BGPC 2018/06/1


MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING 11 JUNE 2018 COMRADES HALL PRESENT: Cllr. Rowland Hibbard (Chairman), Cllr. David Leader (Vice Chairman) Cllr. Tim Bassett, Cllr. Steve Chubb, Cllr. David Chumbley, Cllr. Lloyd Curtis, Cllr. Andrew Frampton, Cllr. Peter Hardwill, Cllr. Brian Hedditch, Cllr. Roger Smith, Cllr. Kevin Madder-Smith, Cllr. Dorothy Rowe, Cllr. Jacqui Sewell, Cllr. Lesley Tibballs.

ATTENDANCE: Helen Cudmore (Clerk).

The Meeting commenced at 7.30 pm and was opened by the Chairman. There were two members of the public present ______

1. APOLOGIES AND APPROVAL OF ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillor Knox, Councillor Laurie and PCSO Alex Bishop and unanimously approved by the Parish Council.

2. DISCLOSURES OF INTERESTS, DISPENSATIONS AND REGISTER OF INTERESTS UPDATES a. To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors and employees on matters to be considered at the Meeting. Councillor Hedditch declared an interest in Agenda Item 15a, Councillor Curtis declared an interest in Agenda Item 8a, Councillor Hardwill declared an interest in Agenda Item 8 and the Clerk declared an interest in Agenda Item 7b. b. To receive requests for dispensations. The Clerk reported that Councillor Frampton had submitted a request for dispensation relating to the Precept for a period of four years. c. To grant any requests for dispensation. The above request was approved. d. To receive any updates to the Register of Interests from Councillors. No updates were received.

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3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Councillor Hardwill stated that the Council’s gratitude to Councillor Hibbard and Councillor Leader for continued dedicated service should have been recorded in the previous minutes under BGPC2018/5/1/1. A copy of the minutes from the Meeting held on 14 May 2018 was then confirmed as a true record and signed by Councillor Hibbard and unanimously approved by the Council.

4. MATTERS ARISING Councillor Bassett reported that further to the last Meeting, he could confirm that the defibrillator pads in Drimpton would need replacing by August 2018 and that he would ask Dr. Martin Rowan-Robinson to make enquiries for purchasing them. Councillor Hibbard stated that he would look to see if the defibrillator at Kittwhistle Garage also required new pads. Councillor Sewell stated that she had used Medisave in Weymouth and that they were competitive in price. The Clerk asked that she be forwarded the information in order that an account could be set up and invoice issued.

5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Members of the public were invited to address the Council, there were no matters raised. a. Report from Councillor Knox The Clerk reported that although Councillor Knox could not attend the Meeting, if there were matters to raise then she would pass them on. There were no matters raised. b. Report from Councillor Sewell Councillor Sewell reported that the Shadow Council convened on 7 June and stated that it comprises of all Councillors that currently serve on and the five district/borough councils of East Dorset, North Dorset, Purbeck, West Dorset and Weymouth & Portland. Councillor Sewell stated that there is a total of 206 Councillors and 32 of the Councillors are members of both the County Council and one of the district/borough councils.

Councillor Sewell reported that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was in the process of reviewing the Local Plan and stated that she had proposed an addition to SUS3 Policy ‘Re-use of Buildings outside Defined Development Boundaries’. Councillor Sewell stated that if amended this would generally permit the re-use of existing buildings outside Defined Development Boundaries (DDB) if certain criteria were in place including - for residential purposes other than in isolated locations, provided they are permanent, of substantial construction and merits retention, appropriate for conversion and not likely to give rise to the need for further buildings to accommodate their existing (former) use. Councillor Sewell stated that an existing building (including curtilage) will not be considered to be isolated if it adjoins (i.e. immediately abuts) a settlement with a DDB, is within or adjoins (i.e. immediately abuts) a settlement with a population of 200 plus or forms part of a hamlet or group of buildings. In other circumstances, whether a building is isolated will be considered on a case- by- case basis. Councillor Hibbard asked whether this amendment would remove the problem of development outside of a defined boundary, Councillor Sewell confirmed that it would.

