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acrasia, acratic, 95, 103–4 Boyle, J. M., 172n22, 258n1 , 26 Boyle, N., 5n7, 112, 113 agent-neutral, 67, 73–4, 134 Braine, D., 84n19 agent-relative, 67, 73–4, 76, 82–3, 85, Browning, R., 62, 155 88–94, 130–1, 134 Brunschwig, J., 48n13 , 169–70 Buckler, S., 51n16, 132n11, 264n10 Annas, J., 14n2 Bultmann, R., 172–3 Anscombe, G. E. M., 62n2 bureaucracy, 218, 254–5 Anselm of Canterbury, 41 Antiphon the , 15 Callam, D., 250n26 Aquinas, Thomas, 28n3, 45, 135n8, 131n10, , 14–15, 23, 30–1, 37, 55, 223 149, 151–6, 172n22, 182n4, 189, 222, Calvin, Calvinism, 71n8 238n22, 258n1, 260, 281–2 categorical imperative, 154–5, 164 Aristophanes, 13, 95–7 Chappell, T. J. D., 16n8 , 12, 21, 29, 35, 38, 50, 83–8, 111, 113, Chenu, M.-D., 271n19 115, 121, 124, 141, 142–51, 161, 168, 171, children, 184–5, 219 175, 205, 207n1, 210–12, 218, 222, choice, 50–2, 55, 57–9, 70, 151, 178–204, 258n2 241, 276 Ashley, B., 153n12, 172n22, 182n4, 238n22, Christianity, 38–45, 50–2, 53, 56–60, 82, 260n6 166, 167, 170, 173, 192, 241, 249–51 Aubenque, P., 87n27 commitment, 90–1 , 39–45, 51–2, 56n20, common , 207, 232, 237–41 80–2, 106, 110, 112, 113, 116, 133–5, 148, , 24–5, 206, 217n9 156, 190n11, 205, 260, 262–3, 268–70, consequences, 94 277 , 21, 26, 49n15, 266 contract theory, 28, 30, 53–5, 179, 184 Bacon, F., 62 correction, 110, 205–22 Badhwar, N. K., 24n18 Cudworth, R., 158 Baier, A., 130n8 Cupitt, D., 149n9, 224n13 Barney, R., 15n4 Cynics, , 92, 208 Bar-On, D., 141n4 Baron, M., 127n4 Davidson, D., 71n8, 103–4, 141n4 beauty, 33–4, 37 deception, 21, 36–7, 51–2, 65, 107, 149, , see faith 191, 222–8, 252–4, 265, 282 Bellinger, C. K., 57n23 democracy, 111, 229, 248 Bentham, J., 4, 176 De Koninck, C., 238n22 Berlin, I., 231n19 D’Entr`eves, A. P., 152n11 Black, M., 193n16 Descartes, R., 39n7, 62, 63, 71, 79, 80n15, Blackburn, S., 21n11, 149n9, 239n23 86, 156n14 Blum, L. A., 124, 136n14 De Sousa, R. B., 174n24, 186n9 Blustein, J., 184n8 , 199–202


