Sobre 12 Editorial Jacob Blake 12

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! Vol. 62, No. 36 Sept. 3, 2020 $1 NBA players ignite Sports-wide strike vs. police terror

By Monica Moorehead Portland Trailblazers, Houston Rockets and Oklahoma Thunder—​ Kenosha, Wis., became the epicenter showed solidarity with the Bucks by of the anti-racist struggle, after Jacob withholding their labor, that is, their Blake, a 29-year-old Black man, was skills and talents. shot seven times in the back at point- These teams, along with others eligi- blank range by a white police officer ble for playoffs, have been playing in a on Aug. 23. Kenosha is 40 miles from contained environment separated from Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s biggest city. their families—​a bubble—​in Orlando, A recorded video showed that Fla. The bubble is aimed at preventing the unarmed Blake was shot as he the spread of the COVID-19 virus. attempted to enter his car. Three of These teams represent the main his children were in the back seat U.S. professional basketball league, and watched his shooting in horror. second only to the National Football Blake’s father, Jacob Blake Sr., has League in terms of popularity in the Washington Mystics (in white shirts) lead five other Women’s NBA playoff teams against the killing reported that his son, now paralyzed United States. The rosters of these of Jacob Blake, Aug. 26. from the waist down, is still fighting NBA teams are over 75% African for his life. For a short time, Jacob American. Many of these players Blake was handcuffed to his hospital come from communities similar to the bed while being heavily sedated. one in which Jacob Blake lives—​that Anti-racist solidarity Two nights later, an avowed is, underserved and plagued by police white supremacist, 17-year-old Kyle terror. Rittenhouse, fatally shot two anti-rac- Many of these players, like Jacob Kenosha’s labor history ists who were protesting in Kenosha. Blake, are fathers to young children. Rittenhouse was taken into custody When they look in the mirror, they By Martha Grevatt Nash workers flocked into the union. With only on the next day—​alive and can identify with Jacob Blake. Since membership close to 100%, Nash’s Lafayette unharmed. Rittenhouse reportedly late May, many of these same play- Since the near-lynching of Jacob Blake became the country’s first union-made car. attended a pro-Trump rally in Des ers, before entering the bubble, joined by police, the city of Kenosha, Wis., pop- After the founding of the UAW in 1935, Moines, Iowa, in January. protests demanding justice and an ulation 100,000, has become a focus of the Nash union was chartered as Local 72. Even more damning evidence of end to police brutality and racism. the upsurge. Up to that Its delegates “demanded elected leaders racist police bias was a videotape Bucks denounce injustice point, Kenosha was just a dot on the map to and submitted an 11-point resolution to the showing the Kenosha police thank- most people. However, the city’s United Auto Convention that called for a single union ing armed white-supremacist vigi- Bucks players Sterling Brown and Workers (UAW) Local 72 played a pivotal organizing all auto industry workers ‘regard- lantes for patrolling the streets—​not George Hill read their team’s official role in labor history and had a decades-long less of kind of work, race, creed or color.’” long before the fatal shootings took statement on Aug. 26: “The past four record of fighting racism. ( As early as the 1940s, with place. Cops offered water to the vig- months have shed a light on the ongo- Automobile manufacturing in Kenosha many Black workers in the plant, the local ilantes, including Rittenhouse. After ing racial injustices facing our African began in 1902, when Thomas Jeffrey con- established a Fair Practices Committee. By the shootings, the cops inside tanks American communities. Citizens verted a bicycle factory to a car assembly 1947, Local 72 secured contract language pro- ignored Rittenhouse, who walked past around the country have used their plant. In 1916, the plant was acquired by hibiting race discrimination. them with his hands up. voices and platforms to speak out Nash Motors, whose president, Thomas On Aug. 26, reacting to these recent against these wrongdoings. Nash, subjected workers to long hours, low Mergers, megamergers and plant closings developments in Kenosha, as well “Over the last few days in our pay and brutal conditions. In 1936, Nash merged with Kelvinator to as to all the protests ignited by the home state of Wisconsin, we’ve seen When Nash imposed a piecework system form Nash-Kelvinator, which in turn merged public lynching of in the horrendous video of Jacob Blake in November of 1933, during the depths of with Hudson in 1954 to form the American Minneapolis in May, the six teams in being shot in the back seven times by a the Depression, 100 workers staged a sit- Motors Corporation (AMC). Local 72 in the National Basketball Association police officer in Kenosha and the addi- down strike. Nash then locked out all 3,000 Kenosha remained a militant thorn in the playoffs carried out what amounted to tional shooting of protesters. Despite workers in the plant—but​ after a week on the side of management and solidarized itself an unprecedented and historic wild- the overwhelming plea for change, picket line, the workers won recognition as with the emerging Civil Rights Movement. cat strike, with no warning to the NBA there has been no action, so our focus a local of the American Federation of Labor. The local actively opposed school segre- hierarchy and NBA billionaire bosses. today cannot be on basketball. After a second successful strike in 1934 gation and racism in Woolworth’s stores in This strike began when the “When we take the court and rep- to win higher wages and a seniority system, Continued on page 6 refused to come resent Milwaukee and Wisconsin, we onto the court for their scheduled are expected to play at a high level, game against the Orlando Magic. The give maximum effort and hold each other teams—​Los Angeles Lakers, Capitalism’s Gulf nightmare 3 Continued on page 7 U.S. TikTok ban 5 ‘I want change!’ 6 Harvard divestment Voices from Kenosha 6, 7 Release Calif. prisoners! Raleigh solidarity with Jacob Blake 7 4 Justice for John Neville! What to do about November 8 Abolitionist demands Editorial Are athletes workers? 10 Editorial Behind the crisis 10 Vietnam 9 Martinique 11 India 11 Page 2 Sept. 3, 2020 ‘Break the City Line’ education divide in Philadelphia this week By Betsey Piette ◆ In the U.S. Philadelphia Sports-wide protest vs. police terror ...... 1 Inspired by their collective experiences during June pro- Kenosha’s labor history ...... 1 tests for justice for George Floyd, high school students from ‘Break the City Line’ education divide in Philly . . 2 both sides of the “City Line Divide” are challenging the edu- cation inequity between city and suburban schools here. ‘Another Gulf is Possible’ ...... 3 City Line Avenue has historically served as a dividing Trump’s COVID-19 Rx: Less science, more politics 3 line between West Philadelphia and some of its wealthiest COVID and wildfires call for mass prisoner releases 4 suburbs. It marks a stark contrast between predominantly Justice for John Neville ...... 4 white, middle-class and wealthy residents in suburbs like Ardmore, Lower Merion and Bala Cynwyd, and predom- Saudia Durrant with the Philadelphia Student Union Harvard students demand divestment from prisons 4 inantly Black West Philadelphia, where residents tend to addresses demonstrators on Aug. 30. What’s behind the U.S. ban on TikTok? . . . . . 5 be middle- to lower-income. San Francisco school bus drivers protest cutbacks .5 On Aug. 30 an estimated 150 people, including students media posts circulated there. One particularly disturbing Sister of Jacob Blake says “I want change!” . . . .6 from Lower Merion High School in Ardmore and Overbrook and offensive post included two white students pretending High School in Philadelphia, took to the streets demanding a to reenact Floyd’s . Kenosha speaks: Keep it in the streets! ...... 6 change to an economic system that allocates $26,422 annu- The district has also had controversies over school bus- Raleigh protest in solidarity with Jacob Blake . . . 7 ally per student in Lower Merion, while just four miles away ing changes that disproportionately disadvantage Black Voice from Kenosha: Electoral politics not enough . 7 less than $14,400 a year is spent per Philadelphia student. students. The RNC and DNC are over: Now what? . . . . . 8 The annual average household income in Lower Merion is Kisara Freeman, one of the Lower Merion students, $131,000, compared to under $35,000 in the neighborhoods stated, “I believe a lot of people in Lower Merion, including ◆ Around the world surrounding Overbrook High. myself, have grown up in a bubble and have not understood The march, which included Lower Merion High School that 17-year-olds just across the street don’t get the same British soldier arrested protesting war on Yemen . 8 seniors affiliated with the group “I Will Breathe” and mem- education that we do.” (Philadelphia Inquirer, Aug. 31) On socialist Vietnam’s response to COVID-19 . . .9 bers of the Philadelphia Student Union, started with a rally Saudia Durrant, an organizer with Philadelphia Student Martinique: Struggle against poisoning and police .11 at the Cynwyd Station Park in Bala Cynwyd, just west of Union, described the experiences of Black youth: “We’re in India: Aftermath of racist, anti-immigrant laws . .11 the city. a moment where we don’t feel like our health is secure. We It was followed by a solidarity march to Tustin Playground don’t feel like our housing, maybe our livelihood, is secure. ◆ Editorial and Recreation Center across the street from Overbrook We don’t feel like our loved ones are secure. That’s what High School in West Philadelphia, located across City Line it’s been like for Black youth in this country, long before Athletes are workers ...... 10 Avenue from Lower Merion. The marchers led with a large 2020.” (Inquirer) Behind the crisis ...... 10 yellow banner reading: “Lower Merion-Overbrook/Student Caitlin McGinty, one of the rally organizers, urged stu- Solidarity/Break the Divide of City Line.” dents to work together to address the education dispar- ◆ Noticias en Español “Breaking the divide” must go beyond economic ineq- ities: “We are here because we refuse to participate in a Sobre Kamala Harris ...... 12 uity. For too long Black parents have also complained system that favors us and neglects our friends across the Manifestantes de BLM protestan asesinato . . . 12 about the racism they and their children have experienced street. …for too long we have knowingly and unknowingly in the Lower Merion school district. Following the protests reinforced a sociopolitical system that divides urban and for George Floyd in June, it was reported that racist social suburban schools.” ☐ Workers World 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10011 Join us in the fight Phone: 212.627.2994 E-mail: [email protected] for socialism! Web: Vol. 62, No. 36 • Sept. 3, 2020 Workers World Party is a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist and trans people are gunned down by cops and bigots on Closing date: Sept. 2, 2020 party inside the belly of the imperialist beast. We are a mul- a regular basis. Editor: Deirdre Griswold tinational, multigenerational and multigendered organiza- The ruthless ruling class today seeks to wipe out tion that not only aims to abolish capitalism, but to build a decades of gains and benefits won by hard-fought strug- Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, Martha Grevatt, socialist society because it’s the only way forward! gles by people’s movements. The super-rich and their Monica Moorehead, Betsey Piette, Minnie Bruce Pratt Capitalism and imperialism threaten the peoples of the political representatives have intensified their attacks on Web Editors: ABear, Harvey Markowitz, Janet Mayes world and the planet itself in the neverending quest for the multinational, multigender and multigenerational Prisoners Page Editors: Mirinda Crissman, Ted Kelly ever-greater profits. working class. It is time to point the blame at—​and chal- Capitalism means war and austerity, racism and lenge—the​ capitalist system. Production & Design Editors: Gery Armsby, Mirinda repression, attacks on im/migrants, misogyny, LGBTQ2+ WWP fights for socialism because the working class Crissman, Sasha Mazumder, Scott Williams oppression and mistreatment of people with disabili- produces all wealth in society, and this wealth should Copyediting and Proofreading: Paddy Colligan, ties. It means joblessness, increasing homelessness and remain in their hands, not be stolen in the form of capi- Sue Davis, S. Hedgecoke impoverishment and lack of hope for the future. No social talist profits. The wealth workers create should be socially Contributing Editors: LeiLani Dowell, G. Dunkel, problems can be solved under capitalism. owned and its distribution planned to satisfy and guaran- K. Durkin, Sara Flounders, Teresa Gutierrez, Joshua The U.S. is the richest country in the world, yet no one tee basic human needs. Hanks, Makasi Motema, Gloria Rubac has a guaranteed right to shelter, food, water, health care, Since 1959, Workers World Party has been out in the education or anything else—​unless they can pay for it. streets defending the workers and oppressed here and Mundo Obero: Teresa Gutierrez, Carlos Vargas Wages are lower than ever, and youth are saddled with worldwide. If you’re interested in Marxism, socialism Supporter Program: Coordinator Sue Davis seemingly insurmountable student debt, if they even and fighting for a socialist future, please contact a WWP Copyright © 2020 Workers World. Verbatim copying make it to college. Black, Brown and Indigenous youth branch near you. ☐ and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved. If you are interested in joining Workers World Party contact: 212.627.2994 Workers World (ISSN-1070-4205) is published weekly except the last week of December by WW Publishers, National Office Durham, N.C. 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Capitalist-fueled climate crisis ‘Another Gulf is Possible’ By Mirinda Crissman natural sponges and storm buffers, which toxins and at the same time Houston are now largely suppressed by concrete dealing with COVID-19 and cityscaping and especially by petrochem- the extreme heat. It really Hurricane Laura made landfall Aug. ical resource extraction. exacerbates the respiratory 26 in west Louisiana and east Texas as a The petrochemical facilities, which system and also the immune Category 4 storm, with winds clocking in dominate much of the southern coast, not system, making us more prone at 150 miles per hour. only pollute local living conditions, but to be affected by COVID-19.” The Gulf Coast region in the southern are a major factor in making the entire (Democracy Now, Aug. 28) U.S. is on the frontline of a capitalist-in- planet hotter—hot enough to fuel raging duced climate crisis. Most of the peo- wildfires in California and in Australia. Capitalism is the climate crisis ple residing there are in close proximity (Workers World, Jan. 20 and Aug. 26) Poor communities of color ‘Nightmare Reality’ ARTWORK: CHRISTOPHER HURON to petrochemical complexes, which are This pollution is hot enough to increas- always disproportionately responsible for increasing the regularity ingly force hurricanes to release accumu- bear the brunt of capitalist-in- and intensity of tropical storm systems. lated heat energy in the Gulf at a rate and duced climate crisis. This is compounded Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Thousands lost their homes in the wake intensity previously unseen in human under COVID conditions, which confirms Service (TEJAS), grassroots collabora- of Hurricane Laura, and 200,000 people history. the truth of Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s defini- tive Another Gulf is Possible and Native are without water. (Louisiana Department Hilton Kelley, executive director of the tion that racism is the state-sanctioned or groups like the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Health, Aug. 28) Hundreds of thou- Texas-based Community In Power and extralegal production and exploitation of of Texas. sands across Arkansas, Louisiana and Development Association, says local com- group-differentiated vulnerability to pre- Another Gulf is Possible “believes in Texas are without electricity. munities are dealing with multiple crises mature death. the power of civil disobedience and direct Many people are projected to lack elec- amid the devastation of Hurricane Laura: The production of oil under capitalism action through a decolonized, anti-racist tricity for several weeks, during extreme “Whenever you have a huge storm com- is disproportionately exposing people of and abolitionist framework to directly heat and under heavy petrochemical pol- ing in an industrial community [in] the color and poor folks to premature and challenge our elected decision mak- lution. A petrochemical fire at a plant in Texas area, what you find is that many of unnatural death. Yet under capitalism, ers and corporate control. [The women Westlake, outside of Lake Charles, forced these industries go into shutdown mode. enough resources are being produced that of color-led collaborative] utilizes the officials to issue a shelter-in-place order That means they can’t process the oil and could provide for everyone facing hard- transformative nature of art and media Aug. 27—though not everyone had a make all the products that they ordinarily ship now. to inspire and catalyze change.” place they could shelter in. (Vox, Aug. 29) make. Much of the product that’s left in These resources are being hoarded by More than ever, the survival of working Over 1.5 million people were under the pipeline has to be sent to the flares a few at the expense of the workers who and oppressed people is a life-and-death evacuation orders in Texas and Louisiana and actually burned, along with a lot of produce this wealth—with the heavi- struggle that depends on the ability to just days before the storm made landfall. the gases that build up.” est toll falling on the most oppressed build power in solidarity and—in the This sudden mass displacement of people Kelley explained further, “What you members of our class. Oil companies words of LGBTQ2S+ activist and writer forced to travel during the COVID pan- see coming off the smokestacks or the must pay climate refugees and the world Leslie Feinberg—become the best fight- demic, when many are without work or derricks are these huge, huge plumes reparations! ers against each other’s oppressions. The much—if any—income, resulted in con- of black smoke and soot. Much of it is Groups on the Gulf Coast have been workers’ struggle against climate crisis, ditions ripe for transmission of the virus. contaminated with benzene. Much of it doing work for decades in the fight COVID, capitalism, imperialism and is contaminated with sulfur and other against climate crisis and pollution. For patriarchy has no borders. Workers of Petrochemicals and pandemic toxins that are not being processed, also guidance and leadership and to build the world and oppressed people unite! ☐ Marshes and coastal wetlands like volatile organic compounds. And so peo- solidarity in these struggles, commu- those along the U.S. Gulf Coast are ple are ingesting all of these dangerous nities can look to organizations like the

