e are pleased to W present the first edition of the redesigned news bulletin of your interline committee. Following our name change last February (exit Aqua committee), we decided to modernize our image. We certainly hope that this bulletin will be to everyone’s liking.

I would like to inform you that Romy Tapia Liebowitz has left the committee and her position as Chair. Romy, the explorer, who has a passion for travel, has been our committee chair for more then 4 years. I would like to sincerely thank her for her hard work and commitment. Two other committee members have left as well. Mr Carl Veilleux Both will be, without a doubt, a Our mission is to bring representing and Peter great asset to the committee. suggestions and solutions to the Buzzell representing Montréal. I At press time, we did not have Blue Plass department with the would like to thank them both anyone representing the intention of ultimately improving for their involvement and Montréal base. If you are travel benefits for all CA’s. One of influence over the years. interested in joining our team, our current and top priorities is you may contact Karen the establishment of a web based Benabou, local 4041 president. reservation system that could I would like to welcome two allow each of us the possibility of booking our own stand-by tickets new additions to our amazing The question everyone is on TS. This tool could help us to wondering: team, Isabel Gobeil and Nirav eventually obtain more reciprocal Juthani. Isabel, with her lively agreements with other airlines personality, will be joining the What can the interline such as “ZED” fares (Zonal committee do for me? Employee Discount) and who experienced Donna Bordon as knows, maybe finally send our fax Vancouver rep. In Toronto, machine to the recycle bin! We Nirav, looks forward to The interline committee was now know that the company has representing the members. created as an advisory group. requested the IT department to look at different systems and as a jumpseat agreement with our our reciprocal jumpseat options but no official launch date friends at Canjet. agreement program by adding is even close to being new airlines. This project is a lot announced. I can assure you that more popular than we ever we will do all that we can to be As for XL France, a first contact expected and we are proud of it. involved in the development of was made a few weeks ago and We have not achieved our this long waited reservation there seems to be interest from complete potential of JS system. the two companies. We sent a agreements yet and we are request for a reciprocal JS continually contacting other agreement, but our request was airlines. Our objective would be During our last meeting with refused by XL. to have JS agreements with Blue Pass (2 meetings are to be every airline affiliated to CUPE. held every year), the following topics were discussed: What can the interline committee I would like to sincerely thank our component for their support as The possibility of obtaining do for me? well as Inflight for their help and interline agreements with Alaska assistance in making Airlines, US Airways, Porter The situation with Thomas Cook the first airline in to Airlines, Canjet, , seems to be more complicated extend this great benefit to all of XL France and Thomas Cook and we do not see any its flight attendants. Airlines. agreement possible in the near future. It is however possible to use your confirmed passes on Dominic Levasseur Blue Pass seems open to the idea Chair Thomas Cook. Interline committee CUPE-TS of adding new airlines to our exclusive travel benefits. They have contacted most of the Following Romy’s departure, I was airlines mentioned and have nominated Chair of the Interline concluded a traditional interline Committee. I have decided to agreement with begin this mandate by facilitating • • • last summer. It is our and improving our relations with understanding that the fact that Blue Pass. I sincerely hope that we TS does not have an e-ticket will be able to better our reservation system for interline collaboration by encouraging travel, hinders us with most communication and working airlines. US Airways and Alaska together in adding new interline Airlines are not interested in agreements. signing a reciprocal agreement at this time. It is, in fact, what is causing the trouble with JetBlue I would like to advocate a greater as well. These airlines no longer transparency from Blue Pass. As produce paper tickets and an example, I requested the therefore, request that other breakdown of the costs airlines joining their interline associated with our $80 stand-by travel agreements, do the same in ticket. I am still awaiting an order to facilitate transactions. answer.

HR is looking at the specifics of a The other aspect of our mission future interline agreement as well is our commitment to improve HOW MANY CONFIRMED PASSES PORTER AIRLINES AM I ALLOWED PER ur JS agreement with departure. The form may be YEAR? Por ter Airlines is, obtained on Puertas or via Hired between 2 passes owithout a doubt, a Blue Pass. Jan 1 – June 30 great success. Many of you and less than have had the pleasure of using We would like to remind you one year of Porter over the past few that Porter has a strict dress service months. The procedure is code for interline travel. Their simple. You have to call code differs from ours and it is Porter’s JS hotline at important to follow it in order 647-826-7099 between 10am to avoid problems at the Hired between 1 pass and 4pm EST check-in counters. July 1 – Sept 30 Monday to Friday H e r e i s s o m e and less than and at least 2 hours Since August 1st , information on what one year of before departures. It Blue Pass has and what not to service may be difficult at wear. times to get an concluded a Hired between 0 passes agent but please be traditional Accepted: business Oct 1 – Dec patient and do not interline travel casual/dress style 31 and less wait to the last trousers, jacket, than one year minute. agreement for all dress or skirt of service TS employees on ( c o n s e r v a t i v e Since August 1st , Porter Airlines. length), collared- B l u e P a s s h a s dress shirt, After one year 2 passes concluded a combination dress traditional interline travel shirt and sweater. agreement for all TS Examples of unacceptable employees on Porter Airlines. attire: any type of work-out After 3 years 3 passes This is in addition to the JS clothing jogging suits/sweat agreement. It is now possible pants/rugby pants/sports to travel with your kids or attire, shorts (any type), jeans/ More than 5 4 passes your spouse. The price of a tank tops/t-shirts/sweatshirts, years stand-by pass is 50$ plus tax. any type of beach wear and or Note that parents are not beach footwear, any type of included in the agreement. athletic shoes. You must fax your request to Blue Pass 14 days prior to • • •

