BLOCK 4 MINUTES CONDO PLAN 941 1176 Box 1141, Brooks, T1R 1B6

Meeting Date: January 31, 2010 Place: Rommens Residence (24-4-941 1176)

Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M.

ATTENDANCE: Jim Burchell, Stu Pietersma, Cam Christianson, Herb Hemsing, Mike Rommens ABSENT: Shaun Webb GUESTS: NA

APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS: Cam nominated Jim to be chairman. Jim nominated Stu to be vice chair Cam volunteered to be secretary

Approved by all in attendance.

It was confirmed that all who let their name stand for the board were in good standing with their respective units and therefore could be on the board.

SIGNING AUTHORITY: Jim made the motion that Jim Burchell, Stu Pietersma, and Cam Christianson be approved for signing authority. Seconded by Cam Carried

FINES: A discussion was held regarding fines that were levied by the previous board. The bylaw allowing certain fines was past at a previous AGM without having the proper approval from 75% of the unit holders. Cam agreed to look into the process required to repeal the bylaws which were passed at the previous AGM. Till that time it was agreed that enforcement of the questionable bylaws would be placed on hold. A discussion was held about fines pertaining to Unit 41 and Herb and Jim volunteered to visit Mr McBride and see if an agreement could be reached.

GATHERINGS: Jim felt that community spirit was down and felt it was time to try make life at the lake a little more fun. Jim wanted to start with the Spring Cleanup. May 8, 2010 was set for the date of the Spring Cleanup. Agreement was reached by everyone that this board would make every effort to be community friendly.

BUDGET: A discussion was held about the budget prepared by the previous board in it was agreed that the budget be adopted and used as a guide.

MAINTENANCE: Jim volunteered to work on a maintenance proposal for 2010. Approved by everyone.

PROJECTS: A discussion was held regarding possible projects for 2010. Drainage to the storm retention pond was discussed as one problem. Several locations which require weeping tile were discussed and a walking paths were discussed. Mike and Herb volunteered to make proposals for future projects.

COUNTY OF NEWELL REPRESENTATIVE: Herb Hemsing volunteered to represent Block 4 when dealing with the County. Approved by everyone.

LAKE NEWELL RESORT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Cam and Herb volunteered to represent Block 4 at the Community Association meetings. Mike also volunteered to take Herbs place if he was not available. Approved.

LAKE NEWEL REGIONAL SERVICES: A discussion was held regarding reaching agreement with Regional Services to take over operation of respective utilities withing Block 4. It was agreed this was something the board should pursue.

BLOCK 4 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLS: Cam volunteered to look after processing architectural applications. Jim agreed to also be on the board. Approved.

ZAMBONI: The Zamboni being used by block 4 residents is owned by the of Rolling Hills. Herb agreed to approach Rolling Hills regarding purchasing. Herb thought they probably would be ready to sell the Zamboni fairly cheaply.

FUTURE MEETINGS: Cam made a motion that a list of all bills be presented at each meeting. This list would have a copy of bills when applicable attached for board members to review. Agreed by everyone. Jim is to talk to Rachelle Fiset-Hofer in this regard.

Next meeting to be at the Rommens residence, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, March 10, 2010. Second meeting to be at the Hemsing residence, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, May 5, 2010.

Jim moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 P.M.