ba Ta Cuminza Crianza Di Bestia | For di Crianza e ta Spera Lo Bini un Industria Nobo

Loke ta promete di ta un di e proyectonan mas significante empren- di door di gobierno di Aruba a principia na Dakota. Si e tin exito e proyecto por — pa medio di su contribucion na bienestar di comuni- dad — ta den mes rango di importancia pa e isla manera establece- mento di Lago. E proyecto: un crianza di bestia. |——— a = Su uso: un planta experimental di }nan tabata capaz. E porconan taba- crianza pa cabrito, porco, baca y ga- ‘ta carga mucho gordura, y no sufi- ciente carni. Generalmente e cabrito- linja. Su potencia: un recurso nobo di entrada pa residentenan di e isla. | nan tabata duna poco lechi y — ora Cu tempo bes ay galinja cu ta mata nan — nan carni no tabata sa- origina for di e importa por tisfactorio. El tabata convenci cu animalnan di duna carni, lechi, manteca, keshi, car- | ni porco, spekki, ham, webo, galin superior calidad por worde cria ariba y cuero cu awor ta worde impor isla y a devisa un plan di_ tres Hendenan di Aruba mes por haci e} punto pa: ganashi cu awor ta bai na comer- 1. Mehora e bestianan local door di cruzamento cu bestianan di raza ciantenan pafor di e isla. 5 E erianza tabata plan di Dr. Sut- | !™per a. moller, veterinario di gobierno kende : Percura pa criadornan di bestia a bini Aruba for di Holanda’ anja | haya bestia di raza. pasa. Poco despues cu el a tuma su} 3. Establece un programa di ali- eneargo como inspector di carni el a mentacion adecuado. ripara cu hopi di e carni — y otro Pa duna e plan exito, el tabatin sorto di alimento importa por mester di un lugar unda e animalnan importa por ta na servicio, unda e Recurso Nobo di Entrada worde produci ariba e isla mes. Studiando e situacion local el a des- | bestianan cu lo produci eee cuca : | lidad por worde desaroya, unda e for- FARMER Ten Davelaar and Government Veterinarian HACENDERO Tens Dave cubri cu baca, porco y cabrito cu ta) RG ree aati pice pase re Z ‘ mula corecto di alimentacion por wor- Dr. P. Sutmoller outside the main barn of Aruba’: new no Dr. P. Sutmoller pafor c asina mayor di e ha- worde cria aki no tabata di DUM ELA a ae sa rowel eat OLIDE tock farm which, it is hoped, will found a new industry cienda nobo di bestia i Ar ial, segun expecta- calidad. FE bacanan no tabata pro- | eae ee es seatanat: for the island. ia nobo pa e isla. duci e cantidad y calidad di lechi cu | (Continua na pagina 5)

Kingdom Trade Consultants Visit Antilles, Tour Lago

Eight men, experts in various phases of international economies, have wound up 12 days of discussions with Aruba and Curacao government and business leaders. fess The men comprise a coordination committee first established in 1948 to facilitate trade between The Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles SB So = c and Surinam. Se 25 Through conferences with govern- opened ened Sept. Se 13 Se and closed slosed Sept. 25,

ment and business executives of the| Were the fifth held here since the VOL. 15, No. 21 PUBLISHED BY LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO., LTD. October 9, 1954 three ”partners” of the kingdom, | Committee was instituted. they gather information upon which | to base the committee's advice to the | New Esso Station Netherlands cabinet on proposed leg- | Mechanical Ten Named Constructed Sets Lake Fleet islation pertaining to finances and To Be New Safety Mark, trade within the kingdom. | To Sport Park Officers’ “Log” The committee is currently working! A new Esso service station is Tops 115 Days | on a series of conclusions it will) scheduled to be built on the corner of Election Slate Closes Shop present to The Netherlands cabinet | Nassaustraat and Adrian Lacle Blvd. The Mechanical Department has which preparing economic and) in southeast Oranjestad. The station nine years of existence the other legislation in conjunction with | will be owned and operated by M. A. broken its own s pf record by Ten candidates, including three After the| Arends. working — through Sept. 30 134 running for re-election, have been "Lake Tanke * — a newspaper the anticipated ratification of days without a disabling injury. The named by the Lago Sport Park published eae] eek for the officers "new style kingdom” constitution. The land is now being readied for previous record was broken Sept. 12. Board Nominating Committee. Thes of the La leet — closed up shop As part of their fact-finding tour/the structure which will be of local The earlier mark was set between candidates along with possible peti- with the Sept. 25 issue. of the Antilles, the committee mem-| architectural design. The building June 1 and Sept. 23, 1952, when the tion candidates will vie for five po- In a Page 1 article under a "Final bers visited Lago late last month.| will have two gasoline pumps plus

department completed 115 days with- sitions on the Sport Park Board Edition” headline istant Marine They were greeted at the Reception) bays for automobile washing and out a disabling injury. Safety Divi- during the election period of Oct. 27, Manager W. L. Thomas recounted the Center by General Manager O. S./ lubrication. Mr. Arends will handle a ion records show the department 28 and 29. history of the paper which was Mingus, General Superintendent F. E.) complete line of Esso and Atlas pro- completed a number of near-record, The three running for re-election devoted to news of and interest to Griffin and other executives and | ducts. no-lost-time periods during the next Herman S. Figueira of the Pro- Lake Fleet officers. taken on a tour of the refinery. The station is expected to go into (Continued on page 18 months, but each time fell short cess Department — Acid & Edeleanu 2) The current discussions, which} operation around Jan. 1. of the mark. Damian Tromp of the Dxecutive The department suffered its last Office and Jose M. La Cruz of the disabling injury last May 9 and Colony Service Department. On the started out the next day with a clean Board Mr. Figueria represented gym- slate which, on Sept. 12, passed the nastics and cricket interests while 115-day record. Mr. Tromp handled football and Mr. During the period the department La Cruz baseball. averaged 2939 employees. The total | The remaining nominated candi- number of manhours worked through dates and the sports they represent Sept. 30, figured on 90 per cent of are Colin L. Batson of the Industrial the department staff, was 2,278,139. Relations Department, tennis; Lloyd F. Van Putten of the Process De- | partment, gymnastics; Anthony Per- "Voice of Aruba,” rottee of the Technical Service De- partment, cricket; Juan F. York of Second Radio Station, | the Industrial Relations Department, softball and baseball; Vernon T. Begins Broadcasts Morgan, Mechanical Administrz

korfball and basketball; Julio J The "Voice of Aruba,” station PJA-|, Technical Service Department, 10, the island’s second radio station, ball, and Ivan V. A. Mendes of th« officially went on the air this morn- Process Department, cricket. ing. At 10 a.m Oct. 9 the station’s Petition candidates wishing to have ina ration was transmitted their names appear on the t throughout the area over 666 kilocy- must submit an official petition cles, 150 meters. form with signatures of The first official program - 100 eligible there voters to the Committee Coordination had been earlier test transmissions Group of the Industrial Relations ed until noon before going MEMBERS he Netherlan | off Department by Tuesday, Oct. 12. the air. dinatio finan- E landa-Antilla Only three of the five incumbent Commi olandes-Surinam, conseheronan Island digr ries were among the are seeking re-election. Max Kock of mic t The Neth ares cia y ecc onomic net Holandes, ta munstra na morning’s gu speakers. To a man the Marine Department is not a can- n Center ntro di Rec ep ion scuchando un sa they welcomed the new station and didate and Hugo de Vries i no longer nager O sral O. S. Mingus. E grupo a_bishi ‘ (Continued on page 2) | with the company. -findir he Antille rmativo door durante un viaje

