Services Now for Adult Persons, Inc.




The March winds can♡ usher in a clean refreshed opportunity to look♡ at ourselves with a mirror of reflection, introspection and a view of what tomorrow may look like as the gentle gusts sweep away a clean path for exploring today’s new journey.

That journey can begin with our words. Words are like our sense of touch. They can form a gentle caress or a light hand of comfort and reassurance. They can dig deeply or scratch that scab which is trying to heal. Our words have the power to embrace or reject, to stroke with tenderness or to lash out with a hurtful vengeance. The spoken word can be a butterfly kiss that leaves you smiling, happy and lighthearted, or it can be a slap on the back producing a biting pain. Words skip over our tongue without thought, or are sifted through our minds on the tumultuous journey from the birth of an idea to its verbal expression.

We look to our words as vehicles, as we look to Mother Nature to lead us away from winter’s chill and towards the warmth and pleasures of spring. There is a soothing comfort in knowing that after the last traces of winter’s cold air blow out of sight, they will be replaced with tranquil, warm breezes whispering gentle words of encouragement to the sleepy buds and awakening blossoms.

We need the warmth and resurgence of nature that spring brings. We need to reach out and rekindle relationships that felt the chill of neglect and the deprivation of soothing heart-felt conversations. We need to hold on with sensitivity and caring to our friends and loved ones and treat all of our relationships with respect, kindness and consideration. A heart misses the laughter and smiles, stories of triumph and experience, noise and confusion that connect us one to the other. A heart needs to be nourished with a lovingkindness born out of an honest and sincere caring and expressed with words that are soft and tender.

Now we can await the newly born days of spring with a spirited sense of excitement. Bright blue skies, singing birds and lush green foliage amongst colorful flowers are the perfect backdrop for a renewed investment in relationship building. As the seasons change, so too do we; for life is change. May our words be a vehicle to build bridges of peace and tranquility as we reach out to one another in a celebration of life and love and may the journey bring fulfillment, satisfaction and new meaning that leaves memories of pleasure and contentment.

With love,




MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 4 Swedish Stuffed Shells Chicken Piccata Oven Fried Fish Meatballs Spinach Kugel Orzo w/ Egg Barley with Bowtie Noodles Garden Salad Vegetables Mushrooms Baby Carrots Peas and Collard Greens

Carrots < --- Chicken Noodle Soup and Tuna Waldorf Salad Platter - > 7 8 9 10 11 Chicken Meatloaf Roast Loin of Pork Lemon Pepper Turkey Breast Parmigiana Roasted Mashed Potatoes Fish Mashed Sweet Spaghetti Potatoes Red Cabbage Rice Pilaf Potatoes California Blend Broccoli Mixed Green Beans Vegetables

< --- Mushroom Barley Soup and Caprese Salad Platter ------> 14 15 16 17 18 Meatballs Tuna Fish Mushroom Chicken Corned Beef & Turkey Burger Penne Salad Cauliflower & Cabbage Sweet Potato Italian Blend Pasta Potato Mash Parsleyed Fries Primavera Peas and Carrots Potatoes Green Beans Garden Salad Baby Carrots < ---- Minestrone Soup and Power Salad Platter ------> 21 22 23 24 25 Salmon Cakes Pot Roast Hawaiian Chicken Swedish Mashed Potatoes Baked Potatoes Rice Pilaf Meatballs California Blend Baby Carrots Spinach Bowtie Noodles Mixed Vegetables < --- Split Pea Soup & Greek Salad Platter ------> 28 29 30 31 Notes: Chicken Marsala Vegetarian Pork Chops Pot Roast Brown Rice Pilaf Baked Ziti Macaroni and Egg Barley with Spinach Winter Blend Cheese Mushrooms Collard Greens Peas and Carrots < -- Tomato Basil Soup and Egg Salad Platter ------>

Lunch is served from 12:00 – 1:00 Mon., Tues., and Wed. and from 12:30 – 1:30 Thurs., & Fri.The Suggested Donation is $2.50. Your support helps sustain our program! Menus are subject to change without notice. Thank you.

