2. Workplan recently, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). 2.a. Proposed Work We use these measurements to calculate load- 2.a.i. Introduction. The Great Lakes have been ings of selected toxic organic contaminants to contaminated with many toxic organic contami- the Great Lakes and to explore spatiotemporal nants over the past few decades. Industrial chemi- trends in their atmospheric and precipitation cals such as polychlorinated , combus- concentrations. Over the years, we have in- tion related pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic creased the number of analytes we measure (for hydrocarbons, and many chlorinated pesticides, example, we are now including polybrominated both banned and currently in use, are some of the diphenyl ether flame retardants as regular ana- pollutants of interest. The atmosphere represents lytes). We also are exploring the relative impor- the major pathway by which most of these organic tance of short vs. long-range transport and of contaminants enter the Great Lakes. In an effort to agricultural inputs of in-use pesticides. determine the status and trends of atmospheric loadings of toxic organic contaminants, the Inte- Since 1994, IADN results have been presented grated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) at numerous national and international scientific was established by an agreement between the conferences as well as in 47 peer-reviewed pub- United States and Canadian governments through lications. These publications are listed in Ap- the International Joint Commission. IADN was pendix 1. created in response to the Great Lakes Quality Agreement (Annex 15). In addition, di- 2.a.ii. Sampling sites. Samples have been col- rectives for IADN come from the Clean Air Act lected continuously at five master sites and at Amendments of 1990. Section 112(m) of these several satellite sites by both the United States Amendments directs the Environmental Protection and Canadian investigators; see Figure 1 for the Agency, in cooperation with the National Oceanic site locations. The United States (specifically and Atmospheric Administration, to identify and Indiana University) is responsible for three mas- assess the extent of atmospheric deposition of tox- ter stations: Eagle Harbor on Lake Superior, ic pollutants to the Great . Sleeping Bear Dunes on Lake Michigan, and Sturgeon Point on Lake Erie. Indiana University This network was initiated in late 1990. From is also responsible for two satellite stations, 1990 to 1994, the Illinois State Water Survey was which are now located in Cleveland, Ohio on in charge, but in 1994, Prof. Hites at Indiana Uni- Lake Erie and in downtown Chicago near Lake versity (IU) became the principal investigator for Michigan. For inter-comparison with the data the United States component of IADN. Dr. Ilora obtained by the Canadians, Indiana University Basu is the deputy principal investigator, and she also measures samples acquired at Point Petre on has been with the project since its inception in Lake Ontario. 1990.

The intent of IADN is to measure and evaluate pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere (air- borne vapor, airborne particles, and precipitation) at a regional level of detail. Air and precipitation samples have been taken at five master sites near each of the Great Lakes. Three of the master sites and two of the satellite sites are located in the United States on Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Erie. Organic toxics of interest are chlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), po- lycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and more

3 of the amount of precipitation occurring during that period.

In addition to sampling organic contaminants in the atmosphere, a meteorological tower is lo- cated at each site. Wind speed and wind direc- tion are measured at 10 meters; air temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, and solar radiation are measured at 2 meters. Meteorolog- ical measurements are taken every 6 seconds, but the data are recorded as hourly averages in a data logger, which is downloaded over phone lines or transferred through a data storage mod- Figure 1. Map of IADN sites. Master stations are ule to our laboratory. the main sites in the network. Satellite stations have been added or adopted throughout the 2.a.iv. Compounds measured project to augment the master stations. 2.a.iv.1. Current analyte list. IADN is cur- rently measuring four groups of organic com- 2.a.iii. Sampling methods. Air samples are taken pounds in air and precipitation samples. The full every 12 days for 24 hours using a Graseby high list of analytes is given in the sample preparation volume air sampler fitted with a Whatman quartz Standard Operation Procedure (updated in April, fiber filter and an Amberlite XAD-2 polymer resin 2007) is at: cartridge to collect the particle and vapor phase http://www.msc- contaminants, respectively. The samplers are op- smc.ec.gc.ca/iadn/resources/iu/sampleprep07.p erated at 34 m3/hour and calibrated with a variable df resistance kit every four months by an orifice cali- brator. At Point Petre, the samples are collected As of 2005, we are measuring 84 individual every 24 days for 24 hours. In all cases, the total PCB congeners, which elute from the gas chro- volume of air sampled is ~815 m3. matograph as 55 separate peaks and 29 unre- solved peaks because of some unavoidable Precipitation is sampled using MIC automated chromatographic overlaps. We report these lat- wet-only samplers. Each sampler consists of a 46 ter peaks as the total concentrations of 2-3 con-  46 cm shallow funnel connected to a 30 cm long geners. We sum all PCB concentrations to get by 1.5 cm i.d. glass column packed with XAD-2 total PCBs, which is usually expressed as PCB. resin suspended in HPLC grade water. The samp- We also report “suite PCBs”, which is the sum ler is normally covered, but it is opened automati- of those 83 PCB congeners selected to be com- cally during a precipitation event, which is sensed patible between the United States and Canadian by a conductivity grid. This grid is heated to pre- laboratories. PCBs are measured in all vapor vent condensation, ice build-up, and prolonged phase and precipitation samples. We stopped sampling after the precipitation event. The funnel measuring PCBs in particle samples, with and the interior of the sampler are also heated to GLNPO’s permission, in October 1996. PCBs melt any snow that falls into the sampler and to measurements of precipitation samples from re- keep the XAD-2 column from freezing. The pre- mote sites were stopped, with GLNPO’s permis- cipitation flows by gravity from the funnel through sion, in June 2006. the XAD-2 filled column and into a large carboy to measure the total precipitation volume. Be- We are measuring 22 pesticides. Some of them cause there is no filter in the system, the XAD-2 are still in use (such as ), some are column collects both particulate and dissolved banned (such as DDT), and some have restricted phase contaminants. Contaminants from the pre- use (such as , also called -HCH). At the cipitation are integrated for one month regardless beginning of the project only seven pesticides

4 were measured. Gradually more pesticides were with pooled extracts (initially from Chicago and added to the list, and we routinely developed Cleveland) trying to identify all of the com- quantitation methods for these compounds. Pesti- pounds in these extracts (with an emphasis on cides are measured in both the vapor and particle halogenated compounds). The Hites Laboratory phases and in precipitation. Analysis of pesticides has 40 years of experience with this sort of in the particle phase from remote sites was stopped work, which is made possible by our expertise in in May 2003. mass spectrometry. One does not need to have a target compound in order to identify it by mass We are measuring 43 polybrominated diphenyl spectrometry. ether (PBDE) congeners and six other flame retar- dants in both particle and vapor phases and in pre- We will also maintain close contact with the cipitation. We added these analytes to the IADN GLNPO fish program in New York. Given that list at no additional cost to the project in January fishes often bioaccumulate lipophilic POPs, it is 2004. These compounds are of concern because sometime easier to identify new compounds in their concentrations are generally increasing in the fishes first. We plan on an exchange of extracts environment. to facilitate this communication.

We are measuring 16 PAH with carbon numbers 2.a.iv.4. Methods development. Our laborato- ranging from 13 to 24 in both the particle and va- ry at Indiana University has 30 years of expe- por phases and in precipitation. rience in developing analytical methods for the quantitation of low levels of organic pollutants 2.a.iv.2. Changes to the analyte list. Based on in the environment. Here are a few examples: the technical review of November 2008, the fol- lowing compounds have been dropped from the In 1990, IADN started with seven pesticides, but analyte list: , aldrin, endrin, Mirex, it is now 22. Each time new pesticides were and octachlorostyrene. That review also recom- added, we modified the analytical methods to mended that we add measurements of PCBs on quantitate them. This required developing a ca- particles in Chicago and Cleveland -- measure- libration system, improving the clean-up and gas ments that had been stopped (with permission) in chromatographic separations, and modifying the October 1996. We argue that that is not necessary. data handling procedures. Recent work in our laboratory (reported to the Steering Committee) has shown that the fraction We have had a long history of measuring toxa- of PCBs on particles relative to the total in both phene in water, tree bark, and air. Toxaphene is particle and vapor phases, averages ~5%; thus, the a very complex mixture of hundreds of chlori- benefit of including these measurements relative to nated bornanes and bornenes. About the only their cost is low. We suggest that the resources way to make these measurements reliably is with that might be devoted to measuring PCBs on parti- electron capture negative ionization gas chroma- culates should be better invested in emerging pol- tographic mass spectrometry. We developed lutants; see just below. such a method and used it for several years. We even developed freely available QBasic program 2.a.iv.3. Search for additional compounds. It is to make the data processing reproducible. important to make sure that the compounds on the IADN analyte list are up to date. For example, When we added brominated flame retardants when it became apparent the PBDEs were signifi- and Dechlorane Plus to the IADN analyte list, cant new POPs, they were immediately added to the instrumental part of the analytical procedure the list. When we noticed a large, unidentified gas took 3-4 hours per sample. We modified that chromatographic peak in several Sturgeon Point method by a clever GC column selection and samples, we worked to identify it as Dechlorane temperature program so that this analysis now Plus. We plan to continue and enlarge these qua- only takes 40 minutes per sample. At the same litative efforts in the future. One graduate student time, we were able to include several newer will spend at least half of his or her time working flame retardants, such as decabromodiphenyle-

