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Research & Education Sports Norwegians and Thor Hushovd will North Dakota’s Atter en gang skal syrinene gi deg not compete et tegn når de står tunge og dufter oil boom av juni og regn. in Tour de France Read more on pages 5 – Read more on page 15 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 23 June 8, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Celebrating Royal birthdays News U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Their Majesties Clinton said on June 1 the U.S. would provide $75 million to a King Harald and private-public effort to improve Queen Sonja mark the health of mothers and their babies in developing countries. their 75th birthdays Norway, the host of an interna- in joint celebration tional conference focusing on maternal health, said it would join the United States by adding another $80 million to the ini- Je s s La r s e n tiative dubbed “Saving Moth- Norwegian American Weekly Intern ers, Giving Life.” (blog.norway.com/category/ news) On May 31 King Harald and Culture Queen Sonja attended a joint cel- ebration of their 75th birthdays. The annual Norwegian Festi- King Harald, whose birthday val of Literature kicked off at was February 21, and Queen Sonja, Lillehammer earlier this week. whose birthday is July 4, decided Several big names in the world to have a joint birthday celebration of literature are gathered at Lillehammer this week to cele- together. They decided May 31 as brate Norwegian contemporary the day in which the celebration should take place. literature, and the interaction Photo: Aktiv i between literature and society. See > strike, page 6 The Royal Guard Norwegian Military Drill Team performed in honor of the King and Queen, with the Royal Family looking on. Money is this year’s theme, a hot topic in the midst of the fi- nancial crisis in Europe. Some of this year’s guests include Knighted by the King Document our heritage Norwegian writers Thomas Espedal, Anne B. Ragde, Linn Consul Kim Nesselquist knighted into Bilingual book is Ullmann and Jostein Gaarder; Minister of Foreign Affairs Royal Order of Merit in Seattle, Wash. a rich resource for Jonas Gahr Støre, Russian au- genealogists thor Mikhail Sjisjkin, Korean author Ko Un and American author Nicole Krauss. Ke l s e y La r s o n (blog.norway.com/category/ Copy Editor culture) Published by Astri My Astri Publishing, Volume 3 of “Norwe- What’s inside? gians in America, their History and News 2 – 3 Record” is the final installment of Business 4 the translated book “Nordmædene Research & Education 5 i Amerika, deres Historie og Re-

Opinion 6 – 7 See > genealogy, page 12 Photo: Astri My Astri Publishing Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Disappointing loss Obituaries & Religion 11 Arts & Style 12 Norway loses In Your Neighborhood 13 Photo: Christy Olsen Field to England in Norwegian Heritage 14 Consul Kim Nesselquist was appointed to Knight, First Class in the Royal Norwe- gian Order of Merit by HM King Harald. friendly Sports 15 Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d No r w a y Po s t $1 = NOK 6.0128 Managing Editor updated 5/25/2012 His Majesty King Harald of The Royal Norwegian Order Norway lost 0 – 1 to England In comparison Norway has appointed Consul Kim of Merit was instituted by the late in their friendly at Ullevaal Stadium 4/25/2012 5.7266 Nesselquist to Knight, First Class King Olav V on June 14, 1985, to in Oslo on June 2, England's first 11/25/2011 5.9234 to the Royal Norwegian Order of win against Norway in 32 years. 5/25/2011 5.5612 Merit. See > knighted, page 13 See > soccer, page 15 Photo: Fotball.no 2 • June 8, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter En av tre tror på tykkere lommebok i 2012 oslos verste kuldesjokk Ikke rammet Mer enn hver tredje nordmann venter å få bedre økonomi i år enn i 2011. Yngre er mer optimistiske enn eldre, går det fram av en Ikke siden 1991 har det Terrorrettsaken blir ikke undersøkelse. Blant dem som er under 40 år, svarer hele 50 prosent at de venter bedre øko- vært så mange kalde rammet av vekterstreik nomi de kommende tolv måneder. Av dem Oslo-dager i juni som som har fylt 60 år svarer bare 14 prosent det VG samme. Flertallet av oss venter imidlertid til nå i 2012 uendret økonomi. En tredel - 33 prosent - av Ingen av de rundt 40 vekterne som job- de spurte i undersøkelsen, som Ipsos MMI AfteNposteN ber med sikkerhet under rettsaken mot An- har laget for bank- og forsikringsselskapet ders Behring Breivik vil bli tatt ut i streik. Gjensidige, sier at de har fått bedre økonomi Sikkerhetsoppbudet rundt rettsaken er det siste året. 11 prosent sier privatøkono- 2012 har vært et år for mange var- stort og alle besøkende må gjennom flere mien er blitt verre. Også når det gjelder den merekorder. Både i mai og mars ble det sikkerhetssluser for å komme inn i tinghuset. økonomiske utviklingen det siste året er de satt rekorder for tidenes varmeste dag i Vekterselskapet G4S, som har deler av eldre langt mindre fornøyd enn de yngre. inneværende måned i Oslo og mange an- Foto: Ed Yourdon / Flickr ansvaret for sikkerheten ved tinghuset, fikk Mens 44 prosent i alderen 25 - 39 år sier de dre steder i landet. Men starten på juni har først avslag på en samlesøknad om streike- har fått mer penger å rutte med, er tilsvar- mange steder vært svært kjølig. dispensasjon for sine vektere ved en feilt- gene og sammenligner med målingene på ende tall for dem over 60 år bare 10 prosent. De tre første dagene hadde alle middel- agelse. Blindern som startet i 1937 var det den 7. – Det er kanskje ikke så overraskende at temperaturer på under 10 dager på målestas- – Det ble innlevert en søknad blant flere mange eldre føler at de ikke har fått bedre kaldeste målte junistarten i år. Kaldest var jonen på Blindern. Det er rundt 4-5 grader som ble misforstått og avslått av oss. Dis- økonomi. Det kan ha sammenheng med at det de tre første junidagene i 1975 – da var kaldere enn normalt i begynnelsen av juni. pensasjonen har nå blitt gitt til selskapet. de er pensjonister, og at de ikke opplever så gjennomsnittstemperaturen bare 7,4 grader. Ingen av dagene har det vært målt over 15 Som forbund ønsker vi ikke å ramme rett- store endringer i pensjonen, sier informas- 2012 er også det første året siden 1975 hvor grader. saken, sier Trond Erik Thorvaldsen, kommu- jonssjef Christian H. Haraldsen i Gjensidige alle de tre første dagene i juni hadde en mid- Det er sjelden at det er så mange kalde nikasjons- og utredningsansvarlig hos Norsk Bank. Flertallet i alle aldersgrupper svarer at deltemperatur på under 10 grader. dager på rad i den første sommermåneden. Arbeidsmandsforbund (NAF), til VG Nett. de ikke har merket noen endring siste året. Værprognosene tyder på at middel- Dersom en ser på statistikken fra Meteorolo- Fra klokken 20 fredag 1. juni tok for- (VG) temperaturene dagene fremover vil komme gisk institutts tjeneste eklima.no er det van- bundet ut 1797 vektere i streik. Det er noe seg over 10 grader i Oslo. Men noen som- ligste at ingen eller bare én av junidagene er flere flyplasser har merket godt. Boligprisene opp 430 prosent på 20 år mervarme opp mot 25-30 grader kan både så kald. Man må tilbake til 1991 for å finne et – Rent prinsipielt håndterer NAF Siden 1992 har boligeierne kunnet tjene seg hovedstaden og resten av Norge trolig se år med tre eller flere dager med middeltem- søknader om dispensasjon. Når det gjelder søkkrike på egen bolig. Dagens generasjon langt etter. peratur under 10 grader i juni. Da var det til rettsaken i Oslo tingrett, er den av en slik har trolig kommet for sent til boligfesten. – Det vil bli litt varmere fra onsdag av, Det er bare å glemme å bli rik hvis du kjøper gjengjeld seks så kalde dager. karakter at forbundet har konkludert med at men trolig ikke mer enn 17-18 grader, sier bolig i dag. Ekspertene tror at vi er inne i be- For å sammenligne var det seks dager i vi ikke under noen omstendigheter vil sette meteorolog Apeland. gynnelsen på slutten av 20 år med boligfest. mars i år i Oslo som alle var varmere enn de begrensninger i rettsakens gang, sier Thor- Østlandet og Midt-Norge vil trolig få de Økonomiprofessor Steinar Holden ved Uni- tre første dagene i juni. valdsen. varmeste temperaturene. versitet i Oslo (UiO) tror boligprisene vil gå Årsaken til kulden i begynnelsen av juni fra et evig opp, opp, opp – til opp, opp, ned, kan ifølge meteorolog Solbjørg Apeland hos English Synopsis: Though the strike in Norway is af- opp: – Jeg tror at de fortsatt skal videre opp, English Synopsis: The month of June has already fecting airports, schools and many other places of em- Storm oppsummeres med to ord: – kald nor- broken weather records in Norway. Never in Oslo has ployment, the trial of Anders Behring Breivik will not men på et tidspunkt vil prisene falle igjen, davind. there been so many cold days in a row since 1991. be influenced by the strike. The company in charge of sier Holden. Siden 1992 har boligprisene Dersom en ser på de tre første junida- security has said their employees will not strike. i Norge økt med 430 prosent, ifølge den offisielle statistikken fra eiendomsmegler- bransjen og analysebyrået Pöyry. Det betyr at mange nordmenn har kunnet tjene en liten færre barn fann unik tingstad i Stryn formue på å eie egen bolig: – De som kjøpte bolig da, var heldige. Den generasjonen har I flere år lå norske kvinners Det som kan vere ein kommet veldig godt ut av det. De har også fruktbarhet høyt, og tallet hatt det godt økonomisk disse 20 årene, på- hittil ukjend tingstad frå var økende, men de to siste peker Holden 400-talet, er oppdaga i (Dinepenger) årene har trenden snudd Stryn 1 av 4 bytter studier underveis NRK Mange studenter bytter studieretning et- NRK ter noen år. Enkelte studenter mener at – Vi bør oppfordre kvinner til å få barn studiestedene faktisk oppmuntrer til dette. tidligere, sier overlege Dag Bratlid til Aften- Tingstaden blei oppdaga under graving i Kostnaden er større enn du kanskje tror. I posten. For å opprettholde befolkningsvek- samband med vegarbeid på austsida av Stryn en rapport fra Universitetet i Oslo kommer sten må norske kvinner føde gjennomsnit- sentrum. Forskar og arkeolog Søren Diinhoff det frem at mange studenter er usikre på hva tlig 2,1 barn hver. I 2009 lå norske kvinner ved Bergen Museum seier den nyoppdaga de egentlig skal studere. Over halvparten av på et toppnivå med 1,98 fødsler per kvinne. tingstaden er oppsiktsvekkjande i nasjonal de som startet bachelorstudier i 2006 hadde Mange trodde vi var i ferd med å nå 2-tallet. samanheng. Han er oppglødd over funnet. Photo:Wikimedia Commons studert noe annet før de startet på en ny grad. Men i 2010 sank det til 1,95, og i fjor sank – Dette er ganske unikt i Sogn og Fjor- Stryn i Sogn og Fjordane Ved NTNU i Trondheim viser tallene at 1 av det videre til 1,88. dane. Eg trur det er einaste staden i Norge Utgravinga i området starta i 2010 etter 5 studenter tidligere har studert noe annet. – Nå har det gått nedover i to år, og det der vi har så mange element samla. Denne vi Flertallet av de som ikke hadde studert funna i samband med vegbygging. Den gong kan være et uttrykk for at trenden har snudd. har funne i Stryn stammar truleg frå 400–500 tidligere oppga at de var usikre på om de grov arkeologane ut eit område som inneheld Jeg mener vi burde ha en fødselsrate som år etter Kristus og det er veldig tidleg, seier hadde valgt riktig. Mange av disse sluttet to båtnaust som kvar var om lag 27 meter holder befolkningen rimelig stabil. Den bør han. senere på sitt opprinnelige studium; de fleste lange. Det eldste av dei er frå om lag 450 e. ligge på 2,1, sier professor og overlege i ny- På denne tida var det ikkje nokon konge, for å studere noe annet. I samme kull val- fødtmedisin Dag Bratlid ved St. Olavs hospi- Kr. og det yngste frå 800 e. Kr. Dei har begge gte en av fire studenter å bytte studieretning kyrkje eller sterk sentralmakt i samfunnet. tal i Trondheim. hatt plass til romma store skip. underveis i sitt løp. – Det virker som det er Sakene blei avgjorde ved at dei store gardane Hovedproblemet er at norske kvinner får Like ved dette feltet er det dei to siste allment akseptert å «vingle» mellom studier. bestemte. åra grave ut ei rekkje bygningar. Det er også Rådgiverne oppfordrer heller ikke til mål- barn for sent. På 90-tallet var en gjennoms- – Folk samla seg på stader der desse nittlig førstefødende kvinne 26 år gammel, funne område med kokegruver. Dei ligg rettethet, forteller Jenni Canard. Hun er godt avgjerdene blei tekne. Det kunne vere folk samla rundt ein liten haug med bauta på. over halvveis i en bachelorgrad i litteratur- på 2000-tallet 27, og i fjor var hun 28,4 år. som blei dømde, dei heldt religiøse festar og Bratlid mener samfunnet bør legge bed- Arkeologane har også funne ei grav med vitenskap fra Universitetet i Oslo, men sik- tok ei rekkje politiske avgjerder. mellom anna glasrestar i. ter nå på å bytte til økonomistudier. Canard re til rette for at det skal være attraktivt å få Diinhoff seier det har vore busetnad i Diifhoff seier dei ventar å finne ein stor- er dermed en av mange studenter som omb- barn mens man er ung. Stryn i 4000 år. God jord og mykje sol har gard like ovanfor det utgravne området. estemmer seg etter et år eller to med studier. Forsker Trude Lappegård i Statistisk gjort til at folk har slege seg ned her. I bron- – Denne garden har vore veldig stor, der (VG) sentralbyrå (SSB) mener det er for tidlig å sealderen eller tidleg jernalder var det blitt snakke om en trend, selv om fødselstallene hovudhuset har hatt ei lengd på mellom 50 ei jordbrukssamfunn i området og dei første og 70 meter. har gått ned to år på rad. storbøndene dukka opp. – Vi kan seie at Stryn si historia startar English Synopsis: A Viking structure has been discov- English Synopsis: Birthing rates in Norway have ered in Stryn, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. It was discov- gone down, and researchers suggest it is because med denne tingstaden. Det er frå her strynin- ered when some digging was being done for roadwork. women are waiting too long to become mothers. gane kan trekkje linjene opp til i dag. Archeologists say the find is quite unique.

Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news June 8, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Day by day Strike continues, for some The Crown Prince and Crown Princess Two unions make settlement while UNIO continues honor Utøya volunteers Summary of each Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess day’s developments Mette-Marit attended a ceremony this weekend to honour more than 100 volunteers of July 22 trial who helped saved lives at Utøya on July 22. “Today we honor the best in mankind,” Crown Prince Haakon said in his speech NRK to the volunteers who were gathered at Sundvolden hotel on Saturday, the same hotel that functioned as an emergency center May 29 (Day 26) last summer after the youth camp massacre. Minister of Justice Grete Faremo also Two of Anders Behring Breivik's friends attended the ceremony, which was held by testified. The first to testify has known the the Norwegian Lifesaving Society. The defendant since elementary school. The next society wished to honor 105 volunteers from witness has known him since high school across the country, some of which put their and had lived with him for a time. After Photo: Unio own lives at risk in the rescue operation that lunch, another friend testified. He described Unio members on their picket line on Karl Johans gate in Oslo. took place around Utøya on July 22. In total, himself as Breivik's best friend. An ex-girl- several hundred lives were saved that day. friend of one of Breivik’s friends gave her 69 were lost. “You strengthen the belief that t a ff o m p i l a t i o n evidence as well. His mother was also to S C humans are innately good,” Crown Prince Norwegian American Weekly testify, but chose to abstain. All of Breivik’s Haakon said. “We remember the ones who former friends asked to be kept anonymous died with sorrow. But today we also celebrate by the media. They also wished for Breivik After another long night of arbitration, Fagforbundet within the Confederation of everybody who survived – thanks to you.” to not be present in the room while they tes- two of the unions involved in the public sector Labour Unions (LO) have accepted the wage (Norway Post) tified. Breivik followed this part of the trial strike accepted an agreement of a 4.1 percent offer. The union Unio Stat rejected it and an- from the side room. Overall, the witnesses wage increase on Saturday, May 2. The Con- nounced they will expand their strike, calling Judge caught playing solitaire in court federation of Vocational Unions (YS), and A judge at the trial of Norwegian mass killer See > trial, page 11 See > strike, page 6 Anders Behring Breivik was caught playing solitaire on his laptop during the June 4 proceedings, VG reported. Ernst Henning Clinton makes visit to Norway Beyond borders Eielsen, one of the five judges for the case, can clearly be seen on court cameras playing “The US has no better Norwegian authors the card game. According to VG, Eielsen was playing the game on a solitaire website, partner than Norway,” find success abroad and images showed solitaire in his browser window for up to 16 minutes before the says Secretary of State court was adjourned for lunch. A Swedish Ju l i e Ry l a n d expert was testifying while the judge played Hillary Clinton Norway Post the game. Court spokeswoman Irene Ramm denied the judge was not paying attention t a ff o m p i l a t i o n S C During the past eight years, the export and said the game may have helped him Norwegian American Weekly staff of Norwegian literature has more than dou- concentrate. “There are different ways of bled, and this year the government plans to staying focused,” she said. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spend NOK 12 million on promoting Nor- (New York Post) made a two-day visit to Norway to discuss wegian literature. issues of the High North, maternal health and Norwegian authors are experiencing Norwegian diplomat to head UN climate other U.S.-Norway issues. This was Secre- major success abroad. With help from the group tary Clinton’s first official visit to Norway in Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of For- Norwegian diplomat Harald Dovland has her current post. She previously visited Sval- eign Affairs, the translation of most books been named the leader of a new UN team bard as a U.S. senator and Lillehammer as published abroad is funded. that will help prepare and establish a new the First Lady. “It's important for a small language’s climate treaty in 2015. “Dovland has been In Oslo, Clinton spent time with Prime literature to be translated. If you write in given an important, but difficult task,” says Minister Jens Stoltenberg, TM King Harald English you have a large market to begin Ola Skaalvik Elvevold, climate advisor for the Norwegian Society for the Conservation and Queen Sonja, as well as Minister of For- with,” says Norla Margit Walsø, the head of of Nature. “He has to help form a treaty that eign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre. the center for Norwegian fiction and non- ensures sufficient emission reductions, but In a speech given during a government fiction literature abroad. also make sure that the responsibility for Photo: Andrea Gjestvang / Ministry of Foreign Affairs luncheon on June 1, Clinton said the rela- Norla administers all the funding for these reductions is distributed in a fair way,” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Nor- tionship between Norway and the U.S. with Norwegian literature abroad, and five out of Elvevold explains. wegian Minster of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr See > authors, page 15 (NRK) Støre on a boat in Tromsø. See > clinton, page 13 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • June 8, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (June 4, 2012) Winners Losers Here come the Vikings Norsk Kr. 6.0912 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Silicon Vikings use networking to connect Nordic ORIGIO 27.6 70.4% Eitzen Chemical 0.1 -20.0% Dansk Kr. 5.9526 Scottish Salmon Co. 2.7 17.8% NorDiag 0.1 -16.7% business to US tech companies in Silicon Valley Svensk Kr. 7.1878 Norse Energy Corp. 1.6 14.2% Eizten Maritime Services 1.0 -14.4% InterOil Exploration 10.5 3.5% Reservoir Exploration Tech. 1.4 -14.4% Canadian $ 1.0422 EVRY 9.4 2.9% Bergen Group 6.4 -12.4% Ra s m u s Fa l ck For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Euro 0.8041 Oslo, Norway

Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU The Oslo chapter of Silicon Vikings nology, Cloud and Open Source, and Entre- launched successfully with more than 70 preneurship and Learning. Independent Insurance Broker people in attendance to connect with the net- At a recent meeting, Ilene Adler of Van- Long-Term Health Care Insurance work. tage Communications gave a presentation Participants listened to inspiring presen- on the topic of building a company’s pres- Should you consider it? tations by Oslo President Thang Vo and Chair ence in the U.S. She is the CEO in a tech- Call me for honest straightforward advice. Tone Ringstad, “The Silicon Vikings Story” focused public relations agency that helps in- (206)362-5913 by President and Chair Richard Horning, ternational companies gain visibility. Nordic www.obergltc.com “Venture Capital – The Silicon Valley Way” companies come to the U.S. to sell to one of 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 by Eva Solheim of Oceanshore Ventures, tech’s biggest markets, but the U.S. market and “Be- is also one of yond Busi- the most com- ness Plans” petitive in the by Assistant world. This Professor Tor puts a premi- G r ø n s u n d um on stand- from the ing out and University of being recog- Oslo Center nized, as U.S. of Entrepre- c o m p a n i e s neurship. The are more in- sponsor of the evening was Dag Thorstensen clined to deal with familiar companies. She of the law firm Haavind. discussed what it takes to break through the Silicon Vikings is a collaborative non- noise and overcome the particular challenges profit member organization for networking faced by typically more reserved Scandina- and promotion of technologies and business vian companies. interesting in Silicon Valley and the Nordic Innovation Norway is a key partner with region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, the Vikings. They are the Norwegian govern- Norway and Sweden). The Vikings deliver ment’s most important instrument for inno- value to its members through technology- vation of Norwegian enterprises. The organi- and business-driven events, projects and zation support companies in developing their social networking events. They connect the competitive advantage and to enhance inno- Nordic region to Silicon Valley’s networked vation. Through the organization Norwegian Subscribe to the Weekly! business and educational ecosystems. enterprises have access to a broad business See page 3 for details or call (800) 305-0217 The Vikings have their headquarters in support system, including some financial the Silicon Valley of Palo Alto, Calif., and means. Similar key partners are Enterprise LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: chapters in Copenhagen, Stockholm and Estonia, the Finish FinNode and FinPro and Certified Public Accountant Small businesses now Oslo. They are also looking into open- the Swedish Trade Council. ing chapters in Helsinki and . For more information, visit www.sili- (206)789-5433 Individuals They have special interest groups in the convikings.com or www.facebook.com/Sili- 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 sectors of Mobile, Life Science, Green Tech- conVikings.

MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Business News & Notes a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Norges Bank Governor: Norway well poised kroner at 11:37 a.m., giving it a market value to face shocks of NOK 4.85 billion ($807 million). Opera is Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Norway is “well poised to face new shocks and the last major independent browser left, with commercial transactions and estate planning. challenges” and doesn’t suffer the same eco- the others owned by companies such as Mi- nomic problems as its trading partners, Norges crosoft Corp., Google Inc. and Apple Inc., said Bank Governor Oystein Olsen said Tuesday. Aleksander Nilsen, an analyst at ABG Sundal 2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 His comments lifted the Norwegian krone to Collier in Oslo. The company has a strong bal- its highest levels against the euro since March, ance sheet, and could be an attractive target Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 just before the central bank made a cut to its for other companies, such as Mountain View, key interest rate. “While many of our trading Calif.-based Google, he said. An acquisition of partners are struggling with low growth, high a company such as Opera could help Facebook unemployment and mounting government create its own phone or help it improve its ser- LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. debt, the Norwegian economy still features vices on mobile phones, computers and televi- buoyant activity, low unemployment and gov- sions, said Tony Cripps, a principal analyst at Sales and Service ernment budget surpluses,” Olsen told Norwe- Ovum in . gian lawmakers. (Reuters) (Dow Jones) Spaniards try luck in the north Opera software jumps most ever after Finding no easy options abroad, a few hundred report Facebook may bid unemployed Spaniards have risked frostbite in wealthy Norway, where the press call them Opera Software ASA (OPERA), the Norwe- Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK “euro refugees.” The number of Spaniards phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 gian marker of Internet browsers, surged the formally registering as tax payers in Norway fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 most on record in Oslo after technology web- jumped to 291 in the first quarter of 2012 com- site Pocket-Lint reported that Facebook Inc. pared with 198 a year earlier, a fraction of the (FB) may try to acquire the company. Opera real number of people in work, but still far gained as much as 26 percent, the biggest short of thousands of Poles and Lithuanians [email protected] jump since it first sold shares in 2004. The who arrive each year. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Oslo-based company rose 18 percent to 40.5 (Reuters) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research June 8, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Powering the future with Bakken North Dakota’s “Oil Patch” draws over 4,000 people to petroleum conference in Bismarck

Photo: Renae Mitchell Photo: Renae Mitchell Jack Gerard (left), the president and CEO of American Petroleum Institute, and Jack Dalrymple, gov- Tex “Red Tipped Arrow” Hall, Three Affiliated Tribes Chairman, introduced by Attorney General ernor of North Dakota with the “Bakken” license plate. Wayne Stenehjem.

Dr. La r r i e Wa n b e r g Grand Forks, N.D.

“Bakken Gold” was a huge graphic illuminated by a “council fire,” descendents Kari Bjerke Cutting, Vice President student tour during spring break. backdrop on a stage of speakers discussing renewed their ancestries with stories across of the North Dakota Petroleum Council In 1976, my family operated a “Family the promise, advancements and realities of generations. summed up the Council’s outreach program: Academy” in Stavanger Norway for young North Dakota’s “Oil Patch,” now the second Tex reflected on the human side of the “Teachers and students visited the confer- (up to age seven) expatriate children of oil largest oil producing state, next to Texas. impact of “Bakken Gold” from land once ence for hands-on awareness of the oil in- families from 27 countries over seven years. The 20th Williston Basin Petroleum considered desolate, and now valued for its dustry in North Dakota. The educational out- The motto of the school rings true today: “A Conference in Bismarck, N.D., drew over natural resources. The tribe will build the reach program has reached more than 70,000 child’s imagination is Nature’s highest form 4,000 attendees from 46 states, and nine first refinery in America since 1976. teachers, students, school administrators and of energy, both costless and priceless, capa- countries, including Norway. The three-day In the corridors over the drone of chat- parents since its inception in 2002.” ble of changing the world.” event on May 22 – 24 offered 55 profiled ter, I heard the sounds of conversations in the For me, seeing young students in hard speakers and hosted 257 indoor and 40 out- Norwegian language, and joined a circle of hats mixing with world leaders in energy Norwegians interviewed included Lars- door exhibits. seven Norwegians from investment groups was inspiring. Henrik Q. Røren and Halvor Strand Nygård The corridors were like alternating in Norway. We met later in a hotel restaurant Reminiscing as a retired educator, I of SEB Enskilda of Oslo, as well as Jan streams of energetic people, half going to and continued a dialogue by email after they was a dozen miles away as a college student Magne Gatåen and Trygve Lauvdal of Ras- workshops and half coming from workshops. returned to their homes in Norway. when the Iverson oil well near Tioga came in mussengruppe from Kristianands S. People gathered at side tables to chat, check- I asked them to reflect on five ques- the spring of 1951 and last year met with the ing their emails or negotiating business on tions, like “How did you highlight your trip Tioga Chamber of Commerce on a Univer- To learn more about the oil boom in their cell phones, with a hand cupping their to North Dakota with your family after you sity of North Dakota “Community Connect” North Dakota, visit http://www.ndoil.org. ear and often pacing. In most every work- returned?” shop, all chairs were filled and participants Some of the following consolidated stood, lining the walls. Human “energy” was comments suggest the questions asked. flowing throughout the Civic Center, and spilling over to the parking lot, where gigan- “I told my family that North tic, imposing machines were viewed. Dakota must be the western border The keynote speakers at the Wednes- of Norway because we met so many day luncheon were Tex “Red Tipped Arrow” people with Norwegian parents, Hall, Three Affiliated Tribes Chairman and grandparents… very friendly... roads Jack Gerard, American Petroleum Institute go in a straight line… very flat.” President and CEO. “What caught my eye was the Later, I sat down with Tex in a quiet spot nature… the landscape… the drill- and we reflected over the 20 years that I have ing pads. Imagine, cows, sunset, known him, first as Tribal Superintendent of green grass and a drill tower in the Madaree School, a small village on the Ft. same picture is just amazing...” Berthold Reservation that was displaced by “I benefitted from the confer- flood waters which made room for the Gar- ence by getting a grip on the Bak- rison Dam in the 1940’s and then through his ken field and an eye opener for its reign of leadership of the Three Affiliated possible implications on a broader Tribal Nation over three terms and as a two- scale... Less doubt, more belief in term president of the American Indian Con- how big this will become!” Advertise in the Weekly! gress in America. “I enjoyed a visit to a ranch… We commented on the history of his something “different” – very cool Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: peoples, dating back to the 1833, when and exciting… first time in a sad- Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for Prince Maximilion from Germany spent a dle… riding a horse was more dif- EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color year with the Mandan and Hidatsa Indians ficult than I imagined, especially try- • Free ad design (Arikara joined later) and how he organized a ing to herd cows.” • Support the only Norwegian- reunion of descendents of famous Chief Four “In a potential future trip, I’d Bears of Jeffersonian times and the current like to visit a Tribal community… American newspaper! descendents of Prince Maximilian from the see if I have any relatives in North historic palace on the Rhine River. In a sin- Dakota… maybe do some hunting… For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] gle tepee on the shores of Lake Sakakawea, spend more time.” 6 • June 8, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion < strike An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 3 Join the conversation! out another 344 members. The state’s offer “just wasn’t good On the EDGE enough,” Unio’s lead negotiator Arne Johan- Hurra for Dere! nessen told NRK. “Our overall evaluation By Christy Olsen Field, Managing Editor was that Unio couldn’t accept it, even though the others did.” On May 31, Norwegians paused to ment), the Royal Family is a symbol of This past week, around 50,000 employ- recognize Their Majesties King Harald national unity. The Royal Family mem- ees in the public sector have been out on and Queen Sonja for their 75th birth- bers make visits around Norway, open- strike, closing down schools and day care days. Even though the widespread strike ing hospitals, visiting kindergartens, centers across the nation, as well as garbage by public workers shut down many day and interacting with the Norwegians collection, nursing home staffing and various care centers around the city, several kin- around the country. This continuity and municipal services. At least 20 cruiseships dergartens brought their young children connection to the people of Norway is had also been turned away during the past to participate in the birthday party in done with grace and dignity by Their week, disrupting the holidays and schedules front of the Royal Palace. Children en- Majesties and their family. of thousands of passengers, and meaning joyed birthday boller og brus (buns and The Royal Family is continually large tourism losses in Oslo. juice) provided by the City of Oslo, and in the Norwegian news and gossip, On June 4, security guards stepped up a performance by the King’s Guard. Fa- but they are relatively scandal-free their participation in the strike, affecting bian Stang, the mayor of Oslo, led the (especially when compared to the be- Norwegian airports, museums and helicop- 3,000 children in singing Norway’s tra- leaguered King of Sweden!). A recent ter transports to North Sea oil installations. ditional birthday song “Hurra for deg” poll shows HM King Harald has a 93 At the time of press, four regional airports (Hooray for you) in front of the palace. percent approval rating, and HM Queen were scheduled to close down until the strike Later in the evening, the Norwe- Sonja has a high level of support at 81 could be resolved. Other airports warned pas- gian government held an outdoor gala percent. The future King and Queen of sengers to arrive three hours or more before on the roof of the Oslo Opera House, Norway, TRH Crown Prince Haakon flight time to allow for time to get through which was free and open to the public, and Crown Princess Mette-Marit have long security lines. and broadcast on NRK. Despite the approval ratings of 89 percent and 79 Views and News from Norway reports threatening clouds and chilly weather, percent respectively. Imagine how ap- that fans of the “Scream” painting were dis- thousands of Norwegians turned out to Photo: Sølve Sundsbø / Royal Court proval ratings like that would improve appointed when they found locked doors at thank the Royal Couple for their service Their Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja. morale in our own country! the National Gallery over the weekend. and commitment to Norway. In his speech at the Oslo Opera French constitutions written a few decades This celebration of Their Majesties House gala, Prime Minister Jens Stolten- prior, but it kept the monarchy as the head by the Norwegian people provides a sharp berg said, “Tonight, this is the people’s of state. Norway achieved its full indepen- contrast to our American view of our na- party. Tonight, we give thanks to the peo- Be our fan on Facebook! dence in 1905, and an overwhelming ma- tional figures. In our current election sea- ple’s King and Queen of the people here jorities of Norwegians (nearly 79 percent) son, the partisan fervor deeply divides on the roof of the Opera and the thousands voted to keep the monarchy instead of cre- our country, and the din of 24-hour news of homes. I bring a greeting from 5 million ating a republic. Norway’s leaders invited cycles and blogger voices make it so easy people. It is simple, holds everything and Prince Carl of Denmark to be the new king to hate the other side, and especially the reads as follows: ‘Dear King Harald, Dear of Norway, and he took the oath to be King leader. The continual changes in leader- Queen Sonja, we are so very fond of you, Haakon VII on Nov. 25, 1905. ship make it challenging to rally behind proud of you. May you live happily every Ever since that day, Norway’s Royal one leader to truly represent the American day!’” Family has continually represented Nor- people. In celebration of their 75th birthdays, way as a nation and a people through two On the other hand, Norway’s politi- there couldn’t be a better time to recognize world wars, economic expansion, and, Get regular updates from the cal structure makes a very clear division Their Majesties for what they symbolize more recently, the horrifying bombing Norwegian American Weekly staff, between the head of state and govern- to Norwegians everywhere: Commitment, and shootings of July 22, 2011. Regard- ment. When the Norwegian Constitution grace, stability and love for country. special offers, and interact with less who holds the seat of Prime Minister was written in 1814, it was based on the Hurra for Dere! other readers. or the composition of the Storting (Parlia- democratic principles of the American and