Trump’s COVID-19 Rx: Less science, more politics By Betsey Piette produced the cleanser, acknowl- edged concerns about prolonged On the eve of the Republican National skin and eye contact. However, the Convention, on Aug. 23, Trump took to company did not list any tests per- the airwaves to announce that the U.S. formed about chronic or long-term Food and Drug Administration had effects. Sass also voiced concerns approved an emergency use authorization that SurfaceWise2’s data sheet for convalescent plasma for COVID-19 states it is toxic to aquatic organ- treatment. The previous day, Trump had isms and kills microbes, including accused the FDA of delaying the rollout of beneficial ones. vaccines and therapeutic treatments for The “Material Safety Data “political reasons.” Sheet” for SurfaceWise2 claims Many scientists and health experts that the percentages of active questioned the reversal of the FDA’s ingredients are a “trade secret.” previous position, which was that more But it states that one symptom testing was needed on the impact of the of exposure might be irritation, plasma treatment. Even Stephen Hahn, which could cause inflamed air- head of the FDA, acknowledged that he ways and increased risk of infec- had overstated its benefits. Since Aug. 23, tion by viruses. doctors in the U.S. have reported cases of COVID-19 reinfection—​calling into CDC abruptly changes question the value of plasma treatment. position on testing On Aug. 24, the first night of the RNC, These “emergency” declarations with much fanfare, the Environmental by the FDA and EPA were clearly Graph shows number of new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. by day. Protection Agency gave emergency politically designed to convince approval for the use of the disinfectant voters to ignore Trump’s abysmal record This stunning CDC reversal comes just testing coordinator Admiral Brett Giroir, SurfaceWise2 by the airline industry on COVID-19. Meanwhile, the number as more schools are reopening, many with Assistant Secretary for Health, denied and two Texas sports clinics. The agency of cases in the U.S. has surpassed 6 mil- in-person instruction which potentially any intervention from Trump in the CDC called it a “major game changer.” lion, and over 186,000 people have died. risks the exposure of millions of children, reversal, it is undeniable that with only 61 Yet health and chemical safety experts (, Aug. 29) young adults, and education and other days left before the Nov. 3 election, this charge the disinfectant may do little to But just in case people questioned the school workers. move benefits Trump. protect against an airborne virus, but validity of these declarations, the Centers Recent studies show that while young In June, Trump falsely claimed that could be harmful to passengers and air- for Disease Control and Prevention also people are less likely to exhibit COVID‑19 testing was the cause of a recent surge of line workers when used in enclosed buckled to Trump’s pressure and abruptly symptoms, they may carry higher viral cases in the U.S. At a controversial rally in spaces. When sprayed, it emits poten- changed its COVID-19 testing guidelines on loads and are more likely than adults to Tulsa, Okla., he told supporters: “When tially hazardous vapors that could linger Aug. 26. After weeks of encouraging people transmit the disease to others. CDC data you do testing to that extent, you’re going without proper ventilation. to get tested if they have been exposed to has linked 40% of COVID‑19 infections to to find more people; you’re going to find Jennifer Sass, a senior scientist at the the virus, the CDC now claims public test- individuals who test positive yet show no more cases. So I said to my people, ‘Slow Natural Resources Defense Council, stated ing might not be necessary unless people symptoms. the testing down, please.’” (, that Dallas-based Allied BioScience, which show symptoms of the disease. While the Trump administration’s June 20) ☐ Page 4 Sept. 3, 2020 COVID and wildfires fuel call for mass prisoner releases By Judy Greenspan with life-threatening and chronic illnesses. excuses given by prison administrators to justify their Sacramento, Calif. Many wildfires in the vicinity of prisons, including inaction has been to say that the prisoners have nowhere the California Medical to go. If today’s demonstra- Spiking COVID-19 levels in California state prisons, Facility at Vacaville and tions were any indication, coupled with raging wildfires and dangerously poor air California State Prison- many of the prisoners have quality, have fueled a statewide movement demanding Solano, continue to loving family members who the mass release of prisoners. spew clouds of ash and want them returned to the On Aug. 30, a boisterous and angry coalition of pris- dust. While area resi- community so they can pro- oners’ family members, former prisoners and pris- dents have been evac- vide them with care. oners’ rights activists protested outside the homes of uated, the CDC has yet Later at Gov. Newsom’s California Department of Corrections (CDC) Secretary to evacuate any of the house, protesters demanded Ralph Diaz and Gov. Gavin Newsom, who both reside in prisons. the governor come out and Sacramento, the state capital. The demonstration, orga- Outside Secretary speak with them. Newsom, nized by No Justice Under Capitalism, included a large Diaz’s house, angry who was known to be home number of spouses and other relatives of prisoners who family members spoke at the time of the protest, are part of We Are Their Voices. about their loved ones was nowhere to be seen. Reported COVID-19 infections of California state in prison. Their mes- The coalition promised to prisoners have reached 10,565, with 57 reported deaths. sage was strong and return until the prison sys- Gov. Newsom has refused to order mass releases of simple: “Let them WW PHOTO: JUDY GREENSPAN tem acts to save the lives of prisoners, for whom COVID could be a death sentence. go! We will take care Demonstrators speak out at house of CDC Secretary Diaz on California prisoners. ☐ California prisons are filled with the elderly and people of them.” One of the Aug. 30. Justice for John Neville! By calvin deutschbein Neville’s autopsy found that he died of cardiac arrest The 38-day encampment in Winston-Salem went up and a brain injury caused by a lack of oxygen. Video following a successful encampment action at the gov- On Aug. 21, the newly formed Triad Abolition Project obtained by the Project shows Neville saying over 20 ernor’s mansion in Raleigh in early July, which ended began the 38th consecutive day of direct action against times that he could not breathe. Following the protests when the governor vetoed a bill to prevent the publiciz- Forsyth County’s killer jail in Winston-Salem, N.C. The outside the jail, five guards and a jail nurse were charged ing of autopsy reports from in-custody deaths such as Project was formed earlier this year to demand justice in with felony manslaughter. Neville’s. the case of John Neville, who was murdered by jailers in The jailers are exempt from state regulations barring Dozens of demonstrators with the Project face charges December 2019. The county sheriff kept the news from what they call “prone restraint,” which is more accu- for participating in the action. Currently the Project’s the public for months. rately described as hog-tying because it is so frequently demands of the Sheriff and District Attorney are: deadly. This is not the first death by hog-tying in 1. Respond to all questions: “Why are you covering up Forsyth County; also within the N.C. Triad area, a murder?” Marcus Smith was murdered by Greensboro 2. Ban the use of the prone restraint (hog-tie) on any police officers using the same technique in 2018. civilian, incarcerated or not, sick or not. Make relevant “Facedown restraint, called prone restraint, is policy changes in the Forsyth County Department of lethal and must be prohibited in all N.C. jails,” Corrections (FCDC) around protocol for inmates in med- said Susan Pollitt, attorney at Disability Rights ical distress. North Carolina. 3. Notify the public of any death involving an officer While the Project has forced the district attor- or deputy immediately. Make relevant policy changes ney to charge those responsible for Neville’s around transparency and accountability in deaths of cit- death, neither the sheriff nor the DA have made izens in custody of the county (including in FCDC and policy changes. Both the sheriff and local police other guardianship situations). got increased funding in 2020 in the midst of 4. Dismiss all charges against arrested, peaceful pro- Aug. 5 protest after video of John Neville’s death is made public, national economic collapse and the shuttering testers. ☐ Greensboro, N.C. of many social programs.