5 thane and Dechlorane Plus in the same 40 minute ion is used for quantitation and a secondary ion is analysis. used for confirmation. Quantitation by the inter- nal standard procedure automatically corrects for 2.a.v. Sample extraction and clean-up. The or- the dilution factor, for detector response, and for ganic compounds are removed from the XAD-2 other systematic quantitation variables. Surrogate absorbent media by a 24-hour Soxhlet extraction standards are used to estimate recoveries of each using 1:1 acetone-hexane. Surrogate recovery compound in each sample. Recoveries of each standards for PCBs, pesticides, PBDEs, and PAH compound per batch are determined by matrix are added just before extraction. The extracts are spike experiments. Each sample is checked and concentrated by rotary evaporation, and the sol- validated for recovery, contamination, and out- vent is exchanged to hexane. Silica gel, deacti- liers. vated with 3.5% water, is used to fractionate the concentrated hexane extract. This column is After calculation of the masses of all com- eluted with 25 mL of hexane followed by 25 mL pounds, the data are tabulated in master spread- of 1:1 dichloromethane-hexane. The PCBs along sheets with field comments, laboratory com- with 5 pesticides (HCB, aldrin, p,p’-DDE, octach- ments, sampling dates and times, analytical lorostyrene, and o,p’-DDT) elute in the hexane dates, average atmospheric temperature, average fraction; most of the other pesticides and all of the wind speed, and average wind direction. Sepa- PAH elute in the 1:1 dichloromethane-hexane rate spreadsheets are generated for the different fraction. The PBDEs, p,p’-DDT, and trans- sites and for different groups of compounds. nonachlor elute in both fractions. The cleaned-up These spreadsheets, with the absolute amount of samples are further concentrated by rotary evapo- each compound in each sample (in nanograms), ration and N2 blow-down before addition of quan- are then reported to the IADN Database Manag- titation internal standards and injection into the er for further quality checking and for appropri- gas chromatograph or gas chromatographic mass ate flagging by the Research Data Management spectrometer. and Quality Control System (RDMQ). After the RDMQ validation and the calculation of annual 2.a.vi. Instrumental analysis. The PCBs and averages and seasonal averages, the data come pesticides are analyzed by gas chromatography on back again to Indiana University for further Agilent 6890 instruments. Chromatography is checking and confirmation. After the deputy-PI done on 60-m long DB-5 and DB-1701 columns. confirms the data, the spreadsheets are resubmit- The GCs are equipped with 63Ni micro electron ted to the Database Manager. All quality as- capture detectors. Injections are made with Agi- sured data at this point are ready to be used for lent 7683 auto-samplers in the splitless mode. The trend and loading calculations. The data are fi- carrier gas is H2, and the detector make-up gas is nally posted on the IADN Web site, and they N2. become available to the public.

PAH and PBDE are analyzed on Agilent 5973 gas For our own information, we also calculate the chromatographic mass spectrometers in the se- concentrations of each compound in picograms lected ion-monitoring mode. A DB-5 30-m long per cubic meter of air or in picograms per liter of column is used for the separation of PAH, and a precipitation. Finally Indiana University stu- RTX-1614 15-m long column is used for the dents and post-doctoral associates interpret that PBDEs. Data analysis is done with HP ChemSta- data and publish articles in the peer-reviewed li- tion software, and quantitation is based on the in- terature. ternal PAH and PBDE standards. Indiana University also prepares annual QC re- 2.a.vii. Data handling and reporting proce- ports describing the detection limits, linearity, dures. For the GC-ECD data, peaks are identified average blank values, percent recoveries, etc. for by GC retention times compared to calibration all matrices and for all of the compounds of in- standards. Quantitation is done by the internal terest. The field completeness, site-specific re- standard method. When GC/MS is used, a primary coveries of surrogate standards, and various con-

6 trol charts are generated. These reports are sub- Currently, we are operating under Version 5 of mitted annually to GLNPO and to the Database the QAPjP revised in November, 2006 and sub- Manager. mitted to EPA. The detailed document is at: http://www.msc- We have provided valid data (as Excel spread- smc.ec.gc.ca/iadn/resources/iu/Qapjp06.pdf sheets) to the IADN Database Manager within 10 months after the acquisition of the last sample in a 2.a.viii.2. Intercomparisons with Environ- given year. For example, all of the 2009 data will ment Canada. In 1998, Indiana University in- be delivered by October 2010. stalled a high-volume air sampler and a MIC precipitation sampler at Point Petre, which is a Meteorological data are downloaded every two Canadian Master Station. We have collected weeks to an Indiana University computer system and analyzed samples from there ever since, but as hourly averages. A QBasic program processes on a 24-day cycle rather than on the normal 12- these raw data to give a recognizable format. The day cycle. The point is to compare our results meteorological data are then imported into an Ex- with those of our Canadian colleagues, who use cel spreadsheet and tabulated in master spread- somewhat different sampling and analytical me- thods. The results of these intercomparison ana- sheets. The data from each site are checked for 1 outliers. The average temperature, wind speed, lyses have recently been published by Wu et al. and wind direction for each 24-hour period are and a brief summary of that paper follows: calculated, along with their standard deviations. The spreadsheets for different sites are reported to A series of experiments were conducted among the IADN Database Manager. the laboratories participating in the IADN moni- toring program to evaluate comparability of the 2.a.viii. Summary of the project’s QA/QC ap- reported persistent organic pollutant concentra- proach. tions. The experiments included analyses of a common reference standard (CRS), analyses of 2.a.viii.1. Approved SOPS and QAPP. At the split samples, and analyses of samples collected beginning of the IADN project, Clyde Sweet and with co-located samplers at the Point Petre Ilora Basu, at the Illinois State Water Survey, de- IADN measurement station. The analytes in- veloped the Standard Operating Procedures cluded polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (SOPs). In 1994, the project came to Indiana Uni- (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), and versity, and the methods were adjusted and mod- polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). ified for the new laboratory. In 1995, Dr. Basu re- vised all the SOPs and submitted them to the Envi- For virtually all compounds, the laboratories ronmental Protection Agency. Since then, we produced generally comparable results for the have modified the SOPs several times whenever CRS samples, the split samples, and the co- we improved the methods, added new analytes, location samples, although some differences bought new instruments, or upgraded the data sys- were observed. Analysis of the methods may tem. The final versions for the SOPs were written pinpoint areas where variations in the methods in December 2005 and in April and May 2007. will result in the differences observed in the re- All complete SOPs are submitted to the Environ- ported data. These differences can be due to the mental Protection Agency and the IADN Database field sampling process, the analytical method, Manager. They are posted on IADN Web site at field blank values, or a combination of all these http://www.msc- factors. This study pointed out the importance smc.ec.gc.ca/iadn/resources/iu/FieldSOP2005.pdf of QA activities at every step of an environmen- http://www.msc- smc.ec.gc.ca/iadn/resources/iu/sampleprep07.pdf 1 Wu, R.; Backus, S.; Basu, I.; Blanchard, P.; Brice, http://www.msc- K. A.; Dryfhout-Clark, H. ; Fowlie, P. ; Hulting, smc.ec.gc.ca/iadn/resources/iu/GCSOP2007.pdf M. L. ; Hites, R. A ; Findings from quality assur- ance activities of the Integrated Atmospheric De- position Network. J. Environ. Monit. 2009, 11, 277-296.

7 tal monitoring process so that areas where im- the Illinois State Water Survey. Karen Arnold provements may be needed or where inconsisten- (senior technician) has been with us since 1995, cies may exist can be identified. Jennifer Kelley (technician) has been with us since 1999, and James Bays (site operations) has We suggest that many of the differences that we been with us since 2005. They will all continue did observe could be eliminated by completely as 100% FTE employees. Ilora Basu is currently harmonizing the United States and Canadian sam- working at 75% FTE. pling and analysis methodologies. In general, the existing measurements are of good quality. Sever- U.S. EPA Program Director al QA/QC audits have verified that the laboratory Paul Horvatin and field SOPs are being followed correctly. The internal blank and recovery experiments verify U.S. EPA that the sampling and measurement systems are Program Manager working properly. Todd Nettesheim Steering Committee In 2006, we participated in an Interlaboratory U.S. & Canadian Study, conducted by Terry F. Bidleman and Fiona Members Wong of Environment Canada. The participants EPA Grantee were twelve different laboratories -- three from Principal Investigator Ronald A. Hites Canada, two from the United States, six from Indiana University Mexico, and one from China. We compared three sets of common reference standards (CRS) for Post-doctoral Deputy Principal Graduate PCBs, pesticides, and PAHs. We also analyzed an Research Investigator Students (2) Associate Ilora Basu, IU air sample collected from Veracruz, Mexico in 2004. The agreement with the certified target val- Site ues was generally good for the CRS, but the inter- Laboratory Hourly Operators & Field Technicians Workers laboratory agreement was less satisfactory for the Technician (6) (3) Veracruz air extract. In 2008, we participated in another Interlaboratory Study conducted by Yu- Figure 2. Organizational chart for the manage- shan Su of Environment Canada. In this study, we ment of the IADN project at Indiana University. analyzed two sets of reference standards (one high Year 1 only is shown. and one low dilution) for PCBs, pesticides, PAHs, and PBDEs. We also analyzed one air sample ex- tract and one blind sample prepared to mimic the Virginia Thomas (since 2007) will likely contin- air extract. These results are not available yet. ue as a laboratory assistant for 30-40 hours a week. Don Keith (since 1996) and Tom Van 2.a.ix. Overall program management. Zoeren (since 1990) will continue as site opera- tors. Jim Osborne (since 1991) will continue as 2.a.ix.1. Internal organization and people. The a part-time, on-call field technician. Marta IADN program at Indiana University will continue Venier (since 2004) will continue as a full-time to be managed using the structure outlined in the post-doctoral research associate, and Amina Sa- organization chart shown in Figure 2. This has lamova (since 2007) and Yuning Ma (since worked well in the past, and we plan no changes. 2008) will continue as doctoral students on this project. It is important to emphasize that most of this project’s staff has been with IADN for several 2.a.ix.2. Steering Committee participation. years; this is very helpful to ensure continuity and Prof. Hites (and Drs. Basu and Venier as efficiency. Prof. Hites has been the Principal In- needed) will participate in Steering Committee vestigator since 1994, and Ilora Basu has been his activities, which include monthly conference deputy since 1994. In fact, Dr, Basu was actually calls and face-to-face meetings once or twice per involved with IADN since its inception in 1990 at year. The Steering Committee is responsible for

8 determining the future direction of IADN and as- maintenance of the equipment, and mailing the sessing and improving the quality of the present samples. Indiana University directly hires local network through quality assurance, methods com- individuals for this work. For Chicago and parability studies, reporting, etc. As a participant Sturgeon Point, we pay graduate students on the Steering Committee, Prof. Hites will be in- through the Illinois Institute of Technology and volved in evaluation of data quality indicators, re- the State University of New York at Buffalo, re- vision of the target analyte list, assessing the ade- spectively. The site operator at Cleveland is ap- quacy of the measurement process, network-wide pointed by the Ohio State Environmental Protec- results reporting and outreach, development of tion Agency, Division of Air Quality, City of trend and loading estimates and models, and as- Cleveland. Sampling media such as XAD-2 car- sessing the degree of accuracy of trend and load- tridges, quartz fiber filters, and rain columns are ing estimates. prepared at Indiana University and sent to the sites on a monthly basis along with the sampling Cooperation and communication with Environ- schedule. The site operators go to the site once a mental Protection Agency employees and partici- week, change the cartridges at the proper time, pants from other monitoring programs is also note all of the field conditions on prescribed beneficial in order to provide a full picture of toxic forms, set the timer for sampling, collect sam- contaminants in the Great Lakes basin, as well as ples, and mail them to the Indiana University la- to properly inform policy and regulatory decisions boratory. The Ontario Ministry of the Environ- regarding toxics reduction. For example, we will ment appoints the site operator at Point Petre. In help develop the report for SOLEC (State of the 1998, Indiana University installed one high- Lakes Ecosystem Conference) Indicator #117, volume air sampler and one MIC precipitation Atmospheric Deposition of Toxic Chemicals, and sampler at this site for measuring data compara- we will interface closely with the GLNPO fish bility between Indiana University and Canada. program as we look for previously unidentified Indiana University will continue to collect air contaminants. and precipitation samples from this site.

