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THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 20,. 1954 Every Thursday 38 P«t——t C—to Senator Hand Will Be Rescue Squad To Seniors Stage Musical Comedy Joint Civic Group Memorial Day Speaker Begin Drive For AtYouth Center Saturday Night Names Members to Special School Funds Saturday The Youth Center, to be hel Takes OfHce Saturday at the Franklin School, Screening Body Annual Parade Woman's Club Request will feature the all-senior musica Election Tuesday Volunteers Seek comedy "From Here to Threetern Seek Potential For Zone Variance ity". Dancing to Tony Turner Set for May 31 Going Thru Channels Goal of $25,000 For band and refreshments will follow Candidates for Seats To Speak Here 1 Land Purchase Is New Headquarters the show. Elections for next year , On School Board Former Mayor Is It was inadvertently stated in officers will take place at thi: last week's Leader, that the Town The Westfield Volunteer Rescui time. The genera! chairman, Mar The Joint Civic Committee for Principal Issue " Grand Marshall Council had hoped to act on the Squad completed final plans fo tha Ellis, is assisted by musical di Westfield Board of Education request of the Westfield Woman's their financial drive at a meetin, rector, Marcia Bauer, nominations met Monday at thd Hon. Kenneth C. Hand of Eliaa- Club for permission to use a home held last Tuesday night at Fir Almost 100 seniors will particl YMCA. The committee's constitu- Residents to Vote on beth, state senator from Unioi on South Euclid avenue as a club Headquarters. The drive to collec pate in the show. They are as fo! tion was amended so that its Transfer of Funds County, will be the major speakc house at its meeting May 10. the coin cards sent to each real lows: Marcia Bauer, Liz Beck, screening committee shall annuall) Actually, this was not the case. Cindy Beil, Ralph Bennett, Dixi at Memorial Day services to be dent last February will start Sat- present to the entire membership At a special school election held Monday, May 31, beginning The recommendation of the Board urday with a goal of $25,000. Th Berse, Carol Bockius, Sara Lou' for approval the bases to be used of Adjustment will be presented Bonnell, Howard Bennett, Nancy Tuesday, according to Frank Ket- at 8 a.m., it was announced to- money is to be used for the con in screening candidates. An amend- eham, president of the Board of day by Albert A. Gray, chairman to the Council at its next meeting struction of a headquarters build Bourns, Larry Boyle, Tony Brant, ment proposing that the screening May 24 and it will then be re- Sylvia Carver, Anne Compton Education, local voters will be of the annual observance. ing to be located on Spring strec committee be composed of the asked to approve several transfers Senator Hand, a ^raauate o. ferred to committee before coming on a site provided by the Towi Judy Couiens, Pete Cowles, Bruce senior representatives of each before the governing body for Crichton, Miryam Cuervo, John of funds, One Involves an adjust- Rutgers and Columbia Law School Council, as was announced in lasi member organization was de- ment in the distribution of the is a counsellor at law, a niembe: action. week's "Leader". DeJong, Marvin Denning, Greg feated. Devers and Edna Mae Dietrich. money provided in 1962. of the Union County Bar Associa Mayor Charles P. Bailey com A screening committee consist "At that time," Mr. Ketcham tion and the State Bar Associa- mended the squad's efforts thi: Also Mary Lou Dowell, Bill ing of the following seven mem- said, "$405,000 was voted for the tion. He was a member of the Mental Health week and said: "I sincerely hopi Dunbar, Bob Eames, Helen Ear- bers was selected: Howard M. Bil- Washington School (which in New Jersey General Assembly fo: that the residents of Westfleld wil hart, Martha Ellis, Emily Fergu den, chairman, Mrs, Ernest Tauch, son, Ed Ferrari, Peggy Fleming, eluded the cost of the land), $480,- five years, assistant prosecutor o: support the squad's drive fo MISS ARLINE FRENCH Charles F. Frederick, Mrs, Victor 000 for Jefferson, and $90,000 for Union County for three years and funds. There are many, many re- Margaret Flint, Alice Freeman Wellman, Anthony Paone, Mrs. W. Goal In Sight Duke Gould, Joan Grander, Dale the addition to Grant. These fig- a member of the State Senate fo: quests made to all of ua «ach year B. Derick and Mrs, ,Byron Vandw- ures were based on the architects' seven years. by worthy organizations. This ^ Grosvcnor, Jean Harrison, Pete bilt. Order of Rainbow estimates. The Grant School addi- HARRISON A. WILLIAMS M. Shelby G. Fell, former mayor Solicitors Continue however, has an extra appeal in Heck, Judy Iicmminger, Gig Hoi Names of potential Board of lingsworth, Joan Hovcndon, Caro- tion