Luncheon Options During ♣ March ♣ you may choose from the suggested luncheon menu or the optional Soup and Salad menu. Each soup and salad lunch will consist of: Vitamin C enriched Juice Soup of the Day with Crackers Salad Platter of the Day Whole Wheat Bread with Margarine Fruit Dessert 1% Milk

The soup and salad options for this month are: March 1 - 4 Chicken Noodle Soup and Tuna Waldorf Salad Platter (Tuna Fish, Apple Slices, Celery, Raisins, Walnuts) March 7 - 11 Mushroom Barley Soup and Caprese Salad Platter (Tomato, Basil, Fresh Mozzarella Cheese) March 14 - 18 Minestrone Soup and Power Salad (Mixed Greens, Tomato, Red Onion, Cucumber, Turkey Breast, Swiss Cheese) March 21 - 24 Split Pea Soup and Greek Salad Platter ( Greens, Tomato, Cucumber, Feta Cheese, Olives) March 28 - 31 Tomato Basil Soup and Egg Salad Platter

March is National Peanut Month

Each week at SNAP you will enjoy a different peanut dessert. Enjoy them on the following days: • Thursday, March 3 Peanut Butter and Crackers • Wednesday, March 9 Peanut Butter Granola Bar • Friday, March 18 Peanut M & M’s • Tuesday, March 22 Peanuts and Raisins • Monday, March 28 Peanut Butter Cookies


Wed., Mar. 2 9:00 Breakfast with Friends – Enjoy a hearty breakfast and conversation with friends for $2.50 or you can have our breakfast and lunch combo for only $4.50.

Thurs., Mar. 3 8:30 Community Business Partnership “Meet, Mingle and Munch Networking Breakfast” 10:00 No Open Recreation

Fri., Mar. 4 9:00 Registration begins for Mohegan Sun trip on April 20th trip 10:00 – 12:00 Intermediate Computer Class 1:00 – 3:00 Smartphone 101 Course provided by Just Us Inc.

Mon., Mar. 7 10:00 No SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life) Fall Prevention Strengthening and Balancing

Tues., Mar. 8 9:00 AARP Defensive Driving Course

Wed., Mar. 9 9:30 Yonkers trip - $35.00 p.p. Includes Bonus Package 10:00 Haircuts by Marilyn

Thurs., Mar. 10 10:30 Sleep Awareness – The importance of sleep and healthy aging with Mary Ann Fable, RN in the Dining Room

Fri., Mar. 11 1:30 Seasonal Craft Hour “Shamrocks” - $2.00 p.p.

Mon., Mar. 14 9:00 Jewelry Sale 11:00 Chronic Disease Self Management Informational Session – Learn more about this upcoming 6 week workshop in the Dining Room

Tues., Mar. 15 10:00 Haircuts by Marilyn

Thurs., Mar. 17 11:00 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Festive day with Breakfast, Entertainment, Lunch & Dessert ($5.00) 11:00 Diversity Program: Let’s celebrate “Irish History” with Traditional Irish Dancers, foods and culture.

Fri., Mar. 18 LiGrecis Staaten Italian – “Feast of St. Joseph” - $73.00 p.p. 1:30 SNAP’s Friday Afternoon Happy Hour - $2.00 p.p. Enjoy an afternoon of snacks and drinks while listening to great music and dancing to music with friends. Entertainment provided by Russell.


Mon., Mar. 21 9:00 Registration begins for Sight and Sound trip on May 10, 2016 10:00 Advisory Board Meeting 10:00 Hearing Matters in Healthy Aging – How does hearing loss impact your everyday life? Sign up for free hearing evaluations in April in the Dining Room

Tues., Mar. 22 10:00 Birthday Party with music provided by Jim Ambrosio. Come and celebrate your birthday with us here at SNAP! Birthday cake and Ice Cream wil be served after lunch. 1:30 Chronic Disease Self Management – Session One in Classroom 5

Wed., Mar. 23 10:00 New Member’s Tea

Thurs., Mar. 24 9:30 American Irish Historical Society - $15.00 p.p. Includes transportation, box meal and admission 9:30 – 10:30 Metro Bus at SNAP 10:00 Haircuts by Marilyn 10:30 SNAP Family Feud in the Multipurpose Room

Mon., Mar. 28 10:00 Alert and Alive – Informal Discussion Group in Classrom 5 10:00 No SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life) Fall Prevention Strengthening and Balancing 10:30 Access-a-Ride informational workshop with Gail Johnson. Learn how to navigate the Access-a-Ride evaluation process.

