Chris O’Neil Visnja Jareb 2:31:06 3:00:06

CONTENTS 2015 Committee Members ...... 1 Editorial ...... 2 Running Shorts ...... 3 Running Jokes ...... 4 The Biggest Yet – Marathon 2015 – Evan Kolbe ...... 5 Trip April 2015 – Peter Grose ...... 7 Brathay Lake Windermere Marathon – Peter Sullivan ...... 9 Age Records by Australians in ...... 11 WAMC Training Groups ...... 13 2015 WAMC Championship Series ...... 13 Race Director’s Reports ...... 14 Race Results ...... 15



Admin Assistant President Jade Onno Dave Henderson 9472 4833 (Office) 9353 1366

[email protected] [email protected]

Financial Sponsorship Lisa Rowe Bruce Hogg 9381 1368 0431 691 355 0406 993 550 [email protected] [email protected]

Race Programme Coordinator Equipment Chris Maher TBA

0408 944 879 [email protected]

Public Relations Volunteer Engagement Officer Elisabeth Gerber Michelle Brown 9442 1593 9472 4833 (Office) 0434 955 059 [email protected] [email protected]

Social Special Events and Vice President Deb Anderson John Pettersson 9354 5720 0410 504 349 0408 924 555 [email protected] [email protected]

Newsletter IT Coordinator Kim Vivian Ray Lampard 9263 8810 0417 965 420 0437 625 811 [email protected] [email protected]



Hi Runners Spring has sprung, which means we can start enjoying our running in daylight and warmer weather. It also means there are plenty of great running events just around the corner, with the Brooks Rottnest Marathon always at the top of my list of fun weekends. In this edition of the newsletter it appears we have a competition between Peter Grose and Peter Sullivan to see who can put the most beautiful photos into a running article. It helps illustrate how lucky we are as runners to be able to run and compete in so many great locations around the world. I love receiving these types of articles from our members, so please send me an email ([email protected]) and let me know of any great runs you have done recently and I will try and include them in future newsletters. It has been fantastic seeing the large numbers of runners turning up for our events over the last few months. The Perth Marathon had a record number of finishers this year, and who can forget the unbelievable weather we had whilst enjoying the King of the Mountain in July. (See photos inside the back cover). Hopefully we will have more good weather at our upcoming events, with conditions favourable for people to run a PB or two before the end of the year. The committee is currently working hard to improve the efficiency of getting information to our members and also making it easier to run our events. The most visible improvement will be when our new web site is launched shortly. This has taken slghtly longer than originally planned, but you will all be able to access a bright new website shortly, which should make finding information and entering races significantly easier. This newsletter is slightly later than I originally planned, because I have been travelling throughout Western Europe and have been enjoying a bit of cycling and running, and plenty of good wine. This will all culminate in races in Budapest and over the next few weeks, so I should be able to bring you some interesting stories from these events in the next newsletter. Happy running. Kim Vivian 3


Distance Running Seminar and Women’s Running Seminar During May and June the WAMC held seminars specific to distance running and women’s running. Both seminars provided a weath of valueable information for runners of all standards. They are likely to be held at a similar time next year, so please make a mental note to attend one or both of these seminars next year if you are keen to pick up a few tips from the experts.

WAMC Website I have been lucky enough to have a play with the draft version of the new WAMC website. It is a great leap into the 21st century, and we are hoping to have it online and available to everyone by the end of September.

Race Directors and Volunteers One of the current focus areas for the committee is to make life easier and more rewarding for our Race Directors and volunteers who are such an important part of the successful running of our club. This has already involved the part time employment of a Volunteer Engagement Officer, and further initiatives will include developing detailed race packs for each race which will outline the requirements for each volunteer at each race. We are also looking at an incentive/reward scheme to ensure our volunteers are acknowledged for the great work they do.

Marathon Feedback The following feedback was received from one of the competitors in the Perth Marathon: To whom it may concern I wish to express my gratitude and thank you for organizing Sunday's marathon. This was my first marathon and your volunteers made it all the more enjoyable, nothing was too difficult for them. If you could please pass this on to them at your next meeting or newsletter I'd truly appreciate it. Kind regards Moraig Ricupero

Upcoming Events There are a lot of terrific running events in the next few months. A few that should be pencilled into your running plan are as follows:  Fremantle Fun Run: 10km & 5km. Sunday 13th September  Cottesloe Cup: 7.5km. Sunday 27th September  Peninsular Run: 10km & 5km. Sunday 4th October  Fremantle : 21.1km & 5km. Sunday 11th October  Brooks Rottnest Marathon and Fun Run: 42.2km, 10km & 5km. Sunday 25th October



Six Essential Jogging Tips Trouble is, when a lot of you otherwise sensible readers see how much verve is to be had while jogging, you are going to try jogging yourself. So we also feel it is essential that you bear in mind the “Six essential tips for the beginner”: 1. Loosen up first. The ideal method is to throw back four fingers of scotch. If the urge to jog persists, double the loosening exercise. 2. Check your resting pulse. If you can’t find your pulse, check the pulse of a loved one. This is sometimes called “playing doctor” and, with any luck, will take your mind completely off running. 3. Never run if you are a short person. Short persons are built too close to automobile exhaust pipes. The noxious fumes get into their brains and make them crazy and they try to bite buses, which can be pretty dicey, especially if the bus has not stopped. 4. Always wear – a) a brassier, and b) a jockstrap. (Strike out where inapplicable). The worst jogging injuries result from flopping. Never wear both at once. At least not in public. 5. Children often taunt passing joggers. After a while, you will become accustomed to this and even grow to enjoy it, especially if you carry a golf putter and rap taunting children smartly across the back of the head with it. 6. Set your own pace. If you black out after five minutes, you are probably running too fast. If workman from the city come by and paint you green, you may be running too slow.

Paula Radcliffe: Oatso Simple At the 2004 summer Olympics in , Paula Radcliffe failed to finish both the 10,000 meter event and the marathon. Shortly thereafter, Quaker Oats dropped her from its advertising campaign for Oatso Simple porridge and cancelled plans to film an ad showing her winning a marathon after eating the cereal, explaining that she was no longer eligible to represent the product. Oatso Simple’s slogan? “It helps you go the distance!”

Fred Lorz: Official Time? “Fred Lorz was the first competitor to cross the finish line [at the end of the marathon at the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis]. He was greeted with cheers from the American crowd and Alice Roosevelt, daughter of Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, placed a laurel wreath on his head. Shortly thereafter Lorz admitted the truth. Suffering from cramps early in the race, he hopped into an official’s car at the nine-mile mark and rode the next 11 miles of the race. He said he decided to run into the stadium and break the winner’s tape as a joke.” [Lorz was promptly suspended from amateur competition (though he was later re-instated and won the Boston Marathon in 1905). The “real” winner in 1904, Thomas Hicks, had to be helped across the finish line after 3 hours, 28 minutes and 53 seconds — the worst marathon time in Olympic history. Indeed, so meager was the competition that Cuban postman Felix Carvajal ran the race in street clothes, stopped to shake hands with fans, visited an orchard, got sick from eating rotten apples – and still finished fourth!]



Chris O’Neil and Visnja Jareb break through to claim their first marathon state title. The build-up for this year’s Perth Marathon showed promise of an exceptional event. With a record amount of kids (625) already confirmed for the 2.195km dash from the clubrooms at Burswood on Swan, along the river then across the marathon finish line. For the main event, we also broke the record for most finishers in a Perth Marathon. Last year we had 741, this year we had 747, our biggest marathon yet! Once again the weather provided a perfect day, 8oC with minimal wind, which saw the marathon runners head off along the calm Swan River at 7.30am on the 14th June 2015. The course was the same as last year. From the clubrooms it progressed along the South Perth foreshore, over the far side of the Narrows Bridge and continued along the path adjacent to Mounts Bay Road. The runners turned at the Boat Shed on Mounts Bay Road and returned back the same route towards the clubrooms. That gave them a half marathon, so a second lap saw the full marathon distance. My top three highlights of the 2015 Perth Marathon were: Firstly, the sheer number of all those little kids running in the Welltech Kid’s Marathon. A record field for the kids, and a big well done to St Columba’s Primary School for taking out the biggest team and the inaugural perpetual Welltech Kid’s Marathon trophy. After 3 years seeing her sister Nera Jareb taking out the state title, the Jareb’s kept it in the family with Visnja taking out her first marathon state title. I didn’t get a photo, but the second highlight for me was Gina Grayson–Cassey interviewing Visnja when she crossed the finish line. Gina was so happy for Visnja that she had a tear in her eye in the interview. That certainly is taking the commentary to a whole new level! The standout highlight for me though was the work of the pace runners. It’s always a hard task to find runners with the courage to wear a balloon and commit to running a set pace. Well done to Ray Lampard 3 hour pacer, Paul Genovese 3:15 pacer, and eastern states visitor John Kaparelis 4:30 pacer. They all nailed their pace. A special mention must go to Ray Lampard (IT Committee member) for pacing the 3 hour bus. Ray came through half way in 1:29.50. I thought he needed more buffer with the easterly wind starting to pick up, but to his credit he made it! Also a big well done to Lloyd Reidy (on hands and knees in photo) for just hanging onto the bus. The photo really does depict what the WA Marathon Club is all about. Congratulations must also go to Chris O’Neil for taking out his first marathon state title. With all respect to the other male runners, it’s fair to say Chris raced the clock in a very respectable time of 2:31:06. In the relay category, the Paul Heywood coached JTC ‘A team’ blitzed the field to win the marathon relay. Well done to all four guns - Neil Berry, Roberto Busi, Ethan Heywood and Josh Tedesco. Awesome running to finish in 2:17:57. Congratulations to all that competed on marathon day. Thank you to all the volunteers and staff that made this a 6 very special day. I hope you will help out again next year and I welcome anyone else who would like to be part of this special day. Well done to Jim Spiers for winning the helpers prize. Hope you enjoy your new running shoes Jim and thanks for your help. The 2015 Perth Marathon was in memory of Brynt McSwain WAMC Member #11086 (The pace runners had Brynt’s WAMC number on their balloons) Evan Kolbe 2015 Perth Marathon Race Director WAMC #3849 Marathon 42.2km Men: 1. C O’Neil 2:31:06 2. B Hart 2:40:26 3. J Roberts 2:40:49.

Women: 1. V Jareb 3:00:06 2. R Lloyd 3;05:07 3. C Oosthuizen 3:13:40

Marathon Relay 42.2km: 1. JTC A Team: 2:17;57 2. 420QuickScopersxXx: 2:26:20 3. Kickass 2:35:06.



Well this was Paris’s chance to redeem itself. My previous visit there with my son Damian, who was running this marathon, was 25 years ago. That was a bit of a disaster, with an air traffic controller’s strike delaying our arrival, and a power strike causing havoc, with no air conditioning in our high rise hotel in a heatwave and restricted lift operation. This time, again with an air traffic controllers strike, I caught up with him and the rest of his family on schedule, but my luggage didn’t arrive until 29 hours later. I’d also had a litany of other problems in Paris in the early 2000’s when I transited there en route to Conakry in Guinea, West Africa, where I’d been working. Déjà vu. Damian had wanted to run the marathon, for his third after Rotto and City to Surf, but regos were open and closed in a flash. He got into this one through Travelling Fit. We all went on their package, which also caters for non-runners. It wasn’t cheap, but that was because we stayed in the heart of Paris, where hotels are generally very expensive, and it was well worth it. Weather in Paris was unseasonably warm for early spring, with maximums up to 24ºC, though it got progressively colder over the rest of the month. Our hotel was great, a small boutique one only 400m from the Champs Elysees, where the race started, and a similar distance from the finish. With my right knee osteoarthritis, I’m no longer doing races over 12 km, so I just signed up for the 6km Breakfast Run the day before the big event. We did lots of great training runs around the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, other landmarks, and along the River Seine, which were all so close by. The Breakfast Run was great value at around $10 Aussie, which included a T shirt and breakfast of croissants and coffee. Unfortunately the 3,000 odd of us had to run behind a lead truck, so we couldn’t run as fast as I’d have liked, but the atmosphere and scenery was great. The photo below shows Damian collecting his bib and finding his name printed on the wall, together with those of the other 53,999 who’d registered. Fortunately he was in the preferential group at the front, just behind the elites, thanks to having run 2.58 in the Perth City to Surf. At the start I took his bag and then jumped on the Metro (station nearby, trains every 2 minutes) and went to see him at 12km, where he threw me his gloves, and then 22km, and then at the finish.

He was running pretty well to 22km, according to the optimistic and expected times spreadsheet that he’d put on my iPhone, but despite starting to fade around 30km, he held on and shaved 5 mins off his previous best time to finish in 2:53:35 and come 489th. 8

Travelling Fit were great, with their rep Angela, who also stayed at our hotel, leading us out to the registration expo, which was a long way out of the city, and hosting pre and post-race parties. We had 6 days all up in Paris, which finally redeemed itself from all of my previous disasters there, despite the minor hiccup with my suitcase at the start. From there I parted company temporarily with the rest of the family and went to BJ’s Adventure Weekend, a Hash House Harriers event in Sonthofen, the southernmost city in Germany. That was fantastic, with the main run being 12km up and down a mountain. I re-joined the family in Ireland where we stayed with friends, and did some great scenic training runs, and then on to the UK to visit extended family. Lately I’ve taken up doing 5km parkruns at Carine. These now form an important part of my formal weekly training, supplementing Jon Kappler’s Tuesday intervals, except if there’s a significant Club or other race on the Sunday. I’m finding this is really helping me improve my times, and I credit it with helping me shave almost two minutes off my Run for a Reason time this year. For those unfamiliar with parkruns, they are held all over the place in many countries, are all free, 5km and held on Saturdays, in WA all starting at 8am. Runners of all levels participate, from elites to those who take around an hour. You simply sign up online and get a barcode to print out and laminate that works for any parkrun in the world. I ran my first overseas parkrun at Newbury in the UK to test myself against the Brits. I was a bit disappointed with my time compared to Carine finishing 62nd out of 388. However, one thing I really love about parkrun is that the results, which are emailed to you a few hours after the run, as well as showing overall placings, also show age graded percentages, which sort of levels the playing field for us oldies. On this basis only one Pom managed to beat me. From there I drove down to Devon to catch up with friends and do a couple more bush Hash runs. One of these went through two 18 inch culverts, this one about 30 metres long, which were not really amenable to running though. Great fun, despite the cold water flowing through them. All in all a memorable family running holiday. Peter Grose Member No 6680



The Brathay Lake Windermere Marathon in the Cumbrian lakes district of has been voted the UK's most scenic marathon and having just run it I can see why. The views across the beautiful rolling hills of the English countryside down to Lake Windermere are stunning, and they certainly take your mind of the "undulating" course. The route basically follows an anticlockwise lap of Lake Windermere, starting and finishing at the beautiful Brathay Trust Hall just out of Ambleside which is near the northern point of the lake. (It is the UK's largest lake and happens to be about 42 km's around). A bit about the course profile. It is described as "undulating" which we runners know means hilly, and believe me it is. In fact it is the toughest marathon I've done in regards to hills. The hills trend downwards on the western side to the turn point at Newby Bridge (although there is a "Reabold" size hill about halfway down that leg) and then trend uphill on the eastern side back towards the finish. There is a cracker of a hill at the 33km mark and they even warn you about it at the start of the run. I think I saw more runners walking up it than running (if you think three "Reabolds" back to back then you get the picture). I gritted my teeth and ran all the way to the top but had jelly legs for the next kilometre or so. Thefinal hill is basically 350 of the final 385 yards to the finish line - a cruel steep uphill which reduces you to near walking pace, and then relief for the final 35 yards with a downhill to the finish. Support around the course is fantastic - people from every village come out and line the route and at the finish you are cheered on like a rock star. There are plenty of drink stops along the route and are really well organized with lots of volunteers. The weather was cool (10 deg) with a light breeze, and rain threatened but never arrived which I was told was typical for this time of year. Now just to put this run into perspective - the run I did was the final leg for about 20 runners who were doing the Brathay 10 in 10. That is10 marathons in 10 days - 10 laps of Lake Windermere. We had seen some of these runners in the previous few days heading up towards the finish line and some looked in better shape than others. There were a couple of hardened ultra runners who averaged sub 3.30 for their 10 laps, which is pretty damn good considering I thought my 3.25 was acceptable for the hilly course. I could not have imagined backing up for another marathon the following day let alone for another 9 days, and for that I well and truly take my running hat off to them. That group started one hour before the rest of us on the last day to give them some clear air and also to recognize their special feat. 10

Prior to our start, we were formed up as a group and then a drum band led us to the start line which made for a good friendly atmosphere that continued throughout the run. About 900 runners took part which is a good deal less than the London Marathon a few weeks earlier, so if you are looking for a testing and scenic marathon course with lots of good feel about it but without the masses, then I would recommend this run. *Tip - We stayed in Ambleside which gives you about a 20 minute walk to the start. This is ideal because with roads being closed and limited car parking, there is gridlock on the roads for pretty much the whole day. Don't worry about sleeping through your alarm clock either - the run starts at 10.30 in the morning. It was the most leisurely pre marathon race routine I have ever had!! Cheers Peter Sullivan WAMC No:4863



The table below shows the fastest marathon times run by Australians for every age. This was current as at 25th August 2015, and it shows that some people do not slow down much as they get older. It is good to see Anne Shaw, Karen Gobby and John Gilmore still holding a number of the records. Thanks to Bob Hayres for sending me this information.

Females Males Age Time Name Event Time Name Event 10 3:30:28 Michelle Harry (10y280d) Perth 1983 3:24:20 Bradley Reynolds Gold Coast 1984 11 3:31:30 Michelle Gojkovic 1981 3:17:00 David Costa Sydney 1985 12 3:13:12 Jacqui Gilmour Melbourne 1981 3:15:42 David Eadie (12y292d) Melbourne 1983 13 3:16:38 Jacqui Gilmour Melbourne 1982 2:56:51 Bradley Reynolds Gold Coast 1987 14 3:31:36 Karen Jackson 1983 2:57:51 Daniel Kennedy Canberra 1978 15 3:17:23 Jacqi Robinson (15y159d) Perth 1982 2:43:16 Michael de Clifford Canberra 1978 16 3:04:24 Jacqi Robinson (16y165d) Perth 1983 2:35:58 Glen Devers Melbourne 1980 17 3:03:41 Fiona McLeod Canberra 1978 2:36:51 Glen Devers Melbourne 1981 18 2:59:29 Kylie Partland Sydney 1986 2:28:08 David Eltringham (18y315d) Perth 1973 19 2:54:39 Kerryn McCann (19y037d) Sydney 1986 2:24:15 Gerard Barrett (19y178d) Brisbane 1976 20 2:46:32 Hanny Allston (20y329d) Hobart 2007 2:15:23 Lawrence Whitty (20y305d) Fukuoka, JPN 1980 21 2:35:53 Jackie Hallam (21y346d) Osaka, JPN 1992 2:12:20 Gerard Barrett (21y168d) Brisbane 1978 22 2:34:29 Jackie Hallam (22y058d) London, ENG 1992 2:12:52 Brad Camp (22y296d) , CHN 1987 23 2:32:22 Lisa Ondieki (23y211d) Huntsville, USA 1983 2:10:44 (23y283d) Fukuoka, JPN 1980 24 2:27:40 Lisa Ondieki (24y162d) Chicago, USA 1984 2:08:18 Robert de Castella (24y282d) Fukuoka, JPN 1981 25 2:26:32 (25y346d) London, ENG 2005 2:09:18 Robert de Castella (25y222d) Brisbane 1982 26 2:26:07 Lisa Ondieki (26y080d) , SCO 1986 2:08:37 Robert de Castella (26y040d) Rotterdam, NED 1983 27 2:22:36 Benita Willis (27y169d) Chicago, USA 2006 2:09:09 Robert de Castella (27y236d) Chicago, USA 1984 28 2:25:53 Lisa Ondieki (28y134d) Seoul, KOR 1988 2:08:16 Stephen Moneghetti (28y003d) Berlin, GER 1990 29 2:25:28 Lisa Ondieki (29y263d) , NZL 1990 2:07:51 Robert de Castella (29y052d) Boston, USA 1986 30 2:30:42 Lisa-Jane Weightman (30y219d) Berlin, GER 2009 2:08:49 Robert de Castella (30y351d) Tokyo, JPN 1988 31 2:28:44 Kerryn McCann (31y351d) London, ENG 1999 2:08:55 Stephen Moneghetti (31y140d) Tokyo, JPN 1994 32 2:24:40 Lisa Ondieki (32y173d) New York, USA 1992 2:08:33 Stephen Moneghetti (32y187d) London, ENG 1995 33 2:27:32 Lisa-Jane Weightman (33y201d) London, ENG 2012 2:09:39 Patrick Carroll (33y171d) Oita, JPN 1995 34 2:26:04 Kerryn McCann (34y158d) Chicago, USA 2001 2:08:45 Stephen Moneghetti (34y199d) London, ENG 1997 35 2:27:51 Kerryn McCann (35y185d) New York, USA 2002 2:11:21 Patrick Carroll (35y330d) Gold Coast 1997 36 2:32:40 Jackie Fairweather (36y125d) Nagoya, JPN 2004 2:14:32 Patrick Carroll (36y189d) Hong Kong, CHN 1998 37 2:32:06 Kerryn McCann (37y189d) New York, USA 2004 2:10:00 Stephen Moneghetti (37y139d) Tokyo, JPN 2000 38 2:30:54 Kerryn McCann (38y321d) Melbourne 2006 2:14:21 (38y019d) Melbourne 2013 39 2:32:43 Susan Hobson (39y122d) Gold Coast 1997 2:19:18 Garrick Hand (39y276d) Sydney 1985 40 2:43:31 Lynn Clayton (40y012d) Boston, USA 1997 2:17:14 Stephen Moneghetti (40y157d) Otsu, JPN 2003 41 2:32:37 Susan Hobson (41y322d) Osaka, JPN 2000 2:19:00 Garrick Hand (41y217d) Canberra 1987 42 2:35:20 Susan Hobson (42y048d) Sydney 2000 2:21:19 Rowan Walker (42y170d) Gold Coast 2012 43 2:47:47 Dorothy Browne (43y061d) Canberra 1984 2:19:56 George Perdon (43y055d) Melbourne 1967 44 2:44:44 Beverley Lucas (44y281d) Gold Coast 1991 2:21:47 Rowan Walker (44y175d) Gold Coast 2014 45 2:48:32 Karen Gobby (45y136d) Townsville 1998 2:25:32 Rowan Walker (45y173d) Gold Coast 2015 46 2:48:46 Beverley Lucas (46y278d) Gold Coast 1993 2:25:51 Bill Raimond (46y005d) Melbourne 1982 47 2:46:02 Beverley Lucas (47y221d) Brisbane 1994 2:28:17 Bill Raimond (47y242d) Sydney 1984 48 2:43:45 Beverley Lucas (48y178d) Canberra 1995 2:28:29 Bill Raimond (48y241d) Sydney 1985 49 2:47:14 Beverley Lucas (49y309d) Sydney 1996 2:34:53 Ron Peters (49y094d) Gold Coast 2002 50 2:44:12 Beverley Lucas (50y273d) Gold Coast 1997 2:32:36 Tony Larkum Sydney 1990 51 2:58:15 Beverley Lucas (51y188d) Canberra 1998 2:30:52 Peter Kallio (51y105d) Melbourne 1987 52 3:06:53 Antoinette Shaw (52y151d) Sydney 2000 2:31:41 Michael McIntyre (52y109d) Melbourne 2010 53 3:09:31 Beverley Lucas (53y255d) Gold Coast 2000 2:36:16 Kevin Hill Townsville 2005 12

54 3:14:55 Jean Albury (54y291d) Melbourne 1984 2:38:13 Barry Brooks (54y004d) Melbourne 1994 55 3:09:14 Jean Albury (55y016d) Melbourne 1984 2:37:14 George McGrath (55y280d) Richmond 1975 56 3:11:15 Beverley Lucas (56y363d) Melbourne 2003 2:34:45 George McGrath (56y300d) St Marys 1976 57 3:18:38 Shirley Young (57y346d) Melbourne 1987 2:47:57 Colin McLeod (57y287d) Toowoomba 1993 58 3:23:26 Janet Upcher (58y141d) Hobart 2005 2:44:12 Colin McLeod (58y097d) Canberra 1994 59 3:28:50 Marie O'Donovan Canberra 1992 2:38:19 John Gilmour (59y052d) Perth 1978 60 3:29:09 Shirley Young (60y203d) Melbourne 1990 2:48:35 Ron Peters (60y122d) Townsville 2013 61 3:31:51 Susan Archer Gold Coast 2010 2:41:30 John Gilmour (61y134d) Perth 1980 62 3:27:40 Shirley Young (62y158d) Melbourne 1992 2:41:07 John Gilmour (62y203d) Albany 1981 63 3:37:45 Shirley Young (63y164d) Melbourne 1993 2:47:22 George McGrath (63y264d) Sydney 1983 64 3:44:36 Shirley Brasher (64y068d) Hobart 1991 2:42:50 John Gilmour (64y040d) Perth 1983 65 3:39:41 Shirley Young (65y161d) Melbourne 1995 3:00:10 George McGrath (65y331d) Sydney 1985 66 3:27:54 Lavinia Petrie (66y294d) Gold Coast 2010 2:55:00 George McGrath (66y260d) Sydney 1986 67 3:56:27 Shirley Young (67y166d) Traralgon 1997 2:54:41 Colin McLeod (67y100d) Canberra 2003 68 3:52:50 Doreen Cock Adelaide 1991 3:03:19 Colin McLeod (68y105d) Canberra 2004 69 3:54:09 Shirley Young (69y289d) Melbourne 1999 3:09:46 Stan Nicholls (69y212d) , NZL 1981 70 3:54:55 Shirley Young (70y183d) Traralgon 2000 3:03:04 John Gilmour (70y186d) Albany 1989 71 3:38:53 Lavinia Petrie (71y162d) Wangaratta 2015 3:05:34 John Gilmour (71y087d) Perth 1990 72 4:06:00 Shirley Young (72y292d) Melbourne 2002 3:19:05 Randall Hughes Canberra 1996 73 4:37:56 Shirley Young (73y291d) Melbourne 2003 3:17:39 Randall Hughes Canberra 1997 74 4:28:44 Shirley Young (74y290d) Melbourne 2004 3:20:06 Randall Hughes Canberra 1998 75 4:36:35 Shirley Young (75y289d) Melbourne 2005 3:40:47 Randall Hughes Canberra 1999 76 5:10:02 Shirley Young (76y288d) Melbourne 2006 3:40:19 Randall Hughes Sydney 2000 77 6:39:01 Shirley Young (77y286d) Melbourne 2007 4:35:53 Joe Poelsma (77y303d) Melbourne 1982 78 5:34:06 Norma Wallett (78y220d) Canberra 2008 5:10:15 Robert Swales Melbourne 1993 79 6:05:24 Norma Wallett (79y226d) Canberra 2009 5:06:58 Antony Martin (79y105d) Melbourne 2007 80 5:49:15 Thelma Davies London, ENG 2003 3:39:11 Bob Horman (80y022d) Brisbane 1998 81 5:26:24 Norma Wallett (81y013d) Sydney 2010 3:43:30 Bob Horman (81y028d) Brisbane 1999 4:53:49 Lloyd Morgan Melbourne 2010 5:46:22 Ken Matchett (83y301d) Melbourne 2005 6:06:47 Ernest Walker Melbourne 1997 5:25:19 Ken Matchett (85y123d) Canberra 2007 4:33:37 Bob Horman (86y064d) Gold Coast 2004


WAMC TRAINING GROUPS Point Walter 8km time trials, 6.00 pm every Monday. Point Walter Kiosk, Dick Blom 9337 7796 Intervals Session 5.30 pm every Tuesday, Alderbury St Reserve, Perry Lakes. Cost $4.00 per person and $1.00 for kids, payable to coach Jon Kappler at the session. WAMC Office 9472 4833 WAMC Clubrooms (Burswood Water Sports Centre) Camfield Drive, Burswood. 6km or more, 5.30pm every Wednesday. WAMC Office 9472 4833. People run in informal groups, depending on their preferred pace and distance – if you’re a newcomer, ask around. The 5.30 start time is fairly flexible, but until you get the hang of things, it would be a good idea to be punctual. Also, the bar opens after the run, and there’s a lot of socialising. On the third Wednesday of every month, a BYO food BBQ is held. Joondalup 5km to 15km, Northern Suburbs Running Group. Chris Kowalski 9300 2540 (Mobile 0403 020 434), Alli Ratcliffe 0450 842 011. Kings Park Meet in the car park adjacent to the Sticky Beak’s Café in Kings Park at 7am every Saturday for an 8.3km circuit. Contact John Pettersson on 0408 924 555. Novice Runners Session WAMC Clubrooms, 5.30pm every Wednesday (as above). Joondalup, Northern Suburbs running Group (as above). While both members and non-members are welcome at these sessions, regular attendees are encouraged to join the Club.

2015 WAMC CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES To be in contention it is necessary to do at least eight runs for all members except those aged over 60, who have to do a minimum of five events, and for those aged under 16, who have to do at least three events of 5km or under (and these can be any 5km or under Club events, not just those listed below). No Race Km Date No Race Km Date 1 Burswood Twilight 5 11/01/15 15 Cottesloe Cup 7.5 27/09/15 2 Matilda Bay Run 10 18/01/15 16 Pancake Run 15 16/08/15 3 12 17 Perth Half Marathon 21.1 09/08/15 Christchurch Run 29/03/15 4 5 18 Lake Gwelup Run 10 06/09/15 5 Point Walter 16 22/02/15 19 Fremantle Fun Run 10 13/09/15 6 Swan Twilight 5 01/03/15 20 Fremantle Half Marathon 21.1 11/10/15 7 Darlington Half Marathon 21.1 15/03/15 21 Rottnest Marathon 42.2 25/10/15 8 Bridges Fun Run 10 12/04/15 22 Rottnest Fun Run 10 25/10/15 9 Perth 32 32 17/05/15 23 John Gilmour Track 10 08/11/15 10 Joondalup Half Marathon 21.1 10/05/15 24 Peninsula Run 10 04/10/15 11 Lake Monger 10 07/06/15 25 Deepwater Point Run 15 15/11/15 12 Perth Marathon 42.2 14/06/15 26 Founders 10 Miler 16.1 29/11/15 13 Lake Joondalup 10 02/08/15 27 City Beach Run 8 13/12/15 14 ASICS Run For Gold 10 19/07/15 28 New Years Eve Run 8 31/12/15



Race Directors Report Women’s Classic 2015 The 30th running of the Women’s Classic was always going to be a special event, and it didn’t fail to live up to the expectations. The race, for those not in the know is an event consisting of a 5 or 10 kilometre course which is held to promote the sport of running amongst women and to raise money for and to promote awareness of breast cancer. As the week prior to the race came to a close the final entrants were around the 400 mark come close of business on Friday. The traditional Saturday afternoon set up was conducted with great efficiency, to the extent that I spent the last hour at the club wondering round thinking that we must have missed something as I waited for Jeff Lawson the night watchman to arrive. Suffice to say that for the first time in many years of being Race Director it was still light as I drove home. It had rained heavily on the Saturday prior to the race, and I had copped a soaking on my regular Saturday run. Sunday dawned wet and foggy, not the conditions that I had hoped for. However, as the morning wore on come the start of the race the conditions were perfect with no wind, blue skies and just enough warmth in the air; perfect running conditions. Although it is always good to see many first time runners competing, and all who entered were winners that day, the race is still one for the runners; accordingly some blistering times were recorded with the 5km being taken by Kate Fitzsimons in a time of 17:50 run at an average pace of 3:34 min/km. The 10km was taken out by Emily Loughnan in a time of 37:02 with an average pace of 3:42 min/km. Great running. Bonnie Bullock a committee member of Breast Cancer WA presented the prizes. Bonnie gave an informative talk outlining the assistance and support that Breast Cancer WA can provide to those unfortunate enough to be diagnosed. Bonnie informed us that breast cancer can affect men as well as women. Without a doubt, the event could not have happened without the support of the volunteers who assisted, there are too many to mention individually; my thanks to you all. Emma in the office and Dave the equipment officer deserve a special mention. Additionally my wife Fiona and daughter Zara assisted with the set up and on the day of the race finding time to run as well! The Welltech bouncy castle made a memorable appearance, big thanks to President Dave Henderson; the sight of so many happy faces jumping on the bouncy castle contributed to the overall success of the day. Without a doubt the club is in a period of transition as some of the stalwarts begin to take a well-deserved back seat. Now is the time for all WAMC members to step up to the challenge of ensuring that the club continues to hold such successful events and goes from strength to strength. Steve Harling 7 July 2015



Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:32:05 M Dean Menzies 2529 1 1 3:12 68 0:43:30 F Sandra Stockman 5054 1 8 4:21 2 0:33:07 M Samuel LADE 1824 1 2 3:18 69 0:43:41 F Fiona Leonard 4549 1 9 4:22 3 0:33:48 M Jesse Black-Cataldo 1824 2 3 3:22 70 0:43:53 F Janelle WONG 2529 5 10 4:23 4 0:34:06 M GERARD HILL 2529 2 4 3:24 71 0:43:59 M Asher Mortimer 2529 9 61 4:23 5 0:34:15 M MARK LEE 3539 1 5 3:25 72 0:44:07 M Roger Millett 5054 6 62 4:24 6 0:35:00 M Jason Evans 2529 3 6 3:30 73 0:44:13 M Jack Retty 1824 6 63 4:25 7 0:35:15 M Clemens Schmitt 5054 1 7 3:31 74 0:44:15 M Gavin COOKE 4549 11 64 4:25 8 0:35:23 M Timothy Fardon 1824 3 8 3:32 75 0:44:22 F Krista SUTTON 3034 2 11 4:26 9 0:35:31 M EVAN KOLBE 4044 1 9 3:33 76 0:44:26 M Steve Fletcher 2529 10 65 4:26 10 0:35:41 M Simon Coates 4549 1 10 3:34 77 0:44:28 M Andrew Turner 3034 12 66 4:26 11 0:35:49 M Oliver Dartnall 3539 2 11 3:34 78 0:44:32 M JOHN MACKEY 4549 12 67 4:27 12 0:35:50 M Jason Rhine 3034 1 12 3:35 79 0:44:44 M John SNOOK 5054 7 68 4:28 13 0:36:20 M Luke Sutherland 2529 4 13 3:38 80 0:44:45 M Ryan SEDGWICK 4044 4 69 4:28 14 0:36:25 M Carle Green 3539 3 14 3:38 81 0:44:46 M Andy Carr 4549 13 70 4:28 15 0:36:31 M Matt DI MASI 3034 2 15 3:39 82 0:44:47 F Heidi NORE 3539 3 12 4:28 16 0:36:39 M ROBERT KAY 4044 2 16 3:39 83 0:44:51 M David Henderson 5054 8 71 4:29 17 0:36:51 F Jules Bennett 3034 1 1 3:41 84 0:44:52 M Ken Dacre 6064 3 72 4:29 18 0:36:54 M BENJAMIN NOONAN 3539 4 17 3:41 85 0:44:57 M Padhraig MURPHY 3034 13 73 4:29 19 0:37:16 F Emily LOUGHNAN 2529 1 2 3:43 86 0:45:01 M Andrew Hosgood 4044 5 74 4:30 20 0:37:57 M Thomas Renshaw 1617 1 18 3:47 87 0:45:15 M George LUMSDEN 4549 14 75 4:31 21 0:38:12 M Chris Sorgiovani 3034 3 19 3:49 88 0:45:16 F KELLY BUSWELL 5559 1 13 4:31 22 0:38:19 M James MACWATT 3539 5 20 3:49 89 0:45:28 M Ben Leather 3539 10 76 4:32 23 0:38:22 M Rahul Jegatheva U16 1 21 3:50 90 0:45:37 M Steve Patterson 3539 11 77 4:33 24 0:38:23 M Pete Wall 5054 2 22 3:50 91 0:45:56 F Tegan MOFFAT 3034 3 14 4:35 25 0:38:26 M Luke Eaton 3539 6 23 3:50 92 0:45:59 M Tom Andrew 3539 12 78 4:35 26 0:38:32 M Chris FELGATE 3034 4 24 3:51 93 0:46:00 F Emily Randall 3034 4 15 4:36 27 0:38:51 M Daniel Barnes 1617 2 25 3:53 94 0:46:02 M Colin FINNEY 5054 9 79 4:36 28 0:38:54 M Justin BARICH 4549 2 26 3:53 95 0:46:03 M David BANNISTER 4044 6 80 4:36 29 0:38:56 F Kelly MCGINNITY 2529 2 3 3:53 96 0:46:06 F Jules JOHNS 2529 6 16 4:36 30 0:38:57 M Andrew ENFIELD KIRK 2529 5 27 3:53 97 0:46:12 F Jayde HARDSTAFF 1824 1 17 4:37 31 0:39:03 M CHRISTOPHER MAHER 6064 1 28 3:54 98 0:46:13 F Caitlin O'SHEA 1824 2 18 4:37 32 0:39:07 M Ilkka Heinonen 3034 5 29 3:54 99 0:46:15 F Leela DILKES-HOFFMAN 1824 3 19 4:37 33 0:39:15 F Vanessa Carson 3539 1 4 3:55 100 0:46:29 F Rose Schuddinh 3539 4 20 4:38 34 0:39:19 M Kent JENKINSON 1824 4 30 3:55 101 0:46:29 M Alan Schuddinh 4549 15 81 4:38 35 0:39:27 M Benjamin HEWITT 4044 3 31 3:56 102 0:46:40 M Ian Davies 6569 1 82 4:40 36 0:39:43 M Philippe FELTON 4549 3 32 3:58 103 0:46:47 F Michelle Ireland 5054 2 21 4:40 37 0:39:44 M Cormac COLLINS 3034 6 33 3:58 104 0:46:51 M Josh SNOOK U16 4 83 4:41 38 0:39:48 M Paul Laver 3034 7 34 3:58 105 0:46:58 M Bruce Willett 5054 10 84 4:41 39 0:40:07 M Anthony Morey 3539 7 35 4:00 106 0:46:59 M Laine ANDREW U16 5 85 4:41 40 0:40:11 M Richard SHADE 3034 8 36 4:01 107 0:47:09 M Matthew ARMSTRONG 1617 5 86 4:42 41 0:40:17 M DAVID RENSHAW 5054 3 37 4:01 108 0:47:10 F Jemma SCOTT 1617 1 22 4:42 42 0:40:50 M Victor Lendzionowski 5054 4 38 4:05 109 0:47:11 M Hugo BARICH U16 6 87 4:43 43 0:40:58 F Miki Makuch 3539 2 5 4:05 110 0:47:12 M Jeffrey Hansen 5054 11 88 4:43 44 0:41:02 M Vincent POTTIER 3539 8 39 4:06 111 0:47:16 F Amy Couanis 3539 5 23 4:43 45 0:41:03 M Riley WALKER U16 2 40 4:06 112 0:47:28 F Kalani SCOTT U16 1 24 4:44 46 0:41:08 F Ariarn HUSTON 2529 3 6 4:06 113 0:47:31 M Raj Choudhury 4549 16 89 4:45 47 0:41:18 M Tyson CROYSTON U16 3 41 4:07 114 0:47:34 F Shelley Kennedy 2529 7 25 4:45 48 0:41:21 M Matthew KONSOLIS 2529 6 42 4:08 115 0:47:56 M IAN ROBERTS 6064 4 90 4:47 49 0:41:32 M Joshua MAURICE 1824 5 43 4:09 116 0:47:57 F Gabrielle Street 4549 2 26 4:47 50 0:41:32 M Steve Harris 3034 9 44 4:09 117 0:48:02 F Johanna Leahy Marstrand 4044 1 27 4:48 51 0:41:35 M Mark WALKEY 2529 7 45 4:09 118 0:48:04 F Jade Mickle 1617 2 28 4:48 52 0:41:43 M Ian Brann 4549 4 46 4:10 119 0:48:11 M Unknown Unknown 1 91 4:49 53 0:41:44 M Ewan Fisk 4549 5 47 4:10 120 0:48:12 M Alex Botek 4549 17 92 4:49 54 0:41:47 M Max ANDERSON LOAKE 1617 3 48 4:10 121 0:48:16 F Shona MCINTYRE 3034 5 29 4:49 55 0:41:50 M George LILLEY 2529 8 49 4:11 122 0:48:20 M Rob WALKER 5054 12 93 4:50 56 0:41:51 M James SCOTT 4549 6 50 4:11 123 0:48:38 F Julie Bishop 4044 2 30 4:51 57 0:41:56 M Tony Spicer 3539 9 51 4:11 124 0:48:40 M David Harrowfield 4044 7 94 4:52 58 0:42:07 M Martin O'Connell 4549 7 52 4:12 125 0:48:56 M Donato Lombardi 4549 18 95 4:53 59 0:42:13 M Jeremy CLAPHAM 4549 8 53 4:13 126 0:49:00 M Paul JONES 2529 11 96 4:54 60 0:42:26 M Peter Neilsen 5054 5 54 4:14 127 0:49:01 M Matthew Conroy 3034 14 97 4:54 61 0:42:30 M MARK LOMMERS 3034 10 55 4:15 128 0:49:02 F Heather MCINTYRE 2529 8 31 4:54 62 0:42:35 M Darren FREAR 4549 9 56 4:15 129 0:49:03 F Nyree Marr 4549 3 32 4:54 63 0:42:49 M Thomas Waring 1617 4 57 4:16 130 0:49:03 F Sarah Houston 3034 6 33 4:54 64 0:42:53 M JOSE DESFOSSES 6064 2 58 4:17 131 0:49:06 M Alex Meredith 3034 15 98 4:54 65 0:43:20 M Kevin Ireland 4549 10 59 4:20 132 0:49:09 M Tom WALKER 1617 6 99 4:54 66 0:43:28 F Jasmine Rhodes 2529 4 7 4:20 133 0:49:12 M Rob Pulsford 4549 19 100 4:55 67 0:43:28 M Daniel Taborsky 3034 11 60 4:20 134 0:49:13 M Ken Vagg 6569 2 101 4:55 16

