Sylke von Gaza Portfolio 2019

Please find below an overview of Sylke von Gaza's most recent projects, exhibitions and works.

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About Sylke von Gaza Curriculum Vitae

Born *1966 in Hamburg, as Sylke von Gazen genannt Gaza.

The Hamburg-born artist Sylke von Gaza was first taken to Italy as a three-year-old by her great-grand- mother, whom she accompanied on long journeys to Venice and the Emilia-Romagna. It was during those childhood visits to the churches of Ravenna and Venice, to name but a few, that she first came to appreci- ate painting and architecture. The experience made a lasting impression and continues to inspire her work to this day.

Afer her engineering degree in Hamburg, as a student of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich from 2002 to 2007 under the Irish painter Sean Scully, she found herself drawn to Abstract expressionism and the Old Masters again. She completed her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich in 2007, graduating with a Meisterschüler diploma ("summa cum laude"). Artist residencies in New York (2000 & Art Students League 2005), Venice (2011-2018) and Zurich (2016).

In Sylke von Gaza’s creative practice, the veil, the metaphor for interstices and permeability, plays a cent- ral role. Half hidden, half visible. The ability to disclose by concealing, to render visible by shrouding – the artist has internalised this fundamental potential of painting and made it central to her work. ‘I am in- trigued by transformations and their manifold forms and effects. What is the universal essence of trans- formation? Transformation and transubstantiation have a sublime, lofy quality and imply a form of en- richment or enhancement. The process is usually shrouded in secrecy, hidden from sight as if by veils. It is this invisible process that interests me. I want to make the invisible visible.’ Her work thus far can be di- vided into different strands. Her principal body of work consists of Early Works, individual works, themed groups of works, site-specific works and the series of Veil Paintings, among them the Grey Veil Paintings and Red Veil Paintings.

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Most recent museum show in Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf: Behind the Curtain. Concealment and Revelation since the . From Titian to Christo, 2016/17, curated by General Director Beat Wismer and Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle. Among exhibitions since her graduation are shows in Munich (Galerie Bie- dermann: Malerei, 2009, Velvet & Paper, 2019; ArtConsult: Spirituality in Painting, 2013), London (Rich Gal- lery: Process of Creation, 2009), Venice (Palazzo Contarini Polignac: Gabriel & Lucifero. The Most Precious Pigment of Renaissance Venice, 2018; Museo Diocesano d’Arte Sacra Sant’ Apollonia: Fabrica Ecclesiae, 2016; Ca’ del Duca: Light and Painting, 2011), Düsseldorf (Galerie Hans Strelow: Summertime, 2017), Palermo (Museo Riso, Cappella dell' Incoronazione: BIAS, 2018) and Zurich (Villa von Schulthess- Bodmer: Private View, 2016). Collaboration for works in glass since 2011: Fornace Mattiello, Murano (2011); Hofglasmalerei Gustav van Treeck, Munich (2013); Adriano Berengo, Berengo Studio, Murano (2014-17).

Since 2013, in collaboration with Curia Patriarcale di Venezia, Sylke von Gaza has been painting in several churches in Venice: Chiesa San Fantin (2014), Chiesa San Lio (Project Beyond the Veil, 2015), Cappella San- tissima Trinià (Seminario Patriarcale, Basilica della Salute, 2016). In 2015, during the Venice Biennale, the Curia Patriarcale di Venezia commissioned a permanent work contribution to the Gussoni Renaissance chapel in Chiesa San Lio, Venice (Gussoni Red Veil Paintings Triptych). At the invitation of the Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia Sylke von Gaza was creating the project Il Nido. A Pilgrimage towards Equilibrium for the Padiglioni Paralleli in the Basilica Santa Maria della Salute to coincide with the 57th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia 2017. In April 2019, the installation Il Nido will travel on to Gedächt- niskirche in Berlin.

