Cabinet Secretaries and members of the National Government The Judiciary My Fellow Governors, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Members of the County Assembly Leaders of Religious and Business Formations and other Organs of Civil Society present here; Our Distinguished Guests, Members of the Media; And most importantly, the residents of Ladies and Gentlemen


It gives me great pleasure and honor to address this congregation exactly one year since I was sworn into office as Governor, Kajiado County. The year has passed quite fast. I am glad the first anniversary of my administration comes at a time of relative peace and a moment many residents feel my administration is on the full course of making all residents part of my Government.

Today, I will reveal to you one thing. During my earlier days of the Governorship when I was crafting a team to work with, both at the Cabinet level and in other senior positions in the Executive, there were fears that I would dismantle the entire structure of Government and bring in what we normally call in political parlance as “my people”. I had other ideas for which I turned to the almighty to guide me on. Wouldn’t the County be served better if I brought on board a team from all sides of the political divide, exchange ideas and forge a united front in addressing our people’s problems.


I was persuaded not to allow the divisions we had experienced in the grueling elections to block our unity of purpose for the sake of a joint strategy to prosperity. To me, those running for office in Opposition tickets and their supporters were just having an alternative view on the direction this County should take. I saw an opportunity of tapping from their experiences and ideas and seek to heal our long held suspicions for a smoother engagement on the development of our County. The relative peace in the County is partly attributed to the inclusion of some of those we disagreed in the last elections into my government. That is how Kajiado County became the mother of the spirit of the HANDSHAKE. I am glad President and Former Prime Minister followed suit.

I made commitments to you all when I sought this office. And in fairness, I have to account to you all my progress in the one year that I have held this office that was entrusted to me by You the people of Kajiado. I am indebted to the people who sent us here, who pay our salaries, who hold our feet to the fire, the people of Kajiado County. In the theme for the Report Card- Transforming Kajiado, Step-by-Step, is a vision of being systematic in our approach.

Our work has just begun. Many people of Kajiado still have not felt the impact of what we've done. Many young people are still unemployed, many of our rural areas are still inaccessible and do not have water let alone quality water. And so today let us resolve to continue the journey of renewal, to create more and better jobs, to create a better life for the people of Kajiado.

MY PERFORMANCE IN THE PAST ONE YEAR My purpose in this deployment has been to conquer poverty, inequality and joblessness of the people of Kajiado. Although I will proceed to report on the many achievements we have made in the past one year in office in fulfilling the noble Manifesto of the governing party and of our County, I still weep \at the enormous task that is as yet undone. I have seen the suffering of people without food for their children, students without the means to continue their studies, and the informal settlement dwellers with draughty and leaking shacks. “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced!”

One of the major goals of my tenure in office has been the Transformation of the County including the Sub Counties, Wards and

3 Villages. In the following hour I will attempt to summarize the achievements of this government over the one year. I will also report on some of our priorities going forward, as I commit myself to the continued struggle with one aim in mind – freedom for the people of Kajiado! freedom from poverty and inequality! And freedom from corruption!

Fellow Compatriots My Manifesto is based on six pillars namely, (a) governance including development of streamlined systems policy framework, combating corruption, (b) Economic Development; (c)Social Sector Development namely accessible health, competitive education, safe environment for people, property and natural resource; (d) Public safety; (e) Sustainable Governance for Local Communities; (f) Business Excellence

I shall now briefly report on some of the highlights of this term of office in meeting these goals.

1. ROADS AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT My Fellow Compatriots, Ladies and Gentlemen

Improvement in road connectivity not only assures the development but also accelerates the process of development of a region. In a vast county as is Kajiado, where the main population centres are not only scattered all over the county but are also separated by dry lands, valleys and hills, a reliable transport road network becomes all the more important and essential.

The people in the rural areas of Kajiado, from Njukini in the South to Mosiro to the West, rely on the primary network of paths, tracks, culverts, and basic access routes in the immediate village vicinity. Theirs is a village, walking world, and improvements to this primary village network that reduce the burden in undertaking basic household and productive tasks, as well as the increased availability of intermediate modes of transport with larger carrying capacity to collect water, firewood, etc, are likely to have a greater initial impact on their well-beings than improved availability of motorized transport services, which they do not or cannot afford to use, and which are not linked to their existing livelihood strategies. Therefore, improving transport

4 within a village is as important to the rural folks as providing access to markets outside the village.

During the year, floods caused havoc on the road network. Significant improvement on the road transport infrastructure has been made over the past two years with over 900km of roads being graded across the County. However these roads are fast deteriorating in spite of evident quality of the design and construction due to the damage caused by floods.

The severe damage inflicted on these roads, bridges, culverts and public rights of way is becoming alarming and a source of serious concern especially when one considers the enormous resources ploughed into the design and construction process.

Early this year, the County lost able bodied men and women when a bridge collapsed, as a result of the floods experienced in Ongata Rongai killing at least 10 people. May the Almighty rest their souls in eternal peace.

There are also emerging signs of dilapidation on the several roads across the County that could be linked to flooding. This has thus necessitated my Government to devise lasting strategies to cub the menace of flooding on roads and bridges across the County.

Completion of unfinished projects Two thirds of the projects that had been initiated in the previous regime were incomplete. In addition to the fiscal waste, the economic and social opportunity costs of non-completion are enormous. It was therefore incumbent upon me to complete these projects before embarking on new ones.

