From: Karen Tweddle ] Sent: 12 August 2020 10:33 To: M2 J5 ; Yvonne Parker < >; Budd, Graham < >; Tudor, Sarah < > Cc: Karen Tweddle < > Subject: Obj No 151 Mr Bolas : M2 Junction 5 improvments. ,

Dear All

M2 Junction 5 Improvments. Stockbury Kent

Please see the email below from Mr Jeremy Bolas (non-stat objector No 151)

Please accept my apologies, Mr Bolas has now been classified as a “non stat” objector to the Orders.

Kind regards Karen

Karen Tweddle | , National Transport Casework Team, Department for Transport Newcastle | |

From: Jeremy Bolas [ ] Sent: 12 August 2020 09:18 To: NATIONALCASEWORK Subject: M2 Junction 5 improvments. Stockbury Kent

Please could you consider the following points regarding the proposed improvements. I am strongly in support of the main principles of the design and the need for a new junction.

1) I understand that HE is planning to use the route along road as a diversion for all vehicles when the A249 is closed for maintenance. This has been the cause of many minor accidents, 2 major ones, increased air and noise pollution and countless sleepless nights. This road is a cycle route and runs through Danaway and Chestnut Street which are residential areas. Chestnut Street is a particular problem because of a narrow highway, it already has a width restriction. When completed over 10 years ago the KCC/HE assessment for approval was based on inaccurate information. Since then there has been further residential and business development,and an increase in

1 both the size and volume of traffic. particularly HGV,s travelling to industrial areas. Maidstone road is not suitable as a planned diversion.route. Proposed solution: To build crossover points at the new junction and at Bobbing so that contraflows can be used for planned maintenance instead of shifting the risk to local areas. To design the road from Danaway to Oad street to allow passage of buses but not HGV's.

2) Improve design to take into account the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and horse riding. Safe access between Oad street and Bicknor or Stockbury is denied by the current plans. There is no provision for crossing the A249 and no safe route along Honeycrock hill between Pett lane and Oad street. Furthermore, the need to travel up the steep hill and back down the proposed new road to Danaway to resume a journey is an obstacle to both groups of Highway users. Proposed solution: Design the new interchange to be compliant with best practice for the safety of non motorised highway users avoiding the A249. Provide a Cycle route / bridleway as far as possible on level ground between the new interchange and Danaway with clear measures to improve safety, failing this provide a dedicated lane with supporting traffic calming adjacent to the road between Pett lane and the new junction with Maidstone road. Provide a bridge suitable for non motorised traffic over the A249 between the new interchange and Stockbury.

With Kind regards, Jeremy Bolas.

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Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000 |National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham B32 1AF | | [email protected]

Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ


Our ref: OBJ-J Bolas-001 Highways England Company Limited Your ref: Bridge House 1 Walnut Tree Close Jeremy Bolas Guildford GU1 4LZ

Telephone: 0300 123 5000

Date: 21 August 2020

Response by email only:

Dear Mr Bolas,


REF: OBJ-J Bolas-001

Please accept this as acknowledgment of your representation to the M2 Junction 5 Improvements Scheme, for which the Orders were issued on 13 June 2019. This reply relates to your objection email dated 12 August 2020 which was addressed to the Department for Transport (DfT).

You have raised two points in your objection which I would like to respond to: 1. Concerns over use of Maidstone Road as a diversion route, request for HGV restrictions on proposed Oad Street link road; and 2. Provision a cycle route and/or bridleway between Stockbury Roundabout and Danaway and a new Non-Motorised Users (NMU) crossing over the A249.

Our response 1. I would like to assure you that the scheme will seek to minimise the impact on affected residents during the construction phase. The proposed Oad Street link road is designed as an all-purpose highway and as such will not be subject to HGV restrictions. 2. Whilst it is considered the further addition of a cycle route/bridleway between the Stockbury Roundabout and Danaway would improve NMU connectivity, the provision of this additional infrastructure is outside the scope of the scheme. We acknowledge that local residents and businesses consider that connectivity could be further improved by the building of a bridge across A249. Although a bridge or underpass has not been included in the Scheme, this is being separately considered by Kent County Council (KCC). Noting this, Highways England does not consider that a bridge is required as part of the Scheme.

If you are satisfied that we have addressed your concerns, we kindly request that you withdraw your objection. Please write to the Secretary of State for Transport, at the National Transport Casework Team, Tyneside House, Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7AR or email [email protected].

Please note that the Public Inquiry which was due to start on 28 April 2020 has been postponed until further notice, based on the Government’s latest advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-

Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZ Highways England Company Limited registered in England and Wales number 09346363

19). We are working with the Department for Transport (DfT) to re-arrange a future Public Inquiry, which is likely to be held virtually.

You can find the latest information about the M2 junction 5 Improvements Scheme on Highways England’s website at the following link: improvements/

Yours sincerely,

Camelia Lichtl, Project Manager RIP SE [email protected]

Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZ Highways England Company Limited registered in England and Wales number 09346363

From: Jeremy Bolas [ ] Sent: 21 August 2020 16:22 To: M2 J5 Subject: Obj No 151

Dear Camelia.

Thank you for your response.

I am not sure if you have misunderstood or ignored my objections in your response.

On point 1. My concern was not about disturbance during the construction period. This was not mentioned in my objection which was about continued use of Maidstone road as a diversion route for HGV's after construction, and you have not answered these points satisfactorily, irf at all.

On point 2. As part of the main junction construction design, adequate provision for cyclists and non motorised road users is certainly part of HE''s responsibility. To suggest otherwise is a denial or responsibility. It would also appear that the current design is contrary to many aspects of current Gov policy on highway design.

In response, since your letter does not address my concerns and takes a dismissive and cavalier attitude towards the safety of local residents, I will not withdraw my objection. If anything it makes me more inclined to vigorously pursue it.

Regards Jeremy Bolas.

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Highways England Company Limited | General enquiries: 0300 123 5000 |National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham B32 1AF | | [email protected]

Registered in England and Wales no 9346363 | Registered Office: Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LZ