For Official Use Only

Central Ground Water Board Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Govt. of



Central Ground Water Board Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Govt. of India



Principal Authors

P. Sudhakar, Scientist-D (Hydrometeorologist) G Praveen Kumar, Scientist-C (AHG)

Ground Water Quality

M. Bhaskar , Scientist-B K.Maruthi Prasad, Scientist-B Y SatyaKumar, Asst.chemist

Scrutiny Dr.P.N.Rao Suptg.Hydrogeologist



Foreword Executive Summary

S. No. Chapter Name Page No. 1. INTRODUCTION 1-2 1.1 Location and Extent 1 2. PHYSIOGRAPHY, DRAINAGE, SOILS 3-4 2.1 Physiography 3 2.2 Drainage 3 2.3 Soils 3 3. HYDROMETEOROLOGY 5-15 3.1 Climate 5 3.2 Rainfall Analysis-2017 5 3.2.1 May, 2017 8 3.2.2 August, 2017 10 3.2.3 November, 2017 12 3.3.4 January, 2018 14 4. GEOLOGY 16-18 4.1 Archaean and Lower Protorozoic 17 4.2 Middle to Upper protorozoic 17 4.3 Gondwana Super Group 18 4.4 Deccan Traps (Basalt) 18 4.5 Quaternary Deposits 18 5. GROUND WATER RESOURCES (2012-2013) 19 6. GROUND WATER REGIME MONITORING 20-23 6.1 Consolidated formations 20 6.2 Semi-consolidated formations 20 6.3 Unconsolidated formations 21 6.4 Monitoring Methodology 21 6.4.1 Participatory Ground water Monitoring 21 6.4.2 Chemical Quality Monitoring 21 6.5 Maintenance of Database on Ground Water Monitoring Wells 21 6.6 Distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells 22 6.6.1 -Wise Distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells 22 6.6.2 Basin-wise distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells 22 6.6.3 Aquifer-Wise Distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells 23 7. ANALYSIS OF WATER LEVELS 23 7.1 Depth To Water Levels 24 7.1.1 Depth to Water Levels (May-2017) 24 7.1.2 Depth to Water Levels (August-2017-Mid-Monsoon Season) 25 7.1.3 Depth to Water Levels (November-2017-Post-Monsoon Season) 26

7.1.4 Depth to Water Levels (January-2018) 27 7.2 Integrated Depth To Water Level Maps (GWD and CGWB) 28 7.2.1 Integrated Depth To Water Level Maps (GWD and CGWB) in 28 May 2017 7.2.2 Integrated Depth To Water Level Maps (GWD and CGWB) in 30 November 2017 7.3 Water Level Fluctuation with pre-monsoon water level 31 7.3.1 Water Level Fluctuation from May 2017 to Aug 2017 31 7.3.2 Water Level Fluctuation from May, 2017 to Nov 2017 32 7.3.3 Water Level Fluctuation from May 2017 to Jan 2018 with 33 7.4 Annual Water Level Fluctuations 34 7.4.1 Water Level Fluctuations from May-2016 to May-2017 34 7.4.2 Water Level Fluctuation from August-2016 to August-2017 36 7.4.3 Water Level Fluctuations from Nov-2016 to Nov-2017 37 7.4.4 Water Level Fluctuations from January-2017 to January-2018 38 7.5 Decadal Water Level Fluctuations 39 7.5.1 Water Level Fluctuations from Decadal mean of May 39 (2007-16) to May-2017 7.5.2 Water Level Fluctuations from Decadal Mean of August 40 (2007-16) to August-2017 7.5.3 Water Level Fluctuations from Decadal Mean of 41 November(2007-16) to Novemeber-2017 7.5.4 Water Level Fluctuations from Decadal Mean of January 42 (2008-17) to January-2018 7.6 Aquifer wise water levels 43 7.7 Long-term Water Level Trends 43 8. GROUND WATER QUALITY 54-67 8.1 Distribution of Physico-Chemical Parameters and Suitability for 54 drinking purposes 8.1.1 Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) 55 8.1.2 Electrical Conductivty (EC) 55 8.1.3 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 55 8.1.4 Total Hardness (TH) 56 8.1.5 Calcium (Ca2+) 56 8.1.6 Magnesium (Mg2+) 57 8.1.7 Sodium (Na+) 57 8.1.8 Potassium (K+) 57 - 8.1.9 Carbonate and Bicarbonate (CO3 and HCO3) 58 8.1.10 Chloride (Cl-) 58 2- 8.1.11 Sulphate (SO4 ) 59 - 8.1.12 Nitrate (NO3 ) 59 8.1.13 Fluoride (F-) 60 8.2 Quality of ground water for drinking purpose 61 8.3 Suitability for Irrigation Purposes 62 8.3.1 USSL Salinity Classification (USSL) 62 8.3.2 Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) 64 8.4 Water quality for livestock and poultry 65 8.5 Ground water Facies 66 9.0 Sum-up 67-70


Figure Page No. Fig.1.1 Location of GWMS in Telangana State (as on 31st March, 2018). 2 Fig.2.1 Drainage and River sub-basin map of Telangana State. 4 Fig.3.1 District-wise Departure of Annual Rainfall (2017) from Normal Rainfall. 6 Fig.3.2 Isohytel map of Telangana state (Normal annual rainfall in mm). 6 Fig.3.3 Rainfall departure from June’16-May’17 to June’15- May’16. 9 Fig.3.4 Rainfall Departure (June17May-17 with Normal of same period) 9 Fig.3.5 Rainfall Departure (June17-Aug-17 with June 2016-Aug 2016.) 11 Fig.3.6 Rainfall Departure (June17-Aug-17 with normal of the same period). 11 Fig.3.7 Rainfall Departure (June17-Oct-17 with June16-Oct16). 13 Fig.3.8 Rainfall departure from June’17-Oct’17 to Normal’s of same period 13 Fig.3.9 Rainfall departure from June’17-Dec’17 to June’16- Dec’16. 15 Fig.3.10 Rainfall Departure from June-16-Dec-16 to normals of same Period. 15 Fig.4.1 Geology of Telangana State. 16 Fig.4.2 Major Aquifers of Telangana State. 17 Fig.5.1 Categorization of Mandals (as on 2013), Telangana State. 19 Fig.7.1 Depth to Water Levels of water levels,-May, 2017 25 Fig.7.2 Depth to Water Levels-Aug, 2017. 26 Fig.7.3 Depth to Water Levels-Nov, 2017. 27 Fig.7.4 Depth to Water Levels-January, 2018. 28 Fig.7.5 Depth To Water Level Map of May 2017 (Integrated data) 29 Fig.7.6 Depth To Water Level Map of May 2017 (Integrated data) 30 Fig.7.7 Water level Fluctuation from May,2017 to Aug, 2017. 32 Fig.7.8 Water Level Fluctuations from May, 2017 to Nov, 2017. 33 Fig.7.9 Water Level Fluctuations from May, 2017 to Jan, 2018. 34 Fig.7.10 Water level Fluctuation from May, 2016 to May, 2017. 35 Fig.7.11 Water Level Fluctuations from August, 2016 to August, 2017. 36 Fig.7.12 Water Level Fluctuations from November, 2016 to November, 2017. 38 Fig.7.13 Water Level Fluctuations from January, 2017 to January, 2018. 36 Fig.7.14 Decadal Fluctuation from Decadal mean of May (2007-16) to May, 2017. 39 Fig.7.15 Decadal Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of Aug(2007-16) to Aug, 2017 40 Fig.7.16 Decadal Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of Nov (2007-16) to Nov, 2017 41 Fig.7.17 Decadal Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of Jan(2008-17) to Jan, 2018 42 Fig.7.18 Long term water level trend - Pre-monsoon (1998-2017) 45 Fig.7.19 Long term water level trend – Post-monsoon (1998-2017 45 Fig.7.20 Long term water level trend – Annual (1997-2016) 46 Fig.7.21 Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State 47 (a-g) Fig.8.1 Location of Ground water sample sites, May 2017 54 Fig.8.2 Distribution of TDS (May,2017). 56 Fig.8.3 Distribution of Chloride in ground water (May,2017). 59 Fig.8.4 Distribution of Nitrate in ground water (May,2017). 60 Fig.8.5 Distribution of Fluoride in ground water (May-2017). 61 Fig.8.6 U.S. Salinity diagram for classification of irrigation waters 64 for shallow aquifers of Telangana State -2017 Fig.8.7 Ground water facies (Piper Plot)-May-2017. 67

Tables Table Description Page No. Table-3.1 Monthly normal and actual rainfall (mm) during 2016. 7 Table-3.2 District-wise rainfall (June’16-May’17) and its departure from normal 8 and June’15-May’16 Table-3.3 District-wise rainfall (June’16-May’17) and its departure from normal 10 and June’15-May’16 Table-3.4 District-wise rainfall (June’17-Oct’17) and its departure from normal 12 and June’16-Oct’16 Table-3.5 District-wise rainfall (June’17-Dec’17) and its departure from normal 14 and June’16-Dec’16 Table-6.1 Distribution of GWMS, Telangana State (As on March, 2018). 22 Table-6.2 Basin-wise distribution of GWMS, Telangana State (as on March, 22 2018). Table-6.3 Distribution of monitoring stations-Principal Aquifer-wise, Telangana 23 state (as on March, 2018). Table-7.1 Depth to water levels and percentage of wells, May 2017 29 Table-7.2 Depth to water levels and percentage of wells, November 2017 31 Table-7.3 Aquifer wise distribution of water levels, Telangana State. 43 Table-7.4 Representative Hydrographs showing rising and falling trends in 44 Telangana State. Table-8.1 District wise collection of samples (May,2017). 55 Table-8.2 Suitabilityof Samples with respect to different constituents for drinking 62 purpose (IS-10500: 2012) Table-8.3 Classification of groundwater based on RSC. 65 Table-8.4 Use of ground water for livestock and poultry 65 Table-8.5 Suggested limits for magnesium in drinking water for livestock 66 Table-8.6 66 Guide to use of waters containing nitrates for livestock.


Annexure Title I. District-wise Status of Monitoring wells in May, 2017 II. District-wise Status of Monitoring wells in Aug, 2017 III. District-wise Status of Monitoring wells in Nov, 2017 IV. District-wise Status of Monitoring wells in Jan, 2018 V. Distribution Of Percentage Of Wells –DTWL in May, 2017 VI. Distribution Of Percentage Of Wells –DTWL in Aug, 2017 VII. Distribution Of Percentage Of Wells –DTWL in Nov, 2017 VIII. Distribution Of Percentage Of Wells –DTWL in Jan, 2018 IX. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other (From May, 2017 to Aug, 2017). X. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other (From May, 2017 to Nov, 2017). XI. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other (From May, 2017 to Jan, 2018). XII. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other (From May, 2016 to May, 2017). XIII. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other (From Aug, 2016 to Aug, 2017). XIV. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other (From Nov, 2016 to Nov, 2017 ).

XV. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other (From Jan, 2017 to Jan, 2018). XVI. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other from Decadal mean (2007-16) to May,2017, XVII. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other from Decadal mean of August( 2007-2016) to August,2017. XVIII. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other from Decadal mean of November(2007-2016) to November 2017. XIX. Fluctuation and Frequency Distribution from Different Ranges from One Period to other from Decadal mean (January-2008-2017) to January-2018. XX. Distribution Of Percentage Of Wells of (Deeper Aquifer) DTWL in May, 2017 and Nov , 2017 XXI District wise summarized chemical composition of ground water from GWMS during Pre-monsoon season-2017 (May).


The historical ground water level monitoring data is useful in understanding changes in ground water regime in time and space and for preparation of sustainable development plan for the state. Central Ground Water Board has been monitoring ground water regime since 1969. As on March 2018, total 770 operational ground water monitoring wells (GWMS) (DW: 334, Pz: 436) are in operations. These stations are being monitored four times a year viz., May, August, November and January to study the seasonal and long term changes. The water samples are collected during May for chemical analysis.

The ground water level monitoring carried out by Central Ground Water Board, Southern Region, during 2017-18 is compiled in the form of Ground Water Year Book. It outlines the ground water level behavior in the current year with reference to the corresponding periods of previous year and also with last decadal mean. It also elaborates the chemical quality of ground water.

The sincere efforts made by Sri. P.Sudhakar, Scientist-D (HM) & Sri G. Praveen Kumar, Scientist-C(A.Hg.) in preparation of the report are commendable. The effort from officers of chemical laboratory namely Shri K. Bhaskar Reddy, Shri K. Maruthi Prasad and Shri Y. Satyakumar who analyzed the samples and contributed Ground water quality chapter is note worthy.The efforts of Dr.P.N.Rao, Suptg.HG in scrutiny of the report, Shri GRC Reddy, Suptg.HG and S.Renuka, Scientist-B (GP) of Report Processing Section in processing and issuance of the report are also appreciated.

It is hoped that the Ground Water Year Book will be quite useful as baseline information for planners, administrators and researchers involved in ground water development and management in the state of Telangana.

Hyderabad (D Subba Rao) Dated: 23.05.2018 REGIONAL DIRECTOR


Telangana State covering 1.12 lakh lies between NL 15° 48´ and 19° 54´ and EL 77° 12´and 81° 50´ and is governed administratively by 10 erstwhile . The total population of the State is 3.5 crores with a decadal growth of 13.6%. The State is drained by Godavari and Krishna rivers and 60% of the area is covered by loamy soils. A major part of the State is underlain by gneissic complex while the balance area is underlain by structural fill of sedimentary formations and meta-sedimentary formations. During the year 2017, State received annual rainfall in the range of 706 mm (Mahabubnagar district) and 1066 mm ( district) with average of 864 mm. As part of National ground water monitoring programme, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) is carrying out ground water regime monitoring 4 times a year (January, May, August and November) and ground water quality 1 time (May). As on 31.03.2018, total of 770 Ground Water Monitoring Wells are in existence while 126 observers are observing water levels on participatory mode. Ground water levels data base help in groundwater management particularly in the context of large scale contemplated surface water command areas in the state. For the first time, Ground Water Year Book is compiled based on integrated data generated by CGWB and Ground Water Department, Govt. of Telangana in order to have realistic ground water scenario. Aquifer- wise water level analysis shows that during pre-monsoon season, water levels are shallow in sandstone and deep in basalt area. Annual water level fluctuation of May 2016 vs May 2017 has shown rise in water levels in 79 % of the area, predominantly in , Nizamabad, and Karimnagar districts, which is attributed to surplus rainfall. During May 2017, deeper water levels of more than 10 m are noticed in 39 % of the state in the western part i.e., in erstwhile Mahabubnagar, Ranga Reddy, Nizamabad, , and Karimnagar Districts, where ground water is the main source for irrigation. Shallow water levels are observed in eastern parts of the State i.e., parts of erstwhile , Warangal, Karimnagar, Adilabad, Nalgonda districts, which is attributed to low ground water development, high rainfall and canal command area. During November, 2017, deep water levels of more than 10 m were observed in erstwhile karimnagar, Medak and Ranga Reddy districts due to less than normal rainfall during may-October,2017. Deep water levels of more than 20 m. are observed in Mahabubnagar, Medak and Nizamabad districts due to high dependence on ground water. Ground water quality is assessed during pre-monsoon season of 2017 by collecting 525 samples from both dug wells and piezometers and major constituents were analyzed. Nitrate contamination owing to its origin to anthropogenic is seen all over the State. Fluoride contamination of geogenic origin is observed in all the districts, except in Nizamabad and 16% of samples are unfit for consumption.