Tues., Mar. 29 1:30 Chronic Disease Self Management – Session Two in Classrom 5

Wed., Mar. 30 10:00 Nutrition Education – Simple tips to boost your nutritional health – in the Dining Room

Thurs., Mar. 31 9:00 Registration begins for The Brownstone trip on May 24, 2016 11:00 Elder Abuse and Telephone Scams – Speaker courtesy of Dime Savings Bank – in the Dining Room





Come wearing green and join in the celebration! A $5.00 contribution entitles you to a full day of fun, good food and friends. Join us!

8:30 - Breakfast: Orange Juice Croissants or Kaiser Rolls with Assorted Cream Cheese & Jelly Banana Coffee/Tea 11:00 – Entertainment: Enjoy the lively rhythms and high steps of Irish Dancers

12:00 - Luncheon: Apple Juice Corned Beef and Cabbage Parsleyed Potatoes Dilled Whole Baby Carrots Garden Salad with Salad Dressing Irish Soda Bread or Rye Bread with Margarine Fruited Green Jello & Shamrock Cookie Soda

1:30 - Dessert: Brownie and Vanilla Ice Cream Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate

March is National Nutrition Month In celebration of National Nutrition Month it is important to be aware that a well balanced diet can improve your health and help your body fend off disease. Eat plenty of whole grains and a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Choose lean cuts of meat (or substitute beans, nuts and fish for protein). Get calcium from low-fat dairy products. Remember to eat your healthy lunch at SNAP….where you always have healthy food choices!!

Spring begins on March 20th Here are some ways to celebrate the beginning of spring: ♦share a box of popsicles with the neighborhood kids on the front porch ♦read outside ♦eat raspberries ♦blow bubbles ♦make strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream ♦open the windows, even if it means you need to wear a sweater

On Monday, March 21st, to enhance the beginning of this new season, we will be serving spring rolls as part of the luncheon menu and popsicles as an additional dessert.

Weather permitting, perhaps we can organize a short walk once around our building to take in the sunshine and fresh air and return for milk and cookies. Let’s meet at 1:15 in the front lobby.

Lunch Alternative During Lent, Breaded Baked Fish will be offered as an alternative luncheon on Fridays. If you would like this alternative lunch, please sign your name on the pad located at table #3 in the SNAP Dining Room. Thank you!

Brain Awareness Week (March 14 – 20, 2016)

Brain Awareness Week is March 14 – 20 and we can each improve our brain fitness. Try following these DO’s and DON’Ts for a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle:


• Exercise your body regularly and get involved in physically active leisure pursuits. • Keep your mind exercised! Engage in active learning throughout life and pursue new experiences. • Stay socially engaged with family, friends and community groups. • Maintain a positive attitude and a sense of control over your life. • Take steps to manage stress. • Eat a brain-healthy, balanced diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. • Mind your numbers: lose any extra pounds, lower your cholesterol if it is high, and keep your blood glucose and blood pressure under control. • Get adequate sleep. • Get proper medical attention and treatment for any underlying health problems.


• Drink to excess, smoke or use illicit drugs. • Ignore sudden changes in mental status, but don’t be overly concerned about normal slips of memory like forgetting names or where you put the keys. • Put off going to the doctor if you notice changes in your health, physically or mentally. • Overlook the possibility of drug interactions that can affect mental functioning, especially if you are taking more than one prescription medication. • Become isolated in your home or in the office. • Think you’re too old to take up something new!


BREAKFAST WITH FRIENDS Enjoy a hearty breakfast and leisurely conversation with your friends on Wednesday, March 2nd beginning at 9:00.

The breakfast menu will consist of: Mushroom and Spinach Egg Bake, Hash Brown Potatoes, Turkey Bacon, Bagels or Kaiser Rolls with Margarine, Cream Cheese & Jelly, Banana, Assorted Pastry, Coffee or Tea

($2.50 contribution for breakfast only) ($4.50 contribution for breakfast and lunch) Join us for this complete and nourishing breakfast while we talk together about how we can “live simply”.

DIVERSITY DAY Let’s come together on Thursday, March 17th to learn and celebrate the Irish culture. We will be entertained by a group of Irish dancers and enjoy some green desserts while engaging in a conversation about the facts and fiction of the Irish people.