During the past year, several bridges, most of which needed construction of vented drifts and were started in the 2016/2017 fiscal year were completed and only a few are in progress. Among these are Mpete, Kurende Timman and Olorika bridges in Keekonyokie ward, Ilbissil bridge and Mama Silole bridge in Kuku Ward. The Kiserian Dam modular bridge that will connect Keekonyokie and Olkeri Wards is under construction at the spillway outlet along JCN Isinya Road-Kiserian Dam-Eureka Road.

Periodic Maintenance of Roads

5 Long-term social and economic benefits from roads are often threatened by a neglect of periodic maintenance. We have seen several rural roads, particularly gravel roads, quickly deteriorate due to lack of maintenance. This has eroded the benefits if they are periodically impassable or the overall condition is bad.

Most of the rural folks are generally risk averse and will not engage in a new activity if they know that the road on which it depends will be temporarily unusable or if its poorer condition in the following year will mean that costs and time will increase.

I have devolved the responsibility for road maintenance to local communities, particularly for basic rural roads, is a means of ensuring simultaneously that the local communities can receive benefits through direct employment and that they are stakeholders in the road serving their area. It is my sincere hope that this can be a powerful means of ensuring long-term sustainability, and local ownership. The income generated from employment on the road will go a long way in providing start-up capital for the local communities to make use of the road in some future enterprise or endeavor.

Policy to involve the public in determining Road Location and Type Often, the decisions about what roads are selected are not transparent. Participation is a key element in the selection of roads to be rehabilitated or reconstructed under rural road programs, not only to decide which roads need improvement but also to understand the type of road and ancillary investments that are needed. The roads serving poverty areas could be upgraded only to a standard that is needed to connect them to the main road network. I have began the Implementation of the Public Participation Act and through the sub county and ward administration system, the public will have a guided manner of engagement.

Partnerships How best to implement rural roads with integrated livelihood support components is a difficult question. I am alive to the fact that that complex, integrated programs may require a number of partners. I have partnered with the National Government agencies and international Development Partners in projects such as the Kitengela GK prison road which comes with newly created 200 parking lots in Kitengela town. Together with the World Bank, we can take pride in the modern Kitengela Bus Park which is complete and ready for occupation.

6 Earlier this Week, a similar partnership will bring to reality the tarmacking of the crucial Gataka Road in Kajiado North. Among the areas this road will open up is the highly populated Ongata Rongai - Bulbul area. A further partnership will actualize the tarmacking of the all- important Ngong-Ewuaso-Suswa Road creating a link road between Nairobi County and Narok County.

A key milestone in our partnership is the partnership with Tata Chemicals Ltd in provision of train services plying the Magadi- Konza Route. The train service which runs twice a week and is a major boost to trade in Kajiado Central and Kajiado East Sub Counties. This service will soon be extended to Emali to tap into the opportunities of the livestock market in the town. The train journey will relieve the residents the long hours spent between the towns due to poor road network especially during the rainy seasons. Speaking to a few residents along the route who are beneficiaries of the service, we have testimonies of the benefits of the commuter train. The residents are able to carry on trade between the towns and several other multiplier effects have been felt with the introduction of the train service including providing access to Employees, Students, and Disadvantaged Groups, affordable mobility to economically disadvantaged groups, Stimulation of Community Development and Reduction in Congestion and Delay.

The train will connect residents of Ilmaroro and parts of Kaputie North to services such as the Kajaido Teaching and Referral Hospital. The train service will also offer a cheaper option of travel to traders who are looking to access Kajiado, Isinya and Kitengela markets. On the flip side , the farmers and producers of raw material will also have access markets for their produce by transporting in bulk.

Street lighting As the County grows, there is need to increase safety. Street lighting provides a number of benefits such as reductions in on-street accidents and crime, amenity, streetscape enhancements, and stimulation of the night-time trade.

In the Urban areas of the County such as Loitokitok, Ngong benefits are density of population and the level of traffic in these areas necessitate the provision of street lighting. My Government has encouraged the 24 –hr economy especially in the urban areas by the provision of street lights. So far, 263 solar powered street lights and 32 flood lights have

7 been put up. There is a deliberate move to use green energy as opposed to electricity on these lights to reduce operational costs.

Loitokitok town now has 30 street lights; Ngong 50, Oloolua 103, Kimana 50, Olkeri 25, while wards such as Oloosirkon/ Sholinke, Ongata Rongai, Ildamat, Matapato North, Oloolua, Kimana, Ngong have several floodlights for security purposes. Our efforts to being about modernity We have also rehabilitated high mast lights, which had been vandalized and were not working for some time. These were at PCEA Noonkopir and at the old and new matatu stages in Kitengela, Olekasasi A in Ongata Rongai and at the Chief’s office in Nkaimurunya Ward.