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Index 293

‘dirty hands’, 119, 130–5, 258, 264–71 Goethe, 14n1 Dodds, E. R., 14n2 Goodin, R. E., 184n8 Donagan, A., 27n1, 172 Goodness, the Good, 7, 15,n4, 18, 25, 33–5, Duffy, E., 251n28 37, 38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 51, 77, 86, 93, 109, 121, 158, 188, 194, 209, 263 Ellis, A., 235n21 grace, 25, 105 Emilssen, E., 79n14 Green, R. M., 57n23, 58n25 emotions in moral acts, 126–8, 181 Grisez, G., 172, 238n22, 257, 259, 264n9 Epictetus, 91 Grotius, H., 157–8 Epicurus, , 45–50, 52, 53n18, 54, 55, 59, 60, 90, 156, 206, habits, 200–1 208, 216 Haldane, J., 25n20, 281n23, 282n24 equality, 135–9, 239–40 Halperin, D. M., 221n11 eros, 43, 87, 92, 95–6, 108, 110, 189 Hare, J. E., 57n23, 136n14, 260n4 ethics, crisis in, 1, 26 Hart, D. A., 224n13 Euripides, 13, 95, 104 Hart, J. L., 219n10 Ewing, A. C., 180n3 Hegel, G. W. F., 120 Heidegger, M., 201n22, 244n25, 283n26 fairness, 83, 93, 119, 135–9 , 8 faith, 42, 56–60 Hitler, A., 27–8, 223, 284n27 fame, 50–2, 55 Hobbes, T., 22, 28, 35, 46, 52–5, 59, 60, Farrar, C., 111n11 111, 129, 157–8, 179, 184, 193, 197, Ferreira, M. J., 58n25 208, 233, 273 Fest, J. C., 221n11 Holland, R., 265n11, 267–8 fine, see noble Hume, D., 18, 21n11, 31, 53n18, 55, 68, 99, 111, Finnis, J., 27, 154n13, 172n22, 238n22, 257, 129, 143–4, 156–63, 172, 216 259 humility, 83 Firestone, S., 61 Hutcheson, F., 157–9 Flanagan, O., 1n1 hypocrisy, 120–2, 124 Flew, A., 16n8 focal , 70n7 Iamblichus, 80n16 Fortenbaugh, W. W., 87n27 language, 26 Foucault, M., 5n6, 35n4, 220–2 impersonality, 84, 89, 110, 121, 127, 130, , 8, 23 137, 176 Francis of Assisi, 7, 270 , 98, 206–8, 215–16, 229–30 Frankfurt, H., 72n10, 105n5, 130n9, 144n5, introspection, 65, 80 193n16 intuitionism, 21n13, 140, 268 freedom (), 43, 57, 61, 177, 178–204 Inwood, B., 91n30 friendship, 48–9, 90, 108–10, 212, 216 Irwin, T., 172n22 Fromm, E., 108n9, 174n23 Furley, D., 16n5 Jesus, 43, 271 Fussell, P., 71n9 Jews, Judaism, 42, 167, 173, 197, 227, 230 John Paul II, 267, 269n17 Gauthier, D., 4n5, 183 , 13–26, 28–34, 41, 44, 119, 135–9, Geach, P., 261n7 197, 224 George, R. P., 154n13 justification of acts, 25 Gewirth, A., 132n11 Gibbard, A., 180n2 Kahn, C. H., 7n9, 87n25 Gill, C., 85n21 Kant, I., 4, 8, 45, 56, 71,n6, 89, 93, 112, 120, Glendon, M. A., 55n19, 183n5, 184n8 136n14, 137, 141, 142–3, 154–5, 156, Glover, J., 266–7, 269 163–77, 188n10, 189–90, 195, 200, God, gods, 38, 40, 41, 51, 81, 90, 97, 105, 259–60 145, 147, 151, 153, 157, 172–3, 192, Kierkegaard, S., 46, 55–60, 189–90 224, 257–84 Kleve, K., 91n30 God’s commands, 42, 59, 167–8, 257–64 Korsgaard, C., 168n18

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294 Index

Kraut, R., 144n6 Nozick, R., 98n2, 99, 190n12 Kretzmann, N., 167n17 Nussbaum, M., 46n12, 91n30

Lewis, E., 198n20 O’Connor, D. J., 152n11 Lillegard, M., 57n23 Okin, S. M., 184n8 Lisska, A. J., 152–4 omnipotence, 41 Locke, J., 80n15, 84, 160, 178, 183, 184n8, O’Neill, O., 4n3, 179n1, 184n8 190n12, 194, 208–9, 216 Origen, 38–9, 193 love (see also eros), 92, 98–9, 100–10, 121, Orr, A., 230n18 175, 261–2 Orwell, G., 234, 251 Luther, Lutheranism, 57–8, 172–4 Osborn, E., 56n22 Owens, J., 84n20 Macchiavelli, N., 46, 50–2, 53, 56, 59, 131, 240, 264–5, 268, 270 Parfit, D., 4–5, 46, 63, 84, 196–9, 216, MacIntyre, A., 10n1, 35n4, 57, 64n4, 71, 240n24, 282n24 141n4, 194n17, 201n22, 236, 258n1, Parmenides of Elea, 8, 138 282n24 Paton, M., 169n19 Mackie, J. L., 75n19, 123, 193 Pears, D. F., 67n6 Mandeville, B., 157–63 Penelhum, T., 156n14 Maritain, J., 260 personal identity, 62, 196–9, 216 Marx, K., 230 , 10–12 Matthews, G. B., 79n14 Pettit, P., 170n20, 270n18 McDowell, J., 149n8 Phillips, M., 144n5, 184n8 McInerny, R., 260n5, 281n22 Piety, M., 57n23 Meir, Golda, 230n18 Pilate, 62 mercy, 91 Pincoffs, E. L., 24n17 Methodism, 249 , passim Mill, J. S., 49n14, 177, 178, 195 Apology, 72–3 Miller, F. R., 144n5 Cratylus, 26 Mitsis, P., 49n14 , 14, 23, 30–2, 52, 60, 73, 134, Moore, G. E., 140, 142 211 morality, virtual (as if ), 21 Laws, 46, 174 moral , 15–26, 45 Meno, 31 moral , 29 mode of work, 2, 7 moral obligation, 50, 58, 61, 67, 89, 93, Phaedo, 35, 87 143, 155–6, 160–1, 170, 172, 179, Phaedrus, 33, 40, 46, 48–9, 52 214, 259 Republic, 9, 13–26, 28–8, 44, 46, 54, , passim 74n11, 75, 76, 84n19, 92n31, 101, moral sense, 158–63 117, 146, 186, 201, 212–13, 228, 262 moral terms, sense of, 13–26, 40 Symposium, 87, 95–6, 99 More, Sir Thomas, 268 pleasure, 31, 46–50, 52, 176 Murdoch, I., 188n10 Plotinus, 41–2, 77–81, 84n19, 203;on , 97, 108 the One, 77; on the undescended soul, 78 Nagel, T., 88n29, 176n27, 267n14 Pocock, J. G. A., 270n18 natural justice, 14 Poole, R., 57n23 natural slaves, 85 Popper, K., 36n5, 227 nature, , 31–2, 46–50, 53–5, 61, Porter, J., 264n9 151–4, 157–63 positive law, 16 , 40, 158 post-, 5, 11 Newman, J. H., 45, 102, 250 power, 22, 31, 59, 117 Nietzsche, F., 4, 14, 22, 35n4, 142, 194, practical reasoning, 87, 141, 142–51, 220–2, 241, 260, 276 163–77, 183 Nixon, President Richard, 54 priority among desires, 75–6 noble (kalon), 84, 87, 146–8, 150, 171 Protagoras, 96, 111, 147