1. INTRODUCTION Central Ground Water Board has taken up the task of ground water development, augmentation, management, protection and regime monitoring both in terms of quality and quantity. In order to arrive at proper parametric indices of evaluation and judicious development of ground water resources, the Board is monitoring National Hydrograph Stations (NHS) on long term basis since 1969 through a network of wells (Dug wells and Piezometers) for studying its long term behaviour due to influence of rainfall and ground water development. A historical database on the ground water levels and water quality has been developed over a period of time since1969. The ground water regime monitoring mainly comprises measurement of water levels and temperature, four times in a year viz., in the months of May (pre-monsoon), August (mid- monsoon), November (post-monsoon) and January and collection of water samples during May every year, for chemical analysis. As on 31-03-2018, there were 770 operational Ground Water Monitoring Stations (GWMS) (334 dug wells and 436 piezometers). During the year (2017-18), 21 Ground water monitoring wells (12 Dug wells and 09 Piezometers) are abandoned and 02 new ground water monitoring wells (2 Dug wells) are established. The dug wells tapping unconfined aquifers are mostly confined to village limits, which are used for domestic purpose. Some of these are community wells and the rest belong to private individuals.The piezometers tapping unconfined and confined aquifers are constructed under various projects and exploration programmes by the department and are monitored manually four times a year.The location of network of monitoring wells is presented in the Fig.1.1.

1.1 Location and Extent Telangana State is the 29th State (Act, 2014) formed in India covering geographical area of 1,12,077 Km2 (after transferring 107 villages from to residual ). It lies between NL 15° 48’ and 19° 54’and EL 77° 12’ and 81° 50’ . The state is bordered by the states of , Chattisgarh to the north, to the west and Andhra Pradesh to the south, east and north-east. Administratively, the state is divided into 10 districts (Erstwhile Adilabad, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Warangal, Khammam, Nalgonda, Medak, Ranga Reddy, Hyderabad and

Mahabubnagar) and governed by 459 revenue mandals (blocks/tahsils) with 10,434 revenue villages. Total population of the state is ~3.5 Crores with sex ratio of 988 (2011 census), of which 61 % lives in rural area and 39% in urban area. The density of population varies from 170 persons/km2 in Adilabad to 19,717 persons/km2 in Hyderabad district (average density: 312 persons/km2). The decadal growth in population is ~13.6 % (2001 to 2011 census). The present ground water year book (2016–17) depicts the ground water level scenario in the state and describes the behaviour of water levels during the period. Piezometer data of State Ground Water Department is also integrated with CGWB data in order to have holistic Ground water scenario in the state.

Fig.1.1: Location of GWMS in Telangana State (as on 31st March, 2018).



2.1 Physiography Physiographically, Telangana state is occupied by western pediplains except a fringe of in the northeastern part of Khammam district.The pediplains depict rolling topography with flat to undulating tracts. The state extends largely between elevations of 150 to 600 m amsl except at places where it is overlain by basaltic lava flows, the elevation of which ranges from 600 to 900 m a msl.

2.2 Drainage The state is drained by two major rivers namely, Godavari and Krishna and their tributaries before entering into the state of Andhra Pradesh and finally to Bay of Bengal. There are 2 major basins and 13 sub basins in the state. The major river basins are Godavari basin with 8 sub-basins namely, lower Godavari, Maneru, Manjira, middle Godavari, Penganga, Pranhita, Sabari and Wardha and Krishna basin with 5 sub basins namely, lower Bhima, lower Krishna, Munneru, Musi and (Fig.2.1). Apart from these, there are 2 other basins namely Tammileru and Yerrakalva lying between Godavari and Krishna covering very small area. The River Godavari with its tributaries viz., Pranahita, Pedda Vagu, Manjira, Maner, Kinnerasani, Sileru and Pamuleru drain whole of northern Telangana. The Tungabhadra, Musi, Paleru and Maneru rivers drain southern part of the state. The pattern of drainage is generally dendritic with wide valleys in western pediplain. Drainage of the Eastern Ghat is coarse and dendritic with steep and narrow valleys. Most of the smaller streams feed innumerable tanks.

2.3 Soils The state has a wide variety of soils viz., red soil, lateritic soils and black cotton soils. ~ 60 % of the state is occupied by red soils with loamy sub-soils covering entire , a major part of Mahabubnagar, Waranagal, Karimnagar and Nizamabad districts. Black cotton soil commonly occurs in Adilabad and Nizamabad districts. Laterite soil occurs in western part of Ranga Reddy and Medak districts.


Fig.2.1: Drainage and River sub-basin map of Telangana state.



3.1 Climate Telangana state is geographically located in semi-arid region and has predominantly hot and dry climate. Summer starts in March and high temperature is observed in May with average temperature of 42° C. Monsoon starts in the month of June and lasts until September. As per agricultural department (Govt of Telangna), state can be divided into following 4 sub zones.  North Telangana Zone  Southern Telengana Zone  High Altitude and  Tribal Zone. 3.2 Rainfall Analysis-2017 District-wise monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall of both normal and actual of the year 2017 is compiled from daily and weekly weather reports of India Meteorological Department (IMD) and presented in Table-3.1 and depicted in Fig.3.1. The salient features are given below.  The normal annual rainfall of the state is 939 mm of which SW monsoon (June- September) contributes 80% (749 mm), NE monsoon (Oct-Dec) contributes 13% (120 mm), winter contributes 1% (12 mm) and summer contributes 6 % (58 mm) of the rainfall. Annual normal rainfall ranges from 402 mm at Ghattu mandal in Mahabubnagar district to 1592 mm at Venkatapuram in Khammam district (Fig.3.2).  During the year 2017, state received 8 % less rainfall (864 mm) than normal rainfall. The seasonal distribution is as follows: SW monsoon (June-September) contributed 81.4 % (703 mm), NE monsoon (Oct-Dec) contributed 15.5 % (134 mm), winter contributed 0% (0 mm) and summer contributed 3.1 % (27 mm) of the rainfall. Departure of annual rainfall 2017 from normal is depicted in (Fig 3.2).  None of the districts have experienced drought conditions( recording less than 75% of annual normal rainfall) in the state during the year 2017.  Annual rainfall in 2017 ranges from 706 mm (Deficit by -3 %) in Mahabubnagar district to 1066 mm (deficit by 3 %) in Khammam district.  Monthly mean rainfall ranged from 0.0 mm in January and February to 199 mm in August.


The rainfall received during the period Jan 2015 to Dec 2017 is compiled and analysed for correlating with water levels monitored during the period May 2017, Aug 2017, Nov 2017 and Jan 2018. The data is presented in Table-3.2 to 3.5 and depicted in the Fig. 3.3 to 3.10.

Fig.3.1 District-wise Departure of Annual (2017) rainfall from Normal

Fig.3.2: Isohytel map of Telangana state (Normal annual rainfall in mm).


Table-3.1: Monthly Actual and Normal rainfall (mm) during 2017.

JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY S DISTRICT ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR No 1 ADILABAD 0 7.4 0 7.1 0 9.7 22.9 14.2 3.5 18.2 244.5 178.4 118.9 317.4 2 HYDERABAD 0 5.9 0 7.3 0 12.6 42.6 22.7 18.5 33.8 163.3 110.7 138.8 176.8 3 KARIMNAGAR 0 10.7 0 5.5 0 10.2 7.2 17.2 1.8 24 197.9 153.2 148.8 257.3 4 KHAMMAM 0 4.2 0 7.4 0 8.8 58.4 26.4 0.8 52.6 258 150.3 228.9 282.8 5 0 1.8 0 2.8 0 4.9 23.4 17.9 6.2 34.1 155.1 91.1 85.3 161.6 6 MEDAK 0 6.5 0 4.4 0 8.9 4.9 20.1 0 28 202.5 138.2 143.8 229.4 7 NALGONDA 0 3.9 0 4.5 0 8.4 12.1 16.4 7.3 28.7 146 103.2 91.4 154.7 8 NIZAMABAD 0 7.9 0 4.1 0 7.1 9.8 14.4 0.1 24.5 204.9 161.3 154.2 289.4 9 RANGAREDDY 0 3.1 0 4 0 6.6 26.2 22.6 5.8 34.6 179.4 109.4 111.8 190.6 10 WARANGAL 0 8.3 0 7.8 0 10.2 19.5 17.3 1 28.7 226 147.6 197.4 271.2 STATE MEAN 0.0 6.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 8.7 22.7 18.9 4.5 30.7 197.7 134.3 141.9 233.1

AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL S DISTRICT ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR ACT NOR DEP(%) No 1 ADILABAD 250.2 291.7 171 171.4 76 83 16 14.8 0 7.3 903 1121 -19% 2 HYDERABAD 248 190.5 166 165.5 248 95.6 0 23.7 0 6.4 1025 852 20% 3 KARIMNAGAR 177.4 226.7 163 163.1 123 85.9 18 20.8 0 5.9 837 981 -15% 4 KHAMMAM 276 256.4 171 170.9 72 106.9 1 24.5 0 4.5 1066 1096 -3% 5 MAHBUBNAGAR 122.2 158.2 149 148.8 163 85.4 2 21.2 0 3.8 706 732 -3% 6 MEDAK 214 211.1 165 165.2 102 86.6 0 19.3 0 4.8 832 923 -10% 7 NALGONDA 131 147.2 150 149.6 106 105.8 1 32 0 6.6 645 761 -15% 8 NIZAMABAD 265 296.5 173 172.9 118 91.3 1 17.1 0 5.5 926 1092 -15% 9 RANGAREDDY 138 176.5 177 177.2 170 94.5 4 19.1 0 4.3 812 843 -4% 10 WARANGAL 171 222.3 156 155.5 121 88.9 0 22.9 0 7.2 892 988 -10% STATE MEAN 199.3 217.7 164.1 164.0 129.9 92.4 4.3 21.5 0.0 5.6 864 939 -8%


3.2.1 May-2017 The district wise rainfall for the period June 2016-May 2017 and June 2015-May 2016, normal and the departure of June 2016 -May 2017 from June, 2015-May, 2016 and normal is given in Table-3.2 and figures are presented in Fig.3.3, and 3.4.

Departure of JUNE'16-May'17 RAINFALL(mm) rainfall from S NO DISTRICT JUNE'16 JUNE'15 to to NORMAL JUNE'15 NORMAL MAY'17 MAY'16 to ( June- MAY'16 May) Remark 1 Adilabad 1158 831 1120 39.4% 3.4% Normal

2 Hyderabad 971 581 851 67.1% 14.1% Normal

3 Karimnagar 1115 771 980 44.6% 13.8% Normal

4 Khammam 1126 975 1095 15.5% 2.8% Normal

5 Mahbubnagar 626 444 731 41.0% -14.4% Normal

6 Medak 1007 433 922 132.6% 9.2% Normal

7 Nalgonda 849 669 761 26.9% 11.6% Normal

8 Nizamabad 1264 559 1092 126.1% 15.8% Normal

9 Rangareddy 850 500 842 70.0% 1.0% Normal

10 Warangal 1108 925 987 19.8% 12.3% Normal STATE MEAN 1007 669 938 50.6% 7.4% Normal Table 3.2 : District-wise rainfall (June’16-May’17) and its departure from normal and June’15- May’16 Rainfall Analysis (June2016-May 2017 vs. June2015-May2017 rainfall)

Fig-3.3 gives departure of Jun’16- May’17 rainfall from Jun ‘15 to May’16 rainfall. It is prepared to correlate with water level fluctuation map of May 2017 to May 2016. Table 3.2 indicates that state has received 1007 mm of rainfall during the period Jun’16- May’17, which is 50.6 % more than the rainfall received during Jun ‘15 to May’16. The departure in percentage ranges from 15.5% in Khammam district to 132.6 % in . This positive deviation is reflected in the rise in water levels in May’17 compared with May’16.


Fig.3.3 Rainfall Departure (June16-May-17 with June 15-May 16). Departure of rainfall during June 2016-May 2017 vs. normal rainfall of same period

Fig-3.4 gives departure of Jun’16- May’17 rainfall with normal of the same period. It is prepared to correlate with depth to water level map of May 2017. During the period Jun’16- May’17, the state has received 7.4 % more rainfall than normal rainfall, which is 938 mm. It ranges from –14.4% in Mahabubnagar district to 15.8 % in . All the districts have received normal rainfall during the period.

Fig.3.4 Rainfall Departure (June15-May-16 with Normal of same period).


3.2.2 August, 2017 The district wise rainfall for the period June-16-Aug16, Jun’17-Aug’17 and normal of June-Aug and the departure of Jun’17-Aug’17 from June, 2016 -August 2016 and normal is given in Table-3.3 and figures are presented in Fig.3.5, and 3.6. Table-3.3: District-wise rainfall (June, 2017-Aug, 2017) and its departure from normal and June, 2016-Aug, 2016

Departure of JUNE'17- RAINFALL(mm) AUG'17 rainfall from


1 Adilabad 761 614 788 23.9% -3.4% Normal 2 Hyderabad 404 550 478 -26.5% -15.5% Normal 3 Karimnagar 664 524 637 26.7% 4.2% Normal 4 Khammam 676 763 690 -11.4% -2.0% Normal 5 Mahbubnagar 353 363 411 -2.8% -14.1% Normal 6 Medak 408 560 579 -27.1% -29.5% Normal 7 Nalgonda 454 368 405 23.4% 12.1% Normal 8 Nizamabad 657 624 747 5.3% -12.0% Normal 9 Rangareddy 435 429 477 1.4% -8.8% Normal 10 Warangal 618 594 641 4.0% -3.6% Normal

STATE MEAN 543 539 585 0.8% -7.2% Normal Departure of rainfall during June 2017 to Aug 2017 from June 16 to Aug 16 This map gives departure of June-2017 - Aug 2017 rainfall from June, 2016 -Aug 2016 rainfall. It is prepared to correlate with water level fluctuation map of Aug 2017 from Aug 2016. Table 3.3 indicates that state has received 543 mm of rainfall during the period Jun’17 to Aug’17, which is 0.8 % more than the rainfall received during the same period last year. The state received about 539 mm of rainfall during the same period last year. The departure in percentage ranges from -27.1% in Medak district to 26.7% in .


Fig.3.5 Rainfall Departure (June17-Aug-17 with June 2016-Aug 2016.) Departure of rainfall during June 2017 to August 2017 with normal rainfall of the same period

This graph gives departure of June 2017 to Aug 2017 rainfall from normal rainfall of the same period. It is prepared to correlate with depth to water level map of Aug 2017. During the period June 2017 to Aug 2017 the state has received 7.2 % less rainfall than normal rainfall. It ranges from –29.5% in Medak to 12.1% in Nalgonda district. The entire state has received normal rainfall except Medak district.

Fig. 3.6 Rainfall Departure (June17-Aug-17 with normal of the same period).


3.2.3 November, 2017 The district wise rainfall for the period June 2017-Oct 2017 and June2016 –Oct 2016, normal and the departure of June, 2017 –Oct, 2017 from June,2016 –Oct, 2016 and normal is given in Table-3.4 and figures are presented in Fig.3.7, and 3.8.