INPUT BY NATIONAL GOVERNMENT I recognize the contribution by the National Government in the development of Infrastructure across the County. With funding from the National Government, **** KM of the Standard Guage Railway is transversing KajiadoCounty. The railway has three sub-stations namely Rangau, Kangawa and Kimuka within the County. The County has benefited in business opportunities, employment of our youths and has seen the growth of the surrounding towns. The construction company, China Roads Corporations has employed over 4000 youths derived from Kajiado North, Kajiado West and Kajiado East. The employment of this Youth

The National Government has also constructed over 300km of roads in Kajiado County namely Ilmaroro-Mashuru- Isara; Isinya- Kiserian- Ngong; Ngong- Ewaso- Suswa; the Dualing of Bomas- Kiserian- Konabaridi; Rongai- Gataka- Embulmbul; Ongata Rongai- Nazarene University- Rumpa; Matasi- Nkoroi Market; Oloika-Kamura; Lowisa Acadamy- Kahara; and the Matasia Cooperative College Road.

These roads will go a long way to decongest the traffic jams in Ngong and Ongata Rongai. The roads will also give the people of Matasia an alternative route to Nairobi without necessarily having to go back to Ngong or Kiserian. This will open up other opportunities such as housing within upper Matasia.

2. WATER My Fellow Compatriots, Ladies and Gentlemen The story of water in Kajiado is one that I’m committed to making it a remarkable one in Kajiado. To the North of Kajiado County, there is the Kerarapon Water, to the West there is the Suswa Water and to the South

8 there is the Noultresh water. With these sources of water all round the County, if properly managed we should be able to distribute the water to every part of the County.

Groundwater is distributed unevenly over the territory of Kajiado, thus making the construction of pipelines necessary to tap their potential. In particular, the coastal area is nearly devoid of groundwater. Recharge in these areas is low and unreliable, groundwater lies at great depths and sometimes is of poor quality. Other areas are favorable, sitting on high-yielding, very productive aquifers that contain more water than farmers and communities presently need. The people in the South, Central and East of Kajiado are depending on the Noultresh water as it is flowing through these three subcounties. I have operationalized several projects in the last one year including Kimana- Tikondo Water project which has a 7 km pipeline. This water project will serve 5,000 people in Kajiado South. The Isinet Water Project with a 1.5 km pipeline in Imbirikani has a 100 cubic meter storage tank with water kiosks along the way. It is now serving 4,000 people.

The Usua-Emurkeya pipeline was laid and installed with a hybrid power system that uses more solar energy and less diesel power. The second phase of Eluwai Water Project in Purko Ward is ongoing and when complete, it will serve 2,000 people. My Government is also conducting piping water supply pipelines to reach at least 75,000 consumers. Residents will also benefit from several flagship water projects such as rehabilitation of the Nolturesh water system at a cost of Sh 15 Million; the reticulation of Kajiado and Kitengela Town water systems. The on-going water works also include connection of water to 125 learning institutions and 25 health facilities

The Water Sector Reforms (a) The Water Company The water sector in the County has been dodged by issues of embezzlement of resources, discretionary decision making, captured by vested interests and disregard for the public interest. Looking at water issues through a ‘governance lens’ provides an informed understanding of the underlying dynamics, interests and incentives of the actors involved. I have began by addressing governance issues in a systematic way with a view to achieving effective sector reforms and hence for improved water management and service delivery to the people of Kajiado.


(b)Financing The water companies have been passing their costs to their customers Since the inception of these companies some customers have never paid their water bills, resulting in poor financial performance. The other side of this issue is that utilities are not incentivised to address bill payment problems and therefore do not do enough to turn the situation around. As long as water users do not pay their bills, the County, and now the newly formed municipalities, bulk water suppliers and other water services providers cannot be financially sustainable. The implication is that these entities cannot service loans. With the merger of these companies into one large company, My Government is assuring the Company of my full support in turning the situation around to ensure sustainable access to water by all residents of Kajiado County.

(c) Reticulation/ Piping The people in the South, Central and East of Kajiado are depending on the Noultresh water as it is flowing through these three sub counties. My Government is in the processing of providing at least 75,000 consumers with piped water. Residents will also benefit from several flagship water projects such as rehabilitation of the Nolturesh water system at a cost of KSh 15 Million through the reticulation of Kajiado and Kitengela Town water systems. The on-going water works also include connection of water to 125 learning institutions and 25 health facilities.

Other reticulation programs completed within my one year in office include- Kimana- Tikondo Water project which has a 7 km pipeline. This water project will serve 5,000 people in Kajiado South. The Isinet Water Project with a 1.5 km pipeline in Imbirikani with a 100 cubic meter storage tank with water kiosks along the way, serving 4,000 people.

The Usua-Emurkeya pipeline has also been installed within the year and will be operated by a hybrid power system that uses more solar energy and less diesel power. The effect of this use of alternative energy source is that it will be cost effective to supply the water to the residents and the residents will have a constant supply of water with little or no reliance on the erratic electricity supply. The second phase of Eluwai Water Project in Purko Ward is ongoing and when complete, it will serve 2,000 people.

10 (c) Boreholes For several years after independence, many of the rural areas of Kajiado has remained underdeveloped and the water infrastructure is wanting. These people depended on unsafe water sources like open wells, unprotected springs and even ponds. With devolution, several projects have been initiated in these areas to provide access to safe water to the residents of this area. In my one year in office have ensured the completion of at least 30 boreholes and the drilling of at least 20 new boreholes. I have also rehabilitated boreholes that had been abandoned or unmaintained. Several life-changing boreholes are now functional.

