of GAN from the Discriminator’s Perspective

Hongkang Yang∗1 and Weinan E†1,2,3

1Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University 2Department of Mathematics, Princeton University 3Beijing Institute of Big Data Research

July 8, 2021

Abstract The generative adversarial network (GAN) is a well-known model for learning high-dimensional distributions, but the mechanism for its generalization ability is not understood. In particular, GAN is vulnerable to the memorization phenomenon, the eventual convergence to the empirical distribution. We consider a simplified GAN model with the generator replaced by a density, and analyze how the discriminator contributes to generalization. We show that with early stopping, the generalization error measured by Wasserstein metric escapes from the curse of dimensionality, despite that in the long term, memorization is inevitable. In addition, we present a hardness of learning result for WGAN. Keywords: probability distribution, generalization error, curse of dimensionality, early stopping, Wasserstein metric.

1 Introduction

The task of generative modeling in is as follows: Given n sample points of an unknown probability distribution P∗, we would like to approximate P∗ well enough to be able to generate new samples. The generative adversarial network (GAN) [22] is among the most popular models for this task. It has found diverse applications such as image generation [31], photo editing [59] and style transfer [29]. More importantly, there are emerging scientific applications including inverse problems [52], drug discovery [47], cosmological simulation [42], material design [39] and medical image coloration [36], to name a few. Despite these promising successes, we are far from having a satisfactory theory. Arguably, one of the most important problems is their generalization ability, namely how GANs are able to estimate the arXiv:2107.03633v1 [cs.LG] 8 Jul 2021 underlying distribution well enough to be able to generate new samples that appear highly realistic. There are at least two difficulties to generalization: 1. Curse of dimensionality: (n) Let P∗ be the empirical distribution associated with the n given sample points. Let W2 be the Wasserstein metric. It is known that for any absolutely continuous P∗ [57]

(n) − 1 W2(P∗,P∗ ) & n d−δ (1) for any δ > 0. The significance of (1) is that it sets a lower bound for the generalization error of all possible models: Let A be any algorithm (a mapping) that maps from an n sample set Xn = {x1,... xn} of P∗ to an estimated distribution A(Xn), then [53]

2  2  − d inf sup EXn W2 P∗,A(Xn) n A & P∗

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1 d where P∗ ranges among all distributions supported in [0, 1] . Thus, an exponential amount of samples −Ω(d) is needed to achieve an error of , which is formidable for high-dimensional tasks (e.g. d ≥ 105 for images). To overcome the curse of dimensionality, one needs to restrict to a smaller class of target distributions P∗ such that

 2  −α inf sup EXn W2 P∗,A(Xn) n (2) A . P∗∈P∗ for some constant α > 0. Of course, to be relevant in practice, this restricted space of target distributions should not be too small. 2. Memorization during training: There is another complication that we cannot avoid. It was argued in [22] that the true optimizer (n) (n) of the GAN model is simply P∗ . This is disappointing since P∗ does not provide any new information beyond the data we already know. It suggests that if a training algorithm converges, (n) most likely it converges to P∗ , i.e. it simply memorizes the samples provided. This is known as the “memorization effect” and has been analyzed on a simpler model in [62]. Our best hope is there are intermediate times during the training process when the model provides a more useful approximation to the target distribution. However, this is a rather subtle issue. For instance, if we train a distribution Pt by Wasserstein gradient flow over the loss

2 (n) L(P ) = W2 (P,P∗ )

then the training trajectory is exactly the Wasserstein geodesic from the initialization P0 to (n) P∗ . Since the W2 space has positive curvature (Theorem 7.3.2 [1]), the pairwise distances are comparable to those on a fat triangle (Figure 1 curve ○1 ). This suggests that the generaliza- −O(1/d) tion error W2(Pt,P∗) along the entire trajectory will be n and suffers from the curse of dimensionality.

3. Mode collapse and mode dropping. These are the additional difficulties that have often been encountered in the training of GAN models.

(n) Figure 1: Curve ○1 is the W2 geodesic connecting P0 and P∗ . Curve ○2 is a training trajectory that generalizes.

Recently, an approach was proposed by [62] to establish the generalization ability of a density estimator (the bias-potential model). Its hypothesis space P∗ consists of Boltzmann distributions generated by kernel functions and satisfies universal approximation. Also, its training trajectory generalizes well: As illustrated by curve ○2 in Figure 1, the trajectory comes very close to P∗ before (n) eventually turning toward memorizing P∗ . Thus, the generalization error achieved by early-stopping escapes from the curse of dimensionality:

−1/4 KL(P∗kP ) = O(n )

2 This generalization ability is enabled by the function representation of the model. If the function class (n) has small Rademacher complexity, then the model is insensitive to the sampling error P∗ − P∗ , and thus the generalization gap emerges very slowly. The implication to GAN is that its generalization ability should be attributable to (the function representation of) both its generator and discriminator. This paper will focus on analyzing the dis- criminator. In place of the generator, we will deal directly with the probability distribution. Our result confirms the intuition of Figure 1 curve ○2 : Despite the eventual memorization, early-stopping achieves a generalization error of −α W2(P∗,P ) = O(n ) (3) with a constant exponent α > 0. This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces our toy model of GAN. Sections 3 and 4 present the main results of this paper on generalization error (3) with a two-time-scale training model (α = 1/6) and a one-time-scale training model (α = 1/10) respectively. We also show that memorization always happens in the long time limit. Section 5 provides a supplementary result, that it is intractable to learn the Lipschitz discriminator of WGAN. Section 6 contains all the proofs. Section 7 concludes this paper with remarks on future directions.