Octo} ARUBA ESSO NEWS October 9, 1954

s ‘ . RUBA €sso Vl Ew ¢ Medical Center Diez Nombra Como Candidato DA N » To Open Nov. 22 Ps El : di S eccion port Park L s new Medical Center ; a PUBLISHED EVERY OTHER SATURDAY AT ARUBA, NETHERLANDS incluyendo tres cor-| gymnastiek; Anthony Perrot d & TRANSPORT CO., LTD. modern, up-to-date plant complete Diez candidato, WE Sig INDIES: ay a LAGO OIL nom- Technic: Ss 1 y the Curagaosche Courant, Curacao, N.W.1 th facilities to best care for the 1 riendo pa re-eleccion, a worde mnical Service Departmer cric di Lago Sport Park Board) ket; Juan F. York deeicidint Re thousands of refinery employees, || bra door a is scheduled to open Monday, Nov. || Nominating Committee. E candida-| lations Department, softball vical R { | a Oil tonan aki hunto cu posible candida- ball; Vernon T. Korfbal Morgan, y M basketba || tonan di peticion To competi pa cineo | Administration, Iranian UI As announced by Dr. R. C. Car: ‘SportePark Board sdu:l Tilop Taneahea een CMW eaes emny: eappearance of Oh eaten diBe res the cence | wostclont.den) mus V. A. Mer the opportu rante e eleecion di Oct 28 y 29 partment, futbol, y Ivan of Iran in the world petroleum picture should have public will be given mar The reappearance corre pa re-eleccion|des di Process Department, ket and refiners generally nity of inspecting the new facili- E tres cu ta little effect on the current oil market, producers di peticion cu | pa fies. (Phe Medical: Center wall be ||| -agHetmen Sei euert use erocess Candidatonan igree. But the situation could change. nomber aparece ariba e ¢ hi di e Pnaeee oo & Edeleanu, nan June, 1951, the Iranian oil industry Sc be “ OES EOE es Cay Prior to its nationalization in Ue ear S pees a oes ter sumeti un peticion of control ae fe i ee MUL Ce aCe eer we os o rit 1 produced some 650,000 barrels of oil a day. After government tant nt De ef * Baatate: 3 : we oe ere ie a Eastern The Manndiesabetrnenethl pu Dep: to a trickle, Iran’s markets went to other eut the flood a IR es ae a : lie inspection and the opening || "a tabata representa interesnan di [ndust Hemisphere countries gymnastiek mientra cake FcLMONA IED DP Producing fields || will be used to move equipment | | TUN ket y New refineries were built, others were expanded. ae Cee from the present dispensary te || Tromp tabata trata cu futh in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq were enlarged. The mainly La Cruz baseball ae: enteneec continued to care for the yearly he ne uir-conditioned Center gap was filled. Further expansion candidatonan nomb BED Hey ites SOREL PS. a : E otro increase in demand as ps ders et Oe eee ae : Se Os Standard Oil Co. (N.J.) and seven other companies} Last month the aap ¢ oe rue a a ae ae ae a the Iranian saree banded in a consortium signed an eement with Trio an Putten di Process Department,!traha cu Comp: : government he restore the country’s oil industry. By 1957 the com- Shipyard cs sold over f a panies, which normally market about 50 per cent of the oil . E Retire; Service fe Pe di to finding a market for 650,000 barrels of To the world, are committed | Coordinacion Totals 74 Years omision thr} Iranian oil a day = fp : the oil in a world with more potential the Their problem is: How to sell A t {| T L than it John McBride, John Horsten and B i t refining capacity than it needs; with more crude production ago three IS I a n | as, our Within three years increasing | Hendrik M. Hagendoorn can consume. A_ possible solution: den varios fase di economia internaci men whose company service totals Ocho homber, experto Eastern Hemisphere demand will absorb Iranian production. di comercio y gobier di °v® 74 years we scheduled to| cerra 12 dia di discusion cu autoridadnan In the meantime, however, reappearance of Iran in the world oil | |! ee during the next two years. Aruba y Curacao. to bring pressure on those refineries and producing estableci di picture is expected McBride, Shipyard DeLee E hombernan ta forma un comision di coordinacion fields which were expanded to take Iran’s place. Mr. vez na 1948 pa facilita comercio entre Holanda, Antillas Ho- production has risen i A leies A Fs ate hens Services| promer Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq, whose combined 7 Sec 38 ¥ a ie lane sy ee Kh from 791,000 to 2,485,000 barrels a day while Iranian wells stood idle, a CU COT Sree TEE Eye an Studying and Mr. Hagendoorn returned to} © Se in U S are expected to stop expanding. Holland last month. ee ’ See di pone d : Theolo and other Eastern Hemisphere producers are reluc- | their native If these countries a paar pe = gy ae produce a situa- Mr. McBride s originally em-| .¢ eat eevee tant to curtail production, however, over-supply could ates =e ; i Kenric k Khan, an emp by the Lago Shipping Com-| ta basa aviso di « ae crude and finished products could become ployed tion in which Middle East tocante legis! ‘Gos DoS LOn UG ee aon Hemisphere markets. pany in Aruba Seagoing (noW pinet Holandes economically attractive on Western fe es meee ee e Tt Transportation Company) from) pyoponi perteneciendo na financia the return of Iranian oil should have little effect on the Esso , ay { Though 1934, when | comercio entre e reinado Pa oes Se could change. For this reason it is impera- April, 1928, to August, Be market now, the situation e comision ta trahando ariba} month, is aeuiie 3 the costs not in- Awor tive that Western Hemisphere producing and refining a un serie di "conclusionnan” cu e 10) se at the Pennsylvania compete with Eastern oil. na e cabinet Holandes cu ta] During his years at Lagi crease if Western oil ogs presenta : ; | preparando legislacion economico y| employed in the Medical, Mi ; di otro naturaleza en conjunccion cul and Accounting De partments constitucion | position was in Material Ac m9 . a e ratificacion anticipa di . . . ee coe ae ets Ned aad Site pens years Re-aparencia di Zeta di Iran " Como parti di nan viaje informa-! palf |tivo den em ee ee di ta di opinion cu e re- | Produciente y refinadornan generalmente | cOmIsion A: Isnt) Uae Os Une Dee A ’ e retrato mundial di petroleo lo tin poco efecto g | aparencia di Iran den Nee eer sage at Pan Officers Log Pero e situacion por cambia. 4 ON Se arae ariba mercado actual. B Mingus, Superintendente "Ge Coach rt Seen PP OMIA na Juni 1951, industria petrolero na Tran o Promer cu nacionalizacion E. Griffin y otro ehecutivo y hiba|¢ eS Ub NSP cea di azeta pa dia. Despues cu control tabata produci como 650,000 barril ore a "198 : a I : J. McBride J. Horster ariba un paseo den refineria. eae gobierno a caba cu e abundancia aki, e mercadonan di Iran a cai umed the editorship. di as assistant dry dock Hemisferio Oriental. he came ashore den man di otro terranan di a "It has had a wide cir ion He later became neral| Sept. 29 on furlough followed by nobo a worde traha, otro expandi, Camponan produ- | foreman. been seen on d 1 Refinerianan dock, general | leave of absence preceding retirement | copies have Arabia, Kuwait y Iraq a worde | foreman of the dry and xu ciente mayor parti den Saudi 1, 1956. His service totalled 27| New York and London a sigui per- foreman of the Shipyard and in|Jan. mas grandi. E falta tabata cubri y mas expansion by experience that old-time ong haci August, 1948, was promoted to Ship- | years. e aumento den demanda. | since left Aruba, look forward caget cura pa will begin} Mr. Hagendoorn, who last held the companianan uni yard superintendent. He Luna pasa Standard Oil Co. (N.J.) y siete otro ly to its receipt to keep ther ue 28 followed by a} position of pipe craft foreman in the in the Lake Fleet firma un combenio cu gobierno di a furlough Oct. Shipyard, began his Lago service of | with happenings den un consorcio comercial — a ee : leave of absence preceding retire-| ‘the | he ‘said i a e | nt pPeb, 1, 1956. over 21 years in March, 1 Iran pa restora industria petrolero di e pais. Pa 1957 e companianan, by Mechanical Department — Pipe. He "This is the Jast issue and | como 50% di e azeta bendi den mundo, lo | Mr. Horsten was also employed normalmente ta bende read th cu Company. His|was promoted to tradesman first sure that all who have un mercado pa 650,000 barril di azeta di Iran pa dia. the Lago Shipping join with me in expressing mester haya with it was from S« ptember, |class then subforeman second class. will e azeta den un mundo cu mas poten-| tenure little pang of regret and, at the Nan problema ta: Com bende 1928. He came|Mr. Hagendoorn was transferred to mas produccion di crudo cu e 1927, to November, to all who ve cial di refinacion cu e tin mester; cu dry dock at the latter position in| same time, thanks mas halto |ashore as an engineman in the dry) the keep thi tres anja un demanda given of their efforts to por usa. Un posible solucion: Entre promotions took him | January, 1988. He later became} lo absorba e produccion di Iran. ‘dock. Successive dead : den Hemisferio Oriental tradesforeman in pipe and sub-| little paper meeting all Iran den e retrato mun- through the ranks of tradesforeman, Mientras tanto, sinembargo, re-aparencia di pipe cratt fore- The paper suspended publication 3 general foreman and gen-|sequently was made retire a result of the cut-back it fice lo causa presion ariba e refinerianan |2ssistant He became gen-| man of the Shipyard. He will dial di petroleo probablemente . . eral evaft foreman. furlough and! personel created by the elimination o141 foreman of the Shipyard in Nov-| Nov. 1, 1955 following Rleet produciente cu a worde expandi pa tuma lugar di Iran. | leave of absence. Si the Lake y camponan combina a subi! ober, 1950, Mr. Horsten left Aruba! Saudi Arabia, Kuwait y Iraq, kende su produccion di Iran ta- for di 791,000 te 2,485,000 barril pa dia mientras poosnan bata inactivo, probablemente lo stop di expande. Oriental no | Si e paisnan aki y otro producientenan di Hemisferio ariba merca- corta produccion, sinembargo, un abundancia di producto Central y producto- | do por causi a un situacion den cual crudo di Oriente den nan refina por bira economicamente atractivo pa mercadonan Hemisferio Occidental. tin poco efecto Maske e regreso di azeta di Iran probablemente lo e motibo aki ta im- ariba mercado awor, e situacion por cambia. Pa Hemisferio Occi- perativo pa costonan di produccion y refinacion den cu azeta Oriental. dental no subi si azeta Occidental kier competi

otro novedad tabata estableci . Un Tromp, Diez-tres A Completa ora Rafael Zambrano, Pedro . Marius Richardson y James Moses a den Accounting recibi nan certificato. Sr. Zambrano Curso di Industrial Relations, Sr. Tromp 4 ercicionan di graduacion a worde Sr. Richardson di Marine y Mos« bra Sept. 22 pa un muher y 12 un curso den di Colony Service Department tabata homber cu a completa pafor di Ac Poocieal “Accounting ofrect door di|¢t Bromer empleadonan Department cu a tuma « ‘Accounting Department como parti | Counting whe Lago su programa di entrenamento | ©US° May di cu a completa « TRAHADORNAN M na trabao. Otro empleadonan MECHANICAL Department di 100 ova d uecion den ety Sra. Jeanne de Barros, head key | curso rT Dock Zan tabata Sefer Tromp, Leo punch operator den Tabulating & seis luna tion Donald Odu- Division, tabata e muhei Echtveld, Kelvin T of Statistical Jules Tjon, Rudolf eu a gradua y e promer muher cu a! ber, Sixto Croes, tuma e curso. Polak y Kenrick Khan

October 9, 1954 ARUBA ESSO NEWS ~ Surinam Philharmonic Sets Out Of This World 10 Concerts in Antilles / Amateur Musicians’ Trip Ends Several Years of Preparation

The Surinam Philharmonic Orchestra, composed of 50 part-time musicians and a conductor who is the Esso representative in Para- maribo, was scheduled to arrive in Aruba last Thursday to play at | least 10 concerts within the next two weeks here and in Curacao.

