
Ahmalt &.ed lhan M.S.. (Hons.) Agri

A thesis sJbmittd io partial tulfilmcnt of requir€ne s for the degrce of

Doctor ol PhilnsoPhY

A$ftulturd Entortrohgt


Tho Cootrollli of BrrdiDli(xrs, udY.rfity of Ag.iouhro, Frirhb.d.

We, th! Supcryirny Corl$i!!6, c.|{t tb.t dE co&d! $d futm of

thit.ubrn|n.d by Mr. Af.d sa..a kr [rvD b.!o foutd .itirft4tory .d

ttcocd rf.t ia b p.!c.d ft. e{.ldlon by Br|.rrd Bx|ei!!.s fut t}.

rfird of &g16,

,t\ n n. l Itll,l \ ll| lrl\lll \lth cHATRMAN llk'tt'rulJ\rl (Dr. Xubrird lt|tq fih!)

MBMBAN nd.d Att r)


Thi. buDbl6.trort of6onglt .rd i0dy.'ri.dir-t.d b by bclov€d prrrlG, finlly !|oDbcr. rd Dr. Wrli

MuLr$ud CLrdhd (Ac.rolofi.t/Mrlor Bmod!6), who

inNplr€d ne to hiJhcr irrrb of lib. r ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

I bow my hend in grrtitude to ALMIGHTY ALLAH THE

MERCIFUL), WHO, dlspilc my numerous difficulties, bestowed tn€ with thc potential and ability to completc ftcs€ rcacarch studies.

I fel proud priviletc to r€cord ny sincercst thdks to Dr. Muhemmad

Raffq Khcn, M.Sc. (Agri.) Pb., Ph.D. (U K.), Post-Doc. (Canada)' Professor aod Vice Chancellor, University of AS.iculture, Faisalabad, for his guidance and keen itrter€sl during the course of thosc studies.

I feel immensc pt€.su.€ aod honour h expressins mv feclinss or

(Asri S. $atitudc to vcnenbl€ Dr, wrli Muhsmmsd Chludh.i, M Sc. ), M (U.S-A.), Ph.D. (U.A.F.), Profassor Bneritus/Acarologist Universitv of

Ag.iculture, Faisalabad, for his continuous cncouragoment, valuabl. suggeslions, helpful guidance, kind advicc and friendly aptitude during the course of completion of the presenr r€searcb itrv€sliSalious

I wish to exprcss my f@lings of sincelest apPr€ciation and gtatitude for tbe help rendered in the revision and rewriiing ofman$criptby D.. Shmshad

Akbar, Ph.D., Professor/Acarologist, Departm€nt of ASri Entomoloty and memb€r of supervisory commiltec of th€ research project' Universitv of

Agriculture, Faisalabad durinS thes. studie's-

Wi$ dc.p sense of obligation, the auhor eiPrcsses his thanks to Dr'

Mhra Azhar B€8, Professoi, Departmenl of Zoologv and Fhhe.ies' for hh e rcmely useftl suggcslioos, inspiring help snd his formal suppon as aod wh€n

I fccl indcbt d to Ih. Itohmud AJrz Wrl r, Pofcssor !!d ChainmD'

D.plitncnt of At.i. Ertomolosy, for hi! inspiriaS emou.agctncnt duriog the cource of tbe6e studics.

Lsst but not the lea!1, I pruy for good hslth and long lifc of mv aff€ctiondc parcnts, who inspir.d mc to hiShcr id€als of lifc TM bcst wkhB of my wif. a brothc.s foi my success are rslly unforg€ltrble.


List of Figures

List of Tabl€

Lht of Phenogram ...... iii List ofMlps...... iv



Genus,4rnrl)J.irj Berlese 3l

Key to Pakistar species of C€nuE ,rrbtrdlu 8e.lae 3',1

l. Anblyseiut .anb, n-sp. 4A 2. Anblyseilt ceh.t, n sp. 53 3. AnblrsetLs bulsa, n.sp. 5E Anbttseius hniltt, t.sp 63 5. Anbtyse ius forJer, n.sp 68 6. Anbtys,it t bajdu! Chatrdh 73 7. Anblyse rus doliwn, n.sq. 74 8. Anblys. ius mc licotd6, a.sp. 79 9. Anbtts.ias tlMe s, n.sp- 84 lO. Anblrs.ius grutut, 89 Il. Anblft akt diwno, ^.sp.i.sp 94 tz. Anblrseia colidwn, n.sp 99 13. Anweius uinos, t04 t4. Anblyseius ctista, n.sp.^.sp. 109 l14 Anbtft lus frLtcul$, n.sp. 16. lmws.Ius cltttt t, n.EQ. l19 t't. Anbrysclus talpo, q. . . t24 18. A,nblrs.iut abnodo, o.sp . . . t29 19. Anblyr.ius Wus, l.sp, 134 m. A'nblrt ttlt W..zi , n.sp r39 2t. Anb\s.ius WB, n.sQ 144 22. Anw.h.t Jits,ts, 149 23. ,rnblys.tus so'dut ^.qt, n-sp 154 24. ,rn ryr.r6 rlorb Ahmrd and Chludhri l5E E. Anbbscius l&.aut, a.3p 159 n.sp ta 2n. 'lnblft.iu nirw, n. Anblys. lus mundutus, n.sp 169 28. ,rnblrt.iut f.. .n, a.sp. t14 29, Anbtfsriae vlryula, n sp r19 30. A"1btys.lus va b, nsp. 184 vl DlscussroN r9l VII SUMMARY N2




A-2 Ventral side

l. Anblfsetut camis, n.sp. 5 t,52 2. Anblyse ius ce bus, n.sp. 56-57 3. AnbtrseiLr M8a, n.sp. 6t-62 Anbl$elus hunils, n.sp 5. Anbtls.ius forf.t, '| t-72 6. Anblyseius dolitun, n,sp. 77-t8 1. .btblyseits tLc cotda, n.sp. 82-83 8. Anbtltelus 8lon. ns, n.sp. 87-88 9. ,|nblrs.ius I tu!6, n.sp - 92-93 t0. Anblyseius dve o, n.sp 97-98 I l. Anblyse ius calidunt, t\.sp 102- 103 12. Anblrs.iut Minos, n.sp. 107-l0B 13. Anbltseiut cnstu, asp. ,|2-n3 14. Anb lrs e i 6 j4 a.L.t, t.sp. lt?-lt8 15. Anblyseius cuttut, n.sp. t2l-122 16. ,lnblyscit t talpa, n.sp. 127-t28 17. Anblyseiur obnodo, n.sp. t32-t33 tE. Anbltseius vags, n.sp. 137-138 t9. Anbllse ius haI.. zi, t\.sp. t42-t43 20. Anblyse ius longt, n.sp. t47-t48 2t. Anblrs. ius fleit, a.sp. t52-t53 22. Anbltseius sotdtda, n.sp. 156-157 23. Anws.ius lacenus, n.sp. t62-t63 Anblyseius ninat, n.sp. I67-168 x. Anblrs.iut nu d!16, n.W. t7 t-172 26. Anbtyse ius l,e nM, n.sp. t17-t78 21. Anblrseius virgla, n.sq. 182-lE3 28. Anblyseius ta is, n.sp. I87-188 ii


I. Coqrlon of chrnc&rr i! apacia of g.orr,iirtr.&, E6lhr...... 199

Meix !lsi,|rf of riDitrdty tr. -ll FrE ort lpeh of 8.on!,l'l'jtrrlrr E rL.c ...,...,...... -. M LIST OF PHENOGRAM


B. Phenogr.m of species of cenus ,inrtffiar Berlese 201 iv



l. Sp.ci6 didihtioo g!d!!1tfuly',ntsB|dl.rx . ,.---..7

2. Spcci€N dttributioo g'E,!,'','i}{,tts|'Bd,A.. .,.....8€€ diltribotion 3. grs,6,.+dltfthatB,',[,€ ...... l8!) 4, Seic! dldlbutio 8dt !,lroIyrrt1.' Barl6c...... 190 Chapter 1


Mites are micros@pic c.stures belonging to order Acarina, subclass

Acari and class A.achdda aDd a.€ cosmopolitan in dislribution. Thcy have successftlly colonized in terraslrial (mountains, plains, g.ass lands,, deserts, etc) and aquatic habitats (oceans, rive6, slreams,lakes, sprinss). They outnumb€r insects in their distribution and habitats. The mitcs, arc associated with a widc rang€ of field crops, veget$les, fruit planE, ornamcntal, wild atrd fo.cst plantarioN. Mires als iDfsr storcd gra'n twhal. maik, rice. puhes, etc); stor€d products of all kinds and dry fruits. The of the fanily

Eriophyidne are responsibl€ to form galh on plants and transmit viral diseases.

Some mites a.e parsitic and infcst bi.ds, manMls and insec6. Even the human-b€iogs are not ftee from their adverse effels where lh€y cause ilching and asthna (Bak€r and Whanon, 1952i J.ppson ,, aL, 1975; Evans, 1992).

Phytophagous mites of the fimilies E.iophyidae, Tarsonenidae,

Telranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, and Tucke.ellidae damage lb€ plants by removing the cell cortents, fo.m galls on different pans of the planl!, inje.1 2 toiins into thcm and thus adversely affecting the vigour of rhe plants. lt is observed that one Etranychid hite oxhausB 18-20 cells per minllc (Jeppson .l ol. , 1975; Evans, 1992).

Wcdding.r al (1958) repond that due to rhc attack of tetranycbid , the amount of chloroptyll wa .€duccd by 60% in citrus ldvB wh.@s

Rr.vipahus caUlonialt (Banks) caused scrious injurias to as.icultural c.ops and omamertal plants. It also causcs 'Irp.osis' in plants (Jeppson er al.,1975).

Hambleton ( | 938) reerded Polrphasotarsonenus lotus (Ba*s) infestins more lhan 50 planls in diffe.eot parts of the globe which include cottoo, te3,

.ubber, citu!, lobacco, potato, b€am, peppers, 8e.berns, dahlia, zintria! and

On the otber hand, the pr€datory plant miles, belong to the families

Phytos€iidae, Anyslidae, Bd€llidae, Caligonellidae, Ch€yletidae, Cunaxidae,

Erythraeidae and Stignaeidac. Out of rhesc, the mites of rhe family

Phytoseiidae form a major component ofthe naturalenemies ofpests ofcrops, fruit t.ces, vegehbles, orDamental, witd and forest plantations. The eff@tiveness of these phytoseiid mit€s is universally recognized by th.

Bntonologists/ Acaiologists (Ctrur, | 95q Schust.. and Pri0chlrd, 1963; Muma 3

aod Denmark, l9?0; Denmark snd Muma, 1989i Evans, 1992). They have

bccn fouod fc.dir8 aor.ciously nor only on phytophagoB mi!.s like

tctranychids, tcnuipalpids, eriophyid6, but also on small iN.cts lik€ scal€

insects, aphids, and wlit€flies.

Smitlr and Summers (f 949) t ponA Pttltot.iulut MropiLir @anks) as

important p.edator fo. the efc.tivc cotrtrol of tetranychid nites, whereas

Typhlodrcma (L) py,i Scheuner contIolled Ponontchut lrrnt (Koch), a harmtul

mite of apple tre€s ir the absence of insecticides (Doss., 1960).

O.ientit.ia tickeri (Chant) was int.oduced in Central Florida citrus gardens where it gave encou.agiDg results for the conirol of russet nile

(Muma and Deomark, 1970).

Denmark and Muma (195) tecord?A hibisci (Chant) fecnins on wide range of insccts and phylophagous mites-

The genus ,^rnrtJsrta is an inporrant g€nus of thc family Phylosciidae.

The Inemb€rs of this genus are cffici€nt p.edators and possess significant potential for biological managcmert of phytophagous mites and snall insects.

It can be visualizld from the following examples.

Dhooria (1980) rcponed Anblrseius atstono. Gtpta feeding on au dev€fopnental stages of E!rcmnlchus oientalls lKlein) wh€reas Abou-Awad 4

(1981) found ,{n}tr.lar rviruki Athias-Henriot, fe-€dinE effecttuely on Aceia nueife.a. (S^y.4) aid kept its inf€statior under @ntrcl. d al ( 198 | ) found tnar Atnblys.i6 newsalni E\.ns gavc eff€ctive biolosical control of Panrntcr4r cLl (Mccregot io citrus orchards in China.

Yousaf ,r al (1982) observed Anulseid Edripl ElBadry preyint effectively on immalure stages of tr&ipolpu: gntdi Sayed and T. unica.

(Koch) whereas Wysoki and Coh€n (1983) reported,lrn rys€ir$ ruriri (Swirski and Amilai) feeding on all d€v€lopmcntal stages of .

Kofodochka (1983) repo.ted that ,4dlrrei6 longtspinosw (Evans) provcd !n efficient biological control agenl aSainst 7rl.arrch6 dicoe Q

In China, zhatr8 and Kong (1986) tound that A, blrseius fa acis

(Garman) gave encouragins rcsull! in controlling Tetmnychus liemensis

(Zachcr) in apple orchards.

Schicha ( I98?) repo.t€d thar AnblyseiLs dcleoni M$na Denmark was ^nd fo\tnd te.ding on Panontchltt citi (McorcEot) and Pouphagota.sonenu.s lat6

(Banks), respeclively.

ManyacaroloSish made Sood contributionsto the taxooomy ofpredatory 5 nircs of thc gcous ,,lr1rtrri6 Bcrlas. .ll ovcr lhc wodd. It r€ce y.5rs, morc thln 200 sp€cica of mites hrve describcd lrd idcttified in lhis 8€ous rnd slill morc lrc bcing lddcd cvery

P.kislar b rich in cultivaEd and wild ltorr and thcrc also cxisls s loi of cliDitic divcrsity which inh.bits r l.rgc rumb€r of phytoPhrgous and prEd5tory

Somc cfforts in Pbkislan hlvc bccn madc l,o ciplorc the mile fauna of th. g.Itu;s Amws.iui So frr, 2l species hrve bccn idc ified and describ€d from this part of thc world. A distributiottl tccord for the'se spccie{ is itrluded on p.8€s 6, 7 .!d 8.

Due lo gr€3t cconomic signilic$ce and biotic potrntial of milcs in bioloficil m.nrScmcnt of hlrmftl mit€s lnd small inscct!, lhc ptcscnt projcct has bc€n undcr t3lcn to cxplo.c mor. cttcnsivcly thc nitc fsu of ti. &nus

,lnrrtrrir{ from Patislan. a? E^I.a^E - 9aa ,eEgsE .Euoo- --E39t gEi555 iggigEi;,$$Bg$F a{ 'lEceE HE -€s5li S!ss!6eFt = $i! i! €i*el;;Ei*u* 6 $i3se3sg$3EigiSSE$ss g$sStg g3gF5ecssF€FEF 3 e { .9 E E ! € E E E E E € EE J 3 n I I3 I5 3 I E8 I E E E : E E E ; ; E ; E : ;E i .a t .E 4i{gg sEssgg9sg f f .i:E c c r '. c 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 'r,5 e 3 3 3 E E e E 3 3 EE IEEIEEE gEre c; a$t *$s ${i E€g FrrriE€s r,* .: i.r.r.!.:.9 t 3 r : 3.E E ! r.3.3.!p I -3.3* g * c t I I j. j s I s r t =* i I I p I €{€ €{€{€ {€itt$ i €' iiSt t{ 7

iiiff itrttii Ilitfui lltll|l \ i I t


\._.__._._- z q, F o U) l-{ M \ C) ' n) dt I v) tfttlti!ttt ,illlli ---ilfiil$$t rl llltlill#fir I I ll I {lliIiltfuri{ {rit{iiitiltiii{ I d3-e=d::r9l!niFi T f it ! IL t !'J \

z (t) r! ID Ch s \ E q) ' 0.) o 5 v) CHAPTER IT REYIEW OF LITERATI.JRE

The miles of th€ family Phytosoiidae are ptedominantly predators of plant f..din8 nits snd small insects. Phyios€iid mit€s havc t€en record€d in a variety of ten€strirl habilat extending from Arctics to thc Tropics (Dermark and Muma, 1989). Their wide hrge of adaPtabilty has dt.acted the attettion of mrny Acarologists lh.oughout thc world, !o wo.k on the ditrerent aspecls of biology, .cology, dislribution €tc. As such more than l3m spccics of phytoseiid miter have be€n rccord€d so far (Mo.aesr tl al 1989).

Family Phytos.iidae was erecl€d by Bed6€ in 1913. Prior to 1961, this family cotrsist d of two subfamilics .... Phytoseiinac BedN, 1916 and

Macroseiinae Chant, Denmark and Baker, 1959. Muma (l96la) erected 2 new subfamilies ... Aceodrorninae and Amblyseiina€ and placed then under the fsmily Phytosciida€, thus Daking a totat of 4 subfamili4 in il. ln 1964,

Lindquist and Chant shifted thc subf.mily Ac€odrominae to th€ familv

Blatlhocidae, Ieaving 3 subfamilies in th€ family Phyloseiidae. Chaudhri

(195a) crcatcd a n€w subfamily Gno.ininae in Phytosciidac from Pakistan. At prcsen! this fanily consisB of 4 siibfamilies. TI|c genus ,,l}n tt /rir is ore of the nost impottant and widely distributed genus ofthe family Phytoseiidae. Thc repr€sentatives of this genus arc aclave prcdatos of brcvipatpid and tetranychid sPecie!. They are found on trees.

shrubs, fruit trca, v.gctsblcs, gasscs, ot deaying fems and lcaf litta Thcv

also f€rd on scale insccts, eriophyid mite.s and hon€ydew (Denmark and

Muma, 1989).

The genus .a,| ryreit$ was created by Berlese in l9l4 with Z.con

orra6 Koch (subsequcnt de"signation) as its typc sPecies and he included 8

species in it. Since its creation rhe taxonomic stalus of lhb 8en!s remained

controeerciaf. OudeMtt! (1936) did trcr acc.Pr Anbltseius as a gen'rs 6nd

lransferred afl species from this to the g€nus Trphlodrcn6 S.h.\!t senus ^. vitztlNn (1941) and G!.m.n (1948) t.coEnizd Analts.ius a! a scP6Bte

genus, howcv.r, Garnsn (loc. cir.) created and described Anblyseiopsis ^ ^ew sub-genus in it. Nesbitt (1951) mde a ta,(ooomic study of the subfamily

Phytoseiinae and inclu,d.d An rseius as a tenus in it. H€ als re.ognized

Trphlodwnls Garhan (loc. cjl.) as il! suts8enus. womersley (1954)

rcco$iz€d rhc sbtus of Anbltseius as a genus and p.ovidcd a key !o the

speci€s r€cognized till th€n under this genus.

and Wharton (1952) all workcrs considered th. t nus

l0 .lnblyseiw as bclongina to the sub-family of lhe family

I-aelapida.. Baker aod Whanotr (1952) rdsed the sratus of sub-tumily

Ph)tos€iina€ to fanily l€v€|. Muha (1955) in rhe review of phytoseiid mner

from citrus h Florida recoEni,z.d Anblyseiut a genus and .aised rhe srarus ^s or subgenus ,lnbtsiopdr ro genus lcv€|. Arhias-ll.nriot (t957) white

rcviewitrs the family Phytosciidac from Alseria, included ,lrnrts€iu as scnus in it,

Chant (1957) synonomyrEd r}f" ger'us Anbtrreiu with Ttphtodtonus bur

rctained it s a subsenus and Arhia! Hc'.iot (1958) as.c.d wirh Chanr (t95?)