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Councillor Sewell reported that the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee will convene in June and will be looking at rural transport. Councillor Rowe stated that she could not understand why planning permission had been granted to the Land South of Fullers application when the land was outside of the defined boundary, Councillor Sewell stated that the land had been previously identified for development through the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. c. Report from In the absence of PCSO Bishop, the Clerk read aloud his report. The Clerk stated that there were no crimes to report for the last month but that there had been a number of break-ins to outbuildings across the area with the theft of power tools and scrap. PCSO Bishop had stated in his report that he was still in the process of bringing together a Drimpton Community Speed Watch team and that they are in need of a Co-ordinator before training can commence. Anyone interested was asked to contact PCSO Bishop. The report concluded by stating that PCSO Bishop will be holding surgeries at Comrades Hall on every second Tuesday in the month, but that the next one has been moved to Friday 15 July. 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES a. Life Education Wessex, letter of thanks for grant The Clerk stated that she had circulated the letter prior to the Meeting. Councillor Hibbard stated that it was nice to receive a thank you for the grant. b. DAPTC, AGM resolution proposal timetable The Clerk stated that she had circulated the communication prior to the Meeting, there were no questions. c. Letter from Resident, Drimpton fingerpost restoration, grass cutting and agricultural contractors The Clerk stated that this letter had been circulated to Members of the Council prior to the Meeting and that a number of issues had been raised. Councillor Hibbard stated that the Fingerpost sign as referenced in the letter had now been restored, Councillor Hedditch stated that the finial would soon be added. With regard to Speed Watch, the Clerk was asked to update the resident with progress made and enquire whether he may want to take on the position of Co-ordinator. With regard to agricultural contractors, Councillor Chubb stated that due to crops being moved from site to site, there had been an increase in the number of contractors going through the local villages. Councillor Smith stated that ditches had been damaged by tractors. Councillor Sewell stated that Thorncombe was experiencing similar problems and that parishioners had been advised to take the name of the contractor and contact the Police. Councillor Curtis stated that the speed limit for such vehicles is 19 mph and if contractors break the law, then they should take responsibility. Councillor Rowe stated that some lanes were being damaged by such large vehicles and asked if alternative routes could be found. Councillor Hibbard stated that they most often needed access to fields from the lanes. Councillor Tibballs stated that she had seen large vehicles passing through the villages and had seen them take great care. With regard to grass cuttings, Councillor Chubb

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stated that a previous enquiry confirmed that grass was being placed on the owner’s land and therefore he was legally allowed to do this.

With regard to the local bus, Councillor Smith stated that the bus used was very wide, Councillor Sewell stated that the bus had disabled access and therefore may be bigger than some other buses. Councillor Hardwill commented that problems were usually caused by cars parking where they should not be allowed to park. Councillor Chubb asked whether the Council had received a reply about installing the Speed Indicator Device in Drimpton, Councillor Hibbard stated that he would contact Councillor Knox. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter of reply to the Drimpton resident.

Action: The Clerk to draft a letter of reply.

7. ACCOUNTS a. Finance Report The Clerk referred Members of the Council to a spreadsheet highlighting income and expenditure for the first quarter of 2018/2019, which had previously been circulated. The current balance as of the 4 June 2018 was £44,624.19. There were no questions. b. To consider payment of additional hours of work for Clerk (May 2018) c. To approve payment of £98.12 for Focus (HS) Limited (Internal Audit Fee) d. To approve payment of £25.00 for DAPTC (GDPR Update Event) e. To approve payment of £48.12 for Community First Trading (Additional Insurance Premium Cover) f. To approve payment of £67.70 for HMRC (NI) g. To approve payment of £180.00 for Michelle Abadie (Website Maintenance

Councillor Bassett asked that payments b to g be approved en bloc, this was agreed.

Resolved: Proposed by Councillor Bassett, seconded by Councillor Hedditch and agreed by a show of hands, the Council unanimously approved payments b to g.

8. PLANNING APPLICATIONS a. Applications Received and Circulated for Consultation WD/D/18/000854, Kittwhistle Farm, Dorset, DT8 3LG The Clerk reported that this application had been referred to at the last Meeting and stated that Councillor Hardwill had been nominated as the lead Councillor. Councillor Hardwill stated that there were no objections from neighbours and that the proposal was acceptable.

WD/D/18/000840, Dairy House, Moorlands Farm, Drimpton Road, , Dorset, DT8 3RS The Clerk reported that Councillor Leader had been nominated as the lead Councillor for this application. Councillor Leader stated that there was a legal requirement for the applicant to make such changes and stated that the proposals were entirely acceptable. Councillor Leader stated that he raised no objections to the application.

