Orals presentations Monday 14 October

Table of content

Orals presentations ...... 3 Monday 14 October...... 3 Tuesday 15 October...... 18 Wednesday 16 October ...... 33 Thursday 17 October ...... 41 Friday 18 October ...... 57

Poster presentations ...... 63 Poster session #1 ...... 63 Poster session #2 ...... 135

Authors’ index ...... 207


Orals presentations  Monday 14 October  Tuesday 15 October  Wednesday 16 October  Thursday 17 October  Friday 17 October

Monday 14 October

3221 Orals presentations Monday 14 October

INV1-0258 ● Applications of the PASS Stopping Code P. Sigmund 1, A. Schinner 2 1university of Southern DK - Odense (DK), 2Johannes Kepler University - Linz (AT) The PASS code represents an implementation of Binary Stopping Theory for Swift Heavy Ions [1]. Numerous comparisons between predicted and measured stopping cross sections have been reported, starting with ref. [2] and most recently in [3]. These comparisons also include light ions at fairly low velocities. A first compilation of predicted stopping cross section [4] included ions from Li to Ar and selected atomic and molecular target materials. A comprehensive tabulation of stopping cross sections for 92 ions in 92 monoatomic materials is now freely available on the internet [5]. In addition to stopping cross sections or stopping forces, PASS has been applied in calculations of primary electron spectra [6,7] and channeling [8]. A major effort has been invested in calculating straggling [9], including bunching and packing as well as charge-exchange straggling [10]. PASS has also been useful in the development of tools to evaluate the validity of experimental stopping data, especially at low beam energies[11,12,13,14]. The relation to CasP and SRIM will be discussed. References [1] P. Sigmund and A. Schinner, Europ. Phys. J. D 12 (2000) 425. [2] P. Sigmund and A. Schinner, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 195 (2002) 64. [3] A. Schinner and P. Sigmund, Expanded pass stopping code (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.10.047. [4] ICRU, Stopping of ions heavier than helium, vol. 73 of ICRU Report (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005). [5] A. Schinner and P. Sigmund, DPASS, www.sdu.dk/DPASS. [6] M. S. Weng, A. Schinner, A. Sharma and P. Sigmund, Europ. Phys. J. D 39 (2006) 209. [7] P. Sigmund and A. Schinner, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 258 (2007) 116. [8] P. Sigmund and A. Schinner, Europ. Phys. J. D 56 (2010) 51. [9] P. Sigmund and A. Schinner, Europ. Phys. J. D 58 (2010) 105. [10] P. Sigmund and A. Schinner, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 384 (2016) 30. [11] P. Sigmund, Europ. Phys. J. D 47 (2008) 45. [12] P. Sigmund and A. Schinner, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 410 (2017) 78. [13] A. Schinner and P. Sigmund, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 440 (2019) 41. [14] P. Sigmund, V. Kuzmin and A. Schinner, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.12.006. Orals presentations Monday 14 October

ION1-O1-0060 ● Stopping power of ions in solids: current interest, data needs and new theoretical results C. Montanari 1, A. Mendez 1, D. Mitnik 1, J. Miraglia 1 Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, CONICET and Universidad de Buenos Aires (AR) The present state of the energy loss of ions in solids will be talked over, based on the management of the IAEA stopping database [1]: experimental trends of the last years, lack of values, uncertainties, interest and difficulties of rare earths and post-lanthanide targets. The theoretical challenge of describing the stopping power of the very heavy elements (those whose 4f shell of electrons plays a major role) will be introduced, and new theoretical results presented in an energy range that covers from very low to the tens of MeV. An example of these results is shown in Figure 1, where we display the electronic stopping cross section of Tantalum for protons. The experimental data is from [1], the curves correspond to our nonperturbative and perturbative calculations as explained in [2]. Also included is the SRIM curve [3]. A peculiar behavior of the 4f electrons at very low energies, already noted experimentally in [4] will also be discussed. Acknowledgement Present work is supported by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, the CONICET and the University of Buenos Aires. References [1] https://www-nds.iaea.org/stopping/ [2] C. C. Montanari and J. E. Miraglia, Phys. Rev. A 96, 0127027 (2017). [3] J. F. Ziegler, J. P. Biersack, M. D. Ziegler, SRIM, The stopping and range of ions in matter, 2008, SRIM Co.; and https://www.srim.org [4] D. Roth, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 103401 (2017). Figure 1

5 / 221 Orals presentations Monday 14 October

ION1-O2-0106 Non-linear stopping effects of slow ions in a non-free electron system P. Grande 1, F. Matias 2, M. Vos 3, N. Koval 4, N.R. Arista 2 1Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, CP 15051, CEP 91501-970, Porto Alegre, RS, BR. - Porto Alegre (BR), 2Centro Atómico Bariloche, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Av. E. Bustillo 9500, R8402AGP San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, AR - Bariloche (AR), 3Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physics and Engineering, The AUn National University, Canberra, AU - Canberra (AU), 4CIC nanoGUNE, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, San Sebastián, 20018, ES - Donostia (ES) A recent experimental study of the energy losses of various ions in titanium nitride, in the low energy range [1] showed a striking departure of the measured values from those predicted by the Density Functional Theory. They suggested electron promotion in atomic collisions between dressed atoms as an explanation. In this report [2], we investigate the process of energy loss of slow ions in TiN using theoretical formulations that are based, on one side, on self-consistent models of non-linear screening and quantum scattering theory, and the other, on realistic numerical computations of the electron density profile of titanium nitride. Two theoretical approaches are considered to determine the average energy transfer; one is based on the local-density approximation for the inhomogeneous electron gas corresponding to the calculated density of TiN, the other is based on the Penn model for the convolution of the inhomogeneous electron gas response based on a measured electron loss function. Both approaches produce very similar results and are in a remarkable agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the observed enhancement in the energy loss values is due to the contribution of a range of electron densities in the TiN compound. Acknowledgement This study was financed in part by the following agencies: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Argentina (CONICET); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, by CNPq and PRONEX-FAPERGS. References [1] M. A. Sortica, V. Paneta, B. Bruckner, S. Lohmann, T. Nyberg, P. Bauer, and D. Primetzhofer, Scientific Reports 9, 176, (2019). [2] F. Matias, P.L. Grande, M. Vos, N. E. Koval, N. R. Arista, PRA, under review.

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ION2-O1-0073 ● Heavy ion ranges from first-principles electron dynamics A. Sand 1, R. Ullah 2, A.A. Correa 2 1University of Helsinki - Helsinki (FI), 2Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore (US) The electronic stopping of ions in materials is a critical parameter for ion beam analysis, as well as for carrying out realistic atomistic simulations of primary radiation damage in materials. Experimental measurements of electronic stopping are challenging, and semi-empirically derived values, such as those given by SRIM, are known to carry significant uncertainties especially for heavy ions. In addition, these values are often derived for amorphous materials, while the stopping mechanisms for channeling ions are not well known, and may deviate significantly from amorphous values. Even in polycrystalline samples, channeling causes long tails in the depth distribution of incident ions [1], hence the channeling electronic stopping is important in all conditions. Recently, developments of time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) have made possible the dynamic simulation of ion-electron energy transfer, allowing more detailed investigations into the mechanisms of electronic stopping [2]. To date, most reported TDDFT calculations of electronic stopping have been carried out for light ions. In this work, we extend the use of these ab initio methods to self-ion irradiation in the heavy transition metal tungsten. Tungsten (W) is the main candidate material for plasma-facing components in future fusion reactors, yet neutron irradiation effects in tungsten are not well known. Hence there is currently much activity in the research community involving ion beam analysis of irradiated tungsten-based materials. We use a multi-scale simulation method to carry out direct comparison of our TDDFT predictions of electronic stopping with ion range experiments, finding very good agreement with experimental values [3]. This method provides an ab initio-based prediction of electronic stopping and readily measurable ion ranges in desired specific conditions, with no free parameters, offering a way of determining electronic stopping values with high accuracy also for heavy projectiles, where e.g. the charge state of the ion is not well known. In particular, we find that the electronic stopping of W ions in the <100> channel in W is only one third of the value given by SRIM, highlighting the need for these detailed calculations as a tool for attaining more accurate estimates of ion energy losses. References [1] K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, G. Hobler, Phys. Rev. B 94, 214109 (2016). [2] A. A. Correa, J. Kohanoff, E. Artacho, D. Sánchez-Portal, A. Caro, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 213201 (2012). [3] A. E. Sand, R. Ullah, A. A. Correa, npj Comp. Mater. 5, 43 (2019)

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ION2-O2-0132 ● Experimental electronic stopping cross sections of transition metals for protons and helium in a wide energy range M.V. Moro 1, P. Bauer 2, D. Primetzhofer 1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE), 2Atomic Physics and Surface Science, Johannes Kepler University - Linz (AT) The stopping power S, i.e. the energy loss per unit path length that an energetic ion experiences in matter, is a fundamental quantity ultimately relevant for the description of ion-solid interaction. Thus, a complete and accurate understanding of S is crucial in many fields of science and technology as e.g., material analysis and modification by ion beams [1], fusion research [2] or space exploration [3]. In this contribution, we discuss our most recent efforts on deducing accurate stopping power measurements for protons and helium ions in a wide energy range for several transition metals. We also try to correlate the observed experimental results (e.g., energy scaling and magnitude of the electronic energy loss around and below the Bragg peak) to the electronic structure of these materials. Stopping data is deduced from backscattering experiments relative to reference materials with accurately known stopping power resulting in an average uncertainty < 3 % [4]. We will show that this procedure permits control over surface impurities, which can, for instance, significantly affect stopping power measurements in transmission geometry [5]. For our investigations, we have selected seven transition metals (V, Nb, Pd, Hf, Ta, W, and Pt). These materials are of high technological relevance and are of fundamental interest due to their high density of both occupied and unoccupied d- and f-electronic states, which permits to correlate electronic structure to the observed experimental stopping power data [6]. A comparison of the results to data from literature, recent theoretical models and semi- empirical parametrizations will also be presented. References [1] P. Sigmund, Particle Penetration and Radiation Effects, Vol. 2, Springer, Switzerland 2014. [2] B. He, X. J. Meng, Z. G. Wang, and G. J. Wang, Physics of Plasmas 24 (2017) 033110. [3] S. Gohl, B. Bergmann, H. Evans, P. Nieminen, A. Owens, S. Posipsil, Advances in Space Research 63 (2019) 1646. [4] M. V. Moro, B. Bruckner, P. L. Grande, M. H. Tabacniks, P. Bauer and D. Primetzhofer, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 424 (2018) 43. [5] M. V. Moro, T. F. Silva, A. Mangiarrotti, Z. O. Guimarães-Filho, N. Added, M. A. Rizzutto, and M. H. Tabacniks, Physical Review A 93 (2016) 022704. [6] D. Roth, B. Bruckner, M. V. Moro, S. Gruber, D. Goebl, J. I. Juaristi, M. Alducin, R. Steinberger, J. Duchoslav, D. Primetzhofer and P. Bauer, Physical Review Letter 118 (2017) 103401.

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ION2-O3-0014 ● X-ray production cross sections in thin metallic films due to 0.2-1.0 MeV/u ions for total IBA using heavy ions M.C. Masekane 1, M. Msimanga 2, S.J. Moloi 1, P. Sechogela 3, M. Madhuku 3 1University of ZA - Florida (ZA), 2Tshwane University of Technology - Pretoria (ZA), 3iThemba LABS (TAMS) - Johannesburg (ZA) The realization of a Total Ion Beam Analysis (TIBA) system to facilitate a much more complete description of a target sample is not trivial. Synergy of independent IBA techniques such as PIXE, RBS and ERDA using heavy ions requires the availability of a rich database of fundamental physical parameters such as heavy ion induced X-ray production cross sections, useful for quantitation in Heavy Ion PIXE. Experiment has shown that heavier projectiles in the case of PIXE induce higher X-ray yields from targets compared to protons of the same or even higher incident velocity, implying a higher sensitivity for Heavy Ion PIXE. Although theoretical approximations of X-ray production cross sections due to light projectile (Z<6) ions such as the ECPSSR theory are generally in good agreement with experimental data at MeV energies, this is unfortunately not the case for heavier projectiles. Widespread implementation of heavy ion TIBA is, among other factors, impeded by the unavailability of heavy ion induced X-ray production cross sections. This presentation describes measurements carried out to determine heavy ion induced X-ray production cross sections in thin metallic films due to Li, F, Cl and Ti ion beams in the 0.2-1.0 MeV/u velocity range. The measured cross sections are compared to predictions by the ECPSSR-UA theory together with electron capture corrections. The observed agreements and discrepancies between experiment and theory are discussed in terms of the dominant atomic ionization mechanisms for each projectile-target combination. Acknowledgement The authors humbly acknowledge the University of South Africa, the Tshwane University of Technology, iThemba LABS (TAMS) (National Research Foundation of South Africa) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) [CRP F11019] for infrastructural, material and financial support. References [1] M. Msimanga, C.A. Pineda-Vargas, M. Madhuku, K-shell X-ray production cross sections in Ti by 0.3–1.0 MeV/u 12C and 28Si ions for heavy ion PIXE, Nucl. Instr.Meth. B 380 (2016) 90–93. [2] M. Msimanga, C.A. Pineda-Vargas, M. Madhuku, L-shell X-ray production cross sections in metal oxide thin films due to 12C, 16O and 28Si ion beams at MeV SIMS energies, Nucl. Instr.Meth. B 440 (2019) 186–190. [3] IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) #F11019 (2014–2018): Development of molecular concentration mapping techniques using MeV focused ion beams.

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ION2-O4-0130 ● Contribution of molecular orbital promotion to the electronic stopping power A. Zinovev 1 Ioffe Institute - Saint-Petersburg (RU) It is shown that the MO promotion during collisions of keV-energy ions with a solid plays a determining role in the formation of autoionization states. Corresponding inelastic energy losses strongly contribute to the electronic stopping powers dE/dx. It is proposed to estimate the dE/dx values using the relation between the cross section for autoionization state excitation and the ionization cross section. For cases where the ionization cross sections are unknown, scaling [1] is used to calculate the ionization cross sections when the L and M shells are excited. Fig. 1 demonstrates the threshold behavior of the electronic stopping power dE/dx. In both considered cases, our approach based on MO promotion model predicts a dominant contribution of autoionization state formation to the electronic stopping power dE/dx. Fig. 1. Electronic stopping power for the Ne-solid Ne (a) and Ar-solid Ar (b). Points are our estimation based on ionization cross section. Dashed line - SRIM [2]. Solid triangles (Ne-Ne case) are experiment [3]. Our estimate of the K shell ionization in Ne- Ne case is also shown by open triangles. In Ar-Ar case the contribution of L-shell ionization is shown by closed squares. The thick solid line is the sum of the L and M shell excitation contributions. References 1. P.Yu. Babenko, A.N. Zinoviev, A.P. Shergin, Nucl. Instr. Meth,. B 354 (2015) 142. 2. J.F. Ziegler, J.P. Biersack, SRIM - http://www.srim.org. 3. G. Grahmann, S. Kalbitzer, Nucl. Instr. Meth., 132 (1976) 119. Fig. 1a

Fig. 1b

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INV2-0091 ● Food fraud: how IBA techniques can contribute to forensics J. Dias 1, G. Soares 1, P. Chytry 1, M. Knebel 1, L. Amaral 1 Ion Implantation Laboratory, Institute of Physics, UFRGS - Porto Alegre (BR) Since the early days of forensics, scientific thinking has been an important tool for the elucidation of cases. Nowadays, science is used by all forensic communities around the world in order to solve case-related problems. Forensic laboratories employ several analytical techniques on routine basis covering different fields of knowledge including materials and food sciences and biochemistry among others. In particular, the food industry is a multi-billion dollar business employing millions of people. From small family business to large corporations, the goal is to provide cost-effective products to consumers with reasonable profits for the companies. Due to its market value, food has been systematically targeted for counterfeiting activities. In 2016 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approved a Coordinated Research Project (CRP F11021) entitled Enhancing Nuclear Analytical Techniques to Meet the Needs of Forensic Sciences. CRP F11021 deals with the use of analytical techniques like Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry with MeV ion beams (MeV- SIMS), Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for radiocarbon dating (AMS-14C) and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) in forensics. This work tackles the main challenges of bringing science and forensics in the case of food, food supplements and medicines. The difficulties will be discussed in terms of real-case studies of food fraud where ethics, reputation and money are at stake. Finally, results from the analysis of coffee, wine, food supplements and male enhancing pills will be used to illustrate the potentialities of nuclear-based techniques applied to forensics. Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the Brazilian agencies CAPES and CNPq. This work was developed within the scope of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project F11021 under contract number 21125.

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BIO1-O1-0095 ● PIXE Analysis of Tea Plants for Investigating the Possibility of the Internal Radiation Exposure Due to Radiocesium and Radiostrontium A. Terakawa 1, Y. Hattori1, H. Ushijima1, Y. Wakayama 1, K. Ishii 1, M. Sato 2, K. Sera 3 1Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University - Sendai (JP), 2Research Center for Remediation Engineering of Environments Contaminated with Radioisotopes, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University - Sendai (JP), 3Cyclotron Center, Iwate Medical University - Takizaawa (JP) Since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011, much attention has been paid to long-term radiation effects on human health in Japan due to radioactive fallout. Growing plants take large amounts of K and Ca, together with traces of heavy alkali and alkaline-earth elements, from soil. Therefore, 134,137Cs and 90Sr also accumulate in plants during the uptake processes of K and Ca. On the other hand, these elements accumulate in plants via foliar absorption as well. Previous studies[1] reported that the contribution of foliar absorption to the radioactive contamination of new shoots was much greater than that of root absorption. 134,137Cs can be eliminated from the body relatively quickly, whereas 90Sr accumulates in bone over a long period and may cause bone cancer, depending on its concentration. Since the Fukushima nuclear accident, there has been great interest in the safety of food in Japan, especially of staple foods such as Japanese green tea. Although many studies on the concentration and behavior of 134,137Cs in tea plants have been conducted[1] since the Fukushima nuclear accident, few studies on those of 90Sr have been conducted. In this study, we used a particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis not only to evaluate the elution of Cs and Sr from the leaves to green tea, but also to assess the difference in their elution rates between foliar absorption and root absorption based on the elemental concentration of Cs and Sr in unused and used tea leaves cultivated with stable Cs and Sr which were added to the soil or sprayed on tea leaves. In addition, we performed a micro-PIXE analysis for the tea leaf samples to assess the difference in spatial distribution of Cs and Sr in the leaf between foliar absorption and root absorption. We found that there is little elution of Ca and Sr from the leaf to green tea whereas the concentration of alkali elements including Cs in the leaf decreased by 30 - 40 % after the tea was extracted. It is suggested that the problem of the long-term internal radiation exposure due to 90Sr is substantially avoidable in drinking green tea. The results of the micro PIXE analysis will be presented at the conference together with the detailed results of conventional PIXE analysis. References [1] Y. Hirano, K. Nonaka, J. Environ. Radioact. 152 (2016) 119-126.

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BIO1-O2-0144 ● The assay of metallic atoms in nano-sized synthetic protein cages by micro-PIXE P. Pelicon 1, P. Vavpetic 1, M. Kelemen 1, 2, K. Majsterkiewicz 3, 4, A. Biela 3, 5, J.G. Heddle 3 1Jožef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana (SI), 2Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School - Ljubljana (SI), 3Bionanoscience and Biochemistry Laboratory, Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University - Kraków (PL), 4Postgraduate School of Molecular Medicine - Warsaw (PL), 5Department of Cell Biology and Imaging, Institute of Zoology and Biomedical Research, Jagiellonian University - Kraków (PL) Challenges in designing synthetic protein cages include problems of geometry and complexity. The geometry problem is the fact that some proteins may have great potential utility but seem to be ruled out because they have the wrong shape to assemble into cages. The complexity problem is that if artificial cages are formed using protein-protein interactions as seen in nature, i.e. complex networks of chemical bonds, these can be difficult to predict and simulate. In the work of Malay et al [1] we were able to replace the complex interactions between proteins with a simple ‘staple’ consisting of a single gold atom in an artificial, 22 nm diameter protein cage called “TRAP-cage”. This simplifies the design problem and allowed the formation of cages with new properties such as assembly and disassembly on demand. The research has also demonstrated a way to get around the geometrical problem: the building block of a protein cage is an 11-sided protein ring. Theoretically this should not be able to form a convex polyhedron with regular faces. However, the research has found that while this is mathematically true, some so-called “impossible shapes” can assemble into cages which are so close to being regular that the errors are not noticeable [2]. The stoichiometry of proteins containing metal atoms is of interest in this case and is something where micro-PIXE method shows extreme potential. Combining lateral resolution, high elemental sensitivity and inherent concentration quantification capabilities, micro-PIXE was able to provide the stoichiometric ratio between the number of metallic atoms and sulphur atoms in proteins. The pioneering work was done by Garman and Grime [3] on natural proteins. In the work of Malay et al [1], micro- PIXE was applied at Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) to determine the number of gold atoms binding together the 24 eleven-sided rings of TRAP-cage. References [1] Malay A.D. et al, Nature 569 (2019, 439. [2] Yeates T.O. Nature 569 (2019), 340. [3] Garman E.F and Grime G.W., Progr.Biophys.Molec.Bio. 89 (2005) 173–205. Protein cage, built of 24 TRAP rings

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BIO1-O3-0047 ● One detector, all the light elements – Low-background NRA, RBS and ERD for the quantification of elements from hydrogen to fluorine R. Frost 1, N. De la rosa 1, M. Elfman 1, P. Kristiansson 1, E.J.C. Nilsson 1, J. Pallon 1, L. Ros 2 1Lund University - Lund (SE), 2Formaly: Lund University, Presently: DVel AB - Lund (SE) During the last decades both the nuclear and particle physics experiments have moved towards detector systems with increasing granularity. This allows for experiments with higher multiplicities, but also simultaneously provides more specific angular information about the particles detected. At LIBAF (the Lund Ion Beam Analysis Facility) this approach has been taken with regard to the light-element analysis program. A DSSSD (Double Sided Silicon Strip Detector) was first installed in 2008 with initial results published in 2009 [1]. Since this time a catalogue of light elements between hydrogen and sodium have been effectively analysed in a range of sample types [2-5] and, in the case of lithium and boron, applied within the geological sciences. The detector system has been employed in NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis), RBS (Rutherford Back-Scattering) and ERD (Elastic Recoil Detection) techniques. The most striking features being the high rate, virtually pileup free operation and the possibility of detailed measurement of angular distributions. The present experimental setup offers the ability to irradiate samples with either proton or deuteron beams, of micron spot size, in controlled scanning patterns. A pre-sample charge measurement system is employed to record beam-current free from sample dependent effects. These aspects combine to make both elemental and isotopic mapping of light elements possible, in addition to high resolution depth profiling. By utilising appropriate reference samples, all results are quantitative. By combining the DSSSD with γ-ray detectors analysis power is further increased by the ability to perform charged-particle and photon coincidence. By combining the DSSSD with a large area SDD (Silicon Drift Detector) elemental mapping across the entire periodic table becomes achievable. Presented is a review of the accomplishments of the light-element program to date, details of the current work efforts and an overview of the advances which are intended in the near future. References [1] P. Golubev, et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 267(12):(2009) 2065. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2009.03.030 [2] M. Borysiuk, et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 269(20):(2011) 2229. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2011.02.035 [3] L. Ros, et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 332:(2014) 187. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.058 [4] E. Nilsson, et al. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 311(1):(2017) 355. doi:10.1007/s10967-016-5030-z [5] N. De La Rosa, et al. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 317(1):(2018) 253. doi:10.1007/s10967-018-5907-0

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BIOPROB-O1-0138 ● Defects Kinetics in Apatite Irradiated with Alpha Emitters: Application in Thermochronometry D. Cerico 1, F. Garrido 1, C. Gautheron 2, L. Nowicki 3, C. Bachelet 1, J. Bourçois 1, S. Picard 1 1Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière, CNRS-Université Paris-Sud - Orsay (FR), 2Géoscieces Paris-Sud, CNRS-Université Paris-Sud - Orsay (FR), 3National Centre for Nuclear Research - Swierk (PL) Natural apatite crystals contain traces of uranium and thorium which through time decayed to produce nuclei of He (α particles) and eventually stable Pb. A geological technique known as (U-Th)/He thermochronometry exploits this phenomenon to determine the cooling age of rock samples containing apatite. The relative age calculated, which is based on the amount of remaining He, U, and Th in apatite samples taken at various depths, can provide useful information to assess the thermal history of a geological region. However, defects created in apatite during alpha decays caused by both α particles and recoil nuclei alter He diffusion properties and hence, the amount of He that stays inside the crystal. To improve the accuracy of cooling ages calculated by (U-Th)/He thermochronometry, the amount of defects present in apatite obtained at various depths, which corresponds to a particular temperature, have to be measured, and the defects kinetics determined to help geologists in the correlation of defects to He diffusion and to the enhanced cooling age equation. This study focused on the measurement of the number of defects caused by α particles and determination of defects kinetics in a helium-irradiated single crystal of apatite from Durango, Mexico at room temperature. Crystals were mechanically polished and thermally-annealed, before being sequentially subjected to He+ (30 keV) or Bi (500 keV) irradiation using an ion implantor at various ion fluences - from a few 1012 cm-2 to a few 1017 cm-2 to simulate the effect of the α and heavy recoil nucleus, respectively. For each fluence, in-situ Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry in channelling mode (RBS/C) was performed using 1.4 MeV He+ ions to measure the radiation-induced damage. Monte Carlo simulations to the experimental data were performed with the McChasy simulation code to quantitively analyze the defect profiles assuming the presence of pure obstruction-type defects. Results show that a regular increase of the damage level can be ascribed to the formation of radiation-induced defects. Conversely, a new component related to the high concentration of incorporated He plays a decisive role in the high fluence regime, most likely due to the formation of overpressurized gas bubbles close to the implantation ion range, RP. Damage kinetics were satisfactorily modelled by a single ion direct impact model for both projectiles.

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BIOPROB-O2-0081 ● IBIC characterization of single crystal CVD Diamond based Microdosimeters for Particle Therapy I. Zahradnik 1, P. Barberet 2, 3, M. Pomorski 1, Z. Pastuovic 4, J. Davis 5, L. De Marzi 6, W. Kada 7, G. Boissonnat 8, S. Salvador 9, L. Leterrier 9, Y. Prezado 10, D. Tromson 11, S. Saada 1, A. Rosenfeld 5 1CEA-LIST, Diamond Sensors Laboratory - Gif-Sur-Yvette (FR), 2Université de Bordeaux, CENBG - Gradignan (FR), 3CNRS, UMR5797, CENBG - Gradignan (FR), 4ANSTO AUn Nuclear Science and Technology Organization - Lucas Heights (AU), 5CMRP Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong (AU), 6Institut Curie, Centre de Protonthérapie d'Orsay - Orsay (FR), 7Gunma University, Faculty of Science and Technology - Gunma (JP), 8CEA-LIST, LM2S - Gif-Sur- Yvette (FR), 9LPC Caen - Caen (FR), 10CNRS, IMNC, Nara - Orsay (FR), 11CEA-LIST, Sensors and Electronic Architectures Laboratory - Gif-Sur-Yvette (FR) Particle therapy is an innovative mode of radiotherapy (RT) for cancer treatment. The determination of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of the clinical particle beams deployed in such RT is of great importance for both the estimation of the therapeutic effects in tumour and the right input parameters for the treatment planning system with the aim of sparing the healthy tissue around the tumour. The physical microdosimetric parameters, such as lineal energy, are used as input parameters for the MK model to calculate the RBE of a given ion beam. However, there is a lack of practical experimental tools to characterize this quantity. In this context, diamond detectors have shown dosimetric advantages e.g. outstanding spatial resolution, good sensitivity to high beam intensities and tissue equivalence. Currently, based on scCVD diamond membranes1, new prototypes of microdosimeters for particle therapy are being developed at the CEA Diamond Sensors Laboratory (LCD). The prototypes are based on super-thin scCVD 2 diamond membranes obtained using deep Ar/O2 plasma etching . For their characterization, the Ion Beam Induced Current (IBIC) method has been used at the microbeam facilities at CENBG France (AIFIRA facility), RBI Croatia and ANSTO Australia. The charge transport properties of the devices have been determined with a sub-micron precision by measuring the charge collection efficiency, radiation hardness, μSVs 3D spatial definition and pulse-height spectra. By combining all measurements, a large range of experimental measured lineal energy was explored. Using MC radiation transport and TCAD simulations, the obtained measurements with the diamond microdosimeter were compared with theoretically predicted results. The radiation response, as well as the design of the sensors, were optimized. The final prototype of the device was integrated with universal sponsors carrier and suitable multi-channel electronics and its performance evaluated using IBIC followed by clinical particle beams at Ion Therapy Centers in France and Japan. Acknowledgement: This research has been performed within the framework of DIAmiDOS (Diamond membrane microdosimeter) project founded by the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and DIADEM (Diamond membrane based microdosimetric system for radiation quality assurance in hadron) project founded by INSERM. The authors would like to thank AINSE/ANSTO-French-Embassy-(SAAFE)- Research-Internship-Program-2018 for providing financial assistance to enable work on this project to be conducted. This project has received funding from the European-Union’s- Horizon-2020 Research and Innovation program under Grant Agreement #654168. References 1M. Pomorski et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 112106, 2013. 2I. Zahradnik et al., Phys. Status Solidi A, 1800383, 2018.

16 / 221 Orals presentations Monday 14 October

BIOPROB-O3-0105 ● Effect of the ion flux on the charge collection efficiency degradation of silicon photodiodes J. Garcia Lopez 1, 2, M.C. Jimenez Ramos 1, T. Schenkel 3, E. Vittone 4, M. Rodriguez Ramos 1, A. Villalpando 1, A. Garcia Osuna 1, E. Andrade 5 1Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. 41092 - Sevilla (ES), 2Dpto. Fisica Atomica, Molecular y Nuclear. Universidad de Sevilla - Sevilla (ES), 3Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 - Berkeley (US), 4Physics Dept, University of Torino.INFN-Sez. di Torino, 10125 - Torino (IT), 55Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MX, Apdo. Postal 20-364, 01000 - MX D.f: (MX) The Ion Beam Induced Current (IBIC) technique has been employed to compare the degradation in Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) of a series of commercial Si Hamamatsu photodiodes irradiated with 1 MeV He+ ions at very different dose rates. On the one hand, using the NDCX-II accelerator in Berkeley, each detector was irradiated with a single ultrashort pulse to a fluence between 0.25 and 4x1011 He/cm2, with corresponding dose rates in the order of ~1019 ions/cm2s. On the other hand, the same fluences were delivered to six different regions (100 x 100 μm2) of a single detector using the microbeam scan system of the of the CNA in Sevilla, with an average dose rate ~108 ions/cm2s. The CCE values were determined by IBIC using 2 MeV He ions. It was observed that for fluences up to 1x1011 He/cm2 the CCE degradation is practically independent on the ion flux. However, for larger fluences, the high dose rate irradiation produces systematically lower CCE in comparison to the detector irradiated at much lower dose rate, the difference being greater the lower the bias voltage applied during the measurements. The analysis of the experimental results was carried out using a theoretical approach based on the ionization and non-ionization energy loss in solids, the theory of charge induction in semiconductors and the Shockley-Read-Hall statistics for the carrier recombination in the presence of deep traps. The fitting parameters of the model are the recombination coefficients for both electrons and holes. The results indicate that an important enhancement of the electron trapping is the main responsible for the larger CCE degradation produced at high dose rate, while the recombination coefficient for holes is slightly higher for the low dose rate irradiation.

17 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October Tuesday 15 October

INV3-0259 ● Ion beam analysis and challenges in materials science S. Fearn 1, 2 1Imperial College London - London (UK), 2Department of Materials - Santa Barbara (US) In the field of material science the development, optimisation and application of new materials and devices requires characterisation techniques that can resolve chemistry and physics over a wide range of length scales. These length scales can vary from measurements needed at the outer most atomic layer of a sample to identify important transport phenomena, or being able to identify and map hydrogen at the tip of a crack forming in the bulk of a metallic alloy. In some cases, high resolution measurements are required over a whole range of length scales in a single analyses. To this end the application of ion beam based characterisation techniques, such as low energy ion scattering (LEIS), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and focused ion beam SIMS can has successfully fulfilled these needs. At the Department of Materials Imperial College, these three techniques: LEIS, SIMS and FIB-SIMS have been applied in a number of research areas, to obtain high resolution depth profiles, ion maps and surface compositions. In this talk a selection of results will be presented, highlighting the successful application of these techniques along with aspects of novel sample preparation, and the requirements of future instrumentation in this arena. Below is an example of ToF-SIMS mapping of cells (fig1) and FIB-imaging and milling of the same cells (fig 2) figure 1

figure 2

18 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

MAT1-O1-0145 ● Ion-beam based tomography: A new analysis method U. Von Toussaint 1, M. Mayer 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik - Garching (DE) Broad-beam IBA methods like RBS, ERDA are extensively used for 1-D depth profiling. Here we present a new, 2-D tomographic approach to infer the two-dimensional elemental composition of a sample using a conventional (3MV-Tandem-accelerator) RBS-experimental set-up. We demonstrate that it is possible to study features at spatial resolutions at the several tens-of-nanometers level and sample sizes in the O(10 micrometer)-range. This allows the reconstruction of many systems in the size range important to material science and plasma-wall-interaction. Practical aspects of RBS-tomography will be discussed, emphasizing data collection and the requirements on the evaluation methods. As examples we present the evaluations of real-world measurements on coated fibres as well as on synthetic data.

19 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

MAT1-O2-0232 ● Sublattice displacement in multiferroic Rashba semiconductor (Ge,Mn)Te T. Lima 1, U. Wahl 2, 1, J.G. Correia 2, E. Bosne 2, A. Costa 2, R. Villarreal 1, J. Moens 1, P.C. Lin 1, M.R. Da Silva 3, A. Vantomme 1, L. Pereira 1 1KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica - Leuven (BE), 2Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisbon (PT), 3CICECO – Institute of Materials, Universidade de Aveiro - Aveiro (PT) Multiferroic Rashba semiconductors (MUFERS) are novel functional materials based on the coupling between ferroelectricity, ferromagnetism and the resulting Rashba- Zeeman effects [1-3]. Mn doped GeTe, the model MUFERS, inherits the ferroelectricity and giant Rashba splitting of α-GeTe. Below the ferroelectric transition temperature, the cubic rocksalt symmetry is broken and a rhombohedral phase emerges by elongation along the <111> direction (Fig. 1). This distortion induces a relative displacement (up to 0.3 Å) between the cation (Ge or Mn) and the anion (Te) sub- lattices (Fig. 1), and consequently a ferroelectric polarization. The ferromagnetism, on the other hand, induces a Zeeman splitting. The direction and magnitude of the sublattice displacement (Δr) define the direction and magnitude of the ferroelectric polarization, which together with the magnetization determine the Rashba-Zeeman effects. Here we report a novel approach to measure the direction and magnitude of Δr using electron emission channeling. Upon implantation of radioactive 56Mn into (Ge,Mn)Te films (Mn concentrations between 0 and 21%), emission channeling was used to directly measure the Mn-Te Δr with sub-Å precision. Whereas the Ge-Te Δr is strongly dependent on Mn concentration [2], we observe that the Mn-Te Δr is nearly constant (within our precision) across the studied concentration range, and consistently larger than that predicted based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations [2]. We suggest that the enhancement in Mn-Te Δr originates from the strengthening of the rhombohedral distortion induced by the strain at the interface between the (Ge,Mn)Te film and the substrate (not considered in the DFT calculations). In addition, we observe a preferred orientation and direction of the Mn- Te Δr (along the surface <111> axis, pointing outwards of the surface), which we interpret as due to the broken inversion symmetry at the film surface or interface. These results set the basis for future experiments dealing with how switching of the magnetization direction (by an applied magnetic field) affects the direction of Δr (i.e. of the ferroelectric polarization) through magnetoelectric coupling [3]. References [1] J. Krempaský et al., PRX 8, 021067 (2018). [2] D. Kriegner et al., PRB 94, 054112 (2016). [3] H. Przybylińska et al., PRL 112, 047202 (2014). Fig. 1. Cubic and rhombohedral structures

20 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

MAT1-O3-0089 ● Donor atoms in silicon for quantum technologies: analysis and activation of near-surface implants D. Jamieson 1 University of Melbourne - Parkville (AU) Dopant atoms in crystals, especially donors in silicon and colour centres in wide-band- gap materials have spins that can have long quantum coherence times [1] attractive for new quantum technologies. The phosphorus donor provides both electron and nuclear qubits (spin-½) and architectures now exist for large-scale devices that exploit the flip-flop qubit [2]. The bismuth donor has a number of attractive features due to its large Hilbert space arising from its 9/2 nuclear spin and large zero-field spin-orbit coupling. Many technological applications require individually addressable implanted near-surface donors located with 20 nm of surface control gates. Here we have employed ion channeling to investigate the lattice location of 26 keV Bi ions in both crystalline and amorphous silicon with fluences from 6E12 to 1E14 ions/cm2. Electrical measurements show the maximum Bi activation yield was 64% and a corresponding full hyperfine electron spin resonance spectrum using continuous-wave electron spin resonance at 25 K for qubits [3]. In the case of P donors, recent advances in our deterministic ion implantation technology [4] allows the pulse height spectrum of 14 keV ions to be measured and theoretical simulations reveals the influence of ion channeling on the stopping power provide new insights into the ion-sold interaction. A variation of this technology has allowed us to assess spin ½ 29-Si isotope depleted substrates need for long donor spin lifetimes. This presentation reviews these applications of ion beam analysis to the development of new quantum technologies based on donor atoms in silicon. Acknowledgement This work contains contributions from: D Holmes, SG Robson, BC Johnson, JC McCallum, M Jakob, (ARC Centre for Quantum Computing and Communication Technology), WIL Lawrie (Technische Universiteit Delft), A Asadpoordarvis, DR McCamey (ARC Centre for Exciton Science). Financial support was provided by: The ARC Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CE170100012), the ARC Centre for Exciton Science (CE170100026), the AFAiiR node of the NCRIS Heavy Ion Capability and the IAEA CRP F11020 “Ion beam induced spatio-temporal structural evolution of materials: Accelerators for a new technology era". References [1] J. T. Muhonen et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 9, 986 (2014) [2] G. Tosi et al., Nature Communications, 8, 450 (2017) [3] D. Holmes et al., submitted to Physical Review Applied (2019) [4] J. Van Donkelaar et al., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 27, 154204 (2015)

21 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

MAT2-O1-0127 ● 18O(p,α)15N isotopic tracing of germanium diffusion A. Nélis 1, I. Vickridge 2, J.J. Ganem 2, G. Terwagne 1 1UNamur - Namur (BE), 2INSP-UPMC - Paris (FR) Integration of semiconductor nanocrystals (Ge and/or Si) into optoelectronic devices has been in the center of many studies over last years, thanks to properties like quantum confinment or multiple exciton generation (MEG). Germanium nanocrystals (Ge-nc) are formed by ion implantation into a dielectric layer (SiO2/Si). Ge-nc formation requires a high temperature thermal treatment under controlled atmosphere (1100 °C during 1h under N2), during which germanium diffuses towards the sample’s surface and towards the interface. [1] This diffusion is generally associated in literature to the presence of oxygen. [2] Germanium atoms are supposed to be linked to oxygen atoms to diffuse in the form of highly volatile GeO compounds during thermal treatments. Although oxygen contribution is widely accepted, the origin of this oxygen is still subject to debate. This study proposes to highlight the origin of oxygen atoms involved in germanium diffusion by isotopic tracing, using 18O(p,α)15N nuclear reaction at 151 keV. Two different configurations have been tested : 1) annealings under contaminated 18 18 atmosphere (99% N2 + 1% O2 - figure 1(b)), and 2) O-enriched oxides annealed under pure nitrogen atmosphere (figure 1(a)). Combination of Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) and Narrow Resonant Profiling (NRP) measurements allows us to evidence 74Ge and 18O depth-profiles. References [1] Barba D, Wang C, Nélis A, Terwagne G, Rosei F, Blocking germanium diffusion inside silicon dioxide using a co-implanted silicon barrier, J. Appl. Phys, 123 (2018) 161540 [2] von Borany J, Grötzschel R, Heinig KH, Markwitz A, Matz W, Schmidt B, Skorupa W, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71 (1997) 3215 Figure 1

22 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

MAT2-O2-0169 In situ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry for electrochemical studies L. Goncharova 1, M. Brocklebank 1, H. Feltham 2, J. Noel 2 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Western University - London (CA), 2Chemistry Department, Western University - London (CA) There are many electrochemical processes that require detailed analysis of electrode surfaces. In order to develop the most effective corrosion resistant films one requires a precise understanding of the underlying mass transport. This demands techniques that enable the precise characterization of the mobile species during anodization. Some physical properties of the electrodes can be inferred from electrochemical measurements during anodization. However there are many advantages of applying in situ techniques, which probe the electrode, polarized at a controlled potential. In this project, a new in situ ultra-high vacuum (UHV) electrochemical cell containing a liquid electrolyte, was designed and constructed to perform Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), under controlled electrostatic potentials (Figure 1). The depth resolution of RBS allowed for the determination of depth profiles for Ti, O, and other key transported species, in the electrode and in near-surface regions. Upon biasing the Ti, subsequent RBS spectra releveled the time evolution of elemental depth profiles, characteristic of anodization, with Ti, O and Cl being mobile species (Figure 2). This work demonstrates the potential for in situ RBS to become a powerful tool for the investigation of a wide range of electrochemical processes including oxidation, electromigration, and deposition in batteries and other devices.1 References 1. M. Brocklebank, J.J. Noel, and L.V. Goncharova, JESP 166, C3290-C3296 (2019).

An exploded view of the electrochemical cell.

The time evolution of RBS spectra.

23 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

MAT2-O3-0158 ● An in-situ crystallographic and compositional study of phase transitions forming ultra-thin silicide films using medium-energy-ion-scattering T. Tran 1, L. Jablonka 1, Z. Zhang 1, D. Primetzhofer 1 Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE) Metal silicides have been playing a vital role in the development of electronic devices as low contact resistance materials. Accurate understanding of the phase transition forming these materials is more important than ever due to the constant reduction of the device dimension. For examples, the normal transition route of nickel silicides, the material used in most current MOSFET transistors, is from Ni2Si to NiSi and then to NiSi2. However, when the initial Ni thickness is < 4 nm, the final phase NiSi2 is grown epitaxially on the Si substrates, by-passing the desirable phase NiSi [1]. Ion scattering has been a crucial method for many of the above studies. Important information, such as composition and the reaction/diffusion of the constituents, can almost exclusively be obtained by this method. The fact that it is also considered non- destructive facilitates in-situ studies. However, conventional ion scattering employing ions at MeV is suitable only for films thicker than 20 nm due to the limited depth resolution. In this contribution, we present an in-situ study of nickel silicides during annealing using time-of-flight medium-energy-ion-scattering (TOF-MEIS). At first, a fundamental study of the ion-solid interaction was conducted, providing the prerequisite stopping cross section of the ions in the materials. We found a deviation of almost 20% between the Bragg’s additivity rule and the measurements using helium ions at tens of keV [2]. The in-situ annealing experiments were conducted on Ni films of two different nominal thicknesses: 10 nm and 3 nm. While the 10 nm Ni films followed the expected transition route, the 3 nm samples gradually transformed from the initial polycrystalline films to diamond cubic crystals, starting from 200 oC [3]. This is observed using the blocking pattern of the scattered ions on the position-sensitive detector. As the lattice constants of the epitaxial silicides might expand, in-plane and out-out-plane lattice expansion can also be detected. Equivalent study on nickel germanide can also be presented as the ultra-thin germanide is believed to have a hexagonal crystal structure. We will demonstrate the TOF-MEIS with the position- sensitive detector is a versatile method to in-situ study the formation of homo- and heterogeneous epitaxial ultra-thin films. References [1] Z. Zhang et al., Applied Physics Letters 96, 071915 (2010). [2] T. T. Tran et al., Under reviewed by Physical Review A (2019). [3] T. T. Tran et al., Submitted to Applied Physics Letters (2019).

24 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

MAT2-O4-0192 ● Better mirrors for gravitational waves detection: composition and density F. Schiettekatte 1, R. Shink 1, E. Lalande 1, C. Lévesque 1, A. Lussier 1, M. Ward 1, S. Roorda 1, B. Baloukas 2, L. Martinu 2, A. Ananyeva 3, G. Billingsley 3, E. Gustafson 3, G. Vajente 3, R. Bassiri 4, M.M. Fejer 4, A. Markosyan 4 1Université de Montréal - Montréal (CA), 2École polytechnique de Montréal - Montréal (CA), 3California Institute of Technology - Pasadena (US), 4Stanford University - Stanford (US) After more than 40 years of efforts to reduce the noise down to staggering levels, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) achieved in 2015 the detection of gravitational wave emitted by a black-holes merger, and since then, several other events have been detected, including a neutron stars merger with its electromagnetic counterparts. Still, the current noise level severely limits the rate and type of detection, and the measurement of key details about the events. The mirrors consist of a Bragg reflector made of a dielectric stack (amorphous Ti-doped tantala/silica). It appears that the main source of noise in its most sensitive frequency range is due to a phenomenon intrinsic to amorphous materials: mechanical losses due to dissipation in low-energy excitations. We are investigating ways to achieve depositions and post-treatments that minimize this effect. This include deposition at elevated temperature, sample bias, and doping with Ti and Zr. Depositions are carried out by radio-frequency and high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (RF-MS, HiPIMS). Mechanical losses are measured by nodal suspension. Key parameters for the data interpretation include the composition and density, both of which can be determined by ion beam analysis (with a separate thickness measurement regarding the density).

25 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

INV4-0193 ● Helium Ion Transmission Imaging of 2D Materials K. Kavanagh 1 Simon Fraser University - Burnaby (CA) We have added a digital camera below the sample stage in a focused helium ion microscope (HIM). This has allowed the direct detection of transmitted He ions and neutral atoms that pass through thin samples. The camera is currently a modified x- ray detector consisting of an array of Si diode pixels (each 55 µm square) without surface layers such as minilens or optical filters (Modupix, Advacam). Given that the HIM beam energies can be up to 40 keV, the He penetrates into the Si pixels to a maximum average range of 350 nm, generating a current pulse proportional to its energy. The ion beam current is controlled via He gas pressure at the field-emission tip, electrostatic lens focus conditions, and beam-limiting apertures, to a range of < 10 fA to 50 pA (60k to 60M He+ ions/s). Using this system we have reproduced previously reported Si detector efficiencies as a function of beam energy. And we have demonstrated focsused He ion channeling through single crystalline Si (100) membranes (50 nm), measuring [011] critical incident angles of 1º at 35 keV, and beam steering of 2º. [1,2] We are currently investigating transmission through 2D materials including graphene, WS2, and black phosphorus. We will present spot transmission patterns that compare with SRIM predictions. And we have collected examples of transmission patterns from scanning He+ beams, producing scanning transmission HIM or STHIM images similar in approach to scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Resolution is yet to be determined but would first depend on the ion beam spot sizes known to be less than 1 nm from secondary electron emission images. We have also been watching for evidence of coherent scattering but are limited now by our camera resolution, located only 20 cm below the sample. Our camera is uncooled and susceptable to pixel death or degradation, related to dose saturation. Progress in finding better direct He ion cameras with smaller pixels, and those more radiation hard or easily regenerated, will be discussed. Acknowledgement We are grateful to NSERC, CFI, BCKDF and 4DLabs for partial funding. References [1] Camera for THIM, K. L. Kavanagh, C. Herrmann, and J. A. Notte, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 35 (2017) 06G902. [2] Focussed helium ion channeling through Si nanomembranes, J. Wang, S. Y. Huang, C. Herrmann, S A. Scott, F. Schiettekatte, and K. L. Kavanagh, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 36 (2018) 021209.

26 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

IMGEMRG-O1-0053 ● Imaging by Transmission Ion Microscopy and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry using sub-50 keV He+ ion beams S. Eswara 1, M. Mousley 1, O. De Castro 1, O. Bouton 1, J.N. Audinot 1, N. Klingner 2, C. Koch 3, G. Hlawacek 2, T. Wirtz 1 1Advanced Instrumentation for Ion Nano-Analytics (AINA), MRT Dept., LU Institute of Science and Technology - Belvaux (LU), 2Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz- Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - Dresden (DE), 3Institute for Physics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin (DE) The recent availability of high-brightness helium ion sources has enabled exciting new possibilities in the fields of microscopy and nanofabrication. When compared to electron beams of the same energy, He+ ions have a smaller interaction volume and thus offer higher lateral resolution (< 0.5 nm) in the secondary electron (SE) imaging mode[1]. While the majority of the applications of the commercial Helium Ion Microscope - HIM (Zeiss-Nanofab) have been in SE imaging and nanofabrication and more recently also nano-analytics using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)[2], the complete range of imaging possibilities is still not fully explored. In this context, transmission ion microscopy is expected to offer new contrast mechanisms (e.g. charge neutralization) which are not possible in a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Transmission microscopy using MeV He+ ions has already been demonstrated[3], but, such instruments are not widely available. With the increasing availability of HIM which operates at primary energies below 50 keV, the potential to use it for transmission ion microscopy and ion energy-loss spectroscopy still needs to be fully explored. To address this, we developed a prototype Transmission Helium Ion Microscope (THIM) that can operate on both stationary full-field THIM mode as well as Scanning THIM (STHIM) mode with simultaneous SE imaging possibility. This prototype has a duoplasmatron ion source and offers full flexibility in terms of instrumental configurations. This is a significant advantage in comparison to using the commercial instrument in which space below the specimen plane is very limited and thus restricts the possible experimental configurations. We imaged BN, NaCl and MgO crystalline powders in the stationary full-field THIM imaging using 10 keV He+ and investigated the distribution of transmitted ion intensities. The scattered signal forms unexpected spot patterns that may be explained by sample charging and morphology. Furthermore, we have added electronics to pulse the primary ion beam to perform Time-of-Flight multispectral imaging in both THIM and STHIM modes in addition to the standard Bright-Field, Dark-Field and SE imaging modes. Our presentation will focus mainly on the transmission ion configuration. We will also briefly discuss the recent developments in SIMS that we developed for Zeiss-Nanofab instruments (HIM-SIMS) which allow direct nanoscale chemical mapping. Acknowledgement This work was funded by FNR Luxembourg (STHIM). References 1. G. Hlawacek and A. Gölzhäuser, editors , Helium Ion Microscopy, (Springer, 2016). 2. T. Wirtz et al, Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem. 12, (2019). 3. F. Watt et al, NIMPR-B, 306, 6 (2013).