Prison-industrial complex Harvard students demand divestment By Ted Kelly in a recent interview. get Harvard University, the university with the largest “A friend invited me to a meeting of the Harvard endowment in the world, to divest from prisons just A student-led organization called the Harvard Prison Prison Divestment Campaign, and immediately I knew because you ask them to?’ And to them I say, ‘No one Divestment Campaign is fighting to dismantle the pris- I was surrounded by amazing, hardworking, dedicated ever thought that a group of activists could get Harvard on-industrial complex, starting with their own school’s prison abolitionists, who shared the same vision of the to divest from South African apartheid. That took 10 administration. Research has exposed that portions world that I want. A years. And you know of Harvard University’s $39 billion endowment are vision of the world what? Nine and a half invested in the notorious prison profiteers GEO Group that does not include years in, I bet some and Core Civic. fixing all of our prob- people were thinking, The website of the campaign, which was formed in lems using weap- ‘Wow, this hasn’t been 2018, says, “Our demands are simple. The Harvard ons, , guns, going well for a really Management Company must divest all of Harvard’s hold- violence and cages. long time. Maybe we ings in companies that profit from the prison-industrial A world where all should give up.’ But complex and reinvest in communities disproportion- of our problems are they didn’t. And they ately affected by mass incarceration.” Additionally, the addressed at their won!” campaign demands the university publicly disclose all root with love, com- Chen also cited the its endowment holdings for transparency and account- passion, care, com- recent successful push ability, re-invest in communities and people affected by munity services and, to get Jamie Dimon of the prison-industrial complex, and launch initiatives on ultimately, a non-vio- JP Morgan Chase to decarceration and ways to end structural reliance on lent philosophy.” Harvard Prison Divestment Campaign rally on March 1, 2019. divest his holdings in prisons and police. Originally unsure private prison facilities. Amanda Chen, an HPDC organizer, arrived at Harvard about the efficacy of protests, she found the demonstra- “We are at a turning point in history,” Chen said, in Law school as a committed prison abolitionist. “I was so tions she attended against the prison apparatus to be reference to the world-historic uprisings against the disillusioned by the very narrow and traditional curric- inspiring—and​ effective. police after the . ☐ ulum at Harvard Law School,” she told Workers World “People always ask me, ‘Do you really think you can Sept. 3, 2020 Page 5 What’s behind the U.S. ban on TikTok?

By Ben Carroll composed of many major players in the U.S. tech industry—​to lobby and run public relations With more than 100 million monthly users in the U.S., campaigns around their interests. These interests nearly 70% of whom are ages 13-24, TikTok has quickly include reducing regulations and scrutiny of the become a wildly popular, short-video social media app. industry, as well as unifying efforts by the tech Owned by Chinese corporation ByteDance Ltd., TikTok industry to take on growing Chinese technologi- is the sixth most popular social media app worldwide, cal innovation and dominance. according to usage statistics compiled in January of this In American Edge’s founding statement enti- year. (, May 7) tled “Who We Are,” posted on its website, China Teenage users of the app—​colloquially referred to is the only country other than the U.S. that is as “TikTok teens”—​are credited with using TikTok to mentioned by name. The corporate coalition cites thwart a June 20 reelection rally of President Donald the following fact as being a major impetus for its Trump in Tulsa, Okla., by reserving a huge number of formation: “9 of the top 20 technology compa- tickets under fake names. Leading up to the planned nies are now based in China rather than the U.S.” rally, Trump and his campaign team bragged about over- It is curious that Facebook, among other filling the arena where the event was planned. Instead, U.S. tech giants and politicians, would cite they were met with a venue that was less than half-filled. concerns over data security and allegations of The crowds they anticipated never materialized. censorship in their opposition to TikTok and Trump issued an executive order Aug. 6 that will effec- other Chinese-owned apps. After all, Facebook tively ban TikTok and WeChat, another Chinese-owned abruptly removed the pages of It’s Going Down, messaging and social media app, from operating in the Crimethinc and other prominent anti-fascist and U.S. by mid-September. The reason for this drastic move anarchist pages without any warning on Aug. 19. is allegedly “to protect national security.” This is related to accusations around data security and privacy. In U.S. companies line up like pigs at the trough reality, the U.S. government’s action is an escalation of In reality, the U.S. Following Trump’s executive order banning TikTok, Washington’s ongoing efforts to undermine China, par- U.S. technology corporations have been circling like ticularly in the growing battle around the development government’s action is an vultures to get their hands on U.S.-based operations of and ownership of technology. escalation of Washington’s the app, which could be put up for sale before the mid- China’s rising tech development threatens U.S. profits September deadline banning it. ongoing efforts to undermine At the head of this ravenous pack are Microsoft and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg attended a private Walmart, which submitted a joint bid. Oracle is trying dinner in October 2019 at the White House with Trump, China, particularly in the to buy the company. Twitter and other companies have White House adviser Jared Kushner and billionaire tech expressed interest in purchasing TikTok. investor Peter Thiel, who is also on Facebook’s board. growing battle around the There is certainly a lot of money to be made by The dinner was part of a concerted effort by Zuckerberg whichever U.S. corporation buys the app, should such a and his company to get an audience with some of the development and ownership sale eventually take place. On Aug. 29, China formally most aggressively anti-China members of Congress. asserted its right to be involved in the negotiations tak- Of course, this event was a bipartisan affair, meant to of technology. ing place concerning TikTok’s operations in the U.S., in stoke concern about TikTok in particular and the rising an effort to protect other more sensitive technologies threat posed to U.S. technological corporations’ global that were developed by the app. market share. (Wall Street Journal, Aug. 23) The tech company has a long, well-documented history Similar to the campaign now being waged against Parroting the racist and growing anti-communist rhet- of removing left-wing political pages and suppressing TikTok, Huawei is another Chinese technology com- oric coming from the top levels of both U.S. capitalist posts in news feeds. pany that has been aggressively attacked by the U.S. political parties, when asked about the meeting between In 2018, the personal information of millions of and its imperialist allies in the last two years. Huawei Zuckerberg and Trump, Facebook representative Andy Facebook users was accessed without their knowledge recently overtook Samsung as the world’s largest smart- Stone told the Wall Street Journal, “As Chinese compa- by the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. phone producer. Huawei is currently the world’s larg- nies and influence have been growing, so has the risk of a This is only one of countless leaks of users’ personal est manufacturer of telecom equipment, such as chips, global internet based on their values, as opposed to ours.” information. In addition, these corporations show their and is a global leader in the development of 5G wireless Facebook was also one of the companies to found a allegiance to U.S. governmental police agencies by com- technology. new organization called American Edge—​a supergroup plying with their requests for such information. U.S. ups anti-China attacks The expansion and profitability of U.S. technological SF School bus drivers corporations are certainly key aspects of the attacks on TikTok. However, this is only one part of the latest wid- ening conflict instigated by the U.S. against China. ‘Don’t throw us under the bus!’ By every measure China is surpassing the U.S. in tech- nological innovation, owed in large part to the social organization of Chinese society, which encourages By Dave Welsh and fosters such developments. China’s achievements threaten the long-term viability of the position which For 50 years, the San Francisco school bus drivers U.S. corporations have enjoyed for decades in reaping union has led the fight for safe—​and unionized—​ the benefits of technological developments. transportation of children to and from school. Now U.S. imperialism depends on its reliable partnerships the school district and its bus contractor First Student with U.S.-based technological corporations, in order to are threatening to lay off 260 drivers and strip them develop new means to advance and protect its global of their health care and other benefits. imperialist interests. That those technologies can be “The fight is on,” said Sharon Chappill, president developed elsewhere, and which in many cases are supe- of their union, SMART Local 1741. “We won’t let rior to those developed in the U.S., is a major threat. them tear up our union contract and put our children The Trump administration has ramped-up open in harm’s way,” she told a powerful demonstration at attacks on China with the imposition of tariffs and other San Francisco City Hall on Aug. 20, which included means, but taking aim at China is a bipartisan project. a strong showing of over three-quarters of the entire Democratic Party presidential candidate has membership of the school bus drivers’ local. (tinyurl. been competing with Trump about who can take the com/y56r6r9w) most aggressive stance against China—​in the interest Also speaking were Susan Solomon, president of of preserving the dominance of U.S. imperialism as it United Educators of San Francisco, the teachers’ continues to decline. local, and Alida Fisher, parent of a child with disabil- Faced by a multitude of severe problems—​a deepen- ities. Fisher spoke with feeling about the caring and ing economic crisis, a pandemic, a growing movement in sensitivity of the school bus drivers toward the chil- the streets against racist police and an emerg- dren who were in their charge. The unionized drivers ing political fight around the 2020 presidential elec- are required to conform to stringent requirements for tions—Washington’s​ escalating attacks on China show licensing of drivers and for special outfitting of the the desperation of a capitalist system that is losing its buses to ensure that the children’s safety is protected. legitimacy on every level. This environment can present The San Francisco Unified School District has many opportunities, alongside many threats, as these awarded a partial contract to a nonunion ride-share crises intensify. ☐ company called Zum to take over the transportation of some children to and from their schools. The driv- PHOTO: SANTOS NIETO ers and their union are saying: “No way!” ☐ San Francisco school bus drivers march to the school board to demand health care for all. Page 6 Sept. 3, 2020 Letetra Widham, sister of Jacob Blake, says ‘I want change!’