1.1 Related work • GAN training: Currently there is little understanding of the training dynamics and convergence property of GAN, or any distribution learning model with a generator such as variational autoencoder [32] and normalizing flows [55]. The available results deal with either simplified models [40, 60, 21, 8] or convergence to local saddle points [43, 26, 37]. The situation is further complicated by training failures such as mode collapse [5, 11], mode dropping [63] and oscillation [48, 10]. Since our emphasis is on the discriminator, we omit the generator to make the analysis tractable. • GAN generalization: Due to the difficulty of analyzing the convergence of GAN, generalization error estimates have been obtained only for simplified models whose generators are linear maps or their variants [21, 60, 35]. Another line of works [4, 64, 7] focuses on the “neural network distance”, which are the GAN losses defined by neural network discriminators, and shows that these distances have a sampling error of O(n−1/2). Although [4] interprets this result as the inability of the discriminator to detect a lack of diversity, we show that this is in fact an advantage, such that the discriminator enables the training process to generalize well. Meanwhile, [25] proposes to use the neural network distance with held-out data to measure memorization, while [44] discussed the dependence of memorization on the number of latent samples drawn by GAN. • GAN design and regularization: The improvement of GAN has mainly focused on three aspects: alternative loss functions (e.g. WGAN [3] and least-square GAN [38]), novel function representations (e.g. fully convolutional [48] and self-attention [30]), and new regularizations. There are roughly three kinds of regu- larizations: the regularizations on function values (e.g. gradient penalty [24] and L2 penalty [61]), the regularizations on parameters (e.g. spectral normalization [41] and weight decay [34]) and the regularizations on input values (e.g. batch normalization [28] and layer normalization [6]). See [51] for a comprehensive review. Our proofs indicate how function representation and regularization influence the generalization ability of GAN. • Function representation: The function class is central to the theoretical analysis of machine learning models. A good function representation, such as the Barron space and flow-induced space [18] (which capture 2-layer networks and residual networks), is the key to the generalization ability of models [15, 13, 16] and density estimator [62]. Broadly speaking, a supervised learning model can be studied as a continuous calculus of variations problem [17, 14] determined by four factors: its function representation, , training rule, and their discretizations. Distribution learning has the additional factor of distribution representation [62], namely how the probability distribution is represented by functions.

3 2 Problem Setting

Consider the domain Ω = [0, 1]d. Denote the space of probability measures by P(Ω), and the space of finite signed Radon measures by M(Ω). Denote the p-Wasserstein metric on P(Ω) by Wp [56]. n Denote the modeled distribution by P , the target distribution by P∗. Let {xi}i=1 be n i.i.d. samples (n) 1 Pn from P∗ and denote the empirical distribution by P∗ = n i=1 δxi . If P,P∗ are absolutely continuous, denote their density functions by p, p∗. Conversely, given a density function p, denote the corresponding measure by P (i.e. p times the Lebesgue measure on Ω). For convenience, we use density p and measure P interchangeably when there is no confusion. We use f . g or f = O(g) to indicate that lim supx→∞ f(x)/g(x) < ∞. We use f = o(g) to indicate that limx→∞ f(x)/g(x) = 0. The notations f & g and f = Ω(g) and ω(g) are defined similarly. We use f  g to indicate that f . g and f & g.

2.1 Training loss Denote by L(P ) a loss over the modeled distribution P . The GAN losses are constructed as dual norms over some family D of discriminators. The straightforward construction is the WGAN loss [3],     L(P ) = sup EP∗ D(x) − EP D(x) − R(D) (4) D∈D where R(D) is some regularization on D such as gradient penalty [24, 33]. The classical GAN loss [22] is a weak version of the dual formulation of Jenson-Shannon divergence

eD(x) 1 L(P ) = sup  log  +  log  EP∗ D(x) EP D(x) D∈D 1 + e 1 + e

There are many other constructions such as the f-divergence GAN loss [45], energy-based GAN loss [65], least-square GAN loss [38] etc.

2.2 Function representation Let us consider a simple function class that captures the two key properties of neural networks: uni- versal approximation and dimension-independent complexity. Specifically, we model the discriminators by random feature functions (or kernel functions) [49, 18]:

D(x) = Eρ0(w,b)[a(w, b)σ(w · x + b)] (5) where σ is the ReLU activation, ρ0 is a fixed parameter distribution, and a is the parameter function to be learned. Assume for convenience that ρ0 has bounded support: sprtρ0 ⊆ {kwk1 + |b| ≤ 1}. One can define the kernel

0 0 k(x, x ) = Eρ0 [σ(w · x + b)σ(w · x + b)] (6) The RKHS space H with kernel k is generated by the norm

2 kDkH = kakL (ρ0) (7)

Regarding the universal approximation property, assume that sprtρ0 contains all directions: For any (w, b) 6= 0, there exists λ > 0 such that λ(w, b) ∈ sprtρ0 (e.g. let ρ0 be the uniform distribution over the L1 sphere). Then, [54] implies that the RKHS space H is dense in C(Ω) under the supremum norm. It follows that the kernel (6) is positive definite. Regarding complexity, the Rademacher complexity of H escapes from the curse of dimensionality (Theorem 6 of [18]). Specifically, the following bound holds uniformly over any collection of n points n d {xi}i=1 ⊆ [−1, 1] , √ 2 log 2d Rad ({kDk ≤ r}) ≤ 2r √ n H n

4 2.3 Distribution Representation Since this paper focuses on the discriminator, we omit the generator of GANs and model the distribu- tion P directly by its density function p. We will consider p as a function in L2(Ω). Denote the space of probability densities by Z  2 ∆ = p ∈ L (Ω) p ≥ 0 a.e., p = 1

Henceforth, we will address our abstract models by adversarial density estimation.

2.4 Training Rule Rewrite the GAN loss (e.g. formula (4)) as a joint loss in p and D

min max L(p, D) p D

To solve this min-max problem, we need to consider the relative time scales for the training of the variables p and D:

1. One time scale training: The learning rates for the parameters of Dt and for pt have the same magnitude.

2. Two time scale training: The learning rate for Dt is much larger than that of pt. Thus, on the time scale of pt, the discriminator Dt can be assumed optimal (at least when L(p, D) is concave in the parameters of D). Effectively, pt is trained by on supD L(p, D). This dynamics has been shown to closely approximate two-time scale training [9, 26, 37]. For the specific training rule, we will use continuous-time gradient flow. For the discriminator implemented by random feature functions (5), we train its parameter function a by gradient ascent Z d δL(p, Dt) δL(p, Dt) at(w, b) = = (x)σ(w · x + b) dt δa Ω δD

2 2 where the variational gradients are taken in L (ρ0) and L (Ω). It follows that Dt evolves by

d h d i δL(p, D ) D = a (w, b)σ(w · x + b) = k ∗ t (8) dt t Eρ0(w,b) dt t δD where k∗ denotes the convolution over L2(Ω) Z k ∗ f(x) = k(x, x0)f(x0) (9) Ω

Meanwhile, for the density function pt, one option is the plain gradient descent d δL(p ,D ) p = − t t (10) dt t δp

In this case, pt is not guaranteed to remain as a probability density, but becomes a signed measure in M(Ω). An alternative option is to perform projected gradient descent. Denote the tangent cone of the probability simplex ∆ by