27 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

IMGEMRG-O2-0190 ● Observation of Liquid Molecules with Ambient SIMS using Swift Heavy Ions J. Matsuo 1, S. Toshio 1, A. Takaaki 1 Quantum Science and Engineering Center, Kyoto University - Uji (JP) Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is one of the most powerful analytical techniques for surfaces and interfaces. We have developed a SIMS technique with swift heavy ions (MeV-SIMS) that have a high transmission capability in matter and can be extracted under ambient conditions. Due to the different excitation mechanism, secondary molecular ion emission is significantly enhanced with swift heavy ion beams [1]. We have demonstrated the technique of molecular imaging with MeV-SIMS in biological material analysis. The molecular distribution (up to 1 kDa) was clearly imaged, opening new opportunities for chemical imaging. The MeV-SIMS technique is now being developed in various ion accelerator laboratories in the world to establish as a new ion beam analysis (IBA) technique. In order to expand applicability of MeV- SIMS, we have developed “Ambient SIMS” technique. A specially designed SIMS system has been constructed at Kyoto University for ambient SIMS (Fig. 1) [2]. 6-MeV Cu ions are introduced into a target chamber that is kept at ambient conditions. The secondary molecular ions emitted from the sample surface are measured with an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Ambient SIMS spectra of water are shown in Fig. 2. In the high humidity condition, water clusters were found, indicating a liquid water layer. This spectrum is quite similar to that of liquid water (droplets). This result is quite consistent with a result that is more than one monolayer of water was adsorbed in the ambient condition. Recent progress on this technique will be presented and discussed along with possible applications for liquid analysis. References [1] J. Matsuo, S. Ninomiya, H. Yamada, K. Ichiki, Y. Wakamatsu, M. Hada, T. Seki, T. Aoki, Surf. Interface Anal., 42, 1612 (2010) [2] M. Kusakari, M. Fujii, T. Seki, T. Aoki, J. Matsuo, J. Vac. Sci, and Tech. B, 34, 034H111, (2016)

28 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

IMGEMRG-O3-0071 ● MeV-SIMS at Surrey: an update C. Costa 1, V. Palitsin 1, M. Bailey 1, R. Webb 1 University of Surrey - Guildford (UK) The application of MeV ion beams for molecular analysis in vacuum (MeV secondary ion mass spectrometry – MeV-SIMS) has been reported by many [1-4]. At Surrey we have employed MeV-SIMS in vacuum for the analysis of overlapping fingerprint and inks [5-6]. However, the effect of vacuum in perishable sample, such as fingerprints, causes loss of material [7] and restricts the size of sample that can be analysed. To overcome issues like sample size, we have been developing an ambient pressure secondary ion mass spectrometry system using MeV heavy ions (AP-MeV-SIMS). The developmental stages of the technique focussed on the effect of different gases (nitrogen, helium, nitrous oxide and air), sample biasing and geometrical arrangements (environmental chamber, nozzles or cones). In the initial experiments we demonstrated the molecular imaging of a cocaine pellet (m/z 304.15) in full ambient conditions (shown below). The peak assignment was further confirmed through the identification of a cocaine fragment, allowing for the differentiation between cocaine and ambient signals. The further development of such capability will allow for quick and non- destructive analysis and/or imaging for forensics, archaeology and cultural heritage applications. References [1] Bailey et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2012, 84 (20), 8514-8523. [2] Nakata et al. Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2009, 44, 128-136. [3] Malloy et al. Forensic Chemistry. 2018, 7, 75-80. [4] Radović et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2017, 406, 296-301. [5] Bailey et al. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2010, 268 (11-12), 1929-1932. [6] Bright et al. Analytical Chemistry. 2012, 84 (9), 4083-4087. [7] Bright et al. Forensic Science International. 2013, 230 (1-3), 81-86.

Cocaine pellet analysed using AP-MeV-SIMS

29 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

NANO-O1-0026 ● Josephson Junction Formation via Focused Helium Ion Beam Technology. L. Feldman 1, L. Kasaei 2, M. Li 3, T. Melbourne 4, H. Hijazi 3, T. Gustafsson 3, R. Thorpe 3, K. Chen 2, X. Xiaong 2, V. Manichev 1 1Rutgers University - Piscatawy (US), 2Temple University - Philadelphia (US), 3Rutgers University - Piscataway (US), 4Rutgers University - Philadelohia (US) Josephson Junctions, (JJ), superconductor-based devices, have applications in metrology, magnetometry, infrared optical detectors and are pursued as Q-bits for quantum technologies. A JJ is typically formed in a superconductor-normal- superconductor (S-N-S) structure, where the non-superconducting N layer is extremely thin, allowing the superconducting wave functions from superconductors on both sides to overlap. We create arrays of JJs where the N region is formed by bombardment with the Rutgers He Ion Microscope (HIM) (<0.5nm beam spot), by writing a < 5nm weak link (N-state) in a patterned, epitaxial MgB2 film. Recent results include: i) JJ formation via the HIM, showing record reproducibility in JJ arrays1,2, ii) the change (loss) of superconductivity as a function of ion bombardment dose, defining the conditions for JJ formation, and iii) channeling analyses to characterize the damage structure of the normal (weak link) state. Critical doses to induce the loss of superconductivity are in the 0.5-1 1016/cm2 range for the 30KeV He HIM beam. MgB2 films were grown using hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition on (0001) SiC substrates to a thickness of 30 nm for junction formation and 80 nm for channeling/damage analysis. JJs were processed via standard lithography to bridge patterns, ~ 4 µm-wide, with appropriate contacts. Of scientific interest is the relationship between the induced damage and the change in Tc, as well as the nature of the weak link. Is the requirement for the loss of superconductivity in a macroscopic sample the same as formation of the N region? To investigate this question we employ ion beam channeling to measure the degree and nature of crystal damage in the epi MgB2 film and correlate the measured damage with the working JJs. Channeling of the pristine materials (~ 80 nm films) indicates a minimum yield of ~ 0.1 consistent with a strained material. After an exposure comparable to the JJ critical dose channeling is maintained, but the MgB2/SiC interface indicates a broadening in depth characteristic of ion beam mixing. Such mixing, or change in stoichiometry, can give rise to the N state. This large extent of mixing is not predicted by kinematical based simulations and may be due to a radiation enhanced diffusion mechanism. The talk will include extensive data on the “damage/mixing-Tc” relationship and indicate the promise and issues of HIM use associated with JJ formation. References [1] L. Kasaei et al. AIP Advances 8, 075020 (2018) and IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29 (2019)

30 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

NANO-O2-0096 ● Mechanism of improvement in channel mobility of SiC-MOSFET by wet post-oxidation annealing studied using high-resolution ERDA K. Kimura 1, T. Matsumoto 1, K. Nakajima 1, M. Nishida 2, K. Kita 2 1Kyoto University - Kyoto (JP), 2University of Tokyo - Tokyo (JP) The 4H polytype of silicon carbide (4H-SiC) provides superior performance over silicon in high voltage power metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET) device applications. However, the electron mobility in the inversion channel is far below the value expected from the bulk mobility. It is well known that the channel mobility of SiC-MOSFET prepared by wet-oxidation is much better than that of the dry- oxidation. A recent study demonstrated that the mobility of SiC-MOSFET prepared by dry-oxidation can be improved by post-oxidation annealing (POA) in a wet ambient (wet-POA) [1]. Although this is a promising technique to improve the performance of SiC-MOSFET, the mechanism of the improvement has not been clarified. In this work, the improvement mechanism is investigated using high-resolution Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (HR-RBS) and high-resolution elastic recoil detection analysis (HR-ERDA). Three samples were prepared by different methods, namely (1) dry-oxidation at 1300ºC for 18 min in pure O2 (2) wet-oxidation at 1100ºC for 18 min in a mixture of H2O and O2 (H2O:O2 = 9:1) and (3) wet-POA of sample (1) at 800ºC for 8 hr in the mixture of H2O and O2. The thicknesses of the SiO2 layers were measured to be 3.9, 3.6 and 5.1 nm for (1), (2) and (3), respectively, using HR-RBS. These samples were measured by HR-ERDA using 300 keV C+ ions. Figure 1 shows the observed HR- ERDA spectra. The arrows indicate the SiO2/SiC interface. Although the sample of wet-oxidation contains hydrogen of ~2 at.% around the interface, there is almost no hydrogen in the sample of dry-oxidation. After wet-POA, the hydrogen is incorporated into the sample. The hydrogen profile has a broad peak at ~ 4 nm, which corresponds to the original interface before wet-POA. These findings strongly suggest that there are defects at the interface in the dry-oxidation sample. These defects can be terminated by hydrogen during wet-POA, which results in the improvement of channel mobility. References [1] H. Hirai and K. Kita, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113 (2018) 172103. Fig. 1

31 / 221 Orals presentations Tuesday 15 October

NANO-O3-0062 In-situ Investigations of Solid-Liquid Interfaces by means of RBS R. Heller 1, N.B. Khojasteh 1, S. Apelt 2, U. Bergmann 2, S. Facsko 1 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - Dresden (DE), 2TU Dresden - Dresden (DE) Solid-liquid interfaces are of crucial significance since their presence in nature is ubiquitous. They play a fundamental role in diverse fields as biology, fluid physics, radiation physics, geological and environmental research, surface science and electro- chemistry. Binnig and Rohrer (Nobel Price 1986) considered the significance of the solid-liquid interface as: "The solid-liquid interface is, in our opinion, the interface of the future." [1] Investigating phenomena at the interface of a solid and an aqueous solution, where chemical reactions, oxidation, corrosion, adhesion, dissolution and ion exchange may take place, represents a challenging task. The techniques applied should not influence any of these processes, they should be able to access the interface (through the liquid or through the solid) and simultaneously deliver quantitative information on the interface properties. A new versatile experimental setup for in-situ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry at solid-liquid interfaces enabling direct and quantitative measurements with highest sensitivity is presented [2]. An electro-chemical liquid cell with a three-electrode arrangement was mounted at the IBCs 2MV Van-de-Graaff accelerator. A thin Si3N4 window (thickness down to 150 nm) separates the vacuum of the detector chamber from the electrolyte in the cell.

In a first study, we investigated the attachment of Ba onto the Si3N4 surface as a function of contact time and pH value of the electrolyte solution (see Fig. 1). From these measurements, we can deduce the evolution of the double layer with sub- monolayer sensitivity in a direct and quantitative manner. Despite focusing on a particular system as presented here, the setup allows to conduct a large variety of in-situ investigations at solid-liquid interfaces such as monitoring of electro-chemical reactions, segregation, adsorption, dissolution and corrosion processes. Details of the setup, its capabilities and limitations are presented and the results of first measurements are discussed in detail. References [1] G. Binnig and H. Rohrer, Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999), 324. [2] N. B. Khojasteh, S. Apelt, U. Bergmann, S. Facsko and R. Heller, Review of Scientific Instruments (2019), submitted. Fig. 1: RBS spectrum of a BaCl solution.

32 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October Wednesday 16 October

INV5-0260 ● Applications of AMS techniques to archaeological studies A. Quiles 1 IFAO - Cairo (EG) Research in archaeometry involves dealing with dating of past hazards and modelling complex chronologies, as a way to integrate chronological perspectives in a global approach of archaeology. Radiocarbon dating requires the measurement of the 14C residual concentration in dead organisms. This historical technique has been extended under the form of proportional gas counters and liquid scintillation counters to provide very high precision. In the 1980's, methods developed first for nuclear physics experiments allowed a shift from the concept of counting 14C decays into direct discrimination and counting of the three isotopes of carbon in samples. This was possible because it became feasible to detect long-lived radionuclides at very low abundance by filtering out all mass interferences. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) was born and this has proved the most significant instrumental development in radiocarbon measurement to date archaeological remains. Performances have also been extended to other radionuclides like 10Be, 36Cl, opening new doorways for archaeology at large. Applicable on different materials - organic (14C) as well as rock samples (36Cl) - the combination of such techniques in archaeological studies allows for restoring not only the story of humans, but also the environmental past events they had to deal with, making sense on their behaviour and occupations. This presentation will mainly focus on case studies related both on prehistorical and historical periods and from three different continents, to draw a general overview of possibilities. Combined AMS-14C (LSCE/LMC14) and AMS-36Cl (CEREGE/Edytem) dating methods have been carried out on organic materials (charcoal and bone samples) and on rock collapses [1] for restoring the past of the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave (Ardèche, France). Results were integrated into a high-precision Bayesian model based on archaeological evidence to securely reconstruct the complete history of the Cave on an absolute timescale [2]. Following this strategy, an ongoing research project is lead to restitute the whole story of the sacred Chuchuwayha archaeological site, in British Columbia (Canada), which holds rock art still readable for local populations. As surprising as it may sound, the historical floating chronologies for ancient Egypt, currently based on reign lengths and kings succession’s order, are still not strongly constrained in time and major questions remain to be solved [3]. We will see how AMS dating can afford new clues for setting up a high-precision chronology. References 1)Sadier et al. (2012), PNAS 109(21):8002–8006. 2)Quiles et al (2016), PNAS 113(17):4670-4675 3)Bronk Ramsey et al. (2010), Science 328:1554-1558.

33 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October

AMS-O1-0032 ● Low energy 14C and multi-element HVE AMS systems M. Klein 1, D. Mous 1 High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. - Amersfoort (NL) Two new types of sub-MV accelerator mass spectrometers based on vacuum insulated accelerators were designed, manufactured and tested by High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. The first type is dedicated to 14C measurements [1], with a footprint of 3.0 m x 2.7 m and shown in Figure 1. Carbon ion beams are produced in the low-memory hybrid SO110-C sputter ion source. Both low- and high-energy mass analysis is done with permanent magnets. The high energy spectrometer contains one electrostatic analyzer (ESA). Several feedback loops keep the beam position constant in both the low and high energy side, eliminating effects of temperature related drift on the analysis result. The accelerator operates at a terminal voltage of 210 kV. Novel to 14C AMS systems, the accelerator terminal is equipped with a charge state selector (CSS). After charge exchange in the accelerator stripper canal, ions with charge state 1+ have the highest yield and are used for the AMS measurement. Ions in other charge states are in conventional systems the dominant source of measurement background. The role of the CSS is to filters out these contributions. The second type is a multi-element AMS system for 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 129I, and actinides, featuring the SO-110C ion source, a low energy spectrometer with ESA and adjustable analyzing magnet and a high energy analyzer comprised of one ESA and two adjustable analyzing magnets. The system footprint is 6.9 m x 5.0 m. The accelerator supports measurements up to 300 kV terminal voltage. We will discuss the performance of both AMS systems and highlight the technical features enabling low background measurements. Figure 1: The HVE AMS system dedicated to 14C measurements during factory tests. The vacuum chamber in the foreground houses the accelerator. The power supply is mounted on the central flange on its top. On its right side is the injector featuring the SO-110C ion source and the bouncer injector magnet. On the left side is the high- energy spectrometer with analyzing magnet, electrostatic analyzer and gas ionization detector. References [1] Klein, Podaru and Mous, “A novel dedicated 14C AMS system”, Radiocarbon (2019)

34 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October

AMS-O2-0092 Recent progress of the new 300 kV MILEA multi-isotope AMS facility A. Müller 1, S. Maxeiner 1, M. Christl 2, P. Gautschi 2, H.A. Synal 2, C. Vockenhuber 2, L. Wacker 2 1(1) Ionplus AG, Lerzenstrasse 12, 8953 Dietikon - Dietikon (CH), 2(2) Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich - Zurich (CH) In 2018 a prototype version of a new compact multi-isotope AMS instrument, the so- called MILEA (Multi Isotope Low Energy AMS), was taken into operation at the Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics at ETH Zurich in collaboration with Ionplus. The system operates at accelerator voltages below 300 kV and is dedicated to the measurement of 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 41Ca (biomedical applications), 129I and actinides (Pu, U, Th and others). In the course of developing MILEA, various technological and ion optical concepts of the well-established MICADAS and Tandy spectrometers were combined and refined for the application in this new multi-isotope system. Moreover, new approaches and developments have been implemented in order to optimize the performance for all nuclides. Consequently, a very small system footprint could be realized (3.5 x 7m2). The machine layout is illustrated in the figure below. A MICADAS type Cs-sputter ion source is used for the extraction of all elements, followed by low energy spectrometer, the accelerator consisting of a vacuum insulated high voltage platform supplied by a 300 kV cascade [1] and the high energy spectrometer. In order to optimize the measurement performance, ion beam transmission and background for all nuclides, the design of the stripper [2] as well as of the ΔE-Eres gas ionization chamber equipped with an absorber cell [3,4] is crucial. Extensive experiments have been performed in order to determine the measurement performance of the system. In the frame of these tests a special focus was made to find optimal system settings and parameters in terms of measurement efficiency and background suppression for the different measurement methods of the above- mentioned radionuclides. An overview of the most recent results concerning the system performance will be presented and discussed. References [1] Sascha Maxeiner et al., NIM B 439 (2019) 84-89; [2] Sascha Maxeiner et al., NIM B 361 (2015) 237-244; [3] Arnold Milenko Müller et al., NIM B 287 (2012), 94-102; [4] Arnold Milenko Müller et al., NIM B 361 (2015), 257-262; The 300 kV MILEA multi-isotope AMS system

35 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October

AMS-O3-0218 ● Lead carbonate: A new material for AMS radiocarbon dating of paintings L. Beck 1, C. Messager 1, I. Caffy 1, E. Delqué-Kolic 1, J.P. Dumoulin 1, C. Moreau 1 LMC14, LSCE/IPSL, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay - Gif Sur Yvette (FR) Lead white was the major white pigment used in European paintings from the Antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century. This pigment is mainly composed of two lead carbonates, cerussite (PbCO3) and hydrocerussite (2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2), artificially produced since the 4th century Before Christ. We recently demonstrated that organic carbon dioxide was incorporated during the manufacturing process [1] and we propose here to date lead white in paintings by the AMS radiocarbon method. We developed an innovative protocol for the carbon extraction based on a selective thermal decomposition of the carbonates [2]. Radiocarbon and the other carbon isotopes were measured by accelerator mass spectrometry using the ARTEMIS facility (LMC14- LSCE, Saclay, France) [3]. We successfully dated mural paintings of castles and church as well as Greek and Egyptian ancient lead-based cosmetics. These results demonstrate the capacity of the AMS radiocarbon method to date lead white. Direct pigment dating provides a more reliable age and a stronger evidence for painting authentication than the dating of the canvas or support which may have been reused. We provide a new tool for the detection of forgery and the authentication of paintings. References [1] L. Beck et al., Absolute dating of lead carbonates in ancient cosmetics by radiocarbon, Communications chemistry, 1, 34, 2018 [2] L. Beck et al., Radiocarbon, in press [3] C. Moreau et al., Radiocarbon 55(2-3), 331, 2013

36 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October

ART-O1-0058 ● IBA ANALYSES ON BEADS FROM THE MIGRATION PERIOD R-N. Bugoi 1, A. Magureanu 2, D. Magureanu 2, Q. Lemasson 3 1Horia Hulubei National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering - Magurele (RO), 2Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archeology of the ROn Academy - Bucharest (RO), 3Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de FR - Paris (FR) Chemical analyses on archaeological glass artefacts can provide information about the raw materials and manufacturing techniques. This presentation discusses the chemical composition of 135 glass beads discovered at Sărata Monteoru and Bratei, dated to the 6th-7th centuries AD. The data were obtained using Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Particle Induced Gamma- ray Emission (PIGE) techniques at AGLAE accelerator located in the basement of the Louvre Museum, Paris. The studied artefacts belong to the funerary inventories of two cemeteries situated relatively far away one from another, being attributed to two different populations from the Migration Period. Thus, Sărata Monteoru cemetery (Buzău county) contains only incineration graves and it was attributed to a Slavic population, while Bratei cemetery (Sibiu county) contains burial graves and pertains to a Gepidic population. People belonging to these two distinct groups used similar coloured glass beads as accessories for both their everyday attires and burial clothing. The similarities between the beads discovered in graves attributed to two different Migration Period populations and excavated in two distinct funerary landscapes led to several questions: What was the reason behind adopting the same fashion by two distinct populations? Was there a single large workshop producing glass beads that were distributed over a large area? Where there some itinerant craftsmen that made the glass beads? What about technology and raw materials? Are there any similarities in the composition of the beads originating from two such remote places? The chemical analyses indicated that almost all beads were manufactured of Roman glass, i.e. with natron as a flux (low magnesia and potash content), except for the yellow beads that were made of lead glass. Glass chromophores (iron, copper, cobalt compounds) were also determined. The obtained chemical compositions were compared to the ones on coeval glass beads excavated in other European archaeological sites that were available in the literature. Acknowledgement The present work has received funding by the Access to Research Infrastructures activity of the EU Horizon 2020 programme - IPERION CH Grant Agreement n. 654028. References 1. Heck, M., Hoffmann, P. 2002. Mikrochim. Acta 139, 71-76. 2. Mathis, F., Othmane, G., Vrielynck, O., Calvo del Castillo, H., Chene, G., Dupuis, T., Strivay, D. 2010. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 268, 2078–2082. 3. Pion, C., Gratuze B. 2016. Archaeol Res. Asia 6, 51–64. 4. Šmit, Z., Knific, T., Jezeršek, D., Istenic, J. 2012. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 278, 8-14.

37 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October

ART-O2-0146 ● Ion beam-induced luminescence investigation of medieval luster glazed and minai ceramics T. Nikbakht 1, O. Kakuee 1, M. Montazerzohouri 2, M. Lamehi-Rachti 1 1Physics & Accelerators Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI) - Tehran (IR), 2Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran, Enghelab St., - Tehran (IR) Ion beam-induced luminescence (IL) behavior of some historical (12th-13th century) golden glazed and minai [1] ceramics have been investigated for the first time. The shards were recently discovered from the historical site of Tappeh Ghale, located in the central part of Iran. Regarding the layered structure of the samples, non-destructive ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques of RBS and PIXE have been employed to provide elemental compositions and depth profiles of the samples. Precise interpretation of the IL spectra is highly dependent on such information. The explicit impact of the layered structure of the luster decorated samples on their IL spectra was revealed. Indeed, due to the existence of plasmons of Cu and Ag nanoparticles in the luster layer [2], which is generally thinner than 0.5 µm, it acts as a mirror-like reflecting surface for the luminescence originating from the underneath layers. As it can be viewed in the following figure, this affects the luminescence bands and their intensities, which demonstrate the sensitivity of IL to the layered structure of the samples. In minai wares, enamels were normally cupper and sometimes silver containing thin layers of less than 1 µm thickness. The layered structure of minai shards, together with the elemental composition of each layer were used to find the origins of the IL bands. Some shifts in the peaks’ positions and also appearance of new high energy bands were observed in the spectra, which are characteristics of the IL technique. The structural and elemental information provided by the current work could be beneficial to discovering the manufacturing technology of the studied samples, especially minai wares, which had played a great role in the ceramic technology of the Middle Ages. Therefore, it could be advantages for the characterization of the evolution of ceramic decoration techniques through the Ages. Finally, the results of the current work demonstrate the potentials of IL, as a highly sensitive and non-destructive technique, in combination with other IBA techniques, for historical artefacts investigations. References [1] R. Wen et al., Archaeometry, 58 (2016) 1 [2] S. Padovani et al., Appl. Phys. A, 83 (2006) 521

38 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October

ART-O3-0249 ● New AGLAE project: advancement and first statement C. Pacheco 1, Q. Lemasson 1, B. Moignard 1, L. Pichon 1, M. Bouget 1 C2RMF - New AGLAE FR3506 CNRS/Ministère de la Culture - Paris (FR) Since 1988, the AGLAE facility (Accelerator Grand Louvre for Elemental Analysis) is the unique large scale instrument combining: i) a strategic localization in a museum context; ii) a facility fully dedicated to Cultural Heritage; iii) a rich data compilation acquired on materials from well-referenced geo-chronological contexts; iv) a technical and scientific team with specific knowledge and know-how devoted to the development of the instruments and methods at the AGLAE facility for Cultural Heritage objects with their peculiar constraints. In 2017, AGLAE became the New AGLAE facility: the beamline is automated now and makes the IBA measurements possible night and day: a multi-detector enables to drastically decrease the intensity of the incident beam, opening interesting perspectives for fragile materials such as paint layers [1]. Since March 2018, the users have been welcome back to the New AGLAE facility and the AGLAE team has been optimizing the beam quality. This communication will present advancement state of the whole project, the main steps of the technical realisation as well as the technical choices and technological innovations. A first statement will allow to assess the benefit from the previous facility in terms of beam operating, users and operators' working conditions and the quality of the results. More specifically, for the latter subject the results of repeatability and reproducibility measurements will be presented. New case studies on Cultural Heritage issues will illustrate the talk. Acknowledgement The New AGLAE project is funded by the Investissement d'Avenir programme of the French ANR (ANR-10-EQPX-22), French Ministry of Culture, Paris City Council and the DIM-MAP programme of Ile-de-France region.

References [1] L. Pichon, B. Moignard, Q. Lemasson, C. Pacheco, P. Walter, 2014: Development of a multi-detector and a systematic imaging system on the AGLAE external beam, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B. 318, p.27-31.

39 / 221 Orals presentations Wednesday 16 October

ART-O4-0222 ● Towards safe analysis of heritage materials with intense ion and photon beams A. Simon 1, L. Bertrand 2, T. Calligaro 3, I. Joosten 4, M. Stols-Witlox 5, S. Webb 6 11International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 - Vienna (AT), 22IPANEMA, USR 3461, CNRS, ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, L'Orme des Merisiers, BP 48 St Aubin, F-91192 - Gif Sur Yvette (FR), 33Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de FR, C2RMF, Palais du Louvre, 75001 - Paris (FR), 4Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Hobbemastraat 22 - Amsterdam (NL), 55University of Amsterdam, Postbus 94552, 1090 GN - Amsterdam (NL), 6Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, MS 69, 2575 Sand Hill Road - Menlo Park, Ca (US) Analytical techniques using intense photon and ion beams produced by particle accelerators and synchrotrons are increasingly being applied to study artifacts from our Cultural and Natural Heritages. One of the biggest advantages of these techniques is that usually they do not require sampling. Still, they might not be ‘non-destructive’. In fact, under high flux irradiation visible or non-visible alterations might happen, depending on the investigated materials and the experimental conditions. While radiation effects have been investigated for a long time in the field of materials from life sciences, semiconductors, core materials etc.; only a limited number of studies have addressed the potential radiation effects in heritage materials [1]. This talk will discuss the technical challenges and suggest safer procedures and improved practices for monitoring and minimizing damage formation during analysis. Key findings of the IAEA technical meetings co-organized with the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF) and the European Institute for the non-destructive photon-based analysis of ancient materials (IPANEMA) in France and Rijks Museum/Netherlands Institute for Conservation, Art and Science in the Netherlands will be presented [2]. Good practice before/during and after the experiment will be suggested. References [1] Loïc Bertrand et al.: Mitigation strategies for radiation damage in the analysis of ancient materials, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 66, March 2015, Pages 128-145. [2] https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/nuclear-science-for-art-workshop-focuses- on-safe-practices

40 / 221 Orals presentations Thursday 17 October Thursday 17 October

INV6-0261 ● IBA for materials analysis in fusion research M. Mayer 1, S. Möller 2, M. Rubel 3, A. Widdowson 4, S. Charisopoulos 5, T. Ahlgren 6, E. Alves 7, G. Apostolopoulos 8, N.P. Barradas 5, S. Donnelly 9, S. Fazinic 10, K. Heinola 5, O. Kakuee 11, H. Khodja 12, A. Kimura 13, A. Lagoyannis 14, M. Li 15, S. Markelj 16, M. Mudrinic 17, P. Petersson 3, I. Portnykh 18, D. Primetzhofer 19, P. Reichart 20, D. Ridikas 5, T. Silva 21, S.M. Gonzalez De Vicente 5, Y.Q. Wang 22 1Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik - Garching (DE), 2Institut für Klima- und Energieforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich - Garching (DE), 3Fusion Plasma Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm (SE), 4Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre - Abingdon (UK), 5International Atomic Energy Agency - Vienna (AT), 6University of Helsinki - Helsinki (FIe), 7Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisbon (PT), 8INRASTES, NCSR “Demokritos” - Athens (GR), 9University of Huddersfield, Ion Beam Centre - Huddersfield (UK), 10Ruder Boskovic Institute - Zagreb (HR), 11Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute - Tehran (IR), 12LEEL, NIMBE, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA Saclay - Gif Sur Yvette (FR), 13Kyoto University, Institute of Advanced Energy - Kyoto-Fu (JP), 14Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, NCSR “Demokritos” - Athens (GR), 15Argonne National Laboratory - Lemont (US), 16Jožef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana (SI), 17Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences - Belgrade (SB), 18Joint Stock Company Inst. of Nuclear Materials - Zarechny (RU), 19Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE), 20Universität der Bundeswehr München - Neubiberg (DE), 21Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo - São Paulo (BR), 22Los Alamos National Laboratory - Los Alamos (US) The interaction between the confined hot plasma in a controlled fusion device and the surrounding vessel walls is a major challenge on the road to a successful use of fusion energy. First wall materials undergo serious modification by physical and chemical processes arising from plasma–wall interactions. This includes material erosion, transport of eroded material in the plasma and re-deposition leading to the formation of mixed- material layers, and accumulation of hydrogen isotopes including tritium in the wall materials by implantation, diffusion and co-deposition. The understanding of these processes is crucial for the economy and safety of reactor operation. Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques play a particularly prominent role in the analysis of first wall materials due to their sensitivity for individual isotopes in the low-Z range up to 10 (especially for D, T, Be and tracer isotopes such as 13C or 15N), high sensitivity, absolute quantification without the need for reference samples, applicability to rough or multi-phase samples, and the possibility to use several methods in a single run. The analysis of first wall materials is challenging not only for the analytical but also for the technical capabilities due to the broad range of isotopes and elements, the need of analysis of rough samples with technical surfaces, handling of large and heavy sample with sizes up to more than 30 cm and weights of several kg, and handling of hazardous and radioactive materials such as beryllium and tritium. The IAEA Technical Meeting on “Advanced Methodologies for the Analysis of Materials in Energy Applications Using Ion Beam Accelerators” [1] took place in October 2018 and reviewed the current status of ion beam analysis techniques for the field of materials relevant to fusion. Available facilities, apparatus developments and future research options, challenges and analytical needs were presented and discussed. The high level of international cooperation in fusion research yields advantages by providing a variety of analysis setups optimized for different tasks, but also results in problems of inter- comparability and standardization.

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To prepare the international ion beam analysis community for these challenges, the IAEA technical meeting concludes the necessity to provide facilities for handling of hazardous materials (tritium, activated samples, beryllium) for existing experiments and ITER; to determine and possibly evaluate cross-sections and stopping powers for elements and isotopes with relevance for fusion; to standardize measurement and evaluation procedures; and to perform an international round-robin test with fusion relevant samples for determining the accuracy and comparability of different laboratories. References [1] https://nucleus.iaea.org/sites/fusionportal/Pages/Collaborations/Advanced%20Metho dologies%20Using%20Ion%20Beam%20Accelerators/General-Info.aspx

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MAT3-O1-0101 ● Influence of He concentration on deuterium retention and transport in the bulk of tungsten S. Markelj 1, T. Schwarz-Selinger 2, M. Pecovnik 1, M. Kelemen 1, J. Zavasnik 1, A. Sestan 1 1Jozef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana (SI), 2Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik - Garching (DE) Helium (He) retention can importantly affect the mechanical and structural properties of the material, such as tensile strength, creep and fatigue behaviour or swelling [1]. Additionally, as He is often used in ion beam analysing techniques as the analysing beam specie, one of the important aspects is also to recognize and identify artefacts, as it can importantly taint the results of the study. The motivation for our research is fusion, where He will be produced either directly through D-T fusion reaction or indirectly by tritium decay or by transmutation of the wall material. In the case of fusion applications, He can influence not only the material properties but also the transport and retention of hydrogen isotopes (HI) in the wall material [2,3]. Our current study focuses on the influence of He presence in the tungsten bulk and its influence on deuterium (D) retention and transport during D atom loading. The study was performed on tungsten samples irradiated by 500 keV He ions up to three different He concentrations, 1at.%, 3.4at.% and 6.8at.%. By such irradiation one does not only implant He into the material but also creates displacement damage. We experimentally confirmed that HI can be strongly trapped at structural defects in tungsten produced by high energy ion irradiation. This consequently increases HI retention by several orders of magnitude in tungsten, otherwise known to have low HI solubility. Our study was performed in-situ by measuring D depth profiles utilizing 3He nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) during D atom exposure at 600K with a flux of 4.2×1018 D/m2s. We will show how different He concentrations influence D retention and how we separated the He effect from the influence of the displacement damage produced by He implantation. We observe increased D concentration in the He implantation zone where the captured D amount increases almost linearly with the implanted He amount. After D loading of an annealed tungsten sample containing 6.8at.% He (30 min at 1700K) the local D concentration even increased as compared to the as implanted sample to a local D concentration of 1.35at.%. This indicates that He did not lose its capacity to store D even after annealing when displacement damage is annealed out and He agglomerates into bigger bubbles. References [1] H. Ullmaier, Nucl. Fusion 24, 1039 (1984) [2] M.J. Baldwin, et al., Nucl. Fusion 51, 103021 (2011) [3] S. Markelj, et al., Nucl. Fusion 57, 064002 (2017)

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MAT3-O2-0148 ● Ion beam analysis of Li-Sn alloys for fusion applications R. Mateus 1, M.B. Costa 2, N. Catarino 1, R.C. Silva 1, L.C. Alves 3, M. Guedes 2, 4, A.C. Ferro 2, 5, E. Alves 1 1IPFN, Instituto Superior Técnico, ULisboa - Lisboa (PT), 2CeFEMA, Instituto Superior Técnico, ULisboa - Lisboa (PT), 3C2TN, Instituto Superior Técnico, ULisboa - Bobadela (PT), 4CDP2T and Dep. Mechanical Engineering, Setúbal School of Technology, IP Setúbal - Setúbal (PT), 5Dep. Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, ULisboa - Lisboa (PT) Alternative concepts of plasma facing components (PFCs) are based on the use of liquid metals (LM) wetting W PFCs [1]. The reactivity of Li, Sn and Li-Sn alloys with W is low [1,2]. Liquid Sn can be used in a wide temperature range in operative scenarios [2]. The shortcomings of liquid Li are the lower operative temperatures (up to ~500 ºC), a high affinity to react with H and O [2] and the high melting points of Li-rich intermetallics [3]. Nevertheless, the transport of Li to the plasma edge reduces turbulence and increases confinement [2] and therefore, Li-Sn alloys with low Li contents may be a good alternative for LM applications. They are being produced at IST with target compositions up to 25 at.% Li via mechanical alloying (MA) by milling pure Sn powders and Li ribbons under dry Ar. Distinct MA parameters were followed to assure an effective reactive milling and improved Li-Sn alloying. Ion beam analysis is suitable to help optimizing the MA procedure by characterizing the elemental composition of the pristine materials and of the modifications imposed by MA, air exposure and plasma irradiation. Apart O contents less than 1 at.% attributed to both Sn and Li sources, proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) pointed Pb (less than 0.05 at.%), a natural contaminant of Sn, and Fe (less than 0.05 at.%) abraded from the stainless steel vial and milling balls, as the sole contaminants of the alloys. Elastic backscattering spectrometry (EBS) allows depth profiling of O by following the 16O(p,p)16O reaction yield and the decrease of the Sn backscattering yield in the surface layers due to the migration of Li to react with O. Simultaneously, accurate depth profiling of Li down to depths of 10-20 µm is achieved by nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) with the 7Li(p,4He)4He reaction, evidencing losses of Li lower than 10 % during the MA stage. Elemental mapping with a nuclear microprobe indicates that Li spreads across the Sn grain powders. Despite the competitive 2H(3He,p)4He, 6Li(3He,p)8Be, 7Li(3He,d)8Be and 7Li(3He,p)9Be nuclear reactions, the retention of 2H in irradiate samples is quantified by using 3He+ ion beams of 1 MeV energy. References [1] S. Brezinsek et al., Nucl. Fusion 57 (2017) 116041 [2] R.E. Nygren, F.L. Tabarés, Nucl. Mater. Energy 9 (2016) 6. [3] T.B. Massalski et al. (Eds.), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, ASM, Metals Park, Ohio, 1986.

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MAT3-O3-0207 ● Helium management in plasma facing materials through nanostructure engineering Y. Wang 1, M. Demkowicz 2, F. Ren 3 1Materials Science and Technology Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory - Los Alamos, New MX 87545 (US), 2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas 77840 (US), 3School of Physics and Technology, Center for Ion Beam Application and Center for Electron Microscopy, Wuhan University - Hubei 430072 (CN) Material degradation due to helium (He) precipitation is a key concern in nuclear energy. This detrimental effect is amplified in fusion plasma facing materials (PFM) due to extremely high flux of He plasma exposure. As a result, the most promising PFM candidate, tungsten (W), has been found to suffer with a bizarre nanostructure formation termed W-fuzz upon He plasma bombardment. Such a hairy W morphology not only significantly reduces the thermal conductivity and surface reflectivity but also endangers core plasma stability once these fragile W fibers break off from the surface. Here we design novel nanochannel W-structures to reduce “net” He-flux to the surface by spontaneously outgassing portion of the incoming He particles [1,2]. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), combined with cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy (SEM), was used to determine the film impurity and density. Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) were used to determine the efficiency of controlled He-release in various nanostructured films. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) were used to characterize He-induced defects such as He-cluster, bubble size, and density distributions. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to help elucidate He-release mechanisms in these nanochannel W structures. References [1] D. Chen et al. Self-organization of helium precipitates into elongated channels within metal nanolayers. Science Advances, 3, eaao2710 (2017). [2] W. Qin et al. Nanochannel structures in W enhance radiation tolerance, Acta Materialia, 153, 147 (2018).

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MAT4-O1-0027 ● Channeling study of the SNEEL phenomenon in semiconductors L. Thome 1, A. Debelle 1, G. Gutierrez 2, I. Monnet 3, F. Garrido 1 1CSNSM-Orsay - Orsay (FR), 2CEA-SRMP - Saclay (FR), 3CIMAP-Caen - Caen (FR) A new phenomenon, called SNEEL for Synergy between Nuclear and Electronic Energy Losses, was recently discovered in SiC irradiated with a dual low- and high- energy ion beam [1-2]. This phenomenon leads to a healing by electronic excitation (Se) of the disorder produced by ballistic collisions (Sn). For example, SNEEL prevents amorphization in ion-irradiated SiC. The present work presents an investigation of the SNEEL process in amorphizable semiconductors: SiC, Si and GaAs. A panel of experimental techniques were used for this study: Raman, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Rutherford backscattering in channeling geometry (RBS/C). The analysis of RBS/C data with the Monte-Carlo McChasy code allowed a quantification of the disorder created upon irradiation as a function of the sample depth. Results demonstrate that the SNEEL phenomenon occurs in the three semiconductors studied, but at a different rate: the largest effect is in GaAs and the smallest in Si. It was moreover shown that the efficiency of SNEEL strongly depends on the ratio between the high- and low-energy ion flux (τ): the largest τ, the highest SNEEL. Finally, it was demonstrated that the damage healing is much smaller (and sometimes inexistent) when low- and high-energy irradiations are performed sequentially and not simultaneously using a dual-ion beam. These results are important for both a fundamental understanding of the processes occurring in ion-solid interactions and industrial applications concerning the operating cycle of future nuclear reactors. In this latter case, combined Sn/Se effects may lead to a strong reduction of the damage production allowing the preservation of the physical integrity of materials submitted to severe irradiations. Acknowledgement The staffs of the JANNUS facility at Saclay and of the SCALP platform at Orsay are sincerely acknowledged for their assistance during ion irradiations and RBS/C analyses. This work was supported by the French network EMIR. References [1] L. Thomé, A. Debelle, F. Garrido, P. Trocellier, Y. Serruys, G. Velisa, S. Miro, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 2013, 141906 [2] L. Thomé, G. Velisa, S. Miro, A. Debelle, F. Garrido, G. Sattonnay, S. Mylonas, P. Trocellier, Y. Serruys, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 2015, 105901

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MAT4-O2-0078 ● Lithium-sulfur batteries studied by high-energy resolution PIXE spectroscopy M. Kavcic 1, M. Petric 2, A. Rajh 3, A. Vizintin 4, S. Drvaric Talian 4, R. Dominko 4 1J. Stefan Institute - Ljubljana (SI), 2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geotehnical Engineering - Zagreb (HR), 3Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana - Ljubljana (SI), 4National Institute of Chemistry - Ljubljana (SI) Lithium sulfur batteries are one of the most promising options in powering applications requiring high energy density. Compared to more conventional lithium-ion systems, lithium-sulfur batteries have significantly larger theoretical gravimetric capacity. In addition, the elemental sulfur is highly abundant and relatively inexpensive, which reduces the cost factor. The sulfur reduction mechanism during discharge is not direct conversion to final Li2S discharge product but proceeds through intermediate formation of lithium polysulfides, which are soluble in the electrolyte and this affects the overall performance of the battery. A detailed understanding of complex electrochemical reactions during battery cycling is required to improve the performance. For that purpose, numerous analytical techniques being capable to detect polysulfides under realistic conditions within a working battery have been applied to address the electrochemistry mechanism within the Li-S cell [1]. High-energy resolution PIXE spectroscopy employing wavelength dispersive crystal spectrometer [2] can be used to extend the analytical capabilities of standard PIXE technique and address also the chemical state of the element in the sample [3]. In this work, high-energy resolution PIXE spectroscopy have been used to examine the local electronic structure of sulfur in three different phases, which appear in the Li-S battery cathode; elemental sulfur, lithium polysulfides and lithium sulfide. Sulfur Kα and Kβ PIXE spectra of pure S, Li2S and the lithium polysulfides (Li2Sx) standards prepared by a chemical reaction between metallic lithium and sulfur were measured and compared to the results of quantum chemistry calculations based on density functional theory. Next, we have recorded also Kα and Kβ spectra from several battery cathodes stopped at different stages during the discharge. Finally, in-operando high-energy resolution PIXE measurements on the working battery cell have been performed to study reduction of sulfur within the battery during the discharge.

References [1] E. Zhao, K. Nie, X. Yu, Y.-S. Hu, F. Wang, J. Xiao, H. Li, X. Huang, J., Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1707543. [2] M. Kavčič et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, 033113 (2012). [3] M. Kavčič, M. Petric, K. Vogel-Mikuš, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 417 (2018) 65-69.

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MAT4-O3-0034 ● A complete study of high contents of H references produced by low energy ion implantation G. Terwagne 1, P.L. Debarsy 1 University of Namur - Namur (BE) Developing hydrogen references for material analysis is an important tool for ERDA and RNRA but also for reverse kinematics experiments as for example to measure nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest. The stability of the implanted species under irradiation is the major challenge for the references. We have shown recently that the retained dose of hydrogen silicon is enhanced when silicon is amorphized [1]. So, we have developed hydrogen reference by ion implantation in amorphous silicon, which was produced by 300 keV 28Si ion implantation on a (100) silicon wafer to obtain an amorphous depth around 400 nm. The tilt and twist angles of the target are fixed to avoid channeling and the target was cooled during implantation. Amorphous silicon was then implanted with 5 keV hydrogen for doses from 5 1016 to 8 1017 at./cm². Characteristics of the standards (retained dose, isotopic purities, homogeneity, depth profile, stability under ions irradiation and reproducibility) have been studied using Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Resonant Nuclear Resonance Analysis (RNRA) with the 1H(15N,αγ)12C resonant nuclear reaction at 6385 keV. These properties were compared with another hydrogen standard, previously developed by G. Genard et al. [2], consisting of hydrogen implantation in crystalline silicon. As an example of application, hydrogen standard is used to measure the cross section of nuclear reactions with astrophysical interest, more precisely the 13C(p,γ)14N in reverse kinematics. This reaction occurs mainly in the CNO cycle for hydrogen burning in stars. References [1] P-L. Debarsy and G. Terwagne, Nucl. Inst. Meth., B442, 2019, pp.47-52. [2] G. Genard, M. Yedji, G.G. Ross and G. Terwagne, Nucl. Inst. Meth., B264, 2007, pp.156-164.

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MAT4-O4-0253 ● Round Robin: Composition and thickness of nitride and oxide thin films grown by atomic layer deposition J. Julin 1, T. Sajavaara 2 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research - Dresden (DE), 2University of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics - Jyväskylä (FI)

A round robin characterization of the elemental composition and thickness of Al2O3 and TiN thin films using IBA methods was organized. The samples were grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on 200 mm Si wafers. The Al2O3 films with different thicknesses (10–100 nm) were deposited using Al(CH3)3 and water as precursors at low temperatures, known to produce films with high impurity concentrations and non- stoichiometric O/Al ratio. The TiN films, sandwiched between thinner ALD-Al2O3 films, were grown using TiCl4 and NH3 precursors. The samples were chosen to represent a typical thin film analysis problem with real-world applications. The participating institutes were mainly using heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis (HI-ERDA) as a single measurement technique capable of providing all the requested information. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) were employed as multi-technique complementary analysis (so called Total-IBA) or to give partial results. In addition, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) were employed as complementary techniques. The main goal of this study was not to promote the HI-ERDA technique but to identify the possible weaknesses and limitations of different analysis techniques and approaches, and thereafter improve the accuracy and reliability of the results given by the ion beam analysis community. A special emphasis was put on transparency of the results obtained – all the raw measurement data are publicly available for e.g. comparison and educational use via open data portal.

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PIXE-O1-0179 ● High energy PIXE: new K-shell ionization cross sections for titanium, copper, silver, and gold atoms and comparison with theoretical values of ECPSSR/RECPSSR models C. Koumeir 1, M. Hazim 1, F. Haddad 2, Q. Mouchard 2, N. Servagent 2, N. Michel 2, A. Naja 3 1GIP ARRONAX - Nantes (FR), 2Subatech IMT Atlantique - Nantes (FR), 3Université LBaise - Tripoli (LB) A platform was implemented on ARRONAX to perform non-destructive materials analysis with X rays emission induced by high energy beams (HEPIXE). The HEPIXE has already been used to analyze geological samples and thick objects such as old paintings and coins in the field of art. One of the benefits of HEPIXE is the significant increase of the K-lines X-ray production cross-sections of medium and heavy elements with respect to those of lower energy protons. This makes possible the identification of these elements with K-X rays. HEPIXE is adapted for the analysis of thick targets particularly if the bulk composition is different from the composition of the surface. Moreover, due to the decrease of the stopping power at larger proton energies, a strong reduction of the target irradiation damage is expected. The knowledge of the K-Shell ionization cross sections is necessary to perform quantitative analysis with PIXE. Currently, experimental data available at high energy are scarce. An experimental campaign has been conducted at the ARRONAX cyclotron to measure the K-X ray production cross-sections of titanium, copper silver and gold atoms in a wide energy range from 30 MeV to 68 MeV. The parameters of the experimental devices such as the detector efficiency, the beam intensity, and the targets thicknesses, have been characterized accurately in order to obtain precise measurements. Special care has been made to select the most accurate K-shell fluorescence yields from the literature data, in order to convert the K X-ray production cross sections to the K shell ionization cross section.

We will present, a review of the theoretical models ECPSSR/RECPSSR, followed by a description of our experiment (beam, detector, and target). The outcomes of the experiment will be compared with the existing data and the theoretical predictions of models.

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PIXE-O2-0252 ● PIXE-PIGE, EDXRF and 12 MeV Proton Activation Analysis of Roman archeological artefacts G. Chêne 1, S. Dienst 1, A. Holsbeek 1, C. Defeyt 1, T. Morard 2, D. Strivay 1 1University of Liège, IPNAS-SANA-CEA, U.R. Art, Archéologie, Patrimoine - Liège (BE), 2University of Liège, U.R. Art, Archéologie, Patrimoine - Liège (BE) A combination of 3MeV proton PIXE-PIGE, MA-EDXRF and 10-15 MeV proton activation analysis has been recently applied on the external beam line of the cyclotron of IPNAS/CEA laboratory from the University of Liège, and thus, to a wide variety of archaeological specimens (glass, pottery (terra sigillata), mortars and pigments) all provided by on-going studies and excavations of housing materials, wall decorations, and vessels led on two remarkable Roman sites: First, from an important agricultural complex excavated on an artificial terrace from a republican town, Artena, located, 40 km South-East from Rome, near the Via Latina and the Campania and second, from the Domus dei bucrani, a house dating from the end of the Republican era discovered on the site of the Schola of the Trajan in Ostia. The aim of the present work is to explore and report the specific analytical interests of Charge Particle Activation Analysis implemented with protons ranging from 10 to 15 MeV, as a non-invasive analytical technique for the detection of elements with Z = 11-40 and beyond, and to address its suitability to solve questions raised by archaeologists . We present in this paper the preliminary results obtained following methodologies reported in recent pioneering and more recent works [1-4] and emphasize on the achieved sensitivities (Limits of Detections) for elements as Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Y, Zr and Sb ranging from percentage to parts per million (ppm) levels. Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge for their kind methodological support and know-how transfer, first, C . Sastri. from Mainz University T. Sauvage and F. Duval from CEMHTI-CNRS Orleans and, for the access to the archeological artefacts, second, from Artena, Pr. J. Gadeyne from Temple University Roma, C. Brouillard from INRAP and artefacts from Ostia Antica, Pr. T. Morard from Liege University. References [1] Sastri C. S., Banerjee A., Sauvage T., Courtois B., Duval F. Application of 12 MeV proton acti- vation to the analysis of archaeological specimens J Radioanal Nucl Chem (2016) 308:241-249 [2] Debrun J. L., Barrandon J. N., Benaben P., (1976) Irradiation of elements from Z = 3 to Z = 42 with 10 MeV protons and application to activation analysis. Anal. Chem. 48:167-172 [3] Guerra M. F., Calligaro T. (2004), Gold traces to trace gold. J. Archaeol Sci. 31:1199-1208 [4] Degryse P., Shortland J. (2009) Trace elements in provenancing raw materials for Roman . Geologica Belgica 12(3-4):135-143

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PIXE-O3-0168 ● PIGE measurements at the Tandem Lab “Demokritos” – An overview A. Lagogiannis 1, K. Preketes-Sigalas 1, M. Axiotis 1, S. Harissopulos 1, M. Kokkoris 2, T. Mertzimekis 3, P. Misaelides 4, N. Patronis 5 1Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, N.C.S.R. ''Demokritos'' - Athens (GR), 2Department of Physics, National Technical University of Athens - Athens (GR), 3Faculty of Physics, University of Athens - Athens (GR), 4Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Thessaloniki (GR), 5Department of Physics, University of Ioannina - Ioannina (GR) Particle Induced Gamma – ray Emission (PIGE) is a widely used Ion Beam Analysis technique suitable for the detection and quantification of low Z elements in complex matrixes. While its use has started as early as the 1960’s, its analytical power hasn’t been full explored mainly because of the lack of suitable and reliable cross section data and dedicated computer codes for the analysis of the experimental results. IAEA has launched in 2012 a Coordinated Research Program aiming at curing these drawbacks and enhancing PIGE use. The Tandem Accelerator group, participating in this effort, has measured a number of gamma producing differential cross section data and made them available to the scientific community through the IBANDL database. Moreover, in an effort to validate the new results, as well as existing ones, a new method for benchmarking differential cross section data has been established. Finally, a new computer code named PiGreCo, has been developed in order to facilitate and spread PIGE use for the quantification of light elements. An overview of this ongoing effort will be presented. Acknowledgement The authors would like to acknowledge the support of this work by the project “CALIBRA/EYIE” (MIS 5002799) which is implemented under the Action “Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure”, funded by the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (NSRF 2014-2020)

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SIMS-O1-0074 ● TOF-SIMS USING A GOLD NANOPARTICLE BEAM TO ANALYSE COPPER TECHNICAL SURFACES FOR ULTRA HIGH VACUUM APPLICATION S. Bilgen 1, B. Mercier 1, G. Sattonnay 1, S. Della-Negra 2, D. Jacquet 2, T.L. Lai 2, I. Ribaud 2, V. Baglin 3 1LAL - CNRS (IN2P3) - Orsay (FR), 2IPNO - CNRS (IN2P3) - Orsay (FR), 3CERN - Meyrin (CH) For the future high energy particle accelerators, it is crucial to provide solutions to mitigate the pressure rises induced by electronic, photonic and ionic stimulated desorption during particle beam operations. Moreover, it is worth noting that the OFE copper vacuum chambers of the Large Hadron Collider are initially cleaned with standard “industrial” processes, leading to a residual chemical contamination. Along the time, changes in the surface chemistry of vacuum chambers in use are observed, leading to modifications of: outgassing rates, stimulated desorption processes and secondary emission yields. It is thus important to investigate the influence of the surface chemistry on these phenomenon occurring during beam operations. Therefore, OFE copper surfaces were analysed by the TOF-SIMS technique using a 12 MeV-Au400 4+ nanoparticle beam delivered by the ANDROMEDE facility. This probe allows us to reach a higher secondary ion emission yield, a higher ratio signal to noise and a lower fragmentation of molecular ions than standard ion beams. It is very sensitive to molecules deposited on the surface and gives essentially information concerning the composition of the first 10-20 nm of the solid surface. The nature of the residual contamination was thus determined and compared between different surface cleaning processes. Samples were also irradiated by an electron beam in order to condition the surface (surface scrubbing). Un-irradiated and electron-irradiated samples were analysed by the same TOF-SIMS method to detect surface chemistry differences. Finally, XPS analyses were also performed on the same samples and results obtained by both techniques were compared.

