Robe Protocol – why must we keep going over this?

That’s because we have many officers who do not adhere to the protocol. Maybe they are not getting the information. Regents, please pass this on to your officers.

Unfortunately we will have to pull people out of line if they are not following the proper guidelines. And we really do not want to do that.

Hit enter.

1 Know the Symbols The more you get to know about your organization the more you can understand why we do what we do. Learn which symbol goes with which office. For example, here in the middle is the symbol for the Regent, a cross and crown, with her robe being purple with a white stole. Upper left is the vice regent symbol. Here you will see a crown, her robe is also purple with a white stole. Upper right is the symbol for the recording secretary. Here you will see the two quills, because she keeps the minutes of the court. Her robe is royal blue, with a white and red stole. Lower left is the Financial secretary, her symbol is a quill and a key, because she keeps membership records and receives money. Her robe is Royal blue with a White and red stole. Lower right is the symbol for the treasurer, double keys, indicating the guardian of the finances. Her robe Is also royal blue, with a white and red stole. Hit enter.

2 What about those colors? What do the colors mean? Read it.

Hit enter.

3 The LONG AND short of it all.

Hems must be 11” from the floor. You can use a piece of paper for measuring.

Never cut the hem on your robe. The next person may be very tall and need that fabric for her hem.

It is better to baste stitch the hem. Machine stitches for the most part need to be ripped out and you may tear the robe. They are expensive to replace.

Do not tape the hems. Some tapes do not come off.

Do not press the hems too much to make a crease.

Hit enter.

4 Why the big deal about the hem?

How many times have we spoken about this. It is very obvious when the hems don’t all line up. This shows up in pictures.

In the next few slides you will clearly see the difference. Hems must line up at the bottom.

Hit enter.

5 Can you see a difference?

Hit enter.

6 Respect & Care of your robe. Always make sure your robe is clean and pressed. If you have it dry cleaned, make certain they never fully crease the hem. This will move up and down and sometimes drastically, due to someone very short passing on to someone very tall or vice versa. Once the hem is creased it will show. If you bring your robe to the cleaners make certain they are aware of this.

When going from your cars or other areas outside of church, please carry the robe over your arm. Never wear your robe outside unless you are specifically told to for a procession.

Your robe should be worn for ceremonials only, like installations, inductions, banquets, etc.

Never let another officer borrow your robe. Only the officer of that position can wear the robe.

Hit enter. 7 How to wear your robe. Robes are heavy, especially the older silky ones. They tend to off your shoulders. Be sure to stand straight and tall. This will help keep your robe on your shoulders. Do not carry purses or larger objects under your robes. This becomes very evident with something bulky. Make certain your collar or front of your or does not show at the robe opening around the neck. Panty hose is optional. You do not have to wear them any longer. But if you so choose to wear them, please make certain they are nude or suntan only. No colored allowed. No pants, capris, or are allowed to be worn under your robe. I’ve heard stories from a certain individuals who said they only wore their under their robe. Remember, when walking outside, you must remove your robe therefor, if you do not have anything under then …….OOPS! You MUST wear a or dress, and it must not hang below the hemline.

Hit enter. 8 This is how it looks when it is done right.

This makes a nice presentation.

Hit enter.

9 make a difference.

Buy your WHITE shoes before hemming your robe. I know I don’t want to have to hem mine more than once.

Then get measured with that . And again make sure it’s 11” from the floor.

Hit enter.

10 Just because they’re white doesn’t make them right. Here are a few examples of not so right shoes to wear.

Only white, no other colors (such as the black shown)

If you wear make sure they are dress sandals.

No flip flops or allowed.

Your shoes must be white, not beige, not bone, not off white, but white.

Hit enter.

11 Jewelry and Add ons Keep it simple. No showing of any kind are allowed. Nothing should show in the opening around the neck, front or back.

You may now wear . But they must be stud earrings only. Only one pair can be worn. Nothing below the earlobe.

Bracelets and may be worn, but keep it simple. Not 20 bracelets on one arm.

Nothing can be carried while wearing your robe in procession. Put your items in the pews ahead of time or carry a small pouch inside Your robe to hold small items.

Never pin anything to the outside of your robe, such as nametags, CDA pins, corsages, etc. Nothing.

No chapel are allowed at this time.

Hit enter. 12 Let the world know We are the Catholic Daughters of the Americas and we are proud of who we are. Thank you.
