REVIEW HI-FI WORLD Simply First Quad's Artera PRE is a simple preamplifier dedicated to analogue purity. Noel Keywood listens.

o simple I had problems panel. You don’t get a Bluetooth Artera PRE has three RCA understanding it! But it digital input for play from a ‘phone phono socketed (unbalanced) line isn’t. Quad’s new Artera or tablet, nor Bluetooth output to inputs, plus one pair of XLR socketed PRE preamplifier is a com- Bluetooth equipped headphones (balanced) inputs, for best quality. plex analogue design, made – absolutely no digital here! There’s also a single Phono input for apparently simple because Artera PRE is built to a standard turntables, with earth terminal. there’sS no digital. No digital inputs, that is impressive. It weighs 7.8kg, Outputs are RCA phono no app to control it, so no iPhone signalling there’s a lot inside. And socketed (unbalanced) outputs or iPad needed. Instead Artera PRE much of it lies in the linear power labelled PRE, plus XLR (balanced) is a purist design that zeroes in on supply with its heavy toroidal outputs, both with variable volume. analogue perfection, with remote power transformer. So no universal An AUX output provides fixed control. Price £999. switch-mode supply, instead a trad. output level unaffected by the volume Quad’s literature understandably power system factory set to cope control. shows Artera PRE linked to their with 100V up to 230V according to And that’s it! Where preamps Artera power amplifier, but it will country of use. Stand-by draws less are these days festooned with inputs, drive any power amplifier, through than 0.5 Watts, so press the remote’s Artera PRE keeps it sweet and ordinary phono leads (unbalanced) Off button and it won’t affect your simple. The idea is that for highest or XLR (balanced) cables. There’s power bill or contribute to global quality you choose the external a phono stage that accepts both warming (!). For hi-fi buffs the source of your desire, which these moving coil (MM) or moving coil significance is better sound quality, days will most likely have an ESS (MC) cartridges for vinyl enthusiasts, no interference and better long term Sabre32 series DAC chip inside, or plus a 1/4in (6.35mm) headphone reliability – switch-modes being a a Chord Electronics DAC – both of output jack lurking beneath the front break-down waiting to happen. which out-run most else. DECEMBER 2019 HI-FI WORLD REVIEW HI-FI WORLD The rock-solid machined 17mm thick side panels that look like heat sinks – but stay cold – are comple- mented by a 10mm thick front panel, both surrounding sheet steel casework. Width is 320mm, height 105mm and depth 320mm; taking into account protruding rear plugs it needs a 14in (356mm) deep shelf, but a 19in rack has plenty of rear space. It comes with a heavy glass top cover to keep dust out. Two small front buttons control power and select input. Volume and a host of other settings, including gain, balance and tilt of each input are pre-set on the remote control only. Hence the clean looking front panel, but it lacks manual over-rides – especially for volume. The remote is vital, so best not lost down the back of the settee. Awkward issues were the need to always have the remote with me to change volume, something I find irritating when changing LPs, because At top left, just behind the front panel, is a circular toroidal volume must go down then up at the mains transformer of the linear power supply. Banks of small system and using a remote for this white, sealed long life relays switch the analogue signals. At rather than a manual volume control bottom is the rear panel with inputs. is a hassle. The Artera PRE’s complexity in to give equal volume level when unsuitable. Also, there is almost arises in a relatively unusual selected: jumps in volume – up or no noise. Input impedance is 100 arrangement where a wide down – can be dialled out. Ohms, fixed. I saw straight away on range of conditions Channel balance can also be set unpacking the Artera PRE that its can be pre-set for each – most useful with LP for pickup mains input lacks an earth, making input. Each input is cartridges where imbalance is not it fully floating – and that would programmable and for this uncommon, but also for loudspeakers. be to ensure an unbreakable hum I had to go to the Prog If the loudspeakers are out, however, loop could not exist because such button on the remote and compensation will have to be applied high gain can be troublesome get to work, reason being at each input. where earthing isn’t optimised. The there is a lot that can be All of which means there is in Artera PRE does not produce hum set. truth digital inside, in the form of a and if hum appears from outside A headliner is re- microprocessor that makes these components it can be eradicated by introduction of Quad’s adjustments, with factory reset removing an earth connection. tilt control, first seen option and firmware version (a All moving magnet cartridges 1982 on the Quad 34 dealer only update). The analogue (MMs) can be accommodated too, preamplifier. This gently circuitry is controlled by small-signal input impedance is standard at 47k alters overall spectrum relays that you can hear clicking Ohms, but there are no capacitance balance: you tilt one way away and the volume control is an options. or the other, in steps, for analogue switched resistor network a warmer sound or a less – the best solution available. So SOUND QUALITY warm one. Tilt is a simple Artera PRE isn’t quite as simple as it I connected Artera PRE to the fixed and elegant replacement seems. It even has input signal sensing XLR inputs of our Creek Evolution for bass and treble controls, suiting to know which input is active, the 100A amplifier, acting as a power a system that is pretty well balanced front panel display showing whether amplifier. It was connected to our in the first place and just needs some it sees a signal or does not at any Martin Logan ESL-X hybrid electro- tiddling. Here, you make one simple input selected. If it doesn’t then – er static loudspeakers through Chord adjustment. Backing up Tilt is Bass – perhaps the source needs to be Company Signature XL Reference Boost that measurement showed switched on – or given a thump. Just cables. Sources were Chord quite strongly increases bass. Quad don’t do this to the turntable! Electronics M-Scaler and Dave DAC say it adds bass to small loudspeakers. The ability to pre-set gain on to send in clean CD, an Oppo BDP- An EQ Off option makes quick A-B each input especially affects the 205D acting as CD transport. I span comparison possible. Phono stage. It can be tweaked to LP with our Timestep Evo modified Then there is a strongly suit any cartridge, including super- Technics SL-1210 Mk2 Direct influential pre-set gain control that expensive low output moving coils; Drive turntable, with SME309 arm provides a large amount of boost or measurement showed there’s so and Ortofon Cadenza Bronze MC cut, so all sources can be matched much gain no MC cartridge is cartridge.