2 ∀p ∈ ∆,Tp∆ = {q = q+ − q− | q± ≥ 0, q± ∈ L (Ω), q−  p}

2 2 Let Π∆ : L (Ω) → ∆ be the L projection onto ∆, and let ΠTp∆ be the projection onto Tp∆. Then, the projected flow is given by

d  δL(p ,D ) Π p − δ L(p ,D ) − p t t ∆ t p t t t (11) pt = ΠTp ∆ − = lim dt t δp →0+ 

5 2.5 Test Loss

A natural measurement of generalization error is the Wasserstein metric W2, which can be seen as the L2 regression loss for probability measures. Specifically, it is the quotient metric on P(Ω) derived from the L2 metric on the generators of GAN (See Proposition 21). (n) An advantage is that W2 is sensitive to memorization, and any solution that approximates P∗ will exhibit the curse of dimensionality (1). A good model should achieve an error with a dimension- (n) independent rate (3), despite that it is trained using only P∗ . If p ∈ L2(Ω), we consider its projection  W2 Π∆(p),P∗ (12) as the test loss.

3 Two Time Scale Training

First, we consider the setting with explicit regularization on the discriminator. Section 3.1 analyzes the generalization gap, and Section 3.2 analyzes the generalization error and early stopping. The training loss is set to be the WGAN loss (4). Instead of fixing the family D, we simply penalize the RKHS norm (7). Then the loss associated with the discriminator in terms of the parameter function a becomes

2 max LD(a) = P∗ [D] − P [D] − kDkH a E E Z (13) 2 = Eρ0(w,b)[a(w, b)σ(w · x + b)] d(P∗ − P )(x) − kakL2(ρ)

This loss is strongly concave with a unique maximizer 1 Z a (w, b) = σ(w · x0 + b) d(P − P )(x0) ∗ 2 ∗ 1 Z 1 D (x) = k(x, x0) d(P − P )(x0) or D = k ∗ (P − P ) ∗ 2 ∗ ∗ 2 ∗ where the kernel k is defined by (6). With two-time-scale training, we can assume that the discriminator is always the maximizer D∗, so the WGAN loss (4) becomes 1 ZZ L(P ) = [D ] − [D ] = k d(P − P )2 (14) EP∗ ∗ EP ∗ 2 ∗ which is the square MMD metric [23] with kernel k. Similarly, we denote the empirical loss by

1 ZZ L(n)(P ) = k d(P (n) − P )2 2 ∗

3.1 Generalization Gap The gradient descent training rule (10) and projected gradient descent (11) can be written respectively as d p = k ∗ (P − P ) (15) dt t ∗ t d  pt = ΠT ∆ k ∗ (P∗ − Pt) (16) dt pt

(n) (n) If the empirical loss L is used, we denote the training trajectory by pt .

Proposition 1 (Generalization gap). With any target distribution P∗ ∈ P(Ω) and with probability (n) 1 − δ over the sampling of P∗ ,

6 (n) 1. If pt, pt are trained by gradient descent (15), then r r √  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) W Π (p ), Π (p(n)) ≤ d 4 + t 2 ∆ t ∆ t n n

(n) 2. If pt, pt are trained by projected gradient descent (16), then r r √  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) W (P ,P (n)) ≤ d 4 + t 2 t t n n 3.2 Generalization Error and Early-Stopping

(n) (n) Let pt be trained by gradient descent (15) on the empirical loss L .

Theorem 2 (Generalization error). Given any target density function p∗, with probability 1 − δ over (n) (n) the sampling of P∗ , the generalization error of the trajectory pt is bounded by √ √ r r (n)  kp∗ − p0kH  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) W2 P∗, Π∆(p ) ≤ d √ + d 4 + t t 2t n n This is a decomposition of the generalization error into training error plus generalization gap. It follows that with early stopping, we can escape from the curse of dimensionality. Corollary 3 (Early stopping). If we choose an early-stopping time T as follows

n 1/3 T  kp − p k2/3  ∗ 0 H log d then the generalization error obeys √ log d1/6 W P , Π (p(n)) dkp − p k2/3 2 ∗ ∆ T . ∗ 0 H n This result suggests that for the adversarial density estimation model, a polynomial amount of samples n = O(−6) is needed to achieve an error of , instead of an exponential amount −Ω(d). Remark 1. This result requires that the target density belongs to the hypothesis space

P∗ = {p∗ ∈ ∆ | kp∗ − p0kH < ∞}

2 It is a weak condition, because given any p∗ ∈ ∆, the set p∗ + H is dense in L (Ω), so there are plenty of initializations p0 that can work. Even if p∗ − p0 ∈/ H, it is straightforward to show that,

kq − p0kH kp∗ − ptkL2 ≤ inf √ + kp∗ − qkL2 q 2t

So if the target p∗ satisfies −β inf kp∗ − qkL2 . R kp0−qkH≤R for some β > 0, then the training error can be bounded by

− β kp∗ − ptkL2 . t 2(1+β)

− β and the early-stopping generalization error becomes O(n 6β+4 ).

3.3 Memorization Despite that early-stopping solutions perform well, this adversarial density estimation model eventually memorizes the samples.

(n) (n) Proposition 4 (Memorization). Given the condition of Theorem 2, Pt converges weakly to P∗ . We show a stronger result in Lemma 13 that this model can be trained to converge to any distri- bution.

7 4 One Time Scale Training

The previous section demonstrates that, with an explicit regularization kDkH, we can bound the Rademacher complexity of the discriminators and enable the adversarial density estimator to generalize well. This section shows that even if we do not explicitly bound the complexity of D, the early-stopping solutions still enjoy good generalization accuracy.

4.1 Ill-posedness Recall that we are using the WGAN loss (4), which we write as a min-max problem:

min max L(p, D) = min max EP∗ [D] − EP [D] − R(D) p D p D

2 2 Instead of penalizing the parameters of the discriminator R(D) = kDk = kak 2 , we consider H L (ρ0) weaker regularizations on its function value. For instance,

• The L2 penalty proposed by [61] 2 R(D) = kDkL2(Ω) (17)

• Gradient penalty 2 R(D) = k∇DkL2(Ω) (18)

• The Lipschitz penalty proposed by [24]. We present a simplified form for better illustration

2 R(D) = k1 − k∇DkkL2(Ω) (19)

• Other Lipschitz penalties [33, 46] in simplified forms

2 2 R(D) = k max(0, k∇Dk − 1)kL2(Ω) or k max(0, k∇Dk − 1)kL1(Ω) (20)

None of the above regularizations lead to a well-defined GAN loss. Proposition 5 (Ill-posedness). Consider the empirical loss function

(n) L (P ) = sup EP (n) [D] − EP [D] − cR(D) D∈C1(Ω) ∗ with any c ≥ 0, where the regularization R is any of (17, 18, 19, 20). Suppose the dimension d ≥ 3. (n) Then, for any distribution P 6= P∗ L(n)(P ) = ∞ Heuristically, these regularizations are too weak to control the complexity of D, so that D can (n) diverge around the sample points of P∗ , and thus the loss blows up. By the universal approximation property [27], this result holds if we implement D by neural networks or random feature functions. It follows that the two-time-scale training, with D trained to optimality, is not applicable.