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 135 0:49:27 M Justin HARTLEY 3034 16 102 4:56 185 0:54:40 F Liv Mickle U16 3 66 5:28 136 0:49:32 F Chelsea ATTWOOD U16 2 34 4:57 186 0:54:47 F Erica CHISHOLM 3034 14 67 5:28 137 0:49:38 F Nicola Burke 4044 3 35 4:57 187 0:54:55 F Shelley Cable 1824 7 68 5:29 138 0:49:48 F EMMA CURNOW 3034 7 36 4:58 188 0:55:04 F Kellie McCrum 4044 10 69 5:30 139 0:49:56 F Helen VAGNONI 5054 3 37 4:59 189 0:55:10 M MARK HOFFMANN 4549 23 120 5:31 140 0:49:59 F GERRY FALLARA 5054 4 38 4:59 190 0:55:17 M Kevin DALLIMORE 6569 5 121 5:31 141 0:50:21 F Megan BAKER 1824 4 39 5:02 191 0:55:44 F Dannielle BEARD 2529 12 70 5:34 142 0:50:21 M Andrew De Sousa 3539 13 103 5:02 192 0:55:45 M Peter HILLIER 2529 12 122 5:34 143 0:50:22 F JENNIFER NOONAN 3539 6 40 5:02 193 0:55:49 F Shareenah Virahsawmy 3539 11 71 5:34 144 0:50:29 F Michelle JAMES 4549 4 41 5:02 194 0:55:50 F Chelsea TAYLOR 1824 8 72 5:35 145 0:50:36 F Catherine VAN GESSEL 2529 9 42 5:03 195 0:55:51 F Danielle Baldock 3539 12 73 5:35 146 0:50:42 M Gordon DUFFY 5559 1 104 5:04 196 0:56:18 F Melissa LAMB 3034 15 74 5:37 147 0:50:45 F Sharon OHalloran 3539 7 43 5:04 197 0:56:23 F Alicia SMARTT 4549 5 75 5:38 148 0:50:46 F Moira O'Brien-Smith 1824 5 44 5:04 198 0:56:32 F Ellisa Bargh 1824 9 76 5:39 149 0:50:46 F Valentina Avella 3034 8 45 5:04 199 0:56:35 F Judy LUCAS 4549 6 77 5:39 150 0:50:47 F Ayumi DEERING 3539 8 46 5:04 200 0:56:35 F Jan O'BRIEN 4044 11 78 5:39 151 0:50:50 M Neil Hawtin 6569 3 105 5:05 201 0:56:38 M David Rose 5054 14 123 5:39 152 0:50:51 F Zoe SMITH 3034 9 47 5:05 202 0:56:41 F Talia JAKUBANS 1617 3 79 5:40 153 0:50:53 F Denise Cummins 3034 10 48 5:05 203 0:57:03 F Amanda GREENLAND 3539 13 80 5:42 154 0:50:54 F ADELE COYNE 3034 11 49 5:05 204 0:57:22 F Shanna CRISPIN 2529 13 81 5:44 155 0:51:30 F Susannah EARL 3539 9 50 5:08 205 0:57:53 F Kate Sommerville 4044 12 82 5:47 156 0:51:34 M Kurt MILLER 3539 14 106 5:09 206 0:58:18 M ROBERT DOUGALL 6569 6 124 5:49 157 0:51:34 M Matthew WILKES 3034 17 107 5:09 207 0:58:20 M DAVID LEWIN 6569 7 125 5:50 158 0:51:38 M Kieron Whalley 4044 8 108 5:09 208 0:58:34 F Megan BERRICK 3034 16 83 5:51 159 0:51:39 F Kathryn Whalley 4044 4 51 5:09 209 0:58:35 M Kurt Truong 2529 13 126 5:51 160 0:51:49 F Vicci Riley 2529 10 52 5:10 210 0:58:53 F Jayne Webster 5054 7 84 5:53 161 0:51:52 F Ebony BAKKER 3034 12 53 5:11 211 0:59:15 M Don Silman 5054 15 127 5:55 162 0:51:56 F Naomi DOLMATOFF 2529 11 54 5:11 212 0:59:21 F DIANE CURRAN 5054 8 85 5:56 163 0:51:57 M Michael Warren 5559 2 109 5:11 213 0:59:29 F Jillian HODGES 3034 17 86 5:56 164 0:51:58 F Amanda MARTYN 4044 5 55 5:11 214 1:00:12 F Amanda Patterson 3034 18 87 6:01 165 0:52:00 F Nicky SCOTT. 4044 6 56 5:12 215 1:00:17 M Megan Hancock 4549 24 128 6:01 166 0:52:01 F Jeni Tuncliffe 4044 7 57 5:12 216 1:00:25 F Judith Mcewen 3539 14 88 6:02 167 0:52:03 M Andrew Yeatman 4549 20 110 5:12 217 1:01:02 M ADRIAN DAMIANI 6569 8 129 6:06 168 0:52:05 M JOHN BEST 7074 1 111 5:12 218 1:01:50 F Lucille Chapuis 3034 19 89 6:10 169 0:52:16 M Hannes BOSHOFF 4549 21 112 5:13 219 1:02:23 F Rachael Tannahill 1824 10 90 6:14 170 0:52:16 M Andrew Nolan 3034 18 113 5:13 220 1:02:57 F Heather Stanborough 3034 20 91 6:17 171 0:52:34 M Greg HILTON 4549 22 114 5:15 221 1:03:00 M MARK FAITHFULL 6569 9 130 6:17 172 0:52:52 M NEIL LUXFORD 6064 5 115 5:17 222 1:03:19 F Catherine Lee 3539 15 92 6:19 173 0:53:06 M TIM DYMOND 4044 9 116 5:18 223 1:03:26 F Mayah Higgins 2529 14 93 6:20 174 0:53:24 F Melanie MCGRAIL 4044 8 58 5:20 224 1:03:45 F Louise BALL 5054 9 94 6:22 175 0:53:28 M Tim Scubert 5054 13 117 5:20 225 1:04:54 F Jessica Sharp 3539 16 95 6:29 176 0:53:30 F Laura Bowlt 3034 13 59 5:21 226 1:06:29 M Daryl Howe 3539 15 131 6:38 177 0:53:37 F PAULA HANSON 6064 1 60 5:21 227 1:08:10 F MADELEINE OGILVIE 5559 2 96 6:49 178 0:53:38 F Caitlin MARR 1824 6 61 5:21 228 1:08:26 F Janelle HARTNETT 3034 21 97 6:50 179 0:53:50 F Jane SCOTT 5054 5 62 5:22 229 1:08:36 F Jodie Hansen 4549 7 98 6:51 180 0:54:07 M Bill Taylor 6569 4 118 5:24 230 1:09:50 F MARGERY FORDEN 7074 1 99 6:58 181 0:54:15 M Unknown Unknown 2 119 5:25 231 1:11:40 M DESMOND MALLON 6064 6 132 7:10 182 0:54:16 F Roz Reynolds 5054 6 63 5:25 232 1:13:52 M Doug WILSON 3539 16 133 7:23 183 0:54:31 F Darlene DOAK 3539 10 64 5:27 233 1:14:14 F LORETTA SHILLINGLAW 7074 2 100 7:25 184 0:54:38 F Rachel Evans 4044 9 65 5:27


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:09:27 M JESSE HUNT 1617 1 1 3:08 18 0:11:44 F Sienna Macquillan U16 3 4 3:54 2 0:09:29 M Sam King 1617 2 2 3:09 19 0:11:49 M Tommaso Puccini U16 5 15 3:56 3 0:09:44 M DANIEL RUBICK 1824 1 3 3:14 20 0:11:49 M Jacob Sangster U16 6 16 3:56 4 0:09:47 M Luke Pidcock U16 1 4 3:15 21 0:11:52 M Zachary Bryan U16 7 17 3:57 5 0:09:51 M Ian Thompson 3539 1 5 3:17 22 0:11:52 F Lily Wall U16 4 5 3:57 6 0:10:06 M Mitchell Alco 1617 3 6 3:22 23 0:11:53 M Dale Bryan 3539 3 18 3:57 7 0:10:10 M Nick Little 3034 1 7 3:23 24 0:11:54 M Simon Wall 4044 1 19 3:58 8 0:10:26 M Benjamin Hillen U16 2 8 3:28 25 0:11:58 M Remi Young U16 8 20 3:59 9 0:10:31 M Brett Coombes 4549 1 9 3:30 26 0:12:08 F Hazel Mountford 3539 1 6 4:02 10 0:10:52 F TARINAH NAZAROFF 1617 1 1 3:37 27 0:12:10 M Robert Cattrall 5559 1 21 4:03 11 0:10:57 F Kiara Nazaroff U16 1 2 3:39 28 0:12:13 F AMANDA WALKER 5054 1 7 4:04 12 0:10:59 M JAMES WALKER 1617 4 10 3:39 29 0:12:23 M Kyle Haynes 4044 2 22 4:07 13 0:11:07 M Pierce Pittaway U16 3 11 3:42 30 0:12:23 M PETER GROSE 6569 1 23 4:07 14 0:11:09 M Rafael Kimberley-Bowen 3539 2 12 3:43 31 0:12:25 M Fraser Bytheway U16 9 24 4:08 15 0:11:19 M Mark Pidcock 4549 2 13 3:46 32 0:12:31 F Heather Bytheway U16 5 8 4:10 16 0:11:38 F SARAH HYNES U16 2 3 3:52 33 0:12:47 M Callum Morton-Smith 1824 2 25 4:15 17 0:11:41 M Charlie Coates U16 4 14 3:53 34 0:12:47 F Ella Solin 1824 1 9 4:15 17

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 35 0:12:48 F Amanda Sobey 1824 2 10 4:16 103 0:18:36 M Taichi Furuya U16 30 55 6:12 36 0:12:49 M Kieran Pittaway U16 10 26 4:16 104 0:18:37 M Keiichi Furuya 4549 5 56 6:12 37 0:12:51 F Emily Gallin-Haynes U16 6 11 4:17 105 0:18:43 F Samantha Evans U16 29 49 6:14 38 0:12:56 F Breaze James U16 7 12 4:18 106 0:18:43 M Oliver Berry U16 31 57 6:14 39 0:12:59 M TERRY SINGLETON 5054 1 27 4:19 107 0:18:44 F Eleta RONSON 4044 5 50 6:14 40 0:13:00 F SAFFI HUNT U16 8 13 4:19 108 0:18:49 F Scout Croyston U16 30 51 6:16 41 0:13:05 M Aidan McCrum U16 11 28 4:21 109 0:18:56 F Mackenzie Croyston U16 31 52 6:18 42 0:13:06 M Kirby Jackson U16 12 29 4:22 110 0:19:10 F Saskia Croyston U16 32 53 6:23 43 0:13:11 M Corey Bartle U16 13 30 4:23 111 0:19:11 F Bronte Croyston U16 33 54 6:23 44 0:13:16 M Jim Speirs 5054 2 31 4:25 112 0:19:22 F Rachel Wenham 3539 4 55 6:27 45 0:13:34 F Yasemin Ray U16 9 14 4:31 113 0:19:43 M Lachlan Frear U16 32 58 6:34 46 0:13:37 M Hayden Coombes U16 14 32 4:32 114 0:19:57 F Nicole Gallin 4044 6 56 6:39 47 0:13:40 M Matthew Wesley U16 15 33 4:33 115 0:20:00 M Gavin Baldock 3539 5 59 6:40 48 0:13:42 M Charlie Hewitt U16 16 34 4:34 116 0:20:03 M Patrick Mcgeown 6064 1 60 6:41 49 0:14:01 M Dylan James Manning U16 17 35 4:40 117 0:20:04 M Mark Wild 3539 6 61 6:41 50 0:14:05 M David Waring U16 18 36 4:41 118 0:20:05 F Sophie Ulker 3034 3 57 6:41 51 0:14:09 F Aimee Ryan U16 10 15 4:43 119 0:20:06 F Jewel Grosse U16 34 58 6:41 52 0:14:22 F Ebony Banks U16 11 16 4:47 120 0:20:07 F Gemma Grosse 3034 4 59 6:42 53 0:14:22 M Tony Banks 4044 3 37 4:47 121 0:20:07 F Hayley Macgregor 2529 1 60 6:42 54 0:14:24 M JEFFREY LAWSON 4549 3 38 4:48 122 0:20:14 F Rebecca Puccini U16 35 61 6:44 55 0:14:25 F Emma Tattum 4549 1 17 4:48 123 0:20:20 M Alberto Puccini 4549 6 62 6:46 56 0:14:28 F Tiana Screaigh U16 12 18 4:49 124 0:20:22 F Karina Pittaway 4549 4 62 6:47 57 0:14:34 M Lucas Ho U16 19 39 4:51 125 0:20:53 F Ruby Bogoias U16 36 63 6:57 58 0:14:38 F Jenny Solin 5054 2 19 4:52 126 0:20:55 F Natalie Bogoias 3539 5 64 6:58 59 0:14:42 M Charlie Cotter U16 20 40 4:54 127 0:21:04 M Amin Fozdar U16 33 63 7:01 60 0:14:45 M Ben Gallin-Haynes U16 21 41 4:55 128 0:21:05 M Jamal Fozdar 4044 4 64 7:01 61 0:14:48 M Christopher Hay 5054 3 42 4:56 129 0:21:52 F Jessica Dean 2529 2 65 7:17 62 0:14:53 F Jennie Bond 4549 2 20 4:57 130 0:21:59 F Emily Mueller U16 37 66 7:19 63 0:15:00 M Raymond Gimi 5054 4 43 5:00 131 0:22:00 M Oliver Mueller 4549 7 65 7:20 64 0:15:04 M Mathew Botek U16 22 44 5:01 132 0:23:00 M Bailey Coates U16 34 66 7:40 65 0:15:05 M LACHLAN HYNES U16 23 45 5:01 133 0:23:00 F SHANNON COATES 4044 7 67 7:40 66 0:15:09 F NIAMH FORAN U16 13 21 5:03 134 0:23:17 F Ella McCrum U16 38 68 7:45 67 0:15:13 F Tayla Sedgwick U16 14 22 5:04 135 0:23:19 M Frank Gardiner 6569 2 67 7:46 68 0:15:14 F ELLA FORAN U16 15 23 5:04 136 0:23:22 M Brett McCrum 5559 2 68 7:47 69 0:15:18 F Lisa Swann 3539 2 24 5:06 137 0:23:34 M Harry Ryan U16 35 69 7:51 70 0:15:48 M Maxwill Deering U16 24 46 5:16 138 0:23:35 M Michael Ryan 5559 3 70 7:51 71 0:15:54 F Daisy Hewitt U16 16 25 5:18 139 0:23:38 F Madison Lucas U16 39 69 7:52 72 0:15:59 F Karen Young 4549 3 26 5:19 140 0:24:14 M Joshua Sedgwick U16 36 71 8:04 73 0:16:05 F TYLA GOUGH U16 17 27 5:21 141 0:24:54 F Naomi Arnold 3539 6 70 8:18 74 0:16:17 F Mana Furuya U16 18 28 5:25 142 0:24:55 F Sian Arnold U16 40 71 8:18 75 0:16:25 F Shelley Morton-Smith 5054 3 29 5:28 143 0:25:13 M MICHAEL PRENTICE 7074 1 72 8:24 76 0:16:26 F Misha Mcmonigal U16 19 30 5:28 144 0:25:23 F Aimee Westlake 1617 3 72 8:27 77 0:16:26 F Tamsyn Ireland U16 20 31 5:28 145 0:25:23 F Mikala Westlake 3539 7 73 8:27 78 0:16:28 F Poppy Barich U16 21 32 5:29 146 0:25:25 F Brianna Carroll U16 41 74 8:28 79 0:16:29 M Stephen Chewter 5054 5 47 5:29 147 0:25:25 F Zoe Carroll U16 42 75 8:28 80 0:16:33 F EDELE HOLMAN MACKEY 1617 2 33 5:31 148 0:25:26 F Karen Carroll 3539 8 76 8:28 81 0:16:40 M Daniel Brightwell U16 25 48 5:33 149 0:25:34 F Amy Flanders 1617 4 77 8:31 82 0:16:40 M Garth Brightwell 3539 4 49 5:33 150 0:25:36 M Luke Flanders 2529 1 73 8:32 83 0:16:41 M Hugo Gallin-Haynes U16 26 50 5:33 151 0:26:48 M Joshua Choy U16 37 74 8:56 84 0:16:46 F EBONY GOUGH U16 22 34 5:35 152 0:26:49 F Lily Lucas U16 43 78 8:56 85 0:16:50 F Chloe Ryan U16 23 35 5:36 153 0:27:16 M Winston Choy 4044 5 75 9:05 86 0:16:58 F Donna Sedgwick 4044 1 36 5:39 154 0:27:26 F Melissa Ashworth 3539 9 79 9:08 87 0:17:02 M Jett Croyston U16 27 51 5:40 155 0:27:27 F Amanda Southern 3539 10 80 9:09 88 0:17:02 F Sakura Deering U16 24 37 5:40 156 0:27:59 M Matt Lucas 4549 8 76 9:19 89 0:17:05 F Lulu Barich U16 25 38 5:41 157 0:28:35 M Andreas Botek U16 38 77 9:31 90 0:17:13 M Andy Chiu U16 28 52 5:44 158 0:28:36 F Taryna Botek 4549 5 81 9:32 91 0:17:18 F Matilda Ann Reynolds U16 26 39 5:46 159 0:29:25 F Karen Frear 4549 6 82 9:48 92 0:17:19 M Sam McCready 4549 4 53 5:46 160 0:29:29 F Adayna Fozdar U16 44 83 9:49 93 0:17:19 F Harriet Mccready U16 27 40 5:46 161 0:29:29 F Nasim Fozdar 3539 11 84 9:49 94 0:17:22 M Harrison Reynolds U16 29 54 5:47 162 0:34:39 F Leandra Mallon 5054 4 85 11:33 95 0:17:23 F Elisha Screaigh U16 28 41 5:47 163 0:34:40 M Bob Hayres 8084 1 78 11:33 96 0:17:24 F Renee Screaigh 4044 2 42 5:48 164 0:34:53 F Bridget Bell 3034 5 86 11:37 97 0:17:36 F Kerry Fullarton 5559 1 43 5:52 165 0:39:50 M Oliver Parsons U16 39 79 13:16 98 0:17:41 F Suree Toyale 3539 3 44 5:53 166 0:39:51 M Jason Parsons 4044 6 80 13:16 99 0:17:57 F Kim Migdoll 3034 1 45 5:59 167 0:41:58 F Riley Little U16 45 87 13:59 100 0:18:23 F Emily Croyston 4044 3 46 6:07 168 0:42:04 M Scott Little 4044 7 81 14:01 101 0:18:32 F Lisa Ann Reynolds 4044 4 47 6:10 102 0:18:35 F Jonelle Beveridge 3034 2 48 6:11 PERTH MARATHON (14TH JUNE 2015) 18

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 1 02:31:04.05 M Chris O'NEILL 30-34 1 1 3:34 74 03:13:42.13 M George WALLIS-RYDER 18-24 3 70 4:35 2 02:40:22.85 M Brad HART 35-39 1 2 3:48 75 03:13:46.63 M Mark SLADDEN 50-54 4 71 4:35 3 02:40:45.45 M James ROBERTS 25-29 1 3 3:48 76 03:14:03.48 M Gary PEACE 65-69 1 72 4:35 4 02:42:26.26 M Mark HUNTER 35-39 2 4 3:50 77 03:13:54.46 M Ollie NEARY 35-39 15 73 4:35 5 02:44:51.96 M Mike O'SULLIVAN 25-29 2 5 3:54 78 03:14:12.39 M Laurence GREENFIELD 30-34 12 74 4:36 6 02:44:57.84 M Kim THOMAS 40-44 1 6 3:54 79 03:13:39.15 M Dylan NASH 35-39 16 75 4:35 7 02:45:19.25 M Stephen STOCKWELL 50-54 1 7 3:55 80 03:14:33.13 M Craig SWAINE 35-39 17 76 4:36 8 02:46:01.32 M Simon COATES 45-49 1 8 3:56 81 03:15:20.48 M Robert EVANS 30-34 13 77 4:37 9 02:49:46.50 M Kevin MATTHEWS 45-49 2 9 4:01 82 03:15:56.75 M Barry WEINMAN 45-49 10 78 4:38 10 02:50:34.53 M Daniel HUDSON 30-34 2 10 4:02 83 03:16:14.01 M Nick TAYLOR 30-34 14 79 4:39 11 02:51:02.27 M Nathan PIEREMONT 35-39 3 11 4:03 84 03:16:20.60 F Rosemary GILES 40-44 1 5 4:39 12 02:51:18.00 M Alun MYERS 25-29 3 12 4:03 85 03:16:18.76 M Matt SMITH 45-49 11 80 4:39 13 02:51:26.91 M Steve PRYNNE 40-44 2 13 4:03 86 03:16:22.66 M Shannon BRISCO 40-44 17 81 4:39 14 02:52:10.68 M Jamal FOZDAR 40-44 3 14 4:04 87 03:16:34.02 F Bree DELFS 30-34 2 6 4:39 15 02:53:03.79 M Gary COWAN 30-34 3 15 4:06 88 03:16:34.19 M Bob LANE 65-69 2 82 4:39 16 02:53:33.86 M Gary COUANIS 35-39 4 16 4:06 89 03:16:35.72 F Martine NIELD 35-39 3 7 4:39 17 02:54:10.78 M Robert KAY 40-44 4 17 4:07 90 03:17:19.57 M Johannes MUCHA 40-44 18 83 4:40 18 02:54:21.20 M Jack DEWSBURY 18-24 1 18 4:07 91 03:17:45.25 M Daniel SHEELY 30-34 15 84 4:41 19 02:55:48.05 M Justin ROBINSON 45-49 3 19 4:09 92 03:18:28.27 F Natalia POPOWICZ 30-34 3 8 4:42 20 02:56:45.82 M Dann BROOK 25-29 4 20 4:11 93 03:18:39.17 F Margaret HADLEY 30-34 4 9 4:42 21 02:56:45.89 M Matt MEASURES 40-44 5 21 4:11 94 03:19:01.16 M Gavin SHARPE 40-44 19 85 4:42 22 02:57:35.45 M Craig BERG 40-44 6 22 4:12 95 03:19:24.88 M Adam PARKER 45-49 12 86 4:43 23 02:57:43.85 M Conor QUINN 40-44 7 23 4:12 96 03:19:37.44 M Jack DEVENEY 25-29 13 87 4:43 24 02:58:13.04 M Barry ATKINS 40-44 8 24 4:13 97 03:19:32.01 M Callum LAW 40-44 20 88 4:43 25 02:58:41.12 M Mathew JENNINGS 40-44 9 25 4:14 98 03:18:59.58 M Kieran RICH 25-29 14 89 4:42 26 02:58:47.38 M Luke MUNRO 30-34 4 26 4:14 99 03:19:16.24 M Daniel GRINCERI 40-44 21 90 4:43 27 02:58:51.38 M Volker GARTZ 45-49 4 27 4:14 100 03:19:34.86 M Matthew BRIERLEY 45-49 13 91 4:43 28 02:58:56.73 M Tris CHRISTIAN 30-34 5 28 4:14 101 03:19:46.79 M Andrew CARRINGTON 30-34 16 92 4:44 29 02:58:53.59 M Andrea PETTIGIANI 35-39 5 29 4:14 102 03:20:04.10 M Adrain COOKSEN 45-49 14 93 4:44 30 02:59:10.48 M Tony STAHL 45-49 5 30 4:14 103 03:19:35.71 M Mike MCCARTHY 50-54 5 94 4:43 31 02:59:34.28 M Ben NOONAN 35-39 6 31 4:15 104 03:20:08.39 M Tony MINARDS 55-59 3 95 4:44 32 02:59:35.32 M Raymond LAMPARD 35-39 7 32 4:15 105 03:19:48.75 M Duncan RAE 30-34 17 96 4:44 33 02:59:37.89 M Lloyd REIDY 25-29 5 33 4:15 106 03:20:10.98 M Matthew LYALL 18-24 4 97 4:44 34 03:00:01.02 F Visnja JAREB 30-34 1 1 4:15 107 03:20:23.01 M Shaun KAESLER 35-39 18 98 4:44 35 03:00:31.68 M Jimmy DOBSON 35-39 8 34 4:16 108 03:20:27.93 F Sharon BAIRD 35-39 4 10 4:45 36 03:00:38.50 M Matt MAGUIRE 25-29 6 35 4:16 109 03:20:31.31 M Colin FRANCIS 50-54 6 99 4:45 37 03:01:00.68 M Andrew HAAK 35-39 9 36 4:17 110 03:20:26.25 F Jacinta MARRIOTT 30-34 5 11 4:45 38 03:00:59.80 M Daniel BAYLISS 30-34 6 37 4:17 111 03:20:16.70 M Kris MIHAL 30-34 18 100 4:44 39 03:02:04.78 M Shane HOLSTEIN 40-44 10 38 4:18 112 03:20:31.36 M Rob ROBARTSON 50-54 7 101 4:45 40 03:02:25.51 M Brett COOMBES 45-49 6 39 4:19 113 03:21:00.52 M Mitch CLEASBY 55-59 4 102 4:45 41 03:02:41.90 M Phil GORE 25-29 7 40 4:19 114 03:20:49.31 M Brent HAYTHORNTHWAITE 35-39 19 103 4:45 42 03:03:34.23 M Michael KOWAL 50-54 2 41 4:21 115 03:21:08.76 M Darrin SMITH 40-44 22 104 4:46 43 03:03:34.18 M Elliot MILLS-EDWARD 25-29 8 42 4:21 116 03:21:54.34 M David TOMASI 45-49 15 105 4:47 44 03:04:11.49 M Lachlan MARR 55-59 1 43 4:21 117 03:21:39.62 M Simon BONNICK 45-49 16 106 4:46 45 03:04:20.25 M Jeremy URQUHART 18-24 2 44 4:22 118 03:21:47.97 F Suzanne MCKEEN 40-44 2 12 4:46 46 03:04:39.28 M Shane DURYEA 45-49 7 45 4:22 119 03:21:41.43 M Chris WASILEW 25-29 15 107 4:46 47 03:04:40.61 M Matt KORTEN 40-44 11 46 4:22 120 03:22:13.02 M Pete O'CONNELL 30-34 19 108 4:47 48 03:05:00.68 F Renae LLOYD 35-39 1 2 4:23 121 03:22:17.27 M Kevin GOBLE 45-49 17 109 4:47 49 03:05:03.60 M Mark HATELEY 30-34 7 47 4:23 122 03:22:13.49 M Dean CALDER 45-49 18 110 4:47 50 03:05:38.25 M Richard BASON 40-44 12 48 4:23 123 03:22:53.24 M Andrew HIGHFIELD 50-54 8 111 4:48 51 03:05:58.14 M Scott RUMBOLD 35-39 10 49 4:24 124 03:22:57.31 M Adam RATAJEWSKI 25-29 16 112 4:48 52 03:06:31.94 M Paul BECKERS 25-29 9 50 4:25 125 03:21:47.49 F Vanessa CARSON 35-39 5 13 4:46 53 03:06:27.24 M Tim WESTON 50-54 3 51 4:25 126 03:22:51.61 M Richard LESLIE 25-29 17 113 4:48 54 03:07:05.75 M Jon CAULFIELD 40-44 13 52 4:26 127 03:23:13.32 M Usama MAJEED 45-49 19 114 4:48 55 03:07:48.30 M Ian LONGVILLE 30-34 8 53 4:27 128 03:23:02.79 M Kevin JOHNSON 55-59 5 115 4:48 56 03:08:15.39 M Ilkka HEINONEN 30-34 9 54 4:27 129 03:23:41.40 M Andrew POLI 40-44 23 116 4:49 57 03:08:23.76 M Kieran BIRCH 25-29 10 55 4:27 130 03:24:01.62 F Barbara FIEBERG 45-49 2 14 4:50 58 03:09:21.53 M Sasa STANIC 45-49 8 56 4:29 131 03:23:48.78 M Simon GRATTON 35-39 20 117 4:49 59 03:09:37.27 M Chris SORGIOVANNI 30-34 10 57 4:29 132 03:24:29.72 M Simon FRANCIS 35-39 21 118 4:50 60 03:09:51.99 M Ben TREASURE 45-49 9 58 4:29 133 03:23:02.12 M Mark KIFT 40-44 24 119 4:48 61 03:10:01.44 M Steven LEUNG 30-34 11 59 4:30 134 03:24:09.66 M Andrew WHITING 45-49 20 120 4:50 62 03:10:11.58 M Paul BURNS 40-44 14 60 4:30 135 03:24:54.92 M Peter BAILEY 45-49 21 121 4:51 63 03:09:34.92 M Tim READ 35-39 11 61 4:29 136 03:24:56.48 M Andrew WHITESIDE 40-44 25 122 4:51 64 03:11:07.16 M Greg MACKENZIE 55-59 2 62 4:31 137 03:25:09.79 F Pamela MCCASKIE 30-34 6 15 4:51 65 03:12:07.46 M Wade SPILCKER 35-39 12 63 4:33 138 03:25:29.27 M Michael HEAD 40-44 26 123 4:52 66 03:12:27.44 M Jonathan MITCHELL 25-29 11 64 4:33 139 03:25:30.09 M Richard AVERY 25-29 18 124 4:52 67 03:13:06.34 M Luke FLANDERS 25-29 12 65 4:34 140 03:25:21.72 M Guy SILBERT 25-29 19 125 4:52 68 03:13:05.81 M Russell PEARCE 40-44 15 66 4:34 141 03:26:02.28 M Grant LANDERS 35-39 22 126 4:52 69 03:13:30.16 F Christene OOSTHUIZEN 35-39 2 3 4:35 142 03:25:29.08 M Marshall HOOD 25-29 20 127 4:52 70 03:13:31.02 M Paul GENOVESE 35-39 13 67 4:35 143 03:26:28.00 M Kenneth TURNER 50-54 9 128 4:53 71 03:13:41.15 M Matthew BOWMAN 40-44 16 68 4:35 144 03:26:45.85 F Liz INGRAM 30-34 7 16 4:54 72 03:13:09.10 F Andrea LEECH 45-49 1 4 4:34 145 03:27:22.84 F Lisa ROWE 35-39 6 17 4:54 73 03:13:51.25 M Jeremy SANGSTER 35-39 14 69 4:35 146 03:27:43.37 M Tim FLAVELL 45-49 22 129 4:55 19

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 147 03:27:34.81 M Kevin KELLY 45-49 23 130 4:55 220 03:37:04.34 M Garry SMITH 30-34 28 190 5:08 148 03:28:08.92 M Sam BAIRD 18-24 5 131 4:55 221 03:38:05.84 M Graham PIRRIE 45-49 32 191 5:10 149 03:28:22.44 M Graham MAIER 55-59 6 132 4:56 222 03:38:23.70 F Cassandra CHINKIN 35-39 7 31 5:10 150 03:28:13.60 M Jamie BLANCHARD 40-44 27 133 4:56 223 03:38:43.39 M Levi BARKER 40-44 42 192 5:11 151 03:28:06.26 M Kris THYER 25-29 21 134 4:55 224 03:38:45.97 M Christopher EAGAR 40-44 43 193 5:11 152 03:27:52.15 M Stuart MACKINNON 30-34 20 135 4:55 225 03:38:46.96 F Geraldine PRETORIUS 40-44 5 32 5:11 153 03:28:30.63 M Benjamin KEAL 35-39 23 136 4:56 226 03:39:31.80 M Mick FOX 35-39 30 194 5:12 154 03:28:48.58 M Ben LOWREY 30-34 21 137 4:56 227 03:39:36.57 M Paul MCKEICH 65-69 3 195 5:12 155 03:28:38.39 M Mike MAIDMENTT 45-49 24 138 4:56 228 03:38:57.87 M Paul FORAN 55-59 9 196 5:11 156 03:28:43.14 M Andrew JACKSON 50-54 10 139 4:56 229 03:39:13.81 M Philip SELFE 50-54 20 197 5:11 157 03:28:58.16 M Miki MAKUCH 35-39 24 140 4:57 230 03:39:26.97 M Dylan YARWOOD 35-39 31 198 5:12 158 03:28:56.64 M John PENTECOST 55-59 7 141 4:57 231 03:39:56.05 M Jono SHEEHAN 30-34 29 199 5:12 159 03:29:03.80 M Craig MELLORS 40-44 28 142 4:57 232 03:38:37.27 F Kelly PLAYER 25-29 5 33 5:10 160 03:29:23.19 M Mario LO PRESTI 18-24 6 143 4:57 233 03:39:44.89 M Tommy GLACKIN 30-34 30 200 5:12 161 03:28:56.17 M Grant WHOLEY 50-54 11 144 4:57 234 03:39:41.37 M Dale VINING 30-34 31 201 5:12 162 03:29:29.43 M Parusu RAMAKRISHNAN 40-44 29 145 4:57 235 03:40:01.63 M Martin BALL 50-54 21 202 5:12 163 03:29:42.85 M Grant DOUGLAS 40-44 30 146 4:58 236 03:39:37.42 M Ian BRANN 45-49 33 203 5:12 164 03:29:14.62 M Ian JUNK 45-49 25 147 4:57 237 03:40:10.39 M John SIBENALER 35-39 32 204 5:13 165 03:29:05.77 M Shane MCLEAY 40-44 31 148 4:57 238 03:39:52.00 M Vaughan GREGORY 35-39 33 205 5:12 166 03:29:11.54 M George PETROU 40-44 32 149 4:57 239 03:40:00.01 M Nick SWALLOW 45-49 34 206 5:12 167 03:29:04.60 M Lester SMITH 60-64 1 150 4:57 240 03:39:57.70 M Edmund KERR 55-59 10 207 5:12 168 03:28:48.70 M Dan JOHNSON 30-34 22 151 4:56 241 03:39:32.01 M Adrian HOPKINS 40-44 44 208 5:12 169 03:29:56.84 F Rachel KING 40-44 3 18 4:58 242 03:40:15.78 M Phil BAKER 45-49 35 209 5:13 170 03:28:49.92 M Bill DEERING 40-44 33 152 4:56 243 03:40:42.07 M Ante PERDIJA 40-44 45 210 5:13 171 03:29:39.92 M Scott YOUNGER 25-29 22 153 4:58 244 03:39:41.18 M Jacob BRENKLEY 25-29 25 211 5:12 172 03:29:34.40 F Deirdre MCPHEE 30-34 8 19 4:58 245 03:40:36.89 M Roger MILLETT 50-54 22 212 5:13 173 03:29:51.75 M Alan GEORGE 45-49 26 154 4:58 246 03:41:01.71 F Kate BODILL 25-29 6 34 5:14 174 03:30:05.69 M Ray SPREADBURY 40-44 34 155 4:58 247 03:41:15.56 M Hamish MACTAVISH 40-44 46 213 5:14 175 03:30:13.10 M Jarrad HEY 30-34 23 156 4:58 248 03:40:00.48 M Thomas GRUNNILL 40-44 47 214 5:12 176 03:30:13.52 M Tom BROOKS 35-39 25 157 4:58 249 03:41:05.99 M Alexis OOSTERHOFF 40-44 48 215 5:14 177 03:30:25.44 M Dan CHAPMAN 30-34 24 158 4:59 250 03:40:39.97 M Chris CARTER 25-29 26 216 5:13 178 03:30:20.27 F Morgan MARSH 30-34 9 20 4:59 251 03:40:43.91 F Sandra MCLEISH 50-54 2 35 5:13 179 03:29:59.59 F Gayle WHITEFIELD 25-29 1 21 4:58 252 03:40:31.62 M David KEIRLE 35-39 34 217 5:13 180 03:30:33.71 M Stephen ARMSTRONG 50-54 12 159 4:59 253 03:41:46.79 M Matthew ZEIGER 40-44 49 218 5:15 181 03:30:28.37 F Liza CHIN 45-49 3 22 4:59 254 03:40:54.19 M Scott STEVENS 30-34 32 219 5:14 182 03:29:20.74 M Kris SYRED 35-39 26 160 4:57 255 03:41:24.84 M Massimo DELIA 40-44 50 220 5:14 183 03:30:56.51 M Paddy FOLEY 30-34 25 161 4:59 256 03:42:05.18 M Kelly BUSWELL 55-59 11 221 5:15 184 03:30:52.75 F Sarah NOFAL 25-29 2 23 4:59 257 03:41:58.07 M Nic TAYLOR 25-29 27 222 5:15 185 03:31:22.03 M Jon PENDSE 30-34 26 162 5:00 258 03:42:01.18 M Mark COTTER 35-39 35 223 5:15 186 03:31:20.00 M Paul WILLIAMS 40-44 35 163 5:00 259 03:41:41.96 M Gregor MCVEY 40-44 51 224 5:15 187 03:31:36.04 M Martyn FLAHIVE 50-54 13 164 5:00 260 03:42:18.13 M Jarrad MONTGOMERIE 35-39 36 225 5:16 188 03:32:01.93 M Stephane BENAYOUN 45-49 27 165 5:01 261 03:42:11.75 M Lars FISCHER 45-49 36 226 5:15 189 03:31:38.78 M Paul EVENSEN 45-49 28 166 5:00 262 03:41:54.20 M Brendan HART 65-69 4 227 5:15 190 03:32:07.76 M Geoff ADENEY 55-59 8 167 5:01 263 03:42:41.28 M Alex POWELL 45-49 37 228 5:16 191 03:31:48.20 F Michelle KENNEDY 25-29 3 24 5:01 264 03:42:42.05 M Tarek MENIAWY 35-39 37 229 5:16 192 03:31:37.78 M Ryan DILLON 35-39 27 168 5:00 265 03:42:53.43 M Camo OXFORD 40-44 52 230 5:16 193 03:32:20.02 M Craig BURDEKIN 40-44 36 169 5:01 266 03:43:00.02 F Michelle TAYLOR 35-39 8 36 5:17 194 03:32:25.22 M Michele VILLA 50-54 14 170 5:02 267 03:42:58.19 M Michele NOCITI 40-44 53 231 5:17 195 03:32:48.66 M Joshua BAIN 25-29 23 171 5:02 268 03:42:40.17 M Jason BONSER 40-44 54 232 5:16 196 03:33:15.76 M Anthony GRAZIANI 40-44 37 172 5:03 269 03:42:34.62 F Alexandra MEEK 25-29 7 37 5:16 197 03:33:09.27 M Marcio MENEZES 40-44 38 173 5:03 270 03:43:09.41 M Andrew TIMMIS 25-29 28 233 5:17 198 03:33:23.34 M Matthew STEVENS 40-44 39 174 5:03 271 03:42:10.97 F Mia FULWOOD 30-34 12 38 5:15 199 03:32:56.55 M John REDMAN 40-44 40 175 5:02 272 03:43:20.05 M Timothy BERNADT 35-39 38 234 5:17 200 03:33:00.17 M Gordon GOH 45-49 29 176 5:02 273 03:43:32.45 F Freya SYMONS 25-29 8 39 5:17 201 03:33:23.54 M Paul PREE 50-54 15 177 5:03 274 03:43:13.72 M John KIRKPATRICK 30-34 33 235 5:17 202 03:33:31.78 F Sandra STOCKMAN 50-54 1 25 5:03 275 03:44:09.55 M Gary TURNER 55-59 12 236 5:18 203 03:33:26.17 M Steven RICE 50-54 16 178 5:03 276 03:43:24.42 F Andrea HARRIS 25-29 9 40 5:17 204 03:33:52.88 M Kyle FREEMAN 25-29 24 179 5:04 277 03:43:41.46 M Daniel PARNELL 40-44 55 237 5:18 205 03:34:39.21 F Sarah MCINTYRE 25-29 4 26 5:05 278 03:43:54.79 F Stephanie TEOH 30-34 13 41 5:18 206 03:34:24.47 M Martino LUIS 35-39 28 180 5:04 279 03:44:38.28 M Samuel O'CONNELL 18-24 7 238 5:19 207 03:35:59.79 M Phil TWISS 40-44 41 181 5:07 280 03:44:42.64 M Laurent CARLES 40-44 56 239 5:19 208 03:36:30.37 F Alice DOMENICHINI 30-34 10 27 5:07 281 03:44:07.76 F Jessica BARCLAY 25-29 10 42 5:18 209 03:35:58.32 F Rachael HEPBURN 40-44 4 28 5:07 282 03:45:03.27 M Peter SHIPMAN 45-49 38 240 5:20 210 03:37:21.14 F Christella PHIPSON 30-34 11 29 5:09 283 03:45:04.21 F Jodie SAMERS 40-44 6 43 5:20 211 03:37:18.18 M Phill NENDICK 50-54 17 182 5:08 284 03:45:37.62 F Allison SLATER 30-34 14 44 5:20 212 03:37:24.07 M Stephen O'DRISCOLL 30-34 27 183 5:09 285 03:45:35.67 M Nick WILKINSON 35-39 39 241 5:20 213 03:37:35.16 M Graham PENTER 45-49 30 184 5:09 286 03:45:58.53 M George CHIN 40-44 57 242 5:21 214 03:37:21.15 M Kevin SAVAGE 50-54 18 185 5:09 287 03:45:52.27 M Marcus HIGH 35-39 40 243 5:21 215 03:37:52.74 M Edward CUNNINGHAM 50-54 19 186 5:09 288 03:45:46.44 M Steve WATT 45-49 39 244 5:21 216 03:38:07.69 M Rick ALLEN 60-64 2 187 5:10 289 03:46:26.05 F Joanna MACLEOD 40-44 7 45 5:21 217 03:38:03.23 M Mike STEVENS 45-49 31 188 5:10 290 03:45:46.46 M Mike DUNCAN 35-39 41 245 5:21 218 03:37:47.64 M Tomasz SOBKOW 35-39 29 189 5:09 291 03:46:06.67 M Dennis BROSNAN 45-49 40 246 5:21 219 03:38:02.39 F Sarah GREENWOOD 18-24 1 30 5:10 292 03:46:09.98 F Harriet QUAST 35-39 9 46 5:21 20