Need a car rental? Air Transat and National Car rentals. This option may not call National Car rental Rental have concluded a be the best one if you are directly at 800-387-4747 and corporate agreement panning a trip well ahead of mention corporate ID allowing us to benefit from time but can be great on last 3713079 great discounts on car minute bookings. You may Travel non-stop from YYZ to SFO and LAX with Virgin America using our JS agreement!


« I flew Jumpseat on « Just came back from L.A. and We would like to know your Porter to Toronto - so Vegas using our JS w/ Virgin and op inion on jump sea t a g reement s. s m o o t h ! E x c e l l e n t Southwest. AWESOME!» Please take a few minutes to service over the phone, a nswer our survey. We a re curious cockpit and cabin crew -Julie Tan Ramos, YYZ t o k now which a irlines a re t he were so very nice, not to most popular and ultimately imp rove a s much a s we ca n your JS mention the ground t ravel exp erience. staff! I will definitely be using this perk again! Yes! I would like t o t a ke t he survey. Great job, thank you!» ( survey onl y avai l abl e on t he web versi on — Marie-Ève Garand, YUL and on FB ) Blue Pass policies, a quick reference guide

through the Blue Pass By Donna Bordon Can I travel with Department in advance and Vancouver 1 • • • both of the take advantage of discounts. following at the Travel… it’s what draws most same time? During the entire period of a of us to this job, regardless of temporary layoff, employees do A)with a spouse and a travel not accumulate passes. CA’s the answers we may give partner (buddy)? are not eligible for benefits during the interview process! B)with a companion and travel offered by airlines other than partner (buddy)? Air Transat while on temporary Answer: Yes A and B layoff. And although we’re fortunate enough to see some of the Employees who have not world’s greatest cities while Is it possible to use 2 completed the minimum six- being paid, we also have the my confirmed month continuous service possibility to travel on our own passes during a period when laid off time with family and friends at blackout period? temporarily are not eligible for discounted rates. Is there room Answer: Yes, provided that there benefits for improvement with regards is space available but only 7 days to our benefits? Absolutely. But prior to departure. you can rest assured that we’ll Can we use stand continue to bring forth any and Will I have access to 4 by tickets on code all suggestions to the Company travel privileges that might enhance our travel share flights 3 when on privileges. operated by temporairy layoff? Canjet, As members of the Interline and Thomas Committee, we’re often asked Cook? Answer: YES during the first four to clarify policies and months of a temporary layoff, procedures regarding our Blue employees and their beneficiaries Answer: No, at this time only Pass program. We’ve decided may continue to take advantage confirmed passes are allowed. to compile some of the most of the Blue Pass Vacation Travel frequently asked questions for Program . When the temporary you. You can refer to the Blue layoff period exceeds four Pass section of the intranet site months, employees and their for more detailed information. • • • beneficiaries no longer have access to the Blue Pass Vacation As always, if you’re unable to TravelProgram. find the information, you can Employees and their beneficiaries contact the Blue Pass may at all times purchase department directly. packages and other products The agent will give you a Embargo on confirmation number and up you go. Happy Jetting! JetBlue 24hrs ?? Since January 2010, Blue Pass is • • • imposing an embargo on our Is it possible to obtain a last interline agreement with minute stand by ticket in 24 Jetblue (B6). Blue Pass has hours? informed us that the embargo is due to the fact that B6 is Any request for stand by tickets now using an all electronic New this winter! received for departure within platform for interline ticketing the next three working days will (e-ticket). As we know, TS does be processed within 24 hours of For departures as of November not yet have such a system and receipt. The tickets must be 1st 2010, Nolitours and Transat it is now causing difficulties picked up at the Transat Holidays’ ABC flights to South will with B6. The embargo, which Holidays/Nolitours counters be sold by segments (as are was supposed to be lifted in before the flight, at the following already flights to Europe and Canadian airports: YUL, YQB, March, has now been Florida). YYZ, YVR, YEG, YYC YHZ. extended till late September. Contact Blue Pass for more We are meeting with Blue Pass This will help plan trips with non- informations. this fall and are hoping to find conventional durations in a solution as we understand destinations where Transat Tours Time of receipt Ticket sent to that this agreement is very of request Canadian airport Canada (TTC) offers more than popular to many of you. one flight per week. (ex: a 5 or a Tuesday 8 am Wednesday 8am 10 days vacations on a confirmed Please be aware that the pass) embargo does not apply to Wednesday Friday 8: am 11 pm our reciprocal jumpseat You will be able to use your agreement with B6. That means Friday 2: 00 pm Monday 2 pm confirmed passes or purchase that any CA can travel on B6 flights with your employee Any request Tuesday 8:00 am at anytime. You need to call discount. Stand-by tickets can received after 1800-JETBLUE and ask to be 5:00 pm Friday always be used at anytime. and before 8:00 added to the JS stand-by list am Monday for the flight you would like to • • • • • • take. Delta Airlines to vote on union: “Democracy in action: majority rules”