4.2 Generalization error Nevertheless, we show that one-time-scale training still performs well and achieves a small generaliza- tion error. For simplicity, we focus on the L2 regularization (17),

c 2 min max L(p, D) = min max EP∗ [D] − EP [D] − kDkL2(Ω) (21) p D p D 2 with some c > 0. As usual we model D by the random feature function (5). The one-time-scale gradient descent-ascent (10, 8) can be written as d d p = D , D = k ∗ (P − P ) − ck ∗ D (22) dt t t dt t ∗ t t

(n) (n) (n) Again, denote by pt ,Dt the training trajectory on the empirical loss L .

8 √ (n) Theorem 6 (Generalization error). Suppose 0 < c ≤ 2. Initialize pt by p0 and the parameter (n) (n) (n) function of the discriminator Dt by a0 ≡ 0. With probability 1 − δ over the sampling of P∗ , we have r √ r r (n)  2d kp∗ − p0kH  2 log 2d log(2/δ)/2 2 W2 Π∆(p ),P∗ ≤ √ + d 2 + t t c t n n √ The condition c ≤ 2 is imposed for convenience. Otherwise, the “friction” is too large, so the convergence becomes slower and the formula becomes more complicated. Similar to Corollary 3, we show that early stopping can escape from the curse of dimensionality. Corollary 7 (Early stopping). Given the condition of Theorem 6, if we choose an early-stopping time T as follows n 1/5 T  kp − p k2/5  ∗ 0 H log d then the generalization error obeys

√ log d1/10 W P , Π (p(n)) dkp − p k4/5 2 ∗ ∆ T . ∗ 0 H n Finally, we can also establish memorization in the long time limit.

(n) (n) Proposition 8 (Memorization). Given the condition of Theorem 6, Pt converges weakly to P∗ .

5 Slow Deterioration

In the previous sections, we demonstrated that the generalization ability of the adversarial density estimation models, (13) and (21), can be attributed to the dimension-independent complexity of the discriminators during training (e.g. Rademacher complexity). This section provides a supplementary view, that because the complexity of Dt grows slowly, it would take a very long time for Dt to deteriorate to the optimal Lipschitz discriminator of WGAN [3]. Heuristically, this slow deterioration is beneficial, because as illustrated in Figure 1 curve ○1 , training on the Wasserstein landscape suffers from the curse of dimensionality. 1 Consider the empirical WGAN loss with Lipschitz discriminator

max (n) [D] − P [D] EP∗ E kDkLip≤1

(n) The Kantorovich-Rubinstein theorem [56] tells us that this is the W1 metric between P and P∗ , while the Arzel`a–Ascolitheorem implies that the maximizers D∗ exist (over the compact domain Ω). It has been the focus of several GAN models (e.g. [3, 24, 33, 46]) to try to learn these D∗ by neural networks. For convenience, suppose our modeled distribution P is exactly P∗ and P∗ is the uniform distribution over Ω = [0, 1]d. By Theorem 5.1 of [12], we have

(n) −1/d max (n) [D] − P [D] = W1(P∗,P∗ )  n (23) EP∗ E kDkLip≤1

−1/d (n) The large gap n indicates that D∗ well separates P∗ and P∗ , suggesting that during GAN (n) training, D∗ can quickly drive P away from P∗ and towards memorizing P∗ . Let us consider the loss associated with the discriminator

(n) max L (a) = E (n) [D] − EP [D] − R(a) a P∗

D(x) = Eρ0 [a(w, b) σ(w · x + b)]

1 Technically, Figure 1 curve ○1 concerns the W2 loss, but it is reasonable to believe that training on W1 or any Wp loss cannot escape from the curse of dimensionality either.

9 where D is again modeled as a random feature function. Assume two-time-scale training, so that P = P∗ is fixed as we train Dt. The regularization R can be, for instance, the Lipschitz constraint ( 0 if kDk ≤ 1 R(a) = Lip (24) ∞ else or a Lipschitz penalty, as in WGAN-GP [24, 33, 46]

R(a) = c max(0, kDkLip − 1) (25) with c  1. The following result indicates that Dt cannot approximate D∗ efficiently. Proposition 9 (Slow deterioration). Suppose R is any regularization term such that L(n) is bounded above and that we can train a by continuous-time (sub)gradient flow. Let at be the gradient ascent 2 trajectory with any initialization a0 ∈ L (ρ0), let Dt be the discriminator, and let D∗ be any maximizer (n) of (23). With probability 1 − δ over the sampling of P∗ , we have √ p √ 3 −1/d 2 2 log 2d + log(2/δ)/2 kD − D k ∞ ≥ n − √ o( t) t ∗ L (Ω) 40 n

Both (24) and (25) satisfy the condition of Proposition 9, since −L(n) becomes a proper closed convex function. 1− 2 Hence, it takes at least ω(n d ) time to learn the optimal Lipschitz discriminator. The generality of Proposition 9 indicates that it could be futile to search for a Lipschitz regularization for WGAN.

6 Proofs

The results from Sections 3, 4 and 5 are proved in the following three subsections respectively.