By Kathy Durkin I’m tired. I stopped crying years ago. I spoke of “two systems of justice in the am numb. I have been watching police United States—​a white system and a Letetra Widham declared, “I don’t murder people that look like me for years. Black system.” Letetra Widham spoke want your pity. I want change!” The sis- I’m also a Black history minor, so not only powerfully against “genocide.” ter of Jacob Blake gave an impassioned have I been watching this the 30 years Alyssa Findley, Botham Jean’s sister, talk at an Aug. 25 press conference in I’ve been on this planet, but I’ve ‘been who came in solidarity with families of Kenosha, Wis., the city where police shot watching this’ for years before we were police victims, emphasized police brutal- her brother two days earlier. This hor- even alive.” ity is the largest killer of Black people. rific act set off protests there demanding Jacob Blake Sr., told reporters, “They Ahmaud Arbery’s parents, Wanda “Justice for Jacob Blake!” shot my son seven times like he didn’t Cooper-Jones and Marcus Arbery, Blake, a 29-year-old African American, matter. But my son matters. He’s a addressed the crowd. Everyone chanted lies paralyzed in a hospital bed after being human being, and he matters.” “Say her name, Breonna Taylor,” while shot in the back seven times by a white Letetra Widham, sister of Jacob Blake, her mother, Tamika Palmer, spoke. police officer. Three of his six children speaks on Aug. 25 at press conference in D.C. theme: ‘Get your knee off our necks!’ Sybrina Fulton, ’s watched this brutal attack. Outrageously, Kenosha, Wis. On Aug. 28, the 57th anniversary of the mother, called for constant reaffirmation Blake was shackled to the bed until a pub- 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and of “Black Lives Matter.” Maria Hamilton lic outcry stopped that cruel act. “So many people have reached out to Freedom, thousands rallied at the Lincoln and Wanda Johnson, mothers of Dontre Widham’s eloquent speech, which went me, telling me they’re sorry this hap- Memorial in Washington, D.C. The day’s Hamilton and Oscar Grant, encouraged viral, touched millions of people who are pened to my family. Don’t be sorry, theme refers to the police killing by choke more mobilizing. angered by endless racist police violence, because this has been happening to my hold of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Jose Acevedo honored his son, Joel including those who have taken to the family for a long time, longer than I can which sparked the countrywide Black Acevado, choke hold victim. Eric Garner streets to demand an end to this terror account for. It happened to Emmett Till. Lives Matter-led multinational move- Jr., Leslie McSpadden, mother of Michael against the Black community and to sys- Emmett Till is my family,” she said, refer- ment of millions of people. Brown, and relatives of other victims of temic racism, while calling for justice for ring to the 14-year-old African American Key to the day’s program was the inclu- police terror attended. Civil rights and its victims. murdered by Klansmen in 1955 in sion of family members of Black and faith-based leaders and politicians also “I am my brother’s keeper,” stressed Mississippi. “It happened to Philando, Latinx victims of racist police or vigilante came and spoke. Widham. “When you say the name Jacob Mike Brown and Sandra,” naming three violence. Speakers stressed the need to Blake, make sure you say father; make of the many African Americans killed struggle together and vowed to keep up Sources: , Aug. 25, sure you say cousin; make sure you say by police bullets or while in police cus- the fight for “the justice we deserve.” New York Times, Aug. 29,, son; make sure you say uncle; but most tody—​Philando Castile, Michael Brown Philonise Floyd, George Floyd’s Aug. 26, WJLA, Aug. 28 and WUSA, importantly, make sure you say human. and Sandra Bland. brother, marched for “George, Breonna, Aug. 28 Let it marinate in your mind—​a human “This is not new,” said Widham. “I’m Ahmaud, Jacob, Pamela Turner, Michael life. We’re human, and his life matters. not sad. I’m not sorry. I’m angry. And Brown and Trayvon.” Jacob Blake Sr. Kenosha speaks: Keep it in the streets! By Adelana Adelana breathe” at the forefront of our march. We were demonized. We were given Families of victims of police crimes across orange suits. I spent 24 hours in jail with This article is an edited version of a Wisconsin shared their heartbreaking no phone call. talk by Adelana Akindes during the Aug. stories at a rally. Even during the pan- Contrast this with Kyle Rittenhouse 30 United National Antiwar Coalition demic, we were able to gather hundreds who murdered people, yet was able to Webinar: “After the DNC & RNC—​We of people to listen to the stories and be walk through the crowd after killing Can’t Breathe! Keep it in the Streets—​ in solidarity. them. These experiences have deepened Against Racism, Evictions and War.” We marched through downtown, stop- our understanding of the inherent injus- Akindes is a leader with the Coalition to ping at symbolic locations—​the police tices woven into the system. March on the DNC and Students for a station and Homeland Security. We know that the biggest systemic Democratic Society in Kenosha, Wis. Just three days later, Jacob Blake was changes and advancements have hap- shot in the back seven times by Kenosha pened through protests: the Civil Rights I’ve been attending the Kenosha upris- police. We all felt anger and devastation. Movement in the United States, fight- ing since the shooting of Jacob Blake Aug. We were called to act, to march, speak, ing apartheid in South Africa, on strike Adelana Akindes speaking during Aug. 30 23 and was actually abducted by the feds mobilize and organize. We faced warlike for workers’ rights, revolutions in South UNAC webinar. on Aug. 26 for 24 hours. conditions with the deployment of the America and Cuba. So we recognize We’d been building for a year for the National Guard and constant use of tear that the way to move forward is through March on the DNC, which was held Aug. gas, rubber bullets and flash bombs. protest, and that’s what’s happening in message is keep it in the streets, keep 20. Our goals were to defeat Trump and On Wednesday night, me and two oth- Kenosha today. going, keep marching, keep organizing. send a message to the politicians of both ers were walking to join the march, bring- Even with the National Guard and the Join an organization. If it wasn’t for parties that our movements are going to ing protective gear and medical supplies, military coming in and trying to silence SDS, I probably wouldn’t have gotten out grow and challenge their power. when three unmarked vehicles swooped us, locking us up and trying to instill fear as soon as I did. We had thousands of Following the lynching of George Floyd, in out of nowhere. The feds and local offi- in us, we’re still coming out. Even though calls coming in. and in solidarity with the March on RNC cers arrested us for a curfew violation. We it’s been a scary experience, it gives us Power to the people! ☐ in Jacksonville, Fla., we put “We can’t were given disproportionate treatment. a glimpse of how power operates. My Kenosha’s labor history Continued from page 1 which had endorsed Michael Dukakis in cities and counties that surround advance of the party’s convention. them. The bosses at Chrysler—​ the South and sent members to the region After Chrysler closed Kenosha now FCA—​have yet to be brought in 1965 to support voting rights. Around Assembly in 1989, Local 72 continued to justice for their crimes against that time, Local 72 was the largest local to represent Kenosha Engine, which was numerous communities including in the UAW, with 14,300 working at the adding more production lines. President Kenosha. assembly plant and other nearby AMC Rudy Kuzel supported the election of an In this climate of impunity for plants. out gay man for steward and in the 1990s the bosses and the well-to-do, When Chrysler bought out AMC in backed the campaign to win contract lan- Jacob Blake, a Black person who 1987, there were still over 8,000 workers guage banning discrimination for sexual had committed no crime, was shot at Kenosha Assembly. CEO Lee Iacocca orientation—which​ the UAW finally won in the back seven times by a cop and initially promised to keep the plant open at the Big Three automakers in 1999. then handcuffed to his hospital bed. at least five years, but in 1988 he reversed In 2009, Chrysler declared bankruptcy The ensuing wave of protests has course and announced the plant would be and announced the closing of six plants, shown, however, that the militant, closing. including Kenosha Engine, one of the last anti-racist tradition of UAW Local Speakers at labor-community rallies to former AMC plants still in operation. In 72 is alive and well in the streets of stop the closing included the Rev. Jesse 2010 the company, now owned by Fiat, Kenosha today. ☐ Jackson, then seeking the Democratic closed the plant, ending over a century of Party’s presidential nomination. Local 72 auto industry presence in Kenosha. Rev. Jesse Jackson at rally in endorsed Jackson, drawing the ire of the Plant closings are devastating, not only Kenosha to stop closing of UAW’s International Executive Board, to workers and their families, but to the Chrysler Assembly Plant, 1988. Sept. 3, 2020 Page 7 Raleigh protest in solidarity with Jacob Blake and Kenosha

By calvin deutschbein The crowd called out various local offi- Durham, N.C. cials, including the district attorney, and chanted “We see you. We love you” to On Aug. 28, in solidarity with Jacob people held inside the center before con- Blake and Kenosha, thousands flooded tinuing the march. the streets in downtown Raleigh to Around 10 p.m., the mayor declared demand police abolition, the abolition of a curfew, opening the way for a planned capitalism and decolonization. police attack. Demonstrators began to Raleigh capitalists could scarcely hide reposition and set fire to barricades to their zeal to wield their oppressive appa- protect the march from attempted flanks ratus. By the beginning of the march at by police officers on golf carts, which were 7 p.m., most businesses and govern- used by the riot cops and SWAT teams to ment buildings downtown had boarded try to get in position around the march. up their windows, and most government Thousands gather before the so-called Wake County Justice Center. WW PHOTO: DURHAM BUREAU For the most part, the police were buildings had barricades placed in front unsuccessful and only able to effect a to create choke points for concentrated but to corporate media, as USA Today in-custody deaths in county jails. number of obviously illegal arrests late police violence. so aptly stated in early June, “Buildings Marchers then went to the Department in the evening, including arrests of legal Dutifully following the direction of matter, too.” of Public Instruction to draw together observers. Police also tried but failed to their masters, many corporate media In protest, crowds gathered at the the many movements across the state, arrest journalists, despite journalists news outlets breathlessly spoke of the Wake County Justice Center and marched including efforts by the Wake County being designated as exempt from the possibility of property damage. What to different sites of the white power struc- Black Student Coalition to end police in curfew. media narratives missed was earlier ture throughout the city. First, to the N.C. Raleigh schools. Months into the protests, they have in the day when Wake County District State Capitol, where they had torn down “You get rid of fascism; colonialism is continued to grow louder, larger and Attorney Lorrin Freeman had elected not Confederate monuments on Juneteenth. still here,” said a speaker, addressing the more radical in Raleigh and throughout to designate the Raleigh police killing Then, to the Governor’s Mansion, where crowd. “You get rid of fascism—​colo- North Carolina and increasingly hard- of Keith Collins in January as a wrong- after a week-long continuous demonstra- nialism is still going to be a factor for ened against policing. ful death. ( To the tion earlier this year, the governor was African people, for brown people and for “Into the streets to , people of Raleigh—​Black Lives Matter, forced to veto legislation that covered up Indigenous people.” no justice no peace!” ☐ Voice from Kenosha: Electoral politics not nearly enough

By Omar Flores effectively cracking down on labor rights, what we see across the country. In Kenosha, We’ve seen militias out in the suburbs. goading fascists to continue oppressing with their only focusing on electoral poli- People just out supposedly “defending This article is an edited version of a people in the streets. We’ve marched on tics, you see this explosion—​because peo- their neighborhoods” aren’t bothered talk by Omar Flores during the Aug. 30 Trump in Green Bay; we’ve march on his ple aren’t getting their demands met, and by the police at all. On the other hand, UNAC Webinar: “After the DNC & RNC—​ rally in Oshkosh, as well as Milwaukee. people aren’t seeing justice. People are still when we were waiting outside [the jail] We Can’t Breathe! Keep it in the Streets—​ Our second point is to demand that seeing violence and seeing killer cops. for Adelana’s release and the two other Against Racism, Evictions and War.” Democrats take action against police vio- What’s happening in Kenosha is what’s SDSers, they attempted to arrest us for Flores is with the Milwaukee Alliance lence and arrest killer cops. Our third focus happening in a lot of small cities. And a just demanding their release. Against Racism and Political Repression. is to make sure that people keep it in the lot of these smaller cities are left behind. We very clearly see the direction that streets. So from that, I’m going to transi- It’s really important to keep it in the this is going. Trump has been rallying Today I’m speaking on behalf of the tion to what’s happening in Kenosha. streets in the small towns and cities and his brown shirts for a while now, but Coalition to March on the DNC. Kenosha is my hometown. I’ve lived rural areas—anywhere​ that we can possi- we’re starting to see those contradictions We’ve had three primary focuses of there for 22 years and actually orga- bly be. Otherwise, we’re just going to keep hashed out in real time. Final message our march, and the first is to defeat the nized in Kenosha for a time. The issue seeing these uprisings and people getting is that everyone keep it in the streets—​ number one enemy of all working people, in Kenosha is that a lot of organizations killed. We want to get to a point where because as we’ve seen in Kenosha, rally- , here and abroad. primarily focus on electoral politics. The we’re able to stabilize and have a govern- ing around electoral politics is not nearly We saw some other work that he tried left-wing organizations primarily exist ment that works for the people. enough to be addressing this terrible, ter- to do in Venezuela and failed. This is what around electoral politics. I’ve been out quite a few nights in rible issue that’s happening around the makes him the enemy of working people: Kenosha could be seen as a microcosm of Kenosha since its uprising happened. country and around the world. ☐ NBA players ignite sports-wide strike vs. police terror Continued from page 1 (, Aug. 26) Earthquakes vs. Portland Timbers, LA The WNBA players, along with the Galaxy vs. Seattle Sounders FC and Inter other accountable. We hold ourselves to NBA players, have given extra attention to Miami vs. Atlanta United FC. that standard, and in this moment, we are demanding justice for Breonna Taylor, the Tennis player , a two-time demanding the same from our lawmakers 26-year-old Black woman and EMT whom Grand Slam winner, refused to play her and law enforcement. Kentucky police fatally shot multiple times semifinal tennis match in the Western & “We are calling for justice for Jacob this past March in her own home. No police Southern Open on Aug. 27. Osaka tweeted, Blake and demand the officers be held officer has been charged with her murder. “Before I am an athlete, I am a Black accountable. For this to occur, it is imper- woman. Watching the continued genocide ative for the Wisconsin State Legislature Sterling Brown and George Hill read Baseball, soccer, tennis, of Black people at the hands of the police to reconvene after months of inaction and statement on behalf of Milwaukee Bucks hockey, football players is honestly making me sick to my stom- take up meaningful measures to address team, Aug. 26. Six teams post- ach.” (, Aug. 27) Osaka is of issues of , brutality poned their Aug. 26 games to express Haitian and Japanese heritage. and criminal justice reform. We encour- action. Scheduled to play regular season their solidarity with the NBA boy- National Football League teams includ- age all citizens to educate themselves, games on Aug. 26, they planned varied cott and the struggle for social justice: ing the Detroit Lions, the Washington take peaceful and responsible action, and protests. the Milwaukee Brewers, Los Angeles football team, Indianapolis Colts and remember to vote on Nov. 3.” ( On the basketball court, the Washington Dodgers, San Francisco Giants, San Diego seven others turned their practice ses- Several years ago, Milwaukee police Mystic team wore Jacob Blake warm-up Padres, Seattle Mariners and Cincinnati sions into press conferences and dis- brutalized Brown. He has a lawsuit pend- shirts with seven bullet holes drawn on Reds. Several more MLB teams, includ- cussions to protest police brutality and ing against the cops. the back. At the last minute, they decided ing the Minnesota Twins, Detroit Tigers, systemic racism. All the teams in Orlando met late on not to play. The WNBA’s Atlanta Dream, Oakland Athletics, Philadelphia Phillies, College football players walked off their Aug. 26 and again the next day. They Connecticut Sun, Los Angeles Sparks, Texas Rangers and Washington Nationals respective practice fields to march on their decided to resume the playoff season Minnesota Lynx and Phoenix Mercury also postponed their games scheduled for Aug. campuses in solidarity with Black Lives either Aug. 28 or 29. All games scheduled boycotted their games. No WNBA games 27 in protest of police brutality. Matter at Ole Miss, Oklahoma University for Aug. 27 were postponed. were played on Aug. 27. The MLB action is significant. Only a and University of Kansas on Aug. 27. NBA champion, and now popular In a statement representing the WNBA small number of African American play- The post- sports commentator, Kenny “The Jet” players’ union, Atlanta Dream forward ers are in the MLB. Historically the MLB poned all its games for Aug. 27 and 28. Smith, walked off the live set of TNT’s Elizabeth Williams said: “What we have has taken little to no progressive stances Whatever happens going forward, the “Inside the NBA” program on Aug. 26 in seen over the last few months, and most against racism since Jackie Robinson NBA players’ two-day strike has made an support of the NBA boycott. recently with the brutal police shooting of broke baseball’s color line in 1947. indelible and historic impact, bringing a Jacob Blake, is overwhelming. And while In solidarity with Black Lives Matter, 10 whole new awareness to the struggle for Women’s NBA acts we hurt for Jacob and his community, teams cancelled five social change in the United States and Once the NBA teams carried out their we also have an opportunity to keep the matches on Aug. 26: FC Dallas vs. Colorado around the world. ☐ one-day strike, six WNBA teams took focus on the issues and demand change.” Rapids, Real Salt Lake vs. LAFC, San Jose Page 8 Sept. 3, 2020

