The Trent river was one of the original routes of Indian and French Bartlett, Thomas jr, yeoman, 1st con lot wj 17 t Bay Side traders, and is of interest from the fact that Champlain is reported Bartlett, Thomas jr, yeoman, ist con lot s e pt 13 t Bay Side Bassett, Samuel, yeoman, 1st con lot s pt e pt 27, f Belleville to have entered the by this means, and discovered Beatty, Alexander, yeoman, 5th con lot s Bridge 7 f Frankford Lake . Its Indian name was Ganataske, and was sometimes Beckett, Edwin, yeoman, ist con tot e^ 9 t Trenton called Quintio ; millions of feet of squared timber and saw logs Belair, James, yeoman, 4th con, lot n pt 25 f Wallbridge have been rafted over its turbulent waters on their way to the great Belair, James, yeoman, 4th con lot s pt 23 t Wallbridge Belcour, Joseph, yeoman, 8th con lot n e^ 30 f Stirling markets of the old world. The Belleville and Stirling, and Belleville, Bell, Thomas P, yeoman, 4th con lot s w pt B A f Frankford Frankford, and Stirling macadamized roads run through the town- Bell, W H, yeoman, 5th con lot e Wellington 33 f Frankford ship. The Railway traverses its western side, and Bell, Mrs Anastatia 5th con lot s Belleville 2 f Frankford the Grand Junction also passes tnrough a portion of its eastern part, Bell, Tillitson, yeoman, f Chatterton Bell, George T, yeoman, 6th con lot w^ 21 f Chatterton whilst the Grand Trunk traverses its front. Bell, Charles H, yeoman, 5th con lot n Mill 10 f Frankford Bell, Robert S, yeoman, ist con lot s pt 13 f Sidney Crossing Abbott, John, yeoman, f Glen Ross Bell, Wm, yeoman, 2nd con lot pt B A f Trenton Abbott, Benjamin, yeoman, 9th con lot e£ s wj^ 3 f Glen Ross Bell, John, yeoman, 7th con lot n pt 10 f Frankford Acker, Charles, yeoman, 6th con lot s pt 9 f Frankford Bell, Hiram, yeoman, 7th con lot n^ 11 f Frankford Acker, Redick, yeoman, 6th con lot n pt 9 f Frankford Bennett, Edward, yeoman, 6th con lot n e^ 34 f Holloway Acker, Gabriel, yeoman, t Frankford Bennett, Mrs Mary, 9th con lot s pt 38 f Holloway Acker, George, yeoman, 5th con lot n pt 2 3 t Frankford Bennett, Robert, yeoman, ist con lot pt 38 f Belleville Acker, Margaret Mrs, 6th con lot n pt 9 f Frankford Bennett, John yeoman, ist con lot w| e pt 13 f Sidney Crossing Aikins, Peter, D, yeoman, 3rd con lot w^ 19 f Belleville Berry, James, yeoman, ist con lot pt 38 f Belleville Alford, Margaret Mrs, ist con lot w pt 21 f Belleville Besonda, Frank, yeoman,.3rd con lot pt 22 f Wallbridge Anderson, Jeremiah, yeoman, 5th con lot n 2-3 B A t Frankford Bird, Wm, yeoman, 8th con lot n w pt 29 f Stirling Anderson, Joshua, yeoman, f Frankford Bird, Francis, yeoman, 7th con lot s pt w^ 25 f Stirling Anderson, Charles N, yeoman, 6th con lot w pt B A f Frankford Bird, James, yeoman, f Foxboro Anderson, Justice M, yeoman, f Frankford Bird, R P, yeoman, 8th con lot 27 f Foxboro Anderson, D, yeoman, 3rd con lot I t Glen Miller Bird, Jeremiah, yeoman, 9th con lot efc 37 f Holloway Anderson, Mark M, yeoman, 