ISSUE 152 MAY 2012 APPOINTMENTS Meeting –April 25th


The DISTRICT AGM is on Tuesday 29th May at Tangier Scout and Guide Centre starting at 7:45pm. It would be great to see a representative from every Group at this year’s meeting. There will be a presentation by some of those who attended the World Scout Jamboree in Sweden last year. If you like attending AGMs then perhaps you would like to pop to Tangier the night before for the TANGIER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE AGM at 7.30 on the 28th.

If you are ever using TANGIER for a meeting etc could you please make sure ALL the doors are shut tight even if there is still a light on in the building as on several occasions doors have been left open which is not good for security. Please help with this.

HUISH WOODS would like you to know that the ZIP WIRE is up and running and can be used by all Sections/Ages.

Queen's Diamond Jubilee limited edition badge Celebrate Jubilee year in style: this limited edition version of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Badge makes a perfect collectable item. Only 21,915 pieces available - one for each day of the Queen’s reign from Coronation to Diamond Jubilee. Don’t miss out, get yours now £1.25 from the Scout Shop.

SCOUT SHOP NEWS - We have just been notified by Scout Shops that from the 1st of May all badge prices will be going up. The new prices are World / Challenge / Badges 65p. All activity and Staged badges 55p, there are some other price changes on badges. An up to date price list is available if you would like one. Some of the Shop goods have increased prices as well.

I think you will all wish to join me in welcoming back DC John Troake after his hand operation. Now he awaits the second hand to be operated on!

Thank you all for your support for ST GEORGE’S PARADE – we were really lucky with the weather. For photos of the occasion visit The collection amounted to over £600 which was excellent and this will be presented to the Conquest Centre – Riding for the Disabled. The Group winning the Millennium Trophy were West Taunton with 85.1% of their census number on parade. 2nd were with 82% and 3rd Central Taunton with 81.6. Wilton had 110 on the parade which made them 4th at 78%. There were over 700 from Scouting on the Parade – well done to you all. Tricia is already thinking about the 2013 parade! EXPLORER YL NEWS - First off I made an error in a name I gave you last month for a YL completing his training. It should have been Christian Lindley not Christopher, apologies, Lyn.

A few YL’s spent a very chilly weekend up at Huish Woods at the end of March being trained as archery and climbing assistants and are now available to help instructors with these activities. To warm up they dug two very deep holes for the new Huish Woods sign, I have now learnt that some YL’s have terrier like digging skills! The new sign looks fantastic and we even invested one new YL in front of it once it was safely in the ground. They also enjoyed a session on building a flag pole with jelly babies and spaghetti, before moving on to create a flag pole out of Bamboo. However, one of the highlights of the weekend was the ready, steady; cook evening with mysterious ingredients with tins with the labels removed, and to round it all off, marshmallow and chocolate creations! They are certainly a competitive bunch, but great fun to be with as well. Thanks to Simon and Alys (now both honorary YL’s for braving the weather to be with us, and letting me sleep in the nice warm bunk room!) The YL training team would like to invite all Section leaders to come along to the Young Leader Module A training evening, on 3rd July. (7.30 - 9.30 at Tangier). The idea behind the invite is that we would like you to see and appreciate what the YL’s are being taught. We are hoping that by coming along you can gain a greater understanding of the YL training package and also how you can support your YL’s and take away some suggestions as to how to utilise their skills to best effect. If you are interested in popping along to the training, could you please e mail Lyn by 29th June if you would like to attend on the 3rd July. This will ensure we have enough chairs not to mention biscuits or doughnuts!

This is the sort of message we would all like to receive. Real names have not been used. Hello Akela - This is a "thank you" email for your patience and persistence with my son during his time at Cubs. You have been an amazing Cub leader and my son certainly would not have done any camping if it wasn't for you. He has come a long way from the sobbing he displayed on his first trip away! He has looked up to you (lack of adult male input I suppose) and knew you were there for support, yet at the same time he knew you would push him to take part always. I think his highlight was the PGL Cub award last year. This proved to him and myself how grown up and responsible he has become. I can honestly say that he is an example of what Cubs/Scouts do for young people to grow their confidence. Let's hope he continues in Scouts the same way. Many Thanks Mum & Son.