facebook.com/naweekly The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< birthday Square as well. The young children were fas- The celebration at the Opera House was The entire day was a fun celebration for From page 1 cinated by the Guard’s performance. Along a government-hosted event and was a gift all of Norway. All events were free and open with these performances, TM the King and from the people of Norway to the King and to the public. The day began with a birthday celebra- Queen were greeted by a number of people Queen as a way of showing their deep ap- Along with the celebrations that took tion at Palace Square. Approximately 3000 including the mayor of Oslo, Prime minister preciation and support for the Royal couple. place on May 31, the State also put together kindergarten children were invited to the Jens Stoltenberg, and other public officials. The festivities included the Oslo Philhar- a number of traveling exhibits showcasing Palace to sing and celebrate with the King Later that afternoon the King and Queen monic Orchestra, singer Herborg Kråkevik, items from the Royal palaces that had never and Queen. The Royal family watched and attended a church service at the Oslo Cathe- and other musical performances of all genres been displayed before. These traveling ex- enjoyed the festivities from their balcony. dral with members of the Royal family. as well as speeches by numerous people. hibits are intended for museums and are gifts The public party in Palace Square was The celebration continued on to the Prime Minister Stoltenberg was the host to the Royals who hope to one day have a also met with gift deliveries from the people Opera House where everyone was invited for the evening and was the first to start the permanent Royal museum. to the King and Queen and the City of Oslo to another festive celebration on the Opera speeches giving the King and Queen a warm provided juice and birthday rolls for all of House roof in the evening. The Royal family welcome from the people of Norway and To read Prime Minister Stoltenberg’s the young children. arrived by the Royal boat Stjernen and was ending with a cheerful “Gratulerer med da- speech (in Norwegian), visit http://tinyurl. The King’s Guard performed in Palace greeted by everyone in attendance. gen!” com/7co658g.

Rogaland Bunad for sale Woman’s bunad with sølje sil- The fine print ver for sale. Rogaland style Classified ads are prepaid adver- Ole’s List with green vest. Price: $5,000. tisements, and are not guaranteed For more information, call to sell. The Norwegian American Norwegian American Weekly Janne at (206) 909-6303. Weekly staff reserves the right classified ads to turn down any ads that are Bergman Loom deemed inappropriate or not con- PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. nected to our audience. For more Bergman loom for sale. Made extras! Call Gunlaug Straume information and to place an ad, Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in in Poulsbo, WA. PAT #2057- at (425) 776-3862 for more in- call toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email 997, M. No. 3A-36. Lots of formation. email [email protected]. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly June 8, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, ning. Leikarringen “Heimhug” Norwegian Many small towns (cities too... think Seattle Managing Editor I am a second-generation Norwegian- Folk Dancers of Chicago have been invited Chicago, Brooklyn) had Lutheran Churches, Christy Olsen Field [email protected] American, and a retired professor of political to perform at the banquet and the Dave Kyrk Sons of Norway lodges and, along with that; Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager science. However, I am unable to explaine Trio will play for dancing. Norwegian male singing. Kelsey Larson [email protected] the rationale for the prolonged trial of An- The highlight of the Sangerfest is al- The San Diego Mannskor is proud to ders Behring Breivik, a self-confessed killer ways the Grand Concert which will be held host the 103rd Sangerfest. It is only the sec- Assistant Layout Editor of eight government workers and 69 young at the Pheasant Run Mega Center on Satur- ond time in its short history that a Sangerfest Harry Svenkerud [email protected] people. Two independent panels have deter- day evening at 7 p.m. The concert, Directed has taken place in San Diego. The first one Intern mined him to be a psychopath and a socio- by David Judisch, Director in Chief from took place in 1996. By comparison, in 2013, Jess Larsen [email protected] path. If so, why have a public trial and put Luren Singing Society in Decorah, Iowa, the Tacoma chorus celebrates its 125th an- Contributing Editors the families, friends and country through an and Edwin Kramer, Assistant Director from niversary. In 2014, the Seattle chorus comes Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. anguishing and agonizing show? To what Bjornson Male Chorus, will feature 250 men up on its 125th anniversary, too! Carla Danziger McLean, Va. end? Is ther something in Norwegian na- singing Scandinavian music and secular and Many from Washington and Oregon Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. tional character, culture, religion or history sacred English language songs. Accompany- put forth the effort to come to San Diego Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway that requires the nation to go through this ing the massed chorus will be the DuPage and continue to keep the tradition alive. The Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland process? Symphony Orchestra conducted by Barbara three-day event is typical and San Diego is Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. I have nothing but the greatest sympathy Schubert. Featured soloist will be Ken Mi- no exception; we gather on June 21 and wel- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. and support for the families, friends and peo- chaels and The Nordic Voices of Chicago come one another and have a welcome din- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. ple to experience this bizarre episode. How- will also be featured. ner. On June 22, there are two rehearsals for Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. ever, Norway will move forward to a won- The Grand Concert is open to the public the Grand Concert to be performed at 7:30 Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. derful future, and should not be burdened by and tickets are $15. Tickets may be ordered the evening of June 22. On June 23, a Grand Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. this national tragedy. The Norwegian people by check payable to Bjornson Male Chorus, Banquet allows visiting, medals awards to Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. have shown great strength and resilience in P.O. Box 72816, Roselle, IL 60172. For more various levels of participation, and entertain- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. the past, and they will endure in the future. information, call (630) 830-2971 or visit ment. The San Diego Mannskor believes the Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. http://bjornsonmalechorus.wordpress.com. Grand Banquet also will be a memorable Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. Sincerely, event. David Moe Juneau, Alaska David L. Larson Sincerely, Come and enjoy the concert. All ac- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Professor Emeritus at University of New Carol Hoidahl tivities are being held at the Mission Valley Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Hampshire Palatine, Ill. Crowne Plaza-Hanalei Hotel. Tickets for the John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. Durham, N.H. concert are available for a very moderate Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway price....$15 at the door. Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D.

CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives Dear Editor, Med Sangerhilsen, to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Dear Editor, For over 100 years there has been an an- Phil Overlund have a question or comment about news coverage On June 14 – 16, the Bjornson Male nual party known as Sangerfest. The event President, Pacific Norwegian Singers Asso- call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Chorus of Chicago will be hosting the 59th is the annual gathering of the Pacific Coast ciation style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right biennial Norwegian Singers Association of Norwegian Singers Association. The festival San Diego Mannskor Member Singer not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor America Sangerfest at the Pheasant Run Re- of song is one that has endured throughout the taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and sort, St. Charles, Ill. years and continues to this day with partici- letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian The NSAA is comprised of 10 male cho- pants from individual male choruses located American Weekly, and our publication of those views is ruses from Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, South up and down the Pacific Coast. The choruses Dear Carol and Phil, not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by Dakota and Wisconsin who get together ev- comprise proud men of Norwegian heritage Thank you for sharing information about the paper’s editorials should be directed to the ery two years to promote male chorus sing- and their singing brethren from other back- the upcoming Sangerfest celebrations! Nor- publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published ing and create friendship among its members. grounds who simply enjoy the camaraderie, wegian choruses play an important role in weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Over 250 singers, along with their wives and music and the joy of singing. keeping up and sharing Norwegian heritage, of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • friends, are looking forward to attending this This year Sangerfest 2012 takes place in and we are so glad to see this long tradition Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Sangerfest and scheduled events. San Diego. Rarely is such an event held these continue. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, On Thursday evening there will be a days in California. In the early days around We wish you and all participants a won- US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Parade of Choruses where each chorus will the turn of the 20th century, Sangerfests took derful time of Norwegian fellowship and sing two selections under the direction of place in cities such as Eureka, Calif. Travel song. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times their individual conductors. After a light was by train and steamship. Because of the Western Viking & Washington Posten dinner, entertainment will be provided by changing demographics brought about by the All the best, Chicago Spelmanslag, the Chicago area’s great immigrations of the late 1800s and early Editor Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- “home-town” Scandinavian folk band. 1900s, the United States, experienced many Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven The festivities will continue with a ban- nationalities binging wonderful reminders of quet and medal ceremony on Friday eve- their heritage. To many, this meant music. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • June 8, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway All about beets Conversation with Sondre Bruvik Ellingstad, chef at the Royal Norwegian Embassy Celebrating 50 years of business Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! What’s your favorite Norwegian dish? Submit your story and recipe to us to share with readers of the Norwegian American Weekly! Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217 for details.

National Exhibition of Folk Art in the Norwegian Tradition June 7 - July 28, 2012 Vesterheim’s major summer show! Visit scenic Decorah for this competition and sale of works by the best contemporary artists. Ribbons will be awarded in conjunction with Decorah’s Nordic Fest celebration, held July 27 and 28.

Norwegian-American Museum Photos: Tine.no and Urd Milbury Embassy chef Sondre Bruvik Ellingstad recently won the Preserving a heritage. Connecting us all. Embassy Chef Challenge with his savory beet recipes. 523 W. Water St., Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

Food is a way to share culture and heri- the Top Chef-style challenge, in which com- tage on a plate. At the Royal Norwegian petitors received a basket of secret ingredi- Embassy in Washington, D.C., Chef Sondre ents and had to create a menu in two hours. Bruvik Ellingstad shares the flavors of Nor- “It was really fun,” said the chef. “The way with Embassy guests and greater Wash- main ingredient was beetroot, and we had a ington, D.C., area. We recently talked with basketful of Danish ingredients that we were Chef Bruvik Ellingstad to learn more about required to use. There were 13 chefs from his passion as a chef and some of his favorite other embassies in Washington, so it was re- recipes. ally nice to be around other chefs.” “I knew I wanted to be a chef from the When asked if he had an advantage with time I was 10 years old,” said Chef Bruvik a common Scandinavian ingredient, he re- Ellingstad, who grew up in Askøy, near the plied, “I just started using beetroot during city of Bergen on Norway’s west coast. my time at the Embassy, so no – I didn’t have Chef Bruvik Ellingstad arrived in Au- much of an advantage.” gust 2011 to be the Embassy chef. He caters This summer, Chef Bruvik Ellingstad different functions at the Embassy, from will leave the Embassy to continue his career lunches to sit-down dinners, to buffets and in Norway. receptions. In April, he put together a seven- “At the Embassy, I run my own kitchen, course tasting menu paired with beers from and it has been a great experience, but I am Nøgne Ø, Norway’s leading brewery. only 21 and still have lots to learn. I plan to During his year-long post at the Embas- take a lower level chef’s position at a gour- sy, one of Chef Ellingstad’s crowing achieve- met restaurant and continue my path to culi- ments was taking the top prize at the annual nary excellence,” he said. Embassy Chef competition in Washington, God appetitt! D.C. More than a dozen chefs competed in Beetroot Puree Adapted from Norwegian Embassy Chef Sondre Bruvik Ellingstad Serves 4

1 pound red beets Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup cream 4 oz goat cheese to garnish 4 Tbsp butter

Peel and slice the beet into one-inch pieces. In a medium pot, boil beets until fork tender. Drain, and stir in cream and butter. Pass through a food mill or process in a blender until smooth. Season with salt and pepper, and serve in bowls with a garnish of goat cheese. norwegian american weekly June 8, 2012 • 9 travel A culinary tour of Norway With Norwegian Foodprints, find restaurants that use local products

Photos: Niels Jørgensen / Morten Brun / Nancy Bundt/ www.visitnorway.com Innovation Norway’s Norwegian Foodprints provides a guide to the best, most local and fresh culinary experience across Norway: from Oslo to Hardanger to Nordland.