The Isinya borehole in Kaputei North Ward is now serving the town’s rapidly growing population within walking distance. Ngong township primary and secondary schools with 2,100 and 270 students respectively now have clean borehole water further enhancing quality learning time. In my field visits to the communities, Throughout my visits to the communities, I’m usually struck not only by the warm and generous welcome of the community members but also by the great need for improving on the water situation for the rural folks.

For instance, I met Mama Elika Dere from Emorkea Emukutan sub location which did not have a borehole until this 2018. In the absence of any alternative water source, Mama Elika has been forced to walk several kilometers to collect water from the river which is more than 4km away from her village, meaning that she will typically spend more than 3 hours per day getting water for her household’s needs. She says that they would sometimes get attacked by hyenas and would return home empty handed. Though these boreholes have made a difference in the lives of the rural folks, my Government has work to do in providing more sustainable water solutions for the rural folks.

For people like Mama Elika, the impact of having a safe water source just 200 metres from her front door cannot be emphasized enough. She will save at least 5 hours per day, be saved the backbreaking work of collecting water and firewood and have the opportunity to pursue business opportunities and spend time with her family.

The Wildlife Service (KWS) has partnered with my Government in the construction and maintenance of boreholes in the areas adjacent to the national parks in Amboseli, Kajiado South and parts of Kajiado East. This water serves the communities around the parks for their domestic use and as watering points for their animals.

11 My Government has initiated talks with KWS in a bid to adapt schools and drill boreholes for the shamba system irrigation and food security program.

Water Tower at the SGR Tunnel (Vet Farm/ Kimuka) As the China Roads and Bridges Corporation (CRBC) was excavating the tunnel in the construction of the railway line, they hit an aquifer. The aquifer is said to produce enough water to serve the residents of the entire Kajiado North and Kajiado West Sub Counties. I was directed by H.E the President to enable a feasibility study and an Social Impact Assessment Study to be undertaken to determine how this water can be piped to the residents of these areas. My Government will carry out this project in partnership with the national government and the CRBC.

(ii) Financing The water companies have been passing their costs to their customers Since the inception of these companies some customers have never paid their water bills, resulting in poor financial performance. The other side of this issue is that utilities are not incentivized to address bill payment problems and therefore do not do enough to turn the situation around. As long as water users do not pay their bills, the County, and now the newly formed municipalities, bulk water suppliers and other water services providers cannot be financially sustainable. The implication is that these entities cannot service loans. With the merger of these companies into one large company, My Government is assuring the Company of my full support in turning the situation around to ensure sustainable access to water by all residents of Kajiado County.

(e) Improved dialogue with Key Policy makers on the transboundary waters. The Noultresh water is a source of political tension between the people of Makueni County, The people of Taita Taveta County and the People of Kajiado County as the counties struggle for control of a shared water source that is being depleted at an unsustainable rate. Large agricultural, domestic, and industrial demand for water among these counties far surpasses natural supply in the source and as a consequence it has led to of domestic policies and strained cross-border relations. I have therefore taken up the initiative to begin dialogues with my counterparts in Makueni and Taita Taveta on defining a workable framework for sustainable use of the source.


(f) Integrated water management plan I have initiated a process that promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. I have through the Department institutionalized a program through which stakeholders are given a voice in water planning and management, with particular attention to securing the involvement of women and the poor

3. HEALTH I have in my manifesto, made health care a priority sector. As I came into office, the healthcare system nationally was facing a crisis as the medical personnel had been on strike for close to six months. The services in our county facilities had been dilapidated and the patients unattended. At that instant, I recruited over 60 nurses on contract who were later absorbed as permanent and pensionable staff of the County. I also set out to reform the healthcare system in the County. A robust health system must be composed of institutions and resources. My Government’s primary aim in health care, as is the National Agenda, is universal access. To achieve universal access, the health reform targeted at increasing accessibility. This was to be achieved- (a) increasing the number of hospital beds; (b) improving and upgrading the infrastructure; (c) increasing the number of medical personnel and (d) appointing experienced health professionals to manage service provision I am pleased to report today the following achievements- (a) increased budgetary allocation The budgetary allocation for the healthcare takes the lion share which is one sixth of the Total Budgetary allocation. Having placed quality healthcare on my priority list I have marched it with adequate financial allocation through the budget. This began by seeking additional funding in the Supplementary budget in September 2017 and I continue to reiterate my commitment through the budget of FY 2018/2019. With increased budgetary allocation, we seek to complete our projects of upgrading the infrastructure and increasing the bed capacity as well as medical personnel.

(b) Improved Medical infrastructure

13 Kajiado County has 4 hospitals, 16 health centers and 80 Dispensaries. During this one year in office, I have inspected and launched the upgrading of several health facilities and equiped them with maternities. These health centers include Rongai Health Centre, Oloosirkon, Ereteti, Njukini and Illasit.

I have in this one year improved dialysis services through the creation of a renal unit that is fully equipped with the state of the art machines for dialysis. This service is available only in private medical centres, putting them out of reach for the majority of the residents of Kajiado County. With improved infrastructure and personnel, Kajiado County in July 2018, witnessed for the first time in over 50 years the safe delivery of triplets.