Rainfall(mm) Departure(%)


OCT) OCT17) OCT16) OCT16 NORMAL S S NO DISTRICT ) Adilabad 861 1131.9 1042 -31.5% -17.4% Normal

2 Hyderabad 964 902.5 739 6.4% 30.4% Excess

3 Karimnagar 810 1105.6 886 -36.5% -8.6% Normal

4 Khammam 1006 1065.8 967 -5.9% 4.0% Normal

5 Mahbubnagar 675 593.8 645 12.0% 4.6% Normal

6 Medak 827 1001.9 831 -21.1% -0.4% Normal

7 Nalgonda 624 826.7 661 -32.5% -5.5% Normal

8 Nizamabad 915 1254.5 1011 -37.1% -9.5% Normal

9 Rangareddy 776 818.1 748 -5.4% 3.7% Normal

10 Warangal 871 1086.4 886 -24.7% -1.6% Normal

STATE MEAN 833 979 842 -17.5% -1.0% Normal

Table-3.4: District-wise rainfall (June2017-Oct2017) and its departure from normal and June2016-Oct2016 Departure of rainfall during June2017 to October 2017 with June, 2016 to October,2016 It is prepared to correlate with water level fluctuation map of Nov 2017 with Nov 2016. Table 3.4 indicates that state has received 833 mm of rainfall during the period June 2017 to Oct 2017 which is 17.5 % less than the rainfall received during the same period last year. The departure in percentage ranges from -37.1% in Nizamabad district to 12% in Mahabubnagar district. Except Hyderabad and Mahabubnagar districts all other distrits has received less rainfall than the last year same period.


Fig.3.7 Rainfall Departure (June17-Oct-17 with June16-Oct16). Departure of rainfall during June 2017 to October 2017 from normal rainfall (June- October) During the period June 2017 to Oct 2017, the state has received 1.0 % less rainfall than normal rainfall which is 842 mm. It ranges from -17.4% in to 30.4% in Hyderaabd district. The state has experienced normal to excess rainfall during the period. The district-wise rainfall and its departure from normal is given in Fig 1. It is prepared to correlate with the depth to water level map of Nov 2017.

Fig.3.8 Rainfall Departure (June-17-Oct-17 with normals of same Period).


3.3.4 January, 2018 The district wise rainfall for the period June2017 –Dec2017 and June2016 – Dec2016, normal and the departure of June2017 –Dec2017 from June2016 –Dec2016 and normal is given in Table-3.5 and figures are presented in Fig.3.9, and 3.10. Departure NORMAL Rainfall Rainfall (%) FROM Departure S NO DISTRICT Rainfall REMARK (JUNE17 - (JUNE16- (JUNE16- from (JUNE-DEC) DEC17) DEC16) DEC16) NORMAL 1 Adilabad 877 1132 1064 -22.5% -17.6% Normal 2 Hyderabad 964 910 769 6.0% 25.3% Excess 3 Karimnagar 828 1106 913 -25.1% -9.3% Normal 4 Khammam 1007 1066 996 -5.6% 1.1% Normal 5 Mahbubnagar 677 597 670 13.5% 1.0% Normal 6 Medak 827 1002 855 -17.5 -3.2% Normal 7 Nalgonda 625 829 699 -24.6% -10.6% Normal 8 Nizamabad 916 1255 1034 -27.0% -11.4% Normal 9 Rangareddy 780 818 772 -4.7% 1.1% Normal 10 Warangal 871 1087 916 -19.9% -4.9% Normal STATE MEAN 837 980 869 -14.6% -3.6% Normal

Table-3.5: District-wise rainfall (June17-Dec17) and its departure from normal and June16-Dec16 Departure of rainfall during June 2017 to December 2017 with June 2016 to Dec- 2016 It is prepared to correlate with water level fluctuation map of Jan, 2018 from Jan, 2017. Table 3.5 indicates that state has received 837 mm of rainfall during the period June, 2017 to Dec, 2017 which is 14.6 % less than the rainfall received during the same period last year. The departure in percentage ranges from -27.0% in Nizamabad district to 13.5% in Mahabubnagar district. Except in Hyderabad and Mahabubnagar districts all other districts received less rainfall than the last year same period.


Fig.3.9 Rainfall Departure (June17-Dec-17 with June 16-Dec 16). Departure of rainfall during June 2017 to December 2017 vs. normal rainfall of same period During the period June, 2017 to Dec, 2017, the state has received 837 mm , i.e., 3.6 % less rainfall than normal rainfall which is 869 mm. It ranges from -17.6% in Adilabad district to 25.3% in Hyderaabd district. The state has experienced normal to excess rainfall during the period. The district-wise rainfall and its departure from normal is given in Fig 3.10. It is prepared to correlate with the depth to water level map of Jan, 2018.

Fig.3.10: Rainfall Departure from June-16-Dec-16 to normals of same Period.


4. GEOLOGY A wide variety of geological formations occur in Telangana state, ranging from the oldest Archaean crystalline formations to recent alluvium. The geological set up and principal aquifer system are presented in Fig.4.1 and 4.2 respectively. A major part of the area is underlain by gneissic complex with a structural fill of sedimentary formations and basin-fill of meta- sedimentary formations. The gneissic complex is overlain by basaltic lava flows in the northwestern part and is intruded by several younger rocks namely granites, dolerites, pegmatites and quartzites etc.

Fig.4.1: Geology of Telangana state.


Fig.4.2: Principal Aquifers of Telangana state.

4.1 Archaean and Lower Protorozoic Peninsular gneisses of Archaean age are dominant rock types in Telangana state. These are intruded by closepet granite and dolerite dykes. Dharwars, comprising amphibolites, gneisses, schists, and quartzites occur as narrow isolated bands within granites in Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Khammam, Warangal, Karimnagar and Adilabad districts.

4.2 Middle to Upper protorozoic The group includes Cuddapahs, Pakhals, Pengangas, Kurnools and Sullavais comprising shales, limestones, dolomites, sandstones and conglomerates. The Cuddapah Super Group of rocks and group of rocks occur in parts of Nalgonda and Mahabubnagar districts. The Pengangas, which are considered as equivalent of Pakhals, are exposed in Adilabad district. Bheema group of rocks consisting of flaggy massive and argillaceous limestones occur along western border of Rangareddy district. Sullavais sandstones overlie Pakhals and Penganga rocks consisting shales, limestones, sandstones and conglomerates occur in Adilabad, Karimnagar and Warangal districts.


4.3 Gondwana Super Group Fresh water fluvial sediments of Gondwana Super group rocks (Upper Carboniferous to Lower Cretaceous), comprising lower group of rocks occur along NW-SE trending Pranhita- Godavari valley extending in Adilabad, Karimnagar and Warnagal districts. Lower Gondwanas are well developed in Godavari valley and sub-divided into Talchirs, Barakars, Barren measures and Kamthis consisting mainly conglomerates, sandstones, shales occassionaly clays in parts of Khammam district. The upper Gondwana is sub-divided into Maleru, Kota, Gangapur and Chikiala formations consisting of sandstones, conglomerates and clays.

4.4 Deccan Traps (Basalt) Horizontal to sub-horizontal disposed lava flows of the Deccan traps covering ~8210 Km2 occur in parts of Adilabad (4187 Km2), Nizamabad(701 Km2), Medak (1513 Km2), Ranga Reddy (1680 Km2)and Mahbubnagar districts (128 Km2). The thickness of individual flow varies between a few metres to as much as 30 m with total thickness to more than 200 m at places. They overlie Archaean group of rocks except in where they overlie Bhima Group of rocks. Inter-trappean beds comprising limestone, chert and sandstone occur between trap flows near and Adilabad.

4.5 Quaternary Depostis Sub-recent deposits represented by laterite capping occur in Medak and Rangareddy districts at places with thickness up to 30 m. They cover about 916 Km2 area in the state (Medak: 609 Km2 and Rangareddy 307 Km2).



The dynamic ground water resource potential of the state has been estimated as per the methodology given by the Ground Water Estimation Committee 1997 (GEC 1997). As per the estimates (March 2013), the annual replenishable ground water resources are 14744 MCM, natural discharge during non-monsoon period is 1354 MCM, net ground water availability is 13390 MCM.The annual gross ground water draft is 7766 MCM, allocation for future domestic and industrial use is 1554 MCM and net ground water availability for future irrigation use is 4823 MCM. The average stage of ground water development is 58%. Out of 443 mandals, 46 are categorised as over-exploited, 12 categorised as critical, 74 categorised as semi-critical and remaining 311 as safe category. The categorization of mandals is depicted in Fig.5.1.

Fig.5.1: Categorization of mandals (as on 2013), Telangana state.


6. GROUND WATER REGIME MONITORING Ground water level monitoring is a scientific surveillance system to establish the periodic and long-term changes in ground water regime. The water level data over a period of time provides information on changes in ground water levels with progressive ground water development. Monitoring of a network of ground water monitoring wells provides periodical information on ground water regime scenario in different hydrogeological environments in the area. Ground water occurrence point of view, litho units of the state are grouped into following 3 groups. i) Consolidated formation ii) Semi-consolidated formation iii) Unconsolidated formation

6.1 Consolidated formations Crystalline rocks of Archaean age, metasedimentary rocks of Cuddapahs, Kurnools and basaltic lava flows of Deccan traps are included in these formations. The crystalline rocks which occupy ~83 % of area, generally lack primary porosity and secondary porosity is developed due to weathering, fracturing, development of solution cavities and channels and interconnection of vesicles. In these rocks, depth of weathering varies from 3 to 20 m bgl and majority of fractures occur within 100 m depth. In these rocks dug wells/ dug cum bore wells and bore wells are the most prevalent abstraction structures. Ground water yield from these rocks varies from 0.1 lps to 5 lps. Pakhals, Penganga and Sullavais are relatively poor to moderate potential aquifers and basalts are hard and compact and possess meagre primary porosity (by virtue of interconnected vesicles). Fractures in basalts are developed due to columnar joints and tectonic activities. Yield of ground water in these rocks varies from 0.1 to 3 lps and potential zones exist down to 38-200 m depth. 6.2 Semi-consolidated formations Semi-consolidated formations are represented by rocks belonging to Gondwana formations. The Talchirs, Barakaras and Kamthis formations yield more ground water (up to 60 lps). At some place auto flows are encountered.


6.3 Unconsolidated formations Unconsolidated formations represented by river alluvium occur along the major rivers Godavari and Krishna and their tributaries in the state.

6.4 Monitoring Methodology Ground water regime is monitored through a network of dug wells and piezometers known as Ground Water Monitoring Stations (GWMS). The dug wells, which are owned by government and non-government agencies and individual users,tap shallow aquifers. Piezometers (basically bore wells/tube wells) constructed exclusively for ground water regime monitoring under Hydrology Project tap both shallow and deeper aquifers. Some of the exploratory wells/ observatory wells drilled under exploratory drilling programme of CGWB tapping deeper aquifers are converted to piezometers for regular monitoring. The network of observation wells are monitored 4 times a year by the officials of Central Ground Water Board during the following periods. Period Date January 1st to 10th of the month May (Pre-monsoon) 21st to 30th of the month August (Mid-monsoon) 21st to 30th of the month November (Post-monsoon) 1st to 10th of the month

6.4.1 Participatory Ground water Monitoring To observe micro-level changes in ground water regime, weekly measurements are initiated in phases involving local people as observers under participatory ground water monitoring programme. Participatory observers are engaged since May, 2005, from the local area where GWMS are existing and as on 31st March 2017, 137 nos of GWMS are monitored though participatory approach (Table-6.1). 6.4.2 Chemical Quality Monitoring The chemical quality of ground water is monitored (dug wells/Piezometers) once in the month of May (pre-monsoon season) of every year to observe the effect of geogenic, anthropogenic contamination on ground water in different hydrogeological environments over a period of time. 6.5 Maintenance of Database on Ground Water Monitoring Wells The database on water levels and chemical quality is entered over a period of time since 1969. The database is maintained in Oracle database using GEMS (Ground water 21

Estimation and Management System) software, which is adopted by all ground water agencies in the country. 6.6 Distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells The distribution and density of monitoring wells district wise, basin wise and aquifer system wise are summarized below. 6.6.1 District-Wise Distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells Total 760 GWMS are monitored in the state (Dug wells: 325 (43%) and Piezometer wells: 435 (57%)) and density varies from one well for 9 Km2/well (Hyderabad) to one well for 233 Km2/well in Khammam district (Table-6.1 and Fig.1.1). Table-6.1: Distribution of GWMS, Telangana State (As on March, 2018). S. District Area No of GWMS No of Density of Net work No. (Km2) Participatory observers DW Pz Total Nos Km2/well 1 Adilabad 16105 50 25 75 14 215 2 Hyderabad 217 6 19 25 5 9 3 Karimnagar 11823 30 53 83 8 142 4 Khammam 13266 45 12 57 20 233 5 Mahabubnagar 18432 19 73 92 13 203 6 Medak 9699 20 47 67 12 145 7 Nalgonda 14240 45 75 120 16 119 8 Nizamabad 7956 21 26 47 10 169 9 Ranga reddy 7493 44 54 99 15 76 10 Warangal 12846 44 52 96 13 134 Total 112077 325 435 760 126 147

6.6.2 Basin-wise Distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells

Out of 760 monitoring wells 345 wells are falling in Godavari basin ( 45%) and 415 wells are falling in Krishna basin(54%).

GODAVARI KRISHNA DISTRICT BASIN BASIN TOTAL ADILABAD 75 75 Hyderabad 25 25 Karimnagar 83 83 Khammam 27 30 57 Mahabubnagar 91 91 Medak 65 2 67 Nalgonda 120 120 Nizamabad 46 1 47 Rangareddy 7 92 99 Warangal 42 54 96 TOTAL 345 415 760 22

6.6.3 Aquifer-Wise Distribution of Ground Water Monitoring Wells District-wise and aquifer-wise distribution of Dug wells and Piezometers (GWMS) is given in Table-6.3. Majority of GWMS (73%, in which 38% are Dugwells and 62% are Piezometers) are located in Banded Gneissic complex(BGC) rocks followed by Sandstone (8%), and basalt rocks (7%, in which 60% are Dugwells and 40% are Piezometers) etc.

Table-6.3: District-wise and Principal Aquifer-wise Distribution of monitoring stations, Telangana state (as on March, 2018). Dug wells Piezometers District DW Pz AL BG BS GR LS LT QZ SH ST Total BG BS GN GR LS LT SH ST Total Adilabad 5 13 19 1 2 10 50 4 5 12 1 3 25 Hyderabad 6 6 19 19 Karimnagar 23 7 30 41 12 53 Khammam 2 26 3 2 12 45 3 2 7 12 Mahabubnagar 16 1 1 1 19 63 3 1 4 1 72 Medak 14 4 2 20 33 10 4 47 Nalgonda 44 1 45 75 75 Nizamabad 18 3 21 15 11 26 Rangareddy 26 13 6 45 43 5 6 54 Warangal 34 2 8 44 47 1 4 52 Grand Total 2 211 31 25 2 8 2 6 37 325 343 20 3 24 7 10 2 26 435

(Note: Al-Alluvium, BGC-Banded Gneissic complex, BS-Basalt, CK-Charnokite, Gn-Gneiss, Gr- Granite, LS-Limestone, Qz-Quartzite,SH-Shale, ST-Sandstone).

