Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 3014 NE McKinley St., Minneapolis Website 2 0 2 1 Phone 612-781-1989 Pastor Martin Cornes Phone 952-917-9368 Email [email protected]

Office Administrator Jeni Hofstede-Bryan Email [email protected]

Organist Angela Huizel

Janitor Aaron Peterson

Caring Sharing Serving Reaching


June 6 Second Sunday after Gen. 3:8-15 Psalm 130 2 Cor. 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 June 13 Third Sunday after Pentecost Ezek. 17:22-24 Psalm 1 2 Cor. 5:1-10 (11-17) Mark 4:26-34 June 20 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Job 38:1-11 Psalm 124 2 Cor. 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41 June 27 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost – Guest Pastor Lam. 3:22-33 Psalm 30 2 Cor. 8:1-9, 13-15 Mark 5:21-43

THE PENTECOST SEASON Like the Season after , the Season after Pentecost begins and ends with what we might call “bookend Sundays.” These Sundays provide the frame for what comes between them. is the first bookend and Christ the King Sunday is the other bookend. Trinity Sunday launches us into our ministries after Pentecost with a celebration of the Triune God in whom all our lives and ministries are grounded. Christ the King Sunday, points us to our final destination in the culmination of the reign of the one who makes us and all things new. Prophetic Ministry—Calling for Justice, Righteousness, and Peace: Year C is the “year of the prophets” for the Old Testament readings. Included are Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, and Habakkuk. Mission “in” the World but not “of” the World: The Epistle readings in Galatians, Colossians, Hebrews, Philemon, I and II Timothy, and I and II Thessalonians consistently keep that tension alive. Throughout these letters, there is a consistent focus on how being disciples of Jesus makes us different from “things as usual,” both personally and corporately. Learning from the Master: The Gospel for this year is Luke, and the readings from chapters 7-21 cover the heart of Jesus’ teaching and ministry.

A message from the desk of Pastor Martin Cornes . . .

As we have been finishing up The Story, and over the last few weeks, looking at the life of Paul, and the struggles he went through for his faith, I asked a friend in India about some of the challenges he endures in their culture….

My friend has put aside a career in computers to start, with his family, a Christian Daycare, as well as computer classes for young adults, as a way to provide help for the community, and give opportunities to share the good news of Jesus in a non-threatening manner.

“Violence in the country has dramatically increased after a party affiliated with a Hindu organization came to power. In four years it has penetrated the villages. Now each village has an agent who keeps watching Christians and their different activities.”

This is my friend in India, but there are Christians across the world today who face daily struggles for their belief in Jesus Christ. But they don’t give up! There are 2.3 billion Christians in the world of a population of 7.6 billion, and it is hard to imagine but there are 260 million Christians suffering high to severe levels of persecution! And yet they keep going in their faith. Where it’s Hardest to Follow Jesus: (Open Doors, Voice of the Martyrs.) 1. North Korea. 2. Afghanistan. 3. Somalia. 4. Libya. 5. Pakistan. 6. Eritrea. 7. Yemen. 8. Iran. 9. Nigeria. 10. India

Dear Martin, 1. In the village where we serve, when we start Sunday school, they play Hindu songs loudly to disturb us. 2. Some leaders associated with Hindu outfit are intimidating parents not to send their children to Hannah's daycare center. 3. At Hannah’s daycare center, they objected to teaching children Bible verses (these are not the children’s parents, but those agents). 4. A Young student was asking me, “why are you preaching about western God? This county has 3 million gods. Preach about them. If you continue this, we will complain to the authorities and you will be booked under the anti-conversion law.” 5. Wherever I write something about or defend Christ on Facebook, these agents abuse me with filthy words, give threats like rape/beat/kill. I have personally received these threats. 6. I was confronted by an elderly man and accused of converting young students in the disguise of helping them in small ways. 7. Once one parent (latter I found was intimidated by a Hindu agent) dragged his 6 year old girl from Sunday school accusing me of being a “beef eater.” 8. I will get lots of online abuse on my stand against idol worship. Very scary words. 9. Some time back I was in tears when my own called me a Christian beggar when I asked for used dresses for the village children we support.