HAPPY HOUR It’s SNAP’s famous Friday afternoon Happy Hour – Friday, March 18, 2016 between 1:30 – 3:30!!! You will enjoy the spirited and musical entertainment of Russell. Snack on a wide assortment of chips and nibbles…..enjoy the company of your friends in the warm comfort of SNAP. Don’t miss this once a month most pleasurable experience……. ($2.00 contribution for a not to be missed experience). Come….snack……..enjoy the musical entertainment of a talented entertainer…..You don’t need to be home alone on a Friday afternoon!

BIRTHDAY PARTY Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday to you…Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!!! Celebrate your birthday with SNAP and share in the festivities of the day at our monthly birthday party on Tuesday March 22, 201 6. Music will be provided by Jim Ambrosio for your listening and dancing pleasure. Birthday cake and ice cream will be served after lunch. If you have a March birthday, please remember to sign your name to receive a small gift and to be recognized at the party. Let us all celebrate together with joy and delight!


The New York City Council has made a small amount of funding available for take - home meals from the senior center. SNAP is very fortunate to be able to offer you a weekend take - home meal every Friday. Stay healthy……. eat a delicious SNAP meal cooked fresh.

During March the following meals will be offered: Friday, March 4 – Oven Fried Fish Friday, March 11 – Turkey Breast Friday, March 18 – Turkey Burger Thursday, March 24 – Hawaiian Chicken

Please avail yourself of this healthy opportunity, especially with the still cold windy weather ahead. As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback and comments on this important service.

Meal Satisfaction Survey Please complete the Meal Satisfaction Survey enclosed in this newsletter. Your feedback helps to determine how we can improve our lunch meals. You can always speak with Nina or Marian to discuss menus and meals or speak with any member of the Menu Committee listed below: Jane Lynch Lenore Feinstein Cathy Tonry Roz Kleinman Nancy Kirsch Shirley Wexelman Denise Taylor

Monday, March 14th 2016 at 9am we will a jewelry sale. Please support SNAP. 100% of the proceeds will go to our building fund.

New Member Tea

Have you recently become a member of SNAP in the past few months?

We’d love to invite you to our New Member Tea rd Wednesday March 23 2016 at 10:00am Come meet with your fellow new members for a fun meet and greet and light snacks! ***Beyond the Barriers *** Every Tuesday at 10am

Do you feel isolated, angry, sad or frustrated about getting older and having a hard time accepting not being able to do some of the things you used to do? You are not alone! This group offers confidential, safe support and education about the challenges of aging to help identify what life can be “Beyond the Barriers.”

Women’s Discussion Group Is back! Same place, same time new facilitator! Please welcome Cashel to our SNAP Family Every Wednesday @ 11 am in classroom 5 starting 3/2/16

Dance movement Therapy Every Wednesday Starting at 1pm in Classroom 5 with Cashel Please join our newest class starting 3/2/16

Presents: A Senior Workshop Series

Through movement, art, song, Instruments, mystery and myth, participants will explore folklore and story-telling by creating their own.

If you are interested in being a part of this workshop please see Nina for further details.


Attorney William J. Corbett Elder Law Wills Trusts Estates Real Estate FREE CONSULTATION SNAP – Frequent Law Day Lecturer 2015 White House Conference on Aging National Association of Elder Law Attorneys Elder Law Section – New York State Bar Association Elder Law Committee – Nassau County Bar Association Estates – Trusts Committee – Nassau County Bar Association • Fordam Law School & Hobart College • Floral Park Acting Village Justice – Retired • Former Nassau County Assistant District Attorney • US Air Force Reserve Captain – Retired • American Legion – Past Commander Married – 3 Children, 4 Grandchildren & Lifelong Local Resident 113 South Tyson Ave. (Corner Tulip Ave.), Floral Park, NY (Across from Railroad Station) Phone: (516)775-6849; email: [email protected]