Read more about artist Sylke von Gaza at Wikipedia ▸ Download Curriculum Vitae 2019 (PDF) ▸

Sylke von Gaza painting in Chiesa San Fantin, Venezia 2014. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Fotos: Julian Bruno Vogel ∼

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Current - Project "Il Nido" 2017-2019 "Il Nido. A Pilgrimage towards Equilibrium"

At the invitation of the Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia, artist Sylke von Gaza started creating the art pro- ject Il Nido. A Pilgrimage towards Equilibrium. The Basilica Santa Maria della Salute became the site of a installation for the first time. The wandering nest is built from drifwood gathered piece by piece throughout the Venetian Lagoon. The large iridescent pearlescent eggs are made of Murano Glass executed with the help of Maestro vetraio Silvano Signoretto of Berengo glass furnace in Murano. The project is curated by the Swiss Renaissance historian Julian Bruno Vogel together with the architect and director of the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art in Venice don Gianmatteo Caputo (for Venezia) and is supported by the Curia Patriarcale di Venezia. In April 2019, Il Nido will continue its journey from Venezia, its place of origin, to Gedächtniskirche in the German capital Berlin.

Most Recent - Project "Il Nido", Venezia 2017/18 Installation "Il Nido" at Basilica Madonna della Salute

Conceived for the Padiglioni Paralleli of the 2017 Venice Biennale, Sylke von Gaza's project Il Nido. A Pil- grimage towards Equilibrium took account of its surroundings, the public space and the environment of the Laguna Veneta and constitutes a new departure in Sylke von Gaza’s work. During countless explorat- ory trips of the Lagoon aboard a Sanpierota the artist has experienced the fragile equilibrium of the bi- otope of the Venetian islands. The installation Il Nido was built "hidden", inside the old observatory of the Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia. The large nest is composed of the products of the Lagoon, drif- wood and Murano Glass. Its octagonal shape alludes to the ground plan of the adjacent votive and pil- grimage church of Santa Maria della Salute, which is connected to the seminary.

In October 2017, to coincide with the end of the 57th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia 2017, Il Nido appeared almost secretly but in plain sight on the roof of the seminary’s old observatory right next to the impressive skyline of the cupolas of the Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, a place normally with no public access. Conceived for its prominent location high above the Punta della Dogana, in the middle of the Bacino, that most public of Venice’s public spaces, the installation sat poised as if on a pulpit, visible from far away. Until the end of the year, invited visitors were able to enjoy the breath-taking view from the old observatory over the Bacino di San Marco together with Sylke von Gaza's nest.

Il Nido embodies transformational processes on several levels. Pilgrims experience a transformation and growing sense of inner equilibrium as they progress along their pilgrimage. The nest symbolises the point of origin. It provides shelter for the brood and an unseen space for growth and development towards strength. As a refugium, it hovers between vulnerability and protection and thus offers the potential of transformation. The fledgling city of Venice originated in the amphibian shelter of the Laguna Veneta and grew into the splendid Serenissima. What the nest is for the egg, the Lagoon is for Venice and the Church for the pilgrim.

Coming from the roofop of the old observatory of the Salute, Il Nido took a short rest in the cloister of the adjunct priest seminary of the Venetian Patriarch, only to arrive in the very centre of the Basilica

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 della Salute, in time for Easter, the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Throughout Lent (Quaresima), the preparation period for Easter, Il Nido was covered by white veils; half hidden half visible. At Easter Sunday (April 1st 2018), the nest’s veils fell and Il Nido could be seen completely unveiled until the end of the Easter season and Pentecost (20 May 2018).

The Basilica Santa Maria della Salute is one of the most prominent Venetian churches, dedicated to “Our Lady of Deliverance” (“Madonna della Salute”), and was built by the Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia as a votive offering for the city's relief of the pestilence 1630. The Basilica’s architect Baldassare Longhena (1597 – 1682) verbalized two core theological concepts, origin & deliverance, in the tiny inscription “UNDE ORIGO INDE SALUS MDCXXXI”, which is discreetly placed in the centre of the mosaic floor underneath the Basilica’s main cupola.

As a contemporary art installation, Sylke von Gaza’s Il Nido is referring to these two concepts embodied in the complex architecture of the Basilica della Salute full of Marian symbolism. The symbolic number 8 hints to resurrection (SALUS/deliverance) and is built into the octagonal ground plan of the Ba- silica as well as the shape of von Gaza’s nest. Il Nido sits right above the inscription, in the exact centre of the space Longhena himself described as the womb of Mary (ORIGO/origin).