2.a.x. Site operations. Three master stations and 2.a.xi. Proposed sample numbers and sche- two satellite stations are presently in operation for dule. At the regular United States IADN sites, the IADN project in the United States. Each site is air samples are collected every 12 days for 24 equipped with air samplers, precipitation samplers, hours, and precipitation samples are integrated and a meteorological tower with data logger. over one month. In addition, 5% field blanks Master stations have duplicate air and precipitation and 5% field duplicates are collected from mas- samplers, and the satellite stations have only one ter stations for both types of samples. Air sam- of each type. In July of 2006, one precipitation ples are collected every 24 days at Point Petre. sampler was moved from Eagle Harbor to Chica- The annual total number of proposed samples is go. Field technicians go to the sites three times a outlined in Table 1. The data for all samples year to calibrate the equipment, replace parts as will be delivered within 10 months of taking the needed, and perform seasonal maintenance. In last sample of the year; for example, the entire case of an emergency repair, a technician can data set for 2009 will be delivered by October make a special trip to the site. 31, 2010. We have had no trouble meeting this schedule in the past. There is one local site operator at each site for sample collection, field data collection, weekly

9 Table 1. Numbers of proposed samples to be acquired and analyzed each year; note that we have added a few extra samples in addition to the minimum requirement to make up for any losses during transporta- tion or because of laboratory accidents.

Regular Sites Point Petre Total Air vapor-phase samples 180 16 196 Air particle-phase samples 180 16 196 Precipitation samples 80 13 93 Laboratory QC samples 80 0 80 Total for analysis 520 45 565

2.a.xii. Explicitly ensure continuity of quality 2.b. Project goals/outcomes/benefits. This data. Because one of the goals of this project is to project is generally aimed at the Environmental compare concentrations over a long time scale, it Protection Agency’s strategic goal of preventing is important to have long-term continuity of the water pollution and protecting aquatic systems measurements. For example, if the analytical me- so that the overall ecosystem health of the Great thods were to change part way through the project, Lakes is improved (sub-objective 4.3.3). The and one observed a change in concentrations at strategic target most related to IADN is to main- that time it would be difficult to attribute that tain or improve an average 7% annual decline change to actual changes in the environment or to for the long-term trend in average concentrations changes in the analytical methods. For this reason, of toxic chemicals (PCBs) from the air from the we have made great efforts to ensure continuity of Great Lakes Basin. the data stream from this project. The expected outcomes from this project are, but The most important mechanism for ensuring con- are not limited to: tinuity is our extensive QA/QC program. About  Improved understanding of the atmospheric 10-15% of the sample analysis funds go toward fate and cycling of priority toxic chemicals QA/QC. We are proud of this program, and we in the Great Lakes region; are confident that it has helped maintain the output  Improved understanding of the sources, of high quality data from this program over the 15 trends, and loadings of chemicals of emerg- years it has operated at Indiana University. ing concern entering the Great Lakes; and  Better decisions by environmental managers IADN’s institutional stability has also helped in development and implementation of strat- maintain continuity. The simple fact that this pro- egies to reduce the presence of priority toxic gram has been operated at one institution (Indiana chemicals in Great Lakes air, water, sedi- University) for the last 15 years has generated ment, fish, and other wildlife. strong institutional support and memory. Perhaps the most important factor in maintaining continui- 2.c. Project benefits/outputs. The expected ty of data quality has been the presence of Dr. Ilo- outputs from this project are, but are not limited ra Basu since the inception of this project. Dr. Ba- to: su worked on this project when it was first funded  Acquiring quality-assured air and precipita- at the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) in 1990. tion concentrations measurements, with at- When the project moved to Indiana University in tention to continuity and consistency of 1994, Dr. Basu came with it. She drafted and im- those measurements, so that trend data are plemented the original Standard Operating Proce- not biased by changes in network operations dures and the QA/QC protocols at the ISWS, and or personnel; when IADN moved to Indiana, she made sure that  Determining, with a specified degree of con- there was no disruption in the implementation of fidence, the atmospheric loadings and trends these procedures and protocols. (both spatial and temporal) of priority toxic

10 chemicals to the Great Lakes and its basin;  Susan Glassmeyer, now with the United and States Environmental Protection Agency la-  Publishing and presenting: boratory in Cincinnati o Several scientific peer reviewed journal  William Hafner, now in Kenmore, Washing- articles; ton o Several talks at regional, national, and in-  Eunha Hoh, now in the School of Public ternational scientific conferences; Health at California State University-San o IADN trends and loadings reports; and Diego o Technical summary of progress of IADN  Marta Venier, now a post-doctoral associate in 2013. at Indiana University

We believe that our past performance on this Several post-doctoral associates acquired valua- project amply demonstrates our ability to deliver ble scientific training while working on the these outputs. IADN project. These include:  Dan Carlson, now at the University of Min- 2.d. Project eligibility. One point of IADN is to nesota understand the extent of atmospheric deposition of  Barbara Hillery, now at the State University toxic organic compounds into the Great Lakes. It of New York in Old Westbury is largely this deposition that is driving the expo-  Matt Simcik, now in the School of Public sure of sport fishes to these organic compounds Health at the University of Minnesota and thus restricting the consumption of  Bo Strandberg, now in Göteborg, Sweden these fishes. For example, in the last IADN load-  Ping Sun, now at the Proctor and Gamble ing report, it was estimated that about 40 tons/yr of Corp. in Cincinnati polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are en- tering the Great Lakes from the atmosphere.2 2.e. Collaboration, stakeholders, and leverag- Given the relatively high levels of PAH in air from ing. Our most important collaborators on this urban centers (see below), it is likely that cities are project are our Canadian colleagues at Environ- the main source of PAH to the Lakes and that con- ment Canada. They operate the sites on Lake trol measures should be focused in the cities. Huron (at Burnt Island) and on Lake Ontario (at IADN also measures spatiotemporal trends, and Point Petre), and they analyze all of the samples for PAH, these data indicate a minimal decline in from these sites. We have periodic conference these levels as a function of time – not an optimis- phone calls and meetings with these colleagues. tic finding. We have done extensive QA/QC work centered

at Point Petre to understand the differences in We should also mention that Indiana University is our methodology, if any. Periodically, we colla- an educational institution and that IADN has sup- borate with them in writing various documents; ported the research of several doctoral students. for example, we all worked hard together to These are: generate the five-year technical summary report  Stephanie Buehler, now at the Battelle Me- for the review that was conducted in Tampa in morial Institution November 2008. We also collaborate in the  Donald Cortes, now at STAT Analysis Corp. preparation of the periodic trends and loadings in Chicago reports. Perhaps more significantly, over the last three years we worked closely with these col- leagues in the preparation and publication of six papers in Environmental Science and Technolo- 2 Blanchard, P.; Audette, C.; Hulting, M. L.; Basu, I.; gy, which presented detailed spatiotemporal Brice, K. A.; Backus, S. M.; Dryfhout-Clark, H.; trend analyses of all of the IADN data (United Froude, F.; Hites, R. A.; Neilson. M.; Wu, R. Atmos- States and Canadian) collected from 1990 pheric deposition of toxic substances to the Great through 2003. Lakes: IADN results through 2005. October 2008, p. 59.

11 We are frequently asked for IADN data by other 2.f. Measuring progress. We will measure the investigators, and although these requests do not success of this project by several factors: result in publications with Indiana University as a  Timeliness. The data for all samples will be co-author, we are happy to help these other delivered within 10 months of taking the last groups. These requestors have included: sample of the year; for example, the entire  Mark Cohen in the National Oceanic and At- data set for 2009 will be delivered by Octo- mospheric Administration ber 31, 2010. We have had no problem  Brian Eitzer at the Connecticut Agricultural meeting this schedule in the past. Experiment Station  Dissemination of data. We expect to pub-  Tom Holsen at Clarkson University lish about five peer-reviewed papers per  Keri Hornbuckle at the University of Iowa year in good journals, such as Environmen-  Jerry Keeler at the University of Michigan tal Science and Technology, Atmospheric  Judith Perlinger at Michigan Technological Environment, the Journal of Great Lakes University Research, or Chemosphere. We also expect  Lisa Rodenberg at Rutgers University to give about three talks (and occasionally  Yushan Su of Environment Canada posters) annually at regional, national, and international scientific conferences. These We have also given technical assistance to the include the annual meetings of the Interna- graduate students of: tional Association for Great Lakes Research, the Society for Environmental Toxicology  Steve Eisenreich at Rutgers University and Chemistry, and the International Confe-  Keri Hornbuckle at the University of Iowa  rence on Dioxins and Halogenated Com- William Mills at the University of Illinois- pounds. Chicago   Training new scientists. We will continue to Judith Perlinger at the Michigan Technologi- train doctoral students and post-doctoral as- cal University sociates with the expectation that, on aver-  Staci Simonich at Oregon State University age, one or two such people will “graduate”  Deb Swackhamer at the University of Minne- each year. sota 2.g. Project tasks/schedule. The schedule of We also have provided assistance by way of e- the tasks is implicit in the “deliverables”: mail to a few scientists from outside of the United  The data for all samples will be delivered States: Geoff Mills from New Zealand and Ra- within 10 months of taking the last sample phael Navarra from Mexico. of the year; see above.  We will publish about five peer-reviewed With one exception, in the past, we have commu- papers per year in good journals, and we nicated indirectly with stakeholders. The one ex- will present about three talks at regional, na- ception was a presentation Prof. Hites gave at the tional, and international scientific confe- SOLEC meeting in Milwaukee in 2007. He would rences. These papers and presentations are be very pleased do to this again. our “communication plan.”