I rider the baton of E. R. Wessels, who founded the orchestra in 1948, the amateur musicians were to) 4¢ 5 ” make their Netherlands Antilles de-| Voz di Aruba s | but the De Veer Theatre in Oran- Sugunda Emisora jestad On the last night. program were Mendel- | sohr "First Piano Concerto” with 7 H b Z A Arnold Juda, a Duteh musician living a a ri we |i in Surinam, as soloist; George Gersh-| "Voz di Aruba,” stacion PJA-10, e | win’s "Rhapsody in Blue,” zet's| segunda emisora di radio na e isla, | "L'Arlesienne Suite’ plus other/a bai den aire oficialmente awe classical and semi-classical selections.| mainta. Oct. 9 na 10 a.m. inaugura- esday the orchestra is to play in cion di e stacion a worde tr miti the so Club, then return Thursday den henter e territorio ariba 666 kilo- | to t Oranjestad theatre. Between| cyclo, 450 metro. Friday and Sunday it is scheduled for E promer programa oficial ta- three performances in Curacao and|batin transmision di prueba anterior-

cu 3 then returns to Aruba for a farewell| mente — a dura te merdia promer ' ol ae concert at the De Veer on the 19th.| bai for di den aire. Gezaghebber L. C. Though the dates have not been| Kwartsz y otro personanan prominen- | DR. ENRICO CECCARELLI, psychi atrist and hypno- DR. ENRICO CECCARELLI, psychiatro y hypnotista, decided, the orchestra will present|te tabata entre e oradornan na e oca- tist, i shown at the Lago Club with a group of volun- ta munstré na Lago Club cu un grupo di voluntario cu na morning concerts for school children|sion. Nan tur a duna bienvenida ! teers he has put in a state of hypnos' . Dr. Ceccarelli el a pone den estado di hypnosis. Dr. Ceccarelli a apa- y a reconoce e pro- at the Esso Club and the theatre. e stacion nobo also appeared at the Esso Club and in island theatres. rece tambe na Esso Club y den teatronan na e isla. The orchestra’s trip to the Antilles greso cu ta worde haci ariba terreno ts second off the South American| di comunicacion radial siendo esaki e continent is through the Surinam! segunda emisora di radio cu ta habri | "Voice of Aruba” | /talian Psychiatrist Astounds Association here in conjunction with|na Aruba e 1 aki. Radio Kelk- the Aruba Art Cirele which have un-| boom a bai den aire Maart 20. sigui cu su trans- derwritten the cost of transportation. FE stacion nobo lo (Continued from page 1) Audiences with Hypnotic Feats Orchestra members are being quart-| mision awe tardi 7:30. Te ora e cerra ered in private homes. 1Vor di anochi e stacion ta transmi- acknowledged the progress being He had but to command and they obeyed. And so it was whenever TI nusicians are not paid for ti musica. made in the field of radio commu- famed Italian hypnotist, Dr. Enrico Ceccarelli, projected his hypnotic ora y mitar di transmi- nications with this the second radio the performances. Proceeds from Diez-tres ability at members of audiences during his Aruba performances. That the concerts will be used to help de-;sion ta planed pa Diadomingo, station to begin regular broadcasts Dr. Ceccarelli’s exhibitions bordered on the fantastic is attested by the fray transportation expenses. Oct. 10. punto mas importante di this year. Radio Kelkboom went on number of people who flocked to his 11 showings in the Oranjestad

The orchestra has 54 musicians but|e periodo ta un lapso di 11% ora di the air March 20. and San Nicolas areas. | For the better part of 12 days — the demands of other affairs prevent-|actonan en persona presentando ar- The new station will resume broad- his stay in Aruba — Dr. Ceccarelli En rea- ed f from making the trip. Two| tistanan di talento di Aruba, casts this evening at 7:30. Until 11 Psychiatro Italiano ta was the subject of many conversa- of the members who will appear here| lidad e lo ta un parada di lo mehor | when it closes its transmitter for the tions. Had he not made an Arturo are ladies Miss Martha Ferrier|cu Aruba por ofrece den talento mu- day the station plans to present 'Sorpresa Audiencia cu Toscanini out of Ferdinand Strijd- siguien- | and Miss Nadia Schoon. sical. Cuminzando 11 a.m. y music al prog rams. | haftig and put the maestro through the|do sin interrupcio te 10:30 p.m., un The arrival of the orchestra, Thirteen and one-half hours of -Hechonan Hypnotico}! a brilliant performance at the Lago first of its size to play in Aruba, is| fila continuo di e mehor talentonan di broadeasting are planned for Sunday, El tabata comanda y nan tabata| Club? Had he not done the same at | ¢ isla lo actua dilanti microfoonnan di years planning the result of several Oct. 10. The highlight of the period obedece. Y asina a socede unda cu| the Esso Club with Paul de Vuyst? by the Surinam Association. e stacion nobo. Oct. 10 ta habri cu will be an 111'2-hour stint of live acts e famoso hypnotisador Dr. Enrico | And then there was the Papiamento- musica for di 6 te 8 a.m. featuring talented artists of Aruba. Cecearelli, a proyecta su abilidad| speaking woman who, with Dr. Cec- Mechanical i A E siguie siguiente dia, a, Dialuna Dialuna, Oct. ete. ok 11, In effect, it will be parade of the hypnotico na miembronan di audien-| carelli’s aid, treated the De Veer "Voz di Aruba” ta cuminza transmiti Establece Record Nobo den su oranan regular cual ta: Dia- best Aruba has to offer in musical cia durante su actuacionnan na Aru-| Theatre audience to a speech in per- ability. Beginning at 11 a.m. and ba. Cu e exhibicionnan di Dr. Cec-| fect English. te Diasabra, 6 te 8 a.m., merdia luna were only a few of the many Di Seguridad te 2 p.m. y 6:30 te 10:30 p.m.; Dia- continuing without interruption until carelli tabata no mucho leuw for di These 10:30 p.m., a steady stream of the fantastico ta worde atesta door di e feats that thrilled audiences throug- Mechanical Department a kibra su| domingo, 6 a.m. te 2 p.m. y island’s best talent will perform be- itidad di hende cu a atende su 11 hout Aruba. He made people laugh, ies record di seguridad door di traha} 10:30 p.m. fore the new station’s microphones. actuacionnan na Oranjestad San dance, ery. He made them do just te incluyendo Sept. 30 — 134 dia Programa ¥ The Oct. 10 schedule opens with Nicolas. about anything he wished. But he sin un desgracia cu a causa perdida Director di programa di e stacion music from 6 to 8 a.m. Pa un gran parti di e 12 dianan cu| can go just so far in making a per- di tempo for di trabao. records an-|@ planea un variedad di programa-

son perform while under hynosis. Dr. The following day, Monday, Oct. el a keda na Aruba, Dr. Ceccarelli ta- terior worde kibra Sept. 12. nan cu ta di interes pa tur radio- Ceccarelli, whenever questioned about 11, the "Voice of Aruba” will go on bata topico di combersacion. WI no a E record anterior a worde estable-| oyentes na Aruba. Su programanan hypnotic powers, makes it perfectly its regular schedule as follows: Mon- haci Ferdinand Strijdhaftig bira un ci entre Juni 1 y Sept. 23, 1 ora} no ta inclui solamente musica y no- Toscanini y a pone e maestro clear that a person cannot be made e departamento a completa 115 dia|ticia, pero tambe temanan religioso, day through Saturday, 6 to 8 a.m., Arturo to do something against his nature. noon to 2 p.m. and 6 30 to 10:30 p.m.; door di un actuacion brillante na in ngun desgracia cu a causa per- comedia, deporte, revista y entrevista. The Italian also emphasizes that Sunday, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 6: 30 to Lago Club? Y el no a haci mes sna did. tempo for di trabao. Archivo-| Pa captura interes di e poseedornan hypnotism is in no way related to nar division di seguridad ta mun-|di radio, e programanan ta worde 10:30 p.m Esso Club cu Paul de Vuyst? Y anto | un muher cu ta papia Pay umento obeah or magic. stra algun periodo den cual e record] presenta na Ingles, Holandes, Papia- The station’s program director has kende, cu ayudo di Dr. Ce relli, a Accompanying him on_ his many a hera worde kibra durante e siguien-| mento y Spanjo. planned a variety of programs to in- » duna un descurso na Ingles perfecto travels throughout the world is hi 18 luna, pero cada biaha el a faya.) "Vou di Aruba” cu ta estableci na terest all radio listeners in Aruba. na e audiencia di Teatro De Veer. American born and educated wi © departamento a sostene su ulti-) Oranjestad tin su studio den Club His programs will include not only sakinan tabata solamente algun Mrs. Ceccarelli, a graduate of New mo desgracia cu perdida di tempo; Watapana ariba edificio di Commer- music and news, but also religious di ec hopi hechonan cu a fascina au- York University, met her husband in Mei 19 y e siguiente dia a cuminza cial Bank. Actualmente transmision features, pla sports happenings diencianan den henter Aruba. El a Chile. She was teaching at an Ame- cu un lista limpi cual, ariba Sept. 12,| ta socede via un transmisor cu un both live play-by-play and rev haci hende hari, balia, yora. El a rican-sponsored institute of inter- a pasa e record di 115 dia. capacidad di 275 watt gehuur for di and interviews. To capture the in- ‘i nan haci tur cos cu el taba | American relations when she first Durante e periodo e departamento| gobierno. E transmisor di gobierno ta terest of the island’s radio owners, r. Pero el por bai solamente as | met him. The two maintained an in- tabatin un promedio di 2939 emplea-| temporaric stacion a pone un or- the programs will be presented in leuw den haci un persona act | ternational air by marrying in Italy do. I oranan total di trabao di hom-| den pa cumpra un transmiso1 mas English, Dutch, P: plamento and bao hypnosis. Dr. Ceccarelli, }and later having their son born in ber traha te Sept. 30, caleulé ariba| Potente cu e actual unidad tempo- Spanish. mientras ki ora cl worde puntra tocante for- Buenos Air 90 por ciento di personal di e depar-| "rio. Located in Oranjestad, the "Voice zanan hypnotico, ta splica bon ¢ 1 cu Dr. Ceccarelli is a graduate of the tamento, tabata 2,278,139. Director y donjo di e stacion ta Al- of Aruba’ has its studio in the Wa- un persona no por worde influ neia | University of Sienna. He received his bert Arends. Su operador ta Eddie tapana Accounting Course Ferrier. E personal ta inclui Club of the Commercial Bank pa haci algo contra su naturaleza. E | master’s degree from the Royal Aca- J. B. 3uilding. At present, broadcasting i in Rome and his doctor’s degree Italiano ta acentua tambe cu hypno- Wix, director di programa; Theodore being done via a government-rente: tismo den ninguia forma ta relaciona ychology from Sienna. Like mg | Completed by 13 Quammie, locutor Ing Eduardo transmitter with an output of | ny others, Mrs. Ceccarelli did not be held Curet, locutor Spanjé; Laureano cu bruha of magico. Graduation exercises were Sa- watts. The overnment transmitter is |lieve the doctor’s powers when she |lazar, locutor Su companjero ariba su hopi viaje- Sept. 22 for one woman and Papiamento; Sr. Wix, temporary. An order has been There is no who completed a é 12 men |, i Sede 3 Recto | placed nan atravez di mundo ta su espo L | first heard about him. Practical Accoun-| ocutor pHolandsss H. Booi, director | by the station to purchase a more cu a nac y ta educa na America. question about it now. In fact with ting course offered by the Accounting dramatico; A. B. Kuiperi, Jx., de- powerful transmitter than the the doctor's a ance Mrs. Ceccarel- porte internacional; J. F. Croes, de- Sra. Ceccarelli, un graduante di New Department as part of Lago’s on-the- |! present temporary unit. no longer suffers air and sea sick- York University, a encontra su es- li job training program. porte local; J Arends, director mu- The station’s director and owner is posa na Chile. El tabata duna les na | ness — something that formerly pla- Mrs. Jeanne sical; Clement Celaire, scirbidor di | de Barros, head key | Albert Arends His engineer is Eddie gued her travels. scripto, y C. C. Wever, director finan- | un instituto pa vrelacionnan § Inter- punch operate in the Tabulating and psychiatrist hopes io ciero. Ferrier. The staff includes J. B. Wix, Americano ora el a encontre’le pa The Italian Statistical Division, was the from his woman program director; Theodore Quam- di promer vez. E pareja a mantene accumulate enough funds |W ho graduated and the first woman in Italy Colony Service Departments were the mie, English announcer; Eduardo Cu- un aire internacional door di cz sa na many tours to set up a clinic to take the course, — of hypnosis | first employees outside the Accoun- | ret, Spanish announcer; Laureano Italia y despues ora nan yiu a nace where with the use Another “first” was established] with ner- ting Department to take the cours i Salazar, Papiamento announcer; Mr. na Buenos Aires. |he plans to treat patients when Rafael Zambrano, Pedro Tromp,| Others who completed the six Wix, Dutch announcer; H. Booi, dra- Dr. Ceccarelli ta un graduante di | vous disorders. Marius Richardson and James Moses | month, 100-hour course were Seferino matic director; A. B. Kuiperi, Jr., in- Universidad di Sienna. El a recibi su tabata kere den poder di su esposo were given their certificates. Mr. | Tromp, Leo Echteld, Kelvin Tong, | ternational sports; J. pa di promer F. Croese, local di dje sat ,Zambrano of the Industrial Rela-|Donald grado di maestro for di Academia lora el a tende Oduber, Sixto Croes, Jules sports, J. F. Arends, musical director, Real na Roma y su grado di doctor vez Awor no tin cuestion tocante P9! tions, Mr. Tromp and Mr. Richardson |Tjon, Rudolf Polak and Kenrick | Clement Celaire, script writer, and {den psycholog for di Sienna. Mes- e En realidad, cu asistencia di e "of the Marine and Mr. Moses of the| Khan. | C. C, Wever, financial director. |eos cu hopi otro, Sra. Ceccarelli no doctor awor Sra.