53 / 221 Orals presentations Thursday 17 October

SIMS-O2-0149 ● Secondary ion yields in MeV-SIMS with heavy cluster ions K-U. Miltenberger 1, N. Brehm 1, M. Döbeli 1, C. Vockenhuber 1, H.A. Synal 1 ETH Zurich - Zurich (CH) In conventional SIMS quite some data characterizing the desorption process and secondary ion yields are available for atomic and cluster primary ions at keV energies. However for higher primary ion energies in the MeV range and especially for high- energy cluster ions very little data [1] is available and the ionization and desorption processes for the emission of atomic and molecular secondary ions are not well understood. To investigate these physical processes, measurements were performed at the ETH Zurich MeV-SIMS setup CHIMP (Capillary Heavy Ion MeV-SIMS Probe) [2,3] with a wide range of atomic and cluster primary ions (Cn, Cun, I, Au) with energies ranging from 1 - 75 MeV. The obtained data have been evaluated with regard to the secondary ion yield scaling of intact and fragmented molecular ions with energy, cluster size as well as nuclear and electronic stopping power of the primary ions. Secondary ion yields increase significantly with primary ion velocity when increasing the energy to several 10 MeV, while fragmentation of the molecular secondary ions is reduced, resulting in an increased useful yield of intact molecules. The fragmentation is strongly dependent on the specific stopping power regime and decreases with increasing electronic stopping respectively decreasing nuclear stopping in the sample. Additionally fragmentation decreases when moving from atomic to cluster primary ions. References [1] K. Hirata, Y. Saitoh, A. Chiba, K. Yamada, K. Narumi. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry with energetic cluster ion impact ionization for highly sensitive chemical structure characterization. [2] M. Schulte-Borchers, M. Döbeli, A. M. Müller, M. George, H.-A. Synal. Time of Flight MeV-SIMS with beam induced secondary electron trigger. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 380 (2016) 94. [3] K.-U. Miltenberger, M. Schulte-Borchers, M. Döbeli, A. M. Müller, M. George, H.-A. Synal. MeV-SIMS capillary microprobe for molecular imaging. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 412 (2017) 185.

54 / 221 Orals presentations Thursday 17 October

SIMS-O3-0201 ● Overview of computational methods for processing MeV TOF SIMS spectra and 2D images at RBI M. Barac 1, M. Brajkovic 1, K.L. Moore 1, 2, Z. Siketic 1, I. Bogdanovic-Radovic 1, M. Popovic-Hadžija 3, M. Hadžija 3 1Laboratory for Ion Beam Interactions, Ruder Boškovic Institute, Bijenicka 54, HR-10000 - Zagreb (HR), 2Department of Chemistry, University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey (UK), 3Laboratory for mitochondrial bioenergetics and diabetes, Ruder Boškovic Institute, Bijenicka 54, HR-10000 - Zagreb (HR) Complex, multivariate nature of MeV time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF SIMS) datasets requires the use of advanced statistical and machine learning methods for proper data interpretation (identification, classification or prediction). Such fast and efficient methods minimize subjectivity during analysis and use all the information available in the dataset. They improve signal to noise ratio and are able to remove potential bias. On the other hand, there are numerous different procedures to choose from, and some can be difficult to understand and interpret. Appropriate selection of data pre-processing and analysis method are critical for accurate interpretation of MeV TOF SIMS data. MeV TOF SIMS is a fairly new technique in use at heavy ion microprobe installed at the 45° beam line of the 6 MV Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at RBI. So far it has been used in the analysis of forensic samples (mapping intersections of inks and toners, spectra of signatures and stamps, mapping and spectra of fingerprints etc.) and biological samples (mouse serum and urine, liver tissue, biological cells etc.). The need arises to correctly draw conclusions from the studies and to maximize the amount of data used in the process, as well to try to visualize variations in more complex datasets. For that purpose, several multivariate statistical methods such as Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and k-means clustering, commonly used for the analysis of the keV TOF-SIMS mass spectra and images, can also be applied in the MeV TOF-SIMS. Several examples of PCA analysis of 2d images in the study of deposition order of different writing tools is presented. K- means clustering algorithm is applied on generated principal components (PC’s) to reconstruct the complete 2D image of the sample in terms of deposition order. Another example is presented involving a temporal study investigating potential biomarkers for diabetes type 2 from mice urine. Temporal datasets containing mass spectra from urine of several mice, together with blood glucose monitoring, were analyzed with Multivariate empirical Bayes analysis (MEBA), a common analysis algorithm used in proteomics experiments.

55 / 221 Orals presentations Thursday 17 October

SIMS-O4-0241 ● Method of study on the depth profile of electrolyte with He+ microprobe in vacuum T. Yu 1, H. Zhang 1, X. Li 2, R. Jin 1, W. Zhang 1, H. Xue 1, H. Shen 1, G. Du 2 1Fudan University - Shanghai (CN), 2Institute of Modern Physics, CNse Academy of Sciences - Lanzhou (CN) The ion distribution of electrolyte is widely investigated in many fields as electrochemistry, battery, biology, etc. Some works have been done to study the electrolyte with ion beam. As it is difficult to detect a liquid sample in vacuum, it is common to use proton beam to penetrate a thick window[1] or apply external detecting [2]. Our work is applying a 2MeV He+ microbeam probe to detect electrolyte in vacuum, therefore it could have a higher depth resolution and less scattering from atmosphere.

A cube filled with LaCl3 solution has been fabricated in our work, with a 15nm-thick Si3N4 incident window embedded in a Si wafer, the solution inside can be bombarded by ion microbeam in vacuum. The depth profile of La3+ and Cl-1 was acquired clearly from the RBS spectrum. By using simulation program Simnra, the depth profile of these two kinds of ion can be sliced into multi-layers which fit the experiment spectrum perfectly. Apply voltage to the solution through electrode, we can also see the movement of the ions from the depth profile. References [1] J.S. Forster, D.Phillips, J. Gulens, D.A. Harrington* and R.L. Tapping, Ion Backscattering Studies Of The Liquid-Solid Interface. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B28(1987) 385-390 [2] M.Saito, K. Holm, F.L. Bregolin, H. Hofsass, External RBS analysis setup at University of Gottingen:RBS analysis for liquid samples. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2018;50;1149-1153.

56 / 221 Orals presentations Friday 18 October Friday 18 October

INV8-0178 ● Present Status of the Problem of Cross-Section Data for Ion Beam Analysis A. Gurbich 1 Institute for Physics and Power Engineering - Obninsk (RU) The needs of the IBA community in nuclear cross-section data are briefly reviewed. The available experimental data incorporated in the IBANDL database (https://www- nds.iaea.org/ibandl/) and the evaluated cross-sections provided by the on-line calculator SigmaCalc (http://sigmacalc.iate.obninsk.ru) are critically examined. The revealed problems are discussed. Numerous mistakes found in a random check of IBANDL files make its reliability questionable. The elimination from IBANDL of the data irrelevant to IBA is suggested. Stated goals and achieved results of the activity supported by the IAEA through the Technical Meeting (TM) on Benchmarking Experiments for Ion Beam Analysis, and the nuclear data evaluation project “R-matrix Codes for Charged-particle Reactions in the Resolved-Resonance Region” are reviewed. The importance of benchmark experiments in validating the evaluated cross- sections is commonly accepted. Consequently the list of actions of TM on benchmarking experiments which was not implemented remains actual. It is evident that SigmaCalc is still the only source of the evaluated differential cross-sections for IBA. Since the evaluation provides the most reliable cross-sections the significance of the further development of SigmaCalc with the ultimate goal to provide the IBA community with a comprehensive source of the evaluated cross-sections is vital. The problem of assigning uncertainties to the evaluated cross-sections is discussed. A list of the cross-sections the knowledge of which should be improved is presented and the ways to resolve the existing problems are outlined. The directions of further development of nuclear cross-section data for IBA are indicated.

57 / 221 Orals presentations Friday 18 October

SIMU1-O1-0177 ● Processing of massive Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry data by artificial neural networks T. Silva 1, R. Guimarães 1, C.L. Rodrigues 1, M.H. Tabacniks 1, B.V. Vassily 2, M. Matej 2, P. Hiret 2 1University of São Paulo - São Paulo (BR), 2Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik - Garching (DE) Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) is an important technique providing elemental information of the near surface region of samples with high accuracy and robustness. However, this technique lacks throughput by the limited rate of data processing and is hardly routinely applied in research with a massive number of samples (i.e. hundreds or even thousands of samples). The situation is even worse for complex samples, i.e. if roughness or porosity is present in those samples, because the simulation of such structures is computationally demanding. This increases the computing time for spectra processing considerably. Fortunately, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) show to be a great ally for massive data processing of ion beam data. However, there are a number of unanswered questions: how do ANNs perform with the ambiguous information provided by RBS? How do the results provided by ANN compare with human evaluation of the data? What are the uncertainties associated with the results? What is the ANN architecture that delivers the best compromise between accuracy and training time? Is it worth to spend a lot of processing time generating data for the ANN training instead of using the computational resources for performing a direct processing of the large dataset? In this presentation, we try to address all these questions, as part of the effort to make massive data processing easily available through MultiSIMNRA [1]. ANNs were used for the analysis of RBS spectra from special erosion/deposition marker samples from the worldwide largest stellarator W7-X. The spectra were complex due large surface and interface roughnesses of the technical surfaces, porous materials and inhomogeneous erosion by the plasma [2]. About 3000 different spectra were processed. The results from the ANN analysis were compared to human evaluations and automated fits. The automated fit of all spectra took more than 5000 CPU hours, while the ANN, once trained, was able to evaluate each spectrum in less than one second. References [1] T. F. Silva et al., “MultiSIMNRA: A computational tool for self-consistent ion beam analysis using SIMNRA”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B Beam Interact. Mater. At., vol. 371, p. 86–89, mar. 2016. [2] C. P. Dhard et al., “Erosion and deposition investigations on Wendelstein 7-X first wall components for the first operation phase in divertor configuration”, Fusion Eng. Des., dez. 2018.

58 / 221 Orals presentations Friday 18 October

SIMU1-O2-0181 ● McChasy2: new Monte Carlo RBS/C simulation code designed for use with large crystalline structures J. Jagielski 1, L. Nowicki 1, C. Mieszczynski 1, K. Skrobas 1, P. Jozwik 1, O. Dorosh 1 1) National Centre for Nuclear Research, NOMATEN CoE MAB+ Division, A. Soltana 7 - 05-400 Otwock (PL) Monte Carlo simulations of the Rutherford Backscattering spectra recorded in channeling conditions (RBS/C) demonstrated already its potential in analysis of the channeling data. Ability to extract quantitative information about structural disorder in multielemental targets, thick damaged layers and structures containing dislocations are only some of the advantages of this approach. One of the first fully operational MC package used for simulations of the RBS/C spectra was McChasy1, the code developed in National Centre for Nuclear Research [1]. Current trends in material science clearly point to the importance of holistic approach based on combination of very different methods, from atomistic simulations to prediction of functional properties and including analytical techniques for determination of structural properties. Taking into account that one of the most commonly used methods of atomistic simulations is Molecular Dynamic technique it is clear, that the further development of MC simulations of RBS/C data should be based on the capability to produce channeling spectra from MD-like structures. This assumption constitutes the pedestal of the McChasy2. McChasy2 code constitutes the next step in MC simulations of RBS/C spectra. This code is able to produce channeling data from structures containing few million atoms and read LAMMPS generated boxes. It is also possible to introduce several types of defects, such as Randomly Distributed Atoms, dislocations, dislocation loops, multilayered structures etc. Structure and basic properties of the code will be presented as well as examples of the first applications. Acknowledgement This work has been performed in the frames of the NOMATEN CoE MAB+ Project financed by Polish Foundation for Science and European Commission through research grant 857470

59 / 221 Orals presentations Friday 18 October

SIMU1-O3-0239 ● Potku 2 software with Monte-Carlo calculation and fitting options M. Laitinen 1, H. Rekilä 2, K. Arstila 1, S. Jääskeläinen 2, S. Kaiponen 2, S. Siironen 2, T. Tuovinen 2, J. Itkonen 2, J.P. Santanen 2, T. Sajavaara 1 1University of Jyväskylä, Department of Physics - Jyväskylä (FI), 2University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Information Technology - Jyväskylä (FI) Potku is a software for time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (ToF-ERDA) [1]. Potku was developed in 2013 for the ion beam analysis (IBA) community from the slab analysis codes written already in the 90’s by Kai Arstila. Since it’s launch it has been taken into everyday use for example in JYFL Finland, KTH Sweden, RBI Croatia and IMEC Belgium. In Potku software one can analyze elemental depth profiles from the ToF-E coincidence data, monitor and correct elemental losses during the measurement, export energy data for other programs and utilize advanced detection capabilities such as kinematic correction, to name a few. In 2018 Potku 2.0 with integrated MCERD [2] code was developed. This upgrade made Potku a full Monte-Carlo (MC) capable software. Now MC simulations of ERD, but also other scattering type IBA measurements, where multiple or plural scattering is an issue can be analyzed with Potku, such as normal RBS data. The most recent update to the Potku is the automated fitting tool using NSGA-II algorithm, which was chosen among several candidates. Automated fitting can be used to match the measured spectra to the original material composition. In the Fig. 1 is shown an example of the user interface of the Potku software. In this presentation, we will officially release and present the new version of Potku software for the IBA community. The newest version can be downloaded for Windows, iOS and Linux operating systems from the code development page GitHub or from the JYFL department page using link: https://tinyurl.com/y4gjdpvt. References [1] K. Arstila, J. Julin, M.I. Laitinen, J. Aalto, T. Konu, S. Kärkkäinen, S. Rahkonen, M. Raunio, J. Itkonen, J.-P. Santanen, T. Tuovinen, T. Sajavaara, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, 331 (2014), p. 34. [2] K. Arstila, T. Sajavaara, J. Keinonen, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 174 (2001) p. 163. Figure 1. Example of Potku user interface.

60 / 221 Orals presentations Friday 18 October

SIMU2-O1-0068 ● Recent developments in Geant4 for PIXE applications S. Bakr 1, D. D. Cohen 2, R. Siegele 2, S. Incerti 3, V. Ivanchenko 4, A. Mantero 5, A. Rosenfeld 1, S. Guatelli 1 1University of Wollongong - Wollongong (AU), 2AUn Nuclear Science and Technology Organization - Sydney (AU), 3CNRS/IN2P3, Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan, Université de Bordeaux, Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan - Bordeaux (FR), 4Geant4 Associates International Ltd, f Tomsk State University - Tomsk (RU), 5SWHARD s.r.l - Genova (IT) We describe the recent inclusion in Geant4 of the state-of-the-art proton, alpha and 12C ion shell ionisation cross sections based on the ECPSSR approach as calculated by Cohen et al, called here ANSTO ECPSSR. The new ionisation cross sections have been integrated into Geant4. We present a comparison of the fluorescence X-ray spectra generated by the ANSTO ECPSSR set of cross sections and, alternatively, the currently available sets of Geant4 PIXE cross sections. The comparisons are performed for a large set of sample materials spanning a broad range of atomic numbers. The two alternative PIXE cross sections approach (Geant4 and ANSTO) have been compared to existing experimental measurements performed at ANSTO with gold, tantalum and cerium targets of interest for nanomedicine applications. The results show that, while the alternative approaches produce equivalent results for vacancies generated in the K and L shell, differences are evident in the case of M shell vacancies. This work represents the next step in the effort to improve the Geant4 modelling of the atomic relaxation and provide recommended approaches to the Geant4 user community. This new Geant4 development is of interest for applications spanning from life and space to environmental science. Acknowledgement This project has been funded by the Australian Research Council, grant number ARC DP 170100967. The authors D. D. Cohen and R. Siegele would like to acknowledge National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategies (NCRIS) for funding of the Centre for Accelerator Science (CAS) and to CAS staff for access to their ion beam analysis facilities.

61 / 221 Orals presentations Friday 18 October

SIMU2-O2-0044 ● On the Accuracy of Total-IBA C. Jeynes 1, V.V. Palitsin 1, M. Kokkoris 2, G.W. Grime 1, A. Hamilton 3 1University of Surrey Ion Beam Centre - Guildford (UK), 2National Technical University - Athens (GR), 3University of Strathclyde - Glasgow (UK) “Total-IBA” [1] implies the synergistic use of multiple IBA techniques. It has been claimed that Total-IBA inherits the accuracy of the most accurate IBA technique used [2]. The present work starts to address the currently unsolved problem of how to correctly evaluate uncertainty in Total-IBA. A specific example is given of this where EBS/PIXE of a complex glass sample uniform in depth is validated against absolutely calibrated SEM-WDX of the same sample. In this case, neither any single technique (of SEM, EBS, PIXE), nor any pair, gave a complete analysis. The SEM results had a mass closure gap (due to undetected elements) of 2.0±0.6 wt%; the full PIXE analysis showed the composition of this missing 2 wt%. The PIXE calibration was against a single certified glass sample, and was therefore rather rough with average uncertainties per line of about 10 %. However, the EBS determined the major elements rather precisely so that the Total-IBA determination of the silica content of the glass agreed with SEM at about 2 %. The uncertainties of the EBS cross-sections for Si and O are assessed against benchmark measurements [3] but are certainly larger than 2 %: the extra accuracy derives from the mass closure constraint of the EBS. The details of the uncertainty budget are discussed. Acknowledgement We acknowledge the support of the EPSRC (UK Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council) under contract NS/A000059/1. Thanks to Mark Bamborough (Scottish Glass Studios) and Rosslyn Chapel Trust for supplying stained glass pieces from the Rosslyn Chapel. References [1] C.Jeynes, M.J.Bailey, N.J.Bright, M.E.Christopher, G.W.Grime, B.N.Jones, V.V.Palitsin, R.P.Webb, Total IBA – where are we?, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 271 (2012) 107–118 [2] C. Jeynes, J.L. Colaux, Thin film depth profiling by Ion Beam Analysis, Analyst 141 (2016) 5944–5985; http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c6an01167e [3] M. Kokkoris, S. Dede, K. Kantre, A. Lagoyannis, E. Ntemou, V. Paneta, K. Preketes-Sigalas, G. Provatas, R. Vlastou, I. Bogdanović-Radović, Z. Siketić, N. Obajdin, Benchmarking the evaluated proton differential cross sections suitable for the EBS analysis of natSi and 16O, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 405 (2017) 50–60

62 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

Poster presentations  session #1 – Monday 14  session #2 – Tuesday 15

Poster session #1

63 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

AMS-PO1-0230 ● AMS radiocarbon dating for investigating potential recent forgeries of paintings from the 20th century L. Beck 1, S. Mussard 1, I. Caffy 1, M. Perron 1, C. Moreau 1 LMC14, LSCE/IPSL, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay - Gif Sur Yvette (FR) AMS Radiocarbon (14C) dating was applied to paintings from the 20th century to identify potential recent forgeries. Three paintings of three different artists were investigated. Samples from the wood frame, the canvas and the paint layers were taken for AMS radiocarbon dating using the ARTEMIS facility in Saclay (France). In two cases, the wood was older than the active period of the artists. In one case, the wood was contemporaneous of the painter life (end of the19th/beginning of the 20th century). Radiocarbon dates of fibers taken from the canvas indicate more recent dates in all cases. In two cases, the textiles contain 105 and 108 pMC (percent of Modern Carbon), showing that the plants used to make the textile were harvested after 1955. That means that the canvas were painted at least 10 years after the death of the supposed artists in the 40s, demonstrating that these painting are recent forgeries. In the third case, the textile and the paint were dated. The paint was constituted of a pigment without carbon (lithopone, mixture of BaSO4 and ZnS) and an organic binder. The radiocarbon measurements of the paint and the canvas are 101 and 103 pMC corresponding to the dates 1955-1957 or 2015-2016 and 1955-1956 or 2012-2014, respectively. The active period of the painter being in the 70s, it is not possible to conclude about the authenticity or the forgery of the artwork. Poster presentations Poster session #1

ART-PO1-0143 ● Simulation and test of the PIXE detector system for MACHINA, the Movable Accelerator for Cultural Heritage In-situ Non-destructive Analysis M. Chiari 1, B. Sorrentino 2, F. Taccetti 1, F. Benetti 3, L. Castelli 1, C. Czelusniak 1, M. Fedi 1, L. Giuntini 1, 2, P.A. Mandò 1, 2, M. Manetti 1, C. Matacotta 4, E. Previtali 5, C. Ruberto 1, 2, S. Mathot 6, G. Anelli 6, A. Grudiev 6, A. Lombardi 6, E. Montesinos 6, M. Vretenar 6 1INFN Firenze - Sesto Fiorentino (IT), 2Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Florence - Sesto Fiorentino (IT), 3INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Frascati (IT), 4INFN Trasferimento Tecnologico - Frascati (IT), 5INFN MIlano Bicocca - Milano (IT), 6CERN–European Organization for Nuclear Research - Geneva (CH) In recent times, there has been a constantly increasing demand for in-situ compositional analyses in many fields and in particular in cultural heritage, as shown for example by the noticeable increment of studies employing mobile XRF scanners. However, XRF systems have some limitations that do not affect the IBA techniques. Thus, an accelerator-based Total-IBA system, synergistically coupling PIXE, RBS and PIGE analyses, can provide an insight into the structure of artworks, impossible to obtain with other techniques, of great help to restores and art historians. Unfortunately, at present, IBA analysis are possible only in laboratory, as no transportable accelerator has been developed yet. To make it possible the use of IBA techniques also for in-situ measurements, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), both with a long-lasting and significant experience in the development, use and application of particle accelerators, have jointly started the MACHINA project for the development of a transportable accelerator system. The pillars of such a project are the competencies developed both at INFN LABEC accelerator laboratory, for external beam Total-IBA studies in cultural heritage field, and at CERN, concerning beam dynamics for a high frequency radiofrequency quadrupole cavity (HF-RFQ). In this presentation, the current status of the MACHINA project will be presented, together with the results of simulations of the PIXE detector system for MACHINA, based on an array of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD), and experimental tests of a single SDD prototype at INFN LABEC laboratory.

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ART-PO1-0212 ● Comparative non-invasive PIXE analyses at two external beam facilities of blue glass from glassmaking workshops of Tell el-Amarna, 18th Dynasty, Egypt I. Reiche 1, A. Hodgkinson 2, C. Vibert 3, S. Röhrs 3, F. Munnik 4, M. Mäder 5, T. Calligaro 6, L. Pichon 7, Q. Lemasson 7 1present address: PSL, IRCP UMR 8247 CNRS - C2RMF & Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Berlin (DE), 2FU Berlin - Berlin (DE), 3Rathgen-Forschungslabor Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Berlin (DE), 4Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - Dresden (DE), 5Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden - Dresden (DE), 6C2RMF & PSL, IRCP UMR 8247 CNRS - Paris (FR), 7C2RMF & New AGLAE FR3506 CNRS -MC - Paris (FR) The glass industry found at the Late Bronze Age site of Amarna, Egypt (LBA, circa 1500 BC) is one of the world’s oldest. Blue glass, which was coloured with cobalt ore, was excavated in the workshops of Amarna in large quantities at the beginning of the 20th century as a semi-finished product and many samples are therefore now located in important international museum collections, such as the Ägyptisches Museum (Egyptian Museum) of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (National Museums in Berlin). As part of a large research program on the Amarna glass industry, ores, semi-finished and glass objects have been investigated with different analytical methods. The authors aimed to use methods that were highly sensitive as well as non-destructive as possible (Hodgkinson et al. submitted). Comparative studies of blue glass from Amarna are performed with portable X-ray fluorescence analysis (pRFA), low vacuum electron microscopy coupled to an energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (ESEM-EDX), laser ablation ICP mass spectrometry (LA-ICP MS) and now also with ion beam analysis (proton-induced X-ray emission, PIXE). Two particle accelerator facilities in Paris and Dresden were used to detect specific trace element patterns that are characteristic of the origin of the raw material used for the production of the blue .

In this paper the quantitative results of the PIXE measurements obtained at the Ion Beam Center (IBC) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and at the New AGLAE facility at the C2RMF are presented and compared with the other methods. The advantages of the combined approach are presented and the characteristic trace element patterns of the blue Amarna glasses are discussed in relation to the archaeological context. Acknowledgement The IPERION CH program is thanked for providing beamtime and travel support to New AGLAE, C2RMF, Paris. The authors acknowledge the Ion Beam Center at HZDR for the allocation of accelerator beam time. Friederike Seyfried, director of the Ägyptisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, is kindly thanked for providing the samples for the PIXE analyses. References Hodgkinson, Anna K.; Röhrs, Stefan; Müller, Katharina; Reiche, Ina, submitted. The use of Cobalt in 18th Dynasty Blue Glass from Amarna: the results from an on-site analysis using portable XRF technology. Proceedings of the 42nd International Archaeometry Symposium

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ART-PO1-0221 ● IBA –techniques and neutron activation as analytical tools in forensic science A. Simon 1, N. P. Barradas 1, L. Cerqueira Alves 2, T. Calligaro 3, J. Ferraz Dias 4, O. Girshevitz 5, I. Hajdas 6, J. Raisanen 7 1International Atomic Energy Agency, Div of Physical & Chemical Sciences - Vienna (AT) 2Centro de Ciências e Tecno Nucleares, Instituto Superior Técnico, Univ de Lisboa - Bobadela (PT) 3C2RMF, Palais du Louvre, - Paris (FR) 4Ion Implantation Lab, Institute of Physics, Federal Univ of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR) 5Bar Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology & Advanced materials, Bar Ilan University - Ramat Gan (IL) 6ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics - Zurich (CH) 77University Helsinki, Dept. Phys., Div. Mat. Phys. - Helsinki (FI) The IAEA Physics Section is fostering application of ion beam accelerators in forensic science [1-5]. An ongoing coordinated research project (CRP F11021) targets the empowerment of accelerator and research reactor based techniques for application in forensic sciences. This talk will present the key features and the recent results of the CRP. The key topics involve determination of (1) authenticity of coins, (2) forensic glass specimens, (3) detection of illegal ivory trade, (4) food authenticity and provenance. Three Round Robin exercises have been conducted or are on-going involving over 600 samples within this research programme. Protocols for sample preparation and analysis have been established and applied. (1) Round Robin measurements of historical Portuguese and modern French 5 Francs coin using PIXE, NAA and XRF were conducted. The accuracy of the results from several laboratories was assessed through the analysis of four Ag certified reference materials. Results from PIXE as a surface technique were compared with neutron induced prompt γ–ray analysis as a bulk technique. (2) A set of car side windows from different car models and manufacturers (provided by the Israel police as an evidence) were measured using different analytical techniques, (PIXE, PIGE, NAA and TOF ERDA) to determine the elemental compositions and possible glass corrosion. Minor and trace elements were identified as fingerprint elements to determine the origin of various glass samples. (3) Ivory samples submitted by private European companies were radiocarbon dated by AMS in order to assess their age and establish whether they were imported illegally violating the CITES trade ban. The statistical analysis of the obtained radiocarbon ages, constrained by a priori known information, supplied in all the studied cases conclusive answers to law enforcement authorities of the different countries. (4) The potentials of the employed analytical techniques were compared by a Round Robin measurement of Melitta coffee from Brazil. Different Brazilian, Jamaican and other coffee brands, all together about 50 brands, were measured by PIXE, NAA, FTIR and AMS to identify the fingerprint elements typical for each coffee brand to identify source of origin. When analyzing coffee grains homogenization was found to be very important due to the nonhomogeneous distribution of elements inside the coffee grains. References [1] https://twitter.com/iaeaorg/status/1058716173079142400 [2] Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on Enhancing Accelerator-Based Analytical Techniques for Forensic Science, 20-24 May 2019, Trieste, Italy, http://indico.ictp.it/event/8681/ [3] https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/new-research-project-to-focus-on-use-of-nuclear-techniques-in-forensic-science [4] https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/crime-fighting-and-forensics-with-accelerators-iaea/ictp-workshop-concludes [5] E-learning material on Nuclear Analytical Techniques for Forensic Science, https://elearning.iaea.org/m2/course/view.php?id=582

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ART-PO1-0225 ● The golden filigree of the Chiaravalle Cross: further insights from a PIXE/PIGE study D. Di Martino 1, C. Cucini 2, E. Gagetti 3, Q. Lemasson 4, M.P. Riccardi 5 1Physics Dept. University of Milano-Bicocca - Milan (IT), 2Laboratoire "Métallurgies et cultures", CNRS, IRAMAT, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard - Belfort (FR), 3INpendent researcher c/o Università degli Studi di Milano “La Statale” - Milan (IT), 4Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de FR, C2RMF, Palais du Louvre, and Fédération de recherche NewAGLAE, CNRS, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Chimie ParisTech, Palais du Louvre - Paris (FR), 5DiSTA - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Pavia and Arvedi Laboratory, University of Pavia - Pavia (IT) The Chiaravalle Cross is an ancient Italian processional cross [1] from the Chiaravalle Abbey (close to Milan, Italy). No information is available on its dating and provenance, lacking any official document. The Cross is a jewelry masterpiece, with a rich decoration, in red jasper on the front and crystal rock on the rear, with hundreds of gems and precious metals, applied by different manufacturing techniques like chiseling, engraving, gilding by laminas and amalgams. In particular, a golden filigree is the main front decoration running on the contour of all the cross. The complexity of this artefact required a multidisciplinary approach, and important preliminary results have been obtained [2]. However, new further issues have been raised concerning the production and manufacturing techniques of the filigree. We thus performed a PIXE/PIGE experiment at AGLAE (C2MRF, Paris) to give more detailed indications on the provenance of an ancient object of an unknown origin and the techniques used. In this regard, previous point and bulk measurents will be compared with a PIXE/PIGE mapping on a fragment of filigree. We will search mainly for fingerprints related to the mine or alluvial provenance of gold, but also to derive the composition of all the parts of the filigree: the silver wire, the soldering and the gilding. Acknowledgement We thank Giulia Benati, Franco Blumer and Emanuela Daffra for the loan of the sample and for very valuable discussions. Partial financial support was received by the Access to Research Infrastructures activity in the Horizon 2020 Programme of the EU (IPERION CH Grant Agreement n. 654028). References [1] Caselli, L. La Croce di Chiaravalle Milanese e le Croci Veneziane in di Rocca; Il Prato Edizioni: Padova, Italy, 2002; ISBN 978-8887243505. [2] Benati, G.; Di Martino, D. (Eds.) La Croce di Chiaravalle. Approfondimenti Storico- Scientifici in Occasione del Restauro. Atti del Convegno, Milano 2016; Booktime: Milano, Italy, 2017; ISBN 9788862182935.

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ART-PO1-0238 ● Heritage science applications of PIGE at MTA Atomki A. Csepregi 1, Z. Kertesz 1, A. Angyal 1, I. Uzonyi 1, A.Z. Kiss 1, Z. Szikszai 1 Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Debrecen (HU) For the past ten years our laboratory has been rather active in the field of the analysis of cultural and natural heritage objects thanks to the participation first in the CHARISMA (Cultural Heritage Advanced Research Infrastructures: Synergy for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Conservation / Restoration, 2009-2014) EU FP7 project and now in the IPERION CH (Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage, 2015-2019) EU H2020 project. Most of the time the questions of our partners are answered by the Particle Induced X-ray Emission technique but other IBA techniques, such as the Particle Induced Gamma Emission method, are also important for the complex picture. Moreover, some Trans-National Access projects in our laboratory specifically aim the determination of light elements in heritage objects. Traditionally, we have been working with the standard-based approach which is applicable when standards similar in composition to the samples are available (e.g. glass). However, in the past years significant steps have been made towards the standardless method in the community thanks to an IAEA CRP which aimed to produce a comprehensive and reliable database of cross-section data for analytical purposes, as well as to the subsequent advances with the codes developed for the analysis. Here we present our experience with the PIGE technique in relation with HS objects in the context of these recent developments. Acknowledgement Financial support by the Access to Research Infrastructures activity in the Horizon 2020 Programme of the EU (IPERION CH Grant Agreement n. 654028) is gratefully acknowledged. References IAEA-TECDOC-1822 “Development of a Reference Database for Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission (PIGE) Spectroscopy”, Vienna, 2017 M. Fonseca et al. NIM B 406 (2017) 144-147 M. Axiotis et al. NIM B 423 (2018) 92-96

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ART-PO1-0243 ● IBA and NAA as complementary non-destructive tools for the authentication of silver coinage L. Cerqueira Alves 1, I. Bogdanovic Radovic 2, T. Calligaro 3, M. Chiari 4, O. Girshevitz 5, M.D. Ho 6, Z. Kasztovszky 7, M. Krmpotic 2, S.M.E. Mangani 8, B. Maróti 7, M. Kenichiro 9, J. Räisänen 9, Ž. Šmit 10, N. Pessoa-Barradas 11, A. Simon 11 1Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Estrada Nacional 10 (km 139,7) - Bobadela LRS (PT), 2Rudjer Boskovic Institute & Center of Excellence for Advanced, Materials and Sensing Devices Bijenicka 54 - Zagreb (HR), 3Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de FR, C2RMF, Palais du Louvre - Paris (FR), 4INFN sez. di Firenze, via G. Sansone 1, 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (IT), 5Bar Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced materials (BINA), Bar Ilan University, 52900 - Bar Ilan Institute For Nanotechnology And Advanced Materials (bina),ramat Gan (IL), 6Nuclear Research Institute, 01 Nguyen Tu Luc Street - Dalat (Viêt Nam), 7Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 29-33 Konkoly- Thege street, H-1121 - Budapest (HU), 8Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”, University of Florence, via della Lastruccia 3, 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (IT), 9Dept of Physics, Univ of Helsinki, PL 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2), 00014 - Helsingin Yliopisto (FI), 10Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, POB 3000, SI-1001 - Ljubljana (SI), 11International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 - Vienna (AT) The IAEA coordinated research project entitled ‘Enhancing Nuclear Analytical Techniques to Meet the Needs of Forensics Sciences’ (CRP F11021) [1] develops a specific program targeting the authentication of Cultural Heritage goods. One application domain is the analysis of precious metals, in particular of collectible ancient silver coinage potentially exposed to counterfeiting, for which the synergetic analytical merits of IBA and neutron activation analysis (NAA) and their non-destructive character (which allows to preserve evidence) are highly adapted. The contribution reports the results of an inter-laboratory measurement program on reference silver targets and authentic ancient silver coins implying particle accelerators and neutron-based laboratories worldwide. First, the analytical performances of PIXE and of two NAA methods, namely prompt γ-ray activation analysis (PGAA) and instrumental neutron activation (INAA) were explored in terms of accuracy and sensitivity, and their complementarity for the determination of fineness, i.e. the concentration in Ag, was evaluated. XRF, a routine method for the analysis of alloys, was applied for sake of comparison. The second objective was to test and validate the interoperability of this approach through an international inter-comparison program. The studied materials are four Ag certified reference standards (MBH AGA1, AGA3, AGQ2 and Ag500) and a series of Portuguese Reis silver coins from the 17th to 19th centuries and French 5 Francs from the 1960’s. The results highlight the benefits of combining PIXE and neutron activation methods to determine the alloy composition for a wide range of elements where they outperform XRF in terms of precision and sensitivity. When measuring coins instead of standard reference materials, ascertaining the well-established legal Ag-Cu alloy content may be hindered by the Cu surface loss over time. The Cu concentrations measured using PIXE appear biased by the low probing depth of the method (max 20 µm) while NAA, as a bulk analyzing technique, gives the correct composition. PIXE allows measuring a dozen of impurities of the silver alloy, notably Au, Pb, Bi, Zn, Pd and Sb which are potential tracers of the origin of the metal. In spite of the coins surface composition alteration it is shown that the trace element concentrations determined by PIXE still reflect the silver fingerprint. References [1] https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/new-research-project-to-focus-on-use-of- nuclear-techniques-in-forensic-science

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ART-PO1-0251 ● RBS mapping at the AGLAE facility - state of the art C. Pacheco 1, Q. Lemasson 1, B. Moignard 1, L. Pichon 1, H. Clément 1 C2RMF - New AGLAE FR3506 CNRS/Ministère de la Culture - Paris (FR) The non-invasive study of Cultural Heritage objects by IBA gives precious information on their provenance, making process or conservation state, which are essential issues for AGLAE users. RBS/EBS is of utmost interest concerning layers at the surface such as restoration products, degraded or corroded surfaces, patinas, metallic leaf decorations, etc. In the frame of the New AGLAE project (grant ANR-10-EQPX-22), a multi-parameter acquisition system has been coupled to a vertical magnetic deflection of the beam and an XY stage allowing to map the sample over area of interest of several square centimeters with a pixel resolution of typically 20 to 40 µm. EDS, gamma and backscattered particles events are simultaneously recorded in list mode file used by our homemade software for rebuilding the matrix of any detector and/or re-bin the data with different pixel size off-line [1]. GUPIXWIN is conveniently used for quantitative analysis of the PIXE spectra recorded for each pixel of the maps. Regarding the RBS/EBS maps, DataFurnace (NDF) sofware provides extensive fitting functions enabling to handle large datasets easily and efficiently. The methodology will be presented on two types of decorations found on ancient ceramics: gold leaves and lustre decoration. If the former is a "simple" case - a discrete layer of metal above a glass substrate - the second one consists in layer(s) of metallic nano-particles in the glassy matrix. This work will present the limits of the tools at our disposal and the perspectives on how to develop them or to conceive new ones in order to map RBS/EBS information. Acknowledgement The New AGLAE project is funded by the Investissement d'Avenir programme of the French ANR (ANR-10-EQPX-22), French Ministry of Culture, Paris City Council and the DIM-MAP programme of Ile-de-FR region. References [1] L. Pichon, B. Moignard, Q. Lemasson, C. Pacheco, P. Walter, 2014: Development of a multi-detector and a systematic imaging system on the AGLAE external beam, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B. 318, p.27-31.

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BIO-PO1-0140 ● Development of new clinical diagnostic techniques in prosthesis rejection cases by using Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) E. Punzon Quijorna 1, M. Kelemen 1, P. Vavpetic 1, R. Kavalar 2, S.K. Fokter 2, P. Pelicon 1 1Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) - Ljubljana (SI), 2University Clinical Centre Maribor - Maribor (SI) Hip prosthesis replacement is one of the most frequent and costly treatments in developed countries. The increased number of patients and the insufficient understanding of physiological processes leading to prosthesis failure make necessary the use of complementary techniques to better understand the degradation of implants [1]. Techniques currently applied in hospitals, such as X-ray scans or optical tissue microscopies, are able to distinguish metal particles, but not the specific metallic origin (Ti, V, Al, etc.) and concentration. Particle-Induced X-ray Emission with focused primary proton beam (micro-PIXE) combines high elemental sensitivity with a detection limit down to 0.1 ppm and lateral resolution of 600 nanometers. These characteristics qualify PIXE as a powerful technique for determining quantitative elemental mapping of biological tissues [2]. The 2 MV tandem accelerator available at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) features the highest beam brightness of tandem accelerators in the world [3], what makes it especially suited for this type of experiments. TissueMaps Project is focused on investigating human tissue surrounding hip prosthesis failures by advanced elemental microscopies to better understand possible reasons of hip prosthesis failures and rejections. The peri-prosthetic tissue is obtained by biopsy during the hip-replacement surgery. Tissue is kept in paraffin blocks and sliced (from 5 to 40 μm thickness) for analysis. Samples are scanned with a 3 MeV focused proton beam. Figure 1 shows the picture (a) and the Titanium PIXE map (b) from the same tissue sample, obtained from a patient who suffered a prosthesis fracture. The Ti PIXE map has been obtained with GEOPIXE software and shows the distribution and quantification of Ti particles into the tissue, allowing the univocal identification of the features observed with the optical microscopy. Acknowledgement This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 799182. References [1] Fokter SK, et al., Acta Orthopaedica, 87(2), p.197-202, 2016. [2] P. Vavpetič et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, vol. 306, pp. 140-143, 2013. [3] Primoz Pelicon et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, vol. 332, pp. 229-233, 2014.

Figure 1

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BIO-PO1-0175 ● The Arronax platform for radiobiology research C. Koumeir 1, N. Servagent 2, F. Haddad 2, F. Métivier 2, A. Guertin 2, F. Ralite 2, Q. Mouchard 2, F. Poirier 1, V. Nicolas 1 1GIP ARRONAX - Nantes (FR), 2Subatech IMT Atlantique - Nantes (FR) ARRONAX facility serves partially as a user facility for research. It hosts a multi-particle accelerator that can produce a wide quality of radiation (particle type and energy) [1]: protons from 30 MeV up to 70 MeV, deuterons from 15 MeV up to 35 MeV and alpha- particles at a fixed energy of 68 MeV. ARRONAX beams are therefore adapted for radiobiology research on cells or small animals [2]. The beam, made of pulses delivered at a given frequency, can be produced with a large range of intensities from low (<1 pA) to high (up to 350 μA) intensities which means a large number of particles per pulse. Using a pulsing device developed at the ARRONAX facility, it is possible to precisely define the duration of the irradiation of the target from a few μs to a few seconds. It is also possible to define a frequency rate of repetition. Using all these parameters, the ARRONAX Cyclotron offers the possibility to deliver a given dose by different means ranging from low mean dose rate (<1 mGy/s) with long duration irradiation to ultra-fast irradiation (FLASH) at high mean dose rate (>1 MGy/s). At the Arronax radiobiology platform, particular attention has been paid to the precise measurement of dose during irradiations and several devices are used. The response of radiochromic films has been characterized following irradiation with alpha and proton beams. In parallel, the development of an online monitoring system to measure the deposited dose, in cases of low and high dose rate, has been carried out. We will present the Arronax radiobiology platform with examples of applications, as well as the different dosimetry tools developed to cover the needs of different types of experiments. References [1] F.Poirier et al, Studies and upgrades on the C70 Cyclotron Arronax, CYC2016, TUDO2, Zurich, Switzerland [2] C. Koumeir et al, THE RADIOBIOLOGICAL PLATFORM AT ARRONAX, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume 183, Issue 1-2, May 2019, Pages 270–273.

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BIO-PO1-0205 ● Variance of elemental concentrations of organic compounds: the case of Brazilian coffee R. Debastiani 1, C.E.I. Dos Santos 2, M.M. Ramos 1, V.S. Souza 2, L. Amaral 1, J.F. Dias 1 1Ion Implantation Laboratory, Institute of Physics, UFRGS (BR), 2Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, FURG (BR) Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and Brazilian coffee is known due its quality and richness taste. Brazil, the main coffee producer, was responsible for 37% of world crop production in 2018 [1]. Elemental composition of food and beverage can be used to help determining the origin and quality of these products. In a previous study with 8 different brands of Brazilian coffee, it was observed differences in the elemental concentration of two batches from a same brand [2]. Thus, the aim of the present study is to investigate the variation of the elemental composition of a Brazilian coffee brand across different production batches. To that end, 102 samples from 11 different batches of “Melitta Tradicional” roasted ground coffee were selected and analyzed using the Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) technique. The concentrations of Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Rb were determined. For the comparison among different batches one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc tests (significance level of 0.05) were applied to the data. Differences in the elemental concentrations between at least two batches were observed for all investigated elements but Ti. For elements such as Cl, Ca, Cu and Rb the concentration varied over 50% between batches. The differences observed among batches indicate that the characterization of coffee by brand or origin is not a straightforward task. References [1] International Coffee Organization website at http://www.ico.org/prices/po- production.pdf [2] Debastiani, R. et al., Food Research International 2019 v.119 pp. 297-304

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BIO-PO1-0206 ● Brain structural and cellular characterization by ion beam imaging techniques P. Fernandes Costa Jobim 1, C. Eliete Iochims Dos Santos 2, K. Mitja 3, A. Antônio Rasia Filho 4, V.M. Katarina 3, P. Primoz 3, F.D. Johnny 5 1UFRGS - Porto Alegre (BR), 2FURG - Santo Antônio Da Patrulha (BR), 3JSI - Ljubljana (SI), 4UFCSPA - Porto Alegre (BR), 5JSI - Porto Alegre (BR) Neuroanatomy studies rely on brain tissue imaging, which lead to the characterization of a large number of brain structures based upon it neural morphology. The brain imaging studies for structural and cellular classification still is an ongoing process, where it seems that combination among different techniques is the key to reveal distinct imaging features. In this sense, one important structure which has not been completely anatomically described is the amygdaloid nuclei, a small region related to the emotional responses in humans (endocrinal and behavioral responses). The problematic is that the amygdaloid nuclei do not always have clear borders, and some of them expand beyond the limits of the ‘‘amygdala’’. Therefore the nomenclature for the human amygdaloid nuclei is not uniform despite the efforts to identify particular morphological and neurochemical characteristics. Different technical reasons have prevented the unanimous and the precise localization of the borders and subdivisions of the human amygdala. Currently, little is known about the cellular composition of the human amygdala. In this study, however, the Me was not outlined. New imaging approaches are necessary for better structural and cellular characterization. We have enough reasons to believe that imaging through ion beam techniques, like PIXE, STIM and MeV-SIMS, could shed a light in these traditional debates about the amygdaloid nuclei boarders anatomically. These analyses are truly relevant because changes in the neuronal density or neuron number of the amygdaloid nuclei appear to be associated with the pathogenesis of various neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as epilepsy, autism, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s chorea, and Alzheimer’s disease. Nevertheless, the separate functions and disorders of each amygdaloid nucleus have not been well established because standard imaging techniques have been unable to differentiate the specific nuclei. New discoveries of human Me functions and connectivity will depend on methodological improvements. To provide basic data on the human amygdala, we are investigating the mass density and elemental distribution in the neurons and glial cells of adult human Me by using PIXE and STIM. In addition, we are going to combine such analysis with traditional biomedical image techniques using the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity of local astrocytes and the ultrastructure of local complex synaptic sites. For integration of these different approaches, we need to produces 3D images because the multiple cells layers, requiring the depth axis.

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BIO-PO1-0240 ● Ion beam studies of therapeutic silicone based hydrogels A. Topete 1, A. Serro 2, B. Saramago 3, N. Barradas 4, L. Alves 5, E. Alves 4 1Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (PT), 2Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa and 2Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar Egas Moniz (CiiEM), Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz - Lisboa (PT), 3Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa (PT), 4Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa (PT), 5Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa (PT) Hydrogels have been explored for the controlled release of therapeutic substances due their capacity to embed biologically active agents in their water-swollen network. Intra-ocular lenses (IOLs) are medical devices, usually made of hydrogels, which are implanted in the eye in cataract surgery to substitute the opacified natural lens. In this work, it is explored their potential as platform for the delivery of an antibiotic, moxifloxacin, usually used in the prophylaxis of endophthalmitis. This new alternative for in situ drug vehiculation is expected to bring significant advantages in terms of bioavailability of the drug in the eye and reduction of side effects. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic acrylic based hydrogels were loaded with moxifloxacin by soaking in a drug saline solution. In the case of the hydrophobic material, the effect of coating the lens with a layer of the hydrophilic material was also accessed. The drug distribution and diffusion of the fluids into the hydrogels were studied using ion beam techniques. The results indicate a homogeneous distribution of F in all the hydrogels through the entire thickness measured, except for the hydrophobic material with the hydrophilic coating, in which more F was detected in the coating. The influence of the sterilization process on the drug release will also be discussed in this presentation. Acknowledgement We acknowledge financial support of the FCT of Portugal through the Project PTDC/CTM-BIO/3640/2014

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EMRG-PO1-0025 ● Development of TOF-RBS and -ERDA simultaneous measurements with 150kV FIB S. Abo 1, T. Fujimoto 1, F. Wakaya 1 Osaka University - Toyonaka (JP) In our recent studies, nondestructive three-dimensional analysis technique has been developed using time-of-flight (ToF) Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) with 150 keV beryllium ion probe [1-3]. The in-plane and depth resolutions of 42 and 10 nm, respectively, have been achieved for heavy target atoms as gold and platinum [1, 2]. However, the basic problem using RBS is that the backscattering cross section for lighter target atoms is much lower than that for heavier target ones. Furthermore, target atoms lighter than the probe ion cannot be detected by RBS in principle. Thus, whole element nondestructive analysis is not possible with RBS alone. Therefore, in this study, to realize whole element analysis was aimed by measuring elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) simultaneously with RBS. In order to achieve simultaneous RBS and ERDA measurements, all detectors needed to be positioned towards the focusing point of the ion beam. In addition, for the ERDA measurement, a mechanism for a greatly tilting sample holder was required. It was also important that the mechanism did not make a shadow on the detectors. In consideration of the above, the 5-axis gonio stage was designed and fabricated. The flight time was used for energy measurement. The start and stop triggers were the signals from the high speed secondary electron detector and the large-diameter multi- channel plate (MCP), respectively. The large solid-angle of the MCP was important to shorten the analysis time. The backscattering and elastic recoil angles for RBS and ERDA were 135 and 60 degrees, respectively. The flight lengths from the sample to the detectors for RBS and ERDA were 140 and 300 mm, respectively. In order to suppress the flight time difference due to the difference of the spread of the scattering angle, the MCP holders had a variable angle mechanism. The progress of the ToF-RBS and -ERDA simultaneous measurements will be discussed. Acknowledgement This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP18H03471. References [1] S. Abo, et al., NIMB 269 (2011) 2233. [2] S. Abo, et al., NIMB 273 (2012) 266. [3] A. Seidl, et al., NIMB (in press).

