Conference on the Euro Changeover in Slovenia: Experiences and Lessons

8 June 2007 | Berlaymont building | ,

PROGRAMME Programme Programme

8:30 Registration and welcome coffee afternoon session inflation and price perceptions Chaired by Alexandra Cas Granje, Director, DG ECFIN, European Commission MORNING SESSION Chaired by Servaas Deroose, Director, DG ECFIN, European Commission 14:00–14:30 Part I: What has happened to prices in Slovenia? The empirical evidence 9:00 Welcome by Chair Introductory presentation: Price developments, publication policy Genovefa Ružić, Deputy Director-General, National Statistical Office, Slovenia 9:15–10:00 Review of the changeover: an external perspective Comparison of the price effects during the changeover in 2002 with Preliminary findings of the ongoing review of the changeover in Slovenia the changeover in Slovenia Marion Bywater, Richard Doherty, Deloitte Keith Hayes, Deputy Head of Unit, , European Commission Questions and answers 14:30–16:00 Part II: Euro introduction and price perceptions – what can we learn from the 10:00–11:00 The cash changeover to the euro Slovenian experience? Preparation and implementation of the cash changeover Introductory presentation: The changeover in Slovenia for consumers Brane Bertoncelj, Director, National Bank of Slovenia Manca Novinec, Slovene Consumers‘ Association ECB preparations and cooperation with Member States in view of the cash introduction Introductory presentation: Euro introduction and price effects from Antti Heinonen, Director, European Central Bank a macro-economic perspective Boštjan Vasle, Head of Department, Slovenian Institute for Macroeconomic Analysis Questions and answers and Development (IMAD) 11:00–11:15 Coffee break Panel discussion: Genovefa Ružić, Deputy Director-General, National Statistical Office, Slovenia 11:15–12:00 Public perceptions of the changeover Keith Hayes, Eurostat, European Commission results and assessment of the different Eurobarometer surveys Manca Novinec, Slovene Consumers‘ Association Robert Manchin, Chairman and Managing Director, Gallup Europe Boštjan Vasle, Slovenian Institute for Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD) Nina Prešern, Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Questions and answers

16:00–16:15 Concluding remarks 12:00–12:45 Communication campaign in Slovenia The national communication campaign Nada Serajnik-Sraka, Government Communication Office, Slovenia Questions and answers

12:45–14:00 lunch break

The conference will be held in English How to get from the airport to the Silken Berlaymont Hotel (11–19, Boulevard Charlemagne):

By taxi: Taxis are available in front of the arrival hall. Licensed taxis are recognisable by the blue and yellow emblem. The fare to the city centre is around € 40.

By bus: The bus station is located one floor down from the arrival zone. The “Airport Line” no. 12 bus links the airport with the European District departing three times per hour. From the stop “Schuman”, it is a three-minutes walk to the hotel. The journey takes approximately 20 minutes and costs € 3.

By train: The train station is located below the terminal at level -1. Four trains per hour connect the airport to the stations “Brussels North”, “Brussels Central” and “Brussels South”. From Brussels Central Station, take the metro 1a or 1b to Schuman. The journey takes approximately 35 minutes and costs € 2,80 for the train and € 1,50 for the metro.

Silken Berlaymont Hotel Toward airport Berlaymont

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