October —. ——$— $ eee 9, y 1954 the other ONE SILO stands ready, UN SILO ta sre nearing completion at the farm. paré cla, e otronan t+] ™ acercando completacion They will hold the ma na cienda, Nan lo contene ment expects t > buy from some 250 e maishi c gobierno ta ; era £ farmers who are planting the grain di cumpra for c mas of meno this year with government help. The 250 donjonan di cun % cu cu ta planta will be augmented hay e anja aki cu ay maize fi gobierno. E maishi lo wor and concentr food imported menté cu yerba sec from Holland and the United State y alimer centré importé for di Holanda to feed the stock farm animals. When Estados Unidos pa e bestianan the maize is ready to harvest, Dr. me. Ora e maishi ta cla pa coseche| Sutmoller plans a radio appeal to itmoller ta yamad farmers to sell their crop to the go- planea un f 110 na vernment which has already cut some r pab enanc 100 + into silage. A anteed bier 1 ya tir Pre ales outlet for the is one of 1a 1 sil Un J { ) he first implicat nmer- jal possibilitie k farm € prome cionnan 2 i t Jadr 4 c r et, satisifie nothe fevenula r + : ; a near new source of me for Ar r te é r Aruba Opens Experimental Farm May Mean Start of New Industry

where the right Ww" promises to be one of the most signi- food formulae could be de- Some 250 island farmers have already close to 1000 pounds, will be available for art]® P ficant projects ever undertaken by the vised. He looked over the countryside and started cooperating by requesting in res- fical insemination of cows now on the islar| Vel Aruba government has started at Dakota. If picked an area east of Dakota Airfield where ponse to a radioed appeal by Dr. Sutmoller and other, better- blooded animals the veter| me successful the project could — through its the government stores its agricultural equip- that the government plow their land in pre- narian hopes will be imported A contribution to the welfare of the community ment. paration for maize planting before the rainy Charges for the service, which will be take SPli — rank with the establishment of Lago in Then he went to the Administrative Council season. to the cow, will be Fls. 3 for the first is] Bes its importance to the island. with his plan, pointed out its prospects and \t the farm the cows will be raised on a jection, Fls. 1 for any subsequent injection] bas The project: a stock farm. Its use: an ex- asked for help. The council, eager to augment cently-devised scheme known as "zero farm- Stud service of the goats will be offered ;| di « perimental breeding plant for goats, cows, pigs the island’s basic economy, agreed to under- ng.” Under this plan the cows are not turned the farm. The charge will be Fls. .75 phjcoll and chickens. Its potential: a new source of write the cost of the experiment. With the yut to graze but are kept in the barn where Fls. .50 per day for board. A similar chars} best income for ind residents. council’s approval, Dr. Sutmoller sent to Hol- the food is brought to them. The idea is par- will be made for pigs. cen In time animals and fowl bred from im- land for the stock and food he needed and an ticularly adaptable to Aruba where pasturage "There are some excellent American boa} © ported stock could provide beef, milk, butter, experienced farmer to supervise the farm. s so limited. on the island and we intend to offer the se} Ora cheese, pork, bacon, ham, eggs, poultry and When the M.S. Charis docked at Oranjestad The advantages of the plan are that the vices of these animals to pig farmers,” D]e b hides which are now imported. Aruba farmers the morning of Sept. 4 it brought the animals, cow eats only what it is supposed to eat, does Sutmoller said. "We intend to breed and eros} Ten could make the profit now going to off-island the food and Mr. and Mrs. Tens Davelaar. Mr. ot risk injury in the field, does not exercise breed these animals with the swine we ir merchants. Davelaar, who had spent most of his life on to excess. ported in an attempt to get the best possib|5U The stock farm was first conceived by Dr. his father’s farm in South Utrecht and had Though the cost of importing food might meat animal for this climate.” Ute P. Sutmoller, the government veterinarian who ently been elected an officer of the local make the plan prohibitive, Dr. Sutmoller feels In order to give the proposed commerci|¥" came to Aruba from The Netherlands — last farmers’ as sociation, agreed to over-see_ the that volume purchases by the association aspect of the venture every chance of succes} CoM stock farm and came out on the "Charis’” to should keep the price at the point where "zero Dr. Sutmoller plans to breed up herds of cow) 4i year. Shortly after he assumed his duties as meat inspector it occurred to him that much care for the animals during the three-week farming” is economically feasible. pig and goats and sell them at token cost f of the meat — and other food items then trip. He plans to augment the locally-raised the farmers. imported — could be produced on the island. From the hold of the KNSM ship came five ma with the hay and concentrate which The animals were ordered almost one ye:|4i 1 Surveying the local situation, he found that black-and-white Frisian Holstein cows, a pe- have nutritional qualities the local food lacks ago but delayed in delivery until a farm) ¥? ! cows, swine and goats being raised here were digreed Frisian Holstein bull, two Inland In the concentrate, for instance, are soya willing to undertake the project could |/¥"! not top quality. The cows did not yield the swine, one Yorkshire swine and a pure-white beans, protein-rich grains and meal phospho- found. The cows and pigs were carrying your, 522 quantity or quality of milk of which they were Saanen buck. Trucked to the farm, Mr. Dave- rous compounds, calcium and other minerals when they arrived. nan capable. The pigs carried too much fat, not laar quickly settled them in their new quarters. all vital to rich milk production. Within three we Dr. Sutmoller’s he|5S? enough meat. The goats were generally poor The farm, located near a hangar constructed Dr. Sutmoller is striving for a complete building plan had scored its first success. 0) @" milkers and — when slaughtered — were not during World War II for United States air- food to produce milk with more butter-fat and of the Inland pigs delivered eight shoat) F satisfactory meat animals. men, was built by the government Department other nutritional components than that now Another delivered six. One cow delivered |ant He was convinced superior animals could be of Agriculture. It consists of a main barn, goat produced locally. Through ”zero farming,” he bull. Another delivered a calf. The other thr |Am« vaised on the island and devised a_three- corral, pig yard, exercise are nd silos. ilso hopes to increase the yield of local cows. s are expected to deliver within a few day| to di pronged plan to: The barn such features as drinking Though accurate figures are not available, With the farm in operation, Dr. Sutmoll|¥ © 1. Improve the local herds through cross- fountains and showers for the cows, sealed he estimates that the 100 to 150 cows now next plans to lay the groundwork for t Pore breeding with imported, blooded animals. lights, and special stalls. The pig yard is en- the island average 1500 liters each pel farmers’ association. Until the organizati:!0os. 2. Provide would-be herdsmen with quality closed by a low-voltage fence. All the struc- vith the heaviest production coming during gets underway and can purchase its ov, E stock. tures are constructed and located to take and shortly after the rainy season. supplies, the government will import hay a P® ¢ 3. Set up an adequate feeding program. advantage of the prevailing winds for venti- Frisian Holstein cows yield 4000 to 4500 concentrates and sell it to the farmers E cu struc To make the plan succeed, he would need a lation. liters per year in Holland. Dr. Sutmoller hopes venti place where the imported animals could stand Nearing completion on the farm is a home the imports will produce at least 3000 liters Ac the herds which would in which Mr. and Mrs. Davelaar will live. In this year and increase the amount by at least at service, where cas ¢ supply the quality stock could be developed, the front hall are the wooden shoes the couple 1000 liters next year. brought from Holland. Inside are Delft plates Through controlled feeding, he also hopes parti and other furnishings from their former home to improve the quality of locally-raised pigs. parej Dr. Sutmoller sees the farm as the first step By giving them a high-protein diet, he plans di De in a new phase of island life. From it he hopes to increase the amount of meat and decrease na H Di will spring a new industry, based on an asso- the amount of fat. prom ciation of farmers who will pattern their oper- "The weather is warm here. The pigs don’t , | ¢ ations on the results of experiments conducted need the amount of fat they normally carry,” For at the farm. he explained. basa He sees the farm as a laboratory for He also hopes to improve Aruba farmers’ cu lo donan research into feeding, breeding and animal traditional goat herds by offering the services