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Protestantism, 58–9, 156–7, 171–2, 207n1, Sorabji, R., 87n26 271n19 soul, 61–82, 93 Pufendorf, 157–8 soul (self-) division, 62–72, 95–118, 131, 165, 175, 194 quasi-realism, 149, 162, 174, 239n23 Sparta, 22 Steiner, G., 5n6 , 55, 58, 85–7, 90–2, 142–51, Stoics, , 89–92, 104, 124, 156, 153–6, 163–77, 258 167 Rawls, J., 25n20, 51n17, 153, 176n27, 183, Strauss, L., 24, 270n18 191n14, 226n13, 230, 272 Stump, E., 72n10, 105n5, 130n8 Raz, J., 115n15 Sumner, L. W., 55n19, 210n4 , 46, 54, 68, 88–92 ‘surd-factor’, 71, 79 republicanism, 51n17, 270n18 Syme, Sir, R., 235 responsibility, 67, 86, 107–8, 198, 205–22 Rich, A. N. M., 78n13 Talmon, S., 23n15, 250n27 , rights theory, 28, 55n19, 178–80, Taylor, C., 72n10, 127n4, 160, 186n9, 194, 206–10, 255, 275, 279 281n23 Rist, J. M., 7n10, 39, 40, 85n22, 101n3, 141n4, Tertullian, 56n22 171n21, 271n19 Thrasymachus, Thrasymacheanism, 14, Robinson, H., 88n28 15–26, 29–30, 35–7, 43–4, 55, 59, 75, Rorty, A. O., 1n1 159 Ross, J., 272n20 Thucydides, 13, 44, 52, 54, 225n14 Rossi, P. J., 56n21 toleration, 229–30 Rousseau, J. J., 166, 183n5 traditions, 271–84 Rudd, A., 57n23 , 62, 226–7 rules, 119–39 universalizability, 125, 136, 164 Sartre, J.-P., 43, 57, 58n26, 65, 98–9, 191, , 28, 49n15, 176 195, 220 Savage, D., 71n8 Veatch,H.B.,152n11 Schama, S., 23n15 -ethics, 21n13 Schofield, M., 144n6 voluntarism, 157, 159 security, 53, 182 Sedley, D., 198n21 Walden, G., 284n27 self, 61–82, 107, 116 Walzer, M., 25n19 sense of history, 241–56 Warnock, G. J., 140–1 sexuality, 97 Wesley, J., 249 Shaftesbury, Earl of, 158 Wiggins, D., 149n8, 210n5 Sidgwick, H., 175, 225–6 Wilde, O., 175 simplicity, 70–2, 76, 81, 106 Wilkes, K. V., 183 Skinner, Q., 270n18 Williams, B. A. O., 21, 94n33, 214, 225–6, Skorupski, J., 25n20 266 , 7, 12, 14, 17, 44–5, 72–3, 79, 83, 89, Wittgenstein, L., 24 102, 134, 223, 270 Wollheim, R., 107n8 Sokolowski, R., 149n7, 176n26 Wreen, M., 56n21 , 12, 280 10 1 Sophocles, n Zeno of Elea, 8–9, 138, 201, 205

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