7. ANALYSIS OF WATER LEVELS The ground water levels observed over a period of time provide valuable information on behaviour of the ground water regime, which is constantly subjected to changes due to recharge and discharge phenomena. Balance between recharge and discharge results in decline or rise in the ground water storage. When the recharge exceeds discharge there will be a rise in the ground water storage and vice versa. The decline in water level may be due to increase in draft (for different purposes) or decrease in precipitation (less recharge to ground water). On the other hand a rise in water level may be due to an increase in rainfall and/or due to changes in irrigation practices. The dug wells are tapping the phreatic aquifer, mostly limited to a depth of 20 m. The depth of piezometers which are tapping both the phreatic and deeper aquifers varies from 20 to 100 m. Hence the water level recorded in the piezometers may not be the same as that of dug wells for a particular period though both the structures are in the same place. In this 23 report the water level data collected from shallow aquifers (tapping weathered zone and first fracture zone) are presented in detail. Water levels tapping deeper fractures are discussed separately. The data from GWMS for the year 2017-18 was analysed and for every set of measurements, write up and maps were prepared and are presented here under various paragraphs. The purpose of water level data analysis is i) Four measurements of depth to water level give an overall idea regarding the ground water level in the state during the year of measurement. ii) The fluctuation in comparison to the same month in the previous year gives an idea about the change in the ground water level for a particular period with respect to that of the level during the same month in the previous year. This gives an idea about the change in the amount of draft and rainfall between the two years. iii) The water level fluctuation during the pre-monsoon period in comparison to previous year gives an idea about the seasonal fluctuation, which ultimately reflects the change in dynamic ground water resources. iv) The water level fluctuation during a particular month of measurement with reference to the decadal mean for the same months gives an idea of the behaviour of the ground water level on long-term basis. 7.1 Depth to Water Levels 7.1.1 Depth to Water Levels (May-2017 – Pre-monsoon season) Analysis of depth to water level data of 609 wells (Annexure -V) shows water levels vary between 0.63 m.bgl (Khammam district) and 69.5 m.bgl (Rangareddy district). Water level of less than 2 m bgl is recorded in 2 % of wells, between 2-5 m bgl in 18.0% of wells, between 5- 10 m bgl in 42% of wells, between 10-20 m bgl in 29% of wells , between 20-40 m bgl in 8% of wells and in the rest 2% of wells depth to water level more than 40 m bgl is registered. Depth to water level map of May, 2017 (Fig.7.1) shows that 62% of the wells and 59% of the area in the state is covered by depth to water level of 0 to 10 m bgl. Shallow water levels of less than 2 m bgl are noticed in very small parts (2%) in all districts of the state except Khammam and Adilabad district. Deeper water levels of more than 10 m covers about 39% of the state noticed mostly in Nizamabad, Adilabad , Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy and Medak districts, Depth to water level more than 40 m bgl is observed in Medak, Mahabubnagar and Rangareddy districts as small isolated patches.


Fig.7.1: Depth to water levels, Premonsoon -2017 (May). 7.1.2 Depth to Water Levels (August-2017-Mid-monsoon Season) Analysis of depth to water level data of 594wells (Annexure-VI) shows, water levels in the range of -0.65 (Warangal district) 56.6 mbgl(Rangareddy district).Shallow water level in the range of 0 to 2 m bgl covers an area of about 10,900 Km2 (9.6 % of state area) and mostly observed in Adilabad, Warngal, Khammam and Nizamabad districts in 15% of the wells.Water levels in the range of 2 to 5 m occupies about 35,960 Km2area (31.5 % of the total geographical area of the state), occupying mostly Adilabad, Warangal, Khammam, Nizamabad and in Mahabubnagar districts in 27% of the wells. During August 2017, majority of the water levels are in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl occupying about 39,120 Km2areas (34.3 % of the area ) in 31% of the wells. Water levels between 10-20 m bgl cover about 22,310 Km2of state area (19.6%) in 21% of the wells. Deep water levels in the range of more than 20 m cover about 5752 in 5 % of the total geographical area, covering mostly Medak, Hyderabad, Rangareddy, and Mahabubnagar districts.


Fig.7.2: Depth to Water Levels-August 2017.

7.1.3 Depth to Water Levels (November-2017-Post-Monsoon) An analysis of depth to water level data of 595 wells in unconfined aquifer and 113 wells in confined and semi-confined aquifer is given in (Annexure-VII). Water levels are in the range of -0.01 (Warangal district) to 49.6 mbgl(Mahabubnagar district) in unconfined aquifer and - 0.6 m bgl (Warangal district) to 42.7 m bgl ( Nalgonda district). Shallow water level in the range of 0 to 2 m bgl covers an area of about 10400 Km2 (9.3 % of area) and mostly observed in Adilabad , Khammam, Karimnagar , Warangal and Nalgonda districts. It has increased from 2% of the area in May to 9.3% in this month. Deep water levels more than 20 m bgl cover about 3679 in 3.3 % of the total geographical area covering mostly Rangareddy and Mahabubnagar districts. Deep water levels have decreased from 9% to 3.3% of the area. Moderate water levels are observed in 96840 in 87.4% of the area. Spatial distribution of depth to water level is given in Fig 7.3.


Fig.7.3: Depth to Water Levels-November 2017 7.1.4 Depth to Water Levels (January-2018) Analysis of depth to water level data of 721 wells is given in (Annexure-VIII) and spatial distribution of depth to water level in Fig. 7.4. The average water levels in the state stands at 8.51 m bgl , ranging from 6.02 m bgl (Adilabad district) to 12.48 m bgl (Medak and Mahabubnagar district) . Percentage number of wells in different depth ranges shows that about 37% of wells ( 265 wells) recorded in the ranges of 0 to 5 m bgl and deep water levels of more than 20 m bgl recorded in 5.4% of the wells(38 wells) . Medium range from 5 to 20 m bgl is observed in 58% of the wells ( 418 wells) . Deeper water levels are more prominent in Medak and Mahabubnagar district.Shallow water level in the range of 0 to 2 m bgl covers an area of about 10400 Km2 (9.3 % of area) and mostly observed in Adilabad , Khammam, Karimnagar , Warangal and Nalgonda districts. It has increased from 2% of the area in May to 9.3% in this month. Deep water levels more than 20 m bgl covers about 3679 in 3.3 % of the total geographical area covering mostly Rangareddy and Mahabubnagar districts. Deep water levels have decreased from 9% to 3.3% of the area. Moderate water levels are observed in 96840 in 87.4% of the area..


Fig.7.4: Depth to Water Levels-January 2018. 7.2 Integrated Depth To Water Level Maps (GWD and CGWB) 7.2.1 May 2017 The water level data of monitoring stations ( Piezometers only) of Central Ground Water Board and State Ground Water Board are considered together to analyze the water level data of the monitoring stations in the state. Water level data from a total of 1164 station, out of which, 1082 stations of State GWD and 94 of CGWB are utilized for preparing the depth to water level map (Fig-7.5. ) and the depth to water levels and percentage of wells in different depth ranges in May 2017. Based on the (Table 7.1) results, it is inferred that, out of 1164 stations, depth to water level of 16 stations (1%) are in the range of 0 to 2 m bgl, 116 stations (10%) are in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl, 330 stations (28%) are in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl, 482 stations (41%) are in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl, 200 stations (17%) are in the range of 20 to 40 m bgl and depth to water level of 20 stations (1.7%) are more than 40 m bgl. Deeper water level of more than 20 m bgl is observed in 18.7 % of wells and shallow water level of less than 2 m bgl is observed in 1% of wells. Area-wise, 19% of the state has deeper water levels (> 20 m.bgl) and only 1% of the area has shallow water level. Medium range 5-10 m bgl is observed in 28% of the area.


Fig 7.5. : Depth To Water Level Map of May 2017 (Integrated data) Table-7.1 : Depth to water levels and percentage of wells, May 2017

S NO DISTRICT MIN MAX > 40 m 40 > 2 TO 5 m 5 2 TO 0 TO 2 m 2 0 TO 5 TO 10 m 10 5 TO AVERAGE 10 TO 20 m 20 10 TO m 40 20 TO % OF WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % NO OF WELLS OF NO

1 ADILABAD 115 1.59 37.60 10.12 4 3% 20 17% 51 44% 30 26% 10 9% 0 0% 2 HYDERABAD 28 2.30 47.87 13.65 0 0% 6 21% 8 29% 8 29% 5 18% 1 4% 3 KARIMNAGAR 134 1.65 36.65 11.15 3 2% 15 11% 44 33% 62 46% 10 7% 0 0% 4 KHAMMAM 53 1.53 36.65 11.15 2 4% 7 13% 22 42% 18 34% 4 8% 0 0% 5 MAHABUBNAGAR 165 2.80 69.40 17.16 0 0% 13 8% 29 18% 69 42% 46 28% 8 5% 6 MEDAK 123 2.60 59.70 19.44 0 0% 3 2% 10 8% 56 46% 51 41% 3 2% 7 NALGONDA 194 1.56 42.10 11.33 2 1% 29 15% 60 31% 82 42% 20 10% 1 1% 8 NIZAMABAD 84 2.48 38.21 13.90 0 0% 6 7% 25 30% 38 45% 15 18% 0 0% 9 RANGAREDDY 98 2.00 69.50 18.20 1 1% 5 5% 12 12% 50 51% 25 26% 5 5%

10 WARANGAL 170 0.10 57.89 11.70 4 2% 12 7% 69 41% 69 41% 14 8% 2 1%

STATE FIGIURES 1164 0.10 69.50 13.73 16 1% 116 10% 330 28% 482 41% 200 17% 20 1.7%


7.2.2 November 2017 The water level data of monitoring stations ( Piezometers only) of Central Ground Water Board and State Ground Water Board are considered together to analyze the water level data of the monitoring stations in the state. Water level data of 1087 stations of State GWD and 126 of CGWB are utilized for preparing the depth to water level map (Fig-7.6 ) and the depth to water levels and percentage of wells in different depth ranges in Nov 2017. Based on the (Table 7.3) results, it is inferred that, out of 1062 stations, depth to water level of 83 stations (8%) are in the range of 0 to 2 m bgl, 264 stations (25%) are in the range of 2 to 5 m bgl, 346 stations (33%) are in the range of 5 to 10 m bgl, 288 stations (27%) are in the range of 10 to 20 m bgl, 76 stations (7%) are in the range of 20 to 40 m bgl and depth to water level of 5 stations (0.5%) are more than 40 m bgl. Deeper water level of more than 20 m bgl is observed in 7.5 % of wells and shallow water level of less than 2 m bgl is observed in 8 % of wells. Area-wise, 10% of the state has deeper water levels and only 7% of the area has shallow water levels. Medium range 5-10 m bgl is observed in 32% of the area. There is not much change in the medium range of depth to water levels (5-10 m ngl). From pre-monsoon to post-monsoon, there is drop from 28% to 10% in the deeper water level range and there is an increases from 2% to 7% in shallow water levels due to good monsoon rains.

Fig 7.6 : Depth To Water Level Map of May 2017 (Integrated data)


Table-7.2 : Depth to water levels and percentage of wells, November 2017


NO MIN MAX > 40 m 40 > 2 TO 5 m 5 2 TO 0 TO 2 m 2 0 TO 5 TO 10 m 10 5 TO AVERAGE 10 TO 20 m 20 10 TO m 40 20 TO % OF WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % WELLS OF % NO OF WELLS OF NO

1 ADILABAD 126 0.64 23.75 7.27 9 7% 49 39% 36 29% 27 21% 5 4% 0 0% 2 HYDERABAD 23 -0.04 23.67 6.37 2 9% 11 48% 7 30% 2 9% 1 4% 0 0% 3 KARIMNAGAR 134 0.34 34.21 9.11 2 1% 32 24% 50 37% 44 33% 6 4% 0 0% 4 KHAMMAM 52 0.68 34.21 9.11 9 17% 17 33% 17 33% 5 10% 4 8% 0 0% 5 MAHABUBNAGAR 136 0.42 49.60 12.04 12 9% 17 13% 39 29% 43 32% 22 16% 3 2% 6 MEDAK 98 0.17 32.22 12.65 6 6% 12 12% 20 20% 40 41% 20 20% 0 0% 7 NALGONDA 167 0.42 49.45 7.84 15 9% 53 32% 61 37% 31 19% 5 3% 2 1% 8 NIZAMABAD 76 1.67 28.25 9.89 1 1% 13 17% 26 34% 31 41% 5 7% 0 0% 9 RANGAREDDY 94 0.18 21.15 9.36 3 3% 16 17% 37 39% 35 37% 3 3% 0 0%

10 WARANGAL 156 -0.60 39.27 7.17 24 15% 44 28% 53 34% 30 19% 5 3% 0 0%

STATE FIGIURES 1062 -0.60 49.60 9.12 83 8 264 25 346 33% 288 27 76 7 5 0.5

7.3 Water Level Fluctuations with pre-monsoon water levels 7.3.1 Water Level Fluctuation from May, 2017 to August, 2017 Water level fluctuations during August 2017 from May 2017 are presented in Annexure-IX. An analysis of 576 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 84% wells (482 nos) and 16 % wells (86). Rise in water levels is mainly due to good monsoon rainfall. Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level in Fig 7.7. 1. The minimum and maximum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m in Warangal district and 36.5 m in Medak districts. 2. The minimum and maximum fall in water level fluctuations is recorded in 0.01 m in Warangal district and 4.7 m in Adilabad district respectively. 3. About 84% of the wells with rise in water level in August from pre-monsoon is mainly due to good monsoon rains (7.4% more than normal). Fall of water levels is observed only in Karimnagar and Nizamabad districts. 4. Water level fall of more than 4 m is scattered as small patches ( 1% of the wells) is in all the districts. But rise of more than 4 m is observed in 26% of the wells.


Fig. 7.7: Water Level Fluctuation from May 2017 to Aug 2017 7.3.2 Water Level Fluctuation from May ,2017 to November, 2017 District-wise water level fluctuations in different ranges from May 2017 to Nov 2017 is presented in Annexure-X. An analysis of water level fluctuation data of 573 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 89% of wells (512 nos) and fall is recorded in 9% (50 nos) and no change in water levels is recorded in 2% of wells ( 11 nos). A very significant rise in water levels is mainly due to normal to excess rainfall in the state during the monsoon period June to Oct of 2017. Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level in Fig 7.8. The minimum and maximum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m in Nizamabad district and 54.64 m in Rangareddy district. The minimum and maximum fall in water level fluctuations is recorded in 0.03 m in Karimnagar district and 28.45 m in Mahabubnagar district. Water level rise of more than 4 m is recorded in 211 wells. Fall of more than 4 mt is observed in only 6 wells ( 4 in Mahabubnagar amd one each in Adilabad and Nalgonda districts).


Fig 7.8 : Water Level Fluctuation from May, 2017 to Nov 2017 7.3.3 Water Level Fluctuation from May 2017 to Jan, 2018 District-wise water level fluctuations in different ranges from May 2017 to Jan 2018 is presented in Annexure-XI. An analysis of water level fluctuation data of 687 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 83% of wells (568 nos) and fall is recorded in 17% (119 nos). A very significant rise in water levels is mainly due to normal to excess rainfall in the state during the monsoon period June to Dec of 2017. Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level is given in Fig 7.9. The minimum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.03 m in most of the districts and maximum rise of 42.4 m in Mahabubnagar district. The minimum fall of 0.03 m in Adilabad district and maximum fall of 19.27 m in Hyderabad district. Water level rise of more than 4 m is recorded in 129 wells. Fall of more than 4 mt is observed in 15 wells. Maximum rise in water levels is seen in Mahabubngar, Medak, Nalgonda and Warangal districts. Perusal of the map indicates that except in parts of , southern parts of Nalgonda, and Khammam districts and major parts of Nizamabad and Karimnagar districts, rest of the state has rise in water levels in comparison with May 2017.The effect of the monsoon can be prominently seen in rise in water levels.