Visit Norway

Enjoy homemade food, Norwegian in- Vega Islands. Maritime atmosphere,” said a region. Røros has become a focal point of gredients and food with a local identity. Visit Hardangerviddahallen – Eidfjord, Hardanger Foodprints representative. locally produced Norwegian food and has a restaurant with the Norwegian Foodprints Hardangerviddahallen restaurant and wonderful culinary traditions. The Røros re- mark of quality. café combines old food traditions with the Vertshuset Røros – Røros, Sør-Trondelag gion can offer a rich and varied culinary cul- There is an increasing demand for res- eternally fresh ingredients from Hardanger- The mountain settlement of Røros, with ture, with the taste of the mountain, plateau, taurants serving home-cooked food with vidda and knowledge of the modern kitchen. its roots extending back to the 1600s, has forest and sea. Norwegian ingredients and local iden- The restaurant serves traditional dishes like become one of Norway’s most popular des- The restaurant’s interior is inspired by tity. Find these restaurants with Norwegian reindeer steak, trout, sour cream porridge tinations. Mining and farming have created 18th century bourgeois parlours in Røros, in Foodprints. and berries. With its traditional grass-roof a very special mountain town – a man-made which the furnishings and decor followed the Innovation Norway has in cooperation look and attached nature center and gift wonder with unique cultural value and with latest European trends with The Norwegian Farmers’ Union and shop, it is a great place to experience Har- status as a World Heritage Site on UNES- “A tasty meal of local identity, and a Hanen developed an independent marketing danger. “Proven to use Norwegian and local CO’s World Heritage List. staff that does its best to provide a pleasant channel for good Norwegian eateries. products, presented in a unique way,” said a Vertshuset Røros is located in the main experience,” said a Foodprints representa- In order to become an approved Nor- Foodprints representative. building in Rammgården. Their dishes are tive. wegian Foodprints restaurant there are strict based on quality products from the Røros criteria that must be met. It is emphasized Bjellestrand Gård – Tromøy, Aust-Augder that the food is made from scratch, use of Bjellandstrand Gård is a charming build- Norwegian, local products and good local ing, and serves freshly baked cakes and other knowledge of food and dishes. baker’s products every day. Every Sunday, Here is a small sampling of restaurants the bread is baked in the large baker’s oven reviewed by Foodprints. warmed with wood. Many guests also enjoy the Sunday buffé in the function rooms on Øyna parken – Inderøy, Nord-Trøndelag the first floor, the delicious tastes of Provence Here you can experience the ambience and Tuscany is found there. In the café, Bjel- of a beautiful landscape, where the food can landstrand serve simple Southern European be enjoyed indoors or outdoors. In summer inspired lunches and dinners like pie, salad you can enjoy a meal with guaranteed local and hot soups. Bjellandstrand Gård is a per- produce. On sunny days you can eat outside. fect place to end your trip if you go walking In rainy weather you can sit inside Litjstua along the many walking paths in the Bjel- and still enjoy the view. The restaurant in- land area. In the summer, you can enjoy your cludes a longhouse with a grass roof in the meal outdoors in the orchard while listening Viking style, which can be rented for wed- to birds singing and the sound of the sea. dings, baptisms or other big parties. You can also sit and enjoy the calm in the “The products are local and 90% of the fabulous rose garden. “Delicious, homemade raw materials are taken from the 8 munici- food,” said a Foodprints representative. palities you can see from Øyna,” said the Foodprints representative. Vega Havhotell – Vega, Nordland The food served at Vega Havhotell is in- Gamle Tårnhuset – Kolbotn, Akershus spired by Vega itself, a beautiful archipelago “We tempt you with local ingredients, of 6,500 islands, as well as the Mediter- a diverse menu meant for all ages, and with ranean. Use of local ingredients are an es- history in our walls,” says the Gamle Tårhu- sential part, in which herbs and flowers are set website. This restaurant is located in a obtained from Olderåsen Farm, fish from the beautiful manor built in 1911, and gets its fish caught in Vega and cheese from the Stra- name from the majestic tower, built in 1917, umbotnen farm. The menu changes each day that stands next to it. and consists of five courses. Jon and Anna “Enjoy food and tranquility in the center Aga, who own the hotel, also do much of the Photos: Wikimedia Commons, Øyna parken, Hardangerviddahallen of Kolbotn in the Gamle Tårnhuset restau- cooking and baking themselves.“Great loca- Above: A scene from the Vega islands. Left: A table setting at Øyna parken restaurant. Right: The airy hall at rant,” said the Foodprints representative. tion facing the World Heritage site on the Hardangerviddahallen restaurant. 10 • June 8, 2012 norwegian american weekly Roots & ConneCtions

norwegian American Weekly Photos of the Week Community Connections Gratulerer med dagen! Happy birthday to Astrid J. Park of Superior, Wis. on June 13

We love you, Grandma! From Dave and Olive

Do you have a new grandchild? Does your loved one have a milestone birth- day coming up? Has your family recently celebrated a wedding or special anni- versary? Share your news with the Norwegian-American community by printing an announcement with us for just $35. For more information, call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected].

Ole talks about his mother-in- law: I’ve tried to get along with my mudder-in-law. Vhen Lena and I vere first married, I told her, “Mudder Svensen, our house is your house,” so she sold it!

Joke from Ole & Lena: Live via Satellite Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

Gayle Wergeland Bothell WA

12. juni Oscar Aspli Riverton WY Stewart R. Engebretson Oro Valley AZ Nils Gjersengen Aremark Norway Tordis Solheim Seattle WA Heidi Strand Magnus Cortlandt Manor NY 8. juni Barbara Vigsnes Bennington VT Pastor H. A. Strand Everson WA Bjarne Hoiseth Chicago IL 13. juni Ralph Thams Mohn Seattle WA Oscar Strom Sturgeon Bay WI Signe Strøm San Jose CA Clarice Keeney Sun City AZ Walter Barthold Ridgewood NJ Dagrun Isane Brotherston Olympia WA Diane Omdal Langill S Pasadena CA 9. juni Eileen Sins Van Nuys CA 14. juni Bert Axdahl Paullina IA Esther Halvorsen Hartman Charlotte FL Halfdan Andersen Langevåg Norway Harold Fossedal Santa Monica CA Audrey Bowers Des Moines WA Mabel Fransen Astoria OR Edgar Steindal Springhill FL Odlaug Malmedal Portland OR Knut Aaltvedt Porsgrunn Norway 10. juni Walter O. Shuros Fairbanks AK Marian Haugen Buckley WA Engeline Hinderlie Haugesund Norway Peter Tjonn Kalispell MT Lloyd Naess Vancouver BC Timothy L. Smith Portland OR Sivert Joramo Everett WA Photos courtesy of Inger-Torill Kirkeby Lucy Chellstorp Lucking Ojai CA Want to see your birthday in the The new Norwegian Seaman’s Church is Miami, Fl. celebrated the 17th of May with a pa- Nancy Winsor Jefferson NH Norwegian American Weekly? rade and other fun activities. Merlin Nils Solvang Ferndale WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ 11. juni norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Sverre Arne Isane Badger MN least one month in advance. Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. Rose Nappen Harris Huntington Beach CA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly June 8, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Camille (Connie) Elaine Torget Something to think about February 13, 1937 – May 18, 2012 Human life is a drama, for some more same road ourselves. Or perhaps we say, of a drama than others. And we have no “Keep your chin up.” That’s easy to say! Camille (Connie) Elaine Torget passed Daughters of Norway Valkyrien Lodge #1 answer to that. A TV personality once said, How do you keep your chin up when your away peacefully on May 18, 2012 after a and a founding member of the Spirit of ‘55 “When I see and hear the news, I feel like heart is crushed? Or worse, “It’s God’s lengthy battle with cancer in Seattle, Wash. girls from her Ballard High School graduat- hiding in a corner where I can neither see will.” That’s hardly much of a comfort Connie was born Feb. 13, 1937, in the Bal- ing class. nor hear.” lard home of her parents, George and Lorna A loyal friend, Connie was generous to to a person who is battling with God for Our question is: “What do we verbal- Conrad. a fault with her time, talents and pocketbook the terrible thing that has happened in his ize when we meet persons who are expe- She was a generous and fun-loving whenever a friend or family member was in life! Quoting Bible verses? Yes, when the riencing life’s cruelties more than others: person who liked to read and was a whizz need. right moment was there, but often it does parents, grief stricken for a child killed by at solving crossword puzzles. Always ready Connie is survived by her husband of not penetrate a herat which is paralyzed a drunk driver? A cancer patient, suffering to go clothes shopping at a moment’s no- 55 years, Alan Torget; son, Erik; seven sis- with grief. All these approaches with pain through the most horrible pains from che- tice amassed her a collection of hats second ters, three brothers and numerous nieces and are done with good intentions, but we just motherapy and other treatments? Parents to none and she delighted in wearing them nephews. want to point out that a quiet, “I am sorry,” in daily pain because they have a child when dressing up for special occasions. Always a delight to her friends and fam- or a hug, a pat on the back or some practi- who is a drug abuser? Music, old western movies, travel, parades, ily with her sparkling blue eyes, whimsical cal help is often a better beginning. The tragedies in life are endless. Our rallies, peonies, costumes, skits, socializing sense of humor and marvelous smile. Her Job’s friends were sitting with him for responses when we meet the victims of the and spontaneous adventures comprised just loss will forever be missed by those who seven days and seven nights without say- cruelties in life are often empty cliches. a portion of her personality too complex to knew and loved her. ing one word because they saw his great Not because we do not care, but because describe or detail. She requested there be no funeral or pain. But when they started talking, the we just don’t know how to respond! Connie’s confident and meticulous plan- graveside services, however, a Celebration trouble began (Job 2). Shouldn’t that give So we may say, “I know how you ning skills made her willing and indispens- of Life is planned for a later date. Donations us something to think about? (2 Corinthi- feel.” But we don’t – unless we walked the able when volunteering her services to all honoring her memory may be made to the ans 1:3 – 7) that needed help. She was a member of the Swedish Hospital Ballard Cancer Center.