Garman (1958) asai, recogt'ized Anbtysetus $ a genrs and maintained Anbtyseiopsis ,s a sepa& gcnus. Chant in t959, revjewert rhe famity pnytosciidac and coffide'ld ,l,rrtrrra, as a subFnus ot Trphtodmna and included 60 speci€s in ir unde. 01166 (Koch) sroup, whereas Muma (1961) in his review of rhe sub-families, genera and sp€cie., of rhe family phyloseiidae,

maintrin€d rhc sriut! of Amblys€iimc a! a subfamity and i.ctuded e€nus

Anbbseius d 19 other in it. ^ eenera He aho erecred in it 4 sub_geoera ctosely rcfat€d !o subg€dus /rnrtrrrr6. Wainstein (1962) r€cosnizeA Anbtys.ius as a gcnus and crect€d 7 subsen€ra and 8 se.rions in it. prircnard and Bakcr (1962)

II dcscribed 29 specie! in the genus ,{nrtrt,l4 from Centrrl Africa wher€as

Schuster and Pritchard (1963) describ€d 32 spccies h this scnus from

Califomia. Chant and Bakcr (1965) $signed 24 species from Cenlral America to this s.nus. Chdr in 1965, r.cognized thc E nss Anblrs.iLt ^td synonymized sll closcly relaled gcn.ra with n. Van dc. Merwe (1968) dalcrib€d 36 spccias ftom South Aftica ir this g€nus. Muma t at. (1970) describ.d 6 spcci€s from Flo.ida in ftis genus whe.€as Chant and Hansell

(l9rl) while working on phloseiid milcs of Ca'ada, d€scrib€d and listcd 48 species under ,trnrtsri6. ArutuDjan (19?) .cvi€wed thc family phyrcseiidae froD Arncnian, U.S.S.R .nd includcd the subf6Dily Phytosciinae aod genus

Karg (1983) rcviscd the gcner. and suFgenera of lh€ family

Phytoseiida€. He r€cognized l0 gcnera including Eeaus Anblyseius and 26 sub-8cdeo in thc tribc,ln trdriri of this family. Dcnma.k md Mum (1989) mad€ a revision of the genus ,lrrrtsrirr Berl€se, and provided descriptions, figures snd illustnrions for 136 spccies. They have describld l0 new sp€cies and 2 new subgene.a, M&lft,rei]al Pau.iseiu. ^nd In addition to thc above cited significad referenc€s, thc contriborions of

Eham (t 959, | 966a, 1967, 1970), Athia-Henroit ( 1960, 1967), Deleon ( l96l ,


P*ishn compftc of fou. provinc.s rnd Azzd Kashmir. Thc ccologic{l conditiom of th€se provinces vary from hrC! mountainous ar€3s to plaios, Iow lands ard arid zon6. Kcc{ing h vic* les€ varirtions, diffcrcnt localilies

..pr6onting nll climltic 2!nB wcrc car rnark€d ald surveyed for lhc coll€ction of the mit€.s of th€ genus ,{i,rrtr.rls, These locrliti€s are a! follows: r. hqjrb

i) Bahaw8lpur ii) Ctunsa Manga Forests iii) chatrr (Murc€ hills) iv) Chichiwrhi Foet! v) Daph.r For.sts vi) Guiut vii) Kuldana viii) Jauharabad - ir) Kalar Krhlr x) Kan lir rD Khush.b xii) Mianchrnnu xiii) Multan v) Murrct (6500 fr) rv) R bim Yrr Khan rvi) Raw.lpiodi-Illrnabad xvii) Sadiqabrd xviii) Samasslt! Jdx) Sho*ot xr) Toba Tcl Sirsh

t4 Sindh

r) Hydcrabad ii) Krrrchi iii) Niw8b Shah Sukkur v) Thatta

3, N.W.F.P

i) Abbohbd 0500 n) ii) Ayubi. (80m ft) iii) Bahrain (5000 fr, swat valley) iv) Balakot (3500 ft, Saran valley) v) Bannu (sann valley) Yi) Dadar (4500 ft, Sann Vrlley) vii) D.rgai (atlo ft) viii) D,I.Khan ir) Ha pur r) Kalam (9500 ft, Swat Vllley) ri) Madyan (5000 ft, Swat Vallc, xii) M$schrr riit Mardrn xiv) MirBorr (4m0 ft, Swri V.llcy) xv) Nathirgali ,(vi) Nowshc.r

4. BdochiS.n

i) Khuzdar ii) Mastung iii) Pa!hin Quetla Y) Sarirb vi) Zi',.^

l5 5. Az.d lkrhmir

i) Bash ii) Kotli iii) Muzrffarab.d iv) Rawalatot

Thas. localiti.i wcrc thorouShly survcycd a'd samplcs from rrccs, shrubs, crop6, orch.rds, vcrctrbl.s, wild vcgctatiotr, Itif litt€r lnd dcbris from undcr thc trce! .nd 3hrub6 wcrc cbmircd for thc coll4lion of tnit s of rhc

Thcsc samples wcre trea&d in two diffcrent ways for the coll€ction of

r. $eve colLdlon t[ethod

This rnclhod was usd for on thc spot collcctioo of mitcs. Different plaDt parts collcct d from cach locality wer. individualy bealcn on a sicvc hcld ovcr a whitc Fpcr. Thc m.tcrill thrs r.rciecd, through $. holcs, on thc pap€r, was aamin€d with thc hclD ofa hand lens rnd mitcs wcre sortcd out and Pr€scrvcd in snall vials contginins 50* alcohol rnd t few d.ops of tlyccrine The collcclions wcre prop€rly lab€lled giving all lh€ delails.

t6 B.rl.!d's fonn€l edrrcdor method

Thc samplA of laf liu.r, dcbrics and twigs which could not be tr€qtal on the spoi by the above method, *crc brought to the laborato.y and prcescd th.ough Berlcs€'s Funnel for isolating mites. Three samples from each place were collectcd and run th.outh thc tunnel by keeping them for 24 hours in the tutrncl. Thc collection lhus r.ricvd sas erarnined under a binoculor microscope and mits of th. 8€nus /n lrreiA wer€ isolaEd and pres€rved in vials coniainiry 50% alcohol and a few drops ofglycerine.

In sll cases at leart 3 samples were obtained fiom €ch plac€ for collection and isolatior of mites.

Prepararlor of p€rnaneot slides

The mitcs of the genus .4nrrysrirr collected and preserved by the above two nclhods, were moud€d on micro-slides using Hoy€r's nedium prepared by nixing lhe followirs insrdierls:

t. Dhtilled waler 50 ml. 2. 30 sms. 3. Chloral hydraoe 200 sms. 4. Glyc€rioe 20 5. 2 'll. 'iil.

t7 Tbc intrEdidts, €xccpt glacial acetic acid, were mix€n in the s€{u€nce

Siven abovc. The medium was kept, with occasionat stirring, for 15 days Th€

m.dium was th.n filter€d through a fine muslin cloth atd Slacial ac.tic acid was mix.d. Th€ addition of glacial acetic acid h€lped in clearing the sep.imens. The specimc$ mounl.d in this m€diun we.e ready for study in a

Exsmination of slid€s

The slides of milcs of the genutr Anblrselus wete examined u.der a phase

conlrllt microscop for idedificrtior and descriptions. For the purPosc of

identification, help was tak€n from publhhed literature, keys and monographs on lhe senus ,{rrDtrr,isar.

The new species w€rc mmed according to the Inlernational Codc of

Zoolosic{l Nomenclatur€ (Fnb. Ride ?r at, 1985), wbereas for the s€lcation of names, help was souShr from the book entitled " A Source Book of Biologic.l

Nanes dd Terms' (Jaeser, 1959).

for dctail€d descriptions, drrwings of diff€rcnr body pans ofsp€cimens

(dorsal shi€lds, cheliccra, p€ritrcmal shield, stcrnal, metrstornal, acnihl aDd ventrianal sh€ilds, metapodal platel.B, leg IV and spco alheca (spermatodactyl

l8 tu casc of Dalc) we.e nadc by using !n occula. srid. M€asuremedts of va.ious

body partr were rccorded in micron (f). The l€ngth of idiosoma was measu.en

between thc anbriormost limir of propodosoma and the hindermost limil of

opisthosotna. Similarly, width wss mealur€d a( the bro.desr body region.

Distribution ..cord and characters of scpaEtior of new sFci6 thc aledy

known and closely relat€d lp€ci€s has b€en m€ntion€d. The localities surv€yed

for thc coll€ction of mit€s have bccn caFmarkcd on the mlp of P.kislan. A

diasnostic key of all sp€cies .ecordcd aod des.rib€d uod.r this e€nus so far Pakistian has b€en prcpar€d to iocorporat€ new species coll€ct€d during rhe

Prascnt investiSlrions.


For finding out the phcnetic affinity belw€cn vadous taxa, the procedure ofsotal and Sncath, 1963 has b€€tl followed. This method has also beeo used by Qayyum (1972), Chaudhri (1974), Qureshi (19?8), Akbar (1982), shahid

(1984), Musrafa (1985), Ahmad (1986), Khan (1989), Baloch (199t) and

Pa.vez (19%). The explanation of this method from an assum€d similarity matrix is given as uoder:

l9 Trble: Ariumed slmll.rity Mrtrix of llvc lFcler AB c DE

B28 c36 50x D74 44 l8 852 268030)(

For constructing phcnogram from thc alsumcd similarity matrir, thc followinS proccdurc b sdoplcd: i) At lirst, th. pair of tara with thc hiSh€st phcrEtic similrrity is linlcd.

ncrc, thc t r: C and E hiviDS 80* similarity rre linled. ii) Thc sccord hiSlEsr simili.ity c.n bc bctec€n a singlc larcr .nd c and

E pair or b€tw..n tv,/o single tala. Th. nv.ngc of the peniDc valucs

of thcsc raxa is work€d out. Ir Tar3 A, B and D, thc phcnetic affinity

wilh lhc prir C and E concs our to bc zK%, 3896 lrd 285, !.sp.dively

whercas, similrrity bctw€rn A rnd D is 74S. So tho rc)(t lirkag. is

bctwc€n A and D a! a s€pardc pair. iii) Th€ lhird high.s( linklgc can bc b.twc€n th. linkcd p.irs C-E and A-D

o. bctecln singlc llrcn B with any ot th€sc pai.s. To cosputc th€

20 siDilrrity bctwcn prirs, atl dlc foor pcrlitFrt vrlucs lre rvcngPd. Ia this

cxample, th€ similarity betwcln pairs C_B at|d A-D is thc averagc of

v!lu.3 36, 18, 52 and 30 ehich B eqld ro 34S whetes iffmilY of B

with C-E pair is 38* atd A-D prir is 36%. So $e nelt hiShasl lintage

(38%) is that of t!rcn B with C-8, paif. iv) Por firdiD8 out the level of

similarity of B4-E Sroup with

A-D group, thc of all thc

p€nin€'{ Yahae (36,18,53,30,28

srd l4) is comput€d which It

colnc.3 out to bo 34.66%. I thc rwo $oupc rrc liDted widr othcr rt 34.66* simibrily.

From the simihrity matrix, $c

following phoetogrrm is


2l f,Ef m ADDAEVIllrlOlF

Tt dtr.viriod urcd lo lhb rarrt ntort u! giv.o tr utdq:

Atli A8ricx|n|rs


cl clual tatrc


DI-D4 do]! l |a|G

B Brlt RI ft.d dilit

Fr8 fuu.! (]3 i.oibl .ht ld lP[{ I!tsgd.d trt x|rSaod

Km liloncorr ula hlanl r.trc Nl.rt3 Eadi.n robe M. mdor ducl }ld tmvtbb digi.

z2 xn nimr fucl llp dpodd pLLLa. l'l.p lai.lbrul Dh&har

N No.lh P Fri!@ RI pilu. d.dlir

Paa FltrGr!.1 diold h pG.nrl Ff. B pfiarl aola

,t .,9t efthlad ataa s Souo .dtDrtr sgc Sad|lnem oo bf IV Si .dtDlrl di.kl st lrral oo l.t IV sri tibirl Er!r... oo l6t IV

B Stj st€mll shicld

UAF Aericulturc, Faislabad v vLl





Do.sllshicld entk€ or divided t.anlv€rsely wiih lcss thar 24 pairs setae.

Sublateral seta€, I to 3 pahs. P€ritrcme ext€nding anleriorly the m€solateral stigmata. Palpal apotcle, twetined. Chelicerae ch€l.te, with variabl€ nunber of teeth on fircd and movable disils. Epistome (tectum) smooth or indi$inctty s€rrate. Quad.ate stemum with 2 to 5 pairs latcral sct e and t !o 3 pairs lat€ml pores. Female gcnital pore protected by an anlerio. mcmbrane ofgeDital shield with I pair lat€ral selac and more or less truncate posteriorly. Vent.ianal shi€ld h.ving various shapes with I to 6 pairs preanal setae in addition io para-aMl and post'anal scta€. V€nirolateral setac I to 5 pairc and a pai. of crudal setae. A pair of sperBatleca€ each opcns betwcen co(ae of legs III and lV. Cursorial type of with prctarsi and anbulacm.


The various terms uscd in the ta)rcnomy ofphytoseiid miia! a.edefined.

The definitions of various body pans have bc€n adopt€d Chaudh.i at "r (1979) who in turn followed th€ t€rminology us€d by carman (1948), Chaot

0959), Muma 0961), wainsrein (1962), Pritchard and Bak€r (1962), schusrer

aM Pritcha.d (1963), Muma and Dcnmark (1970). The monographs published

by Schicha (1987) and Denmark and Muma (1989) on phytose:id mires have

aho b€en consult€d for lerminology. Thele body parrs snd thei rerminology has b@n depicred in Fig.A.

The body of phytosciid mirc is differenriar.d inio gnathosoma and i.liosona. The dclrils arc tivcn as und€r:


Gnalhosoma b€ars mouth-pMs, and palpi. Do6auy gnathosoma is usually covered in pan, by a thh shield of varying sl.ucturcs called t€ctum or epistome. Thc mourh is hidder by patpi and cheticece.

26 , Chellcerae

Esch of 2 chelic€rae, tcrmina&s inro 2 digitsi dorsal is fixcd digit

(Fd) rnd ventnl is movablc disn (Md)- BotI digils .'e p.ovided with wryins numbc. of t rth (t) and pilus dentilb (Pd) is found on fircd disit.

b) Polpl

Palpi arc 2 in ounber, I on each sidc. Cor6c of 2 palpi are fused rnd form i ba.ssl shicld call€d a! blsi! capiluli. The s€gmenls of eacb pllpus lre nam€n likc lhose of legs: coxa, trocbaot r, f€mur,, tibia and trrsus.


Dorsal shicld of idiosona mry be entire o! divid€d lrtusvcrs€ly. It is providcd wilh the following sctae.

o) Ve.tic.l set e (D

One pair ofanrerio. setac on dorual shield, dwlys pr€sent.

b) Cluml seb. (CD

onc pair of pGt .io. sctac on dorsal shield, always pr.snt.

c) DDr$l selle (D)

Th.rc is a row of pai.ed dorsal !cta€. Four pairs are pr€senr

27 ir all sFcics but mry rlso bc 3 pri6.

d) Medhn s€lre (LO

UluiUy 3 pds; first pair (M/) alwry! prc!6nt row3 of

dorsal sei.c ard frtc.ll scrae ar thc lcvcl of mediar to sciae D2 & D3- Sec,,fi

pan (Ma usurlly prc6.nt on proscun m, may be abscDt in somc speies. Thiid

pai. (M, always prcscnt post€riorly.

e) Lot .al sde (I-) Phytolciid tnil€s a.c wilh variable numbcr of hteml scbc.

Mardnum oumb.r is known to be 12 p.irs, In some c!s.s, (C.nus A4N tri ) 4 and 2 lalcral sctr. have b€en r€lordcd or erch sidc h lnd ,Gb4utal p6rts, rcsDcctively.

0 Subl.terrl sdle (Sr-S2)

Gcncrally 2 pairs sublalcral sdae are prescn! on the membrana;

lrwcycr rumbc miy vary from I to 3 pdrs.


Ventral side of phytoseiid mite b with following ard structures.

28 r) St€rml rhleld (St!)

Shapc vlriablc with 2-3 paks ol st rnrl s€tae on it,

b) M€t sternll plateleis (Msp)

Onc piir 3Mll rh.Lstcrml plarclcrs po$erior to stc@l shicld pres.nt. Each plat€lct i3 with a seta.

c) G.oital shhld (Gs)

Om plir of setae !r€ prcslnt on tbis shicld.

d) Venairnd rttlcld (Vs)

Ventrianal shield h of difTerent shapcs and forms, having l-6pairs p.carl s.rae (Pa), a prir of prcanrl por6 (t!) mry b€ pr€senr or absenr. Anal

c) M.rrpod.l plrt lets (Mp)

Gcre..lly 2 prns mctapodal platclets, primary and s.condary arc pr€sent. In som€ mics, ooly I pah pressnt while in oth€rs absenr.

0 Sdre on Inembranc

A variabl€ nimb€r of sctae and poics arc pres€nt on membran€ sunourding varrhrl3l shicld. Onc p6i' caudal sc&c (yl.t) is .lwrys prescnr.

29 In addition to it, I-5 pahs of setae and variable numb€. of is pres€nl.

g) Spermath€.a

A pai. ofwell devclop€d sp.rmathecae, I on €ach sid€ haviog ns own cxtcmal opening on ventral sidc bctwen coxae III and IV pr€scnt. The sp..Mtophos are mllecl.d in a vesicle (V.) having a sclelotizld portiot c.lled as cervii (Cx) leadina !o chamb.r callcd d at.iun (At). It is provid.d with a major duct (Ma) and a miDor doct (Mid). External openins Day be modified to form a receDtacle.

h) Peritrene (P)

Peritreme extcnding antcriorly from mesolateral stiemata (S) enclosed in stismtal shi€ld (Ss) and is followed by peritreml shicld (Pas).

P.rif.mal shield cncloses peritrcme (P) haviDg variable lcngth.

4. LEGS:

t gs 4 pairs in adults. teg IV is provided with 3 macroserae, I each on

8€nu (Sge), tibia (sri) and basitarsus (St). This number is variable. When only

I scl! is pres€nt, it is on basitaNus. Legs segnencs ar€: coxa, treh.nreri femur, genu, tibia and tarsus.




tM' Iot


ll r= =\ 5ts /R-" I fr--xl -__-Ms STBTMA:IiIBCA --Os

| \:.- - ---vr r.--qi \.\-_- pp /A\ /1




Genus Arrrrfs.ir6 Berl€s€, 1914

Be.lese, l9l4: 143; Oudemro, 1936: 268; Yitzhum, l94l: ?67i G.rm!n,

1948: 372; Nasbiit, 1951: l; Bakcr and wharion, 1952: 87; womersl€y, 1954:

169; Chant, 1957:289i Athias-Hcnriot, 1958:23;, 1958:69; Ehara,

1959:285; Athias-Henriot, 1960:288i D€Leon, 196l: 85; Muma. l96lar 267; conal€z and schuster, 1962: 3; Pribhard and Bake., 1962: 205; wainstein,

1962: 15; Schustcr and Pritchad, 19631 194: Chant and Baker, 1965: 13;

Denmark, 1965: 89; Merwe, 19651 57; Corpuz and Rimando, 1966: l14;

Ehara 1966a: 129; D€Leon, 1966: 8l; Mcycr and Rodrisues, 1966: l; Athias-

Henriot, 1967: 525; Chaudhri, 1968: 550i Ehara, 19701 55; Muma and

Denma.t, 1970: l; WaiDstein ard Arutlnjan, 1970: 1497; Cbant and Hansell,

l97l: 703; Ehara md Lee, l97l: 16l; Wainstein and Bagliarov, l97l: 1903;

Denmark and Muma, 1972: l0;Chaudhri.ra.L, 1979:68; Shahid ?rdl., 1984:

83; Ahmad and Chaudh.i, 19891 4l; McMurtry and, 19891 178; ML'ma lnd Denmark, 1989: li Moraes et al., t989:129; swkski and Amilai, l9$: l15. The senus .{nn)rdlr.(' was €re.ted by Berlese in 1914. He designatei

Zerco,t obtusus Koch (by subsequcnt designaiion), as its type speci€s. The

seD$ is wo.ld-wide in dhlribution and harboun both type ofspecies i.c. with

some of the lorg m€dian aod lar€ral sctae.

However, lhe genus can bc diaSnosed as undcrl


Dorsum - Chaetotaxy = verticals, clunals,4 pairs ofdorsnl(D), 3 pairs of median (M), M2 miisiq in som€ sp€cies), 8 pai.s oftaterat(L), and 2 pairs of sublat€ral (S) setae arc lsually foud on rhe inrersculal m€mbrane (Some speci€s may have I or boft missing); v€nicals smoorh and minute ro moderate in lcngih; ctunats smoolh and ninule in lenSth. Do.stsetae nodc.ate to tong and sDooth or plumose. Median serae smooth or plumose and ninure to very lorg in letr8th. Lar€ral serae smoorh or ptumose and miNrc ro very tong in length. Dorsal scutum smooih with sca(ered marks iDdicating muscl€ attacnm€ apodem€s, aod usualty 2 to several pairs of

vcnter - Chaerorary = 3 slemats (Sr), 3 praDls (pAS), 2-3 ventrolateral (Vl), and a pair of caudat serae (Cs). SErnal scutum smooth slightly c@scd, lo.8e. than wid€, or no lorye. rhan wide, with 3 pai.s

34 smooth, moderate in l€ngrh, ste.nrl scrae, 2 pairs of pores, and concave

posteriorly. Metasr,ernal scuta wirh a smooth, moderate length ser!. Geniral

scutum a! wid€ than venlri.nal scurum, smoolh ro slighrty

crcaled, and a pair of setae smoorh and modcrate in lengrh. Vcntrianat scrrun

variabl€ in shape, usually e4uals rhe widrh of lhc geniral scurum, smoorh, sliAhtly crcas€d, or imbricared, may be dividcd bur usualty undivided wirh l pais of smooth moderat€ lcngth, pr€anat sctac. Two ro 4 pans *usualty 3) of smoolh, moderate lengrh, ventrolabral serae, and I pai. of caudat setae.

PriDary and s&ondary mcrapodat scura, prilnary etoryate, secodary elongale, or cr€sc€nt-shaped. Peritrcmes €xtending ante.iorty usua y to o. bcyond vcrti.als; srigmatat scutum wirh a larger primary po.c and l_2 secoda.y poc; p.ritr€mal $orum eiedinS a, an @rat srrip arolod rhe e)(opodal scutum of I€g IV.

Spermatheca - Cervix tutrdibular, saccutar, vesicular, lubutar, orpocuta. in shapc,5 ro 4 in l.ngth wilh Inoduta., c-shap€d, bifid, undiff€r€ntiar€d o.

l5 TrFsFd.3! Z/€dt drn n r foch (r|b$q&d bigodioo, Batld. l9l4)

(Foltoud ftom DcrDtrl .||d Mudt, 1989'

I! ltis rc&arch sorl, 30 spcci.s h6loogi!8 !o th! grow with lo!8 s.ttc llve bd lnclud.d, oot of tl.|c, iDaclca rt 6w !o aciarcc wD!(e!6, rEt diiribotioo rlaord! .d er boat phltr of 2 tlft.dy d€acribcd spccit irvc b..n Sivc! s3 well. Howcvct, I kcy io ill tlE lp€cLs (with long ltd shon

s!t&) lh|l3 for raordrd havo b.!a ptlprtd .!d ilcltd.d' ThE coopalkon of ciar.ct rs, sifiiLrtt dr .d ,t o4 tr of sll 49 lpoci.s blvc Dc.r prlp.rrd. I{3Y TO PANISTAN SPDCIf,S OF GENUS,4 aZySE t/S Berlcs€


L Do6!l shield selae Ll, U, M3, L8loas,....,... Z

Doftrl shield s.tae LI, U, M3, LB shott 35

2. Dors.l shield reticulatcd ,1. &drcr,6 Chludhri, Akbar

Dor$l shicld not reticulal€d

3. Dorsal shield striat€d

Dors3l shield snoolh

4. Chclic.ral nxcd digit

Ch€ fi&d diSit v,/ilh lers lhm 7 t!€lh 5

5. Ch€licerrl fix€n digit wirh 5 Eerh 6

Chcliceml fixcd digit with lccs thrn 4 teelh 6. Chelictlll movablc digir with 3 teeth A.bulga, n.sp.

