
The text and photos by Dr. Bert Cregg

ines are the largest and most are managing jack to restore colonies that lead to the American diverse genus within the the warbler’s habitat. Revolution. PPinaceae family. The genus (Pinus palustris), a fire adapted Eastern White Pine played a key Pinus includes over 100 species species in the South, has a serotenous role in the economic development of distributed throughout the northern bud. When a longleaf pine Michigan. In the mid- to late 19th hemisphere. Although pines have germinates the may spend 10 or Century, lumbering was a principle a variety of habits, most are large more years in a “grass” stage. The activity in much of Michigan and trees that form pyramidal crowns. does not grow in height, producing white pine was the most valued Taxonomically, pines are divided only a clump of needles resembling species. Much of the wealth of into three groups: hard (or yellow) a clump of grass. When a fire moves Michigan’s “Timber Barons” such pines, soft (or white) pines, and through a serotenous bud is released as Charles Hackley of Muskegon, pinyon (or foxtail) pines. While and the stem begins to develop. Louis Sands of Manistee, and Perry the division between hard and Hannah of Traverse City was built on soft pines is based on a number of Economic Importance white pine, the prized timber of the characteristics including cone scales, Pines have long been important Northwoods. Today only remnants of arraignment of vascular bundles and trees in the economy of the the vast stands of white pine remain. stomatal arrangement, they are most United States. In colonial times, At Hartwick Pines State Park near commonly differentiated by number exceptionally large and straight Grayling, visitors can walk though an of needles per fascicle. Hard pines eastern white pine trees were prized 85-acre grove of virgin white pines typically have needles in fascicles for ship’s masts. The English crown that was spared when logging ceased of twos or threes and comprise the marked selected trees with a broad during the economic panic of 1893. largest group with about 73 species. arrow to indicate they were reserved When the economy recovered, the In Michigan we have two native hard for harvest for the King’s navy. The logging company decided the tract pine species: red pine () “broad arrow” policy, like the Tea was too small to resume logging. and (Pinus banksiana). Tax, added to the unrest in the Worldwide, pines continue to be Soft pines, in contrast, mostly have a leading source of timber and needles in fascicles of five. Michigan’s State Tree, the Eastern White Pine production. In the South, loblolly Michigan’s native soft pine is pine () is planted our state tree, eastern white pine extensively in plantations (). and is harvested in as little as 25 years. Monterey pine (Pinus Ecology radiata), native to a small area Fire plays an important role in (less than 20,000 acres) on the the ecology of many pine species. coast of California, is the most These species have evolved fire widely planted pine in the world. adaptive traits that enable them Monterey pine has been planted to colonize sites after a fire. For in approximately 10 million example, jack pine and closely acres of plantations, primarily in related lodgepole pine (Pinus Chile, South Africa, Australia and contorta) have a serotinous cone. New Zealand. The success of When the cones are heated in these plantations is not without a fire, the that hold the controversy, however, and concerns cone scale together melt and the of fragmentation and loss pine are released. Jack pine of native habitat is increasing. stands are critical habitat for the Several pine species are threatened Kirtland’s warbler, major Christmas tree species which is found only in Michigan. throughout the United States Forest managers in Michigan including pine (Pinus

November/December 2003 41 virginiana), Scots pine, Austrian grow. Scots and Austrian pine, pine, and white pine. Historically, in particular, were especially Scots pine was the mainstay of the well suited for landscaping Christmas tree industry in Michigan. because they were extremely Dr. Jonathan Wright, geneticist at stress tolerant. However, just Michigan State University and an as our native tree species are international leader in the forest vulnerable to exotic pests, these genetics, identified seed sources introduced trees are increasingly of Scots pine from that vulnerable to native pests. Dr. were adapted for Christmas trees Deb McCullough, MSU Forest plantations in Michigan. More Entomologist, determined that recently, production of Fraser has Scot pine is attacked by over eclipsed Scots pine as Michigan’s 30 different insect pests. Like leading Christmas tree. However Scots pine, Austrian pine is a pines continue to have a role as remarkably tough tree that can Christmas trees in part due to withstand severe drought and is tradition and because they are also highly tolerant of road salt. typically adapted to a wider range of Unfortunately, Austrian pine is Dwarf White Pine sites than . highly susceptible to Sphaeropsis (formerly Diplodia) tip blight and Pines in Landscaping trees begin to show characteristic Japanese Red Pine Pines are among the most shoot die-back at age 15 to 20 years. important for landscaping in Michigan landscapers continue Michigan and the Upper Midwest. to large numbers of Eastern white pine, Scots pine, and Eastern White Pine. White pine Austrian pine have been the bread- is probably the fastest growing and-butter species for landscaping for in landscapes in Michigan. many years. These trees were widely An unfortunate characteristic of planted and accepted in the trade for pines, especially white pines, is obvious responses: they were easy to that after pruning or shearing, vigorous terminal growth resumes but lateral growth Swiss remains suppressed resulting in “carrot-top syndrome”. The

