Parish Council Meeting – 2 November 2017

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2017 at Twycross Village Hall, commencing at 19:04.

055/17: Present & Apologies

Councillors: A. Davies (Chair), S. Hubbard, A. Taylor, M. Large (arrived 19:06), W. Nally (arrived 19:11), Clerk: C. Bailey Absent: G. Massey LCC Councillor: I. Ould (arrived 19:20) HBBC Councillor: K. Morrell (arrived 19:25) Others: 1 parishioner

056/17: Declaration of Interest

None declared.

057/17: Approval of Previous Minutes (September 2017)

September minutes proposed as a true record of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr. Hubbard, seconded by Cllr. Taylor. Unanimously agreed. Minutes signed by the Chair, Cllr. Davies.

058/17: Councillor Vacancies (1 x Norton Juxta Twycross)

No further interest.

059/17: Matters Arising from Previous Minutes i. None raised.

060/17: Public Questions and Comments (10 Minutes) i. Parishioner raised an issue of the hedge covering the Burton Rd sign (situated along the road from village hall bus shelter to the traffic island). RESOLVED: Clerk to report to LCC Highways.

061/17: Reports i. County Council (report circulated prior to the meeting).

• Cllr. Ould recommended that councils have policies to deal with parishioners who target councillors/councils, especially on social media. • Dirty road signs complaint raised in Norton Juxta Twycross: due to a lack of funding LCC will not rectify this. • A444 lines have still not been repainted: a full safety assessment is to be carried out in the locality. • Viking Coaches complaint (poor time keeping of the LCC provided school bus service to The Market Bosworth School and associated child welfare concerns): LCC will monitor any further issues. • Local Police Watch advice: parishioners advised to secure property and vans. • Twycross Village Green damage caused by LCC contractors: LCC have agreed to rectify the damage caused. • Wellsborough Road, near Bosworth Water Park: double yellow lines have been painted outside the park. • Wood Lane, Norton Juxta Twycross: Cllr. Ould has advised LCC that this is not a good location for offices.

Cllr. Davies reported an instance of poor ambulance response times/service in Norton Juxta Twycross. Cllr. Davies will forward the details to Cllr. Ould. ii. HBBC: Report received and read out by Clerk in Cllr. Morrell’s absence. Cllr. Morrell later summarised.

• PCIF funding is now a 50/50 matched funding contribution. • Parish churches may consider upgrading their sound systems as per Sheepy Church. • HBBC Rural Annual Conference – 2 councillors plus the Clerk are attending from Twycross PC. • Police presence has moved back to Hinckley.

Litter and Car Parking at Twycross Village Hall: Twycross Councillors raised concerns to both Cllr. Morrell and Cllr. Ould regarding litter/rubble behind the bus shelter, car parking issues, and heavy machinery damaging the village hall access road at Twycross Village Hall. Cllr. Morrell agreed to speak to HBBC to collect the rubble/litter. Cllr. Morrell to also investigate why litter picking isn’t being carried out in the area.

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Planning application in Austrey for a travellers site: Austrey Parish Council contacted Twycross PC to request support in objecting to the application and invited the Council to their meeting. Unfortunately, there was insufficient time to discuss the application and no councillors were available to attend. Cllr. Ivan (as the neighbouring County Councillor) has not been contacted by them. iii. Police: Report available at

062/17: Correspondence: i. General email correspondence circulated to councillors for their information. ii. Letter from Twycross Village Hall providing details of their AGM and thanking the Council for their financial donation towards the repair of the village hall.

063/17: Planning

Planning Applications

No Ref Subject Date Comments/Action 17/00853/ Replacement of 6 windows to eastern elevation: Orton i. 22/09/17 No comments LBC House Farm, Norton Lane, Little Orton, . Conversion & extension of building to form one residential 17/01029/ ii. dwelling (Retrospective): 5 Main Street, Norton Juxta 09/10/17 No comments FUL Twycross.