My response is sometimes I will try to explain, sometimes I go silent. But in all this, we enjoy and feel privileged to be suffering for the sake of Christ. We know Jesus never promised all good to those who follow him. “In this world, you have troubles, don’t worry I have overcome this world” because Jesus has already warned about these things and how worth it is to suffer. His words are “lo I am with you even to the very end of the age.” We comfort ourselves with these words of Jesus and continue. Over the years of service, we have learned one thing, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is confrontational. We have more enemies because Jesus is our friend and he will deliver us from the schemes of satan.

Thank you, Sam

I am very excited that THE CHOSEN is coming soon to Gloria Dei, on Wednesdays at our 2 pm and 5:30 pm service and Bible study over the summer, but you can also watch anytime by yourself – and especially watch with a friend. (Each episode is between 30 and 50 minutes.) We will watch a preview on May 23 and The special, a 20 minute film on the birth of Jesus, after the service on 6 June.

The Chosen is:  The first-ever multi-season show about the life of Jesus  Translated into 50 languages and counting  Consistently ranked in the top 50 entertainment apps on Android

Watch for free on Youtube, Facebook, App on your phone, DVD – which you can purchase, and if you have Xfinity cable television – watched via Peacock.

"The acting, the storytelling... it's believable and it's excellently done." - KIRK COUSINS (NFL Quarterback)

The Chosen includes scenes and dialogue directly from Scripture, but it also includes scenes and dialogue not in the Bible. Viewers learn on the opening scroll it is “based on the true stories of the gospels of Jesus Christ.” However, the scroll says, “all biblical and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the Scriptures.”

Jenkins, who created the concept for the series, emphasized he is someone who “believes absolutely in the Word of God.” “I have no interest in changing anything from Scripture,” Jenkins told Crosswalk. “We are adding cultural and historical context, we are adding some artistic imagination to these stories. This is not Scripture, and we are not adding to Scripture.” The series, he said, was created to help viewers love the Bible more. “This show was designed to enhance our love for Scripture, to draw us more to Scripture, and to bring to life some of the stories that we've heard many times,” he said.

A special note of thanks for the well wishes and prayers, cards, gifts and to the treat makers and all those who came and supported my ordination on Sunday, May 2. Thank you, Pastor Martin Cornes

If you missed the ordination and have an interest in watching the service, it can be viewed on Gloria Dei’s website home page OR on our Facebook page. Arrangements can also be made for you to view it on one of our iPads. Our iPad Ministry is a good way to stay in touch if you are unable to attend regular Sunday Services. Simply call the church office at 612-781-1989 and we will get one out to you. As a reminder, you can also view any of our weekly services on these iPads. 

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod LCMS Stewardship Ministry | Newsletter Article – June 2021

“There are three conversions necessary to every man: the head, the heart, and the purse.” Attributed to Luther, though yet to be located in his vast writings, this statement echoes what Jesus taught about hearts and treasures. He said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34)

But which conversion comes first? I submit that the order is this: first the head, then the purse, then the heart. Let’s explore this topic.

Our Lord Jesus Christ dwelt among us to save us. He took on our flesh, fulfilled the demands of the law in our place, became sin for us, and suffered torture and death on our behalf. He did this in order that we would be free from sin, death, and hell. He gives us what He accomplished through Baptism, Absolution, and the Lord’s Supper. And so, He doesn’t just do it for us but gives it to us. He makes what He did ours by making us His. Thus, we are called by His name: Christians. We have a new life in Him.

Through the preaching of Law and Gospel, God grants us repentance, a changing of our minds. It is a conversion of the mind. We are called to turn away from our sins and turn toward Him for forgiveness, life, and salvation. For when God calls us away from something, He is, at the same time, calling us to something.