Korean Pine

Pyramidal Scots Pine

42 The Michigan Landscape™ Japanese Red Pine (Pinus Chub Notes densifl ora) As part of the Conifer Corner feature I will Zone 3b to 7 add comments on landscape conifers Needles: in twos, three- to fi ve from Justin “Chub” Harper. Chub is inches long, bright green to dark widely known as one of the leading green, Height: 40-60 feet tall experts on garden conifers in the United The key ornamental feature of States. The Harper Collection of Dwarf Japanese Red Pine is its orange and Rare Conifers at MSU’s Hidden exfoliating bark. When mature Lake Gardens is nationally recognized. this tree can be an attractive Each Conifer Corner will include Chub’s specimen that provides year- note on his favorite (and not so favorite) round interest. conifers.

‘Pendula’ - A strong weeper, long, curved, dark to medium green this cultivar needs training Mugo pine is one Pinus that is or grafting to maintain it as usually more of than a tree. an upright tree. Otherwise, A versatile garden conifer. Well it can creep over the ground adapted and always seem to grow as a prostrate creeper. The well. There is a wide range of growth needles are deep green and habits, some actually grow fairly the bark becomes reddish. upright. The only issue with Mugo’s ‘Umbraculifera’ (also known is that pine sawfl ies really go for as ‘Tanyosho’) - This is a a them. popular form. It forms a multi- Normal fall needle-drop in Eastern White Pine. Chub notes: I’ve always had a soft trunked tree or large shrub to spot in my heart for Mugo Pine. resolution of this problem will approximately 20 feet tall and wide. The require planning by growers (we habit is vase shaped with an umbrella- var. ‘pumilio’ - A prostrate, open need different pruning practices like head that becomes fl at-topped with growing plant, this form can reach for trees destined for landscapes age. The bark shows good orange color. 10 feet wide and only a few feet tall. versus Christmas trees) and It is often employed as a specimen or Small purchased under this educating consumers (a less heavily accent plant, though it can suffer severe name can be expected to grow large sheared tree will work better in damage from heavy snow or ice loading. in time. the landscape in the long run). ‘Amber Gold”’ (perhaps the same Despite their fl aws, homeowners Swiss Stone Pine () as ‘Pot O’ Gold’) - A mounding and landscapers will continue to Zone 3b to 7 selection that is compact and slow- plant white and Austrian pines. Needles: in fi ves, Height: 30-40 feet growing, this plant truly shines in However, there are other pines This is a fairly dense and handsome winter. The needles turn orange- that are well adapted to Michigan ornamental. Somewhat slow growing yellow in the cold months, fading landscapes that are worthy of and prefers full sun. to green once again as spring consideration. Chub notes: I never met a cembra I commences. This novel habit adds didn’t like. Lots of forms, dwarf, compact, Korean Pine () interest to the winter landscape. all great. Zone 4 to 7 ‘Tannenbaum’ - A larger grower, Needles: in fi ves, two- to four- this plant forms a nicely pyramidal ‘Nana’ - A slow-growing form, this inches long, dark green, Height: “Christmas tree” shape with dense plant features a pyramidal habit to 20 30-40 feet tall habit and deep green needles. It feet tall. Otherwise it is similar to the Very adaptable and extremely grows 10 feet tall with a spread of six species. “Pygmaea’ is an even smaller cold hardy. feet. Its extreme hardiness, to USDA form with needles tufted in congested Chub notes: One of my favorite Zone 2, makes it a good choice for a growths. pines, just an all around great tree. dwarf pine in cold areas. ‘Columnaris’ (perhaps the same as ‘Chalet’) - The most common form of ‘Glauca’ - This form bears long, soft () the species, this plant has blue-green Pine needles of a pronounced blue color. Zone 4 to 7 needles and a dense, narrow fastigiate ‘Silveray’ - This is a fastigiate, Needles: in fi ves, three- to four form. More than one form may reside columnar form with bluish needles. inches long, Height: 30-60 feet under this name. ‘Winton’ - A low, spreading plant Chub notes: An ace conifer, with blue-green needles, grows wonderful fi ne texture. Mugo Pine () much wider than tall. Needles: in twos, one- to two inches November/December 2003 43