064/17: Financial Information i. Income, expenditure and signing of cheques

Bank Account Overview (as at 02/11/17) Community £8474.13 BMM £7036.91 106 £9006.94 Petty Cash £244.50 Total £24762.48

Income (Community Account) Date Reference Payee Details Value - - - - -

Cheques Raised (Community Account) Date Reference Payee Details Value 02/11/2017 200009 Garner Canning Solicitors Twycross Village Hall land registration fees £ 524.00 02/11/2017 200010 C S Bailey Clerk expenses (Sept/Oct) £ 40.50 02/11/2017 200011 Leicestershire County Council Grounds maintenance £ 272.15

Petty Cash Account Transactions Date Reference Payee Details Value 14/10/17 Debit TOFS Stamps £5.50 ii. Citizen’s Advice funding request: Unable to contribute as it does not sufficiently meet the requirements of the Council’s Grant Award Policy. iii. Internet banking: Changes to process to increase security and minimise the risk of fraud. RESOLVED: to move the Council’s banking to Lloyds Bank as they offer a two-signature, on-line banking authorisation process (Clerk/Councillor) via email (the first councillor to respond authorises it) with no monthly fee (for organisations with an income/expenditure less than £50,000). Proposed by Cllr. Davies, seconded by Cllr. Hubbard. Unanimously agreed. iv. LCC Pension’s ill health policy letter: The deadline to apply has passed, Council may reapply from 1st April – 1st Sept. RESOLVED: Council to apply in April 2018. Unanimously agreed as per previous resolution. v. Response to possible precept capping: RESOLVED: Cllr. Davies proposed the Council contact the Government to object to any proposed precept capping (the Council has no additional funding streams). Proposed by Cllr Davies, seconded by Cllr Taylor. Unanimously agreed.

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065/17: Purchase of Twycross Play Area & Memorial Site i. Valuation update: RESOLVED: Cllr. Davies will instruct Howkins and Harrison to conduct a land valuation on behalf of the Council, as a prerequisite to obtaining the PCIF funding from HBBC.

066/17: Policy adoption/review i. Approve Social Media Policy: RESOLVED: Cllr. Davies proposed the approval of the policy, seconded by Cllr. Large with unanimous agreement.

Note: The Council’s Facebook page will ‘go live’ with immediate effect. Cllr. Hubbard will act as moderator on behalf of the Council as proposed by Cllr. Davies, seconded by Cllr. Nally, with unanimous agreement.

067/17: Parish Clerk report i. LRALC updates: Newsletters and relevant emails circulated to all councillors. 2018 Data Protection Act updates have also been circulated to all councillors. Clerk is to attend a course on 31st Jan 2018 relating to the new Act and will report back to the Council. ii. ‘Prevent’ guidelines: The Clerk read the guidelines to the Council during the meeting. iii. HS2 update: Response received by Cllr. Davies, stating they are keen to work with the Council. iv. 2018 meeting dates: RESOLVED: To accept the proposed dates. Clerk to update the noticeboards and website. Unanimously agreed. v. Budget/Precept meeting: A working group meeting (on 7th December) in Norton Juxta Twycross will be held to informally discuss budget requirements, with a public meeting to set the budget and precept to take place on 18 January 2018. vi. Items for consideration at a future meeting: None raised.

Grounds maintenance: Request to carry out one further cut in both play areas. RESOLVED: The Clerk will request an additional cut if it is required. Proposed by Cllr. Taylor, seconded Cllr. Hubbard. Unanimously agreed.

068/17: Risk assessments i. Play area inspections: ROSPA report issues and councillor inspections. RESOLVED: Cllr. Taylor to review the play areas as to which items require priority attention in accordance with the ROSPA report. ii. Slide removal: Quote received from LCC (£1150 + VAT) to remove the slide in Norton Juxta Twycross. LCC will liaise with Cllr. Davies regarding the removal. iii. DSE assessment: Assessment cannot be carried out at this time. Clerk will conduct this at the earliest opportunity.