Fig 7.9: Water Level Fluctuation from May, 2016 to Jan 2017 7.4 Annual Water Level Fluctuation 7.4.1 Water Level Fluctuation from May 2016 to May 2017 Water level fluctuation data of May 2017 with May 2016 is presented in Annexure - XII. An analysis of data of 554 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 69% of wells (381), water level fall is recorded in 23.0% of wells (127), while in the rest 8.0% of wells (46) zero fluctuation is recorded. This is mainly due to 56% more rainfall in 2017 monsoon compared to monsoon 2016. Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level is given in Fig 7.10 RISE IN WATER LEVELS: In the state about 79% of the area experienced rise in water levels compared with last year same period.Water level rise of less than 2 m in 46% of wells, in 24% of wells in the range of 2 to 4 m while the rest 30% of wells recorded water level rise of more than 4 m. Rise in water level of less than 2 m is observed as small patches in all the districts of the state except in Hyderabad and Nizmabad, where it is insignificant. Water level rise of 2-4 m is observed in all the districts of the state except in Hyderabad and Khammam district, where it is insignificant.


Rise of Water level more than 4 m is significant and predominant in Nizamabad, Nalgonda, Karimnagar districts. FALL IN WATER LEVELS: In the state about 21% of the area experienced rise in water levels compared with last year same period. Out of the 127 wells that have registered fall in water levels, 67% of wells have recorded less than 2 m fall, 14% of wells in the range of 2-4 m and the rest 18% wells registered water level fall more than 4 m. North and northeastern parts of the state is observed with a general fall in water levels. Fall of more than 4 m is observed in isolated parts of Rangareddy, Mahabubnagar, Adilabad and Nizamabad districts.. Only 21% of the area of the state has fall in water levels compared with last year same period, which is due to good monsoon rainfall in 2016 compared with 2015 monsoon rainfall.

Fig.7.10: Water level Fluctuation from May 2016 to May 2017.


7.4.2 Water Level Fluctuation from August 2016 to August 2017 Water level fluctuation data of August 2017 with respect to August 2016 is presented in Annexure-XIII. An analysis of 565 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 66 % of wells (381 nos ) and fall in 34% of wells (187 nos). Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level is given in Fig 7.11. 1. The minimum and maximum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m in Warangal district and 35.5 m in Medak districts. 2. The minimum and maximum fall in water level fluctuations is recorded in 0.01 m Medak district and 50.85 m in Rangareddy district respectively. 3. About 65% of the wells with rise in water level in August from last year same period is mainly due to good monsoon rains i.e., 51% more than the rainfall of last year same period. Fall of water levels is observed in 35% of the wells mainly in Rangareddy, Nalgonda and Nizamabad districts . 4. Water level fall of more than 4 m is scattered as small patches ( 5% of the wells) is in all the districts. But rise of more than 4 m is observed in 17% of the wells

Fig. 7.11: Water Level Fluctuation- August 2016 to August 2017.


7.4.3 Water Level Fluctuations from November-2016 to November-2017 District-wise Water level fluctuation from November 2016 to November 2017 is presented in Annexure-XIV. An analysis of 571 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 46 % of wells (263 nos) and fall in water levels in 53% of wells (302 nos) and no change in water levels is observed in 1% of wells (6 nos).Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level is shown in Fig 7.12. The minimum and maximum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m in Nalgonda and 28.06 m in Nizamabad districts. The minimum and maximum fall in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m Karimnagar district and 34.1 m in Nalgonda district. Water level rise of more than 4 m is recorded in 43 wells mostly in Mahabubnagar district and as small patches in all the other districts except Karimnagar district. Water level of fall more than 4 m is observed mostly in Karimnagar district. Rainfall for the period June to Oct 2017 is about 17.5% less than June to Oct 2016. This resulted in more area under falling range compared with Nov 2016 water levels.

Fig. 7.12: Water Level Fluctuation from November-2016 to November-2017


7.4.4 Water Level Fluctuation from January-2017 to January-2018 District-wise water level fluctuations in different ranges from Jan 2017 to Jan 2018 is presented in Annexure-XV. An analysis of water level fluctuation data of 684 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 43% of wells (297 nos) and fall is recorded in 57% (387 nos). Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level is given in Fig 7.13. The minimum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.02 m in Warangal and Karimnagar district and maximum rise of 42.4 m in Mahabubnagar district. The minimum fall of 0.01 m in Medak district and maximum fall of 44.85 m in Medak district. Water level rise of more than 4 m is recorded in 43 wells. Fall of more than 4 mt is observed in 73 wells, which is prominent in Rangareddy, Medak, Karimnagar and Nizamabad districts. Maximum rise in water levels is seen in Mahabubnagar and Rangareddy districts. Perusal of the map indicates that except in parts of Nizamabad and Karimnagar districts, rest of the state has rise in water levels in comparison with Jan 2017

Fig. 7.13: Water Level Fluctuation from January-2017 to January-2018


7.5 Decadal Water Level Fluctuation

7.5.1 Water Level Fluctuations from decadal mean of May (2007-16) to May, 2017 Water level fluctuation data of May 2017 vs Decadal Mean (2007-2016) is presented in Annexure - XVI. Analysis of data of 596 wells shows that water level rise is recorded in 52.0% wells (313 no of wells ), water level fall is recorded in 47.0% wells (280 no of wells ), while in the rest, 1.0% wells (3 no of wells ) no fluctuation is recorded. Fluctuation of water levels in May 2017 vs decadal mean(2007-2016) is depicted in Fig. 7.14. RISE IN WATER LEVELS: In the state about 45% of the area experienced rise in water levels compared with decadal mean. Out of 313 wells, water level rise of less than 2 m is recorded in 34% wells, in the range of 2-4 m in 11% wells and rise of more than 4 m is recorded in 7% wells. Rise in water level of less than 2 m is observed in all the districts of the state. This range is observed in 33% of area of the state. Water level rise of 2-4 m is observed in all the districts except in Khammam and Adilabad districts. Rise of Water level more than 4 m is observed 7% of the wells , covering only 3% of the area and as small patches in all the districts except in Khammam district. FALL IN WATER LEVELS: In the state about 55% of the area experienced fall in water levels compared with decadal mean of May (2007-16). Out of the 280 wells that have registered fall in water levels, 31% have recorded less than 2 m fall, 8% in the range of 2-4 m and 8% wells registered water level fall of more than 4 m. Fall of more than 4 m is mainly observed in Mahabubnagar, Adilabad and Medak districts.

Fig.7.14: Water level Fluctuation from decadal mean of May (2007-16) to May, 2017.


7.5.2 Water Level Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of August (2007-16) to August, 2017 Water level fluctuation of August, 2017 from Decadal means of August, (2007-2016) is presented in Annexure-XVII. Spatial distribution of water level fluctuation is given in Fig 7.15. An analysis of 590 wells data shows a rise in water levels in 274 wells (54 % of the wells) and fall in 316 wells (46 % of the wells) . 1. The minimum and maximum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m in Khammam district and 14.63 m in Nalgonda districts. 2. The minimum and maximum fall in water level fluctuations is recorded in 0.01 m Warangal district and 39.8 m in Rangareddy district respectively. 5. About 46% of the wells with rise in water level in August from decadal mean of the same period. Fall of water levels is observed in 54% of the wells mainly in Rangaredy, Nalgonda and Nizamabad districts . 3. Water level fall of more than 4 m as small patches (9% of the wells) is in Rangaredy, Mahabubnagar, Nizamabad and Karimnagar. But rise of more than 4 m is observed in only 7% of the wells in Mahabubnagar, Medak and Nizamabad districts.

Fig. 7.15: Water Level Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of August (2007-16) to August, 2017


7.5.3 Water Level Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of November (2007-2016) to November, 2017 District-wise water level fluctuation in different depth ranges from decadal means of November (2007-2016) to November, 2017 is presented in annexure –V. An analysis of 571 wells shows that water level fall is recorded in 62 % of wells (368 nos) and rise in water levels in 38% of wells (225 nos). Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level is shown in Fig 7.16. The minimum and maximum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m in Nalgonda and 12.62 m in Mahabubnagar districts. The minimum and maximum fall in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m Khammam district and 14.39 m in Nalgonda district. Water level rise of more than 4 m is recorded in 34 wells mostly in Mahabubnagar district and Karimnagar districts. Water level of fall more than 4 m is observed in 61 wells mostly in Rangareddy, Nalgonda and Khammam district. Rainfall for the period June to Oct 2017 is about 17.5% less than June to Oct 2016. This resulted in more area under falling range compared with Nov 2016 water levels.

Fig. 7.16: Water Level Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of November (2007-2016) to November, 2017


7.5.4 Water Level Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of January (2008-17) to January 2018 District-wise water level fluctuation in different depth ranges from decadal mean of January (2008-2017) to January, 2018 is presented in annexure –V. An analysis of 721 wells shows that water level fall is recorded in 61 % of wells (439 nos) and rise in water levels in 39% of wells (282 nos).Spatial distribution of fluctuation of water level is shown in Fig 7.17. The minimum and maximum rise in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m in Karimnagar and 17.58 m in Mahabubnagar districts respectively. The minimum and maximum fall in water level fluctuations is recorded as 0.01 m Warangal district and 44.85 m in Medak district respectively. Water level rise of more than 4 m is recorded in 75 wells mostly in Hyderabad, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda and Rangareddy districts. Water level of fall more than 4 m is observed in 37 wells mostly in Mahabubnagar, Rangareddy and Karimnagar districts.

Fig. 7.17: Water Level Fluctuation from Decadal Mean of January (2008-17) to January 2018


7.6 Aquifer wise water levels Aquifer wise water level analysis shows that during pre-monsoon season , in Banded Gneissic Complex, which has the largest number of monitoring wells, minimum , maximum and average are 1.6 m, 57.9 m and 11.8 m respectively. During the post-monsoon season, minimum, maximum and average are -0.2 m, 49.6 m and 7.3 m respectively. During pre- monsoon season, Deepest water level (66.5 mbgl) is noticed in basalt formation. During post- monsoon season the deepest water level is in BGC (49.6 mbgl). Aquifer wise water level scenario is presented in Table-7.3.

Table-7.3: Aquifer wise distribution of water levels, Telangana State. May 2017 DTWL Nov 2017 DTWL Principal Aquifer Min Max Average Min Max Average Alluvium 9.28 9.28 9.3 3.29 3.29 3.3 Banded gniessic complex 1.64 57.89 11.8 -0.2 49.6 7.3 Basalt 3.41 66.5 13.4 0.24 26.07 6.4 Gniess 21.86 23.85 22.5 12.25 20.82 17.7 Granite 2.76 27.98 9.0 1.05 28.25 7.1 Lime stone 2.15 28.7 10.2 0.47 12.97 4.9 Laterite 7.65 22.45 14.6 0.17 17.5 7.8 Quartzite 7.85 15.3 11.6 3.17 8.1 5.6 Shale 5.13 26.25 11.6 2.25 6.7 4.1

7.7 Long-term Water Level trends- Hydrographs : A total 20 hydrographs are generated (2 from each district) by using the existing long term data and the summary is presented in Table- 7.4 and the hydrographs are presented in Fig. 7.21(a to g). Out of 20 hydrographs , 10 hydrographs show rising trend in both seasons, 6 wells show falling trend in both seasons and 2 wells show rising trend during pre-monsoon season and falling trend in post-monsoon season and 2 wells show falling trend during pre-monsoon and rising trend during post- monsoon season.


Table-7.4: Representative Hydrograph Stations showing rising and falling trends S. No. Location District Pre (m/yr) Post (m/yr) Rise Fall Rise Fall 1 Adilabad 0.012 0.036 2 Gudihatnur Adilabad 0.048 0.024 3 Bahadurpura Hyderabad 0.072 0.048 4 Khudubshahi Tombs Hyderabad 0.084 0.06 5 Chigurumamidi Karimnagar 0.072 0.084 6 Dharmapuri Karimnagar 0.084 0.06 7 Khammam 0.06 0.084 8 Kesavapuram Khammam 0.012 0.048 9 Alampur Mahabubnagar 0.048 0.0096 10 Bandrapal Mahabubnagar 0.132 0.072 11 Nacharam Medak 0.048 12 Narayankhed Medak 0.036 0.036 13 Nalgonda 0.24 14 Nalgonda 0.007 15 Chinnakodapgol Nizamabad 0.408 0.12 16 Dudgaon Nizamabad 0.048 0.06 17 Vanasthalipuram Rangareddy 0.3 0.12 18 Bandlaguda Rangareddy 0.66 0.54 19 Govindaraopet Warangal 0 0.01 20 Katapuram Warangal 0.22 0.012

7.7.1 Long term water level trends Long term water level trend map have been prepared based on historical water level data from 1998-2017 for, pre-monsoon (Fig 7.18), post-monsoon ( Fig 7.19) and annual (Fig 7.20) periods. During the pre-monsoon period, about 60% of the area recorded falling trend in the range of 0-2.0 m/yr, high magnitude of fall is seen (> 2m.) is seen in parts of Medak, Karimnagar, Nizamabad, Mahbubnagar, Rangareddy districts. 33% of the area recorded rising trend in the range of 0-2.0 m/yr . During the post-monsoon period, about 51% of the area recorded falling trend in the range of 0-2.0 m/yr and 42% of the area rising trend in the range of 0-2.0 m/yr.Rise is more predominant in parts of Warangal, Khammam, Nalgonda districts. Observing the annual trend map, it may be concluded that, 0 to 1 m/yr rise is covering all districts, Fall in the annual trend in the range 0 to 1 m/yr is recorded in 60% of the area.


Fig 7.18 Long term water level trend - Pre-monsoon (1998-2017)

Fig 7.19: Long term water level trend – Post-monsoon (1998-2017)


Fig 7.20 : Long term water level trend – Annual (1998-2017)


Fig-7.21a: Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State


Fig- 7.21b: Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State.


Fig-7.21c: Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State.


Fig-7.21d: Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State


Fig-7.21e: Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State


Fig-7.21f: Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State 52

Fig-7.21g: Representative Hydrographs from Telengana State



Water is a universal solvent and therefore, chemical nature of groundwater forms the basis of interpretations of quality in relation to source, geology, climate and use. 8.1 Distribution of physico-chemical parameters A total of 525 groundwater samples from shallow GWMS (both DW and Pz) were collected during pre-monsoon season of 2017 (May) for basic constituents (Fig.8.1 and Table- 8.1). Samples are analyzed in the Regional Chemical Laboratory of CGWB, SR, (NABL Accredited). Sampling, preservation, and storage of groundwater have been carried out by following standard guidelines (APHA 1998). Fourteen major parameters such as pH, Electrical conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), Calcium (Ca2+), 2+ + + 3- Magnesium (Mg ), Sodium (Na ), Potassium (K ), Carbonate (CO3), Bicarbonate (HCO ), - 2- - Chloride (Cl ), Sulphate (SO4 ), Nitrate (NO3 ) andFluoride (F-), were determined. District wise minimum, maximum and average is given in Table- 8.2.

Fig.8.1: Location of Ground water sample sites in Telangana state


Table-8.1: District wise collection of samples (May-2017)

S.No. District Samples S.No. District Samples 1 Adilabad 63 6 Medak 55 2 Hyderabad 21 7 Nalgonda 82 3 Karimnagar 34 8 Nizamabad 42 4 Khammam 47 9 Rangareddy 80 5 Mahbubnagar 55 10 Warangal 42

8.1.1 pH- Hydrogen Ion Concentration

The hydrogen ion activity is a main variable of groundwater system because the hydrogen ion participates in most of the chemical reactions that affect water composition. In most natural waters pH value is dependent on the carbon dioxide-carbonate-bicarbonate equilibrium. The pH value of a solution is the negative logarithm of concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in moles/liter. Pure water at 7 pH (at 25º C), contains equal proportion of H+ and OH- (hydroxyl) ions. The pH value is less than 7 if the H+ ions exceed the OH- ions, and it is more than 7 when OH- ions exceed H+ ions. In the ground waters of State, pH ranges from 6.42-9.94. In 4 samples (Digwal, Rudraram, Sarafpalli of Medak district, and Lalaguda-PZ of Rangareddi district), pH is beyond permissible limit of BIS.