And thus, He calls us to a new life, with new deeds. This is the conversion of the purse. Jesus said that “it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24) “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Notice that our hearts follow our treasures, not the other way around. As Christians, God calls us to invest our treasures in His Kingdom to ensure that the gospel is preached and the sacraments are administered. He calls us to share all good things with the one who teaches us the doctrines of Christ. He calls us to be generous in giving to the church, for it is more blessed to give than to receive.

So where is your treasure? If it is not invested in the kingdom of God, then the only response is repentance – a conversion of the heart – and to begin doing just that. And as our Lord promised, where your treasure is there your heart will be also.

This is not to say that you earn your way into heaven. It is simply to say that as Christians, those who have been made to be temples of the Holy Spirit, who have been given a new life in Christ, who are dead to sin and now alive in Him, we are actually to live – think (conversion of the mind), do (conversion of the purse), and be (conversion of the heart) – a new life in Him. And when you fail, know that God in Christ loves and forgives you and still calls you away from that and to Himself.

A Father’s Day Prayer (June 20th) God our Father, You remind us that as a father shows compassion to his children, so You show compassion to those who fear You. We give You heartfelt thanks for our fathers and the godly example they set for us in their lives. Help us to hold them in high esteem and blessed memory, and to follow their example. Thank You for their guidance, protection, nurture, dedication, and sacrifice,; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Exciting News to Share! Devan Arntson has officially accepted the designation to be called to Trinity Lutheran Church as their new Director of Christian Education! Devan will be moving to Merrill, Wisconsin this summer and will work full time with their middle school and high school youth! We are thankful God is calling him there and he has found a position that suits him perfectly! Please keep Devan in your prayers as he gets ready for the move to Wisconsin. More details will be shared in the coming weeks about his move and his installation. We at Gloria Dei are very proud of Devan!

Lutheran Marriage Encounter - Summer 2021


Registration is now open for the next VIRTUAL

June 11 - 13, 2021

Lutheran Marriage Encounter Experience

You Can Participate Privately from Your Home or Anywhere That Affords You Privacy as a Couple

Apply Now / Learn More at!

Questions? Contact Dale & Ruth Mortensen [email protected] • 440-734-6312

Pre-registration is required to send your encounter materials to you via snail mail – don't miss out!

Lutheran Marriage Encounter | 4420 - 51st Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98105

Gloria Dei May/Spring Offering SALVATION ARMY FOOD SHELF

The May/Spring Offering is staying close to home again this year! The funds collected for the May/Spring Offering will go directly to the Central Avenue Salvation Army, at 2727 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis. In this time of crisis, your donation will help those in our community, who need food, help with utilities, safe shelter and hope. Gloria Dei has always been generous in filling our “grocery cart,” however, at this time, the Salvation Army’s greatest need is general funding. With the spike in requests for help during the pandemic, ongoing public support is needed to help ensure that services are available. Whenever there is a need in Minneapolis, you’ll find the Salvation Army!

As you are doing your own shopping, please remember those less fortunate by filling our grocery cart. High demand items are low sugar canned fruits and vegetables, soups (low sodium) and spaghetti sauce and noodles, rice (white, jasmine, or brown); salad dressings; condiments and spices, canned beans, macaroni & cheese, tuna, crackers, jelly, peanut butter, low sugar cereal. Donations of personal hygiene items and household cleaning items are also in demand, such as: Toilet paper, toothpaste, deodorant, bar soap, shampoo, diapers and baby wipes, laundry soap, dish soap, and various household cleaners.


Thank you to everyone for your generous donations!

ANY INTEREST? Are you interested in reading the lessons at our Sunday services? Please contact Pastor Martin – who would be happy to encourage and train you OR call the church office for more information.

SAVE YOUR ALUMINUM CANS – During the hot summer months when people are drinking more canned beverages, remember to save those cans! Bring in your aluminum cans to support the mission of the Church Council’s choosing. Thank you for your help in collecting cans.