Osservatorio Seminario Patriarcale alla Salute, Venezia 1st stop of "Il Nido", October - December 2017

Chiostro Seminario Patriarcale alla Salute, Venezia 2nd stop of "Il Nido", January 2018

Basilica Santa Maria delle Salute, Venezia 3rd stop of "Il Nido", February - May 2018

Project Description "Il Nido" at Osservatorio della Salute 2017 (PDF) ▸ "Il Nido" at the Padiglioni Paralleli for the Art Biennale 2017 ▸ Description "Il Nido" inside Basilica della Saute 2018 (PDF) ▸

Press Weltkunst (December 2017) ▸ Tim Ackermann: "Venedigs geheimes Nest" Press Zeitkunst November 2017 (PDF) ▸ Petra Schaefer: "Hoch über den Kirchendächern von Venedig"

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Sylke von Gaza, Project Sketches for "Il Nido" at Basilica Madonna della Salute, Venezia 2017/18. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Panorama Installation View towards Bacino di San Marco, Venezia 2017. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Julian Bruno Vogel

Installation View towards Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, Venezia 2017. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, All Fotos: Julian Bruno Vogel

Installation View inside cloister of Seminario Patriarcale, Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, Venezia 2017. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, All Fotos: Julian Bruno Vogel

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Central floor inscription of the Basilica Santa Maria della Salute: “UNDE ORIGO INDE SALUS MDCXXXI”.

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Installation View "Il Nido" in the centre of Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, Venezia 2018. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, All Fotos: Julian Bruno Vogel

In Collaboration with:

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Most Recent - Solo Exhibition, Venezia April/May 2018 Palazzo Contarini Polignac: "Gabriel & Lucifero"

Sylke von Gaza's solo exhibition Gabriel & Lucifero. The most precious Pigment of Renaissance Venice took place at Palazzo Contarini Polignac in Venice in April and Mai 2018. Working with the ultramarine pig- ment, Sylke von Gaza created a series of abstract oil paintings that reference the tradition of the Old Mas- ters and their use of this very precious pigment for the iconic blue veil and mantle of the Madonna, which symbolised the Virgin’s purity and status as the eternal Queen of Heaven.

The exhibition revolves around two large-scale works, Gabriel and Lucifero. Named afer the archangels, the two paintings make their first public appearance at Palazzo Contarini Polignac. The visitor is invited to take her/his time, to sit in an armchair and to contemplate and experience the pigment’s alchemical power and its effect on the subconscious. The text “Mysterium Coniunctionis. Gabriel & Lucifero di Sylke von Gaza” by the Italian philosopher and professor of aesthetics Guido Brivio (Università di Torino) is part of the setting and offered to the visitor to complement her/his own inner dialogue.

The final days of the exhibition Gabriel & Lucifero coincided with the "Berührungspunkte", a communi- cation initiative for architects, hosted in the same palazzo for the preview days of the Biennale d'Ar- chitettura 2018.

Exhibition Description "Gabriel & Lucifero" (PDF) ▸ Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Magazzino Gallery ▸ Where: Dorsoduro 874, Venezia ▸ 11 April - 30 May 2018

Above: Canal Grande View of Palazzo Contarini Polignac.

Right: Claude Monet, Le Palais Contarini, 1908. © Kunstmuseum St. Gallen

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Installation Views and Details of Exhibition "Gabriel & Lucifero", Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venezia 2018. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, All Fotos: Julian Bruno Vogel

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Most Recent - Participation BIAS, Palermo 2018 BIAS: Camael Red Veil Triptych at Museo Riso, Cappella dell'Incoronazione

For the second edition of BIAS, Biennale Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea Sacra e delle Religioni Dell'Umanità, 2018 in Palermo, Sylke von Gaza's contribution Camael Red Veil Triptych was chosen to be shown in Cappella dell'Incoronazione del Museo Riso in Palermo, integrated in the Padiglione Filosofico. From 14 April until 14 September BIAS took place in various sites all over Palermo, this year's Italian Capital of Culture and host city of the Manifesta 12. For this second edition of BIAS, the cur- atorial team led by Chiara Modìca Donà dalle Rose chose the title "La Porta – Porta itineris dicitur longis- sima esse...". Sylke von Gaza's abstract triptych with its luminous veils of glowing red paint is named afer Camael, the cherubim with the flaming sword that was placed at the gate to guard the tree of life afer the traumatic expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3.24). It may be read as a metaphor for mankind's first step on the path towards self-awareness.