The RNC and DNC are over Now what to do about November? By Teresa Gutierrez at the Democratic National Convention were given 1,000 times more time for The Democratic and Republican their remarks than Ocasio-Cortez. national conventions have come and The Democrats are unable to stop the gone. If someone asks who cares, the Republican Party, because both parties answers would be diverse and interest- are beholden to the billionaires. ing. Do these conventions matter? Does the 2020 presidential election matter? What really matters is the class struggle! One could easily answer no; they really Nonetheless, the rise of anti-scientific, do not matter. ultraconservative, far-right forces in the However, what does matter is that Republican Party must be challenged. almost 1,000 people are dying from QAnon has taken hold of new politicians, COVID-19 every single day in the U.S. including Marjorie Taylor Greene, who What does matter is that climate change won a House primary runoff election in is wrecking the planet, and raging fires Georgia. (New York Times, Aug. 11) are again displacing people in California. This is dangerous if we are to stop the What does matter are the ultra-crises of COVID-19 pandemic, which has not only unemployment, evictions, health care and been aggravated by Trump, but is today education which are pummeling the work- being denied almost altogether. Protesters risked arrests to challenge the RNC in Charlotte, N.C. ing class. What if Trump is reelected? Will What matters is that the basic demo- another Trump administration quickly cratic right to vote is in danger, trivializ- The Trump campaign invited the anyone is enthused about Biden. Many call for opening up the economy, the ing the blood shed to obtain it. Oppressed McCloskeys to speak at the RNC. This is a are just settling with the “anybody but schools, bars and beaches, ushering in a people, notably the Black community and call to war against the Black Lives Matter Trump” line. new wave of coronavirus deaths? women, fought and died to gain voting movement. Patricia and Mark McCloskey But it is a new day, when so many are The New York Times of Aug. 5 wrote rights. pointed a gun at BLM protesters as they not falling behind this false line. that “the richest president in history What matters, too—​and is the most marched past their St. Louis, Mo., home It is notable that the Democratic has gotten financial support from nearly traumatic—is​ the brutality of racist police on June 28. During the convention, these Socialists of America, a body that one-in-10 U.S. billionaires.” terror that continues unabated and plagues fascists declared that Democrats “want to is radical but falls short of genuine The Biden campaign reports its finan- so many Black communities. Just as palpa- abolish the suburbs altogether, by end- Marxist-Leninist revolutionary ideol- cial resources amount to $699 million. ble is the situation of migrants being held ing single-family home zoning.” (CNN, ogy—especially​ on U.S. imperialism and The Trump campaign states it has $1.21 in detention cages or being stateless. Aug. 25) racism—​is not getting out the vote for billion! (NPR, Aug. 21) So if the question is what to do about The McCloskeys’ appearance was just Joe Biden. If one asks who the billionaires want all this, what is the answer? one of many such calls to arms during DSA wrote on May 12: “Following the to be president, and if one believes that it the Republican convention. The RNC withdrawal of Bernie Sanders from the . is the rich who really pick the president, Dog whistles become sirens was really a rally convened specifically to . . race, our country has lost the only via- then one would conclude that Trump will In the Trump era, the word racism attack the Black Lives Matter movement, ble . . . candidate advocating the compre- win. has become outdated. It is open white which has brought millions of protest- hensive reform we need to address this And if the electoral college continues to supremacy that is defining the agenda. ers into the streets from Minneapolis to pandemic head-on. [Biden’s] . . . differ- represent the racist and class interests, as Trump was elected on an anti-Mexi- Portland, Ore., and from Kenosha, Wis., ences with Sanders and the broader left it was established to do, then no matter can, anti-immigrant agenda. That agenda to Washington, D.C. All RNC speakers could not be starker, as was recently who gets the most votes in November, resulted in sheer horror. For example, decried and vilified this massive move- made clear when he committed to vetoing Trump will be reelected. hundreds, if not thousands of children of ment, by using words such as “anarchy,” Medicare for All. Biden’s recent, disgrace- That is why the real question right now migrants who were stolen from their par- “anger” and so on. ful embrace of anti-Chinese xenophobia is not what to do on Nov. 3, but what to ents, are missing. The BLM movement, which erupted and credible allegations against him, are do on Nov. 4? Who will really fight for Just recently, 39 missing migrant chil- following the horrific police murders dangerous examples of how corporate the working class? Who can stop the dren were “found” in Georgia, reported of George Floyd, in particular, and Democrats continue to fail at stopping the ultraright from marching in Portland and CNN on Aug. 29. Their captors were Breonna Taylor, is righteous. However, it ugly advance of far-right politics, racism, Kenosha with their Confederate flags and charged with sex trafficking, kidnapping scares the ruling class—​and not just the and misogyny.” ( AK-47s? and more. Republicans, but Democrats as well. This Indeed. Key is which forces will defend the During the summer, migrant advocates movement is Black-led, but it has solid The fact that DSA is not pushing Biden Black Lives Matter movement and build exposed the mistreatment of detainees at support from Brown and white people. is a step forward. Any position that under- class unity toward realizing its full poten- the Adelanto ICE Center in California, The BLM movement is calling for mines the hold which the Democrats have tial—​a chance to demand reparations which was “disinfecting the facility by everything from “defunding the police” on the progressive movement is a step for- for the horrors of slavery—​and maybe spraying hazardous chemicals in poorly to “abolishing the police” in the strug- ward. DSA joins a long list of progressives flourish, not to simply help build a new, ventilated areas, causing people to gle for real social change. It is taking and activists who are just not going there. just society for Black people, but for all develop bloody noses, burning eyes and place during one of the worst ever eco- The Democrats are completely inca- oppressed and working people. coughing fits, which could further spread nomic crises. Band-Aids will not suffice. pable of stopping the “far-right politics, The Brown and white youth fighting the coronavirus.” (Desert Sun, June 27) Democratic platitudes will not suffice racism and misogyny” that are thriving alongside their African American sisters, Now Trump has shamelessly turned his either. This is why the Democrats also under the capitalist system today. brothers and people of all genders know attention to the struggle of Black people fear this movement. Just look at how the Democratic Party what is truly at stake. The Democrats are for liberation, by targeting the Black Lives leaders treat Congresswoman Alexandria clueless and gutless. The Republicans are Matter movement. If politicians in the past ‘Anybody but Trump’ line refuted by many Ocasio-Cortez and the other women of white-supremacist terrorists. used “dog whistles” to reach their racist The debate among many people within color in the “Squad,” who are attempting The only solution is the people fighting base, Trump employed a siren. This is why the activist community is what to do to fight hard for their constituents, mostly for their own class interests. ☐ the Republican convention matters. about the November election. Hardly people of color. Republicans who spoke British soldier arrested for protesting war on Yemen By Michael Kramer Corporal Al-Babati explained the rea- which concludes, “As fellow serving sons he took action: “It is clear that this and former soldiers, we have the power Aug. 30—​Lance Corporal Ahmed government has blood on their hands; so to provide direct support for Al-Babati Al-Babati, an active duty British sol- with that being said, I refuse to continue and to explain and publicize the atroci- dier since 2017 and member of the 14th my military service until the arms trade ties that he has exposed.” ( Signal Regiment, was arrested Aug. 24 in with Saudi Arabia has been put to an end. y38d7x89) London while protesting the British gov- It is reported that a child dies every ten British and U.S. arms manufactur- ernment’s support for Saudi Arabia and minutes in Yemen; so I’ll be standing out- ers BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin and its criminal war against Yemen. side 10 Downing Street blowing a whistle Raytheon Technologies, to name a few, The arrest took place outside the official every ten minutes, so they can hear every have had billions of dollars in sales to residence of the British Prime Minister at time a child dies, due to a war they con- Saudi Arabia since the war began in 10 Downing Street. Al-Babati was taken tinue to arm and support.” (streamable. 2015. into custody by both the Royal Military com/gknjh8) Police and London Metropolitan Police. Veterans For Peace U.K. issued a Kramer is a member of Veterans For Lance Corporal Ahmed Al-Babati protests war (see video: strong statement in support and soli- Peace/ Chapter 021 (Northern New on Yemen outside British prime minister’s In a video posted online, Lance darity with Lance Corporal Al-Babati Jersey) residence. Sept. 3, 2020 Page 9 On socialist Vietnam’s response to COVID-19 By Dr. Ngo Thanh Nhan and Merle Ratner in fact, most crucial to Vietnam’s success, Socialist analysis is people’s power and socialist democracy One of the hallmarks of a socialist soci- This slightly edited co-written arti- in Vietnam! ety is the ability to do analysis of time, cle was presented as a talk by Dr. Ngo This is the human protagonist in social- place and condition, and develop strategy Thanh Nhan on Aug. 20 to a Workers ism, and it is what made all the differ- and tactics to meet the needs of the peo- World Party webinar on “COVID can ence in Vietnam’s ability to do so well in ple at that time. This goes together with be defeated: Cuba, China, Venezuela & fighting COVID-19. Exemplars in Global regular assessments of what was success- Vietnam lead the way.” The presenta- Health described this approach as “a ful and what was not, drawing lessons for tion began with a lively pop music video, strong whole-of-society approach [that] improvement. part of Vietnam’s national public health engages multi-sectoral stakeholders in Criticism/self-criticism is practiced campaign, “Vietnam, dare to win, dare decision-making process and activate[s] to strengthen people’s work, using their to beat the coronavirus!” viewable at cohesive participation of appropri- strength to overcome their weaknesses. ate measures.” ( This allowed Vietnam to identify compla- COVID-19-exemplar-vietnam) cency after the first wave of the virus as a Tonight, I’d like to talk about Vietnam’s The campaign against COVID-19 was problem and to take corrective measures experience in combating COVID-19. The carried out by the Communist Party, the to stem the second wave with popular first case in Vietnam was on Jan. 23. mass organizations and the whole people. mobilization. Between then and early July there were operations centers. Vietnam had also With the Party playing the leading role in Vietnam’s response to COVID-19 has about 200 cases of infection – and no learned from its experience in earlier setting the policy and strategy, it mobi- an internationalist focus as well. Cuba deaths. The second wave of the new strain SARS and avian influenza pandemics. lized Party members from the grassroots and Vietnam have a particularly strong of COVID-19 started on July 1. Even with Vietnam decided to focus on stopping to the provinces to the national level to cooperation. Cuba sent Vietnam a team this second wave, as of today, Aug. 20, the outbreak before it spread widely, develop, explain and implement the of medical experts and thousands of vials Vietnam has recorded only 1,034 cases using contact and community tracing, COVID-19 strategy. of an antiviral drug, Interferon alfa-2b, to with 29 deaths. Many of those who died testing where available, and a massive Mass organizations involved are the fight against COVID-19. Vietnam recently had terminal illness and some cases were public education and outreach program. Vietnam Fatherland Front, Vietnam donated three tons of medical equipment related to long-term illness from Agent In the areas where COVID-19 had Women’s Union, the Ho Chi Minh to Cuba, including rapid test kits, masks Orange toxins [from the 1955-1975 U.S. spread, Vietnam shut down non-essen- Communist Youth Union, the Vietnam and protective suits along with 5,000 war on the country]. tial businesses and schools. In neighbor- Farmers Union, the Vietnam General tons of rice. Vietnam also helped other The Ministry of Health gives instant hoods with a high incidence, residents Confederation of Labor, and the Vietnam countries suffering from the pandemic, reporting at where data were placed under strict quarantines. Association for Victims of Agent Orange/ even sending donations of PPE to Europe is submitted directly from local hospitals People were asked to stay in their homes dioxin. Many other mass organizations, and the U.S. across the country. to avoid further transmission and were including the army, leapt into action to You can see how differently socialist Vietnam is a country of more than 97 provided with food, medicine and med- organize their members in the public Vietnam manages the COVID-19 crisis million people, so 29 deaths is 0.299 per ical care. People coming from overseas health campaign. than the United States. In Vietnam, peo- million of the population. The United underwent a mandatory two-week quar- The neighborhood block associations ple’s level of confidence in the Communist States is a country of 331 million people antine in hotels or other centers where played a complementary role to that