Chcliccrll tnovlblc digit wift less $an 3 lccth 7

7. Chclic€rrl movablc diSir with 2 rc.rh

Chcliclnl movrble digil wi$ I rooth AJorr.r, n.q.

8. Sera lt 3 scrnte

Seta M 3 simple t5

9. Cheliccnl fixed digit with I I leeth A.baJulus Chardhri, Atbar md F.alool

Cheliccril fired diSit with lcss than ll leeth l0

10. Chelicelal fix.d digit wirh I tc.rh ll

Chclicenl firud digit wirh less rhrn 9 r.crh t2

38 It. Cheliccral movable digit with 4 t€.th; mambranous fold betwccn gcdtal rnd ventrirml

Chcliccnl nov6blc digit with 2 &.rh, mcmbnnous fold betwc€D 8.niral ard vcntrianrl shields pre,scDt

12. Chclictnl fird digit wiah 8 tccth l3

Chclicrml fiid digir l4

13. Chelic€ral movable di8ir wirh I loorh; dorsrt shictd with I pah visiblc porcs

Ch€liccrrl Dovable dipit with 2 rlerhi dors.d shleh n ith 4 pai's visibte pons

14. Cheliccril novrble digir with 4 leeft; venrian l shield Dentrgonal A. etc.lsus Chfr,tdhti, movrblc digil with 2 t€.rh; venrianal shield va$-shaped

39 15. Chclic.ral fix€d digil with 15 t rtl l5

Chcliceral fi,(d digit with less lhsn 15 t€€lh t7

16. Vcntrianal shield pentagonal; p€fnrcme lpro s€la y wirh straighf fip ...... A. calidum, n.sp.

Vantrianal shicld, shi.ld stapcdi peritrtrc bayord !.r! y sliahtly bcndiry do$,nwids

17- Chclicenl fircd di8it wilh 13 r!c{h t8

Choliceral fixd digit wilh less ttrn l3 tccrh 20

18. Ch€licer.l movable diglt with 3 !e!rh;

Chclic€ral novible digit i/i$ 2 ic€rh sda lJ smoo6 . . . . 19

19. shicld wi& l0 pai.s viliblc porc.t; sera LI > Ll -n

Dorsll shicld witl'our pores; sa6Ll=Ll-L2

40 20. Cbli.qil frrd digit wilh 12lr.di .....,...,... 2l Ctdic.r.l fix.d dtlt wlth l.s! th|n l? t .th 23

2l , ..r.l ditit wil! 4 ic.tb v.diol 3hi6h wfth rouDdad prt.n|l por!...... A. talpa, n,q. Ch.lh..i Dv$|. dtir *ith hrs ttr,! 4 tcc6: l!'rtud lbicld *iih cllipticaf plr!$al porc€ . . , , , . , . n

22. Sctr lr3 rerioi b I4 vrdtirrl shiold v.lo{hrpcd A. Mq i.&p. Saa ItJ polrcrior io f4 vdt ibicH $|likrt /. rqttr, nrp.

23, CLli;nl fir.d dirh lrnt l0 t!.th

Ch.llccr.l frcd dltit witl L6s d|flr l0 trc.h , ...... - 25

4l 24. Cheliceral moyablc digit witt 3 tctth; membruous fold present bcrween genital and vontrilml shi.ldi Ch.licdl t'wabl. ditit with2 t.lh; m€mbr$ous fold ahent b€twe€n genital and vcntriarlal shiclds

25. Ch.liccral fired diSit with 9 t crh 26

Chclicqd fir€d ditil with lcas lhan 9 tlcth 29

26. Cheliclrrl moyablc rligit with 3 tccrh A, inpaatus Chafihai

Cheliceril movablc disit wilh lasr t[rn 3 t cth 21

27. Ch€liceral movabl. digit with 2 tc.rh /. rljtb, n.sp.

Cheliccnl nDvable digit wirh I roorh 28

28. Vat.irnrl shield .c.icutaEd A. n4gator Ah'i:,/l ad Chaudhri

Venidmil shield srriated

42 29. Ch6liccral fircd digil wirh 8 E rh 30

Chclic€ral fix.d disit with lcss than 8 teerh ll

30. Chcllc€ral fi,(d digit with 4 leth; vodriln.| ,{. ,rrrir Ahmrd and Chaudhri

Chcliccrll tud digit wilh 2 terlh v.ntrianal shield snooth

31. Cheliceral fixd disil with 7 teelh; dorsal shicld with 22 pairs visible por.s

Chclicer.l fircd diAit with Lss thrn 7 !e€rh; dorsal shield with 2 32

32. Ch.licdal fird digi. wilh 6 reeth

Chcliccnl fixd digir with thrll 6 bedh 34

43 33. Chelic€lal movablc digit wilh 2 tc€th; distance belw.€n 8cni6l and vent.iaral shiclds 88F

Ch.licc6l Dovlblc disit wilh I looth; diltancc

vcntrianrl sficH! l2t

34. Cheliceral fixcd digit with 5 teelh; ventrilnal shiold, shield-shap€d, smooth

Cheli.€ml {ixed digit with 4 t€eth; venrianal shield quadr.te, strirt€d

35. Dor*d shield with l? paiB seiaq s€ta D4 prcadr . . . . . 36

Dor*sl shi.ld witi 16 plin scEc; sa,L D4 abcenl A. beatLt Ch^ldhri

36. Dorsll shield smoot

Dorsal shield r€ticulatc.l ...... 44

37. Sct! L8 and M3 both simplc ,1. ta*hli Shahid

Scta Lg and M3 borh s.rra!e; or L8 serEte, M3 smooth o. 38

44 38. Sera L8 .nd M3 both scrratc . 39

sctr L8 !cr.!te, M3 s.rratei or sidglc ..,...r...,..,.., 4l

39. venrrian5l shicld snoo0; leg iv wilh 3 nacroslhe A- p.tccdrs ChauAhri

V€ntrianql shield striatld; ...... 40 lct iv wilh I Dacro!.ta

40. Ch€liceral nx€d diSit witb 5 ta€tb; vcntrianal shicld, shieH sh.pcd A. ttolidat ChaUdhti

Chelicerd nr€d digit wilh 4 t rlh; ver rieml shicld trianSular ,,1. wrr.rrtrJ Cllludhd

4f. Pcrit em. rcachinS uplD Y . . . , . 42

Pertr€me rcaching up to L2 . . . . . 43

42. Chclic.r.l movrbl. digir with 2 t€eth; leg IV m.cfosela on ba$tarsut ,'1. |jvida Shahid

Ch€liceral movaldc ditir with I tooth; l€g iv with thr€e ,1. ,alror Shahid

45 43. Dorsal shield with 5 pairs visiblc; s.ta L3 long€r than L3 - L4 A. doryhai.Ltis Shahid

Dorsal shield wilh

scla L3-L3 - L4

44. Dorsrl shield with ...... 45

Dorsal shield with out por€s . . . . 48

45. t g iv wilh om n crosct!; dorsal shield with pair visible pores ,{. inculdrur Shahid

t g iv eith 3 mc.osctlc; dorsal shicld with I pair vilible porcs ...... -.. 46

46. Dorsal shield complctcly r€ticullted; vcnt.ianll shicld smoothi with out porcs; pcritr€mc tcachint uPto Ll . . . . . A. latrc Sh.htd

Doisal shield panially reticulated; ventrianal shield slricred, with I pair porcs; pcritrenc 41

46 47. Don.l 6hicld with 3 Fiar po.!.; ct liord novibb dlfi. eith 5 tccth ,1. ,rr& Cbdtri

Do.!.I .hittld wilh 4 trir! Dor.r; cn liccrd novltlo diSit wln t a..dr .1. qpiat Shhid aE. M.trpodd phLko .b.dti vldrl|rd lbiold !4trrid , ,todlr Chtd}ri Mdpodj pl@lct. I Fic Ylobi.lrl &i.ld dlch lon8cr 6na widr ,.... A..flnlodlct t otd tls

o 48

LAmrlJrrtls carnls, ncw sp€cie!


FEMALE: Dorsll shicld st.iated Iaterally i concav€ srasbetwe.n Ll -L2,

nea( 32 L7t 337 p lone, 232t wide; U pai|s setae and 5 pairs visible pors ^nd (3 p;irs rounded, 2 paks exiptical) (Fis.l-A). Cheticen 32A long, novable

digit with I tooth, fir€d digit with 7 subapical recrh (Fig.l-B). Dorsal shield

sctae smooth and simple. Dorsal shield sctae: y20f; Dl= D2= D3= D4=r0p; Cl6tti Ll 421t, L2 = U=lOp, U'lltr, IS = L6 = L7-tOh

L8 lm$ Mt= M2=10a' M3 ?9rri S,i= l2=l0F Oorh on membrane). Sera

L|>LI-12, L2

l8p apan from setae t6 and LZ re.rpectively (Fig.t-A). p€rirreme reaching y! upto seta sl.aight-tip. Peritr€mal shield flat, base round€d ar lower end ard

point€d at uppe. eod (Fig.l-D). St€rnalshietd smoorh, flar poste.iody, conv€x

anb.iorly; 87F lorg, 78f wide; 3 pairs stac, 2 pairs pores, I

(Fig.l-C), MetgsrEmalsctae I pai, I seta€achon a sepa.ate plat€tet. Gcnital shicld snooth 78r widc, I pair s.t!c. ceniral and venrriaml shietds | 6t apa.t, rnenbranous fold abs€nt betwoen them. cenirat shi€td not wider ftan ventriaml shicld width. Venkianal qu.drale, sriared, anrerior marSin slraight, and post€rior mar8irs wavy; 3 pai.s pranat serae and I pak 49

ellipticrl pores (Fig.l-C). Four pair! setae includins vl,./ 69ir I pair minute

platelets, I pair pores on mcmbrane surrounding ventrianal shield. Metapodal

platelets 2 pairs; primary I pair l4r lodg, se.ondary I pair 7l! Ions (Fig.l-C).

Leg ry with 3 macrosctae, I seta each on genu, tibia and basitarsus mealuring

?5p,59f and 82r in length, rspectivcly (Fig.l-F). Spermathe€a: Cervixb€ll-

shaped l5rr; atrium c-shrp€d; mqjor-docr rubular (Fig.l-E).


TYPE: Holotyp. female, coli(red I Km. E. Abborabad (3500 fi) on l7.x.l99f (Sae€d) from "Blaag" (Cannabis taavq. Pararype 6 females, same collection daia. Spccimens deposired in Acsro,oay Research laboratory,

Department of Agri. En0omology, U.A.F.

REMARXSt Anblysei6 camir, ne* spccias;,,t. cer&r, new spccies;

A. bulga, ncw sryiesi A, hnrrlir, new species and,4. r/d.r, new species form a group of sp€4iB having most of silnilar body characlers.

Anblrs.iN canis, Wecies can b€ scparated from above menrion€d ^ew spcis {lu€ to the followinS charact€rs: 50 l. Chclbrnl fxd digit wiih 7 tlcrh h thi! new spccics but trunbcr vlri.x in all olhcl sp..ic,s.

Dors.l shicld with 5 pairs € pain rouided + 2 prnE elliptical) vtuiblc porca h this ncw sp€cica wh€r.5s 2 pairs €lliptical, 5 pairs, ah.nt and 3 psiB rounded porcs in .rb6, buleo, humiUs and

Set| lllJ at lcvcl with seta rd in this ncw spe.ies whcr€a5 rnlerior, s{Dc fcv€f, .'trt!.io. !d pocEiior ir pocirioa h c.htLt, bst4a, hLtnlls ad M.t, trAFf,iyely,

4- Onc plk pla&l€ts prqrot oD rDcmbr&c surrouftdhg vcntriaDal shiold ia this |t. spocics but 6b!€nr ir orher spccics.

Strpe of sFrEsrhecr ditr rs i|| dl th6c Flg.l. ,rrl'&rrn r cdnr&, r.n rFdat

l-A ,....,.. Dotrd !ei.U l-B ...... Ctdbcn

. l-C ...... Si.ort, v.ntrirnrl! . l-D ...... ftritr.dt,tidd b.s l_B ...... sFtErd€c.

l-F ...... r,.g Iv Fig.1

t/ $ 52


u3 ) T 4 I, / t. I rc"Xl .1 .{@)y Y--;'- -E'|- \''/ 2,4rrrlrsei.r crlrLr, new spe.ics


FTMALE: Dorsal sbield laterauy st.iatcd; sole-shap€d; concavc ftar,t2.

149p totz, 2Ap wid€; 17 pairs s€iae, 2 pairs elliptical pores (Fi8.2-A).

Chclic€ra 30r lonS; movable digit with | looth, fixed diSit wilh 4 subapical tellh (Fit.2-B). Dorsal shield s€rae sm@th cic€pt 16 s€rrat€. Dorsal shield ser^e: V32$ Dl= D2= D3- D4=l0N Cl6ri Ll 41p, L2= L3=15p,

U Ap,I5= b- L7=121t, U 175p, MI = M2=10t, M3 65yt Sl = S2=141t

Ooth on n.mbrao.). S€fa Mi utcrior to s€t! Ij, 20p atA Ur ap tr f.o6 L6 and ZZ .erp..tively (Fis.2-A). Peritren€ rcaching b€yond s€la 4 stBisht tip.

Pcritremal shicld spatulate bas€, roundcd posleriorly, sharply pointed anteriorly

(Fig.2-D). St dl shicld smooth; 7Op loag, 62tt wide; lobaie post riorly, convcx pans seta€,I II-III (Fig.2-C). Metasternal setae

I p!ir, €ach sera on a separ.te plarelet. Gcnital shicld smooth, 66f wide, I pair Geoilal and ve danal shields 27p apan with a membranous fold inbetwe.n. Genital shield not wider than ventrianal shield width. vcntriaral shield, quad.ate, srriaied; concave opposire pieanal pores; wavy posteriorly,

I l2F lotrs, 78r. widc; 3 paks pr€aoal setae and I pair round€n pores (Fig.24).

Four pais s€tae includin8 / 43p long, 3 pairs pores on mcmbmne 54 surrounding vent.ian l shield. Two pai.s meiapodal platelets: primary I pai. l4r lon8, secondary | pair ?r lons (FiB.2{). Les IV wirh 3 macrosetle, ! sela each on geou, tibia and basirarsus me3suring 94p, 674 .nd 84/! in leogth, respcctively (Fig.2-D. Spe.mathcca: Ccnix bell-shaped, 20r long; atrium c- shap€d; major duct tubular (Fig.2-B).


TYPE: Holorype femalc colered I Km. w. Abbolabad (3500ft)on (SaEed) frcll'|. Dibipklo sp. Paratyp 3 females, eme collection data.

Spcciftens deposited in Acarology Re.scarch kboratory, Depanment of Ag.i.

EntomoloSy, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Anblyseiut cehut, nes species can be leparat€d fron

A. bulga, new species; ,-t. /u'rilr'r, new spectes at A. fotkx, new sp€cies taking inlo considcration the following characlers:

t. Cheliceral fiJ(ed digit with 4 subapical l€eth wh€r€as 6 te€th in other speies.

2. Dorsal shield \rith 2 prirs visible elliptical specics bu! 5 pairs, abs€nt and 3 pairs in brlta, 55

-3, V.otriu.l dlcld piaad !o.!3 rltlndd i! riir Ew T'qii.s hr .Ilipdc.l i! d.r rFd.,

4. Ttft. p.ln Dor!! c rn!mb.u. lu..utdiry vcddud .htold in lhb tcw apac!6 bul lumblr vri€r h otior |peci.!,

5. SiAc of [email protected]| diftr. in rll ib r?Gch6. Fi8.2. /4rDrrrrrrr .dr6, n€w spa:i.s

Donal shield

2-B Chelicera

2-C Stc.nal, acnital and ventrianal shiclds

Pcrirrcmrl shield base


2-F Lcg Iv Fi9.2

r l\N ? 1t\) t | ^ ll {\l Ittt I lA^ 1 ?^i \\A I r*-{Jfr ( )

50, ril \ 58

3.rrxDrlsen s ,xraa, new sp€.ies

(Fir.3) ,

FEMALE: Dorsal shield striat€d lat€rally; deeply conc nea. S2a 38'l ^!e F lonC,239tr w'Aa; l7 pairs sctle and 5 pairs visible rounded pores (Fig.3-A).

Chelicera 3211 long; movabl€ digit wlth 3 subapical tecth; fixed digit wilh 6 subapical le4th (Fig.3-B). Dorsal shield setae smooth ercept MJ and Z8 both sermre. Dorsal shielil s€tlet V 22$ DI = D2- D3 = D4= l0pi Cl 6pt Ll 44t), L2= L3-lOp, U Ap, 6= L6= L7=l0tt, L8 lS0tri Ml = M2=lott,

M3 72p; Sl= 52=lop (both on mcnbrane). Ser^ Ll=U-n, L2

U <13-U. Sera M3 arlevelwith 16 base. Scta tt3 lop and l8f apa.t from

,6 dd L7, .esp€ctively (Fig.3-A). Peritreme .enchirg upto seta y, stEiShr rip. shield base spdula0e with pointed tip (Fig.3-D). Sternal shield striat€d laterally; lobale posleriorty, concavo medio-anlc.iorly, 79r long, 65rt wid;;3 paissetacl

Ccnial and ventrianal shields 264 aparr with a double-lincn membranous fold inb€tween, Genital and ventrianal shields of same width (644 wide).

Ventnanal shield smooth, quadrale, corcave laterally near preanal seta III;

127r long, 64t wide; 3 pai.s pr€anal setae, I pai. elliptical pores (Fig.3-C). 59

Four pairs s€tae including vrl 72F long, 2 p its pores on membrane surrounding ventriaral shield. Metapodal plat.lels 2 Pairs; primary I pair l7r

Iong, secondary I pair 8r long (Fig,3-C). Leg lV with 3 masosetae, I seta ej;h on gcnu, tibia and balitl6us 9?r, 1'lp in ler,$n, ^n!74F respectiyely (Fig.3-F). Sp€rmath€ca: Cervix elongate, tubular, 394 lonsi atrium nodulaq mqjor duct tubular; vesicle dropler-like (Fig.3-E)


TYPE: Holotypc fcmlc, collected I Km. E. Balakor 65m nsaran vall€y) on 12.ix.1993 (Saeed) from undet. host pla No.5/93 and deposir€d in

Acarology Resarch l$oratory, D€parhent of Agri. Entomology, U.A F.

RDMARXS: Anblts.ius bulga, new species can b€ separal€d from its closely relat€d species,,l. ,uilir, new spc.ias and ,{. /oy'a, new spe.ies on the basis of followinS characters:

I . Cheliccral movable digit with 3 tecth in ihis new sp€ci6 but 2 and I in hunilis rcspecriv.ty. ^frfotet,

2. Dorsal shield with 5 paks visiblc poreE in this new [email protected] but absent and 3 pores in h,,niI is and fo ter, rcspecttu ety. 60

3. Slra ltJ rr bv.l wirh l, in lhb rcw sp€ci.s, lrterior ard poAterior in position in ,!nrt li rDdrda, rcspcctivcly.

4. Stcnal shield clncavc m€dio-.ntcriorly and lobatc po60criorly in this new sp€cie! but conver anteriorly and smooth poEleriorly in qlhcr 3pa.ics.

5. Two pai$ porc! oo mclt$ranc sunounding v.ntrirnd shicld in thie frcw lp€cies but abecnr .rd I rAir ia hnius ad lote\

6. ShaF of 8p€rodhecl virie in rll thcs€ spccics. Fis.3. ,4'ttrtrrlar rulaa' nerl speo€s

3-A Dorsal shield

3-B Chelic€ra

Sternd, gcnitll and ventriansl shiclds

3-D Poritrcmal lhield balc

L€g IV Fig.3


6l 3-A 4

W a

/_\ I 1^ -r 1' --f--J-"

"N \ \3-cl/ 63

4.,4,nr0r€i6 r|rntil6, new sp€cies


FEMAI,E: Dorsl shield latero-anteriorty srriated upto seta M2i concave

near scta.t2i l7 pahs setae, pors abs€nt; 324! tont, 2t9r wide (Fig.+A),

Ch.licera 29A lo.g, movable digir lvirh 2 subapic.l r€eth, fixed digir wirh 6

subapicaf teeth (Fig.+B). Do.sal shield sctae smoorh excepr LB and M3 serrat€. Dorsalshiefd sera€t v3lptDl= D2= D3= D4=t2p; Ct 6p; Lt 43p,

L2: L3=10p, Il68p, 15= U= L7=tOa L8 2m,. Mt: M2:tOp,

M3 64u 3l= S2=.10/r (both on ncmbrane) (Fis.+A). Seta L!>LI-L2,

L2It- (FiC.+C). III Mehstemal serae I pair, I scra each on a s€pa.ate ptareter.

Genilal shield smooth, 88r wide, I pai. setae. Cenitat and venriarrt shietds

29p aparl with a membmnous fold inbetween. cenitat shield not wide. than veotrianal shield widrh. Venrrianat siield srriar€d, quadmre; I l2r tong, 9lA wide; 3 pairs pranal serae and I pair elliptical pores (Fis.4-C). Four pairs 64

seta. incfudiog W Tltr toag or mcmbrarc surrouding vcntrianal shield.

Metapodal platelets 2 pairs; primary I pair 24p long, s€condary I pair l0/l long

(Fi8.+C). Llt IV wilh 3€, I seta each on g€nu, ribia ard basirarsus

mealurirg 77p, 68p and 764 in leogrh, respecrively (Fig.4-F). SperBatheca:

Ccrvix bell-shap.d, l2t long; arriud roudcd incoeoratcd D cervix ba!.;

najorduct tubular; velicle oval (Fig.4E).