Cappella dell'Incoronazione, Museo Riso ▸ Website BIAS ▸ Where? ▸ 14 April - 14 September 2018

Installation View Camael Red Veil Triptych for BIAS 2018, Museo Riso, Cappella dell'Icoronazione, Palermo 2018. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, All Fotos: Julian Bruno Vogel

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Most Recent - Art Fair, Köln 2017 Art Cologne 2017 with Galerie Hans Strelow

Renowned art dealer Hans Strelow invited Sylke von Gaza to participate with his gallery at Art Cologne 2017 art fair. In Galerie Hans Strelow booth Sylke von Gaza’s work was shown together with works by Frank Stella, Imi Knoebel, Günther Uecker, Gotthard Graubner, Raimund Girke, Emil Schumacher & Norbert Kricke.

Right: Art dealer Hans Strelow in his gallery at Luegplatz, sitting on Barnett Newmans atelier chair, with works by Frank Stella and Sylke von Gaza, Düsseldorf 2017.

Below: Installation View of booth Galerie Hans Strelow, Art Cologne 2017. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, All Fotos: Julian Bruno Vogel

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Most Recent - Participation Museum Exhibiton, Düsseldorf 2016/17 Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf

In 2016/17 Sylke von Gaza was invited to participate with two large scale Veil Painting works in the exhibi- tion Behind the Curtain. Concealment and Revelation since the Renaissance. From Titian to Cristo at Mu- seum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf. General Director Beat Wismer and Claudia Blümle, Professor at the Institute of Art and Visual Studies of Humboldt Universität in Berlin, curated the exhibition.

Set against the background of the legend of the origin of mimetic painting – the tale of the contest between the ancient painters Zeuxis and Parrhasios – this thematic exhibition takes a look at the motifs of veil and curtain, thus illuminating fundamental issues of painting and fine art in general. The exhibition demonstrates the interplay between showing and concealing, revealing and veiling with a range of ex- clusive loans of art. The works range from Renaissance and Baroque paintings to modern and contem- porary art. Alongside the key work of the exhibition, Titian’s “Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto” from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Museum Kunstpalast presents a variety of loans from international mu- seums and private collections, including works e.g. by Giovanni Bellini, El Greco, Peter Paul Rubens, François Boucher, William Turner, Max Beckmann, Arnold Böcklin, Robert Delaunay, Morris Louis, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Maria Lassnig, Sigmar Polke and Gerhard Richter. Von Gaza's two large scale Veil Painting works represented a contemporary non figurative approach towards the theme of concealment and revelation, working with the metaphor of the veil in an abstract, metaphorical way.

Accompanying the exhibition, a richly illustrated catalogue was published by Hirmer. Contributions by eminent art historians such as Horst Bredekamp, Georges Didi-Huberman, Wolfgang Kemp, Roland Krischel, Klaus Krüger, Oskar Bätschmann, Patrik Reuterswärd, Barbara Schellewald, Beate Söntgen, Vic- tor I. Stoichiță & Gerhard Wolf elaborate on the topic of the highly frequented exhibition.

Exhibition Website Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf ▸ Exhibition Description (PDF) ▸ Exhibition Catalogue ▸ Exhibition Trailer ▸ Press WZ (Helga Meister) ▸ 1 October 2016 - 22 January 2017

Exhibition Catalogue: Hinter dem Vorhang. Verhüllung und Enthüllung seit der Renaissance - von Tizian bis Christo Hg. Beat Wismer & Claudia Blümle Contributions by H. Bredekamp, G. Didi-Huberman, W. Kemp, R. Krischel, K. Krüger, O. Bätschmann, P. Reuterswärd, B. Schellewald, B. Söntgen, V. Stoi- chiță, G. Wolf 340 Seiten, 297 Abbildungen in Farbe, 24 x 30 cm. Hirmer Verlag, München 2016 ISBN 978-3-7774-2646-4 More ▸

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Installation View of Exhibition "Behind the Curtain", Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf 2016/17. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Julian Bruno Vogel

Installation View of Exhibition "Behind the Curtain", Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf 2016/17. © Foto: Stefan Arendt LVR-ZMB

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Trailer of Exhibition "Behind the Curtain", Museum Kunst- Co-Curator Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle (Humboldt Universität, palast Düsseldorf 2016. Berlin) & artist Sylke von Gaza, Düsseldorf 2016. © Stifung Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Stefan Arendt LVR-ZMB

Vernissage at Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf in September 2016. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Julian Bruno Vogel

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Review - Private View, Zürich 2016 Villa von Schulthess-Bodmer

In April 2016, Sylke von Gaza was invited to the Villa von Schluthess-Bodmer in Seefeld Zürich. In the spi- rit of modern patronage, a private view was held and Sylke von Gaza was introduced to an exclusive circle of Zurich art collectors. At this occasion, works from Sylke von Gaza’s Veil Painting series were shown in Switzerland for the first time.