of Party and the government has been where there have been more than 183,650 they were provided with free food, lodg- the party and the mass organizations. strengthened by the achievements of the deaths, which is 554.83 per million--or ing and medical treatment. These block organizations constitute the campaign to defeat COVID-19. People feel 1,855.82 times proportionally bigger. Everyone had access to treatment smallest unit of community organization a strong sense of pride, as the country has The second wave of COVID-19 is cen- whatever their financial status. Masks and exist in many streets in cities and the come together to support everyone, and tered in Da Nang, the third-largest city in and PPE were widely available to medical countryside across Vietnam. to do what few other countries have been Vietnam, and a major tourist destination people, to essential workers and to ordi- Neighbors helped their neighbors to able to do. and transit city for foreign workers. Da nary people. identify symptoms of COVID-19 and to Nang is also the second-largest hot spot access medical care. They helped enforce Science, cultural work, centralized Dr. Ngo Thanh Nhan is with the Viêt for Agent Orange/dioxin in the land and mask wearing and other quarantine rules planning applied Solidarity & Action Network, Vietnam water. by exerting social pressure in their collec- Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility How did Vietnam, a developing coun- Vietnam utilized the latest science to tively oriented communities, curbing any Campaign, and also Viêt Solidarity and try still dealing with the impact of United study the strains of COVID-19 from the self-centered or selfish behavior. There Action Network for Black Lives Matter, States chemical warfare, manage to first to the second wave. Early on they were no armed protests against the quar- Mekong-NYC. They ask readers to note achieve such impressive results? developed a comprehensive system of antine in Vietnam as there were here in that the views expressed here are their First and foremost is the dedication to contact tracing using a community model the U.S. personal opinions. defeat COVID-19 with a priority on sav- that extended down to the grassroots ing lives. Early on the Prime Minister of level, the urban neighborhoods and rural Vietnam declared that the entire country hamlets. Leaders told the truth to the would focus all of its human potential and people, early and often, about the science economic and technological capacity on of COVID-19 and what people could do to ending the pandemic. prevent exposure. Speak truth to power! It was designated a campaign like Vietnam was very quickly able to get the campaigns Vietnam fought to win factories to pivot to producing every- Build Workers World! national liberation. The slogan was thing from PPE to medical equipment. “Vietnam, dare to win, dare to beat the Science and technology experts played August 26 is the 100th anniversary of states closing polling places, shortening coronavirus.” Preserving human life and a role by inventing phone applications the day that the 19th Amendment went voting hours and passing outrageous health was the highest focus rather than that allowed people to see if people were into effect in the U.S.—when​ “The right regulations to suppress votes by people Vietnam’s economic growth! Reopening infected with COVID-19 within a certain of citizens . . . to vote shall not be denied of color. the economy was only done when it radius. Signing up for these apps was vol- or abridged . . . on account of sex.” The best way to celebrate this victory was deemed safe for workers and their untary and popular. But, truth be told, for decades it was for women is to continue the fight to communities. Information and cultural work- only white women who had this right—​ make Black Lives Matter and eradicate ers were mobilized to educate, update, until the 1965 Voting Rights Act was all forms of inequality and injustice, Socialist values against the pandemic inspire and mobilize the people to fight passed, under pressure from the his- once and for all. Vietnam is a socialist-oriented mar- COVID‑19. Colorful banners on the toric Civil Rights Movement. What’s If you want to champion work- ket economy. To deal with COVID-19, streets, announcements on TV, and daily not widely known about the struggle ing-class truth, join the Workers World the Communist Party in Vietnam applied briefings by the prime minister and city for women’s suffrage is that for years Supporter Program, set up 43 years socialist values and strategy to overcome leaders conveyed a clear, practical, con- thousands of African American women ago to help WW promote revolutionary the weaknesses of the market economy. sistent and compassionate message. organized and marched in many cities change. Members receive a year’s sub- The Party and the government did a The government through its minis- and towns, even as they were held back scription to WW, a monthly letter about materialist analysis of COVID-19—​of tries, particularly the Ministry of Health, by Jim Crow laws. timely issues and five free subscriptions where and to whom it was being trans- mobilized broader networks to dissemi- Other women of color were also to give to friends—​all for a donation mitted and how it could be fought. They nate instantaneous information through denied the right to vote. Voting rights of $75. Or $100, $300, or more if you took into account the real conditions in central online platforms. Together with were not fully accessible to Indigenous can! Donations can be made annually Vietnam. health workers, young artists produced a women until 1948; Chinese immigrants or monthly to reach the $75 a year sup- As a mid-level developing socialist popular song showing people how to wash only in 1943; Japanese women after porter minimum. country, Vietnam could not rely on an their hands properly, which was widely cir- internment in 1952; and people whose Write checks to Workers World abundant supply of high-tech medical culated on Vietnamese media and interna- primary language was not English—​ and mail them, with your name and equipment but could rely on a public tionally. This consistent information and including many Latinx and Asian immi- address, to 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Floor, health system that had been built up for cultural work prevented the spreading of grants—​not until 1975 after a court New York, NY 10011. Or donate online many years to serve the people. While misinformation and rumors. battle. Mississippi was the last state to at — it’s easy to Vietnam’s hospital system varies in People’s power democracy ratify the 19th Amendment—​in 1984! set up monthly deductions. And know quality, its preventive health and public This 100th anniversary occurs when we’re grateful for your help in building health planning and response is impres- Everything we’ve just described has the right to vote is blatantly under Workers World—for​ today and for the sive, with a serious investment in public been covered by the international press. attack—​by the White House and by future! health infrastructure such as emergency What has not been a focus, and what is, Page 10 Sept. 3, 2020 Behind the crisis editorials The crisis that surrounds the shoot- constantly being told that those respon- ing of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin cannot sible for their insecurity are people of be separated from the growing sense of color—rather​ than the bosses and bank- catastrophe that permeates U.S. politics. ers who do the hiring and firing, accord- On Aug. 23, Blake was shot seven times ing to their appetite for profits. Athletes are workers by a white cop in Kenosha, Wis., as this For people of color, it’s a double Black father was trying to get into his own whammy. “Last hired, first fired” has The players of the National Basketball sales and more. car. His three small sons were in the back always led to higher rates of unemploy- Association – the vast majority of them And just like other workers, NBA play- seat and were traumatized spectators ment and poverty in oppressed commu- African Americans – carried out a historic ers are bound by collective bargaining to the shooting that has left their father nities. Now COVID-19 is hitting Black, three-day wildcat strike on Aug. 26. It agreements. Led by the NBA Players paralyzed. Brown and Indigenous people at rates was to protest the heinous, horrific shoot- Association, the players fight to get a As protests over this cruel, racist atroc- far greater than any other communities. ing of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black larger share of the profits from the bosses. ity started to spread across the country, father, at the hands of a white police offi- These huge profits that the bosses enjoy the Trump government sent 1,000 mem- Capitalism and the virus cer in Kenosha, Wis., on Aug. 23. The come from surplus value—​the stolen bers of the National Guard to Wisconsin The U.S. has registered almost twice strike was sparked by the Milwaukee wealth produced by the labor of the play- to “keep the peace.” But the righteous as many cases of the coronavirus as any Bucks, who spontaneously refused to ers, whose fans will buy expensive tickets reaction of progressive, anti-racist peo- other country in the world. The number play a scheduled playoff game with the in order to see them perform. ple was “No justice, no peace!” of people known to be infected here has Orlando Magic, without consulting the Many NBA players expressed how now surpassed 6 million, or 565 per mil- other teams. much they felt empowered by carrying out Protests erupted everywhere lion inhabitants. Little did any of these players know this powerful work stoppage. Anthony The thoroughly reactionary Trump Of the larger countries, only Brazil, that this strike, which began in Orlando, Davis with the Los Angeles Lakers stated administration only fanned the flames of Peru and Chile have comparable rates Fla., in a confined bubble environment that if the owners don’t live up to any bigotry. Trump’s slogan “Make America of infection. By contrast, the rate in due to COVID-19, would spread across of their promises, the players will again Great Again” is widely and correctly seen the People’s Republic of China, where all sports, amateur and professional. refuse to play. as an attack on whatever gains have been COVID-19 first broke out, is only 3 per These included the Women’s NBA, These players did not strike for any made by the movements against racism, million. Three, not 565! Major League Baseball, National Football economic gains that are covered under sexism and anti-LGBTQ2S+ bigotry in What an indictment of this chaotic sys- League, National Hockey League, Major the current CBA. They struck because recent years. tem of capitalism, where profits always League Soccer, World Tennis Association they, like millions of others, are sick Emboldened by the reactionary in the come first and public health is totally and college football. and tired of seeing unarmed Black and White House, right-wingers and neofas- underfunded. NBA officials, the players and owners Brown men, women and others being cists have been crawling out of the wood- What workers need to know is that have had several meetings since the strike maimed or killed by the police. They are work. Some have even begun to appear, only through organization, solidarity and began. One of the concessions agreed sick and tired of the police not being held armed, in places where progressive, fightback against the bosses can they win upon was to turn NBA arenas into poll- accountable for their deadly actions, with anti-racist struggles are blossoming. some protection from the ravages of the ing places on Nov. 3 as a redress for the no charges or arrests. One of them, a 17-year-old white coronavirus—and​ of the profit system. voter suppression, especially inflicted on So many of these players have expe- supremacist and Trump supporter, actu- As more and more people lose their people of color, prompted by the racist rienced police harassment and abuse ally shot and killed two protesters in jobs because of the pandemic, the need for Trump administration. just for being young and Black, so they Kenosha, wounding a third. Armed right- government assistance grows. But only a The biggest takeaway from this strike can relate to the George Floyds, Breonna wing groups, so-called “militias,” are concerted struggle can force the keepers of is that these workers are making a bold Taylors and Jacob Blakes of the world. encouraged by the police, who in contrast the vaults—​who are used to handing over political statement with their actions. At And these players made the decision react violently when progressive protest- public funds to corporate moguls—to​ redi- the end of the day, NBA players are work- to collectively continue to resume the ers defend themselves. rect that money to meeting people’s needs. ers. Why? Because their skills and tal- playoffs, not only to coronate a new NBA All of this is playing out against a back- This is a time that calls for heroic ents are reflections of their labor power. champion but to continue to speak out ground of growing economic crisis, in action by those who despise everything Despite earning salaries ranging from from this global platform on the need to which a cyclical downturn of the capi- that the racist reactionaries running the the hundreds of thousands to tens of carry forth the fight, inside and outside talist economy, occurring in the midst of show are doing. And many young hero/ millions of dollars annually, they are the bubble, for social justice and equal- long-term systemic decline, is being tur- ines are stepping up to the plate. In the unionized workers whose interests are ity. These players’ actions will continue bocharged by the spread of the corona- months ahead, the struggle can only diametrically opposed to the interests of to inspire all workers to use their power virus. This growing economic insecurity grow against not only the vicious Trump the billionaire team owners. These bosses to struggle for the same demands and inflames competition for jobs. administration and the racist violence make tremendous profits off the players beyond. ☐ Especially in areas where right- it has spawned, but against the profits- through TV revenue, ticket and vendors’ wing politics prevail, many whites are above-all capitalist system itself. ☐