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 293 03:46:40.84 M Russell GRAHAM 30-34 34 247 5:22 366 03:54:44.02 M Mathieu SAVARD 35-39 46 292 5:33 294 03:46:30.32 F Christine JACQUES 25-29 11 47 5:22 367 03:54:52.52 M Peter MAHONEY 50-54 26 293 5:33 295 03:47:13.01 F Eleanor YATES 25-29 12 48 5:23 368 03:54:24.77 M James MCGREGOR 40-44 70 294 5:33 296 03:46:44.28 M James COFFEY 30-34 35 248 5:22 369 03:54:45.27 M Steve WHALLEY 50-54 27 295 5:33 297 03:47:13.07 M Garry TAYLOR 40-44 58 249 5:23 370 03:54:58.11 F Samantha ZEPS 40-44 12 75 5:34 298 03:47:16.65 F Chantal OLIVER 25-29 13 49 5:23 371 03:55:00.56 F Tess BURSON 25-29 17 76 5:34 299 03:46:33.54 M Andrew WHALLEY 45-49 41 250 5:22 372 03:55:35.85 M Mirko AMIDZIC 40-44 71 296 5:35 300 03:47:33.16 F Wilco JACOBSZ 25-29 14 50 5:23 373 03:54:47.64 F Olivia O LOUGHLIN 30-34 17 77 5:33 301 03:47:35.82 M Ian BRAUND 45-49 42 251 5:23 374 03:54:39.27 M Craig O'BRIEN 30-34 40 297 5:33 302 03:48:00.29 F Katharina SCHMIDTMANN 18-24 2 51 5:24 375 03:55:57.30 M Andrew NORTON 50-54 28 298 5:35 303 03:47:47.13 M Graeme TINDALL 40-44 59 252 5:23 376 03:55:34.41 F Kim MCCONNELL 25-29 18 78 5:34 304 03:47:59.62 F Kim ROCHE 25-29 15 52 5:24 377 03:55:45.18 F Jessica LYNCH 25-29 19 79 5:35 305 03:48:11.70 M Alan FRENCH 40-44 60 253 5:24 378 03:56:21.61 M Simon ORDER 45-49 49 299 5:36 306 03:47:09.94 M Chris KAIN 40-44 61 254 5:23 379 03:56:15.16 M Ben RILEY 25-29 30 300 5:35 307 03:48:33.86 M Tex WEBSTER 40-44 62 255 5:25 380 03:55:56.24 F Kirsten LAMBERT 45-49 8 80 5:35 308 03:48:48.50 F Nyree MARR 45-49 4 53 5:25 381 03:55:59.68 F Alison STEER 30-34 18 81 5:35 309 03:48:24.51 F Suzanne MOORFIELD 40-44 8 54 5:24 382 03:55:16.70 F Jasmine WHITNELL 18-24 4 82 5:34 310 03:48:50.70 M Chris HOY POY 35-39 42 256 5:25 383 03:56:32.88 M Martin STEPHEN 40-44 72 301 5:36 311 03:49:04.22 M Jake STRIDE 35-39 43 257 5:25 384 03:56:41.71 F Cassie HUGHES 40-44 13 83 5:36 312 03:49:03.28 M Dirk BLACK 18-24 8 258 5:25 385 03:56:02.84 F Stephanie HOPKINS 40-44 14 84 5:35 313 03:49:01.88 F Michelle MANNING 35-39 10 55 5:25 386 03:56:22.23 F Lucy HELLIWELL 30-34 19 85 5:36 314 03:49:06.87 M Rob DONKERSLOOT 55-59 13 259 5:25 387 03:56:30.76 M Stephen NORRIE 50-54 29 302 5:36 315 03:49:12.32 M Richard PEARCE 45-49 43 260 5:25 388 03:57:05.98 M Christopher STANSBURY 45-49 50 303 5:37 316 03:48:59.75 F Julia WILCOCK 45-49 5 56 5:25 389 03:56:13.68 F Angie BAIN 35-39 20 86 5:35 317 03:49:09.81 M Terry CUNNINGHAM 55-59 14 261 5:25 390 03:56:08.26 F Orla BRENNAN 35-39 21 87 5:35 318 03:49:30.90 M Clarke HENDRY 55-59 15 262 5:26 391 03:56:12.12 M Mark LITHERLAND 45-49 51 304 5:35 319 03:49:28.65 F Narelle HELEAN 35-39 11 57 5:26 392 03:56:24.47 F Susan EDGAR 40-44 15 88 5:36 320 03:49:41.59 F Nicci MILLARD 35-39 12 58 5:26 393 03:56:26.97 M Edmund AINSCOUGH 45-49 52 305 5:36 321 03:50:02.97 M Edward GLIWSKI 55-59 16 263 5:27 394 03:57:09.64 M Gareth DEAN 30-34 41 306 5:37 322 03:50:06.46 F Jody MCGILL 35-39 13 59 5:27 395 03:56:31.34 F Catherine BROSNAN 40-44 16 89 5:36 323 03:49:42.17 M Chris NEILON 40-44 63 264 5:26 396 03:57:01.24 M Milton MAVRICK 60-64 6 307 5:37 324 03:50:18.45 M Curtis SIMON-MENASSE 30-34 36 265 5:27 397 03:57:44.95 M Matthew KENWORTHY 30-34 42 308 5:38 325 03:49:57.95 F Natasha HOOD 25-29 16 60 5:27 398 03:57:47.04 F Larissa MCNAUGHT 35-39 22 90 5:38 326 03:49:50.40 M Michael FORSTER 45-49 44 266 5:26 399 03:57:29.06 F Linda EGAN 30-34 20 91 5:37 327 03:49:49.71 F Heidi GREGSON 40-44 9 61 5:26 400 03:58:16.50 M Liam SOUTHAM 35-39 47 309 5:38 328 03:50:35.83 F Michelle LANE 35-39 14 62 5:27 401 03:58:14.36 M Carim ARMANIOS 45-49 53 310 5:38 329 03:50:03.11 M Gerry DENNISON 60-64 3 267 5:27 402 03:57:37.10 F Triska HARPER 35-39 23 92 5:37 330 03:49:29.02 F Michelle BARLOW 35-39 15 63 5:26 403 03:58:46.28 M David SAMSON 25-29 31 311 5:39 331 03:50:00.56 M Brett STONE 40-44 64 268 5:27 404 03:58:15.68 M Nigel HUNTER 35-39 48 312 5:38 332 03:50:58.41 M Martin MATICKA 40-44 65 269 5:28 405 03:58:09.27 M Cameron HILL 30-34 43 313 5:38 333 03:50:44.33 F Jacinta KEY 35-39 16 64 5:28 406 03:58:08.02 F Emma TAYLOR 35-39 24 93 5:38 334 03:51:27.46 F Anna MARSZALEK 30-34 15 65 5:29 407 03:58:54.43 M Steve SMITH 50-54 30 314 5:39 335 03:51:03.80 F Nicolle GARRETT 18-24 3 66 5:28 408 03:58:23.82 M Alan POLLARD 25-29 32 315 5:38 336 03:50:51.16 M Andy GORDON 40-44 66 270 5:28 409 03:58:49.32 F Harmony WAITE 35-39 25 94 5:39 337 03:51:25.83 M Brad HOLLINGBERY 35-39 44 271 5:29 410 03:58:33.23 M Ian EASTON 45-49 54 316 5:39 338 03:52:02.97 F Tracey SMITH 45-49 6 67 5:29 411 03:58:56.00 M Edward DJAYAWINATA 30-34 44 317 5:39 339 03:51:32.56 M Paul COOMBES 50-54 23 272 5:29 412 03:59:07.52 F Kara RITCHIE 45-49 9 95 5:40 340 03:51:34.23 F Claire WILKINSON 40-44 10 68 5:29 413 03:58:56.24 F Pauline AYTON 50-54 3 96 5:39 341 03:51:19.25 M Andrew COOPER 40-44 67 273 5:28 414 03:59:25.43 F Brenda CRININ 30-34 21 97 5:40 342 03:51:45.51 F Laura WALLACE 30-34 16 69 5:29 415 03:59:27.21 M Carlos FERRER 40-44 73 318 5:40 343 03:51:37.31 M Michael GREGG 40-44 68 274 5:29 416 03:59:10.49 F Noreen O'SHEA 25-29 20 98 5:40 344 03:52:15.35 M Mike TINDALE 60-64 4 275 5:30 417 04:00:16.83 F Sharyn BOWMAN 40-44 17 99 5:41 345 03:51:00.91 F Leanned DUCKWORTH 40-44 11 70 5:28 418 03:59:05.31 M Stuart CAMERON 50-54 31 319 5:39 346 03:52:29.06 M Mark WILLIAMS 45-49 45 276 5:30 419 04:00:19.06 F Kate MONTGOMERY 18-24 5 100 5:41 347 03:52:10.78 F Lindsey JOHNSON 35-39 17 71 5:30 420 04:00:27.49 M Ming LEUNG 45-49 55 320 5:41 348 03:52:40.28 M Adrian FABIANKOVITS 25-29 29 277 5:30 421 04:00:34.62 F Nhung WAWATAI 30-34 22 101 5:42 349 03:52:02.22 M Robert PAYNE 30-34 37 278 5:29 422 04:00:01.01 M Damien WALSH 35-39 49 321 5:41 350 03:52:45.86 M Peter CONROY 45-49 46 279 5:30 423 04:00:49.50 M Scott BUNNY 45-49 56 322 5:42 351 03:52:01.66 F Fiona GALVIN 45-49 7 72 5:29 424 04:01:18.32 F Josefine WANG 25-29 21 102 5:43 352 03:52:48.58 F Bianca HOWARD 35-39 18 73 5:31 425 04:01:28.28 M Lachlan STEWART 18-24 11 323 5:43 353 03:52:35.01 M Darren LISTER 45-49 47 280 5:30 426 04:01:09.72 M Ashul SHAH 45-49 57 324 5:42 354 03:52:30.17 M William PYRKE 50-54 24 281 5:30 427 04:01:41.28 M Paul GARWOOD 45-49 58 325 5:43 355 03:52:25.71 M James O'HARA 18-24 9 282 5:30 428 04:00:33.52 M Justin GOLDSMITH 40-44 74 326 5:42 356 03:53:17.77 M Jason KRUSZEWSKI 30-34 38 283 5:31 429 04:02:03.15 M Wayne MCGRATH 40-44 75 327 5:44 357 03:52:32.54 M Hugo SEYMOUR 18-24 10 284 5:30 430 04:01:54.94 M Mick HEARN 50-54 32 328 5:43 358 03:53:40.53 F Pippin HOLMES 35-39 19 74 5:32 431 04:02:16.36 F Michelle LISTER 40-44 18 103 5:44 359 03:53:41.01 M Denver ROETERDINK 35-39 45 285 5:32 432 04:02:17.91 F Lynette NICOLSON 50-54 4 104 5:44 360 03:53:28.07 M Alan GRAY 50-54 25 286 5:31 433 04:02:17.52 F Nickie BURTON 50-54 5 105 5:44 361 03:52:58.29 M Bernard VESNAVER 55-59 17 287 5:31 434 04:03:00.54 M Bryant BURMAN 40-44 76 329 5:45 362 03:54:24.05 M Ron MCGLINN 40-44 69 288 5:33 435 04:02:29.95 M Ooi Who LIM 30-34 45 330 5:44 363 03:54:34.28 M Nigel FURSE 60-64 5 289 5:33 436 04:03:22.80 F Karen PHILP 50-54 6 106 5:46 364 03:54:41.74 M Sam MCCREADY 45-49 48 290 5:33 437 04:03:04.24 M Deryck FOULNER 55-59 18 331 5:45 365 03:54:51.14 M James BROOK 30-34 39 291 5:33 438 04:03:52.05 M Daithi DE BAROID 25-29 33 332 5:46 21

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 439 04:03:20.72 F Eve RITTER 35-39 26 107 5:46 512 04:17:54.53 M Byungwoo SONG 45-49 65 378 6:06 440 04:02:57.87 M Damien CHESTER 40-44 77 333 5:45 513 04:18:21.41 M Peter KOVACS 40-44 89 379 6:07 441 04:04:12.52 M Peter SYMONS 60-64 7 334 5:47 514 04:17:58.90 M Chris MARROT-CASTELLAT 40-44 90 380 6:06 442 04:04:39.29 M Matt DOROTICH 40-44 78 335 5:47 515 04:17:30.01 M David TAPLEY 50-54 39 381 6:06 443 04:04:18.10 M Frank D'SILVA 40-44 79 336 5:47 516 04:18:43.53 F Carly PERRY 25-29 27 135 6:07 444 04:03:52.15 F Laura BROUGH 25-29 22 108 5:46 517 04:17:29.10 M Siaavash MAGHAMI 25-29 35 382 6:06 445 04:04:14.92 M Robert AITKEN-FOX 50-54 33 337 5:47 518 04:18:24.33 M Samuel EAVES 18-24 13 383 6:07 446 04:04:19.79 M Miko HADIKUSUMA 35-39 50 338 5:47 519 04:18:24.06 M James EAVES 40-44 91 384 6:07 447 04:04:50.22 M David ADAMS 35-39 51 339 5:48 520 04:18:44.32 M Donato LOMBARDI 45-49 66 385 6:07 448 04:05:12.10 M Brett GREENSILL 50-54 34 340 5:48 521 04:19:59.27 M Mark TRAINER 35-39 55 386 6:09 449 04:04:59.52 M Hamish HALLIDAY 40-44 80 341 5:48 522 04:19:56.94 M Richard ATTFIELD 40-44 92 387 6:09 450 04:04:30.28 M Andrew HOSGOOD 40-44 81 342 5:47 523 04:19:25.24 F Rilana OSTHEIM 30-34 28 136 6:08 451 04:04:24.86 M Mike HOFMAN 40-44 82 343 5:47 524 04:21:00.75 M Myles KELLY 55-59 22 388 6:11 452 04:05:34.40 M Craig DAWSON 35-39 52 344 5:49 525 04:21:12.22 M Gerry MCCANN 45-49 67 389 6:11 453 04:04:58.52 F Katie RIGGS 40-44 19 109 5:48 526 04:20:53.96 M Roger SIMKIN 60-64 10 390 6:10 454 04:06:00.92 F Rebecca COGHILL 40-44 20 110 5:49 527 04:20:45.11 M Marcus CARLSON 35-39 56 391 6:10 455 04:05:42.87 F Claire ITALIANO 35-39 27 111 5:49 528 04:21:02.70 M Leif HINRICHSEN 50-54 40 392 6:11 456 04:06:19.71 M Matthew TRENT 40-44 83 345 5:50 529 04:20:45.06 F Jessica MAKOLIN 25-29 28 137 6:10 457 04:06:42.03 F Melanie HILL 30-34 23 112 5:50 530 04:20:45.25 F Kali SANDBERG 25-29 29 138 6:10 458 04:05:57.00 F Rebecca DOEDENS 35-39 28 113 5:49 531 04:21:47.33 F Angela PATEMAN 25-29 30 139 6:12 459 04:07:00.03 M Bernard SHYNE 60-64 8 346 5:51 532 04:21:10.34 M Aaron PAINTER 30-34 52 393 6:11 460 04:06:51.94 M Dmitry KOSYAK 30-34 46 347 5:51 533 04:20:46.54 F Gillian PHUA 30-34 29 140 6:10 461 04:07:03.59 F Prue BLAINE 30-34 24 114 5:51 534 04:21:31.98 M Colin SMITH 55-59 23 394 6:11 462 04:07:04.82 M Stu MUNRO 30-34 47 348 5:51 535 04:21:47.82 F Anne CHANG 18-24 6 141 6:12 463 04:07:34.31 F Tracy WESTERMAN 45-49 10 115 5:52 536 04:21:55.19 M Phil WRIGHT 30-34 53 395 6:12 464 04:07:35.14 F Julia THORN 55-59 1 116 5:52 537 04:22:08.69 F Megan WATKINS 40-44 27 142 6:12 465 04:07:36.83 M Cees KOEMAN 55-59 19 349 5:52 538 04:22:53.51 F Lisa IP 18-24 7 143 6:13 466 04:08:07.02 F Elaine BROOME 40-44 21 117 5:52 539 04:22:49.17 F Jennifer SZIJARTO 35-39 31 144 6:13 467 04:08:28.80 F Tracey STEYN 40-44 22 118 5:53 540 04:24:05.28 M John LIEW SM 55-59 24 396 6:15 468 04:08:35.26 M James THACKRAY 50-54 35 350 5:53 541 04:23:14.74 M Nick WALLIS 40-44 93 397 6:14 469 04:08:33.73 M John Phil DABORN 45-49 59 351 5:53 542 04:23:45.53 F Gemma HUSSEY 30-34 30 145 6:15 470 04:08:42.59 M Raj CHOUDHURY 45-49 60 352 5:53 543 04:23:57.26 F Cheryl SYMONS 40-44 28 146 6:15 471 04:09:02.38 M Andrew FEDORUK 50-54 36 353 5:54 544 04:24:57.28 F Sandy TINDALE 60-64 1 147 6:16 472 04:10:29.58 M Jason PEARCE 35-39 53 354 5:56 545 04:24:03.03 M Arron EMMERSON 35-39 57 398 6:15 473 04:10:23.34 F Sabrina KELLY 30-34 25 119 5:56 546 04:25:08.90 F Hayley JACKSON 40-44 29 148 6:17 474 04:10:36.28 F Kristy OLIVER 25-29 23 120 5:56 547 04:24:43.52 F Julia WHITE 40-44 30 149 6:16 475 04:10:47.85 M Gary HALLIDAY 45-49 61 355 5:56 548 04:24:43.58 F Lauren FISHER 25-29 31 150 6:16 476 04:11:25.79 F Leanne RUSSELL 40-44 23 121 5:57 549 04:25:37.81 F Jeanne ONG 40-44 31 151 6:17 477 04:11:06.45 M Aaron WEHRLE 40-44 84 356 5:57 550 04:24:44.73 M Phillip CAMPBELL 50-54 41 399 6:16 478 04:11:08.09 M Dan BALDWIN 40-44 85 357 5:57 551 04:25:51.82 F Anne ALONI 50-54 8 152 6:18 479 04:12:12.61 M Keith MILLER 65-69 5 358 5:58 552 04:25:45.20 M Goji ENOMOTO 30-34 54 400 6:17 480 04:11:24.99 F Yvonne HAWKE 40-44 24 122 5:57 553 04:25:11.88 M Michael KALAF 30-34 55 401 6:17 481 04:11:08.03 M Neil HAMMOND 30-34 48 359 5:57 554 04:25:41.32 M Enore PANETTA 40-44 94 402 6:17 482 04:12:18.31 M Narayanan PAGALDIPTI 45-49 62 360 5:58 555 04:24:46.06 M Seiji YAMADA 60-64 11 403 6:16 483 04:12:20.25 F Denise CLEASBY 55-59 2 123 5:58 556 04:25:58.73 F Desilee AUGUSTSON 45-49 12 153 6:18 484 04:11:18.91 M Blair GAVIN 40-44 86 361 5:57 557 04:26:09.94 F Linda WALKER 40-44 32 154 6:18 485 04:11:58.47 M Mark PARSONS 45-49 63 362 5:58 558 04:26:47.49 M John PUNKE 35-39 58 404 6:19 486 04:12:30.52 M Ryan GILLAM 30-34 49 363 5:59 559 04:26:47.06 M Sung Ken WEE 30-34 56 405 6:19 487 04:12:27.43 F Karen LARSEN 30-34 26 124 5:58 560 04:26:07.33 F Amelia JUKES 18-24 8 155 6:18 488 04:13:11.94 F Diana NORTH 30-34 27 125 6:00 561 04:26:35.01 M Trevor WILSON 50-54 42 406 6:19 489 04:12:49.98 F Sara CASPARIS 40-44 25 126 5:59 562 04:26:36.83 M Brendan RYAN 55-59 25 407 6:19 490 04:13:19.57 M Neil HAWTIN 65-69 6 364 6:00 563 04:27:09.95 F Alysia D'ANDREA 18-24 9 156 6:19 491 04:13:36.77 F Julie BLAMPAIN-CLARK 45-49 11 127 6:00 564 04:26:56.90 M Paul BERRY 55-59 26 408 6:19 492 04:13:15.24 M Steve TAYLOR 50-54 37 365 6:00 565 04:26:25.63 F Beverley-Ann ATTFIELD 40-44 33 157 6:18 493 04:13:42.91 M Sean O'ROURKE 25-29 34 366 6:00 566 04:26:42.91 M Lee SMALES 35-39 59 409 6:19 494 04:13:11.65 F Trina BURRELL 50-54 7 128 6:00 567 04:26:39.67 F Rowena BURCH 30-34 31 158 6:19 495 04:13:23.77 M Mike HARWOOD 50-54 38 367 6:00 568 04:26:03.23 F Karen POTTS 40-44 34 159 6:18 496 04:14:11.08 F Amy MORTON 25-29 24 129 6:01 569 04:26:33.19 M Hezel COHEN 35-39 60 410 6:19 497 04:14:11.74 F Jen DONOHOE 40-44 26 130 6:01 570 04:26:51.60 F Moraig RICUPERO 50-54 9 160 6:19 498 04:14:10.42 F Corina YOUNG 25-29 25 131 6:01 571 04:26:49.01 M Clive LACEY 50-54 43 411 6:19 499 04:14:56.00 M Shunya KOMOTO 55-59 20 368 6:02 572 04:27:03.32 F Daisy BARAGWANATH 30-34 32 161 6:19 500 04:15:02.12 M Shane O CONNELL 18-24 12 369 6:02 573 04:27:05.30 M Kent RODSJO 40-44 95 412 6:19 501 04:14:11.24 M Stephen GRANT 45-49 64 370 6:01 574 04:26:57.01 F Thuy TRAN 25-29 32 162 6:19 502 04:15:05.01 M Geoff VINCENT 40-44 87 371 6:02 575 04:27:23.61 M Reindert VAN POECKE 50-54 44 413 6:20 503 04:15:35.44 F Aishling REES 35-39 29 132 6:03 576 04:27:59.45 M Phillip HAINS 55-59 27 414 6:21 504 04:15:35.40 M David NOONAN 30-34 50 372 6:03 577 04:27:34.77 F Lauren STOKOE 25-29 33 163 6:20 505 04:16:33.62 F Chloe WATSON 25-29 26 133 6:04 578 04:28:34.28 M Michael WARD 30-34 57 415 6:21 506 04:16:00.53 M Trevor HINCHLIFFE 35-39 54 373 6:04 579 04:28:06.95 F Judit KOVACS-MORETON 40-44 35 164 6:21 507 04:15:48.05 F Catalina LIZAMA 35-39 30 134 6:03 580 04:27:42.24 F Anne HARMSWORTH 55-59 3 165 6:20 508 04:16:36.08 M Derek BURNS 60-64 9 374 6:04 581 04:28:33.54 M David BUNTING 55-59 28 416 6:21 509 04:17:04.98 M Daniel SLY 30-34 51 375 6:05 582 04:27:45.13 M Stephen PHILLIPSON 35-39 61 417 6:20 510 04:16:27.03 M Carlo GOSATTI 40-44 88 376 6:04 583 04:27:39.90 F Pauline KLOPPER 45-49 13 166 6:20 511 04:18:23.07 M Mark BURGESS 55-59 21 377 6:07 584 04:29:04.22 F Danielle TAYLOR 35-39 32 167 6:22 22

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 585 04:28:28.03 M Duc DO 40-44 96 418 6:21 658 04:47:24.88 F Rachel EVANS 40-44 42 198 6:48 586 04:28:04.95 M Nik JONES 40-44 97 419 6:21 659 04:47:08.03 M Gary HARRIS 55-59 35 461 6:48 587 04:28:24.80 M John KAPARELIS 45-49 68 420 6:21 660 04:47:56.53 F Zahra WELLS 30-34 43 199 6:49 588 04:28:58.72 M Neville GARDINER 50-54 45 421 6:22 661 04:48:01.09 F Elaine SANDERSON 25-29 38 200 6:49 589 04:29:03.14 M Eamonn MCNULTY 55-59 29 422 6:22 662 04:49:13.43 F Gail SUTTON 65-69 1 201 6:51 590 04:29:22.04 F Ruth PAGE 25-29 34 168 6:23 663 04:49:03.21 F Hayley MARSH 45-49 17 202 6:51 591 04:30:23.67 F Melanie HACKETT 30-34 33 169 6:24 664 04:48:55.46 M Christian VASQUEZ 40-44 104 462 6:50 592 04:29:23.28 M William CAFFEY 60-64 12 423 6:23 665 04:49:05.95 F Lisa BARNES 25-29 39 203 6:51 593 04:29:41.93 M Robert WHYTE 35-39 62 424 6:23 666 04:50:39.09 M Hua Ann TAN 45-49 73 463 6:53 594 04:30:24.35 M Alastair HARING 35-39 63 425 6:24 667 04:50:04.14 M Andy BALDWIN 45-49 74 464 6:52 595 04:30:31.50 M Chris GAMBLE 60-64 13 426 6:24 668 04:49:44.62 M William TAYLOR 65-69 9 465 6:52 596 04:30:01.92 M Wade BUNTER 30-34 58 427 6:23 669 04:51:13.43 M Edward CLERK 40-44 105 466 6:54 597 04:30:33.22 M Chun Nang TSE 40-44 98 428 6:24 670 04:52:17.16 F Peggy WHALLEY 50-54 12 204 6:55 598 04:30:16.93 M Marco SULAS 30-34 59 429 6:24 671 04:53:08.77 F Belinda CAUNT 30-34 44 205 6:56 599 04:31:59.74 M Chris GLACKEN 55-59 30 430 6:26 672 04:52:33.25 M Paul ACTON 50-54 48 467 6:56 600 04:31:21.43 M Andrew OWEN 30-34 60 431 6:25 673 04:53:15.71 F Karina OLIVER 40-44 43 206 6:57 601 04:32:17.89 F Sarah THOMPSON 35-39 33 170 6:27 674 04:53:06.05 F Michelle COBB 45-49 18 207 6:56 602 04:31:28.28 M Tauno LILLMA 25-29 36 432 6:26 675 04:53:08.84 M Cyril BOELEMA 35-39 67 468 6:56 603 04:32:18.62 M Mark GRIFFITHS 40-44 99 433 6:27 676 04:53:35.02 F Katie CHINNERY 30-34 45 208 6:57 604 04:32:49.66 M Nick FOWELL 55-59 31 434 6:27 677 04:54:40.86 F Susan WHITTOME 45-49 19 209 6:59 605 04:32:11.82 F Emma MCNABOE 30-34 34 171 6:27 678 04:55:09.41 F Anna CASTLE 50-54 13 210 6:59 606 04:32:17.14 F Simone PRESTIDGE 25-29 35 172 6:27 679 04:55:16.88 M Peter JONES 45-49 75 469 6:59 607 04:33:08.97 F Panashi DEVCHAND 25-29 36 173 6:28 680 04:56:46.80 F Beth RUSH 35-39 36 211 7:02 608 04:34:10.02 M Stephen OLIVER 25-29 37 435 6:29 681 04:57:15.06 M John PYM 65-69 10 470 7:02 609 04:34:36.02 M Mark GOODING 60-64 14 436 6:30 682 04:56:47.30 M Ian CHAPMAN 45-49 76 471 7:02 610 04:33:45.88 M Brad PEARCE 45-49 69 437 6:29 683 04:58:17.45 M Stephen DUNN 45-49 77 472 7:04 611 04:34:25.76 M Richard VAN DIEREN 35-39 64 438 6:30 684 04:58:22.08 F Toni SCOTT 40-44 44 212 7:04 612 04:34:26.30 F Rebecca CHERRY 30-34 35 174 6:30 685 04:58:43.33 M Boon Hock TEH 40-44 106 473 7:04 613 04:34:38.50 F Lisa WITTWER 30-34 36 175 6:30 686 05:02:01.47 M Pete SHINNICK 40-44 107 474 7:09 614 04:35:32.61 M Terry ADAMS 50-54 46 439 6:31 687 05:00:44.57 F Mehrunisa ZAFAR 30-34 46 213 7:07 615 04:35:37.54 F Katrina MORRIS 35-39 34 176 6:31 688 05:01:20.68 M Ali HAROON 35-39 68 475 7:08 616 04:35:39.42 F Tanya AQUINO 40-44 36 177 6:31 689 05:01:22.88 M Haroon MUFTI 35-39 69 476 7:08 617 04:35:54.88 M Luke CONCHIE 30-34 61 440 6:32 690 05:01:41.79 F Roxy CLAYTON 25-29 40 214 7:09 618 04:36:17.53 F Mandy BOWLER 35-39 35 178 6:32 691 05:02:07.28 F Eileen NEWBY 60-64 2 215 7:09 619 04:36:37.15 M Paul KAPOR 55-59 32 441 6:33 692 05:04:21.22 M Rabin NAIDOO 40-44 108 477 7:12 620 04:37:34.32 M Bill RICHMOND 45-49 70 442 6:34 693 05:04:17.04 M Eteuati ETE 50-54 49 478 7:12 621 04:37:02.76 F Katherine STEVENS 45-49 14 179 6:33 694 05:05:10.36 F Alicia HARRIS 30-34 47 216 7:13 622 04:37:24.28 M Jeffrey TAN 30-34 62 443 6:34 695 05:04:55.44 M Mark ROYAN 30-34 64 479 7:13 623 04:37:32.08 F Helen RANDLE 40-44 37 180 6:34 696 05:07:33.69 M Immanuel RAKICH 35-39 70 480 7:17 624 04:38:23.87 M Reg LONGHURST 65-69 7 444 6:35 697 05:08:19.81 F Liz PELHAM 30-34 48 217 7:18 625 04:38:23.94 M Keith JECKELLS 60-64 15 445 6:35 698 05:08:29.64 F Emma DECICCO 30-34 49 218 7:18 626 04:39:03.03 F Lucy SMALES 30-34 37 181 6:36 699 05:09:00.35 M Phil BAKER 55-59 36 481 7:19 627 04:38:51.03 F Leah CLARKE 30-34 38 182 6:36 700 05:11:07.68 F Mary DEL DOSSO 45-49 20 219 7:22 628 04:39:39.74 M Paul DOOGAN 40-44 100 446 6:37 701 05:12:11.38 F Jessica PLAIN 18-24 11 220 7:23 629 04:39:37.78 M Stephen HOLLINGSWORTH 40-44 101 447 6:37 702 05:12:29.15 M Andrew WRIGHT 30-34 65 482 7:24 630 04:39:23.63 M Tom MCGEE 40-44 102 448 6:37 703 05:13:45.96 M Oliver MUELLER 45-49 78 483 7:26 631 04:34:55.89 M Paul SNOWDON 40-44 103 449 6:30 704 05:13:56.68 F Melanie TREFF 18-24 12 221 7:26 632 04:39:35.33 F Angela GILBERT 50-54 10 183 6:37 705 05:15:04.18 F Tracey BRIEN 45-49 21 222 7:28 633 04:39:52.73 M Michael KENCH 30-34 63 450 6:37 706 05:16:46.52 F Kirsten BUIST 30-34 50 223 7:30 634 04:40:34.61 M David SCAFFIDI 35-39 65 451 6:38 707 05:17:24.26 F Sarah SAN 40-44 45 224 7:31 635 04:39:55.15 F Emma LUSCOMBE 30-34 39 184 6:38 708 05:19:28.79 M Silvio WIRTH 65-69 11 484 7:34 636 04:40:37.40 M Russell MURRAY 35-39 66 452 6:39 709 05:20:31.36 M Tim EVA 40-44 109 485 7:35 637 04:41:14.38 M Jeffrey GADENNE 45-49 71 453 6:39 710 05:21:19.65 M Nick LETHBRIDGE 60-64 16 486 7:36 638 04:41:11.77 M Binh MA 25-29 38 454 6:39 711 05:21:42.91 F Suzanne PEACOCK 40-44 46 225 7:37 639 04:41:02.78 F Emily HUNT 30-34 40 185 6:39 712 05:22:09.07 M Ching Yau CHAN 30-34 66 487 7:38 640 04:40:53.35 M Barrie DRAKE 65-69 8 455 6:39 713 05:22:36.95 M Siew On CHOO 60-64 17 488 7:38 641 04:42:40.96 M Gregory MATTHEW 45-49 72 456 6:41 714 05:23:00.90 M Christopher BROUN 65-69 12 489 7:39 642 04:41:33.01 F Penny SIMPSON 40-44 38 186 6:40 715 05:23:01.82 M Hugh BROUN 40-44 110 490 7:39 643 04:41:33.09 F Alison LEE 50-54 11 187 6:40 716 05:23:06.92 F Lianne CHRISTALL 50-54 14 226 7:39 644 04:42:32.12 F Nikky ELLIS 30-34 41 188 6:41 717 05:23:15.96 F Julie TAN 30-34 51 227 7:39 645 04:42:20.98 M Peter BURTON 55-59 33 457 6:41 718 05:25:03.62 M Cliff BERNARD 35-39 71 491 7:42 646 04:43:06.48 M Zachary KERR 18-24 14 458 6:42 719 05:26:05.95 M Anthony LLOYD 65-69 13 492 7:43 647 04:42:26.02 F Sue O'HANLON 55-59 4 189 6:41 720 05:27:47.22 M Robert MARSH 45-49 79 493 7:46 648 04:44:08.43 M Miao TIAN 55-59 34 459 6:44 721 05:28:56.91 M Mark THOMPSON 45-49 80 494 7:47 649 04:43:23.78 F Bianca TAYLOR 18-24 10 190 6:42 722 05:29:06.78 F Brianna MOUAT 25-29 41 228 7:47 650 04:43:29.28 F Claire HENDERSON 40-44 39 191 6:43 723 05:30:43.72 M Miguel LABEIKOVSKY 35-39 72 495 7:50 651 04:43:37.12 F Nicole DE CLIFFORD 25-29 37 192 6:43 724 05:31:31.58 M Jeff PILGRIM 55-59 37 496 7:51 652 04:45:19.38 F Darlene DALE 45-49 15 193 6:45 725 05:31:43.90 F Victoria BELL 30-34 52 229 7:51 653 04:45:07.03 M Gary BRADSHAW 50-54 47 460 6:45 726 05:32:45.63 F Annette LIVESEY 50-54 15 230 7:53 654 04:46:20.75 F Laura BOWLT 30-34 42 194 6:47 727 05:33:09.94 M Ilias ZOTOS 50-54 50 497 7:53 655 04:46:21.90 F Barbara BARTLETT 45-49 16 195 6:47 728 05:33:13.16 M Han CHEN 30-34 67 498 7:53 656 04:46:36.07 F Robyn PRICE 40-44 40 196 6:47 729 05:34:01.58 F Sophee GARDINER 30-34 53 231 7:54 657 04:46:48.26 F Charlie WILSON-CLARK 40-44 41 197 6:47 730 05:37:19.87 F Sandra LEVIS 50-54 16 232 7:59 23

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 731 05:37:16.74 F Kelly-Lynn FLEMING 50-54 17 233 7:59 740 05:54:31.18 F Angela BOND 50-54 18 236 8:24 732 05:43:25.75 M Edward DJAUHARI 35-39 73 499 8:08 741 05:54:25.03 M Kurt TRUONG 25-29 39 505 8:23 733 05:47:42.34 M Cyril TOLSON 65-69 14 500 8:14 742 05:54:17.21 M Dan JONES 30-34 68 506 8:23 734 05:46:26.54 M Kiran GURUNG 35-39 74 501 8:12 743 05:56:41.65 F Julie STOREY 40-44 49 237 8:27 735 05:46:53.20 F Chantelle VORENBERG 40-44 47 234 8:13 744 05:56:57.82 M Jose MAXIMO 45-49 83 507 8:27 736 05:48:29.94 M Alan BELL 45-49 81 502 8:15 745 05:57:27.77 M Clinton BISHOP 40-44 111 508 8:28 737 05:49:41.78 M David CANNINGS 55-59 38 503 8:17 746 06:00:52.38 F Katie WREN 30-34 54 238 8:33 738 05:50:22.44 F San LUU 40-44 48 235 8:18 747 06:14:50.83 F Julie KEELEY 45-49 22 239 8:53 739 05:53:42.71 M Brian JACKSON 45-49 82 504 8:22


Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 1 0:57:53 M Christopher Dale 1824 1 1 3:35 58 1:16:39 M Bob Walmsley 5559 2 52 4:45 2 0:57:59 M Scott Tamblin 3539 1 2 3:36 59 1:16:42 M MARK LOMMERS 3034 10 53 4:45 3 0:58:26 M Brett Johnson 3034 1 3 3:37 60 1:16:44 M Martin McGinty 3034 11 54 4:45 4 0:58:49 M Cormac Gallagher 2529 1 4 3:39 61 1:16:46 F Laura Kyriakacis 1824 2 7 4:46 5 0:59:36 M GERARD HILL 2529 2 5 3:42 62 1:16:49 M Asher Mortimer 2529 7 55 4:46 6 1:01:41 M Thomas Bakowski 3034 2 6 3:49 63 1:16:50 M Unknown 56 56 4:46 7 1:02:59 M Oliver Dartnall 3539 2 7 3:54 64 1:16:51 F Shaye Pett 3539 3 8 4:46 8 1:03:04 M Enda Stankard 3539 3 8 3:55 65 1:16:54 M James Leggett 3034 12 57 4:46 9 1:03:11 M Ben King 2529 3 9 3:55 66 1:16:56 M Daniel Perez 3034 13 58 4:46 10 1:03:28 M Unknown 10 10 3:56 67 1:16:57 M Vince Pere 4549 5 59 4:46 11 1:03:53 M Simon Coates 4549 1 11 3:58 68 1:16:58 M Steven O'Halloran 4549 6 60 4:46 12 1:04:45 M Shane Johnstone 2529 4 12 4:01 69 1:16:59 M Adam Knight 3034 14 61 4:46 13 1:05:25 M Joao Pisani 3539 4 13 4:03 70 1:17:02 M Bill Whalley 6064 1 62 4:47 14 1:05:28 F Katey Gibb 2529 1 1 4:03 71 1:17:11 M Logan Vickers 2529 8 63 4:47 15 1:05:39 M Jamal Fozdar 4044 1 14 4:04 72 1:17:32 M Finbar Mckenna 2529 9 64 4:48 16 1:06:59 M Dean Hodge 4044 2 15 4:09 73 1:17:35 M Connor Hughes 3539 13 65 4:49 17 1:07:02 M Daniel Brook 2529 5 16 4:09 74 1:17:36 M Mick Francis 5559 3 66 4:49 18 1:07:16 M Andres Noe 1824 2 17 4:10 75 1:17:49 M Patrick Beck 2529 10 67 4:49 19 1:07:50 M Anthony O'Brien 3539 5 18 4:12 76 1:17:52 M William Barlow 3034 15 68 4:50 20 1:08:15 F Kate Vernon 1824 1 2 4:14 77 1:17:55 M GREG LINNEY 5559 4 69 4:50 21 1:08:55 M Shao Wu 4044 3 19 4:16 78 1:18:00 M RICK ALLEN 6064 2 70 4:50 22 1:09:01 M Barry Oelofsen 3034 3 20 4:17 79 1:18:11 M Ken Dacre 6064 3 71 4:51 23 1:09:06 M David Kordic 2529 6 21 4:17 80 1:18:14 M Phill Nendick 5054 6 72 4:51 24 1:09:10 M Thomas Renshaw 22 22 4:17 81 1:18:16 M Ewan Fisk 4549 7 73 4:51 25 1:09:54 M Ilkka Heinonen 3034 4 23 4:20 82 1:18:18 M Ian Brann 4549 8 74 4:51 26 1:10:09 M Luke Eaton 3539 6 24 4:21 83 1:18:29 M Brent Roberts 4549 9 75 4:52 27 1:10:14 M Andrew Poli 4044 4 25 4:21 84 1:18:30 F Niamh Moloney 2529 3 9 4:52 28 1:10:53 M Grant Langford 3539 7 26 4:24 85 1:18:38 M Roy Berkin 2529 11 76 4:53 29 1:11:15 M Matt Rolfe 4044 5 27 4:25 86 1:18:41 M Stuart Bartholomew 4044 9 77 4:53 30 1:11:30 M DAVID RENSHAW 5054 1 28 4:26 87 1:18:44 M Kevin Kelly 2529 12 78 4:53 31 1:11:53 M Simon Windsor 5054 2 29 4:27 88 1:18:48 M Cade OBrien 79 79 4:53 32 1:11:56 M Unknown 30 30 4:28 89 1:18:52 M Gary Cooper 4044 10 80 4:53 33 1:11:57 M Isaac Lorca Diez 3539 8 31 4:28 90 1:19:02 F Seranica Williamson 2529 4 10 4:54 34 1:11:59 M Richard Back 4044 6 32 4:28 91 1:19:08 M Neil Brookes 3539 14 81 4:54 35 1:12:29 M David Martin 5054 3 33 4:30 92 1:19:30 M John Allen 5559 5 82 4:56 36 1:12:30 M Neil Armstrong 4549 2 34 4:30 93 1:19:42 M Jason Hope 4549 10 83 4:57 37 1:12:57 M Christopher Allday 3034 5 35 4:31 94 1:19:42 M Martin Dolinschell 4044 11 84 4:57 38 1:12:59 M Simon Wheeler 4044 7 36 4:31 95 1:20:20 M Nick Swallow 4549 11 85 4:59 39 1:13:11 M Clint MAY 3539 9 37 4:32 96 1:20:46 M Tony Spicer 3539 15 86 5:00 40 1:13:14 M Ollie Neary 3539 10 38 4:32 97 1:20:59 M STEVEN HARLING 4549 12 87 5:01 41 1:13:25 F LEAH QUEIT 2529 2 3 4:33 98 1:21:00 F DEB ANDERSON 4044 1 11 5:01 42 1:13:42 M DANIEL SHEELY 3034 6 39 4:34 99 1:21:01 F Teena Tamblin 2529 5 12 5:01 43 1:14:21 M Cleasby Mitch 5559 1 40 4:37 100 1:21:02 F Jo Kocik 3034 2 13 5:01 44 1:14:32 M Sean Whitehead 1824 3 41 4:37 101 1:21:09 M Jacques Meyer 4044 12 88 5:02 45 1:14:42 M Richard Titelius 5054 4 42 4:38 102 1:21:10 M Louis Holdstock 5054 7 89 5:02 46 1:14:51 F Ingrid Cleland 3539 1 4 4:38 103 1:21:27 M Andrew Perelson 4549 13 90 5:03 47 1:14:56 M Vince Radford 3539 11 43 4:39 104 1:21:31 M Mark Robson 4044 13 91 5:03 48 1:15:02 M ANDREW HIGHFIELD 5054 5 44 4:39 105 1:21:32 F Sarah Grant 2529 6 14 5:03 49 1:15:21 M Martin O'Connell 4549 3 45 4:40 106 1:21:35 M Shane Holstein 4044 14 92 5:04 50 1:15:40 M Robert Merrells 3539 12 46 4:41 107 1:21:51 F Gillian Power 3539 4 15 5:05 51 1:15:49 F Rebecca Lewis 3034 1 5 4:42 108 1:21:57 M Drew Pearman 3034 16 93 5:05 52 1:15:51 M David Collings 4549 4 47 4:42 109 1:21:59 M Roger Millett 5054 8 94 5:05 53 1:15:57 M Craig White 3034 7 48 4:43 110 1:22:01 F Emily Laidley 3539 5 16 5:05 54 1:16:09 M Phil Corrick 3034 8 49 4:43 111 1:22:25 M Andrew Knight 4044 15 95 5:07 55 1:16:17 M Gavin Skinner 3034 9 50 4:44 112 1:23:15 F Anne Musk 3539 6 17 5:10 56 1:16:20 F Simona Infantino 3539 2 6 4:44 113 1:23:16 F Georgie Smith 3034 3 18 5:10 57 1:16:36 M Trevor Van Aurich 4044 8 51 4:45 114 1:23:28 M Timothy Hamilton 3539 16 96 5:11 24

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 115 1:23:36 M Dan Dery 4044 16 97 5:11 188 1:30:50 M Jason Pearce 3539 23 142 5:38 116 1:23:41 F Lisa Searle 4044 2 19 5:11 189 1:30:57 F Natalie Calleja 3034 8 47 5:38 117 1:23:48 M Andrew Plunkett 5054 9 98 5:12 190 1:31:20 M Burton Cusens 3034 23 143 5:40 118 1:23:49 M Wayno McMurtrie 3539 17 99 5:12 191 1:31:27 M Jarryd Reynolds 1824 4 144 5:40 119 1:24:04 M Clarke Hendry 5559 6 100 5:13 192 1:31:28 F Melanie McGrail 4044 7 48 5:40 120 1:24:05 M Robert Colton 5054 10 101 5:13 193 1:31:32 M Davis Chilalama 5054 19 145 5:41 121 1:24:16 F Celeste Quin 3539 7 20 5:14 194 1:31:33 F Denise Cleasby 5559 1 49 5:41 122 1:24:17 F Elle Franklin 2529 7 21 5:14 195 1:31:38 M Matt Johnston 3539 24 146 5:41 123 1:24:17 F Colleen Gay 4549 1 22 5:14 196 1:31:44 F Cathy Clarke 1824 5 50 5:41 124 1:24:18 F Janelle Wong 2529 8 23 5:14 197 1:31:47 M Jason Kruszewski 3034 24 147 5:42 125 1:24:19 M Keith Grassick 4044 17 102 5:14 198 1:31:48 F GERRY FALLARA 5054 2 51 5:42 126 1:24:21 F Meg Takiguchi 3539 8 24 5:14 199 1:31:50 F Melanie Davies 3539 11 52 5:42 127 1:24:27 M Simon Bonnick 4549 14 103 5:14 200 1:32:17 F Lesley Stjepic 3539 12 53 5:43 128 1:24:39 F Ruth Murdie 4549 2 25 5:15 201 1:32:18 M Doug Stjepic 4044 25 148 5:43 129 1:24:49 M Stuart Briggs 3034 17 104 5:16 202 1:32:26 M Bryan Cooke 4044 26 149 5:44 130 1:24:49 F Gisela Gartmair 3034 4 26 5:16 203 1:32:31 F JENNIFER NOONAN 3539 13 54 5:44 131 1:24:53 F Nathalie Laurendeau 4549 3 27 5:16 204 1:32:50 M George Lumsden 4549 22 150 5:45 132 1:24:54 M Colin Finney 5054 11 105 5:16 205 1:32:56 M DANIEL SLY 3034 25 151 5:46 133 1:24:54 M Paul Pree 5054 12 106 5:16 206 1:33:00 F Zena Coffey 3539 14 55 5:46 134 1:25:04 M TERRY SINGLETON 5054 13 107 5:17 207 1:33:04 F TRISHA FARR 4044 8 56 5:46 135 1:25:11 F Karla Lister 3034 5 28 5:17 208 1:33:06 F SHANNON COATES 4044 9 57 5:46 136 1:25:12 M Esa Lahti 3539 18 108 5:17 209 1:33:09 F Tracey Gowen 2529 14 58 5:47 137 1:25:20 M Charles Palmer 2529 13 109 5:18 210 1:33:18 F Crystal Shiu 3034 9 59 5:47 138 1:25:36 F Virginia Cutler 2529 9 29 5:19 211 1:33:52 M Attila Hagymas 4044 27 152 5:49 139 1:25:43 M Scot Pannell 5054 14 110 5:19 212 1:33:54 F Lisa Mahon 3539 15 60 5:49 140 1:25:45 F Rebecca Brown 1824 3 30 5:19 213 1:34:03 F Jane Elton 4549 6 61 5:50 141 1:25:49 F Sophie Knox 2529 10 31 5:19 214 1:34:10 M Anthony Molloy 5559 7 153 5:50 142 1:25:51 M James Cleverley 4044 18 111 5:19 215 1:34:14 M Joe Fontaine 4044 28 154 5:51 143 1:25:53 M Scott Romeo 2529 14 112 5:20 216 1:34:18 F Billi Veber 4044 10 62 5:51 144 1:25:54 F Tiarn Burtenshaw 1824 4 32 5:20 217 1:34:27 M Bull Barker 4044 29 155 5:51 145 1:26:03 F Andrea Bell 4044 3 33 5:20 218 1:34:29 M Gerard Dyson 4044 30 156 5:52 146 1:26:04 M Paul Vanderweide 3539 19 113 5:20 219 1:34:29 M Bruce Mitchell 4549 23 157 5:52 147 1:26:06 M Kevin Ireland 4549 15 114 5:20 220 1:34:29 M Nat Shreedhar 4044 31 158 5:52 148 1:26:14 M Frank D'Silva 4044 19 115 5:21 221 1:34:46 F Andrea White 3539 16 63 5:53 149 1:26:20 M Jeffrey Bremner 5054 15 116 5:21 222 1:35:10 M Chris Platt 3034 26 159 5:54 150 1:26:29 M Phil Monks 4549 16 117 5:22 223 1:35:14 F Geraldine Pretorius 4044 11 64 5:54 151 1:26:30 F Kate Fallon 2529 11 34 5:22 224 1:35:20 F Maha Damouni 5054 3 65 5:55 152 1:26:41 M MICHAEL KELLY 7074 1 118 5:23 225 1:35:21 F Mara Kroyer 3539 17 66 5:55 153 1:26:48 F Sandra Peake 4549 4 35 5:23 226 1:35:27 M Ian Junk 4549 24 160 5:55 154 1:27:02 F Michelle Manning 3539 9 36 5:24 227 1:35:30 M Phillip Campbell 5054 20 161 5:55 155 1:27:05 M MEL EBSTEIN 5054 16 119 5:24 228 1:35:31 F Judy Lucas 4549 7 67 5:55 156 1:27:08 M Andrew Buchan 4549 17 120 5:24 229 1:35:32 M Mark Brindle 5559 8 162 5:56 157 1:27:12 F Jasmin Bailey 3034 6 37 5:24 230 1:35:33 F Louise Houghton 2529 15 68 5:56 158 1:27:19 F Rose Richards 2529 12 38 5:25 231 1:35:58 M Ryan Clift 3539 25 163 5:57 159 1:27:21 F Emily Randall 3034 7 39 5:25 232 1:35:59 F Leanne Jenkins 4549 8 69 5:57 160 1:27:31 M Andrew Whalley 4549 18 121 5:26 233 1:36:08 M Mark Simmonds 5559 9 164 5:58 161 1:27:35 M Unknown 122 122 5:26 234 1:36:12 F Margaret Veal 4549 9 70 5:58 162 1:27:55 F Fiona Bow 4044 4 40 5:27 235 1:36:13 M Wade DAVIS 4549 25 165 5:58 163 1:27:56 F Unknown 4044 5 41 5:27 236 1:36:14 M Peter Brooke 5054 21 166 5:58 164 1:28:05 M Neil Atkinson 5054 17 123 5:28 237 1:36:15 F Stephanie Teoh 3034 10 71 5:58 165 1:28:08 F Kerin Thomson 4549 5 42 5:28 238 1:36:18 F Jenni Wiid 5054 4 72 5:58 166 1:28:20 M Scott Girdler 4044 20 124 5:29 239 1:36:20 M Alex Meredith 3034 27 167 5:59 167 1:28:36 M Ian Morrison 3034 18 125 5:30 240 1:36:22 M Iain Muir 3034 28 168 5:59 168 1:28:43 F Nicola Burke 4044 6 43 5:30 241 1:36:23 F Linda Riddle 4549 10 73 5:59 169 1:28:50 M Eric Brown 3539 20 126 5:31 242 1:36:25 F Julie Lorian 5559 2 74 5:59 170 1:28:51 M Eli Morales 3034 19 127 5:31 243 1:36:27 F Jacqui Claassen 4044 12 75 5:59 171 1:28:54 M IAN ROBERTS 6064 4 128 5:31 244 1:36:28 M Stuart Cameron 5054 22 169 5:59 172 1:29:31 M LEE GARNER 4044 21 129 5:33 245 1:36:32 M John Young 4044 32 170 5:59 173 1:29:32 F ALEXANDRA MEEK 2529 13 44 5:33 246 1:36:38 M Ralf Boepple 3539 26 171 6:00 174 1:29:35 M Stuart McLeod 4044 22 130 5:33 247 1:36:42 F PIPPA WINDSOR 4549 11 76 6:00 175 1:29:43 M Darren Kemp 3539 21 131 5:34 248 1:36:47 F ILZE ROUX 3034 11 77 6:00 176 1:30:02 M Luke Revell 3034 20 132 5:35 249 1:36:56 M Marco Gama 3539 27 172 6:01 177 1:30:03 M Marcel Kempe 4549 19 133 5:35 250 1:36:56 F Jo Armstrong 4549 12 78 6:01 178 1:30:08 M Edward Djayawinata 3034 21 134 5:35 251 1:37:00 F Tamzin Leitch 4044 13 79 6:01 179 1:30:15 M John Phillips 3034 22 135 5:36 252 1:37:01 F Amanda Tully 4044 14 80 6:01 180 1:30:16 M Nathan Facer 4044 23 136 5:36 253 1:37:07 M Marcus Navarro 3539 28 173 6:01 181 1:30:24 F HARMONY WAITE 3539 10 45 5:36 254 1:37:10 F Lisa Barnes 2529 16 81 6:02 182 1:30:33 M Robert Dicey 3539 22 137 5:37 255 1:37:13 F Orla Gilmore 3539 18 82 6:02 183 1:30:35 M Jeffrey Hansen 5054 18 138 5:37 256 1:37:30 F Melissa Ross 3539 19 83 6:03 184 1:30:38 M JIM FARR 4549 20 139 5:37 257 1:37:32 M Matthew Quin 4044 33 174 6:03 185 1:30:41 M Anthony Middleton 4044 24 140 5:37 258 1:37:36 F Natalie Cushion 1824 6 84 6:03 186 1:30:42 M David Sainsbury 4549 21 141 5:38 259 1:38:09 F Michelle Lane 3539 20 85 6:05 187 1:30:42 F Fiona Longden 5054 1 46 5:38 260 1:38:27 F Ronel Koen 4044 15 86 6:06 25

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 261 1:38:28 M Jethro Nagle 1824 5 175 6:06 334 1:47:24 F CLAIRE SIBBEL 3539 33 134 6:40 262 1:38:29 F Erika Verhoeven 4549 13 87 6:07 335 1:47:35 M Jonathan Storey 4044 38 201 6:40 263 1:38:43 M Julian Rennie 4044 34 176 6:07 336 1:47:38 F Valentina Stix 2529 21 135 6:41 264 1:38:46 M RICHARD RUSSELL 6569 1 177 6:08 337 1:47:38 F Melina Mellino 3034 15 136 6:41 265 1:38:47 F Marlise Lasevicius 4044 16 88 6:08 338 1:47:42 F Anastassia Tchernova 3539 34 137 6:41 266 1:38:51 F Charlie Hermann 4549 14 89 6:08 339 1:47:45 M Marco Serra 3539 31 202 6:41 267 1:38:52 F Rebecca Morton-Stephens 3539 21 90 6:08 340 1:48:06 F Jaqui Clark 3034 16 138 6:42 268 1:39:04 M Bill Deering 4044 35 178 6:09 341 1:48:32 F Tania De Abreu 5054 7 139 6:44 269 1:39:07 F Tina Craddock 2529 17 91 6:09 342 1:48:34 M Luke Boggan 202 203 6:44 270 1:39:10 F Renata Niderla 5559 3 92 6:09 343 1:48:34 M James patrick Boggan 3539 32 204 6:44 271 1:39:11 F TRACY WESTERMAN 4549 15 93 6:09 344 1:48:39 F Noelene Treen 5559 7 140 6:44 272 1:39:26 M Caleb Christensen 179 179 6:10 345 1:48:40 F Mandy Coles 5054 8 141 6:44 273 1:39:28 M Lachlan Henderson 1824 6 180 6:10 346 1:49:04 F Audra Rimmer 4549 22 142 6:46 274 1:39:38 F Laura Parker 3034 12 94 6:11 347 1:49:16 F Silke Peglow 4549 23 143 6:47 275 1:39:41 M Neil Richardson 3034 29 181 6:11 348 1:49:44 F Fran Browning 4549 24 144 6:48 276 1:39:50 F Jeanette Griffiths 3539 22 95 6:12 349 1:50:09 M John Talbot 6569 6 205 6:50 277 1:40:00 M Chris Anderson 4549 26 182 6:12 350 1:50:11 M Thomas Benfield 1824 7 206 6:50 278 1:40:12 F Dakota Dow 96 96 6:13 351 1:50:15 M Nik Jones 4044 39 207 6:50 279 1:40:15 F Jeni Tunnicliffe 4044 17 97 6:13 352 1:50:17 F Rebecca Jones 4549 25 145 6:50 280 1:40:22 F Cheryl Hands 4549 16 98 6:14 353 1:50:48 F SAMANTHA FARMAN 5054 9 146 6:52 281 1:40:32 M Timothy Silbert 5054 23 183 6:14 354 1:50:51 F Natalie Paterson 3034 17 147 6:53 282 1:40:45 M Andrew Engel 4044 36 184 6:15 355 1:51:15 M Joel Ow 3539 33 208 6:54 283 1:40:49 F Angela Plummer 4549 17 99 6:15 356 1:51:23 F Elizabeth Menna 3539 35 148 6:55 284 1:40:58 M Matt Dorotich 4044 37 185 6:16 357 1:51:43 F Kate Sommerville 4044 26 149 6:56 285 1:41:00 M Chris Hoy Poy 3539 29 186 6:16 358 1:52:00 F Amanda Smith 4044 27 150 6:57 286 1:41:14 F Katya Anderson 2529 18 100 6:17 359 1:52:21 M Unknown 208 209 6:58 287 1:41:28 F Dannielle Beard 2529 19 101 6:18 360 1:52:23 F Pauline Klopper 4549 26 151 6:58 288 1:41:29 F Judy Whelan 5559 4 102 6:18 361 1:52:26 M Robert Goodall 3539 34 210 6:59 289 1:41:30 F Suzanne Forrest 4549 18 103 6:18 362 1:52:35 F Ann-Maree Williams 4044 28 152 6:59 290 1:41:31 M Gary Turner 5559 10 187 6:18 363 1:52:40 F Brianna Mouat 2529 22 153 6:59 291 1:41:33 M Martin Ball 5054 24 188 6:18 364 1:53:09 M Michael Clendenen 2529 15 211 7:01 292 1:41:41 F Tina Marshall 4044 18 104 6:18 365 1:53:31 M Kieran Tapley 4549 28 212 7:03 293 1:41:54 F Amanda Martyn 4044 19 105 6:19 366 1:53:40 M Gavin Partington 4044 40 213 7:03 294 1:41:54 M GLEN COFFEY 6569 2 189 6:19 367 1:53:43 F KELLY DUNSTAN 4044 29 154 7:03 295 1:41:58 M Eli Schlafrig 3539 30 190 6:19 368 1:54:36 F Junko Keane 4044 30 155 7:07 296 1:42:07 M Seiji Yamada 6064 5 191 6:20 369 1:54:48 F Shannon Morris 3539 36 156 7:07 297 1:42:30 F Rachel Evans 4044 20 106 6:21 370 1:55:45 F Keeley Gee 158 157 7:11 298 1:42:54 F Ayumi Deering 3539 23 107 6:23 371 1:55:46 F Emma Gee 3539 37 158 7:11 299 1:43:10 F Emma Ruth Cushley 3539 24 108 6:24 372 1:56:10 F Leah McConkey 2529 23 159 7:12 300 1:43:25 F Katrine Navarro 3539 25 109 6:25 373 1:56:25 M Mark Comber 5054 25 214 7:13 301 1:43:42 M Edward Benfield 191 192 6:26 374 1:56:29 F Heather Stanborough 3034 18 160 7:14 302 1:43:44 F Susan Bradley 4549 19 110 6:26 375 1:56:31 F Denise Corbett 4549 27 161 7:14 303 1:43:47 M JONATHAN DALTON 3034 30 193 6:26 376 1:57:11 M Przemek Kowalczyk 3539 35 215 7:16 304 1:43:48 F Kym Whittaker 3034 13 111 6:26 377 1:57:12 F Melissa Kowalczyk 4044 31 162 7:16 305 1:43:49 F Sheila. Walmsley 5559 5 112 6:26 378 1:57:30 F Melissa Mykytiuk 3539 38 163 7:17 306 1:44:15 F Joanne Harwood 4044 21 113 6:28 379 1:59:14 F Rebecca Marsh 4044 32 164 7:24 307 1:44:16 M Frank Price 6569 3 194 6:28 380 1:59:51 M Billy Petersen 5054 26 216 7:26 308 1:44:16 F Danielle Taylor 3539 26 114 6:28 381 1:59:52 F Nicola White 5054 10 165 7:26 309 1:44:20 F Juliette Buchanan 4044 22 115 6:28 382 2:01:21 M CRAIG WRIGHTSON 4549 29 217 7:32 310 1:44:31 M Roy Hart 6569 4 195 6:29 383 2:01:28 F Jodie Samers 4044 33 166 7:32 311 1:44:33 F Tina Franklin 4549 20 116 6:29 384 2:01:28 F Raylene WATKINSON 3539 39 167 7:32 312 1:44:41 F Stephanie Dubois 5054 5 117 6:30 385 2:01:58 F Corri Keating 2529 24 168 7:34 313 1:44:43 M LUCIO CECOTTI 6569 5 196 6:30 386 2:02:10 F Jill Daurat 3034 19 169 7:35 314 1:44:46 F Emma Jane kittler 118 118 6:30 387 2:03:18 F Albina (Alby) Zawadka 5054 11 170 7:39 315 1:45:12 F Sarah-Jane Brummage 4044 23 119 6:32 388 2:03:31 F Natalie Keating 3034 20 171 7:40 316 1:45:12 M Bernard Brummage 4549 27 197 6:32 389 2:06:23 F Kym Partington 3539 40 172 7:50 317 1:45:50 M Eamonn McNulty 5559 11 198 6:34 390 2:07:32 M Dann Westlake 3034 31 218 7:55 318 1:45:53 F Carley Robbins 1824 7 120 6:34 391 2:09:52 M Peter Fisher 4549 30 219 8:03 319 1:46:08 F Beth Mcewan 4044 24 121 6:35 392 2:09:57 F Jodie Hansen 4549 28 173 8:04 320 1:46:21 F Skye Crosbie 3539 27 122 6:36 393 2:10:15 F Sarah San 4044 34 174 8:05 321 1:46:24 F Diane Reimers 4549 21 123 6:36 394 2:12:14 F Leah Atwood 2529 25 175 8:12 322 1:46:30 F Sue Finlayson 5559 6 124 6:36 395 2:14:13 F Tien Dinh 3034 21 176 8:20 323 1:46:33 F DONNA WEST 4044 25 125 6:37 396 2:14:13 M Binh Ma 2529 16 220 8:20 324 1:46:35 M David Pretsel 5559 12 199 6:37 397 2:15:40 F Meredith Jones-Tugaga 3539 41 177 8:25 325 1:46:36 F Belinda Denning 3539 28 126 6:37 398 2:16:26 F Elizabeth Vernooy 4549 29 178 8:28 326 1:46:40 F Belinda Johnston 3539 29 127 6:37 399 2:17:54 F Holly Whitney-Wylde 3034 22 179 8:33 327 1:46:42 F COURTNEY MEIER 3539 30 128 6:37 400 2:18:43 F Lisa Key 4549 30 180 8:36 328 1:46:49 F DIANE CURRAN 5054 6 129 6:38 401 2:18:49 F Tracy Bishop 4044 35 181 8:37 329 1:46:52 F Kristen Simcock 2529 20 130 6:38 402 2:19:57 M David Koch 4549 31 221 8:41 330 1:46:57 M Elias Koutsoukos 199 200 6:38 403 2:25:32 F Narelle Taylor 4044 36 182 9:02 331 1:47:03 F Marie Watson 3034 14 131 6:38 404 2:25:33 F Jodie Koch 4549 31 183 9:02 332 1:47:16 F Tracy Hill 3539 31 132 6:39 405 2:27:44 F Chanae Thomas 3539 42 184 9:10 333 1:47:23 F Iona Bewsher 3539 32 133 6:40 406 2:27:46 F Debbianne Searles 3539 43 185 9:10 26

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 407 2:32:17 F Sasha Silk 2529 26 186 9:27 412 2:42:04 M Stephen Pember 6064 6 223 10:03 408 2:37:49 F Raelene Dent 3539 44 187 9:48 413 2:43:04 M Andrew Sturman 4044 41 224 10:07 409 2:37:50 F Candice Bell 2529 27 188 9:48 414 2:46:03 F Sara Johns 4044 37 190 10:18 410 2:37:51 M Donny Bell 3034 32 222 9:48 415 2:46:04 F Bree Cocking 3539 45 191 10:18 411 2:42:03 F Robyn Pember 5559 8 189 10:03 416 2:54:19 F Aimee Westlake 193 192 10:49


Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 1 00:37:01.24 F Emily LOUGHNAN 20-29 1 1 3:42 62 00:54:03.80 F Patrice MURPHY 60-69 2 60 5:24 2 00:37:08.32 F Gina GRAYSON-CASSEY 40-49 1 2 3:42 63 00:54:03.85 F Katie SHAW-BROWN 20-29 16 61 5:24 3 00:39:49.85 M Wade DODSON 40-49 1 1 3:59 64 00:54:11.68 F Amy WILKES 20-29 17 62 5:26 4 00:40:23.73 F Astrid ROBERTS 40-49 2 3 4:02 65 00:54:10.60 F Therese MOLLOY 20-29 18 63 5:27 5 00:40:43.91 F Vanessa CARSON 30-39 1 4 4:04 66 00:54:25.20 F Imogen DUXBURY 20-29 19 64 5:27 6 00:41:41.84 F Moira O'BRIEN-SMITH 20-29 2 5 4:10 67 00:54:21.69 F Tina FRANKLIN 40-49 19 65 5:28 7 00:42:36.00 F Niamh MOLONEY 20-29 3 6 4:15 68 00:54:39.69 F Joanne ORMSBY 60-69 3 66 5:29 8 00:42:31.33 F Karen MARTIN 40-49 3 7 4:15 69 00:54:38.08 F Joan DE CASTRO 50-59 4 67 5:29 9 00:43:25.05 F Angela MILNE 40-49 4 8 4:20 70 00:54:18.47 F Caroline STODDART 30-39 22 68 5:30 10 00:44:06.39 F Jacinta BERLINGERI 40-49 5 9 4:24 71 00:54:50.17 F Jan O'BRIEN 40-49 20 69 5:30 11 00:44:20.71 F Heidi NORE 30-39 2 10 4:26 72 00:54:54.40 F Jane SCOTT 50-59 5 70 5:30 12 00:44:27.94 F Tiarn BURTENSHAW 20-29 4 11 4:27 73 00:54:25.94 F Marisa TRIO 30-39 23 71 5:31 13 00:44:49.12 F Melinda AISBETT 30-39 3 12 4:29 74 00:55:15.44 F Kellie MCCRUM 40-49 21 72 5:32 14 00:45:13.80 F Kylie WINDLE 20-29 5 13 4:31 75 00:55:16.07 F Caroline STONE 50-59 6 73 5:32 15 00:46:08.16 F Hindi Charchar 30-39 4 14 4:37 76 00:55:24.94 F Sue FINLAYSON 50-59 7 74 5:32 16 00:46:15.90 F Jacqui MCGOVERN 40-49 6 15 4:37 77 00:55:12.26 F Aoife GAVIGAN 20-29 20 75 5:33 17 00:46:32.04 F Sue BOURN 40-49 7 16 4:39 78 00:55:29.18 F Noelene TREEN 50-59 8 76 5:33 18 00:46:45.75 F Zarah HALL 30-39 5 17 4:41 79 00:55:01.33 F Paola MENA 40-49 22 77 5:34 19 00:46:48.99 F Sari HEINONEN 30-39 6 18 4:41 80 00:55:24.27 F Katja LEVY 40-49 23 78 5:34 20 00:46:47.84 F Jo CLARKSON 60-69 1 19 4:41 81 00:55:40.52 F Sarah GROVE 20-29 21 79 5:34 21 00:47:05.13 F Rose SCHUDDINH 30-39 7 20 4:42 82 00:55:26.42 F Niamh O'CONNOR 30-39 24 80 5:34 22 00:47:10.77 F Kerin THOMSON 40-49 8 21 4:43 83 00:55:30.98 F Rachel CHISHOLM 40-49 24 81 5:35 23 00:47:29.08 F Annalise O'CALLAGHAN 30-39 8 22 4:45 84 00:55:38.47 F Laura BOWLT 30-39 25 82 5:35 24 00:47:35.48 F Anja Madzarac 20-29 6 23 4:46 85 00:55:43.52 F Tracey METTAM 50-59 9 83 5:36 25 00:47:41.28 F Lisa HITCHCOCK 40-49 9 24 4:46 86 00:55:45.93 F Lisa MANN 30-39 26 84 5:36 26 00:47:56.47 F Sophie ARMSTRONG 20-29 7 25 4:48 87 00:56:08.34 F Taryna BOTEK 40-49 25 85 5:37 27 00:47:52.64 F Sharon OHALLORAN 30-39 9 26 4:48 88 00:56:17.25 F Erica CHISHOLM 30-39 27 86 5:38 28 00:48:04.08 F Holly THOMAS 30-39 10 27 4:48 89 00:55:44.84 F Sue-Ellen LUKE 30-39 28 87 5:38 29 00:48:01.48 F Rachel KELLY 20-29 8 28 4:49 90 00:56:30.40 F Candice HALLEEN 30-39 29 88 5:41 30 00:48:11.57 F Jess O'CONNELL 20-29 9 29 4:49 91 00:56:47.46 F Linda CONSTANTINE 60-69 4 89 5:41 31 00:48:15.02 F Jessica WILLIAMS 16-19 1 30 4:49 92 00:56:29.30 F Marie-Paule TEOH 60-69 5 90 5:41 32 00:48:20.97 F Sherrie BAKER 30-39 11 31 4:52 93 00:56:56.91 F Gabrielle SKINNER 50-59 10 91 5:42 33 00:48:49.89 F Fiona CHOI 20-29 10 32 4:54 94 00:57:00.72 F Catherine REA 30-39 30 92 5:42 34 00:49:17.87 F Cate CARROLL 30-39 12 33 4:58 95 00:56:45.36 F Susie CLIFTON 60-69 6 93 5:43 35 00:49:52.43 F Sarah HOUSTON 30-39 13 34 5:00 96 00:57:14.48 F Lucille CHAPUIS 30-39 31 94 5:44 36 00:49:40.47 F Nessa BOLAND 20-29 11 35 5:00 97 00:57:00.08 F Donna RODDY 40-49 26 95 5:44 37 00:49:54.24 F Jess CURLEY 20-29 12 36 5:00 98 00:56:58.36 F Jenny COCKILL 30-39 32 96 5:45 38 00:50:01.71 F Yvonne RASH 40-49 10 37 5:00 99 00:56:57.93 F Linsey MACINTYRE 30-39 33 97 5:45 39 00:49:59.66 F Nicola BURKE 40-49 11 38 5:01 100 00:57:38.73 F Julie WALTERS 50-59 11 98 5:47 40 00:50:05.56 F Robyn JORDAN 20-29 13 39 5:01 101 00:57:50.07 F Meredith BECK 60-69 7 99 5:48 41 00:50:05.20 F Jana Wright 30-39 14 40 5:01 102 00:57:57.15 F Elspeth FERRARI 30-39 34 100 5:49 42 00:50:47.23 F Stacey MARR 30-39 15 41 5:05 103 00:58:03.29 F Mary GIBBONS 30-39 35 101 5:49 43 00:50:50.33 F Judy LUCAS 40-49 12 42 5:06 104 00:58:03.63 F Skye CROSBIE 30-39 36 102 5:49 44 00:50:55.14 F Kerryn Cambert 40-49 13 43 5:06 105 00:58:03.66 F Emma LOW 30-39 37 103 5:50 45 00:51:03.02 M Anthony MOLLOY 50-59 1 2 5:07 106 00:58:23.73 F Carly CROUCH 30-39 38 104 5:51 46 00:50:57.91 F Robyn Scott 50-59 1 44 5:08 107 00:58:24.40 F Hannah MATTHEWS 20-29 22 105 5:51 47 00:51:34.34 F Carly BRIGHT 30-39 16 45 5:10 108 00:58:36.29 M Andrew Thorpe 60-69 1 3 5:51 48 00:51:51.45 F Dianne OLIVER 50-59 2 46 5:11 109 00:57:54.24 F Marie CHAPMAN 50-59 12 106 5:52 49 00:52:15.45 F Marlise LASEVICIUS 40-49 14 47 5:14 110 00:58:21.25 F Michelle SIM 20-29 23 107 5:53 50 00:52:15.88 F Sally CRIDDLE 30-39 17 48 5:14 111 00:58:30.77 F Kerrie TOMLINSON 50-59 13 108 5:53 51 00:52:07.18 F Emma GOODWIN 20-29 14 49 5:15 112 00:58:21.69 F Ashley SIM 20-29 24 109 5:53 52 00:52:35.05 F Renate Niderla 50-59 3 50 5:15 113 00:58:15.48 F Alex SEIN WEN TIE 20-29 25 110 5:53 53 00:53:02.65 F Emma CURNOW 30-39 18 51 5:18 114 00:58:48.11 F Carol O'CONNELL 50-59 14 111 5:54 54 00:53:10.93 F Wendy EVERED 40-49 15 52 5:20 115 00:58:50.09 F Trish Farr 40-49 27 112 5:54 55 00:53:15.65 F Tamzin LEITCH 40-49 16 53 5:20 116 00:58:58.62 F Irene FORREST 50-59 15 113 5:55 56 00:52:50.36 F Cherie PETTIT 30-39 19 54 5:21 117 00:58:55.90 F Christine DEVEREUX 30-39 39 114 5:55 57 00:53:19.82 F Lauren STOKOE 20-29 15 55 5:21 118 00:59:11.33 F Sophie THERKELSEN 20-29 26 115 5:56 58 00:53:41.31 F Kate BURTON 30-39 20 56 5:22 119 00:59:15.90 F Katie FRANKLYN 20-29 27 116 5:57 59 00:53:12.63 F Carolyn WILSON 30-39 21 57 5:23 120 00:59:14.67 F Kelly WORLOCK 30-39 40 117 5:57 60 00:53:43.89 F Kate SOMMERVILLE 40-49 17 58 5:23 121 00:59:21.58 F Sarah FORREST 20-29 28 118 5:57 61 00:53:49.60 F Georgina Kate NORTON 40-49 18 59 5:23 122 00:59:18.89 M Aidan BOWMAN Under 16 1 4 5:58 123 00:59:18.92 F Suzan ALIEVSKI 30-39 41 119 5:59 27

Time Name Time Name Rate Rate Place Place Place Place Av Km Av Km Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Place Age 124 00:59:20.17 F Victoria FORSTER 30-39 42 120 5:59 161 01:04:31.57 F Melanie CATHIE 30-39 59 156 6:29 125 00:59:39.11 F Anna KATARSKI 50-59 16 121 5:59 162 01:04:44.26 F Monique LEAHY 40-49 37 157 6:29 126 00:59:36.61 F Sharon KENDAL 40-49 28 122 6:00 163 01:04:36.46 F Chloe FORSTER Under 16 1 158 6:30 127 00:59:59.34 F Helen ALEXANDER 50-59 17 123 6:01 164 01:05:35.42 F Jennifer Vanderweide 30-39 60 159 6:36 128 01:00:01.11 F Rebecca FITZPATRICK 30-39 43 124 6:02 165 01:05:35.42 F Alison Wilson 30-39 61 160 6:36 129 00:59:53.94 F Lisa LEWIS 50-59 18 125 6:02 166 01:05:41.76 F Cheryl VAN DER SPUY 60-69 8 161 6:37 130 01:00:24.18 F Amanda GREENLAND 30-39 44 126 6:03 167 01:06:07.29 F Samantha ROYLE 20-29 33 162 6:37 131 01:00:32.47 F Vanessa ROONEY 40-49 29 127 6:04 168 01:05:58.43 F Kylie HANSEN 20-29 34 163 6:39 132 01:00:40.47 F Renee KLEIN 30-39 45 128 6:04 169 01:06:29.22 F Natalie HATTON 20-29 35 164 6:41 133 01:00:40.46 F Bonnie BULLOCK 40-49 30 129 6:04 170 01:06:50.29 F Suzanne SHEEHAN 30-39 62 165 6:43 134 01:00:27.54 F Tess FITZPATRICK 40-49 31 130 6:05 171 01:06:54.60 F Amanda SAUNDERS 40-49 38 166 6:43 135 01:00:47.52 M Dan MARSLAND 30-39 1 5 6:08 172 01:06:55.10 F Sarah STEED 40-49 39 167 6:44 136 01:01:09.94 F Laura MARSH 30-39 46 131 6:08 173 01:07:03.58 F Jonelle BEVERIDGE 30-39 63 168 6:46 137 01:01:14.39 F Debbie PETERS 40-49 32 132 6:09 174 01:07:28.89 F Jodie HANSEN 40-49 40 169 6:48 138 01:01:16.69 F Emma SISSON 40-49 33 133 6:09 175 01:07:54.38 F "albina ""alby""" ZAWADKA 50-59 22 170 6:48 139 01:01:44.02 F Jessica BERRY 30-39 47 134 6:12 176 01:08:53.19 F Leonie HARPER 70+ 1 171 6:55 140 01:01:32.64 F Shelley RASMUSSEN 30-39 48 135 6:12 177 01:09:36.41 F Allison ROSS 40-49 41 172 6:59 141 01:01:51.71 F Krystle WYATT 30-39 49 136 6:12 178 01:09:30.95 F Mel WELLS 40-49 42 173 6:59 142 01:01:53.30 F Emily POOLE 30-39 50 137 6:13 179 01:10:16.36 F Laura THOMAS 20-29 36 174 7:03 143 01:02:08.15 F Gemma MCGRATH 40-49 34 138 6:13 180 01:10:59.60 F Samantha WRIGHT 30-39 64 175 7:08 144 01:02:24.75 F Carol ARMSTRONG 50-59 19 139 6:16 181 01:11:00.00 F Tami MCSHERRY 20-29 37 176 7:08 145 01:02:20.79 F Monika ANDERSON 30-39 51 140 6:18 182 01:11:02.46 F Kathy SKEHAN 50-59 23 177 7:09 146 01:02:18.80 F Liz PELHAM 30-39 52 141 6:18 183 01:11:27.97 F Julie CARTER 50-59 24 178 7:11 147 01:02:31.90 F Marisa MARSLAND 30-39 53 142 6:18 184 01:11:56.75 F Juanita CARROLL 40-49 43 179 7:13 148 01:02:39.53 F Natalie BUCHAN 40-49 35 143 6:18 185 01:12:40.72 F Elizabeth VERNOOY 40-49 44 180 7:16 149 01:02:53.38 F Leah MCCONKEY 20-29 29 144 6:20 186 01:13:52.35 F Loretta SHILLINGLAW 70+ 2 181 7:24 150 01:02:45.68 F Janine TUBB 50-59 20 145 6:20 187 01:13:23.09 F Leanne RICHMOND 40-49 45 182 7:24 151 01:03:02.83 F Melissa FLEMING 30-39 54 146 6:20 188 01:13:52.91 F Lori CAIRNS 40-49 46 183 7:25 152 01:03:27.26 F Nadia DAMSTRA 20-29 30 147 6:22 189 01:20:00.05 F Hannah JONES Under 16 2 184 8:02 153 01:03:16.45 F Gemma NUGENT 30-39 55 148 6:22 190 01:19:59.19 F Becky JONES 40-49 47 185 8:02 154 01:03:30.33 F Jayne MCCULLOUGH 30-39 56 149 6:22 191 01:22:56.62 F Heather MOTT 20-29 38 186 8:20 155 01:03:33.70 F Celine STOCKER 30-39 57 150 6:23 192 01:22:57.75 F Rebecca NOLAN 30-39 65 187 8:20 156 01:03:33.03 F Anne-Louise SENBERGS 40-49 36 151 6:25 193 01:24:54.96 F Deborah LEE 40-49 48 188 8:33 157 01:03:55.98 F Karen BARNETT 50-59 21 152 6:26 194 01:39:06.60 F Alix PINGUET 60-69 9 189 9:55 158 01:03:37.46 F Jo HOVELL 20-29 31 153 6:26 195 01:39:09.54 F Mary CARBONE 50-59 25 190 9:55 159 01:03:54.17 F Maia SILVERTHORNE 30-39 58 154 6:27 196 01:43:34.25 F Jodie WYATT 30-39 66 191 10:22 160 01:04:16.39 F Jenni OLIVER 20-29 32 155 6:27 197 01:43:32.25 F Elaine HAYDEN 50-59 26 192 10:22