Private View & Sketch by Sylke von Gaza, Villa von Schulthess-Bodmer, Zürich 2016.. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Julian Bruno Vogel

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Review - Project "Beyond the Veil" in Chiesa San Lio, Venezia 2015 Work Commission for Gussoni Renaissance Chapel

Since 2013, in collaboration with Curia Patriarcale di Venezia, Sylke von Gaza has been painting in several churches in Venice: Chiesa San Fantin (2014), Chiesa San Lio (Project Beyond the Veil, 2015), Cappella San- tissima Trinità (Basilica della Salute, 2016).

In 2015, during the 56th Venice Biennale, the Curia Patriarcale di Venezia commissioned a permanent work contribution by Sylke von Gaza to the Gussoni Renaissance chapel in Chiesa San Lio, an old Vene- tian church nearby Rialto. Therefore, the artist was creating in situ three panel paintings for the Gussoni family chapel (Gussoni Red Veil Paintings Triptych) - following old artistic traditions.

Netherlandish and Italian Renaissance painting has always been a key source of inspiration for Sylke von Gaza. With her large-scale abstract oil paintings she positions herself within the tradition of the Old Mas- ters without, however, referencing them directly in her formal language. Oscillating between past and present, Venice provides an ideal creative environment for the artist, whose works not only probe the questions of tradition and identity in painting, but also provoke a discussion of the intrinsic value of art and society.

For this Beyond the Veil project, Sylke von Gaza joined forces with the priest and curator Gianmatteo Cap- uto, director of the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art in Venice, and the Swiss Renaissance historian Julian Bruno Vogel. The title of the project is intentionally ambiguous; it alludes to the artist’s series of Veil Paintings as well as to the figurative meaning of the phrase ‘beyond the veil’ – i.e. afer death – which is echoed by the figure of the Virgin cradling the dead Christ on Pietro and Tullio Lombardo’s altar relief in the Gussoni chapel. Radiant in a luminous yet contemplative red – a colour that draws on the liturgical tradition – Sylke von Gaza’s three canvases frame the Lamentation scene of the Stations of the Cross. Last, but by no means least, the word ‘beyond’ invited viewers to go beyond the contemplation of the finished work, to witness the old-masterly process of its creation and to watch the artist at work in the public space of the church.

Calling for a bold combination of art historical references, the re-articulation of archetypal themes and the consideration of its architectural setting, the project Beyond the Veil allowed Sylke von Gaza to take her work into a new direction. The project lasted from May until October 2015. Sylke von Gaza’s contribu- tion was integrated in the Gussoni family chapel's ensemble with its altar relief by Pietro and Tullio Lom- bardo and the tomb of the Venetian painter Canaletto and will remain there permanently.

Project Description "Beyond the Veil" 2015 (PDF) ▸ "Beyond the Veil" at Patriarcato di Venezia ▸ Chiesa San Lio, Venezia ▸ Press Weltkunst (PDF) ▸ May - October 2015

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Sylke von Gaza, Sketch work contribution Gussoni Red Veil Paintings Triptych, project "Beyond the Veil, Venezia 2015. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza

Sylke von Gaza painting in Gussoni Renaissance Chapel, Chiesa San Lio, Venezia 2015. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Julian Bruno Vogel

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Installation View Gussoni Red Veil Paintings Triptych, Cappella Gussoni, Chiesa San Lio, Venezia 2015. ∼ © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Julian Bruno Vogel © 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Review - Project "Power of Glass", München 2013 Glass work with Hofglasmalerei Gustav van Treeck

In 2013, Sylke von Gaza was invited to participate in the project "Power of Glass" by venerable Hofglas- malerei Gustav van Treeck in Munich with the aim to adapt her Red Veil Paintings into the language of glass. She created two large-scale glass objects, the Red Veil Rose window and the Red Veil Mosaic. The works have been shown in the Carmelite Church of St. Nicholas in Munich.

Project "Power of Glass" at Gustav van Treeck ▸ Exhibition Catalogue "Power of Glass" (PDF) ▸ Exhibition Carmelite Church Munich ▸ 5 - 28 July 2013

Right: Red Veil Mosaic, floor mosaic in brass frame, ø 160 cm, 2013.