(d) improved emergency medical support services Rural communities have medical and health care needs that cannot be adequately met by current resources. Rural health care is jeopardized by a decline in the availability of local health care facilities, less access to preventive and primary care services, and greater distances to specialty care services which are more often than not in the town or urban areas. areas. It is for this reason that I have set aside funds for the acquisition of ambulances to provide emergency rescue services. ambulances have been purchased which are now located in Loitokitok, Mashuru, Bissil, Entasopia, Referral, and Rongai Health centres.

(e) Establishment of the County Medical Store My Government has constructed and equipped a medical store to enable easy and expedient dispensation of drugs. My Government has been commended by the National Government as being the only county that does not owe the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA) debt on medical supplies.

(f)Partnerships In my bid to stretch the healthcare funding and produce better results and expand access to higher quality health services, I have seized opportunities to leverage private investment for the benefit of public service. Through the National Government, Kajiado County has benefited from two specialized doctors from the Government of Cuba. These Doctors are two

14 I have partnered with the with Kenya Medical Training College to offer nursing courses in Loitokitok MTC and later establish a fully pledged college in the County referral hospital. I have also established collaboration with the Government of Korea through KOICA which has enabled the Upgrading and equipping of the Kitengela Sub County Hospital

(g) Emergency medical/ambulance services Emergency medical services and ambulances have been provided through partnerships between the County Government and the Government of Korea. Since the introduction of the ambulance service the mortality rate of victims of accidents was reduced significantly, due to quick transfer and transportation of the sick and victims of accidents.

4. EDUCATION The education sector in Kajiado County has been poor with very little investment in the student population and the infrastructure. In assuming office, I was fully aware of the mandate of the County Government with regard to education, as set out in the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution, being limited to Pre-primary education, village polytechnics, homecraft centers and childcare facilities. However, Kajiado County is one of the few counties without an institution of higher learning , in particular a University. In addition, the state of education in the County was also wanting. The performance of the pupils in the primary school certificate examination was dismal. In view of this I undertook steps that would see the reform of the education sector in the County while keeping in line with the mandate of the County Government as set out in the Constitution. The reforms were as follows-

(a) Letter of No Objection/ Collaboration with the National Government seeing the state of the education in the County, I wrote to the Ministry of Education seeking to collaborate with the National Government in improving the education standards in the County.

(b) contributing towards infrastructure for schools Two of our very best high schools had facilities that were dilapidated. In the same spirit of raising the standards of education in the County and in working with the National Government, I set aside funds for the construction of a dormitory for the AIC Girls High school and a dining hall for the Olkejuado High School.


Kajiado East has only one primary school that was completely run down without basic facilities as classrooms and toilets. I have set aside land and funds for the construction of classrooms for this primary school.

(c) Basic Education- Preprimary Education School Nutrition Program A hungry child cannot perform to his or her potential. I have introduced the school nutrition program that ensures the early childhood learners are provided with a mug of porridge in school. Therefore, the school nutrition program has been extended to all ECD centers in the county. The program has had positive impact as we have recorded an increase in enrollment rates (11%) reduced absenteeism, and overall we have improved food security at the household level.

The same school Nutrition Program has created of a minimum of two hundred (200) employment opportunities for unemployed women within various communities, in the area of preparing the food in school and monitoring of distribution of the meals. My Government has procured and distributed to schools 145,200 kilograms of fortified porridge floor.

Construction of ECD Centers My Government has constructed two new Vocational Training Centres at Saikeri in Kajiado West Sub-county and Oloolua in the Kajiado north sub-county. These centers will be opened to students from Kajiado as well as the rest of the Country.

Curriculum Development In order to make it objective specific, practical, relevant, and standard, it is important to have a curriculum for the training of the ECD. In conjunction with the Kenya Literature Bureau, I have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the production of vernacular literature books for County schools alongside the curriculum prescribed competency-based books.

(d) Technical Vocational Training Education

Enrolment of 1000 Youths The economic argument in favor of vocational education is linked to the perceived need to orient the formal educational system to the needs of the world of work. It is based on the assumption that economic growth

16 and development are technology-driven and human capital-dependent. I have in the past one year initiated and developed a robust technical vocational program that will see 1000 youths being trained in readiness for the job market.

In partnership with the Kenya Commercial Bank, My government has set aside Ksh 50m and has so far seen 300 students into the technical training institutions and the remaining 700 will join from September 2018.

Construction of Vocational Training Institutes My Government has constructed two new Vocational Training Centres at Saikeri in Kajiado West Sub-county and Oloolua in the Kajiado north sub-county. These centers will be opened to students from Kajiado as well as the rest of the Country. My Government has also rehabilitated Namelok, Isinya and Olekasasi Vocational Training Institutes

(e) Management of the Bursary Fund

My Government has been working hard to cultivate an image of transparency and inclusiveness for good governance in in managing the distribution of bursary funds to needy students in the County. Access to information about the Bursary Fund application is not easy. Additionally, the actual application process is long, tedious and sometimes complicated, many a time, political. It is for this reason that I have introduced an a system for disbursement of funds directly from financial institutions to the schools and an Information Management system that will feed with the disbursement process, displaying the actual list of students and amounts disbursed.

(f) Recruitment and Capacity Building of Teachers and Facilitators of ECD In order to move the children through the required development components while maintaining the integrity of the quality of teaching and learning outcomes for preschool children it is important that the Teacher is trained. The combined results of much training, coaching, access to resources and participation in conferences keeps ECEC teacher trainers up to date in ECD trends. It helps to improve their teaching and mentoring skills and increases their confidence as academic experts in the ECD field. I have therefore sponsored the teachers for various courses on new competency based curriculum and Kenya school readiness assessment tool. My Government has also

17 carried out quality assurance assessment to ensure that our learners get quality education that conforms to national standards.