9th con lot pt 7 t Glen Ross Bird, George H. yeoman, 9th con lot w^ 37 f Holloway Anderson, James, yeoman, f Glen Ross Bird, W H, yeoman, 4th con lot n pt 38 f Belleville Anderson, James H, yeoma.i, 8th con lot n pt I t Glen Ross Blair, Thomas, yeoman, f Belleville Anderson, Joshua, yeoman, f Glen Ross Blair, J^mes. yeoman, 3rd con lot n^ 33 t Belleville Anderson, Walter, yeoman, 8th con lot sj nj f Glen Ross Blanchard, Thomas, yeoman, 1st con lot s e pt 30 f Belleville Anderson, George, yeoman, 8th con lot s$ 4 f Fr?nkford Bleecker, Wm, yeoman, 7th con lot Q\ 33 f Belleville Armstrong, Clement, yeoman, f Glen Ross Bleecker, John E, yeoman, 4th con lot n^ 3 f Frankford Armstrong, Horatio, yeoman, 8th con lot 10 f Glen Ross Bleecker, Henry G, yeoman, 3rd con lots n pt 13 14 f Frankford Armstrong, Robert, yeoman, f Glen Ross Bleecker, Mrs Sarah, 3rd con lots, n pt 13 14 f Frankford Arthur, Charles, yeoman, 1st con lot e pt II f Trenton Blogg, James, yeoman, 7th con lot n w# 24 f Stirling Ashley, Hiram, yeoman, f Foxboro Boardman, Moses, yeoman, f Chatterton Ashley, Harford, yeoman, f Foxboro Boardman, Charles, yeoman, 7th con lot 27 t Chatterton Ashley, Chancey, yeoman, 5th con lot e pt 36 37 f Foxboro Boardman, Walter, yeoman, t Chatcerton Ashley, Wellington, yeoman, f Foxboro Bolton, George, yeoman, 7th con lot n pt 14 f Stirling Austen, Benjamin, yeoman, f Belleville Bonesteel, Norval A, yeoman, 4th con lots pt 7 8 f Frankford Austen Manley, yeoman, 2nd con lot wj 25 f Belleville Bonesteel, Mrs Maria, 4th con lots pt 7 8 f Frankford Bonesteel, Ransom, 1st con lot e pt 14 f Bay Side Badgeley, Stephen, 5th con lot w| 12 t Frankferd Bonesteel, Charles H, yeoman, ist con lot w pt 14 f Bay Side Baker, Mrs Alva, 1st con lot pt 30 f Belleville Bonesteel, W B, yeoman, 2nd con lot s pt 14 f Bay Side Bamber, Richard, yeoman, 7th con lot s wX 18 f Stirling Bonesteel, Milton, yeoman, 2nd con lot n£ 8 f Glen Miller Barager, Herbert W, yeoman, 7th con lot n e^ 36 f Hollo way Bonesteel, W H, yeoman, f Belleville Barager, Jacob, yeoman, 7th con lot s pt 30 f Chatterton Bonesteel, W G, yeoman, 3rd con lots n pt 13 14 f Belleville Barager, Mrs Phcebe, 7th con lot n e# 36 f Holloway Bonesteel, J H, yeoman, 3rd con lots s pt n 12 f Glen Miller Barager, Hiram, yeoman, 3rd con lot w£ 26 t Belleville Bonter, S S, yeoman, 2nd con lot pt n e£ B A f Trenton Barager, David, yeoman, 2nd con lot 8 Glen miller Boothe, Thomas, yeoman, 6th con lot e pt B A t Frankford Barber, Arthur, yeoman, t Wallbridge Bowen, Byron, yeoman, 5th con lots n Elgin I 2 f Frankford Barber, Wm, yeoman, 2nd con lot n pt 10 t Trenton Bowen, Eli J, yeoman, 5th con lotss Mill 265 266 f Frankford Barber, R A, yeoman, ist con lots pt 2 3 t Trenton Bowen, Amelia, 6th con lots s Mill 265 266 f Frankford Barclay, John, yeoman, 8th con lot pt s& w^ 9 f Glen Ross Bowler, Win, yeoman, 2nd con lot pt B A t Trenton Barlow, John, yeoman, 6th con lot s pt 25 f Stirling Bowler, Henry, yeoman, f Trenton