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 00:17:49.50 F Kate FITZSIMONS 20-29 1 1 3:34 30 00:24:35.40 F Mana FURUYA Under 12 7 30 4:55 2 00:18:39.88 F Melany SMART Under 16 1 2 3:44 31 00:24:37.61 F Antonia CORNWELL 40-49 2 31 4:56 3 00:18:51.45 F Emma VAN DER MEER 16-19 1 3 3:46 32 00:24:47.70 F Robyn WILKINSON 40-49 3 32 4:58 4 00:18:56.31 F Tarinah NAZAROFF 16-19 2 4 3:47 33 00:24:45.44 F Allison RATCLIFFE 50-59 4 33 5:03 5 00:18:59.80 F Melanie BLACK 30-39 1 5 3:48 34 00:25:19.27 F Abbi FULCHER Under 16 7 34 5:04 6 00:19:13.76 F Kiarra NAZAROFF Under 16 2 6 3:50 35 00:25:28.36 F Anna EVANS 30-39 8 35 5:06 7 00:19:36.35 F Tia CHITTY Under 16 3 7 3:55 36 00:25:44.41 F Emma BENFIELD 16-19 4 36 5:11 8 00:19:43.79 F Abigail GRAHAM Under 12 1 8 3:56 37 00:25:28.63 F Tamara GREEN 20-29 4 37 5:11 9 00:19:46.86 F Cassia BOGLIO Under 16 4 9 3:57 38 00:25:47.27 F Sophia WRIGHT 20-29 5 38 5:12 10 00:20:08.14 F Gabrielle T Under 16 5 10 4:01 39 00:26:00.59 F Helen SAVAGE 30-39 9 39 5:13 11 00:20:32.98 F Sarah HYNES Under 16 6 11 4:06 40 00:25:47.32 F Carly PIZZUTO Under 12 8 40 5:17 12 00:20:33.93 F Niamh KEANE 50-59 1 12 4:07 41 00:26:24.93 F Tara GRIERSON 20-29 6 41 5:19 13 00:21:01.98 F Kelly EXETER 30-39 2 13 4:12 42 00:26:30.25 F Charmaine ROTHNIE 40-49 4 42 5:20 14 00:20:59.60 F Maddy WAUGH 16-19 3 14 4:13 43 00:26:43.13 F Jessica LEA Under 12 9 43 5:21 15 00:21:14.12 F Fiona LEONARD 40-49 1 15 4:15 44 00:26:36.26 F Heather FELTON 40-49 5 44 5:21 16 00:21:20.07 F Jasmin BAILEY 30-39 3 16 4:16 45 00:26:59.36 F Marylou LEA 40-49 6 45 5:24 17 00:21:40.30 F Noelle CHITTY Under 12 2 17 4:20 46 00:26:55.96 F Kamila FULARA 20-29 7 46 5:24 18 00:21:41.03 F Maddison LEA Under 12 3 18 4:20 47 00:27:26.15 F Shauna GILES 50-59 5 47 5:31 19 00:22:13.19 F Heather BYTHEWAY Under 12 4 19 4:26 48 00:27:20.17 F Harriett BOUGHER 20-29 8 48 5:31 20 00:22:44.09 F Sally PILBEAM 30-39 4 20 4:33 49 00:27:33.77 F Lianne CHRISTALL 50-59 6 49 5:32 21 00:22:51.32 F Wendy O'HALLORAN 50-59 2 21 4:34 50 00:27:38.43 F Karen ROGERSON 50-59 7 50 5:32 22 00:23:01.68 F Erika MCGRECHAN 20-29 2 22 4:37 51 00:27:57.47 F Virginia HANNAH 40-49 7 51 5:36 23 00:23:34.68 F Andree CARR 50-59 3 23 4:43 52 00:28:17.81 F Bianca WILLIS-MILNE Under 12 10 52 5:39 24 00:23:44.72 F Rebecca CLARKSON 30-39 5 24 4:45 53 00:28:22.09 F Rhienna BALL Under 12 11 53 5:40 25 00:23:45.15 F Sasha ZAREBSKI 30-39 6 25 4:45 54 00:27:56.13 F Sofia MENA Under 12 12 54 5:43 26 00:24:04.57 F Danielle GRAHAM Under 12 5 26 4:49 55 00:28:15.98 F Aileen PEGG 50-59 8 55 5:44 27 00:24:11.37 F Kristy DEVEREUX 30-39 7 27 4:51 56 00:28:26.76 F Denise NEWPORT 50-59 9 56 5:45 28 00:24:24.22 F Carley ROBBINS 20-29 3 28 4:53 57 00:28:27.09 F Claire NEWPORT 20-29 9 57 5:45 29 00:24:35.38 F Alaska BALL Under 12 6 29 4:55 58 00:28:40.85 F Jennifer BYTHEWAY 40-49 8 58 5:48 59 00:28:31.91 F Shirley BODE 50-59 10 59 5:49 28

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 60 00:28:57.72 F Tess MOONE 20-29 10 60 5:50 110 00:36:46.99 F Carly GUNNER 20-29 23 108 7:29 61 00:29:16.99 F Sally JOHNSTON 50-59 11 61 5:53 111 00:36:16.94 F Lee-Ann CRANE 30-39 27 109 7:30 62 00:28:56.78 F Natalie LEWENDON 50-59 12 62 5:54 112 00:37:46.93 F Tamara SWEENEY 30-39 28 110 7:38 63 00:29:47.13 F Rachael YOUNG 30-39 10 63 6:02 113 00:37:48.55 F Alanna ROBSON Under 12 15 111 7:41 64 00:29:32.94 F Laureen MICHAEL 40-49 9 64 6:02 114 00:37:48.70 F Jeanette GRIFFITH 30-39 29 112 7:41 65 00:29:33.47 M Luke HANNA Under 12 1 1 6:04 115 00:38:07.19 F Kate SHARPE 40-49 17 113 7:44 66 00:29:33.32 M Bailey HANNA Under 12 2 2 6:04 116 00:38:30.51 F Stephanie ROWLAND 30-39 30 114 7:46 67 00:29:52.34 F Kerry FULLARTON 50-59 13 65 6:06 117 00:38:31.32 F Michele EVAN-JONES 20-29 24 115 7:47 68 00:30:00.21 F Noni HARKEN 50-59 14 66 6:06 118 00:38:51.37 F Amelie UREN Under 12 16 116 7:47 69 00:30:19.14 F Helen CONNOLLY 20-29 11 67 6:07 119 00:38:52.70 F Chris UREN 40-49 18 117 7:48 70 00:30:26.64 F Melissa ASHWORTH 30-39 11 68 6:08 120 00:38:36.80 F Poppy CHITTY Under 12 17 118 7:48 71 00:30:23.25 F Jocelyn WILMOT 40-49 10 69 6:09 121 00:38:45.56 M Allan CHITTY 40-49 1 3 7:50 72 00:30:24.66 F Annabel CARSON 20-29 12 70 6:11 122 00:40:14.58 F Jo SELWOOD 40-49 19 119 8:12 73 00:30:18.42 F Amelia POLINELLI 20-29 13 71 6:11 123 00:40:15.35 F Karina DAVIES 30-39 31 120 8:12 74 00:30:30.88 F Sarah THOMPSON 30-39 12 72 6:13 124 00:40:47.30 F Zara HARLING Under 12 18 121 8:13 75 00:30:31.47 F Alyce THOMPSON 20-29 14 73 6:13 125 00:40:53.54 F Julie LOVE 40-49 20 122 8:15 76 00:30:52.47 F Rachael WOOD 30-39 13 74 6:15 126 00:41:19.56 F Andrea MOLLOY 40-49 21 123 8:18 77 00:31:33.02 F Shiralee MCRAE 50-59 15 75 6:19 127 00:41:34.66 F Donna HODGSON 50-59 18 124 8:21 78 00:31:22.04 F Diana NICHOLAS 30-39 14 76 6:19 128 00:41:40.40 F Fiona HARLING 40-49 22 125 8:24 79 00:31:22.24 F Jemma SUTHERLAND 30-39 15 77 6:19 129 00:41:28.69 F Kerry MARTIN 50-59 19 126 8:25 80 00:31:37.41 F Rachel EVANS 40-49 11 78 6:23 130 00:41:56.68 F Pauline GEORGE 40-49 23 127 8:26 81 00:31:37.98 F Samantha EVANS Under 12 13 79 6:24 131 00:41:42.15 F Jaid SUTHERLAND Under 16 8 128 8:26 82 00:31:51.58 F Vicky HALLION 40-49 12 80 6:24 132 00:42:07.87 F Glenda NEWPORT 40-49 24 129 8:28 83 00:31:59.66 F Tammy MCDONALD 40-49 13 81 6:29 133 00:42:56.16 M Theo MATTHEWS Under 12 3 4 8:41 84 00:32:01.02 F Kay BLACKISTON 50-59 16 82 6:30 134 00:43:26.55 F Francine HO 30-39 32 130 8:48 85 00:32:22.83 F Julie CLEVERLEY 40-49 14 83 6:33 135 00:43:56.92 F Lauren RENTON 30-39 33 131 8:53 86 00:32:23.41 F Isla CLEVERLEY Under 12 14 84 6:33 136 00:44:12.82 F Toni TAIT 60-69 2 132 8:56 87 00:32:45.63 F Lauren SHELLEY 20-29 15 85 6:34 137 00:44:10.71 F Brenda LOCHEAD 60-69 3 133 8:57 88 00:32:23.40 F Jane MORRIS 40-49 15 86 6:36 138 00:45:13.05 F Karen CALLAGHAN 40-49 25 134 9:09 89 00:32:57.76 F Sharon SUTHERLAND 30-39 16 87 6:42 139 00:45:22.41 F Natalie WIGG 40-49 26 135 9:10 90 00:32:59.28 F Laura HENRY O'NEILL 20-29 16 88 6:43 140 00:47:40.20 F Tracey MCGRATH 50-59 20 136 9:40 91 00:32:57.65 F Sasha SILK 20-29 17 89 6:43 141 00:47:40.92 F Jennifer WYLIE 50-59 21 137 9:40 92 00:33:24.63 F Meg GREEN 30-39 17 90 6:44 142 00:47:53.59 M Charlie HANNA Under 12 4 5 9:43 93 00:33:24.26 F Sarah GREEN 30-39 18 91 6:44 143 00:47:52.92 F Jennifer HANNA 30-39 34 138 9:43 94 00:33:13.55 F Chantal DILLON 30-39 19 92 6:46 144 00:48:10.40 F Larissa RODOREDA 30-39 35 139 9:44 95 00:33:19.52 F Krysti HENDERSON 20-29 18 93 6:46 145 00:48:09.63 F Georgi WARDROP 30-39 36 140 9:44 96 00:33:39.39 F Judy ANDERSON 60-69 1 94 6:49 146 00:51:52.00 F Simone WATERTON 30-39 37 141 10:29 97 00:34:07.45 F Jo-Anne STEERE 30-39 20 95 6:54 147 00:51:52.12 F Georgina ROSENDORFF 30-39 38 142 10:29 98 00:35:01.93 F Imogen DAVIES 30-39 21 96 7:05 148 00:51:55.44 F Jo SYMONS 40-49 27 143 10:29 99 00:35:13.04 F Emma KESSEY 30-39 22 97 7:05 149 00:51:53.75 F Rebecca SINTON 30-39 39 144 10:30 100 00:34:50.98 F Kaylene COLE 40-49 16 98 7:05 150 00:51:56.80 F Chelsea REID 30-39 40 145 10:30 101 00:35:15.48 F Sarah DI ROSSO 30-39 23 99 7:08 151 00:54:07.86 F Sharon SWANEY 50-59 22 146 10:53 102 00:35:39.09 F Jessica BALL 20-29 19 100 7:11 152 00:54:17.01 F Anne BALLINGER 60-69 4 147 10:54 103 00:36:01.92 F Lorraine RICE 50-59 17 101 7:14 153 00:54:17.02 F Christine TOLLIS 70+ 1 148 10:54 104 00:35:43.14 F Hayley MACGREGOR 20-29 20 102 7:16 154 00:55:39.38 F Nadia HUNT 20-29 25 149 11:15 105 00:35:48.50 F Leah KOTSOGLO 30-39 24 103 7:17 155 00:55:39.83 F Sandy MILLS 50-59 23 150 11:15 106 00:36:20.97 F Rhiarne BRUCE 20-29 21 104 7:24 156 00:55:54.09 F Tish SKIPWORTH 50-59 24 151 11:17 107 00:36:21.91 F Suzanne FLEMING 30-39 25 105 7:24 157 00:58:15.12 F Susan HANCY 40-49 28 152 11:43 108 00:36:53.52 F Marija MUCCILLI 30-39 26 106 7:27 158 01:01:06.62 F Elizabeth BILLINNESS Under 12 19 153 12:20 109 00:36:46.80 F Courtney LESK 20-29 22 107 7:29 159 01:01:07.16 F Jan BILLINNESS 60-69 5 154 12:20


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:58:34 M STEPHEN STOCKWELL 5054 1 1 3:54 17 1:07:51 F Leah Queit 2529 1 3 4:31 2 0:59:11 M TODD INGRAHAM 4044 1 2 3:56 18 1:08:30 M Martin O'Connell 4549 1 15 4:34 3 0:59:21 M David Bryant 2529 1 3 3:57 19 1:08:39 M Ollie Neary 3539 4 16 4:34 4 1:00:01 M Blake Kappler 3034 1 4 4:00 20 1:10:00 M Matthew Smith 4549 2 17 4:40 5 1:02:47 M Adam Irving 4044 2 5 4:11 21 1:10:09 M Mark Lommers 3034 4 18 4:40 6 1:03:19 M Matt Burton 2529 2 6 4:13 22 1:10:25 M Paul Robinson 6064 1 19 4:41 7 1:03:46 M Ilkka Heinonen 3034 2 7 4:15 23 1:10:52 F Elisabeth Stavreski All Ages 1 4 4:43 8 1:04:00 M RAYMOND LAMPARD 3539 1 8 4:16 24 1:11:12 M Christopher Alday 3034 5 20 4:44 9 1:04:13 M Alex Black 1824 1 9 4:16 25 1:12:19 F Laura Kyriakacias 1824 2 5 4:49 10 1:04:18 M Nick Hall 4044 3 10 4:17 26 1:12:36 F Lauren Shelley 3539 1 6 4:50 11 1:05:13 M Mathias Ritter 3034 3 11 4:20 27 1:13:03 M Richard Sampson 3539 5 21 4:52 12 1:05:27 M Shao Wu 4044 4 12 4:21 28 1:13:05 M Lawrence Greenfield 3034 6 22 4:52 13 1:05:49 M Luke Eaton 3539 2 13 4:23 29 1:13:20 M Bill Deering 4044 5 23 4:53 14 1:07:15 F Jules Bennett 3034 1 1 4:29 30 1:13:26 M Richard Titelius 5054 2 24 4:53 15 1:07:20 M Isaac Lorca Diez 3539 3 14 4:29 31 1:13:30 M Steven O'Halloran 4549 3 25 4:54 16 1:07:28 F JESSICA JASON 1824 1 2 4:29 32 1:13:34 M Norm Black 5054 3 26 4:54 33 1:13:37 M Aaron Schonberg 3034 7 27 4:54 29

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 34 1:14:11 M Ian Brann 4549 4 28 4:56 78 1:26:58 F Andrea White 3539 4 26 5:47 35 1:14:23 M Matt WHELAN 3539 6 29 4:57 79 1:26:59 M Darren White 4044 9 53 5:47 36 1:14:52 F Holly Allday 3034 2 7 4:59 80 1:27:07 M JOHN GRIFFITHS 5559 2 54 5:48 37 1:14:55 M Peter Neilson 5054 4 30 4:59 81 1:28:01 F Parris Burtenshaw 1824 4 27 5:52 38 1:15:08 M Leon Wilken 3034 8 31 5:00 82 1:28:12 M Alex Meredith 3034 14 55 5:52 39 1:15:15 M Glen Penfold 3539 7 32 5:01 83 1:28:16 F Judy Lucas 4549 4 28 5:53 40 1:15:17 F Tiarn Burthenshaw 1824 3 8 5:01 84 1:28:37 M Alex Botek 4549 7 56 5:54 41 1:15:28 F Fiona Whelan 4044 1 9 5:01 85 1:29:05 F Bianca Fitzsimmons 4044 6 29 5:56 42 1:15:41 M Andrew Hosgood 4044 6 33 5:02 86 1:29:11 M GLEN COFFEY 6569 2 57 5:56 43 1:15:45 F Tegan Moffat 2529 2 10 5:03 87 1:29:23 F ILZE ROUX 3034 5 30 5:57 44 1:15:48 M Andrew Perelson 1824 2 34 5:03 88 1:29:25 F Tracy Westerman 4549 5 31 5:57 45 1:16:11 F Wikki Pursell 3034 3 11 5:04 89 1:29:38 M Pontus Olin 4044 10 58 5:58 46 1:16:19 M Gregory Richard 3034 9 35 5:05 90 1:30:05 F Amanda Martyn 4044 7 32 6:00 47 1:16:40 M Ken Dacre 6064 2 36 5:06 91 1:30:58 M DAMON TAN 3034 15 59 6:03 48 1:17:09 M Rory Winterburn 3034 10 37 5:08 92 1:31:26 F Tamsin Leitch 4044 8 33 6:05 49 1:17:12 M Graham Crocker 6569 1 38 5:08 93 1:31:36 F Suzanne Forrest 4549 6 34 6:06 50 1:17:23 M Mike Maidment 4549 5 39 5:09 94 1:32:34 M JOHN BEST 7074 1 60 6:10 51 1:17:34 M Clarke Hendry 5559 1 40 5:10 95 1:32:44 F Renata Niderla 5559 2 35 6:10 52 1:17:38 F Andrea Bell 4044 2 12 5:10 96 1:33:31 M James Faves 4044 11 61 6:14 53 1:17:56 M David Harrowfield 4044 7 41 5:11 97 1:33:35 M Steve Doubikin 4044 12 62 6:14 54 1:18:21 M MARK JEFFREY 5054 5 42 5:13 98 1:33:50 M Mamadi Marah 1824 3 63 6:15 55 1:18:25 F Jodie Samers 4044 3 13 5:13 99 1:33:56 F Sharon Pennefather 5054 2 36 6:15 56 1:18:28 M Martyn Flahive 5054 6 43 5:13 100 1:34:02 M Marty Burke 3034 16 64 6:16 57 1:19:05 M TERRY SINGLETON 5054 7 44 5:16 101 1:34:06 F Danielle Taylor 3539 5 37 6:16 58 1:20:35 M Edgar Cepeda 4044 8 45 5:22 102 1:34:09 F Pamela-Jean Moore 5054 3 38 6:16 59 1:21:15 M SAMUEL MEDWAY 2529 3 46 5:25 103 1:34:28 F Caroline Bannan 3034 6 39 6:17 60 1:21:22 M Samuel Faves M16 1 47 5:25 104 1:34:35 F Noelene Treen 5559 3 40 6:18 61 1:21:26 M Neno Fabris 4549 6 48 5:25 105 1:34:44 F Johanna Dowsett 2529 5 41 6:18 62 1:21:28 F Kerin Thomson 4549 1 14 5:25 106 1:36:31 F DONNA WEST 4044 9 42 6:26 63 1:21:37 M Jonathon Dalton 3034 11 49 5:26 107 1:37:39 F Judith Whelan 5559 4 43 6:30 64 1:21:43 F Fiona Longden 5054 1 15 5:26 108 1:38:22 F Pauline Klopper 4549 7 44 6:33 65 1:22:49 F Fran LANG 3034 4 16 5:31 109 1:40:04 M ROBERT DOUGALL 6569 3 65 6:40 66 1:23:34 F Loretta Firth 4549 2 17 5:34 110 1:40:12 F Albina (Alby) Zawadka 5054 4 45 6:40 67 1:24:35 M Amar Sarajlic 3034 12 50 5:38 111 1:40:18 F Lisa Wittwer 3034 7 46 6:41 68 1:24:58 M Alastair Milne 3539 8 51 5:39 112 1:40:22 M Robert Cosgrave 5559 3 66 6:41 69 1:25:06 F Nicola Burke 4044 4 18 5:40 113 1:41:27 F Meredith Beck 6064 1 47 6:45 70 1:25:09 M Jeffrey Tan 3034 13 52 5:40 114 1:41:29 F Lori Sexton 5054 5 48 6:45 71 1:25:24 F Sandra Flahive 4044 5 19 5:41 115 1:42:41 F Nicola Shaw 3539 6 49 6:50 72 1:25:29 F Jo Armstrong 4549 3 20 5:41 116 1:44:10 F Silke Peglow 4549 8 50 6:56 73 1:25:45 F Heidi Nore 3539 2 21 5:43 117 1:45:19 F RUTH HAZELL 5054 6 51 7:01 74 1:25:48 F Robinson Victoria 3539 3 22 5:43 118 1:45:22 F Rebecca Frisina 3034 8 52 7:01 75 1:26:00 F JANET COOTE 5559 1 23 5:44 119 1:49:30 F Leah McConkey 2529 6 53 7:18 76 1:26:08 F Sarah Knox 2529 3 24 5:44 120 1:51:17 M Sarah Black 5054 8 67 7:25 77 1:26:16 F Jess Curley 2529 4 25 5:45 121 1:53:49 F Kelli O'Neill 3539 7 54 7:35


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:36:08 M Allister Caird 2529 1 1 3:36 23 0:52:12 M Stephen Atherton 4044 2 19 5:13 2 0:37:39 M Jonathan Higgins 2529 2 2 3:45 24 0:52:26 F Natalaie Meyer 2529 1 5 5:14 3 0:39:07 M Will Withers 4044 1 3 3:54 25 0:52:32 M Caillin Post 1824 2 20 5:15 4 0:39:18 M Robert Nichols 3539 1 4 3:55 26 0:52:56 M Reginald Selolo 4044 3 21 5:17 5 0:39:50 F Any Mccormick 1824 1 1 3:59 27 0:53:09 M Bruce Wilson 7074 1 22 5:18 6 0:41:28 M Hansen Lachlan U16 1 5 4:08 28 0:53:20 F Jodie Wood 3539 2 6 5:20 7 0:41:51 M Jonathan Bolam 3034 1 6 4:11 29 0:54:31 F Alison Steer 3034 2 7 5:27 8 0:42:41 M David Wrighton 4549 1 7 4:16 30 0:55:11 F Jane Elton 4549 1 8 5:31 9 0:44:16 M Victor Lendzionowski 5054 1 8 4:25 31 0:55:47 M Unknown Unknown 1 23 5:34 10 0:44:44 M Bryce Greenwood 3539 2 9 4:28 32 0:56:24 F Ayumi Deering 3539 3 9 5:38 11 0:44:48 M Isaac Silbert 1617 1 10 4:28 33 0:56:51 F Carley Robbins 1824 2 10 5:41 12 0:44:52 M Luke Burrows U16 2 11 4:29 34 0:56:52 F Niamh Keane 5054 1 11 5:41 13 0:46:41 F Tia Chitty U16 1 2 4:40 35 0:56:55 M Aaron Maxwell 4044 4 24 5:41 14 0:46:56 M Wayne Hoskins 3034 2 12 4:41 36 0:57:20 F Megan Baker 1824 3 12 5:44 15 0:48:06 F Shannon Jones 3539 1 3 4:48 37 0:57:59 M Malcom Wilcox 6064 1 25 5:47 16 0:48:26 M Brian Kinneen 5054 2 13 4:50 38 0:58:13 F Kimiko Holder 3034 3 13 5:49 17 0:48:44 F Georgie Smith 3034 1 4 4:52 39 0:59:00 M Gary Pearson 4044 5 26 5:54 18 0:49:16 M David Nicolas 2529 3 14 4:55 40 0:59:52 M Chris Platt 3034 3 27 5:59 19 0:49:38 M MICHAEL BARTON 4549 2 15 4:57 41 1:00:03 F Abbey Beaumont 4044 1 14 6:00 20 0:50:05 M Graeme Boulton 4549 3 16 5:00 42 1:00:09 F Colleen Pearson 4044 2 15 6:00 21 0:51:35 M James Mcpherson 1824 1 17 5:09 43 1:00:13 M Eugenio Russo 2529 4 28 6:01 22 0:51:37 M Gavin Cooke 4549 4 18 5:09 44 1:00:23 F Valentina Avella 3034 4 16 6:02 45 1:01:29 F ABIGAIL KAY 3539 4 17 6:08 30

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 46 1:01:35 F Susan Bradley 4549 2 18 6:09 57 1:09:31 M Asher Mortimer 2529 5 31 6:57 47 1:02:09 F Chantelle Cummins 3539 5 19 6:12 58 1:12:39 M MARK FAITHFULL 6569 1 32 7:15 48 1:03:29 M Masaaki Takahashi 3034 4 29 6:20 59 1:13:44 F Amanda Smith 4044 3 27 7:22 49 1:03:54 F Suzzane Laidlaw 5054 2 20 6:23 60 1:14:52 F Holly Allday 3034 8 28 7:29 50 1:03:57 F Lisa O'Neill 3034 5 21 6:23 61 1:15:51 F Claudia Wells 4044 4 29 7:35 51 1:04:11 F Kylee Barker 3034 6 22 6:25 62 1:17:00 F Monique Fountain 4044 5 30 7:42 52 1:04:22 F Sharon Cairns 5559 1 23 6:26 63 1:18:53 F Stephanie Wolfe 4044 6 31 7:53 53 1:04:26 M Fisher Peter 4549 5 30 6:26 64 1:25:09 M Jeffrey Tan 3034 5 33 8:30 54 1:04:56 F Emily Hunt 3034 7 24 6:29 65 1:26:02 M ALAN DAY 7074 2 34 8:36 55 1:08:52 F Chrissie Mccullagh 4549 3 25 6:53 66 1:26:17 M Ian Payne 5054 3 35 8:37 56 1:09:27 F Hazrina Mortimer Haidar 2529 2 26 6:56


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:17:24 M Sam King 1617 1 1 3:28 51 0:29:18 F AMELIE ERSKINE U16 17 25 5:51 2 0:18:42 M Luke Pidcock U16 1 2 3:44 52 0:29:18 M Lewis Smith U16 11 27 5:51 3 0:18:47 M Joshua Roberts U16 2 3 3:45 53 0:29:19 M GRANT ERSKINE 3539 2 28 5:51 4 0:18:50 M Paul Gregory 3034 1 4 3:46 54 0:29:20 M Scott Higgins 4549 5 29 5:52 5 0:18:56 M Ian Thompson 4044 1 5 3:47 55 0:29:31 F Sonika Roelofse 3539 4 26 5:54 6 0:19:44 M Benjamin Hillen U16 3 6 3:56 56 0:29:36 M Andre Herbst 4044 2 30 5:55 7 0:20:18 M Mark Quinn U16 4 7 4:03 57 0:29:45 M Jacob Maxwell U16 12 31 5:57 8 0:20:38 F Clarissa Herbst U16 1 1 4:07 58 0:29:52 M TSUYOSHI MUROI U16 13 32 5:58 9 0:20:43 F Jemima Cummins 1824 1 2 4:08 59 0:30:08 M William Cleverley U16 14 33 6:01 10 0:21:06 M Tom Higgins U16 5 8 4:13 60 0:30:18 F CLAIRE SIBBEL 3539 5 27 6:03 11 0:21:33 M Christopher Stansbury 4549 1 9 4:18 61 0:30:25 M Ayden Bartle U16 15 34 6:05 12 0:21:54 M James Higgins U16 6 10 4:22 62 0:31:19 F Belinda Denning 3539 6 28 6:15 13 0:21:56 F Madison Good U16 2 3 4:23 63 0:31:21 F Cobe Wise 1617 1 29 6:16 14 0:22:28 M Mark Pidcock 4549 2 11 4:29 64 0:31:28 F PETA WISE 4044 3 30 6:17 15 0:22:31 F Jessica Claxton U16 3 4 4:30 65 0:31:30 F Leannder Farr 3539 7 31 6:18 16 0:22:34 F Tiana Laing U16 4 5 4:30 66 0:31:35 F Cath Brashaw 5054 1 32 6:19 17 0:22:39 F Noelle Chitty U16 5 6 4:31 67 0:32:03 F Isla Cleverley U16 18 33 6:24 18 0:23:12 F Ellie Glands U16 6 7 4:38 68 0:32:06 M James Cleverley 4044 3 35 6:25 19 0:23:36 M Cade Trigg 2529 1 12 4:43 69 0:32:14 M Zach Burrows U16 16 36 6:26 20 0:23:43 F Hazel Mountford 3539 1 8 4:44 70 0:32:29 M DOMINIC GASBARRO 6064 2 37 6:29 21 0:23:56 M PETER GROSE 6569 1 13 4:47 71 0:32:48 M MAX SCHULTZ 1824 1 38 6:33 22 0:23:59 M Fraser Bytheway U16 7 14 4:47 72 0:32:51 F Sharon Holt 5054 2 34 6:34 23 0:24:01 F Georgia Whitford U16 7 9 4:48 73 0:32:54 M Paul Graham 5054 1 39 6:34 24 0:24:04 F Hannah Jones U16 8 10 4:48 74 0:33:17 F Chantelle Lisa 4044 4 35 6:39 25 0:24:06 F Heather Bytheway U16 9 11 4:49 75 0:34:06 M Taylor Peters 1824 2 40 6:49 26 0:24:14 M Michael Verheyen 3034 2 15 4:50 76 0:34:08 F Antoinette Herbst 4044 5 36 6:49 27 0:24:18 F Bernise Roelofse U16 10 12 4:51 77 0:34:11 F Helen Alexander 5054 3 37 6:50 28 0:24:23 F Laini Smith U16 11 13 4:52 78 0:34:13 M Colin Ducker 6569 2 41 6:50 29 0:24:52 M Corey Bartle U16 8 16 4:58 79 0:34:48 M Peter Bradley 5559 2 42 6:57 30 0:25:05 M RICK ALLEN 6064 1 17 5:01 80 0:34:53 M Oscar Cleverley U16 17 43 6:58 31 0:25:15 F Isabella Whitford U16 12 14 5:03 81 0:34:59 F Vanessa Letts 2529 1 38 6:59 32 0:25:35 M Adam Whitehouse 3034 3 18 5:07 82 0:35:01 F Jemma Sutherland 3034 2 39 7:00 33 0:25:39 F KAITLYN ILLINGWORTH 1824 2 15 5:07 83 0:35:03 F Diana Nicholas 3034 3 40 7:00 34 0:25:41 M Unfinancial Member Unknown 1 19 5:08 84 0:35:09 F Judith Mcewen 3539 8 41 7:01 35 0:25:44 F Elyshia Von Knoll U16 13 16 5:08 85 0:35:12 M Darryl Carter 4549 6 44 7:02 36 0:25:49 F Berdine Roelofse U16 14 17 5:09 86 0:35:14 F Angela Burke 4549 1 42 7:02 37 0:26:32 M Stuart Denton 3034 4 20 5:18 87 0:35:16 F Julie Cleverley 4044 6 43 7:03 38 0:26:36 F Breaze James U16 15 18 5:19 88 0:35:39 F Jonelle Beveridge 3034 4 44 7:07 39 0:26:43 F Antonia Cornwell 4044 1 19 5:20 89 0:38:15 F Kristen Howes 3034 5 45 7:39 40 0:26:52 F Rachel Clune 4044 2 20 5:22 90 0:38:55 F Caroline Cairns 2529 2 46 7:47 41 0:26:58 M Marco Gama 3539 1 21 5:23 91 0:38:59 M Mortimer Flahive U16 18 45 7:47 42 0:27:05 M Tyler Glands U16 9 22 5:25 92 0:40:12 F Emily Wise 1824 3 47 8:02 43 0:27:41 F Rosemary Dotlic 3034 1 21 5:32 93 0:42:21 M Unknown Unknown 2 46 8:28 44 0:27:55 M HARRY ERSKINE U16 10 23 5:35 94 0:42:55 F Charlotte Harwood U16 19 48 8:35 45 0:28:02 F Rebecca Atherton 3539 2 22 5:36 95 0:42:57 F Claire Harwood 5054 4 49 8:35 46 0:28:11 F Kaitlyn Griggs 3539 3 23 5:38 96 0:43:36 M Mike Harwood 5054 2 47 8:43 47 0:28:23 M Mccormick Paul 4549 3 24 5:40 97 0:46:30 F Poppy Chitty U16 20 50 9:18 48 0:28:33 F Rochelle Herbst U16 16 24 5:42 98 0:46:34 F Sarah Flahive U16 21 51 9:18 49 0:28:45 M Chad Paull 4549 4 25 5:45 99 0:47:03 M Allan Chitty 4549 7 48 9:24 50 0:28:55 M John Hillen 5559 1 26 5:47 100 0:48:09 F Madeleine Maxwell U16 22 52 9:37


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:32:15 M Roberto Busi 35-39 1 1 3:13 70 0:50:36 M Chad Marriott 35-39 9 49 5:03 2 0:32:37 M Scott Tamblin 35-39 2 2 3:15 71 0:50:43 M Unknown Under 16 1 50 5:04 3 0:34:14 M Cormac Gallagher 25-29 1 3 3:25 72 0:50:55 F Noelle Casey 30-34 5 22 5:05 4 0:34:38 M Jonathan Higgins 25-29 2 4 3:27 73 0:50:56 M Gary Pearson 40-44 11 51 5:05 5 0:35:25 M Todd Ingraham 40-44 1 5 3:32 74 0:50:59 F Maddy Mclaren 25-29 5 23 5:05 6 0:35:44 M David Cecchi 16-19 1 6 3:34 75 0:51:05 M Andrew De Sousa 35-39 10 52 5:06 7 0:36:04 M Kyle Newman 16-19 2 7 3:36 76 0:51:06 M Ian Roberts 60-64 2 53 5:06 8 0:36:46 F Jules Bennett 30-34 1 1 3:40 77 0:51:08 M Ashley Sojan 25-29 11 54 5:06 9 0:36:54 M Jens Schroeder 35-39 3 8 3:41 78 0:51:09 M Asher Mortimer 25-29 12 55 5:06 10 0:37:09 M Philip Gore 25-29 3 9 3:42 79 0:51:19 M Julian Dingley 45-49 8 56 5:07 11 0:37:15 M Cale Symons 25-29 4 10 3:43 80 0:51:22 M Enore Panetta 40-44 12 57 5:08 12 0:38:07 F Emily Loughnan 25-29 1 2 3:48 81 0:51:24 M Tom Smith 55-59 1 58 5:08 13 0:38:37 M Justin Barich 45-49 1 11 3:51 82 0:51:24 F Denise Cleasby 55-59 2 24 5:08 14 0:39:09 M David Cordic 25-29 5 12 3:54 83 0:51:41 M David Watson 40-44 13 59 5:10 15 0:39:39 F Elizabeth Stavreski 40-44 1 3 3:57 84 0:51:42 M Unknown Under 16 2 60 5:10 16 0:39:57 M Javier Blocki 35-39 4 13 3:59 85 0:51:45 M Malcom Wilcox 60-64 3 61 5:10 17 0:40:06 M Hamish Mcleod 40-44 2 14 4:00 86 0:51:50 M Mark Reutens 35-39 11 62 5:11 18 0:40:09 F Tarinah Nazaroff 16-19 1 4 4:00 87 0:51:57 M Glen Coffey 65-69 1 63 5:11 19 0:40:12 M Adrian Fabiankovit 25-29 6 15 4:01 88 0:52:01 M Arthur Twiss 70-74 1 64 5:12 20 0:40:13 M Patrick Beck 25-29 7 16 4:01 89 0:52:40 F Lauren Stokoe Under 16 1 25 5:16 21 0:40:37 M Henrik Brajne 25-29 8 17 4:03 90 0:52:44 F Esmee Tan 25-29 6 26 5:16 22 0:40:48 M Edwin Drost 25-29 9 18 4:04 91 0:52:46 F Dianne Oliver 55-59 3 27 5:16 23 0:40:51 M Pete Wall 50-54 1 19 4:05 92 0:52:56 F Megan Baker 16-19 2 28 5:17 24 0:41:07 F Vanessa Carson 35-39 1 5 4:06 93 0:53:10 M Alex Meredith 30-34 3 65 5:19 25 0:41:45 F Natalia Poppwicz 30-34 2 6 4:10 94 0:53:14 F Alison Lang 30-34 6 29 5:19 26 0:41:56 M Trevor Van Aurich 40-44 3 20 4:11 95 0:53:36 M Stephen Hollingsworth 40-44 14 66 5:21 27 0:42:01 F Hannah Castle 20-24 1 7 4:12 96 0:53:40 F Oonagh Duff 40-44 4 30 5:22 28 0:42:02 F Kelly Mcginnity 25-29 2 8 4:12 97 0:53:52 F Jennifer Noonan 35-39 5 31 5:23 29 0:42:57 M Tom Hill 50-54 2 21 4:17 98 0:53:57 F Rachel Chisholm 40-44 5 32 5:23 30 0:43:05 M Daniel Barnes 16-19 3 22 4:18 99 0:54:03 M Nathan Lane 35-39 12 67 5:24 31 0:43:07 M Richard Rendell 35-39 5 23 4:18 100 0:54:14 F Abigail Kay 35-39 6 33 5:25 32 0:43:09 M Michael Luca 30-34 1 24 4:18 101 0:54:27 F Anna Castle 50-54 3 34 5:26 33 0:43:35 M Jamie Wood 30-34 2 25 4:21 102 0:54:42 M Damon Tan 30-34 4 68 5:28 34 0:43:55 M James Dingley 16-19 4 26 4:23 103 0:55:15 M Ilias Zotos 50-54 7 69 5:31 35 0:44:04 M Steve Edwards 40-44 4 27 4:24 104 0:55:37 M Simon Reed 40-44 15 70 5:33 36 0:44:15 M Matt Whelan 35-39 6 28 4:25 105 0:55:42 F Renata Niderla 55-59 4 35 5:34 37 0:44:47 M Andrew Varnavides 40-44 5 29 4:28 106 0:55:50 F Marie-Paule Teoh 65-69 1 36 5:35 38 0:44:54 M Ante Perdija 40-44 6 30 4:29 107 0:56:34 F Erica Ciappina 25-29 7 37 5:39 39 0:44:57 M Steven Harling 45-49 2 31 4:29 108 0:56:35 M Tom Rayner 25-29 13 71 5:39 40 0:45:00 F Deb Anderson 40-44 2 9 4:30 109 0:56:46 M Peyton Sharples Under 16 3 72 5:40 41 0:45:20 M John Mackey 45-49 3 32 4:32 110 0:56:49 M Daniel Sharples 25-29 14 73 5:40 42 0:45:24 F Alison Thompson 35-39 2 10 4:32 111 0:56:58 F Janice Wong 25-29 8 38 5:41 43 0:45:42 F Shelley Kennedy 25-29 3 11 4:34 112 0:56:59 M Unknown Under 16 4 74 5:41 44 0:45:45 M Stephen Phillipson 35-39 7 33 4:34 113 0:57:04 M Richard Russell 65-69 2 75 5:42 45 0:45:52 M Fredrick Ramsden 50-54 3 34 4:35 114 0:57:14 F Claire Sibbel 35-39 7 39 5:43 46 0:46:00 F Hindi Chazchar 30-34 3 12 4:36 115 0:57:16 F Jess Rumble 25-29 9 40 5:43 47 0:46:05 M David Harrowfield 40-44 7 35 4:36 116 0:57:25 F Lisa Limonas 45-49 2 41 5:44 48 0:46:13 M James Mcgregor 40-44 8 36 4:37 117 0:57:59 F Monica Kempson 35-39 8 42 5:47 49 0:46:18 F Vivian Pahilha 30-34 4 13 4:37 118 0:59:47 F Maria Hargreaves 35-39 9 43 5:58 50 0:46:19 M Mark Shaw 50-54 4 37 4:37 119 1:00:25 F Leah Mcconkey 25-29 10 44 6:02 51 0:46:30 M Damien Jennings 25-29 10 38 4:39 120 1:00:51 M Andrew Thorpe 60-64 4 76 6:05 52 0:46:48 M Mark Harland 45-49 4 39 4:40 121 1:01:04 M Robert Cosgrave 55-59 2 77 6:06 53 0:46:52 M Sean Reddan 45-49 5 40 4:41 122 1:02:12 F Liz Pelham 30-34 7 45 6:13 54 0:46:55 F Joanne Shaw 50-54 1 14 4:41 123 1:02:25 F Celine Stocker 30-34 8 46 6:14 55 0:47:07 M Terry Singleton 50-54 5 41 4:42 124 1:02:41 M Darren Fung 35-39 13 78 6:16 56 0:47:59 M Lindsay Stark 40-44 9 42 4:47 125 1:03:09 F Rebecca Fitzpatrick 30-34 9 47 6:18 57 0:48:14 M Glendon Higgins 45-49 6 43 4:49 126 1:03:30 M Adrian Damiani 65-69 3 79 6:21 58 0:48:27 M Steven Kemposn 40-44 10 44 4:50 127 1:04:22 M David Batt 45-49 9 80 6:26 59 0:48:30 F Wendy Ohalloran 55-59 1 15 4:51 128 1:04:26 F Amanda Greenland 35-39 10 48 6:26 60 0:48:36 F Jess Curley 25-29 4 16 4:51 129 1:04:44 M Helen Batt 50-54 8 81 6:28 61 0:48:51 M Daniel Mony 35-39 8 45 4:53 130 1:05:09 M Unknown Under 16 5 82 6:30 62 0:49:08 F Angela Daly 45-49 1 17 4:54 131 1:05:20 F Vera Ensor 55-59 5 49 6:32 63 0:49:23 F Fiona Longden 50-54 2 18 4:56 132 1:05:25 F Carley Simms 25-29 11 50 6:32 64 0:49:36 F Jess Orborne 35-39 3 19 4:57 133 1:06:59 M Adam Mokrzcki 40-44 16 83 6:41 65 0:49:45 F Kilee Giles 35-39 4 20 4:58 134 1:08:21 F Georgi Wardrop 30-34 10 51 6:50 66 0:49:57 M Steve Bullen 60-64 1 46 4:59 135 1:09:36 F Cheryl Carswell 50-54 4 52 6:57 67 0:50:15 F Roslyn Rowles 40-44 3 21 5:01 136 1:12:08 F Julie Carter 50-54 5 53 7:12 68 0:50:19 M Chris Anderson 45-49 7 47 5:01 137 1:12:09 F Kathy Skehan 50-54 6 54 7:12 69 0:50:26 M Jackson Wong 50-54 6 48 5:02