has been completed and tho and councilman of Westfield and Collections Thru Week that it is completely local. The or- Education candidates are now be two new schools should be finished commander of Martin Wallberg ganization has been set up by loca lyn Jacobus, .Carol Jeffers, Bob ing solicited from the townspeople Officers Installed Jones, Sharon Kaufman, Marilyn within a few weeks. The revised Post 3, American Legion in 1035. "Early reports of Sunday's men for operations particularly us well as from representatives of figures are $425,600 for Washing- Methodist Men will act as grand marshall of the within the town as a service fo: Leslie, Lois Littlefield and Silt the 19 member organizations, It joint fund drive for the Union MacMillan. ton, $406,000 for Jefferson, and parade. County Mental Hygiene Clinic ami residents. Certainly this appeal Arline French Is was reported. Forms for submit- $84,400 for Grant. The law re- Other speakers will include: should be generously supported. Also Bob Marik, Jan Millar, El ting names and qualifications are quires that any adjustments must To Hear Williams the Westfield Mental Health Asso- Worthy Advisor leu Miller, Chris Mowry, Cnrtlc H. Emerson Thomas, Town Coun ciation indicate that the goal of To tiate donations totaling $1, available from Mr. Bilden, We. 2- also be approved by the votern. Oertel, Diane Packard, Gil Para 3756-M. cljman; Robert F. Darby, SAR $5,000 may be, realized/' William 800 have already been received by Miss Arline French, daughter o: Since the total for the three pro- Final Meeting Of niember; Percy B. Durrell, mem dies, Doug Peterson, Elaine Pe The Joint Civic Committee now jects remains the same, this Is H. Baumer, general chairman of mail. It is expected that during Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence French o: trasek, Jim Quinn, Bob Priddy, her of the United Spanish War the drive, stated today. the period of the drive from Sat- Westfield, was installed as worthy lists the following membership: merely a bookkeeping transac- Season Tuesday Veterans, speaking for the GAR Barbara Rakowskl, Ron Randall College Men's Club, Mr. Bilden tion." "Mental Health has gotten a big urday to June 1, all Westfleld fam advisor of Atlas Assembly 44, Or Judy Reaaor, Barbara Keacorla John P. Fitzgerald Jr., com boost from the door-to-door infor. ilies who have not already sent in der of Rainbow for Girls, Satur- and E. Kenneth Van Tassel; Col- On Tuesday, the Board will also The Hon. Harrison A. Williams, ntander of the VFW and Albert Nancy Ricker, Carol Rinehart, Ed lege Women's Club, Mrs, J, RU3. Congressional representative for mational efforts of the 300 solici- contributions will be visited. day in the Masonic Temple, Robinson, Carolyn Rowe, Elizabeth seek approval for buying approxi- B. Daraghy, commander of Mar- tors who conducted the neighbor- The town has been divided intc Also installed were: Worthy aa scil Freeman and Mrs. Richard mately 17 acres on Rahway avenue the sixth district ot New Jersey, tin Wallberg Post 3, speaking for Rugh, John Scott, Dan Seeley, Benjamin; Independent Club, will address the Methodist Men'* hood canvass Sunday and on territories corresponding to the 2G sociate advisor, Lois MeNutt; char- Janet Smith, Jessie Stansel, Patsy across the street from the recrea- the American Legion. through this week." Howard B. Vail and Lester Bur- tion field. Compared with the site Club ut the final meeting of the mail routes now used by the pos ity, Lois Lear; hope, Gail Schrul. Steiger, Kathy Steiner and John rfttj Exchange Club, Morton New. season Tuesday. Mrs. B. K. Hackmann, 420 St. office. Depending on its size, one faith, Joan Kyllo; recorder, Joar Tartar. on Shackamaxon drive which was Marks avenue, and Mrs. Dwight burgh and William Pavelka and recently sold, Mr. Ketcham polntei Congressman Williams will talk to three squad members will han- Cox; treasurer, Claire Davison Also Sally Thomas, . Tommy Lions Club, Fred D. Rappold and Memorial Sunday Eaton, 228 Sinclair place, co-chair- dle each route. In most cases, thi chaplain, Brenda Kapke; drlli Thomas, Diana Tosto, Tony Tur- out that this purchase gives tha on "Citizenship Responsibility and men of the neighborhood drive, to teams will have the assistance o: leader, Carol1 Schade; love, Lindi Wallace Hall. Board a larger area in a more dc- Good Government." A non-polit- ner, Joe Vecchlo, Joe Ventlmiglia Also Rotary Club, Philip Oppen- day urged all workers to complete their neighbors in the house-to- Kelly; religion, Card Getter; na- Betty Wade., Jack Wade, Bob sireble location at approximately ical talk, the Congressman cornea their bluck solicitation by the end house collection of the coin cards ture, Barbara Garabrant; immor heimer and Dillard Bird; PTA one-third the cost per acre.