BEDFORD COUNTY COUNCIL Local Government Act, r888, 51 & 52 Vie. c. 41.

Under the above Act, the county of is an The coroners for the county are elected by the County administrative county (sec. 46), governed by a County Council, and the clerk of the peace is also appointed Council, consisting of 19 aldermen and 57 councillors. by such joint committee, and may be removed by them The chairman, by virtue of his office, is a jmtice of (sec. 83-2). the peacl:' for the county, without qualification (sec. 46). The clerk of the peace for the county is clerk of the County Council (sec. 83-1). The police for the county are under the control of a The administrative business of the county (which standing joint committee of the Quarter Sessions and would, if this Act had not been passed, have been the County Council, appointed as therein mentioned transacted by the justices) is transacted by the County (sec. 9) . Council • 1\Ieet at the Shire hall, Bedford, quarterly, at 11.30 a.m. Chairman-The Duke of Bedford K.G., D.L., J.P. Woburn Abbey, Vlioburu.

Vi~:e-Chairman-Samuel Howard Whit bread M. A. (Lord Lieutenant), 1 L Mansfield street, Cavendish square, Lomlou W .

.ALDERMEN. To retire March, 1919. To retire March, 1916. Lord G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., J .P. Milton Erne~t Battams William ·Bland, Carlton, Bedford hall, Bedford Campion Henry, Bletsoe, Bedford Bedford Duke of, K.G., D.L., J.P. \Vohurn .\bbey, Crouch James, , Aspley Guise Woburn Gilder George Wilcox, Myrtle house, road, Burridge Henry, Cauldwell house, Bedford Luton Inskip Alfred J.P. Clifton Bury, Howkins Benjamin, Bromham, Bedford Oakley Edwin J .P. The )fount, Luton Sinkwell Gilbert, Northcote, Dunstahle l'rothero Rowland Edmund M.V:O. Oakley b .... Bedford Smith Edward Thurlow Leeds J.P. Sandy Richmond Robert J.P. Heathwood, Warren George J .P. Langley lodge, Luton Whitwmth \Villiam J .P. Ouse manor, Sharnbrook Whitbread Samuel Howard M . .A. (Lord Lieutenant), II Williams Herbert Owen, New Bedford road, Luton :Mamfield street, Cavendish square, W

COUNCILLORS. Retire March, 1916. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Electoral Division. Names & Addresses. Ampt.h ill ...... Samuel Sea brook, , Amptbill , South ...... Fred Turner Garrett, 13 High street, ···~·· ...... James Newman Saunders,8o Golding- . Dunstable ton avenue, Bed fore! ' ...... Gai usBatchelar,EatonBray, Dunstable Aspley Guise ...... Georg-e Herbert Fowler, The Old ' Eaton Socon ...... l''rank Wellham, Acacia house, Eaton house, Aspley Guise Socon, St. Neots

Barford-Great ...... John Arnold Whitchnrcb, Great Bar- I Flit wick ...... Hichard Goodman J. "P. Flitwick mill, ford house, St. N eats ' Amptbill Barton ...... Walter Thomas L,·e- J. P. . . I Harrold ...... Charles Pettit J.P. Harrold house, hall, Luton ' Harrold Bedford:- Heath & Reach ...... Jn. Dunkley Britten, Heath & Reach, No. 1...... Frank E. Heath, St. John st. Bed ford Leighton Buzzard No. ~ ...... Thomas Le~ Roberts, 4 Rothsay ...... Robert Mossman, , Woburn gardens, Bedford , ...... Thomas John Cook, Brewers' Hill No. 3 ...... Alfred George Carruthers J. P. 136 farm, Houghton Regis, Dunstable Bower street, Bedford Kempston :- No. 4 ...... John Fredk. Walker, 2 St. Augustine's! No. 1...... Waiter George Hatfeild-Harter J.P. road, Bedford Kempston Bury, Kempston, Bedford ' No. 5······ ...... Henry Clissold Williams, 2 Clapham 1 No. 2 ...... David Bower, S Hinglield cottage, road, Bedfnrd Spring- road, Kempston, Bedford No. 6 ...... Wm. Winterburn Beck, 52 Tavistock Langford ...... Rev. Christopher Cooper Ewbank, street, Bedford ' Langford vicarage, Biggleswade No. 7 ...... Chas. Negus, 37 Tavistock st. Bedford Leighton Buu.ard George Chapman, Leighton Bu.zzard No. 8...... John B. Hope, 2 St. Andrew's road, (North) Bed ford , Leighton Buzzard George Payne, Leighton Buzzard No. <; ...... George Croxton Walker, St. Paul's (South) square, Bedford Luton :- . Biggleswade (N ortb) Henry Martin Lindsell M. A., C. B., No. r ...... Thomas Keens, \Varden house, New J .P. Sbortmead, Riggleswade Bedford road, Luton Biggleswade (South) Frederick Charles Kitchiner, Elnn­ No. 2 .... ·-· ...... •• Albert Arthr. Oakley, HiliC'roft, Luton harn house, Hitchin st. Big-gleswade No. 3 ...... John William Green J.P. The Larches, ...... Frank Davison, ·willow Hill farm, New Bedford road, Luton Mogerhanger, Handy No. 4- ...... -...... Hngh Cnmberland, Hart hill, Luton ...... Thomas Brigg J.P. Woodsitle, Luton No. 5 ...... William Hichanls Phillips C.E. The Clifton ...... Cyril Gurney, grange, Big- Lancrets, Dunstable road, Luton gleswade No. 6 ...... Henry Impey, London road, Luton ...... John Garton, Hough ton Conquest, No. 7 ...... Charles Dillingbam, New Bedford · Ampthill road, Luton Crantield ...... Mathew F. Bliss, Crantield, Woburn No. 8 ...... George Ordish, 42 Rothe!'ay rd. Lut.on Sands Nn. 9 ...... Harry Arnold, The Bury, Luton Dunstable :- Maul den ...... Walla.ce Perc·y Gordou J.P. Hall end, North ...... Rev. William Wing Carew Baker, , Ampthill Dun stable -