El husbandry under local conditions. Througl of the Saanen buck and two British Alpinc these tests he hopes to determine the food bucks brought in from Trinidad. The mother pa 3 mente formulae, blood strains and animal care needed of the Saanen buck produced up to 1000 liter of milk a year. The Alpines are well-known medio to enable island food products to compete wit} e forr imports. throughout the world for their milk yield. cuido He has started with blood strains which With a number of chicken farms alread nan have already been introduced successfully to operating on imported food, Dr. Sutmoller mpol tropical climates. Fresian Holstein cows, In- plans to install a flock at the farm and ex- El land and Yorkshire swine and Saanen goats periment with food and care to boost th - THIS bull is the first of five calves expect- DIO 1 nt Aruba Tragitiona } va a are today being raised in many South Ame- chickens’ egg production and table valuc ed to be bi by the imported cows. These tt e@ up to 1M tropic: rican countries. "Island farmers should be able to supply H off-spring will mean better blood-lines for k a yea conan The problem in Aruba is to feed the animals all the eggs, fryers, broilers and other poultry Aruba dairy herds. imported,” Dr Sut- ta wo adequately on what must be because of the products which are now YIU n J t limited arable land — primarily an imported molley stated. nubat S aK T ita me ra Under Sutmoller’s plan, the services of diet. Dr. Sutmoller plans to bring in hay from Dr. pone k Jad ta expecta c the male and female animals at the farm will Holland, concentrated food fron Holland and trupan t br Su mdj— pat E cria aki the United States and to buy locally-grown be made available to island farmers at token porta. a. tro d pa anj4j cumine maize for silage. cost. The bull, now one year old and weighing ;


Picts AS : IN THE cow barn, equipped with water foun- DEN MANGASINA di baca, equipa cu fon- FARMER Tens Davelaar with the one-year- HACENDERO Tens Davelaar cu e toro rasa tains, showers and other modern equipment, tein di awa, douche y otro herment moderno, old, 1000-pound Frisian- Holstein bull impor- Frisian-Holstein cual tin un anja bieuw y ta these cows await the birth of the calves which e bacanan aki ta warda nacemento di e bishé- ted to help build local dairy herds. The stock pisa 1000 liber cu a worde importa pa yuda may help start a new industry in Aru nan cu lo yuda establece un industria nobo. farm will offer an artificial insemination establece crianza local. E hacienda ta bai service. ofrece un servicio artificial di inseminacion. Animalnan Superior por Worde Cria Ariba Isla

(Continua di pagina 1) trece yerba seco for di Holanda, alimento con- centra for di Holanda y Estados Unidos y pa art} e paisaje y a escoge un sitio pariba di vlieg- cumpra maishi cultiva aki. slar| veld Dakota unda gobierno ta warda su her- Mas of menos 250 donjonan di cunucu ya a ‘ter| mentnan di agricultura. cuminza coopera door di pidi — en contesta- Anto el a acerca Bestuurscollege cu su plan, cion ariba un solicitud pa medio di radio haci akc) splica su prospectonan y solicita cooperacion. door di Dr, Sutmoller — pa gobierno ploeg t il} Bestuurscollege, ansioso pa aumenta economia nan terreno en preparacion pa plantamento di ion|} basico di e isla, a combini pa wanta costonan maishi durante tempo di anja. ‘d ¢| di e experimento. Cu aprobacion di Bestuurs- Na e hacienda e bacanan lo worde cria se- plu} college, Dr. Sutmoller a manda encarga e gun un metodo desaroya recientemente. Se- arg} bestianan na Holanda y hunto cu nan un ha- gun e metodo aki e bacanan no ta worde saca cendero di experiencia pa percura pa ec crianza. afor pa come yerba pero ta worde teni den e oaj} Ora e bapor di KNSM "Charis” a hanera na magasina unda cuminda ta worde trec{ pa sel Oranjestad e mainta di Sept. 4, esaki a trece nan. E idea ta particularmente adaptable pa Dj e bestianan y alimento y tambe Sr. y Sra. Aruba unda mondi di yerba ta asina schaars. ros|| Tens Davelaar. E ventahanan di e metodo aki ta cu e baca ta come solamente loke e mester in Sr. Davelaar kende a pasa mayor parti di come, no ta ss sib} su bida ariba hacienda di su tata den Zuid corre risko di haya un herida na mondi, no Utrecht y kende recientemente tabata nombra ta haci ehercicio di mas. MR. AND MRS. Davelaar in front of their SR. y Sra. Davelaar dilanti di nan cas cu ta rei} un oficial di asociacion local di cunucero, a Maske e costo pa importa alimento por haci home now nearing completion on the farm. biniendo cla canto di e hacienda. Fiel na tra- es} combini pa supervisa e crianza y a bini abordo e plan prohibitivo, Dr. Sutmoller ta kere cu True to tradition, Mr. Davelaar wears the dicion, Sr. Davelaar ta bisti cu klomp di palo di ’Charis” pa percura pa e bestianan durante compras na gran escala door di e asociacion wooden ‘'klompen”’ familiar to all Dutch far- cu ta familiar na tur hacendero Holandes. mester por tene e prijs na un punto unda e e viaje di tres siman. mers. For di bodega di e bapor a sali cinco baca crianza ta economicamente hustifica. di raza Fries-Holstein color blanco cu preto, EI tin intencion di aumenta e maishi cu cre- un toro di mes raza, dos porco raza Inland, ce aki cu yerba seco y alimento concentra cu un vaza Yorkshire y un chubato cabrito raza ta pos e calidadnan nutritivo cu e cuminda

Saanen color blanco manera lechi. Cu truck local falta. Den e alimento concentra, por nan a worde transporta pa e hacienda unda ehemplo, tin bonchi di soya, maishi y harinja he Sr. Davelaar a percura pa pronto nan haya di hopi proteine, compuesto phosphoro, caleium Of nan lugar. y otro mineralnan cu ta vital pa produccion di oat FE hacienda, cerca di un hangar construi du- lechi. ed || rante Guerra Mundial II door di fuerza aerea Dr. Sutmoller ta tratando pa haya un ali- thr) Americano, a worde traha door di departamen- mentacion completo pa produci un cl di dayj to di agricultura di gobierno. E ta consisti di lechi cu mas manteca y otro componente ali- oll} un magasina mayor, coral di cabrito, cura di mentativo cu esun cu ta worde producj awor porco, lugar pa e bestianan camna liber y si- localmente, El ta spera tambe di aumenta e los. cantidad di lechi cu bacanan local ta duna. E magasina tin fontein di bebe awa y doche Maske cifranan exacto no ta disponible, el pa e bacanan, luznan seya y apartado special. ta calcula cu e 100 te 150 bacanan awor ariba E cura di porco ta encerr’a cu waya. Tur e¢ e isla ta duna un promedio di 1500 litro pa structuranan ta construi y localiza pa tuma anja cu e produccion mas halto durante y poco ventaha di e biento y ventilacion. despues di e temporada di yobida. Acercando completacion na e hacienda ta un E bacanan raza Fries-Holstein ta produci cas cual Sr. y Sra. Dave aar lo biba. Den ec 4000 te 4500 litro pa anja na Holanda. Dr. particion adilanti tin z onan di palo cu e Sutmoller ta spera cu e bacanan importa lo pareja a trece for di Holanda. Paden tin tayé produci a lo menos 3000 litro e anja aki y di Delft y otro mueblenan di nan cas anterioi aumenta e cifra cu a lo menos 1000 litro otro na Holanda. anja. i i % Dr. Sutmoller ta mira e hacienda como e Door di alimentacion controla, el ta spera promer paso den un fase nobo di bida ins tambe di mehora calidad di porconan cu ta EIGHT little piglets born shortly after their OCHO porco chikito cu a nace poco des- For di dje e ta spera cu lo bini un industria, crece aki. Door di duna nan cuminda cu ta mother's arrival in Aruba take a siesta af- pues di yegada di nan mama na Aruba ta basa ariba un asociacion di donjonan di bestia contene hopi proteine, el tin intencion pa ter lunch. tuma un siesta despues di comida. cu lo adapta nan operacionnan ariba resulta- aumenta e cantidad di carni y mengua e can- donan di experimentonan haci na e hacienda. tidad di gordura. Cobramento pa e servicio, cual lo worde di bestia I] ta mira e hacienda como un laboratorio "E clima ta calor aki. E porconan no tin hiba pa e baca, lo ta Fls. 8 pa promer injec- E bestianan tabata encarga casi un anja pa experimentacion den alimentacion, broei- mester e cantidad di gordura cu nan tin nor- cion, Fls. 1 pa cada otro injeccion siguiente. pasa pero nan entregacion a worde tarda te mento y ianza bao condicionnan local. Pa malmente,” el a splica. Servicio di cria pa cabritonan ta worde ofre- ora un hacendero a worde haya cu tabata