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:15:36 M Chris Dale 20-24 1 1 3:07 45 0:22:56 F Kate Holt 16-19 5 18 4:35 2 0:15:58 M Luke Graves 16-19 1 2 3:11 46 0:23:07 M Frank Gardiner 65-69 2 28 4:37 3 0:16:05 M Mathew Ramsden 16-19 2 3 3:13 47 0:23:16 M Donovan Graham Dec-15 9 29 4:39 4 0:16:05 M Jonathon Summut 16-19 3 4 3:13 48 0:23:17 M Amber Perez Dec-15 10 30 4:39 5 0:16:40 M Jesse Hunt 16-19 4 5 3:20 49 0:23:53 F Sarah Slaven 30-34 1 19 4:46 6 0:17:05 F Kate Kitzsimons 20-24 1 1 3:25 50 0:23:54 F Loretta Kerse 25-29 1 20 4:46 7 0:17:13 M Luke Pidcock Dec-15 1 6 3:26 51 0:24:25 M Stephen Atherton 40-44 1 31 4:53 8 0:17:27 M Nat Williams 30-34 1 7 3:29 52 0:24:29 F Danielle Graham Under 12 2 21 4:53 9 0:17:37 M Luke Shaw Dec-15 2 8 3:31 53 0:24:32 F Monique Stark Dec-15 9 22 4:54 10 0:17:45 M Daniel Kempson Dec-15 3 9 3:33 54 0:24:49 M Unknown Under 12 8 32 4:57 11 0:17:51 M Rahul Jegatheva Dec-15 4 10 3:34 55 0:24:50 M Robert Atkinson 35-39 3 33 4:58 12 0:17:54 M Jason Ramsden Dec-15 5 11 3:34 56 0:25:10 F Maria Ingram 45-49 1 23 5:02 13 0:17:54 F Melany Smart Dec-15 1 2 3:34 57 0:25:13 F Sophia Wright 20-24 4 24 5:02 14 0:18:10 F Jessica Ronan 16-19 1 3 3:38 58 0:25:48 M Raymond Gimi 50-54 2 34 5:09 15 0:18:15 F Keely Waters 20-24 2 4 3:39 59 0:25:50 M David Street 50-54 3 35 5:10 16 0:18:23 F Emma Van Der Meer 16-19 2 5 3:40 60 0:26:13 F Harriett Bougher 20-24 5 25 5:14 17 0:18:27 M Michael Webster Dec-15 6 12 3:41 61 0:26:20 M Cameron Hooper Under 12 9 36 5:16 18 0:18:36 M Mark Quinn Dec-15 7 13 3:43 62 0:26:54 M Tsuyoshi Muroi Under 12 10 37 5:22 19 0:18:53 F Clarissa Herbst Dec-15 2 6 3:46 63 0:27:05 F Sonika Roelofse 35-39 2 26 5:25 20 0:19:17 M Tom Higgins Dec-15 8 14 3:51 64 0:27:27 M Roger Cadle 50-54 4 38 5:29 21 0:19:22 F Abigail Graham Under 12 1 7 3:52 65 0:27:38 F Karen Hooper 35-39 3 27 5:31 22 0:19:45 F Harriet Bougher 20-24 3 8 3:57 66 0:27:40 M Gerard Street Under 12 11 39 5:32 23 0:19:54 M Mark Pidcock 45-49 1 15 3:58 67 0:27:57 F Amy Jean Williams 30-34 2 28 5:35 24 0:19:57 F Kiarra Nazaroff Dec-15 3 9 3:59 68 0:28:25 F Sharon Holt 50-54 1 29 5:41 25 0:20:11 F Mia Lockwood Dec-15 4 10 4:02 69 0:28:41 F Kelly Stark 35-39 4 30 5:44 26 0:20:50 M Jacob Sangster Under 12 1 16 4:10 70 0:29:13 F Poppy Miller 30-34 3 31 5:50 27 0:20:51 M Jeremy Sangster 35-39 1 17 4:10 71 0:30:13 M Dominic Gasbarro 60-64 1 40 6:02 28 0:20:55 F Alex Boehm 16-19 3 11 4:11 72 0:30:22 M Roger Harland 70-74 1 41 6:04 29 0:20:58 M Unknown Under 12 2 18 4:11 73 0:30:42 F Melissa Ashworth 35-39 5 32 6:08 30 0:20:59 F Hazel Mountford 35-39 1 12 4:11 74 0:30:54 M Desmond Phillipson 65-69 3 42 6:10 31 0:21:00 M Aiden Street Under 12 3 19 4:12 75 0:31:06 F Leigh Van Heerden 30-34 4 33 6:13 32 0:21:17 M Martin Hunt 50-54 1 20 4:15 76 0:31:48 F Annie Boehm 45-49 2 34 6:21 33 0:21:26 M Zac Bryan Under 12 4 21 4:17 77 0:31:57 M Gabe Davey 20-24 2 43 6:23 34 0:21:27 M Bryan Dale 35-39 2 22 4:17 78 0:32:15 F Angel Mae Grenfell Under 12 3 35 6:27 35 0:21:33 F Bernise Roelofse Dec-15 5 13 4:18 79 0:36:04 M Theo Mathews Under 12 12 44 7:12 36 0:21:41 F Emily Hadwiger 16-19 4 14 4:20 80 0:36:29 F Renee Tan 25-29 2 36 7:17 37 0:21:55 M Louie Oakes Under 12 5 23 4:23 81 0:37:09 M Cale Symons 25-29 1 45 7:25 38 0:22:00 M Miller Street Under 12 6 24 4:24 82 0:37:15 M Cameron Mitchell 25-29 2 46 7:27 39 0:22:11 F Kiarah Kirk Dec-15 6 15 4:26 83 0:37:49 F Emily Loughnan 25-29 3 37 7:33 40 0:22:12 F Breaze James Dec-15 7 16 4:26 84 0:43:35 F Pauline George 40-44 1 38 8:43 41 0:22:13 M Peter Mchardy 55-59 1 25 4:26 85 0:47:07 F Amelie Uren Under 12 4 39 9:25 42 0:22:15 F Berdine Roelofse Dec-15 8 17 4:27 86 0:47:49 F Christine Uren 40-44 2 40 9:33 43 0:22:44 M Ian Davies 65-69 1 26 4:32 87 0:47:50 M Graeme Uren 45-49 2 47 9:34 44 0:22:49 M Unknown Under 12 7 27 4:33



Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:31:01 M Roberto Busi 35-39 1 1 3:06 18 0:34:40 M Jason Rhine 25-29 4 18 3:28 2 0:31:20 M Marc See 25-29 1 2 3:08 19 0:34:43 M Robert Nichols 35-39 3 19 3:28 3 0:31:21 M Thomas Bruins 25-29 2 3 3:08 20 0:35:07 M Jack Dunn 16-19 6 20 3:30 4 0:31:31 M Ethan Heywood 20-24 1 4 3:09 21 0:35:19 M Joao Pisani 35-39 4 21 3:31 5 0:31:34 M Matthew Ramsden 16-19 1 5 3:09 22 0:35:25 F Kate Fitzsimons 20-24 1 1 3:32 6 0:31:48 M Michael Lori 20-24 2 6 3:10 23 0:35:28 M Sam Rayner 16-19 7 22 3:32 7 0:31:50 M Scott Tamblin 35-39 2 7 3:11 24 0:35:48 M Kurt Wesley 16-19 8 23 3:34 8 0:31:52 M Chris Dale 20-24 3 8 3:11 25 0:35:59 F Jules Bennett 30-34 1 2 3:35 9 0:31:55 M Nic Harman 16-19 2 9 3:11 26 0:36:25 M Jens Schroeder 35-39 5 24 3:38 10 0:32:56 M Brendon Dimmer 25-29 3 10 3:17 27 0:36:32 F Katey Gibb 25-29 1 3 3:39 11 0:33:33 M Matt Smith 16-19 3 11 3:21 28 0:36:32 M Nat Williams 30-34 3 25 3:39 12 0:33:51 M Liam Fury 30-34 1 12 3:23 29 0:36:56 M Robert Kay 45-49 1 26 3:41 13 0:34:15 M Thomas Bakowski 30-34 2 13 3:25 30 0:37:19 M Craig Berg 40-44 1 27 3:43 14 0:34:17 M David Cecchi 16-19 4 14 3:25 31 0:37:35 M Anthony O'Brien 35-39 6 28 3:45 15 0:34:32 M Ryan Blesing 15 3:27 32 0:37:47 M Bernie Streeter 35-39 7 29 3:46 16 0:34:35 M Kyle Newman 16-19 5 16 3:27 33 0:38:02 M Sam Creasley 30-34 4 30 3:48 17 0:34:39 M Samuel Lade 20-24 4 17 3:27 34 0:38:06 M Rahul Jegatheva Under 16 1 31 3:48 33

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 35 0:38:10 F Clarissa Herbst Under 16 1 4 3:49 93 0:47:22 M Martyn Flahive 50-54 8 70 4:44 36 0:38:37 M Owen Vorster Under 16 2 32 3:51 94 0:47:54 F Wendy Ohalloran 55-59 1 24 4:47 37 0:38:45 M Kiel Reid 30-34 5 33 3:52 95 0:47:57 M Bruce Haustead 50-54 9 71 4:47 38 0:38:54 M Vincent Pottier 35-39 8 34 3:53 96 0:47:58 M Darren Varnavides 45-49 9 72 4:47 39 0:38:56 M David Stevenson 45-49 2 35 3:53 97 0:48:43 F Sophie Armstrong 20-24 6 25 4:52 40 0:38:56 M Arnaud De Herrypon 45-49 3 36 3:53 98 0:48:44 F Lisa Mahon 35-39 5 26 4:52 41 0:39:07 M David Wrighton 45-49 4 37 3:54 99 0:50:37 F Cassia Large Under 16 2 27 5:03 42 0:39:18 F Emma Scally 20-24 2 5 3:55 100 0:50:47 M Tom Smith 55-59 3 73 5:04 43 0:39:21 M Geoff Large 50-54 1 38 3:56 101 0:50:50 F Melanie Hill 30-34 5 28 5:05 44 0:39:28 F Lauren Shelley 35-39 1 6 3:56 102 0:51:01 F Joanne Shaw 50-54 1 29 5:06 45 0:39:50 M Arron Robertson 45-49 5 39 3:59 103 0:51:01 M Glen Coffey 65-69 1 74 5:06 46 0:39:51 M David Martin 50-54 2 40 3:59 104 0:51:02 M Mark Shaw 50-54 10 75 5:06 47 0:39:56 F Emma Van Der Meer 16-19 1 7 3:59 105 0:51:18 M Steve Howe 40-44 7 76 5:07 48 0:40:22 M Mark Lommers 30-34 6 41 4:02 106 0:52:13 M Robert Graham 55-59 4 77 5:13 49 0:40:24 F Hannah Castle 20-24 3 8 4:02 107 0:52:23 F Denise Cleasby 55-59 2 30 5:14 50 0:40:26 M Andy Cornish 45-49 6 42 4:02 108 0:52:33 M Ashley Sojan 25-29 8 78 5:15 51 0:40:35 F Kerry Mulholland 25-29 2 9 4:03 109 0:52:40 F Oonagh Duff 40-44 1 31 5:16 52 0:40:51 M Alan Nicholls 55-59 1 43 4:05 110 0:52:46 F Anna Castle 50-54 2 32 5:16 53 0:40:53 M Richard Dunn 55-59 2 44 4:05 111 0:52:47 F Katrine Grocke 35-39 6 33 5:16 54 0:40:59 F Natalia Popowicz 30-34 2 10 4:05 112 0:52:59 F Tina Jones 45-49 3 34 5:17 55 0:41:08 F Eve O'Hare 35-39 2 11 4:06 113 0:52:59 M Tim Dymond 40-44 8 79 5:17 56 0:41:40 M Shane Lowe 30-34 7 45 4:10 114 0:53:04 M Paul Cockburn 40-44 9 80 5:18 57 0:41:42 M Jon Barry 30-34 8 46 4:10 115 0:53:07 F Tina Craddock 25-29 6 35 5:18 58 0:41:44 F Jessica Jason 20-24 4 12 4:10 116 0:53:11 M Dilip Varsini 35-39 12 81 5:19 59 0:41:53 M Jamie Wood 30-34 9 47 4:11 117 0:53:25 F Carol Maeer 35-39 7 36 5:20 60 0:41:57 F Rebecca Lewis 30-34 3 13 4:11 118 0:53:32 M Bill Taylor 65-69 2 82 5:21 61 0:42:13 M Asher Mortimer 25-29 5 48 4:13 119 0:53:49 M Mark Keenan 45-49 10 83 5:22 62 0:42:13 M James Scott 16-19 9 49 4:13 120 0:54:06 M Phillip Campbell 50-54 11 84 5:24 63 0:42:25 M Jeremy Clapman 50-54 3 50 4:14 121 0:54:13 M John Dimmer 60-64 2 85 5:25 64 0:42:53 M Andrew Whiteside 40-44 2 51 4:17 122 0:54:42 F Liz Sheenan 50-54 3 37 5:28 65 0:43:03 M Lee Southern 40-44 3 52 4:18 123 0:54:59 M Michael Warren 55-59 5 86 5:29 66 0:43:09 M Matthew Konsolis 25-29 6 53 4:18 124 0:55:01 F Audrey Van Der Berg 40-44 2 38 5:30 67 0:43:17 M Jose Desfosses 60-64 1 54 4:19 125 0:55:16 F Sonika Roelofse 35-39 8 39 5:31 68 0:43:20 M Graham Piddle 50-54 4 55 4:20 126 0:55:21 F Sandra Flahive 40-44 3 40 5:32 69 0:43:31 F Tiarn Burtenshaw 20-24 5 14 4:21 127 0:55:36 M Cody Jensen 25-29 9 87 5:33 70 0:43:39 M Troy Richardson 35-39 9 56 4:21 128 0:55:41 F Annette Thompson 40-44 4 41 5:34 71 0:43:42 F Janelle Wong 25-29 3 15 4:22 129 0:55:59 M Owen Hicks 65-69 3 88 5:35 72 0:43:58 M Tony Spicer 35-39 10 57 4:23 130 0:56:27 F Suzie Nicholls 70-74 1 42 5:38 73 0:44:13 F Jade Chow 16-19 2 16 4:25 131 0:56:50 F Monica Kempson 35-39 9 43 5:41 74 0:44:19 M Anthony Graziani 40-44 4 58 4:25 132 0:57:23 F Laura Bowlt 30-34 6 44 5:44 75 0:44:26 M Isaac Thyer 35-39 11 59 4:26 133 0:57:52 M Dov Silman 50-54 12 89 5:47 76 0:44:50 M David Harrowfield 40-44 5 60 4:29 134 0:58:02 M Larry Smith 65-69 4 90 5:48 77 0:44:54 M Daniel Sly 30-34 10 61 4:29 135 0:58:28 F Maria Hargreaves 35-39 10 45 5:50 78 0:44:59 F Alexandra Meek 25-29 4 17 4:29 136 1:00:05 F Hazrina Mortimer-Haidar 25-29 7 46 6:00 79 0:45:09 M Roger Millett 50-54 5 62 4:30 137 1:01:06 F Alicia Holliday 30-34 7 47 6:06 80 0:45:17 F Fiona Leonard 45-49 1 18 4:31 138 1:01:14 F Rebecca Fitzpatrick 30-34 8 48 6:07 81 0:45:20 M Peter Liversage 25-29 7 63 4:31 139 1:01:40 M Robert Frost 75-79 1 91 6:10 82 0:45:55 M Sean Reddan 45-49 7 64 4:35 140 1:01:45 F Kerry Cockburn 40-44 5 49 6:10 83 0:46:07 M Derek Munro 40-44 6 65 4:36 141 1:02:11 F Leah Mcconkey 25-29 8 50 6:13 84 0:46:09 F Chantal Oliver 25-29 5 19 4:36 142 1:02:13 F Jackie Hurst 40-44 6 51 6:13 85 0:46:12 F Zena Coffey 35-39 3 20 4:37 143 1:02:25 F Alison Cockayne 40-44 7 52 6:14 86 0:46:16 M Paul Leesing 50-54 6 66 4:37 144 1:03:53 F Clare Wood 40-44 8 53 6:23 87 0:46:19 F Bianca Harding 30-34 4 21 4:37 145 1:06:17 F Rachel Wall 35-39 11 54 6:37 88 0:46:21 M Simon Purdy 45-49 8 67 4:38 146 1:07:21 F Kathy Skehan 50-54 4 55 6:44 89 0:46:33 F Terri Munro 35-39 4 22 4:39 147 1:08:07 F Kasey Tang 35-39 12 56 6:48 90 0:46:51 F Ayumi Fletcher 45-49 2 23 4:41 148 1:12:47 F Loretta Shillinglaw 70-74 2 57 7:16 91 0:47:09 M Phil Corrick 30-34 11 68 4:42 149 1:13:18 F Kirsten Larkin 35-39 13 58 7:19 92 0:47:17 M Fredrick Ramsden 50-54 7 69 4:43 150 1:19:29 F Bayer Ottens 60-64 1 59 7:56


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:15:19 M Chamberlain Benny 16-19 1 1 3:03 9 0:17:08 M Brandon Swift 16-19 7 9 3:25 2 0:15:32 M Luke Graves 16-19 2 2 3:06 10 0:17:11 M Simon Coates 45-49 1 10 3:26 3 0:15:45 M Sammy King 16-19 3 3 3:09 11 0:17:13 M Houlihan Timothy 25-29 1 11 3:26 4 0:16:05 M Jonathan Sammmut 16-19 4 4 3:13 12 0:17:16 M Mitchell Alco 16-19 8 12 3:27 5 0:16:36 M Jesse Hunt 16-19 5 5 3:19 13 0:17:16 M Daniel Kempson Dec-15 2 13 3:27 6 0:16:51 M Michael Martin 16-19 6 6 3:22 14 0:17:18 M Thomas Moorcroft Dec-15 3 14 3:27 7 0:16:54 M Stephen Stockwell 50-54 1 7 3:22 15 0:17:38 M Luke Shaw Dec-15 4 15 3:31 8 0:17:02 M Bailey Nathan Dec-15 1 8 3:24 16 0:17:44 M Kye Pugh 16-19 9 16 3:32 17 0:17:48 M Mark Lori Dec-15 5 17 3:33 34

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 18 0:18:07 F Jessica Ronan 16-19 1 1 3:37 60 0:22:50 M CONNOR HYNES Under 12 4 38 4:34 19 0:18:15 M Luke Munro 30-34 1 18 3:39 61 0:22:56 M Andrew Duckworth 45-49 3 39 4:35 20 0:18:16 M Shayne Dimmer 30-34 2 19 3:39 62 0:23:02 F Isabella Martin Dec-15 11 23 4:36 21 0:18:22 F Nicola Ferguson 16-19 2 2 3:40 63 0:23:07 M Unknown Under 12 5 40 4:37 22 0:18:33 M Mark Quinn Dec-15 6 20 3:42 64 0:23:16 M Lachlan Hynes Dec-15 10 41 4:39 23 0:18:35 F Jessica Claston Dec-15 1 3 3:43 65 0:23:33 F Sarah Van Blomestein Under 12 5 24 4:42 24 0:18:47 M Louie Oakes Under 12 1 21 3:45 66 0:23:45 F Anais Ducray 16-19 6 25 4:45 25 0:18:50 F Jemima Cummins 16-19 3 4 3:46 67 0:23:57 M David Henderson 50-54 5 42 4:47 26 0:19:18 F Rachael Edwards Dec-15 2 5 3:51 68 0:24:00 F Grace Lenaghan Dec-15 12 26 4:48 27 0:19:22 M Pete Wall 50-54 2 22 3:52 69 0:24:12 F Morgan Barry 25-29 1 27 4:50 28 0:19:23 M Michael Bowden 40-44 1 23 3:52 70 0:24:15 F Jade Bailey Dec-15 13 28 4:51 29 0:19:25 F Abigail Graham Under 12 1 6 3:53 71 0:24:38 F Anna Evans 35-39 2 29 4:55 30 0:19:27 F Emily Wray 16-19 4 7 3:53 72 0:25:12 M STANLEY LOCKWOOD Under 12 6 43 5:02 31 0:19:43 F Gabrielle Toth Dec-15 3 8 3:56 73 0:25:13 F Danielle Graham Under 12 6 30 5:02 32 0:19:48 F Joanna Maynard 16-19 5 9 3:57 74 0:25:14 F Lisa Limonas 45-49 1 31 5:02 33 0:19:55 F Taylor Kroyer Dec-15 4 10 3:59 75 0:26:07 F Megan Baker 16-19 7 32 5:13 34 0:19:55 M Benjamin Hillen Dec-15 7 24 3:59 76 0:27:04 M Kurt Wili 60-64 1 44 5:24 35 0:19:59 F Madison Good Dec-15 5 11 3:59 77 0:27:25 F Jessica Socmas 30-34 1 33 5:29 36 0:20:03 F Sarah Hynes Dec-15 6 12 4:00 78 0:28:37 M JIM HUBBLE Under 12 7 45 5:43 37 0:20:16 M Jacob Sangster Under 12 2 25 4:03 79 0:28:41 M Clive Pollard 65-69 4 46 5:44 38 0:20:17 M Jeremy Sangster 35-39 1 26 4:03 80 0:28:54 F Debbie Edmonds 40-44 1 34 5:46 39 0:20:25 M Jason Ramsden Dec-15 8 27 4:05 81 0:28:59 M ADRIAN DAMIANI Under 12 8 47 5:47 40 0:20:31 M Drew Corrigan 16-19 10 28 4:06 82 0:28:59 F Brooke Steele Under 12 7 35 5:47 41 0:20:48 F Tiana Laing Under 12 2 13 4:09 83 0:28:59 F Macey Hurst Under 12 8 36 5:47 42 0:20:51 M Martin Hunt 50-54 3 29 4:10 84 0:29:06 M Adriaan Jnr van der Berg Under 12 9 48 5:49 43 0:20:58 M Chris Groom 45-49 2 30 4:11 85 0:29:27 M Mortimer Flahive Under 12 10 49 5:53 44 0:20:59 M Fraser Bytheway Under 12 3 31 4:11 86 0:29:51 F Jane Copeland 35-39 3 37 5:58 45 0:21:00 M Terry Singleton 50-54 4 32 4:12 87 0:30:42 F Milandri van der Berg Under 12 9 38 6:08 46 0:21:00 F Heather Bytheway Under 12 3 14 4:12 88 0:30:43 M Adriaan Van Der Berg 40-44 3 50 6:08 47 0:21:02 M Rob Collins 40-44 2 33 4:12 89 0:31:15 F Michelle Belton 30-34 2 39 6:15 48 0:21:11 M Peter Grose 65-69 1 34 4:14 90 0:31:16 F Sarah Flahive Under 12 10 40 6:15 49 0:21:18 F Violet Bartell Dec-15 7 15 4:15 91 0:31:18 M Timothy Quinlivan 55-59 1 51 6:15 50 0:21:41 F Bernise Roelofse Dec-15 8 16 4:20 92 0:31:48 M Gary Yates 40-44 4 52 6:21 51 0:21:45 F Berdine Roelofse Dec-15 9 17 4:21 93 0:35:10 F Black Zoe Jane Under 12 11 41 7:02 52 0:21:56 F Paris Burtenshaw 20-24 1 18 4:23 94 0:35:11 F Black Kylie Beth 35-39 4 42 7:02 53 0:22:06 F Breaze James Dec-15 10 19 4:25 95 0:35:15 M Desmond Mallon 60-64 2 53 7:03 54 0:22:06 M Donovan Graham Dec-15 9 35 4:25 96 0:38:36 M Bob Hayres 80-85 1 54 7:43 55 0:22:09 M Ian Davies 65-69 2 36 4:25 97 0:41:18 F Emily Mueller Under 12 12 43 8:15 56 0:22:25 F Makayla Chapple Under 12 4 20 4:29 98 0:41:18 M Oliver Mueller 45-49 4 55 8:15 57 0:22:31 F Sally Pilbeam 35-39 1 21 4:30 99 0:41:56 F Jenny Coupland 50-54 1 44 8:23 58 0:22:32 M Michael Lee 65-69 3 37 4:30 100 0:41:56 F Kate Newall 55-59 2 45 8:23 59 0:22:46 F Andree Carr 55-59 1 22 4:33 101 0:46:57 F Leandra Mallon 50-54 2 46 9:23


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 01:08:49.73 M Joshua TEDESCO 20-24 1 1 3:15 19 01:20:25.89 M Chris LARK 35-39 1 16 3:48 2 01:09:57.97 M Ethan HEYWOOD 20-24 2 2 3:18 20 01:20:28.55 M Raymond LAMPARD 35-39 2 17 3:48 3 01:15:23.49 M Liam FUERY 30-34 1 3 3:34 21 01:20:33.38 M Max LANOELLE 30-34 4 18 3:49 4 01:16:08.37 M Matt SMITH 16-19 1 4 3:36 22 01:20:35.61 M Evan KOLBE 40-44 4 19 3:49 5 01:16:11.71 M Stephen STOCKWELL 50-54 1 5 3:36 23 01:20:56.03 M Travis KELLY 30-34 5 20 3:50 6 01:17:48.62 M Mike O'SULLIVAN 25-29 1 6 3:41 24 01:21:24.82 M Dean LANE 45-49 2 21 3:51 7 01:17:50.30 M Matt MCNALLY 30-34 2 7 3:41 25 01:21:28.62 M Conor QUINN 40-44 5 22 3:51 8 01:18:03.35 M Jason RHINE 30-34 3 8 3:41 26 01:21:28.88 M Luke MUNRO 30-34 6 23 3:51 9 01:18:07.72 M Kevin MATTHEWS 45-49 1 9 3:42 27 01:21:23.54 M Alan BONE 20-24 3 24 3:51 10 01:18:16.00 M David BRYANT 25-29 2 10 3:42 28 01:22:21.88 M Robert KAY 45-49 3 25 3:54 11 01:18:25.54 M Will WITHERS 40-44 1 11 3:43 29 01:23:19.08 M Rob WORMALD 40-44 6 26 3:56 12 01:18:39.78 F Katey GIBB 25-29 1 1 3:43 30 01:23:20.40 M Michael SAMS 35-39 3 27 3:57 13 01:19:17.82 M Shane JOHNSTONE 25-29 3 12 3:45 31 01:23:29.57 M Luke SUTHERLAND 25-29 5 28 3:57 14 01:19:18.90 M Jamal FOZDAR 40-44 2 13 3:45 32 01:23:45.58 M Chris SORGIOVANNI 30-34 7 29 3:58 15 01:19:20.22 F Jules BENNETT 30-34 1 2 3:45 33 01:23:39.70 M Murray CONNELL 40-44 7 30 3:57 16 01:19:31.48 M Kim THOMAS 40-44 3 14 3:46 34 01:24:11.90 M Jeremy URQUHART 20-24 4 31 3:59 17 01:19:43.03 M Timothy FARDON 25-29 4 15 3:46 35 01:23:53.16 M Mathias RITTER 30-34 8 32 3:58 18 01:20:06.70 F Rochelle RODGERS 25-29 2 3 3:47 36 01:24:53.59 F Renee BAKER 30-34 2 4 4:01 35

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 37 01:25:05.61 M Tony SEAKINS 60-64 1 33 4:02 110 01:34:01.35 M Paul ANKERS 55-59 3 97 4:27 38 01:25:09.36 M Marcus WHELBAND 40-44 8 34 4:02 111 01:33:53.25 M Jamie WOOD 30-34 21 98 4:27 39 01:25:41.13 M Andrew POLI 40-44 9 35 4:03 112 01:34:09.96 M John RANGER 45-49 9 99 4:27 40 01:25:43.51 M Javier BLOCKI 35-39 4 36 4:03 113 01:34:13.66 M Tony MINARDS 55-59 4 100 4:27 41 01:25:44.44 M Miki MAKUCH 35-39 5 37 4:03 114 01:34:09.43 M Colin WRIGHT 45-49 10 101 4:27 42 01:25:50.15 M Hamish MCLEOD 40-44 10 38 4:04 115 01:34:36.68 M Michael MCCARTHY 50-54 9 102 4:29 43 01:26:00.83 M Laurence GREENFIELD 30-34 9 39 4:04 116 01:34:39.22 M Ian BRANN 45-49 11 103 4:29 44 01:26:21.18 M David MARTIN 50-54 2 40 4:05 117 01:34:06.00 M Robert CLAESSEN 40-44 21 104 4:27 45 01:26:24.36 F Nera JAREB 30-34 3 5 4:05 118 01:34:42.25 F Sarah STEARNE 25-29 4 14 4:29 46 01:26:36.39 F Vivian TANG 40-44 1 6 4:06 119 01:34:49.44 F Catherine WILLIAMS 35-39 3 15 4:29 47 01:26:38.25 M Jacques MEYER 40-44 11 41 4:06 120 01:34:55.23 M Michael LUCA 30-34 22 105 4:29 48 01:26:41.62 M Bruce HOGG 40-44 12 42 4:06 121 01:34:26.83 F Shirley ERASMUS 40-44 4 16 4:28 49 01:26:49.96 M Craig LEE 40-44 13 43 4:06 122 01:35:07.33 M Michael KALAF 30-34 23 106 4:30 50 01:26:43.25 M James DEBENHAM 35-39 6 44 4:06 123 01:35:07.51 M Samuel MEDWAY 25-29 14 107 4:30 51 01:27:05.88 M Rodney MACKAY 45-49 4 45 4:07 124 01:34:34.82 M Mark TAYLOR 30-34 24 108 4:28 52 01:27:02.19 M Cameron NESBITT 30-34 10 46 4:07 125 01:34:58.30 M Andrew BATES 35-39 18 109 4:30 53 01:27:41.16 M Tony SMITH 35-39 7 47 4:09 126 01:34:52.36 M Phill NENDICK 50-54 10 110 4:29 54 01:27:58.42 M Sasa STANIC 45-49 5 48 4:10 127 01:35:19.26 M Christopher STANSBURY 45-49 12 111 4:31 55 01:27:58.19 M Daniel TEH 25-29 6 49 4:10 128 01:35:19.72 M Ante PERDIJA 40-44 22 112 4:31 56 01:28:16.22 M Ryan CRAIG 30-34 11 50 4:11 129 01:34:58.40 M Aaron SCHONBERG 30-34 25 113 4:30 57 01:28:10.78 M Dylan NASH 35-39 8 51 4:10 130 01:34:52.96 F Georgie SMITH 30-34 5 17 4:29 58 01:28:26.35 M Mark PAGE 55-59 1 52 4:11 131 01:34:59.29 M Tristan BELL 45-49 13 114 4:30 59 01:28:28.17 M Ollie NEARY 40-44 14 53 4:11 132 01:35:28.39 M Kelly BUSWELL 55-59 5 115 4:31 60 01:28:36.72 M Steven LEUNG 30-34 12 54 4:12 133 01:35:41.00 M Keith WESTON 45-49 14 116 4:32 61 01:28:43.97 F Kathryn WATT 30-34 4 7 4:12 134 01:34:57.56 M Clay THOMAS 25-29 15 117 4:30 62 01:28:40.60 M Cy CUMMING 35-39 9 55 4:12 135 01:35:52.83 M Jonathan JULIAN 45-49 15 118 4:32 63 01:28:46.47 M Russell PEARCE 40-44 15 56 4:12 136 01:35:40.12 M Richard GREGORY 30-34 26 119 4:32 64 01:28:52.89 M Jon BOLAM 30-34 13 57 4:12 137 01:35:59.88 M Thomas SELBEKK 50-54 11 120 4:33 65 01:28:53.84 M Alan GIBSON 35-39 10 58 4:12 138 01:35:24.71 M Greg HUNT 40-44 23 121 4:31 66 01:29:08.63 M Nick SPENCER 30-34 14 59 4:13 139 01:36:21.48 M Domenic CROUCH 25-29 16 122 4:34 67 01:29:25.91 M Jon MERRELLS 35-39 11 60 4:14 140 01:36:26.09 M Stuart HAYWARD 30-34 27 123 4:34 68 01:29:07.26 M Nick TAYLOR 30-34 15 61 4:13 141 01:36:31.54 M Martin DEVINE 30-34 28 124 4:34 69 01:29:58.27 M Craig WHITE 30-34 16 62 4:15 142 01:36:01.83 M Andrew WHITESIDE 40-44 24 125 4:33 70 01:29:40.18 M Guillaume POUGNET 25-29 7 63 4:15 143 01:36:46.47 M Robert FRANKLIN 20-24 7 126 4:35 71 01:29:21.75 M Yi-Jin KUOK 35-39 12 64 4:14 144 01:36:43.30 M Matt REDMOND 25-29 17 127 4:35 72 01:30:03.29 F Claire DAVIS 25-29 3 8 4:16 145 01:36:42.97 M Derek LAWN 40-44 25 128 4:35 73 01:30:08.67 M Daniel HARROP 20-24 5 65 4:16 146 01:36:47.55 M James BROOK 30-34 29 129 4:35 74 01:30:27.97 M Trevor VAN AURICH 40-44 16 66 4:17 147 01:36:47.00 M Brett MCCANCE 35-39 19 130 4:35 75 01:30:05.08 M Graeme WARNER 35-39 13 67 4:16 148 01:37:05.99 M Justin WARING 45-49 16 131 4:36 76 01:30:46.08 M Adrian FABIANKOVITS 25-29 8 68 4:18 149 01:35:56.08 M Anthony MOREY 35-39 20 132 4:32 77 01:30:46.52 M Brendan MCLEAN 45-49 6 69 4:18 150 01:36:40.53 M Eric RICHARDS 50-54 12 133 4:34 78 01:30:50.10 M Mark LOMMERS 30-34 17 70 4:18 151 01:36:37.21 M Alan GEORGE 45-49 17 134 4:34 79 01:30:34.23 M Jon BARRY 30-34 18 71 4:17 152 01:36:54.17 M Michael CLUCAS 16-19 2 135 4:35 80 01:30:40.14 M Jason KRUSZEWSKI 30-34 19 72 4:17 153 01:36:52.14 F Alex JENSEN 45-49 1 18 4:35 81 01:30:50.46 M Sean WEBB 40-44 17 73 4:18 154 01:37:26.74 F Renae TWIGG 35-39 4 19 4:37 82 01:30:53.93 M Simon JOHNSON 25-29 9 74 4:18 155 01:37:45.64 M Damien JENNINGS 25-29 18 136 4:38 83 01:31:02.55 M Bryant BURMAN 40-44 18 75 4:18 156 01:37:48.49 F Jocelyn SMITH 30-34 6 20 4:38 84 01:31:16.24 M Marshall HOWARD 55-59 2 76 4:19 157 01:37:54.51 F Michelle BROWN 35-39 5 21 4:38 85 01:31:15.64 M Chris JONES 35-39 14 77 4:19 158 01:37:59.84 F Tiarn BURTENSHAW 20-24 2 22 4:38 86 01:31:10.96 F Eve O'HARE 35-39 1 9 4:19 159 01:37:39.95 M James HOWARD 40-44 26 137 4:37 87 01:31:21.33 M Peter CONROY 45-49 7 78 4:19 160 01:38:04.49 M Rob MUNNS 40-44 27 138 4:38 88 01:31:38.93 M Kevin D'SILVA 35-39 15 79 4:20 161 01:38:23.29 M Jim FARR 45-49 18 139 4:39 89 01:31:43.26 M Matt SALINOVICH 20-24 6 80 4:20 162 01:38:28.06 M Scott SMITH 25-29 19 140 4:40 90 01:32:02.82 M Matt SNELL 40-44 19 81 4:21 163 01:38:00.06 F Tegan MOFFAT 30-34 7 23 4:38 91 01:31:46.66 M Henrik BRAUNE 25-29 10 82 4:21 164 01:38:48.55 M Paul KLEIN 45-49 19 141 4:41 92 01:31:57.11 M Ben KASPAR 30-34 20 83 4:21 165 01:38:58.27 F Hindi CHARCHAR 30-34 8 24 4:41 93 01:32:13.13 M Andy CORNISH 45-49 8 84 4:22 166 01:38:54.96 F Jasmine RHODES 25-29 5 25 4:41 94 01:32:35.06 M Vincent TSANG 35-39 16 85 4:23 167 01:38:42.90 M Viet DANG 35-39 21 142 4:40 95 01:32:33.67 M Andrew JACKSON 50-54 3 86 4:23 168 01:39:04.98 F Jasmin BAILEY 30-34 9 26 4:41 96 01:32:43.64 F Eulalia VAN BLOMESTEIN 40-44 2 10 4:23 169 01:38:43.00 F Maryanne PEMBERTON 35-39 6 27 4:40 97 01:32:50.32 M Steven O'HALLORAN 50-54 4 87 4:24 170 01:38:19.41 M Paddy FOLEY 30-34 30 143 4:39 98 01:33:10.45 M Chris CARTER 25-29 11 88 4:24 171 01:39:03.84 M Adam WILLESEE 40-44 28 144 4:41 99 01:33:04.85 M Greg FLEAY 50-54 5 89 4:24 172 01:38:57.50 F Nikki PURSELL 30-34 10 28 4:41 100 01:33:13.58 M Marc SIM 25-29 12 90 4:25 173 01:37:46.04 M Pedro TABANERA 45-49 20 145 4:38 101 01:33:10.64 M Fin MCKENNA-FOX 25-29 13 91 4:24 174 01:39:26.04 M Lee WATSON 40-44 29 146 4:42 102 01:33:41.34 M Tim ROACH 50-54 6 92 4:26 175 01:38:46.16 F Jessica SMITH 25-29 6 29 4:40 103 01:33:34.70 M Peter BUCKINGHAM 50-54 7 93 4:26 176 01:39:21.66 F Shannon COATES 40-44 5 30 4:42 104 01:33:45.20 F Sharon BAIRD 35-39 2 11 4:26 177 01:39:18.96 F Morgan MARSH 30-34 11 31 4:42 105 01:33:32.08 F Laura KYRIAKACIS 20-24 1 12 4:26 178 01:39:31.00 M Peter SHIPMAN 45-49 21 147 4:43 106 01:33:50.53 M Michael HANNAH 40-44 20 94 4:26 179 01:39:25.94 M Paul ASHBURNE 45-49 22 148 4:42 107 01:33:45.68 M Richard RENDELL 35-39 17 95 4:26 180 01:39:46.76 F Jess BARCLAY 25-29 7 32 4:43 108 01:34:03.16 F Clare WARDLE 40-44 3 13 4:27 181 01:39:05.43 M Luke HANLEY 40-44 30 149 4:41 109 01:34:12.77 M Paul BEBBINGTON 50-54 8 96 4:27 182 01:39:06.40 M Dominic GOODWIN 45-49 23 150 4:41 36