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EMRG-PO1-0163 ● Refurbished flight time detectors at the Uppsala Tandem Laboratory P. Ström 1, L. Westerberg 2, D. Primetzhofer 1 1Division of Applied Nuclear Physics, Ion Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE), 2Division of Materials Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE) Work is underway to refurbish and put into operation several electron-mirror time detectors for time-of-flight measurements. The aim is to set up compact detector pairs with approximately 20 cm flight path length, 2-5 µg/cm2 thick carbon foils for the ion interaction, microchannel plate electron multiplication and to identify areas of potential application. The possibility to terminate each setup with an ion-implanted silicon detector for an independent energy measurement also exists. This contribution will report on the progress so far. Three setups are currently being prepared for operation: one test system with separate voltages applied to the back and front of each microchannel plate as well as the electron acceleration and mirror grids, and two UHV- compatible systems with evaporated resistive dividers for a single 4.1-4.3 kV high voltage input further described in [1]. The former setup, whose electron-mirror detector design is shown in Fig. 1, may be used in a first step to assess possibilities and limitations as well as to attempt to verify the dependence of the time resolution on acceleration and mirror grid voltages given in [2]. Furthermore, a thorough investigation of detection efficiencies, again varying the voltages applied at the different grids, especially for elements with Z ≲ 6, may be carried out in order to provide results necessary to optimize present systems. Ideas pertaining to the two other setups include installation on existing beamlines for time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. References [1] A.V. Kuznetsov et al., A compact Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) compatible instrument for time of flight-energy measurements of slow heavy reaction products, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 452 (2000), 525-532. [2] H. Whitlow et al., Time detector design for Time-of-Flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ToF-E ERDA), Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, In Press, doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2018.11.010.

Fig. 1: Electron-mirror time detector, test setup.

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EMRG-PO1-0176 ● PIGE with high energy light ions up to 68 MeV C. Koumeir 1, A. Subercaze 2, N. Servagent 2, V. Métivier 2, A. Guertin 2, Q. Mouchard 2, F. Haddad 2 1GIP ARRONAX - Nantes (FR), 2Subatech IMT Atlantique - Nantes (FR) Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission, PIGE, is an ion beam analytical technique widely used for the detection and quantification of light elements. It is complementary to PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) that is a reference in several fields of application for non-destructive analysis. Usually, protons or deuterons beams up to few MeV are used for PIXE/PIGE analysis. As far as we know, there is no attempt of using high energy PIGE (HEPIGE) with energies higher than 15 MeV. Analysis can be performed in air, reducing the constraints on the samples preparations. Moreover, the larger range allows the quantification of light elements in the bulk for several mm thick samples. Increasing the energy of the incident opens more reactions channels, therefore, the same gamma-ray can have multiple origins and the quantification might be complicated. In order to have a better knowledge of HEPIGE and to be able to perform quantitative analysis, we performed several experiments using deuterons of intermediary energy (15MeV) and high energy protons beams (68 MeV) delivered by the ARRONAX cyclotron. Gamma-ray emitted are detected by a shielded coaxial high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. Samples composed by two different sands: sand of Fontainebleau (pure sand 97.5 % of SiO2) and sand from the Reunion island (volcanic sand with a more complex composition). The sand has been chosen because of the presence of light elements, commonly investigate with PIGE, within its composition. In addition, it allows us to easily modify the properties of the samples (mass fraction and density) and to study their impact on HEPIGE. In parallel, we have started an experimental campaign to measure the gamma-ray production cross section of Al target irradiated with a deuteron beam between 10 and 25 MeV. The outcomes of the experiment were compared to the TALYS nuclear code. We will present the HEPIGE technique developed at cyclotron Arronax, the analysis results of irradiated sand samples, the gamma-ray production cross section measurements, as well as the assets of this technique at high energy.

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EMRG-PO1-0180 ● Ion beam analysis and big data: How data science can support next generation instrumentation T. Silva 1, C.L. Rodrigues 1, M. Tabacniks 1 University of São Paulo - São Paulo (BR) Since the early ages of ion beam analysis, the state of the art of detectors, electronics, and associated equipment (like rastering systems and sample holders) greatly changed during the last decades, with a substantial increase in the amount of recorded data during the experiments. Currently, at the Laboratory of Material Analysis with Ion Beams of the University of São Paulo (LAMFI-USP), beyond the regular energy spectra, we also monitor several parameters of the accelerator during the experiments, and this information is stored in a database accessible through a website interface. Besides that, the commissioning of the new external beam setup with large area capabilities [1] introduced a new source of data, producing large amounts of information virtually impossible to be processed by humans. In this work, we report the construction of a software layer in the laboratory infrastructure to pre-process the experimental data, aiming to produce, as quickly as possible, useful feedback of the experiment itself, and on the conditions in which the experiment was done. In the case of elemental maps, we use machine-learning techniques to automatically detect similarities between pixels. Summing up the spectra of similar pixels, determined by a clustering algorithm, improves detection limits. It also enables the identification of patterns in the recorded spectra, looking for spatial correlations between elements along the mapped area to reveal nuances hardly observed by naked eye [2]. Currently, a Data Quality Assurance System (DQAS) is under implementation. This system checks the accelerator conditions during an experiment, the spectra quality, and if there is correspondence to the header information within the spectra files. If any step fails, the accelerator staff is signaled to solve the issue. Additionally, sanity checks are made based on the recorded data producing automatic reports on the health status of the accelerator and enabling maintenance schedules. All this data handling is oriented to provide complementary information for self-consistent analysis through MultiSIMNRA [3]. This approach enhances the user experience and convenience of data analysis. It brings the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) to the laboratory, like a virtual analytical assistant, opening new possibilities for the next generation instrumentation. Acknowledgement Authors acknowledge funding agencies FAPESP and CNPq. References [1] T. F. Silva et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Sect. B, 422, 68–77, 2018. [2] T. F. Silva, et al., X‐Ray Spectrom., 47, 5, 372–381, 2018. [3] T. F. Silva et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Sect. B, 371, 86–89, 2016.

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EMRG-PO1-0182 ● Applications and Latest Development at the Lebanese 1.7 MV Tandem Accelerator 20 Years Later M. Roumie 1, A. Srour 1, A. Reslan 1, M. Soueidan 1, B. Nsouli 1 Accelerator Laboratory, Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission, CNRSL - Beirut (LB) In 1999 a 5SDH Tandem Pelletron accelerator was installed at the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission within a technical cooperation project with the International Atomic Energy Agency [1]. The aim was to promote the use of ion beam analysis techniques (IBA) that should be helpful for the local scientific community in their research studies. Since then, many collaborative projects were performed with the use of IBA techniques in a joint cooperation with faculties of the different Lebanese universities, involving students most of the time. The main used techniques are PIXE (proton induced x-ray emission), RBS (Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy) and PIGE (proton induced gamma ray emission), for applications mainly in cultural heritage, environment and materials science. Meanwhile, the accelerator facility was in a continuous process of upgrading over the years, in order to increase the capabilities and the better use of IBA techniques. This is allowing widening the applications that many researchers could have benefit of these techniques in their research projects. The main latest development of the accelerator upgrading concerns the use of SDD detectors in the data acquisition system, the installation of a new external micro-beam-line and recently the modification of the ion injector by adding a dual ion source, comprising a new alphatross radio frequency and a duoplasmatron. Thus, it will be shown the performance and the new capabilities of the modified setup. Furthermore, some case studies will be highlighted related mainly to the characterization of archeological artifacts as well as the PM2.5 atmospheric particulate matter. References [1] M. Roumié, B. Nsouli, K. Zahraman, A. Reslan, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 219-220 (2004) 389.

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EMRG-PO1-0183 ● Material Sciences Activities at the Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics at ETH Zurich C. Vockenhuber 1, M. Döbeli 1, K.U. Miltenberger 1, H.A. Synal 1 ETH Zurich - Zurich (CH) The Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics (LIP) has added a 1.7 MV Tandetron accelerator from High Voltage Engineering Europe (HVEE) to their machine park which consists of a 6 MV EN Tandem accelerator and several low energy AMS systems. This Tandetron was originally built for the Haute Ecole Arc in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland and was moved in the course of 2018 to ETH Zurich. Due to the limited laboratory space the beam line ion optics of the newly added system has been significantly changed to allow for a parallel set-up with the existing EN Tandem. In late 2018 the ion beam analysis program was then moved to the 1.7 MV Tandetron. The 6 MV Tandem is still used for high-energy AMS (e.g. 36Cl), MeV-SIMS and implantations at high energies. At the Tandetron ion beams from two ion sources are available, a HVEE 860 Cs sputter source provides a wide range of beams from solid materials and a HVEE 358 Duoplasmatron ion source with a Li charge exchange canal is used for a He-beam. The analyzed beam can be sent either straight to the RBS chamber or bent to the 30° line with the ERDA TOF spectrometer. Both measuring setups were developed at the 6 MV Tandem and had been used for measurements for many years; they were modified for the new beamlines. Additionally the RBS target chamber serves as an irradiation station with rastering capabilities. A capillary microbeam is available after the RBS chamber for in-air PIXE and STIM. Later, an Oxford microbeam will be installed in the 0° line behind the RBS chamber and a high-resolution magnetic RBS spectrometer in the ERDA line; both setups were in use at HE-Arc and moved to LIP with the Tandetron accelerator. An overview of the material science activities running at the two accelerator facilities at LIP will be presented.

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EMRG-PO1-0235 ● Atmospheric Aerosol Analysis at the PIXE-RBS Beamline in JUVAC H. Sa'adeh 1, M. Chiari 2 1Department of Physics, The University of Jordan - Amman (JO), 2INFN, Division of Florence (IT) The University of Jordan has been interested in studying the characteristic features of atmospheric aerosols, and hence, with the financial and technical aid of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), installed a combination of particle‐induced X‐ray emission (PIXE) and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) in the University of Jordan Van de Graaff accelerator (JUVAC) facility in Amman, Jordan. Being more than 30 years old, the highest attainable terminal voltage at JUVAC nowadays is 1 MV. The low‐energy proton beam implied a limited excitation of medium‐ and high‐Z elements, thus limited the elemental analysis by PIXE to only detect elements from Na to Fe (See Figure 1, on the left). Recently, despite the technical limitations at JUVAC and considering the advantage of the simultaneous acquisition of PIXE and RBS spectra (Figure 1), it has been proved that aerosol elemental analysis at JUVAC is doable, in particular to quantify high‐Z elements, such as Pb, commonly found in aerosol samples from Jordan. This is achieved by exploiting the power of the GUPIX fitting for every PIXE spectrum together with the SIMNRA simulation of the corresponding RBS spectrum [1]. In this contribution, a brief description of the PIXE-RBS beamline at JUVAC together with some results will be presented and discussed. Acknowledgement This work has been partially supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, within the technical cooperation program of ARASIA region (RAS0076). Thanks to the INFN‐LABEC laboratory for the invaluable assistance by providing the set of MicroMatter standards. The efforts of JUVAC staff and the Mechanical and Electronic Workshops at the University of Jordan are highly acknowledged. References [1] H. Sa’adeh and M. Chiari, Atmospheric aerosol analysis at the PIXE–RBS beamline in the University of Jordan Van de Graaff accelerator (JUVAC), X‐Ray Spectrometry, 48 (2019) 188–194.

PIXE and RBS spectra (1MeV proton beam, PM2.5)

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EMRG-PO1-0237 ● In situ liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry a unique ion beam analysis tool for in situ molecular analysis of various liquids and solid-liquid interfaces Z. Zhu 1, T. Thevuthasan 1 EMSL, PNNL - Richland (US) Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), as a low energy (normally 5-50 keV) ion beam analysis tool, has been extensively used in semiconductor industry and scientific research for several decades. ToF-SIMS is very surface sensitive (information depth is less than 1 nm for inorganic samples and several nm for organic samples) with excellent detection limits (ppm level) and decent depth resolution (comparable to its information depth). In addition, a unique capability of ToF-SIMS is that it can provide molecular information. However, as ToF-SIMS is a high vacuum technique, liquid samples could not be directly analyzed due to high vapor pressure of liquids. In 2011, we developed in situ liquid SIMS approach at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), which can analyze various liquids and solid/liquid interfaces under in situ conditions. This development of liquid SIMS through the incorporation of microfluidic devices into SIMS instrument is truly exceptional, making it a versatile and powerful technique. In recent years, we have successfully brought in situ liquid SIMS into several challenging research fields and the new development attracted considerable attention. For example, we have successfully examined dynamic formation of electric double layer at electrode-electrolyte interfaces including solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layers in Li ion battery, live biofilm attachment on solid substrates, molecular structures of switchable ionic liquids, initial nucleation of secondary aerosol particles in liquids, and various ion-solvent interactions. In this presentation, the principle, major applications, and key advantages of in situ liquid SIMS will be discussed.

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EMRG-PO1-0257 ● Space Materials Radiation Testing : New dedicated beamlines from 100 keV to 230 MeV. G. Chêne 1, A. Holsbeek 1, S. Henrotin 2, S. Lucas 2, K. Fleury-Frenette 3, D. Strivay 1 1University of Liège IPNAS-SANA-CEA U.R. AAP - Liège (BE), 2University of Namur LARN - Namur (BE), 3University of Liège Centre Spatial de Liège - Liège (BE) Ion beams are increasingly used to modify the properties of materials or to carry out ionizing radiation withstand tests, namely, for the space industry sector. Studies for applications in the space domain mainly include radiation withstand testing of electronic components and optics coatings for the space industry as during long flights in space, expected interactions and damages in exposed materials, are mostly due to energetic electrons and protons. As IPNAS-SANA irradiation facility from Liege University hosts several accelerators, covering a broad range of particle/energy conjunctions (0,3-20MeV for protons), it represents an ideal set of irradiation tools for materials testing campaigns. The laboratory has started several collaborations with different departments of the CSL to develop set-ups suitable to test space-dedicated materials and components behavior and thus, under space environment specific conditions. Moreover and recently, a new Proteus one cyclotron (IBA) has been commissioned and is being installed at the new proton therapy facility hosted in Charleroi hospital in Belgium. In addition to medical applications and patient treatment, in the frame work of the ProTherWal project beam time for research in the field of material analysis and testing will be allocated. This paper will first present the development at the IPNAS irradiation platform of two new irradiation set-ups installed on two dedicated beam lines: first one, CSLC100keV chamber, set on a 30° beam line of the 2,5MV VanDeGraaff (0,1-2,5 MeV) and second one, CSLC10MeV chamber set on a 40° beam line of an Azimutal Varying Field CGRMEV520 cyclotron (2,5-20 MeV) and typical radiation test campaign now routinely performed on these different dedicated set-ups will be exposed. We will then present the new facility of Charleroi and the adequacy of the extended energy range 5 to 230 MeV provided, especially for space material testing and show its complementarity with the existing set ups. After presenting the machine characteristics in terms of beam size, energy modulation capabilities, and fine time structure, the paper will emphasize on the interest of proton beams at energies from 30 to 200 MeV to model the SEE (Single Event Effects), one of the main degradation phenomena for space systems subjected to solar wind and present future material testing chamber design and irradiation projects foreseen. Finally, benefits of the Pencil Beam Scanning mode used on this research beamline to accurately measure and modulate the dose received by each irradiated element will be presented for various kind of space components.

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IMG-PO1-0097 ● Ion beam induced luminescence spectroscopy and imaging for microscopic characterization of radiation-tolerant scintillator of SiAlON W. Kada 1, T. Satoh 2, S. Yamada 3, M. Koka 4, N. Yamada 2, K. Miura 1, O. Hanaizumi 1 1Gunma University - Kiryu (JP), 2TARRI, QST - Takasaki (JP), 3Denka Co., Ltd. - Tokyo (JP), 4Beam Operation Co., Ltd - Takasaki (JP) Ion beam induced luminescence (IBIL) is an effective tool for chemical composition analysis of wide range of inorganic or organic materials [1,2]. With a beneath of house- made confocal optics [3] and sensitive optical detectors [4], IBIL analysis utilizing focused microprobe can characterize individual microscopic target in particular region of interest. Also continuous observation of IBIL allows us to investigate radiation hardness of scintillation substrate. Previously, we have investigated new scintillator of α-, and β-SiAlON:Eu by IBIL spectroscopy and peak wavelengths of 605 and 540 nm was identified for both SiAlONs, respectively [5,6]. Each types of SiAlONs showed advanced radiation hardness compared with conventionally utilized scintillator for ionized radiation detection. Although IBIL peak wavelength rarely affected by continuous irradiation of focused proton microbeam, minor changes and fluctuation in spectrum envelop was often seen by alternating scanning area on same analytical target. Detailed IBIL analysis and imaging is necessary for the determination of origins of such fluctuation. In this study, we have demonstrated microscopic IBIL spectroscopy and imaging of α-SiAlON (YL600A, Denka Co., Ltd.), β-SiAlON (MW540H, Denka Co., Ltd.), and CASN (RE-650XMD, Denka Co., Ltd.). Particulate targets of scintillators are uniformly distributed on a carbon tape by electrostatic adsorption for single particle spectroscopy. Through continuous IBIL analysis, envelop of the spectra from α-SiAlON varied by the analytical area with relatively small scanning area down to 25 × 25 μm. Moreover, single-particle level IBIL spectroscopy revealed that minor differences in IBIL spectra is originated from the differences in chemical compositions of scintillator grains among SiAlONs. With these experimental results, IBIL can be considered as a powerful microscopic analytical tool for luminescent material analysis and characterization. Acknowledgement Authors deeply thank Dr. H. Emoto and Dr. T. Yamaura of Denka Co., Ltd. for providing SiAlON phosphors. This research was partially supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research JP26706025. Disclosure of potential conflict of interests: S.Y. is employee of Denka Co., Ltd. The research was partially funded by Denka Co., Ltd. References [1] P.D. Townsend, et al., Surf. Coat. Technol., 201, 19–20 (2007) 8160-8164. [2] K.G. Malmqvist, et al., Nuclear Inst. Meth. B, 109–110 (1996) 227-233. [3] W. Kada, et al., Nuclear Inst. Meth. B, 318 (2014) 42-46. [4] W. Kada, et al., Nuclear Inst. Meth. B, 406 (2017) 124-129. [5] R. K. Parajuli, et al., Sensors and Materials, 28,8 (2016) 837-844. [6] W. Kada et al., Nuclear Inst. Meth. B, (2018 in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2018.09.002).

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IMG-PO1-0157 ● Ion microbeam analysis of individual dust particles from the arm of remote handling equipment from JET tokamak I. Bozicevic Mihalic 1, S. Fazinic 1, G. Provatas 1, M. Vuksic 1, T. Tadic 1, M. Rubel 2, E. Fortuna-Zalesna 3, A. Widdowson 4 1Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Division of Experimental Physics - Zagreb (HR), 2Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),Department of Fusion Plasma Physics, School of Electrical Engineering - Stockholm (SE), 3Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology - Warsaw (PL), 4Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre - Abingdon (UK) The Joint European Torus (JET) is the largest operating tokamak that uses identical materials as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). JET mission is to demonstrate efficient operation with such materials in the main chamber wall. Plasma-surface processes result in wall erosion, followed by migration and re- deposition of eroded species, generation of dust and, thus, the modification of wall materials and fusion plasma. Large quantities of loose particles could create serious problems because dust is a radiological and toxic hazard. For that reason, comprehensive characterization of the wall components and dust is being conducted in the current fusion devices. The present work is focused on the μ-IBA (NRA, PIXE, RBS) study of loose particles collected on adhesive carbon pads installed on the remote handling (RH) equipment operated in vessel after the third campaign of JET with the ITER like Wall (ILW-3). The measurements were carried out at the RBI Accelerator Facility using 3 MeV 3He beam. The latter was guided to the micro-beam line and focused to ~5x4 μm spot. Two SSB and one SiLi detector were simultaneously used for the collection of the corresponding spectra. The beam was scanned in regions of 150-300 μm and more than 20 maps were collected from selected areas of PAD 04 from the Mascot and 09 from the RH boom. By means of GUPIX and SIMNRA software a semi-quantitative/qualitative analysis was performed. The latter revealed the presence of different types of particles not uniformly distributed. In PAD 04 many Al particles (with size below 10 μm) were observed, containing also Si, Na, S, P, K, W, Fe, as well as other small particles composed mostly by Fe, Cr and Ni. Generally, in PAD 09 fewer particles were observed. Moreover, the observed particles were not as rich in Al as those deposited in PAD 04 and many were larger (above 50 μm), as well as forming clusters. The latter contained Fe, Cr, Ni, W as well as Na, Ca, Al, K, Cl, P. In both PADs Be and D were detected in low concentrations. In general, Be shows a structure of localized depositions and can be correlated with the materials composing other smaller or bigger particles while D is more uniformly distributed and the corresponding semi-quantitative analysis is limited to the estimate of the average concentration of D in the scanned regions. Detailed results will be presented and discussed.

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IMG-PO1-0199 ● Ion Beam Analysis for the 2020’s : An Integration of Elemental Mapping and Omics M. Bailey 1, C. Costa 1, V. Palitsin 1, J. De Jesus 1, H. Lewis 1, R. Webb 1 University of Surrey - Guildford (UK) Here we present a newly awarded EPSRC Fellowship (EP/R031118/1), which aims to develop a toolbox for co-locating proteins, metabolites and trace elements in biological samples at the sub-micron scale, under ambient pressure. Our community will be well aware that microbeam IBA has been used for many years in biomedical investigations due to the ability to map trace elements (and, more recently, small molecular fragments) under ambient pressure. In the fellowship project, our team will be developing a novel toolbox for molecular speciation, to be used alongside microbeam IBA imaging. The Fellowship project is tackling this challenge with three interconnecting work packages, each investigating a different approach to augmenting the molecular speciation that can be provided alongside or with IBA techniques. These approaches can be summarised as follows: 1. Multimodal mass spectrometry (using laser desorption and electrospray sources) and ion beam trace element imaging; 2. Microscale (point) protein and metabolite characterisation alongside ion beam trace element imaging [1,2]; 3. Multiplexed ion beam imaging of biomolecules and proteins using antibody-lanthanide tags. These approaches and progress towards the project objectives will be summarised in this presentation. These include a study of the damage to metabolites and lipids caused by performing ion beam irradiation first; a study of the impact of prior MALDI and DESI analysis on the trace element content of tissues; and development of methodologies for locating and quantifying drug molecules in tissue. References [1] J. De Jesus J Bunch, G Verbek, R Webb, C Costa, R Goodwin, and M J Bailey, Analytical Chemistry (2018) 90, 20, p 12094-12100, 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b03016 [2] I de Sliva, A Kretsch, H Lewis, M Bailey and G Verbeck, Analyst 2019, 10.1039/C9AN00558G

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IMG-PO1-0200 ● Application of ionoluminescence microscopy for characterization of scintillators T. Nikbakht 1, Y. Vosoughi 1, H. Faripour 2 1Physics & Accelerators Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), 14395-836, Tehran, Iran - Tehran (IR), 2Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), 14395-836, Tehran, Iran - Tehran (IR) It is well known that energy resolution of a scintillator is highly dependent on its crystal inhomogeneities which usually occur during the growth process. Ionoluminescence (IL) can reveal texture, chemical composition, and distribution of trace elements in the inhomogeneous specimens, with high sensitivity. In this research work, IL microscopy technique was applied for micrometer-scale imaging of inhomogeneities of some CsI crystals. Micro-IL imaging system is mounted on the Oxford Microbeams (OM) system of the Van de Graaff laboratory of Tehran [1]. It consists of a dedicated scan control unit and data acquisition system. A proton beam of 2.5 MeV energy and ~ 100 pA current was used for scanning the samples. The spectra of an array of 32×32 pixels on samples’ surfaces were collected by a spectrophotometer and stored by means of appropriate software. The open-source freeware PyMca was employed to analyze the micro-IL data. It provides micro-IL maps of samples, which present the concentration and distribution of impurities and defects, such as dislocations, in the samples. The inhomogeneities observed in the micro-IL maps of different samples, are due to their production processes, which affect the distribution of defects and impurities in them. Correlations between the inhomogeneities of the samples and their energy resolutions were investigated. As it was expected, more homogenous samples present better energy resolutions. Such investigations can be applied for the investigation of scintillators and their improvements. References 1. T. Nikbakht, O. Kakuee, V.A. Solé, Y. Vosuoghi, M. Lamehi-Rachti, “An efficient approach to integrated MeV ion imaging”, Ultrum, 186 (2018) 112-119.

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IMG-PO1-0220 ● Reconstruction of Hydrogen Distribution in GDP Target Shell with Proton-Proton Scattering Coincidence Measurement H. Xue 1, H. Zhang 1, T. Yu 1, D. Gao 2, Q. Wang 2, X. Ma 2, H. Shen 1 1Fudan University - Shanghai (CN), 2China Academy of Engineering Physics - Mianyang (CN) Combination of ion beam analysis method with computed tomography (CT) algorithm has been developed around the world since the 1980s. STIM-T and PIXE-T are the two most frequently studied tomography techniques. With these techniques, the three- dimensional mass density distribution or trace element distribution in samples could be obtained[1]. Proton-proton scattering coincidence measurement method (PPS) could be used to measure the hydrogen amount in samples. In this work, PPS was combined with tomography algorithm to reconstruct the hydrogen distribution in an Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) target. Proton microbeam was used to scan the targets. Projections over 180° were obtained for the reconstruction. The reconstruction program run in MATLAB was developed based on the Filtered Backprojection (FBP) algorithm. In this program, the center of PPS-T sinograms (projection data) was corrected to be coaxial with the projection center. By polynomial fitting, the stopping power data of proton in ICF target and the variation of cross-section data were embedded in this program. The PPS counts in the sinograms were compensated based on the simulation of the PPS-T process. The uncertainty of the tomography results was evaluated. Besides, the H distribution information was deconvoluted directly from PPS spectra of the ICF targets. The differences between the two tomography methods were discussed. References [1] C. Michelet, P. Barberet, P. Moretto, H. Seznec, Development and applications of STIM- and PIXE-tomography: A review, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 363 (2015) 55–60.

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ION-PO1-0046 ● Electronic excitations of keV ions in single-crystalline self- supporting targets D. Primetzhofer 1, S. Lohmann 1 Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE) We have studied the electronic energy loss of light and heavy ions in single-crystalline Si(100) self-supporting films using the Time-of-Flight Medium Energy Ion Scattering set-up at Uppsala University [1]. We used primary ions in the range of several ten to a few hundreds of keV and detected transmitted particles with a large angle position sensitive detector spanning a solid angle of ca. 0.12 sr. 3D-distributions of transmitted ions were detected for different sample orientations. The recorded datasets allow for straightforward studies of the electronic stopping power as well as for energy loss straggling and geometrical straggling. In particular, we compared the resulting mean energy loss experienced by axially channeled projectiles and particles transmitted along high-index crystal axes, i.e. for "random" trajectories, as a function of projectile type and energy. We also studied the energy loss distribution observed as a function of incidence angle of the primary beam. The observations made for different projectiles can be explained via the decreasing energy transfer to the electronic system and impact parameter dependent energy loss together with charge transfer processes altering the mean charge state for different trajectories. The data also represents an excellent benchmark system for advanced dynamic theories describing ion-solid interaction. Finally, the observed channeling and blocking patterns can be also used to study details of the interatomic potential. Acknowledgement We acknowledge financial support from the Swedish research council, VR-RFI (contracts #821-2012-5144 & #2017-00646_9), and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF, contract RIF14-0053) supporting the recent upgrades and the operation of the ToF-MEIS system. References [1] M. K. Linnarsson, A. Hallén, J. Åström, D. Primetzhofer, S. Legendre, and G. Possnert, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 095107 (2012)

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ION-PO1-0083 ● L-shell ionization cross sections of Ta, Pt, Th, and U by Si ions C. Montanari 1, A. Mendez 1, D. Mitnik 1, M. Oswal 2, S. Kumar 2, U. Singh 3, G. Singh 4, K.P. Singh 2, D. Mehta 2, D. Mitra 5, T. Nandi 5 1Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, CONICET and Universidad de Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires (AR), 2Department of Physics, Panjab University - Chandigarh (IN), 3The Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University - Kraków (PL), 4Department of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala - Punjab (IN), 5Inter-University Accelerator Centre - New Delhi (IN) Accurate determination of the x-ray production cross sections is important because of their wide use in atomic and molecular physics, and non-destructive elemental analysis of materials. Reliable values of L-shell ionization cross sections are included in the extended particle induced x-ray emission technique (PIXE) [1]. In this opportunity we will present a theoretical experimental study of the L-shell ionization of relativistic targets. The measurements of x-ray production cross sections by (84-140 MeV) Si+q ions (q=8; 12), were held at the Inter-University Accelerator Centre of New Delhi. Multiple-hole fluorescence and Coster-Kronig yields were used to obtain the Li ionization cross sections (i = 1-3) from the measured x-ray production cross sections Lℓ, Lα, and Lβ, Lη, and Lγ [2]. The present experimental values are compared with full theoretical calculations by means of the shellwise local plasma approximation (SLPA) [2]. This model uses the quantum dielectric formalism to obtain the total ionization cross sections from an initial ground state. The wave functions and binding energies of the different targets were obtained by solving the fully-relativistic Dirac equation using the HULLAC code package [3]. These calculations are based on first-order perturbation theory with a central field, including Breit interaction and quantum electrodynamics corrections. The new experimental data and the SLPA results for the ionization cross sections of the Li subshells are also compared with the known ECUSAR and ESPSSR [4], which are semiempirical approximations. The agrement between the SLPA values and the experimental is rather good, also with the ECUSAR. Interestingly, the cross sections are found to be almost independent of the charge state of the Si ions, and not the outgoing charge state of the ion. This is important because the mean charge state plays a decisive role in the multiple ionization during the ion- solid collisions. References 1] M. Antoszewska-Moneta et al, Eur. Phys. J. D. 69 (2015) 77. [2] M. Oswal et al, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 416 (2018) 110–118. [3] A. Bar-Shalom, M. Klapisch, J. Oreg, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 71 (2001) 169–188. [4] G. Lapicki, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B 318(2014) 6-10.

Figure 1

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ION-PO1-0094 ● The calculation of Secondary Electron Bremsstrahlung in the Binary Encounter Approximation with Dirac-Hartree-Fock-Slater velocity distributions R. Minatogau Ferro 1, A. Mangiarotti 1, J.M. Fernández-Varea 2, 1 1Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Matão Nr.1371 CEP 05508-090 Cidade Universitária - São Paulo (BR), 2Facultat de Física (FQA and ICC), Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, E-08028 - Barcelona (ES) An important aspect of the IBA methods is the detection limit, i.e. the minimal element concentration that can be detected as a function of atomic number and projectile energy. In PIXE spectroscopy, one of the main factors determining the detection limit is the continuous spectrum superimposed on the characteristic X-ray peaks. This continuous component is essentially caused by the bremsstrahlung emission from the impinging proton and the secondary electrons. Therefore, a quantitative approach to the PIXE method requires the knowledge of the cross sections for both the ionization and the bremsstrahlung processes. Five radiative processes are necessary to explain the bremsstrahlung production in proton-atom collisions for projectile energies between 0.5 and 40 MeV [1]. Among them, the Nuclear Bremsstrahlung (NB) mechanism accounts for the proton-nucleus bremsstrahlung itself, while the Secondary Electron Bremsstrahlung (SEB) process describes the radiation produced by electrons ejected in ionizing collisions. The NB cross section is much smaller than that of SEB [1]. The SEB process has been described by Ishii et al. [2] in the Binary Encounter Approximation (BEA). Their equations were expressed in terms of integrals over the ejected electron energy, the energy loss, the ejection angle, and the probability density function (PDF) of the speed of the atomic electrons. Later, an analytical expression was derived [3], extending the previous results. However, calculations based on the formulae in Ref. [3] fail to reproduce the numerical values from that work. Besides, minor differences appear between the same expression presented in Refs. [1,3]. Such discrepancies might occur because of typographical misprints in the articles, considering the complexity and extension of the formulae. To address this problem, another approach to the SEB is proposed, based on Ref. [2]. In this case, the integration over the energy loss of the ejected electron is expressed in terms of an exponential integral. The ensuing cross sections are consistent with those from Refs. [1-3]. Furthermore, the PDF for the speed of the orbital electrons has been calculated in Refs. [1-3] adopting the analytical 1s wave function of the hydrogen atom. In the present work, the PDF is deduced from Dirac-Hartree-Fock-Slater wave functions and the effect on the SEB cross sections is investigated. References [1] Ishii, K., Radiation Physics and Chemistry 75 10 (2006), p. 1135-1163. [2] Ishii, K., et al., Physical Review A 13 (1976), p. 131-138. [3] Yamadera, A., et al., Physical Review A 231 (1981). p. 231.

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ION-PO1-0111 ● Experimental study of the charge state of helium and hydrogen scattered from metallic surfaces by time-of-flight medium-energy ion scattering M. Sortica 1, D. Primetzhofer 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, 75120 - Uppsala (SE) We have measured the charge states of He and H scattered from metal samples in medium energy ion scattering experiments, with the aim to study mean charge states and neutralization processes of energetic ions in solids. The experiments were performed with the TOF-MEIS system at Uppsala University [1] using a recently installed detector for high energy resolution. An electrostatic deflection unit before the detector was used to remove charged particles from the spectrum and the fraction of neutral particles can be obtained as shown in figure 1. Thin films of Au and Cu grown by sputter deposition, as well as single crystals, have been used as target materials and the fraction of charged particles on the MEIS spectrum was obtained for He and H ions with energies between 30 and 200 keV, as illustrated on figure 2 for He on ex- situ deposited Au. We present results obtained for different projectiles, energies and targets in a comparison with semi-empirical formulas for mean charge states [2]. Acknowledgement The operation of the TOF-MEIS system is supported by the Swedish Research Council VR-RFI, contracts #821-2012-5144 and #2017-00646_9, and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) under contract RIF14-0053. References [1] M.K. Linnarsson, A. Hallén, J. Åström, D. Primetzhofer, S. Legendre, G. Possnert, New beam line for time-of-flight medium energy ion scattering with large area position sensitive detector, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 095107. doi:10.1063/1.4750195. [2] G. Schiwietz, P.. Grande, Improved charge-state formulas, Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B Beam Interact. with Mater. Atoms. 175–177 (2001) 125– 131. doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(00)00583-8.

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ION-PO1-0115 ● Stopping power measurements for proton on platinum. F. Ferreira Selau 1, H. Trombini 1, P.L. Grande 1, M. Jonder 1, V. Maarten 2 1Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR), 2Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, The Australian National University - Canberra (AU) The Medium Energy Ion Scattering (MEIS) technique has been widely used to characterize the composition of thin films, position of atoms close to surfaces and shape of nanostructures. It relies on the knowledge of scattering cross-sections and energy-loss processes (for electrostatic analyzers) in the energy range of 50-300 keV/u, where calculations and semi-empirical models are less accurate. These parameters are important in determining the sizes of the nanostructures with compounds with heavy metals. In addition, metals such as platinum (Pt) have few measurements for the medium energy ions [1]. These metals are quite relevant materials for several catalytic reactions as the conversion of NO into N2 and O2, which has a high activation energy (364 kJ/mol) [2, 3]. The literature indicates that palladium and Pt based catalysts are the most efficient to promote this reaction [4]. In this work, we study the stopping power of H+ ions in a thin film of Pt (7 nm) deposited via physical vapor deposition technique (DC-sputtering). To determine the energy loss, MEIS measurements were performed with energies between 60 keV and 250 keV. The spectra were analyzed with PowerMEIS-3 software (available online in http://tars.if.ufrgs.br) for three angles of ion scattering. The stopping power was determined by the comparison of measured data and simulation (with multiple scattering) through a chi-square (χ2). The value obtained differs from recent measurements performed with other techniques [5]. The energy straggling on Pt was estimated at around two times the Chu value. Acknowledgement This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, by CNPq and PRONEX- FAPERGS. MV acknowledges the ARC funding program for financial support. References [1] H. Paul, Stopping Power of Matter Ions, https://www-nds.iaea.org/stopping/ . [2] Imanaka, N., & Masui, T. (2012). Advances in direct NOx decomposition catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General, 431, 1-8. [3] S. Roy, M. Hegde, G. Madras, Catalysis for NOx abatement, Applied Energy 86 (11) (2009) 2283–2297. [4] D. Schafer, M. Castegnaro, A. Gorgeski, A. Rochet, V. Briois, M. Alves, J. Morais, Controlling the atomic distribution in PtPd nanoparticles: thermal stability and reactivity during NO abatement, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (15) (2017) 9974– 9982. [5] D. Primetzhofer, Inelastic energy loss of medium energy H and He ions in Au and Pt: Deviations from velocity proportionality, Physical Review B 86 (9) (2012) 094102.

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ION-PO1-0117 ● Effect of high intensity, ns length ion irradiation on defect creation in silicon photodiodes G. Vizkelethy 1, E. Bielejec 1, B. Aguirre 1, P. Seidl 2, A. Persaud 2, J. Qing 2, T. Schenkel 2 1Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque (US), 2Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories - Berkeley (US) Energetic ions create displacement damage, which results in defects in semiconductors. These defects can degrade the performance of microelectronic devices by increasing the recombination rate of carriers. In the past, short-duration and high intensity pulses were used to perform rapid thermal annealing. The result of the annealing was measured using channeling, which is only sensitive to relatively high damage and does not measure the degradation of electrical performance. Other methods, such as Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) and Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) are much more sensitive to lower levels of damage and directly measure electronic properties. Svensson et all [1] found that higher ion fluxes create fewer vacancy-related defects in silicon using DLTS. This effect was attributed to highly mobile silicon interstitial atoms. To further investigate this effect, we used the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX-II) accelerator to perform high fluence (~1019 ions/cm2/s) irradiations on silicon photodiodes with different doping densities. The same type of diodes were irradiated with the same range of fluences with eight orders of magnitude lower flux at the Ion Beam Laboratory of Sandia National Laboratories. An ASTM annealing was performed on the diodes after irradiation to eliminate the time difference between irradiation and characterization at the different facilities. Then the diodes were characterized using I-V, C-V, IBIC, and DLTS measurements. All four measurement methods showed significantly fewer defects in the high flux irradiated devices. The magnitude of the effect (decrease of leakage current, increase in charge collection efficiency, and lower defect density) was larger for the diodes with lower doping density. In addition, DLTS showed a higher ratio of vacancy-oxygen (VO) to vacancy-phosphorous (VP) in the high-flux irradiated devices. This preferential formation of VO to VP was observed by Markevich et all [2] at high temperature. This indicates high local temperatures for the high flux irradiation. Acknowledgement Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc. for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. This work was sponsored by the U.S. DOE, Office of Science, Fusion Energy Sciences, and was performed under the auspices of the U.S. DOE under contract DE- AC02-05CH11231 (LBNL). References [1] B. G. Svensson et all, Physical Review Letters, 71 (1993), 1860 [2] V. P. Markevichet all, Physical Review B, 80 (2009), 235207

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ION-PO1-0129 ● Differential cross section measurements of the 9Be(3He,p)11B, 12C(3He,p)14N and D(3He,p)4He reactions for NRA applications G. Provatas 1, S. Fazinic 1, N. Soic 2, D. Cosic 1, N. Vukman 2, M. Vukšic 1, 3, A. Crnjac 1, R. Popocovski 2, L. Palada 2, P. Colovic 2, D. Dell’aquila 2, I. Gašparic 2, D. Jelavic Malenica 2, T. Mijatovic 2, M. Uroic 2 1Laboratory for Ion Beam Interactions, Division of Experimental Physics, Ruder Boškovic Institute - Zagreb (HR), 2Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Division of Experimental Physics, Ruder Boškovic Institute - Zagreb (HR), 3Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School - Ljubljana (SI) Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) with 3He ions is a promising technique for the analysis of light elements in complex matrices. Over the last years, the 3He-NRA technique along with PIXE has been proven to constitute a powerful analytical synergy for the study of fusion reactor materials. The determination of 9Be, D and 12C concentration profiles is crucial in the investigation of fuel retention mechanisms in fusion devices as well as in studies of plasma-surface processes resulting in wall erosion and dust generation at the wall materials of the reactor chamber. The 9Be(3He,p)11B, 12C(3He,p)14N and D(3He,p)4He reactions are employed in the analysis of the corresponding samples, along with PIXE and RBS. Unique information can be obtained by collecting isotope concentration maps with μm lateral resolution. Due to the relatively low μ-beam ion currents and low element concentrations, the collection of the NRA spectra is enhanced by increasing the solid angle with the use of big-area particle detectors in close geometry. Accurate cross-section data over a range of back- scattering angles are mandatory for the elemental quantification. The available data for all three reactions are either scarce or limited in one/two backward angles which may affect the reliability of the obtained results. The present work aims at contributing in this field through the measurement of the differential cross sections of 9Be(3He,p)11B, 12C(3He,p)14N and D(3He,p)4He reactions. The experiments were carried out at the nuclear reaction chamber and the μ-probe of the RBI Accelerator facility. In the former, two 16x16 DSSSD detectors of 25 cm2 area were placed at backward angles, covering a range between 115o and 170o with 1o accuracy. Two thin self-supporting targets were used, composed of a thin Au layer, 9 employed for charge normalization purposes, on top a Be and CD2 layer respectively. The beam was delivered by the Tandetron accelerator and the measurements were performed in the 0.5 to 3 MeV range with a 60 keV step and a low beam current of 20 nA. An additional measurement was also performed in the nuclear μ-probe. Thick target 9Be(3He,p)11B and 12C(3He,p)14N yields were obtained for several energies, using a 2 mm thick SSB detector, placed at 135o. The collected spectra were, then, fitted using the measured cross sections. Preliminary differential cross section data will be presented along with the results of the thick-target-yield benchmarking measurement. Applications in the analysis of 3He- NRA spectra obtained by fusion samples will also be discussed.

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ION-PO1-0152 ● Electronic energy loss of light ions in free-standing foils in transmission and backscattering geometry P. Wolf 1, B. Bruckner 1, 2, P. Bauer 2, D. Primetzhofer 1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE), 2Department of Experimental Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz - Linz (AT) We present measurements of the energy loss of keV ions in free-standing foils (Au and W). The choice of tungsten was made due to a lack of sufficient stopping power data combined with high technological relevance, e.g. as a fusion material. A rotatable, position sensitive detector allows detection of either transmitted or backscattered particles in a single experiment [1]. Transmitted particles (typical scattering angles of < 2°) undergo only large impact parameter collisions, whereas for backscattering at least one small impact parameter collision is necessary for a final detection. However, depending on the impact parameters in a collision with either electrons or nuclei different amounts of energies are transferred. This dependence can in principle result in different energy losses along different trajectories. In literature, studies comparing data obtained in both geometries do not show a difference within experimental uncertainties [2]. However, these measurements were usually performed on different samples and in different laboratories. In contrast, the energy loss measurements presented here use the same sample and detector for both geometries which reduces systematic errors. Another aspect to investigate is the influence of low atomic number impurities on the stopping power. The figure below shows experimental spectra (black squares) for 150 keV He+ ions directed on a W foil and detected in both geometries - (a) backscattering and (b) transmission. In backscattering geometry, the width of the W plateau is proportional to the sample thickness and the specific energy loss. For transmission, the position of the ion peak contains the same information. For an accurate evaluation of electronic stopping a comparison to Monte-Carlo simulations is necessary to take multiple scattering into account. We use the TRBS code, which is based on the Transport of Ions in Matter program. For both energy spectra a fitted simulation is shown (red line). References [1] M.K. Linnarsson, et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 095107 (2012). [2] P. Bauer, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. B 27, 301 (1987); P. Mertens, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. B 27, 315 (1987); D. Roth, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. B 437, 1 (2018).

150keV He ions on W backscattering & transmission

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ION-PO1-0155 ● Charge exchange processes between helium projectile and oxidized metallic surfaces studied in LEIS regime P. Babik 1, S. Prusa 1, 2, T. Sikola 1, 2, H.H. Brongersma 3, 4 1Brno University of Technology, CEITEC - Brno (CZ), 2Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Brno (CZ), 3IONTOF Technologies GmbH - Münster (DE), 4Eindhoven University of Technology - Eindhoven (NL) LEIS (Low Energy Ion Scattering) is a unique method for analysis of solid surfaces. It is a combination of selected primary beam energy range and high neutralization rate for noble gas ions which ensure the method sensitivity to the topmost atomic layer. The oxygen enhances the reionization of the backscattered neutralized projectiles and influences a quantitative analysis of the spectra. The aim of the project is to experimentally verify theoretical concept of the neutralization and reionization and evaluate the oxygen influence to the measured LEIS spectra. The helium ions scattering over 145° by pure polycrystalline copper and oxidized surface is studied in this contribution. The ion neutralization for primary energy range 0.8 – 2 keV is dominated by an Auger neutralization [1]. The corresponding LEIS spectra for primary energy 2 keV are presented in Fig. 1 (black for pure poly copper and red for oxidized surface). For this energy range the ion fraction P+ (i.e. probability, that the ion does not get neutralized along the trajectory) is calculated (see Fig. 2) and the slope (i.e. characteristic velocity vc) of the ion fraction dependence on inverse velocity is determined [1]. Comparing TRBS simulations (using Monte Carlo) with experimental data enables us to evaluate the oxygen influence on the measured LEIS spectra [2]. Acknowledgement This work/Part of the work was carried out with the support of CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure (MEYS CR, 2016–2019) and Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy Platform for Research and Development in Nano and Microtechnologies project (AMISPEC) reg. No.: TE01020233. References [1] H.H. Brongersma, M. Draxler, M. de Ridder, P. Bauer, Surface composition analysis by low-energy ion scattering, Surface Science Reports 62 (2007), 63–109. [2] P. Brüner, et al., Thin film analysis by low-energy ion scattering by use of TRBS simulations, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 33 (2015).

LEIS spectra of 3 keV helium ions scattering

The ion fraction for pure and oxid. copper surface

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ION-PO1-0156 ● Comparison of available 1H recoil cross-sections for 4.7 and 5.8 MeV He ions and 30° recoil angle J. Dobrovodsky 1, D. Vana 1, F. Lofaj 2 1Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology - Trnava (SK), 2Institute of Materials Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences - Košice (SK) For stoichiometric characterization of W-C:H coating layers the combination of RBS and standard ERDA was used [1]. For measurement of W and C profiles RBS with normal He beam incident was used. For hydrogen depth profiling the standard ERDA with an 30° recoil angle and absorption foil was utilized. Since the thickness of examined W-C:H coating layers was more than 2 microns, depending on the actual layer thickness, the analysis energy was chosen either 4.7 MeV or 5.8 MeV to measure the whole layer profile. At these energies, the enhanced non -Rutherford cross- sections enhanced the sensitivity of measurement for carbon by the order of magnitude and also the 1H recoil cross-sections are non-Rutherford. The analysis results depend on use of selected cross-section from the available database [2] and vary in the range of over 5 %. To minimize the error of the results, the comparative RBS and ERDA measurements of reference Mylar and ethylene samples as well as of selected W-C:H coating samples were performed at the reference 2, 4.7 and 5.8 MeV energies. Deviations from the values obtained at the reference 2 MeV reference values are presented, where a Rutherford cross-section is applied. The error in W-C:H coatings stoichiometry determination caused by cross-section selection was minimized. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund, Research and Development Operational Programme, project No. ITMS: 26220220179 and the Slovak Grant Agency VEGA under contract No. 1/0418/18. References [1] J. Dobrovodský, M. Beňo, D. Vaňa, P. Bezák, P. Noga, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.10.006. [2] IBANDL database, IAEA, 2019 at https://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/ibandl.htm

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ION-PO1-0188 ● Stopping powers of polypropylene for 16O, 19F, 28Si from 1.6 to 5.5 MeV/u M. Chekirine 1, S. Tobbeche 2 1Université Saad Dahlab/département de physique, Blida1 - Blida (Algérie), 2Université de Batna1, Blida - Ouled Yaïch (Algérie) Electronic energy loss of charged particles in materials is a fundamental process responsible for the unique response of materials in applications of advanced nuclear power, radiation detectors and advanced processing of electronic devices. In this study, stopping powers of 16O, 19F, 28Si heavy ions crossing thin polymeric foil (polypropylene) have been determined in transmission geometry; the energy loss was measured over a continuous range of energies from 1.6 to 5.5 MeV/u using the data that was tagged by a surface barrier detector with and without the stopping foils. We have compared our obtained stopping values to those predicted by SRIM-2013, MSTAR, CasP and ICRU-73 calculation codes. The effective charge values of these heavy ions have also been deduced from the experimental set of data. Acknowledgement I thank Choudhury and Biswas from the Bhabha Research Center, Nuclear Division (Mumbai, India) for their help. References [1]: J. F. Ziegler, M. D. Ziegler J.P. Biersack, SRIM-2013 – the Stopping and Range of Ions inMatter, Version 2013.00, code, available from http://www.srim.org. [2]: Paul, H. and Schinner, A., program MSTAR, version 3.12 (2004). [3]: Grande, P.L., Schiwietz, G., program CasP, version 5.2 (2013), downloaded from. [4]: ICRU Report 73, Stopping of Ions Heavier Than Helium, International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, J. ICRU 5, 1 (2005). [5]: M. Chekirine, H. Ammi, R.K. Choudhury, D.C. Biswas and S. Tobbeche. Nucl. Instr and Meths. B 269, (2011) 3046.

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ION-PO1-0209 ● A comparative study of multiple scattering calculations implemented in general-purpose Monte Carlo codes M. Kokkoris 1, N. Patronis 2, E. Vagena 2, E. Androulakaki 1, E. Ntemou 1 1Department of Physics, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 - Athens (GR), 2Department of Physics, University of Ioannina, 45110 - Ioannina (GR) The multiple scattering calculations, inherently implemented in all widely used, general–purpose Monte Carlo codes, play a critical role in the determination of any expected dose yield and are directly related to volume damage effects. Small changes in multiple scattering (lateral mainly), and therefore in the corresponding particle trajectories, can lead to significant changes in the affected target or detector irradiated areas. This effect may be critical in the ion beam modification of materials, as well as, in hadron therapy applications and – to the authors’ best knowledge – it has never been thoroughly investigated in the past. Thus, the aim of the present work is to examine the differences in the multiple scattering calculations, concerning protons, between GEANT4, FLUKA, MCNP6, PHITS and the widely used SRIM2013 compilation and to compare and benchmark the obtained values against the experimental results presented in [1] for a variety of targets. More specifically, in all Monte Carlo codes, protons were generated as beam particles at 158.6 MeV and were subsequently transported, impinging on a variety of thin and semi-thick (ranging from ~0.08 to 8 cm), pure, single–element targets, such as aluminum, beryllium, copper and carbon, which are typically used as shielding materials or components in complex devices. An attempt was also made to additionally examine a number of commonly implemented compounds. The obtained results, corrected for the effective distance between the target and the sampling surface (which critically depends on each target thickness), show small deviations for specific target element and thickness combinations. The final comparisons are presented in graphical form and the observed similarities and discrepancies are discussed and analyzed. Since multiple scattering calculations, however, have not yet been fully benchmarked against experimental data over a broad energy range, the final assessment of the obtained results relies on the user. Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the financial support from the European Space Agency (Contract No. 4000112863/14/NL/HB). References [1] B. Gottschalt, A. M. Koehler, R. J. Schneider, J. M. Sisterson and M.S. Wagner, Nucl. Inst. & Methods B74, (1993), p. 467-490.