 We will continue to train doctoral students The funding for this project is leveraged by cost- and post-doctoral associates with the expec- sharing funding from Indiana University. The tation that, on average, one or two such budget (see below) shows ~9% in matching money people will “graduate” each year. provided by Indiana University. This funding is  We will continue to supply raw data to col- provided in the form of Prof. Hites’ salary during leagues at other institutions for use in their the academic year, when he will spend at least own research. We will not attach “strings” 20% of his time on this project without charging to these data; that is, we will not require or for that time. This is the same type and level of even request, co-authorship on papers using cost-sharing that Indiana University has provided these data. After all, these data belong to to GLNPO since 1994.

12 the American public, and other scientists 2.h. Programmatic capability and past per- should be able to use these data as they see fit. formance  We will continue to give technical support to research scientists at other universities and 2.h.i. Data production. From 1994 until today, agencies. we have taken and analyzed over 6,600 samples;  A final report will be generated six months af- see Table 2. These data have been quality as- ter the termination of this project. sured and submitted to the United States Envi- ronmental Protection Agency and others for in- clusion in the IADN master database. In addi- tion, dozens of papers and reports have been prepared from these data.

Table 2. Number of samples analyzed as of December, 2008

Number Number Samples analyzed Sites received extracted PCB Pesticides PAH PBDE Eagle Harbor 1375 1363 838 1143 1340 195 Sleeping Bear 1462 1450 881 1218 1424 198 Sturgeon Point 1396 1385 842 1168 1362 198 Chicago 984 971 592 956 961 187 Cleveland 455 435 250 424 432 188 Brule River 493 493 308 493 493 ---

Point Petre 524 517 325 391 506 --- Total 6689 6614 4036 5793 6518 966 Timeliness Dec. 2008 Dec. 2008 Dec. 2008 Dec. 2008 Dec. 2008 Dec. 2007

2.h.ii. Data interpretation as evidenced by have been submitted to the Environmental Pro- publications and presentations. We have con- tection Agency. These are too numerous to list sistently published the results of the IADN here. project in high quality journals. The publica- tions resulting directly or indirectly from IADN 2.h.iii. Spatiotemporal trend analyses. IADN support are indicated in Appendix 1 (see below). data indicate that gas-phase atmospheric partial At the present time 47 such papers have been pressures of semi-volatile organic compounds published, and most of them have been pub- strongly depend on atmospheric temperature and lished in the premier environmental chemistry that this dependence can be modeled by the in- journal, Environmental Science and Technology, tegrated form of the Clausius-Clapeyron equa- the highest ranked journal in environmental tion: chemistry. IADN projects have formed the base H  SA for numerous doctoral and masters theses, which ln P a 0 (1) RT have been submitted to Indiana University for academic credit. Thus, IADN is contributing to where P is the partial pressure of the analyte (in the training of future environmental scientists. atm), HSA is the energy necessary to move a Prof. Hites, his associates, and his students have mole of a substance from an environmental sur- presented lectures about the IADN project at face (soil, water, vegetation, etc.) to the gas- over 70 regional, national, and international phase (in kJ/mol), T is the atmospheric tempera- meetings. ture at the sampling site when the sample was collected (in K), R is the gas constant (0.0083 Numerous quality assurance plans and reports, kJ/mol), and a0 is an intercept that resolves the standard operating procedures, and data reports units.

13 To look for spatiotemporal trends in the IADN linearity we will use here a slightly different data, we have introduced the idea of temperature form for this parameter corrected partial pressures, which are given by ln P c' c' log2 pop 01 (5) CS11 ln P ln P a DT  (2) 105 288 1 EU288 T 2 )  4 PAH (R =0.926) 3 10 where a1 is HSA/R and P288 is the partial pres- PCBs (R2=0.915) sure corrected to an atmospheric temperature of 103 288 K. A plot of ln(P288) vs. time allows us to determine a first order rate constant (b1) 102

101 ln(P288) = b0 +b1 t (3) Concentration (pg/m PBDEs (R2=0.840) where t is the sampling date in Julian days rela- 100 102 103 104 105 106 107 tive to January 1, 1990. Population within 25 km radius

In addition to temperature and time, we have al- Figure 3. Relationship between the logarithm of so shown that the partial pressures of several the total PAH, PCB, and PBDE concentrations POPs strongly depend on the human population (in pg/m3) and the logarithm of the human popu- living and working near the sampling site, a lation within a 25 km radius of each United concept we have parameterized as States sampling site.

ln P c c log(pop) (4) 01 In previous studies from our laboratory, we have also investigated the effect of directional meteo- where pop is the population within a 25 km ra- rological parameters, such as wind direction and dius of the site. High correlations have been backward air trajectories, on measured partial found for PAHs from sampling sites around the pressures. In one study, we determined that world,3 for polybrominated diphenyl ethers at 4 PAH concentrations at Sturgeon Point were the IADN sites, and for polychlorinated diben- higher when the air was coming to the site from zo-p-dioxins and (PCDD/Fs) in 6 5 the south. In another study, we used wind di- North America (see below). All of these corre- rections measured at the site and 4-day average lations, however, showed systematic residuals; backward trajectories to determine that these di- see Figure 3. The concentrations at low and rectional parameters were relatively unimportant high populations were usually above the regres- in explaining the variability of atmospheric par- sion line, indicating significant non-linearity in tial pressures.7 In a third study, we used the po- this relationship. To compensate for this non- tential source contribution function (PSCF) model to determine the sources of several chem- icals (PAH, PCBs, and some pesticides) using 3 Hafner, W. D.; Carlson, D. L.; Hites, R. A., Influ- ence of local human population on atmospheric po- lycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations. En- viron. Sci. Technol. 2005, 39, (19), 7374-7379. 6 Cortes, D. R.; Basu, I.; Sweet, C. W.; Hites, R. A., 4 Venier, M.; Hites, R. A., Flame retardants in the Temporal trends in and influence of wind on PAH atmosphere near the Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. concentrations measured near the Great Lakes. Technol. 2008, 42, (13), 4745-4751. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34, (3), 356-360. 5 Venier, M.; Ferrario, J.; Hites, R. A., Polychlori- 7 Hafner, W. D.; Hites, R. A., Effects of wind and air nated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in the trajectory directions on atmospheric concentra- atmosphere around the Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. tions of persistent organic pollutants near the Technol. 2009, 43, (4), 1036-1041. Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2005, 39, (20), 7817-7825.

14 backward air trajectories.8 In general, most pol- The longest half-life was for PAH (~20 years), lutants were coming to the Great Lakes from and the shortest was for – and –HCH (3-4 southern sources. years).

We have suggested a new model that combines Given that PAH are produced by combustion of equations 1 to 5 plus wind speed and wind direc- every type, it is not surprising that they showed tion, and we have applied it to data from the the slowest rate of decrease (19 ± 2 years). Al- IADN sites to determine the corresponding re- though the Toxic Release Inventory shows a gression coefficients. The natural logarithms of general decrease of PAH emissions over the last the atmospheric partial pressures (ln P) were decade in the Great Lakes region, the atmos- then fitted using following equation: pheric concentrations of PAHs are still relatively high. This regression, where all of the sites were CS1000 combined together, produced results similar to ln P d d t  dDT  d log2 pop 01 2EUT 3 (6) those reported by Sun et al. on a site-by-site ba- sis; these earlier half-lives averaged 14 ± 4 d (WS) d cos(WD) 9 45 years, confirming that the atmospheric concen- trations of PAHs are slowly decreasing in the where d0 is an intercept, d1 is a first-order rate Great Lakes region. 1 constant (in days ), d2 is the Clausius- Clapeyron slope (in K), d3 (unitless) describes Despite being banned in the United States since the change of P as a function of population the late 1970s, PCBs are still ubiquitous, and squared, and d4 and d5 describe the dependence their atmospheric levels are declining slowly, as of the partial pressure on wind speed (in mph) shown by their relatively long half-life of 13 ± 1 and wind direction, expressed on the cosine of years in the Great Lakes region. In 2007, Sun et the angle (in radians). al. reported an average PCB half-life of 14 ± 4 years for the same IADN sites.10 This is a sur- The model was applied to the gas-phase concen- prisingly slow rate of decrease for compounds tration of the following chemicals: PCB (suite that have not been produced in North America of 83 congeners that includes the toxicologically since the late 1970s; on the other hand, there are relevant ones), PAH (sum of ~16 compounds), still large amounts of PCBs that have not been - and -HCH, DDT = p,p’-DDT + p,p’-DDD permanently removed from the environment, + p,p’-DDE, Chlor = - + -chlordane + trans- such as in electrical gear. In addition, “decom- nonachlor, and Endo = endosulfan I + II+ en- missioned” PCBs have not really been removed dosulfan sulphate. from the environment either; rather, they have been placed in landfills and in other disposal fa- Temporal trends. All seven of the chemicals or cilities that may well be leaking into the atmos- groups of chemicals showed a significant de- phere. crease in their partial pressures over time. These rates of decrease can be conveniently expressed Among the OC pesticides, the atmospheric par- as half-lives tial pressures of - and -HCH are declining ln(2) most rapidly (half-lives of 3.3 ± 0.1 and 3.8 ± t  (7) 1/2  d1 9 Sun, P.; Blanchard, P.; Brice, K. A.; Hites, R. A., Trends in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon con- centrations in the Great Lakes atmosphere. Envi- ron. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40, (20), 6221-6227. 10 Sun, P.; Basu, I.; Blanchard, P.; Brice, K. A.; 8 Hafner, W. D.; Hites, R. A., Potential sources of Hites, R. A., Temporal and spatial trends of at- pesticides, PCBs, and PAHs to the atmosphere of mospheric polychlorinated concentra- the Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2003, 37, tions near the Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. (17), 3764-3773. 2007, 41, (4), 1131-1136.