TYPE: Holotype femate, colecred I Km. E. Balakot (3smEsaran

Valle, on l3.ix,1992 (Saeed) f.od under. host planlNo.9/92 and deposired in

Acarology Rcsarch kbo.srory, Dcp.rtmc of Ag.i. EntomotoAy, U.A.F.

REMARKS: An tbs.itlt hunith, E w spies can be scparared fron

,{. /o4rr, Dew species du€ Lo fo owins characreG

l. Chcliceral movable ditit with I toorh in/o/r,r but 2 lecrh in rhis

2. Dorsal-shield concde ncar S2 and lJ in/o/.r but concave onty n€ar 12 in this new spcci€s.

3. Dorsal shield with 3 pairs pores in/oda.! bul pores absenr in this 65

L S.i. MJ lEa.rior to ..rr 16 ilJtd"r bor rlt rior ln poai66 ir lhir fiw apaciar.

St rrd lhicld .cr tr-fm in J@&t bu! II>tr lU in thls nrw lpccta&

5- Vdnd di.ld .hi.|drhrp.d, rmootb i!./bdgr but qldd. ud .trhtrd i! thb nlw eccid3.

7. On pair pocr on d.Db!.nc lurrourding v.d.irml dietd in Jbt?r hrt po|tr deaa b dd. I.l, 4ei.s. t.. St F of !pqdh..s diftr. h the ! Fig.4. Anblrs.tuL, hum k, n€e species

Dorsal shield

+B Cheliccra

4-C Stcrnal, genital and ventrianal shields

?LD P€ritremal sbield base

+E Spermathcca

+F Leg lV Fig.1

oqtl t? l,l

o I I "t ,l 67

I \


l---l' 15N lt-E 4-C ir 68

s.tun rseius !o{.r, ne\| species


FEMAD: Do.sal shietd tale.auy srriaiedi 2 dcepty concavc area!

adjaceDt !o seta 52;361p tottA,230p wide; 11 pairs serae, 3 pai.s visible

round€d porer (Fig.s-A). Chelicera 34r tong, movabte disit with I toorh and fixed disi! with 6 subapicat teerh (F g.5-B). Dorsat shield serae smooth eic€pt

M3 aad 13, borh serrare. Dorsal shicld seraej y28A; D!: D2= D3=

D4=l2p; Ct 6p., LI 49r, L2= L3-13p, Lt 6grt, L5= L6= LZ=tOp. l38pt U M|- M2=10p, M3 62p:, St= S2=t4tt (both on membrane). Seta

M-7 posilrior to lera 26. S€ra 2ON MJ Md 26N ap rt froro L6 and L7 , respectively (Fis,5-i), peritreme reachins upto sera 4 tip stighrty direcred downwards (Fig.5-D). p€ritremal shi€td hockey blade_tik€ wirh poioted rip (Fi8.5'D). Slernat shield stighrly ta0emlly srriared; tobat€ posrerio.ty, convei

Up lona,78t wide; pairs ^nretiotlyt 3 setae,2 pairs pores I

wtih a m€mbranous fotd inb€teecn. Cenitalshietd wid€r rhan v€nlrianat shicld width. Venrrianal shietd quadrare, smoorh, t2tr lone, 78a wide. 3 pairs preanals€tae and I pair€ pores (Fig.s-C). Metapodat plarelers 2 pairs; o9

p.iBary I pair l8p lons triangula., secondary I pair l0/l long (Fig.5,C).

Le8 IV wilh 3 macroserlc, I sera each o. genu, ribia and basitarsus me$uring

76F, 62I and 67r in letrgth, rcspe.rivcty (Fig.s-n. Spermarheca: Ccrvix bcl!

shryed 27p longi ariun undiffer€ntiated; major{uct tubutsr (Fig.s_E).


TYPE: Holorype female, co ecred I Km.N. Behrain (Swar Va €y, 3500ft) on 19.r.199 (Sae€d) ftom under host ptant NO. 6192. p|rlatyq 3 females, same cotlecrion dara. Spe{imens d€posil€d in Acarotogy Rescarch

Laboralory, Dcparrmenl of Agri. Enromology, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Anblrs.i6 lorfex , new speci€s can be separat€d from ,4.h?rirr, new species on the basis of foltowing points.

I, o'to *ith 2 t€cth in ,entr' bur I toorh in thh ""*';:?ll*"on 2. Do.saf shi€fd wirh I concav e arca 52 i,n huiti, bnt 2 coaczre aoJacent areas near S2 in thh new^.ar species.

3. *'" in but 3 pai.s visibre pores in RiTiitj;:tJi.*' 'u'tt's m

4. S.ta MJ ralarior !o rct! 16 I! iun rlr but Doltllior in poritio|r in lhb ocw lpei.t.

5. Plriltrttrc widl d.lift tip in t'/lr'ltlh bt tip stiShtly dir.ct d rlorylw|rd! h tbis ay $ccb. 6. Sbrrl .hbu !4.6 n>Fltr ir ft.drr.r b(. I-It"tn io tir r3w .laciar.

?. V.ordrDl !hi{,H .ari&d in ftrrrr& bot sEdh in rhir Ew , spcclla. ' t. Fon d..ot oo D.o!ruE sr.ror|lttirs vcffi.rrt rhicH h fu|'rrrr, 0{t I Don h thir 6w rpccics.

. 9- St p. of tPc.ddd diftrr h tt s. .pei.s. Fig.5., ner T.d.t

5-A ...,..., Do.ssl.hiold 5-B ....,... Cb.lic6!|

...... Scfl.l, v€oni|nd di.rdr 'c Soaiid.!d tD ...... hrlr.dal dLu b.!a SB ...... Sdds tP ...... br IV Ftg.5


I 1 t\,, I



7l 7Z

5-B N t 1 I

6. Ant'Irsehlt batuktr Ch,'ttdhtl

Anbttseiu Muhs Cha ntui, 1985t 7G72

' Kro'a Distributlon: PAKISTAN: Kalam (Swar Vall€y, 9500 ft)

' Nnow|| Host ithntt Cadtut nutanu: ltrstdbution R.or&: Tho spccimcn of rhis n|irc lpccie.r hav€ rlso bccn collcct€d from the following localities rnd bo6r planls:

lrc:lity Da!. Host Plant

Ch.t|aga Manga l8.r.l99l Mons alba

. Minson lg.riii,.n Pin s sp. (S*at v.llcy, ,mm ft) 1.tunhlrsetus dotuan, ne\| spe


trEMALEr Dorsal shield snroolh, 3l2r lone, l95p wide; concave near

Fta J2; 17 pairs setae and 3 pairs rourded visible po.€s (Fis.6-A). Cheliccra

3qA.bng. movable digit with 4 subrpicsl r@rh, fixed diSir wrth g subapi@l t@th (Fi8.6B). Dorcal shield serse smoorh except L8 and MJ borh serrate. y Dorsafshiefd serae: 20r; Dl = D2= D3= D4=l0p; Cl T t\', Ll 54r, L2 2lp,

L3 31p, rl 68p, L5 3tp, r,6= L7=tOr, rA 94t!t M] t'p, M2 t3p, M3 6tttl

S/= .'2: l3rr Ooth on Seta Ll > LI-L2, L2 < L2-U, 13 <13-tt. 'nemb:ane\, Seta MJ anterior ro sera L6. Seta M3 2E from setae 16 and rZ ^nd28pap.t respeclively (Fig.6-A). Peritreme reaching beyond seta 4 straishr tip.

Peritremal shield spatulate base rounded posleriorly, poinred ante.iody

(Fig-6D). Sl€rnal shield smooth, 78t long, 64r! wide; flat, sliAhtly convex antlriorlyi 3 pairs serae, I < l-I, tI < I-II (Fig.6-C). M€rasternal s€la.

I pair, I scta lach on a sepamtc platcl€t, cenital shield snooth, 73A wide, I pair seta€, Genital and ventrianal shields 26! apart, menbranous fold abse.l betw€en them. Genital shield oor wider ftan ve rianal shield width.

Ventrianal shield smooth, quad.ate; l04r long,83/r widei 3 pairs pr4nalste,

I pair elfipticaf porcs (Fig.6-c). Fou. pairs selae includinq VLI szt! long ^nd 15 a pair of minutc plar€l€ts on m?mbrane sur.oundinA v.ntri.nal shield.

Merapodrl plarclds,.2 pairs: prim.ry I pair 24p long, s€condary I pai. l0rr long (Fig.6C). lrg IV with 3 m.croserae, I seta on genu, tibia and basitaNus m*suring 42p, 31p and 6p in length, r€sp€ctively (FiB.6D.

Sp€ C.lvir cuFJBpcd, l2p widc; arriun .oundcd, incorporat d in mid cervix; mrjor{llci bbular (Fig.6E).


TYIt: HoloayF fcMl., coucct d Daphar on l4.iv.l99l (S!e.d)

Iio'l undcl, bost plmi No.2/91. Pa rypc 2 feDalca, slme collecriotr dar..

Speaimens d.p$ited in Ae.oloty R.s!!rch kbo.alory, Dcpartment of A8.i,

Eotomology, U.A.F.

REMANXS: AnW.iLt doliw, rcw sp.Eie3 c.n bc scprnt d from it.s cldely relrted spaies,,i. n.ricanda, new speci€s due !o follow'ng point3:

l. Chclice.ll movablc digit with 2 te€th in n"ricd.drrs b{lt 4 !e€{h in lhis ocw species.

2. Dorsrlshield with 2 pairs por.s ir rnrircardar but 3 pairs pores in this n€w species. 16

3. Z8 sEooth ln n lrcdrd.r but !.n$€ in thi! oow !Fci6!.

4. Sca. at3 pod.rior b sro 16 h fi.ricordn bd.!&.ior it pocltioo ' itr lhi5 Es rFci6. - 5. St f[rl rhicld ..{. tr > tr !tr h r!.rrr.rd.t but tr < &m i! &lr Fw lpccils.

. 6. }Ilnuo ihroLo oo @bnD r|ttooditrg v.dtrirDl lhiald lb.a|t b r.rn6rr&r hr I pn .ot io thir !.,w !pcci.r,

?. Shrpc of sp6rErrL.r v.ri.. Ir ihD|c rpccics. Fry.6. Anbhs.lut doutln, new $pe.ieg

GA Dorsll shicld

6B Chcliccrr

6C Stc.n!I, aenitll and ventrianal shiclds

GD Peritrcmal shicld bas€ 6E

6F lr8 IV Fig.5


I ? I I

o I 1 a a\1 /Y'-'Ls ,\ I I 50r i 6-A

n ?8



A \

I 6-E \ / I, b------; 'T 1 't1 I r&r ? e-E 19

8.,4u rts€riar ,rrrlcardur, new specicl


IEMALE: Dorsalshield smooth;slightly concave n€at 52 349p lon9,

2l9tt widei 17 pairs seta€ and 2 pairs visible, roundcd pores (Fig.7-A).

Chelicen 40r! long; movable digh virh 2 rerh, fixed diglr wirh 9 subapical te€th (Fig.7-B). Do.sal shield s€rac smoorh except MJ s.rate. Dorsalshi€td

setAe: V 3'ltri Dl= D2= D3= D4=ljpt Clsp, Ll 4Zp, L2= L3=lOt',

Il%p, I5= L6= L7=l0tr, I3 220t!, Ml l}p, M2 l3t, M3 lfp, SI=

J2: l0r (borh on membran.r. 5.6 Ll > LI-12, L2<12-Ll, 13

MJ posterior to seta 16. S€ra MJ l5rr and 2Op apart hom setae L6 aid L7, r€spectively (Fis.7-A). Perikeme reaching beyond seta y, srraishr rip.

Peritrcmal shield ribbontike, base slightly concave dorsllly, slightly conver vdtrally, poirt€d tip (Fig.?-D). Stermlshield smoorh. flatposrcriorty, slighrly conv€x anteriorly;80r long,70a wid€: I pars seta.,2 pairs pores, i

II>II.III (Fi8.7-C). Merasternal setae I pai., I s1a each on a s€panre platelet. Genitalshield smooth, 74p wide, I pah serae. Oeriral and ventrianal shields 34{ apa.t with a mernbnnous fold inberween. cenital shield wid€r than ventrianal shield width. Ventrianal shicld smoorh; ll2r long, 63a widei anterior comers rounded, a dhlinct waisl near pr€aDal scra III; 3 pairs preanal 80 sctae and I pai. elliptical porcs (FiB.?-C). Four pai6 setae ircludins vrl 69r long on ncmbrane su..ourdinS vertriaml shield. Merapodal platelets 2 pansi I pair,24,r long; sccondary I pair l0r long (Fig.7-C). ra8 ry wnh

3 macrosetae, I Eeta e3ch on genu, tibia and basitaGus m6uritrg 132r, ll?,r and 82r! in tength, resp€ctively (Fig.?-F). Spernatheca: Cervix tub€like, parallel-sided, slighdy flared oear vesicle base; atrium a(ached io cervir, round€d (Fig.7-E).


TYPE: Holotype fe'nale, coll.ctcd I Km. E. Thatla (SiDd) on f.r.1993 (Saeed) from "Jama " (Eueenia cwnini) anA depositd in Acarolosy

Research Laboratory, Department ot Agri, Entomology, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Anblrseius ne cadu:, new spe{ies can b€ separaEd from ils clo*ly relaGd species ,,1. doii@, mw species on the basis of following

L Cheliclral€ digit with 4 leeth in ddirrn bul2 re.$ in this 8l

2. Donsf stloE wltb 3 pdfl vtsibL. poru. ln donn bULt2 rtrllr, vi3ftlo polca io lhls ocw atEcier.

3. fu, U |ttr!',6 h bltu, bua soooth in ttd. ncv !p.cica. 4. :_C"yj,-T3!I in pdlrilo b 15 ia &'tiaa but pod.rior i, poruo! in oil DCW rpacis. SbrDlt 5. lliotd &.r. trIl.m in Oi, rFw 6 . k]Ti,*-*. OngcE o! d.Dbrlrc lurrcurditr8 v.otsittral h dr0@n but dlcrt i, thi! aet!.

7. SbOu qf qcrortco v|'lca i! lpacics. I

FU,1. A&.&.t ,ttalfurtut, ew @


7-B 74


7-F Fig.7

o I t' c t ? t

7 I

? I

\:f ( /\-r'{-'-'

( $r \rj, 83

r/ 7_e r,{ 1


"'-1...... -T-- '!5,, \/ 84

g..4'|rrrrins glrnc'8, new spaies


FEMALET Dorsalshi€ld smoolh, sliShtly concave ne3t 52' 339P long

197l. wide; 17 pairs seta€ lnd I pair roufldcd por€s (Fig 8-A). Chelicera 374 long; movable digit with I tooth, fircd digit with 8 subapical leeth (Fi8.8-B)

Dorsal shield s€tae smooth crccpr MJ se(ate. Dorsal shield setae: v20r;

Dl: D2= D3= D4=lztlt Cl6p; Lt 43F, L2= L3=lop' tl59p' 15= L6=

L7:10p, U264tri MI= M2=l2t!, M3 69p; SI= s2=144 (both on nembnne). Seta LI>L|-L2, L2

Pe.ftreDal shield hoctey-btad. likc, basc llat, pointcd towards uPPer side

(Fig.8-D). Sternal lhield soooth, slightly concave postertorly' cotrvex

aibriotlyi 76tt lons, 62p wid€i 3 pairs setae. I=I-II, Il> -III (Fic.8-C)

Meiasternal setae I pair, I s€la €ach oD a scparate platelet GeDital shield

stnoolh, ?7r wide, I pair setae. Genital and vcntrianal shields l8P apart with

a membranous doublc{incn fold inbetween them. Ventrianal shield smooth,

quadrar€; ll0r! long, ?2p wide, laterally concave near preanalseta IIl, wavv

opposilc to anal shicld; 3 pairs pr€anal s€tac and I pair clliptical pores 85

(Fis.84). Four Firs setae includins vIJ and 2 pairs on nenbrane sur.ounditrg venirianal shield. Metapodal pleElcls 2 pairs; P.imary I pair,2lr lons, $condary I pair l0rr lorB (Fi8.8-C). L.s Iv with 3 macros€tae, I seta each on genu, tibia and basit!.sus mcssuring ll1h Blp and 634 in lenStb, respectively (Fig.8-D. Spermatheca: Cervix bell-shaped l3r; arium undifferentiat€ni major-duct tubular (Fig.8-B).


TYPE: Holotype fctnalo, coll€ctcd I Km. N. Muree (65m ft)on

2.r.1992 (Sae!d) fmm Pinrir sp. (fall.n l€aves). Paratype 6 remal€s, same colleclion data. Specimens depositcd in Acnrology Res€arch t aboralory,

Department of Agri. Entomology, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Anblyseius glone*, new species is closely related lo

A. grarus, M\n sp€cies due to most of body characten. The following charactrrs are responsiblo fo. scparation of this new sPqi6 f.oi A Srar6,

l. Cheliceral movabl. ditit with 2 subapi@l telth in 8/ar6 wher€as I io this mw spe.i€s. 2. Dord lbbld with 4 Fifl viibb po|! in Srdt s ht I prir b 6i.

3. Sca. ,E sc.ri& i! rtar.t bot rDoodr in this Dw |p.ci5. ',1. Stcml stitd lco t

5. Shapo of startdbrcr varlc! I0 boah ftr !p!ciat. FiS.8. ?{ Sron r&, r.r]v !!ccie.

&A ...... Dorsrl sbtr ld ' &E ,,...... Ch.Iic.rr

84 ...... $c.trd, Sa &l .!d v.rtdi!.I |tlcld! &D n dltldl .[hld b.- &B ...... SFrD|t!.c. &F ,.....,. L€IV Fi9.8

I [, .Y

G I ? t


n 88

8-O Ir \\ b-c ,U---_])

= / ffii/1" "r\ ? i*A'l?\L4', 89

lo.trtrlrrcfzr ara,!r, new spel€.


FDMALEf Dorsal shield smooth, concave ne$ S2i 39Op tong, 24'7p wide; l7 pai.s selae,4 paiE visiblc, rounded porcs (Fit.g-A). Chelicera 28,. long, movable diait *ith 2 !edh, fired digit with 8 subapical reerh (Fig-g-B).

All dorsal shield setae smooth ercept i.l, t8, both serrate. Dorsl shield setaer y33p; DI= D2= D3= D4=l0p; CI6t\ LI 42t1, L2= L3=15,,

IA 106p, L5 l6p, L6= L7=lgtt, L8l80pt M|= M2=l0tt, M3 l04F; Sl=

9:20p (borh on€). Sera Ll > LI-Lz, L2<12-L3, I:J

Peritremal shield base broadly rounded posteriorly, poinled anteriorly

(Fit.+D). Stemalshield snoolh, flit pGteriody, @nvcx anleriorly,65r tong,

78rr wid€, 3 pairs setae and 2 paifs por€s, I

MEtast€rDal seta€ I pair, €acb seta on a separate plal€|el. Genital shi€ld smooth,80r wide, I pair s€tae, notwidcr than ventrianal shield widrh. ceniral and ventrianal shields 2l,r apart wilh a membnnous fold inbelw€e!. vertrianal shield smoolh, quadrale, deply concave laterally, 130ll long, 94r wide; 3 pairs p.snal selae and I pair elliptical pores (fig.9,C). Four pairs setae including 90

v1,.1 75/ long on suFoundiDs venrrieal shicld. Mcrapodal plaieleB

2 pairs; priBary I pair 26p lons, secondrry I pan l3A lons (Fis.g-C), Le8

IV with 3 nacros€tse, I s€ta e3ch on genu, tibia aod basira.sus measuring 8tp,

65p afi 92F in lengih, resp€{tively (Fis.9-F). Spermarhe{a: C€rvix b€ll-

shaped, l8p long, 8t wide; atriun round€d; majof ducr rubular; vesicle oval



TYPE: Holotyp€ femalc, Daddar (Sarar Valtey, 45mfi)on

5.ix.l99l (Sa€ed) from Prlru{ sp. and deposil€d in Acarotosy Research

Labomtory. Depanment of Ag.i. Enromology, U.A.F.

REMARrST Ambltseius grutus, new sp€cies is closety retat€d to A. glon 'it, Dew s?eci€s due to mos! of body characrers. The foflowint charactcrs s€psrste rhem from €ach othe.:

l. Cfieliceral movable digit with I tooth in glor!?zs bur 2 reeth in

2. Do.sal shield wirh I pai. eisibl€ po.s in but wirh 4 pahs 91

3. Seta lJ smoorh in alo .rir but serrat. in this lcw species.

4. Sternal shield *ra l>I-Il in 8lorr.rir but I

5. Shap€ of spcniath.cs diffcrs in toth the specres. . Flg.g. Irltr.&r t'f4c,.*

9A ...... , Dorr.l rhidd 9B ...... C!.llc6r ' 9C ...,,... St€dul, geoital rnd v.trt.inlsl rhi€ld! 9-D ...,..., [email protected] tli'td h.& $E ....,,.. $.rDe.c. 9.F ...... LCIV Fig.9

\ t t

?r 1



92 r 1

I r 9-B

9-D 2


9-C 94

ll.Ambllselus tlbedo, new sFies (Fis.l0)

FEMALE: Do.sat shictd snooth, concave near rJ, srraighr posteriof

narSin; 3804 long, 234p wide; 17 pairs serac, 2 pairs elliplicat po.€s (Fig.lGA). Chelicera 36r tong, movabte digir wirh 2 ieeth, fixed digir wirh

6subapical teerh (Fig.l0-B). All dorsalshietd setac smooth exc€pr MJ and 18, both serrate. Do.saf shield seraet V t6tL; Dt= D2= D3= D4=tOtL., CI6pi Ll 39p, L2= L3=t0tr, L4,tOt , L5= L6= L7=tOp, LA 24Oy; MI llp, M2 l6a MJ 96y; = S2=lOp (borh on membran€). Seta Lt>Lt-L2, 12 I-tr, II

€ach sela on a separate ptaret€r. ceniral shield snooth, 78F wide, I pair selae, wid€r rhan v.ntriamt shictd wid$. ceniht and vcnrrianat shietds t6r. apad with a membranous fotd inberw@n. Vcnr.ianal shield smoorh, vasc_shap€d, llTt long, 52t wiat ,3 pairs preanat sctae, I paif cuipricat pores (Fig.lO-C). 95

Four paris sctae includinS I pair VLI 70tt lona or membrane su.roundirS v.ntrian.l shicld. Two Fi.s metapodal; prim.y I pa:I F tonA, s.condsry I pai., 16/ lont, r.iangular (Fig.lGC). kg rV wirh 3 mac.Gerae,

I s€ta cach on genu, tibia ard basir.rrsus m€asuring t431t, |2p a'ld 78y ia length, resp€rrivcly (Fig.lGD. Sp€nnarheca: Cervir tubclike (tubutrr), l8f long, 5rr wide, thict walled; arriun rornded, incorporared in cervir wide base; najorduct tube,like; vcsicle oval (Fis.t0-E).