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b. Other Applications Councillor Sewell reported that the Planning Committee would be considering the application WD/D/18/000154, Silverhay Farm, Netherhay at its meeting on 10 July and that the Parish Council could attend and speak or alternatively, Councillor Sewell stated that she could read a statement on behalf of the Parish Council. It was agreed to confirm this at the next Parish Council Meeting. c. Results The Clerk reported the following results. WD/D/18/000693, 22 Road, Drimpton, DT8 3RD: Approved WD/D/18/000854, Kittwhistle Farm, Dorset, DT8 3LG: Approved d. West Dorset District Council Local Searches The Clerk reported that the data for May had not been published.

9. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM a. Dorset Electoral Review Councillor Hibbard reported that at the previous Meeting, concern had been expressed about the possibility that the Parish of would not be retained within the Grouped Parish area under new arrangements following the Electoral Review of Dorset. Councillor Hibbard reported that this was not the case and that Seaborough would remain part of Broadwindsor Group Parish. Councillor Hibbard stated that as part of the process to achieve equal representation, Seaborough would be part of the Beaminster Electoral ward , the only change for people living in Seaborough would be that they would vote in a different location. b. Report from 5 June Meeting with Councillor Knox Councillor Chubb stated that a key message that came from the Meeting with Councillor Knox was that the Parish Council has a key part to play in the welfare of its parishioners, albeit that no funding would be offered. Councillor Sewell stated that there were endless possibilities for community activities. Councillor Hibbard stated that the Parish Council could take on small projects and stated that many issues are yet to be determined.

10. NEW GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS UPDATE a. Review of Data Audit and Data Protection Impact Assessment The Clerk reported that the new Data Protection Officer Mr. Ben Malley had visited on 15 May and that a data audit had been carried out. The Clerk stated that a report had been produced highlighting the action that needed to be taken and that she had circulated it to Councillors prior to the Meeting. The Clerk stated that although there was a considerable amount of work to do, she felt confident that she was supported sufficiently to complete the tasks. The Clerk stated that she would report back on actions completed at future meetings.

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11. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN a. Report from the Broadwindsor Group Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee and Review of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan Councillor Hibbard reported that two roadshows had been arranged for the 16 and 23 June to allow members of the community to view and comment on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan before it is submitted to West Dorset District Council for examination.

12. EMERGENCY PLAN a. Report from the Broadwindsor Group Parish Emergency Plan Working Group Councillor Tibballs reported that she was still trying to develop the buddy system and asked Members of the Council to contact her if they knew of any vulnerable people who may need support. 13. ALLOTMENTS a. Election of Allotments Officer The Clerk stated that Councillor Madder-Smith wished to take on the position of Allotments Officer from Councillor Chumbley. Members of the Council agreed. Resolved: Proposed by Councillor Hibbard, seconded by Councillor Rowe and agreed by a show of hands, the Council unanimously agreed to elect Councillor Madder-Smith as Allotments Officer. b. Review of No Dogs Policy The Clerk reported that Broadwindsor Allotment Group (BAG) had received a request from a Tenant for permission to take their dog on to the Allotments and had asked the Parish Council to review their current policy which did not permit dogs onsite. The Clerk read aloud a statement from a Broadwindsor resident stating the reasons why they would like the policy changed and confirmed that their dog would always be on a lead. Ms. Sheila Hawkins, Chair of BAG was present at the Meeting and was invited to address the Council. Ms. Hawkins stated that she had polled Allotment Tenants for their opinions and reported that nine Tenants were against the policy being changed, three were in favour and one did not have a strong view. Ms. Hawkins stated that the Allotments were a food growing area and asked the Council to uphold their current policy. Councillor Tibballs stated that she supported the current policy and Councillor Rowe stated that she was also in favour of the current policy and endorsed the comments made by Ms. Hawkins, stating that the Allotments should be a place of peace and wellbeing. Councillor Hardwill stated that the Allotments should attract young people and could be used by the School. Ms. Hawkins stated that the School did have a plot a number of years ago but that it proved difficult to organise the children, but would be very happy for them to visit the site. Councillor Frampton stated that the School does have vegetable patches. Councillor Curtis stated that the current sign had been in place for a long period of time. There was consensus that the policy should remain. The Clerk stated that she would write to all Tenants to remind them of the policy.

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Resolved: Proposed by Councillor Hibbard, seconded by Councillor Rowe and agreed by a show of hands, the Council unanimously agreed to retain the current policy of not permitting dogs onsite.