< trial were discussed in court. The first witness From page 3 was Professor Jørg Møland, speaking on Breivik’s drug intoxication on July 22. The agreed that Breivik was normally social and 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 interrogation leader, Geir Egil Løken, who friendly, though recently they had been wor- Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] has been in charge of the interrogations of ried that he suffered from depression. He be- Breivik, spoke of the changes in Breivik's gan to lose touch with his friends and told explanation of his manifesto and the Knights Featuring great Nordic products them it was because he was writing a book. Templar. Terje Emberland is a senior scientist “When he turned 30 we had not heard from Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments and historian of religion, and testified about him for six months. His best friend took it Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats the credibility of Breivik's political ideology. heavily. We tried to call but could not reach Professor Tore Bjørgo is a terrorism expert and more! him. Then we thought we would meet him at the National Police Academy, and testified physically. We drove there, and his mother regarding Breivik's ideology, and compared Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com opened the door. She was surprised. She had it with other Norwegian extreme right ideas. received a clear message, that even if it was The last to witness was journalist and author his birthday, he did not want to have contact Øyvind Stream. He has for several years sur- Proud to bring you the with us,” explained one of the witnesses. veyed extremist and anti-Muslim blog envi- Norwegian American Weekly ronments. May 30 (Day 27) Several police witnesses testified in June 1 (Day 29) court. The investigator talked about the case Today the court for the first time heard size and complexity. Criminal Police inves- You can’t always avoid a rainy day. the witnesses the defendant himself wanted tigator explained how the huge investigation to testify. The witnesses were Frank Aare- material is organized. A PST employee ex- Protect what matters most. brot, Brynjar Lia and Lars Gule. A profes- plained how they had reviewed and analyzed sor of comparative politics at the University Breivik’s so-called manifesto. Criminal Po- of Bergen, witness Frank Aarebrot found in You can’t protect them from “what if,” but life insurance can help ensure they lice investigator told how they had arrived won’t need to worry about what comes next. Be sure you are doing enough to his research that most Norwegian journalists at the conclusion that the Knights Templar protect what you value most. are politically on the left. This is why he is network probably does not exist. The last called as a witness by the defense. Research- witness, she from the NCIS explained how Learn more at Thrivent.com/rainyday er Brynjar Lia at the Norwegian Defense they had mapped all the purchases Breivik Research Establishment (FFI) was next. He had done during the preparations for the at- is an expert on militant Islamic terrorism. tacks. Finally, Breivik commented on some After lunch, philosopher and scientist Lars details of the investigation and made a com- Gule, who has debated with Anders Behring ment that many believe is a threat: "I think Breivik on immigration-critical websites will the detective is trying to justify that they testify. He is an expert on Islam. are not investigating the 8,000 e-mail ad- “What Breivik says about Muslim im- dresses,” he said, in regards to the investiga- migration, is known, but twisted,” said wit- tors’ belief that Breivik’s “Knights Templar” ness Lia. “The actual basis for the fear is network doesn’t exist. “They do not believe highly debatable. There is no correlation that I have had some contact with others. For between Muslim peoples in Europe, and ter- me it’s good, because then I will not have to rorist attacks by Islamist terrorist groups in worry about others being investigated. As I Europe. In this case the degree of violence have told the police, this will be proved with- in relation to the political military context, it in one year and three months, then there will differs from other accused terrorism. The use be some action,” said Breivik. of violence is rational within his ideological universe. Terrorism is spectacular violence Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) May 31 (Day 28) directed to get media attention; but July 22 Right-wing ideology and online debates 27416NAW N5-12 201201625 appears to be out of the blue.” 12 • June 8, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style It’s Bieber fever! Calendar of Events Global pop star Justin Bieber sweeps through What’s going on in your neighborhood? Oslo, leaving frenzied fans and chaos in his wake