8.1.2 Electrical Conductivity (EC)

Electrical conductance (EC) of an electrolyte is the reciprocal of specific resistance and is expressed in µS/cm. Electrical conductivity normally, increases with flow and residence time in the aquifer and its determination shows, to what extent mineralization has taken place in the groundwater. In the study area, the EC values (µS/cm at 25°C) range from 159 -11150. Highest EC is noticed at Medaram in Adilabad district. Overall EC is in the range of 500-3000 µ S/cm and high ECs are detected in parts of Nizamabad and Rangareddi districts.

8.1.3 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

The concentration of TDS in groundwater depends upon nature of rock formation, depth through which water is passing, climate, geomorphology of the area at which water is moving, porosity and permeability of rocks. Contamination of water by human and animal activities including sewage disposal and agricultural practices and mixing of different types of water also affect TDS.


Fig.8.2: Distribution of TDS (May-2017).

In the state, concentration of TDS ranges from 103-7253 mg/L (avg: 890) and it is found that in 21 samples it is beyond permissible limit (2000 mg/l).

8.1.4 Total Hardness (TH)

Total hardness is the capacity of water to neutralize soap and is the sum of Ca2+and Mg2+. Hardness is of two types, namely primary and secondary. Total Hardness ranges from 25-3500 mg/L and it is found that in 93 samples, hardness is beyond permissable limits of BIS (600 mg/l).

8.1.5 Calcium (Ca2+)

In most of the naturally occurring groundwater, calcium is the main cation due to its abundance in earth’s crust and high mobility. The principal sources of calcium in groundwater are minerals present in igneous rock, especially silicates, like pyroxenes, amphiboles, feldspars

56 and sedimentary rocks like limestone, dolomite and gypsum. It is also present in the form of adsorbed ions on negatively charged mineral surfaces in soils and rocks. The concentration of calcium ranges from 4.0 - 940 mg/L and it is found that in 31 samples, Ca is beyond permissable limit (200 mg/l). In all districts Ca is beyond permissible limit is and maximum of 940 mg/L is detected in Mylaram of Warangal district.

8.1.6 Magnesium (Mg2+)

Weathering of basic igneous rocks such as dunites, pyroxenites; volcanic rocks such as basalts; metamorphic rocks like amphibolites, talc and tremolite-schists; sedimentary rocks such as dolomite, gypsum etc are the main sources of Mg2+ in the groundwater and use of surface water for irrigation is another source of Mg2+ in the groundwater. In the state, as in most natural water, the magnesium concentration is much lower than the calcium concentration. It ranges from 1.2-279 mg/L with an average of 42 mg/L. Except in Hyderabad, in all other districts Mg is beyond permissible limits. Maximum concentration is detected in Warangal district (Mylaram).

8.1.7 Sodium (Na+)

Silicate minerals such as albite, nepheline, sodalite, glaucophane, aegerine and other Na+ bearing minerals present in rocks are the main source of Na+ in the groundwater. The other sources are rainwater, dissolution of evaporate minerals, sodium disposal through sewage and industrial wastes (Handa, 1975). Certain clay minerals and zeolites can increase the sodium concentration in groundwater by Base Exchange reaction. The concentration of Na+ ranges from 6.9 to 2300 mg/l. with an average concentration of 140 mg/L and highest is detected in Medaram village (Adilabad district).

8.1.8 Potassium (K+)

The common source of K+ in groundwater is due to weathering of silicate minerals like orthoclase, microcline, nepheline, biotite, leucite etc. Dissolution of evaporites containing highly soluble sylvite and nitre in sedimentary rocks are the other sources of K+ in the ground waters. Anthropogenic sources such as fertilizers, manure, human and animal wastes and intrusion of saline waters due to over pumping are some of the other sources of K+ in ground waters. 57

The concentrations of K+ ranges from below detectable limits to 371 mg/L. The average concentration is 17 mg/L and the highest is detected in Beechapally village (Mahbubnagar district).

-- 8.1.9 Carbonate and Bicarbonate (CO3 and HCO3)

- - The main sources of CO3 and HCO3 ion in the groundwater is dissolved CO2 present in rainwater. When this rainwater enters soil, it dissolves more CO2 from decaying organic matter present in soil. An increase in temperature or decrease in pressure causes reduction in the solubility CO2 in groundwater. Carbon dioxide mixed water, while passing through soil dissolves carbonate minerals and give bicarbonate. The occurrence of carbonates in groundwater is mainly dependent on its pH. In groundwater, carbonates are generally present when pH of groundwater is above 8.3 and it is in traces or absent when pH of water is less than 8.3. Under normal conditions the bicarbonate concentration in groundwater ranges between 100 to 800 mg/L. In the ground waters of State, the concentrations of bicarbonate ranges from 18 to 1562 mg/l, with an average concentration of 400 mg/L.

8.1.10 Chloride (Cl-)

Chloride in the form of chloride (Cl-) is one of the major in-organic anion in water and wastewater. Hydrolysis of halite and related minerals, rainwater, irrigation and industrial effluents are the main sources of Cl- in groundwater. Minerals like sodalite, mica, chloro- apatite, hornblende, etc are the other minor sources of chloride in groundwater. Abnormal concentration of Cl- in groundwater may result due to pollution of sewage wastes, planting of coconut trees. In the ground waters of State, chloride concentration ranges from 7.1 to 2340 mg/l with an average of 195 and found that 6 samples are unsuitable for drinking purposes. Maximum concentration detected in Mylaram well (Warangal district).


Figure 8.3 Distribution of Chloride in ground water (May-2017).

2- 8.1.11 Sulphate (SO4 )

2- Sulphate (SO4 ) is widely distributed in native and may be present in natural waters in concentration ranging from a few to several thousand mg/l (APHA, 1998). The main sources of 2- SO4 in groundwater are sulphide minerals like pyrite, gypsum and anhydrite minerals found in sedimentary rocks (Karanth, 1987). In the ground waters of the state, the concentrations of sulphate range from 0.05-1824 mg/l. Maximum concentration detected in Medaram well (Adilabad district).

- 8.1.12 Nitrate (NO3 )

Nitrogen is present in atmosphere reacts with rainwater and forms nitrate and ammonium ions. The incidence of high nitrate in groundwater has been observed due to pollution from anthropogenic sources, specially leaching from sewage/septic tanks (Walker, 1973; Dudley, 1990). In the ground waters of State, the concentrations of Nitrate range from 0-578 mg/l. Maximum concentration detected in Venkatapuram well (Nalgonda district). It is found that out 59 of 521 samples nearly 234 samples (44.9%) are unfit for human consumption. Distribution of Nitrate is presented in Fig.8.4.

Fig.8.4: Distribution of Nitrate in ground water (May-2017). 8.1.13 Fluoride (F-)

The main sources of Fluoride in ground waters are Fluoride bearing minerals present in 2 rocks like fluorite (CaF ), apophyllite (KFCa4(Si4O20)8H2O), fluoroapatite (Ca3(PO4)3F), cryolite (Na3AlF6), villuanite as well as Fluoride replacing hydroxyl ion in the ferromagnesium silicates (amphiboles, micas) and soil consisting of clay minerals. Dissolution of F- bearing minerals, ion exchange and evaporative concentration can locally account for high F- concentration in ground water. Weathering of rock and leachable Fluoride in an area are more important in deciding the presence of Fluoride in groundwater rather than presence of Fluoride bearing minerals in bulk rocks/soils (Ramesham and Rajagopalan 1985). In the ground waters of State, the concentrations of fluoride range from 0.10-9.0 mg/L and maximum concentration is detected in Boath-PZ wells (Adilabad district). Over all 85 samples (16.3%) are unfit for human consumption. Higher concentration of F (>1.5 mg/l) are detected in major parts of the state(Fig.8.5).


Fig.8.5: Distribution of Fluoride in ground water (May-2017).

8.2 Quality of ground water for drinking purpose

The hydrochemical data is compared with the drinking water quality standards set by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to assess the suitability of ground water from shallow aquifers in Telangana, for drinking purposes. The suitability of the ground water samples collected from shallow aquifers for drinking purposes with reference to chemical parameters is presented in Table 8.3. Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) in 4.0% of samples is beyond permissible limit of BIS. Highest percent of samples in Nalgonda(12.2%), Medak and Mahbubnagar (5.5%) districts are unsuitable for drinking with respect to TDS. Chloride Content in 1.2% of samples in the state exceeds the BIS permissibility. The Nitrate content in 44.9% of samples exceeds the BIS permissible value indicating the anthropogenic contamination, which is less than the previous years. Highest percent of samples in Nalgonda (61%), Adilabad (58.7%) and Rangareddy (47.5%) districts are unfit for drinking. Fluoride content in the state varies from 0.10 to 9.0 mg/l, with an average of 0.98 mg/L. 16.3% of samples in the state exceed BIS permissible limit. Highest percent of samples in


Warangal (23.8%), Khammam (23.4%) and followed by Karimnagar (20.6%) district are unfit for drinking.

Table- 8.2 Suitabilityof Samples with respect to different constituents for drinking purpose (IS-10500: 2012) TH Ca Mg HCO Cl SO NO F TDS District 3 4 3 (600) (200) (100) (600) (1000) (400) (45) (1.5) (2000) % Samples Exceeding permissible limit Telangana 17.9 6.0 5.8 3.1 1.2 1.0 44.9 16.3 4.0 State Adilabad 11.1 4.8 4.8 1.6 1.6 3.2 58.7 14.3 3.2 Hyderabad 14.3 9.5 0.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 19.0 14.3 0.0 Karimnagar 23.5 14.7 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.1 20.6 0.0 Khammam 10.6 4.3 4.3 6.4 0.0 0.0 46.8 23.4 4.3 Mahabub- 21.8 7.3 7.3 3.6 0.0 1.8 32.7 16.4 5.5 nagar Medak 9.1 3.6 3.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 27.3 9.1 5.5 Nalgonda 32.9 8.5 11.0 3.7 3.7 0.0 61.0 19.5 12.2 Nizamabad 16.7 4.8 2.4 2.4 0.0 0.0 45.2 2.4 0.0 Ranga Reddy 16.3 3.8 5.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 47.5 17.5 0.0 Warangal 14.3 2.4 7.1 7.1 2.4 2.4 38.1 23.8 2.4

8.3 Quality of ground water for irrigation Pueposes The most extensive use of ground water in the world is for the irrigation consumption. The chemical quality of ground water is an important factor to be considered in evaluating its usefulness for irrigation as poor quality ground water may cause salinity, specific ion toxicity or infiltration problem in soils. Such effect may adversely affect crop production. Water quality constraints in irrigation can be examined using a number of empirical indices that have been established on the basis of field experience and experiments. 8.3.1 US salinity laboratory classification The laboratory has constructed a diagram and described 16 classes with reference to Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) as an index for sodium hazard and electrical conductivity as an index for salinity hazard. SAR is defined as SAR = (Na+)/Sqrt{(Ca+2+Mg+2)/2} Where concentrations are used in meq/l. The samples collected from the monitoring wells in Telangana fall in to 9 classes as described below.

C1S1:Low salinity and low sodium waters are good for irrigation and can be used with most of the crops with no restriction on use on most of the soils.


C2S1: Medium salinity and low sodium waters are good for irrigation and can be used on all most all soils with a little danger of development of harmful levels of exchangeable sodium if moderate amount of leaching occurs. Crops can be grown without any special consideration for salinity control.

C3S1:The high salinity and low sodium waters require good drainage. Crops with good salt tolerance should be selected.

C3S2:The high salinity and medium sodium waters require good drainage and can be used on coarse textured or organic soils having good permeability.

C3S3: These high salinity and high sodium waters require special soil management, good drainage, high leaching and organic matter additions. Gypsum amendments make feasible the use of these waters.

C4S1: Very high salinity and low sodium waters are not suitable for irrigation unless the soil must be permeable and drainage must be adequate. Irrigation waters must be applied in excess to provide considerable leaching. Salt tolerant crops must be selected.

C4S2:Very high salinity and medium sodium waters are not suitable for irrigation on fine textured soils and low leaching conditions and can be used for irrigation on coarse textured or organic soils having good permeability.

C4S3:Very high salinity and high sodium waters produce harmful levels of exchangeable sodium in most soils and will require special soil management, good drainage, high leaching and organic matter additions. Gypsum amendments makes feasible the use of these waters.

C4S4:Very high salinity and very high sodium waters are generally unsuitable for irrigation purpose. These are sodium chloride type of waters and can cause sodium hazard. Can be used on coarse textured soils with very good drainage for very high salt tolerant crops. Gypsum amendments make feasible the use of these waters. Fig. 8.6 shows the US salinity diagram of all water samples of the state. It is observed that

68.1% of water samples are falling in C3S1 class, 22.2% in C2S1 class, 6.2% of samples falling inC3S2 class. 1.2% and 0.64%, samples falling in C1S1, and C4S2 respectively and remaining samples falls in C4S3, and C4S4 classes.


Fig. 8.6 U.S. Salinity diagram for classification of irrigation waters for shallow aquifers of Telangana State -2017

8.3.2 Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC)

The RSC is defined as the excess of carbonate and bicarbonate amount over the alkaline earths (Ca2+ and Mg2+). Use of RSC beyond permissible limit (>2.5) adversely affects irrigation. The tendency of Ca2+ and Mg2+ to precipitate, as the water in the soil becomes more concentrated, as a result of evaporation and plant transpiration, and gets fixed in the soil by the process of base exchange, thereby decreasing the soil permeability. Distribution of ground water in the state as per RSC given in Table 8.3 and it reveals, majority of samples (82.7%) fall in safe class (RSC < 1.25), 7.7 % in marginal category and remaining 9.6% in not suitable category.


Table 8.3: Classification of groundwater based on RSC.

RSC Category No of samples % of samples <1.25 Safe 431 82.7 > 1.25 < 2.50 Marginal 40 7.7 > 2.50 Not Suitable 50 9.6

8.4 Water quality for livestock and poultry

Though there are no livestock standards regulated in India, basing on FAO and other international organizations standards, the water quality was classified for livestock and Poultry. One of the important parameter is Salinity/Electrical Conductivity, which moderately shows the suitability of most of the samples in usable. Magnesium and Nitrate are other important parameters to be considered for the usage of ground water for the livestock. Magnesium is also within the range specified. Tables 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 show water quality in relation to salinity, magnesium and nitrate for livestock. Table-8.4 Use of ground water for livestock and poultry Soluble salt Rating No of Uses content samples in the range < 1000 Excellent 358 Excellent for all classes of livestock and poultry mg/litre (<1.5 dS/m) 1 000-3 000 Very 158 Satisfactory for all classes of livestock. May cause mg/litre satisfactory temporary mild diarrhoea in livestock not (1.5-5 dS/m) accustomed to them. Those waters approaching the upper limits may cause some watery droppings in poultry. 3 000-5 000 Satisfactory for 3 Satisfactory for livestock but may be refused by mg/litre livestock Unfit animals not accustomed to it. If sulphate salts (5-8 dS/m) for poultry predominate, animals may show temporary diarrhoea. Poor waters for poultry, often causing watery faeces, increased mortality and decreased growth especially in turkeys. 5 000-7 000 Limited use for 1 This water can be used for livestock except for those mg/litre livestock that are pregnant or lactating. It may have some (8-11 dS/m) Unfit for laxative effect and may be refused by animals until poultry they become accustomed to it. It is unsatisfactory for poultry 7 000-10 000 Very limited 1 Considerable risk for pregnant and lactating cows, mg/litre use horses, sheep and for the young of these species. It (11-16 dS/m) may be used for older ruminants or horses. Unfit for poultry and probably swine. > 10 000 mg/ Not 0 This water is unsatisfactory for all classes of litre recommended livestock and poultry. (> 16 dS/m) 65

Source: FAO, 1985b, and Guyer, 1996.