SUPPORT GROUPS AT SNAP SNAP SAYS THANK YOU This space is reserved for those people wishing to give their SNAP is pleased to offer several warmest and most sincere thanks to their friends, family members or anyone you care about. Perhaps you would like to support groups for the senior wish someone a special birthday or thank them for a thoughtful community. Recognizing the gesture. importance of having a safe, For a donation to SNAP, tell us what you’d like to say. If you need help with the wording, we are here to assist you. comfortable and confidential Please see Marian, Linda or Nina. Your generous cash donation space to share your thoughts and helps to maintain and enhance our senior center. feelings, SNAP offers the  Carole Vahey – My sympathy goes out to Wendy Yasgur on following groups: the loss of her father Herb. Herb was a former Advisory • Men’s Discussion Group Board member and a generous and gentle person who shared his talents with those at SNAP. He will be missed. Mondays, 11:00 • Women’s Discussion Group Wednesdays, 11:00 • Caregiver Spouses Support Group st 1 Wednesday of Month 10:30 PLEASE REMEMBER SNAP • Alert and Alive IN YOUR WILL OR TRUST 3rd Monday of Month, 10:00 • Beyond the Barriers – Tuesdays, There are many ways to give to charity and good causes. Bequests can serve as a memorial to honor the 10:00 memory of a loved one, or establish a fund for a particular aspect of SNAP. Bequests are often a final communication one has with descendants, a way of demonstrating your values and setting an example for

your heirs.

A planned gift or bequest to SNAP helps you to determine your legacy in a truly meaningful way and have a profound impact on the future of the organization. Please remember SNAP so that we can continue to provide important services to others in our community.

If you have any questions, you may call Ronald J. Schwartz, Elder Law Attorney at AGENCY NEWS 718-347-6100.

Something new, exciting and very innovative is coming to SNAP in the coming weeks. It’s called VIRTUAL SENIOR CENTER! SNAP’s homebound seniors, as well as senior center clients will be able to participate in classes all over the globe via computer and television. Already in use at Self Help’s Benjamin Rosenthal Senior Center, SNAP will be partnering with them to bring this 21 century program to SNAP. Watch for details!

MESSAGE FROM THE SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR Greetings- welcome to spring! Well....spring in New York is more like a cross between experiencing summer, winter and fall all in the same week. Although the calendar tells us to spring forward we often have to remind ourselves to be prepared for any change in the weather. That means, wearing a light jacket and carrying an umbrella in the car with sandals on your feet. It may sound weird to some but, being prepared is the ultimate test to facing adversity. Whether we like it or not, adversity is a part of life. How you overcome a hurdle positively is by learning to prepare yourself. Adversity often builds character and resilience. If we successfully confront challenges it will serve as a vessel to combat future obstacles and ultimately strengthen our will. “When you respond positively and constructively to your biggest challenges the qualities of strength, courage, character and perseverance emerge from deep inside of you.” Z. Hereford

Here are some tips that may be helpful to you or someone you know: 1. Be aware of, and accept that adversity is inevitable in life. 2. Build your internal resources. When you make yourself aware that certain difficulties are inevitable, you can prepare yourself mentally for confronting adversity head-on. 3. Build your external resources through family, friends and socializing at SNAP 4. Take inspiration and learn from others who have dealt successfully with adversity. Getting tips from others and sharing experiences can be helpful. Warmest Regards-Nina Bhola



At the Advisory Board meeting held on February 8th, we welcomed our newest Board member Carol Chrusz. A discussion was held to update the By-laws to better suit the 21st century. Good input was received from the Board members and all revisions were accepted.

The robo-calls made to remind the Board members, were great. It saves time and now everyone can be notified at the same time.

The new volunteer ID’s are in use at this time. Rochelle will hand them out when you sign the volunteer book, so make sure if it is your day to volunteer, you get credit for it.

I hear the complaints in regard to poor communication and curt responses to questions posed by the seniors and it is upsetting. We all have to work together to make this a functional facility or we will lose members. If you have a justified reason to complain, please verbalize it to a Board member or Nina and we will address it.

To the members who feel they are not recognized for what they do, I want you to know it is greatly appreciated. It is difficult to thank everyone personally but SNAP thanks you for your dedication.

Nina is working hard to provide classes and parties for your pleasure but if you don’t attend them, they will be cancelled. Show your appreciation by attending the afternoon classes and share your talents.