15 0.1 years, respectively). The isomer consti- ago, may indicate that there are large reservoirs tuted 60-70% of the technical HCH product, of these compounds in agricultural and urban which was banned in the 1970s and replaced by soils that are only slowly being depleted. lindane, the purified isomer. The latter was phased out in Canada in 2004, and it will be Seasonality. In equation 6, the third term (d2) phased out in the United States in 2009. The describes the relationship between ambient tem- short half-life of -HCH observed here is similar perature and the gas-phase partial pressure of to the average half-life of 3.8 ± 0.3 years re- these semi-volatile organic compounds. All the ported by Sun et al.11 It is interesting that, de- compounds showed a statistically significant (P spite its ban ~40 years ago, this insecticide is < 0.05) negative dependence on reciprocal tem- still being eliminated rapidly from the environ- perature, indicating that gas-phase partial pres- ment. Conversely, the half-life of -HCH re- sures increase with in-creasing temperatures. ported here is somewhat less than that reported Ultimately, the absolute value of the d2 coeffi- by Sun et al. for data covering up to 2003 (an cient describes the importance of seasonality for average half-life of 6.1 ± 2.1 years).11 The more a specific compound. As such, it is reasonable rapid decline observed in this study, which ex- that the highest seasonal value was found for panded the dataset until 2007 and merged all the Endo (d2 = 12 ± 1), a pesticide that is mainly sites together, could reflect the ban on lindane’s applied in the spring and summer, when atmos- use that took place in Canada starting in 2004. pheric temperatures are highest. The value of An even more rapid loss rate might be expected d2 was lowest for PAH (2.5 ± 0.1), com- in the next 5-10 years, once the ban on this com- pounds whose atmospheric concentrations tend pound in the United States becomes effective. to peak in the winter as combustion for space heating increases. Although the United States Environmental Pro- tection Agency is reviewing its use, endosulfan Urbanization. The fourth term (d3) in equation 6 is currently used as an agricultural pesticide. describes the dependence of the gas-phase par- Our study showed a half-life of 12 ± 1 years tial pressures on the squared logarithm of the lo- (calculated as Endo), which is somewhat high- cal human population. The coefficients for this er than the previously reported average for population term ranged from 0.12 ± 0.01 for IADN sites (5.9 ± 2.6 years).11 The National PAH (indicating a strong relationship to urba- Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program nization) to 0.018 ± 0.001 for -HCH (indicating estimated a decrease in endosulfan‘s use in the almost no relationship with urbanization). The United States from 1997 to 2002, but current use low coefficient for -HCH is probably because estimates are not available. Therefore, we are this compound is used almost exclusively in reluctant in making any connection between use agriculture. and the observed spatiotemporal trend. Directional terms. In equation 6, the last two DDT and Chlor, which are all components of terms describe the relationship between partial banned products, showed half-lives of 7.8 ± 0.3 pressure and wind speed (d4) and wind direction and 10.0 ± 0.5 years, respectively; these values (d5). Wind speed was a statistically significant are in good agreement with those previously re- term (P < 0.05) for all compounds except DDT ported by Sun et al. (8.0 ± 2.9 and 9.6 ± 2.0 and Chlor, and wind direction was significant years).11 These relatively slow rates of decline, for all compounds except -HCH. The wind despite bans on these products over 20 years speed coefficient was always negative, indicat- ing an inverse relationship between the partial pressures the intensity of the wind. The highest 11 Sun, P.; Blanchard, P.; Brice, K.; Hites, R. A., values for d4 were for PAH and Endo (both Atmospheric organochlorine pesticide concentra- 0.033 ± 0.008), while the lowest was for PCB tions near the Great Lakes: temporal and spatial trends. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40, (21), (0.0075 ± 0.0013). The coefficient for the co- 6587-6593. sine of the wind direction, d5, was negative for all compounds. Keeping in mind the properties

16 of the cosine function and given the negative as well as their strong relationship to human ac- sign of d5, this regression indicates that the par- tivities. It is surprising that time plays so little tial pressures are relatively high on days when role for PCBs, which have been regulated since the winds come from the south. The strongest the 1970s. Given the long half-life we observe dependence on wind direction was found for for PCBs, and given the strong dependence on PAH and the weakest for -HCH. The impor- anthropogenic activities, it is fair to say the tance of wind in explaining the partial pressures PCBs will be with us for decades to come. for PAH has been previously observed by Conversely, temperature played a minor role in Cortes et al.6 and by Hafner and Hites.7 the regression for PAH, with the coefficient of the 1000/T term accounting for < 5% of the total Importance of each term. The importance of variability. This result confirms the strong link each of the five regression parameters in ex- of PAHs atmospheric levels to anthropogenic plaining their variability of the partial pressures combustion activities, such as coal and natural was estimated by calculating the relative contri- gas combustion, coke production, and vehicle bution of each term to the total variability. This emissions, most of which do not have a strong value is reported as the percentage of the se- seasonal aspect. quential sum of squares attributed to each factor relative to the total sum of squares. This proce- The HCHs were the only two chemicals in this dure is equivalent to calculating the portion of study where time represented the most important the overall variability, given as r2, that can be at- factor in explaining their observed partial pres- tributed to each term in the regression. These sures. -HCH was almost exclusively controlled contributions are shown in Figure 4. by time (69%), and -HCH was controlled al- most equally by time and temperature (37 and Julian Day 32%, respectively). This time dependence 1000/T 100 2 seems to track the regulatory histories of these log (pop) WS two chemicals: –HCH has been banned since cos(WD)

2 80 the 1980s, and –HCH has been banned in Can- r ada since 2004 and in the United States since 60 2009.

40 For the other pesticides included in this analysis, atmospheric temperature was the primary factor

% contribution to total 20 in explaining the observed partial pressures. These contributions were 43% for DDT, 68% 0 for Endo, and 47% for Chlor. However, un- B H H H T do lor C PA HC HC DD n h like PAH, it was also possible to identify a lP l a- a- l lE l C ota ota h m ota ta ta t t alp m t to to ga secondary controlling factor for two of them. For DDT and Chlor, population explained Figure 4. Relative contribution of each of the 22% and 28%, respectively, of the partial pres- five terms in equation 6 to the total variability of the regression. sure variabilities. This strong dependence of these pesticides’ partial pressures on temperature suggests that these agrochemicals are used pre- The partial pressures of PCB and PAH were dominantly during the growing season -- primar- mainly controlled by the local human popula- ily in the warmer spring and summer months. tion; the coefficients of this term accounted for The contribution of the urbanization term to the 55 and 74% of the total variability, respectively. total variability of the DDT and Chlor data Temperature, expressed as 1000/T, played a sig- might be related to the historic use of these nificant role in explaining the PCB partial chemicals in urban environments; for example, pressures, accounting for 23% of the total varia- DDT was used to protect cities’ roadside shade bility. This finding confirms the seasonal cha- trees, and chlordane was used extensively to racter of atmospheric partial pressures of PCBs, protect wooden houses against termites.

17 For all the studied compounds, neither of the Atmospheric Deposition program operated by two directional parameters (wind speed nor wind the Great Lakes Commission. direction) played an important role in explaining the observed partial pressures, with percentages The average total PCDD/F and toxic equivalent ranging from < 0.01 to 0.32 for wind speed and (TEQ) concentrations were highest at the urban from 0.02 to 1.3 for the cosine of wind direction. site of Chicago (1300 fg/m3 and 35 fg TEQ/m3, This result is somewhat counterintuitive, and it respectively), followed by the rural site of may indicate that local sources, some of which Sturgeon Point (740 fg/m3 and 13 fg TEQ/m3) are characterized by an elevated population, and and the two remote sites of Sleeping Bear Dunes agricultural sources, some of which are highly and Eagle Harbor (400 fg/m3 and 7.4 fg TEQ/m3 seasonal, simply overwhelm other, more distant and 120 fg/m3 and 2.3 fg TEQ/m3, respectively). sources. The statistically supported sequence was: Chica- go > Sturgeon Point > Sleeping Bear Dunes > 2.h.iv. Dioxins in the Great Lakes Atmos- Eagle Harbor (Tukey’s post hoc test, P < 0.05). phere. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans These results agree with similar data collected at (PCDFs) were never produced intentionally; ra- rural or remote United States locations by the ther, they are formed as trace impurities in the National Dioxin Air Monitoring Network manufacturing of other chlorinated chemicals (NDAMN)12 in 2002 when the mean concentra- and as toxic by-products from the combustion of tions ranged from 6.4 to 15 fg WHO-TEQ/m3 in selected fuels, such as municipal solid waste. rural areas and from 0.1 to 3 fg WHO TEQ/m3 PCDD/Fs are now ubiquitous in the environment in remote areas. Considering the four years dif- and find their way up the food chain, ultimately ference between the two datasets, all of these re- reaching man. Because PCDD/Fs are chemical- sults are in good agreement with one another. ly stable, once they are released into the atmos- Similarly, 2005 average PCDD/F TEQ concen- phere, they can be transported by the winds to trations for sites included in Canada’s National remote regions. Air Pollution Surveillance Network are in good agreement with the data presented here. Rural With the goal of investigating the spatiotemporal or remote locations in Ontario (the Canadian re- concentration trends of PCDD/Fs in the Great gion bordering the Great Lakes) such as Egbert, Lakes airshed, we began a series of monthly Point Petre, and Burnt Island showed PCDD/F measurements at four sites on the shores of three average concentrations of 14, 21, and 7.9 fg of the lakes in mid-2004. Here, we report these TEQ/m3, respectively.13 results from one urban and three rural or remote sites from this network for the period between A sinusoidal model of the logarithmically trans- November 2004 and December 2007. formed concentrations of total PCDD/F of the 17 toxic congeners (in fg/m3) was used to account Samples were collected at the IADN sites of for the periodicity of the observations. All of Chicago, Eagle Harbor, Sleeping Bear Dunes the sites showed a significant periodicity (P < and Sturgeon Point according to the IADN pro- 0.05), with the exception of Chicago. This lack cedure described before, only for an extended of periodicity at an urban site may be related to time (168 hours at the rural or remote sites and 48 hours at Chicago). Also, unlike IADN, 12 Cleverly, D.; Ferrario, J.; Byrne, C.; Riggs, K.; Jo- XAD-2 resin and filters for each sample were seph, D.; Hartford, P., A general indication of the combined before analysis. Samples were ana- contemporary background levels of PCDDs, lyzed for PCDD/Fs at the United States Envi- PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs in the ambient air ronmental Protection Agency’s laboratory at the over rural and remote areas of the United States. Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, using high Environmental Science & Technology 2007, 41, 1537-1544. resolution mass spectrometry, by Joseph Ferra- 13 National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Net- rio. This work was funded by the Great Lakes work, Environment Canada. Available at: http://www.etc-cte.ec.gc.ca/NapsAnnualRawData.

