ACA IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCH NETWORK GEORGIA: INDIVIDUAL STATE REPORT State-Level Field Network Study of the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act December 2015 Rockefeller Institute of Government State University of New York The Brookings Institution The Public Policy Research Arm of the Fels Institute of Government State University of New York University of Pennsylvania 411 State Street Albany, NY 12203-1003 (518) 443-5522 ACA Implementation Research Network Georgia: Individual State Report Field Research Associates Michael J. Rich, Professor of Political Science and Environmental Sciences, Emory University
[email protected], (404) 727-7449 Michael J. Rich is professor of political science and environmental studies at Emory University. He is the author of Collaborative Governance for Urban Revitalization (with Robert Stoker) and Federal Policymaking and the Poor, and several publications on feder- alism and a variety of urban public policy topics, including community development, housing and homelessness, crime, and economic development. His current research focuses on community building, neighborhood revitalization, and local poverty reduc- tion strategies, particularly concerning issues relating to cross-sector collaboration and the revitalization of urban communities. He was the founding executive director of Emory’s Center for Community Partnerships and served in that role from 2000-15. Dr. Rich received his Ph.D. in political science from Northwestern University and has held research appointments at the Brookings Institution and the U.S. Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development. He previously taught at Brown University, where he served as director of the Policy Analysis Laboratory, and was the founding executive director of The Providence Plan, a collaborative city-state-university initiative to revi- talize the city of Providence and its neighborhoods.