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#3637980 in Books 2012-04-01Original language:English 8.50 x .28 x 12.52l, .0 #File Name: 1847740340124 pages | File size: 15.Mb

Joel Hayward : Splitting the Moon: A Collection of Islamic Poetry before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Splitting the Moon: A Collection of Islamic Poetry:

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. This is a book to be devoured by all lovers of fine poetry.By Amanda GilesIn `Splitting the Moon', Dr Joel Hayward exhibits a lightness of touch yet great depth of understanding and emotion. Through his skilful use of language, composition and poetic metre, he provides insight into his chosen religion and the path he undertook to embrace it. As a non-Muslim - in fact a person who is not aligned with any particular world religion yet a believer in the innate spiritual potential within all beings - I was moved and enlightened by the author's description of life as a Muslim within Western society. By seeing through his eyes, my eyes have been opened to the quiet beauty of this peaceful, loving and dignified religion.In his preface, Hayward professes his hope that his poems "have captured at least some of the colour, verve and pathos of today's Islamic world". To my mind he has succeeded in achieving this aim and he has done it brilliantly! The poems are by turn enlightening, enchanting, and informative; they evoke deep emotion, wonder and delight but also sadness and profound shame (which Hayward also clearly feels) at the cruelty and ignorance found within extremists who lurk at all edges of society. For me, Hayward's poetry has taught me more about the joys and challenges of life as a British Muslim than any factual account I have read hitherto. I am grateful to the author for providing me with this insight and the delight of discovering a collection of poems which will resonate within me, both emotionally and intellectually, for a long time to come. This book - small in size yet great in stature - is destined to become a dog-eared and tattered personal favourite, affording me repeated and prolonged enjoyment and pause for thought for many years to come.I unconditionally recommend it to all lovers of fine poetry and searchers for truth.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This is a great collection of poems ... I highly recommend it!By Flamur Vehapi, AuthorThis is a great collection of poems. Professor Joel Hayward's deep wisdom and thought are beautifully reflected in these lines of poetry. I highly recommend the book to readers of all walks of life. I enjoyed reading every bit of it, and was highly inspired by the message it conveys. Looking forward to the author's future works.

Splitting the Moon tracks scholar and author Dr Joel Hayward's intriguing journey into Islam, his fascination with the mysteries of faith, his experiences and observations as a Western Muslim, and his thoughts on the state of the Ummah (Islamic community) today. He writes his poetry to capture events each day in the way that some people keep a diary. They are therefore deeply personal, yet reflect the ever-changing world around him. "Splendid hellip; The book contains many virtues, chief among them are ebullience and optimism, forthrightness and candour. hellip; Haywardrsquo;s work infuses the senses and offers an elucidation and extension to certain perceptions that we hold. ... I thoroughly recommend this collection. "mdash; Emdad Rahman,East London News"a very skilful and gifted poet whose way with words is impressive.nbsp; ... [He] is able to blend the personal, emotional, spiritual and existential dimensions of human experience, and do so without in any way over-playing or undermining any aspect. This is a very rare skill for a poet to possess." nbsp;- Muhammad Khan The Muslim News"The poetry of Joel Hayward, grounded in his wide experience of the Islamic world and his deep study of Judaeo-Christian and Islamic scriptures, depicts a modern spiritual journey inspired by wonder and awe while engaging in undaunted self- questioning. This is a journey that embraces important facets of the everyday life of a Muslim: a highly personal response to the Qur'an, an exploration of religious psychology, and a reflection on problems within and surrounding the Muslim community. This volume offers a highly articulate meditation on the experience of faith in an increasingly problematic world."-- Professor Rafey Habib, Rutgers University, author of Shades of Islam."Joel Hayward's poetry is fascinating, deep, intelligent and beautiful. These evocative poems contain verve and pathos and shed rich insights into the complexities of becoming and then living as a Muslim within a western society in which Islam is a minority religion." --Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, Founder and Patron, Minhaj-ul- "Joel Hayward's poetic style is simple yet poignant; embodying much of the emotions that questions of faith and belonging evoke. He effectively explores the numerous intricate and complicated strands of religion and belief, through a personal, introspective voice, which keeps the reader engaged. This is a unique and refreshing collection of poetry, reflecting on Islam in the 21st Century." -- Sarah Joseph, Editor, emelAbout the AuthorDr Joel Hayward's career highlights include having been Dean of the prestigiousnbsp; College for five years and head of a King's College London academic division for six years. He is the author or editor of many works of non-fiction. He is also very active in the literary arts, and has written regular columns in emel and other Islamic magazines and published much fiction and poetry. His first poetry collection, Lifeblood, appeared in 2003. The Evening Standard described it as "memorable and insightful". Chaff's reviewer wrote: "Hayward's eclectic poetry reflects his enigmatic mind. ... His poems are passionate and full of rich images and exert a strong and dignified intelligence. Hayward exerts a courageous strength, rebelling against his past creative constraints, and in perhaps a flush of originality and ambitious flair, has achieved a work of art." Lifeblood is now available in Kindle format.Excerpt. copy; Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.The Voyage of a Scholar On the day that paper clips and files And memos snowed upon a city I opened an unfamiliar book To see what had brought that storm Each night I brushed back dreams By turning pages of profundity To learn what had placed death In the eyes of passport photos The heavens opened for Forty days within my mind and Soul in a Noahrsquo;s flood of Confusing certainties The willing dead were absent in Every word but my forty days Left greater questions buoyant And curiosity unvanquished I sailed twenty times In seven years through Surah seas of calm swells Pushed by winds of conscience Twenty times I charted their Depths ndash; truly Pacific ndash; Before I knew that I Knew nothing When tranquil winds lifted La ilaha illallah I heard a soft Muhammadur Rasulullah Slip without thought from my lips A book read twenty times asked When I would embrace its truth And in a small stillness I replied Now oh Lord, Now Florida Pastor Tool, cruel, mistaken fool, grabs for fame, causes shame Christ would cringe, this done in his name Flames winning, Shaytan grinning, charred mess, success Promise spoken, entirely broken, failed a single test Eyes blind, blackened mind, shouldrsquo;ve read the book A tiny pyre, the worldrsquo;s ire, three minutes all that it took Wanted, gained, anger blamed on Muslims always hated Love missing, wisdom dismissing, happy with Muslims baited Anger unbound, fists pound, Shaytan fanning the flames Control left behind, grief in mind, anger pulsing in veins Streets swollen, crowds emboldened, victims caught in rage The irony is, the book forbids this, hatred not on a page Message ignored, calmness abhorred, playing into his hands World worse for that manrsquo;s curse, tension sadly expands One copy alight, one billion alright, their power even greater Godrsquo;s mighty word, always heard, untouched by one Muslim hater Todayrsquo;s World What will you think when you learn That I have been bowing low like Those who pulled down the brothers? What will you think when you learn That with hands by ears each day I whisper the phrase of the cockpit? What will you think when you learn That I discover truth in the book Found in lost luggage? What will you think when you learn That I have chosen the same faith As the one in the cave? How will you know That I would never let my elbows Touch theirs on the floor? How will you know That I have reclaimed the words Stolen by the devil in the pilot seat? How will you know That I read the same book But cannot see the same words? How will you know That I would not share his path Or enter the wasted air of his cave?

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