14. HIGHWAYS a. Report from the Footpaths Officer Councillor Rowe reported that with regard to the broken stile in Drimpton, Mr. Goff, Senior Ranger at Dorset County Council had confirmed that he had located a gate and that he will arrange for it to be installed shortly at no cost to the Parish Council. Councillor Rowe stated that she had informed the Drimpton resident of this and apologised for the delay in resolving the matter. Councillor Rowe stated that she had informed Mr. Goff that on a recent walk with the Drimpton Strollers and Striders she had been shown a number of problem gates and stiles and Mr. Goff had agreed to send a web link to where these problems could be reported online. Councillor Rowe stated that Dorset County Council are keen to fit new gates where necessary in order to improve access to the countryside but that they would be asking for a contribution from the Parish Council. Councillor Rowe stated that on average gate prices are about £150.00 and that the current policy is to leave an open space unless it is likely that livestock is in the fields, in which case, gates are fitted. Councillor Rowe stated that she had shown Mr. Goff an overgrown footpath above the Allotments and that he had agreed to take action to clear it. Councillor Tibballs stated that she had recently led a local walk and encountered the field of Emus again. Councillor Tibballs stated that they had been very aggressive and chased and pecked walkers, which presented a real danger. Councillor Frampton stated that landowners have a responsibility to ensure that their animals do not present a danger to the public and stated that he knew the landowner and would contact them to discuss the matter. Councillor Rowe stated that she had amended the notice for walkers and dog walkers, condensing the messages and the Clerk agreed that she would add the logo of the Council and arrange for printing after final agreement from Councillor Rowe. Councillor Frampton made reference to the matter raised previously by Councillor Laurie, the potential loss of a footpath at Seaborough. Councillor Frampton stated that he had planted the maize and he had been waiting for germination to take place before clearing the one metre path and stated that he would be doing this very soon. b. Verge Management in the Grouped Parish Area Councillor Rowe reported that on 7 June she had attended a meeting with Mr. Russell Goff to view potential sites for wild flower verges in Broadwindsor and to discuss footpath stiles and gates. Councillor Leader was also present at the meeting. Councillor Rowe stated that three potential sites were viewed at the crossroads on the Drimpton and Beaminster Roads, at the entrance to the village, two on either side of the bench and one on the other side of Bridport Road. Councillor Rowe stated that Mr. Goff had proposed that an area in the middle of these verges could be prepared for wild flowers as a pilot scheme to assess the opinion of Parish residents. Councillor Rowe stated that there are a number of ways of preparing and planting wild flower verges and that Mr. Goff had offered to attend the July Parish Council Meeting to

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provide further information to the Council. The Clerk agreed to contact Mr. Goff and formally invite him to attend. Action: The Clerk to contact Mr. Goff and invite him to the July Parish Council Meeting. c. Signage The Clerk stated that she had been asked to include this matter on the agenda by Councillor Rowe. Councillor Rowe stated that she was concerned about the number of large advertising signs that had been put up in Broadwindsor and stated that one had been removed, but there were two others. The Clerk stated that she would contact the Enforcement Team again and ask for an update. The Clerk asked Councillor Rowe to forward details of the other sign.

Councillor Hedditch stated that the drainage infrastructure needs to be reviewed and improved prior to the resurfacing of Road and stated that the drains urgently need to be cleared out. Councillor Hibbard stated that it would be pointless to resurface the road without attending to this problem and suggested that Councillor Hedditch and Councillor Chubb meet with the Community Highways Officer onsite to highlight the problem areas. The Clerk stated that she would contact the Community Highways Officer.

Action: The Clerk to contact the Community Highways Officer.

Members of the Council discussed the fingerpost sign outside of the Pub in Drimpton and stated that the sign was not visible due to the hedge being overgrown. Councillor Chubb stated that he would make contact with the new home owner to discuss the matter.

Councillor Curtis asked whether any progress had been made with regard to the resurfacing of Broadwindsor Square. Councillor Leader stated that the Square was part of the route to school and should be addressed as a priority. The Clerk stated that the matter had been raised with Councillor Knox and Councillor Hibbard stated that he would contact Councillor Knox again with regard to this.

Councillor Hardwill stated that the majority of verges on country lanes are all overgrown and that this makes it difficult for vehicles to pull over or pass.

15. AFFORDABLE HOUSING a. Report from Broadwindsor Group Parish Community Land Trust Councillor Leader stated that there had not been much progress to report since the last Parish Council Meeting and that solicitors were still in communication. Councillor Leader stated that he was hopeful that legal matters would resolve soon and that he would be able to report further progress at the next Meeting. Councillor Tibballs stated that the CLT were close to submitting a planning application, Councillor Leader stated that an application would be submitted as soon as legal matters had been resolved. Councillor Hardwill stated that providing solicitors with their maximum budget to spend, may help move things along.