Can You Help? Ushers are Needed for the Months of June and July!

A sign-up sheet for Ushers has now been added to the bulletin board in the front lobby of the Church. If you are available to usher during any of the Sunday services during June or July, please mark yourself down for the Sunday that works best with your schedule. THANK YOU

You Can Help With Altar Care! If your schedule permits during these summer months, please sign up for a month of Altar Care. Altar Care is still open for July, August, September and October. Also to help Beautify Gloria Dei, flowers can be purchased for $22/bouquet + $10 delivery fee (OR you can pick them up). You can also bring in your own – think your backyard garden or the neighborhood farmer’s markets. Candles are $6. All sign-up sheets are located in the entryway of the Church.

Mark Your Calendars! The Audubon Neighborhood Association hosts a weekly farmers' market as part of the Homegrown Minneapolis initiative. It features local vendors offering locally grown produce, herbs, and flowers. Audubon Farmers’ Markets is scheduled to start June 10. This year’s season will run from June 10- Sept 23. The Market is located at 2654 Johnson Street NE -- 27th & Johnson Street (across from the Fire Station) and is open from 4 pm – 7 pm, every Thursday.

Here is what one neighbor had to say “Love this farmer's market! Everything you need; fresh, delicious local produce in a small and convenient locale!” With reviews like that, it’s gotta be good. Hope to see you there!

As always, our needs are great around the world, but especially now with the Coronavirus threating our health and economic systems. Therefore, please remember the Orphan Grain Train with donations or memorials. Some of the most sought-after donations are bedding (quilts), bicycles, school desks and chairs, hygiene products for females and babies, along with washcloths and towels. In many countries, bicycles are their main mode of transportation. OGT in Norfolk has a volunteer there who provides some maintenance on bicycles before they are sent. We have learned that the quilts that our church ladies make so patiently are sometimes people's only personal possession. OGT has recently shipped four containers of Mercy Meals to chronically malnourished people. To make a donation to our Minnesota South Division, you can mail it to our treasurer, Darlene Fretham, at 611 First Ave. NW, Winnebago, MN 56098, or call her at 612-715- 4029. One of the main uses for our funds is to support transportation costs to send items worldwide.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR MAY OFFICIAL ACTS WCCO 830 AM Radio Heard each Sunday morning at 6:05 a.m. NONE Hosted by Rev. Michael Ziegler (unless otherwise noted) Main Street Living TV Program Main Street Living airs each Sunday at 10 June 6 "Out of the Depths" (Psalm 130) a.m. on Channel 9+ Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Jason Broge On Comcast this is channel 10. When our words fail us, we find God's word of For more information see the web site: promise in the words of Psalm 130. and select the “Twin cities” tab. For more information or to watch the June 13 "Clearly Christian: Good" program, go to

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler Many think they know what Christianity is all Dial-A-Devotion about, but Dr. Michael Zeigler asks, what if what There is a new devotion and prayer each day. they think it is, it isn't? Call 651-429-0078 and follow the prompts.

June 20 "Clearly Christian: Spiritual" CURRENT FINANCIAL STATUS AS OF (Genesis 1:31) April 30, 2021 Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler April Total Income $9,792.54 God is above all, but that doesn't mean material April Total Expense $12,710.84 "stuff" is somehow beneath Him. Dr. Michael April Net Loss $2,918.30

Zeigler talks about the unique nature of Christian YEAR TO DATE spirituality. 1st Quarter Net Loss $976.81 2nd Quarter Net Loss $2,918.30 June 27 "Clearly Christian: Judgmental" YTD Net Loss $3,895.11 (Matthew 7:1-5) Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler Time of Grace