Below: Red Veil Rose, float glass painting, antique glass, steel frame, ø 160 cm, 2013. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza

∼ © 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Sylke von Gaza - Body of Works Works Selection 2005 - 2018

Please find below a small works selection to illustrate the diverse range of Sylke von Gaza's abstract body of works. For a more detailed and structured insight with price range as well as for works in other media, please contact [email protected].

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Sylke von Gaza 2007 - 2019 Facts and Figures

Timeline • 2017: Participation in Padiglioni Paralleli of Curia Patriarcale di Venezia for 57th Venice Biennale • 2017: Atelier in Osservatorio del Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia, Basilica della Salute, Punta della Dogana, Venice; Glass work, Studio Berengo, Murano • 2016: Atelier in Cappella Santissima Trinità, Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia, Basilica della Sa- lute, Venice; Atelier in Villa von Schulthess-Bodmer, Zurich • 2015: Atelier in Cappella Gussoni, Chiesa San Lio, Venice; permanent work contribution to the Gussoni Renaissance Chapel in Chiesa San Lio, commissioned by the Curia Patriarcale di Venezia • 2013 - 2014: Atelier in Chiesa San Fantin, Venice • 2013: Glass work, Hofglasmalerei Gustav van Treeck, Munich • since 2012: Studio San Gregorio, Palazzo Martinengo Fortuny, Venice • 2011: Artist-Residence in Palazzo Ca’ del Duca, Venice; Glass work, Fornace Mattiello, Murano • 2007: Graduated from the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, awarded title “Meister- schülerin” ("summa cum laude") • 2005: Artist-Residence in New York • 2002 - 2007: Studied painting at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München (Academy of the Visual Arts in Munich, Germany) under Prof. Sean Scully • 2000: Art Students League, New York • 1989 - 1990: Wirtschafsingenieurwesen at Christain-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel • 1985 - 1989: Diplom-Ingenieurin (Dipl.Ing.) at Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschafen HAW Hamburg • 1966: Born Sylke von Gazen genannt Gaza in Hamburg

Exhibitions (selection) • 2019: Il Nido at Gedächtniskirche, Berlin (solo) • 2019: Velvet & Paper, Gallery Biedermann, Munich (solo) • 2018: Gabriel & Lucifero. The most precious Pigment of Renaissance Venice, Palazzo Contarini Po- lignac, Venice (solo) • 2018: BIAS Biennale Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea Sacra e delle Religioni Dell'Umanità 2018, Museo Riso, Capella dell'Incoronazione, Palermo • 2018: Il Nido inside Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, Venice (solo) • 2018: Il Nido at cloister of Seminario Patriarcale, Venice (solo) • 2017: Il Nido. A Pilgrimage towards Equilibrium, project start for Padiglioni Paralleli of Curia Pat- riarcale di Venezia and glasswork with Berengo Studio, Murano, during 57th Venice Biennale, at Basilica Madonna della Salute, Osservatorio del Seminario Patriarcale, Punta della Dogana, Venice (solo)

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 • 2017: Summertime: Brüning, Erben, von Gaza, Huidobro, Merschmann, Münch, Gallery Hans Stre- low, Düsseldorf • 2017: 52th Art Cologne, Gallery Hans Strelow, Cologne • 2016/17: Behind the Curtain. Concealment and Revelation since the Renaissance. From Titian to Cristo, curated by Beat Wismer and Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle, Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf • 2016: Private View Villa von Schulthess-Bodmer, Zürich (solo) • 2016: Fabrica Ecclesiae, Museo Diocesano d'Arte Sacra Sant' Apollonia, San Marco, Venice • 2015: Beyond the Veil, project with and commission for Curia Patriarcale di Venezia during 56th Venice Biennale, Chiesa San Lio, Venice (solo) • 2014: Power of Glass, Hofglasmalerei Gustav van Treeck, Munich • 2013: Handwerk und Kirche, Gallery Handwerk of Chamber of Commerce of Munich and Upper Bavaria in collaboration with Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat München, Carmelite Church of St. Nicholas, Munich • 2013: Spirituality in Painting, Gallery Art Consult, Munich (solo) • 2012: Positionswechsel, BayWa, Munich • 2011: Light & Painting, Palazzo Ca' del Duca, Venice (solo) • 2010: Jahresgaben, Munich Art Society, Munich • 2009: The Process of Creation, Rich Gallery, London (solo) • 2009: Malerei, Gallery Biedermann, Munich (solo) • 2008: Jahresausstellung des 15. Kunstpreises, Aichach Art Society, Aichach • 2007: Jahresausstellung, Traunstein Art Society, Traustein • 2007: Diplomausstellung Abschlussklasse Prof. Sean Scully, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Mün- chen, Munich