I have also employed 593 ECD teachers on permanent and pensionable terms. These were teachers who were previously on contract. This has improved their commitment and dedication to their work and their pupils.

ECOMONIC DEVELOPMENT My Fellow Compatriots Economic development has been defined as efforts that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for a community by creating or retaining jobs and supporting or growing incomes. Throughout our planning process, I have given much thought in the many ways that jobs may be created. The idea is to have the involvement of everyone, whether skilled or unskilled, eking out a livelihood. In ensuring and endeavoring to improve the economic and social well being of the people of Kajiado I am pleased to report of the achievement in the various areas-

5. JOB CREATION As devolution takes root and despite increasing urbanization as a result of devolution, a large fraction of the people of Kajiado remain in the rural areas. Many of these individuals work in casual labor markets in both the agricultural and non- agricultural sectors of the economy which require little or no skill. We must have job creation and there must be a balance between the job creation in the urban unemployment and the rural unemployment. From the moment I took office, I have gone all out to specifically empower women and the youth, widen opportunities for marginalized population groups, and reinvigorate community decision-making bodies. I have emphasized at every instant and every available opportunity that the

As I adopted the budget of the Financial Year (FY) 2017/2018 I have been able to create 1000 jobs, both skilled and unskilled. Through liaisons with different programs across the country and the County, National Youth Service and Infrastructural development such as the Standard Guage Railway, Hospitals and markets, I have been able to create over 3000 jobs.

18 Just this week, I issued a cheque worth Ksh 20 million to 115 youth and women groups drawn from across the County. These funds are for start up businesses and to refinance on going concerns in a bid to make the youth and women economically empowered. We have also set aside Ksh 50M to reach 300 women and Youth Groups. My Government will provide mentorship and training to ensure optimal use of these resources.

6. COOPERATIVES ESTABLISHMENT As spelt out in my Manifesto, community development is a process that mobilizes resources and builds the capacity of local residents to work together to improve social and economic conditions in their communities. In addition, cooperatives are a viable vehicle to accomplish these ends. My one year in office has achieved the following through the cooperative movement (a) establishment and registration of women groups in the one year in office, I have been able to see the registration of at least 100 women groups and 10 cooperatives of various forms and purposes such as marketing cooperatives, transport cooperatives and dairy cooperatives just to name a few. These groups have been able to enjoy preferential right to supply government institutions and agencies rice, corn and other grains, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, and other agricultural commodities produced by their members. They have also enjoyed referential rights in management of public markets and/or lease of public market facilities, stall or spaces in Kitengela and Ngong markets.

8. AGRICULTURE- VALUE ADDITION In my Manifesto, I committed to transform the agricultural sector with the aim to create farmer-owned value chains in conjunction with areas targeted for land reform. Thereby providing not only access to markets and support to land reform beneficiaries but also to provide them with meaningful ownership and control in the value chain.

In the one year in office, I have set repossessed 3000 acres of land that had been lost over the years. This land is now set aside as Agri-parks, which are essentially conceptualized as one-stop shops for agro- production support, processing, logistics, marketing and training within the sub counties. The concept entails a centrally-planned, County Government funded, three-tiered model consisting of farmer production support units in each local area from where extension

19 services are taking place, and an agro-processing hub in each sub county linked with a handful of rural-urban marketing centres.

The construction of satellite Agriparks has created 60 job opportunities during construction and a further 100 permanent jobs will be created when it is in full operation. Additional impacts include-

 Secured, intensive bulk production of a specific agricultural commodity for economies of scale  Agro-processing within a shared infrastructure (incubation),  Marketing avenues of agri-infrastructure,  Value adding and marketing within the boundaries of a single geographical farm or an agricultural holding.  Model different from existing farming model (Based on - One locality)

Mechanization Program The Department of Agriculture has provided mechanized equipment to farmers such as tractors, tractor-drawn trailers, rippers, ploughs, planters, disc harrows, sledges and row cultivators to contribute to food security and job creation. I have in the one year availed Tractors and equipment in the Sub Counties and these are made available to farmers on a cost recovery basis. These tractors have so far assisted over 98 farmers and cultivated 682 hectares in one financial year.

9. MINING Mining in Kajiado County may be seen through. The mining sector, dedicated to the extraction of nonrenewable resources, has long had a problematic relationship with local communities. Mines tend to operate in isolation from local economies and local development plans. If managed properly, the opening of a mine can bring increased employment, commerce, and infrastructure.

(a) sand mining Sand Mining is a booming business not only in the County but also Countrywide and globally. The demand for Sand is voracious as the urbanization boom is devouring colossal amounts of sand. Sand is a key ingredient of concrete and asphalt. Sand mining is known to cause

20 wildlife to die, local trade to wither and bridges to collapse. This is because the dredging of sand is done from rivers and lakes. The effect of this is that the outflow channels of these water bodies are deepened and widened thus translating to decline in water quality and supply to surrounding wetlands. This ruins the habitat of both humans and animals. My Government therefore has to find a delicate balance between environmental management and boosting its own local revenue resources. I have put in place Sand Harvesting Regulations to guide this process.