6.1 Two time scale training Definition 1. Let k be the kernel defined in (6). Consider the convolution (9) as a symmetric compact operator over L2(Ω). By universal approximation (Section 2.2), k is positive definite. It follows that ∞ we can construct an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors {ei}i=1 with eigenvalues λi > 0. Denote

ei e˜i = √ λi ∞ Then, {e˜i}i=1 is an orthonormal basis of H. Regarding the Wasserstein test loss (12), we have the following convenient bound. Lemma 10. For any p, q ∈ L2(Ω),  √ W2 Π∆(p), Π∆(q) ≤ dkp − qkL2(Ω) Proof. The L1 difference between two probability densities is equivalent to an optimal transport dis- tance with the loss ( 0 if x = y c(x, y) = 1 else

1 So the W2 metric is dominated by diam(Ω) times the L distance  √ W2 Π∆(p), Π∆(q) ≤ dkΠ∆(p) − Π∆(q)kL1(Ω)

Meanwhile, since Ω = [0, 1]d has unit volume

kΠ∆(p) − Π∆(q)kL1 ≤ kΠ∆(p) − Π∆(q)kL2 ≤ kp − qkL2

10 We also need the following lemma from [62].

Lemma 11. For any distribution P∗ ∈ P(Ω) and any δ ∈ (0, 1), with probability 1 − δ over the i.i.d. (n) sampling of P∗ , r r Z 2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) (n) sup σ(w · x + b) d(P∗ − P∗ )(x) ≤ 4 + kwk1+|b|≤1 n n

6.1.1 Proof of generalization gap Proof of Proposition 1. First, for the plain gradient flow (15), we have (n) d (n) pt − pt (n) (n) kp − p k 2 = , k ∗ (p − p ) − k ∗ (p − p ) dt t t L (Ω) (n) ∗ t ∗ t L2(Ω) kpt − ptk p(n) − p = t t , k ∗ (p(n) − p ) − k ∗ (p(n) − p ) (n) ∗ ∗ t t L2(Ω) kpt − ptk p(n) − p ≤ t t , k ∗ (p(n) − p ) (n) ∗ ∗ kpt − ptk (n) ≤ kk ∗ (p∗ − p∗)kL2(Ω) h Z i 0 (n) 0 ≤ sup Eρ0(w,b) σ(w · x + b) σ(w · x + b) d(P∗ − P∗)(x ) x∈Ω Z (n) ≤ sup σ(w · x + b) d(P∗ − P∗ )(x) kwk1+|b|≤1 Then, Lemma 11 implies that with probability 1 − δ, Z t r r (n) 2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) kpt − ptkL2(Ω) ≤ 4 + (26) 0 n n One can conclude by Lemma 10 that r r √  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) W Π (p(n)), Π (p ) ≤ d 4 + t 2 ∆ t ∆ t n n Next, for the projected gradient flow (16), we have (n) d (n) D pt − pt (n) (n)  E kpt − ptk = , ΠT (n) ∆ k ∗ (p∗ − pt ) − ΠTp ∆ k ∗ (p∗ − pt) dt (n) p t kpt − ptk t (n) (n) (n)  D p − p ΠT ∆ p − p Π p − p E = lim t t , t, t − T ∆ t, t →0+ (n)   kpt − ptk where (n) (n) (n) (n) pt, := pt + k ∗ (p∗ − pt), pt, := pt + k ∗ (p∗ − pt )

Since Π∆ is a projection onto a convex set, (n) 2 pt − pt, pt, − Π∆(pt,) ≤ Π∆(pt,) − pt, pt, − Π∆(pt,) = O( ) (n) (n) (n) 2 pt − pt , pt, − Π∆(pt, ) = O( ) It follows that (n) (n) (n) d (n) D pt − pt pt, − pt pt, − pt E kpt − ptk ≤ lim , − + O() dt →0+ (n)   kpt − ptk D p(n) − p E = t t , k ∗ (p − p ) − k ∗ (p(n) − p(n)) (n) ∗ t ∗ t kpt − ptk The proof is complete using the same argument for plain gradient flow.

11 6.1.2 Proof of generalization error

Lemma 12 (Training error, two-time-scale). If pt is trained by the gradient flow (15) with any target 2 distribution p∗ ∈ L (Ω), we have

2 2 kp0 − p∗kH kp − p k 2 ≤ t ∗ L (Ω) 2t Proof. We show that the training rule (15) coincides with the training trajectory of RKHS regression: 2 For any a ∈ L (ρ0), define the function

fa(x) = Eρ0(w,b)[a(w, b)σ(w · x + b)]

If kp0 − p∗kH < ∞, we can choose a0 such that f(a0) = p0 − p∗. Then, if we train at by gradient flow with initialization a0 on the regression loss

1 2 min Γ(a) = kfak 2 , a 2 L (Ω) the function fat evolves by d d f (x) =  a σ(w · x + b) dt at Eρ0 dt t Z  0 0 0  = Eρ0 fat (x )σ(w · x + b)dx σ(w · x + b) Ω Z 0 0 0 = fat (x )k(x, x )dx Ω or equivalently d f = k ∗ f dt at at

So the training dynamics of fat is the same as the training rule (15) of the function pt − p∗. Since fa0 = p0 − p∗, we have fat = pt − p∗ for all t ≥ 0. It follows from the convexity of Γ that

ka k2 2 2 2 0 ρ0 kp0 − p∗kH kp − p k 2 = kf(a )k 2 ≤ = t ∗ L (Ω) t L (Ω) 2t 2t

Proof of Theorem 2. Decompose the generalization error into training error + generalization gap:

(n) (n) kp∗ − pt kL2(Ω) ≤ kp∗ − ptkL2 + kpt − pt kL2 The first term is bounded by Lemma 12 and the second term is bounded by (26). Therefore, r r (n) kp0 − p∗kH  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) kp∗ − p kL2(Ω) ≤ √ + 4 + t t 2t n n Then, we conclude by Lemma 10.

6.1.3 Proof of memorization Proposition 4 is a corollary of the following lemma. Lemma 13 (Universal convergence, two-time-scale). Given any signed measure P˜ ∈ M(Ω) and any 2 initialization p0 ∈ L (Ω), if we define Pt by d p = k ∗ (P˜ − P ) dt t t

2 with any initialization p0 ∈ L (Ω), then Pt converges weakly to P˜.

12 ˜ Proof. Let λi and e˜i be the eigendecomposition in Definition 1. Denote ft = k ∗ Pt and f = k ∗ P˜. ˜ Decompose ft − f into ∞ ˜ X i ft − f = yte˜i i=1 Then, ∞ d X (f − f˜) = k ∗ [k ∗ (P˜ − P )] = −k ∗ (f − f˜) = − yiλ e˜ dt t t t t i i i=1

i i −λit It follows that yt = y0e . Given that

∞ X i 2 ˜ 2 ˜ 2 (y ) = kf − fk = 2 [k] ≤ (kP k + kP k ) kkk < ∞ 0 0 H E(P0−P˜) 0 TV TV C(Ω×Ω) i=1 we can apply dominated convergence theorem to obtain

∞ ˜ 2 X i 2 −2λit lim kft − fkH = lim (y0) e = 0 t→∞ t→∞ i=1 ˜ Thus, ft → f in H, which implies Z ˜ ∀f ∈ H, lim f d(Pt − P˜) = lim hft − f, fiH = 0 t→∞ t→∞

As discussed in Section 2.2, the RKHS space H is dense in C(Ω) under the supremum norm. It follows that Z Z ∀f ∈ C(Ω), lim f dPt = f dP˜ t→∞

Hence, Pt converges weakly to P˜.

