mm wlt VOL. 1, NO. 46. SILVER CITY, N. M., WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS

MASONIC HISTORY. Benedict, S. B. Axtell and Henry L. vention, consisting of the masters and Waldo; , famous scout and wardens of Montezuma, Chapman, Indian Interesting Information Concerning fighter, and brigadier general U. Aztec and Union lodges, was called to S. this Organization in New Mexico. volunteers, whose trusted ride was order by the then governor, S. B. Axtell, left as an heir loom at the time of his and the of New Mexico n as death in 1883, to that lodge, and is still formally organized Fifty Years" Growth at Santa Fe, by the Detailed by a Former n its possession; Grand Master of the Grand governor, election of grand officers and the adop- Lafayette Head, of Lodge. Colorado, who was tion of a constitution and s. The made a Mason, in 1851, and is now a first grand officers were: W. W.' Griffin, resident of that state; Brigadier General grand master; W. L. Rynerson. deputy Free Masonry came to New Mexico :J. II. Carleton, U. S. A., who was made grand master; S. P.. Newcotnb, grand with the American occupation. As in 1856, and commanded the military senior warden ; G. W. Stebbins, grand elsewhere in the United States during department of New Mexico, during and junior warden; Willi Speigellierg, grand 100 the past years, wherever the Btars k--t after the late war, ween the states ; treasurer, and David J. Miller, grand and stripes were planted, fol- closely Delegates Milguel A. Otero, C. P.Clever, secretary. The membership of the four lowed the institution of a Masonic Stephen B. Elkins, Antonio Joseph, and lodges numbered 165 Master lodge. Masons. T. B. Catron, Col. Ceran St. Vrain, who The Silver City lodge declined to join On August 18th, 1846, General Kear- - commanded federal troops, to put down the organization. noy took possession of the city of Santa the Pueblo Indian insurrection in 1847, The grand lodges throughout the Fe, then the capital of the Mexican ter- during which Governor Charles Bent, globe then recognized the pew grand ritory of New Mexico, extending north also a Mason, was assassinated; Win. lodge promptly, except , which to the Nepests or Arkansas river, east to W.'Grilfin, president of the first nation-a- l stood for a time by Silver City lodge, the 100th meridian, west to the Mogol- bank organized in New Mexico, Solo- but the right and justice and Masonic lón mountains, the Moqtii lx-r- Pueblo and mon Jacob Spiegel Levi Spiegel -- equity Iteing with New Mexico, Mis- the head waters of the Rio Grande and berg, Gustave Klsberg and Zadoc Staab, souri accorded finally full recognition south to the of state Chihuahua and in who organized wholesale trading estab- and the Silver City lodge acknowledged a little more than a year thereafter, Free lishments in Santa Fe, wav buck in the the grand lodge of New Mexico, as its Masonry planted its banner of Friend- earlv '50s. and manv others uhrvau lawful superior and the supreme Mason- ship, Morality and Brotherly love in the names are well and favorably known to ic authority in New Mexico. Since city of the Holy Faith, and the natives the people of New Mexico, who were then, peace and harmonv have pre Ix'held for the first time the square and prominent and important factors in New vailed in the jurisdiction and the growth compasses and the white lambskin Mexico politics and business and are of the grand lodge while it has not Wen aprons, indicating that a new era had closely identified with its history, devel- rapid has been steady and sure and the arisen and that the mystic, craft had opment and advancement. craft is in a very prosperous condition. been firmly established in their midst. Chapman lodge at Las Vegas has the Upon the register, today, there are On October 18t h, 1847, Hardin lodge honor of being the next oldest ; it was counted twenty lodges, located as fol- No 87, a military traveling lodge with instituted under charter granted bv the lows: Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, the first regiment of Illinois volunteers, grand lodge of Missouri, June 2nd 1862. Wat rous, Raton, Socorro, San Marcial, was instituted at Santa Fe, by Colonel and is now niimWr 2 on the New Mfxi- - Las Cruces, Deining, Silver City, Chlo- John Halls, grand master of the grand co registry. It is in n flourishing cóndi- - ride, Georgetown, Eddy, Roswell, White lodge of Missouri. This lodge started tion and to it belongs the credit of pos- - Oaks, Chama, Farmington, Cerrillos, with a membership of forty, mostly sessing the finest temple in western Gallup and Clayton. The membership army ollicers, j and .worked Santa Fe Kansas, southern Colorado, New Mexi- - of these aggregates over 1,000 at this during the years 1847, 1848, 1849 and co, Arizona, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, writing. 1850 and was succeeded by Montezuma western Texas and southern . Of the grand ollicers in 1877, all but lodge, No. 109, to which a charter was June 4th, 1866, Aztec lodge No. 3 at JudgeS. 1!. Newborn I), of Las Cruces, granted by the grand lodge of Missouri, Las Cruces was instituted under charter and Hon. Willi Spiegelberg, now of May 18.')!. 8th, granteil by the grand lodge of Missouri. New York, have joined the silent ma- For M'vcral years, these were the only ' October 17th, 187:1, Silver Citv lodge jority. lodges in all the vast Territory, now was instituted, also under charter from For the present year, the following are contained in western Kansas, western the grand lodge of Missouri. the grand ollicers: J. J. Kclley, of Silver Nebraska, the two Dnkotas, Colorado, Union Lodge at Fort Union was in-- 1 City, grand master; Dr. J. II. Wroth, of Wyoming, Utah, , Montana1, stituted also under charter from ihe Albuquerque, deputy grand master; Geo. Oregon. Washington, New Mexico, Ida- grand lodge of Missouri, May 30th, 1874. L. Wyllys, of Cerrillos, grand senior ho, western Texas, California, Arizona, 1 rom 186.) to 1875, there existed also! warden; Chester D. Stevens, of Raton, the Indian Territory and Oklahoma. in the territory three lodges under! grand junior warden, F. H. Kent, of Many of the foremost citizens and charters from the grand lodge of Mis- -' Albuquerque, grand treasurer and A. A. pioneers of New Mexico were members souri. Bent lodtte No. 205 at Taos. Kit Keen, of Albuquerque, grand secretary. of lodge. A few of P., ..,,.. l..,l.. Q 11 'til! I....I-- . Montezuma these vouuii luiiu mu uil.atH'UHUWM sillllll The past grand masters oí the grand will be named : Supreme Court Justices Cimarron lodge No. 348 at Cimarron. lodge are the following well known citi- Joab Houghton, Merril Ashhurst, Kirby . On August 8th,' 1877, a Masonic con- zens of New Mexico: S. B. Newcotnb, es In