18 the shorter sampling time at this site (48 hours throughout Canada. For consistency among the vs. 168 hours) or to the time invariance of the data sets, only data collected in 2002 were used, PCDD/F sources in this city. At all the rural and with the exception of the IADN data reported remote sites, the maximum TEQ concentrations here. were in winter: October 29 at Eagle Harbor, No- vember 28 at Sleeping Bear Dunes, and January The plot of the logarithm of the population with- 20 at Sturgeon Point. The shift in the dates of in a 25-km radius vs. the logarithm of the concen- maximum concentration from late fall at Eagle tration of PCDD/Fs (in fg/m3) for the 60 conti- Harbor to mid winter at Sturgeon Point may be nental sites is shown in Figure 5. A linear re- related to the decreasing latitude of these sites, gression of these two variables was statistically which determines the start of the coldest months. significant (P < 0.0001), indicating that concen- Given that space heating energy requirements trations of PCDD/Fs increase exponentially are highest in the winter, these dates substantiate with the logarithm of the local population. the hypothesis that combustion (particularly of When the local population doubles, the atmos- fuel used for space heating) is a principal source pheric PCDD/F concentration more than of PCDD/Fs to the atmosphere. doubles.

None of the data from any of the sites showed a 4 significant decrease or increase over time. Con- ) sidering that the data reported here cover a time 3 span of only two years, we consider it unlikely that we would see any change in concentration 3 as a function of time for analytes, such as PCDD/Fs, that are expected to have relatively long atmospheric residence times. 2 PCDD/PCDF (fg/m PCDD/PCDF

 To verify the hypothesis that urban centers are log sources of atmospheric PCDD/Fs, we analyzed the relationship between local population (as a 1 surrogate for total combustion in an urban cen- 1234567 ter) and PCDD/F concentration. In addition to log population the results reported here, several other locations Figure 5. Atmospheric PCDD/F concentra- 3 were included in this analysis. This analysis was tions (fg/m ) as a function of human population restricted to the North American region, and on- within a 25-km radius of the sampling site in North America (n = 60). The black straight line ly results from large sampling networks were in- is the linear regression of the equation: log cluded. The following sources were employed: 2 (PCDD/F) = 0.30 + 1.17 log (pop), and r = the Environmental Protection Agency National 0.536. The symbols are color coded as follows: Dioxin Monitoring Network (NDAMN) which red = National Dioxin Monitoring Network sites, deployed samplers mainly in rural and remote cyan = Canadian National Air Pollution Surveil- locations around the United States;12 the Cali- lance Network sites, green = California Ambient fornia Ambient Dioxin Air Monitoring Program Dioxin Air Monitoring Program sites, and yellow (CADAMP) which collected samples predomi- = sites reported here. The black dotted lines nantly in heavily populated areas of California;14 represent the 95% confidence limits. and the Canadian National Air Pollution Surveil- lance Network (NAPS),14 which sampled air Given the evidence discussed here, we suggest that large urban areas and industrialized centers, 14 California Ambient Dioxin Air Monitoring Pro- which are highly populated, act as sources of gram (CADAMP). Available at PCDD/Fs to the atmosphere. Long range trans- http://www.arb.ca.gov/aaqm/qmosopas/dioxins/d port, together with relatively small local sources, ioxins.htm

19 are responsible for the concentrations observed most sites, BDE-47 was the most abundant con- in rural and remote places. gener, and BDE-99 and 209 were the second or third most abundant. It is widely known that 2.h.v. Flame retardants in the Great Lakes BDE-47 and 99 are markers for the commercial atmosphere. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers Penta-BDE product, and BDE-209 is a marker (PBDEs) are flame retardants used in a variety for the commercial Deca-BDE product. Since of commercial products such as furniture, elec- the current United States production is dominat- tronics, and textiles. As a result of their heavy ed by Deca-BDE, our findings suggest that ei- use, they have become ubiquitous in the envi- ther BDE-209 is undergoing photolytic degrada- ronment.15 In 2004, concurrent with the Euro- tion in the environment, as suggested by Staple- pean Union ban, the Great Lakes Chemical ton et al. in a recent study of house dust17 or that Corp. voluntarily stopped the production of two the patterns we are now seeing are the reflection of the three commercially available mixtures: of both past and current production, use, and Penta-BDE and octa-BDE. The third commer- disposal of the two mixtures.18 The low concen- cial PBDE product, deca-BDE is not yet regu- trations and few detects of congeners 197 and lated in the United States.16 201, which are the main degradation products of BDE-209, did not allow us to draw any conclu- Because of the importance of these compounds sions about the atmospheric degradation of De- as “emerging” POPs, we added them to IADN in ca-209. The different congener pattern found in January 2004. Air samples were collected at Cleveland is probably a consequence of a few Cleveland, Chicago, Eagle Harbor, Sleeping high concentrations, which were generally cha- Bear Dunes, and Sturgeon Point in 2005-2006 to racterized by high concentrations of BDE-209. determine the concentrations of PBDEs, 1,2- bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy) ethane (TBE), deca- To further explore the spatiotemporal trends of bromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE), and Dechlo- PBDEs, we focused on two abundant and repre- rane Plus (DP). The highest mean concentra- sentative congeners, BDE-47 and 209, which tions of total PBDEs were found at the urban represent the main components of the Penta- sites in Chicago and Cleveland (65 ± 4 and 87 ± BDE and Deca-BDE commercial mixtures. 8 pg/m3, respectively). The mean concentrations With the exception of Chicago, the atmospheric at the rural sites of Sturgeon Point (SP) and concentrations of BDE-47 (sum of gas and par- Sleeping Bear Dunes (SB) were 9.2  0.6 pg/m3 ticle phase concentrations) are decreasing rapid- and 8.4  0.8 pg/m3, respectively. The lowest ly with half-lives of about 2 years, but the con- PBDE concentrations were found at the remote centration of BDE-209 is not decreasing at any site of Eagle Harbor (EH) with mean concentra- of the five sites; see Figure 6. The much shorter tions of 5.8  0.4 pg/m3. half-life of PBDEs compared to PCBs and PAHs might be the result of the recent widespread ban BDE-47, 99, 100, and 209 comprised 70-80% of on the manufacture of some of these flame re- the PBDE mixture in these samples. The pat- tardants and efforts by the indus- terns of the congener distributions did not show try to develop alternatives. any consistent changes as a function of time and were similar at all sites, except Cleveland. At

15 Hites, R. A., Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in 17 the environment and in people: A meta-analysis Stapleton, H. M.; Dodder, N. G., Photodegrada- of concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2004, tion of decabromodiphenyl ether in house dust 38, (4), 945-956. by natural sunlight. Environmental Toxicology 16 Darnerud, P. O.; Eriksen, G. S.; Johannesson, T.; and Chemistry 2008, 27, (2), 306-312. 18 Larsen, P. B.; Viluksela, M., Polybrominated di- deBoer, J.; Boer, K. d.; Boon, J. P., Polybromi- phenyl ethers: Occurrence, dietary exposure, and nated Biphenyls and Diphenylethers. The Hand- toxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives book of Environmental Chemistry 2000, Vol. 3, 2001, 109, 49-68. Part K, 61-95.


BDE-47 BDE-209 6 A strong positive correlation (P < 0.05) was ob- 4 served between the geometric mean of the total 2 PBDEs concentration at each site and the human 0 Chicago t NS 1/2 population within a 25 km radius of each site;

4 see Figure 3. The same correlation was signifi- cant for BDE-47 and BDE-99 but not for BDE- 2 209, TBE, DP, and DBDPE. It is not surprising Cleveland t1/2 = 1.6 ) 3 0 that large industrial or urban centers such as 2 Chicago and Cleveland represent sources of 0 PBDEs to the atmosphere, as previously demon- -2 Sturgeon Point t1/2 = 1.5 ln(conc.) (pg/m ln(conc.) strated for PAHs and PCBs. 2 0 2.h.vi. Dechlorane Plus. As an example of our -2 Sleeping Bear t1/2 = 2.3 continuing efforts to identify new compounds 2 (emerging pollutants), we will summarize our

0 finding of Dechlorane Plus (DP) in the Great Lakes in the following paragraphs. This com- -2 Eagle Harbor, t = 2.6 1/2 pound is a highly chlorinated flame retardant, 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 4 6 8 100 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 and we detected and identified it in ambient air, time (days) fish, and sediment samples from the Great Lakes region in 2006.19 The identity of this compound Figure 6. Temporal trends of BDE-47 and BDE- was confirmed by comparing its gas chromato- 209 (sum of gas and particle phase concentra- 3 graphic retention times and mass spectra with tions) in pg/m at the five IADN sites investigated in this study. those of authentic material. This compound ex- ists as two gas chromatographically separable conformers (syn and anti), the structures of TBE, DBDPE and DP were detected at all sites, which were characterized by one- and two- but there is insufficient data to determine spati- dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance. otemporal trends for these compounds. At all the sites, the concentrations of TBE were generally low and comparable with those of octa-BDE congeners. The highest average TBE concentra- tion was found in Chicago (1.2  0.3 pg/m3) and the lowest in Eagle Harbor (0.5  0.3 pg/m3). The concentrations of DBDPE were generally higher than those for TBE, with a maximum av- erage concentration of 22  13 pg/m3 in Cleve- syn-Dechlorane Plus land and a minimum average concentration of 1.0  0.5 pg/m3 in Eagle Harbor. In Cleveland, the concentrations of DBDPE roughly tracked those of BDE-209 (r2 = 0.325, P < 0.001). This observation suggests that DBDPE and BDE-209 were likely coming from the same sources. We measured the highest average concentration of anti-Dechlorane Plus DP in ambient air from Sturgeon Point (20  6 3 pg/m ), followed by Cleveland and Chicago (7.2 19  1.2 and 2.4  0.3 pg/m3, respectively) and Hoh, E.; Zhu, L. Y.; Hites, R. A., Dechlorane Sleeping Bear Dunes and Eagle Harbor (0.8  plus, a chlorinated flame retardant, in the Great  3 Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2006, 40, (4), 0.3 and 0.8 0.6 pg/m , respectively). 1184-1189.