(b) Quarry Mining Quarrying is a huge supporter of local economic development. Quarrying enhances trade, creates jobs for people annually, creates new habitats sometimes new roads are built, first to transport the machines and then extracted materials which are then left to be used by residents. Most people in quarrying regions wholly depend on these quarrying for their livelihoods aside from other economic activities. With the several quarrying activities in the County, the County should begin to feel the positive effects of these activities while taking cognizance of the negative impacts and develop measures to mitigate the adverse effects of quarrying activities.

I have initiated discussions, though the establishment of a stakeholder forum and committee to look at means of sustainable quarrying. So far, the forum has been able to put in place guidelines that establish and streamline revenue collection, land ownership in mining, the corporate social responsibility of the quarry owners as well as mapping environmental resources around the County.

To date 3km of road of the KMQ- Kajiado Road has been murramed by the Miners in collaboration with my Government. The road is accessible by all residents.

(c) Oil Exploration Kajiado County is endowed with natural resources. The National Oil Corporation has began exploration activities in Block 14T in Magadi, Kajiado West sub county. As the above developments are taking shape, in Kajiado County, there are significant challenges that are still facing the oil and gas sector and these include limited engagement of different stakeholders on issues in the petroleum sector, need for more land where infrastructure will be set up thus displacement of vulnerable communities and benefit sharing schemes.

21 I have therefore concluded an agreement with the National Oil Corporation for the development of a comprehensive Public Participation Framework c which Kajiado County will pilot on behalf of the Country and the Region at large.

PUBLIC SAFETY 10. DISASTER MANAGEMENT Disaster Management is a service provided by the County Government. However, despite the limited resources, temporary accommodation has been provided because of disaster incidents such as the extreme floods in February through the month April. Blankets and food (in collaboration with the National Government have been supplied for disaster relief.

11. GOVERNANCE (a) Financial Governance And Viability A good financial management system underpins good government and good business. It does so by ensuring that both internal and external stakeholders can understand and control how well the County plans for and uses financial resources. In practice, this means that the right information is provided at the right time to the suppliers and that the information provided is then considered and used in understanding and controlling the County. Successful revenue mobilization cases tend to take a more holistic approach to modernizing tax institutions. I have made revenue administration reforms covering a broad spectrum of legal, technical, and administrative measures. It is for this reason that upon taking office I undertook a radical surgery of the entire financial system. The following are the reforms undertaken in this one year-

(a)Reforms in Revenue collection Upon assuming office, I phased out the old revenue officers and replaced them with new ones as part of my anti-corruption reform.

(b) Smart use of information management systems: Successful revenue mobilization hinges on managing information and leveraging the power of big data to improve compliance and fight corruption. I have taken advantage of IT systems to leapfrog the

22 revenue mobilization reforms. My Government has began the automation of most processes, including e-filing. I have also also instituted a system for information sharing among tax authorities, taxpayers, and banks, as well as a one-stop Internet portal.

(c)Training of relevant staff of IFMIS To get the County ready to be on the electronic procurement platform, my Government has taken relevant staff from every department for training on how to use electronic procurement platform.

Performance Contracting The Performance Management of the institution is administered by the CIDP and PMS Unit. It is also responsible for Employee Performance Agreements and the Annual Report. In line with the Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information, also known as results- based planning, I have initiated the Performance Management System and signed performance contracts with the CEC Members. This will be cascaded down to the members of staff. Performance management will enable the Government to monitor, manage and improve strategy execution and the delivery of results.


As the County is growing with strong development prospects, it is important to ensure that the structures are secure enough to bring more people and jobs into the County. Along with this, the County procures goods and services from local investors. The Government must therefore be seen to know how to attract investment into the County. I have created an investment Unit within the Department of Trade that will drive the Investment Policy and seek to attract both local, regional and foreign Investors.

I have in this one year period held several forums with local investors and they have given me their plight, demands and aspirations. I inherited several pending court cases between the investors and the County Government. Many of these court cases can be negotiated and settled out of court. I have therefore established a panel of lawyers who will work through these cases with a view to finding an amicable arrangement.


(a) Flood and Rainwater Harvesting During the rainy seasons, areas such as Amboseli in Kajiado south receive abundant rain creating temporary natural ponds. At the height of the rainy season the water in these ponds is clear and of good quality. Flood and rainwater especially in Kajiado Central flowing through Olkejuado River and in Ewaso Kedong in Kajiado West Sub County, has all gone unharvested. In this financial year and going forward my Government will provide all learning institutions and health facilities with tanks and gutters to collect rain water which will be used in the shamba system for food security.

On a large scale, my Government has initiated talks with the National Government on dam construction that will see the harvesting of water strategic flood prone sub counties to harvest and store the rain water for future treatment and use.

(b) Irrigation In my manifesto I committed to introduce irrigation as a way to ensure food security. I pledged to improve the shamba system in schools. Our demonstration farms are also to be equipped with the necessary facilities for irrigation. This is work in progress and as we start the financial year, we endeavor to implement the plans laid for this purpose.

