Our Mission: Fostering the creation, understanding, and enjoyment of the arts.

41st Annual Lubbock Arts Festival Young Artist Exhibition & Competition Information, Guidelines, and Panel Reservation Form

The Lubbock Arts Alliance would like to take this opportunity to invite all students of LISD and the surrounding communities to participate in a student art exhibition and competition during the Lubbock Arts Festival, April 13-14, 2019 at the Lubbock Civic Center. The Festival provides a wonderful opportunity to showcase student artwork to the community.

Guidelines for the 2019 Young Artist Exhibition & Competition are created and followed to present a unified and professional exhibit for area students. They are as follows:

CATEGORIES/ AWARDS: Artwork will be exhibited and judged in the following categories:

Elementary K – 2nd Grades Elementary 3rd -5th Grades Middle School 6th - 8th Grades High School 9th – 12th Grades

Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mentions. All teachers will be given certificates to hand out to all participating students.

ARTWORK DISPLAY INFORMATION/GUIDELINES:  All artwork must be 2D  Works may be no larger than 12”x 18”  Teachers will be responsible for typing name labels in ALL CAPITALS and placing them in the lower right corner of the 2D work. The labels must be white and measure 2” x 4” (see example below)  NO 3D WORK OR FRAMED WORK ACCEPTED  Fabric covered panels will be provided to display the artwork  Each teacher will receive one 6’ x 3’ panel to display their student’s artwork  Work may be attached to the board by straight pins, thumbtacks, or velcro. Please bring supplies with you to hang the artwork  Elementary School works should be mounted on white paper or construction paper  Middle School/ High School should be mounted on white, grey, or black paper or construction paper  Elementary students may enter one (1) work of art  Middle School/ High School students may enter two (2) works of art  The Lubbock Arts Festival will not be responsible for damaged or stolen artwork. Please evaluate the risk in exhibiting valuable student work.  Participating schools will need to deliver and hang their work on provided panels on Thursday, April 11, 2019 from 3PM – 6PM. We will be onsite at the Civic Center to provide assistance.  Artwork must be picked up on Sunday, April 14, 2019, from 5PM-6PM by the teachers. The Lubbock Arts Festival will not be responsible for any artwork left after 6PM  Early removal of work is discouraged

To reserve your panel so you can participate in the Young Artist Competition, please complete the enclosed reservation form and either mail/e-mail/or fax to:

Sebastian Forbush Young Artist Competition Center 1801 Crickets Ave Lubbock, TX 79401 Phone: 806-775-3567 Fax: 806-767-0732 [email protected]

Deadline to reserve a panel is Friday, March 15, 2019. NO LATE RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.






If you have any questions regarding the Young Artist Exhibition and Competition call Sebastian Forbush at 775-3567 or email [email protected].

Thank you for your interest and participation in the Lubbock Arts Festival!

41st Annual Lubbock Arts Festival 2019 YOUNG ARTIST EXHIBITION & COMPETITION Panel Reservation Form

Read carefully and fill in all requested information. Please type or print legibly in ink. This form will reserve one (1) 6’ x 3’ fabric covered panel. Entry forms must be signed by the sponsoring teacher or parent and returned no later than Friday, March 15, 2019.

Please check the appropriate category for the works you are entering:

Grade level: K-2______3-5 ______6-8 ______9-12______

Estimate the number of works you will be entering: ______

Estimate the number of participating students: ______

Full Name of Teacher______

Name of School______

School Address______

School Phone Number______

Teacher’s telephone number ______

Teacher’s email address______

Teacher’s Signature______Date______

To enter, please mail/fax/or e-mail this Reservation Form to:

Sebastian Forbush Young Artist Competition Buddy Holly Center 1801 Crickets Ave Lubbock, TX 79401 Phone: 806-775-3567 Fax: 806-767-0732 [email protected]