A jewelry sale is planned for mid-March for your buying pleasure. Our next Board meeting will be on March 21st. Carole Vahey, President

We Help Preserve, Transfer & Manage Your Assets, No Matter What Your Age Comprehensive Services for the Elderly and Their Families New York Florida Bar Member of Nat’l Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Past Vice Chairman of Queens County Bar Assn. Elder Law Committee Author of Law & Aging: Essentials of Elder Law Former Special Adjunct Professor Brooklyn Law School & St. John’s University Former N.Y.C. Assistant Corporation Counsel Former N.Y.C. Administrative Law Judge  Medicare/Medicaid Matters   Asset Preservation & Transfers  Assisted Living & Nursing Home Placement  Geriatric Care Management  Supplemental Needs Trusts  Health Care Proxies * Living Wills  Powers of Attorney  Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning & Probate  Financial Planning  Home Visits

RONALD J. SCHWARTZ, J.D., L.L.M., P.C. Dedicated To The Needs Of The Elderly For Almost 50 Years 718-347-6100

246-16 Union Turnpike, Bellerose

(Off The Cross Island Parkway)

“It’s Never Too Soon to Start Planning.” “Save Time and Money.”

SNAP OF EASTERN QUEENS INNOVATIVE SENIOR CENTER TRIP FOR ALL TRIPS LISTED BELOW, PLEASE SEE SHERRY ROBINSON Wed., Mar. 9 Empire City Casino – Includes Bonus Package – $35.00 p.p. Fri., Mar. 18 LiGrecis Staaten Italian “Feast of St. Joseph” - $73.00 p.p. Tues., Apr. 5 Doolans Shore Club, Spring Lake, NY - “Mazeltov – Mazeltov” - $73.00 p.p. Wed., Apr. 20 Mohegan Sun – Includes Bonus Package - $40.00 p.p. Registration begins 3/4/16 Tues., May 10 Sight & Sound to see “Samson” - $105.00 Registration begins 3/21/16 Tues., May 24 The Brownstone “Give My Regards to Broadway” - $73.00 p.p. Registration begins 3/31/16 Fri., June 10 Hunterdon Hills Playhouse, Hampton, NJ – “Jukebox Heroes” - $85.00 p.p. Registration begins 4/1/16 Wed., June 22 Empire City Casino, Yonkers, NY - $35.00 p.p. Registration begins 4/29/16 Tues., July 12 Pines Dinner Theatre, Allentown, Pa. – “Singing in the Rain” - $76.00 p.p. Registration begins 5/17/16 Thurs., July 21 Resorts Casino, Atlantic City, NJ - $45.00 p.p. Registration begins 5/31/16

SNAP OF EASTERN QUEENS INNOVATIVE SENIOR CENTER CULTURAL EXCURSIONS FOR ALL TRIPS LISTED BELOW, PLEASE SEE ROCHELLE WALSH Thurs., Mar. 24 American Irish Historical Society - $15.00 p.p. – This is the center for Irish culture in New York City. Price includes transportation, box meal and admission. Thurs., Apr. 21 Queens College - $14.00 p.p. – Enjoy a spirited musical about courage, hope and the challenges of migration. Experience “Ellis Island, Gateway to a Dream” as they look back at the 1900’s to celebrate the multicultural foundation of our nation. Learn how each new generation of immigrants redefines the American Dream. Includes box meal, transportation and ticket to show. Wed., May 25 Culinary Institute of America - $90.00 p.p. – Spend the day on the campus of Hyde Park’s world famous Culinary Institute of America. Enjoy a student led tour of the kitchen, followed by an expertly prepared 3 course lunch at “The American Bounty Restaurant”. Leave some time for the bookstore and some souveniors before heading back to the bus. Seats are limited. Trip includes: Coach bus, guided tour of the institute, 3 course lunch and gratuities. Tues., June 7 Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island trip - $20.00 p.p. Come trace your heritage at Ellis Island and enjoy the beauty of Lady Liberty. Includes transportation, ferry ticket, admission to both island exhibits and box lunch.

Coming In March !!!

Chronic Disease Self

Management Program Join us Monday, March 21st at 10:00 AM

The evidence based workshop from in the Dining Room Learn more about the impact that hearing loss has Stanford University on healthy aging! The Center for Hearing and Communication will be Join us for an Informational Session at SNAP Queens Village with their mobile testing unit Monday, March 14th at 10:30 AM beginning April 4th. In Classroom 5 30 minute evaluations Free By appointment only through Health & Wellness Office