Why is Right What Road to Socialism?

A 2017 pamphlet of articles from Workers World newspaper. With A new Workers World anthology, confronting the burning questions articles from Monica Moorehead, Minnie Bruce Pratt and guest author and key contradictions during this deadly pandemic and global capitalist Michael Bennett. meltdown. What Road to Socialism? includes: a Topicsworkers include: world anthology • Kaepernick: ‘This generation’s Confronts• COVID-19 the burning questions and the deepening what and key contradictions during Muhammad Ali’ this deadlycrisis pandemic of capitalism and global capitalist meltdown. Workers can road to • Editorial Why is Colin Kaepernick win socialism• Reform through or collective revolution? unemployed? struggle.• The Long timestate and newand activists building for discuss winning strategies in • The political rebellion of Colin organizingrevolution against capitalism. socialism? Kaepernick • The centrality of fighting a workers world anthology • Covid-19 and the Deepening Crisis of Capitalism

• Kaepernick ‘effect’ grows with racism Holmes et. al.Larry • Reform or Revolution? larry holmes makasi motema every police atrocity • The• StateThe and workingBuilding for Revolution class will make teresa gutierrez • The Centrality of Fighting Racism • Sparked by Kaepernick – Sports history monica moorehead • The working Class Will Make History protests pummel racism • Fighting all forms of sara flounders • Fighting All Forms of Oppression: deirdre griswold • The intersection between sports Gender,oppression: Sexuality, Disability gender, & Age sexuality, scott williams • Socialist Countries Lead the Way to the Future and others and fighting police violence • What disability,is Socialism? and age • Athletes repudiate NFL’s trip to • Socialism or death: socialist

World View Forum WVF Israel lead the way to the • Desatada por Kaepernick – future protestas deportivas golpean el • What is socialism? racismo Download free ebook or PDF formats. Download free PDF format. Also available in paperback. Visit to get your copy. Visit to get your copy. Sept. 3, 2020 Page 11 Martinique: Struggle against environmental poisoning and police violence By G. Dunkel a prominent French politician, drafted of children tested exceed the a decree in 1848 abolishing slavery in toxic dose.” For centuries, imperialists have con- France and its colonies. The plantation A French research cen- spired and competed to exploit the islands owners in Martinique tried to resist this ter estimates that it will of the Caribbean, both for what their soils decree until confronted with very sharp take 200 to 500 years for could produce and for their strategic posi- local insurrections. As a result, they gave the chemical to dissipate. tions. Early in the 17th century, coloniz- up and accepted compensation “for the ( ers began to decimate the islands’ original loss of their property.” There is no known decon- Indigenous peoples. Then colonizers kid- The direct descendants of the enslav- tamination method. napped millions of people, mostly from ers, the plantation owners called békés, In recent years there In Martinique, at a rally for anti-colonial, pro-environment Africa, and forced them with whips and remained the ruling bourgeoisie in have been marches and activists, protesters’ signs ask when will ruling class chains to work to produce sugar, tobacco Martinique from that time until today. protests, mainly in Fort- landlords—the​ békés—be​ tried. and indigo. When the export of bananas to France de-France, Martinique’s The major colonizing European powers became a major part of Martinican agri- capital, over the chlordecone poisoning militants on July 16—Denzel Guillaume, were France, England and Spain, whose culture in the 1930s, the békés soon con- of the environment. Most of these were Frédéric Maupéu and Esaïe Maxime. A economic position in the Caribbean was trolled 80 percent of the trade. conducted by the umbrella organization 22-year old student and music teacher, seized by the United States after a war in Zéro Chlordécone Zéro Poison. ZCZP Kéziah Nuissier, was also arrested and 1898. Spreading poison asserted that genocide by poisoning was badly beaten by the cops. The beat- While the imperialists extorted vast Chlordecone is a pesticide that controls taking place and demanded reparations ing, caught on a video by a neighbor wealth from the people on the Caribbean a beetle that destroys banana plants. Its and justice. shocked at the police brutality, went viral islands, their rule was constantly shaken use was banned in the U.S. in the 1960s ZCZP organized a boycott of a supermar- internationally. by the people’s mass revolts and revo- but it was extensively used in Martinique ket in the békés-owned Océanis Shopping These four militants went on trial lutions. The revolution in Haiti, which (and Guadeloupe) until 1993, even after center in Fort-de-France to highlight the Aug. 27, with Nuissier’s hearing post- declared itself independent in 1804, being banned in metropolitan France. landowners’ extensive use of chlordecone. poned as he was still suffering from the caused fear and trembling among U.S. The Martinican békés got a dispensation Seven activists were arrested in December trauma of his arrest. The other three enslavers in a historic challenge to French to continue its use. and accused of committing acts of violence were convicted and sentenced to prison. imperialism. When Cuban revolutionaries According to the Environmental Justice against the police during the boycott. ( destroyed the regime of the U.S. puppet Atlas, “around 300 tones [sp] of active sub- When the activists went on trial in Fort- A Jan. 13 Support Committee has been Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and began mov- stance were used between 1972 and 1993 de-France on Jan. 13, an Océanis 7 protest formed for the four defendants, who are ing the island of Cuba toward socialism, on 12,400 hectares and 6,570 hectares march to the courthouse was attacked by under legal threat because of their exem- U.S. imperialism was shaken. of banana plantations in Martinique and the cops with tear gas, stun grenades and plary struggle against environmental Martinique had at least three significant Guadeloupe respectively.” The atlas reports flash bombs. As the police use of excessive poisoning, police violence and political insurrections by enslaved people early that “92% of people tested in Martinique force became an issue in the Martinique repression. For more information, contact: in the 19th century. Victor Schoelcher, have chlordecone in their body and 19% movement, the cops arrested three komité[email protected]. ☐ India Aftermath of racist, anti-immigrant laws’ implementation

By Tania Siddiqi 2 million people living in this province gradually from neighbouring are now facing the threat of deportation. cities like Chandigarh, Jaipur The Citizenship Amendment Act (Reuters, Sept. 7, 2019) Both the CAA and and Ghaziabad. and National Register of Citizens have NRC are inherently anti-im/migrant and “A little later, a formida- increased tension and hostility among anti-poor policies that target Muslims, ble Sikh contingent arrived various communities in India. In partic- Hindu laborers, tribal community mem- as reinforcement. Then a ular, these racist and anti-immigrant pol- bers, and anyone who cannot meet the CAA delegation of Christian nuns icies have fueled communal turmoil and and NRC’s capricious and cruel criteria. came in, giving Shaheen Bagh expanded state-endorsed police terror on Since the CAA and NRC’s implemen- the look of a miniature India. marginalized groups of people. tation, minority/oppressed communities Some came from Kerala, In response to these acts of horror, have issued a direct and militant response some from Chhattisgarh, minority/oppressed communities have to the government: We reject the CAA and some from Punjab, and the built power in the streets, staged sit-ins, the NRC. Indeed, beginning in December women of Shaheen Bagh and organized protests at two prominent Muslim women led a sit-in at Shaheen accommodated them all. Students try to breach a police barricade in New Delhi Muslim-majority universities—​Jamia Bagh, a working-class neighborhood in And the protest began show- during a December 2019 protest against the Citizenship Millia Islamia (JMI) and Jawaharlal Delhi, that lasted for more than three ing signs of a movement.” Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens. Nehru University (JNU). The pushback months. (Al Jazeera, March 24) (Aug. 25) against the state’s genocidal tactics shows An excerpt from Janta Ka Reporter Student-led anti-CAA and anti-NRC channeling their efforts to oppress the promise that a movement is in the mak- states that: “To be in Shaheen Bagh was demonstrations were also underway at masses by kidnapping and caging prom- ing. The state is attempting to choke any something else. It was magical; it was exhil- JMI’s and JNU’s campuses. However, inent student organizers. On Aug. 25 expression of discontent against the CAA arating. It was like watching the triumph those who work in the service of BJP soon Sharjeel Imam, a PhD candidate at JNU, and NRC by supporting communal exerted efforts to squash the move- was charged under the Unlawful Activities violence against India’s oppressed As we work towards abolishing ment at these universities. Prevention Act, an anti-terrorism law, for communities and kidnapping and In December, Delhi police began his alleged involvement with the Delhi caging community organizers. police in the United States, we attacking JMI’s students, firing Riots. However, Imam has been in police On Dec. 11, India’s Parliament tear gas into the campus’s libraries, custody since Jan. 28, which means he passed the CAA, which provides a must be in radical solidarity with mosques and classrooms. Dozens of could not have participated in the vio- pathway to citizenship for undoc- all who have been harmed at the students were mercilessly beaten, lence that took place in February. Meeran umented religious minorities who kidnapped and caged by law enforce- Haider, a student at JMI, is also facing migrated to India from Pakistan, hands of law enforcement officials ment officials. (Al Jazeera, Dec. 18) outrageous charges under the UAPA. Bangladesh, or Afghanistan but On Jan. 5, students at JNU were As we work towards abolishing police excludes Muslim migrants. (CNN, around the world. We know that it attacked by members of a student in the United States, we must be in radical Dec. 17) Prior to the implementation is right to rebel against the state group closely affiliated with BJP. solidarity with all who have been harmed of the CAA, India’s Supreme Court Right-wing nationalists struck Aishe at the hands of law enforcement officials mandated that Assam, a province and we are with those who refuse Ghosh, president of JNU’s Students’ around the world. We know that it is right that boarders Bangladesh, publish Union, with an iron bar and cracked to rebel against the state and we are with an NRC. (Vox, Sept. 17, 2019) Last to let the CAA and NRC determine her head. (New York Times, Jan. 17) those who refuse to let the CAA and NRC year the Indian government, led by whether or not their existence is In February, the state exerted determine whether or not their existence the fascist Bharatiya Janata Party its most desperate attempt to quell is enough to remain in India. (BJP), announced that it will imple- enough to remain in India. the anti-CAA and anti-NRC pro- We are also in deep solidarity with ment an NRC in every province in tests by staging the Delhi Riots, Sharjeel Imam, Meeran Haider, and all order to determine who can and cannot of the human spirit, the victory of forti- an event that claimed the lives of 53 peo- political prisoners. It is absolutely vital remain in India. (Vox, Sept. 17, 2019) tude against adversity. Soon, it became a ple and injured 500. An investigation that their work and dedication to the According to the Minister of Home pilgrimage centre of secular India harping by Amnesty International India reports struggle be central to how we exert our Affairs, Amit Shah, “Illegal migrants are on the notions of a shared past. Muslim that Delhi police were “complicit and an efforts in the current uprising. We must like termites” and have no right to stay in women were shortly joined by Hindu sis- active participant” in the Delhi Riots. (Al continue to demolish the oppressor’s India. (Live Mint, April 11, 2019) In August ters; some came in from colonies like Lajpat Jazeera, Aug. 28) power and build the people’s power—tear​ of 2019, Assam issued its final NRC report; Nagar and Sarita Vihar, others joined Now, law enforcement officials are down the walls, free them all! ☐ Correspondencia sobre artículos en Workers World/Mundo Obrero pueden ser enviadas a: [email protected]