SWIMMING BADGE EVENT. Tone Leisure held a Beaver, Cub, Scout and Brownie swimming badge event on Monday 2nd April at St James Swimming Pool. A great turn out this year and Groups that were represented were: Henlade, Trull, Staplegrove, Uplyme and West Monkton. Swimming Badges from 1 to 5 were all covered and everyone who took part passed. Well done to everyone who participated. Thanks to Tone Leisure and St James Street Pool staff for hosting the event this year and the Leaders who helped assess the swimmers and make it another success. Watch this space for the next swimming badge event. Sean Ellett (DCSL)

6 Beavers have recently received their Chief Scout Bronze Award having completed all of their badges etc. They were presented with their badge and certificate at Huish Woods on a typical night of rain when it was expected to be outdoors! The Beavers were more than happy to receive their award as they had worked hard to complete all their badges etc

Did you see the GANG SHOW? Well the Chief Guide, Gill Slocombe, did and calls herself a Gang Show ‘Groupie’ Gill has attended all 23 shows over the years. One of the comments was how much the young people were enjoying themselves with plenty of smiling faces showing their pleasure in what they were doing.

Many of you will have guessed who the recipient of the SILVER WOLF was! If not the photo opposite will answer that question. I was presented with the award at Burnham on Sea Church, wore it at Taunton’s St George’s Parade then again last Sunday at a very wet Queen’s Scout Parade at Windsor. I believe I am the 22nd recipient of the award in so it’s quite an honour and privilege.

GAV SADLER Acting GSL writes - News from 1st STOKE ST GREGORY - On the 30th March 2012 the newest Group in the District came into existence. The 1st Stoke St Gregory was (reborn)! During the Second World War there was a 1st Stoke St Gregory, and more recently the 36th Taunton (Stoke St Gregory) provided Scouting for t Stoke and the surrounding area. This Group eventually merged with West Hatch. We have reinstated the 1st Stoke St Gregory but will be wearing the colours of 36th Taunton (Black and Maroon) but with a white trim. We had over thirty investitures with the opening of our new Beaver Colony and Cub Pack. The evening saw the Cubs introduce Scouting and what it means to them to their friends and family, followed by a mass investiture. We then had a celebratory BBQ to finish off a great evening. We must congratulate our whole Beaver Colony who all received their healthy eating badge!!! and ate lots of healthy goodies! The first of many badges for our Group we hope!!

As you can imagine we are all finding our feet. We have managed to set up our new website ( and are currently setting up a number of fundraising projects - one being Pence for Tents - trying to raise finds so we can buy much needed Camping equipment. If anyone has any old camping gear their Group would like to donate, please email [email protected]. Pence for Tents is has started well and the children are working hard to collect as many 5p coins from their friends and family as they can. The plan is to cover our Scout Hall in 5p coins! A big task - but if you don't have a big goal then what's the point!

You may have noticed that we didn't manage to attend this year’s St Georges Parade, we were very sorry not to be able to attend but we look forward to being there next year! We are also beginning the search for Scout Leaders as we are looking to set up a Scout Troop this September. We already have had quite a few enquiries for Scouts and the other Sections have already had new children coming to some taster evenings - Scouting is very much alive again in Stoke St Gregory and the surrounding area and long may it continue!

Opposite is a photo of the Joint Beaver Scout Sleepover that WEST HATCH and STAPLEGROVE Beaver Colonies took part in last month at A.J's play centre. It was a huge success, the Beavers played lots and lots of games, we had a cooked tea and breakfast catered for by A.J's which was a real treat for the Leaders not to have to organise! We had a late night movie and fun playing wii dance too. If anyone is interested in holding a sleepover at A.J's please contact Mark Foster DBSL. We totally recommend this! Th ey h ad comp