TYPE: Holorype femte. collc.r€d (Mure, 65001t) o.

(Saed) from undct. hosr plant No.9/93 ard deposiled in

Laboratory, Departmenr of A8ri. En!omoto$,, U.A.F.

REMARKS: Anbttset8 diee o, jew sp.cies can be€d from its closely relarcd speci€s,,1. ,.rc€brs Chaudhri due to fo owina poinrs:

rnencerar L movable dign wio 4 reerh in arr.trr bur 2 in rhjs new

2. Dorsf shicfd withour porcs i^ etcetsus blt 2 elliptical por€s in rhis n€w sp€cies. 96

S€tr r3.n lurE l.vcl wirh lcu ld ln r but podcrior in pottioo ir thb o6w aFcba, 4. o.oil|l.P vl|Eirld lhflu.32r Fd ir e&..In , Dot tbr i! rti,

5, V.cdid.l. rhicfd _!.dgool ud {ri.!!d ia .rt te hi yllra. $aDad lld |tlooth in 6h ,aw rDaciaa. 6. Stry'! of rponnatlccs di{&is io botb thr rp€ci.r. Frg,,l0, Atfitt.,{,s tM, oaw rFd.a

IGA ....,... Do$rt

IGB ...... Ch.liccrr

lo-C ...,..., Stsm.l, S.Dia.l rnd vcotri.lri lhield! - IGD .....,.. hrfuldl rhi.rd bB IGB ...... SFo.tbc. IGF .,...... IrgIV Fig.l0

rl ?f 1l t? ^1 9E

rr-n Z^.\ I I 741 I

lz.Anfi l! seius calklun, new spccisi (Fi8.ll)

trEMALEr Do.salshi€ld smooth, shield buldges out (cowe\') ne?r U, concave near S2 aod ,6; 34fu long,20U wide; 17 pairs s€rre and 2 pairs visihle rounded pores (Fis.ll-A). Ch€licera 34F lors, movable diair wirh 2 tec$, fixed diSn whh 15 subapical rccrh (Fig.ll-B). All dorsnt shield setac striooth. Dorsal dhicld seta€: y39{i Dl= D2= D3- D4-l,pi Cl6rl

Ll 4ltL,L2= U=lzp,U p,L5= L6= L7=l2,,,L82l0piMl= M2=10y,

M3 l30u Sl= .'2=fop (both on m€mbrane). Setz Ll>Ll-n, L2<12-L3,


I pair 26! lons, seconda.y lpair lop lons (Fig.ll-C). L€B IV with 3 macrosetae, I s€ta €ach on genu, tbia and basitarsus measuring I20A, 9lr and

72A in length, respectiv€ly (Fig.I l-P). Spermathecr: Cervix rDbular, slighrly flared near vesicle, 42! long; atriun knor-like (nodular); vesicl€ oval (Fi8.ll-E).


TYPE: Holotyp€ fcmrle, collect.d Samasatla on 7.i.1991 (Sae€O from und€t. host pldt No.1l9l. P^ra.typc 3 fcnal.$, sarc colle.rion dara.

Specimcm dcposited in Acarology Res.arch Laborato.y, Depa.rment of Agri.

Enlonology, U.A.F.

REMARKS: Anblysei8 caltdwr, ne\9 species and /,1. @inor, new species are closely .elatcd lo each othcr duc to most of body characters. The following characl€rs separale them from each olher:

l. Dorsal shicld wlthout concav€ area in anrror but 2 concave are3s in this new spccics, l0l

2. Dor|.l |hii with 3 pi|! visiblc pofts in crrfiar but 2 p.i6 viribh Dor.. h 6b Ee .pcL.. . 3. V.otrLnrl lhl,d ahi.U{h.p.d in ardrar tot pcotl3dsl h rlir

4. Vcffirrl .hiJd prt5fll po€ clipticrl i! drtnor bui rouj.d i! tXir lcw itaci.a.

5. One pdr pl.t.lcl! |od 2 p.i.s lorr! on rn€obr.o6 surrourxliDs v€.dri]td rhidd in drrriar ht pb&L.' .rd por!6 $.cot in tha

' 6. Shrp. of lD.rDdllcr dltt?! In both lhr rD.ct€!. Fig.ll. Ambllui,ll calrtam, nerv $p€cies

lt-A ...... DoMtshietd ll-B ...... _ Che&€ra ll-C ...... Sternal, Senirat and venkiaoal shiclds ll-D ...... peritr€mat shicld base ll-8 ...... Spermatheca ll-F ...... Les IV Fig.'ll

/4 I '' 2 t I f I f \ t 2

T I ?Ar vl,

| | -L 104

| 3.,1rnnJrrrar rrl,ros, new spcciet


FEM LE: Dorsalshield smooth, almost oval: 17parisstleard3pai.s visiblc rouodd pores, 340a lon8, 234r wide (Fi8.l2-A). chclicc.a 38F lons, movable diSit with 2 te€th, fired digit wilh 15 leeth (Fi8.l2-B). All dorsal shicld setae smooth. Dorsalshield setaer V29tttDl= D2= D3= D4-llpi

CI6ri Ll 42p, L2= Ll=lltt, U78|,15= t6= L7=tott, L8 ZSOtLt MI=

M2=lott, M3 58u Sl= S2=loF (both on menb.aner. Set^ Ll>Ll-L2.

L2 <2-L3, L3

Cenital shield snooth, 73F wide, I pair serae, wider rhan venrriaral shield width. Gcnitsl and ventriaml shields 3lt apart with a membGnous fold inbetween. V€ntrianal shield, smooth, shield-shap€d, straighl anreriorly, 99A lon8, 65{ wide; 3 pairs preanal s€lle and I pair euiprical pores (Fig.l2-C).

Four paris setae including yr./ 69/ lon8, 2 pairs pores and I pair plalelers o. t05 membrane su.rounding ventrianal shield. Melapodal plaleleB 2 pairs; p.imary

I pair l8r, secondary I pair l0r lons (Fig.l2-C). Les Iv with3 macrosetae,

I seta each on genu, tibia and basita$us measuring 135r, l04r and 73/ in tength, respectively (Fig,l2-F). Spcrmatheca: Cervix funnerlike

(tundibuliforn), 39F long; alrium knoclike; mqjor ducr tubu lar; vesicl€ rounded



TYPE: Holotype femalc, collected I0 Km- E. Karrchi on

27.vii.199 (Sacad) from 'Bhakra' \T.ibulus alatus, and deposited in

Acarology Res€ taboralory, Depa.lmcnt of Agri. Entomology, U.A-F.

REMARIG: Anblrseiw calidun, ne\| species and .'t. azrnos, new species..e closely rclated to.ach oth.r duc to rnost of body cha.acters but the following points separate them from eacl othefl

t. Dorsal shi€ld wirh 2 concave areas each near seta L-l and .S2 i. calidou but dorselshi€ld withour corcave arq in this new species.

2. Dorsal shicld wirh 2 paks visible porcs in c4lidor bul 3 pairs visible pore.s in this new spccies. t6

.3. V.dtd di.{d Ddbaut i! @dd&r bor lhictd .t p.d i! Ai, aw rFciaa.

Vgntrirnrl shield prcrnrt porce roudrd ln o4lirtrr but.lliptbd in lbi. !6w |I.cics" '5. PLlLb |!d F.!. .laant i! aa6d.r hn I pair pheL|t .d 2 paiar Ddr b eil Br rpaclr6.

5, Shp. of,Derd{ dlftrs in both &c spacies. ' Ytt 12. ,id$r.rrr .rrrcr, trar rFdaa

t2-A .,....,. Donsl,hictd t2,a ..... -.. ctdicdr

l2-C ...... , StsrDd, fcal|d |!d vcotshrd shi.ldt I2-D .,,.,... prriE ul shbd b.rc tLB ...... sFrd.|bca l2a ..r..... L.8lv Fig.12


\ I 7 I

I ? t, I /t

l/lo / t t I lc X-



rgl t08


// t. I T{

1^ 1 I zAr _ 15 ,r t -.-_--l-- tz -f

l2-c r09

14.,4'rrJs?t?r3.rirla, ner species


FEMALE: Dorsrl shicld shooth, concave near t2l 3204 lon8, l95r wide; l7 psirs sctae and 8 prirs visible, rounded Pores (Fig.l3-A). [email protected]

3lr long, novablc digit with 3 leeth, fixcd digit with 13 tecth (Fig l3-B). All dorssl shield $etac smooth € t8 sermte shield sctae: v 28F; D./ =

D2= D3= D4=lot ; 616',; LI 9r, 12 2lp, 13 3ltt' t4 58F' 15 2oN' tn=

L7=lOp, U g6|i Ml: M2=l0w M3 68x Sl= S2=l8l (both on membEne). Seta ti >Z.l-t2, L2 < L2-13, L3 < 13'Il. 5.6 M3 14' 1a,t ^nd ap n from In anA L7, re{€ctivel}. Seta MJ slighlly Posterior lo seta t6'

Peritrcme reachinr upto seta v (Fi8.l3-A) Peritremal shi€ld bas€ rounded

lobate posleriorly, Pointed ante.iorly (Fig l3-D). Sternal shield smooth' postcriorly, convcr anteriorlyi L=B=784' 3 pairssetae' 2pairs pores;I


8lr. wide; 3 p6iri pran l seta€ and I pair rounded por.s (Fig.3-C) Four Pai's sebc incloding vrJ 52[ lon8, I Pair minur€ platclcts on m.mbrane surroundinS 0

vcnt.ianal shicld. Mclapodal platelels 2 pairs; p.ima.y I pair, rianSular, l8{,

lons; secondary I pair, triansular, 8lr (Fi8.l3-C). Les IV with 3 Nacrosetae,

I seta.ach on genu, tibia and basitarsus. measuring 44F, 36p and Ap in

lcngth, r.sp€ctively (Fig.l3-D. Spermarheca: Cervir bell shap€d, 8t wide;

.trium C-shapd; major ducr rubular (Fir.l3-E).

MALE: Not known.

TYPE: Holoiypc f€mal€, coll€cred Ch.nAa Manea on l8.r.l99l

(Sae€d) from undet. host planr No.2/91 and deposired in Acarolosy Rcs€arch kborabry. Dcparrthcnr of Agri. EntomoloSy, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Anbllseirtt ctista, new species: ,1. fu.u.rrr, new sp€lies and ,,i. c4zzr! nee speciB fo.m a g.oup of sp@ies in rh€ gcous

,4Dlrtrri,ir due to following common poinrs.

L Chelic€ral fixed disil wirh 13 reeth.

2. S€ta MJ posterior ro scta L in posirion.

3. Lcg IV with 3 macrosera€, I sera @ch olr, tibis and

4. Scra Ya, sm@rh. l

Tb ftlbwilg cbnef r€g.nt A'i,r'i'alu utaa, l|j'* ryb ftn o.hlr sDa.ha:

l. Chelictdsl novrbb diSil witr 2 be{h iD othlr sprcics bul 3 tcclh b |hh tw *ei... 2. Don l .iicld {,ith 2 cocrw .rc.r qr 13 ud J2 ir ArqC.r, .h.dl i! era6 hn c@rvc uu er 12 h ttb cw |E€oirs.

3. Dorli lbiaJd witl l0 Fin Do.ta ioJi.rc,!r', rb.dt in crtar but t plin in thi! lcw 3pociec.

4. Shrpo of rFrnatLca v|Ii.N id dl tha. rpeci.r. Fie.l3. A'nblrseius .ttsta, nee lpeci€s

l3-A Dorsal shi€ld l3-B Chelicera t 3-c Sternal, genital and venrianal shi€lds l3-D Perilr€ftal 3hield base l3-E Spermatheca t3-F Leg IV Frg.rJ





2 l13


,1 /

,t? n r

1 t5t --la 15r \/

12 ^ n4

ls.Auroreius.ltusc/rr.s, new sp€cies


FEMALET Dorsll shictd smooth, coocavc nea,6 and SZ, 338a lon8,

260$ \rtdc, l7 pahs s€i!e, l0 pans visible rounded por€s (Fig.t4"A).

chclicen 28rt long, movabrc dis wnh 2 t;6, fixcd disir with t j subapicll

le€th (Fig.lzl-B). AIt dorsal shietd s€tae smoorh. Dorsat shietd setae: y l2ir; Dl D2= D3= = D,4=|OL; A 5$ Lt 49,', L2= L3=tOy, t4 6jp, LJ= rj= L7=ION, U 220tri j2p, Mt= M2=tOh M3 5t= S2=t0t (both oD nembrane). Ser! Z/>t/-12, L2

Sternal smoorh, tobate posterio.ty, conver, wavy anteriorty, 9l! tory, 73F wide, 3 pairs scrac, 2 pairs por€s, I

Mcartcm.t s€ra. I pai., e3ch sa. on a scparac prateter. cenilat shietd

stnooth, 68t wide, I prir serae, wider ti.n vent.ianat shietd widrh. ano vertrianat shietds l5t aparr wirl a m€mbranous fotd inb€twe€ll. Venrriamt shield smoolh, Fnragonat, gg/ ton8,654 wide, 3 pairs preanaj s€lae, I patr elfipticaf por€s (Fig.t+C). Four pahs s€lae includina VLI @p tong on ,t5

mcmDrarc $rroundioi v.nki.nd shield. Mebpod.l plarel€ls 2 p{ks, primary

I pan, 2lr long, secondrry I p!ir, l2r, lons (Fig.t+C). Le8 lV wirh 3

mrcrorciN., I e3ch or genu, tibia and balitsr$s me$uring 135p, 88# and

70F in length, rdpcctively (Fig. l+D. Sp€rmrrh€.a: Ccrvix urbular, gladualty

fiared towar& vesicle, 26r tong; atrium knot-tike, mqjor ducr iubutar; vesicte oval (Fis.l+E).


TYFE: Holoryp. fematc, Samasatta on 8.vii.l99t (Saced)

host pl|Dt No.7/9t and depositd io Acnmlo$, R.s€3rcf

Labor.rory, Dcpartmcnt of Agri. Entomology, U.A.F.

REMARIG: Atntrlyscit t lut.ult s, ftoln irs cblely rctaaed spccies,{. crlr.r, ncw points.

t. Dorsal shicld without concsve

2. Dors:l shi.ld without porcs in pairs por$ in ftis 6

' 3. Vdiul 6Lld qoldntc lDd nri$ad io d,ritr hrt pcegor.l r'd smoodt h thh |Err, rFci.e, ' l. Orc prir porcc oa rMb..D $rrouditrg v.ardrat r[tcld ir d.rr.r bt .t .aa i! 6h e{t !pcci!..

5. Shsp6 of rFrE|lllcr in bo$ dl! !Fci... Flg.l4. lrir&ra&rJtrclt r, r!|r .0.ds

t+A Do.!.I.[bld

l+a Chcllccn

' 111 Stsrrl, 8roiLl .d ftotllld .tldd! l+D Erdtr€dl afhld brc t+B ....,.,, Sp.rE dbar l4-F ...... L8IV Fi9.14

fl ll




1lt-A n7 15 r. F lt9

| 6.Arrrts.i/r clttus, new sp€.ies


FEMALE: Dorsalshield smooth,345p long,234t wide; 17 paks seiae,

po.e-, abGeot (Fig. l5-A). Chelicera 30r lons, movable dirir with 2 rerh, fircd digit with 13 subapical t€eth ( All dorsl shield stac smooth. Dorsal

shieldsetag: v 3lpi D|= D2= D3= p4=10'r;A6p:,Ll 4tp,L2= L3=10y,

IA 96t',15= L6= L7=10r, U zmq Ml = M2=l0rr, M3 &pi Sl: 9= lotl

(both or membrane). Ser^ L|=L|"L2, L2

(Fi8.l5-A). Pc.itreme reachitrs upto sera y. Perirremal shield base concave ndially, b.oadly poin!€d posteriorly, poiot€d anreriorly ( Sr.rml shield smooth, flat anteriorly, slightly concav€ medio-ant tiotl'!,'18[ long,'f2tL wide, 3 pairs sebe, 2 pairs pore{, I

I pair selae; width equals ventrimal shield width. cenital and vent.ianal shiclds l5r apart with a membranous fold inbetwcen. Ventrianal shield quadrate, skiated, l09p long, 88r wide, 3 pairs preanal sehe, I pair elliprical potcs ( Four paks s€rae includiog vl-l 7811 long ind I pak pores on m€mb.ane surrounding ventriaral shield. Metapodal plar€l€rs 2 plirs; )20

prilnary I pair, 23F lons, seconda.y I pair t3r tong (Fic.t5{). rrs ry wnh 3 macrosetae, I sera each on genu, libia and basirarsus measuring 1194, 8SI

and 65f in lcngth, respcctively (Fig.ts-D. Spe.marheca: C€pix bowr-shaped,

l8r wide; arrium rounded irco.porared in c€rvix; major duct, tube- lik€; vesicle oval (Fig.t5-B).

MALE: Nor tnown.

TYPE: Hototyp€ femate, co ccred Mur.e€ (65mft)on 29.vii.t993 (Sa€ed) from undet. host ptant No.2/93 and deposrted in Acarology Research Laboralory. Deparrncnl of A8fi. Eotomotogy, U.A.F.

REMARI$: Anbllseius cut6, n w spe.i€s can b€ s€parared from Irs clos€ly rclared sp€cie ,.t. l1r.s/ar, ncw sp€cies on rh€ basis of fo owirg

t. with 2 concave are$ in t scutus bt't absenr iD rhis new "oo::::1."o" 2. Dorsat.shietd wirh I0 pairs por€s inr/J.,/t r bur absenr in rhis ncw t and y,;1f,"i1;ij";1tr"1l,iJar smoo,h inrac,//&, but qoadraie and t2l

4. Porcs rbsenr or ncmbrane surrounding venrrianat shi€td infu,rcdlrJ bur I pa'r pores pres€ in rhis new speries.

5. Shape of spe.mdh€{r diffcrs in rhes. species. ,{rtt4t &r cdttlt, trlt r0ada.

ItA .,...... Do(.ll |hlru l5"B ...,.... Chllicor! ' 15€ ,,....,. sbrnd, gcoiirl |ad vcotriald rhiclds

ls-D ...,.... Faitrcdl ahi.ld h.& ls-E ...... sp.rdlh6c! ls-P ,...... L{IV Fig.15


15 -A I

P 4

15-D / ? t7 /z--\-1 \ f I

J5.E i Zrh-N-= / 1

--]L\e 15t

l5-C 124

ll.Ambltsei s talpa, rcw sPqies


FtrMAIE: Dorsal sbield smoorh, 385! long, 2201 wide; concave near

J2, between 16 and L7; 17 p i,.s stae and 3 pai.s visible pores (2 Pairs clliptical, I pai. roundd) (Fi8.16A). Chelicen 30F long. movable digit with

4 teeth and fired diSit with 12 t€eth (Fig.l6B). Dorsal shicld setae s ooth.

Dorsal shiefd setae: v 30pi DI= D2= D3= D4=t0$ Cl 6p; Ll 49p, L2=

L3=10p, U12p, 15= L6= L7=10p, L8ll0$; MI= M2=loa, MJ lt0p,

J./= J2 = for (both on memblAner. SetaLI>Ll-L2, L2

Seta MJ poste.ior to Id bo! anrerior ro sera LZ l4r and l0A apart from selac

16 and tZ r€spfativcly (Fig.l6A). Peritr€me .qching beyond sc|a y. tip slightly curv€d. Perit.€mal shield base sparulare, poinred anteriorty, .ounded posleriorly (Fi8.l6-D). Ste.nal shield smoorhi 69r tong,76p widci slighrty covex medio-posterior; slightly concave medio-anreriorlyi 3 pairs setae, pores not visible, I < I-rI,

maximum €rpansion opposite anal shield; 3 pahs preanal selae ard I pan

rounded pores (Fig.fGC). Folrr pairs stac includirs vLl 43tr totg, I paln

pores on membrane suriounding ventrianalshield. Metapodal platclets 2 pairsi

primary I pair l8p long, secondar) | pair 7ir long (Fig.l6-C). LeglV wnh

3 mcros€lae, I seta each on g€nu, ribia and basitarsus m€ 90r!, 69f and

5ll in lensth, respectively (Fis.l6-D. Spefinarhecar C€rvir fu'net-like 16#

lonS; atrium round€d atrached to ce.vix base; major-ducr tubular; v€sicle droplct-likc (Fig. l6E).


ryPE: Hototyp€ female, co ecred Changa Manga on t9.x.1992 (Sae€n) from "She€sham fenvea" (Datbersiq sisso) deposired in Acarotosy ^nd Research Laborato.y, Deparrmenr of Agri. Enronotogy, U.A.F.

REMARXSf Anblyseius ttba, &w A. obnod.o, new Wecies and r. raarr, new sp..ies form a sroup of species having followins cornmon

l Dorsal shield concave near S2. t26

2. Stcrnal shi.ld sctlc I

3. Pcrircm. @chin8 bcyond $ts Y.

V€ntrianal ahield smooth.