Public collections • Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich • Museo Diocesano d'Arte Sacra Sant' Apollonia, San Marco, Venice • Collezione Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia, Venice

Recognition • 2007: Meisterschülerin ("summa cum laude") in Fine Arts at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste München under Prof. Sean Scully. • 2015: Work commission for Gussoni Renaissance Chapel by Curia Patriarcale di Venezia • 2017 Invitation to Padiglioni Paralleli for the for 57th Venice Biennale by Curia Patriarcale di Venezia

Permanent Installations • since 2015: Gussoni Red Veil Triptych, Gussoni Renaissance Chapel, Chiesa San Lio, Venice.

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019 Bibliography

• Tim Ackermann: Il Nido - Venedigs geheimes Nest, Weltkunst 8. December 2017, Berlin/Hamburg 2017. More ▸ • Guido Brivio: Mysterium Coniunctionis. Gabriel & Lucifero by Sylke von Gaza, Venezia & Torino 2017. More ▸ • Alan Jones: „As High as the Eagle“ - Sylke von Gaza’s Installation „Il Nido“ in Venice, Venezia 2017. More ▸ • Petra Schaefer: Hoch über den Kirchendächern von Venedig. Die deutsche Künstlerin Sylke von Gaza präsentiert die Installation "Il Nido", Zeitkunst (11/2017), Neu-Isenburg 2017. More ▸ • Irmgard Bernrieder: Dem Blick entrückte Huldigung, Textcluster 29. November 2017, Brüggen 2017. • Beat Wismer, Claudia Blümle (Ed.): Hinter dem Vorhang. Verhüllung und Enthüllung seit der Renais- sance – von Tizian bis Christo, with contributions by Horst Bredekamp, Georges Didi- Huberman, Wolfgang Kemp, Roland Krischel, Oskar Bätschmann, Lia Bertram, Dortje Fink, Vin- cent von Frankenberg, Klaus Krüger, Saskia C. Quené, Patrik Reuterswärd, Julia Ryll, Barbara Schnellewald, Beate Söntgen, Victor I. Stoichita and Gerhard Wolf, exhibition catalogue Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Hirmer, Munich 2016. • Helga Meister: Im Ehrenhof wird der Vorhang gelüfet, Westdeutsche Zeitung WZ 30 September 2017, Wuppertal, Krefeld, Düsseldorf 2016. • Thomas Köster: "Hinter dem Vorhang" im Museum Kunstpalast, Westdeutscher Rundfunk WDR 30 September 2016, Cologne 2016. • Tim Ackermann: Venedig wird abstrakt, Weltkunst 106 (10/2015), Berlin/Hamburg 2015. More ▸ • Gianmatteo Caputo: Beyond the Veil: Red Veil Paintings nella Chiesa di San Lio, Uffici Beni Culturali & Turismo della Curia Patriarcale di Venezia UBC, Venice 2015. More ▸ • Gustav van Treeck (Ed.): Power of Glass, exhibition catalogue, Munich 2014. More ▸ • Maurits J. Sinninghe Damsté: Sylke von Gaza's paintings: Sacraments of a Deeper Reality, Gronin- gen-Leeuwarden 2013. More ▸ • Laura Schwarz: Schichtarbeit, Architectural Digest AD (10/2013), Munich 2013. • Jolanda Drexler: Sylke von Gaza in Conversation with Jolanda Drexler, Artology 2 (2013), Munich 2013. More ▸ • Florian Seidl (Ed.): Jahresgaben 2010, Kunstverein München e.V., Munich 2010. • Steven Rich (Ed.): Sylke von Gaza: Red Veil Paintings. The Process of Creation, London 2009. • Petra Giloy-Hirtz: From the Grey to the Colourful. Interview with Sylke von Gaza, Munich 2008. More ▸ • Martin H. Schmidt: Die Schleier der Sylke von Gaza – Who is afraid of grey, white and red?, Kronberg 2007. More ▸

© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019

Atelier San Gregorio, Palazzo Martinengo Fortuny, Venezia 2016. © Bildarchiv Sylke von Gaza, Foto: Julian Bruno Vogel


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© 2019 Sylke von Gaza. All rights reserved. Portfolio 2019