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ION-PO1-0250 ● Applying radiation of twisted photons for diagnostics of relativistic heavy ion bunches. O. Bogdanov 1, P. Kazinski 2, G. Lazarenko 2, T. Tukhfatullin 3 1Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University - Tomsk (RU), 2Tomsk State University - Tomsk (RU), 3Tomsk Polytechnic University - Tomsk (RU) Nowadays there are several experimental techniques to generate twisted photons by bunches of relativistic charged particles moving in electromagnetic fields [1-3]. Surprisingly, a rigorous quantum theory for the probability of radiation of twisted photons by bunches of particles has barely been developed (see, however, [4]). The main goal of this report is to fill this gap. At the present moment, there are elaborated several methods to record twisted photons in the X-ray range [5]. Thus the knowledge of properties of radiation of twisted photons by bunches of heavy ions can also be employed for development of new methods of diagnostics of the bunch structure (see [2, 6-7] for the examples of such techniques). Having derived the general formulas for probability to record a twisted photon by a cold relativistic particle bunch, we deduce several general properties of twisted photon radiation produced by such bunches. References 1. E. Allaria et al., Experimental characterization of nonlinear harmonic generation in planar and helical undulators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 174801 (2008). 2. E. Hemsing, G. Stupakov, D. Xiang, A. Zholents, Beam by design: Laser manipulation of electrons in modern accelerators, Rev. Mod. Phys. 86, 897 (2014). 3. M. Katoh et al., Helical phase structure of radiation from an electron in circular motion, Sci. Rep. 7, 6130 (2017). 4. O. V. Bogdanov, P. O. Kazinski, Probability of radiation of twisted photons by axially symmetric bunches of particles, arXiv:1811.12616. 5. T. Su et al., Demonstration of free space coherent optical communication using integrated silicon photonic orbital angular momentum devices, Opt. Express 20, 9396 (2012). 6. E. Hemsing, J. B. Rosenzweig, Coherent transition radiation from a helically microbunched electron beam, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 093101 (2009). 7. H. Larocque et al., Nondestructive measurement of orbital angular momentum for an electron beam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 154801 (2016).

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MAT-PO1-0012 ● Characterization of Ti-Pd based multilayer thin films using Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) for hydrogen storage application C. Mtshali 1, S. Magogdi 1, 2, S. Halindintwali 2 1IThemba LABS-NRF - Cape Town (ZA), 2University of the Western Cape - Cape Town (ZA) Storage of hydrogen (H) in metal as hydrides had attracted much interest from research groups due to great potential to solve hydrogen storage challenges. Hydrogen is a very reactive gas and flammable. Therefore, transportation and storage are critical. Incorporation of H in solid materials has been recently identified as a solution to the storage problem. In this investigation, Pd-Ti-Pd system was prepared on CT-Ti and Ti6Al4V substrates using an electron beam evaporator equipped with thickness monitor. The sequential deposition of layers Pd(50)/Ti(25)/Pd(50) was done at a constant deposition rate of 0.6 Å/s. The first batch of samples was thermally annealed at 550 oC while flowing H2(15%)/Ar(85%) gas mixture at 100 mbar, and the other batch of samples were thermally annealed at 550 oC while flowing pure H2 (100%) for one hour. XRD revealed structural transformation as evidenced by the presence of TiPd2, TiO2, and α-Ti crystal phases in all samples with an additional diffraction peak corresponding to of the TiH2 phase appearing in the samples annealed in the presence of H (15 %)/Ar (85 %) gas mixture and pure H2. RBS revealed intermixing of layers in the H2(15%)/Ar(85%) gas mixture annealed samples indicating instability of the system contrary to the stable system annealed in the presence of H2 gas. ERDA revealed an average content of ~ 7.5 at.% absorbed H over probed depth of ~750 ×1015 atoms/cm2 from the surface in both multilayer system annealed in the presence of H2(15%)/Ar(85%) gas mixture while it was found to be ~33 at.% in both system annealed in the presence of pure H2 gas . These results highlighted the sensitivity of such a system to the H2(15%)/Ar(85%) gas mixture. Keywords: Palladium-Titanium, hydrogenation, Electron beam evaporation, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscope Acknowledgement This work was based on the research supported by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) via iThemba LABS Materials Research Department (MRD). Authors would like to thank ion beam analysis (IBA) group, software developers, and Tandetron operators for their assistance. Authors would like also to thank Prof Arendse (UWC) for access to hydrogenation laboratory. References [1] M. Topic, L. Pichon, S. Nsengiyumva, G. Favaro, M. Dubuisson, S. Halindintwali, S. Mazwi, J. Sibanyoni, C. Mtshali, K. Corin, The effect of surface oxidation on hydrogen absorption in Ti-6Al-4V alloy studied by elastic recoil detection (ERD), X-ray diffraction and nanohardness techniques, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740, (2018) 879-886

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MAT-PO1-0016 ● Deuterium distribution and diffusion of zirconium deuteride films under irradiation of titanium ion beam T. Wang 1, J. Long 1, Z. Yang 1 Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP, P. O. Box 919-106 - Mianyang (CN) Zirconium deuteride thin film (ZrDx) is a very important candidate as the deuteride film in the field of energy science. ZrDx thin films irradiated by intense pulsed deuterium ion beam have been investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM), slow positron annihilation Doppler broadening spectroscopy (SPADBS), Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS), Elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). The irradiation damage mechanism and effect of zirconium deuterate target film implanting by metal titanium ion are studied. The diffusion and distribution of deuterium atoms and titanium atoms in the zirconium deuterate film, and the damage mechanism of the film surface defects are discussed respectively. Finally, the neutron yield performance of zirconium deuterate films is studied. The experimental results show that the thickness of the whole film will be reduced due to the strong sputtering effect of metal ions. However, after high dose of titanium ion implantation, a balance of the deuterium distribution on the surface of the zirconium deuterate film can be reached due to the sputtering effect. The irradiation damage zone on the surface of the zirconium deuterate film is generated by the irradiation of titanium ions. The defects in the irradiated zone are attributed to the collision scattering of the incident ions. The deuterium desorption are occurred in the damaged surface of the zirconium deuterate film, resulting in a decline of the surface deuterium concentration. The D-D reaction neutron yield is closely related to the deuterium distribution on the surface of the zirconium deuterate target film. With the increase of the irradiation dose of metal titanium ions, the neutron yield decreases significantly, the decline is about 12%. Finally, the neutron yield tends to be stable.

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MAT-PO1-0017 ● Structural and optical properties of InAs nanoclusters synthesised by low energy ion implantation in Si followed by RTA B. Canut 1, M. Hatori 2, M. Sortica 2, J.F. Dias 2, P.L. Grande 2, N. Chauvin 1 1Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL), INSA Lyon, UMR CNRS 5270, Université de Lyon - Villeurbanne (FR), 2Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IF-UFRGS) - Porto Alegre (BR) Indium arsenide (InAs) qualifies for the fabrication of Si-based optoelectronic devices thanks to its lower-than-silicon direct bandgap compatible with telecom optical bands and to its low electron effective mass. However, the relatively high mismatch (10%) between the lattice parameters of InAs and Si renders the growth of a continuous and non-dislocated epilayer of InAs practically impossible. In order to overcome this difficulty, a promising route consists to embed InAs nanoclusters inside the Si matrix by ion implantation. The aim of the present work was to characterize InAs clusters obtained through sequential implantations of As and In ions in single crystalline silicon followed by rapid thermal annealing (RTA). To that end, <100> Si wafers were implanted at 500°C successively with 30 keV As ions and 36 keV In ions with a fluence of 1016 cm-2 for both species. Subsequently, rapid thermal annealings (RTA) were carried out during different times (up to 30s) and temperatures (up to 1000°C). Rutherford backscattering experiments using 3 MeV 4He+ ions at channeling geometry (RBS-C) was employed to evaluate the radiation-induced disorder and to evidence a possible outward diffusion of the implanted species. Due to the low range of the + + implanted ions (Rp = 30 nm for both As and In ) it was possible to get refined details of their concentration profiles through medium energy ion scattering (MEIS) experiments performed with 4He+ ions accelerated at 250 keV. Secondary electron microscopy (SEM) operating in backscattering mode at 10 kV was employed to evidence the morphology of the InAs clusters obtained after annealing. Finally the optical properties of the samples were investigated through photoluminescence (PL) experiments performed at a temperature of 12 K with an excitation laser of 532 nm wavelength. RBS and SEM results show that any significant outward diffusion takes place up to an annealing temperature of 800 °C and that InAs clusters having a mean size of 20 nm are formed. For the highest annealing temperatures, high loss of In were observed (50% at 1000°C) and the nanoprecipitates tend to form a continuous film at the target surface. PL results carried out after annealing reveal a broad peak between 1.2 and 1.6 μm, whose intensity is maximal for an optimal temperature of 900°C. This feature could be assigned to the formation of InAs nanocrystals in the range of few nanometers and appears to be supported by the theory of quantum confinement.

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MAT-PO1-0018 ● Component Analysis of Deuterated Zirconium by Combined Ion Beam Analysis methods: ToF-SIMS, RBS and ERDA Z. Yang 1, J. Zhao 2, T. Wang 1, J. Zhang 2, J. Long 1, T. Wang 2 1Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP - Mianyang (CN), 2School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University - Lanzhou (CN)

It is an important issue to analyze the component of deuterated zirconium (ZrDx) foil in the study of fission reactor material, especially the changes after heavy ions irradiation. By Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (ToF-SIMS), Rutherford Backscattering Analysis (RBS) and Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) etc ion beam analysis methods, the element depth profile of prepared ZrDx foils implanted by Ti ion were analyzed. The relative D, Ti and Zr concentration were obtained from ToF- SIMS analysis, which has very low detection limits in the order of ppm and is especially suitable for the diffusion and deposition behavior study of implanted ions. RBS and ERDA measurements were carried out for comparison. Three different slit angles (80º, 40º and 30º) were applied for the RBS measurement with same scattering angle of 165º. From RBS analysis, we found that there existed an oxide layer with nitrogen element in original specimen. The atomic number ratio of D to Zr was measured to be about 1.7-1.8, which is different in bulk and near surface region. The heavy impurity elements were also found homogenously distributed in our specimen, which indicated that some impurity elements were unavoidably introduced into our specimen during sample preparation. The Zr density at the peak position of Ti ions (about 150 nm in depth) decreased after irradiation by 240 keV titanium ions (Ti) with beam current of 1 17 2 mA up to 1×10 ions/cm . The results indicated the formation of TiDx structure with the increase of Ti ions implantation. Acknowledgement A part of the RBS and ERDA measurements were carried out in the ion beam laboratory, Wigner Research Center, Hungary Academy of Science, Hungary. Dr. Edit Szilagyi is acknowledged for her technical support.

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MAT-PO1-0019 ● The effects of ion implantation and subsequent annealing of silver implanted into glassy carbon (Sigrador® G) D. Langa 1, T. Hlatshwayo 1, J. Malherbe 1, A. Botha 1 Depertment of Physics, University of Pretoria - Pretoria (ZA) The effects of ion implantation and subsequent annealing on the surface topography and on the diffusion of silver into glassy carbon (Sigrador® G) are reported. The depth profiles of the as-implanted samples and subsequent annealing were obtained by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS). The RBS determined depth profiles of the glassy carbon implanted with silver at room temperature, then annealed isothermally at 350°C at times ranging from 30 minutes to 3 hours showed not much diffusion of silver into the glassy carbon. There was no real broadening of the Ag implanted profile, indicating no or little diffusion of the silver into the bulk of the substrate material and towards the surface. Isochronal annealing of the room temperature silver implanted glassy carbon sample for 1 hour at temperatures ranging from 400°C to 700°C showed continuous loss of silver. After annealing at 700°C, the silver disappeared completely from the glassy carbon being lost in the vacuum. To calculate the diffusion coefficient of silver in glassy carbon, the optimum temperature of 575 °C was chosen. The diffusion coefficient of silver into glassy carbon was calculated to be D = 5.30 × 10-2 nm2/s.

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MAT-PO1-0021 ● Characterizing ultra-thin layer growth using high resolution Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) T. Grehl 1, P. Brüner 1, H.H. Brongersma 1 IONTOF GmbH - Münster (DE) When depositing ultra-thin films of only very few nm of thickness, the characterization of the early stages of film growth is crucial for the optimization of the film. For example, the initial thickness distribution before layer closure, created by the nucleation mechanism, will often remain after the film is complete. To analyze these early stages of growth requires very surface sensitive analytical techniques with good detection limits. For complex films (alloys, multilayers, area selective deposition) the demand for characterization increases even further. The deposition processes and chemistries get more complex, for area selectivity even involving intermittent etching to remove nucleation on blocked areas. One technique specifically suited for this application is Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS). First of all the extreme surface sensitivity is essential to quantify early stages of film growth. In addition, the information from deeper layers helps to understand the growth process without the need for sputtering. In this presentation, we will illustrate the main features of LEIS on ALD films. A number of sample systems from industrial partners will be used to highlight the use of LEIS for ultra-thin film characterization.

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MAT-PO1-0028 ● Ion transmission spectroscopy of pores filled with the Au nanoparticles G. Ceccio 1, S. Trusso 2, A. Cannavò 1, P. Horak 1, A. Torrisi 1, J. Vacik 1, P. Apel 3, S. Bakardjieva 4, J. Šubrt 4 1Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic CZ-25068 Rez, (CZ), 2CNR- IPCF, Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici del CNR, Messina, Italy, 3Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia, 4Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Husinec-Rež c.p. 1001, Rež, CZ-250 68, (CZ) Nuclear membranes (NM) are a subject of long-term interest due to the growing potential of applications in science and industry. However, the use of the membranes requires a detailed knowledge of (i) their structural parameters, i.e., the density and distribution of the NM pores and depressions, the pore size (radius) and spatial shape, or (ii) the pore filling with other materials (demanding the knowledge of filling efficiency, filler confinement, or filler density). In this work, we studied the nuclear membranes with different pore density and size filled with Au nanoparticles. The analysis was carried out by Ion Transmission Spectroscopy (ITS). ITS is a nondestructive technique allowing to determinate the spatial structure of the (sub)micron-sized density inhomogeneities (pores, protrusions, etc.) in thin foils from the energy loss of quasimonoenergetic alpha particles (from a thin 241Am source) transmitted through the (empty or filled) pores. The reconstruction of the pore’s shape or the pore’s filler is performed by simulation of the transmission spectra using a MC code developed by the team. The nuclear membranes were prepared by the irradiation with 157 MeV Xe ions (with the fluence 106 cm-2) and the subsequent chemical etching in 9M NaOH solution at different temperatures. The different etching conditions allowed to obtain partially developed pits or empty pores (hollows) with various shapes. The pores were then filled with the Au nanoparticles (NP) of a submicrometer size using the PLD processing, and studied by ITS. From the ITS spectra the shape of the pores filled (partially or fully) with Au NP could be reconstructed. The NM with pores filled with NP were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results confirmed a good agreement with the MC simulation of the ITS data. Acknowledgement The project ‘Janus nanoparticles for catalysis and membrane processes’ was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (Project No. 18-07619S). The experiments were carried out at the CANAM infrastructure of the Nuclear Physics Institute at Řež supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

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MAT-PO1-0030 ● Effect of high temperature annealing and SHI irradiation on the migration behaviour of Xe implanted into glassy carbon M. Ismail 1, 2, T. Hlatshwayo 1, E. Njoroge 1, O. Odutemowo 1, T. Thabethe 1, M. Mlambo 1, E. Wendler 3, V. Skuratov 4, 5, J. Malherbe 1 1Department of Physics, University of Pretoria - Pretoria (ZA), 2Department of Physics, University of Zalingei - Zalingei, Central Darfur, Sudan, 3Institut für Festkörperphysik, Friedrich-Schiller Universität - Jena (DE), 4National Research Nuclear University MEPhI - Moscow (RU), 5Dubna State University – Dubna (RU) Recently, there has been a renewed interest in employing glassy carbon (GC) to contain radioactive fission products. GC substrates were implanted with 200 keV xenon ions with a fluence of 1 × 1016 ions/cm2 at room temperature. Some of the implanted samples were irradiated with 167 MeV Xe+26 ions to a fluence of 1 × 1014 ions/cm2 at room temperature. Both the as-implanted and implanted then irradiated were isochronally annealed in a vacuum at temperatures ranging from 1000 °C to 1500 °C in steps of 100 °C for 5 hours. RBS depth profiles showed that the movement of Xe into the bulk of the GC was observed with the formation of a bimodal distribution. The migration of Xe into the GC was accelerated at 1000 °C with a new Xe peak formed within the bulk of the GC. This type of migration behavior is due to damage caused by Xe ion bombardment, resulting in an increase in the density of the GC. Consequently, the change in the density of GC from an initial density of 1.42 g/cm3 (Sigradur® G glassy carbon) to 2.2 g/cm3 (the implanted region). This observation indicating that the concentration of the implanted region is higher than the bulk of GC, which leads to the migration of implanted Xe into the pristine of GC. The Raman results after SHI- irradiation pronounced reappearance of D (the disordered graphite structure) and G (the graphite single crystal) peaks and became distinguishable. G peak became slightly more prominent compared to the D peak height. This observation suggests that more crystallite were present in the previously damaged region near the surface of GC after SHI-irradiation compared to un-irradiated GC.

Xe depth profiles before and after heat treatment

Raman spectra of Xe in GC and SHI irradiation

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MAT-PO1-0035 ● Correlations between the structural transformations and concentration quenching effect for RE-implanted ZnO systems R. Ratajczak 1, C. Mieszczynski 1, S. Prucnal 2, T.A. Krajewski 3, E. Guziewicz 3, W. Wozniak 3, K. Kopalko 3, R. Heller 2, S. Akhmadaliev 2 1National Centre for Nuclear Reseach, Soltana 7 - 05-400 Otwock-Swierk (PL), 2Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstrasse 400 - D-01328 Dresden (DE), 3Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotnikow 32/46 - 02–668 Warsaw (PL) The low priced technology of production and a wide spectrum of potential applications in microelectronics, organic electronics, biosensors, spintronics are making ZnO very popular. Although, the high exciton binding energy (60 meV) of this material especially predestinates it for optical and optoelectronic applications such as light-emitting diodes operating in the visible region, since the basic optical properties of ZnO can be modified by doping with Rare Earth (RE). Importantly, in the case of ZnO, any simple recipe to increase the concentration of RE dopant aiming to increase of luminescence intensity doesn't work. It was noticed that if the dopant concentration exceeds the critical value the luminescence efficiency decreases in spite of the increase of the dopant concentration. On this conference, we will present our complete optical, structural and electrical studies of this mentioned above phenomenon called concentration quenching effect occurring in RE-doped ZnO. In our case, the ZnO epitaxial layer grown by ALD, doped by ion implantation with different fluencies of Yb and Er elements were investigated. Because of in the as-implanted stage most of the dopants are optically inactive the post-implantation annealing was required. Our experience carried so far show that o thermal annealing at 800 C for 10 min in O2 is optimal for these systems. Finally, the two-step processing samples were evaluated by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS/c) to determine the damage build-up process in the ZnO lattice after RE ion bombardment and the optical and electrical studies were examined using the photoluminescence (PL) and Hall effect. Our studies show that luminescence quenching effect with increasing concentration of ions, as well as resistivity response to this process is strongly connected with structural transformations, which take place as a result of defects accumulation. It suggests, that only during structural transformations the RE-ion centers are sufficiently close together to be able to interact and transfer the excitation energy between each other increasing ipso facto the probability to lose the excitation energy by non-radiative processes. Moreover, in contrast to a popular belief, that the concentration quenching effect in RE-doped ZnO depends strongly on the kind of RE-doped ion, we want to show you that our current results are not giving any evidence to support such a theory. Acknowledgement This research was carried out under the co-financed international project supported by the Polish Ministry of Scientist (3846/HZDR/2018/0) and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden- Rossendorf (17000941-ST) and the project of National Centre for Research and Development (PBS2/A5/34/2013).

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MAT-PO1-0037 ● Unveiling new aspects of SiC wet oxidation usin ion beam analisys G. Dartora 1, F. Stedile 1 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR) Silicon carbide (SiC) is a wide bandgap semiconductor with large application in power electronics. Currently, the bottleneck for its even larger application is the low channel mobility of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) made on SiC. This is mainly attributed to the poor electrical quality of the SiC/SiO2 interfacial region. While some routes of increasing channel mobility involve post-oxidation annealing, there are reports that evidence some improvement in the electrical properties with only one oxidation step [1]. In this work we investigated possible causes for this one-step oxidation improvement, analyzing kinetics and chemical characteristics of the wet oxidation of Si-face 4H-SiC. Samples were oxidized for several different times, in different temperatures (900 and 1100°C). The oxidant species was O2 bubbled in a heated water reservoir. Oxygen incorporation was determined using channeled Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry, which allowed us to calculate an estimated oxide thickness for each sample. Data obtained (Fig.1) suggest there are three oxidation regimes for 1100°C samples: a very rapid initial growth of the first ~5 nm oxide, followed by a steep linear growth from ~5 to ~12 nm, and ending up with a saturation region where the oxygen incorporated does not change significantly. On the other hand, for samples oxidized at 900°C we could observe a smooth linear growth from ~1 to ~3 nm, followed by a saturation region, similar to what was observed in thicker 1100°C samples. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis in the Si2p region revealed that the chemical state of Si present in the interfacial region is still changing, even in the saturation region. This suggests the oxygen that should be being incorporated into the sample may be removing carbon atoms from the sample in the form of gaseous compounds. Acknowledgement The authors would like to acknowledge LII UFRGS for the RBS measurements, INCTs Namitec and Ines, MCTIC/CNPq, and FAPERGS for financial support. This study was financed in part by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. References [1] - PALMIERI, R.; RADTKE, C.; BOUDINOV, H. I., and DA SILVA Jr., E. F. Applied Surface Science, 255, 706-708 (2008)

Fig.1 - Oxygen incorporation over time

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MAT-PO1-0039 ● Diffusion behaviour of selenium implanted into polycrystalline SiC Z. Abdalla 1, T. Hlatshwayo 1, E. Njoroge 1, M. Mlambo 1, M. Ismail 1, E. Wendler 2, J. Malherbe 1 1Department of Physics, University of Pretoria - Pretoria (ZA), 2Institut fürFestkörperphysik, Friedrich- Schiller Universität - Jena (DE) This study reviews the diffusion behaviour of selenium in polycrystalline SiC, which acts as the main diffusion barrier in the coated fuel particles for Very High Temperature Reactors (VHTRs). The diffusion was investigated using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. Se ions of 200 keV were implanted into polycrystalline SiC wafers to a fluence of 1×1016 cm-2 at three temperatures, which were room temperature, 350 °C and 600 °C. The implanted samples were annealed at temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1500 °C in steps of 100 °C for 10 hours. Implantation of Se at room temperature amorphized the near surface region of the SiC substrates, while the samples implanted above the critical amorphization temperature (350 °C and 600 °C), retained the crystal structure with some radiation damage. Annealing at 1000 °C resulted in the recrystallization of the amorphized SiC layer. In the case of room temperature, diffusion was observed to occur after annealing at 1300 °C and became significant with an increase in annealing temperature. The diffusion was accompanied by a peak shift towards the surface and loss of implanted Se. No diffusion was observed in samples implanted above the critical amorphization temperature, but the peak shift towards the surface began after annealing at 1200 °C and 1300 °C in samples implanted at 350 °C and 600 °C, respectively. The diffusion of selenium in amorphous SiC was explained by the mechanism of trapping/releasing an impurity by defect structures. This diffusion was estimated from the peaks broadening of the implantation profiles after isochronal annealing using RBS analysis. Retained damage and annealing of radiation damage were investigated by Raman spectroscopy and SEM.

Se depth profiles at RT and after heat treatmen

Raman spectra of SiC imp with Se at RT, 350 & 600C

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MAT-PO1-0056 ● Sensitivity for oxygen by means of TOF-ERDA K. Yasuda 1, Y. Kajitori 1, M. Oishi 1, H. Nakamura 1, Y. Haruyama 1, M. Saito 2, K. Suzuki 3 1Kyoto Prefectural University - Kyoto (JP), 2Kyoto University - Kyoto (JP), 3The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center - Tsuruga (JP) A Time-of-flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (TOF-ERDA) is one of the promising methods for the simultaneous measurements of multi light elements with good depth resolution. We have developed a TOF-ERDA measurement system at the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC) and evaluated basic performances such as depth resolution and ability of mass separation [1]. Sensitivity is important for determining analytical capabilities. It varies with target element, species and energy of incident ion. In this paper, evaluation of sensitivity for oxygen using C and Cu beams is presented. An oxygen-implanted silicon wafer sample was utilized for the sensitivity measurement. An oxygen beam with energy of 50 keV was irradiated to the silicon wafer of 15 x 25 mm2 size and 0.5 mm thickness at room temperature. The irradiated area was 15 x 20 mm2 and dose was 1.2 x 1017 cm-2, which was confirmed by a Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy measurement with 1.5-MeV He ions. For the TOF-ERDA measurements, Cu11+ beam of 12 MeV energy and C3+ beam of 8 MeV energy were used. Typical beam currents were 1.1 electric nA for the Cu11+ beam and 18 electric nA for the C3+ beam, respectively. Measurement time was about 2 hours for both measurements. Measurements with unirradiated silicon wafer samples were also performed for the evaluation of background. Detection limits for the oxygen were evaluated from the measurement data and 3.8 x 1014 cm-2 for the measurement with 12-MeV Cu beam and 3.5 x 1015 cm-2 for that with 8-MeV C beam, respectively. These results showed that the sensitivity for the oxygen with 12-MeV Cu beam was 12 times higher than that with 8-MeV C beam under the same measurement time. When comparing with the same incident particle number, the sensitivity with 12-MeV Cu beam was 68 times higher than that with 8-MeV C beam. The Rutherford recoil cross section for oxygen with 12-MeV Cu beam is 83 times larger than that with 8-MeV C beam, and it is considered that the obtained result of the sensitivity measurement is mainly explained by the difference of the cross section. References 1. K. Yasuda, Y. Kajitori, M. Oishi, H. Nakamura, Y. Haruyama, M. Saito, K. Suzuki, R. Ishigami and S. Hibi, "Upgrades of a time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis measurement system for thin film analysis", Nucl. Instr. and Meth B 442 (2019) 53-58.

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MAT-PO1-0057 ● Correlation between Hydrogen distribution and Raman mapping in carbonaceous matter S. Sorieul 1, F. Foucher 2, M.R. Ammar 3 1CENBG, UMR 5797, Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS - Gradignan (FR), 2CBM, UPR 4301, CNRS - Orléans (FR), 3CEMHTI, UPR3079, Univ. Orléans - Orléans (FR) The aim of the next ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars 2020 mission and NASA Mars2020 mission is to detect ancient traces of life. Potential microfossils dating back from the Noachian on Mars (-4.5 to -3.5 Ga) may have been silicified by hydrothermal fluids. Thus, they could be very similar to the oldest traces of life found on Earth in cherts from Australia and South Africa (3.5 Ga old). Raman spectroscopy is widely used to characterise kerogens and to study microbial remains in ancient rocks, up to the oldest traces of life on Earth. For example, the Raman mapping of ancient microfossil documents very fine variations in the spectrum of the kerogen that was demonstrated to be a proof of biogenicity. Nevertheless, the specification and resolution of space-qualified Raman spectrometers will be limited on Mars during future in-situ missions compare to laboratory instrument performances. Carbonaceous matter of biotic and abiotic origin may exhibit very similar spectrum and punctual Raman analysis alone does not permit to unambiguously differentiate them. However, some differences between Raman spectrum of biotic and abiotic carbonaceous matter have been observed (e.g. shoulders), but their physical origin is still debated. The presence of heteroatoms in the structure, in particular of hydrogen, is suspected to be the cause of these slight variations. Ion-beam analysis has proven its usefulness to study fossilized carbonaceous matter through elemental mapping in micrometric size. Indeed we demonstrated their utility for documenting the geochemical signatures of hydrothermal activity in some of the most ancient rocks on Earth by using µ-PIXE.The imaging and the quantification of light element as hydrogen by µ-ERDA may provide the final clue to discriminate the origin of carbonaceous matter. the correlation between 3D repartition of hydrogen and the corresponding evolution of some particular features of the two main carbon phonon-peaks may therefore help to elucidate their origin. In that optics, we created a model kerogen by using a CO2 laser in collaboration with Louis Hennet at CEMHTI, CNRS, Orléans, to induce a thermal gradient in beta- carotene (C40H56) deposited on silica wafer. This allows reproducing in one sample local variations of the particular features we want to explain. Then we performed Raman analysis and µ-ERDA and we studied the concordance between the hydrogen distribution and the evolution of Raman spectrum with the thermal gradient. The results of this intercomparaison will be presented on the poster.

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MAT-PO1-0077 ● Applications of RBS analysis methods to nuclear physics experiments M. Chiari 1, E. Pasquali 2, M. Rocchini 1, D. Bazzacco 3, D. Doherty 4, P. Garrett 5, A. Goasduff 3, K. Hadynska-Klek 6, N. Marchini 1, 2, A. Nannini 1, P. Napiorkowski 7, M. Ottanelli 1, P. Sona 1, D. Testov 3, J. Valiente-Dobon 8, K. Wrzosek-Lipska 7, M. Zielinska 9 1INFN Firenze - Sesto Fiorentino (IT), 2University of Camerino - Camerino (IT), 3INFN Padova and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padua - Padova (IT), 4University of Surrey - Guilford (UK), 5University of Guelph, Ontario - Guelph (CA), 6Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, - Warszawa (PL), 7Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw - Warszawa (PL), 8INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro - Legnaro (IT), 9CEA Saclay, IRFU/SPhN - Saclay (FR) The study of shape and collective properties of atomic nuclei is nowadays a vast and very active area of research, crucial for the development of modern theoretical models for nuclear physics and with important outcomes also in the fields of fundamental interaction physics and nuclear astrophysics [1-4]. Low-energy Coulomb excitation is one of the most powerful experimental tools to study collectivity in atomic nuclei [5]. This technique is based on the use of an accelerated beam impinging on a fixed target at energy sufficiently below the Coulomb barrier so that the nuclear forces are excluded and only the electromagnetic field is involved. With this method, a model-independent analysis can be performed, in order to obtain information about the nuclear shape [1]. The typical setup used in the experiments is composed by HPGe detectors for the de-exciting gamma-rays emitted by the projectile and target nuclei after their interaction, coupled with heavy-ion detectors used to detect the scattered ions and to select the events of interest. Advanced analysis codes have been developed to properly reconstruct the Coulomb excitation cross section and to extract the nuclear observables [6]. In particular, the target characteristics must be known with good precision, since the beam energy is integrated along with its thickness and possible built-up Carbon layers on the target surface can modify the beam energy in the entrance of it. For this reason, separate experiments using IBA techniques are often performed in order to characterise the target. In this contribution, we discuss the possibility to perform RBS target analysis during Coulomb excitation experiments with real time data. Data collected during a low- energy Coulomb excitation experiment, 240 MeV energy 66Zn ions impinging on a 1 mg/cm2 208Pb thin target, performed at the INFN Legnaro National Laboratories have been analysed using SIMNRA code, in order to extract information about target thickness and composition. The results of the analysis have been compared with the ones obtained by performing independent RBS measurements at the INFN LABEC accelerator laboratory in Florence. References [1] A. Goergen, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 37, 103101 (2010) [2] T.R. Rodriguez and G. Martinez-Pinedo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 252503 (2010) [3] L.P. Gaffney et al., Nature 497, 199 (2013) [4] D. Rosiak et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 252501 (2018) [5] M. Zielinska, et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 52, 99 (2016) [6] T. Czosnyka et al., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28, 745 (1983)

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MAT-PO1-0079 ● Thickness determination of thin and ultrathin polymer films: comparison of atomic force microscopy, ellipsometry and ion scattering results R. Thomaz 1, I. Alencar 2, L. Gutierres 1, M. Barbalho 2, P. Grande 2, R. Papaléo 3 1PUCRS - Porto Alegre (BR), 2UFRGS - Porto Alegre (BR), 3pucrs - Porto Alegre (BR) Accurate thickness determination of thin films is one of the most basic requirements in coating technology. There is a great number of techniques that provide measurements of film thickness, but most of them rely on assumptions about samples properties that may not be well known. This can be especially critical in very thin films for which properties may differ from those found in the bulk. In this work, we present an intercomparison study of thickness measurements of thin and ultrathin poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) films deposited on Si, SiO2 and Au substrates. Films were prepared with thicknesses ranging from 2 to 800 nm. Three different techniques were used: depth profiling of a micro-scratch made on the films measured by scanning force microscopy, resonant Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RRBS) through the reaction 12C(α,α' )12C at 4.285 MeV; and ellipsometry. Preliminary analyses show that for film thicknesses down to ~70 nm, all techniques present comparable results with a variability of 20%. However, for thinner films, differences as high as 70% were found among different thicknesses. For all thin films, ellipsometry and RRBS indicate thicknesses higher than the values obtained by AFM. Such discrepancies will be discussed based on possible changes in materials properties in ultrathin films combined with experimental limitations of such techniques.

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MAT-PO1-0082 ● Light element analysis with an external proton beam F. Junge 1, M. Saito 1, K. Holm 1, F.L. Bregolin 1, H. Hofsäss 1 II. Institute of Physics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Göttingen (DE) In this work, we describe the new setup for light element depth profiling using a 2.7 MeV external proton beam and Helium gas atmospheric pressure conditions. This setup is used to simultaneously perform Backscattering Spectrometry (BS) and H-H coincidence elastic recoil detection analysis (C-ERDA) in transmission. The beam is 2 extracted through a 200 nm Si3N4 membrane of 1mm size. For C-ERDA analyses we use two detector pairs with a 45° scattering and recoil angle. BS utilizes a highly non- Rutherford cross section for profiling of e.g. B, N and O whereas C-ERDA is used to measure hydrogen concentration profiles in foils or free-standing films of up to 12.5 μm thickness. Polyamide and Mylar foils were used as reference samples as well as for the measurement of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. In addition, thin titanium layers were deposited on 100 nm to 500 nm thick silicon nitride membranes by magnetron sputtering and loaded with hydrogen using an inductively coupled plasma (27.12 MHz, 200 W). H concentration profiles were investigated as a function of film preparation and plasma loading conditions. Furthermore, thin amorphous carbon layers with hydrogen content were produced by magnetron sputter deposition and examined with simultaneous BS and C-ERDA measurements. In order to investigate the possibility of detecting all light elements, samples of lithium manganese oxide were examined and the lithium was measured by NRA. The aim of our research is the development of an efficient method for the quantitative analysis and depth profiling of all light elements of a sample. To unambiguously identify heavier elements we can integrate an X-ray SDD detector to record simultaneously PIXE spectra, RBS and C-ERDA. References

Saito, M., Holm, K., Bregolin, F.L., Hofsäss, H. External RBS analysis setup at University of Göttingen: RBS analysis for liquid samples. Surf Interface Anal. 2018; 50: 1149–1153. https://doi.org/10.1002/sia.6396

M. Saito, K. Holm, F.L. Bregolin, H. Hofsäss, Development of external coincidence ERDA: Hydrogen analysis of moist samples, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2018.04.011

119 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

MAT-PO1-0093 ● Lattice location of Be and Mg in GaN: Exploring the acceptor doping limits U. Wahl 1, Â. Costa 1, T. Lima 2, J. Moens 2, G. Correia 1, M. Silva 3, M. Kappers 4, A. Vantomme 2, L. Pereira 2 1Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - Bobadela (PT), 2KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica (IKS) - Leuven (BE), 3CICECO – Institute of Materials, Universidade de Aveiro - Aveiro (PT), 4Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride, University of Cambridge - Cambridge (UK) The interest in comparing the lattice location properties of Be and Mg in GaN is motivated by the challenge to understand why it is technologically feasible to dope this wide band gap semiconductor p-type with Mg, while this does not work for Be. While theory has actually predicted an acceptor level for Be that is shallower than Mg [1,2], it was also argued that Be would not be a suitable acceptor because its amphoteric nature (i.e. its tendency to occupy both substitutional Ga and interstitial sites) would be considerably more pronounced than for Mg and hence lead to complete self- compensation [2]. Using the Emission Channeling with Short-Lived Isotopes (EC-SLI) technique, we have recently 27 determined the lattice location of Mg (t1/2=9.5 min) implanted in several doping types of GaN, clearly establishing its amphoteric character [3]. Here we present lattice location results on 11Be (13.8 s). We found that interstitial 11Be fractions are much higher than for 27Mg, in fact that interstitial Be is dominating (Fig. 1), which confirms that self- compensation should indeed be considerably more pronounced for Be than for Mg. While both interstitial Mg and Be were found to be located close to the octahedral O sites in GaN, their exact positions parallel to the c-axis differ by ~1.3 Å. Site changes of interstitial Bei to substitutional BeGa sites above 400°C allowed estimating the interstitial migration energy of Be to be in the range 1.2-2.1 eV, which lies within the 0.76-2.9 eV range of theoretical predictions [2,4]. References [1] F. Bernardini, V. Fiorentini, A. Bosin: “Theoretical evidence for efficient p-type doping of GaN using beryllium”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (1997) 2990 [2] C.G. Van de Walle, S. Limpijumnong, J. Neugebauer: “First-principles studies of beryllium doping of GaN”, Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 245205 [3] U. Wahl et al: “Lattice location of Mg in GaN: A fresh look at doping limitations”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017) 095501 [4] G. Miceli, A. Pasquarello: “Migration of Mg and other interstitial metal dopants in GaN”, Phys. Stat. Sol. RRL 11 (2017) 1700081

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MAT-PO1-0103 ● Quantitative analysis of calcium fluoride samples by Low-Energy Ion Scattering S. Prusa 1, 2, P. Babik 1, T. Sikola 1, 2, H.H. Brongersma 3, 4 1Brno University of Technology, CEITEC - Brno (CZ), 2Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Brno (CZ), 3IONTOF Technologies GmbH - Münster (DE), 4Eindhoven University of Technology - Eindhoven (NL) Low-Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) is known for its extreme surface sensitivity. It is just as well suited for the analysis of amorphous, isolating, extremely rough surfaces as for flat single crystals. Since matrix effects are generally absent or relatively small in LEIS, a quantitative analysis is straightforward. However, the theory to quantitatively predict the atomic sensitivities of the elements falls short. Therefore, an accurate quantification of the atomic composition generally relies on well-defined reference materials [1]. Practical references should preferably be chemically inert, easy to clean and inexpensive. The powder of calcium fluoride, CaF2, has been suggested as practical reference for Ca and F [2]. A complication is that the composition of the outer atomic layer of a material is generally fundamentally and radically different from that of the atoms below this surface. Thus it is unlikely that the F/Ca ratio in the outer surface of CaF2 will be equal to 2.

Thus before CaF2 can be used as reference, the surface concentrations of Ca and F have first to be determined by comparison with well-defined (“basic”) references. In this study a pure thick layer of evaporated calcium is used for Ca, while a LiF(100) single crystal serves as basic reference for F. In the figure 3 keV He+ spectra (obtained with the high-sensitivity instrument Qtac100, 145o scattering angle) are shown for Ca, LiF(100) and a CaF2 glass sample. Under static (non-destructive) conditions the surface concentrations of Ca and F in Teflon, CaF2 glass and powder, as well as the roughness factor of the powder were determined. Based on these, the surface structures of the CaF2 samples will be discussed. References [1] H.H. Brongersma, “Low-Energy Ion Scattering” in: Characterization of Materials, Ed. E.N. Kaufmann, Wiley (2012), pp. 2024-2044. [2] T. Gholian Avval, C.V. Cushman, P. Brüner, T. Grehl, H.H. Brongersma, M.R. Linford, Surf. Sci. Spectra, to be published (2019).

LEIS spectra for 3 keV He+ scattering

121 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

MAT-PO1-0107 ● Characterization by IBA (ion beam analysis) techniques of targets used in nuclear physics reaction experiments F. Ferrer Fernandez 1, B. Fernandez-Martinez 1, J.P. Fernández-Garcia 2, 3, J. Praena 4, V. Godinho 5, J. Gomez-Camacho 2, 3, A. Fernandez 5, D. Galaviz 6, C. Lederer- Woods 5 1Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía-CSIC - Sevilla (ES), 2Departamento de FAMN, Universidad de Sevilla, Apartado 1065 - Sevilla (ES), 3Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía-CSIC - Sevilla, 4Universidad de Granada - Granada (ES), 5Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla CSIC-Univ. Sevilla, Américo Vespucio nr.49 - Sevilla (ES), 6Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa (PT) Characterization of the targets used in nuclear physics experiments is fundamental in the interpretation of the results of these measurements. There are, mainly, two types of deviations from the designed targets: inhomogeneities and the presence of impurities. The Ion Beam Analysis techniques are a suitable tool for the characterization of targets that will be used later (or have been used) in nuclear reaction experiments. With different examples of work performed with the 3MV Tandem accelerator at “Centro Nacional de Aceleradores” (National Center of Accelerators, Seville, Spain) we will present the ability of the facility to: a) quantify the element content and homogeneities of targets, b) collaborate in the development of novel targets (by characterization and preliminary experiments with our accelerator), and c) synthesize targets by ion implantation. The characterizations by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry have concerned a series of different targets (33S, 10B, 35Cl) for experiments in the neutron time-of-flight (n-TOF) facility at CERN and 119Sn in “Laboratori Nazionali del Sud“(LNS-INFN). Development and characterization of novel Si:He solid targets containing high amount of He ([He]/[Si] atomic ratio equal to 0.5 approximately) are of interest for inverse kinematic experiments. Characterization by proton elastic backscattering spectroscopy and some basic nuclear experiments using these Si:He thin films have been performed with a 3MV Tandem. Synthesis of targets by ion implantation with the accelerator mentioned before is concerning the preparation of 6Li targets. These kinds of targets are useful to calibrate particle detectors in experiments using neutron beams. The characterization of the targets has been performed by nuclear reaction analysis using a deuteron beam. Preliminary measurements of the targets were performed at Institut Laue-Langevin neutron facility.

Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Spanish project FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R

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MAT-PO1-0122 ● Analysis of fine films of C, Si and Ge with deposits of W and films of Al with deposits of Ti with the techniques CO-SS and IBA M. Rocha Barajas 1, J. Cruz 2, S. Muhl 3, E. Andrade 4, M. Rocha 5, Z.C. Flores 6, M.I. Rocha 7 1ESIME-Z, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CDMX, 07738, México - Cdmx (MX), 2Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364, - Cdmx (MX), 3Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, UNAM, CDMX A.P. 70-360 - Cdmx (MX), 4Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364, CDMX. 01000 - Cdmx (MX), 5SciTech Analytics, Inc., Santa Cruz CA 95062 - Santa Cruz Ca (US), 6ESIME-Z, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CDMX. 07738, México. - Cdmx (MX), 7ESIME-Z, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CDMX. 07738, México. - Cancún (MX) This work showed that it is relatively simple to study the phenomena of SYA by means of co-sputtering of two materials on a single magnetron target. The spatial distribution of deposits was experimental measured both the total deposit and that of each element, and the same were simulated using the Co-Sputtering Simulation (CO-SS) software. The elementary spatial distribution was measured by RBS analysis and Profilometry was used to study the total deposit spatial distribution (film thickness). Furthermore, under the experimental conditions used in this work the CO-SS software was a very useful tool to measure the sputtering yield and the angular distribution of the emission of atoms from the target. We showed that a combination of elastic and inelastic collisions between the atoms sputtered from a relatively small insert and the Ar atoms, or plasma, could cause the insert-atoms to be uniformly dispersed over the surface of the target. The concentration of the insert-atoms was proportional to the area of the insert. We found that the presence of insert-atoms on the target surface could produce SYA of the target material, if the atomic mass of the insert-atoms was greater than that of Ar (40). Atoms of atomic mass less than 40 did not produce any change in the sputtering process of the underlying target material. Keywords: magnetron sputtering; target utilization; SYA; CO-SS; IBA

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MAT-PO1-0131 ● Quantitative nuclear reaction analysis for lithium and deuterium in lithiated tungsten and Li2TiO3 J. Zhu 1, S. Yan 1, L. Qin 1, C. Jeynes 2, N. Peng 2, Y. Wang 1 11State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking University - Beijing (CN), 2University of Surrey Ion Beam Centre - Guildford (UK) Nuclear fusion is a promising possible source of future energy. In recent studies, lithiated materials play an increasingly significant role: on the one hand, liquid Li and Sn-Li alloy coatings of the plasma facing component (PFC, such as Tungsten) can help reduce both erosion and fuel retention [1]; on the other hand, lithium titanate (Li2TiO3) is one of the candidate ceramic breeding materials due to its good chemical stability and available tritium release behavior [2]. Therefore, assessment and understanding of hydrogen isotopes retention in these materials is crucial for these applications. Nuclear reaction analysis was applied to determine the concentration of 7Li, 6Li and deuterium in the lithiated W and a Li2TiO3 pebble with Li of various isotopic compositions [3]. Complementary elastic backscattering was used to determine oxygen and carbon contamination of sample surfaces. Considering the lack of cross- section data for Li-3He reactions in the nuclear database (only one set of very old data is available [4]), differential cross-sections of 7Li(3He, p0~3)9Be and 6Li(3He, p0,1)8Be nuclear reactions were also measured for beam energies below 3.6 MeV and detection angles of 99° and 135°. References 1. Loureiro, J.P.S., et al., Behavior of liquid Li-Sn alloy as plasma facing material on ISTTOK. Fusion Engineering and Design 117 (2017) 208-211. 2. Tanifuji, T., et al., Tritium release behavior from neutron-irradiated Li2TiO3 single crystal. J.Nucl.Mat. 258 (1998)543-548. 3. Barradas, N.P. and R. Smith, Simulated annealing analysis of nuclear reaction analysis measurements of polystyrene systems. J.Phys.D 32 (1999) 2964-2971 4. Y.C.Liu, Helium-3 induced reaction on Li-7 at bombarding energies of 2.2 to 3.2 MeV. Chinese Journal of Physics (Taiwan), 10 (1972) 76-83

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MAT-PO1-0172 ● In-situ ion beam analysis of the synthesis of photochromic Yttrium oxyhydride K-A. Kantre 1, M. Moro 1, D. Moldarev 1, 2, M. Wolff 1, D. Primetzhofer 1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, S-751 20 - Uppsala (SE), 2Department of Material Science, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute - Moscow (RU)

Yttrium oxyhydride (YHxOy) has recently attracted increased attention due to the fact that it can show reversible photochromism at ambient conditions [1, 2]. During synthesis, accurate composition analysis is critical since the photochromic effect strongly depends on the oxygen/hydrogen ratio in the film. Previously, compositional analysis using ion beam analysis methods (IBA) was conducted ex-situ [3]. The YHxOy films were grown by reactive magnetron sputtering, and exposed to air when transferred from the growth to the IBA chamber. This procedure results in uncontrolled oxidation and modification of the surface as well as the bulk of the films. To get a detailed understanding of the film growth and oxidation, in-situ investigations are required to further optimize the optical properties of YHxOy. We present a study performed in SIGMA (Set-up of In-situ Growth, Material modification and Analysis), a new UHV set-up located at the 5MV Tandem accelerator at Uppsala University. SIGMA allows thin film growth, oxidation and in-situ compositional characterization by MeV ion beams. We have grown YHxOy thin films by reactive e-beam evaporation and oxidized them in a controlled manner, while tracking the change in oxygen and hydrogen contents by IBA. Our YHxOy films show a reversible photochromic effect which previously was only reported for magnetron sputtered films. Results indicate that the strength of the effect depends on the followed oxidation process. We obtained depth profiles of oxygen and hydrogen by Elastic Backscattering Spectrometry (EBS) and Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA), respectively. Subsequently, the samples were characterized ex-situ by Time of Flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ToF-ERDA), while supplementary optical characterization and X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) measurements were performed. References [1] T. Mongstad, C. Platzer-Björkman, J. P. Maehlen, L. P. Mooij, Y. Pivak, B. Dam, E. S. Marstein, B. C. Hauback and S. Z. Karazhanov, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 95, no. 12, pp. 3596-3599, 2011. [2] C. You, T. Mongstad, J. Maehlen and S. Karazhanov, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 143, pp. 623-626, 2015. [3] D. Moldarev, E. M. Baba, M. V. Moro, C. C. You, S. Z. Karazhanov, W. M. and P. D., Physical Review Materials, pp. 115203-115208, 2018.

125 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

MAT-PO1-0263 ● Swift heavy ions induced desorption of copper technical surfaces for ultra high vacuum application G. Sattonnay 1, S. Bilgen 1, B. Mercier 1, R. Levallois 2, C. Stodel 2, M. Bender 3, V. Velthaus 3, L. Kirsch 3, S. Steydli 4, D. Schury 4, E. Lamour 4, V. Baglin 5 1University of Paris Sud - LAL - Orsay (FR), 2GANIL - Caen (FR), 3GSI - Darmstadt (DE), 4Institut des NanoSciences de Paris - Paris (FR), 5CERN - Genève (CH) Ion induced desorption is a severe intensity limitation in modern high luminosity accelerators. Ion beams can impact on the beam pipe and release gas molecules. This stimulated desorption deteriorates the accelerator vacuum and, as a consequence, the beam life time and luminosity. The release of gas into the vacuum system, triggered by impinging ions is a critical issue concerning beam losses and was investigated in the past at GSI and CERN. It is worth noting that this effect can also occur in the Large Hadron Collider when lead ion beams circulate in the ring. During the past decade, ion induced desorption has been intensively investigated with the aim of achieving stable vacuum conditions in the accelerators. The surface quality of vacuum chamber walls is the key parameter to mitigate the effects of dynamic pressure. Moreover, the OFE copper vacuum chambers of the Large Hadron Collider are initially cleaned with standard “industrial” processes, leading to a residual chemical contamination. Therefore, in order to study the ion induced desorption and the influence of cleaning processes, OFE copper samples cleaned with different procedures were bombarded with 4.8 MeV/u Ca19+ ions at the UNILAC accelerator of GSI in Darmstadt. The background residual gas pressure was in the low 10−10 mbar regime and the subsequent pressure rise was determined by means of an ionizing vacuum gauge. Desorption yields were determined and nature of released gas was investigated with a RGA analyser. We performed also in situ cleaning by the ion beam itself in order to study the “surface scrubbing” effect. Finally, the obtained results are discussed and compared with literature data.