5. S€Ia YL, smooth.

6. Menbnnous fold betw€en gcnibl and ve.rrianrl shietds p.€senr.

Thc following poin6 sepsraro,4. rar.,a, ncw specics oth€f sp€cies.

t. Chelic€nt movabt. digir with 4 rcerh in ftis new species but 3 h other

2. Do.sal chicld wirh concavc rca nsr 12 md bcrw€en ,6rZ itr rhis ncw spccEs bur n€r 12 in 4tolo, n $ U atu 32 in we6.

Dorsal shictd 3. with 3 pair$ por€s (2 plires ctxprrcal and I |n rh's new spccies ehcrej! 3 pans ar en in abndo pairs (3 pairs roundcd, I pair e iplicat) in va86.

Ventrianal preanatpor€s shield roundeij h this nev ellaprcal

5. Shape of spc.marhe.a difTers h aU rhes€ speoics. Fir.l6. ,{,r}rri.i|rj t &r, r€e specie3

I6'A Dorsal shield l68 Cheliera

| 6-C St€mal, genital and yentrianal shields

IGD P€ritrenal shield base l6E

IGF Leg IV Fig.15

t7 l1 t



t27 I28 <\------:>/r{ -/p..=-+

16- ,/

t, r t6-E / I A ttNt r

15r t29

l' ab,todo, ner spedes


FEMALET Dorsalshield sflooth, 364! lon8, 234P wid€; l7 pairs selae and 3 pai.s visible rounded pores (Fig.l7'A) Ch€licera 39& lon8. movable disir wnh 3 |eeth and nxed disit with 12 teeth (Fig.l7-B). All do.sal shield selae smooth. Dorsaf shi€ld setae: y 36tti Dl= D2= D3= D4=l0ti Cl6Pt

Lt izy, L2= t3=l}p, u 82p,15= L6= L7= llp, L8 28o$ M r = M2=lor,

M3 l43p; Sl = s2=10/r (bolh on meinbrane). set' Ll>LI'L2, n


Peritremal shield basc concave mcditlly, rounded posteriorlv, pointed

(Fis.t7-D). Stemal shield smooth, flat poneriorly, conver, 78lr

lon8, ?04 widc; 3 pai.s sctae, 2 paks poresi I

serae I pair, each seta on a sepatale platelel Ccnirdl shield snoolh, 78P wide'

I pair s€be, wider than ventrianal shield widlh. Genital shield and ventrianal

shiclds 26p apart with a membranous fold inbetween. Venlrianal shield

s;ooth, vase-shaped; ll4p long,65r wide; 3 pai6 preanal setae and I Pan

€flipticaf pores (Fis.l7-C). Four pairs setae includins VLI lzp long, I P it

minute platelets on menbrane sufrounding ventrianal shield Melapodal t30 platelers 2 paks; prinffy I pah 26r long, secondary I pah l8A long

(Fig.l7-C). L€g Iv with 3 macrosctae, I seta.ach on genu, libia and basilarsus m.asuring 1304, llTF and 83F in l€nsth, rcspectively (Fig.l7-D. Ccrvix tunnelshapcd, l8,r lont, lop wide; atrium rounded

iDcorporatcd medially with cervix; vesicle oval (Fig.l7-E).

MALE: Not known-

TYP& ttolotyp€ femal€, collecred 2 Km. N.Murree (6500 ft)on

2.x.1992 (Sac€d) from unde!. host plant No.4/92 and deposited in Acarology

Res€arch Llboratory, Depann.nt of A8d. Enlomolosy. U.A.F.

REMARI6: Atnblrseius abnodo, rc$t species can bc separated from ils closcly rclat€d spccies,{.r4t6, new speries on the basis of following poinrr:

l Ch€liceralfircd diSit with 8 te€th h raaur wh€r€as 12 teeth in this o.w spccies.

' 2. Dorsal shield 12 and 52 in vaalr but withour concave area in this ncP species.

. 3. Dorsalshi€ld with4 pai.spor€s (3 pails rounded, I pai. elliptical) in voa6 but 3 pahs roundcd pores in this ncw species. t3l

4, Sct! lr3 poa&rior in pocition !o s.t! l,6 h wat r but.rt rior ir this ncr, spCcic,g.

5. Slrmal shicld stri5ied htlrally in q&.s bd lmoorh ir this r.w

. 5. VcrtrirDrl shicld quldrrtr in rrSt r but vrsc-shrpcd in fti! ncw

7. I'hi.lci! .b!.nt on ncdlbrllE $rroufllinS v€ntri.ral shicld in ru8|.J but I poir prcsc in lhb ncw sp€rias.

8. Onc pair port5 on m.mbn[. srrioordiry v.Itrirn l shicld tur logr.r but $rdt in rhi! nlw spccics,

9. Shrpc of rpcrm.thcca difrcB in tl|cs. spccias. YtE.l1. Afrrr,,l,,,s tu, rd rt dc.

l7-A ,...... f,bn t.hLtd l7-B .,..,.., Cldiccn

. 174 .,....,. $.rnl, Scoibl.Dd vc[trlrEt lhiddr l7-D .;...... hdrrlnl sti.U b|tc t7:E l?-P ...... , Le Iv tri9.17

I t

t ,l



t32 ; +-^gt' ,l ,'f K Pqi---+


\-r- 15r 134

l9.An nJs€tur rdsas, oew sp€cie,


FEMALE: Dorsal shield smooth, t2 and J2 flar posteriorly, 364r long, 2604 wid€: | ? pairs seta€, 4 paic vis;bl€ pores (3 pairs rounded, I pair elliptical) (Fi8.l8-A). Chelicera 35/ long, movable diSit wilh

3 tath, fixed digi( witl 8 subapicalteeth (Fig.l8-B). Alldorsal shield setae smooth. Dorsal shicld setlc: y32Fi Dl- D2= D3= D4=l0pi Cl6tt:

Ll 42y, 12= L3=10p, U 124p, L5= L6= L7=lOt!, L8 208pt M|=

M2=loA M3 l31y; Sl= S2=6p (both on nembrane). Set:nc LI>LI-L2'


,6 and LZ respectiv€ly (Fig.l8-A). Perilremc rcachin8 beyond seta v, tip slighdy di.ect€d downwards. Peritremal shicld bale broadly rounded posteriorly, poinled anteriorly (Fig.l8_D)- Sternal shield striated laterally, lobalc posleriorly, convex ani.riorly, L=B=83p, 3 plhs setae, 2 pairs Pores,


Wl 78p toaa and I pai. por$ or membrarc surroundinr venlrianat shi€td.

Melapodal platolets 2 pairs; primary I pair, poinr€d posle.iorly, 26! tongr

secohdary I pai., l3A long (Fig.t8-C). Leg IV wirh 3 macrosebe, each set.

on 8cnu, tibia and basitarsus measuring l40rr, 104ll and 74ir in t€ngth,

re; (Fis, l8-D. Spermarhela: c€rvix tub+tike (tubular, stighay na.ed

near v€sicle bas€, 2q! bngi atrium knot-tike; mqjo.-ducr tubutari vesict€

round.d (


TYPE: Holotypc fcmatc, co ccred Samlsar|a on 7. .1991 (Sa€€d)

host plaot No.7/91 ad deposiled in Aca.ology Rescarch

D€partme of Agri. EnroDologJ,, U.A.F.

REMARLS: Anbt seius vosus, rew spccr€s can be separaEd fron its cfosely relrted sp.cies A. abaodo, nev spcc'es on |nc basis of foltowing charrclers;

I, Ch€fic€ral fired digir wirt t2 a]eth in abnodo btll tccth in this t36

2. Dors{l .hicld concavc nlr S2 in ahodt but concr 12 and 52 in this new spccies.

3. Do.sll shield wilh 3 prirs visible ou'ded pores in ohndo blt 4 !'aiB (3 pqirs round€d, I pair.lliptical) it this n€\, speci€3.

4.,ttJ aa s.o|c level in alnodo but Fxlerior in posilion io lhis ncw sp€cl€s.

' 5. variunl shicld vasc-snaped in ottodr but quadrrle ir lhis new

. 6. Or. pair platlld6 or mcmb.anc surrcunding v.ntrirnsl shield ir arnodo but abscnt h lhis rlcw sp.cies.

?. Porcs tb6ert or dlcmbnnc sonounding vcnt.imal snien in obnodo but I pair por€! pr€scnt in this ncw sp€cics.

8. Sbipc of sFrm{hec. diffeB in both rhc speies. Fis. 18. . ,,|rtsdt|. arr.r, new sFcies

t8-A Dorsal shield t8-B Chclicera l8-c Stcrnal, gedlal md ventrianrl shields

| 8-D Pcrilremal shicld base l8,E l8,F I-eg lV Fig.18

1 I



tn fi J\ \l

18-B (d f r8-c

fF--rf lo^ 4 v /\ " \, $'/ \,,;,,,,/ - ^

I'I t39

2O.A boseius haften, nes specjcs


FtrMALE: Dorsal shield smooth, pqFshaped. 3?0p long,220p wide;

17 pairs etae, 4 pairs pores (2 pairs rounded, 2 pairs elliprical) (Fis.lg-A).

Chelicera 30ll long, movable digit with 3 reerh, fixed diSil wjrh t0 subapical teeth (Fig.lg-B). All do.sal shield serae sm@lh excepr 18 sc.rare- Dorsat

shi.ld set .: V22piD|= D2= D3= D4=lztr', Cl6p, Ll 24p, L2= tj=t0tt,

IA 421t, U= L6= L7-10p, U W tlt M1= M2=10y, M3 82pi Sl = S2=t0t1

(both oo mcnbrane). Scta r./ .eachiry bale sera t2, U

Seta MJ post€rior ro 1"6; l8& and 20t apart t om seta e L6 L7, rcsrycrirety ^nd (Fi8-19-A). Peritrcm€ reaching upro seia 4 rip srraight. Perirremal shictd base rouoded posteriorly, lointed anreriorly (Fig.l9-D). Ste.natshietd smoorh,

7Er looE, 60p widel flat poste.iorly, convex anr€riorly, 3 pai|s s€rae, 2 pahs poras; I<[U, II

3 pairs preanal setae, I pair roundcd (Fig.l9-C). Merapodat ptatet€B 2 t40

paiB; prima.y I pair 26A lor8, secondary I pair l2A lorg. Four pairs serac

including yll 5?r on menbrare srrrolrding venrrianal shi€ld (Fi8.l9-C). Leg

IV with 3 mcrcstae, I scta each on 8enu, ribia aod bNila.sus me{

1301, 96r and 85f in lensth, .Bpccrively (Fi8.19,D. Spe.marhecar Cervir

boll-shaped, l6f lon!, 5p widei arriun rounded; major-ducr rubulari vesicte

irregular in shape (Fig.l9-E).


TYPE: Holotyp€ f€male, cofl€cted I K'n. N. Batakot (Saran Va ey,

4000ft)on (Sae€d) from under. hosr plam No.8/90 and deposit*l in

Acarology Res€arch Laboratory, Depanmenl of Agri. Entonrology, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Anb\sei^ W..zi, rc\| can b€ s.parered from

,{. lon&rj, new sp€cies on rhc basis of folloving poinrs:

t. Cheliceral nied digit wnh I reerh in loaarE but l0 teerh in this

2. Dorsal shield with 3 pairs visible rounded pores in lorgai bur 4 p.irs (2 pai.s rourded and 2 pais elipricar) in $is new sp@i€s.

3. Sela L8 smoo$ in /nrg6 but seraL€ in this new species. l4l

qnd rht n! tn Mcmbnnous fold 8.nital vcnkiadl shields 1. ,ort6 bui P.cacnl in d . nlw sPr'3' surrculding Oa D.h DhElcts td I poEr od m'nbrrE vdtrittrl shicld in t 44||, b{t rtc'nt in lhB n'w sp€'rcr'

lhc sp'oies 6. Shrpa of in bolh l4t

tuld b*v.d v'ollind i! 4. M.obr.dlt !'!nd 'd 'hbldt 'b"6' lrnf'li b||l Pft..ot h thb lcw !Pcc-E3' 5. OD !.lt id I Fn Ft!' on mnbr.E a|roodEg v.nkia! lhield in lrra6 bul lbted In tDE nar' lFrcs 6, shnc of rlanrth.c. diftrs ir both th' sp'oic6' Fia.lg. Atn ls.hts luJ.ed, neld sp€cies

l9,A Dorsal shield l9-B Ch.liccra l9-c Stcrnll, gcnibl and ve rianal shiclds l9-D Pcritr€mal shicld base l9-E t9-F Lc8 IV Fi9.l9

I 7l orl ilr \ \\ f I ? ?


19-A IQ t43

19-0 / r / t9-E t)o"rl?n Vt r9-c t5lu 144

2l .An rseius kngus, ncl' sryies


FEMALE: Dbrsatshield smooth, stightly concave near.t2,3t?F long,

Z6p wide; l7 pairs sera€ and 3 pairs visibt€ rounded pors (Irig.Z&A). Chelicera 32rr long, movable dign wirh 2 te€lh, fixed digil with 8 subapical t€.u (Fis.2&B). Alt dorsat shierd setae smmrh. Dorsal shietd setae: y26p; DI= D2= D3= D4-tOp, Ct 6u Lt 3Op, L2= L3=t2p, L4 9,1p, L5= L6= L7=12p, tA 208s; Ml=MZ-tO!. llr'J lJori .r/=S2= t4l (borh on

mcmbrane). Serae Z./ >1./"L2, L2

Pernr€m€ reaching beyond sera y, peritremal straighr tip. shjeld base flat. rounded posleriorly, pointed aderjorly (Fig,2GD). Srernalshicld smoorh,78t. long,604wide,, ltightty concave medio_anrefiorty; 3 pairs setac and 2 pahs, I

(Fig.zo-C). Les IV with 3 nucrcselae, I sela each on renu. tibia and basibrsus m€asuring 156t, l(Xr! and 78t in length, respectively (Fig.2GF).

Spconath.ia: C€rvir b€llshapcd, 28rr lotrgi atrium round€d; major-duct tubula.



TYPE: Hololype femal€, collccted ? Km. N.€ (6500 ft)on

3.r.1990 (Saecd) fmm undet. hosl planl No.7/90 and d€posited h Acarology

R€scarch Laboratory, Department of Agri. Entomology, U.A.F.

R.f,MA.RXS: Anbltseius loagut, ftw spe.ies can bc sepa.aled fiom

A. haf..zi, new so€giea dw !o followins cha.acters:

l. ChElic.ral fired digit wilh l0 te€th in ,at€.i bul 8 tceth in this

2. Dorsal Ehield with 4 pairs visible pores (2 pails rounded, 2 pai.s elliplical) in ,4Frezi but 3 pai.s visible rcunded pores in thh new

3. Seta L8 s.ft^tr. in Me.zi bul smooth in this new species. .t$ 4. M.eboro{a bld pr.c€ot bcw! 8e.ihl |nd v.tLdanal leidd. io ,qLa, hrl .b6cd ln di. Ec, 5. l||eL$ .h..ra @ m.Ebne .urmltding v€t|tri.|||l shkld i! ,Ltt4i hi I Fir phtelro prc.ot in diis Dw 6, Sbf of rFrn|tbd ft.t i! lt sc tl! s!.ci.s- Fig.20. A'nhlrll.ias la\gus, n€w spoci€s

20-A Dorsal shield

20-B Ch€lacera

1+C Stcrnat, genital and ventrirnal shields

2GD Perilrcrnal shield bo$ m-E Sp€rmalheca

20-F L.g IV Fis.20

\A $r


147 148

r I,


I f

20-c 15t 149

22. Jastis, \ee s0fjdf5 (Fig 2l)

IEMALE: Dorsal shield smooth, shield bluntly poitrt€d anteriorly and; 325f long, 208A wide; 17 pairs serae and 6 pai.s visibte rounded

pores (Fis.2l-A). Ch€lic€ra 3lrr lonr, movabl€ disir wirh 2 r€eth, fixed disjr

with 9 subapical te€th (Fig.2l-B). Alt dorsat shield serae snoorh. Dorsal y sbield s€tae: 28r;D/= D2= D3= D4=tO$i Ct 6t. Lt sZp, L2= Lj=t3tt,

I4 1lh IS- L6= L7=10r, L8 t21pi M|= M2=t'p, MJ S6pi St = S2=t511 (borh on membrarc). Seta LI>L|-L2; others serae shorr of disrince to sera neit iD line. S€ta MJ postetiot to seta L6; 2Or and Z2A apan from seiae ,6

and t7, resp€rrively (Frg.2t-A). pern.eme r€achins beyood sera y wirh

straight tip. Perirr€mal shield base rounded post€riorly, stighrty pointed (Fig.2l,D). Srernat shield srriared tarerally, concave posrerio.ty, conv€x ante.iorly, 88r tor8, 70A wide;3 pair$ sera€,2 paks; In- I Merastc.nat serae I pair, cach sera on a s€pa.are ptateter. Genilal shield smooth, 9lr! wide, I pah selae; not wide. rhan venrriand shietd width. Genital and vcrrrianal shi€tds l3p aparr wirh a nembranous fotd inbetw.en. Vcrtriaoaf shi€ld smooth, shield-shap.d, l24p ton}, t}4y widei ) pr€3nal Parrs setae and I pair .ound€d pores (Fi8.2l-C). Four paris seta. 150 includins vL./ 60r long, on metnbrane surounding ventrialal shield

Melapodal platelets 2 pairs, p.ima.y I pair 23A loog, lecondary I pair l3A long

(Fie-2I-C). I-eg lV with 3 macros€tac, I sela elch on tenu. tibia and basitarsus measuring 10p, 5'7p aw! 674 in length, respectivcly (Fig.2l-F)r

Spemathera: Ccrvix funnel-shapcd; atriun round€d, incorporated in mid- cervix; major{uct lube-likei vesicle rounded (Fi8.2l-E).


TYPE: Holotype female, collected I Km. S.Balakot (Sarat Vallcy. a500fi)on (Sae€d) fron und€t. host planl No.9/91 and deposited in

Acarology Research Lnboratory, Dcpartmenl of Agri. EnroDology, U.A.F


Chaudhri and,{, srrdil4r, new spccics are closely related to one anoher duc to most of body charact€.s.

Ambltseius fitstlt, new spc.ics can be separated from othe. above mention€d species or account of following charactersl l5l

I . Ch-rl.q.l @vrbh ditit $$ I looth h 4{rtar rd rarlrd.r htr 2 in ihi! acw $€cic!.

2. Slern l $icld .€tr trII.III h lth Ew !pcd.r.

3. Ventii.n|l shicH pr! rl por!3 alliFical in mgaro. aad rodtd.t bur rwrdd itr thi. ocw spcci..

4. Snre. of ap..osdE6 difrf| n dl ttE a apccias. Fig.Zl. Anblrselw lustb, new spcles

2t-A Dorsal shield

2t-B Chelicera

2t< Stcrn , Seflital and shi€lds

2t-D P€ritrcmal shield bas 2t-E

2l,F Leg Iv Fig.21

?1 tt


21-A t53


21-O f r1 t7 t\ 21-E / 7' \ I

I t54

23.Arnblrseins so Aus, oew sBcies


FEMALE: Do.sal shicld smooth, deply corcave nar J?; 355a lon8,

234r \9ide, l'l pairs serae and I paif visible rounded pores (Fig.22-A).

Chelicera 28rt loog, novable dign with I rooth. fixed digit with 9 subapical

teeth (Fig.22-B). Alldorsal shiold scrae smooth. Dorsal shicd selac: y2lpi

Dl = D2= D3= D4=l0r; Cl Stt; Ll 441, L2= LJ=t61t, r,zt 781t, IS= L6=

L7=16p, L8lzgrti Ml= M2=10/, M3 83t1i St: t2=18r. (borh on mcfibhae). Sel6 Ll > Ll -L2, L2 < t2-13. 13 < l3-L4. Sera rlLt anterior ro s€ta l,6i lslt ann 22/ apa trcn t6 L7, respectivety (Fig.22-A). peritreme ^nd rcaching beyond seta y wirh skaight tip. Perirremat shield basc flat, straighr, both ends rounded (Fig.?2-D). St€rnal shield srnoolh; L=B=83p, tobatc poste orly, convex anteriorly,3 pairs setae,2 paris pores, I

(Fi8.22{). Metaslernal s€Ee I pak, each sera on a separale ptaleter. Gcniral shi.ld snooth, 90t wide, I pair s.ta.; nor wider rhan venrrianal shield widrh.

Genital and ventrianal shiclds l8/ aparr with a membrarous fold inbcrwe.n.

Ventrianll shield st.ialed, shietd-shaped, t30rr ton8, 94A wide, 3 pairs preanal setae lonsitudinal sr.aisht line, I pair ellipricat pores (Fig.22-C). Four pairs 'n sefae including VLI 65p long and 3 pairs pores on membrane suiiounding t55 ventrianal shi€ld. Melapodal platelek 2 pahs; prinury I pai. 23r lons. secondary I pair l0A long (Fig.z2"C). Lcg lV with 3 nac.os€tue, I seta cach on genu, tibia and basita.sus measurins 78f,45r and 784 in length, resp€ctively (Fig.22-D. Spermalh€ca: Cervix bell-shaped,20/r lons;atriumC- shaped; major{uct tubulari v€sicl€ round€d (Fis.22-E).


TYPE: Holotype f€male, collected 2 Km. E.Abbotabad (3500ft)on

17. ir. 1990 (Saeed) from "Bh^ E' (Ca,u.bis satieo) deposit'd in Acarologv ^nd Rcsearch l2boratory, Dcpanment of Agri. Enlonologv' U.A.F '

REMARKSi A'nblyseius sotuih$, new sp€cies is separable from

A. nugator A]t,m d and Cbrudhri by tating inrc consideration the following

l. Mcmbmnous fold b€tw€en genital and vedrianal shields absent tn ntl8drrr but presenl in this new species.