(c) Sanitation Compared to the efforts made to improve access to safe water, Kajiado County is lagging behind in the provision of adequate sanitation. This includes schools not having have toilet facilities. Markets also do not have public toilet facilities. Apart from residences for upper and middle class households, sanitation is insufficient in most residential areas. Private flush toilets are too expensive for virtually all residents in townships due to their water consumption and installation cost. As a result, access to improved sanitation has not increased much since beginning of Devolution My Government commits to developing a Sanitation strategy.

(d) Solid Waste and Sewerage Management The Constitution states that every person has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being. The

24 County government is obliged to provide waste management services to realise this right of society in their area of jurisdiction. The County Government is responsible for refuse removal, refuse dumps and solid waste disposal. My Government is in the process of developing a waste management strategy. This will also be aligned with the ‘Taka ni Mali’ initiative by the National Government, that will manage waste while at the same time create job opportunities and enterprenuership initiatives for the youth and women.

(e) Housing Kajiado County enjoys the proximity to the National Capital. The County therefore has several inhabitants who work in the capital and reside in the County. To take advantage of this and in implementing the Big 4 agenda, my government will set aside land for the construction of housing units.

WORKING TOWARDS A UNITED KAJIADO My fellow Compatriots, I grew up in the remote village of Lenkisim and brought up like any other young man growing up in a pastoralist community. Throughout my life there was nothing to make anyone believe that one day I will be the Governor of this County. Along the way, I can never forget individuals and groups of people including you the electorate who have made me who I am today. From this point of view, I have learnt to value people and from experience, it's from the people we think we don't like that sometimes great ideas are borne.

Since I took over the leadership of this County,I have tried to mend fences and build bridges after a long electioneering period to the best of my ability. I have reached out to those with different political views, different convictions and of different strategies to development than my own, with the sole purpose of seeking harmonious ground to steer this County forward.

Having worked in Government and now in the political scene, I realize that Our differences are superficial even when our interests are largely the same. On this principle I have with humility sort counsel from those previously perceived as foes. We have engaged on the singular idea of a United Kajiado. During such moments, genuine and actionable ideas have been pitched and plans made to execution. I wake up early

25 everyday and sometimes work late into the night. I do this not to increase myself but to accelerate the developmental desires of the people of this County.

Ladies and gentlemen, Kajiado is endowed by a rich cultural heritage that is second to none not only in Kenya but also in the World. That makes me proud to be associated with this County. However, there are a few aspects that we have abused that have led to unnecessary divisions between our people. We have allowed this aspects among them negative clanism be a factor in the distribution of resources, especially the human resource. Its sad to note that it's those of us in leadership that are the biggest perpetrators.

KAJIADO County is a highly cosmopolitan County. We boost of having all Kenyan communities(and most recently the Indians)living and doing business in Kajiado. We have lived for many years as a family of communities. Every now and then, Kajiado County has been lauded at the National stage for its continued commitment of maintaining peace during unstable times in this Country where open hostility has been extended to certain communities. Inclusion of communities that had previously been sidelined in My government through representation, has continued to harness this relationship and it's a relationship we intend to build for the sake of a peaceful co-existence. It's therefore my humble submission to all leaders, that In both our private and public practice we must desist from perpetuating Clanism and any form of hostility whether in word or deed towards any individual or groups of people so that we set good precedence for the next generation.

Ladies and gentlemen, The only Luck I have had in my life is the people who believed in me. As such, I welcome the entire leadership of this County to create safe spaces for the Youth as per their recent theme for the International Youth Week. Just like the ocean keeps pushing new tide towards the show to renew the ocean, old blood must give space to energetic young men and women to play their historical role of decision making in government to determine the destiny of their future. In just one year in office, I have seen the youth of this County engage in democratic processes, I have seen the youth check government excesses through social media and other platforms without fear, I have seen the youth organize and start up businesses, I have seen the youth give ideas that have contributed towards the stability of this government, I have seen them rise up and mentor those behind them.

26 Ladies and gentlemen, I go to sleep every night in full realization, that the future of this County is secure.

I sincerely thank the County Assembly for its immense support, they have checked my government in good faith, genuinely and without fear or favor.

I am thankful to the National Government arms within the County under the leadership of the County Commissioner for far reaching cooperation, the Judiciary, Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Forest Service, all security agencies and other corporations. Working harmoniously amongst ourselves has led to improved security and proper implementation of programs and policies of the national Government within this County.

The people of this County are a hardworking people, We have faced many defeats, we have incurred losses, drought after drought that has robbed us of our pride, yet each day we raise up with renewed hope oblivious of the future. Persistence and resilience is what makes us morans. It is in this same spirit that I ask all of us to rise above personal interest, suspicions and collectively welcome the intelligence of all of us for the total development of Kajiado County.

Kajiado County is a great County with great potential. The changing dynamics of our world require us to think differently about what our stakeholders, our communities want and need, and how we will fulfill those needs.

The County is always a work in progress, and in the end we all want the same thing – to create a little pocket of greatness. It is about working together, looking forward, and being bold. Together let us build a County of opportunities that excels beyond our wildest expectations. As we forge forwards together in this financial year let us remind ourselves to avoid the Seven Social Sins, which are:  Wealth without Work;  Pleasure without Conscience;  Knowledge without Character;  Commerce without Morality;  Science without Humanity;  Worship without Sacrifice, and  Politics without Principle.

27 God Bless Kajiado, God Bless Kenya I thank You, ASHE OLENG!