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16. LEISURE a. Update of the Multi-Use Games Area Project Councillor Leader reported that the project was moving forward with great progress and that the time had arrived to review the lease from Dorset County Council and the tenders received. b. Update on Application for Loan from Public Works Loan Board Councillor Hibbard reported that an application for Borrowing Approval had been completed and submitted to DAPTC and stated that DAPTC would check through all of the information prior to it being forwarded to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. c. To approve the Heads of Terms of Lease The Clerk confirmed that a copy of the lease had been circulated to Members of the Council prior to the Meeting and Councillor Leader stated that both Broadwindsor School and Dorset County Council had been extremely helpful. Councillor Leader asked for comments. Councillor Smith asked about the amount of insurance cover quoted in the lease document, Councillor Leader stated that £5m third party public liability was quite typical for such a provision and asked the Clerk to make enquiries with the Parish Council’s insurance provider to ascertain whether sufficient cover is already in place and if not, to obtain a quotation. Councillor Leader stated that he would check to ensure that public liability was required for public use and not School use. Members of the Council agreed that it was not necessary for legal advice to be taken prior to the lease being agreed given the parties involved.

Action: The Clerk to make enquires about public liability with the insurance provider.

Resolved: Proposed by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Tibballs and agreed by a show of hands, the Council unanimously agreed to approve the Heads of Terms of Lease between Dorset County Council and Broadwindsor Group Parish Council. d. To appoint the preferred contractor for the MUGA Councillor Leader reported that he had in the first instance approached local companies to ask if they would be interested in tendering for the MUGA project. Councillor Leader stated that it soon became apparent that the installation of such a provision required specialist contactors and that there were no local companies with this expertise. Councillor Leader stated that the Working Group had received three tenders and these were assessed on a number of criteria. Councillor Leader stated that one had been selected as the preferred tender based on competitiveness of price, commitment and quality of previous works. The Clerk confirmed that the preferred tender had been circulated to Members of the Council prior to the Meeting. Councillor Leader reported that the preferred tender provided the lowest price. Councillor Leader stated that additional fencing would now be required to the rear of the Community Shop and that the most up to date quotation presented total costs of £61,800. Councillor Leader stated that it was hoped that the project could take place during the summer holidays. Councillor Leader presented a number of samples of the project’s proposed materials to the Parish Council, these were circulated. Councillor Leader stated that

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as a condition of approval, he will now contact the Planning Department to inform of which materials are to be used. Councillor Sewell asked why costs had not been included for removing the spoil, Councillor Leader stated that he hoped that there would not be any to remove and that it would all be used on site and that it was hoped that members of the community may get involved to move it between areas. Councillor Smith asked if any utilities would be involved, Councillor Leader stated that there would not be.

Councillor Frampton asked about payment and whether it was due on completion. Councillor Leader confirmed that a staged payment process had been proposed. Councillor Hardwill stated that it would be important to ensure that any final payment was made after a period of Winter to ensure that there were no problems with drainage. Councillor Leader agreed that he would ask for a twelve-month period for the final payment to allow for the MUGA to be tested in all weathers.

Councillor Curtis stated that care should be taken with the two pipes that run across the site, Councillor Leader stated that Dorset County Council had no formal record of the course and that he was aware of the pipes and had previously opened the manhole cover. It was agreed that Councillor Curtis would meet Councillor Leader on site to discuss the matter further.

There were no further questions regarding the tenders and Councillor Hibbard asked Members of the Parish Council to approve the preferred tender and appoint the contractor.

Resolved: Proposed by Councillor Tibballs, seconded by Councillor Rowe and agreed by a show of hands, the Council unanimously agreed to approve the preferred tender and appoint the contractor.

Councillor Hibbard thanked Councillor Leader and members of the Working Group for their considerable efforts and hard work.

17. MATTERS OF INTEREST AND INFORMATION a. Items for Next Agenda from Members of the Council Councillor Frampton asked the Council to consider a letter of thanks to the Jubilee Group for their excellent organisation of the recent Broadwindsor Fun Day. Members agreed and asked the Clerk to draft a letter.

Action: The Clerk to draft a letter of thanks to the Jubilee Group. b. Items for Next Agenda from Members of the Public None.

18. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Councillor Hibbard asked if there were any questions from members of the public. There were no questions.

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19. CLOSE The Council Meeting was formally closed at 9.04 pm. Councillor Hibbard thanked everyone for attending.

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