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 183 01:39:26.81 M Ian NORTH 40-44 31 151 4:42 256 01:43:56.46 M Chris PLATT 30-34 40 205 4:55 184 01:39:57.42 M Matthew RENNIE 30-34 31 152 4:44 257 01:43:54.21 M Grant SCHOFIELD 45-49 28 206 4:55 185 01:40:00.38 M Christopher BATH 40-44 32 153 4:44 258 01:43:43.52 M David HYNES 35-39 32 207 4:54 186 01:39:30.26 M Stuart MCLEOD 40-44 33 154 4:42 259 01:44:00.98 M Craig WINLEY 30-34 41 208 4:55 187 01:40:01.22 M Kwun Wai CHAN 25-29 20 155 4:44 260 01:44:21.50 M Nick FRANEY 55-59 8 209 4:56 188 01:38:55.30 M Sebastian JENSEN 40-44 34 156 4:41 261 01:44:14.54 M Unknown 35-39 33 210 4:56 189 01:39:49.66 M Adam REYNOLDS 30-34 32 157 4:43 262 01:44:21.29 F Catharine MILLER 20-24 4 52 4:56 190 01:40:00.07 M Mark BIRBECK 50-54 13 158 4:44 263 01:44:43.52 F Madeleine FARIAS 35-39 10 53 4:57 191 01:39:25.02 M Simon TERRY 40-44 35 159 4:42 264 01:45:02.64 M Russell SMITH 50-54 16 211 4:58 192 01:39:46.41 M Stephen PHILLIPSON 35-39 22 160 4:43 265 01:45:09.36 M David ADAMS 35-39 34 212 4:59 193 01:40:24.10 M Ashley BENNETT 35-39 23 161 4:45 266 01:44:33.59 M David KERSTING 35-39 35 213 4:57 194 01:39:49.42 M Adam JULIUS 30-34 33 162 4:43 267 01:44:05.32 M Matt BOTT 40-44 48 214 4:56 195 01:40:11.97 F Stephanie KAY 25-29 8 33 4:44 268 01:44:37.46 M Jeremy CLAUDIUS 20-24 10 215 4:57 196 01:40:27.21 M Daniel SLY 30-34 34 163 4:45 269 01:45:11.49 F Tracey SMITH 45-49 3 54 4:59 197 01:40:11.90 M Matt DOROTICH 40-44 36 164 4:44 270 01:45:12.13 F Sarah HOUSTON 30-34 17 55 4:59 198 01:40:25.55 M Daniel ETHERINGTON 45-49 24 165 4:45 271 01:45:29.49 M Arne HILDINGSSON 45-49 29 216 5:00 199 01:39:47.99 M Thomas GRUNNILL 40-44 37 166 4:43 272 01:44:58.58 F Chantal OLIVER 25-29 11 56 4:58 200 01:40:39.58 F Janet HAM 40-44 6 34 4:46 273 01:44:58.47 M Ian NICHOL 40-44 49 217 4:58 201 01:40:36.66 F Erin FORREST 30-34 12 35 4:46 274 01:45:15.14 M Simon PURDY 45-49 30 218 4:59 202 01:40:09.09 M Gareth JONES 35-39 24 167 4:44 275 01:45:26.72 F Wendy GIBBONS 40-44 11 57 4:59 203 01:39:37.77 M Mark ROBSON 40-44 38 168 4:43 276 01:45:25.02 M Mark SIMMONDS 55-59 9 219 4:59 204 01:40:18.64 M Will KNUCKEY 40-44 39 169 4:45 277 01:45:26.27 F Geraldine PRETORIUS 40-44 12 58 4:59 205 01:40:40.13 M Keith MILLER 65-69 1 170 4:46 278 01:45:11.45 F Natalie WHITE 30-34 18 59 4:59 206 01:40:23.21 F Deb ANDERSON 40-44 7 36 4:45 279 01:45:12.43 M Justin OWENS 30-34 42 220 4:59 207 01:40:51.41 F Alexandra MEEK 25-29 9 37 4:46 280 01:45:37.73 F Annette SUGDEN 50-54 1 60 5:00 208 01:40:55.31 M Alex TINNISWOOD 30-34 35 171 4:47 281 01:45:47.02 F Freya SYMONS 25-29 12 61 5:00 209 01:40:48.13 F Kellie WHITFIELD 25-29 10 38 4:46 282 01:44:33.94 M Stewart MUIRHEAD 55-59 10 221 4:57 210 01:40:21.66 F Sarah D'SILVA 30-34 13 39 4:45 283 01:45:53.05 M Camo OXFORD 40-44 50 222 5:01 211 01:41:08.71 M Colin SMITH 45-49 25 172 4:47 284 01:45:50.02 F Terri MUNRO 35-39 11 62 5:00 212 01:41:08.44 F Barb WOOD 55-59 1 40 4:47 285 01:44:59.32 F Allison SLATER 30-34 19 63 4:58 213 01:41:27.39 M Jeff CARTER 30-34 36 173 4:48 286 01:45:51.83 F Woomi LEE 35-39 12 64 5:01 214 01:40:16.10 M Dean ROBERTS 35-39 25 174 4:45 287 01:45:53.21 M Pontus OLIN 40-44 51 223 5:01 215 01:41:14.18 M Paul MILLER 55-59 6 175 4:47 288 01:45:27.16 F Nadia STRACHAN 16-19 1 65 4:59 216 01:41:30.60 M Daithi DE BAROID 25-29 21 176 4:48 289 01:45:55.69 F Trisha FARR 40-44 13 66 5:01 217 01:41:35.80 F Lindsey JOHNSON 35-39 7 41 4:48 290 01:45:49.54 M Phil CROCKER 55-59 11 224 5:00 218 01:40:29.28 F Kate FRIEDLIEB 40-44 8 42 4:45 291 01:45:49.95 F Narelle DA SILVA 40-44 14 67 5:00 219 01:41:48.09 M Joseph TAHENY 35-39 26 177 4:49 292 01:45:01.18 F Tina MARSHALL 40-44 15 68 4:58 220 01:41:53.37 M Andrew HOSGOOD 40-44 40 178 4:49 293 01:45:44.09 F Fiona CHOI 20-24 5 69 5:00 221 01:41:21.53 M Andrew DEACON 30-34 37 179 4:48 294 01:45:59.70 M Jee Seng CHIN 40-44 52 225 5:01 222 01:41:30.04 M Giuseppe DE FILIPPO 35-39 27 180 4:48 295 01:46:06.26 M Matt TRIBBLE 35-39 36 226 5:01 223 01:41:46.82 F Madeleine ERSKINE 40-44 9 43 4:49 296 01:45:36.19 M Mark RALEIGH 25-29 24 227 5:00 224 01:41:21.35 M Frank D'SILVA 40-44 41 181 4:48 297 01:45:37.27 M Andrew TURNER 30-34 43 228 5:00 225 01:42:02.64 M Martyn FLAHIVE 50-54 14 182 4:50 298 01:45:53.25 M Brett MORRIS 35-39 37 229 5:01 226 01:41:42.47 M Michael BENNETT 35-39 28 183 4:49 299 01:46:26.05 M Peter LIVERSAGE 25-29 25 230 5:02 227 01:41:10.56 M Kevin BURGESS 30-34 38 184 4:47 300 01:45:26.26 M Steve BLANCHFIELD 45-49 31 231 4:59 228 01:41:59.71 M James STEWART 20-24 8 185 4:50 301 01:46:17.14 M Burton CUSENS 30-34 44 232 5:02 229 01:41:31.71 F Emily LAIDLEY 35-39 8 44 4:48 302 01:46:07.26 M Zane WALSH 35-39 38 233 5:01 230 01:42:06.81 M Lee GARNER 40-44 42 186 4:50 303 01:46:20.59 M Laurent CARLES 40-44 53 234 5:02 231 01:42:13.51 F Niamh OKEEFFE 30-34 14 45 4:50 304 01:45:52.13 F Aleksandra SUSZCZYNSKA 25-29 13 70 5:01 232 01:42:30.81 M Matt BROOKES 40-44 43 187 4:51 305 01:46:02.71 F Sally MEACOCK 25-29 14 71 5:01 233 01:42:36.03 M Daniel BARNES 16-19 3 188 4:51 306 01:46:04.45 M Frank IACOVANTUONO 40-44 54 235 5:01 234 01:42:32.47 M Casey MOORE 40-44 44 189 4:51 307 01:45:59.03 M David SAINSBURY 45-49 32 236 5:01 235 01:42:07.67 M Todd BEVERIDGE 45-49 26 190 4:50 308 01:46:53.99 M Enore PANETTA 40-44 55 237 5:04 236 01:42:12.25 M Denver ROETERDINK 35-39 29 191 4:50 309 01:45:53.82 M Dean MULLINS 30-34 45 238 5:01 237 01:41:58.95 M Brad SURIANI 25-29 22 192 4:50 310 01:47:03.34 F Louise HOUGHTON 25-29 15 72 5:04 238 01:42:39.93 F Sari HEINONEN 30-34 15 46 4:51 311 01:46:14.70 F Pascale REMAJ 20-24 6 73 5:02 239 01:41:55.02 F Jo DANIEL 40-44 10 47 4:49 312 01:47:11.15 M (Aleks) Ching Yau CHAN 30-34 46 239 5:04 240 01:42:54.75 M Peter MCHARDY 55-59 7 193 4:52 313 01:46:50.73 M Brian EVANS 55-59 12 240 5:03 241 01:42:53.03 M Gary COX 40-44 45 194 4:52 314 01:47:07.27 F Claudia GIOVANNINI 20-24 7 74 5:04 242 01:42:43.56 M John MORTON 25-29 23 195 4:52 315 01:47:36.31 M Jackson WONG 50-54 17 241 5:06 243 01:42:39.20 M Graham GRIFFIN 50-54 15 196 4:51 316 01:47:12.19 M Ian MORRISON 30-34 47 242 5:04 244 01:43:05.55 M Corey THOMAS 35-39 30 197 4:53 317 01:47:28.04 M Wilber ANDREWS 50-54 18 243 5:05 245 01:42:59.42 M David NOONAN 30-34 39 198 4:52 318 01:46:58.63 M B HAUSTEAD 50-54 19 244 5:04 246 01:42:58.57 M Rob CHAPMAN 40-44 46 199 4:52 319 01:47:17.16 F Lindsay PORTER 30-34 20 75 5:05 247 01:42:36.05 F Siobhan MCCLOSKEY 20-24 3 48 4:51 320 01:47:22.85 M Gavin ROBERTSON 45-49 33 245 5:05 248 01:42:57.74 F Emma LEE 45-49 2 49 4:52 321 01:46:54.51 F Nicola BURKE 40-44 16 76 5:04 249 01:43:30.05 M Matthew GOLDSMITH 20-24 9 200 4:54 322 01:46:38.08 M Greg LEKMINE 30-34 48 246 5:03 250 01:43:30.33 F Zena COFFEY 35-39 9 50 4:54 323 01:48:14.85 M Jason PEARCE 35-39 39 247 5:07 251 01:43:33.86 M Kees MAATMAN 35-39 31 201 4:54 324 01:47:33.37 M Ken DACRE 60-64 3 248 5:05 252 01:43:26.26 M Paul TURNEY 40-44 47 202 4:54 325 01:47:32.29 M Philip WEBB 60-64 4 249 5:05 253 01:43:43.64 F Megan DOWN 30-34 16 51 4:55 326 01:47:30.51 M David HENDERSON 50-54 20 250 5:05 254 01:43:21.30 M Andrew WHALLEY 45-49 27 203 4:53 327 01:48:05.60 M Ian HARRISON 40-44 56 251 5:07 255 01:43:31.29 M Gerry DENNISON 60-64 2 204 4:54 328 01:48:04.71 M Jonathan DALTON 30-34 49 252 5:07 37

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 329 01:47:57.78 F Jessica LYNCH 30-34 21 77 5:07 402 01:51:37.42 M Trevor SMITH 60-64 5 291 5:17 330 01:47:56.09 F Jodie WOOD 35-39 13 78 5:06 403 01:52:26.89 F Robyn JORDAN-SHELLEY 25-29 26 112 5:19 331 01:48:11.54 M Ray HARRIS 65-69 2 253 5:07 404 01:52:03.55 F Bernadette LEQUAIETERMAINE 25-29 27 113 5:18 332 01:48:02.86 M Matthew ROSE 40-44 57 254 5:07 405 01:51:43.60 M Davis CHILALAMA 50-54 25 292 5:17 333 01:47:56.35 F Lee-Maree GALLO 30-34 22 79 5:06 406 01:52:03.50 M Sam LEQUAIETERMAINE 25-29 30 293 5:18 334 01:48:22.41 M Stephen LEWIS 50-54 21 255 5:08 407 01:52:53.41 F Linda WALKER 40-44 23 114 5:21 335 01:48:49.82 M Lloyd KENDA 45-49 34 256 5:09 408 01:52:11.05 M Andrew MATTHEWS 55-59 14 294 5:19 336 01:47:40.83 F Vicki MILOSAVLJEVIC 35-39 14 80 5:06 409 01:52:57.11 M Paul MCLAREN 50-54 26 295 5:21 337 01:48:07.99 F Andrine TERRY 45-49 4 81 5:07 410 01:52:40.82 M Andrew MACNISH 30-34 51 296 5:20 338 01:48:33.52 M David ONG 40-44 58 257 5:08 411 01:52:00.08 M Tom SMITH 55-59 15 297 5:18 339 01:48:56.04 M Brett LAGUE 25-29 26 258 5:09 412 01:52:47.19 M Fergus THOMAS 30-34 52 298 5:20 340 01:49:18.79 F Zena ROBINSON 45-49 5 82 5:10 413 01:53:17.35 F Caroline BANNAN 30-34 27 115 5:22 341 01:48:48.19 F Tracey JERARD 35-39 15 83 5:09 414 01:52:54.14 F Lisa ROSE 20-24 9 116 5:21 342 01:49:11.24 M Simon HEAD 35-39 40 259 5:10 415 01:53:05.56 M Stuart PAYNE 40-44 67 299 5:21 343 01:48:34.96 F Lee BASTON 40-44 17 84 5:08 416 01:53:23.06 M Colin JENKINS 55-59 16 300 5:22 344 01:48:37.67 F Andrea BELL 40-44 18 85 5:08 417 01:52:57.63 M Terry ADAMS 50-54 27 301 5:21 345 01:49:34.64 M Derek MUNRO 40-44 59 260 5:11 418 01:53:26.06 M Paul NELSON 35-39 47 302 5:22 346 01:48:32.85 F Jess OCONNELL 25-29 16 86 5:08 419 01:53:15.43 F Andrea WHITE 35-39 18 117 5:22 347 01:48:43.51 M Felix KLAR 25-29 27 261 5:09 420 01:53:15.08 M Darren WHITE 40-44 68 303 5:22 348 01:49:09.98 M Rob HALL 35-39 41 262 5:10 421 01:53:20.32 M Michael WARREN 55-59 17 304 5:22 349 01:49:09.80 M Neil CRUICKSHANK 35-39 42 263 5:10 422 01:53:29.19 F Nathalie BOND 40-44 24 118 5:22 350 01:48:41.71 M Matthew STEVENS 25-29 28 264 5:09 423 01:52:34.56 M George LUMSDEN 45-49 41 305 5:20 351 01:49:48.40 M Darryl WHITE 55-59 13 265 5:12 424 01:52:54.49 M Luke EVANS 35-39 48 306 5:21 352 01:50:01.87 F Lorraine BARRIE 45-49 6 87 5:12 425 01:53:43.77 F Courtney POOLE 20-24 10 119 5:23 353 01:49:44.25 F Lisa ETHERINGTON 40-44 19 88 5:12 426 01:52:59.29 M Colin SMITH 55-59 18 307 5:21 354 01:49:32.30 M Dean CAMPBELL 40-44 60 266 5:11 427 01:53:31.55 F Amy BYRNE 25-29 28 120 5:22 355 01:49:56.22 M Jacques OOSTHUIZEN 50-54 22 267 5:12 428 01:53:42.66 F Kerry WARNER 30-34 28 121 5:23 356 01:49:35.25 F Susha FISHER 35-39 16 89 5:11 429 01:53:03.46 F Charlie HERMANN 45-49 9 122 5:21 357 01:50:08.75 F Karen GRANT 45-49 7 90 5:13 430 01:52:39.45 M Perry DICKINSON 30-34 53 308 5:20 358 01:49:57.44 F Liz BRADSHAW 25-29 17 91 5:12 431 01:53:30.19 M Trent BETTESWORTH 35-39 49 309 5:22 359 01:50:04.83 F Melanie HILL 30-34 23 92 5:13 432 01:54:00.82 M John FARLEY 50-54 28 310 5:24 360 01:49:11.03 M Kieran LEE 45-49 35 268 5:10 433 01:53:55.27 F Stacey MARR 30-34 29 123 5:23 361 01:49:30.73 F Kristy OLIVER 25-29 18 93 5:11 434 01:54:10.44 M Graham NASH 50-54 29 311 5:24 362 01:50:11.35 F Tea DREYER 50-54 2 94 5:13 435 01:54:29.18 F Naomi SHEPHARD 30-34 30 124 5:25 363 01:48:55.08 M Paul PRZYTULA 40-44 61 269 5:09 436 01:53:51.71 M Ian HOPE 55-59 19 312 5:23 364 01:50:00.77 M Natraj BOTT 35-39 43 270 5:12 437 01:54:03.94 F Amy SMITH 30-34 31 125 5:24 365 01:49:14.24 M Stephen THOMAS 25-29 29 271 5:10 438 01:54:01.53 M Nelson LOH 35-39 50 313 5:24 366 01:50:11.53 M Luke AMEDURI 16-19 4 272 5:13 439 01:54:12.94 M Rob COSTA 60-64 6 314 5:24 367 01:49:30.89 F Ruth PAGE 25-29 19 95 5:11 440 01:54:34.03 M John NIELSEN 45-49 42 315 5:25 368 01:49:31.94 M David PAGE 50-54 23 273 5:11 441 01:54:15.31 M Dutch HOLLAND 45-49 43 316 5:24 369 01:50:24.99 M Arthur TWISS 70-74 1 274 5:14 442 01:54:26.42 M Cormac DONNELLY 25-29 31 317 5:25 370 01:50:43.26 F Kate BODILL 25-29 20 96 5:14 443 01:54:11.00 F Amanda MARTYN 40-44 25 126 5:24 371 01:50:30.17 M Paul GILTROW 40-44 62 275 5:14 444 01:54:22.29 F Karin STRACHAN 40-44 26 127 5:25 372 01:49:30.71 F Amber DENNIS 20-24 8 97 5:11 445 01:54:25.56 M Ryan CLIFT 35-39 51 318 5:25 373 01:50:36.95 M Todd FREESTONE 35-39 44 276 5:14 446 01:55:04.80 M Simon WHEELER 35-39 52 319 5:27 374 01:50:39.66 M John MACLELLAN 30-34 50 277 5:14 447 01:54:43.22 M Alex MEREDITH 35-39 53 320 5:26 375 01:51:12.09 M Peter HARPER 35-39 45 278 5:16 448 01:54:26.02 F Lisa BARNES 25-29 29 128 5:25 376 01:50:37.69 F Laura WALLACE 30-34 24 98 5:14 449 01:54:47.57 M Bruce JONES 55-59 20 321 5:26 377 01:50:40.35 M Twain RUSSELL 40-44 63 279 5:14 450 01:54:40.13 F Tania LERCH 45-49 10 129 5:26 378 01:51:03.25 F Bianca MEYER 35-39 17 99 5:15 451 01:54:38.51 M Keith FRASER 35-39 54 322 5:26 379 01:50:46.18 M Lachlan HENDERSON 20-24 11 280 5:15 452 01:54:47.48 M Luis Enrique MONTES PEREZ 40-44 69 323 5:26 380 01:50:40.27 F Eva MAIOLO 25-29 21 100 5:14 453 01:54:57.57 F Ilze ROUX 30-34 32 130 5:26 381 01:51:04.27 M James EAVES 40-44 64 281 5:15 454 01:55:29.43 F Tash SERGI 25-29 30 131 5:28 382 01:51:15.16 M David GIOVANNINI 45-49 36 282 5:16 455 01:55:16.70 F Karen AMEDURI 45-49 11 132 5:27 383 01:50:42.02 F Catherine VAN GESSEL 25-29 22 101 5:14 456 01:54:43.36 F Lauren WALTON 25-29 31 133 5:26 384 01:51:41.30 M David WATSON 40-44 65 283 5:17 457 01:54:42.70 M Barry MCDONALD 30-34 54 324 5:26 385 01:51:39.19 F Nicole DE CLIFFORD 25-29 23 102 5:17 458 01:55:26.52 F Frankie IRWIN 35-39 19 134 5:28 386 01:50:59.19 M Brent WHITTON 35-39 46 284 5:15 459 01:55:04.63 M Emiel VAN DE KAR 35-39 55 325 5:27 387 01:51:31.79 F Sandra COOKE 40-44 20 103 5:17 460 01:55:03.44 F Lauren STOKOE 25-29 32 135 5:27 388 01:51:30.52 M Philip COOKE 45-49 37 285 5:17 461 01:55:18.24 F Michelle PRICE 35-39 20 136 5:27 389 01:50:59.87 F Sarah PANIZZA 30-34 25 104 5:15 462 01:55:58.19 M Baden BOWEN 50-54 30 326 5:29 390 01:51:42.64 F Samantha RUTLAND 30-34 26 105 5:17 463 01:55:48.53 F Kim FINEGAN 25-29 33 137 5:29 391 01:51:37.55 M Damian HART 45-49 38 286 5:17 464 01:55:22.53 F Kathryn WHALLEY 40-44 27 138 5:28 392 01:51:05.69 F Lorna KINDNESS 45-49 8 106 5:15 465 01:55:24.31 M Kieron WHALLEY 40-44 70 327 5:28 393 01:50:54.06 M Darryl CARTER 45-49 39 287 5:15 466 01:55:20.24 F Aneen SMITH 35-39 21 139 5:28 394 01:52:02.45 M Jason NELSON 40-44 66 288 5:18 467 01:55:03.64 M Glen COFFEY 65-69 3 328 5:27 395 01:52:12.06 F Bianca FITZSIMMONS 40-44 21 107 5:19 468 01:56:19.07 M Regis WILLIAMS 50-54 31 329 5:30 396 01:52:06.26 F Gerry FALLARA 50-54 3 108 5:18 469 01:56:23.58 M Craig TEMPLEMAN 35-39 56 330 5:31 397 01:51:46.25 M Chris ANDERSON 45-49 40 289 5:17 470 01:55:59.84 M Martin KING 65-69 4 331 5:29 398 01:51:46.72 F Sarah WORKER 25-29 24 109 5:17 471 01:55:32.55 F Jos MORRISH 35-39 22 140 5:28 399 01:51:35.56 F Emma GOODWIN 25-29 25 110 5:17 472 01:55:58.73 M Mike GIBBON 50-54 32 332 5:29 400 01:52:29.17 M Peter BROOKE 50-54 24 290 5:19 473 01:55:31.29 M Jeremy SHOR 35-39 57 333 5:28 401 01:52:20.18 F Melanie MCGRAIL 40-44 22 111 5:19 474 01:55:30.97 M Earl LOUIS 35-39 58 334 5:28 38

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 475 01:56:43.28 M David PRETSEL 55-59 21 335 5:31 548 02:01:17.22 M Jonathan O'NEILL 35-39 62 362 5:44 476 01:56:27.99 F Alana PRINCE 35-39 23 141 5:31 549 02:00:31.87 F Karen SAINSBURY 40-44 39 187 5:42 477 01:55:41.16 M Alex HYNDMAN 35-39 59 336 5:29 550 02:00:37.06 F Katelyn ANDERSON 25-29 40 188 5:43 478 01:56:41.48 M Brad KENNY 40-44 71 337 5:31 551 02:01:29.19 M John TUFFNELL 35-39 63 363 5:45 479 01:56:13.04 M Phillip CAMPBELL 50-54 33 338 5:30 552 02:01:00.00 F Joanne ORMSBY 65-69 1 189 5:44 480 01:55:53.13 F Suzanne WILLIAMS 40-44 28 142 5:29 553 02:01:54.03 F Zita FERREIRA 50-54 7 190 5:46 481 01:56:27.07 F Kylie BREUER 40-44 29 143 5:31 554 02:01:34.44 M Richard STANLEY 35-39 64 364 5:45 482 01:56:15.43 M John EXTON 55-59 22 339 5:30 555 02:01:42.77 F Danylla RODDIS 40-44 40 191 5:46 483 01:56:15.84 M Allan WHITFIELD 55-59 23 340 5:30 556 02:00:53.89 M Scott HANNA 35-39 65 365 5:43 484 01:56:12.27 F Rachel EVANS 40-44 30 144 5:30 557 02:02:03.85 F Marie-Paule TEOH 65-69 2 192 5:47 485 01:56:15.56 M Andrew YEATMAN 45-49 44 341 5:30 558 02:02:01.87 F Joanna ALLEN 40-44 41 193 5:47 486 01:56:52.30 F Chorkaew CHOOMPOL 30-34 33 145 5:32 559 02:01:20.95 F Noelene TREEN 55-59 2 194 5:45 487 01:56:29.69 M Dean SCOTT 30-34 55 342 5:31 560 02:01:05.50 M Jeremy COLEMAN 45-49 47 366 5:44 488 01:57:24.95 F Tammy SMITH 25-29 34 146 5:33 561 02:01:32.01 M Geoff COWIE 35-39 66 367 5:45 489 01:57:47.49 M Michal UHER 30-34 56 343 5:34 562 02:01:32.57 M Mat MCLAUGHLIN 35-39 67 368 5:45 490 01:56:29.02 F Karen POTTS 40-44 31 147 5:31 563 02:01:47.88 M Bill TAYLOR 65-69 7 369 5:46 491 01:57:06.95 M Robert JONAS-GREEN 30-34 57 344 5:33 564 02:01:43.54 F Jessica LEE 20-24 13 195 5:46 492 01:57:22.53 M John CLUCAS 50-54 34 345 5:33 565 02:02:06.32 F Amy HUSSEY 35-39 30 196 5:47 493 01:57:19.44 F Carin HENSON 45-49 12 148 5:33 566 02:02:04.42 F Rachel CHISHOLM 40-44 42 197 5:47 494 01:57:41.77 F Tina FRANKLIN 45-49 13 149 5:34 567 02:02:54.41 F Trina CARPENTER 45-49 22 198 5:49 495 01:57:53.92 F Astrid EDMEADES 35-39 24 150 5:35 568 02:03:07.68 F Lyda HAYWARD 50-54 8 199 5:50 496 01:57:45.28 M Nigel LEGG 55-59 24 346 5:34 569 02:02:31.80 F Monica Mui Tian CHAN 50-54 9 200 5:48 497 01:57:35.05 M Peter HILLIER 25-29 32 347 5:34 570 02:02:53.55 F Kellie ANDERSEN 30-34 40 201 5:49 498 01:57:16.14 F Sharon JOHNSON 45-49 14 151 5:33 571 02:02:42.55 F Anna FRAZELAS 35-39 31 202 5:48 499 01:58:15.26 F Anubha BAIRD 40-44 32 152 5:36 572 02:03:05.28 F Joanne HARWOOD 40-44 43 203 5:50 500 01:58:01.42 M Robert DOUGALL 65-69 5 348 5:35 573 02:02:34.49 F Elaine LAFFREY 35-39 32 204 5:48 501 01:58:20.33 F Debbie REVANS 45-49 15 153 5:36 574 02:03:03.23 F Donnalee MARINO 45-49 23 205 5:49 502 01:57:47.24 M Trevor HINCHLIFFE 35-39 60 349 5:34 575 02:02:36.53 F Cath RUSHTON 40-44 44 206 5:48 503 01:57:19.89 M Steven CARRICK 50-54 35 350 5:33 576 02:03:53.24 M Bradley DAWSON 45-49 48 370 5:52 504 01:58:13.41 F Melissa WATTS 40-44 33 154 5:36 577 02:02:47.15 F Bree MAHER 30-34 41 207 5:49 505 01:58:14.87 F Melissa RAYBOULD 35-39 25 155 5:36 578 02:03:46.17 M Steve WRIGHT 50-54 37 371 5:52 506 01:57:59.38 M Steven BOLTON 30-34 58 351 5:35 579 02:03:13.90 M Cyril BOELEMA 35-39 68 372 5:50 507 01:57:58.44 F Melissa BOLTON 25-29 35 156 5:35 580 02:03:11.85 F Emily HUNT 30-34 42 208 5:50 508 01:57:40.47 M Jeffrey TAN 30-34 59 352 5:34 581 02:03:41.58 F Jane EVANS 30-34 43 209 5:51 509 01:57:41.22 F Esmee TAN 25-29 36 157 5:34 582 02:03:52.89 M Nick BARAGWANATH 60-64 7 373 5:52 510 01:58:39.15 M John LOW 45-49 45 353 5:37 583 02:03:30.03 F Lisa MANN 30-34 44 210 5:51 511 01:57:42.21 F Suzanne FORREST 45-49 16 158 5:34 584 02:03:48.69 M Jim MEDEW 50-54 38 374 5:52 512 01:58:03.22 F Elise-Anne MUIR 30-34 34 159 5:35 585 02:03:39.06 F Roz REYNOLDS 50-54 10 211 5:51 513 01:58:04.89 F Bec REYNOLDS 25-29 37 160 5:35 586 02:03:41.36 F Michelle MUNROWD-HARRIS 50-54 11 212 5:51 514 01:58:04.99 F Noelle MORRIS 25-29 38 161 5:35 587 02:03:15.00 M Tom RAYNER 25-29 33 375 5:50 515 01:58:28.28 F Joanne SHAW 50-54 4 162 5:36 588 02:03:14.16 F Erica CIAPPINA 25-29 41 213 5:50 516 01:58:28.71 F Jacqui RICHARDS 45-49 17 163 5:36 589 02:04:15.70 F Jolene OLDE 30-34 45 214 5:53 517 01:58:28.62 F Debbie BELL 45-49 18 164 5:36 590 02:04:38.09 M John CAMERON 45-49 49 376 5:54 518 01:59:02.88 F Leanne GREENHAM 35-39 26 165 5:38 591 02:04:47.72 F Gemma HAMILTON 30-34 46 215 5:54 519 01:58:16.10 F Jeanette KEANE 50-54 5 166 5:36 592 02:04:14.90 F Laura BOWMAN 30-34 47 216 5:53 520 01:58:10.01 M Tim MULFORD 50-54 36 354 5:36 593 02:03:45.52 M Anthony LLOYD 65-69 8 377 5:51 521 01:58:10.80 F Simone JONES 40-44 34 167 5:36 594 02:03:58.15 M Neil WOODINGTON 35-39 69 378 5:52 522 01:58:37.22 M Roy HART 65-69 6 355 5:37 595 02:03:58.94 F Joanna EVANS 30-34 48 217 5:52 523 01:59:07.34 F Georgia WALKER 20-24 11 168 5:38 596 02:04:29.80 M Ryuichiro SUZUKI 50-54 39 379 5:54 524 01:59:19.29 F Sarah SYMONS 30-34 35 169 5:39 597 02:05:07.17 F Diane CURRAN 50-54 12 218 5:55 525 01:58:47.40 M Tony MCCONNELL 40-44 72 356 5:37 598 02:04:32.02 F Natasha VALENTINE 25-29 42 219 5:54 526 01:59:19.13 F Sue-Ellen LUKE 30-34 36 170 5:39 599 02:04:54.98 F Helen RANDLE 40-44 45 220 5:55 527 01:59:22.47 F Tracy WADE 35-39 27 171 5:39 600 02:05:03.26 F Kellie MCCRUM 40-44 46 221 5:55 528 01:58:51.80 M Ian STRIKE 35-39 61 357 5:38 601 02:04:43.16 F Laura O'DONOGHUE 25-29 43 222 5:54 529 02:00:06.39 F Ayesha SMITH 40-44 35 172 5:41 602 02:05:06.22 F Lesley BAIRSTOW 45-49 24 223 5:55 530 01:59:44.77 M Stephen HOLLINGSWORTH 40-44 73 358 5:40 603 02:05:55.06 F Sandra ALLAN 55-59 3 224 5:58 531 02:00:12.20 F Pamela BENNETT 30-34 37 173 5:41 604 02:05:55.11 F Hulda STRYDOM 40-44 47 225 5:58 532 01:59:46.75 M Steve HOWE 40-44 74 359 5:40 605 02:05:31.03 M Clive BELL 40-44 76 380 5:56 533 02:00:02.57 F Lisa WHEATLEY 30-34 38 174 5:41 606 02:05:42.61 F Laura BOWLT 30-34 49 226 5:57 534 02:00:00.36 M Neil HALL 45-49 46 360 5:41 607 02:04:56.45 M Lee PADGETT 40-44 77 381 5:55 535 01:59:50.47 F Corri KEATING 25-29 39 175 5:40 608 02:05:43.33 F Ashley ZWEIER 25-29 44 227 5:57 536 01:59:12.12 F Therese MELOTTI 45-49 19 176 5:39 609 02:05:23.98 F Salena OTNESS 35-39 33 228 5:56 537 02:00:00.10 F Fiona HOWARTH 30-34 39 177 5:41 610 02:05:17.90 M Gary HARRIS 55-59 25 382 5:56 538 01:59:39.00 F Samantha CARRICK 45-49 20 178 5:40 611 02:05:37.42 M Cliff BERNARD 35-39 70 383 5:57 539 02:00:18.68 F Carley ROBBINS 20-24 12 179 5:42 612 02:05:38.59 F Pam TURNER 55-59 4 229 5:57 540 01:59:47.73 F Pauline KLOPPER 45-49 21 180 5:40 613 02:05:15.90 F Alice HOBSON ELLIS 45-49 25 230 5:56 541 02:00:20.96 F Donna RODDY 40-44 36 181 5:42 614 02:05:22.27 F Fiona HANNON 30-34 50 231 5:56 542 02:00:20.98 F Renate MCLAURIN 50-54 6 182 5:42 615 02:05:29.64 F Elspeth FERRARI 35-39 34 232 5:56 543 02:00:40.75 M Mike PURVES 40-44 75 361 5:43 616 02:05:32.80 M Rob GOODALL 35-39 71 384 5:57 544 02:01:01.03 F Jacqui CLAASSEN 40-44 37 183 5:44 617 02:05:41.49 M David MCIMTYRE 40-44 78 385 5:57 545 02:01:02.08 F Melissa ROSS 35-39 28 184 5:44 618 02:06:11.63 F Joanne POTTS 35-39 35 233 5:58 546 02:00:35.41 F Christine DEVEREUX 40-44 38 185 5:42 619 02:06:07.04 F Josie ANDERSON 50-54 13 234 5:58 547 02:01:02.29 F Gabrielle BURONG 35-39 29 186 5:44 620 02:06:36.70 F Fran BROWNING 45-49 26 235 6:00 39

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 621 02:06:11.10 F Emma CLACK 40-44 48 236 5:58 693 02:19:09.31 F Natasha GLASS 35-39 48 289 6:35 622 02:06:46.90 F Lisa WITTWER 30-34 51 237 6:00 694 02:19:09.86 F Melanie CATHIE 35-39 49 290 6:35 623 02:07:08.93 M Andrew BOND 30-34 60 386 6:01 695 02:20:06.12 M Nik JONES 40-44 82 405 6:38 624 02:06:35.77 F Michele GOSLING 55-59 5 238 6:00 696 02:19:06.31 F Nicole BUCKINGHAM 25-29 53 291 6:35 625 02:06:48.01 F Michelle SIM 20-24 14 239 6:00 697 02:18:43.50 F Sheree DICKINSON 30-34 59 292 6:34 626 02:07:03.55 M Phillip KATENE 30-34 61 387 6:01 698 02:19:38.45 F Cathy COOPER 45-49 33 293 6:37 627 02:07:24.74 M Damien THOMPSON 40-44 79 388 6:02 699 02:19:39.31 F Carol VICKERS 45-49 34 294 6:37 628 02:07:06.36 F Daisy BARAGWANATH 30-34 52 240 6:01 700 02:20:19.35 F Jacquie FRASER 35-39 50 295 6:39 629 02:06:30.82 F Michelle THOMAS 35-39 36 241 5:59 701 02:20:38.27 F Natalie KEATING 30-34 60 296 6:39 630 02:07:08.50 M Ed CLERK 40-44 80 389 6:01 702 02:21:13.07 F Gabriella MILLER 20-24 17 297 6:41 631 02:07:09.18 F Charlie WILSON-CLARK 40-44 49 242 6:01 703 02:21:27.84 F Michelle WHITFIELD 55-59 9 298 6:42 632 01:58:31.89 M Damon TAN 30-34 62 390 5:37 704 02:21:30.83 F Sam BATES 30-34 61 299 6:42 633 02:07:15.79 F Alison AULD 35-39 37 243 6:01 705 02:21:35.14 F Jasmine GIBBS 55-59 10 300 6:42 634 02:07:23.20 F Christine TAYLOR 50-54 14 244 6:02 706 02:21:51.13 F Ann DERMODY 55-59 11 301 6:43 635 02:07:46.00 F Stephanie PULVERENTI 55-59 6 245 6:03 707 02:21:51.14 F Kim HOWARD 45-49 35 302 6:43 636 02:07:52.03 F Grace ORSI 25-29 45 246 6:03 708 02:21:31.21 M Adam MOKRZYCKI 40-44 83 406 6:42 637 02:07:56.22 F Emma HAMMOND 45-49 27 247 6:03 709 02:22:07.32 F Jill NORBURY 35-39 51 303 6:44 638 02:08:07.47 F Andrea HUTCHINS 35-39 38 248 6:04 710 02:21:56.06 F Carlya BELL 25-29 54 304 6:43 639 02:08:10.08 F Debbie WIRIHANA 35-39 39 249 6:04 711 02:22:08.70 F Pierina OTNESS 40-44 56 305 6:44 640 02:08:31.90 F Aga KOPRAS 30-34 53 250 6:05 712 02:21:53.63 F Heather STANBOROUGH 30-34 62 306 6:43 641 02:08:47.80 M Fortune NCUBE 35-39 72 391 6:06 713 02:23:00.75 M Philip ANDERSON 55-59 29 407 6:46 642 02:09:13.53 F Vicki ROMANIC 45-49 28 251 6:07 714 02:23:21.82 F Leah MCCONKEY 25-29 55 307 6:47 643 02:09:41.26 F Cathy COTTON 35-39 40 252 6:08 715 02:23:54.51 F Jo HOVELL 25-29 56 308 6:49 644 02:09:23.14 F Sophie BEASLEY 40-44 50 253 6:07 716 02:23:57.44 F Melanie ROBSON 40-44 57 309 6:49 645 02:09:43.12 M Silbert TIM 50-54 40 392 6:08 717 02:24:51.09 F Bev ATKINSON 50-54 17 310 6:51 646 02:09:48.21 F Carolyn STEPHENS 55-59 7 254 6:09 718 02:24:53.48 F Linda PRITCHARD 45-49 36 311 6:52 647 02:09:55.54 F Maria HARGREAVES 35-39 41 255 6:09 719 02:24:49.52 F Caroline ARNOLDI 30-34 63 312 6:51 648 02:09:53.55 F Andrea SYMONS 30-34 54 256 6:09 720 02:24:45.56 F Fiona KALAF 45-49 37 313 6:51 649 02:09:50.56 F Mariam ASSAD 30-34 55 257 6:09 721 02:25:07.06 M David CLUCAS 20-24 12 408 6:52 650 02:10:11.10 F Jessica PLAIN 20-24 15 258 6:10 722 02:25:37.01 F Susan WHITTOME 45-49 38 314 6:54 651 02:10:31.76 F Kim BUDGE 35-39 42 259 6:11 723 02:25:38.22 M Marcus FILLINGER 45-49 50 409 6:54 652 02:10:43.83 F Siobhan REVANS 25-29 46 260 6:11 724 02:25:39.36 F Gloria LAU 60-64 2 315 6:54 653 02:11:06.69 F Maureen BROUN 40-44 51 261 6:12 725 02:24:52.44 F Harmony WAITE 35-39 52 316 6:52 654 02:10:06.80 M Jiaxin TAY 30-34 63 393 6:10 726 02:24:53.57 F Sasha SILK 25-29 57 317 6:52 655 02:10:17.00 F Abigail RUSHTON 25-29 47 262 6:10 727 02:25:19.07 F Wendy FARROW 45-49 39 318 6:53 656 02:11:38.15 M Jim HUBBLE 70-74 2 394 6:14 728 02:25:53.82 F Jaclyn KRUGER 25-29 58 319 6:54 657 02:10:44.66 F Kelly WINTERS 25-29 48 263 6:11 729 02:25:18.79 F Sandy WHITTINGTON 30-34 64 320 6:53 658 02:11:31.88 F Michelle DE CLIFFORD 60-64 1 264 6:14 730 02:26:27.81 F Liz PELHAM 30-34 65 321 6:56 659 02:11:08.57 F Suzie PILLING 55-59 8 265 6:12 731 02:27:04.43 F Joanne JENSEN 35-39 53 322 6:58 660 02:10:43.50 F Rachel SCULLY 40-44 52 266 6:11 732 02:27:23.86 F Carol ARMSTRONG 50-54 18 323 6:59 661 02:11:22.62 F Kim RIBBINK 45-49 29 267 6:13 733 02:27:14.18 F Julie CLEVERLEY 40-44 58 324 6:58 662 02:11:22.93 F Kate SOMMERVILLE 40-44 53 268 6:13 734 02:29:09.26 F Carolyn FAWCETT 60-64 3 325 7:04 663 02:11:53.84 F Helen KNIGHTS 35-39 43 269 6:15 735 02:29:01.13 M Peter LYND 55-59 30 410 7:03 664 02:12:09.56 M Ben HOHNEN 35-39 73 395 6:15 736 02:29:50.48 M Scott ARNOLD 40-44 84 411 7:06 665 02:13:00.34 M Andrew PRENTICE 35-39 74 396 6:18 737 02:29:54.27 F Amanda DEAR 25-29 59 326 7:06 666 02:12:24.89 M David HODGKINSON 50-54 41 397 6:16 738 02:29:40.83 F Judith MCEWEN 35-39 54 327 7:05 667 02:12:25.72 F Rebecca JOHNSTON 25-29 49 270 6:16 739 02:30:05.43 F Cheryl VAN DER SPUY 60-64 4 328 7:06 668 02:12:43.51 M Geoff SMITH 50-54 42 398 6:17 740 02:31:08.48 F Maria EMMS 45-49 40 329 7:09 669 02:12:35.28 F Joanne BURMAN 35-39 44 271 6:17 741 02:31:13.13 F Petrina DAWSON 45-49 41 330 7:10 670 02:13:23.97 F Naomi ARNOLD 35-39 45 272 6:19 742 02:31:29.98 F Olivia COLEMAN 25-29 60 331 7:10 671 02:13:17.59 M Robert COSGRAVE 55-59 26 399 6:19 743 02:32:35.31 F Julie STOREY 40-44 59 332 7:13 672 02:12:51.09 F Karen ROYER 50-54 15 273 6:17 744 02:33:43.47 F Natalie HATTON 25-29 61 333 7:17 673 02:13:23.83 F Leanne BANK 45-49 30 274 6:19 745 02:33:44.13 F Rebecca JONES 45-49 42 334 7:17 674 02:14:06.94 F Joanne WHEAT 40-44 54 275 6:21 746 02:34:15.98 F Sandra LEVIS 55-59 12 335 7:18 675 02:13:58.38 F Samantha LEGGATT 25-29 50 276 6:21 747 02:34:19.93 F Emma WALKER 25-29 62 336 7:18 676 02:15:55.30 M Eric EMMETT 55-59 27 400 6:26 748 02:34:58.67 F Meredith JONES 35-39 55 337 7:20 677 02:15:49.11 M Carlo RICUPERO 50-54 43 401 6:26 749 02:38:11.42 F Tracey BRIEN 45-49 43 338 7:29 678 02:15:23.20 F Mathilde KJELSRUD 25-29 51 277 6:25 750 02:39:02.55 M Clinton BISHOP 40-44 85 412 7:32 679 02:16:14.32 F Joneen SUDINTAS 30-34 56 278 6:27 751 02:38:07.48 F Kathleen JONES 70-74 1 339 7:29 680 02:16:43.53 F Robyn CARROLL 45-49 31 279 6:28 752 02:41:27.39 F Michelle GILMORE 35-39 56 340 7:39 681 02:16:06.21 F Diana TAN 25-29 52 280 6:27 753 02:43:42.52 F Sharmila RENGAMANNAR 35-39 57 341 7:45 682 02:16:07.64 F Dione COLEMAN 40-44 55 281 6:27 754 02:43:23.83 M Leo BEYERS 35-39 75 413 7:44 683 02:16:16.05 M Justin LIVINGSTONE 40-44 81 402 6:27 755 02:44:07.54 M Scott VINER 35-39 76 414 7:46 684 02:17:25.50 F Lisa BARNS 45-49 32 282 6:30 756 02:48:48.60 F Gerorgia MARSDEN 16-19 2 342 8:00 685 02:16:55.05 F Rebecca FRISINA 30-34 57 283 6:29 757 02:49:18.55 F Loretta SHILLINGLAW 70-74 2 343 8:01 686 02:17:27.70 F Stephanie HOARE 20-24 16 284 6:30 758 02:51:57.63 F Victoria AMEY 35-39 58 344 8:09 687 02:17:29.46 F Cathy HOARE 50-54 16 285 6:31 759 02:58:51.94 F Kate DZIENIS 30-34 66 345 8:28 688 02:17:50.10 M Jeff PULVERENTI 55-59 28 403 6:32 760 03:06:08.30 F Lesley Anne SCOTT 35-39 59 346 8:49 689 02:17:49.74 M Silvio WIRTH 65-69 9 404 6:31 761 03:10:22.11 F Michaela NEWMAN 45-49 44 347 9:01 690 02:17:48.38 F Nerine FASOLO 35-39 46 286 6:31 762 03:24:31.84 M Alan DAY 70-74 3 415 9:41 691 02:18:06.21 F Rebecca FITZPATRICK 30-34 58 287 6:32 763 03:33:01.60 F Ashtah RILEY 20-24 18 348 10:05 692 02:18:43.28 F Sue-Ann ROSE 35-39 47 288 6:34 764 03:33:28.41 F Deborah CLUCAS 45-49 45 349 10:07 40