2. v€ntrianal shield reticulated in rqatol'bul sl.iated in this new sPecies'

3. Pores absent on metnbrane surounditrS ventrianal shield in tr484?o/ bul 3 pairs in this new sp€cics.

5. Shrpe of spcrmathcca in boti th. species FiE. ZL.At,,bl$eius sordidus, nclt sp€ci€s

22-A Dorsal shicld

22-B Chelicera

22-C Slernal, genital and ventrianal shields

22-D Pcrilr€mal shicld base


22-F Irg IV Fi9.22




t/\ a'/l \ t.l/\ \r \

\ $,



156 t51

f I t" A ,| tA) 22- 'lul tt-u W U v ---\) \// --_2---- f l----'< f ,/'--.< ^-\r 22-E I r4r!

22 -C l5E

24. Amblrs.las blosls Lh.||rd snd Chaudhri

Anblrseius blosis Ahsi,ad Chaudh.i, 1989: 42-44 ^nd ' Xnorrn Dhitibulior: PAKISTAN: Mdyan (Swat Vauc], 4000 fi)

. Knor|,n Ho6t Plrnt Undct No.l6E2

New Dlstributlon Records: The sp€cinicns of this mite sp€cies havc llso been coll€cted from the following localities .nd host


Bafalot 12.ix.1993 Pi,/$ sp. (Saran valley, aom ft)

Daddar 04.i,(.1991 Pin6 sp. (Saran Valley, 4m0ft) t59

25.Anbtrs.n.t hc.Dus, nev spesi6


FTMALE: Dorsar lhicld smooth; broadly concave ncr S2i 387 tt lo^E, zlztL wide; l7 pairs setae and 5 pai6 visible rornded porcs {FiB.23-A). Chelicem

29A.long, movable digit whh 3 teeth, fixcd diSit with 8 t€eth (Fig.z3_B).

Dorsal shiefd setae smooth. Donal shield setaer V 39lti Dl= D2= D3=

D4=lO$ CI6$ LI 55p. L2= U=12r. U ll2p L5= Lo= L7=12'r.

L8 229tr; M|= M2=lOp, M3 85pi Sl= 52= 104 (both on membrane). Seta

Ll>Lt-L2, l2

v, tip slightly recurv€d downwards. Perilremal shield base ribbonnike

(Fig.23-D). Sternal shietd smooth, flar post€riorly, convcx anteriorlv, 834

long, 7?r wide; 3 pairs selae, t=I- , II

Metisternal seta€ I pair, each seta on a separat€ platelet. Cenilll shield

smooth, t?ir wide, I pair selae. Genitaland venlrianal shiclds l9/r apart wilh

a dembranous fold inbetwecn. Getital shield wider than ventrinnal shi€ld

width. Ventrianal shi€ld smooth, 9'lr long, 64p de; corners

lounded, a distinct wsist nqr PreDal sela IU; 3 pairs prerdl s€tae, I Pan

elliptical porcs (F;s.23-C). Four pairs sclae includins vLt 61( toq on 160 memb.aD€ su.rounding ventrianal shield. Metapodal platclets, 2 pairs; primary

I ?0p long, parallelgnFlike, secondary puir long (Fig.23-C). .pair I 8r

Leg IV with 3 mac.oselae, I seta each on genu, tibia and basitanus measuring ll7p, 89p and 70r in l€ngth, respc4tively (Fis.23-F). Spermarhcca: Cervix tubula., forming disc posteriorly; atrium undiffe.entiated; najor{ucr tubular: v€sicl€ round€d (Fig.23-E).


TYPB: Holorype f€male, collecred I Km. E. Thda (Sind) on

Lx.1993 (S&ed) 'iam^n'

Department of Agri. Bntomology, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Ahbllseius la..n6, n w species is closely r€lated to

,,i. ,/os6 Ahmad aM Chaudhri due to nany morphological characters. The folloring characters are responsible to separate this new sp€cies from ,.{. ,losir

Ahmad and Chaudhri-

l. Chelic€.al movablc digit with I tmth in rlorir but 3 eeth in this new spe.ies. l6l

2. Dorlal rti(rld with 3 viriblc pors in Ahsir shcrl|s 5 Fir. poras h this rpcciar. '3. 'r€w ,t, Dd.ior !o sctr 16 in ,{ari.r wlEr.r. post dor in poritio[ i! 6i6 lrw lpcciq.

. 4. I||.obriq|r fotd bdtJe f ia.t rDd v.ddrEl in ,rrlrr bul pltr.J|l iD Air mc/ sDcci.s.

5. of sp.rD|th.c{ difft in both t}. sp.ctes. Ftt. 23"ti!Orr&, &Gorr, -r.!.9

Z3-A ., "...,. Dottd dndd 23.B -...... c!.tic.f.

23-C ...... St€rnal, feniLi rad vd*rialLl lhalds &D .,...... F.riEluI stiau tolc a-B 23-F ..,i.... regry Fig.23

le 1? I f r63

Atl 1'/

\ t

23 164

26.Atnrts.iur ,,i/c, new speei$i


FEMALE: Dorsal shield smooth, deeply concave rcar.'2, 396p lons,

247p wid.i l'l pans setae, 22 pri$ visible pores (2t pai.s rounded, I pair

elliptical) (Fig.z+A). Chelicera 28A long, movabte digh with 2 reerh, fit€d

disit wirh 7 lecth (Fig.2+B). Alldorsalshield s€rae smoorh excepr Z8 serrate.

Dorsal shield setae: v 28tri DI= D2= D3= D4=l0ttt Cl 6rri Lt 46p, L2=

lJ:l3tt, L485* IJ= In= L7=l0tt, !;142F1 Mt= M2=!OF, M3 9ttli

.t/ = 52= lor. (both on memttr.rc). S.t^ Li =Ll-L2, L2

S€ta nr'J at lev€l witn seta L6 ba6e; lot ud 20p aparr trcr|. L6 LZ, ^nn respectively (Fig.24-A). P€ritrorDe reaching beyond s€ra 4 stmighr rip.

Peritremal shi€ld base rounded posr€riorty, poinred anreriorty, convex medialty

(Fig.2+D). Slcrnal shield smoorh, 78r lone,7r' widc, flar posre.iorty,

slightly concav€ medio-dreriorly; 3 paks serae and 2 pairs poresi I


G€nital shield smooth, I pair serae, 78r wide, nor wid€r than venr.ianal shield width. Gennal and venlriaral 27A apan wirh a nEmbcoous fotd inbetw@n. Vcnirianal shield smoo6, shield shaped. tlTA ton8,9tA yidei 3

Pairs preanal setae in a straighl longitudinal line, I pair rounded t65

(Fig.2+C). Fou. pairs sctae includinS vll 664 long and I pa'r porcs on nembranc surrounding ventdanal shield Metapodal platelels 2 pairs; Primary

I pair 20p long, secondary I pak, I34 long (Fi8.24'C) Lcg Iv with 3

macrosetae! I seta €ach on genu, ribia and basita.sus measuring 784, 62r and

?8r in length, rcspectilely (Fi8.2+D. Spermathc@: Ce.vii bcll-shaped' lEA

long, ?r. widei atrium round€d incorpontcd in nid cervir; mtjor ducl tubulari

vesicle oval (Fis.24-E).


TYPE: Holotyp€ female, cotl€cted I Km S. Balakot (Sa'aD Vallev'

4500ft)on 13.ix.1992 (Saeed) from und€! host Plani No.9/92 and dePosiled in

Acarology Research lnboralory, Department of Agri Enlomologv. U A.F

R.EMARXS: ,nuar, ncw sp€cies, A. DtuMutus, nev

to most of sp.cies and ,{. ./? ,i@, new spc.ics are close to one anofi.r duc

body charactcrs but following poinls separate .'1. flr)ilr, new speljies from other

l. Cheli€eral fixed digit with 7 teeth itr this new species wher€as 6 to€ih in othe. sPecies. t66

2. DoMl shield with con@ve ar., nerf S2 in this new species wher€as concave between seta ,S/-S2 in ,r!r.ld!.r and wnhout coicave il un, ^tea 3. Dorsal shield with 22 pahs visible por€s in this r€w specics as against 2 lnd 4 p€irs in,'tl.rd!tut a lmun, rcspextivety.

Seta rS seratc in this new species bul smoorh in orher species.

5. S€ia MJ rt levcl wirh sera L6 in ihis new species but posrerio a||d anlerior in position in /,llrnd&1l,lj and/erurr, re$pecl;v€ly.

6. One pair porcs on suriounding ve'..ianal shictd in this n.w species rs agains! 3 pairs and I pair pores i. ,r@drr{ and lra&rn, reso({,riv.ty.

Shapc ofsp€rmatheca differs in these speci€s. Fig. 24.A|nblrseius ,ntndt' new spccies

2+A Dorsal shi€ld

2+B Chelicera

2+C Sternal, genital and venrrianal shields

2+D P.ritremal shicld base

2+F t glv Fig.21

c 1. a



21-a 1\--? A l_I z4 -6

r\ ",2 ?f .1 r 24-E ? ? \ ral r 1 ('Y


21, -C 169

27.Attwlseius mundufus, nev species

' (Fig.25)

FEMALE: Dorsat shietd smooth; concrvc ne;tr 32; 3,72p tong, Z46p

widc; 17 pai.s serae, 2 pairs visibtc rounded porcs (Fis.25_A). Chelice.a 29a

lont; movable daSir with subapicat 2 rccrh, fircd diAir wirh 6 subapicat reerh (Fig.2J-B). Dorsal shierd seke smooth. Do.sat shield scule: v44piDI= D2- D3= Dt4=10p. Ct6p; Ll S4p, L2= L1=tOp, L4 9Or, L5= L6= L7=10p, L8 204ri Ml= M2=lOp, M3 5OB: st= &=l0A (both on De4bran€). Sera t/ >a./-12, I2I-III (Fig.25_C). Merasrernatsche I pai., I sera each otr a pt.relct. c.niral shietd snoorh, 88A wide, t pair serae; Senaral shietd 12{ apan fron venr.ianll shietd; menDrdnous told absent o€twe€n |hem. c€njtat and ventrianal shields alDosr same tn wjdth (88rr).

V€ntrianal shietd shictd-shaped, stightty concave anBnofly, Z concave areas lalerally; 3 pairs sera€ and t pair pores ellipricnt (Fi8.2j-C). Four paiB serae t70

incl'uding VLI 64F long, 3 pairs porcs on nEmbrane surrounding venrrianal shield. Metapodal plalcl€ts 2 primary I pair rrimsuta. 22,r tong, secondary I pair l0r long (Fi8.25-C). L€g IV !,irh 3 macrosetaej I sera each on 8enu, libia and basillrsus measurinS ll5r,89r rnd 7lr in lcngth, respec.ively (Fig.25-F). Sp€.mathecar Cervix funnel-tike 29A tong: arium knot-like; majorduct tubular, vesicte rounded (Fig.?5-E).


TYPE: Holotypc fcmal., cotlecrcd 2 Km E Tharb (Sind) on

L )(. I 993 (saerd) from ricc ( O.tza sativa). paratypc 2 bmates. sane coltection data. Spe.imcns deposiEd in Acarology Rsenrch L:rborarory, D€panme of

Ag.i. EntomoloSy, U.A.F,

REMARI$: Anbltseiur hu'dulus, new species can be separabd from its closely related speries ,{. te&rr, new $p€cier on account of fo owing

l Chcliceral tnovable digir wilh I tooth iny'?rrn bor 2 r€erh in rhis lll

2. Dorsll shield without concrve area in/.era, bur concsve ncrr,t2 in this new species.

3. Dorsal shieu wnh 4 prhs por€s iDlr"x@x but 2 pairs por€s in this

4. Scaa tt3 anlerior in position to s€ta 1,6 intsn n but posterior in position in this ncw spccics.

5. Membranous fold bclwcd genital and ventriaml shields pr€senl in Fa?r./r, but absent in this n€w sp€cies.

6. Ventrianal shield vas€-shaped with rounded preanal porcs bur shicld-shaped with elliptical pores in rh;s new species.

7. One pair por.s on rncnbnn€ sur.ounding ventrirnal shield in ,..'l.,| but 3 pai!! po.cs in this tlcw species Frg.2sJrfarrrL.r.u&tr., ir.Fd.r

25-A ...,.... Do.s.l ![Lld 25-B ...... ct tbln

?.tC ...... , S:acrrlt, illhat.rd v.ntrimd shi6ld!

2$D ....,,.. Pr.i!!nd *icH b.6c

?5-B zrP .-....,, r.s IV F ig.25


25-A t11

25-B rd z a-u

a3- ,l -( /. t{

l 1 I, 7 'l

-l!-L 114

29.A'nbtrsei s fte un, new specier


FEMALE: Dorsal shield smooth; concav€ area absenl ,37 4P long,2494 widc; l7 pairs seta€,4 pairs visible por€s (3 pairs rounded, I Pair elliprical)

(Fi8.26-A). Chelic€ra 30,! long, novable digit with I tooth; fixed diSil with

6 subapical teeth (Fig 26-8) Dorsat setae snooth and simple' Dorsal

shield setzet y28t!,D|= D2= D3= D4-lOILi Cl 6ri LI 47P'L2= L3=lOtL' Il9Op, L5= L6= L7=lO,. L82(op1 MI= M2=16P, M3 l2l$ Sl=

52=fop ftolh on membra'e). Ll>Lt'L2' L2

anrclior to L6. Sf,.a M3 zc,p 2Zp aPart fiom L6 and L7, ^nn 'especliv€lv (Fig.zGA). Peritrene reachins bevond sela v, Lip bcndins downwards'

pointcd uPper Peritremal shicld bls ribbonlikc, basc roundcd at lower side' at 764 side (Fig.26-D). Sterral shield snoolb; wavy Posteriorly; flat anteriorlyi (Fig 2GC)' long, 68p wide; 3 pairs selae, pores not visible l

shjeld Metasternal selae I pair, I seta each ot a separale Platelct Genital

smooft,78pwide, I pairsetae. Cenilal shield 324 apart from vent'ianal shield

wider than wi$ a double-lined membranous fold inbetween' Genilat shield wide; ventrianal shield width. Ventrianal shield smooth; l26a long' 56r! anleriorlvi 3 latcral marSin wift a conslricrion near Preanat sct lllr roundcd 175

pam preanal setae and I pair .ou'ded pores (Fig.26-C). Fou. pairu sehe idcluding yal 68r lorg, I pair porcs on npmbrane sucounding venr.ianal shield (Fis.2GC). Metapodat ptateters 2 pairs, p.iDary I pair 104 long, secondary I pair 44 tons. Leg IV wnh 3 macroseLac, I scra cach on genu, tibia. and basirarcus measuring t49r, |2p and 74a in t€ngth, r€spectivety (Fig.26'D- Sperrnarhecar Cervt( rubuta., slighlty |ar€d rowards vesicte; a$ium undiffercntiabd; major duct tubular; vcsicle snu , .ounded {Fig.2rB).


TYPE: Holotype f.mate, collected Cheechawatni on 26. ix.9 t (Saeed) fto'l:. !x,nlbe".y (Mo,u! alba). paratype 4 females, slme coltection darr. Atl specrmens deposited io Acarotogy Rcsearch Labonrory, Depaftmenl of Agri. EntonotoSy, U.A.F.

REMARXS: Anblrretgltetu,n, new species can be separare

L Chelicerat molabte diCit with 2 reelh in rrrrdrllj bur vilh I ooft 176

2. Dorsrf shi.ld com{v. acll S2 ia ultd!.las blrt without concave are3 iD lhis new spc.ics.

3. Dorsal shicld with 2 pairs visible por€s in but wilh 4 pairs visiblc pores in this now spe.ies. 'u2r&ra

4. Seta MJ postcrior in posilion to U h nuntut s but ant€rior in position ln this n.w specics.

5. Menbranous fold bctwecn Senital and ventrianal shields absent in rlrrdiA{r but prcscr in thi! new sp€cies.

6. Ventrirml shi.h, lhicld{h.p€d with elliplical P.@Ml Pores in rr.ndd6 bul valc-€hap€d wilh rounded pr€anal b this rcw

7. Thrcc pairs porc. on mcmb'lm surrourdi4 ventrianal siield in nor.r.r but I p{ir poras in this ncw sp€cies.

8. SbiF of spcrmrlt c! in both $e spei6. l|a.26.Artr,'bt Infln, !.tv rtr d.. bA .....,-. Dodrl lbicld 26-8 ...... Ct licrlt

-C , , , , . . . , sEfld, gcritd rnd v6n.rhn.l shbtd!

26D ...... Plritnod:lhiald b.G. 263 ,...... Sp€fdd..r z'.F ...... IrgIV ts tg. zb

f I

? ?

? I

? t


177 l?t

4 :__=-- a0- e / t


26-c 179

zg.Atab9s.ius irAula, ne|| spacics


fEMALE: Dorsal shietd smoorh, smoorh margins,

364p loD8,280! widei l7 pairs setae,2 pairs visibte rounded pores (Fis.27-A).

Chelic.ra 33F lont, movable digit wirh 2 teerh. fixed digir wirh 5 subapicst (Fig.27-B). te€th Alldorsal shietd setae smoorh. Dorsatshietd setac: y 26l.i

Dl= D2= D3= D4=l0tt Ct 6p; Lt 39p, L2= LJ-t\p, U74p, u= L6=

L7=l0!, L8 l9'pi Ml= M2=tO1t, MJ 96,i St= J2=lOp (botb on menbrare)- Sera Z/

seta L6; 30tr and 20r tpart fton. t15 and L7, tespect;yety (FiE-2.I-A). Pe reachins sera 4 srraiAht tip. perirremal shield bale broad. st.aight, rounded at both eDds (Fis.21-D). Srernat shi€td snoorh, concave posre.iorty, slightly concave medio-anreriorly, 7Oi. long, ?8A wide.I pairs s€rae aftt 2 pairs pores; I

(Fit.27-C). Four pai.s srac iftluding vll 56r long, I pair ninutc phElets

on membrane sudounding vertrianal shield. Two prirs mctapodal plateletsi

primary I pair, 23rr lons, secondary I pai.. loa lonr (Fi8.2?-C). Les lv with

3 mactoselae, I sela each otr genu, tibia and basitarsus measurirg 122p, 88r

and 78r in lenSth, respectively (Fig.27-R. Spermalhec! cup or bowt-shaped,

l6r. eid€; arrium .oundedi najor-ducr [be"tite (Fig.2Z-E).


TYPE: Hototype feDate, co ecred Madyan (Swar va ey, 50o0ti)on

l7.vii.1992 (Saeed) from undet. holt planr No.7/92.lnrt deposncd in Acarology

Research Lnborarory, Deparrnenr ot Agri. EnloNology, U.A.F.

REMARKS: Aabr.reir rralra, new spccres cai be separated from ils closely relared sp€cics,,t. ralri, ncw spccies duc to fo owins characrcN:

I. Ch€lic€ral fircd digil virh 4 reeth iD yalr's bur 5 teelh in rhis nep

z. Dorsal wirh lhicld 2 con.ave near $ra rl and J2 in va(/s DUt wrthour (oncave rrej in lhn new (I)eries. Iu

4, S.t. m .|l&fbr ir pditbo !o act| It io r.ufltr bot po.lcrbr in polilio!. in fiir now !p.cL.,

5. Stlrnd shield !€I. II-ILI in lu ir bd U

6. M!|nbrru|' lou b.tqra f.oilrl sd ydrri.r.l rhi.ld! pr..!ot ia lg lir hl .bd in rtL o* |pci!.. ?. v.dritgl .ti{d io rri'f ur.-rt in rhb au l.cL..

8. Sh.F oflp.nmlhl.| difi!$ in boah $. socctc. rif.n*rir't*t ,tO*, *t *

n-A ...,-.,. Doflt shicH n-B .,...,.. Cbolfrtrr

..,...,, Stcrml, gcnibl d vcrtrbmt rhicldr n-D .....,.. hrirqnal;hictd b!!. n-E ...... Sl,crlDrtbca

27.F ...... f.g IV Fig.27 -ffry

71 ?t

t t I I


27- A

tg2 27-B

f, t\ 7

/ 1

/ 1

27-c 184

30.,{r/rtreir.r ,arir, new spc.i6

(Fits 28)

FEMALE: Dorsal shicld smoorh: 2 concave areas. cach near and S2. '2 338p long, 234rt wide; l7 pairs setae, 4 pairs lisible pores (3 pairs rounded,

I pair elliptical) (Fig.28-A). Chelicera 30A long, movable digit wirh 2 teerh. fir€d disit widr 4 te€th (Fig.28-B). All dorsal shield sera€ smooth. Dorsal shield sel{er y 3l!; D/= D2= D3= D4=10t, Cl 6p. Ll 57p, L2= L3=l6tL,

Il 78p, lS= L6= L7=lOp, U l43tt; M l= M2= l01t, M3 94pi Sl = S2-t6p

(both on membrane). Set^ Lt>Lt-L2, L2

70r wide, lobale posteriorly, convex anreriorly, 3 pai.s setae, I< I-II, II= -tII

(Fig.2&C). Meras|c.dts.tae I pai., each s€ra on a separale plareler. ceniral shield smooth, 83r wide, I pair serrc, not wid€r rhan ventrianrt shi€td widrh.

GeDilal shi€ld and ventrianat shietds 12! aparr wirh a mcmb.anous fotd inber*e€n. Venrrianal shield quadrae, sriatcd, tarerat n.rgins w.vy, t20r long, 96p wide, 3 pai.s pr€analsetae, I pair roundsl pores (Fig.2S-C). Four paks seta€ including VLI 6stt tong,2 pairs pores on membrane srrrounding t85

ventrianal shield. Metapodal plaretck 2 prirsi prnnary I pair, lriangutar, 26p

secondary loda, I pai. l2r lone (Fig.2E{). Le8 IV eirh 3 nuc.oserle, I sela

€ach on genu, tibia, basiraGus measurioS 8lp. 57A aDd 8tp in t€nglh,

rcspeclivcly (Fig.28,D. Spermarheca: Ce.vir befl shaped, l4l tons, 54 widei

dnum undifferenriared; major{ucr tubular (Fig.28_E).