126 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

NANO-PO1-0015 ● Input of IBA for the study of plasmonic properties of doped ZnO nanocrystals B. Canut 1, B. Masenelli 1, Y. Zhang 1, A. Apostoluk 1, C. Bernard 2, D. Müller 3 1Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL), INSA Lyon, UMR CNRS 5270, Université de Lyon - Villeurbanne (FR), 2Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), CNRS/IN2P3, UMR CNRS 5822, Université de Lyon - Villeurbanne (FR), 3Laboratoire ICube, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS - Strasbourg (FR) A recent and emerging research field aims at extending the plasmonic properties of nano-objects to the mid infrared (MIR) range. This would allow the design of chemical sensors of high sensitivity since most of the chemical molecules exhibit vibrational modes in that range. In addition wavelengths around 1.5 µm correspond to the telecommunication range. Up to now, the main studied plasmonic systems were based on noble metal nanoparticles (Ag, Au) and have given rise to promising applications in many fields like biological labels and surface-enhanced spectroscopies. However, metal particles have plasma frequencies limited to visible range, suffer high losses and are hardly compatible with the conventional technologies of the Si industry. In order to overcome these drawbacks, a promising route consists in processing nanostructures based on degenerated semiconducting oxides like ZnO. This material presents favourable properties for the expected applications (wide direct bangap, biocompatibility) and its plasma resonance could be tuned from the visible to the MIR range by the electron gas concentration and thus by the dopant activation. In this work, we used ion beam analyses (IBA) to characterize doped ZnO nanoparticles elaborated by different methods : (i) low energy cluster beam deposition (LECBD) for ZnO:Ga, (ii) metal organic framework (MOF) for ZnO:Li and (iii) sol-gel for ZnO/Si core shell system. The analyses were performed either in RBS mode using 4He++ ions of 6 MeV energy (characterization of Ga and Si) or in NRA mode using 1H+ ions of 2.5 MeV energy (characterization of Li). The experimental data allowed determining the mean concentration of dopants (Ga, Li) or shell atoms (Si) and their areal masses. These elemental informations, coupled with structural (TEM, X-ray) and optical (IR spectroscopy, photoluminescence) ones, were of prime importance to better understand the plasmonic properties of doped ZnO nanocrystals. Acknowledgement The authors would like to sincerely thank Dr. A. Quadrelli (C2P2 Laboratory, Lyon1 University, FR) and Pr. S. Daniele (IRCELYON Laboratory, Lyon 1 University, FR) for their valuable contribution in the preparation of the samples.

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NANO-PO1-0067 ● Unraveling structural and compositional information in 3D FinFET electronic devices P. Grande 1, H. Trombini 1, G.G. Marmitt 1, I. Alencar 1, D.L. Baptista 1, S. Reboh 2, F. Mazen 2, R.B. Pinheiro 2, D.F. Sanchez 3 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR), 2CEA-LETI, MINATEC Campus - Grenoble (FR), 3Paul Scherrer Instituit - Villigen (CH)

Non-planar Fin Field Effect Transistors (FinFET) are already present in modern devices. Different ion-implantation processes are employed to these 3D nanostructures and the determination of the corresponding dopant distribution is still an issue in the microelectronics industry. Here we propose a methodology for obtaining structural and compositional information with nanometer spatial resolution and high statistics for advanced 3D FinFET electronic devices. It is based on an ion scattering technique called Medium Energy Ion Scattering (MEIS) [1]. The figure shows a sample illustration and the experimental geometry used for MEIS measurements. The sample was fixed in two different positions which allows the measurement of outgoing ion paths crossing (φ = 90°) and along (φ = 0°) the fin. The energy loss of ions provides information on the chemistry of each component over the 3D structure. The periodicity of the fin generates oscillations in the energy spectrum allowing to determine the structure and dimensions of the fins. The measurement is made with more than 14,000 fins processing a reliable statistic as well as the quantification of the total amount of arsenic around all fin structure. We performed Scanning Electron Microscopy and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray to validate the MEIS results. In this work, we demonstrate the capability of the MEIS technique to characterize FinFET transistors opening new perspectives for the use of ion scattering in microelectronic technology [2]. Acknowledgement This study was partially financed by Brazilian funding agencies CAPES (Finance Code 001 and 88887.176042/2018-00), CNPq (165047/2015-1 and 117750/2017-4) and PRONEX-FAPERGS. References [1] New approach for structural characterization of planar sets of nanoparticles embedded into a solid matrix. D. F. Sanchez, G. Marmitt, C. Marin, D. L. Baptista, G. M. Azevedo, P. L. Grande and, P. F. P. Fichtner. Sci. Rep. 3:3414 (2013) 101038. [2] H. Trombini, G. G. Marmitt, I. Alencar, D. L. Baptista, S. Reboh, F. Mazen, R. B. Pinheiro, D. F. Sanchez, C. A. Senna, B. S. Archanjo, C. A. Achete and, P. L. Grande, Sci. Rep., under review.

Sample illustration and experimental geometry.

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NANO-PO1-0246 ● Synthesis of GaN Nanocrystals in SiO2/Si L. Aggar 1, 2, D. Bradai 1, 3, M. Abdesslam 1, 2, Y. Bourezg 1, 2, A.C. Chami 1, D. Thiaudiere 4, C. Bouillet 5, D. Muller 6, F. Le Normand 6 1Faculty of Physics, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria (Algérie), 2ICube, UMR 7357 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, 67037 Strasbourg, FR, 3Synchrotron SOLEIL, L’Orme des Merisiers, Saint-Aubin, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, 4Synchrotron SOLEIL, L’Orme des Merisiers, Saint-Aubin, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (FR), 5IPCMS, CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, 67037, Strasbourg, FR (FR), 6ICube, UMR 7357 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, 67037 Strasbourg (FR) Ga and N ions were implanted into a silicon dioxide layer on crystalline silicon. Ion energies were adjusted to obtain an overlap of the profiles at a depth close to the surface. The implanted samples were annealing under N2 flux at 950°C for various times ranging from 20 to 120 minutes. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry was used to measure the amount of Ga after implantation and annealing and allowed us to follow the evolution of the Gallium profile as a function of annealing time. GaN nanocrystals (in the wurtzite phase) were synthesized by sequential implantation of Ga and N and subsequent annealing under N2 flux at 950°C for at least 60 minutes. The formation of GaN nanocrystals was analyzed through high resolution transmission (HRTEM), synchrotron radiation- X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS) and synchrotron radiation- X-ray diffraction (XRD). Photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopy are used to investigate their structural and optical properties.

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PROB-PO1-0031 ● Heavy Ion ToF-ERDA of vanadium/polyaniline nanocomposite films: mitigating electronic sputtering. M. Msimanga 1, R. Mashamba 1, T. Miller 2, P. Sechogela 2 1Tshwane University of Technology - Pretoria (ZA), 2NRF-iThemba LABS TAMS - Johannesburg (ZA) Heavy Ion ERDA is now an established powerful technique particularly suited to simultaneous depth profiling of elements of a wide mass range in thin films. Its application in the analysis of polymeric films has been somewhat muted largely because of significant beam induced damage during analysis. One of possible ways of minimising the extent of electronic sputtering damage is through the use of fairly expensive large solid angle detectors to reduce beam dose. This, unfortunately, is not always possible in low budget laboratories or where the analysis of soft polymeric materials is not commonplace. We propose here a simple method to mitigate electronic sputtering in polymer films during Heavy Ion ERD analysis. The idea is to apply a high thermal conductivity capping layer on the polymer film to act as a heat conduit. Nanocomposite vanadium-polyaniline (Ag-PANi) films were fabricated through cryogenic ion implantation of 100 keV V+ ions into PANi films spin coated onto Indium Tin Oxide/ Polyethylene Terephthalate (ITO/PET) substrates. The V-PANi films were then capped with a thin aluminium layer by electron beam deposition, before Heavy Ion ToF ERDA depth profiling using a 20 MeV Cu7+ beam. We present here the highs and attendant caveats in our work. Acknowledgement This work is based on the research supported in part by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (Grant Number: 118537), the Tshwane University of Technology and NRF-iThemba LABS.

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3+ 3+ + PROB-PO1-0123 ● Analysis of TiO2 nanocrystals doped with Sm and Sm Li by the IBA techniques M. Rocha Barajas 1, R.D. Dominguez 2, H.J. Dorantes-Rosales 3, E. Andrade 4, Z.C. Flores 5 1ESIME-Z, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ALM Zacatenco, CDMX. 07738 - Cdmx (MX), 2Departamento del Acelerador, ININ, Salazar, Edo. Mex., CP 52045, Mexico - Salazar (MX), 3Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESIQIE, DIMM, C.P. 07738 CDMX, México - Cdmx (MX), 4Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364, México - Cdmx (MX), 5ESIME-Z, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ALM Zacatenco, CDMX. 07738, México (MX) 3+ 3+ TiO2:Sm and LiXTiO2:Sm nanocrystals in anatase phase, at different concentrations and annealed at 200°C, were successfully synthesized using microwave irradiation. The Sm3+ ions were incorporated in a substitutional manner into Ti4+ sites, as no significant lattice distortion was observed. Li+ ions were incorporated in the host, 3+ + generating a unit cell distortion, doping the TiO2:Sm host with Li ions significantly affected both the structure and optical parameters. The symmetry of the crystal around the activating ions, an increase in crystallinity, to present a more defined anatase 3+ phase of the LiXTiO2:Sm system. The crystal growth observed was measured at 6 3+ 3+ 2 3+ and 12 nm for the TiO2:Sm and LiXTiO2:Sm systems respectively. The TiO :Sm 3+ and LiXTiO2:Sm samples both exhibit a strong characteristic emission, generated through the excitation of Sm3+ ions. Studies of photoluminescence reveal that 3+ 3+ emissions of the TiO2:Sm powders originated from the indirect excitation of Sm ions via a process of the transfer of energy of the electron-hole pairs created in the TiO2 3+ matrix. The generation of photoluminescent emissions from the LiXTiO2:Sm powder resulted in an efficient direct energy transfer from the charge transfer states to the lanthanide ions, due to the fact that the excitation peak situated at 429 nm (2.88 Ev) corresponds to the direct excitation of the samarium ions. The emissions registered for 3+ 3+ the TiO2:Sm and LiXTiO2:Sm nanocrystalline powders are due to the transitions 4 6 6 6 6 from the excited G5/2 level to H11/2, H9/2, H7/2 and H5/2 levels. Comparing the 3+ intensities of the photoluminescence emissions given by LiXTiO2:Sm nanocrystals, it can be seen that they registered an emission that was 2.46 times more intense than 3+ + that registered for the TiO2:Sm sample. This caused by the doping with Li ions, resulting in an increase in crystal size, a change in the morphology of the nanocrystals from spherical to square-like (according to observations of the exposed {001} facets) and a decrease in non-radiative channels due to the generation of oxygen vacancies, which acted as sensitizers to activate the lanthanide ions and thus generated an efficient energy transfer from the charge transfer states to the lanthanide ions. Together, these factors caused the optical emissions of the lanthanide ions to increase 3+ 3+ in the LiXTiO2:Sm host compared to the TiO2:Sm powder emissions. Keywords: PL, XRD, TEM, HRTEM, HRSEM, EDS and IBA.

131 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

SIMU-PO1-0048 ● ibat new ionbeam batch analysis tool for thin samples R. Siegele 1, D.D. Cohen 1 ANSTO - Kirrawee (AU) We present a new analysis tool and user interface for batch analysis of PIXE, PIGE, RBS and PESA spectra of thin samples. IBA analysis techniques are ideally suited for Aerosol filter analysis, because of their high sensitivity and because the layer of Aerosol material deposited on the filters is very thin. The analysis tool provides an easy interface for the MS-DOS executable of GUPIX, combined with newly developed software for Proton Induced Gamma Emission (PIGE), Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS) and Proton Elastic Scattering Analysis (PESA). For PIGE and PESA simple background subtraction techniques are applied to extract the gamma and Hydrogen recoil peaks and calculate concentrations using a suitable calibrations sample. For RBS a similar technique is applied to extract estimates for C, N and O. The results of this new analysis tool will be compared with results obtained from the PIXAN package used previously PIXAN. The data will also be checked against internal consistencies within aerosol data sets using source apportionment techniques.

132 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

SIMU-PO1-0061 ● Computational RBS/C method based on Molecular Dynamic simulations for investigating irradiation induced defect: UO2 as test-case material X. Jin 1, 2, A. Boulle 2, A. Chartier 3, J.P. Crocombette 4, F. Garrido 1, A. Debelle 1 1Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière (CSNSM), Université Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Université Paris-Saclay - Orsay (FR), 2Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques (IRCer), CNRS UMR 7315, Centre Européen de la Céramique - Limoges (FR), 3CEA, DEN, Service de la Corrosion et du Comportement des Matériaux dans leur Environnement (SCCME), Université Paris-Saclay - Gif-Sur-Yvette (FR), 4CEA, DEN, Service de Recherche de Métallurgie Physique (SRMP), Université Paris-Saclay - Gif-Sur-Yvette (FR)

As UO2 is the most widely used fuel in current nuclear reactors worldwide, it is imperative to have a comprehensive knowledge of the irradiation-induced defect nature in this material. It has been shown that Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations can be an effective approach to mimic irradiation ballistic damages occurring in UO2 under ion irradiation [1], and thus can provide reference damaged targets as input for computational simulations aiming at reproducing experimental signals of characterization techniques. Recently, a Monte Carlo simulation program for Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry in Channeling mode (RBS/C) spectra has been developed and subsequently improved [2,3], which can work with targets containing arbitrary structures, e.g., UO2 MD cells. In this paper, we present simulated RBS/C spectra corresponding to MD cells of damaged UO2 obtained using the Frenkel Pair Accumulation (FPA) method. We covered a large damage range, from 0 to 10 displacements per Uranium (dpU), on the order of magnitude, reproducing all the disordering stages, and we studied two temperatures, 300 K and 900 K. At both temperatures, the relative disorder level varies in several steps with the dpU level. Each step can be ascribed to a specific microstructure revealed by the MD cell analysis. In addition, the disordering kinetics exhibit a close agreement with those determined experimentally, indicating that the used methodology is valid. Furthermore, the calculated kinetics show consistency with those obtained from both experimental and computational X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. References [1] A. Chartier, C. Onofri, L. Van Brutzel, C. Sabathier, O. Dorosh, and J. Jagielski, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, (2016). [2] S. Zhang, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, Y. Zhang, G. Velisa, and T. S. Wang, Phys. Rev. E 94, 1 (2016). [3] X. Jin, S. Zhang, J.-P. Crocombette, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, A. Boulle, F. Garrido, A. Debelle (to be submitted).

133 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #1

SIMU-PO1-0102 ● IAEA Inter-comparison of PIGE Analysis Codes N. Pessoa Barradas 1, J. Cruz 2, M. Fonseca 2, A.P. Jesus 2, A. Lagoyannis 3, V. Manteigas 2, M. Mayer 4, K. Preketes-Sigalas 3, P. Dimitriou 1 1International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, A-1400 - Wien (AT), 2Laboratório de Instrumentação, Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação (LIBPhys-UNL), Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica, 2892-516 - Caparica (PT), 3Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, NCSR “Demokritos”, 153.10 Aghia Paraskevi - Athens (GR), 4Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstr. 2, D-85748 - Garching (DE) Particle Induced Gamma Emission (PIGE) is a powerful analytical technique that has been widely employed in the analysis of bulk samples through the use of reference samples. The potential of standardless PIGE has only recently started to be fully exploited, with the availability of an extensive database of experimental cross sections covering a wide range of elements and energies. PIGE analysis softwares are crucial for the employment of standardless PIGE, therefore, an effort to systematically compare and verify the existing codes was coordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Five codes were considered in the inter-comparison: ERYA (-bulk and -profiling), NDF, PIGRECO and SIMNRA. A series of exercises and sensitivity tests were carried out on bulk analysis of samples with well-defined conditions. In this paper, we present the results of these exercises and the conclusions regarding the performance and suitability of the codes. For slowly varying cross-sections all codes show very good agreement. For narrow resonant cross-sections larger differences between the codes are observed.

134 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2 Poster session #2

ART-PO2-0033 ● Upgraded external-beam “Total–IBA” set-up for cultural heritage applications at LABEC M. Chiari 1, P.A. Mandò 1, S.M.E. Mangani 2, A. Mazzinghi 1, C. Ruberto 1, B. Sorrentino 3, N. Tacconi 3 1INFN-Firenze and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence - Firenze (IT), 2Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”, University of Florence - Sesto Fiorentino (IT), 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence - Sesto Fiorentino (IT) The capabilities of external ion beam analysis (IBA) methods at INFN LABEC laboratory for cultural heritage studies have been improved implementing a “Total– IBA” analytical approach. Whereas Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), Particle Induced Gamma-ray Emission (PIGE) and Elastic/Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (EBS/RBS) separately give only partial information on the composition and layering of artistic and historical artefacts, these analyses can be performed simultaneously on the sample and their synergistic use allows gathering detailed and complete data about elemental composition and depth distribution of the analysed material. Moreover, IBA techniques can be performed while maintaining the object in atmosphere, avoiding the need of picking up samples and greatly easing the object positioning, thus precious and big artefacts can be studied. To this purpose the existing PIXE set-up installed at the +45° external collimated beam line of the 3 MV Tandetron accelerator of LABEC laboratory was upgraded for Total– IBA measurements. The set-up includes now two X-ray detectors for PIXE, a 10 mm2 Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) for light and major elements analysis and a 150 mm2 SDD, for heavy and trace elements; one particle detector for EBS/RBS, a Si pin diode 10×10 mm2 active area, placed at 135° scattering angle and mounted in an aluminium case, kept at 10-1 mbar pressure; and one gamma-ray detector for PIGE, a 20% relative efficiency HPGe detector with a mechanical cooler. Quantitative results are obtained by accurate charge-equivalent normalisation measuring the extracted beam weak currents using a rotating chopper [1]. The characterisation and the performances of the detectors of the upgraded external beam Total–IBA set-up at LABEC will be described, together with the results from some case studies. References M. Chiari, A. Migliori, P.A. Mandò, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 188 (2002) 162-165

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ART-PO2-0166 ● AIFIRA external beam and obsidian sourcing F-X. Le Bourdonnec 1, S. Dubernet 1, S. Sorieul 2, B. Ridard 3, C. Lugliè 4 1Université Bordeaux Montaigne, IRAMAT-CRP2A, UMR 5060 - Pessac (FR), 2CNRS, CENBG, UMR 5797 - Gradignan (FR), 3ARCANE, CENBG, UMR 5797 - Gradignan (FR), 4Università di Cagliari, LASP - Cagliari (IT) Obsidian, a volcanic glass, is one of the best raw materials for knapping, together with flint. This raw material is also particularly well suited for provenance studies: each obsidian has its own elementary and isotopic composition, as well as its own physical characteristics. In addition, its sources are limited to the few volcanoes that have emitted it. Obsidian is thus a lithic raw material of choice for the study of the movements of prehistoric humans. The success of obsidian provenance analysis using particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) in the Pacific area [1], and the Andean area in the Americas [2] had led early on to the question of the applicability of this approach in other regions, such as the Mediterranean [3] or the Near East [4]. In the context of our work conducted in the Western Mediterranean, we will present the characteristics of the external beam line of the AIFIRA platform (Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d'Ions en Région Aquitaine) [5] of the CENBG (Centre Études Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan, FR), as well as the precision and accuracy of the measures performed on obsidians. The method used allows an easy differentiation of the four potential sources in the Tyrrhenian area (Lipari, Palmarola, Pantelleria, and the volcanic complex of Monte Arci in Sardinia). Its main interest is to allow a strictly non destructive approach for samples of any size. References [1] P. Duerden, J. R. Bird, E. Clayton, D. D. Cohen, and B. F. Leach, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 3 (1-3), 419 (1984). [2] L. Bellot-Gurlet, T. Calligaro, O. Dorighel, J.-C. Dran, G. Poupeau, and J. Salomon, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 150 (1-4), 616 (1999). [3] F.-X. Le Bourdonnec, S. Delerue, S. Dubernet, P. Moretto, T. Calligaro, J.-C. Dran, and G. Poupeau, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 240 (1-2), 595 (2005). [4] G. Poupeau, F.-X. Le Bourdonnec, T. Carter, S. Delerue, M. S. Shackley, J.-A. Barrat, S. Dubernet, P. Moretto, T. Calligaro, M. Milić, and K. Kobayashi, J. Archaeol. Sci. 37 (11), 2705 (2010). [5] S. Sorieul, P. Alfaurt, L. Daudin, L. Serani, and P. Moretto, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 332, 68 (2014).

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ART-PO2-0171 ● Characterization of silver-bronze coins of the Tomares Hoard (Seville) M. Respaldiza 1, S. Scrivano 2, F.J. Ager 3, B. Gómez-Tubío 4, I. Ortega-Feliu 4, A. Paúl 5 1Centro Nacional de Aceleradores & Dpto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, University of Seville - Sevilla (ES), 2Centro Nacional de Aceleradores & CITIUS, University of Seville - Sevilla (ES), 3Centro Nacional de Aceleradores & Dpto. Física Aplicada I, University of Seville - Sevilla (ES), 4Centro Nacional de Aceleradores & Dpto. Física Aplicada III, University of Seville - Sevilla (ES), 5Dpto. de Ingeniería Mecánica y de los Materiales, Escuela Politécnica Superior, University of Seville - Sevilla (ES) In 2016, nineteen amphorae containing about 50000 Roman silver-bronze coins were accidentally unearthed in Tomares (Seville, Spain). According to the most recent inspection and cataloguing, the hoard is composed of well-preserved nummi struck by Diocletian, Maximian and Maxentius and from the early years of Constantine’s reign, thus dating the concealment not before the second decade of the 4th century CE. The state of preservation of some of the coins is outstanding with the appearance of a silvered surface. This hoard shows the complexity of the currency circulating in southern Hispania in that period. The great importance of this hoard is only comparable, in the whole Roman Empire, to another monetary set dated, however, somewhat later: the Misurata Hoard (Lybia). The study of the chemical composition of the alloy, the corrosion processes and the silvering technique will help to understand the monetary circulation in the Roman Empire in that period. The surface of a set of coins from the hoard, most of them after applying some cleaning methods, was analyzed by a combination of non-destructive techniques (EDXRF, GRT, PIXE and RBS) and by a micro-destructive technique such as focused-ion beam (FIB/SEM). The cross section of some of the coins were also analyzed by SEM-EDX, micro-PIXE and optical metallography to observe the composition of the corroded layers and the bulk alloy and to gain insight into the silvering process used during minting. The results show that the coins were manufactured with a bronze quaternary alloy, Cu- Sn-Pb-Ag, generally with an external corrosion patina and a very thin non- homogeneous silver layer (about 1 μm) underneath. The bulk alloy is a solid Cu solution with scattered Ag-Pb segregates. Regarding the surface silvering process technique, the amalgam silvering (or mercury silvering) can be excluded at least for the first 5000 coins analyzed, since no traces of Hg were detected.

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ART-PO2-0187 ● PIXE analysis of glass beads (historical and modern) from Ghana G. Banini 1, A. Forson 1, J. Boachie-Amasah 2, J. Tandoh 1, C. Nuviadenu 1, H. Ahiamadjie 1, G. Quashigah 1, H. Sackey 1, E. Gazoya 1 1GH Atomic Energy Commission - Accra (GH), 2University of GH - Accra (GH) The manufacture and use of beads in Ghanaian traditional context predates the arrival of the Europeans to the Gold Coast at the close at the 15th century. Originally beads were made from natural materials such as rock, cowries and bones. Elemental characterization of chevron beads excavated from a historical site in Ghana and other morden beads have been carried out using Proton Induced x-ray emission spectrometry. The elemental composition of the glass beads analyzed compared favorably with other chevron beads from Mouswald (Scotland) and Middelburg (Netherlands). A chevron bead lookalike (without the star at the neck) from Ladoku after elemental composition analysis turns out not to be different from the other chevron beads. PIXE analysis showed that the modern glass beads contain mainly silica with other additives. Acknowledgement We will like to acknowledge The Government of Netherlands, The IAEA and the Government of Ghana for provision of the accelerator facility.

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BIO-PO2-0024 ● Development of 20-MeV proton PIXE analysis in helium atmosphere K. Ishii 1, A. Terakawa 1, K. Hitomi 2, M. Nogami 2 1Cyclotron and radioisotope center, Tohoku university - Sendai (JP), 2Quantum Science and energy engineering, Tohoku university - Sendai (JP) We recently achieved 20-MeV particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis using the positron emission tomography (PET) cyclotron at the Aomori Prefecture Quantum Science Center, and demonstrated high sensitivity (a few ppm) analysis of elements lighter than Sr using a silicon drift detector (SDD) [1]. This analysis was carried out in a vacuum. For many of the samples to be analyzed, it would be preferable to carry out PIXE analysis in atmosphere due to the ease of exchanging targets in this case. We developed a technique for carrying out 20-MeV proton PIXE analysis in a helium atmosphere. The reason for selecting helium is as follows. The first exited energy of 4He is 20.21 MeV and the Q-values of nuclear reactions for proton impact are larger than 18.35 MeV [2], so no radiation is produced from 4He-nuclei bombarded with 20 MeV protons. We used this method to analyze mineral elements in food samples. Figure 1 shows the X-ray energy spectra of a sample of used tea leaves obtained using the SDD. The addition of a Kapton beam extraction window increased the continuous background of the Compton tails of nuclear reaction g-rays to approximately 2 times that of the vacuum, and the quasi free electron bremsstrahlung (QFEB) [3] did not increase. The observations of the K X-ray peaks of the mineral elements were as clear as those obtained under a vacuum. Thus, we demonstrated the utility of 20-MeV proton PIXE analysis in a helium atmosphere. References 1. K.ISHII, A.TERAKAWA, H.USHIJIMA, K.HITOMI, N.NAGANO, M.MOGAMI, The program and abstract of 16th international conference on particle induced X-ray emission, p39. 2. D.R. Tilley, H.R. Weller, G.M. Hale, Nucl. Phys. A541(1992)1-104. 3. T.C. Chu, K. Ishii et al., Phys. Rev. A, 24(1981), 1720-1725.

X-ray spectrum of the used tea leaves sample obtai

139 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

BIO-PO2-0041 ● Combined PIXE and optical microscopy characterization of calcium compounds in dental calculus E.A. Preoteasa 1, S. Gomez Salvador 2, E.S. Preoteasa 3, C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste 4, A. Scafes 1, D. Mirea 1, R. Andrei 1 1Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering - Bucharest-Magurele (RO), 2Department of Pathological Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Cadiz - Cadiz (ES), 3Helident Dental Surgery Ltd - Bucharest (RO), 4Nicolae Paulescu Institute of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases - Bucharest (RO) The potential of a combined approach of PIXE and optical microscopy for the study of the heterogeneity of dental calculus. Dental calculus samples were taken from senior persons, most of them with periodontal disease and a few of them with diabetes mellitus. The PIXE measurements were performed at the Bucharest 3 MV TandetronTM, with 3 MeV proton beam, using a Ge(HP) detector having an energy resolution of 140 eV at 5.9 keV. The targets were positioned normal on the beam direction, and the PIXE detector was placed at 45o. The beam was defocused (Φ= 1– 2 mm) and beam current was in the range of 1–7 nA to limit sample damage. Pelleted hydroxyapatite (bone ash) (NIST SRM-1400) was used as a standard. Sections 100 µm thick were prepared from the dental calculus and observed by polarization microscopy. The images were analyzed with the Image J program. Both methods evidenced distinct types of dental calculus with different optical and compositional characteristics. The concentrations of Ca and P were compared with hydroxyapatite (HA) and with other calcium phosphates. The Ca/P ratio proved to be a parameter always reliable, intrinsic to the calculus sample and independent on the experimental conditions. Two main types of dental calculus were postulated based on the Ca/P ratio. Type I consisted of a mixture of the calcium phosphates whitlockite and octacalcium phosphate. Type II consisted mainly of HA, with some content of calcium carbonate. Optical microscopy evidenced the heterogeneous structure of the dental calculus even in the same sample, in complete agreement with the PIXE data. The results suggest that the two different types of dental calculus were formed by different pathways of biomineralization. Trace elements detected by PIXE showed concentrations strongly dependent on the calculus sample.

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BIO-PO2-0055 ● Andromede: a multi-purpose innovative facility for surface analysis by MeV nanoparticle impacts T-L. Lai 1, S. Della Negra 1, D. Jacquet 1, J. Lesrel 1, I. Ribaud 1, L. Augusto 2, R. Chaby 2, P. Tissieres 2, M. Eller 3, S.V. Verkhoturov 3, E. Schweikert 3, D. Baklouti 4, R. Brunetto 4 1IPNO - Orsay (FR), 2I2BC - Gif-Sur-Yvette (FR), 3TAMU - Texas (US), 4IAS - Orsay (FR) Andromede is a new instrument for mass spectrometry analysis of nano-domains and nano-objects present on a surface. The molecular sample information (mass and q+ structure) is obtained from the impact of nanoparticles (NPs), as Aun with n/q up to 200 or fullerene ions accelerated by a 4 MV single stage electrostatic Pelletron accelerator. Such projectiles, providing huge emission rates per impact permit the topographic analysis of complex samples from metallic surface to biologic molecules, cells tissues or extraterrestrial meteorite for exobiology studies. The ions are produced by two ion source types. The clusters and nano-particles are provided by a LMIS (Liquid Metal Ion Source) for IBA analyses with time-of-flight mass spectrometer and ion imaging. The multi-charged molecular ions are produced by an ECR source delivering high intensity light atomic ion beams for low energy nuclear astrophysics experiments, as well as for IBA analyses. Since June 2018 the surface analysis set-up of Andromede is in operation using gold nanoparticle beams with charge to mass ratio ranging from 40 to 160. The accepted experiments at the 2018 Andromede PAC were performed. The metallic surface analysis performed by the accelerator division of LAL will be presented by S. Bilgen in this conference. In collaboration with the IAS "Astrochemistry and Origins" group, analyses of mineral analogues of carbonaceous chondrite were conducted to detect the presence of organic molecules with molecular weight about 1000 u, added by infiltration. This approach simulates the organic / mineral mixture of extraterrestrial carbonaceous meteorites and will lead to future meteorite analysis. In collaboration with I2BC “Endotoxins, Structures and Host responses” team, we started the analysis and characterization of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) constituting the endotoxins bacteria responsible for infection in the host. Protocols for detecting LPS via lipid A (MW ~ 1300-1800 Daltons) have been validated. Ionic yields are 100 times higher than those obtained with commercial probes using 25 keV bismuth clusters. Prof. E.A.Schweikert group from Texas A&M University investigates the use of halogenated tags for the detection and co-localization of conjugated protein antibodies. Three molecules with different halides have been tested as individual and mixed markers. In the framework of the long standing collaboration with this group we extend 4+ this study with the 12 MeV Au400 projectiles delivered by Andromede facility. We demonstrated the ability to measure in single impact several proteins co-located on a surface area of less than a few thousand nm2 with a 100% probability.

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BIO-PO2-0063 ● Measurement of a therapeutic carbon beam with a G2000 glass scintillator A. Yokoyama 1, W. Kada 1, S. Makoto 2, M. Kenta 1, H. Osamu 1 1Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University - Kiryu (JP), 2Education and Research Support Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University - Maebashi (JP) In this study, we examine the beam profile measurement of a 290 MeV/n carbon beam, employed in heavy-ion therapy, using a G2000 glass scintillator (G2000-SC). The ion luminescence induced by irradiating the G2000-SC with the carbon beam was detected via an electron multiplying charge-coupled device camera. Remarkable beam profiles were observed in the resulting images. The results indicate that the carbon beam stops at a distance of 5.17 mm from the beam incident side to the G2000-SC after having penetrated the 112-mm-thick water phantom. Furthermore, the location of the Bragg peak of the carbon beam was simulated using the particle and heavy-ion transport system model for irradiating the G2000-SC with the carbon beam. In accordance with the experimental results, the carbon beam was found to stop at a distance of 5.58 mm from the beam incident side to the G2000-SC. Hence, the G2000- SC demonstrates efficient profile measurement of therapeutic carbon beams.

142 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

BIO-PO2-0090 ● Characterization of atmospheric particulate matter at e-waste landfill site in agbogbloshie, ACCRA H. Ahiamadjie 1, S. Akoto-Bamford 2, I.J.K. Aboh 2, J.B. Tandoh 1, C.K. Nuviadenu 1, A. Forson 1, G.K. Banini 1, G.K. Quarshigah 1, E.D.K. Gazoya 1, H.L. Sackey 1 1accelerator research centre, national nuclear research institute, GH atomic energy commission - Accra (GH), 2University of GH - Accra (GH) A year-long investigation has been carried out on particulate matter (PM). Elemental composition, mass concentration, sources contributions and their fingerprints were determined in PM samples collected, in Agbogbloshie scrap market, between May 2010 and April 2011. PM 2.5 and PM 10-2.5 size fractions of APM were collected 24- hourly on 47 mm diameter nuclepore filters of pore sizes 0.4 μm and 0.8 μm respectively, using the Gent sampler. Gravimetric analyses were carried out to determine the PM mass concentrations. The minimum, maximum and annual mean mass concentration values for PM 2.5 obtained for the sampling site throughout the period of investigation were 35.43 (µg/m3), 349.68 (µg/m3) and 88.62 (µg/m3) respectively. For PM 10-2.5, the minimum, maximum and annual mean mass concentration values obtained were 76.83 (µg/m3), 448.67 (µg/m3) and 138.31 (µg/m3) respectively. These measured concentration levels are all substantially higher than the WHO, USEPA, EU, JAPAN EQS, UK National Air quality objective, World Bank and Canada air quality standards. PIXE, PIGE and EDXRF were used to determine elemental composition and concentration of the particulate matter. Enrichment Factor evaluation was first used as one of the means to separate elements in terms of natural and anthropogenic sources. PMF was employed in fingerprint and source contributions identifications, PMF resolved five sources each for both PM 2.5 and PM 10-2.5. Natural sources (45%) were the major contributors in the coarse fraction while anthropogenic sources (88%) were the major contributors in the fine fraction. E-waste burning contributions were identified in both fractions. In this work, the following elements (Zn, As, Br, Sn, Cd, Hg, and Pb) have been identified as fingerprint for e-waste burning and this source contributed 49% of the pollutants identified in the study area. Acknowledgement 1. University of Ghana 2. Ghana Atomic Energy Commission References Aboh, Innocent Joy Kwame and Henriksson, Dag and Laursen, Jens and Lundin, Magnus and Ofosu, Francis Gormon and Pind, Niels and Selin Lindgren, Eva and Wahnstr¨om, Tomas, Identification of aerosol particle sources in semi-rural area of Kwabenya, near Accra, Ghana, by EDXRF techniques. X-Ray Spectrometry 38(4),2009. Atiemo, Sampson M and Ofosu, Francis G and Aboh, IK and Kuranchie-Mensah, H, Assessing the heavy metals contamination of surface dust from waste electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste) recycling site in Accra, Ghana. Res J Environ Earth Sci,4(5),2012. Y. Q. Wang and M. Nastasi. Handbook of Modern Ion Beam Materials Analysis. Material Research Society, 2009.

143 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

BIO-PO2-0269 ● Use of Ion Beam (RBS) and X-Ray techniques in the determination of the Elemental Concentration in the Amazonian plant Andira surinamensis G. De Souza 1, J. Gonzalez 2, G. Simões 1, R. Bernini 3, L. Coutinho 1, F. Stedile 4, C. Nunez 5, F. Vicentin 6 1Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Rio De Janeiro (BR), 2Udelar - Montevideo (UY), 3Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio De Janeiro (BR), 4Instituto de Química, UFRGS - Porto Alegre (BR), 5Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - Manaus (BR), 6Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron - Manaus (BR) As part of an ongoing study of the inorganic composition of plants from the Amazon rainforest, we present complementary and comparative resultsof Andira surinamensis obtained through the use of different techniques. Plants obtain the majority of elements needed to their development (with the exception of carbon and oxygen) from the soil through complex processes related to plant-environment interactions. The mineral nutrient and trace elements content (the ionome) provide a most valuable information about plant’s physiology.1,2 Information concerning the accumulation of metals and trace elements in different parts of the plants is of primary importance toward the understanding of the mechanisms related to the uptake, transport and storage of metals in plants. The investigation of the inorganic composition is also of primary importance with respect to safety issues related to the use of plants in culinary and folk medicine applications. In the present work, the inorganic composition of the bark and leaf of Andira surinamensis, was determined using two non-destructive, multi-element techniques: Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). XRF measurements were made using both a conventional X-ray source and Synchrotron Radiation. It was observed that although magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorous, sulfur, chlorine, and potassium are present in higher concentrations in the leaf, calcium is about three times more concentrated in the bark. Manganese, iron, copper, zinc, strontium, and barium were also detected, with barium showing a concentration above the minimum toxicity level for plants.3 Acknowledgement This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. The authors would like to acknowledge CNPq, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and LNLS for the financial support. The authors would like to acknowledge the SXS beam line staff for technical support. References [1]. Baxter, I. R.; Vitek, O.; Lahner, B.; Muthukumar, B.; Borghi, M.; Morrissey, J.; Guerinot, M. L.; Salt, D. E.; PNAS 2008, 105, 12081. [2]. Maarschalkerweerd, M. v.; Husted, S.; Frontiers in Plant Science 2015, 6, 1. [3]. Gonzalez, J.C.; Simões, G.; Bernini, R.B.; Coutinho, L.H.; Stedile, F.C.; Nunez, C.V.; Vicentim, F.C.; de Souza, G.G.B. J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 2019, 30(9), 1887.

RBS and XRF of Andira surinamensis bark and leaf

144 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0040 ● Performance tests of a pixelated thermal neutron detector using a low intensity proton beam J. Pallon 1, E. Rofors 1, N. Mauritzson 1, R. Al Jebali 2, 3, J.R.M. Annand 3, L. Boyd 3, N. De La Rosa 1, M. Elfman 1, K.G. Fissum 1, R.J.W. Frost 1, R. Hall-Wilton 2, 4, P. Kristiansson 1, R. Montgomery 3, E.J.C. Nilsson 1, H. Perrey 1, B. Seitz 3 1Division of Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics, Lund University - Lund (SE), 2Detector Group, European Spallation Source ERIC, SE-221 00 - Lund (SE), 3SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow - Glasgow (UK), 4Mid-Sweden University, SE-851 70 - Sundsvall (SE) he European Spallation Source (ESS), currently being built in Lund, is pushing neutron fluxes to new levels. The Solid-state Neutron Detector (SoNDe)[1] is a position sensitive thermal neutron detector that is being developed to match these high fluxes and will be used for small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments at ESS. In this study, the response of the Li-glass scintillator[2] and Hamamatsu H12700A multi-anode photomultiplier tube (MAPMT)[3] used in SoNDe have been studied in detail using a proton beam. Spread of scintillation light within the scintillator and border effects between MAPMT pixels were mapped using motor controlled scans of the scintillator surface across the proton beam. The experiment builds on the results from a previous study[4], characterizing the detector using a 241Am alpha source. For the irradiations, a proton beam of 2.5 MeV energy at the LIBAF microbeam setup was used and collimated down to an intensity of about or less than 1000 ions/s using the object and aperture slits. The SoNDe detector was placed on the standard sample stage of the microbeam chamber having the detector surface at the target position. As the detector was designed for in-air operation, the irradiations had to be performed with the microbeam chamber being non-evacuated. Instead, vacuum conditions for the protons were maintained with the aid of an extra beam pipe inside of the microbeam chamber up to a point a few mm in front of the neutron detector where the beam passed through a thin Silicon nitride window. All irradiations were performed in dark environment. References [1] Jaksch, S. et al. (2018). Recent Developments SoNDe High-Flux Detector Project. NOP2017, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. https://doi.org/10.7566/jpscp.22.011019 [2] https://www.crystals.saint- gobain.com/sites/imdf.crystals.com/files/documents/glass-scintillator-material-data- sheet_69772.pdf 3] https://www.hamamatsu.com/resources/pdf/etd/H12700_TPMH1348E.pdf [4] Rofors, E. et al.(2019). Response of a Li-glass/multi-anode photomultiplier detector to α-particles from 241Am. NIMA, 929, 90–96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2019.03.014

145 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0042 ● Plasma-deposited amorphous carbon thin films as calibration standards for ion beam analysis T. Schwarz-Selinger 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching - Garching (DE) Spin coating of polymers or ion beam implantation into silicon or hydride forming metals is successfully used to prepare thin film calibration samples for quantitative hydrogen analysis [1,2]. Here, plasma-deposited dense amorphous hydrogenated carbon thin films are proposed as an alternative. Such type of films are widely used in technological applications due to their attractive tribological properties and can be produced with standard low cost equipment. As they can be prepared with superior lateral homogeneity (< 1%) they are ideally suited for round robin experiments where a large number of identical samples are needed. Varying the hydrocarbon precursor gas or the substrate potential the hydrogen concentration can be adjusted [3]. Depending on the application, the thicknesses can range from a few to several hundreds of nanometers. Because of the low particle energy during growth of only a few ten to a few hundred eV the hydrogen depth profile is much sharper than, e.g., for keV hydrogen-implanted samples. Their optical transparency allows pre- characterization with optical methods such as ellipsometry with very high accuracy. Because the hydrogen content is closely related to the refractive index [3] the absolute hydrogen content can be inferred from such a measurement with an accuracy of 10%. For the present investigations films were prepared from deuterated methane on the driven electrode of a capacitively coupled plasma discharge on polished Si <001> wafers of 100 mm diameter with a dc-self bias of -300 V. The carbon density was inferred from the weight increase and cross checked with 1.5 MeV proton back scattering to be 9×1028C/m3. The deuterium concentration is 33 at.%. Application of these films for the calibration of D(3He,p)α nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) will be shown. Due to the fact that 3He reacts above 2 MeV with 12C to create three protons of lower energy these films cannot only be used as calibration standard for deuterium, but they offer also inherently an energy calibration. Besides this NRA data results for elastic recoil detection analysis (foil-ERDA) with 4He and 16O will be shown. Films grown with a mixture of protonated and deuterated methane allow quantification of the absolute content of protium and deuterium as well as the energy calibration also for this case. References [1] Y.Q. Wang, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 219–220 (2004) 115–24. [2] P.-L. Debarsy and G. Terwagne, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 442 (2019) 47–52. [3] ] T. Schwarz-Selinger et al. J. Appl.Phys. 86 (1999) 3988–3996.

146 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0043 ● Secondary ion mass spectrometry using sub-MeV – MeV large cluster ion beams K. Hirata 1, K. Yamada 2, A. Chiba 2, Y. Hirano 2, K. Narumi 2, Y. Saitoh 2 1National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) - Tsukuba (JP), 2National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST) - Takasaki (JP) Primary ion impact on a solid target induces the emission of secondary ions (SIs) originating from atoms and/or molecules at or near the target surface. SI mass spectrometry (SIMS) is based on the fact that mass-analysis of the emitted SIs provides information on the chemical structure and elemental composition of the target surface. The SI emission is induced by energy transfer from the primary ion to the target, and consequently, the SI yields strongly depend on various parameters of the target and incident ions. Cluster ion impacts are unique in that the constituent atoms of a primary cluster ion simultaneously impact a very small area of the surface, giving different energy transfer from monoatomic ion impacts. For example, SI yields per incident atom for cluster ion impacts were observed to be higher than those for the corresponding monoatomic ion of the same element with the same velocity [1]. Generally, the larger the primary cluster ion is, the larger the expected enhancement effect is on the SI yield. We developed a SIMS system using sub-MeV – MeV ion impacts of larger clusters including C60 [2,3] and demonstrated that the impacts can provide much higher yields of SIs than those of not only the corresponding monoatomic ions, but also the same cluster ions with lower energies (below several tens of keV) [4]. We will present characteristics of SIMS using sub-MeV – MeV cluster ion impacts and demonstrate its advantages for highly-sensitive surface-analysis. We will also present recent studies, including the characterization of their ion impacts using event- by-event SI counting data [5,6], and progress in the instrumentation of the system. Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant No. 17H02819) and by the Interorganization Atomic Energy Research Program. References [1] K. Hirata et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 81 (2002) 3669. [2] K. Hirata et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, 266 (2008) 2450. [3] K. Hirata et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85 (2014) 033107. [4] K. Hirata et al., Appl. Phys. Express, 4 (2011) 116202. [5] K. Hirata et al., J. Chem. Phys., 145 (2016) 234311. [6] K. Hirata et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, in press.

147 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0069 ● New time-of-flight ERDA setup at the HZDR J. Julin 1, R. Heller 1 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research - Dresden (DE) The elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) beamline at the HZDR 6 MV tandem accelerator has been recently modernized. The rebuilt setup includes both a previously used Z-separating Bragg ionization chamber (BIC) at 30° recoiling angle and a mass separating time-of-flight–energy (ToF-E) spectrometer at 40° recoiling angle. The construction of the ToF spectrometer was completed just before the modernization and from summer 2019 onward the ToF setup is back in operation and ready to be used for routine analyses. The spectrometer consists of two Busch-type [1] carbon foil electrostatic mirror based transmission timing detectors and a position sensitive single anode parallel-plate gas ionization chamber (GIC). The data acquisition is based on a mixture of conventional analog electronics (CFD+TAC) for ToF and completely digital pulse processing for ionization chamber and solid state detector signals. The software used for experiment control and data acquisition are completely home made and designed especially for the needs of ToF-ERDA. Since control of the sample manipulator, data acquisition, and beam line elements such as Faraday cups are integrated into a single piece of software, the ERDA setup is exceptionally easy to operate and beam time is used efficiently. A wide variety of beams from a few MeV 35Cl up to around 30 MeV for 63Cu can be used. This enables optimization of depth resolution for both thin and thick samples and the capabilities of ERDA are extended beyond simple light element analysis. The GIC can be filled to 30 mbar pressure of isobutane for full energy measurement of all recoils, including hydrogen. In addition, there is a solid state detector at the back of the GIC, enabling H detection efficiency calibration of the timing detectors with higher H energies. In this presentation details of this instrument are presented, along with first ERDA results obtained after the modernization. The performance of the time-of-flight setup is proven with real life examples and the results are compared to those obtained with other instruments and techniques. References [1] F. Busch et al, Nucl. Instrum. Methods 171 (1980) 71–74

148 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0072 ● Development of low-energy TOF-E telescope ERDA for depth profiling of light elements at UTTAC in the University of Tsukuba Y. Sugisawa 1, D. Sekiba 1, I. Harayama 1 Institute of Applied physics, University of Tsukuba - Ibaraki (JP) TOF(Time-of-flight) – E(Energy) telescope ERDA is a useful technique for quantitative depth profiling of light elements [1, 2]. In this method, the velocities and energies of particles are measured coincidently, and their relationship identifies the particle masses. Recently, high depth resolutions with nano-meters have been achieved by TOF-E telescope ERDA [1, 3]. This property would be suitable to our thin multilayer films. We have developed a similar system to determine mainly the O/N ratio in thin multilayer films. We installed the TOF-E telescope ERDA system at the 1 MV Tandetron in UTTAC (University of Tsukuba, Tandem Accelerator Complex). We employed two time- detectors for the start and stop signal, and one SSD (solid state detector). The typical incident beam was 4 MeV 35Cl4+ and the beam size was shaped at 1×1 mm2. The recoil angle is 30º from the beam incident direction and the beam incident angle on the sample was set at 75º from the surface normal.

The developed system was applied to a SiAlN film deposited on the SiO2 substrate. The film was deposited under high pressure of process gasses, so that many impurities were contained during the film deposition. Figure 1 shows a two-dimensional histogram taken with the developed system. We extracted the depth profile of each element as shown in Fig 2. The SiAlN-SiO2 interface was clearly observed around 36 nm due to the high depth resolution. We can derive the N/O ratio of the film and the substrate separately. The depth resolution for this measurement was estimated as around 3.3 nm. We are intending to apply this system to three-layered films as a next step. References [1] M. Chicoine et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 406 (2017) 112-114 [2] B. Brijs et al., Microelectron. Eng. 80 (2005) 106 [3] S. Giangrandi et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 261 (2007) 512-515

Two-dimension histogram of the TOF-E ERDA

Depth profile of each element in Fig. 1

149 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0126 ● Characterization of thallium bromide semiconductor X-ray detectors for PIXE applications M. Nogami 1, K. Hitomi 1, A. Terakawa 1, K. Ishii 1 Tohoku University - Sendai (JP) Thallium bromide (TlBr) is a compound semiconductor attractive for fabricating X-ray detectors for PIXE applications. TlBr has very high photon stopping power owing to its high atomic numbers (81 and 35) and high density (7.56 g/cm3). The wide bandgap energy of TlBr (2.68 eV) allows one to fabricate X-ray detectors with low leakage current noise from TlBr crystals. Simple malt-based crystal growth methods are applicable to grow TlBr crystals because of the low melting point of TlBr (460 C). In this study, TlBr X-ray detectors were fabricated and characterized for PIXE applications. Commercially available TlBr materials with purity of 99.999% was used as the starting material for the crystal growth. Further purification of the material was performed with the zone-melting method. The TlBr crystals were grown from the purified material with the traveling molten zone method. The grown crystals were cut into wafers with a diamond wire saw. The surfaces of the crystals were polished mechanically. TlBr X-ray detectors were fabricated by depositing electrodes on the crystals. Tl was employed as the electrode material because Tl electrodes significantly improve the long-term stability of TlBr detectors. The fabricated TlBr detectors were tested with sealed isotope sources at room temperature. The electrodes were connected to charge-sensitive preamplifiers. The output signals from the preamplifiers were recorded with a digitizer with an analog-to-digital resolution of 14 bits and a sampling rate of 10 MS/s. A digital trapezoidal filter was applied to the acquired waveforms to obtain pulse-height spectra. An 241Am spectrum obtained from a TlBr detector is shown in Fig. 1. The TlBr detector successfully detected low energy X-rays and 59.5-keV gamma rays emitted from the 241Am source.

241Am spectrum obtained from a TlBr detector

150 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0150 ● A simultaneous dual-polarity ToF setup for MeV-SIMS K-U. Miltenberger 1, M. Döbeli 1, C. Vockenhuber 1, H.A. Synal 1 ETH Zurich - Zurich (CH) The MeV-SIMS setup CHIMP (Capillary Heavy Ion MeV-SIMS Probe) developed at ETH Zurich [1,2] was specifically designed to investigate the physical processes underlying the emission of atomic and molecular ions induced by the impact of heavy MeV ions. This is facilitated by collimation of the beam using a glass capillary and by taking advantage of the capabilities of the 6 MV TANDEM facility to provide accelerated molecular or cluster ion beams. In its first version, the setup consisted of a positive ToF mass spectrometer and a secondary electron detector providing a start signal, allowing for a continuous beam operation mode with a virtually unlimited number of ToF stop signals [1,2]. In order to also study negative secondary ions the setup was redesigned with a second, mirror- symmetrical negative ToF spectrometer with an external magnetic field to separate secondary electrons from negative ions. The secondary electrons are then detected by an additional annular MCP mounted at the entrance of the field-free drift zone of the linear ToF flight tube and providing the ToF start signal. The updated setup enables the simultaneous detection of positive and negative secondary ions as well as secondary electrons emitted from the sample surface upon impact of the primary ions. References [1] M. Schulte-Borchers, M. Döbeli, A. M. Müller, M. George, H.-A. Synal. Time of Flight MeV-SIMS with beam induced secondary electron trigger. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 380 (2016) 94. [2] K.-U. Miltenberger, M. Schulte-Borchers, M. Döbeli, A. M. Müller, M. George, H.-A. Synal. MeV-SIMS capillary microprobe for molecular imaging. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 412 (2017) 185.