medio di ec t n aki el ta spera di determine Tambe el ta spera di mehora e raza local di ei na e crianza. E cobro lo ta 7é cents plus 50 puesto pa percura pa nan. I baca y porconan e formula di alimentacion, presion di sanger y cabrito ofreciendo servicio di e chubato y dos cents pa cada dia cu e cabrito keda. Cobro pa tabata carga ora nan a yc cuido cu e bestianan mester pa haci producto- chubato Ingles di raza Alpino importa for di porco ta mescos Dentro di tres siman e plan di Dr. Sut- nan local di alimentacion competi cu esnan Trinidad. Mama di e chubato di raza Saanen "Tin algun excelente porco raza Amcricano moller a mira su promer exito. Un di e por- importa. tabata produci te 1000 litro di lechi pa anja. ariba e isla y nos tin intencion pa ofrece ser- conan Inland a haya ocho yiu. Un otro a ha 3] a cuminza cu presionnan di sanger cu I Alpinonan ta reconoc{ den henter mundo pa vicionan di e bestianan aki na tencdornan di seis. Un baca a pari un toro, Un otro un bishé. } a worde introduci cu exito den climanan nan produccion di lechi. porco,” Dr. Sutmoller a bisa. "Nos tin inten- = otro tres bacanan probablemente lo haya yiu tropical. Bacanan di rz Fries-Holstein, por- Segun e plan di Dr. Sutmoller, servicionan cion pa cruza e animalnan aki cu e porconan dentro di algun dia. conan Inland y Yorkshire y cabritonan Saancn di e bestianan macho y muher na e hacienda lo cu nos a importa den un esfuerzo pa obtene Awor cu e erianza ta funciona, e siguiente | ta worde cria den hopi terranan di Sur Ame- ta disponible na un costo chikito. E toro, awor e mehor animal di carni posible pa e plan di Dr. Sutmoller ta pa principia en a rica awendia, un anja bieuw y pisando cerca 1000 liber, lo aki. ci cion di hacendero. Te ora cu e orpganiza- E problema na Aruba ta pa alimenta e ta disponible pa inseminacion artificial di ba- Pa duna e aspecto comercial di ¢ empre cion cuminza funciona y por cumpra su mcs , bestianan adecuadamente cu loke mester ta canan awor na e isla y otro animalnan di me- tur chens pa exito, Dr. Sutmoller tin inten- articulonan, gobierno lo cumpra y rba y ali- |; — pa motibo di e limitacion di e terra arable — hor raza cu e veterinario ta spera lo word cion di cria trupa di baca, porco y cabrito mento concentra pa bende cu e donjonan di cuminda importa. Dr. Sutmoller tin idea di importa. bende nan na un prijs barata na criadorna bestia.


A Khan ta Studia | ¢ \Teologia na U.S. 4 Kenrick Khan, un empleado di Lago durante ultimo 11 anja awor ta stu- }dia na Lycoming College na Wil- | liamsport, Pa. Sr. Khan, kende a laga | Lago luna pasa ta studiando den teo- | |logia na e school aki den estado di | Pennsylvania. Durante su anjanan na Lago el a |traha den Medical, Mechanical y

| Accounting Departments. Su ultimo posicion tabata den Material Accoun- ting unda el tabata durante cuatro }anja y mitar.

William J. Jenkins William J. Jenkins, a man whose || company history dates back to 1917, died at his Alhambra, Calif., home Aug. 12. He was 78 years old. Mr. Jenkins was in Aruba some 10 years. He came here from Casper, Wyo., March 11, 1931, ACTING Mechanical Departm Superinter i presents the | following 13 See of serv ice at THOUGH Forward Mike Kruin (at right) managed to pass Goal Tender snnual Lago Sport Park Cricket Competition championship trophy to | me Siadare a f Suenos ae Cerilio Werleman, he failed in this scoring attempt. Kruin's team Robi Matthew John, c ain of the St. Vincent cricket team which took the raiis oe Ree een apne Hood oe Surin m ed a 2-0 win over the Trappers of Aruba title from 15 other sides. At right is R. E. H. Martin, Sport Park Board | Mechanical Department with an Wilhelmina Stadium during a tour of the Netherlands Antille sirman. overall service record of nearly AUNKE Mike Kruin, voorwaarts, a logra di pasa Cerilio Werleman, kee G. ERNESTI, a c 3| Department superintendent, ta presenta |] years. ) per, e no a hinka e goal. E elftal di Kruin, Robin Hood di Surinam, a e beca di kam a e Le Sport Park Cricket Competitie na | ) gana Tr 1i Aruba, cu un score di 2-0 na Wilhelmina Stadium m

Matthew John, ka e titel | } tre e luna aki, durante un r di e Nederlands Antillen for di 15 otra teams. Banda drechi ta R. E ; H. Martin, voorzitter di Sport ‘Donald Grape Vine Park Bee Boa eee Yields Record Bunch Robin Hood Tops Trappers, ‘Bats’ Win Intermediate Title Phe Bae lng. exes Salle: To Tackle RCA this month yielded a bunch of grap 7 ¢ ) 4 | | which weighed three kilograms "not| The Robin Hood Football é Team, am, cham champion of F Surinam Surinam ¢ and one of f the St. Vincent Ta kes 1 5 counting the ones the neighborhood outstanding amateur 'll’s’ on the South American continent, invaded children ate,” Mr. Donald explained. Aruba earlier this month and, in its first two games, scored two aia je, deco-| Victories in Aruba. Park Cricket Championship «3° ie) so0 ration a source of grape at Mr. Robin Hood opened its stand in Wilhelmina Stadium the night of

Oct. 2 before some 3500 fans. The The St. a Vincent « Cricket : Team, ny out of the running . last year, out- | Don#ld Jone Se cca Nicolas sg nome , uel ¢ ihenoay Wepm Manta eed ‘ : * A }the vine — which came originally Ohmer Named rappers, one of Aruba’s veteran lasted a seven-team field this year to take the championship of the leeenacaneerameaes cided’ acme «90 football organizations, formed th annual Lago Sport Park Cricket Competition. | bunches of grap . Marketing Assistant opposition. Grenada, which lost the championship to Barbados last | year, Mr. Donald waters the vine twice Displaying a combined Latin-Euro- finished in second place again this year. Magic Bats finished first in | each day and harves a crop of| G. E. Ohmer, Lago accountant B in) pean a ek, the Surinam team posted - -, the Intermediate Division followed by| grapes twice each year. The bunch he | the Accounting Department, has been two gx in the first half, then

Dominiea. is holding in the picture here is the | named a marketing assistent in the | staved off repeated Trappers’ attacks to win, 2-0. Trio di Shipyard The competition was divided So largest yet. Marketing Division to fill the vacan- . ee | two divisions - senior and interme- | ey created by the promotion of H. A.| ‘The next afternoon in the stadium Ta Retira; Servicio diate. The Senior Division, with eight | i Bissell to marketing representative. Robin Hood took on La Salle. The ‘i clubs, was divided into Eastern and Mr. Ohmer was) Aruba ’11,’ briefed by scouting the Total Mas cu 74 Anja Western Leagues. St. Vincent won Bfirst employed in| visiting team the night before, poured {the championship of the Western M1951 as a junior) jn one goal during the first half. In John McBride, John Horsten y) League, Grenada the championship accountant, Was) the second half the Surinam tear Hendrik M. Hagendoorn — tres hom-| of the Eastern League in Round- j promoted the next) showed the skill on which its fame is ber di kende nan servicio total cu) Robin play. year to accountant based. > and the next to compania ta surpasa 74 anja — ta) he gt. Vincent side took the title Mixing its fast-footwork Latin accountant B. / retira durante e proximo dos anja-) vith an out-right win over Grenada game with a long sing European | United States Ar- Geals Sept. 26. | style of play the visiting squad came my veteran of Sr. McBride, superintendente di Magic Bats, a club which was for-| back with two goals, nipped each La World War II, he -| Salle scoring try and wound up the Shipyard cu mas cu 261% anja di ser-| neq Jast year and in its first year of | is a graduate of ’ vicio ta na Aruba ainda. E sali pa competition took the eight-team In- : ° me on the long end of a 2-1 count. the University of sea Inglaterra Oct. 28. Sr. Horsten y Sr.| termediate Division title, turned the Before ending its visit to Aruba, Hagendoorn a regresa Holanda luna trick again this year. After winning G. E. Ohmer Sera 3") the Robin Hood team is scheduled to

i. tackle Racing Club Aruba, champion- ne | the top title in the Northern League, Mr. Bissell was named marketing ship football team of the island. The Sr. McBride tabata emplea origi-| the club went on to the division | representative earlier this year to nalmente door di Lago Shipping| championship by defeating Dominica, | Laurence Donald | fill the vacancy created by the trans- IIB Le ES UCHR LOD eae O eam GROn Es Company na Aruba — Seagoing | which won the Southern League title. | \fer of W. L. Kaestner to Argentina.| St#nding contest of the visit, will be (awor Esso Transportation Compa-| at ceremonies held Oct. 3 at the| Mr. Ohmer assumed his new duties played Oct. 11 at the stadium ny) for di April 1928 te Augustus Sport Park, team trophies and prizes Rama di Wijndruif | Oct. 1, Prior to its visit here Robin Hood 1934, tempo el a bini terra como as-| ¢o. individual performances were 3 - | posted a 4-0 win over Paysandu, one stant drydock foreman. Despues el) awarded by G. Ernesti, acting i..| Produci Troshi Grande {of the leading professional ’Il’s’ of a bira general foreman di drydock,| chanical Department superintendent. i ‘Ohmer Nombra 3razil. Many of the Robin Hood general foreman di Shipyard y na} . ! Un rama di wijndruif na cas ¢ players performed with the Surinam Se ete A 1P3 ‘amarian! A+ Perrotte, captain of the Grena- Augustus 1948 el a recibi promocion) REmaideietoch cea cw. Laurence Donald, un chauffeur d i Marketing Assistant — Airs r team that participated in como superintendente taxi na Lago, a produci e luna aki | the inte ational round robin tour- 5 Es di Shipyard. E1| 0 S106 batting took average. cown three es prizes ling — ae es ‘ ta cuminza un vacacion Oct cuali eae axe hae a ounne un troshi di druif cu a pisa tres ki-| G. EB. Ohmer, accountant B den Ac-|} nament held in Aruba last year. . . - lo worde sigui door di un ausencia} javerage Gti ee an anc Fae Ss va mae a : S 2 a ayer. ae logram ”, "no contando esnan cu e mu- | counting * Department di i Lago, a wor- An added feature f of the visiting