21 DP was detected in most air samples, even at dioxins and dibenzofurans. The following para- Eagle Harbor. The atmospheric DP concentra- graphs demonstrate this approach for two types tions were higher at the eastern Great Lakes sites of polyhalogenated flame retardants. (Sturgeon Point and Cleveland) than at the west- ern Great Lakes sites (Eagle Harbor, Chicago, In our first study, BFRs were measured in 87 and Sleeping Bear Dunes). At the Sturgeon tree bark samples from 29 locations in North Point site, DP concentrations once reached 490 America.20 The concentrations of total PBDEs pg/m3. DP atmospheric concentrations were ranged from 2.3 to 5700 ng/g lipid weight, with comparable to those of BDE-209 at the eastern the highest concentrations found around Arkan- Great Lakes sites. DP was also found in sedi- sas. A simple radial dilution model described ment cores from Lakes Michigan and Erie.19 the distribution of total PBDE concentrations in The peak DP concentrations were comparable to these samples and indicated the likely sources of BDE-209 concentrations in the sediment core these chemicals were emissions from the two from Lake Erie, but were about 20 times lower BFR manufacturing facilities, operated by Great than BDE-209 concentrations in the core from Lakes Chemicals and Albemarle, located in Lake Michigan. In the sediment cores, the DP southern Arkansas. Two unusual BFRs were al- concentrations peaked around 1975-1980, and so detected in tree bark samples collected in Ar- the surficial concentrations were 10-80% of kansas, suggesting the two manufacturing facili- peak concentrations. Higher DP concentrations ties are the sources of these compounds as well. in air samples from Sturgeon Point, New York A polybrominated biphenyl congener (BB-153) and in the sediment core from Lake Erie suggest was also present in most tree bark samples at that DP’s manufacturing facility in Niagara low levels relative to the PBDEs.20 Falls, New York, may be a source. DP was also detected in archived fish (walleye) from Lake Our second tree bark study focused on Dechlo- Erie, suggesting that this compound is, at least rane Plus and other flame retardants in trees partially, biologically available.19 from the northeastern United States. Previous work had shown that certain parts of the Great This finding has been picked up by several other Lakes region are polluted with Dechlorane Plus Great Lakes scientists, and at least 26 papers (DP), a highly chlorinated flame retardant that have already cited our Hoh et al. paper. Of was used as a replacement for Dechlorane (also course, we have added Dechlorane Plus to the known as Mirex). It was suspected that a source regular list of flame retardants that we now of DP to the environment might be its manufac- measure in all IADN samples. turing facility located in the city of Niagara Falls, New York. To confirm this source loca- 2.h.vii. Tree Bark as a passive sampling me- tion and to determine DP’s spatial distribution, dium. The use of passive samplers was investi- 26 tree bark samples were collected in triplicate gated to expand the spatial coverage of the from the northeastern United States, and the IADN program. Additional active samplers are concentrations of DP and several BFRs were expensive and require a permanent site, a site measured in these samples.21 The highest DP operator, and sample collection over a long time. concentrations were >100 ng/g bark in the city Polyurethane foam (PUF) or XAD-2 passive of Niagara Falls, dropping rapidly with distance samplers have been shown to be effective, al- from the potential source; see Figure 7. A sim- though they require deployment for several ple one-dimensional, Gaussian diffusion model months. Alternatively, tree bark is an easy and inexpensive monitor of persistent organic pollu- 20 tants that is easy to collect over a wide spatial Zhu, L. Y.; Hites, R. A., Brominated flame retar- range. Previous work has shown that tree bark dants in tree bark from North America. Environ. is a good passive sampler for semi-volatile or- Sci. Technol. 2006, 40, (12), 3711-3716. 21 Qiu, X.; Hites, R. A., Dechlorane Plus and Other ganic compounds with high K values. Such oa Flame Retardants in Tree Bark from the Northeas- analytes include organochlorine pesticides, tern United States. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, PCBs, PAHs, and polychlorinated dibenzo-p- 42 (1), 1 31-361.

22 was used to explain the spatial distribution of demonstrated to be very significant, is now be- DP and to locate the source. The calculated coming routine. source location was ~7 km away from the DP manufacturing plant in Niagara Falls, New We have presented these results at about 70 na- York.21 tional and international conferences. The latter have included conferences in the Netherlands, Greece, England, France, India, Switzerland, and Sweden. Thus, we are “getting the word out” about this project in high quality forums.

The project has had excellent continuity, which is important when we are determining trends from time series data. In part, this continuity has been due to the participation of Dr. Ilora Basu in the project from its inception. Dr. Basu was first employed by IADN when the project started at the Illinois State Water Survey. When the project moved to Indiana University (IU) in 1994, Dr. Basu came with it. At that time, she transferred and implemented the SOPs at IU, and generally made sure that the post-1994 data was of the same high quality as before. In addi- tion, we have had a rigorous QA/QC program in place during the entire project.

We have reported the data in a timely fashion. For example, all of the data for all of the sam- Figure 7. Map of tree bark sampling sites and ples taken in 2007 were reported to the Envi- the corresponding DP concentration (ng/g bark). ronmental Protection Agency and to the Cana- The star represents the Dechlorane Plus manu- dian database manager by September 2008, and facturing plant located in Niagara Falls, New we have already started reporting the 2008 data. York. The triangle represents the calculated Other parts of the project have occasionally been source location. as much as three years late with their data re- porting.

2.h.viii. Things we have done well in the past. The students and post-doctoral associates who We are proud of our performance as the United have worked on this project have received valu- States’ principal investigator for the Integrated able training in an important area of environ- Atmospheric Deposition Network. We will mental science. For example, Eunha Hoh is now summarize here some of the items about which an assistant professor in the School of Public we are most pleased. Health at California State University-San Diego;

it is unlikely that she would have had this oppor- We have published the results of this project in tunity if she had not worked on this project. 47 papers in high quality peer-reviewed journals Another example is Stephanie Buehler, who is (such as Environmental Science and Technolo- now with Battelle Memorial Laboratories in Co- gy). These papers have been widely cited, and lumbus, Ohio; again it is unlikely that she would we know from interactions with our colleagues have had this opportunity if she had not worked at other institutions that these papers are having on this project. a major effect on the study of atmospheric con- centrations of persistent organic pollutants. For On an informal basis we have also helped other example, temperature correction, which we have investigators from around the nation and world

23 set up laboratories to measure trace levels of lowing ideas for some IADN project enhance- POPs in environmental samples. For example, ments in years 2 to 5: we helped Keri Hornbuckle at the University of Iowa set up an air sampling system and Judith Objective 1. To evaluate the impact of spatially Perlinger at the Michigan Technological Univer- distributed sources of POPs in Chicago on the sity implement analytical methods. We also deposition of POPs into Lake Michigan. This have provided help to Laura McConnell of the objective would require analyzing previously U.S. Department of Agriculture and Staci Simo- collected air samples for the IADN POPs and nich at Oregon State University. Our general modeling of transport and deposition from the mode of help has been our willingness to answer 40 sites to Lake Michigan. This objective would questions and to supply copies of our SOPs and include measurements of POPs aboard the Lake other documentation. IADN also has served as a Guardian. model for a similar network operating in New Jersey called the New Jersey Atmospheric De- Objective 2. To evaluate the relative importance position Network (NJADN) and operated by of East Chicago air as a source of POPs to Lake Rutgers University. Michigan compared to the East Chicago tributa- ry (Indiana Harbor) as a source of POPs to Lake 2.i. Special studies and enhancements. In Michigan. This objective would require analysis years 2 to 5 of this project we plan to implement of previously collected POPs in samples col- additional tasks that are intended to enhance the lected in Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal and in overall output and status of IADN. Extra per- the residential areas of East Chicago. This ob- sonnel have been budgeted to carry out his work. jective could require collection of air and water It is our intention to engage in a dialog with samples aboard the Lake Guardian at sites near GLNPO each year to define exactly what en- East Chicago. hancements we will pursue in the following year. The following paragraphs are examples of Objective 3. To evaluate the utility of passive such enhancements. air sampling relative to high-volume air sam- plers for long-term monitoring of POPs at the 2.i.i. Cooperative Science and Monitoring In- IADN master sites. The objective would require itiative (CSMI). This program is a joint effort placement of passive air samplers at the IADN between Canada and the United States to pro- site and measurements of the POPs collected by vide the environmental managers of each Great the two methods. This objective would tie in to Lake with an enhanced science program that ad- our existing program of tree bark measurement dresses their informational needs. CSMI in- at the five United States sites. cludes all of the Great Lakes in a five year rota- tional cycle targeting specific years for intensive Objective 4. To evaluate the spatial distribution field studies. Priorities are identified by the of POPs within urban areas. This objective Lakewide Management Plan Management would require the analysis of previously col- Committees and coordinated through a bination- lected air samples from Cleveland (August al steering committee. In 2010, CSMI will be 2008) for IADN POPs. This objective might in- focused on Lake Michigan. In subsequent years clude the deployment of passive samplers in (2011 through 2014), CSMI will focus on Lakes other Great Lakes cities, such as Milwaukee, Superior, Huron, Ontario, and Erie. Detroit, and Buffalo.

We have flexibility in our year one budget to 2.i.ii. Additional chemicals. The IADN chem- collect samples from Lake Michigan in the ical list may also be revised and/or expanded in summer of 2010, with analyses in year 2. In ad- the future depending on available resources, me- dition we will propose in year 2 to year 5 to col- thod availability, and the priorities of the pro- laborate with Keri Hornbuckle at the University gram and grantee. In fact, as outlined above, it of Iowa. Prof. Hornbuckle has provided the fol- is our intent to aggressively look at air samples with qualitative tools in order to identify conta-

24 minants that are present in the air at significant levels but that are not now recognized as impor- tant. This is exactly how we found Dechlorane Plus.