6.2 One time scale training 6.2.1 Proof of ill-posedness

n (n) Proof of Proposition 5. Let {xi}i=1 be the sample points of P∗ . Define the function

n X −d/2+1.1 D(x) = kx − xik i=1

Let η be a mollifier (η is smooth, non-negative, supported in the unit ball and R η = 1). Define Z D = η(y)D(x − y)dy

(n) Then, sup>0 R(D) < ∞, while for any P 6= P∗ ,

lim E (n) [D] − EP [D] = ∞ →0+ P∗ It follows that

sup EP (n) [D] − EP [D] − R(D) = ∞ D∈C1 ∗

13 6.2.2 Proof of generalization error As usual, we try to bound the generalization error by the training error plus the generalization gap, and estimate them separately. Lemma 14 (Duhamel’s integral). Consider the one-dimensional second-order ODE

x¨ + bx˙ + ax = q

x(0) = x0, x˙(0) = 0 where a, b are constants and q is a locally integrable function in t. If 4a > b2, then the solution is given by q q b b2  b2  r 2 sin t a − Z t sin (t − s) a − − b th b  2 4 i − b (t−s) 4 x(t) = x0e 2 cos t a − + q + q(s)e 2 q ds 4 b2 0 b2 a − 4 a − 4

Proof. Direct verification. Lemma 15. Let k be the kernel defined in (6). Assume that the support of the parameter distribution 2 ρ0 is contained in {kwk1 + |b| ≤ 1}. Then, the operator norm of the convolution (9) over L (Ω) is bounded by 1.


kkkop = sup hk ∗ f, fiL2(Ω) kfkL2(Ω)≤1 h Z 2i = sup Eρ(w,b) f(x)σ(w · x + b) kfkL2 ≤1 Ω  2  ≤ Eρ(w,b) kσ(w · x + b)kL2 ≤ sup sup σ(w · x + b)2 kwk1+|b|≤1 x∈Ω ≤ 1

√ Lemma 16 (Training error, one-time-scale). Given any 0 < c ≤ 2, any target density p∗ and any initialization p0 such that kp∗ − p0kH < ∞, let pt,Dt be the training trajectory (22) with D0 ≡ 0, then we have √ 2kp∗ − p0kH kp∗ − ptkL2 ≤ √ ct ∞ Proof. Let {λi, e˜i}i=1 be the eigendecomposition√ given by Definition 1. Lemma 15 implies that all 2 2 λi ∈ (0, 1]. Then the condition 0 < c ≤ 2 implies that 2λi ≥ c λi . For any t, define the orthonormal decomposition

∞ ∞ X i X i 2 2 pt − p∗ = x (t)e˜i, x (0) = kp0 − p∗kH < ∞ i=1 i=1

Denote u(t) = pt − p∗. The training rule (22) can be rewritten as

u¨ + ck ∗ u˙ + k ∗ u = 0

Taking RKHS inner product with e˜i for each i, we obtain

i i i ∀i, x¨ + cλix˙ + λix = 0 i i i x (0) = x0, x˙ (0) = 0

14 2 2 Since 4λi > c λi , Lemma 14 implies that

q 2 2 r cλi c λi  cλ 2 2 sin t λ − i i − i th c λ  2 i 4 i ∀i, x (t) = x e 2 cos t λi − + 0 q 2 2 4 c λi λi − 4

4 Since 2 − 1 ≥ 1, c λi r r cλ 2 2 2 2 √ cλ i i − i t c λ  c λi  i − i t |x (t)| ≤ |x |e 2 cos t λ − + sin t λ − ≤ 2|x |e 2 0 i 4 i 4 0 It follows that ∞ ∞ 2 X i 2 X i 2 −cλit kpt − p∗kL2 = λix (t) ≤ 2λi(x0) e i=1 i=1 ∞ ∞ X X 2 ≤ sup 2λ(xi )2e−cλt ≤ (xi )2 0 ct 0 i=1 λ>0 i=1 2kp − p k2 = ∗ 0 H ct

Recall that the one-time-scale training over the empirical loss L(n) is given by the following dynamics d d p(n) = D(n), D(n) = k ∗ (P (n) − P (n)) − ck ∗ D(n) (27) dt t t dt t ∗ t t

Lemma 17 (Generalization gap, one-time-scale). Given any 0 < c < 2 and any target distribution P∗, (n) (n) let pt and pt be the trajectory of the dynamics (22) and (27) with the same initialization p0 = p0 (n) (n) and D0 = D0 ≡ 0. Then, with probability 1 − δ over the sampling of P∗ , we have

r r 2 (n)  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ)t kp − p k 2 ≤ 4 + t t L (Ω) n n 2

∞ Proof. Let {λi, e˜i}i=1 be the eigendecomposition given by Definition 1. Lemma 15 implies that 4λi > 2 2 c λi . For any t, define the orthonormal decompositions

∞ (n) X i pt − pt = y (t)e˜i i=1 ∞ (n) X i k ∗ (P∗ − P∗ ) = q e˜i i=1

(n) Denote u(t) = pt − pt . Then, u(0) =u ˙(0) ≡ 0. The training rules (22, 27) imply that

(n) u¨ + ck ∗ u˙ + k ∗ u = k ∗ (P∗ − P∗ )

Taking RKHS inner product with e˜i for each i, we obtain

i i i i ∀i, y¨ + cλiy˙ + λiy = q yi(0) =y ˙i(0) = 0

2 2 Since 4λi > c λi , Lemma 14 implies that

q 2 2 t c λi  Z cλ sin (t − s) λ − i i − i (t−s) i 4 ∀i, y (t) = q e 2 ds q 2 2 0 c λi λi − 4

15 Then Z t t2 |yi(t)| ≤ |qi| (t − s)ds = |qi| 0 2 It follows that

∞ ∞ 4 (n) X X t kp − p k2 = λ yi(t)2 ≤ λ (qi)2 t t H i i 4 i=1 i=1 t4 = kk ∗ (P − P (n))k2 4 ∗ ∗ H Lemma 11 implies that with probability 1 − δ, ZZ (n) 2 (n) 2 kk ∗ (P∗ − P∗ )kH = k d(P∗ − P∗ ) h Z 2i ≤ σ(w · x + b) d(P − P (n))(x) Eρ0(w,b) ∗ ∗ r r  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ)2 ≤ 4 + n n Finally, Lemma 15 implies that