TYPE: Hotorype fenat€, co €cred Behrai, (Swat va ey, 500ofi)on lg.viii.l992 (Saeed) from urdet. hosrplanl No.6/92 lrd deposircrt in Acrrology Laborarory, Depanmen! of Ag.i. Enromology, U.A.F.

REMARKS: Anbtyseiuj valris, ne\| spe.ics can be separared from rts closely relared species,,t. yjfa&la, new speci€s duc to folowing poin8.

t. Cheliceralfixed digit with5 teerh in,iryrld bur 4 reerh L rhis new

2. Dorsalshi€td without concave area in tr8ala but wirh 2 concave areas eacn n€ar ,2 and 52 in lhis new species.

l. DoEal shield with pairo 2 pores i, ,i4;,r/4 bu( 4 pairs pores in this I

' 4. Sco lrt po.t rior h lo.ittu b It ti nryuto bua |!t tior in positior io this r.w spcclc.. 5. &e.nd sii.ld $ct tr<&lll ir vi€dr bot ll=II-UI in lhi! l|cw ,9€Cl6r.

6, Menbrsnou. fold b.twccn goritll aM v€nlrhnrl lhields ab$ol in tdrsr& htl prrsd|i In |!i. ncw apecic..

. 7. Vcntrirel |hicld lmoth i! ttrylr, bul.trLlrd in lbis aw sochs.

8. Shllc of tFrE$h..a difft8 iD bolh tle s!.cie F Atnblrseius vo.rrlJ, n.w sFci€s

28-A Dorsal shicld

28-B Chelic€ra

28-C Sternal, genilal and ventrianal shields

28-D P€ritremal shi€ld basc


28-F L€g ry Fi9.28





28-A IN, r88 /r / 1\\ J,^\{l/\ z6- 6


f ( f I Z;5={

15 r. 28-F 28-C 15,. sssqrEsi:cliitt EisE $s€€ n cs€ € Fl

$$s${$$$5$$$g$g -.1.i ri rvi 6 F.d oid -.:.n ri r vi

8 t: ln ,:i

\..t-----.-- oC tn 1J 3 o z -o a F E 2 )<. t, .9 C o_

189 E

t+irlf+?E3cigt*E-t -' -.{ -. * r - j -_s -. _' i sE€ *93€E*siEEFS g€Fes$sSSFSFSSS sd!dFiFiFiFi;iIigFnae _. .i

t :j I

\ \-_1

c o t, .2 J z € L -o F E 9 o :< J .9 c, o_ o- o tr)



ccnus Arrrrrsrr$ Bertesc

The scnus ,a,rbtrelar was created by Be.rese in I9t4 and designared

Z.rcon ofu^ut Koch, asits rypc specie.s. Ir was redescfibed byChanlin 1959, sinc€ thc sp€cies includ€d in rhis s€rus have v€ry remarkable differences,

Muma and D€nnark (19?0) splir rhis genus inro eighr genera including senus AnbDs.ius havill€ 'l.tla.rcsetae on att teSs and an e.€cr s€Iz on rarsls l_ I.runher,

rhrs genus ha.bou.s rwo types o I species i.e. wtrh Lt , L4, L8, MJ setae long and Ll, L4, L8, M3 s.tae shon i.e. spccies wirh long selac and specics wirh

sno.t setae. For rhe presenr disscnation; the spccies wirnLI, L4, LA, M3 serre

long havc been tak into considerarion.

Tie Acarotogists, quored under Rcview ofLirerarure, who are engaSed In rhe work on rhh have laken inro accoud mdl morphoto8ical cnaracre.s for ihe di$riminarion of tte ran of this gelus. AtDosi a rhe worx€rs have Lrscd the fo owiog charactersl

Dorsal siield ornamcotarjon, pors otr docal shieid, t@rh on

r9l 192

ch€ljceral movable and fixed di8ib, shaPe of lateral (r) setae and

median (l't) setac, shap€ of st€rnal shicld or venlral side'

omrnentation of Scnital and ventrianal shields, peritreme, pr€aoal

pores, macrosehe on leg Iv 8enu, tibia and basitarsus and shape

For the prcscnt work, the aufior has followcd th€ Philosophy of Muma and Dc'mar* (1970). How€ver, the Pe inent characters used it fie present work, for the scparation of ench species from ils ncarest relativei have been discussed in remarts under each specics.

Although, the prcsenl taxonomic studies include only those sp€cieswhich tfle Ll, 14, M3 U setae long, but for the purpose of phenedc studi€s all ^nd the spccia, so far, collect€d from Fakistan (irrcspective of the fad whether they came irlo the collecton of the pfesenr author or not) have been included

Thcic relatioships ar€ discussed as undc.: of sp€cies of thc 1.€nns A'nblys.i6 (Fig.B) based on comparison of charactcrs (Iable I) and similarity matrix (Table II) reveals enough variation ranSe for the classificatior.

The phenogram indicates mary small grorps linked to one another al differenl levels otsimilarity thus lbrflios rhree major clusters lirked asain with t93 each othef at different leveh oflffinity.

The first clusl€r comprises t$,o groups. In the first group thc highest affinity (96%) is depided betweeen stondus petectus, As both species are ^nd from the arid plairs of Palislan, h.ncc this high similarity could well be anribured to th€ satn€ climalc they itrhabit. Thc sP.cies b.atus and balios shov' an affinity of 86 and 85.33%, r€spcctivcly, with stolidus'petedw Pan. As thcs€ two sp€cies a.e tb€ dwellers of the similar clidatic zones, lh'r'forc. the high affiniry whioh rhese species depicl wilh rrortZas'PetectE pai. coild bc (96%)' an afiibute of clinal€ thcy dwell. lnterestinAlv' a verv hieh affinity agah in lhis group, is depided betwe$ rtrratdi'd and nora&s' which ar€

plains and dwelle.s of disc.€re localities having diverse climatic condnions of hills. Th..efote, lhis high affinity canrct be an lttribute of climtte but could

s€tae and be due to lhe presence of common characte's like simple dorsalbodv

83% wift already s€rrate seta L9. Thesc lwo laxa, in pair, show an affinily of linled lam and specics .ra€lar'.,r'tis bdns $e dwoller of plains.join lhis srouP

arr- 33% lewl of atfinity Lasllv, th€ species /vi'i4r-vex!r/a PairshowinS an affinity of 80% amons $em join ak.ady link€d species at ?2 85% level oi

A scannitrS of collection dah that as atfinity thus compleling the 8roup. 'eveal atic areas ol allthe sp€cies of lhis grolrp, except norarrr belong to si ilar cli t94

tropical plains, as srch the high affinitis ofth€ tata ofthis group could be an

attribua ofsimilar climate they dwcll, wh€reasjoining of notatr2s, a dwellet ot

diverse locality, to this g.oup indicate rhe abiliry of tho laxa of this genus to

adapt to differenl ecological habibc, yel sharilg ofnumerous characters r€flecr

thc occurrence of stable generic chrracrers in rhe members.

The second group, in thh clustcr comprises species opirio and dus,

bolh from tlle same hilly areas of Mingo.a (Swat Vallcy). These show an aflinity of 96% among thed, whercas, sp@ies raliJ-Jo.rzLr pair havinS a simifarity of 88 % among fhen join opr ia- idus pan 8294afica is- blosi! pah, both hilly rreas and having an affinity of 80% berween rhen join af.endy linked r^xa ar 75% atfiniry lcvel. This group shows a linkage wirh akeady formed trorp a168.37%. vhcreas, rhe sp€cies crA.rr, tasrty show an affirity of 61.60% with the whole group. The specics of bolh ihese lroups, lhough are $e dwellen of diff€.enr €cological mnes yet share a very high

Frcentase of similarny with each other and havejoined rogerher in one crusrer.

It could b€ conoludod rhat the rctarionships of lhesc taxa invotved doc$ not ncc.ssrily inply ccolosiqt retationship bot simita.ity coutd ralhe. b€ lhe altribute ofsharing common genetic chamcters nr gcrcric tevet_

The second cluster ofspecies formed, cornprke thrce groups. In th€ tirsl t95

8roup, sp€cies /rrra share 88% cha.actcrs vith ,Jc?k6, wherea, species

hwttlis, Dtittu and latrc-ntculorrr pan showinS 76% affinily amorg theDjoin

al.eady linkcd ot .loliu pan excelsur ar 78%,13.33% and 66% levels or

affinity, r.sp.cdvely. As all rhe speci€s of lnis group erc€pr doli/!r,t, are rbe

deellcm of hilly areas of no.ther. nountains, hence the.e allinity could wcll

be an.iblted to the similar ecological habitats they dwetl bur the high attnily

(3a%) ot doliw,t, from tropical pl.ins, virh .rcdr|rr from ecotogical

areas, cannor be auribued ro eology bur could be the atlribur€ of sharing of

similar morphological characreB tike smoorh dorsat shietd, shape and compa.ative sia ofgenitzland venrriaratshi€tds, reaching of pericrenat shietd y beyound seta and pre,senc€ of mac.oselac on teg IV s€gments. The second group, rev€als the hishest affiniry (84%) b€rween f{dr from norrhern hi y a.€as and ralpa from plains, whe.eas, the sp€cies crtea, ptain .r€as and hal.czi acain a dwellcr of nonhern hi sjoin rhis pair, respectivety, at 76% and

68% levels of affinily. thus fornrins a gfoup. This group shows an affinity or

625 wilh the first group whereas the rhird group, comprising onty two specics butSa .nd shovint d affinily of 72% join ^d Jo*t amo,s iheln, rhe ar.eady linked groups at 61.60% simitaril) tevet thrls fo.mjng a ctuster. As nury speci€s of th;s clustrr, conprising three groups. are thc dwclter of diver\e 196

ecological habitats yer they are ctusrered together which indicat€ thar rhe

affinity do€s not .eflecr rhe ecotoSicst retarionship bu1 probabty is due ro sharinS of cha.acrers like shoorh do6at shietd, smooth dorsal setac, shap€s of

Aenital ad venrr;anal shields and pres€ncc of nac.oserae on teg IV sgmenrs.

The lhhd clusrer of species in this phenogram comprise many sDatl

t.oups of sp.cies which are dweler ofdiverse ecotogicat habirars ot notic0t plains, low lands oflndus ptains and nonhern hi y areas bur a.c linked rogclher

at different levels ofaffir'ty. Th€ high affiniries beMeen rhe species from lhe simifar habihrs e.s. /rc.,rd addfdcalrr from ptains (q2 %)t enotus and takhti from suEnounrlnous arcas (SB%). coutd, atonswih c€nain conmon tnorphological chrmcl€.s b€ arlributcd to rh€ sjnilar €lotogicat zones lhey

dwcll. Furrhcr, the species phich are fmm diverse ccotogicat tocaliries and y.t eihibit a high degr€c of phytoscncric alnniry wirh oroe. sp€c,es, sirgty o. in groups, indicare rhal lhe affiniry coutd bc thc arrribute of commo, ancestrat

Fmm rlte above ciErions, ir b€comes ctearlhat rh€ species which are the dwellers of simila. ecologicat habiEts show a maximum tev€toraftinity anong tnem bur on the othcr hand rhey shov a.elarively tow levelofaffinity with the species collccred iiom ditfcre ecotogical zones. In cases \rhere the spe(ies 197

from divcrse ecoloSicat habitac have been grouped rogethef in a ctuster, the.e

il coDld bc @rcludcd $at rhis aftniry coutd bc rhe altribute of c€nai, gencric cha.acl€rs like sftoorh dorsalshieldr serute sehe rt 2, t8 and L9and presence ofmac.osctae on leg IV sqSments. From thes€ facrs, ir coutd be conchded rhat the relatiotlships ofrhese rala des not n€c€ssarily imply €coloSicat retaiiooship

but similariry coutd rarher be rh€ auribure of sharing of common Senetic cna.acbrs gcrEric ar tevct, Ir atso shows rhar the sp.cics dcspite. commo, ancestral solrce have a grear€r adapriv€ amptirude ro diverse ecotogiql

Froft rhe pr€ceedinS discossion rwo parle.n lnerse:

i) in some speci€s hich pheneric simitanry occor, whereas

ii) in some olhers th€ simitarity lcvel js tow. Thc obse.vcd simitariry could be by vinu€ of shared arkiburcd srates which incr€ases as lhe number otor propo.rions of lhes a[ribut€! iocreases.

However, somerimes we may resrrjcr rhe atrriburesi conside.ed, to those raxa alone which ar€ simitar itr diagoosis, in lhe sense rhar rh€ characrer chooseo arc shar€d only bysome but not by al lh€ spe.ies under consrderarion. A-similariry m.y lhus bc conve(ed inro dis_simitariry for any tircd tisr ofatrribures (Jordire and Sibson, | 971). r98

Liltlcjohn (1981) have conclud€d that adiscontinuous array ofbiological

diversity erists, parlicularly when viswed io a spatially r€strict€d situation and

henc€ for understandinS of mechankms and process€s responsibt€ for rhe origin

and man enanc€ of this dive.siry, orc should look inro etrvironment ro

formulat. ! conbin.d &ologicalard generic analysis.Ir is witb this respect lhar

some assumptions have been nadc to stinulsre funher studies.

DobzhaNky (1940) and Sinpsor (t951, 1953 aod t96l) have also

advocated that rhe adaptivc vatue (may thar be mo.photogicat, ecotogicat o.

physioloeical) of a speci€s comptex is the pioperty of genotype. Thcse

obs€rvations havc also bccn condensed by Witson (1965) who stared abour

bch.viour phenotypic ,'Behaviour and ptasticity. (disrribution) is tho part of rhe phenotypc mosr likety to become modifi€d in response to charges in the cnvrronmcoii. Ir @n, rhus bc for€_castcd rhlr in furure srudi€s, rhc evolutionary plasticily of mites behaviour (disrribution) may provide an

€r(cellcnt avcnue of adaplation. E



: ' ltr

ri,,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidjiiJd:rrr:rrraddiirn!ttiddin 2m lr llt * | Ir:a tra::t *l l3r!rr! *l IE33:9FF ltar!t!Ftt IAA:a!!Fal lPssrFsattl I * | Ir:3s!F5r3r3 I _ | I:aaa::ip!:.!r - | :r::r ^e:ea: a:s ! r € 3 i ai g i gaa! FFSg a! !: 3 *l i r; i s g s a s ! s i ! s s ! I -a i*cerias ea?a: r3s:r s' I tFe sqq 3i?al lq€s3or a * | t I I C € I I A 3: E ! 3 P S F ! F F * | ;rr: lr xrr siqrr t:38:s g i: I r e s::: r ::: e : g: r.: -l i-'s,:- : i i * | ._ r€rri;: r rarr s ! ! as! a r * , s , , *. , * r o * i o ,*l .. " " i i i i i _l I 3 s s I I r ! I 3;" ? ! fi a", f o r c r E - p r *, i i i tce; s! B I qre, 4 *l - r::e. r sriii; _ r r r 3 ! ! r s r , B q | _ ! c i, . . a ;;; ;; _, , : r z I : , ! , s , * : e" , e " " 5 _ ! , a ; ; ; ; ; ; | i;. z,r r " " " * | _ *r. r.i,,p*s *","ii i ir* _ ! !!!r ! r s B:Fse,", " | P, s"r;o;;;;;; , ";iieI a *. * : F a r ! : q r r *" a;; ;;;;; | ! I F I : F ! p ; - | ,; s ! a i i R s " r" s" ; ;;;;;" " ;: ; ;; : - I : iF:.rr!!!r: sF*!!""*,ar;J;;;;:;;:;" " --" | .IaFrr?:Fr9ra: !ir s"" i;;;;;;i;;;: ,* itr: ? 3 e!sca 6Fr €: t r"*^;;;;"r; ; | .i::::::::r:l:::,."'";;;;;;;;;;:;;;;! l;;;;;;;;;; = -; |I ,1:::ssr;s3539r.^rr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;"::::::::::1r!.,""'4";;;;;;;;;;i;;;;: a ;; | .i::::l:::::l:it!"'"";;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::: ;l?l ;l .:l;::::::ll::!1',"""".'.;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;"71;12:i::1..1"-".'t'-"",'";;;;;;;::;;:;:;i: 3l :l*l .::t;;:t::j:::::r.;";;;;;:;;;;::;;::::5:::;;:;":rr,::::e,rs;i",;s;;;;--"""....irr4.?scp:3! ;1,11;:::::!:iiii:i;;:;;;;:;;::::;::::;::;::::::: :1,:;:::;:;:;;i;;t:;;i:;i;::;::j:;a:li::::::;:::::i

it *i : I r r *: s: I i * : s i i r -.: rsktftTr,m$r-rliE; 201

!:.Lg @

bl9i5 ! !-9lr!: &.1.!!

l!r!.l!.gs! at !!!ll: m, El4 ;> e c-!!!4!

I!!e: !!,i!l!! vrllj CEA.PTDR VII


Mites of thc family Phytoseiidae have bccn recognized as predators of h.rmtul mites lnd soft bodi€d sm.ll iBcd pest! attiackiog field crops, vcgcrablcs, fruit planrs, wild, ornamcntal and for€st planlrtions. Thcse predatory miles also play vital role a! an effectiv€ biological control agcnt! as thcy voEciously fced on lhc injurious mitls bclongirg io rhe famili6

T€tr ychidae, Tcnuipalpidae, Tarson€midae, Eriophyidae and small insects.

(Bak€. and Wblrtor, 1952t t.ppson .t al., l9?5; Evans, 1992),

Entomologists/Aca.ologish of the wodd sta(cd lakin8 intercsr in cxploring lhe prcdatory mitc fauaa of rhc hmily Phyrosciidi€ ftom rbcir rospective arEd of.esearch abour 100 y€ars larcr rhan rie iNe.ts due to their mic.oscopic size. In 1948, Garman made first tood albmpt oo the taronomy of phylos€iid mircs. He provided key for 5 gc|lcra and 2 subg€nera. brer on,

Nesbitt (1951) and Chant (1959) savc a comprchensive review and d€scribed ncw species in thc family PhyrNiidlc. 203

mit.s of he family Phytos'iidae is Tb€ importance of Predatory 'vident from the fact that in rece.t y€ars, thc rumber of identified phytosciid mite species has bccn r.corded to b€ mor. than l30p (Moraes ?r at, 1989) from diffcrcnt r.gions of thc world and Pali$nrr is on€ of thcm The number of idcnlified specics is in$.5sing €very yBr'

The rcscarch work conductcd on ftese nttes by chant (1959)' Pritcha'd

.nd Bakcr (1962), Schustcr and Pritchrrd (1963)' Chani and Bak€r (1965)'

Den'nark (1966), Mums .nd Denmrrt (1970), Chant ad Hrnscll (l9?l).

Ch3udhri .r dL, (19?9)i Schicha (1987) and Dcrmark and Muma (19E9) hrve

beln compiled in the form of momgraphs.

The coll@tion of miles of thc genut ,! ltrritd Berlese was carried oul

by conducting ertcnsivc survcy of diffcrctt localiias of Pakistan The

collcctioo was madc by usint SIEVE and BERLESE'S FUNNEL ME"IHODS'

Thc sortcd miles w€r€ prcscrvcd in glass vials containirg 50% alcohol wi|n a

few drops of tlycorin€. Thc host plant, localily and dat€ of collection were

[email protected] propcrly in 4ch vi.l for this collection. P.rmlncnt slides of mitcs

wcrc prep.rcd using Hoyer's m€dium. Drawings ofdiffetctt bodv parls wc.c 2M mrde wilh thc hclp of aD occular grid. The Dcssurcmcols a.e givcn in microN (p). Magnification are also given wilh the drawings.

A compr.h€nsive key for lnkhloo sp€cies nlongwith derailcd descriptions of new spcci€s of senus ,1,1,/_vrci.,r (28 new Epecies + 2 akady known speci€s) h$ b€€n given in this thosrs Tabl€s showing comparison of chanclers and slmilarity of thcsc spci€s hlvc b€en prepered.

Phcnogr.m has b€cn constructed to sludy rhc lev€l of ph€ncric afriniry anong lhe various Pskistan sp€cis of gcnus ,lrnrtt"irr aod thc r.sulli have b.en

Maps of Ptkistian showing gcoSnphical dislributior of thcse miEt have also be.n pr€parcd lnd included in rhis r.scarch work.

The following phltos€iid mit.s of tl'c senus .{rn tr.iat Berlere hav. bccn hclud€d in this thcsis. 205 G.dos arrrrrrt nt BcrLs. t.


3. Anbr$.Ius M8a, n.sp.

Anblts.iut lo.l*, a.q.

6. Ahblys.tuj b4 E Cn''t'dhri

1.! doltum, n.q.

8. hnblf s.ius nvlicar&s, l.rp

9. Ant'ryse lus Slonens, 7,3P.

10, Anws.rvs gatut, n.sp.

. Anblfs.iu Avno, n.q

12. Anblyselus cafi dlut, n.sq,

13. A,abrsa h 3 ottinlos, a.sq.

14. ,lmws.iua .nsb, \.s9,

15. Anbtts.hlt |I$cutus,

16. AnblJs.lus


18. "N

19.'/,t vqrr',, n'4, m. ,{dtbtsd,.t@,^'''' 2t. ,'n'{{r'4!tqig,,o"q, 2. .tu'{'eai.'tr/'L+. a. Arttfrh,t td&,t, r.q' A. .frr{n n|, Itdk Afdd dd Ct|tdbti

2:t. MtlM,nry. r,fig, ' ,',eb''',,' t,q' A@d,ttflnfut,ne. D. ,t*,F*{lan&|.,o.q' t9. ,frt9.tut nA*, n''.

30. A@'l!!,td0t, nA. LITERATURE CITED

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