Beginning June 9, Gloria Dei will be watching the Time of Grace connects people to God’s grace— mini-series The Chosen as part of our Wednesday his love, glory, and power—so they realize the mid-week service (with HC) and Bible Study. temporary things of life don’t satisfy. However, Where we will talk and discuss the life of Jesus. through Jesus we have access to the eternal Please come and join us on Wednesday afternoons God—right now and forever. 2 pm and evenings at 5:30 pm for a great time of Pastor Mike Novotny fellowship and learning more about how great our Pastor Mike Novotny has served God’s people in God is. We would love to have you join us! full-time ministry since 2007 in Madison and, most You can also watch the series for yourself, or recently, at The CORE in Appleton, Wisconsin. purchase the DVD’s. Check in with Pastor Martin He also serves as the lead speaker for Time of for more information. Grace, where he shares the good news about Jesus through television, print, and online platforms.

Sundays KARE (NBC 11) 10:30 AM

Subscribe to Time of Grace to be delivered to your email inbox daily. It’s easy to subscribe to resources that’ll keep you rooted in Jesus. Just select which types of resources you would like to receive and they will be sent right to your inbox

June Speical Events

Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary!

nd 2 Verlayne Sather st th 21 Jonathan & Sara Edwards 15 Meridel Christopherson th 21st Carlos Martinez 28 Tom Harris & Pat Vogel

JUNE SERVANTS Elder: Karmon Christopherson Altar Care: Verlayne Sather Ushers Counters

6th 6th Tom and Patty Lyrenmann 13th Dale Raschke 13th Dale Raschke 20th 20th Sandy Westling and Tom Harris 27th 27th Al, Pam and Aaron Morelli Candles Flowers

6th Open 6th Open 13th Open 13th Open 20th Open 20th Open 27th Rudy & Shirley Holzinger – 27th Open Sister, Vicki’s Birthday (July 2)

If you sign up for flowers or candles after the newsletter is published, be sure to the let the office know. We want to make sure that flowers are ordered and you are properly acknowledged in the bulletin notes. Thanks!

June 2021 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 1 2 3 4 5 3014 McKinley Street NE, Minneapolis NO Service Pastor’s Day Off 10 am TLWCC Ph 612-781-1989 and/or Bible Church Office Worship & Study Closed Fellowship [email protected] 8 pm AA/AlAnon 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Second Sunday a. Pentecost Church Office 2 pm or 5:30 pm Pastor’s Day Off 10 am TLWCC 10 am Worship w/HC Closed 6:30 pm Service w/HC Church Office Worship & 6:30 pm AlAnon 1 All Boards and Bible Study Closed Fellowship 6 pm NA 8 pm AA/AlAnon 2 Meet 8 pm AA/AlAnon 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Third Sunday a. Pentecost Church Office 2 pm or 5:30 pm Pastor’s Day Off 10 am TLWCC 10 am Worship w/HC Closed 6:30 pm Service w/HC Church Office Worship & Council and Bible Study Closed Fellowship 6 pm NA 6:30 pm AlAnon 1 Meeting 8 pm AA/AlAnon 2 8 pm AA/AlAnon 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Fourth Sunday a. Pentecost Church Office NO Service Pastor’s Day Off 10 am TLWCC 10 am Worship w/HC Closed and/or Bible Church Office Worship & Study Closed Fellowship 6 pm NA 6:30 pm AlAnon 1 8 pm AA/AlAnon 2 8 pm AA/AlAnon HAPPY FATHER’S DAY Newsletter Deadline 27 28 29 30 Fifth Sunday a. Pentecost Church Office NO Service AA – Alcoholics Anonymous (Guest Pastor) Closed and/or Bible Al Anon - Friday Group 10 am Worship w/HC Study AlAnon 1 – Beginners Group 6:30 pm AlAnon 1 AlAnon 2 – Families of Alcoholics NA – Narcotics Anonymous 6 pm NA 8 pm AA/AlAnon 2 TLWCC – Trinity Living Word of Christ