151 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0151 ● A multipurpose set-up using sub-MeV ions for nuclear reaction analysis, high-resolution backscattering spectrometry, and low energy PIXE E. Pitthan 1, S. A. Corrêa 1, M. Boirot 1, M.V. Moro 1, D. Primetzhofer 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE) A new chamber for ion beam analysis using keV ion beams was developed at the single stage 350 kV Danfysik implanter at the Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden. The experimental set-up allows 11B and 18O depth profiling by 11 8 Nuclear Reaction Analyses (NRA) using the B(p,α0) Be nuclear resonance at the 163 keV and the 18O(p,α)15N nuclear resonance at the 151 keV, respectively, with a large area (1200 mm2) passivated implanted planar silicon (PIPS) detector that provides a solid angle of 0.38 sr. A surface barrier detector with a cryogenic assembly allows High-Resolution Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-BS) with resolution of around 3 keV FWHM achieved for 300 keV H+. Besides, a silicon drift detector (SDD) with 3.8 msr solid angle, resolution 136 eV FWHM for characteristic Fe K-alpha emission, and a 12.5 µm Be window enables Low Energy Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) analyses with low atomic number detection limit (Z≥9), and can be operated simultaneously with the other particle detectors. A N2 (L) trap improves the base pressure in the chamber to better than 10-7 mbar. A programmable 3-axes goniometer can automatically perform sample positioning (up to 20 samples), as well as sample + + + channeling. Currents up to µA with different ion species (e.g., H2 , As , and Au ) are possible, enabling the chamber to be used also for ion implantation. A simplified set- up of the chamber is presented in Fig. 1. The present set-up complements the implanter set-up which already features beam lines for ion implantation and time-of- flight medium energy ion scattering. In this contribution, we will also present a series of applied and fundamental benchmark studies.

Fig.1 – Top view of the chamber set-up.

152 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0162 ● Coincident Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry Revisited H. Sa'adeh 1 Department of Physics, The University of Jordan - Amman (JO) The Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) technique is recognized as a well- established ion beam analysis (IBA) tool in studying energy loss processes and charge state distribution in ion–solid interactions. The study of charge state distribution has been recognized for a long time as a vital source of information about atomic collisions and technologically important field in many applications. A few years ago, the innovative technique of Coincident Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (CRBS) was successfully designed and implemented at the University of Jordan Van de Graaff accelerator (JUVAC) [1], with a hope to deepen insights into charge changing processes in violent collisions of ions and gaseous targets. A schematic diagram of the CRBS setup is shown in Figure 1. The CRBS technique [2] combines traditional RBS, time-of-flight (TOF) coincidence, and position imaging techniques to simultaneously determine the final charge state distributions of backscattered projectiles and recoil ions under single collision conditions. Figure 2 shows a two-dimensional correlation scatter plot representing coincidences between the backscattered projectiles and recoil ions for 0.6 MeV O+-Kr collision system. In this contribution, the idea of CRBS technique will be reviewed. Given the technical limitations at JUVAC, I look forward for any opportunity to reimplement this experiment at any other IBA facility. Acknowledgement The first CRBS experiment at JUVAC was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at The University of Jordan, and all authors of Ref. 2 contributed to it. References [1] H. Sa’adeh, Correlation of Backscattered and Recoil Ions in Violent Ion–Atom Collisions by Coincident Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Jordan, (2010), Jordan. [2] H. Sa'adeh, R. Ali, D.-E. Arafah, Coincident Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry: A novel technique for measuring charge state distributions in violent ion–atom collisions, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B, 269 (2011) 2111- 2116.

Schematic diagram of the CRBS setup [2]

Two-dimensional correlation scatter plot for O+-Kr

153 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

EMRG-PO2-0270 ● Upgraded Pilot-PSI: detector performance in plasma environment W. Arnold Bik 1, B. Lamers 1, R. Al 1, D. Ronden 1, B. Tyburska-Puschel 1, M. Van De Pol 1, H. Van Eck 1 DIFFER—Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research - Eindhoven (NL) The facility for Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) at the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) [1] in Eindhoven is operational since a few years. In short, the facility exists of a 3.5 MV HVE Singletron with two beam lines. One beam line leads to a station which facilitates common ex-situ IBA (RBS, ERD, NRA, PIXE and PIGE) measurements. The other beam line is built for in-situ, but post-mortem measurements on targets after exposure to fusion relevant plasmas in Magnum-PSI [2]. A third beam line, which’s end station is named Upgraded Pilot-PSI (UPP), is in preparation. UPP can be seen as a smaller version of Magnum-PSI and can produce an ion flux of about 5x1023 m-2s-1. The beam line will be built in different phases. The ultimate goal for the last phase is to monitor changes in the sample operando by ion beam techniques during plasma exposure. The first-phase beam line will be built in the coming months and the aim of this phase is to measure post mortem directly after exposure. At the moment of writing, there is no beam line yet, but tests for the last phase are ready to start. We will analyse the behavior of solid state particle detectors in the UPP vessel while the magnetized plasma is on, i.e there will be intense heat, light and EMC fields. For these tests a special device is developed with an in-vacuum preamplifier and detector cooling. We will report on the behavior of the detectors and hope to get inspiring comments and ideas from the visitors at our poster. References [1] www.differ.nl [2] H.J.N. van Eck et al, Fusion Eng. Des. 142 (2019)

154 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

IMG-PO2-0052 ● Multimodal imaging using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Transmission Electron Microscopy: Applications in Materials Science S. Eswara 1, Q.H. Hoang 1, P. Philipp 1, T. Wirtz 1 Advanced Instrumentation for Ion Nano-Analytics (AINA), MRT Dept., LU Institute of Science and Technology - Belvaux (LU) Ion- and electron-beam based nanoscale characterization methods are indispensable for the development of new high-performance technological materials. Functional materials are being increasingly tailored with nanoscale structures and their chemical compositions are often finely tuned with concentrations down to the dopant level. Therefore, techniques that provide high lateral resolution and high sensitivity are required. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is well-known for high-resolution imaging down to the atomic scale, but the analytical techniques typically associated with it (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy EDX or Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy) do not have the sensitivity to analyse dopant concentrations[1]. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) is a well-known technique for chemical analysis of surfaces with sensitivities down to the ppm level. However, the lateral resolution achievable with SIMS is fundamentally limited by the ion-solid interaction volume (~ 10 nm) and commercial SIMS instruments are approaching this limit[2]. To overcome the challenges in high-resolution high-sensitivity characterization of materials, we developed a correlative approach combining TEM and SIMS in the same instrument[3]. The octagon of a FEI Tecnai F20 TEM was modified to integrate a Ga+ FIB column and an in-house developed compact magnetic-sector mass spectrometer. A special TEM sample holder that can be biased to ± 5 kV was developed to enable in-situ SIMS analysis. Scanning TEM (STEM) mode is also available in the instrument. Thus, in addition to SIMS imaging and conventional Bright-Field and Dark-Field TEM imaging modes, High-Angle Annular Dark-Field (HAADF) imaging and EDX mapping can also be done in this instrument making this a versatile multimodal imaging platform (e.g. Fig. 1). We have applied this technique in the investigation of a number of materials. A selection of results taken mainly from energy materials (batteries and solar cells) will be presented. Figure 1: An illustration of the multimodal imaging capability in the in-situ TEM-SIMS instrument using a group of BN nanoparticles. (From [3]) Acknowledgement This work was funded by FNR Luxembourg (NACHOS).

References 1. D.B. Williams and C.B. Carter, The Transmission Electron Microscope (Springer, 2009). 2. D. Dowsett and T. Wirtz, Anal. Chem. 89, 8957 (2017). 3. S. Eswara et al, Appl. Phys. Rev. 6, 21312 (2019). Illustration of the multimodal imaging

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IMG-PO2-0124 ● Development of automatic beam focusing system for nano- and micro-beam analysis S. Matsuyama 1, Y. Kitayama 1, M. Miwa 1, S. Toyama 1, Y. Kikuchi 1, K. Numao 1, Y. Sato 1, Y. Takai 1 Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Tohoku University - Sendai (JP) We have developed two microbeam lines named MB-I and MB-II which could obtain beam spot sizes of less than 1 x 1 µm2 and applied various fields [1]. In the microbeam applications, beam focusing less than 1 x 1 µm2 is most time consuming process. We have developed an automatic beam focusing system to reduce setup time for nano- and microbeam application. To obtain microbeam of less than 1 x 1 µm2, parasitic aberration due to misalignment and astigmatism should be minimized. While misalignment of displacement and tilt will cause beam shift in the first order, misalignments of axial rotation and magnetic field will cause beam broadening. Adjustment of magnetic field and axial rotation were carried out in the following way. The first, beam is focused on the target under the previous operational parameters and get 2 dimensional mesh image. The 2D mesh image is obtained by scanning the beam over the fine mesh grid (400, 1000, 2000 lines/inch) and by measuring X-rays or secondary electrons from the mesh. The magnetic field of one axis is adjusted by measuring the beam size until the minimum beam size is obtained. Then the magnetic field of another axis is adjusted in the similar way. The adjustments are carried out alternatively until minimum beam sizes are obtained. This process finish automatically within 30 minutes. After adjustment of the magnetic fields, the beams into quadrupole was divided into four quadrants by using divergence defining slit and obtained 8 line images corresponding to horizontal and vertical line profiles of the four quadrants. Obtained line profiles should be the same if alignments of axis rotation and adjustment of magnetic field are perfect. If the alignment and/or adjustment are not perfect, the line profiles move corresponding to the misalignment and/or misadjustment. The rotational adjustment is manually by referring to the results. This method enables to adjust axial rotation with less than 0.1 mrad precision which is sufficient for submicron beam formation. References Shigeo Matsuyama, International Journal of PIXE, 25(3&4), 153-185

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IMG-PO2-0159 ● Surface structure investigation by means of ion beam-induced luminescence imaging: A preliminary study T. Nikbakht 1, B. Yadollahzadeh 1, Y. Vosoughi 1, M. Zahmatkesh 1 Physics & Accelerators Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), 14395-836, Tehran, Iran - Tehran (IR) The ion beam induced luminescence (IL) high-speed data acquisition characteristic, besides it high sensitivity and non-destructiveness, can be considered as an outstanding privilege in comparison to the common ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques. In-air IL imaging provides detailed images of large and precious samples in less than a minute. Since the maximum luminescence emission normally occurs at the ion beam Bragg peak position, IL images convey sample structural information from depths of several tens of micrometers. Therefore, we decided to perform in-air IL 3-D imaging of luminescent samples to provide information on their roughness, inhomogeneity, and porosity. In-air IL imaging setup included a CCD equipped with simple binocular microscope lenses, which is precisely located towards sample surface position. Such configuration results in clear images of the ion beam interaction point with samples, which in dark room, presents their millimeter size IL images. Proton beam of 2.5 MeV energy and ~ 4 nA current, after passing through a 7 µm thick Kapton layer, was used to bombard an inhomogeneous lapis lazuli sample. Precisely rotating the sample towards the beam direction, its IL images were taken at different angles. The images were then reconstructed to provide 3-D images of the sample. Such approach can be applied in material science, biology, mineralogy, environmental science, etc. It paves the road for performing IL tomography on micrometer size samples.

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IMG-PO2-0198 ● Use of MeV SIMS and PIXE for forensic document examination I. Bogdanovic Radovic 1, K.L. Moore 1, 2, M. Barac 1, M. Brajkovic 1, Z. Siketic 1 1Ruder Boškovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia - Zagreb (HR), 2University of Surrey - Guildford (UK) Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry using MeV heavy ions (MeV TOF- SIMS) is a mass spectrometry technique developed in the last couple of years in several ion beam laboratories worldwide. It is giving an added value to existing Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) laboratories due to its ability to identify and in cases when it is attached to the heavy ion microprobes to determine 2D distribution of molecules in organic samples. MeV TOF-SIMS is highly sensitive for masses in the range of 100- 1000 Da and due to the fact that molecules are desorbed from the sample surface through electronic stopping less fragmentation is expected than in case of its keV counterpart. Surface sensitivity makes it perfect for forensic applications such as analysis of questioned documents where it is important to reveal deposition order of different writing tools. However, penetration properties of some writing tools such as ink jet inks are yielding misleading results and the use of techniques that provide information from larger depths such as Proton Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) can resolve ambiguities. In the present work, several writing tools such as blue ballpoint pens, laser printer toners and inkjet printer inks were analysed using combined, MeV SIMS and PIXE in order to determine the deposition order by creating elemental and molecular maps at the intersections. For determining deposition order in the case of ballpoint pen and laser printer toner MeV SIMS was sufficient. However, MeV SIMS led to incorrect conclusions in all cases where inkjet printer ink was included. In those cases, PIXE was successful to determine correct deposition order but only in cases where there was sufficient difference in X-ray spectra among different writing tools. Acknowledgement K.L.M. acknowledges that the project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. K.L.M. would additionally like to thank dr. Melanie Bailey of the University of Surrey for her support in this project and fruitful discussion. We are also thankful to Andrijana Filko from the Forensic center Ivan Vučetić Zagreb for providing samples and fruitful discussion. I.B.R. and Z.S.acknowledge support by COST Action CA16101 (Multi-Foresee). M.Brajković acknowledges support by Croatian Science Foundation project "Young Researchers’ Career Development Project - Training of Doctoral Students" co-financed by the European Union, Operational Programme “Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020” and the ESF.

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ION-PO2-0011 ● Measurement of Channeling Enhanced Beam Target D-D Fusion Reaction in Single Crystal Palladium Deuteride T. Chiu 1, Q. Lei 2, Q. Deng 2, J. Lin 2, S.D. Yao 3, G. Zhang 2 1Not Applicable - Shanghai (CN), 2Shanghai Institute of Applied Physic, CNse Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China - Shanghai (CN), 3School of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China - Beijing (CN) Beam target nuclear fusion reaction is enhanced by using single crystal target and aligning the incident ion beam to channeling direction. D ions bombard a single crystal Palladium (Pd) Deuteride (D) target, PdDx, in random or channel mode. Ion channeling in a single crystal reduce Bremsstrahlung loss and enhance penetration. D atoms in PdDx are known to be in octahedral sites of the Pd FCC lattice [1], along axial channel. Upon entering the crystal under channeling, uniformly distributed D ions become focused and stay within the channel where the interstitial D atoms are located. The focusing of incident ions, termed flux peaking, will change the spatial distribution of the beam with greater intensity at channel center and a reduced intensity at channel boundaries. Penetration depth increase and flux peaking contribute to enhancement of DD reaction. By exposing single crystal Pd to pure D in high pressure and temperature, we successfully make single crystal PdDx with x=0.65 [1]. The DD experiments are set up in a RBS chamber. Fig. 1 shows the energy spectra of the DD fusion products with a 300KeV molecular D2+ beam. Three particles with descending energy correspond to Proton, Tritium, and Helium3, are detected. The blue part is due to backscattered D particles, having lowest energy. Fig. 2 shows the Proton and Tritium counts as the target rotated around the channeling center at θ=1.4, Φ=0.7. Proton and Tritium counts peak around the channel center with high to low ratio between 1.8 to 2. In summary, DD fusion rate can be enhanced when the incident ion beam is aligned to major channeling direction of a single crystal PdDx target. References [1] F.D. Manchester, A. San-Martin, and J.M. Pitre, “The H-Pd (Hydrogen-Palladium) System”, Journal of Phase Equilibria Vol. 15 No. 1, pg.62, 1994

Spetra of three DD fusion products

Proton and Tritium Counts around Channel Center

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ION-PO2-0059 ● Study of reduction of multiple scattering of positively charged particles during channeling in single crystals. V. Maisheev 1 Institute for High Energy Physics - Protvino (RU) A recent experiment [1] demonstrated a decrease in multiple scattering positively charged high energy particles during their plane channeling in single crystals. According to the measurements the rms angle of multiple scattering in the plane orthogonal to the plane of the channeling is less than half that for non-channeled particles moving in the same crystal. In this report we give explanations of this effect and propose the model for its simulation. Based on the calculations, we propose a possible experiment to study the process of reducing the multiple scattering process for multiply charged ions channeling in single crystals. We believe that for this purpose it is convenient to use bent focusing single crystals[2]. Such crystals have a variable thickness in the direction of beam propagation. This allows us to measure rms angles of scattering as a function of thickness for channeled and non-channeled particles.Considered effect is of great practical importance. So, we demonstrate how this effect helps to improve the geometrical parameters of ion beams when they are focused with the help of a lens consisting of two bent single crystals[3]. References 1) W.Scandale et.al. Submitted in EPJ C. 2) W. Scandale et. al. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, no. 1, 014702 (2018). 3) V. A. Maisheev and Y. A. Chesnokov, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 402 (2017) 300

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ION-PO2-0064 ● Experimental and theoretical results for stopping power of protons in Hafnium C. Montanari 1, A. Mendez 1, D. Mitnik 1, J. Miraglia 1, P.A. Miranda 2, M. Aguilera 2, J. Wachter 2, R. Correa 2, E. Alves 3, N. Catarino 3, R.C. Da Silva 3 1Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, CONICET and Universidad de Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires (AR), 2Departmento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Matemática y del Medio Ambiente. Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana - Santiago (Chili), 3Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, IST, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa (PT) Stopping power cross sections of Hafnium for 0.3 to 2.5 MeV protons have been measured using the transmission method [1]. The measurements were made at 2.5 MV Van de Graff accelerator of the Laboratory of Accelerators and X-Ray Diffraction in Lisbon, Portugal. The overall energy resolution of the detection system was about 15 keV relative to 5.486 MeV alpha particles from a 241Am source. The stopping material was a Hafnium foil with nominal thickness of 1.0 μm and 99.95% purity. A precise thickness value was determined to be 0.920±0.046 μm. The theoretical description involved the calculation of the relativistic wave functions and binding energies of Hf, which proved to be different from the non-relativistic ones, even for the outer shells. We considered 4 electrons per atom in the free electron gas (FEG), and rs=2.14 a.u. The shell-wise local plasma approximation (SLPA) [2] was employed to describe the energy transferred to the bound 1s-4f electrons, and two different models for the FEG: the screened potential with cusp condition (SPCC) [3] for energies below that of the plasmon excitation, and the dielectric formalism, for energies around the stopping maximum and above. The experimental-theoretical comparison is shown in Figure 1, with the previous data [4], and the SRIM curve [5] too. Our curve combines the two models, the non- perturbative one (dotted lines) up to 35 keV (approximately the starting energy for plasmon excitations [3]), and the perturbative one (solid line) for higher energies. Present calculations describe well the new data, and also that by Sirotonin [4], except the point at 80 keV. Our curve clearly differs from SRIM below the stopping maximum. Future experiments for impact energies below 100 keV would be important to complete this study. References [1] P. A. Miranda et al, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 318, 292 (2014). [2] C. C. Montanari et al, Phys. Rev. A 80, 012901 (2009). [3] C. C. Montanari et al, Phys. Rev. A 96, 012707 (2017). [4] E. I. Sirotonin et al, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 4,337 (1984) [5] J. F. Ziegler et al, The stopping and range of ions in matter (2008); https://www.srim.org

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nat nat ION-PO2-0065 ● Experimental and theoretical investigation of the Mg(p,p0) Mg differential cross-section up to Ep,lab~4.2 MeV for EBS purposes M. Kokkoris 1, E. Alvanou 1, A. Lagoyannis 2, E. Ntemou 2 11Department of Physics, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus 15780 - Athens (GR), 22Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, NCSR “Demokritos”, 15341 Agia Paraskevi - Athens (GR) Magnesium (24Mg 78,99%, 25Mg 10%, 26Mg 11,01%) is one of the most widely used alloying metals in high technology applications, implemented mainly in electronic devices. Thus, the precise quantitative determination of magnesium depth profile concentrations is of high importance, presenting a strong challenge for almost all analytical techniques, as magnesium forms complex compounds due to its highly reactive character and is usually found in high-Z matrices. Among the most commonly used Ion Beam Analysis techniques, d-NRA and p-EBS are the most promising ones. The use of the latter for magnesium depth profiling studies has been greatly facilitated recently by the existence of evaluated and benchmarked differential cross sections provided by SigmaCalc [1]. However, by examining the literature, one can discover the lack of coherent experimental differential cross-section datasets for natural magnesium, over a broad angular range, for energies above ~2.7 MeV (which corresponds to the upper energy limit of the existing SigmaCalc evaluation), thus severely restricting the maximum analyzing depth of the p-EBS technique. The aim of the present work is thus twofold: (a) to provide new, coherent differential cross-section datasets in the proton beam energy range between 2500 and 4200 keV, for six detection angles (120o to 170o with a 10o step) and (2) to make an attempt to theoretically investigate the proton elastic scattering on magnesium, and if possible, to extend the theoretical evaluation to higher energies using R-matrix calculations, incorporating in the analytical work several experimental differential cross-section datasets from literature. References [1] A. F. Gurbich, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 371 (2016) 27.

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ION-PO2-0066 ● Readjustment of the Bohr stopping power for energies between 0.05 keV/u and 10 MeV/u A. Guesmia 1, M. Msimanga 2, C. Mtshali 2, M.N. Mlungisi 2 1BLIDA UNIVERSITY 1 AND iThemba LABS - Algiers (Algérie), 2iThemba LABS - Cape Town (ZA) In view of the presence of different processes participating in the slowing down of ions in matter according to their probability of occurrence, the Bohr model of stopping power has been readjusted. The new modified stopping power model was applied to light and 4 intermediate mass ions (3

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ION-PO2-0086 ● Elastic backscattering of deuterons from oxygen between 1500 and 2500 keV E. Ntemou 1, A.F. Gurbich 2, M. Kokkoris 1, A. Lagoyannis 3 1National Technical University of Athens - Athens (GR), 2Institute of Physics and Power Engineering - Obninsk (RU), 3National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" - Athens (GR) Oxygen is the third most abundant element by mass in the universe and it comprises ~21% of the earth’s atmospheric volume in molecular form. Common uses of oxygen include production of steel, plastics and textiles, brazing, welding and cutting of steels and other metals. As it is highly reactive, oxygen-induced corrosion, or even simple oxidization, is a well-known problem in most technological materials. Thus, the accurate quantitative determination of oxygen depth profile concentrations in various targets is of critical importance. At the same time, it constitutes a major challenge for all Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques because oxygen usually coexists in various complex matrices along with several other low- and medium-Z elements. Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) seems to be the most prominent IBA technique for oxygen depth profiling studies, usually via the simultaneous implementation of the 16 16 16 O(d,α0), O(d,p0) and O(d,p1) reactions, which yield high-energy proton and α- particle peaks, due to their relatively high Q-values, with reduced background contributions. EBS (Elastic Backscattering Spectroscopy) is usually performed in parallel, along with NRA, and it is critical for the complete description of the matrix. For the implementation of the EBS technique the most suitable differential cross-section datasets for use are the evaluated ones. However, due to a considerable lack of experimental data at higher energies the current SigmaCalc evaluation stops at Ed,lab~1.98 MeV, impeding oxygen depth profiling studies at higher depths. This problem constituted the main motivation of the present work, both experimental and theoretical. Deuterons were delivered by the 5.5 MV Tandem Accelerator of N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece and differential cross-sections for elastic scattering on oxygen were determined in the projectile energy range Ed,lab = 1500– 2500 keV (in energy steps of ~10-20 keV). The detection angles were 130°, 140o, 150o, 160o and 170o. Moreover, an effort to extend the existing evaluation to higher deuteron beam energies was also made. For the theoretical reproduction of the measured cross section values, R-matrix theory and Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) calculations were used to account for the compound and direct reaction mechanism contributions, respectively. The results will soon become available to the scientific community via IBANDL (www-nds.iaea.org/ibandl/). Acknowledgement This work has been supported by the Greek Scholarship Foundation and has been funded by the "Doctoral Research Financial Support" Act from resources of the OP "Development of Human Resources, Education and Lifelong Learning" 2014-2020, which is co-funded by the European Social Fund–ESF and the Greek Government.

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ION-PO2-0088 ● Effects of annealing on photoluminescence and defect interplay in ZnO bombarded with heavy ions: crucial role of the ion dose A. Azarov 1, A. Galeckas 2, C. Mieszczynski 1, A. Hallén 3, A. Kuznetsov 2 1National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL), 2Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, University of Oslo (NO), 3Royal Institute of Technology (SE) ZnO is a wide and direct band-gap semiconductor exhibiting high radiation resistance and having numerous potential applications in optoelectronics, spintronics, as well as electronic devices able to work in harsh environments. However, ZnO exhibits somewhat unusual behavior under ion bombardment which is not fully understood despite extensive studies of radiation phenomena in ZnO during the past decades [1,2]. In particular, it was demonstrated that bombardment of ZnO with heavy ions, generating dense collision cascades, results in the formation of abnormal damage distribution involving an intermediate damage peak located between the sample surface and the bulk damage [3]. In the present contribution, we investigate the thermal evolution of ion-induced defects in ZnO single crystals implanted at room temperature by 250 keV Cd ions to different ion doses. Cd ions are expected to produce dense collision cascades and ion doses were chosen in such a way that as-implanted samples exhibit distinct multipeak damage distribution. Correlating photoluminescence and channeling Rutherford backscattering spectrometry data, we demonstrate that thermal evolution of radiation defects strongly depends on the implanted dose. Specifically, for high Cd dose (5e15 cm-2) the damage exhibits a distinct two stage annealing behavior, while the annealing for low dose (5e14 cm-2) is characterized by a movement of the intermediate peak towards crystal bulk with increasing temperature. Substantial crystal recovery occurs only after annealing at 900 °C for the low dose samples and temperatures in excess of 1000 °C are required for that in the high dose implanted samples. Moreover, the ion dose has a profound effect on the optical response in the spectral range between the near band edge emission and deep level emission. In particular, the interplay between interstitial and vacancy type defects during annealing is discussed in accordance with the evolution of multipeak damage distribution. References [1] A. Azarov, B.L. Aarseth, L. Vines, A. Hallén, E. Monakhov, and A. Kuznetsov, J. Appl. Phys. 125, 075703 (2019). [2] A. Turos, P. Jóźwik, M. Wójcik, J. Gaca, R. Ratajczak, and A. Stonert, Acta Materialia 134, 249 (2017). [3] A.Yu. Azarov, S.O. Kucheyev, A.I. Titov, and P.A. Karaseov, J. Appl. Phys. 102, 083547 (2007).

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ION-PO2-0109 ● Experimental measurements of Si(p,p)Si and N(p,p)N differential cross section at 165°, 150° and 135° in the energy range 2.75-3.25 MeV. F. Ferrer Fernandez 1, E. Andrade 2, J.R. Sanchez-Valencia 3, 4, A. Barranco 5, M. Rodriguez-Ramos 5 1Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (Universidad de Sevilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Junta de Andalucía) - Sevilla (ES), 2Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364, Alcaldía Coyoacán - Ciudad De México (MX), 3Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012 - Sevilla (ES), 4Nanotechnology on Surfaces Group, Materials Science Institute of Seville (CSIC- University of Seville), C/Américo Vespucio 49 - Sevilla (Spain) - Sevilla (ES), 5Nanotechnology on Surfaces Group, Materials Science Institute of Seville (CSIC-University of Seville), C/Américo Vespucio 49 - Sevilla (ES) Elastic Backscattering Spectroscopy (EBS) using protons as an incident beam has been demonstrated as a good method for the simultaneous quantification of light elements. In general, accurate knowledge of the interaction cross sections is the basis of all analytical methods of ion beams. In this case, the nuclear component of the interaction improves the sensitivity of the method but avoids the use of the Rutherford formula for the elastic cross section. If we want to obtain the most accurate composition of the samples we must use the most accurate cross section data. The lack of experimental measurements of the differential cross section for the elastic process Si(p,p)Si at 165° and the discrepancies between the measurements referred by Amirikas et al. [1] and the evaluated data provided by SigmaCalc [2] at 150° are the main motivation to provide new experimental data for the resonance in the 3.10 MeV. In the case of N(p,p)N no experimental data are found at 135° for the resonance around 3.20 MeV and difference data are reported experimentally by Jiang et al. [3] and Bogdanovic et al. [4] and the data evaluated form SigmaCalc [2]. The experimental work was carried out in the universal line of the 3MV Tandem accelerator of “Centro Nacional de Aceleradores” (National Center of Accelerators, Seville, Spain) using a Passivated Implanted Planar Silicon (PIPS) detector, 100 µm thickness, and SiO2 and Si3N4 thin films targets. The first target was deposited ad hoc over a vitreous C substrate by the Nanotechnology on Surfaces group of “Instituto de Ciencia de Materials de Sevilla” (Institute of Materials Science, Seville, Spain) and the second one is a self-supported commercially available film used normally as window entrance in gas detector employed in the accelerator mass spectrometer. Both of them were covered with an Au layer deposited by evaporation to compare the Au(p,p)Au Rutherford cross section. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Spanish project FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R References [1] R. Amirikas, D.N. Jamieson, S.P. Dooley, Jour. Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Res., Sect.B, 77 (1993) 110 [2] https://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/ibandl.htm [3] W.Jiang et al., Surf. Interface Anal. 37 (2005) 374 [4] I. Bogdanovic Radovic, Z. Siketic, M. Jaksic, A.F. Gurbich, J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008) 074905

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ION-PO2-0110 ● Measurements of the14N +14N forward elastic cross sections below the coulomb barrier F. Ferrer Fernandez 1, E. Andrade 2, B. Fernández-Martínez 1, J.P. Fernandez-Garcia 3, 4, J. Gomez-Camacho 3, 5, D. Galaviz 6, A.M. Sanchez-Benitez 7, 3, J. Garcia-Lopez 1, J.R. Sanchez-Valencia 8, 9, M.C. Jimenez-Ramos 1, H.M. Silva 10 1Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía-CSIC, Seville, 41092 - Sevilla (ES), 2Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364, Alcaldía Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, CP 01000 - Ciudad De Mexico (MX), 3Departamento de FAMN, Universidad de Sevilla, Apartado 1065, Seville - Sevilla (ES), 4Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía-CSIC, Seville, 41092 (ES), 5Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía-CSIC, Seville, 41092 - Sevilla (Spain) - Sevilla (ES), 6Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - Lisboa (PT), 7Universidad de Huelva - Huelva (ES), 8Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012 - Sevilla (ES), 9Nanotechnology on Surfaces Group, Materials Science Institute of Seville (CSIC-University of Seville), C/Américo Vespucio 49 - Sevilla (ES), 10Laboratório de Instrumentação, Engenharia Biomédica e Física da Radiação (LIBPhys-UNL), Departamento de Física, FCT-UNL, 2829-516 Monte da Caparica - Lisboa (PT) The processes of nuclear fusion of 16O + 16O, 14N + 14N, 12C +12C, among others, have been studied both theoretically and experimentally. The fusion reaction is essential for understanding the nuclear burning processes in advanced stages of stellar evolution, contributing significantly to the production of heavier elements [1]. However, the theoretical calculations are unable to fit both elastic scattering cross sections and fusion S-factors [1,2]. The measurement of the elastic forward scattering of the 14N + 14N cross sections at bombarding energies below the coulomb barrier were performed at the “CENTRO NACIONAL DE ACELERADORES (CNA)”. Thin Si3N4 films about 70 nm thick commercially available were used as the transmission targets. This type of films normally is used as windows entrance in gas detector employed in the accelerator mass spectrometer, withstand beam interactions without noticeable deterioration, and they are contaminants free. A 3 nm gold layer was deposited on the target films in order to obtain the 14N+Au Rutherford cross section used to normalize the 14N+14N forward elastic measurements. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Spanish project FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R References [1] C.E. Rolfs, W.S. Rodney, Cauldrons in the Cosmos, The University of Chicago Press, 1988 [2] H. Spinka, W. Winkler, Astrophys. J. 174 (1972) 455–461.

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ION-PO2-0114 ● Ion transmission through nanochannels : energy dependent acceptance angle and transmission probability S. Roorda 1, M. Chicoine 1 Université de Montréal - Montréal (CA) Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes consist of self-organized bundles of nanopores and have found a range of applications including biosensors [1], or can be used as a nanoscale template, for example as a mask for gold evaporation [2]. A particular template application is the use of such membranes as a mask for energetic ions, for example in reactive ion etching [3], ion beam processing [4], ion implantation for magnetic [5,6] or luminescent nanostructures [7]. The transmission of energetic (0.1 to 2 MeV) light ions through an array of parallel nanochannels was measured as a function of incident angle with respect to the channel axis. The angular transmission can be viewed macroscopically, similar to an ion passing through a collection of parallel slits which then determine the beam profile or similar to ion channeling in crystals. In the first case, the number of transmitted ions as a function of incident angle would be determined simply by the line-of-sight geometry (length over diameter) of the nanotube resulting in a critical angle of about 0.2◦ whereas in the second case, the acceptance angle would be much larger, nearly 0.8◦ , and analogous to the acceptance angle typically encountered in ion channeling in crystals. The measured critical angle varies between 0.4◦ and 0.8◦ depending on the incident ion energy, but with increasing energy the critical angle becomes larger rather than smaller. The transmittance at the optimal angle increases with energy and shows a strong linear correlation with it. This can be understood as a consequence of a combination of factors : non-paralellism among nanochannels increases the apparent acceptance angle, and repeated interactions with the channel walls as the channeled ions travel along the channel reduce the transmission. Acknowledgement This work was financially supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Fonds de Recherche Québec, Nature et Technologies (FQRNT). References [1] A.M. M. Jani et al., Progress in Materials Science 58, 636 (2013). [2] H. Masuda and M. Satoh, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 35, L126 (1996). [3] S. G. Cloutier et al., Advanced Materials 18, 841 (2006). [4] E. Menéndez et al., Acta Materialia 56, 4570 (2008). [5] S. Shin et al., Nanotechnology 16, 1392 (2005). [6] J. Jensen et al., MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive 1181 (2009). [7] E. Rotem et al., Optics Express 15, 14099 (2007).

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ION-PO2-0116 ● A round robin study of helium ion scattering by polycrystalline copper using the Qtac100 instrument S. Prusa 1, 2, P. Babik 1, T. Sikola 1, 2, P. Brüner 3, H.H. Brongersma 3, 4 1Brno University of Technology, CEITEC - Brno (CZ), 2Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Brno (CZ), 3IONTOF Technologies GmbH - Münster (DE), 4Eindhoven University of Technology - Eindhoven (NL) The quantitative surface analysis by the LEIS technique is based on the intensities of the surface peaks in the spectra. The normalized LEIS signal for a given element depends on the atomic surface concentration, the scattering cross section, the ion fraction of the scattered He, technical parameters of the instrument and a group of factors, which are possibly influenced by the operator (sample surface preparation, setting up of the instrument, data interpretation). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of reproducibility of experimental results measured at different Qtac100 [1] instruments and by different operators. The surface of the Cu polycrystalline sample is prepared by Ar and Ne sputtering at room temperature. The experimental data from at least five Qtac100 user groups will be presented and evaluated. This study is restricted to the 1.0 – 2.2 keV He+ energy range, since here the ion neutralization is determined by a single process (Auger neutralization), which should give a well-defined value of the characteristic velocity [2]. The characteristic velocity is a measure of the neutralization strength and defines the slope of the linear fit in the figure. The logarithmic values of the reduced LEIS signal S (corrected for the differential scattering cross section and atomic surface concentration) are plotted there as a function of the inverse velocities for He+ scattering by polycrystalline Cu. An additional output of the round robin experiment is a definition of the reliable reference for frequent evaluation of the instrumental factor of the equipment. Acknowledgement This work was carried out with the support of CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure (MEYS CR, 2016–2019) and AMISPEC project No.: TE01020233. References [1] ION TOF web page: https://www.iontof.com/qtac-low-energy-ion-scattering-leis- surface-analysis.html (29.5.2019). [2] H.H. Brongersma, M. Draxler, M. de Ridder, P. Bauer, Surface composition analysis by low-energy ion scattering, Surface Science Reports 62 (2007), p. 63-109.

Reduced LEIS signal for He+ scattering by Cu poly

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ION-PO2-0247 ● Half-Wave-Crystal Channeling of Relativistic Heavy Ions at Super- FRS GSI/FAIR O. Bogdanov 1, Y. Pivovafov 1, T. Tukhfatullin 1, H. Geissel 2, N. Kuzminchuk- Feuerstein 2, C. Scheidenberger 2, S. Purushothaman 2 1Tomsk Polytechnic University - Tomsk (RU), 2GSI - Darmstadt (DE) A half-wavelength crystal (HWC) is a thin crystal where a channeling particle experiences only one collision with a crystallographic plane (“mirroring” or HWC channeling) during penetration through a crystal. Recently, the HWC channeling was observed for 400 GeV protons at CERN-SPS /1/ and for 255-MeV electrons at the SAGA-LS Facility /2,3/. The HWC channeling is explained by computer simulations as a sequence of specific particles trajectories governed by the one-dimensional periodic potential of crystallographic planes. The perspective atomic physics experiments (including crystal targets) with Relativistic Heavy Ion (RHI) beams are the part of the Super-FRS Experiment Collaboration program /4/. Here, we present the results of computer simulations of HWC channeling of high-Z (129Xe, 208Pb,238U) and low-Z (p,t, d, 6Li, 9Li, 11Li) RHI with kinetic energy Ek =300 MeV/u passing through a (200) tungsten crystal, using the computer code BCM-2.0 /5/. Possible applications of HWC-channeling of RHI are discussed, e.g. as fragments deflectors and splitters and even as the charge Ze and mass number A (isotopes) filters. References 1. W. Scandale et al.// Phys. Lett. B (2014),734, 1. 2. Y.Takabayashi , Yu.L Pivovarov, T.A.Tukhfatullin // Phys. Lett. B (2015) 751, 453. 3. Y.Takabayashi, Yu.L. Pivovarov and T.A.Tukhfatullin // Phys. Lett. B (2018) 785, 347. 4. H. Geissel , O.V Bogdanov, C. Scheidenberger, Yu.L.Pivovarov, N.Kuzminchuk- Feuerstein, E.I.Rozhkova, T.A.Tukhfatullin and the Super-FRS Experiment Collaboration. //GSI Scientific Report 2016, (2017), 179. 5. S.V.Abdrashitov et al.// NIM B (2017),402, 106.

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MAT-PO2-0013 ● Contribution of RBS analysis for the characterization of PVD hard coatings used in mechanical applications B. Canut 1, J. Penuelas 1, C. Bernard 2, M. Fusaro 3, E. Damond 3 1Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon INL-UMR5270 - Villeurbanne (FR), 2Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon IPNL-UMR5822 - Villeurbanne (FR), 3Ionbond FR Cutting Tool Competence Center - Chassieu (FR) Strong improvements have been done during the 90’s and the 2000’s with the development of physical vapor deposition (PVD) or plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PCVD) equipment dedicated to hard coatings on tools (cutting, forming). For cutting tools, lifetime increasing and higher cutting speeds and feeds are reached with reliability and repeatability. Gain is technical and economical, increasing productivity, and smoother roughness of machined parts or components. The thicknesses of hard coatings obtained by PVD-PCVD process depend on the expected application (cutting tools, biocompatible coating, decorative layers) and range typically from 0.5µm to 15µm. The experimental strategy to characterize thick PVD-PCVD coatings is similar to that used for thinner optical or dielectric coatings and aims to correlate the expected properties (like microhardness and elasticity-Young modulus) with the microstructural properties of the deposited material. The usual characterization techniques are X ray diffraction to evidence the structure and the main crystallographic orientation of the grains, IR spectroscopy to precise the chemical bonding and SEM imaging to get information on the layer morphology and the surface roughness. In the present work, we show that a nuclear technique like Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) is also a powerful tool to characterize in a non-destructive way thick coatings devoted to mechanical applications. Layers of {N-Al-Cr} or {N-Al-Ti} alloys of different compositions and thicknesses were deposited on rapid steel substrates by PVD cathodic arc process. The film stoichiometry in the first micrometer was determined using He+ ions of 2 MeV energy. In order to probe the entire thickness of the deposit (typically 2 μm), H+ ions of 1.5 MeV energy were used. From the experimental spectra, it was possible to extract the mean atomic composition of the deposit and its areal mass. Such information, coupled with SEM, IR and X-ray results, are of prime importance to validate the deposition process and to better understand the mechanical properties of the coating. Acknowledgement The authors are very grateful to the technical staff of the ANAFIRE platform of Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lyon (IPNL) for their help during the experiments with the accelerator.

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MAT-PO2-0036 ● Crystal Dependent Sputtering of Tungsten K. Schlueter 1, 2, K. Nordlund 3, M. Balden 1, T. Da Silva 4, G. Hobler 5, R. Neu 1, 2 1Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics - Garching (DE), 2Fakultät für MasCNnwesen, Technische Universität München (DE), 3Department of Physics and Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of HelsinkiDepartment of Physics and Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki - Helsinki (FI), 4Physics Institute of University of Sãn Paulo - Rua do Matão - São Paulo (BR), 5Institute of Solid State Electronics, TU Wien, Wien, Austria - Wien (AT) A polycrystalline sample has many grains with different crystal orientation possibly having different properties which are often neglected during ion beam analyses or experiments like sputtering. Some experiments describe crystal dependent properties on the low index surfaces or some specific crystal orientations and simulations are often performed on an amorphous material ignoring the crystalline structure. To determine the effect of the crystal orientation, a method is introduced studying systematically the crystal orientation dependence of the sputter yield from polycrystalline tungsten using a software tool written in python which correlates the experimentally determined sputter yield of the individual single crystal grains with their surface orientation. These orientation resolved yields are compared to molecular dynamics simulations. Recrystallized polished polycrystalline W samples are sputtered by a 2, 8 and 30 keV Ga ion beam. Subsequently, the samples are analysed using electron backscatter diffraction in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the crystal orientation determination. The erosion depths are analysed using a confocal laser scanning microscope. The results are visualized in an inverse pole figure, which represents the sputter yields for all crystal orientation. A recently developed molecular dynamics, recoil-interaction approximation (MD-RIA)- based approach is used to calculate ion channeling systematically for all crystal directions, providing ion channeling maps highlighting the crystal orientations where channeling is expected [1]. These simulations where compared to measured sputtering yields, by calculating the nuclear deposited energy for each crystal direction in the top 2 nm of a sample. In a multiscale molecular dynamics approach, full MD simulations are performed leading the actual sputtering yield for a few selected grain orientations. The nuclear deposited energy near the surface from the MD-RIA simulations was found to correlate linearly very accurately with the sputtering yield from the full MD simulations. The linear relationship between nuclear deposited energy and sputtering yield is corroborated by full channeling maps obtained by binary collision Monte Carlo simulations. By then recalculating the channeling maps of nuclear energy deposition, the experimental and simulated sputtering yields can be directly compared for all crystal orientations, without any fitting parameters. The experimental and simulated sputter yields show excellent quantitative agreement for all three investigated energies and all crystal orientations. References [1] K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, and G. Hobler, Phys. Rev. B 94, 214109 (2016).

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MAT-PO2-0141 ● Channelling Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy used to study the crystal structure of epitaxial grown semiconducting thin films over a range of alloy compositions P. Couture 1, A. Ellis 1, E.B. Schneider 1, M.K. Sharpe 2, I.P. Marko 2, M. Kesaria 3, 4, E. Clarke 3, C.H. Tan 3, T. Hepp 5, K. Volz 5, S.J. Sweeney 2, J. England 1 1Ion Beam Centre, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey - Guildford (UK), 2Advanced Technology Institute and Department of Physics, University of Surrey - Guildford (UK), 3Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield - Sheffield (UK), 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University - Cardiff (united Kingdom), 5Material Sciences Center and Faculty of Physics, Philipps-Universität Marburg - Marburg (DE) Channelling Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS-c) is a well-known technique for studying the quality of crystalline materials. In this study, we report Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) and RBS channelling (RBS-c) of InGaAsBi samples grown by two different techniques, namely; (i) molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) at the University of Sheffield [1] and (ii) by metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) at Philipps-Universität Marburg [2]. Such materials are of interest for the manufacture of mid-infrared photonic devices lattice matched to InP substrates [1]. RBS measurements were carried out with a collimated helium beam at 4 MeV to allow the Bi peaks to be distinguished from the other elements. The samples were carefully aligned to avoid planar channelling effects so that axial channelling dips could be measured using RBS-c. Comparison of the depths, widths and shapes of channelling dips for the samples reveal differences in the crystallinity of the InGaAsBi thin films at various depths as a result of different growth conditions over a range of nominal bismuth compositions. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, U.K. through projects EP/N020715/1, EP/N021037/1 and the German Research Foundation GRK 1782, the studentship of M. K. Sharpe and student training projects supported by beamtime funded by the EPSRC support for the UK National Ion Beam Centre. References [1] M.K. Sharpe et al., (in press), “Structural properties of InGaAsBi epitaxial layers studied using Photoluminescence and Rutherford Back Scattering techniques” [2] S. Jin and S. J. Sweeney, “InGaAsBi alloys on InP for efficient near- and mid- infrared light emitting devices,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, no. 21, p. 213103, Dec. 2013.

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MAT-PO2-0142 ● Characterization of photochromic rare-earth oxy hydrides in a multi-method IBA approach S. Adalsteinsson 1, M.V. Moro 1, D. Moldarev 2, 3, S. Droulias 1, M. Wolff 1, 2, D. Primetzhofer 1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy - Uppsala (SE), 2Department of Material Science, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute - Moscow (RU), 3Department of Solar Energy, Institute for Energy Technology - Kjeller (NO)

Yttrium oxy-hydride (YHxOy) is one of the rare inorganic materials exhibiting reversible photochromism at ambient conditions [1]. Interest in this class of materials has recently increased since they may be suitable for a range of applications such as smart windows or sensors. Recently, also other rare earth-based oxy hydrides (GdHxOy, DyHxOy and ErHxOy) were proven to show a photochromic effect [2]. For YHO thin films the influence of chemical composition on the photochromic response was revealed successfully [3]. However, for the other rare-earth metals the dependence of the optical response on the sample chemistry remains to be clarified. We present results on strong photochromic rare-earth oxy hydrides (i.e., YHO, NdHO, GdHO and DyHO) prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering and link the chemical composition and photochromic response. We use Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) to extract the total thickness of the films combined with coincidence Time-of-Flight/Energy Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ToF-E ERDA) to extract depth-profiles of all constituents. To enhance the precision of the compositional analysis of hydrogen and oxygen, nuclear 1 15 12 15 16 16 reaction analysis (NRA) using the H( N,αγ) C at 6.385 MeV N and the O(α,α0) O reactions at 3.037 MeV He+ was performed. The spectra from all three methods were analyzed iteratively and in a self-consistent way. The resulting composition is shown in Figure 1. The photochromic response of the films was investigated by optical transmission measurements before and after illumination using a spectrometer in scanning mode. For samples with similar thickness and composition i.e. oxygen and hydrogen inventory, a strong photochromic response of up to 53% and 56% was observed for DyHO and GdHO, respectively, whereas in YHO and NdHO a maximum response of 27% and 7% was obtained. References [1] T. Mongstad, C. Platzer-Bjorkman, J. P. Maehlen, L. P. A. Mooij, Y. Pivak, B. Dam, E. S. Marstein, B. C. Hauback, S. Zh. Karazhanov, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 95 (2011) 3596. [2] F. Nafezarefi, H. Schreuders, B. Dam, S. Cornelius, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 (2017) 103903. [3] D. Moldarev, M. V. Moro, C. C. You, E. M. Baba, S. Zh. Karazhanov, M. Wolff, D. Primetzhofer, Phys. Rev. Materials 2 (2018) 115203.

Figure 1.

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MAT-PO2-0153 ● Experimental considerations for conventional ERD of H, D and C in materials R. Smith 1, J.L. Keddie 2, M. Schulz 2, T.R. Palmer 2, J.G. England 1 1Surrey Ion Beam Centre, University of Surrey - Guildford (UK), 2Department of Physics, University of Surrey - Guildford (UK) Elastic recoil detection (ERD) is a well established technique that is suited to the depth profiling of light elements in a heavy matrix as opposed to Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) which is more suited to depth profiling heavy elements in a light matrix. In conventional ERD, a primary beam of ions is used to recoil atoms from a sample which are then detected. Forward scattered ions are prevented from entering the detector by the use of a range foil, e.g. 8 µm Al. To profile hydrogen and deuterium, a primary beam of 4He is typically used with RBS performed simultaneously to profile heavier elements e.g. carbon in polymers. In this case, the C signal is decoupled from the H and D signals requiring cross calibration between the ERD and RBS detectors. If a chlorine primary beam is used, then C can be profiled in the same spectrum as H and D, thus removing the need to calibrate between the ERD and RBS measurements. Recent examples of conventional ERD of H, D and C in different materials, in particular polymers will be presented. ERD with 4He and Cl as the primary beam will be compared using results from single and multi-layer test samples of hydrogenous polystyrene (hPS) and deuterated polystyrene (dPS) produced by a spin-coating and floating method. The use of a few different materials (e.g. Kapton, silicon nitride with H) as standards has been considered and the advantages and disadvantages of each will be discussed. Polymeric materials, whether used as unknown samples or standards, can suffer a significant loss of H and D during exposure to the beam. In the case of a standard, failure to account for this can lead to an underestimation in the determination of the detector solid angle. In the case of an unknown sample, failure to account for H and D loss can lead to an underestimation of the concentration profile. Modifications to the analysis procedure will be discussed on how to account for this loss in the analysis of the data.

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MAT-PO2-0167 ● Hydrogen site occupation in thin films directly investigated by ion beam analysis K. Komander 1, G.K. Pálsson 1, M. Wolff 1, D. Primetzhofer 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University - Uppsala (SE) Metalhydrides are promising for reversible solid-state storage of hydrogen in energy applications. Hydrogen atoms absorbed from molecular gas occupy octahedral or tetrahedral interstitial sites in the subsequently expanding metal lattice of early transition metals and form compounds that exist as multi-phase systems (MHn). In this contribution the potential of ion beam analysis techniques for the study of effects of finite size and proximity of non-absorbing constituents on the hydrogen absorption was explored. Ideal model systems are ultrathin V films embedded in superlattices of Fe(Cr)/V since they can be grown as single crystals with well-known strain states [1]. Nuclear reaction analysis with the resonant 1H(15N,αγ)12C reaction and 15N-projectile energies slightly above the resonance of 6.385 MeV allows for hydrogen concentration measurements and high-resolution depth profiling due to its narrow resonant cross section [2]. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry is employed for the analysis of chemical composition and complements the characterization of the crystal structure and strain by x-ray diffraction. For channeling experiments the samples are aligned by the yield of backscattered particles and particle induced x-ray emittance from the superlattice. Probing angular-resolved nuclear reaction analysis enables the direct identification of interstitial hydrogen occupation. We will present the systematical investigation of two superlattice systems Fe/V and Cr/V in detail and show differences in the hydrogenation process.

Figure 1: Angular yield profiles of backscattered 15N-ions from (a) Fe/V- and (b) Cr/V-lattice atoms and γ-radiation from the 1H(15N,αγ)12C nuclear reaction normalized by the yield in off- channel direction. The profile of backscattered primary particles is shown for a high-index (“random” in azimuth) plane through the (001)-axis. The difference in γ- channeling yields indicates different hydrogen site occupation for Fe/V and Cr/V samples.