At the moment, the most important list of chem- icals to be covered is the one (including the re- cent additions) promulgated by the Stockholm Convention. We now cover all of these chemi- cals, except toxaphene (too expensive to meas- ure routinely), pentachlorobenzene (which we will add), and perfluorinated sulfonic acid (we do not have the required instrumentation).

We are also interacting with efforts lead by De- rek Muir and others to symmetrically look for high production volume chemicals with relative- ly high lipophilicities. In addition, we will work with the GLNPO fish program to identify new contaminants in the fishes from the Great Lakes.

25 APPENDICES the Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Technol., 34:356-360. A1. List of peer-reviewed publications on Cortes, D. R.; Hites, R. A. 2000. Detection of statisti- IADN from Indiana University cally significant trends in atmospheric concen- trations of semi-volatile pollutants, Environ. Sci. Technol., 34: 2826-2829. Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. 2000. A source of PCB conta- Cortes, D. R.; Hoff, R. M.; Brice, K. A.; Hites. R. A. mination in modified high volume air samplers, 1999. Evidence of current pesticide use from Environ. Sci. Technol., 34:527-529. temporal and Clausius-Clapeyron plots: A case Basu. I.; Hafner, W. D.; Mills, W.; Hites, R. A. 2004. study from the integrated atmospheric deposi- Differences between atmospheric persistent or- tion network, Environ. Sci. Technol., 33:2145- ganic pollutant concentrations at two locations 2150. in Chicago, Journal of Great Lakes Research, Glassmeyer, S. T.; Brice, K. A.; Hites. R. A. 1999. 30:310-315. Atmospheric concentrations of toxaphene on Buehler, S. S.; Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. 2001. A compar- the coast of Lake Superior, Journal of Great ison of PAH, PCB, and pesticide concentrations Lakes Research, 25:492-499. in air at two rural sites on Lake Superior, Envi- Glassmeyer, S. T.; De Vault, D. S.; Hites. R. A. ron. Sci. Technol., 35:2417-2422. 2000. Rates at which toxaphene concentrations Buehler, S. S.; Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. 2002. Gas-phase decrease in lake trout from the Great Lakes, and hexachlorocyclo- Environ. Sci. Technol., 34:1851-1855. hexane concentrations near the Great Lakes: An Hafner, W. D.; Carlson, D. L.; Hites, R. A. 2005. In- historical perspective, Environ. Sci. Technol., fluence of local human population on atmos- 36:5051-5056. pheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon con- Buehler, S. S.; Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. 2004. Causes of centrations, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39:7374- variability in pesticide and PCB concentrations 7379. in air near the Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Tech- Hafner, W. D.; Hites, R. A. 2005. Effects of wind and nol., 38:414-422. air trajectory directions on atmospheric concen- Buehler, S. S.; Hites, R. A. 2002. It’s in the air: A trations of persistent organic pollutants near the look at the Great Lakes Integrated Atmospheric Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39:7817- Deposition Network, Environ. Sci. Technol., 7825. 36:354A-359A. Harner, T.; Ikonomou, M.; Shoeib, M.; Stern, G.; Di- Buehler, S.; Hafner, W.; Basu, I.; Audette, C. V.; amond, M. 2002. Passive air sampling results Brice, K. A.; Chan, C. H.; Froude, F.; Galar- for polybrominated diphenyl ethers along an neau, E.; Hulting, M. L.; Jantunen, L.; Neilson, urban-rural transect. Organohalogen Com- M.; Puckett, K.; Hites, R. A. 2001. Atmospheric pounds, 57:33-36. Deposition of Toxic Substances to the Great Hillery, B. R.; Basu, I.; Sweet, C. W.; Hites, R. A. Lakes: IADN Results Through 1998; United 1997. Temporal and spatial trends in a long- States Environmental Protection Agency and term study of gas-phase PCB concentrations Environment Canada, Chicago, IL and Toronto, near the Great Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol., ON 31, 1811-1816. Carlson, D. L.; Hites, R. A. 2005. Temperature de- Hillery, B. R.; Simcik, M. F.; Basu, I.; Hoff, R. M.; pendence of atmospheric PCB concentrations, Strachan, W. M. J.; Burniston, D.; Chan, C. H.; Environ. Sci. Technol., 39:740-747. Brice, K. A.; Sweet, C. W.; Hites, R. A. 1998. Carlson. D. L.’ Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. 2004. Annual Atmospheric deposition of toxic pollutants to variations of pesticide concentrations in Great the Great Lakes as measured by the Integrated Lakes precipitation, Environ. Sci. Technol., Atmospheric Deposition Network, Environ. Sci. 38:5290-5296. Technol., 32:2216-2221. Cortes, D. R.; Basu, I.; Sweet, C. W.; Brice, K. A.; Hoh, E.; Hites, R. A. 2004. Sources of toxaphene and Hoff, R. M.; Hites, R. A. 1998. Temporal trends other organochlorine pesticides in North Amer- in gas-phase concentrations of chlorinated pes- ica as determined by air measurements and ticides measured at the shores of the Great PSCF analyses, Environ. Sci. Technol., Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 32:1920-1927. 38:4187-4194. Cortes, D. R.; Basu, I.; Sweet, C. W.; Hites, R. A. Hoh, E.; Hites. R. A. 2005. Brominated flame retar- 2000. Temporal trends in and influence of wind dants in the atmosphere of the east-central direction on PAH concentrations measured near United States, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39:7794- 7802.

29 Hoh, E.; Zhu, L. Y.; Hites, R. A. 2005. Novel flame Sun, P.; Blanchard, P.; Brice, K. A.; Hites, R. A. retardants, 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)- 2006. Atmospheric organochlorine pesticide ethane and 2,3,4,5,6-pentabromoethylbenzene, concentrations near the Great Lakes: Temporal in environmental samples, Environ. Sci. Tech- and spatial trends, Environ. Sci. Technol., nol., 39:2472-2477. 40:6587-6593. Hoh, E.; Zhu, L. Y.; Hites, R. A. 2006. Dechlorane Sun, P.; Blanchard, P.; Brice, K. A.; Hites, R. A. Plus, a chlorinated flame retardant, in the Great 2006. Trends in polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- Lakes, Environ. Sci. Technol., 40:1184-1189. bon concentrations in the Great Lakes atmos- James, R. R.; Hites, R. A. 1999. Chlorothalonil and phere, Environ. Sci. Technol., 40:6221-6227. dacthal in Great Lakes air and precipitation Sun, P.; Blanchard, P.; Brice, K. A.; Hites, R. A. samples, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2007. Temporal and spatial trends of atmos- 25:406-411. pheric polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations James R. R.; McDonald, J. G.; Symonik, D. M.; near the Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Technol., Swackhamer, D. L.; Hites, R. A. 2001. Volatili- 41:1131-1136. zation of toxaphene from Lakes Michigan and Ulrich, E. M.; Hites, R. A. 1998. Enantiomeric ratios Superior, Environ. Sci. Technol., 35:3653-3660. of chlordane-related compounds in air near the James, R. R.; Hites, R. A. 2002. Atmospheric trans- Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Technol., 32:1870- port of toxaphene from the southern United 1874. States to the Great Lakes region, Environ. Sci. Venier, M.; Hites, R. A. 2007. Chiral pesticides in the Technol., 36:3474-3481. atmosphere, Atmospheric Environment, 41:768- Qiu, X. H.; Hites, R. A. 2008. Dechlorane Plus in tree 775. bark from the northeastern United States, Envi- Venier, M.; Hites, R. A. 2008. Flame retardants in the ron. Sci. Technol., 42:31-36. atmosphere near the Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Qiu, X. H.; Martin, C. H.; Hites, R. A. 2007. Dechlo- Technol., 42:4745-4751. rane Plus and other flame retardants in a sedi- Wallace, J. C.; Hites, R. A. 1995. Computer con- ment core from Lake Ontario, Environ. Sci. trolled low-volume air sampler for the mea- Technol., 41:6014-6019. surement of semi-volatile organic compounds, Simcik, M. F.; Basu, I.; Sweet, C. W.; Hites, R. A. Environ. Sci. Technol., 29:2099-2106. 1999. Temperature dependence and temporal Wallace, J. C.; Hites, R. A. 1996. Diurnal variations trends of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in in atmospheric concentrations of polychlori- the Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Technol., nated biphenyls and endosulfan: Implications 33:1991-1995. for sampling protocols, Environ. Sci. Technol. Simcik, M. F.; Hoff, R. M.; Strachan, W. M. J.; 30, 444-446. Sweet, C. W.; Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. 2000. Tem- Wallace, J. C.; Hites, R. A. 1996. Sampling and anal- poral trends in semi-volatile organic contami- ysis artifacts caused by elevated indoor air po- nants in Great Lakes precipitation, Environ. Sci. lychlorinated biphenyl concentrations, Environ. Technol., 34:361-367. Sci. Technol., 30:2730-2734. Strandberg B.; Dodder, N. G.; Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. Zhu, L. Y.; Hites, R. A. 2004. Temporal trends and 2001. Concentrations and spatial variations of spatial distributions of brominated flame retar- polybrominated diphenyl ethers and other orga- dants In archived fishes from the Great Lakes, nohalogen compounds in Great Lakes air, Envi- Environ. Sci. Technol., 38:2779-2784. ron. Sci. Technol., 35:1078-1083. Zhu, L. Y.; Hites, R. A. 2005. Brominated flame re- Sun, P.; Backhus, S.; Blanchard, P.; Hites, R. A. tardants in sediment cores from Lakes Michigan 2006. .Annual variations of polycyclic aromatic and Erie, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39:3488-3494; hydrocarbon concentrations in precipitation col- erratum 39:5904. lected near the Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. Tech- Zhu, L. Y.; Hites, R. A. 2006. Brominated flame re- nol., 40:696-701. tardants in tree bark from North America, Envi- Sun, P.; Backhus, S.; Blanchard, P.; Hites, R. A. ron. Sci. Technol., 40:3711-3716. 2006. Temporal and spatial trends of organoch- lorine pesticides in Great Lakes precipitation, Environ. Sci. Technol., 40:2135-2141. Sun, P.; Basu, I.; Hites, R. A. 2006. Temporal trends of polychlorinated biphenyls in precipitation and air at Chicago, Environ. Sci. Technol., 40:1178-1183.