Table-8.5 Suggested limits for magnesium in drinking water for livestock Livestock No of Samples within Magnesium Concentration the range (mg/l) (me/l) Poultry2 519 <250 <21 Swine2 519 <250 <21 Horses 519 250 <21 Cows (lactating) 519 250 <21 Ewes with lambs 519 250 <21 Beef cattle 521 400 33 Adult sheep on dry 521 500 41 feed 1 Adapted from Australian Water Resources Council (1969). 2 The tolerance of swine and poultry for magnesium is unknown but could well be less than 250 mg/l.

Table-8.6 Guide to use of waters containing nitrates for livestock. Nitrate content* as Nitrate, No Comments parts per million NO3 samples (ppm) of nitrate in the nitrogen (NO3-N)** range Less than 100 <440 518 Experimental evidence indicates this water should not harm livestock or poultry. 100 to 300 440 - 3 This water by itself should not harm livestock or 1320 poultry. If hays or silages contain high levels of nitrate this water may contribute significantly to a nitrate problem in cattle, sheep, or horses. More than 300 > 1320 0 This water could cause typical nitrate poisoning in cattle, sheep, or horses, and its use for these animals is not recommended. Because this level of nitrate contributes to the salts content in a significant amount, use of this water for swine or poultry should be avoided. Source : Water Quality for Livestock and Poultry, FO-1864-GO. University of Minnesota Extension Division, 1990. * The values shown include nitrate and nitrite nitrogen. In no case should the waters contain more than 50 ppm nitrite nitrogen (NO2N) because of the greater toxicity of the nitrite form. **1 ppm of nitrate nitrogen is equivalent to 4.4 ppm of nitrate (NO3).

8.5 Groundwater facies

For identification of different water facies of groundwater, Piper diagram is widely used as it gives best graphical representation. Groundwater can be grouped broadly into 10 types (Fig.8.7). Ground water from the area is mainly of Ca-Na-HCO3-Cl and Na-Ca-HCO3-Cl type followed by Na-Mg-HCO3-Cl, Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-Cl and Mg-Ca-Na-HCO3-Cl type.


Fig.8.7: Ground water facies (Piper Plot)-May-2017.

9.0 SUM-UP Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, , has been carrying out ground water regime studies all over the country for generating historical data base in order to establish dynamics of ground water regime which plays a crucial role for estimation of ground water resource. Telangana State covering ~1.12 lakh Km2 lies between NL 15° 48’ and 19° 54’ and EL 77° 12 ‘ and 81° 50’ and is governed administratively by 10 districts. The total population of the state is ~3.5 crores and shown a decadal growth of 13.6 %. Drainage of the state can be divided into 2 major and 11 medium-basins and ~60% of the soils are red in colour. During the year 2017, the state received annual rainfall of in the range of 706 mm (Mahabubnagar district) to 1066 mm in Karimnagar district with average of 864mm, 8 % less than the normal rainfall (939 mm) and departure from normal was normal(-19% to +19% ) to excess(> 20%) in the state. South-west monsoon season (June-Sept) contributes 80% of rainfall, north-east monsoon (Oct-Dec) contributes 13%, winter rainfall contributes 1% and summer contributes 6% of rainfall in the state.


A major part of the state is underlain by gneissic complex with a structural fill of sedimentary formations and basin-fill of meta-sedimentary formations. The gneissic complex is overlain by basaltic lava flows in the northwestern part and is intruded by several younger rocks namely granites, dolerites, pegmatites and quartzite etc. The annual replenishable ground water resources are 14744 MCM, natural discharge during non-monsoon period is 1354 MCM, net ground water availability is 13390 MCM, annual gross ground water draft is 7766 MCM, allocation for future domestic and industrial use is 1554 MCM and net ground water availability for future irrigation use is 4823 MCM. The average stage of ground water development is 58% and 46 fall under over-exploited category, 12 falls under critical, 74 under semi-critical and rest 311 under safe category. Ground water monitoring is carried out as part of National ground water monitoring programme 4 times a year (January, May, August and November) and ground water quality one time (May). As on 31/03/2018, total of 770 (DW: 334 and Pz: 436) Ground Water Monitoring Wells (GWMS) are in existence. There are total 126 observers are appointed to monitor GWMS on participatory mode (all dug wells). Density of wells varies from 9 Km2/well (Hyderabad) to 233 Km2/well in Khammam district with average of 147 Km2/well. Hard rock aquifers (BGC) have high no of wells (554). More GWMS are there in Krishna basin (415) as compared to Godavari basin (345). During May, 2017 (pre-monsoon season ) water levels are in the range of 0.63 m bgl to 69.5 m bgl and water levels in the range of 5-10 m bgl are more predominant occupying ~42% of the wells followed by 10-20 mbgl (29% of the wells). Shallow water levels (0-5 m bgl) and deep water levels (>20 mbgl) occupy ~20 % and 8% of the wells. During August, 2017 (mid-monsoon season ) water levels are in the range of -0.01 m bgl to 49.6 m bgl and water levels in the range of 5-10 m bgl are more predominant occupying ~34% of the wells followed by 2-5 mbgl (31.5%). Moderate water levels (10-20 mbgl) recorded in ~20% wells and deep water levels (>20 mbgl) occupy ~5 % of the wells. During November (post-monsoon season 2017) water levels are in the range of -0.39 m bgl to 55.5 m bgl and water levels in the range of 2-5 m bgl are more predominant occupying ~38 % of the wells followed by 5-10 mbgl (27 % wells). Moderate water levels (10-20 mbgl) recorded in 14% and deep water levels (>20 mbgl) occupy ~4 % of the wells. During January,2018, water levels are in the range of 0.05 m bgl to 50.0 m bgl and water levels in the range of 2-5 & 5-10 m bgl are more predominant occupying ~30% and 35%


% of the wells followed by 10-20 mbgl (23 % wells). Shallow water levels (< 2 mbgl) occupy ~7 % and deep water levels (>20 mbgl) occupy ~5 % of the wells. Depth to water levels in August, 2017 ,November, 2017 and January,2018 have shown significant rising in percentage of wells compared with pre-monsoon water levels. It is 84%, 89% and 83% of the wells monitored in Aug, 17, Nov,17 and Jan, 18 respectively. May to November rise in water levels is mainly due to normal to ecxcess rainfall in all the districts of the state. Annual water level fluctuation from Aug, 2016 to Aug-17 have shown rise in water levels in 66 % of the wells. Annual water level fluctuation during January, 2017 to January,2018 have shown rise in water levels in 43 % of the wells. Annual water level fluctuation of May-2017 from May,2016 have shown fall in water levels in 23% of the area. Maximum rise of 57.6 m is observed in Warangal district and maximum fall of 38.77m is noticed in Rangareddy district and all districts have shown fall in water levels. Water levels during May, 2017, August, 2017, November,2017 and January, 2018 as compared to decadal water levels, have shown mixed response. Rise in water levels is 52% and 54% of the wells in May’17 and Aug’17 in comparison with decadal mean. Where as in Nov’17 the rise in water levels was only 38% and in Jan’18 the rise is 39%. Aquifer wise water level analysis shows that during pre-monsoon season, water levels range from 1.64 m bgl in Banded gniessic complex to 66.5 mbgl in Basalt respectively. During post-monsoon, water levels range from -0.2m bgl in BGC to 49.6 m bgl in BGC. Long-term water levels trends reveals that during the pre-monsoon period, about 62% of the area recorded falling trend in the range of 0-2.5 m/yr and 38% of the area rising trend in the range of 0-2.5 m/yr . During the post-monsoon period, about 47% of the area recorded falling trend in the range of 0-1.9 m/yr and 53% of the area rising trend in the range of 0-1.9 m/yr Ground water quality is assessed during pre-monsoon season of 2017 by collecting 525 samples from both dug wells and peizometers and 14 parameters namely pH,TDS, TH, Ca,

Mg, Na, K, CO3, HCO3, Cl, SO4, NO3 and F were analyzed as per standard guidelines laid down in APHA. Groundwater from the area is mildly acidic to alkaline in nature with pH in the range of 6.42 to 9.94 . Electrical conductivity varies from 159-11150 micro siemens at 250C. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) varies from 103-7253 and in 21 samples it is beyond 2000 mg/L (5 %). Total hardness varies from 25-3500 mg/l and in 93 samples it is beyond 600 mg/l. Calcium and

69 magnesium varies from 4-940 mg/l (in 31 samples it is beyond permissible limits of BIS i.e., >200 mg/L) and 1.2 - 279 mg/l respectively. Sodium and potassium varies from 1.1 – 2300 and <1-371 mg/L. The anions like CO3, HCO3 varies from below detectable limit to 96 and 18 - 1562 mg/l respectively. Chloride and sulphate varies from 7.1-2340 and 0.05 to 1824 mg/L respectively. NO3 ranges from 0-578 mg/L and found that 45 % samples are unfit for human consumptions (>45 mg/l). Fluoride concentration varies from 0.10-9.0 mg/l (Boath in Adilabad district) and found that 16.3 % samples are unfit for human consumptions. (beyond 1.5 mg/L). In respect of irrigation suitability of ground water it is found that majority(68.1%) of samples fall in C3-S1 type of water (high salinity low sodium hazard) followed by C2S1 (22.2%)type. As per RSC , 9.6 % samples are not suitable for irrigation.



S. District No of Stations to be No of Stations No of Stations No of Stations not No of Stations No of Stations No of Stations as on No. monitored where WL data Monitored as Dry Monitored due to Abandoned Established May 2017 Recorded Various Reasons


Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1 Adilabad 50 25 75 41 20 61 9 5 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 25 75 2 Hyderabad 7 21 28 5 15 20 0 0 0 2 6 8 1 1 2 0 0 0 6 20 26 3 Karimnagar 30 54 84 25 46 71 4 0 4 1 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 54 84 4 Khammam 55 13 68 47 10 57 8 0 8 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 13 68 5 Mahbubnagar 19 73 92 14 70 84 5 0 5 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 73 92 6 Medak 21 47 68 13 45 58 8 0 8 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 47 68 7 Nalgonda 49 75 124 37 58 95 9 0 9 2 17 19 1 0 1 0 0 0 48 75 123 8 Nizamabad 22 26 48 18 23 41 4 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 26 48 9 Ranga Reddy 46 58 104 36 46 82 7 1 8 3 11 14 1 3 4 1 0 1 46 55 101 10 Warangal 45 53 98 36 48 84 8 0 8 1 5 6 1 0 1 0 0 0 44 53 97 Total 344 445 789 272 381 653 62 9 71 10 54 64 4 4 8 1 0 1 341 441 782


ANNEXURE-II DISTRICT WISE STATUS OF GROUND WATER MONITORING WELLS- AUGUST, 2017, TELANGANA STATE S. No. District No of Stations to No of Stations No of Stations No of Stations No of Stations No of Stations No of Stations as on be monitored where WL data Monitored as not Monitored Abandoned Established Aug, 2017 Recorded Dry due to Various Reasons

W DW Pz Total DW Pz Total DW Pz Total D Pz Total DW Pz Total DW Pz Total DW Pz Total 1 Adilabad 50 25 75 47 21 68 1 0 1 2 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 25 75 2 Hyderabad 6 20 26 6 11 17 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 19 25 3 Karimnagar 30 54 84 29 50 79 0 0 0 1 3 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 30 53 83 4 Khammam 55 13 68 44 11 55 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 54 13 67 5 Mahbubnagar 19 73 92 19 67 86 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 19 72 91 6 Medak 21 47 68 20 44 64 8 0 8 1 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 20 47 67 7 Nalgonda 48 75 123 42 60 102 3 0 3 3 15 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 75 123 8 Nizamabad 22 26 48 20 21 41 1 0 1 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 26 48 9 Ranga Reddy 46 55 101 40 38 78 2 1 3 4 14 18 0 1 1 0 0 0 46 54 100 10 Warangal 44 53 97 44 49 93 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 44 52 96 Total 341 441 782 311 372 683 17 1 18 11 64 75 3 5 8 1 0 1 339 436 775






Annexure-V DISTRIBUTION OF PERCENTAGE OF OBSERVATION WELLS (MAY, 2017) No and Percentage of Wells Showing Depth to Water Table (m bgl) No of Depth to Water Level in the range of Sl. No District Wells (m bgl) 10.0 - 20.0 - 0.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0 5.0- 10.0 > 40.0 Analysed 20.0 40.0 Min Max No % No % No % No % No % No %

1 Adilabad 67 1.43 29.50 1 1 14 21 40 10 7 10 5 7 0 0 2 Hyderabad 9 2.90 47.87 0 0 2 22 3 33 3 33 0 0 1 11 3 Karimnagar 64 2.10 17.85 0 0 13 20 34 27 17 27 0 0 0 0 4 Khammam 58 0.63 19.64 2 3 14 24 32 17 10 17 0 0 0 0 5 Mababoobnagar 76 2.85 69.40 0 0 6 8 22 36 27 36 16 21 5 7 6 Medak 47 1.92 59.70 1 2 3 6 15 34 16 34 11 23 1 2 7 Nalgonda 88 1.70 42.10 2 2 27 31 31 26 23 26 4 5 1 1 8 Nizamabad 42 1.64 32.10 1 2 9 21 13 38 16 38 3 7 0 0 9 Ranga Reddy 74 2.00 66.50 2 3 4 5 23 47 35 47 8 11 2 3 10 Warangal 84 1.80 57.89 1 1 17 20 41 29 24 29 0 1 1 Total State 609 0.63 69.40 10 109 254 178 47 11



No and Percentage of Wells Showing Depth to Water Table (m bgl) in Ranga of Depth to No of Water Table Sl. No District Wells (m bgl) 0.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 5.0 5.0- 10.0 10.0 - 20.0 20.0 - 40.0 > 40.0 Analysed Min Max No % No % No % No % No % No %