Division awards went! chanan di bisinja a come,” Sr. Donald | de nombra como marketing assistant| squad is the Mynals brothers. Five promer cu retiro Feb. 1, 195¢ | to: ner Senior Sr. Horsten tabata emplea tambe a bi | den Marketing Division pa yena e va-| in number, they are all outs anding C. Matthews, most wickets and| door di Lago Shipping Company. Su , catura cu a resulta door di promocion | football stars. riodo cu esaki tabata di September) highest individual score; M. Dalrym-| anja pasa como somb di H. A. Bissell como marketing re- ple, highest aggregate pa November 1928. El a_ bini| runs; O. Na- y pa produci druif 5 | presentative. ryan, hat trick. Na|” Sr. Ohmer tabata empled na 1951|LSP - Curagao Teams terra como un maquinista den dry-| Sr. Donald na San Nicolas. gee eernaatoneatiencesiyorains Intermediate Division awards went | 1953 e rama — cu originalmente ta} como junior accountant, tabata pro-| T Pl O t 16 li le door di rangonan di tradesforeman, | ©? | bini for di Sabaneta — a produci co- | movi e siguiente anja pa accountant ° ay ct. it 2 90 troshi di druif. |C y e siguiente anja pa accountant for the) a tant general foreman y general) K. Abrahams, ’all-rounder’ Lago Sport Park football and base- Sr. Donald ta muha e mata dos vez | B. Un veterano di Ehercito Americz eraft foreman. Na November 1950 el| Magic Bats, captured four Interme- ball teams will meet Cu 1cao teams a bira general foreman di Shipyard.| diate Division awards — best batting | P* dia y tur anja ta cos cha druif dos | no den Gue Mundial II, el a gra- both here and in Curacao the week-

Sr. Horsten a laga Aruba Sept. 29 cu! average, highest individual score, | Piha. E troshi cu el tin den su man |dua di Universidad di Pennsylvania tend of Oct. 16 and 17. The baseball vacacion sigui pa un ausencia promer| highest aggregate runs and most va- ariba e retrato aki ta di mas grandi| na Philadelphia. : | activity will take place at the Sr. Bissell tabata nombra market- cu retiro Jan. 1, 1956. Su servicionan| luable player. te awor. Sport Park with games Satur¢ tabata surpasa 27 anja. Other Intermediate Division awards | eae! eee eene Rae “| night, Oct. 16 and Sunday afternoon, alli i anja aki pa yena e vacatura cu a re- a ; 5 Sr. Hagendoorn, kende ultimamen-| went to: William J. Jenkins sy aa = aac | ss AS i sulta door SA di becca transferimento ac bce di W. , L.| Oct. ~ 17. i Opposing “lhinars the ndtad visiting Cura- f te tabata ocupa posicion di pipe craft S. Smith, best bowling average and William J. Jenkins, un homber | Kgestner pa Argentina. Sr. Ohmer| °° team will be a squad made up o. foreman den Shipyard a cuminza 5 . A League play s. Eighteen men will su| most wickets. kende su historia cu compania ta ta cuminza su actividadnan Oct. 1. a ye servicio di 21 anja cu Lago na Maart} | origina na 191 a muri na su cas | make up the squad. 1933 den Mechanical Department —) | na Alhambra, lif. ariba Aug. 12. | — . The football team, also comprised Pipe. El a recibi promocion como) Despues el a bira tradesforeman den| El tabatin 78 anja di edad. Sr. cu Standard Oil Company di In- |of 18 men, will play two games

tradesman firs spues sub-| pipe y despues a worde haci pipe| Jenkins tabata na Aruba durante | diana. El a retira Juni 1, 1941 | against CVB teams in Curacao. The foreman segunc Sr. Hagen-| craft foreman di Ship . El ta re-| mas of menos 10 anja. El a bini cu posicion di subforeman den | men will leave here Saturday after- doorn tabata transferi pa drydock cu tira Nov. 1, 1955 despues di vacacion| aki for di Casper, Wyo. Maart 11, Pipe — Mechanical Department cu | noon on a chartered plane and return e mes posicion aki na Januari 193 !y ausencia. | 1931 despues di 13 anja di Sunday night. servicio | un servicio total di si 25 anja. |


—— Son Is Burden And Blessing

A Fool and Her Money Soon Parted

and tried out the secret to other people and 1 They say there was once a plied the booby boorishly, shall be robbed.” So she put the widow woman who had a very to pass on. The syndie’s wife forgave his money in the earthen jar and said simple Whatever she set him son, boorishr , and added, "I see your to the boy, ”They’ve cheated you in to do he muddled in some way or mother has sent you to sell this piece making you think that was coin; it’s another. of linen. I will buy it of you, and that nothing but a lot of rusty nails, But "What am I to do?” said the save you walking further. Put never mind, you'll know better next will poor mother to a neighbor one day. it in the carriage and I’ll give you time.” And she went out to her work. and has While she was gone out to her ’'The boy eats and drinks, so much for it.” to be clothed. What am I to do Though she had offered him twice work, there came by an old rag I am to make no profit of him? as much as his mother had told him merchant. "Ho! Here, ag merchant!” said tie "You have kept him at home long to get for it, he would only answer, you booby, who had acquired a taste for enough,” answered the neighbor "Can’t sell it to you, because and gossiping.” trading. "What will you give me for Try sending him out now; mayb were chattering this lot of rusty nails?” as he showed hat will answer better.” Nor could they prevail on him to full of gold coin. The mother took the advise, ind top a minute longer. him the jar came to a statue The rag merchant saw that he had he next time she had a Further along he so he said, Well, inen spun she called boy and by the roadside. to do with an idiot, very much, uid to him: "Here s one who stands apart and old nails are not worth to a good-natured old chap, ‘If I send you out to sell this piece doesn’t chatter.” said the booby but as I’m one to sell the V'll give you twelve pauls for them,” f linen, do you think you can himself This the toise which ire an and 1 ot because he knew he must offer nanage to do it without committing linen to.” Then aloud to the statue, water — range from Pe 1000 p vod enough to seem a prize to the idiot. iny folly? "Will you buy my _ linen BO KIER MEEN CU MI TAMBE TA CRECE: pees GRANDI? ”She may have them at that,” said "Yes, Mama,” an wered the booby. friend?” Then to himself, "You doesn’t speak, so it’s all right.” Then the booby. chikito ariba e "You alw : ) , Yes, Mama,’ but And the rag merchz nt poured the you do contrive to muddle everything to the statue, ”’The price is s¢ and-so; sack and ga e the ill the same, replied the mother. the money eady when I come coin out into his the twelve pauls. grandura “Now, listen attentively to all I say. back, as I have to go on and buy fool ome yarn foi Mother.” "Look, Mama, look! I’ve sold that Walk straight along the road without He left the linen at the foot of the lot of old rusty, worthless nails for urning or left. Don’t take to right good bar-! than such and such a price for statue and on he went and bought the twelve pauls. Isn’t that a it. Don’t have anything to say to yarn. Then he came back to the gain?” women who chatter. Whether you sell statue. "Sold them for twelve pauls!” it to inyone you meet by the way, In the meanwhile, someone pas- cried the widow, tearing her hair. ”Why, it was a fortune all in gold ” carry it into the market, offer it sing by had seen the linen lying |