069/17: Parish improvements two-year plan (2017-2019) i. S106 funds update: 106 maintenance funds applied for (£1845) and are due to be paid 03/11/17 (NOTED). ii. PCIF application for new play and outdoor gym equipment: RESOLVED: Cllr. Hubbard to draft and circulate an article for the Grapevine to obtain parishioner views on whether they support the installation of outdoor gym equipment. iii. Defibrillators update: RESOLVED: Council to purchase two additional paediatric units (£85.80 + VAT each). The Clerk advised the Council of the approximate replacement parts costs. Proposed by Cllr. Taylor seconded by Cllr Davies. Clerk to organise and will liaise with Cllr. Large and Cllr. Nally regarding the installations.

070/17: Councillor reports/local issues – Orton on the Hill i. Chestnut tree update: The tree has been inspected and there are no immediate safety concerns. The Clerk is waiting for the full report from LCC. RESOLVED: The Clerk will advise the Council of the outcome of the report.

Printed on 26/11/2017 P a g e | 3 of 4 ii. Lamp post poppies update: The deadline for applications had passed but this will be considered for 2018. iii. Items for consideration at a future meeting: None raised.

10-minute meeting extension agreed: proposed by Cllr. Davies, seconded by Cllr. Nally, unanimously agreed.

071/17: Councillor reports/local issues – Norton Juxta Twycross i. Items for consideration at a future meeting: None raised.

072/17: Councillor reports/local issues – Twycross

Village Hall i. Land registration update: Possessory Title granted, absolute title to be applied for in 2029. ii. Village Hall parking issues: Parking and litter continue to be an issue. RESOLVED: A request to LCC will be made to assist with improving the condition of the village hall access road. Cllr. Nally clarified that three ‘no parking’ signs are required (NOTED as per previous resolution). iii. Village Hall Committee update: Papers supplied by M. Greenfield of the recent Village Hall Committee meeting. The next meeting will be at 17:30 on 18/11/17 and the AGM will be in March 2018 (date TBC). M. Greenfield will send the minutes to Clerk and will advise of the AGM date (NOTED). iv. Land on which the bus stop stands: No response yet. RESOLVED: Clerk to chase. v. Building supplies being stored behind bus shelter and parking of equipment: This area is HBBC/LCC’s responsibility. RESOLVED: Cllr. Morrell agreed to contact HBBC to resolve this.

General vi. Speed activated road sign: Issues are still on-going. RESOLVED: Clerk to obtain the costings of the signs used in Sheepy and details of how they were funded. vii. Condition of the trees on the Lower Green, Twycross: as per minute reference 070/17 (i). viii. Ownership and responsibility for War Memorial: No further information. RESOLVED: Clerk to chase again. ix. LCC Contractors parking on the Top Green: LCC Highways have apologised and agreed to rectify the damaged caused during roadworks. Clerk to forward contact details to Cllr. Nally to arrange a meeting (NOTED).

The Council agreed not to progress with the installation of preventative methods around the perimeter of The Green due to the cost, potential access issues for the grounds maintenance contractors (plus increased costs due to strimming requirements) and the general feeling that such measures would not solve the issues.

Unauthorised signage on The Green: An advertising sign has been erected by Pumpkin Farm (Lodge Farm). A letter has been sent to the farm to request the sign is removed and signs are not installed in the future (NOTED). x. Top Green - parishioner’s request to trim back the growth between the hedge adjacent to their property and the trees to ensure growth of daffodils: It has now been cut (NOTED). xi. Items for consideration at a future meeting: No further issues raised.

Next Public Meeting: 7pm on 18th January 2018 at Norton Juxta Twycross Village Hall.

Meeting closed: 21:10

Chair’s Signature: ______Date: ______

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