HI-FI WORLD DECEMBER 2019 REVIEW HI-FI WORLD Spinning uncompressed CDs it soon became apparent that Artera PRE was conveying the ability of M-Scaler and Dave with easy ability. In essence it has a wonderfully easy going analogue quality with tremendous stage depth, but it is not warm, so much as crystal clear. With Jan Akerman’s Am I losing You, long echo trails from guitar were obvious, making for a deliciously atmospheric sound, Akerman’s vocals centre stage The rear panel carries a mains isolating switch, but switch on/off is by remote having gravelly presence. It was an control, made possible by a secondary standby power supply. Big XLR input enveloping and gripping sound. and output sockets (balanced) supplement conventional RCA phono socket With hi-res from Dave, from a inputs and outputs (unbalanced). Mac BookPro running Audirvana Plus, Diana Krall’s Narrow Daylight in both Love Will Never Fade, on Kill to Get CONCLUSION 24/96 PCM and DSD format was Crimson (180gm) and I felt it more Artera PRE is a deceptively simple again crystal clear yet easy on the ear, easy going than revealing. The same preamplifier – inside it is both the sound stage open and spacious with and , audiophile and complex in what due partly to strong sense of depth. from his Hope LP (Analogue it can do, having microprocessor Plucked acoustic bass had plenty of Productions 180gm). Masekela’s control and purist relay switching power too. trumpet was there in all its fluid glory to give an all-analogue preamplifier Classical music fared just as well, from this man, and the busy side capable of coping with whatever is the Minnesota Orchestra playing work flooded through, but there was plugged in. Absence of digital input Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Snow Maiden: some small sense of opacity. The LP or Bluetooth may be a no-no to Dance of the Tumblers (24/96), laid stage is very good – if not definitive. some, but both can be fed in from out clearly in front of me, good light Applying Tilt did nicely change outside sources if need be. Sound playing on strings and horns to make tonal balance in gentle fashion, the quality was exquisite: pure analogue them clear and detailed. first of three low frequency boost smoothness and depth, the phono Spinning LP the Artera PRE settings adding gentle warmth for stage being supremely quiet if a tad was again tonally neutral but at the example, whilst the first treble laid back. Overall though, a lovely all- same time its crystal clarity removed boost setting brought forward detail analogue preamplifier in pure Quad warmth from Mark Knopfler’s True without making treble sound sharp. tradition.

MEASURED PERFORMANCE Frequency response measured flat (-1dB) Input noise with MC was Input overload for MC and MM was from 5Hz to 100kHz via the preamplifier, exceptionally low at 0.065µV: hiss will be satisfactory at 7mV and 64mV respec- through all inputs and unaffected by inaudible even with low output moving tively. Frequency response (RIAA volume control setting. Output overload coil cartridges. It was low for MM too. equalisation accuracy) measured flat was low at 3V from the phono socket FREQUENCY RESPONSE from 12Hz-20kHz (-1dB) via MM and MC; PRE line outputs, and 6V from the XLR there is no warp filter but gain rolls down outputs, but this is still enough for all below 12Hz to provide -7dB attenuation power amps (2V max) with distortion at 5Hz to lessen the effect of LP warps. very low at 0.007% at 1V in/2.4V out. The Artera PRE measured well in QUAD ARTERA Gain (0dB pre-set) measured x2.4 all areas. It has massive gain if +8dB PRE £999 (7.6dB) via the phono socket Aux line is selected and the Phono stage is very inputs to phono socket PRE line outputs, quiet. NK OUTSTANDING - amongst and for (balanced) XLR in to out. From the best. RCA phono socket Aux line input to AUX XLR output it was x2 (6dB). These Frequency response 5Hz-100kHz VERDICT are common values, but can be varied DISTORTION Separation 89dB Superb analogue substantially by +/-8dB on each input. Noise -106dB preamplifier, easy to use. The ability to pre-set gain especially Distortion (1V in) 0.007% Gain (pre-set 0dB) affects the Phono input. Default (0dB) FOR phono in/out (unbal) x2.4 (8dB) - analogue sound quality gain with MC selected was very high at Phono in/XLR out x2 (6dB) - build quality and finish x4000 (72dB) overall (64dB for phono XLR in/out x2.5 (8dB) - adjustability stage alone) but rose to x9400 (79dB) with +8dB extra gain dialled in – more PHONO (MM, MC) AGAINST - remote control only than enough for even the lowest output Frequency response 12Hz-20kHz - no digital inputs MC cartridges. With MM default gain Separation 68dB - no Bluetooth measured x450 (53dB), or a high 45dB Noise (input noise) 0.065µV for phono stage alone (40dB is common), Distortion 0.012% Quad again adjustable by +/-8dB. Gain 53dB / 72dB +44 (0)1480 452561 Overload 64mV / 7mV DECEMBER 2019 HI-FI WORLD