By Dominic Levasseur of Delta FA represented by a suffice to win. Our friends at Vancouver union? NWA AFA can finally say that they • • • can go forward with a fair election For the majority of us, when we NWA flight attendants have been process. The battle has already were hired by TS, all CAs were unionized for 62 years but their started and voting to join the Flight already affiliated to CUPE. Never colleagues at Delta have never won Attendants (AFA-CWA) will start have we had to wonder what representation. Since the merger, Sept 29 and ballots will be counted would it be like to vote and go thru Delta has employed two distinct on Nov 3. an election process to get union groups of FA. Under the new rules representation. instituted by the US National Mediation Board on June 1, In Canada, the process is, by all elections for interstate United and represented by a single appearances, simple, anonymous transportation unions will now be union, they will finally be able to and most of all, democratic. It was decided by a simple majority of obtain the working conditions they not always the case for our votes cast. This change brought deserve. I wish them all the best of colleagues in the US. I would like forward by President Obama luck in their campaign ! to tell you briefly about the fight of should facilitate union elections. the flight attendants at Delta to Before the new rules, to win an For more information visit: gain union representation . election you needed a majority of The Association of flight the vote, but the partisans of the attendants- Delta AFA Since January 2010, Delta and YES were beginning the battle with NWA have become one company a major difficulty since everyone with a single operating certificate. who didn’t vote was counted as a Press release: Even though the merger of NO vote. You can then imagine these two giants is done from an the struggles to get a majority of operational point of view, a major votes. 0701_release.pdf point of disagreement remains. Now that the law has been Will the CA’s from NWA who modified, now the same as for any • • • have been affiliated to AFA for democratic election, a simple years, win their attempt to have all majority of the votes cast will

4 websites that might interest you Top 5 Iphone of Iphone Traveling under our new jumpseat agreement? This is travel apps. a good site to check out flight loads. It shows how many seats can still be booked in each booking class. “0” means booked up, “9” means seats available. 1- GateGuru The ultimate web source for airplane seating, in-flight amenities and airline information. 2- Maplets lite

Great last minute liquidation discount site. Great for air 3- Stayhip only, car rentals, hotels and shows. 4- Hipstamatic Are you looking for accommodation in a Tree House, a www.unusualhotelsofthe 747, or in a TV Tower? This site lists some of the most interesting and unusual hotels in the world. 5- Nightstand weatherclock Contact Us Questions?Questions? Problèmes? Problems? Dominic Levasseur Chair [email protected] You had a problem with Blue Pass? Please let us know. Why not share with us a suggestion or a solution to your problem? Please leave your written comments in Donna Bordon et the CUPE mail box in the Isabel Gobeil crew room or by e-mail at : YVR Reps [email protected] Donna Bordon [email protected]

Memory card of reciprocal jumpseat agreements

At the gate or check-in counter: Isabel Gobeil Identify yourself as a FA wanting to jumpseat under a cabin seat agreement. You will be asked to present your TS ID card and M.O.T. You will then be added to the stand-by list and a gate agent will be calling your name aprox 20 min before departure time if a seat is available: No jeans allowed, Check in at least 1:30 before your flight. visit us at strapontin-jumpseat TS on Facebook for updated information. Duis Vitae 16% ✴Alaska Airlines (mention K2Y) ✴Comair (Delta cnx 800-221-1212) Ut877-677-2566 et Neque 6% ✴Porter (647-826-7099 min 2 hrs YUL (position available) ✴Horizon Air ( mention K5) prior) Pellentesque 3% [email protected] -Southwest (866-359-7967) -Frontier -Jetblue(800-jetblue min 2hr prior) ✴Skywest (all flights operated for Nunc Blandit 1% -Spirit Delta connection, 800-221-1212 Nirav Juthani -AliquamHawaiian AirlinesVolutpat 1% -Colgan Air (US Air only) YYZ Rep ✴Atlantic Southeast -CommutAir (US departures only [email protected] (800-221-1212) -Midwest Airlines -Air Wisconsin (US departures only) ✴= departures from Canada

Or the component website: Follow us on facebook: Username : atcomponent strapontin jumpseat-ts Pass word : fly