Town of Reading Massachusetts Annual Report
Town of READING Massachusetts ANNUAL REPORT 1973 Town of READING MASSACHUSETTS Annual Report Of The Town Officers For The Year Ended December 1973 rfading public library READING. MASSACHUSETTS : : STATISTICS Area, 10 square miles Population, Census of 1970 — 22,534 Number of residents according to 1973 Town Census — 23,592 Registered Voters: Precinct 1 — 3,289 Precinct 2 — 3,100 Precinct 3 — 2,551 Precinct 4 — 3,345 Total Registered Voters — 12,285 Federal Seventh Congressional District Torbett H. MacDonald Senators Edward M. Kennedy Edward W. Brooke State: Fifth Councillor District Thomas J. Dane Third Essex Senatorial District William L. Saltonstall Twenty-first Middlesex Representative District Nils L. Nordberg, Reading Daniel C. Towse, Stoneham Fourth District Court of Eastern Middlesex, Woburn 2 TOWN OFFICERS 1973 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Fred C. Kenney, Jr., Chairman Term Expires 1974 Edward P. Cameron, Secretary 1975 Robert S. Cummings 1976 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY John W. Agnew, Jr. TREASURER James N. Boyd, Jr. TOWN ACCOUNTANT Richard E. Gould TOWN COLLECTOR C. Dewey Smith MODERATOR Kenneth C. Latham TOWN CLERK Lawrence Drew TOWN COUNSEL Tyler & Reynolds BOARD OF ASSESSORS William E. Locke, Chairman Term Expires 1976 Michael T. Sullivan, Secretary 1974 ” Robert I. Nordstrand 1975 3 BOAHI) OF REGISTRARS Joseph P. Riemcr, Chairman Term Expires 1975 Pearl E. Malphrus ” ” 1974 ” Daniel F. Driscoll, Jr. ” 1976 BOARD OF APPEAL John A. Anderson, Chairman Term Expires 1974 John B. Tewksbury, Secretary ” ” 1976 ” Thomas C. Chase ” 1975 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF BOARD OF APPEAL Elizabeth M. Kay Term Expires 1975 William H. Watt ” ” 1976 PLANNING BOARD Andrew B. White, Chairman Term Expires 1974 ” William E.
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