Guided Local Search
GUIDED LOCAL SEARCH Christos Voudouris, Edward P. K. Tsang and Abdullah Alsheddy Abstract Combinatorial explosion problem is a well known phenomenon that pre- vents complete algorithms from solving many real-life combinatorial optimization problems. In many situations, heuristic search methods are needed. This chapter de- scribes the principles of Guided Local Search (GLS) and Fast Local Search (FLS) and surveys their applications. GLS is a penalty-based meta-heuristic algorithm that sits on top of other local search algorithms, with the aim to improve their efficiency and robustness. FLS is a way of reducing the size of the neighbourhood to improve the efficiency of local search. The chapter also provides guidance for implement- ing and using GLS and FLS. Four problems, representative of general application categories, are examined with detailed information provided on how to build a GLS- based method in each case. Key words: Heuristic Search, Meta-Heuristics, Penalty-based Methods, Guided Local Search, Tabu Search, Constraint Satisfaction. 1 INTRODUCTION Many practical problems are NP-hard in nature, which means complete, construc- tive search is unlikely to satisfy our computational demand. For example, suppose Christos Voudouris Group Chief Technology Office, BT plc, Orion Building, mlb1/pp12, Marthlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 3RE, United Kingdom, e-mail: Edward P. K. Tsang Department of Computer Science, Univeristy of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom, e-mail: Abdullah Alsheddy Department of Computer Science, Univeristy of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom, e-mail: 1 2 Christos Voudouris, Edward P.
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