Pastor Martin’s Vacation June 27 – July 17



DOMINICAN REPUBLIC — JUNE 1–30 7. for the seminary professors, will so that they can build a firm The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) officially began work in the that they would be well-prepared foundation for the church for Dominican Republic in 2004. Over the years, a group home was established to impart wisdom and knowledge generations to come. to care for orphaned children with disabilities; congregations and mission to their students. plants were started; and a deaconess-training program was launched. The 13. that God would raise up LCMS seminary in Santiago, Dominican Republic, trains students from 8. that the Spanish-language individuals and congregations to around the Latin America region. theological library at the seminary support our LCMS missionaries in would be well used and a blessing the Dominican Republic. and make the most of their Remember God’s work in the to the students and faculty. Dominican Republic as you pray: education. 14. that God would supply for the families of the faithful and capable men and 1. for the seminary students for the women studying 9. 4. professors, that they would women to serve as missionaries, who will enter the seminary this to be deaconesses, that the adapt easily and find joy in a new both in Latin America and around fall, that they would be able to theological coursework and country and culture. the world. acquire their student visas and intensive practical experience other documentation needed to would form them into capable 15. with thanksgiving for study in the Dominican Republic. and effective deaconesses. 10. for Lutheran congregations in Latin America, that they would faithful men and women who be prepared to care for and have given up the comforts of 2. for seminary students and that God would grant 5. support their pastors physically, home and family to faithfully their families, that they would strength to our deaconesses as mentally and spiritually. serve on the mission field. have a smooth transition to life they support the work of pastors in a new place away from family by caring for the poor, the 16. that many in the Dominican and friends. Praise God for these marginalized and the sick. 11. for seminary students dedicated students who are who are serving vicarages, that Republic would hear God’s Word willing to leave home to obtain a they would learn much from and believe in Jesus Christ as with thanksgiving for all the solid theological education. 6. their experience and be better their Lord and Savior. Pray that faithful and generous people prepared for their future ministry. they would attend worship each who have prayed or given of Sunday to receive the Word and that God would grant the 3. their time or treasures to make Sacraments. seminary students determination the seminary and mercy center 12. for all the missionaries and and endurance, so that they a reality. leaders of the Dominican church, might be diligent in their studies that they would discern God’s


17. that God would grant health Republic would continue to grow and safety to all missionaries and and mature through regular their families. worship and Bible study.

18. that the Dominican 24. with thanksgiving for the Christians would continue many faithful Christians who to study God’s Word and be regularly worship in our mission strengthened to live faithfully and congregations. serve their neighbors in love. 25. with thanksgiving for 19. with thanksgiving for the Hogares Luteranos El Buen willingness of the Dominican Pastor (Good Shepherd Lutheran people to hear and learn God’s Home), which provides a safe Word. By God’s grace, the LCMS and nurturing facility for young has established congregations people with developmental and mission stations around disabilities. the country. 26. that God would grant 20. that God would raise up patience and endurance for the many Lutheran school teachers faithful workers who care for the and school administrators — group home’s residents. Praise especially from among the God that He has used these Dominican congregations — to wonderful young people to teach meet the needs of the large the Dominican Lutheran church number of eager students. about His love and mercy.

21. that the families of our 27. with thanksgiving that the Lutheran school children would residents of Hogares Luteranos El also hear God’s Word and be Buen Pastor have become active brought to faith. members of the local Lutheran church, where they are eager to 29. for all the mission work 30. with thanksgiving that hear God’s Word and to serve in throughout the Caribbean and we are one in Christ with our with thanksgiving for the 22. any way possible. Latin America. brothers and sisters in Christ in large and ever-growing number Latin America. of students seeking education in our Lutheran schools in the 28. with thanksgiving for Dominican Republic. the willingness of faithful and gentle caregivers who serve the Congregations and individuals are invited to copy these residents of Good Shepherd pages for newsletters or other distribution. Download at that the Lutheran mission 23. Lutheran Home. or call 888-843-5267 to request a copy. churches in the Dominican