CALIFORNIA tage that have, through their extraordi- Sangerfest Grand Concert nary accomplishments and adventuresome June 22 spirit, significantly advanced the quality of San Diego, Calif. life for others. This year’s honorees are Jim Chorus members from Bellingham on the Brandenburg, Tove Dahl and Bob Berg- north to San Diego on the south will pres- land. The event raises money for Norway ent a Grand Concert as part of the annual House programs, such as Peace Initiative Pacific Coast Norwegian Singers Associa- and Edvard Grieg Society. For more infor- tion Sangerfest on June 22 in San Diego. mation, contact elizabeth@norwayhouse. Venue is the Mission Valley Crowne Pla- net or (877) 247-7439 za-Hanalei hotel ballroom. The 90 minute male singers concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Norway Day Up to 100 men throughout the west will July 8 present a program of Norwegian traditional Minneapolis, Minn. along with Americana and spiritual music. Norwegian National League will be host- For ticket information, contact Sven Olsen ing Norway Day in Minnehaha Park for at (760) 735-6171 or visit the website at its 81st year! Join us July 8 at Minnehaha pcnsa.org. Park, located at Highway 55 & Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis. Starting at 10 a.m., Photo: Ole Haug / Aktivioslo.no Colorado activities include arts and crafts, dem- Experts estimate 15,000 fans (many of them teenage girls) attended the free concert by Justin Bieber onstrations, ethnic and American foods. at Oslo’s Opera House. Scandinavian Midsummer Festival Psalmodokin Quartet at 10:30 a.m., fol- June 23 – 24 lowed by the worship Service at 11 a.m. Estes Park, Colo. St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n with Mindekirken’s Pastor Kristin Sundt. Norwegian American Weekly staff Mark your calendars for the largest Scan- Barnetog (Children’s Parade) at 12:55 p.m. dinavian Midsummer celebration in the Entertainment includes the Norwegian Rocky Mountains. Scandinavian dancing, Glee Club, Daughters of Norway choral Canadian pop star Justin Bieber is ac- I said at one point that I wanted to cancel it,” music, crafts, food, Viking re-enactors, si- group, Scandinavian Quartet from Norway customed to crowds of screaming, adoring Tom Remlov, theater director of the Oslo lent auction, raffle sponsors: Icelandair and (saxophones), Leroy Larson’s Scandina- fans, but Oslo officials were caught unaware Opera House, told NRK. “But because of Brekke Tours. Starts with raising of May- vian Ensemble. Join us rain or shine! Free for the 18-year-old singer’s Norwegian pop- the circumstances that had developed, a can- pole at 9:30 a.m. on June 23, followed at 10 admission. Contact Earl at (612) 861-4793 ularity. celation probably would have made matters with parade of flags and opening ceremo- or [email protected]. Bieber is traveling around the world worse and cause even greater danger to those nies. Free, all ages, wheelchair accessible. to film NBC special “Justin Bieber: All who were there.” Visit www.estesmidsummer.com or call PENNSYLVANIA Around the World,” giving free concerts, “NORWAY – please listen to the police. (303) 449-9596 for more information. Youth Camp at Land of the Vikings and his Oslo location was at the Oslo Opera I dont want anyone getting hurt. I want ev- Illinois July 1 – 7 and July 8 – 14 House. In addition to 15,000 fans on the Op- erything to go to plan but your safety must Sherman, Pa. era House roof, the surrounding water was come first...” tweeted Bieber to his fans. 59th Biennial Sangerfest Join us for an active Sons of Norway cul- June 14 – 16 filled with yachts and personal boats of fans. The concert went on as planned, and tural camp program for kids! Held at the Thousands of fans had to be restrained by se- Bieber performed several of his hit songs. St. Charles, Ill. beloved Land of the Vikings recreation On June 14 – 16, the Bjornson Male Cho- curity guards and gates from descending on Aftenposten reported 88 fans received center in Sherman, Pa., campers will attend the Opera roof. medical attention after the concert, due to rus of Chicago will be hosting the 59th bi- morning classes for Norwegian language, “I had full rights to stop the concert, and fainting, dehydration, and other causes. ennial Norwegian Singers Association of rosemaling, wood working, hardanger and America Sangerfest at the Pheasant Run other skills. During the afternoon the camp- Resort, St. Charles, Ill. The highlight of the ers can swim, hike, participate in a variety Sangerfest is the Grand Concert which will < Genealogy of athletic activities, do crafts, cook and From page 1 the form of several forewards, prefaces and be held at the Pheasant Run Mega Center learn about our Viking heritage to name a leaflets written and signed by Martin Ulves- on June 16 at 7 p.m. The Grand Concert few of the activities. Contact Youth Direc- kord” by Martin Ulvestad, written in 1907 is open to the public and tickets are $15. tad. Ulvestad described how he compiled tor Evelyn Karpack at (973) 627-5634 or and 1913. Volume three completes this set his incredible amount of data by sending out Tickets may be ordered by check payable [email protected]. to Bjornson Male Chorus, P.O. Box 72816, of indispensible reading material for anyone 163,000 small books and pamphlets along interested in Norwegian genealogy. with 450,000 circulars and forms to the early Roselle, IL 60172. For more information, St. Hans Social Translated for the first time from Martin immigrants and their families. This included call (630) 830-2971 or visit http://bjorn- June 22 Ulvedal’s invaluable 1913 book “Nordmæn- Norwegian immigrants living in 41 states sonmalechorus.wordpress.com. Ben Salem, Pa. dene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord,” and 500 counties in the U.S. as well as six Sons of Norway Fredriksten Lodge will Volume 3 in the series is arguably the most Minnesota hold a traditional bonfire for St. Hans af- Canadian provinces. Emigrants to the U.S. genealogically based, as it includes thousands Norwegian Ridge Language Camp ten on June 22 after the regular business from 1,700 locations in Norway responded. June 18 – 22 meeting. Join for refreshments, sing-a-long of biographical sketches by last name or pa- Ulvestad also visited 822 places in America Spring Grove, Minn. and great company! For more information, ternal name. This includes such information personally. Only 5 percent of his 1913 book, Norwegian language camp offered by Gi- contact Lorena Wick at (215) 687-9456, as where these early Norwegians emigrated he claimed, was borrowed from other sourc- ants of the Earth in Spring Grove, Minn.! [email protected]. from, what year, where they settled in the es. Ulvedal stated: “If such a title was pos- Classes for three groups: 4 – 7-year-olds U.S., and their occupations. It also includes sible, I should have called my work a Basis from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. daily; 8 – 11-year- Wisconsin the names of sons and/or relatives. for further information about Norwegians in olds from 9 a.m. until dusk; 12 – 15-year- Beginning Norwegian Genealogy As with Volumes 1 and 2, Volume 3 in- America; as it covers mainly things that can olds from 9 a.m. until dusk. Tuition is $200 June 20 – 21 cludes content in both English (translated by eventually be used as a step or a source to for the week for full-time students, and Madison, Wis. Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng, and Norwe- make it possible for historians to continue $100 for 4 – 7-year-olds. Scholarships may Take a class with director of Research at the gian (transcribed from the original Gothic the writing… Besides, I have always be- be available. Call (507) 498-5070 or visit Norwegian American Genealogical Center script by Benjamin Keith Huntrods). The lieved, and now begin to see – evidence that www. springgrovemnheritagecenter.org. and Naeseth Library (NAGC & NL). Jerry book is edited and published by Deb Nelson the more and the better the information our Paulson has led research tours to the Fam- Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. people in Norway receive about their emi- Norway House Midtsommer ily History Library in Salt Lake City. Con- Martin Ulvestad’s original books pub- June 21 grated sons and daughters, their lives, their tact him at [email protected] or call lished in 1907 (now Vol 1 and Vol 2 from As- endeavors and their nature, the better will St. Paul, Minn. (608) 255-2224. Session will be held June Norway House presents its annual Midt- tri My Astri Publishing) and 1913 (now Vol be the understanding and the solidarity, the 20 – 21 at the Ostby Education center at the 3, which will be shipped on June 12, 2012) stronger the bridge between them and greater sommer Celebration by identifying and NAGC & NL in Madison. Cost: $120 for have been called “The Bible of Norwegian the good things that one would exchange and honoring individuals of Norwegian heri- NAGC members, $140 for non-members. Immigration” by some. The three volumes share in the future for mutual happiness and Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 include emigration / immigration informa- prosperity.” to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! tion from the period of 1825 – 1913. To learn more about the “Norwegians During the translating and transcribing in America” three-volume set, visit www. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. process, new information was discovered in astrimyastri.com. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us June 8, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood < knighted From page 1 Norwegian-American Chamber of Com- New faces in the pews merce, Norse Home retirement community, recognize foreign nationals and Norwegian Western Viking newspaper, the University Four new employees join the staff at the nationals permanently living abroad for their of Washington Center for Scandinavian work in promoting Norwegian-American in- Studies, the Wang Center for Internation- Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York terests. al Studies and Regent at Pacific Lutheran Consul Nesselquist received the honor University. In 1998, he was appointed Vice from Consul General Sten Arne Rosnes at Consul of Norway for Washington and Idaho Norwegian Constitution Day celebrations on and was appointed to Consul of Norway in May 17 in Seattle, Wash. 2007. In 2003, he was appointed as CEO “It has pleased His Majesty The King to and Executive Director of the Norwegian honor Kim Nesselquist in this way in recog- American Foundation. Under his leadership, nition of his longstanding, able and dedicat- the Foundation posted over 1,200 events for ed service to Norway,” said Consul General Norway’s Centennial in 2005, merged the Rosnes. Western Viking and Norway Times newspa- Consul Nesselquist is a Norwegian citi- pers into the Norwegian American Weekly, zen who has been a resident of the U.S. since and purchased Norway.com. Nesselquist is 1990. He grew up in Norway, and holds de- now a Director of Development at Pacific grees from the Oslo School of Marketing and Lutheran University. Pacific Lutheran University. In Norway, he Nesselquist’s commitment to strength- served as a political advisor for the Conser- ening Norwegian-American relations is il- vative Party, served in the Mayor’s office in lustrated by his words and actions. He is a Oslo and Oslo’s first Executive Board, and as frequent guest of Norwegian organizations Deputy Minister for Health and Social Ser- around the region to speak about modern Photo: Marianne Torp / MF vices. Nesselquist was elected twice to the Norway, and hosts Norwegian dignitaries Elisa Stokke (left) and Margareth Glad from the Norwegian School of Theology will join the staff of the city council in his hometown of Drammen. who visit the Pacific Northwest. Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York in August. Upon returning to the Seattle area in “Kim is an outstanding representative 1990, Consul Nesselquist became strongly for Norway. We are very lucky to have such An n e t t e Or r e involved in the Norwegian-American com- a dedicated and generous person as our Con- Norwegian Seamen’s Church munity. He has a long career as a board sul in Seattle,” said Ambassador Wegger , N.Y. member of several Norwegian-American Chr. Strømmen, Norway’s Ambassador to institutions and organizations, including the the U.S. Some depart, while others arrive, such is training at the Ministry Division. According the nature of the life at a Seamen’s Church, to her colleagues in Oslo, she’ll be deeply < clinton also when it comes to the staff. missed by both students and faculty. As will From page 3 climate change and the sustainable develop- In March 2012, Cultural Director Vidar her colleague Elisa Stokke, who also moves ment of untapped resources. Officials at the Eldholm moved home to Bergen, Norway, to the U.S. a little later in the month. For the security, peace, human rights and develop- Fram Center in Tromsø took Clinton and after working for the Seamen’s Church for last eight years, Stokke has been working as ment, Clinton said “the U.S. has no better Støre on their research vessel Helmer Hans- two years. He was replaced by Thor-Erik a Student Minister at he Norwegian School partner than Norway.” sen and gave Clinton an intensive course in Fjellvang and Annette Orre, who moved of Theology, and from August on, she’ll fill In Oslo, Secretary Clinton delivered Arctic issues. from Oslo to New York with their two-year- this function for Norwegian students in the keynote remarks at a global health confer- Though the visit was short, Minister of old son Olav Fjellvang-Orre. Thor-Erik, a U.S., Canada and Mexico. Based in New ence hosted by the Norwegian government Foreign Affairs Støre was very pleased with professional musician and Annette, a for- York, Stokke will travel approximately 125 titled, “A World in Transition: Charting a the visit, saying to Aftenposten, “This was mer journalist / literary editor, will share the days a year, but many of you will surely get New Path in Global Health,” marking a new the first time we could sit, the two of us, and Cultural Director responsibilities between the opportunity to meet her at the Seamen’s partnership in a U.S. project called “Saving talk over dinner for several hours. That gave them, as well as trying to expand the cultural Church as well. Sending their greetings Mothers, Giving Life.” Norway committed the meeting a new dimension, and we could program at the church. After close to three from Norway, both Stokke and Glad say that NOK 500 million (around USD 80 million) take up issues and thoughts there normally months in New York, the family could’t be they’re very excited and looking foreward to to the project. isn’t time for.” happier about the decision to move to the getting started. The Church on 52nd Street On June 2, Secretary Clinton and For- “I’d just like to to express what I hope U.S. has a regular staff of seven, in addition to eign Minister Støre traveled to Tromsø, north your government and the people of Norway In August, Margareth Glad will join the two local assistants, and is open Tuesday to of the Arctic Circle and home of the Arctic already know,” she said, “that the United staff as Pastor / Managing Director. Also a Sunday. Council Permanent Secretariat. In Tromsø, States appreciates all that we do together, resident of Oslo, Glad is currently an asso- For more information, visit www.sjo- Clinton and Støre discussed U.S.-Norwe- what you stand for, who you are. That’s the ciate professor at the Norwegian School of mannskirken.no/newyork or call (212) 319- gian cooperation in the Arctic, including on primary reason I’m here today.” Theology, where she’s in charge of practical 0370. Celebrate summer with Nordic style! Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP VASA PARK, 35W217 IL Route 31, South Elgin, IL 60177 7 miles South of I-90 Northwest Tollway & 5 Miles North of IL Rt. 64 North Ave. Saturday, June 23, 2 p.m. The 7th Annual Scandinavian Midsommar Celebration and NEW Viking Family Campout Plus New “KUBB” Game Demonstration & Instruction starting at 2 p.m. Adults $5, Kids 12 & Under FREE. For Overnight Viking Tent Camping, register in advance with MaryJean Nystedt at (630) 665-7866. Saturday, August 11, 1 – 5 p.m. Steak Fry with Crayfish Sampling Sunday, September 9, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. The 33rd Annual Scandinavian Day Festival featuring Traditional Food, Crafts, Games, Gifts & Entertainment * Adults $10, Kids 12 & Under FREE Photos courtesy of Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York * FREE PARKING * Rain or Shine Staff changes at the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York bring husband-and-wife team Thor-Erik Full Service Agency With Experienced Saturday, October 6 Fjellvang and Annette Orre (left) with their two-year-old son Olav to fill the role of Cultural Director. Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Annual Fish Boil & Harvest Festival at Vasa Park Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! 25-Acre Vasa Park – Available for Outdoor Events decisions in a constantly changing world! Birthdays • Anniversaries • Weddings • Reunions • Graduations • Festivals • Picnics • Concerts Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Hotline: (847) 695-6720 • E-mail: [email protected] Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Websites: www.vasaparkil.com and www.scandinaviandayil.com Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] 14 • June 8, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Sharing the untold story The boys from Vangen: Author Irene Levin Berman recounts her earliest memories of World War II during her book tour

Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

«KOM OG VÆR MED!» COME WITH US! «Vangsgutane» sykler oppover vegen The Vangen boys bike up the road to til det stedet de kledde av seg. De har bare where they undressed. They have just one en sykkel, så Kåre må sitte på bagasjebrettet bicycle, so Kåre has to sit on the luggage bak Steinar. Først nå merker Kåre redselen rack behind Steinar. Only now, Kåre realizes for alvor. «Det var ein hustren tur, gut!» how frightened he really was. “Boy, was that sier han. «Eg ville ikkje ha gjort han oppatt a chilly tour!” he says. “I wouldn’t like to for aldri det!» – «Nei, det skal du vere fri do that again for anything!” “No, you won’t for,» sier Steinar. have to,” says Steinar. They find their things again and pitch De finner igjen sakene sine og setter Photo courtesy of Irene Levin Berman the tent down by the river. Steinar makes opp teltet nede ved elva. Steinar lager mat, Celebrating Norwegian Constitution Day in exile in Stockholm, May 17, 1943. The photo was sent to og Kåre skriver brev: «Kjære mor! No er vi food, and Kåre writes a letter: “Dear Mother! Berman by a friend in Ålesund, who didn’t realize Berman and her brother Leif Arild were in the photo i Sunndalen. Her er høge fjell og ei stor elv Now we are in Sunndal. Here there are high (bottom center). som heiter Driva. Eg var ute med ein tøm- mountains and a big river called Driva. I was out on a log, but it turned out fine. Steinar merstokk, men det gjekk godt. Steinar lagar Ka r i n Ar e n t z e n St a h l is cooking food, and now I have to quit be- mat, og no må eg slutte, for vi skal ete. – Farmington, Conn. Hjarteleg helsing frå Kåre og Steinar.» cause we are about to eat. – Love, Kåre and Kåre har lagt merke til noen rare trebur Steinar.” nede i Driva, og han undres på hva det kan Kåre has noticed some strange wooden Irene Levin Berman, author of “We Are “I was asked to introduce the producer være. Dagen etter møter de mannen som cages down in Driva, and he wonders what Going to Pick Potatoes, Norway and the Ho- who was present prior to seeing the movie var med og redda Kåre, og de spør han om they can be. The next day, they meet the locaust, The Untold Story,” was a featured for the first time. I got such a shock when de rare trebura. «Kom og ver med, så skal man who helped save Kåre, and they ask presenter at this year’s Norway Day Festival I saw the movie! It didn’t occur to me that de sjå!» sier mannen. Og «Vangsgutane» him about them. “Come with me and you’ll in Fort Mason, San Francisco, Calif., May 5 the transport of the Jews to their final destiny blir med han. see!” says the man. And the Vangen boys go – 6. She was introduced by Consul General could have been ignored. Max Manus totally with him. Sten Arne Rosnes of the Royal Norwegian left out the fact the Donau transported Jews Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods • Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen Consulate General in San Francisco. to their death after the roundup on Nov. 25, In his hand he held an article published 1942.” 9.NAW.Ulvestad3VolSet.10May2012_Layout 1 5/10/12 11:53 PM Page 1 Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. in the Feb. 21, 2012 issue of the Norwegian The Donau was identified as a German www.astrimyastri.com American Weekly in which Irene had written troop ship in the popular Norwegian movie. an editorial in response to Norway’s Prime When Irene asked the producer how this Norwegians in America, Minister. He had recently issued an official could have happened, he had no explana- their History and Record: apology to Norwegian Jews for the role his tion for how they’d “forgotten to mention” A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 Nord- mændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord country played in standing by while the Nor- this was the ship that had brought 681 Nor- Written by Martin Ulvestad wegian police arrested its own Jews during wegian Jews to their deaths. “The more I Volume 1 — 480 pages, 7”x10” book: the Holocaust. This led to their deportation thought about it, the more incredible I felt. • Pioneer sagas, maps & immigration • USA (41 states, 500 counties) & Canada and death at Auschwitz. Was she being too Wasn’t that important enough?” This sensa- • = $29.95 (years 1825-1907, available now) diplomatic, Rosnes wanted to know? “Isn’t it tion has yet to leave her, and she still finds it Volume 2 — 640 pages, 7”x10” book: better we be too critical than too understand- difficult to comprehend. • 25,000 pioneers by 1,700 locations in Norway ing?” “The Donau is a powerful symbol of the • Norwegians in American Wars incl. Civil War • = $34.95 (years 1825-1907, available now) “When I speak, I present Norwegian Holocaust for Norwegian Jews, a sensitivity Volume 3 — 704 pages, 7”x10” book: history for readers to come to their own con- ignored in the movie.” Her website features • GENEALOGY—GENEALOGY—GENEALOGY clusions,” Berman replied. one of the rare photos of this infamous ship • Thousands biographical sketches, last name • Where emigrated from, year, where to “I am purposely trying to draw a picture on the day of the arrests. Visit www.nor- • = $39.95 (1825-1913, shipping June 2012) of the two different sides of this grey area wayandtheholocaust.com. Call — send a check —or order which has remained unresolved for 70 years. This May was Berman’s third speaking 3 volume set from website I am trying to make the audience delve into tour in California since the English transla- Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 the conflict themselves,” she said. “Were the tion of her popular book reached American 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] Norwegian police afraid of life-threatening audiences two years ago. Prior to the festival, repercussions themselves? Were they unfa- May 4 was spent with a large group of mem- Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates miliar with the Jews in general? Were they bers and friends at the Scandinavian Cultural basically indifferent? I am trying to express Center of Santa Cruz as a guest of the presi- Organization of the Week in North America myself not as a bitter Norwegian Jew, but as dent, Jeanne Shada, and cultural director, Montana a messenger of this terrible event.” Duane Adams. Irene recounted her earliest Sons of Norway Being the messenger is an active role memories as a child in Norway whose family Desert Troll Lodge Honorary Consul Berman takes to heart when it comes to narrowly escaped the roundup of Norwegian Henderson, Nev. James Sites speaking about the history of Norwegian Jews by fleeing over the border into neutral Jews. “I’m not always that nice,” Irene said Sweden. A few Holocaust survivors from For more information, contact Royal Norwegian Consulate President Rolfe Johnstad PO BOX 2529 to me in an interview after the festival. When other countries joined Berman afterward for Phone: (702) 645-6354 Billings, MT 59103 the movie Max Manus was newly released in heartfelt conversation. Email: [email protected] Tel: (406) 252-3441 Europe she made arrangements for the first People embrace her work on so many Online: http://communitylink.review- Fax: (406) 256-8526 showings to be held in Hartford, Conn., and levels, bringing them to recall their World journal.com/lvrj/deserttroll E-mail: [email protected] New York. Seeing this exceptionally well- War II experiences or stories they’ve heard For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, done movie about the sinking of the ship in their own families. Memories begin to sur- visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations Donau devastated her. See > Untold, page 15 norwegian american weekly June 8, 2012 • 15 Sports < Untold From page 14 On the sidelines face and archival photos and documents are now made available to the public. Decades Norwegian cyclist Thor after the events of her book, Irene Berman Hushovd bows out of addresses Jewish groups and historians as well as Norwegian-Americans in the U.S. Tour de France to stay Berman is making so many connec- healthy for Olympics tions that it gives meaning to the expres- sion, “There are no coincidences.” An older gentleman in one audience remembered being treated by Berman’s physician uncle St a ff Co m p i l a t i o n from Oslo before his arrest and death. The Norwegian American Weekly uncle was a relative she had never known and barely heard about due to the “silence” which prevailed during her childhood and Norwegian cyclist Thor Hushovd an- youth in reference to conversations about nounced June 4 that he will not participate “those who disappeared” – a euphemism for in this year’s Tour de France, which will be having died in the camps. held June 30 – July 22. This is the first time A woman in Ålesund, the granddaughter Photo: Karin Stahl Hushovd has not participated since his debut of the housekeeper for the Steinfelds written in 2001. In his previous experiences with the Irene Levin Berman celebrating 17th of May last about in the chapter, “The Family That Dis- month. Tour de France, Hushovd has won 10 stages, appeared,” emailed Berman a photo taken two green jerseys and wore the leader’s yel- in Stockholm, Sweden. The photo depicts a low jersey for 10 days. crowd of Norwegian refugees, participants her and the audience in San Francisco, we The Grimstad, Norway native was Photo: TeamHushovd.com in resistance work forced to leave Norway, live in an imperfect world; there is only a sidelined in May with a viral infection, and Norwegian cyclist Thor Hushovd has battled a couriers, Jews, and others in exile celebrat- choice of conscience we each make. has not participated in a race since the Giro viral infection for weeks, and will not compete in this year’s Tour de France. ing Norwegian Constitution Day on May “No one can hold the next generation d’Italia in May. 17, 1943. The focus is on children waving responsible for actions carried out by past “Thor has tried to train as normal as he Norwegian flags and there is another coin- Norwegians that appear now as traitorous to can over the past few days, but his body feels Otto Lauritzen, former cyclist and current cidence. Unknowingly, this young woman their own country. Our option is to honor the unstable. Some days he feels fine, others he TV2 commentator. had randomly found a photo which has a real victims, such as my aunt, uncle and their is not at the top,” said his trainer Atle Kvåls- Last week, Hushovd was named road tiny Irene and her brother Leif Arild in the children, by speaking the truth as is avail- voll. captain for the Norwegian team at the Olym- foreground! able,” Berman concludes. The team’s head physician, Dr. Max pics in London. This same Norwegian woman from Åle- When asked about the Norwegian Olym- Testa, said Hushovd is in good shape, but a sund has connected closely with Berman and Berman’s book and information about pic team, Hushovd replied, “It’s a very good stage race like the Tour de France in three is currently continuing their mutual journey her experiences can be found on her website team, no doubt. In fact, it’s been many years weeks would be too much of a strain on his by writing her own book about this family. at www.norwayandtheholocaust.com. body, especially as Hushovd prepares for the since we have had such a good team. It’s im- When they met in New York recently, she Olympics in August. portant to have one that can win that day.” asked Berman her advice about a disclosure “Thor is just a person, not a machine. Of The road captain coordinates other team issue. She knows the identity of the family of NEW! Birkebeiner print course it would be great to win the Olympics members for the road race. Hushovd’s Nor- 9.75x12” + generous border Norwegians, members of the Nazi party, who Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue with these problems in advance, and he has wegian team members include Edvald Boas- moved into the Ålesund apartment after the shown on numerous occasions that he can son Hagen, Alexander Kristoff and Lars Pet- Steinfelds had been arrested and deported. • full-color, fade-proof come back strong after the downs,” said Dag ter Nordhaug. • quality paper There were then reports – not a coincidence • FREE shipping in – that some of Leah’s clothing made an ap- sturdy mailing tube to US 48 states Sports News & Notes pearance again in the village being worn by • $15 each, USD only; those with access to the apartment. VISA/MasterCard Women’s boxing: Brækhus retained titles Pedersen keeps Norway in Group 8 The question faces all writers involved Order from Norway’s Cecilia Brækhus defended her Norway’s Under 21 team edged past Azer- in history and war. When is it appropriate to NORWAY ART WBA/WBC/WBO Female Titles in a world baijan with a 1 – 0 victory to keep close to disclose names and facts, knowing families 1455 West Lake St, B-20 championship match against Germany’s Jes- section leaders England. With few openings in this generation will have to deal with that Minneapolis, MN 55408 sica Balogun on June 2, winning on points for either side in the first half-hour, it was information? Just as Berman had a choice in call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or after ten rounds. This was the Norwegian Pedersen who provided the first moment of her own book, this Norwegian woman faces email: [email protected] champion’s 20th win in a row as profes- excitement, planting a perfect header past the same decision when bearing witness to Why not order now for shipment to your home or business sional. Salahat Aghayev after Vegar Hedenstad’s the many who died. As Berman counseled and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! (Norway Post) run and cross from the left. (UEFA) < soccer The Scandinavian Hour From page 1 tournament in Poland and Ukraine. Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Norway appeared to take the lead from The goal was scored by Ashley Young the beginning, but it was Croatia who took KKNW – 1150 AM after just nine minutes. It is the first time the lead when Eduardo da Silva scored in the since 1980 that Norway has lost to England. minute. Norway continued to press forward, Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Since then Norway has won twice, while but missed on three good chances. three matches have ended in a draw. Norway’s equalizer came in the last sec- Streaming live on the internet at: The next day, Norway held Croatia to a onds of overtime, on a corner which Tarik www.1150kknw.com 1 – 1 draw in their friendly in Oslo on June 2, Elyounoussi headed into the goal from short a warm-up for Croatia before the Euro 2012 distance. Find the perfect gift from in < authors our online store, or if From page 3 However, the foreign publishers are the ones you’re in the area, visit our who have the final say. shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! the center's budget of NOK 12 million go to- Norwegian literature's success abroad E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] wards translation. NOK 4 million go towards started with Jostein Gaarder's “Sophie's administration, and NOK 3 million to events World,” which was translated to 50 languag- directed at foreign publishers and translators, es. Since then, titles like Aasne Seierstad’s as well as travel costs for Norwegian writ- “The Bookseller in Kabul” (Bokhandleren ers. i Kabul), “The Berlin Poplars” (Berlinerp- Who receives support is according to oplene) ’s “Out Stealing Hors- Walsø determined by the market. “The cri- es” (Ut og Stjele Hester) and ’s SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! teria for support are continually discussed novels have become very popular across the in the academic advisory groups,” she says. world. Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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