remaining stages of the Local Nature Reserve declaration.

3.0 Detail

Welsh Harp Management Plan

3.1 The Welsh Harp / Management Plan is administered by officers of the land owning and land managing organisations. An annual review is undertaken in approximately July each year, and then reported to Committee for the Committee’s recommendations. Since 2001, officers have included in the Management Plan process the additional responsibilities of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to produce Management Plans for SSSIs.

Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee Version (No…3) (14 April 2005……) (Date: 21.03.2005)

3.2 The Management Plan was signed by English Nature on 15 May 2003. Subsequent amendments have been reported to this Committee. English Nature have indicated that for minor changes to the Management Plan, there is no need to seek their formal consent.

3.3 The current version of the Management Plan has been placed on the internet via Brent Council’s website at (from there go to the ‘Brent Biodiversity Action Plan homepage and then navigate via the Brent Reservoir Action Plan). A map of the zones is also provided on the internet; and a copy of the map is also attached to this report.

Heritage Lottery Award

3.4 The Heritage Lottery Fund agreed the extension request on 20 January 2005. A list of these project enhancements were reported verbally to the previous meeting of the Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee.

3.5 The expenditure broadly relates to the priorities and projects of the original Heritage Lottery Fund award for the Brent Reservoir. Expenditure is divided approximately equally on the basis of the geographic areas of the two Boroughs at the Reservoir, but taking into account various technical issues, the involvement of British Waterways as a landowner, and some expenditure that relates to the whole area. The extension grant funding is of £42,563, which together with partnership matched funding of £17,835 gives an overall budget of £60,398. Note that the matched funding includes contributions from the London Borough of Barnet, Brent Council, British Waterways and volunteer time from the Welsh Harp Conservation Group and Welsh Harp Sailing Association. Thus the matched funding and overall budget figures above include non-financial contributions within the totals which are stated in financial terms.

3.6 Work on all 23 items within the extension project are proceeding. Some projects were due for completion by the end of the 2004/2005 financial year on 31 March 2005, while the whole grant project is due for completion on 30 June 2005.

3.7 Maintenance of the Heritage Lottery award projects is on-going.

3.8 Fly-tipping and pollution: British Waterways will provide an update for the Committee.

Neasden Pavilion

3.9 Brent Council Parks Service has been seeking a new use for the derelict pavilion building in Neasden Recreation Ground (Zone 7E). The Head of Parks Service will endeavour to make arrangements to improve and/or to find a new use for, or to demolish the building. As previously reported to this committee, any use will need to be compatible with the function of Neasden Recreation Ground as a public open space; and with the Council’s Unitary Development Plan.

Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee Version (No…3) (14 April 2005……) (Date: 21.03.2005)

Local Nature Reserve

3.10 At a previous meeting of the Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee on 24 February 2004, a report detailed the actions that have been taken by the two local authorities at the Brent Reservoir, in consultation with English Nature, to complete the declaration of the Local Nature Reserve. This included the formal consultation with English Nature, the preparation of the Management Plan and the involvement of British Waterways as a landowner.

3.11 A report to declare that part of the Local Nature Reserve that falls within the London Borough of Barnet was agreed by Barnet on 15 March 2005. Brent Council have been in a position to proceed with the declaration over land within the London Borough of Brent, for some time. English Nature have indicated that the Declaration will need to be undertaken jointly with Barnet Council. Officers from Barnet and Brent will now arrange for the completion of the declaration process.

Kingsbury and Welsh Harp Reservoir Open Day

3.12 In 2005 the event is due to take place on the Spring Bank Holiday Monday 30 May. The event is primarily organised and managed by volunteers of the community groups involved. There is some minor administrative and other support provided by Brent Council Parks Service as part of its role in managing the Welsh Harp Open Space and working with the community.

4.0 Financial Implications

4.1 None specific, but some of the priorities identified in the Management Plan will require additional resources if they are to be implemented in the future. For Brent Council Parks Service, the Management Plan is implemented and improvements programmed via the Brent Parks Service Parks Strategy, and Operational Plan. Thus implementation is partially dependent upon revenue and capital budgets for grounds maintenance and for parks management. The Parks Service pursues other sources of finance and opportunities for partnership working that may become available.

4.2 Local Nature Reserve: The Brent Council costs associated with the preparation of the Declaration and the publication of the Public Notices had been provided for in the Brent Parks Service 2004/2005 revenue budget. As noted above it is now probable that the declaration will need to be in the 2005/2006 year, and it is assumed that the declaration costs can be met from within the Brent Parks Service 2005/2006 revenue budget. Once the Local Nature Reserve has been declared, it is not expected that the Local Nature Reserve will require any additional finance over and above the current financial arrangements. However, the declaration may provide opportunities for grant applications.

5.0 Legal Implications

Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee Version (No…3) (14 April 2005……) (Date: 21.03.2005)

5.1 Under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW) and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), the land owners / managers are required to consult with English Nature for any operation in the list of ‘Potentially damaging operations’; and English Nature will issue a consent for the works unless the operation is likely to have a significant impact on any of the notified features of interest on the site. CROW (and section 28G of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981) places a duty on all public bodies to take reasonable steps, consistent with the proper exercise of the authority’s functions, to further the conservation of the site. CROW also encourages land owners to produce Management Plans for the SSSI, which when approved by English Nature, enable the carrying out of the management works specified in the Management Plan. This can reduce the administrative problems inherent in having to obtain consent for each individual item of management work.

5.2 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949: This Act enabled the declaration of the proposed Local Nature Reserve at the Reservoir.

6.0 Diversity Implications

6.1 The proposals in this report have been subject to screening and officers believe that there are no diversity implications.

7.0 Staffing/Accommodation Implications

7.1 None specific.

8.0 Environmental Implications

8.1 The Welsh Harp Management Plan co-ordinates current environmental works in the Reservoir area, and highlights works that are a future priority.

8.2 The declaration of the Local Nature Reserve will help to protect the wildlife of the Reservoir area and the interpretation of the biodiversity interest.

Background Papers

Dated correspondence and other documents referred to in the Report including:

Brent Reservoir / Welsh Harp Management Plan.

Report from the Director of Environment to the Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee: Welsh Harp Reservoir Management Plan: 24 February 2004.

Equality Impact Assessment Completion Form: Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee: Welsh Harp Reservoir Management Plan: 20 January 2005. Form dated 06b.01.2005.

Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee Version (No…3) (14 April 2005……) (Date: 21.03.2005)

Contact Officers

Any person wishing to inspect the above papers should contact Mr Leslie Williams, Environmental Policy Officer, Brent Parks Service, 660 Harrow Road, , HA0 2HB. Tel.: 020 8937 5628. E-mail: [email protected]

(Optional) Richard Saunders Name Director of Environment Title Unit

Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee Version (No…3) (14 April 2005……) (Date: 21.03.2005)