nly to some quiet sort of body whom there and had picked it up and coin.” Can’t help it, Mama,” replied the you may see standing apart, and not walked off with it. to] You told me they were rusty | gossiping and prating, for such as Finding it gone, the booby said booby. they will persuade you to take some himself, "It’s all right, she’s taken | nails.” sort of a price that won’t suit me at it.’ Then to the statue, "Where is Another day she told him to shut all.” the money I told you to have ready the door of the cottage, but as he when I came back?” As the statue , went to do it he lifted the door off The booby promised to follow these hinges. His mother called aftei directions very exactly, and started remained silent, the booby began to} its get uneasy. ’’My mother will be finely him in an angry voice, which so Easter Island Named on his way. angry if I go back without the linen frightened him that he ran away, On he walked, turning neither to the money,” aE he said to himself. carrying the door on his back. the right nor to the left, thus pas- For Discovery Day Then to the statue, "If you don’t give As he went along, someone to sing the turnings which led to the me the money directly I'll hit you on tease him said, Where did you steal villages, to one or the other of which On Easter morning, 230 years ago, Jacob Roggeveen, the Dutch the head.” that door?” This frightened him still he ought to have gone. But his explorer, discovered a new island. In honor of the day he discovered it, The booby was as good as his word. more and he climbed up into a tree mother had only meant that he was he named this island Easter Island. Lifting his thick, rough walking with it to hide it not to turn off the pathway and lose stick, he gave the statue such a blow At night there came a band of The island is only 11 miles long, and it is situated in the South himself. that he knocked the head off. robbers under the tree, who counted Pacific 1000 miles west of Chile. The natives on this island are grim Presently he met the wife of the But the statue was hollow, and out all their gains in large bags of and unfriendly and the land is bleak, syndic of the next town, who was filled with gold coin. money. The booby was so frightened with little grass and no trees. The | unfinished statues blown out at the driving out with her maids, but had "That’s where you keep your j at the sight of so many fierce-looking craters of many ancient voleanocs dot |same time, and why didn’t the got out to walk a little stretch of money, is it?” said the booby. ’All robbers that he began to tremble and the barren plains of Easter Island, | Statues break when they fell, since the way, as the day was fine. The right, I can pay myself.” So he filled | let go of the door. The door fell with which hz also been called the|they are made of soft stone? To syndic’s wife was talking cheerfully his pockets with money and went a bang in the midst of the robber "Island of Death.” this day, no one has found the answe2 with her maids, and when one of back to his mother. who, thinking it must be the police Scattered all over the is'and are | to the mystery of Haster Island. them caught sight of the simpleton, "Look, Mama! Here’s the price of that were upon them, deecampec, hundreds of statues of huge face she said to her mistress: the piece of linen.” leaving all their money behind. carved in stone. They all have thin, "Here is the simple son of the poor "All right,” said the mother out The booby came down from the _protruding lips, huge noses, deepsct widow by the brook.” loud. But to herself she said, "Where | tree and earried the money home to eyes, high foreheads and long cars. Bo por Haya "What are you going to do, my can I ever hide all this lot of money? | his mother, and they became so rich jach head is about 30 feet high and - lad?” said the syndie’s wife kindly. I have no place to hide it but in this| that she was able to appoint a ser- weighs from 50 to 60 tons. Un Rodeo Ariba "Not going to tell you, because you earthen jar, and if my son knows how} vant to attend him and keep him The workshop where these gigantic Vere chattering and gossipi much it is worth, he will be letting| from doing any more foolishness. statues were made has been found Bo Bicycletanan in one corner of the istand, high up September 12 ESSER, Wilfred L. - Mech. Electrical: A in the crater of a voleano. Over 150 Seguridad den corremento di auto EVERON, Pedro Mech. Welding: A | . Efigenio Urwin unfinished statues lie about, showin daughter, Maria resa KOCK, Lorenzo J, - Shipyard: A son, Nel- ta depende pa un gran parti ariba NEWALL, Harry - TSD: A daughter, Jani- son Justiano that the sculptors who were working com bon e chauffeur ta. Mescos se- ce Anne September 22 had to leave — their MCCORMICK Jr., Dougald S. - TSD: A|GRUBB, Dr. Paul A Dentist: A son on the statues guridad ariba bicycleta ta depend on, Duncan Neill Peter Anthony work in a hurry. Some of the statues ariba com bon e mucha hombei of DE NOBRIGA, Alban - Cracking: A son, | ; vatore J.D. Mechanical: A lie on their backs, and some lie on Tyrone Alban son, Mark Phillip mucha muher cu ta corre e bicyeleta RICHARDS, Nicolaas E. - Mech. Pipe: A Harvey R. - Mech. Pipe: A son, their faces. Many of them, however, ta. September 3 daugther, Verna Amarell Ray, Jr. ‘stand upright facing the sea or the BRILL, William E. - Lago Police: A daugh- | Cantembeckans Charle Utilities: A son Den hopi ciudadnan na er, Malva Shirley LAYNE, Aaron A. - Mech, Pipe: A son 3 barren land around them. Unidos, departamento di poliz y cen- MrcolMAau phi LACLE, Juan Wingent @. - C & LE: : A daugther September 4 Some of these huge stone heads tronan di recreacion ta upoya entu- )LOGNIER, I Medic A JOSEPH, Kelvin - Accounting: A Marly Alte ere ole end of the daughter, Cat daughter, Patr Ann September 24 were found at the siasticamente rodeo ariba bicycleta Mech. Paint: A|RAHMAN, Arthur R. - Tin Shop: A son J Ant Laundry: A TRIMON, Micuel island, over 10 miles from where the Un area den e park ta worde res va Maria Altagracia daughter, Merida Marieta aan ‘ Harold A, - Marketing: win D. W Mech. Machine workshop in the crater stood. How y e bicyeletar an participando ta wo A daugh- er, Karen Romaine September 14 | ial yeti BRETE, Pedro I Mech, Carpenter: A Bo Daniel fa=;Shivyariea mone Dac were these statues carried away? de control . Un curso di linea- _ September 5 daughter, Istela Bernadeta satel wa laseriviclen There are no trees on Waster Island, VESPREY, Joseph - Mech, Yard: A son, nan paralel ta demonstra precision. Rudolph Michael September 15 September 25 which wooden rollers might from Jacobus - Mech. Garage: A daugh- ILLIDGE, Antonio E. Mech. Adm.: A|RATCLIFF, Walter F. - TSD: A daughter Senjalnan cu man manera den condi- son, Antonio Fernando Margaret Gayle have been made. There are no roads cionnan di trafico ta un bon test. averdeta Elizabeth HARMS, Henry O. - Storehouse: A daug A\REN D: xto A. - Cracking: A son, Ro- September 6 and no sign of machinery, such as eareda di ob- HERNANDEZ, Feliciano - Utilities: A son, ter, Lidwiska Lidwina land Gilbert Agrega na esaki un Higinio Edwin VROOLIJK, Leoncio - Storchouse: A son,|DUZON, William T. - Mech. Adm.:; A levers, has been found. The native staculo unda un cyclista meste corn Guillermo Nicomedes daugter, Phylis Reynalda HRISTIAANS P. - Mech, Ma- that the statues flew out of the rond di caha, haci algun bir de chine: A son ) Bernardo Maria September 16 September 26 no Bruno JACOBS, Juan Ch. - Utilities: A daughter, | HOEN, Alwin I TSD Lab.: A daughter craters. Perhaps the voleanoes did forma di t bo tin eficiencia di corre Olivia Merna Jeanette ELLIS, Jacque - Commissary: A daugh- Galra erupt and blow the statues out of thc bicycleta : rrande. Careda poe « Mercede rlim TROMP, Policarpio - Marine Office: A |MADURO, Nemencio rsD Lab \ September 8 on, David Anthor daughter, Mercedes Ivonne crater, but if so why weren’t — the poco, brake sin lastra y sprint tamb« FREDERICK, Thomas F. O. - Storehouse Saptoribor-a7 GEERMAN, Pedrito - Mavine Wharve por worde inclui. Mas evento A daughter, Kay Marion 1 Rene J. - Mech. G \ daugh mony Ssudelt) Severin . Rar areas CROES, Simon M Mech. 1 RAVESANDE, Albi count pret. LISHOP. John Utilities A on Trevor BOEKHOUDT eee eaten: daughter, Celia Mercede n, Ricardo Valentino Tain besta BAKER, John A Mech. G ce: A son CHARLES, David - Marine Launche \ Un bon manera pa planea un 1 September 9 ADAMS, Jt Rees R Rubelto Adolphu ether, M Elizabeth deo di bicycleta pa busca den bo v« BRINKMAN, Willem - azo Police am Scptember 27 P, Carlos B Process Contr jughter;, Cathurina Elteabethy Starie PETERS ree . ce: 4 | WOUTERS, Obdulio - Lago Police: A son daughter, Debra Anne cindario tur e mucha homber mu MITH, Errol J. - Storehouse: A son a Josep a Sogme, Rudolf J VAN DER BIEZEN, Eugenio fech bieyeleta y pu Errol James ‘ cha muhernan cu tin John A. - Mech. Electrical: A Garage: A dauzhter, Vilma Coromita ba interesa nan pa e idea, Anto bai on, Jimmy Orrin TAU Ganeee Soe ; F . Gloria Patricia LAMPER, Willem H Utilitie \ ieutas ad tech. Pipe \1¢ ROES Andre Utilities; A daughte Edward Hen cerca bo director di patio di ree! September 10 PATTERSON ; TER ON. John L. - TSD; ; A daughter, ae | JACOPUCCI, ucia Eugenia Naré mary ee ae September 29 - Marine Office: A VIAPREE, Bertie I. - Mech. Adm \ cion, school of e club local di auto WEVE rank erhenho We daughter, Reina \ ena daughter, Fay Alison pa asistencia den e evento Mech Garage ret eae Rech, Wel A - | ROMNEY, William Mech. Gaya QUANDUS, Franciscus - C & LE: A daugh- A den su mes nunea ta e Septemb i Twins, a son Roberto & a daugh- ter guridad Antenio - Shi; ord A daugh- bieyelk via Catalina DIRKS, Jan - Mech. Machine \ ; cr, Julia Albertha September 30 algo popular, Un rodeo ariba Mech. Instrument: A FRASER, Rudi A. - Rec Ship.: A son Francisca Juanita ‘ PHONAS on, Stanley rs pe Bedzer + por haci ma pa demonstra propio n September 11 September 24 DE KORY, Efren I tel: A h- September 2 ECKMEYER, Anselmo F. - Mech. Yard: A ter abilidad den corremento cu tur ¢ DANIEL, wre Gouna Power A. - LOF: A on, R Ray | NOEL. NOE atoetenss H « ~ Sere Utilitie t \ daughter, daughter, H He RASMIJN, Antonio - Mech. Pipe: A 1 on, Arceno Jacobo ter lecturanan duna.

ARUBA ESSO NEWS October 9, 1954

eG TAGE NISSEN, Danish author, traveler and lecturer, is shown at the Lago Club prior to a showing of three documentary films he brought from Denmark. Mr. Nissen, on a South American swing in behalf of the Danish ONE WOMAN and 12 men who foreign office, also appeared at the Esso Club. completed a six-month course in Practical Accounting are shown TAGE NISSEN, escritor Danés, viajero y orador, ta munstra na Lago with department supervisors at Club promer cu pasamento di tres pelicula documentario cu el a trece graduation ceremonies held Sept. for di Dinamarca. Sr. Nissen, haciendo un viaje atravez di Sur America 22. segun encargo di oficina estranhero Danés, a duna presentacion na Esso Club tambe. UN MUHER y 12 homber cu a completa un curso di seis luna den Practical Accounting ta munstré hunto cu hefenan di departamen- to na ceremonianan di graduacion teni Sept. 22.

PIPE SHOP ‘Diag : = pres

2 MEMBERS and guests of the Aruba Chapter of the Ancient and Mystic Order of the Rosicrucians take part in the annual pyramid building cere- mony which marks another year of study and work by the members of the order. B. |. JAMES, a pipefitter helper A, is shown with the B. I. JAMES, un pipefitter helper A, ta munstra cu e di tra- MIEMBRONAN jy invitadonan di Aruba Chapter of the Ancient and clock and fountain pen presented by fellow Pipe Shop oloshi y vulpen presenté door di companjeronan di su retiro despues di 17 Mystic Order di Rosicrusio taparticipaden e ceremonia anual di traha employees in honor of his retirement after 17 years of bao den Pipe Shop en honor pyramida cual ta marca un otro anja di trabao y estudio pa miembronan service. anja di servicio. di e orden.

FIRE the night of Sept. 22 wiped out the optical department of a jewelry store on the main street of San Nicolas. Water damage in near-by stores pushed the loss to Fls. 250,000. One grotesque re- mnant of the fire is the charred wooden bust, right, in a rear win- dow of the Peasant Shop, one of the stores destroyed by the flames which Lago's fire fighting equip- oy ment helped extinguish.

CANDELA den anochi di Sept. 22 a kima tres tienda, dos barberia y servicio optico di Raghunat den caya prinicpal di San Nicolas. Danjo di awa na tiendanan den vecindario a aumenta e perdida na Fls. 250,000. Un resto grotesco di e candela ta e busto di madera cu e keda solamente carbon pa- tras den Peasant Shop.