1 Adilabad 63 -0.22 12.75 14 22 23 36 21 33 5 8 0 0 0 0

2 Hyderabad 10 -0.25 14.00 1 10 3 30 3 30 3 30 0 0 0 0

3 Karimnagar 65 0.43 17.49 3 5 16 25 29 45 17 26 0 0 0 0

4 Khammam 58 -0.65 16.64 25 43 19 33 12 21 2 3 0 0 0 0

5 Mababoobnagar 75 1.10 47.85 2 3 16 21 18 24 25 33 11 15 3 4

6 Medak 47 0.38 28.57 2 4 11 23 14 30 13 28 7 15 0 0

7 Nalgonda 88 0.35 32.10 13 15 28 32 30 34 13 15 4 5 0 0

8 Nizamabad 37 0.29 30.60 9 24 8 22 10 27 9 24 1 3 0 0

9 Ranga Reddy 66 0.30 56.60 4 6 12 18 24 36 19 29 4 6 3 5

10 Warangal 85 0.22 33.90 19 22 25 29 23 27 16 19 2 2 0 0

Total State 594 -0.65 56.60 92 15% 161 27% 184 31% 122 21% 29 0 6 1%






ANNEXURE-IX DISTRICT WISE WATER LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS AND FREQUENCY OF DISTRIBUTION (August 2017 from may 2017), TELANGANA STATE Range of Fluctuation (m No of Wells / Percentage Showing Fluctuation No of ) Sl. District Wells Rise Fall Total No. of No Rise Fall Analysed 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 Wells Min Max Min Max No % No % No % No % No % No % Rise Fall 1 Adilabad 62 0.51 27.90 0.56 4.70 16 26 21 34 19 30 3 5 1 2 1 2 56 5 2 Hyderabad 9 0.93 33.87 0.75 0.75 2 22 2 22 4 44 1 11 0 0 0 0 8 1 3 Karimnagar 62 0.05 5.85 0.04 0.04 18 29 11 18 5 8 25 40 3 5 0 0 34 28 4 Khammam 57 0.68 10.53 0.12 0.12 6 11 22 39 26 45 1 2 0 0 0 0 54 1 5 Mababoobnagar 74 0.35 32.10 0.08 0.08 25 34 13 18 23 31 9 12 1 1 3 4 61 13 6 Medak 46 0.13 36.50 0.58 0.58 12 26 14 30 18 39 2 4 0 0 0 0 44 2 7 Nalgonda 82 0.05 10.00 0.02 0.02 45 55 16 20 9 11 8 10 2 2 0 0 70 10 8 Nizamabad 37 0.35 18.14 0.05 0.05 9 24 8 22 8 22 8 22 2 5 1 3 25 11 9 Ranga Reddy 63 0.10 10.30 0.30 0.30 13 21 22 35 19 30 6 10 0 0 1 2 54 7 10 Warangal 84 0.01 23.98 0.01 2.71 26 31 31 37 19 23 6 7 2 2 0 0 76 8 Total State 576 0.01 36.50 0.75 4.70 172 30% 160 28% 150 26% 69 12% 11 2% 6 1% 482 86




Annexure- XI


ANNEXURE XII DISTRICT WISE FLUCTUATION AND FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION FROM DIFFERENT RANGES May, 2017 vs May, 2016 Range of Fluctuation (m ) No of Wells / Percentage Showing Fluctuation Sl. No of Wells Rise Fall Total No. of District Rise Fall No Analysed 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 Wells Min Max Min Max No % No % No % No % No % No % Rise Fall

1 Adilabad 63 0.08 11.94 0.06 22.60 29 46 2 3 8 13 13 21 2 3 2 3 39 17

2 Hyderabad 8 0.52 9.40 1.46 25.87 2 25 1 13 1 13 1 13 1 13 2 25 4 4

3 Karimnagar 61 0.18 15.76 0.26 2.98 18 30 13 21 20 33 4 7 2 3 0 0 51 6

4 Khammam 53 0.10 8.92 0.05 1.60 20 38 4 8 1 2 21 40 0 0 0 0 25 21

5 Mababoobnagar 50 0.10 16.88 0.32 21.40 16 32 9 18 8 16 7 14 6 12 3 6 33 16

6 Medak 46 0.22 34.45 0.41 3.97 9 20 12 26 12 26 4 9 2 4 0 0 33 6

7 Nalgonda 79 0.02 13.00 0.03 7.00 24 30 15 19 20 25 12 15 1 1 1 1 59 14

8 Nizamabad 40 0.86 15.72 1.30 5.50 4 10 9 23 21 52 2 5 1 3 1 3 34 4

9 Ranga Reddy 72 0.22 54.01 0.06 38.77 22 31 10 14 12 17 11 15 9 3 9 13 44 22

10 Warangal 82 0.03 57.69 0.02 11.26 31 38 15 18 13 16 11 13 1 1 5 6 59 17

Total State 554 0.86 57.69 0.02 38.77 175 90 116 86 18 23 381 127


Annexure- XIII DISTRICT WISE WATER LEVEL FLUCTUATION AND FREQUENCY OF DISTRIBUTION (AUGUST 2017 from AUGUST 2016), TELANGANA STATE Range of Fluctuation (m ) No of Wells / Percentage Showing Fluctuation Total No. of No of Rise Fall Wells Wells Rise Fall 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 Sl. No District Analysed Min Max Min Max No % No % No % No % No % No % Rise Fall 1 Adilabad 61 0.10 7.09 0.18 5.49 19 31 3 5 2 3 22 36 11 18 4 6 24 37 2 Hyderabad 8 0.37 7.49 1.31 1.31 4 50 1 12 2 25 1 12 0 0 0 0 7 1 3 Karimnagar 65 0.02 12.26 0.02 6.38 16 25 12 18 4 6 24 37 7 11 2 3 32 33

4 Khammam 57 0.05 8.80 0.05 7.47 32 56 10 18 2 3 8 14 2 4 1 2 44 11 5 Mababoobnagar 74 0.20 25.25 0.05 18.12 19 26 7 9 21 28 13 18 9 12 5 7 47 27 6 Medak 46 0.24 35.15 0.48 5.97 9 20 13 28 18 39 3 6 1 2 2 4 40 6 7 Nalgonda 77 0.04 16.32 0.03 7.00 32 42 11 14 12 16 14 18 4 5 2 3 55 20 8 Nizamabad 34 0.20 17.64 0.09 11.55 8 24 6 18 14 41 2 6 2 6 2 6 28 6

9 Ranga Reddy 59 0.16 9.20 0.11 50.85 16 27 3 5 8 14 10 17 9 15 12 20 27 31 10 Warangal 84 0.01 15.07 0.01 4.84 34 40 19 23 14 17 12 14 4 5 1 1 67 17

Total State 565 0.01 35.15 0.01 50.85 189 33% 85 15% 97 17% 109 19% 49 9% 31 5% 371 189






ANNEXURE XVI DISTRICT WISE FLUCTUATION OF WATER LEVEL WITH MEAN AND SELECTED PERIOD 10YEARS Mean ( 2007 MAY-2016 MAY) -2017/MAY Range of Fluctuation (m ) No of Wells / Percentage Showing Fluctuation No of Rise Fall Total No. of Wells Sl. No District Wells Rise Fall 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 Analysed Rise Fall Min Max Min Max No % No % No % No % No % No %

1 Adilabad 66 0.1 7.56 0.01 22.25 24 36 3 5 3 5 28 42 4 6 4 6 30 36

2 Hyderabad 9 1.15 4.36 1.16 29.86 2 22 0 0 1 0 2 22 1 11 3 33 3 6

3 Karimnagar 63 0.03 7.89 0.15 4.81 27 43 10 16 3 16 18 29 3 5 2 3 40 23

4 Khammam 58 0.05 2.31 0.03 5.53 18 31 1 2 0 2 33 57 5 9 1 2 19 39

5 Mababoobnagar 68 0.07 16.88 0.04 38.23 20 29 7 10 8 10 18 26 8 12 7 10 35 33

6 Medak 47 0.02 13 0.05 19.3 14 30 8 17 7 17 9 19 6 13 3 6 29 18

7 Nalgonda 86 0.06 26.42 0.03 8.8 27 31 12 14 8 14 27 31 5 6 6 7 47 38

8 Nizamabad 42 0.4 8 0.09 15.49 16 38 10 24 2 24 10 24 1 2 3 7 28 14

9 Ranga Reddy 74 0.01 8.76 0.04 38.31 24 32 4 5 7 5 17 23 8 11 13 18 35 38

10 Warangal 83 0.08 9.62 0.01 36.28 32 38 10 12 5 12 23 28 8 10 4 5 47 35

Total State 596 2.31 26.42 0.01 38.31 204 65 44 185 49 46 313 280


ANNEXURE XVII DISTRICT WISE WATER LEVEL FLUCTUATION August , 2017 from Decadal Mean of (AUGUST 2007-16) , TELANGANA STATE. Range of Fluctuation (m ) No of Wells / Percentage Showing Fluctuation No of Total No. Rise Fall Sl. No District Wells Rise Fall of Wells Analysed 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 0 to 2 2 to 4 > 4 Rise Fall Min Max Min Max No % No % No % No % No % No % 1 Adilabad 62 0.01 3.18 0.01 5.21 18 29 2 3 0 0 30 48 10 16 2 3 20 42 2 Hyderabad 10 0.24 6 0.01 0.85 2 20 2 20 1 10 5 50 0 0 0 0 5 5 3 Karimnagar 65 0.14 3 0.02 8.96 13 20 6 9 0 0 26 40 13 20 7 11 19 46 4 Khammam 58 0 3.74 0.03 5.84 36 62 8 14 0 0 11 19 1 2 2 3 44 14 5 Mababoobnagar 75 0.17 12.53 0.03 19.05 15 20 8 11 15 20 23 31 9 12 5 7 38 37 6 Medak 47 0.5 9.9 0.15 8.03 11 23 9 19 12 26 8 17 4 9 3 6 32 15 7 Nalgonda 86 0.04 14.63 0.09 7 31 36 12 14 9 10 22 25 7 8 4 5 52 33 8 Nizamabad 37 0.02 10.97 0.35 11.24 14 38 6 16 5 13 6 16 2 5 4 11 25 12 9 Ranga Reddy 65 0.17 7.71 0.09 39.8 12 18 9 13 5 8 13 20 13 20 13 20 26 39 10 Warangal 85 0.1 8.78 0.01 17.22 42 49 8 9 5 6 20 24 7 8 3 4 55 30 Total State 590 0.5 14.63 0.01 39.8 194 33% 70 12% 52 9% 164 28% 66 11% 43 7% 316 273






Annexure XX Distribution Of Percentage Of Wells of (Deeper Aquifer) DTWL in May, 2017 and Nov , 2017

Season Depth to water Table (mbgl) No of Wells /% of wells showing depth to water level (m bgl) in the range of District No of Name wells Min Max 0 - 2 % 2 - 5 % 5 -10 % 10-20 % 20-40 % >40 % Adilabad 6 Pre 1.45 29.2 1 17 2 33 1 17 1 17 1 17 0 0 6 Post 0.57 12.4 1 17 4 66 0 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 Hyderabad 14 Pre 1.2 42.8 1 7 0 0 3 21 5 36 4 29 1 7 9 Post 3.67 22.61 0 0 4 44 4 44 0 0 1 11 0 0 Karimnagar 16 Pre 4.75 >100 0 0 1 6 6 37 8 50 0 0 1 6 15 Post 0.75 11.32 3 20 2 13 8 53 2 13 0 0 0 0 Khammam 9 Pre 3.77 18.42 0 0 2 22 3 33 4 44 0 0 0 0 8 Post 1.68 14.81 1 12 0 0 4 50 3 38 0 0 0 0 Mahbubnagar 4 Pre 4.71 40.4 0 0 1 25 0 0 2 50 0 0 1 25 14 Post 0.55 37.7 2 14 1 7 2 14 4 28 5 36 0 0 Medak 14 Pre 11.55 49.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 43 7 50 1 7 17 Post 2.8 25.65 0 0 2 12 8 47 2 12 5 29 0 0 Nalgonda 13 Pre 1.47 48.08 1 8 0 0 5 38 3 23 3 23 1 8 18 Post 1.03 37.58 3 17 4 22 4 22 4 22 3 17 0 0 Nizamabad 5 Pre 14.84 29.04 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 40 3 60 0 0 5 Post 5.94 17.52 0 0 0 0 4 80 1 20 0 0 0 0 Ranga Reddy 20 Pre -0.9 58.9 8 40 2 10 2 10 4 20 3 15 1 5 16 Post 3.36 13.57 0 0 5 31 8 50 3 19 0 0 0 0 Warangal 11 Pre -0.6 45.05 3 2 1 9 1 9 2 18 3 27 1 9 10 Post -0.49 32.35 4 40 1 10 1 10 3 30 1 10 0 0 Total 112 Pre -0.60 >100 14 9 21 37 24 7 118 Post -0.50 37.7 14 23 43 23 15 0


Annexure XXI District wise summarized chemical composition of ground water from GWMS during Pre-monsoon season-2017 (May).


3 4

Min/Max Cl F District pH K Ca Na TH Mg SO NO /Avg TDS HCO in mg/L Min 6.42 159 25 4.0 1.2 6.9 18 7.1 0.05 0.00 0.10 3.8 Telangana State Max 9.94 11150 3500 940 2560 2300 1562 2340 1824 578 9.0 7384 Avg 7.48 1457 426 101 67 140 400 195 87 64 0.98 912 Min 7.20 25 6.0 2.4 20 0.78 73 14 5.3 0.00 0.22 213 Adilabad Max 8.07 1360 312 180 2300 130 1562 1773 1824 410 9.0 7253 Avg 7.57 417 96 43 142 9.4 423 162 90 77 1.1 879 Min 7.02 120 14 7.3 51 0.78 128 53 3.4 1.2 0.40 290 Hyderabad Max 8.16 1160 312 92 212 39 781 688 277 112 2.5 1819 Avg 7.57 403 102 36 123 8.4 349 183 101 28 1.0 796 Min 6.50 120 24 8.5 25 0.78 18 28 9.1 0.62 0.14 238 Karimnagar Max 7.83 1050 256 167 420 60 671 993 208 275 2.8 1848 Avg 7.48 469 109 48 132 13 406 206 81 75 0.96 912 Min 6.50 60 10 3.6 6.9 0.78 37 14 0.10 0.00 0.10 105 Khammam Max 7.93 1000 312 112 575 297 1007 766 322 341 4.0 2645 Avg 7.36 371 83 40 159 36 436 183 91 60 1.0 919 Min 6.90 35 4.0 4.9 20 0.78 79 14 1.9 0.3 0.2 190 Mahabub-nagar Max 8.06 1100 268 139 616 371 824 978 597 497 4.9 2614 Avg 7.55 385 89 39 146 21 380 198 86 55 1.1 867 91


3 4

Min/Max Cl F District pH K Ca Na TH Mg SO NO /Avg TDS HCO


Min 6.48 50 4.0 2.4 15 0.00 37 11 0.05 0.19 0.13 103 Medak Max 9.94 2140 440 122 530 150 805 1801 550 181 2.9 2843 Avg 7.28 333 82 27 105 11 343 128 73 37 0.76 670 Min 6.65 105 14 9.7 29 0.0 49 17.7 10.6 2.5 0.12 264 Nalgonda Max 8.39 2200 616 173 1104 250 915 1631 356 578 3.6 3640 Avg 7.44 540 128 53 216 27 440 332 132 87 1.1 1244 Min 6.80 155 34 16 16 0.00 104 14 0.48 0.00 0.22 291 Nizamabad Max 8.05 975 300 117 280 180 805 482 175 224 1.8 1518 Avg 7.50 435 114 37 106 14 404 170 60 55 0.69 803 Min 6.42 30 8 1.2 9 0.0 67 7.1 1.0 0.0 0.22 108 Ranga Reddy Max 8.05 860 244 134 292 200 793 482 240 298 2.9 1518 Avg 7.44 409 95 42 92 13 371 139 63 67 0.9 739 Min 7.10 50 6.0 44 28 0.20 171 39 3.8 0.00 0.35 359 Warangal Max 8.20 3500 940 2560 460 70 927 2340 524 345 5.1 7384 Avg 7.70 451 106 346 140 8.6 420 199 80 61 1.1 1198


CENTRAL GROUND WATER BOARD Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Govt. of India

NH – IV, Faridabad Southern Region Haryana GSI Post, Bandlaguda Tel: 0129-2419105 Hyderabad – 500 068 Website: Telangana State

Tel: 040-24225200

Email: [email protected]