Time Name ace Time Name ace Place Place Place Pl Pl Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 00:14:56.12 M Roberto BUSI 35-39 1 1 2:59 45 00:25:22.78 M Jim SPEIRS 50-54 2 22 5:04 2 00:15:22.38 M Christopher DALE 20-24 1 2 3:04 46 00:25:48.99 M Lachlan HYNES 12-15 6 23 5:09 3 00:16:52.87 M Joao PISANI 35-39 2 3 3:22 47 00:25:46.10 F Kaja BUDZEN 20-24 2 24 5:09 4 00:16:55.26 M Markus DEAKIN 16-19 1 4 3:23 48 00:25:45.69 F Julie MERRELLS 35-39 4 25 5:09 5 00:17:14.28 M Chris MCKAY 30-34 1 5 3:26 49 00:25:43.06 M Owen HICKS 65-69 1 24 5:08 6 00:17:41.29 M Liam VAN AALEN 20-24 2 6 3:32 50 00:25:54.49 F Karen YOUNG 45-49 2 26 5:10 7 00:17:45.35 F Jessica RONAN 16-19 1 1 3:33 51 00:25:55.46 F Joanna TOKI 35-39 5 27 5:11 8 00:18:11.07 M Neil WILLIAMS 35-39 3 7 3:38 52 00:26:20.81 M Steve FRAPPLE 55-59 3 25 5:16 9 00:18:24.97 M Tom HIGGINS 12-15 1 8 3:40 53 00:26:24.39 M Michael COURTIS 55-59 4 26 5:16 10 00:18:37.71 M James HIGGINS 12-15 2 9 3:43 54 00:26:39.26 M Roger CADLE 50-54 3 27 5:19 11 00:18:39.03 M Mitch THOMAS 12-15 3 10 3:43 55 00:26:37.01 M Bradley VAN BLOMESTEIN 45-49 1 28 5:19 12 00:18:50.66 M Luke FRAPPLE 30-34 2 11 3:46 56 00:26:36.19 M Rowan VAN BLOMESTEIN 16-19 2 29 5:19 13 00:18:52.57 F Lauren SHELLEY 35-39 1 2 3:46 57 00:27:01.66 F Kelly DOWNEY 25-29 2 28 5:24 14 00:19:04.09 F Abigail GRAHAM 12-15 1 3 3:48 58 00:27:03.45 F Sonya DEBENHAM 35-39 6 29 5:24 15 00:19:17.99 F Gabrielle TOTH 12-15 2 4 3:51 59 00:27:04.09 F Catherine TRAVERS 30-34 4 30 5:24 16 00:19:22.57 F Eliza GRIFFIN 12-15 3 5 3:52 60 00:27:26.55 M Andy Ying Ming WONG 35-39 5 30 5:29 17 00:19:25.71 F Natalia POPOWICZ 30-34 1 6 3:53 61 00:27:34.22 M Luke HANNA Under 12 5 31 5:30 18 00:20:16.00 M Jeremy SANGSTER 35-39 4 12 4:03 62 00:27:44.42 M Joshua MERRELLS Under 12 6 32 5:32 19 00:20:18.00 M Jacob SANGSTER Under 12 1 13 4:03 63 00:27:51.12 F Monique THOMAS 35-39 7 31 5:34 20 00:20:18.31 F Sarah HYNES 12-15 4 7 4:03 64 00:27:54.40 M Clive POLLARD 65-69 2 33 5:34 21 00:20:22.59 F Maddy WAUGH 16-19 2 8 4:04 65 00:28:30.89 M Adriaan Jnr VAN DER BERG Under 12 7 34 5:42 22 00:20:33.15 M Remi YOUNG 12-15 4 14 4:06 66 00:28:30.89 F Audrey VAN DER BERG 40-44 3 32 5:42 23 00:20:44.05 M Donovan GRAHAM 12-15 5 15 4:08 67 00:28:29.15 M Mortimer FLAHIVE Under 12 8 35 5:41 24 00:20:51.76 M Fraser BYTHEWAY Under 12 2 16 4:10 68 00:28:49.05 M Marc DE ST PERN 35-39 6 36 5:45 25 00:20:53.47 F Heather BYTHEWAY 12-15 5 9 4:10 69 00:28:54.55 F Krystle WYATT 30-34 5 33 5:46 26 00:21:05.18 F Hazel MOUNTFORD 35-39 2 10 4:13 70 00:29:07.37 F Sarah FLAHIVE Under 12 3 34 5:49 27 00:21:13.18 F Asha SALATHIEL 30-34 2 11 4:14 71 00:29:08.79 F Emma SISSON 45-49 3 35 5:49 28 00:21:18.35 F Lisa Kate FRIEND 25-29 1 12 4:15 72 00:29:16.29 F Kerry FULLARTON 55-59 1 36 5:51 29 00:21:22.01 F Fiona LEONARD 45-49 1 13 4:16 73 00:30:08.25 M Bailey HANNA Under 12 9 37 6:01 30 00:21:22.34 F Rachael WALES 16-19 3 14 4:16 74 00:30:22.23 F Tasha OUSCHAN 20-24 3 37 6:04 31 00:21:34.70 F Natalie BURNS 30-34 3 15 4:18 75 00:30:23.16 M Albert GRANT 20-24 3 38 6:04 32 00:22:08.88 F Marg RHODES 50-54 1 16 4:25 76 00:30:18.98 F Kylie NEWTON 40-44 4 38 6:03 33 00:22:09.82 F Erika MCGRECHAN 20-24 1 17 4:25 77 00:30:28.73 F Trisha LEGG 50-54 2 39 6:05 34 00:22:36.28 F Alexandra GRIFFIN Under 12 1 18 4:31 78 00:30:46.78 F Ruth ANDREWS 50-54 3 40 6:09 35 00:22:50.66 F Sarah VAN BLOMESTEIN 12-15 6 19 4:34 79 00:31:31.97 M Peter MULRONEY 55-59 5 39 6:18 36 00:23:37.70 M Connor HYNES Under 12 3 17 4:43 80 00:31:25.63 F Victoria MULRONEY 30-34 6 41 6:17 37 00:23:47.78 F Danielle GRAHAM Under 12 2 20 4:45 81 00:32:14.79 F Tee Ching HUN 30-34 7 42 6:26 38 00:23:54.13 M Pieter VAN AALEN 50-54 1 18 4:46 82 00:32:41.65 F Yolande SMITH 55-59 2 43 6:32 39 00:23:56.65 M Thomas MERRELLS Under 12 4 19 4:47 83 00:33:07.58 F Liz DEWHURST 30-34 8 44 6:37 40 00:24:28.18 F Sandra FLAHIVE 40-44 1 21 4:53 84 00:33:15.68 M Timothy QUINLIVAN 55-59 6 40 6:39 41 00:25:00.52 F Michelle GANDER 40-44 2 22 5:00 85 00:34:58.32 M John AMEDURI 55-59 7 41 6:59 42 00:25:15.26 F Beck BENNETT 35-39 3 23 5:03 86 00:36:56.92 M Jai THOMAS 12-15 7 42 7:23 43 00:25:14.84 M Simon LEONARD 55-59 1 20 5:02 87 00:40:22.33 M Charlie HANNA Under 12 10 43 8:04 44 00:25:22.58 M Ross LEE 55-59 2 21 5:04 88 00:40:23.61 F Jennifer HANNA 35-39 8 45 8:04


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:50:15 M Roberto Busi 35-39 1 1 3:21 20 1:03:22 M Rob Franklin 20-24 1 19 4:13 2 0:53:34 M Stephen Stockwell 50-54 1 2 3:34 21 1:03:32 M Laurence Greenfield 30-34 4 20 4:14 3 0:53:48 M Ross Langford 35-39 2 3 3:35 22 1:03:36 M David Martin 50-54 3 21 4:14 4 0:53:55 M Gerard Hill 30-34 1 4 3:36 23 1:03:43 F Hannah Castle 20-24 1 2 4:15 5 0:54:20 M Ryan Blesing 25-29 1 5 3:37 24 1:03:52 M Neil Armstrong 45-49 2 22 4:15 6 0:54:50 M Will Withers 40-44 1 6 3:39 25 1:03:59 M Garry Smith 30-34 5 23 4:16 7 0:55:21 M Matt Burton 25-29 2 7 3:41 26 1:04:06 M Leon Wilken 30-34 6 24 4:16 8 0:56:11 M Jamal Fozdar 40-44 2 8 3:45 27 1:04:11 F Tineke Denton 30-34 1 3 4:17 9 0:56:19 M Oliver Dartnall 40-44 3 9 3:45 28 1:04:13 M Vince Radford 35-39 5 25 4:17 10 0:56:31 M Joao Pisani 35-39 3 10 3:46 29 1:04:20 M Chris Martin 30-34 7 26 4:17 11 0:58:11 M Matt Measures 40-44 4 11 3:53 30 1:04:24 F Laura Kyriakacis 20-24 2 4 4:18 12 0:59:25 M David Bryant 25-29 3 12 3:58 31 1:04:48 M Edwin Drost 25-29 4 27 4:19 13 0:59:25 M Chris Deboer 30-34 2 13 3:58 32 1:04:53 M Kevin Johnson 55-59 1 28 4:20 14 1:00:55 M Robert Kay 45-49 1 14 4:04 33 1:05:08 M Geoffrey Bannister 25-29 5 29 4:21 15 1:01:50 M Geoff Large 50-54 2 15 4:07 34 1:05:19 M Richard Titelius 50-54 4 30 4:21 16 1:01:53 M Ollie Neary 40-44 5 16 4:08 35 1:05:22 M Lawrence Dembo 45-49 3 31 4:21 17 1:02:11 M Isaac Lorca Diez 35-39 4 17 4:09 36 1:05:26 M Thomas Waring 16-19 1 32 4:22 18 1:02:19 F Astrid Roberts 40-44 1 1 4:09 37 1:05:44 M Tim Weston 50-54 5 33 4:23 19 1:02:37 M Daniel Sheely 30-34 3 18 4:10 38 1:06:11 M Simon Barron 25-29 6 34 4:25 41

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 39 1:06:18 F Lauren Shelley 35-39 1 5 4:25 112 1:19:40 F Jacinta Key 35-39 5 30 5:19 40 1:06:23 M Paul Ankers 55-59 2 35 4:26 113 1:19:51 F Kristy Oliver 25-29 4 31 5:19 41 1:06:25 M Gerard Danckert 50-54 6 36 4:26 114 1:19:55 M Stephen Oliver 25-29 9 83 5:20 42 1:06:44 M Rob Robartson 55-59 3 37 4:27 115 1:20:04 F Madeleine Farias 35-39 6 32 5:20 43 1:06:57 F Krista Sutton 30-34 2 6 4:28 116 1:20:08 F Caroline Spencer 30-34 7 33 5:21 44 1:07:15 M Roberto Soria 45-49 4 38 4:29 117 1:20:10 F Aishling Rees 35-39 7 34 5:21 45 1:07:25 M Adam Passmore 40-44 6 39 4:30 118 1:20:11 F Sharon Johnson 45-49 4 35 5:21 46 1:07:48 F Deirdre Mcphee 30-34 3 7 4:31 119 1:20:16 M John Le Cornu 60-64 2 84 5:21 47 1:08:48 M John Allen 55-59 4 40 4:35 120 1:20:34 F Kirstine Roberts 40-44 4 36 5:22 48 1:09:02 M Robert Colton 50-54 7 41 4:36 121 1:20:40 F Chrissy Plush 50-54 3 37 5:23 49 1:09:08 M Nigel Coles 50-54 8 42 4:37 122 1:20:51 M Jordan Newton 20-24 4 85 5:23 50 1:09:14 M Terry Singleton 50-54 9 43 4:37 123 1:20:54 M Steve Patterson 35-39 9 86 5:24 51 1:09:29 F April Morgan 35-39 2 8 4:38 124 1:20:56 M Matthew Snare 35-39 10 87 5:24 52 1:09:32 M Jacques Meyer 40-44 7 44 4:38 125 1:20:59 M David Jeisman 35-39 11 88 5:24 53 1:10:16 M Paul Roberts 45-49 5 45 4:41 126 1:20:59 M Christian Sailer 35-39 12 89 5:24 54 1:10:24 M Paul Foran 55-59 5 46 4:42 127 1:21:11 M Greg Godwin 45-49 12 90 5:25 55 1:10:36 M Andrew Lacey 25-29 7 47 4:42 128 1:21:17 F Lauren Stokoe 25-29 5 38 5:25 56 1:10:50 M Mark Hoffmann 45-49 6 48 4:43 129 1:21:17 M Colin Smith 55-59 10 91 5:25 57 1:11:07 M Justin Waring 45-49 7 49 4:44 130 1:21:31 M Andrew Yeatman 45-49 13 92 5:26 58 1:11:33 M Peter Nelson 50-54 10 50 4:46 131 1:21:46 M Roy Hart 65-69 3 93 5:27 59 1:11:37 F Julia Wilcock 45-49 1 9 4:46 132 1:21:48 M Lucio Cecotti 65-69 4 94 5:27 60 1:11:59 M Raymond Boyd 45-49 8 51 4:48 133 1:21:49 M Unknown Under 16 3 95 5:27 61 1:12:14 M Eric Brown 35-39 6 52 4:49 134 1:21:55 F Laura Hussein 50-54 4 39 5:28 62 1:12:25 M Alain Lesaffre 55-59 6 53 4:50 135 1:21:59 F Rachel Evans 40-44 5 40 5:28 63 1:12:28 M Daniel Harrop 20-24 2 54 4:50 136 1:22:00 M John Dimmer 60-64 3 96 5:28 64 1:12:47 M Ken Dacre 60-64 1 55 4:51 137 1:22:06 M Jonathan Storey 40-44 11 97 5:28 65 1:12:49 M Sean Reddab 45-49 9 56 4:51 138 1:22:09 F Lisa O'Neill 30-34 8 41 5:29 66 1:13:10 M Ryan James 45-49 10 57 4:53 139 1:22:41 F Tina Jones 45-49 5 42 5:31 67 1:13:24 M Daniel Sly 30-34 8 58 4:54 140 1:23:07 F Kim Cova 45-49 6 43 5:32 68 1:13:26 M Andrew Fitzpatrick 35-39 7 59 4:54 141 1:23:17 M Unknown Under 16 4 98 5:33 69 1:13:29 F Tiarn Burtenshaw 20-24 3 10 4:54 142 1:23:20 F Jenny Cockill 35-39 8 44 5:33 70 1:13:33 M Laurent Carles 40-44 8 60 4:54 143 1:23:48 M Unknown Under 16 5 99 5:35 71 1:13:37 M Graham Crocker 65-69 1 61 4:54 144 1:23:49 M Peter Stead 50-54 17 100 5:35 72 1:13:40 F Parris Burtenshaw 20-24 4 11 4:55 145 1:24:34 M Anthony Molloy 55-59 11 101 5:38 73 1:13:46 M Clarke Hendry 55-59 7 62 4:55 146 1:24:51 F Katja Levy 45-49 7 45 5:39 74 1:13:56 F Terri Munro 35-39 3 12 4:56 147 1:25:02 F Joanne Ormsby 65-69 1 46 5:40 75 1:14:07 M Bruce Hanstead 50-54 11 63 4:56 148 1:25:14 F Noelene Treen 55-59 2 47 5:41 76 1:14:12 F Morgan Marsh 30-34 4 13 4:57 149 1:25:17 F Sue-Ellen Luke 30-34 9 48 5:41 77 1:14:18 M David Hawson 50-54 12 64 4:57 150 1:25:52 F Felicity Brooks 40-44 6 49 5:43 78 1:14:21 M Alain Lapierre 55-59 8 65 4:57 151 1:26:08 F Donna West 40-44 7 50 5:45 79 1:14:24 M Andrew Best 30-34 9 66 4:58 152 1:27:00 F Kathryn Batchelor 40-44 8 51 5:48 80 1:14:35 M Derek Munro 40-44 9 67 4:58 153 1:27:32 M Wilber Andrews 50-54 18 102 5:50 81 1:14:50 F Janet Ham 40-44 2 14 4:59 154 1:27:45 M Simao Antunes 40-44 12 103 5:51 82 1:15:04 M Freddy Marie 50-54 13 68 5:00 155 1:28:07 M Peter Fisher 45-49 14 104 5:52 83 1:15:10 F Liza Chin 45-49 2 15 5:01 156 1:28:10 M Bill Taylor 65-69 5 105 5:53 84 1:15:14 M Bruce Willett 50-54 14 69 5:01 157 1:28:11 M Vince Guagliardo 30-34 11 106 5:53 85 1:15:19 M Ian Davies 65-69 2 70 5:01 158 1:28:11 M Sam Chea 30-34 12 107 5:53 86 1:15:24 F Alison Steer 30-34 5 16 5:02 159 1:28:36 F Tania Mercado 35-39 9 52 5:54 87 1:15:40 M Scott Romeo 25-29 8 71 5:03 160 1:29:06 M Steve Doubikin 40-44 13 108 5:56 88 1:15:53 F Kate Holt 16-19 1 17 5:04 161 1:29:18 F Silke Peglow 45-49 8 53 5:57 89 1:15:58 F Sandra Flahive 40-44 3 18 5:04 162 1:29:25 F Jessica Teoh 30-34 10 54 5:58 90 1:16:33 F Alexandra Meek 25-29 1 19 5:06 163 1:29:27 M James Teoh 55-59 12 109 5:58 91 1:16:39 M David Page 50-54 15 72 5:07 164 1:29:33 M Alessio Kenda Under 16 6 110 5:58 92 1:16:49 M Unknown Under 16 1 73 5:07 165 1:29:34 M Lloyd Kenda 45-49 15 111 5:58 93 1:16:50 M Unknown Under 16 2 74 5:07 166 1:29:49 M Unknown Under 16 7 112 5:59 94 1:16:50 M David Kersting 35-39 8 75 5:07 167 1:30:30 F Cheryl Clarenc 35-39 10 55 6:02 95 1:16:59 F Zena Robinson 45-49 3 20 5:08 168 1:30:33 M Darryl Carter 45-49 16 113 6:02 96 1:17:32 M Alex Botek 45-49 11 76 5:10 169 1:31:42 F Lori Sexton 50-54 5 56 6:07 97 1:17:35 M Lachlan Henderson 20-24 3 77 5:10 170 1:32:20 F Danielle Baldock 35-39 11 57 6:09 98 1:17:55 F Gemayne Forrest 25-29 2 21 5:12 171 1:32:40 F Mandy Coles 50-54 6 58 6:11 99 1:18:00 F Emma Ruth Cushley 35-39 4 22 5:12 172 1:32:50 M Jim Hubble 70-74 2 114 6:11 100 1:18:09 M Martyn Flahive 50-54 16 78 5:13 173 1:33:06 F Jo Malcolm 35-39 12 59 6:12 101 1:18:14 M Adrian Hopkins 40-44 10 79 5:13 174 1:33:21 F Julie Walters 50-54 7 60 6:13 102 1:18:19 F Sandra Stockman 50-54 1 23 5:13 175 1:33:24 M Robert Cosgrave 55-59 13 115 6:14 103 1:18:22 F Sophie Armstrong 20-24 5 24 5:13 176 1:33:31 M Andy Wong 35-39 13 116 6:14 104 1:18:28 M Arthur Twiss 70-74 1 80 5:14 177 1:33:53 F Sue Clifton 60-64 1 61 6:16 105 1:18:35 F Lynn Mc Donnell 30-34 6 25 5:14 178 1:33:56 F Melissa Chatley 30-34 11 62 6:16 106 1:18:36 F Alivia Del Basso 20-24 6 26 5:14 179 1:34:03 M John Talbot 65-69 6 117 6:16 107 1:18:44 F Ruth Page 25-29 3 27 5:15 180 1:34:08 M Silvio Wirth 65-69 7 118 6:17 108 1:18:52 F Denise Cleasby 55-59 1 28 5:15 181 1:34:21 F Jocelyn Wilmot 45-49 9 63 6:17 109 1:18:56 F Gerry Fallara 50-54 2 29 5:16 182 1:36:29 F Diane Breant 25-29 6 64 6:26 110 1:19:01 M Jeffrey Tan 30-34 10 81 5:16 183 1:37:27 F Jocelyn Martin 25-29 7 65 6:30 111 1:19:24 M Tom Smith 55-59 9 82 5:18 184 1:37:57 F Liz Pelham 30-34 12 66 6:32 42

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 185 1:38:07 M Patrick Buckley 65-69 8 119 6:32 189 1:42:40 F Amanda Patterson 30-34 14 70 6:51 186 1:38:19 F Alicia Holliday 30-34 13 67 6:33 190 1:55:35 M Clinton Bishop 40-44 14 120 7:42 187 1:40:47 F Rachel Finlayson 35-39 13 68 6:43 191 1:58:03 F Georgi Wardrop 30-34 15 71 7:52 188 1:41:24 F Gloria Lau 60-64 2 69 6:46 192 2:00:44 F Tracy Bishop 40-44 9 72 8:03


Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 1 0:17:18 M Joshua Roberts 12-15 1 1 3:28 63 0:24:29 F Breaze James 12-15 9 22 4:54 2 0:18:05 M Rahul Jegatheva 12-15 2 2 3:37 64 0:24:33 F Angela Daly 45-49 2 23 4:55 3 0:18:08 M Benjamin Hillen 12-15 3 3 3:38 65 0:24:35 F Kaley Gleeson 12-15 10 24 4:55 4 0:18:09 M Aaron Houghton 16-19 1 4 3:38 66 0:24:37 F Rebecca Atherton 35-39 1 25 4:55 5 0:18:10 M Alec Davison 12-15 4 5 3:38 67 0:24:41 M Charlie Hewitt 12-15 11 42 4:56 6 0:18:21 M Christopher Davison 45-49 1 6 3:40 68 0:24:42 M Benjamin Hewitt 40-44 6 43 4:56 7 0:18:27 M Michael Mezzatesta 25-29 1 7 3:41 69 0:25:12 M Mathew Botek Under 12 9 44 5:02 8 0:19:07 F Leah Queit 25-29 1 1 3:49 70 0:25:13 M Stuart Denton 30-34 1 45 5:03 9 0:19:29 M Tom Higgins 12-15 5 8 3:54 71 0:25:13 F Maya Kenny Under 12 3 26 5:03 10 0:19:35 M Daniel Hewitt 35-39 1 9 3:55 72 0:25:15 F Ella Foran 12-15 11 27 5:03 11 0:19:45 M Felix Kimberley-Bowen Under 12 1 10 3:57 73 0:25:17 F Ebony Gough 12-15 12 28 5:03 12 0:19:46 M James Higgins 12-15 6 11 3:57 74 0:25:33 M Christopher Hay 50-54 1 46 5:07 13 0:19:48 M Chris Perkins 25-29 2 12 3:58 75 0:25:37 F Lisa Mun 40-44 4 29 5:07 14 0:19:51 M Bryce Greenwood 35-39 2 13 3:58 76 0:25:43 M Cameron Storey Under 12 10 47 5:09 15 0:19:57 M Unknown Under 12 2 14 3:59 77 0:25:45 F Mana Furuya Under 12 4 30 5:09 16 0:20:03 M Elliot Roberts 12-15 7 15 4:01 78 0:25:55 F Nicola Rutty 20-24 2 31 5:11 17 0:20:12 F Cleo Kenny Under 12 1 2 4:02 79 0:25:58 M Scott Higgins 45-49 8 48 5:12 18 0:20:41 F Sarah Hynes 12-15 1 3 4:08 80 0:25:59 M Jayden Armstrong 20-24 2 49 5:12 19 0:20:43 M Jacob Sangster Under 12 3 16 4:09 81 0:26:08 F Tyla Gough 12-15 13 32 5:14 20 0:20:44 M Jeremy Sangster 35-39 3 17 4:09 82 0:26:18 M Unknown Under 12 11 50 5:16 21 0:20:51 F Brooke Mccoy 12-15 2 4 4:10 83 0:26:23 F Amanda Winton 12-15 14 33 5:17 22 0:20:52 F Abby Ouwendyk 12-15 3 5 4:10 84 0:26:29 M Peter O'Grady 30-34 2 51 5:18 23 0:21:04 F Tia Kenny 12-15 4 6 4:13 85 0:26:42 M CONNOR HYNES Under 12 12 52 5:20 24 0:21:10 F Heather Bytheway 12-15 5 7 4:14 86 0:26:49 F Freya Prall 12-15 15 34 5:22 25 0:21:11 M Fraser Bytheway Under 12 4 18 4:14 87 0:26:50 F Richenda Prall 45-49 3 35 5:22 26 0:21:14 M Simon Wall 40-44 1 19 4:15 88 0:26:53 F Emma Low 30-34 4 36 5:23 27 0:21:16 M Simon Wall 40-44 2 20 4:15 89 0:27:05 F Emily Poole 30-34 5 37 5:25 28 0:21:28 M Karl Thorstensen 45-49 2 21 4:18 90 0:27:08 M Unknown Under 12 13 53 5:26 29 0:21:43 F Fiona Leonard 45-49 1 8 4:21 91 0:27:09 F Melinda Evans 30-34 6 38 5:26 30 0:22:02 M Unknown Under 12 5 22 4:24 92 0:27:10 F Monique D'Amato Under 12 5 39 5:26 31 0:22:06 F Nalani Gleeson 12-15 6 9 4:25 93 0:27:10 M David Vyse 40-44 7 54 5:26 32 0:22:06 M Peter Grose 65-69 1 23 4:25 94 0:27:21 M Finn O'Brien Under 12 14 55 5:28 33 0:22:09 F Jasmin Lee Bailey 30-34 1 10 4:26 95 0:27:31 M Max Schultz 20-24 3 56 5:30 34 0:22:18 F Caitlin Knight 12-15 7 11 4:28 96 0:27:32 F Sara Elderfield 40-44 5 40 5:30 35 0:22:20 F Monique Kenny 40-44 1 12 4:28 97 0:27:33 M Casey Spratling Under 12 15 57 5:31 36 0:22:23 M Keith Miller 65-69 2 24 4:29 98 0:27:37 F Lida Sayadelmi 45-49 4 41 5:31 37 0:22:35 M Dylan Spratling Under 12 6 25 4:31 99 0:27:40 M Mortimer Flahive Under 12 16 58 5:32 38 0:22:41 F Nicola Burke 40-44 2 13 4:32 100 0:27:41 M John Hillen 55-59 1 59 5:32 39 0:22:42 M Craig Berg 40-44 3 26 4:32 101 0:27:43 F Louise Dawson 25-29 3 42 5:33 40 0:22:44 F Victoria Burrows-Bilton 30-34 2 14 4:33 102 0:27:44 M Unknown Under 12 17 60 5:33 41 0:22:47 M Zane Kenny 12-15 8 27 4:33 103 0:27:46 F Daisy Hewitt Under 12 6 43 5:33 42 0:22:53 M Lachlan Hynes 12-15 9 28 4:35 104 0:27:49 F Michelle Lesaffre 50-54 1 44 5:34 43 0:23:04 F Hana Yusoff Under 12 2 15 4:37 105 0:27:51 M Unknown Under 12 18 61 5:34 44 0:23:05 M Ian Yusoff 45-49 3 29 4:37 106 0:27:53 M Jean-Luc Gilbert 50-54 2 62 5:35 45 0:23:09 M Peter Brooks 45-49 4 30 4:38 107 0:28:04 F Cydney Collins 12-15 16 45 5:37 46 0:23:10 F Hannah Brooks 16-19 1 16 4:38 108 0:28:05 F Lee-Anne Armstrong 50-54 2 46 5:37 47 0:23:38 M Stephen Atherton 40-44 4 31 4:44 109 0:28:07 F Judy Lucas 45-49 5 47 5:37 48 0:23:39 M Andrew Economo 20-24 1 32 4:44 110 0:28:08 F Jan O'Brien 40-44 6 48 5:38 49 0:23:41 F Melanie Rodrigue 40-44 3 17 4:44 111 0:28:09 M Neil Foster 45-49 9 63 5:38 50 0:23:43 M Joseph Bartlett 40-44 5 33 4:45 112 0:28:10 F Jodie Foster 45-49 6 49 5:38 51 0:23:56 F Gemma Brooks 12-15 8 18 4:47 113 0:28:26 F Skye Mccaffrey Under 12 7 50 5:41 52 0:23:59 F Rosemary Dotlic 30-34 3 19 4:48 114 0:28:27 F Megan Mccaffrey Under 12 8 51 5:41 53 0:24:03 F Catriona Reynolds 25-29 2 20 4:49 115 0:28:35 M Dominic Gasbarro 60-64 1 64 5:43 54 0:24:04 M Ethan Wyatt-Smith Under 12 7 34 4:49 116 0:28:42 M Jacob Maxwell Under 12 19 65 5:44 55 0:24:05 M Gary Smith 45-49 5 35 4:49 117 0:28:46 M Aaron Maxwell 45-49 10 66 5:45 56 0:24:14 F Lacey Newsome 20-24 1 21 4:51 118 0:28:48 F Mary Vyse 12-15 17 52 5:46 57 0:24:17 M Jeremy Loly 16-19 2 36 4:51 119 0:28:49 F Lorena D'Amato 12-15 18 53 5:46 58 0:24:18 M Alberto Puccini 45-49 6 37 4:52 120 0:28:50 F Zara Yaxley 12-15 19 54 5:46 59 0:24:19 M Tommaso Puccini Under 12 8 38 4:52 121 0:28:51 F Tilly Banfield Under 12 9 55 5:46 60 0:24:20 M Keiichi Furuya 45-49 7 39 4:52 122 0:28:52 F Ariane Yaxley Under 12 10 56 5:46 61 0:24:20 M Jake Mun Dec-15 10 40 4:52 123 0:28:56 M Stephen Chewter 50-54 3 67 5:47 62 0:24:25 M Brent Campbell 25-29 3 41 4:53 124 0:29:06 F Georgia Willett Under 12 11 57 5:49 125 0:29:07 F Sarah Flahive Under 12 12 58 5:49 43

Time Name Time Name Place Place Place Place Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender Age Cat Age Cat Place Age Age Place Age Place Av Km Rate Av Km Rate 126 0:29:09 M David Lewin 65-69 3 68 5:50 169 0:37:01 F Emma Cooke 12-15 22 89 7:24 127 0:29:11 F Gabriele Yin 60-64 1 59 5:50 170 0:37:04 M Unknown Under 12 23 81 7:25 128 0:29:15 M Clive Pollard 65-69 4 69 5:51 171 0:37:05 M Draven Andrews-Clarke Under 12 24 82 7:25 129 0:29:29 M Steve Armstrong 50-54 4 70 5:54 172 0:37:05 M Patrick Cooke Under 12 25 83 7:25 130 0:29:43 F Eliza Prall Under 12 13 60 5:57 173 0:37:06 M Bryan Cooke 40-44 9 84 7:25 131 0:29:47 F Eleta Ronson 40-44 7 61 5:57 174 0:37:07 F Jennifer Storey Under 12 20 90 7:25 132 0:30:08 F Leigh Van Heerden 30-34 7 62 6:02 175 0:37:09 F Julie Storey 40-44 12 91 7:26 133 0:30:24 F Andrea Mrsa 20-24 3 63 6:05 176 0:37:12 F Joanne Campbell 20-24 4 92 7:26 134 0:31:19 F Nhi Y Thi Do 35-39 2 64 6:16 177 0:37:44 F Dan Mamedov 35-39 5 93 7:33 135 0:32:27 F Tayla Nguyen 12-15 20 65 6:29 178 0:37:58 M Unknown Under 12 26 85 7:36 136 0:32:29 F Tracey Gleeson 45-49 7 66 6:30 179 0:38:00 F Rebecca Harvey 30-34 8 94 7:36 137 0:32:46 F Amanda Kong 40-44 8 67 6:33 180 0:38:01 M Unknown Under 12 27 86 7:36 138 0:33:23 F Sasha Silk 25-29 4 68 6:41 181 0:38:31 F Lily Lucas Under 12 21 95 7:42 139 0:33:28 F Angel Mae Grenfell Under 12 14 69 6:42 182 0:39:00 M Unknown Under 12 28 87 7:48 140 0:33:41 F Kathy Skehan 50-54 3 70 6:44 183 0:39:04 F Madeleine Maxwell Under 12 22 96 7:49 141 0:33:41 F Heather Stephens 50-54 4 71 6:44 184 0:39:36 F Amelie Uren Under 12 23 97 7:55 142 0:33:42 M Dean Calder 45-49 11 71 6:44 185 0:39:37 M Graeme Uren 45-49 14 88 7:55 143 0:33:43 F Cathy Calder 45-49 8 72 6:45 186 0:40:08 M Harrison Lucas Under 12 29 89 8:02 144 0:33:43 F Courtney Byrne 16-19 2 73 6:45 187 0:40:09 F Madison Lucas 12-15 23 98 8:02 145 0:33:56 F Alice Vyse Under 12 15 74 6:47 188 0:40:13 F Tina Jackson 45-49 9 99 8:03 146 0:33:57 M Ruby Vyse 12-15 12 72 6:47 189 0:40:29 F Abigail Baldock Under 12 24 100 8:06 147 0:34:04 M Derek Quantrill 45-49 12 73 6:49 190 0:40:30 M Aiden Baldock 12-15 14 90 8:06 148 0:34:05 F Shani Nel 40-44 9 75 6:49 191 0:40:54 M Colin Sharpe 35-39 5 91 8:11 149 0:34:11 F Sarah Nicholls 25-29 5 76 6:50 192 0:40:59 M David Harwood 35-39 6 92 8:12 150 0:34:36 F Tanya Mckaddon 40-44 10 77 6:55 193 0:41:00 F Nika Harwood Under 12 25 101 8:12 151 0:34:39 M James Berry 40-44 8 74 6:56 194 0:41:01 M Cyrus Harwood Under 12 30 93 8:12 152 0:34:40 M Oliver Berry Under 12 20 75 6:56 195 0:43:35 F Lunetta Mamedov Under 12 26 102 8:43 153 0:34:54 F Kylie Black 35-39 3 78 6:59 196 0:43:36 F Esmee Tan 25-29 8 103 8:43 154 0:34:55 F Zoe Black Under 12 16 79 6:59 197 0:43:37 M Hugh Mccaffrey 45-49 15 94 8:43 155 0:35:05 M Jackson Scanlan 12-15 13 76 7:01 198 0:43:38 F Eileen Mccaffrey 45-49 10 104 8:44 156 0:35:09 M Jamie Scanlan Under 12 21 77 7:02 199 0:44:51 F Lauren Cross 30-34 9 105 8:58 157 0:35:17 F Poppy Chitty Under 12 17 80 7:03 200 0:45:11 F Courtney Crawford 25-29 9 106 9:02 158 0:35:18 M Allan Chitty 45-49 13 78 7:04 201 0:45:39 M Michael Prentice 70-74 1 95 9:08 159 0:35:21 F Anissa Mamedov 12-15 21 81 7:04 202 0:45:54 F Sue Abbott 55-59 1 107 9:11 160 0:35:25 F Oralee Logan 25-29 6 82 7:05 203 0:46:47 M Mitch Loly 75-79 1 96 9:21 161 0:35:25 M Unknown Under 12 22 79 7:05 204 0:47:06 M Caleb Fisher 12-15 15 97 9:25 162 0:35:36 F Kathleen Jones 70-74 1 83 7:07 205 0:50:43 F Holly Noormets 12-15 24 108 10:09 163 0:35:37 F Louisa Kimberley-Bowen 35-39 4 84 7:07 206 0:50:47 M Raymond Fisher 35-39 7 98 10:09 164 0:35:42 F Lisa Mackay 25-29 7 85 7:08 207 0:56:04 F Claire Sharpe Under 12 27 109 11:13 165 0:36:03 M Jean-Philippe Clarenc 35-39 4 80 7:13 208 0:56:04 F Kate Sharpe 40-44 13 110 11:13 166 0:36:03 F Isabelle Clarenc Under 12 18 86 7:13 209 0:57:51 F Jackie Baxendine 55-59 2 111 11:34 167 0:36:26 F Maddy Scanlan Under 12 19 87 7:17 210 1:06:02 F Ruth Andrews 50-54 5 112 13:12 168 0:36:26 F Jo-Ann Searle 40-44 11 88 7:17