2 r r (n) (n) t  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) kp − p k 2 ≤ kp − p k ≤ 4 + t t L (Ω) t t H 2 n n

Proof of Theorem 6. As usual, we bound the generalization error by training error plus generalization gap:

(n) (n) kp∗ − pt kL2(Ω) ≤ kp∗ − ptkL2 + kpt − pt kL2

(n) (n) where we assume the same initialization p0 = p0 and a0 = a0 ≡ 0. The first term is bounded by Lemma 16 and the second term is bounded by Lemma 17. Therefore, √ r r 2 (n) 2kp∗ − p0kH  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ)t kp∗ − p kL2(Ω) ≤ √ + 4 + t ct n n 2 The proof is completed using Lemma 10.

6.2.3 Proof of memorization Proposition 8 is a corollary of the following lemma. Lemma 18 (Universal convergence, one-time-scale). Given any signed measure P˜ ∈ M(Ω), if we define pt by the dynamics p¨t = −k ∗ (pt − P˜) − ck ∗ p˙t 2 with any initialization p0 ∈ L (Ω) and p˙0 ≡ 0, then Pt converges weakly to P˜.

Proof. Let λi and e˜i be the eigendecomposition from Definition 1. Define u(t) = k ∗ (Pt − P˜) and decompose u(t) into ∞ X i u(t) = y (t)e˜i i=1 Then, ∞ X i i u¨ = k ∗ [−k ∗ (pt − P˜) − ck ∗ p˙t] = −k ∗ u − ck ∗ u˙ = −λi(y + cy˙ )e˜i i=1 It follows that i i i ∀i, y¨ + cλiy˙ + λiy = 0

16 Using the argument from the proof of Lemma 16, we obtain

√ cλ i i − i t |y (t)| ≤ 2|y (0)|e 2

Since ∞ X 2 2 ˜ 2 y (0) = ku k = 2 [k] ≤ kP − P k kkk < ∞ i 0 H E(P0−P˜) 0 TV C(Ω×Ω) i=1 we can apply dominated convergence theorem to obtain

∞ 2 X i 2 −cλit lim kutkH = lim 2 y (0) e = 0 t→∞ t→∞ i=1

Thus, ut → 0 in H, which implies Z ∀f ∈ H, lim f d(Pt − P˜) = lim hut, fiH = 0 t→∞ t→∞

Since H is dense in C(Ω) in the supremum norm, Pt converges weakly to P˜.

6.3 Slow deterioration

Lemma 19. With any set of n points xi ∈ Ω, n 1 X 3 −1/d sup P∗ [D] − D(xi) ≥ n E n 20 kDkLip≤1 i=1 Proof. By Lemma 3.1 of [19], we have

n 1 X d 1 1 −1/d sup P∗ [D] − D(xi) ≥ n (28) E n d + 1 [(d + 1)ω ]1/d diam(Ω) kDkLip≤1 i=1 d

d where ωd is the volume of the unit ball in R ,

d π 2 1 2πed/2 ω =  √ d d d Γ( 2 + 1) πd

−1/d Denote the right hand side of (28) by Cdn . By direct computation, Cd ≥ 3/20. Lemma 20. Given the condition of Proposition 9, we have

katk 2 lim √L (ρ0) = 0 t→∞ t Proof. The arguments are adapted from Lemma 3.3 of [58]. Define the value

(n) (n) (n) L∞ = lim L (at) ≤ sup L < ∞ t→∞ a which is assumed bounded by Proposition 9. Meanwhile, we also have r d at (n) (n) d 2 2 (n) katkL (ρ0) = , δaL (at) ≤ kδaL (at)kL = L (at) dt katk dt

Thus, for any t > t0 ≥ 0, we have Z t r √ q d (n) (n) (n) katk − kat0 k ≤ L (as)ds ≤ t − t0 L (at) − L (at0 ) t0 dt √ q (n) (n) ≤ t − t0 L∞ − L (at0 ) q (n) (n) By choosing t0 sufficiently large, the term L∞ − L (at0 ) can be made arbitrarily small.

17 Proof of Proposition 9. Lemma 11 implies that with probability 1 − δ,

∀r > 0, sup P∗ [D] − (n) [D] E EP∗ kDkH≤r Z = sup  [a(w, b)σ(w · x + b)] d(P − P (n))(x) Eρ0 ∗ ∗ kak 2 ≤r L (ρ0) Z (n) ≤ sup kakL1(ρ ) [ σ(w · x + b) d(P∗ − P∗ )(x) 0 ∞ L (ρ0) kakL2(ρ0)≤r r r  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ) ≤ r 4 + n n Meanwhile, Lemma 19 implies that Z 1 (n) kD − D k ∞ ≥ D − D d(P − P ) t ∗ L (Ω) 2 t ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 3 Z  ≥ n−1/d − D d(P − P (n)) 2 20 t ∗ ∗ Combining the two inequalities, we obtain with probability 1 − δ, r r 1h 3 −1/d  2 log 2d 2 log(2/δ)i kD − D k ∞ ≥ n − kD k 4 + (29) t ∗ L (Ω) 2 20 t H n n We conclude the proof by recalling Lemma 20, which implies that √ 2 kDtkH = katkL (ρ0) = o( t)

2 6.4 Relation between W2 metric and L loss Recall that GAN, as well as other generative models, adopts the generator representation for its modeled distribution: P = G#N := law(X),X = G(Z),Z ∼ N where N is some fixed input distribution and G is the generator. 2 d 2 d d d Denote by L (N ; R ) the space of L (N ) functions from R to R . Denote by Pac(R ) the space d of absolutely continuous probability measures, and by P2(R ) probability measures with finite second moments. 2 The L regression loss on G induces the W2 metric on P .

d d Proposition 21. Given any target distribution P∗ ∈ P2(R ), any input distribution N ∈ P2,ac(R ), and any L2(N ; Rd) function G, denote P = G#N , then

W2(P,P∗) = inf kG − G∗kL2(N ) (30) G∗

2 d where G∗ ranges among all L (N ; R ) functions such that P∗ = G∗#N . d Proof. We have P ∈ P2(R ) because