¡Proletarios y oprimidos de todos los paises unios! Vol. 62 Núm. 36 3 de septiembre 2020 $1 Perspectiva de revolucionaria sur asiática sobre Kamala Harris Tania Siddiqi Por Tania Siddiqi “importante reserva laboral”. (Los Angeles Obama y la representante Ilhan Omar, en curso para poner fin a la violencia Times, 14 de noviembre de 2014) En parti- demócrata por Minnesota. Por lo tanto, supremacista blanca contra todas las El presunto candidato presidencial cular, ha realizado esfuerzos para defender es importante que no reproduzcamos la comunidades de color. demócrata Joe Biden anunció el 11 de condenas erróneas y mantener a personas retórica tóxica lanzada hacia las muje- Nominación de Kamala Harris está agosto que la senadora de California inocentes confinadas en jaulas humanas. res negras o cualquier mujer de color. llena de contradicciones. Sin embargo, Kamala Devi Harris, la primera estadou- (New York Times, 17 de enero de 2019) Además, la identidad de Harris como todos deben tener en cuenta que Harris es nidense del sur de Asia y la segunda mujer Al igual que su colega burócrata castiga- india- americano agrega complejidad al una mujer de color y merece seguridad y africa-americana en servir como senadora dor, Joe Biden, la postura de Harris “dura discutir su nominación. protección. Además, debemos considerar de Estados Unidos, será su compañera de con el crimen” fortaleció su capital político Si bien muchos sud asiáticos han mos- qué significa su nominación en el contexto fórmula para las elecciones presidenciales y la ayudó a asegurar la nominación del trado su apoyo a la Senadora Harris, las del levantamiento actual. ¿Votar a alguien de Estados Unidos del 2020. Partido Demócrata para vicepresidente. heridas generacionales no cicatrizadas en La nominación de Kamala Harris está Harris es ahora la primera mujer negra, Si las acciones de Harris han creado derivadas del imperialismo británico y la llena de contradicciones. la primera mujer estadounidense del sur tanto daño en las comunidades de color, Partición de la India en 1947 persisten en Sin embargo, todos deben tener en de Asia y la primera graduada de un cole- ¿por qué tenemos que ser cuidadosos y el subcontinente y para los descendientes cuenta que Harris es una mujer de color y gio o universidad históricamente negra en reflexivos al hablar de su nominación? La de pueblos colonizados. merece seguridad y protección. Además, unirse a la candidatura presidencial de un respuesta está en su identidad y posición Mientras yo reunía fuentes para este debemos considerar qué significa su partido importante. en la sociedad. artículo, encontré una foto de Biden y nominación en el contexto del levanta- Para muchas personas de ascendencia Harris acompañada de comentarios des- miento actual. ¿El votar por alguien para del sur de Asia, la nominación de Harris ha Identidad nacional y género humanizantes en Facebook que atacaban el cargo presidencial influyó en la Corte sido recibida con celebración y entusiasmo. Harris, hija de padre jamaiquino y a la supuesta casta de Harris. Suprema para mantener las protecciones En particular, esta decisión monumental ha madre india, proviene de un origen Una persona escribió que “[Harris] es para los beneficiarios de DACA (Acción hecho que algunos sud asiáticos se sientan migrante. Por lo tanto, su nominación se un brahmán que se considera a sí misma Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia) vistos y representados por primera vez. ve como una postura de oposición a las de la clase superior [sic] de la India, los o extender las garantías laborales a los Si bien las comunidades de color, en políticas tóxicas antiinmigrantes propues- musulmanes para ellos son más bajos trabajadores LGBTQ2S + plus? general, pueden compartir su entusiasmo tas durante la administración Trump y su que la clase baja”, y afirmó que la persona No, los esfuerzos del pueblo en las calles por su nominación, es imperativo que eva- campaña por la reelección. Esto, en gran responsable del cargo estaba tratando de ejercen presión sobre la corte para que luemos críticamente sus puntos de vista a lo parte, es cierto. reemplazar a Trump con alguien igual- falle a favor del pueblo. Votar por el par- largo de su carrera política, crear un marco Un día después de que Biden anun- mente odioso. tido demócrata o republicano no traerá la sobre cómo discutir la nominación de ciara la nominación de Harris, Newsweek Otra persona en Facebook se refirió a liberación de nuestra clase. Sabemos que Harris y consideremos la pregunta mucho publicó un artículo de opinión argumen- las personas en la foto como “Biden y su el cambio revolucionario no vendrá de más amplia: “¿Cómo funciona la nomina- tando que no cumple con el requisito de B-ch”. Como sudasiáticos, debemos tener quienes mantienen el sistema actual. ción de Harris influenciar el levantamiento ciudadanía necesario para desempeñarse en cuenta que el racismo contra los negros En cambio, nuestra visión colectiva, en curso contra el racismo sistémico?” como vicepresidenta. (12 de agosto) está muy presente en nuestras comunida- trabajo y compromiso con la lucha de la Las acciones de Harris como fiscal Aunque Trump utilizó el mismo dis- des. Además, algunos de los miembros de clase trabajadora son nuestras herramien- demostraron su dedicación a la burocra- curso antiinmigrante durante la campaña nuestra comunidad todavía encuentran tas para desmantelar el poder opresor. cia del castigo y al complejo industrial presidencial de Obama, la posición de perfectamente aceptable lanzar comen- Nuestro enfoque debe permanecer en la penitenciario. Como fiscal de distrito en Harris como mujer de color significa que tarios horrendos a aquellos que no com- construcción de conciencia de clase para San Francisco, Harris impulsó una legis- también tiene que lidiar con una retórica parten nuestra identidad religiosa, étnica construir un mundo obrero. lación que apoyara los secuestros patroci- despectiva basada en el género. De hecho, o nacional. nados por el estado y el encarcelamiento Trump ya ha llamado a Harris “desagra- En lugar de utilizar la nominación de Tania Siddiqi es una mujer musul- de padres negros pobres cuyos hijos fue- dable”, “loca” y “enojada”. (U.S. News, 14 Harris para restablecer la tensión y la hos- mana de ascendencia del sur de Asia. ron considerados ociosos. de agosto) tilidad que surgieron durante el imperia- Sus padres emigraron de Pakistán a los En el 2014, argumentó en contra de la A medida que avanzan las elecciones, lismo británico, los sudasiáticos deberían Estados Unidos. Sus abuelos, tanto de su liberación anticipada de los presos, por- Harris se enfrentará a una retórica racista, centrarse en abordar el racismo y la xeno- madre como de su padre, emigraron de que muchos de ellos tenían trabajos peni- sexista y xenófoba, similar a la que han fobia presentes en nuestra comunidad, la India a Pakistán durante la Partición tenciarios y las cárceles perderían una experimentado la primera dama Michelle especialmente durante el levantamiento de la India en 1947. Manifestantes de BLM protestan asesinato La reciente convención republicana, dominante multimillonaria de Estados En respuesta a estos continuos actos partidos capitalistas existentes en esta encabezada por el supremacista blanco en Unidos, continuaron disparando a la gente. de brutalidad policial racista, cientos llamada “democracia”. jefe, actual presidente de Estados Unidos El 22 de agosto, la policía mató a tiros a de manifestantes de Black Lives Matter Hace unos meses, estallaron protestas y enemigo del pueblo, reunió a sus tropas Trayford Pellerin en las calles de Lafayette, inmediatamente comenzaron a marchar masivas e históricas de Black Lives Matter con tácticas racistas Luisiana, en su propio en Louisiana y Wisconsin. en todos los rincones de los EE.UU., pro- de miedo sobre los vecindario. Pellerin, En Kenosha, Wisconsin, la policía local vocadas por la ejecución deliberada de “disturbios civiles” un hombre negro, iba a los inundó con gas lacrimógeno y gas un policía de 8 minutos y 46 segundos de de manifestantes de editorial pie. Su familia señaló el pimienta, y el gobernador desplegó tro- un hombre afroamericano, George Floyd. Black Lives Matter y contraste entre el des- pas de la Guardia Nacional. En Madison, Esta inexorable presión de masas impuso activistas de izquierda. tino de su ser querido y el de un hombre la capital del estado, se incendió el edi- un cambio rápido. La convención demócrata ofreció una blanco arrestado recientemente por la poli- ficio del Departamento de Correcciones. El llamado a “¡Desarmar, desfinanciar alternativa, pero no una solución. Este cía de Lafayette sin heridas, a pesar de que La gente pintó con aerosol un eslogan y abolir la policía!” ahora está penetrando partido nominó a la presidencia de los estaba armado con una pistola y conducía contundente en el edificio de Fabricantes el ADN del movimiento de masas. Es Estados Unidos a uno de los principales un automóvil robado. y Comercio, que presiona a favor de las una demanda que absorben sabiamente, autores de un proyecto de ley duro con- Al día siguiente en Kenosha, Wisconsin, grandes empresas: “Has robado más de como parte de la necesidad de cambios tra el crimen de 1994 que terminó sen- la policía le disparó a Jacob Blake por la lo que podríamos ‘saquear’”. estructurales más grandes que se están tenciando a un número enormemente espalda varias veces, también en su pro- Era la voz de la justa rabia del pueblo volviendo cada vez más necesarios para desproporcionado de personas negras y pio vecindario. Blake, un afroamericano ante el interminable asesinato y encarce- la supervivencia misma de los trabajado- morenas a la cárcel. Para vicepresidente, de 29 años, acababa de intentar romper lamiento racista, la brutalidad policial, la res y los oprimidos. los demócratas nominaron a una ex fiscal una pelea local y regresaba a su auto. Sus injusticia económica y “legal”. Como parte de un camino en evolución general de California que se describe a sí hijos, de 3, 5 y 8 años, estaban en el auto- Esta voz solo se hará más fuerte a hacia la revolución socialista, el partido mismo como “policía superior”. móvil y vieron a la policía disparar contra medida que las personas enfrenten la Workers World Party/Partido Mundo Mientras tanto, en los pocos días entre su padre. Se espera que Blake sobreviva, crisis de salud pandémica, los desalojos Obrero continúa sumando nuestra voz y las dos convenciones, los policías de la pero con lesiones físicas desconocidas. explosivos, un abismo sin trabajo y el energía a la demanda: “¡Defiende al pue- “aplicación de la ley” racista, la estructura Los informes del 25 de agosto dicen que hambre. No puede ser sofocado por los blo! ¡Arresten a la policía! ¡Desarmar, policial que protege los intereses de la clase está paralizado de la cintura para abajo. programas políticos de ninguno de los desfinanciar y abolir a la policía!” ☐