2 2 2 EP [kxk ] = EN [kG(x)k ] = kGkL2(N ) < ∞

2 d The set {G∗ ∈ L (N ; R ) | G∗#N = P∗} is nonempty by Theorem 2.12 of [56], so the right hand side of (30) is well-defined. Furthermore, this term is continuous over G ∈ L2(N , Rd) by triangle inequality. d First, consider the simple case when P ∈ P2,ac(R ). By Theorem 2.12 of [56], there exists an optimal transport map h from P to P∗. Then,

W2(P,P∗) = kId − hkL2(N ) = kG − h ◦ GkL2(N )

18 It follows that W2(P,P∗) ≥ inf kG − G∗kL2(N ) G∗#N =P∗ 2 d Meanwhile, given any G∗ ∈ L (N ; R )(G∗#N = P∗), define a joint distribution by π = (G, G∗)#N , which is a coupling between P and P∗. Then,

0 2 W2(P,P∗) ≤ Eπ(x,x0)[kx − x k ] = kG − G∗kL2(Ω)

Taking infimum over G∗, we obtain (30). d Next, for the general case with P ∈ P2(R ), define the random variable Z ∼ P and an independent random variable W with unit Gaussian distribution. Since N is absolutely continuous, Theorem 16 from Chapter 15 of [50] implies that the measure space (N , Rd) is isomorphic to [0, 1] with Lebesgue measure, which is isomorphic to Rd with the unit Gaussian distribution. Thus, we can consider W as a random variable defined on the measure space (Rd, N ). For any  > 0, define

G = G + W, P = G#N

+ 2 d d As  → 0 , the map G converges to G in L (N ; R ) and P converges to P in W2. Since P ∈ P2,ac(R ), our preceding result implies that

W2(P,P∗) = inf kG − G∗kL2(N ) G∗#N =P∗

Taking the limit  → 0+, we obtain (30) by continuity.

7 Discussion

Let us conclude with some of the insights obtained in this paper:

• Good generalization is achievable in high dimensions by early stopping and the error estimate escapes from the curse of dimensionality, whereas in the long term (t → ∞), the trained dis- tribution slowly deteriorates to the empirical distribution and exhibits memorization. This is an implicit regularization result, such that the progress toward P∗ and the deterioration due to (n) P∗ − P∗ occur on two time scales. • The mechanism for generalization is the dimension-independent complexity of the function rep- resentation of the discriminator, which in our setting is the Rademacher complexity of random (n) feature functions. It renders the loss landscape insensitive to the sampling error P∗ − P∗ , and thereby delays the onset of memorization. Our hardness of learning result for WGAN also follows from this small complexity.

• The regularization R(D) is crucial for establishing the convergence of training. As demonstrated by the proof of Theorem 6, the role of R(D) is to introduce “friction” into the min-max training of Pt and Dt and dampens their oscillatory dynamics. Furthermore, Theorem 2 demonstrates that regularizations on parameters may perform better than regularizations on function value. The former imposes a tighter control on the complexity of the discriminator, and thus the growth of the generalization gap is slower. Beyond the RKHS norm (7), one can also consider the spectral norm [41] or the Barron norm and flow-induced norm [18]. Finally, we discuss three possible ways to improve our results.

7.1 The generator Our adversarial density estimators depend on the linear topology of P(Ω), such that the density function pt is updated vertically (15, 16). However, the actual GAN (and generative models in general) updates its distribution horizontally: Denote its distribution by Pt = Gt#N , where N is an input distribution and Gt is the generator during training, then the trajectory P[0,T ] can be seen as a random smooth path

1 d P[0,T ] = law(x[0,T ]), x[0,T ] = G[0,T ](z) ∈ C ([0,T ] → R ), z ∼ N

19 In particular, Pt satisfies the conservation of local mass, unlike the vertical updates that teleport mass. This distinction makes horizontal updates difficult to analyze. Usually one can establish convexity and global convergence for vertical updates [62], whereas for horizontal updates, one typically needs geodesic convexity in W2 space, which is not known to hold for any of the GAN losses. For instance, the geodesic nonconvexity of the MMD metric (14) is analyzed in [2]. Nevertheless, we can still try to bound the generalization gap as in Proposition 1. One simple scenario with horizontal updates is to train Pt on the loss (14) by Wasserstein gradient flow

 δL(P ) ∂ P = ∇ · P ∇ t = ∇ · P ∇k ∗ (P − P ) t t t δP t t ∗

(n) Conjecture 1. Let Pt,Pt be the population-loss trajectory and empirical-loss trajectory. Then, for (n) any δ ∈ (0, 1), with probability 1 − δ over the sampling of P∗ , √ log d + plog 1/δ W (P ,P (n)) √ t 2 t t . n

7.2 Sophisticated models Instead of WGAN loss with random feature functions, one can study more general set-ups for GANs with diverse functions and losses. For function representation, ideally one would like to consider any family D whose Rademacher complexity scales as O(n−1/2). Examples include 2-layer networks with bounded Barron norm [18], deep residual networks with bounded flow-induced norm [18] and multilayer networks with bounded path norm [20]. For the training loss, one can consider the classical GAN loss [22], the f-GAN loss [45], the energy- based GAN loss [65], the least-square GAN loss [38], and any other losses defined as the dual over a discriminator family D. Then, one can try to extend the generalization gap from Proposition 1 to these settings. Conjecture 2. Suppose we are using any of these GAN losses and any discriminator class D whose Rademacher complexity scales as O(n−1/2). Then, for any δ ∈ (0, 1), with probability 1 − δ over the (n) sampling of P∗ , √ √ log d + plog 1/δ W Π(p ), Π(p(n))) d √ t 2 t t . n

7.3 Slower deterioration A shortcoming of Proposition 9 is that its proof (in particular, inequality (29)) does not utilize the fact that the discriminator Dt during training has bounded Lipschitz norm

∀t > 0, kDtkLip . 1 It seems reasonable that a more refined analysis would lead to a much stronger lower bound. For instance, one might conjecture that with probability 1 − δ, √ p  1 − 2 − 1 log 2d + log 2/δ inf k∇D − ∇D∗kL2(Ω) kDkH ≤ R, kDkLip ≤ 1 & δ nd R d−2 n d − √ D n

2 The exponent d−2 comes from Corollary 3.4 of [19], and we are estimating k∇D − ∇D∗k because it is the gradient field ∇Dt that drives the distribution during GAN training. Ω(d2) Then, Lemma 20 implies that it would take at least n amount of time for Dt to learn D∗.


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