References [1] S. A. Droulias et al., Thin Solid Films, 636(8):608–614, 2017. [2] M. Wilde, K. Fukutani, Surf. Sci. Rep. 69(4):196-295, 2014.

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MAT-PO2-0170 ● Study by IBIC of SiC detectors developed for fusion application C. Jiménez 1, J. García López 1, 2, M. Rodríguez Ramos 1, A. Villalpando Barros 1, A. García Osuna 1, E. Andrade 3, G. Pellegrini 4, P. Godignon 4, J.M. Rafí 4, G. Rius 4 1Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía-CSIC - Seville, 41092 (ES), 2Departamento de FAMN, Universidad de Sevilla, Apartado 1065 - Seville, E-41080 (ES), 3Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 20-364 - Alcaldía Coyoacán, Ciudad De México, Cp 01000 (MX), 4Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM- CSIC) - Barcelona (ES) The harsh operating conditions of the next generations of fusion reactors will put to the test, or even disable, some of the diagnostic and measurement systems that are used today in plasma devices based on magnetic confinement. Finding an alternative to the current detection systems, usually formed by a combination of photomultipliers and scintillation layers, is crucial to face the working conditions of the future ITER. In this work, the use of a detector based on a Wide BandGap (WBG) semiconductor material, such as SiC, is proposed. One of its main advantages is that it is operational at high temperatures (up to 500ºC or more) and has good radiation hardness. The detector used in this investigation is a 4H-SiC diode fabricated at Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM-CSIC). Here, we present the preliminary results of the degradation in Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) after irradiation with 3.5 MeV He ions, which are one of the reaction products of the D-T fuel that will be used in ITER. The study was carried out at the microbeam line of the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. Nine different areas 100x100 µm2 were irradiated to create controlled damage at fluences from 0.5x1010 to 5x1011 ion/cm2 (Fig. 1). The Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) technique was employed to determine the decrease in CCE at different bias voltages. Acknowledgement This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities & FEDER/UE through the project RTC-2017-6369-3

Fig 1: Damaged areas in SiC detector. 800x800 µm2

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MAT-PO2-0173 ● Onset of Ferromagnetic ordering in Fullerene using Microbeam Irradiation of 1 MeV 1H+ Ions N. Shukla 1, R. Kumar 1, A. Kelkar 1 National INstitute of Technology Patna - Patna (IN) Classically ferromagnetism is associated with transition group elements. FM in transition metals is associated with the presence of unpaired electrons and exchange interactions. Ion irradiation induced ferromagnetic ordering has been established to provide consistent ferromagnetic ordering in HOPG, Fullerene etc. [1-4]. The key to the ion beam induced ferromagnetism, is tuning the defect density [2, 3] so that the crystalline sample is not completely amorphized and the distance between defects does not get close to the lattice parameter. We have observed that with optimum fluence, 1MeV 1H+ ion irradiation upon Fullerene thin film ,sample induces ferromagnetic ordering of about ~ 2E-4 emu, confirmed by Vibration sample magnetometer (VSM). In the present experiment, the 1H+ ion fluence has been varied from 1-100 pico-Coloumb/µm2. It is noteworthy that beyond optimum fluence the induced ferromagnetic order diminishes. The inherency of the induced ordering is proven by the onset of ferromagnetic ordering in fullerene as a consequence of Ion Beam Irradiation induced production of vacancy defects which further diminishes at higher doses. Thus a novel approach to inducing ferromagnetic ordering has been achieved in Fullerene using 1H+ ion irradiation. Acknowledgement We acknowledge the support from DST Inspire, Government of India, NIT Patna, UGC DAE CSR Kalpakkam Node and IIT Kanpur for the completion of this work. References [1] H. Pan, et al., Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Carbon-Doped ZnO, Phys Rev Lett.99 (2007)127201. [2] P. Esquinazi, et al., Induced magnetic ordering by proton irradiation in graphite. Phys Rev Lett. 91 (2003) 227201. [3] H. Xia et al. Tunable Magnetism in Carbon-ion-implanted highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Adv Mater 20 (2008) 4679. [4] Neeraj Shukla, Mihir Sarkar, Nobin Banerjee, Anjan K. Gupta and Harish C. Verma, Inducing large ferromagnetic ordering in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by 1 MeV 12C+ ions, Carbon, 50 ( 2012 ) 1817.

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MAT-PO2-0174 ● In-situ ion beam analysis of hydrogen and deuterium retention in tungsten K-A. Kantre 1, M.V. Moro 1, P. Szabo 2, C. Cupak 2, R. Stadlmayr 2, F. Aumayr 2, D. Primetzhofer 1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, S-751 20 - Uppsala (SE), 2Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10/E134, 1040 - Vienna (AT) Understanding plasma-wall interaction is essential for effective operation of fusion devices. In particular, the reactor walls are heavily modified as material is continuously sputtered while ions from the plasma are implanted. Subsequently the material can be redeposited at a different location in the wall. In this context, Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques have been proven to be powerful tools in analyzing plasma-exposed components from fusion reactors. In this contribution we present an in-situ study of fuel retention by ion implantation and thermal desorption performed in SIGMA [1], a new set-up for material modification and in-situ characterization by ion beam analysis. 1H and D molecular and atomic species with energies similar to those found in plasma in the reactor, were implanted in tungsten. Samples were annealed during and after implantation and hydrogen release was tracked by Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy (TDS) and IBA. Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) was used to obtain depth profiles of the implanted ions and more specifically the narrow resonance of 1H(15N,αγ)12C at 6.385 MeV for H and D(3He,p)4He for D. Additionally, the concentration of implanted species was measured by Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA). References [1] K. Kantre, M. V. Moro, D. Moldarev, D. Johansson, D. Wessman, M. Wolff and D. Primetzhofer, submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B (2019)

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MAT-PO2-0185 ● In situ and ex-situ IBA for Atomic/Molecular Layer Deposition of Protective Layers for Li electrodes L. Goncharova 1, A. Codirenzi 1, Y. Zhao 2, X. Sun 2, K. Adair 2 1Department of Physics and Asrtonomy, Western University - London (CA), 2Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Western University - London (CA) Li metal anodes are regarded as the “holy grail” for next-generation Li metal batteries due to the unique properties of high specific capacity, low potential and lightweight. However, the crucial problems, especially the Li dendrite formation, are still serious challenges for Li metal anode. The solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer is one of the key factor affecting the Li behavior and electrochemical performances. Moreover, the controllable fabrication of the SEI layer with rational design on both composition and thickness is still challenging and rarely to be realized. In this study, we utilize IBA to understand the rational designed and highly controllable protective layers approaches for Li metal anode. In one project, the different sequence of organic and inorganic layer is highly controlled due to the unique properties of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and molecular layer deposition (MLD) techniques [1]. The symmetrical cells results reveal the dual-protective layer presents much better electrochemical performances than that of the pristine Li electrode and the single protective layer [2] (either ALD or MLD) in both carbonate-based and ether-based electrolytes. The full cells using dual-layer protected Li as anode electrode can obtain the high reversible capacities of 711.4 mAh g-1 after 350 cycles for Li-S batteries and 114 mAh g-1 after 600 cycles for Li-LFP batteries. We believe that our design of dual-layer protected Li metal anode by ALD and MLD opens up new opportunities to the realization of the next-generation high energy density Li metal batteries. We will also demonstrate our initial in-situ cell results for the investigation of a wide range of electrochemical processes in Li batteries and other devices. References 1. Y. Zhao, L.V. Goncharova, Q. Zhang, P. Kaghazchi, Q. Sun, A. Lushington, B.Q. Wang, R.Y. Li, and X.L. Sun, Nano Lett. 17, 5653-5659 (2017). 2. Y. Zhao, L.V. Goncharova, A. Lushington, Q. Sun, H. Yadegari, B.Q. Wang, W. Xiao, R.Y. Li, and X.L. Sun, Adv. Mater. 29, 7 (2017).

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MAT-PO2-0186 ● Photocurrent improvement from magnetron DC sputtered and thermally treated ruthenium-based cocatalyst decoration onto BiVO4 photoanodes L. Gutierres 1, P. Migowski 2, I. Alencar 3, R. Thomaz 1, A. Feil 1 1Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR), 2Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR), 3Federal University of Santa Catarina - Florianopolis (BR) Monoclinic BiVO4 (BVO) properties favor its use as the main absorber in photoanodes applied for photoelectrochemical water splitting. However, hindrances as the high rate of recombination of the electrons and holes photogenerated and as the poor charge carrier transport limit its direct, practical use. Doping, building an heterojunction with other semiconductors and decorating the surface with cocatalysts like cobalt phosphate and ruthenium oxide are among the many existing approaches to improve BVO performance [1, 2]. The deposition of cocatalyst normally involve the use of potentially hazardous techniques as chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In this work, we present a simple route for enhancing photoelectrochemical results in BVO samples. The decoration with metallic ruthenium is performed via magnetron sputtering DC, a reliable, inexpensive and safe-to-use physical deposition technique, followed by a thermal treatment in air within a muffle furnace for 6 hours at 400 °C. A gain of about 45% in the photocurrent produced at 1.23 V vs RHE and in the overall spectrum area, as shown in Figure 1, in comparison with pure samples was registered by cyclic voltammetry measurements in a 0.5 M phosphate buffer solution under full spectrum illumination from a 100 W Xenon lamp. The morphological and chemical modifications that resulted in such photocurrent rise were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) and X-ray Photogenerated Spectroscopy (XPS). References [1] W. T. Lee, D. S. Tsai, Y. M. Chen, Y. S. Huang, and W. H. Chung, "Area- selectively sputtering the RuO2 nanorods array", Applied Surface Science, vol. 254, no. 21, pp. 6915-6921, Aug 30 2008. [2] C. R. Jiang, S. J. A. Moniz, A. Q. Wang, T. Zhang, and J. W. Tang, "Photoelectrochemical devices for solar water splitting - materials and challenges," (in English), Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 46, no. 15, pp. 4645-4660, Aug 7 2017.

BVO samples voltammetry curves with and without Ru

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MAT-PO2-0196 ● Engineering the GaAs Surface Oxide Energy K. Kavanagh 1, N. Herbots 2, S. Ram 2, A. Chow 2, S. Khanna 2, N. Suresh 2, S. Narayan 2, R. Culbertson 2 1Simon Fraser University - Burnaby (CA), 2Arizona State University - Tempe (US) Bonding between any two surfaces occurs when there is an exchange of electrons to reduce the overall energy of the system. In a process that we have called Nano- BondingTM, the total surface energy, γT, of two semiconductor wafers, such as GaAs and Si (100), are engineered to enhance the degree of electron exchange when they are put in contact.[1] Such surface energy engineering can promote wafer bonding at low temperatures (T < 220°C), a process that is useful for such applications as the manufacture of tandem solar cells. When γT is modeled as due to a combination of three independent energy components, molecular dipoles (van de Waals), and electron donor, and acceptor states, these can be distinguished by using three liquid, contact angle analysis (3LCAA).[2,3] An analysis software (Drop and Reflection Operative Program, DROPTM) has enabled rapid measurements giving γT data accurate to ± 1 mJ/m2.[3] As-received, B-doped, p-Si (100) wafers are found to have hydrophilic, native oxides with γT averaging 53 ± 1 mJ/m2, but become hydrophobic, 48 ± 3 mJ/m2, after wet acid etching (dilute HF:H2O). In contrast, Te-doped, n-GaAs and semi-insulating GaAs (100) wafers are initially highly hydrophobic with γT averaging 37 ± 2 mJ/m2, but become highly hydrophilic, γT of 66 ± 1 mJ/m2, after an etch in dilute base (NH4OH:H2O). While the molecular bonding component remains relatively constant, the electron donor and acceptor interactions drive these changes in γT. The γT data was correlated with measurements of O16 coverage (to within 0.4 monolayer) via He++ ion beam analysis (nuclear resonance channeling and SIMNRA), and the relative abundance of four GaAs oxides, As2O3, Ga2O3, Ga2O5 and GaAsO4, via x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Ammonia etching of GaAs native oxides reduces the oxygen coverage by 50% by reducing the relative abundance of the oxygen-rich As2O5 phase, by 10% and increasing the proportion of oxygen-poor As2O3 phase, by 7%. This correlates with the doubling of the GaAs (100) surface energy. We find these etched surfaces exhibit less atmospheric surface oxide regrowth compared to Si (100) and remain hydrophilic for at least 15 months. Acknowledgement We are grateful for partial funding from NSERC and access to the Eyring Matls Center, ASU. References [1] Nicole Herbots, et al. US Patent N° 9,018,077 (28 April 2015) and N° 9,589,801 (7 March 2017). [2] S. Narayan, et al. MRS Advances 3 (2018) 3379-3390. [3] C. E. Cornejo, et al. MRS Advances 3 (2018) 3403-3411.

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12 13 MAT-PO2-0211 ● Application of the C(d,p0) C nuclear reaction to assess carbon contamination of Fe-Cr alloy samples during ion irradiation F. Naab 1, O. Toader 1, T. Kubley 1, G. Was 1 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (US) Ion irradiation is being used increasingly as a surrogate for reactor irradiations to understand how the microstructure evolves in reactors to high damage levels. Many laboratories in the radiation damage community are experiencing the pickup of carbon in their samples during ion irradiation. Carbon is incorporated into the irradiated microstructure, not just as a surface contaminant but over the depth of penetration of the ion beam (several microns). The result is an alteration of the microstructure, most notably the formation of carbides, and modification of processes such as cavity evolution. In the Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory, we have optimized the 12C(d,p0)13C nuclear reaction technique to assess carbon contamination of ion irradiated samples, find the source of contamination and develop mitigation techniques [1]. Nuclear reaction analysis provides for rapid turnaround following irradiation. In this presentation we describe the experimental setup implemented to conduct these measurements, the spectrum analysis methodology, and some of the results that allowed us to identify the source of contamination and develop an efficient mitigation procedure. This talk is aimed primarily at the radiation damage community to help them implement this technique in their own laboratories to assess carbon contamination of samples during their irradiations. References [1] Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 412 (2017) 58–65

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MAT-PO2-0213 ● A new ALD system designed for stable isotopic tracing : Growth of ZnO thin films. B. Xia 1, J.J. Ganem 1, S. Steydli 1, H. Tancrez 1, I. Vickridge 1 SAFIR, Institut de NanoSciences de Paris, UMR7588 du CNRS et Sorbonne Université - Paris (FR) We present the design and operation of a specialised Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) system, dedicated to stable isotopic tracing experiments of oxide film growth, using isotopically labelled water as the oxide precursor. A small chamber volume allows operation with only very small quantities of water vapour, minimising the consumption of the isotopically labelled water. We report here the first results for growth of ZnO, using Diethyl Zinc as the zinc precursor and unlabelled water as the oxygen precursor, to establish the growth conditions for stoichiometric ZnO on silicon. Absolute film compositions and thickness are determined by RBS, NRA and ERDA as a function of vapour pulse duration, number of vapour pulses and substrate temperature. Physical thickness is determined by ellipsometry and crystalline phases by XRD. The determination and control of the temperature of the growth surface is delicate, and special attention has been paid to thermal contact between the sample and the ALD chamber heated sample holder, since variability in the growth surface temperature leads to variability in the film growth rate and composition. We will also present first results obtained for growth of ZnO using water highly enriched in deuterium and 18O, with the deuterium contents determined by ERDA and 18O by NRA, together with the growth of ‘isotopic sandwich’ films, grown successively with water of natural isotopic composition and water highly enriched in 18O. Acknowledgement The ALD system is funded in part by the CEMIP (Centre de Microélectronique de Paris Ile-de-FR). The work has also benefitted from the support of the SAFIR platform of Sorbonne Université, and dedicated internal funding from the Institut des NanoSciences de Paris. We also acknowledge useful discussions with members of the French ALD network RAFALD. B. Xia is finded by the China Scholarship Council for his phD studies.

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MAT-PO2-0216 ● Ion beam induced dewetting and nanopattern formation of thin SiC/Pd films on c-Si substrate. M. Masenya 1, M. Madhuku 1, S. Halindintwali 2, C. Mtshali 3, F. Cummings 2 1iThemba LABS, Tandem and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Department - Johannesburg (ZA), 2University of the Western Cape - Cape Town (ZA), 3iThhemba LABS, Materials Research Department - Cape Town (ZA) Ion beam induced dewetting of thin metallic films is an emerging approach to grow metallic nanoparticles controllably. Dewetting of thin solid films is helpful in fabricating arrays of nanoscale particles for electronic and photonic devices and for the catalyzed synthesis of nanotubes and nanowires. In this work, the dewetting and nanopattern formation of SiC/Pd thin films of various thicknesses from 10 to 40 nm, with Pd metal film kept at a fixed thickness of 5 nm were, grown on crystalline Silicon (c-Si) substrate by electron beam deposition, upon ion irradiation, has been investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The SiC/Pd composite films were irradiated with 100 keV Ar+ at fluences ranging from 1 x 1015 to 1 x 1016 ions/cm2 at room temperature. The surface morphology from SEM analysis showed the formation of nanoparticles that were interconnected after irradiation. RBS analysis showed traces of ion beam-induced mixing at the interface after irradiation at a fluence of 1x1015 ions/cm2, which resulted in the formation of Pd2Si silicide phase. FTIR spectra of the irradiated samples exhibited the Si-C absorption peak at around 796 cm-1, which confirmed the β-SiC polytype. Hence, ion beam irradiation is a promising method for the fabrication of SiC- Pd nanostructures on c-Si substrate.

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MAT-PO2-0219 ● In-situ RBS depth profiling of the ionic liquid gated multilayer thin films I. Kostanovskiy 1, B. Cui 1, X. Zhou 1, S.S.P. Parkin 1 Max-Planck-Institute of Microstructure Physics - Halle Saale (DE) Ionic liquids (IL) are widely applied for modifying the transport properties of various materials often used for semiconductor applications [1]. To investigate the chemical changes induced by ionic liquid gating (ILG), the traditional ex-situ way is used, which includes several steps: sample production, transport to gating cell, applying IL and gating itself, removing the IL by acetone and, finally, transport to the measurement system. Most of those steps are performed in a clean room environment or even under air, which together with acetone cleaning affect the quality of the resulting surface and make most surface sensitive methods (i.e. XPS) unreliable in characterization. We developed an in-situ cell for ILG which fits in a RBS end station and where the gating can be performed under the vacuum conditions and without a need to remove the IL from the surface. The core of the ILG cell is a commercially available thin SiN membrane that is covered with thin film test system and faces the IL, while the analysis ion beam is hitting the membrane from the back site. For the proof of concept, we used Co-Ni-Co multilayer system which is proposed as a perspective stack for novel types of memories [2]. We measured RBS spectrum through the SiN membrane substrate before and after the ILG and discuss the changes in the resulting depth profile. References 1. R. Misra, M. McCarthy, and A. F. Hebard, Applied Physics Letters 90, 052905 (2007). 2. S. S. P. Parkin, M. Hayashi, and L. Thomas, Science 320, 190 (2008).

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MAT-PO2-0223 ● Study of thermal activation of getter binary alloys by real time NRA technique T. Sauvage 1, C. Bessouet 2, J. Moulin 2, O. Wendling 1, A. Bellamy 1, A. Bosseboeuf 2 1CNRS CEMHTI UPR 3079, Université d'Orléans - Orléans (FR), 2C2N, Univ. Paris Sud/CNRS/Univ. Paris Saclay - Palaiseau (FR) Global research is very active in the field of getter films for vacuum packaging of microelectromechanical systems or MEMS, such as microbolometers arrays for IR cameras or resonant sensors. Non-evaporable getter (NEG) thin films enclosed in the microcavity (1-10 µl) of MEMS have the function to maintain it under low vacuum for limitation of thermal insulation losses along their operation lifetime. The gas sources in these devices are generally related to outgassing, microleaking and permeation with different relative importance depending on the type of device. NEG thin films usually integrated in wafer-level packages trap gases released during outgassing and bonding steps and compensate eventual leaks during device lifetime. The ideal getter should have a high sorption capacity to a broad diversity of gas such as H2, O2, N2, CH4 and other hydrocarbons. The getter is thermally activated during or after the sealing process to expose a reactive metallic surface to the residual atmosphere in the microcavity. The activation which has to be effective at low temperature is the result of a diffusion of oxygen and other surface contaminants into the bulk of the film. Yttrium and Y-based alloy thin films (200 nm) were deposited by Physical Vapor Deposition under 10-8-10-9 mbar pressure and analysed by the NRA, RBS and ERDA techniques for O, N, heavy element and H depth profiling. Pure and Y-based getters were annealed under argon with traces of air to study their activation threshold for [250-350°C] temperature range in relation to their elemental composition and microstructure. For the most efficient getters, we implement the real time NRA technique with our DIADDHEM set-up* equipped with an electronic bombardment furnace. The α signal from the 16O(d,α)14N nuclear reaction is in situ measured by an annular detector during annealing at a thermal ramp of 5°C/min and under different vacuum values from 2.10-7 mbar to a degraded vacuum of 5.10-6 mbar. We show that the real time NRA is a powerful technique to investigate the threshold activation of getters and their ability to absorb oxygen. References * F. Chamssedine, T. Sauvage, S. Peuget, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 1862–1866

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MAT-PO2-0231 ● Unambiguous identification of the split-vacancy configuration of the SnV− defect in diamond L. Pereira 1, U. Wahl 2, 1, J.G. Correia 2, R. Villareal 1, E. Bourgois 3, 4, M. Nesladek 3, 4, A. Vantomme 1 1KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica - Leuven (BE), 2Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa - Lisbon (PT), 3IMOMEC division, IMEC,Wetenschapspark 1 - Diepenbeek (BE), 4Institute for Materials Research (IMO), Hasselt University - Diepenbeek (BE) Point defects in diamond are being intensively investigated for their applications in processing and communication of quantum information, as well as for metrology. So far, the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy center (NV−) has been the most studied defect [1]. Thanks to its efficient optical spin polarization and spin-state dependent fluorescence, it is being exploited, for example, in the context of high-sensitivity magnetometers [2]. More recently, owing to their superior optical properties, the group- IV-vacancy centers (SiV− [3, 4]; GeV− [5]; SnV− [6]) have emerged as the leading type of point defects for quantum computing and networking applications. Whereas it is generally accepted that the N atom in the NV− center occupies a substitutional C site, the group-IV atoms in group-IV-vacancy centers are expected to occupy bond- centered sites, in a split-vacancy configuration (Fig. 1). However, experimentally, these structural configurations had so far been only indirectly determined. Here we present a detailed, direct characterization of the structure of the SnV− defect. Using a combination of electron emission channeling from 121Sn (Fig. 2) and photoluminescence measurements, we unambiguously identified the SnV− defect in the split-vacancy configuration, with the Sn atom exactly at the bond-center position (with a precision better than 0.04 Å). Establishing a detailed understanding of the SnV− structure is particularly important, since the superior properties of the group-IV- vacancy centers are to a large extent a consequence of the inversion symmetry of the split-vacancy configuration. References [1] Doherty M.W. et al., Physics Reports. 2013;528(1):1–45 [2] Rondin L. et al., Reports on Progress in Physics. 2014;77(5):056503 [3] Sipahigil A. et al., Science. 2016;354(6314): 847–50 [4] Sukachev D.D. et al., Physical Review Letters. 2017;119(22):223602 [5] Bhaskar M.K. et al., Physical Review Letters. 2017;118(22):223603 [6] Iwasaki T. et al., Physical Review Letters. 2017;119(25):253601

Figure 1. Atomic configurations

Fig. 2. Emission channeling and best fit patterns

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MAT-PO2-0242 ● Measurement of Oxygen Uptake in GDP films with RBS H. Xue 1, H. Zhang 1, T. Yu 1, D. Gao 2, Q. Wang 2, X. Ma 2, H. Shen 1 1Fudan University - Shanghai (CN), 2China Academy of Engineering Physics - Mianyang (CN) Glow Discharge Polymer (GDP) film is an important material in Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Research. When stored in ambient condition, the GDP film will pick up oxygen from oxygen gas or moisture continuously. The oxygen contamination will affect the shock velocity during the implosion of the target[1]. Therefore accurate characterization of oxygen content in GDP films is quite important to ascertain if the storage condition is appropriate. In this work, Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) was used to characterize the oxygen contamination in GDP films. GDP films produced in the same batch were stored in different condition (air, vacuum, dry cabinet) over a period of time. RBS was combined with Elastic Recoil Detection (ERD) to monitor the content variation of oxygen and hydrogen during the storage time. The oxygen and hydrogen loss caused by ion beam was evaluated. Oxygen and hydrogen depth profile were also deconvoluted from the RBS and ERD spectra. The results could serve as a reference for the evaluation of oxygen amount in GDP capsules. References [1] H. Huang, D.M. Haas, Y.T. Lee, J.J. Wu, K.A. Moreno, R.B. Stephens, A. Nikroo, M. Stadermann, S.D. Bhandarkar, Oxygen Profile Determination in NIF GDP Capsules Using Contact Radiography, Fusion Science and Technology. 63 (2013) 142–150. doi:10.13182/FST13-TFM20-26.

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MAT-PO2-0244 ● Radiation damage effects in crystallines phases present in glass- ceramic wasteforms N. Sellami 1, S. Miro 2, A. Boulle 3, G. Sattonnay 4, F. Garrido 5, S. Peuget 2 1CEA, DEN, DE2D,SEVT, Marcoule - bagnols-Sur-Cèze (FR), 2CEA, DEN, DE2D,SEVT, Marcoule - Bagnols-Sur-Cèze (FR), 3Sciences des Procédés Céramiques et Traitements de Surface, CNRS UMR 7315, Centre Européen de la Céramique - Limoges (FR), 4LAL, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, IN2P3 - Orsay (FR), 5Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière, Université Paris-Sud- CNRS-IN2P3 - Orsay (FR) Vitrification has been chosen as a reference process for more than 40 years in the nuclear industry for the conditioning of nuclear wastes. Nowadays, Fission Products and minor Actinides (FPA) are confined in borosilicate glasses, which can incorporate up to 18.5% of FPA. With the increasing demand for the immobilization of important quantities of high-level waste (HLW), there is a strong motivation to develop new nuclear highly durable wasteform candidate. Glass-ceramic materials are able to immobilize a higher concentration of HLW than current borosilicate nuclear glasses. However, over time, during storage, the crystalline phases formed during the formulation process of the glass-ceramics (especially apatites (Ca2Nd8(SiO4)6O2) and powellites (CaMoO4)) can amorphise under α self-irradiation. The amorphisation of these ceramics may develop a macroscopic swelling that generates mechanical stress on the matrix leading to the fracturing of the latter thus to the degradation of its confinement performance. Therefore, there is an actual potential need to study the cracking risk of these glass-ceramic materials. For this purpose, in the current work, we simulate, experimentally, the effects of alpha decay on the crystalline phases, by ion irradiation, using 12 MeV Au ions to emulate the nuclear energy deposition (Sn) of the recoil nuclei and 3 MeV He ions to mimic the electronic energy deposition (Se) of alpha particles, in powellites and apatites crystals. The comprehension of the separate and combined effects of elastic and inelastic energy loss is a challenging endeavor. Different scenarios from single (Au, He), dual (Au&He simulatneously) to sequential (Au+He) ion-beam irradiations were carried out in order to, fairly, identify the most representative conditions of the real case. Structural and microstructural modifications were followed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Irradiation-induced macroscopic swelling was measured by optical interferometry. The elastic strain in powellite single crystals was determined by XRD. Strain and disorder profiles were simulated with RaDMaX in order to better understand the mechanisms involved in energy partionning. The results, show that Au irradiation leads to the amorphisation of apatites while no phase transition occurs in powellites. The damage evolution kinetics were established. The damage induced by nuclear processes is predominant as compared to electronic effects. A partial recovery effect between the pre-existing damage (Au ions) and the electronic energy deposition (He ions) was evidenced in sequential He irradiation of pre-damaged samples (at saturation). In-situ Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry experiments are planned to enrich the knowledge about the damage/recovery kinetics.

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MAT-PO2-0256 ● Combining ToF-ERD and helium ion microscopy for determining mass densities of thin films K. Arstila 1, N. Valjakka 1, T. Sajavaara 1 University of Jyväskylä - Jyväskylä (FI) Ion beam analysis is generally not sensitive to the mass or atomic density of thin film materials. Instead analysis results are given as surface densities of different elements in the film, typically in units of at./cm2 or μg/cm2. This is because the transport of ions in material is dependent only on the number of atoms the ion passes and not the density of these atoms. In this work we have combined time-of-flight elastic recoil detection (ToF-ERD) measurements and helium ion microscopy (HIM). ToF-ERD allows for determining the composition, depth profiles and surface densities of all elements, including hydrogen, in the thin film samples. HIM on the other hand, allows for the precise determination of the absolute thickness of the thin films due to its very high resolution (0.5 nm nominal resolution) and the capability to measure also non-conductive materials directly. Sample preparation for both of the techniques is quite simple for the typical thin film samples deposited on silicon substrates. ToF-ERD measurements can be performed directly and HIM imaging can be done simply by cleaving the sample and observing the cross section of the film. For more challenging samples, which are difficult to cleave or where the film layers are very thin, we use a bevelling technique where we apply neon milling in the HIM tool at a very low angle (2°-3°) to create a bevel, which reveals a magnified image of the thin film cross section. In this work we apply the combination of ToF-ERD and HIM techniques to study the composition, impurities and mass densities of silicon dioxide films deposited with CVD and ALD techniques using different process parameters and post-annealing temperatures. We also apply the technique for analysing the mass densities of different layers of Al2O3/TiO2 nanolaminates, where individual layers are just 5-10 nm thick.

Cross section image of an Al2O3/TiN nanolaminate.

Bevelled image of an Al2O3/TiN nanolaminate.

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MAT-PO2-0267 ● Radiation damage in h-boron nitride S. Fernandes 1, K. Radomir 2, K. Martin 3, L. Vasily 1, M. Petr 1, P. Jiri 4, V. Havránek 1 1Nuclear Physics Institute CAS, v.v.i. - Husinec-Rež (CZ), 2Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics - Praha (CZ), 3CEITEC BUT, Brno University of Technology - Brno (CZ), 4Institute of Inorganic Chemistry - Husinec-Rež (CZ) In this work we have studied the radiation damage in porous hexagonal boron nitride. Samples of BN were irradiated by 2 MeV N+ with fluences up to 1x1016 ions cm-2 at room temperature. Several complementary techniques were used to investigate the structural and electrical properties change. An amorphization process was observed by Raman spectroscopy in the BN samples for all ion doses applied, accompanied by the formation of a thicker boron oxide surface layer, which was evaluated by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. The change of the BN crystalline structure was identified by X-ray diffraction. The surface roughness of the BN samples decreased after annealing but increased after irradiation as observed by atomic force microscopy. Acknowledgement The research has been carried out at the CANAM (Center of Accelerators and Nuclear Analytical Methods) infrastructure (LM2015056) and has been supported under the project OP RDE, MEYS, Czech Republic CANAM-OP reg. No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001812.

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PIXE-PO2-0080 ● Application of µRBS/PIXE/SEM system to microstructured device M. Saito 1, Y. Hayashi 1, K. Shino 1, Y. Junpei 1, M. Misako 2, T. Sho 2, M. Shigeo 2 1Toray Research Center Inc. - Shiga (JP), 2Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Tohoku University - Sendai (JP) Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) are useful methods to characterize the surface composition, however, the application of this analysis is sometimes limited because of the size of the incident ion beam. In this work, we report a recent development of microbeam RBS/PIXE analysis using MB-I beamline [1] at Tohoku University. 3.0 MeV H+ beam is focused to the size of approx. 1 x 1 µm2 and irradiated on the target. Lithography patterned sample was used for this experiment, whose structure is TaOx(200 nm) / Si-sub. The ions are irradiated to the TaOx area, and the backscattered ions are detected by an annular-type ion implanted Si detector, whose scattering angle is 170°. Emitted X-rays are also measured by a Si(Li) detector attached in the microbeam system. Figure 1 shows a Ta elemental image using PIXE, and the RBS spectrum extracted from the indicated area in Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 2. Ta is detected with a good energy resolution, which indicates that the spatial resolution of this system is good enough to measure the 5 µm-width of TaOx line in the sample. Another example and detailed analysis results will be presented at the conference. References [1] S. Matsuyama, K. Ishii, H. Yamazaki, Y. Kikuchi, K. Inomata, Y. Watanabe, A. Ishizaki, R. Oyama, Y. Kawamura, T. Yamaguchi, G. Momose, M. Nagakura, M. Takahashi, T. Kamiya, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 260 (2007) 55-64.

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PIXE-PO2-0147 ● Beam-damaging effects of biological tissue induced by micro- PIXE analysis P. Vavpetic 1, P. Pongrac 1, M. Grasic 2, E. Punzon-Quijorna 1, M. Kelemen 1, 3, B. Jencic 1, K. Vogel-Mikus 2, 1, M. Regvar 2, A. Gaberscik 2, P. Pelicon 1 1Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. - Ljubljana (SI), 2Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Vecna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. - Ljubljana (SI), 3Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia - Ljubljana (SI) In the effort to optimally preserve the morphology of biological samples for elemental imaging by micro-PIXE, instrumentation and sample preparation protocols must be followed precisely [1]. Sample preparation comprise the biological samples being shock-frozen, cryotome-cut, mounted to the sample holders and then either freeze- dried and later sandwiched between two ultra-thin pioloform foils or directly mounted to the dedicated cryo sample holders and transported or stored in liquid nitrogen for the forthcoming measurements in frozen-hydrated state. The ability to analyze frozen hydrated samples is especially beneficial in the cases, where freeze-drying may result in sample disintegration, i.e. in the case of plant or animal samples containing large fraction of water [1]. Beam-damaging effects were studied by various authors in the past and the more recent results from Laird et al. [2] reconfirm beam damage effects to be manageable, at least when the elemental distribution is in question.. The changes in the elemental distribution are minute under the proton irradiation for micro-PIXE analysis, performed either as freeze-dried or frozen-hydrated samples [1-3]. Nevertheless, the beam-damaging effects can be estimated and evaluated in the dependence of proton dose. This work reports the beam-damaging effects on biological samples and provides further insight into the nature of the beam damage during the micro-PIXE analysis of biological tissue [3, 4]. References [1] Vavpetič et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 348 (2015) 147-151. [2] Laird et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 451 (2019) 73–78. [3] Vavpetič et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 306 (2013) 140-143. [4] Vavpetič et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 404 (2017) 69-73.

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PIXE-PO2-0229 ● Characterization of fine and coarse atmospheric particulate matter from Beirut Suburb using PIXE technique A. Srour 1, M. Roumie 1 Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission_Accelerator Laboratory - Beirut (LB) In this work, it is investigated the elemental composition of fine and coarse air particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 collected during 2014-2016 in a suburb area of Beirut, using the ISAPR1050e sampler having a combined inlet. The collection collection of fine particles was carried out on thin Teflon filters while the coarse ones were collected by impactio using a custom made polypropylene ring foil. the characterization of the elemental content of the two fraction mode, fine and coarse paticles, were analyzed using proton induced X-ray emission technique PIXE. It will be more focused on the elemental composition of th fine fraction PM2.5. Depending on the volume of pumping air in 24-h, PIXE is used to determine the concentration of Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, & Pb as ng/m3 of air. For each sample, there was a clear dependence of the elemental content of PM, as well as their total mass, on weather conditions as well as on the type pf pollution sources, such as car traffic, diesel power generators, sea salt, dust storm episodes and others. KEYWORDS: AEROSOL, PIXE, PM2.5, AIR POLLUTION References Professor Bilal Nsouli, Professor Mohamad Roumie, [email protected]

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PIXE-PO2-0268 ● Large area microcalorimeter array for particle induced X-ray emission spectroscopy M. Laitinen 1, M. Palosaari 1, M. Käyhkö 1, I. Maasilta 1, T. Sajavaara 1 Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä - Jyväskylä (FI) Transition-edge sensors (TES) which can be used as superior energy resolution calorimeters, have today matured to the state that they are used in number of applications. Here we present a measurement setup, where TES detector arrays are used to detect X-rays in Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) using 1.7 MV Pelletron accelerator in Jyväskylä, Finland. The energy resolution of a TES detector, when used in PIXE, is over an order of magnitude better than conventional Si or Ge based detectors. This makes it possible to recognize spectral lines in materials analysis that have previously been impossible to resolve with. In practice this allows measurements and characterization nearly all elements of the periodic table. Our 160 sensors with total area of 15.6 mm2 are cooled to the operation temperature of about 100 mK with a cryogen-free Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR), with a special X-ray snout designed at NIST. The read-out consists of a 256 pixel time-division NIST SQUID multiplexer. This technology has a wide x-ray energy window (see Fig. 1), count rates in the range of kilo-Hz and demonstrated energy resolution of 3 eV [1]. These performance figures open unique possibilities especially in the trace element studies of cultural heritage objects. In this presentation the Jyväskylä TES-PIXE detector performance against SEM-EDX, XRF and conventional PIXE will be compared and discussed. References [1] M. R. J. Palosaari, K. M. Kinnunen, J. Julin, M. Laitinen, M. Napari, T. Sajavaara, W. B. Doriese, J. Fowler, C. Reintsema, D. Swetz, D. Schmidt, J. Ullom, I. J. Maasilta, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 176, 2014, 285.

Figure 1. PIXE spectrum from NIST SRM 611 sample

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PROB-PO2-0128 ● In situ ion beam analyses for ion track experiments M. Karlusic 1, K. Tomic 1, I. Bozicevic Mihalic 2, Z. Siketic 2, I. Zamboni 3, M. Jaksic 2, S. Fazinic 2 1Rudjer Boskovic Insitute, Division of Materials Physics - Zagreb (HR), 2Rudjer Boskovic Insitute, Division of Experimental Physics - Zagreb (HR), 3University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Medical Physics - Zagreb (HR) Dense electronic excitation in the wake of the swift heavy ion can lead to nanoscale material damage along ion trajectory called ion track. In the present contribution, we demonstrate possibilities for ion beam analysis of ion tracks at Zagreb accelerator facility. In the first example, we demonstrate how in situ approach can provide insight into prompt processes occurring during swift heavy ion interaction with matter. Results of high-resolution particle induced X-ray spectroscopy (HR-PIXE) can be used to study processes on the femtosecond timescale after ion impact. This approach could offer glimpse into most early stages of electronic excitation processes [2]. Second example demonstrates how in situ approach can provide valuable data complementary to other techniques. Time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (ToF-ERDA) was used to study surface elemental composition during grazing incidence swift heavy ion irradiation. While atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveals significant differences in morphology of ion tracks on Al2O3 and MgO surfaces, ToF- ERDA excludes preferential material ejection as observed previously in cases of GaN and TiO2 [3, 4]. In the third example, in situ Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy in channeling (RBS/c) can be used for rapid analysis of structural changes undergoing ion irradiation, thus saving valuable beamtime. This recently developed setup facilitates ion track measurements, and also enables precise measurements of ion track formation in channeling and near channeling conditions [1, 5]. We demonstrate possibilities of this approach by reporting here results of our investigations on ion tracks in quartz SiO2 [1] and silicon. References [1] M. Karlušić et al., Monitoring ion track formation using in situ RBSc, ToF-ERDA, and HR-PIXE, Materials 10 (2017) 1041. [2] N. Medvedev et al., Femto-clock for the electron kinetics in swift-heavy ion tracks, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 445302. [3] M. Karlušić et al., Response of GaN to energetic ion irradiation: conditions for ion track formation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 325304.

[4] M. Karlušić et al., Formation of swift heavy ion tracks on a rutile TiO2 (001) surface, J. Appl. Cryst. 49 (2016) 1704.

[5] M. Karlušić et al., Swift heavy ion track formation in SrTiO3 and TiO2 under random, channeling and near-channeling conditions, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 205302.

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PROB-PO2-0236 ● Site Specific Helium Irradiation Damage Studies Using Helium Ion Microscope A. Devaraj 1, V. Shutthanandan 2, L. Kovarik 2, T.H.E.V.A. Vemuri 2, A. Rohatgi 3, B. Yang 3, C. Henager Jr. 3, T. Thevuthasan 2 1PCSD, PNNL - Richland (US), 2EMSL, PNNL - Richland (US), 3EED, PNNL - Richland (US) It is critical to understand the radiation tolerance of nuclear reactor structural materials which can be used in newer generation nuclear reactors where reactor core materials are exposed to higher neutron fluence and high temperature environments. Helium produced as fission products can often form bubbles in irradiated structural materials and lead to volumetric swelling. Traditional methods to understand the distribution of helium bubbles in material microstructure relied on large area irradiation achieved using energetic ion beams. However such irradiation methods lack the ability to do site specific irradiation of material microstructures. Hence in this study we evaluated the feasibility of using Helium Ion microscope as a tool for site specific irradiation damage studies of materials. We irradiated two samples 1) a PVD grown Ti/Al metallic multilayers with 5nm individual layer spacing deposited on a Silicon wafer and 2) a 10 x10 micron area nanocrystalline Aluminum thin film deposited on a SiN TEM grid using 1E16 He ions/cm2. After irradiation, site specific TEM sample lamelle was prepared from Ti/Al multilayers using focused ion beam system using lift out method with half of the lamelle in the irradiated region and half in the unirradiated region. In the irradiated region TEM imaging was performed to image the presence of He bubbles as a function of irradiation depth. The observed damage was compared with SRIM simulation of expected He concentration and defect concentration for 30KeV He ions. In addition, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out and compared with the TEM images. In the case of nanocrystalline Al thin film deposited on the SiN TEM window, STEM imaging of same location before and after irradiation provided insights on grain boundary motion and formation of dislocations. Thus, our proof-of-principle experiments demonstrate the feasibility of using helium ion microscope for detailed site specific irradiation damage studies in materials.

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PROB-PO2-0255 ● Modification of NiPd alloys by Ar cluster ion beam V. Chernysh 1, A. Ieshkin 1, D. Kireev 1, E. Skryleva 2, B. Senatulin 2 1Lomonosov Moscow State University - Moscow (RU), 2National University of Science and Technology MISIS - Moscow (RU) Accelerated ions are widely used in surface analysis not only as probing beams, but also for surface cleaning, layer-by-layer etching, etc. In recent decades, a new type of ion beams appeared - gas cluster ions. These ions are successfully used to solve such technological problems as ultra-thin surface polishing, ion-assisted deposition of films and implantation at low depths. Due to their peculiarities, gas cluster ion beams are considered as a promising tool in surface analysis. In this regard, it is important to study the effect of gas cluster ions irradiation on surface composition of two component targets. Ion bombardment of the alloys and further in situ analysis of their surface composition by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were carried out using a PHI5500VersaProbeII (ULVAC - PHI, Inc). The studied samples could be irradiated + with a cluster ion beam (GCIB Ar2500 , 20 кeV) or Ar+ ion beam with energy of 4 keV. The samples were cut out as a 12×12 mm plate, thickness 2 mm, from thick polycrystalline Ni5Pd, NiPd, NiPd5 alloys with 99.99 at.% purity. For each sample one of the top sides was mechanically polished. The topography of the sample surface was controlled by atomic force microscopy. The dose dependences of the alloy element concentrations were measured in case of argon cluster and Ar+ ion bombardment. It was found that the surface composition of the targets were significantly different from the bulk composition of the alloys when irradiated with cluster ions. The composition of the surface of the alloys in the stationary mode of sputtering with cluster ions depended also on the current density of the ion beam. The obtained results are compared with the results of the LEIS study of the surface of alloys irradiated by Ar+ ions [1] and discussed in the framework of modern ideas about the mechanisms of sputtering. References 1. V.S. Chernysh, H.H. Brongersma, P. Bruner, T. Grehl. Surface composition of ion bombarded nickel based alloys. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.02.008

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SIMS-PO2-0075 ● A TOF-SIMS nanoprobe with sub-10 nm lateral resolution N. Klingner 1, R. Heller 1, G. Hlawacek 1 Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - Dresden (DE) The Helium Ion Microscopes (HIM) provides spot sizes down to 0.5 nm for Helium and 1.8 nm for Neon ion beams. The method is well known for its high resolution imaging and nano-fabrication capabilities which it is able to provide not only for conducting but also insulating samples without the need for a conductive coating. We designed, implemented and reported on the first time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) add-on that can be retrofitted to an existing HIMs [1-3]. It is based on a fast blanking electronic that chops the primary beam into pulses with a minimal length of 20 ns. A secondary ion optic has been designed and optimized for high extraction and transmission efficiency of sputtered ions. The high transmission is crucial to collect enough signal from nano-particles prior to their complete removal by ion sputtering. In the current implementation the sample is tilted towards the extraction optic and biased to +/-500V to accelerate the ions into the extraction nozzle. The setup can obtain SIMS data from a region of interest or can be used in imaging mode to obtain elemental line profiles and maps of the surface. The beam resolution has been evaluated to 8 nm using the knife edge method with an unpulsed beam and a 75%/25% criterion. In addition to real life examples we will also present an outlook on adding a delayed secondary ion extraction. References [1] Klingner, N.; et al., Ultramicroscopy 162 (2016), 91-97, doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2015.12.005 [2] Heller R., Klingner N., Hlawacek G. (2016) Backscattering Spectrometry in the Helium Ion Microscope: Imaging Elemental Compositions on the nm Scale. In: Hlawacek G., Gölzhäuser A. (eds) Helium Ion Microscopy. NanoScience and Technology. Springer, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-41990-9_12 [3] Klingner, N.; et al., Ultramicroscopy 198 (2019), 10-17, doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2018.12.014

NaCl crystal with ion beam engraved text

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SIMS-PO2-0197 ● Time-of-Flight SIMS molecular imaging of biological tissue by employing MeV Cl and keV He primary ions B. Jencic 1, K. Mitja 1, V. Primož 1, P. Paula 1, V.M. Katarina 2, R. Marjana 3, P. Primož 1 1Jožef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana (SI), 2Jožef Stefan Institute, Biotechnical faculty University of Ljubljana - Ljubljana (SI), 3Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana - Ljubljana (SI) Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), based on primary ions within the MeV energy domain, also known as MeV-SIMS, is a subject of increasing scientific interest. The main drive for the interest in the development of MeV – SIMS is the ability to desorb high yields of large non-fragmented organic molecular ions from the sample surface. This makes MeV – SIMS particulary useful in imaging of biological tissues. Biological tissue analysis can be further validated by combining MeV-SIMS with Helium Ion Microscope (HIM) SIMS, which allows further reduction of the lateral resolution from approx. 800 nm to 20 nm. Although keV Helium ions do not desorb high yields of heavy non-fragmented molecules, the results still provide valuable information regarding local distribution of atomic ions and lighter molecules within the cells. In our work, we compared the spectra and molecular images of common and Tartary buckwheat grain tissue, obtained from MeV-SIMS analysis at the microanalytical centre of Jožef Stefan Institute, and the results obtained from HIM at the Helmholtz- Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.

201 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

SIMS-PO2-0202 ● Development of MeV TOF-SIMS capillary microprobe at RBI in Zagreb M. Barac 1, 2, M. Brajkovic 1, D. Cosic 1, Z. Siketic 1, I. Bogdanovic-Radovic 1 1Laboratory for Ion Beam Interactions, Ruder Boškovic Institute, Bijenicka 54, HR-10000 - Zagreb (HR), 2International postgraduate school Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1000 - Ljubljana (SI) New setup for Time-Of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry using MeV ions (MeV TOF SIMS) is developed at the Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI) accelerator facility that should overcome limitations of our first MeV TOF SIMS setup installed at the heavy ion microprobe [1]. Due to the limitations set by ion focusing optics, old setup at the heavy ion microprobe can use only focused ions with rigidity less than 14 (equivalent to 8 MeV Si4+). Heavier and more energetic ions such as 20 MeV I or Au that should be more efficient for extracting secondary molecular ions from organic samples due to larger electronic stopping power cannot be used. Therefore, at the extension of TOF ERDA chamber, new chamber for MeV TOF SIMS was built. In order to focus heavy MeV ions to micron dimensions, conical capillary is applied instead of quadrupole magnetic lenses. At the moment, setup uses continuous primary beam where START signal for TOF is obtained from PIN diode placed behind the thin transmission sample. Results showing measured energy spectra for several primary heavy ions are presented and compared with theoretical simulations. The first mass spectra obtained with the new setup using reflectron-type TOF analyzer are given, together with the mass and spatial resolution values of the new setup. Acknowledgement This work is supported through grant IP-2016-06-1698 “Development of the capillary microprobe MeV SIMS with the application on analysis of biological samples” funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. M. Brajković acknowledges support by Croatian Science Foundation project "Young Researchers’ Career Development Project - Training of Doctoral Students" co-financed by the European Union, Operational Programme “Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020” and the ESF. References [1] T. Tadić, I. Bogdanović Radović, Z. Siketić, D. Cosic, N. Skukan, M. Jaksić, and J. Matsuo. 2014. Development of a TOF SIMS setup at the Zagreb heavy ion microbeam facility. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 332, 234 -237.

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SIMS-PO2-0228 ● Cross-Calibration for FTIR or SIMS OH-Signals on Earth Minerals using Coincident Proton-Proton Scattering Analysis P. Reichart 1, S. Kohn 2, H. Skogby 3, F. Weis 4, J. Wood 2, G. Dollinger 1 1Universität der Bundeswehr München, Institute for Applied Physics and Metrology (LRT2) - Neubiberg (DE), 2University of Bristol, School of Earth Sciences - Bristol (UK), 3Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Geosciences - Stockholm (SE), 4Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences, Section for Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics - Uppsala (SE) Coincident Proton-Proton-Scattering Detection (pp-scattering) using 20 MeV protons has been performed to determine the atomic hydrogen content of a selection of minerals and natural diamond samples of the earth crust. These samples have been analyzed on the OH-content by Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) in order to understand de- and rehydration mechanisms, self-diffusion, exchange mechanisms or other effects that influence the physical-chemical properties of rocks and melts of the earth crust as well as the magma genesis, evolution or eruption. Using the pp-scattering data we want to calibrate the intensity signals of the FTIR and SIMS data that depends on absorption coefficients and sputter cross sections, respectively. These have dependencies e.g. on mineral type, crystal orientation, mineral structure or defects and impurities. Using the pp-scattering method on the high energy nuclear microprobe SNAKE (Superconducting Nanoscope for Applied (Kern-) Physics Experiment) at the 14 MV Tandem accelerator in Munich it was possible to scan areas smaller than 100x100 µm2 as points of interest with a lateral resolution of better 2 μm. The samples have been thinned to few tens of microns thickness in order to penetrate the scattered coincident protons in the required transmission geometry. For a set of precious natural diamond samples, only tiny areas of about 100x100 µm have been laser etched to the required thickness of about 50 µm so that the other thick part of the sample is available for further analysis. For the absorption coefficients in FTIR, the wave-number or mineral specific dependencies is a main question to be solved. We present first results on studies of several sets of well-characterized mineral samples (tourmaline, apatite and garnet) together with first tests of a new sample preparation approach to analyze hydrogen in natural diamonds.

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SIMS-PO2-0254 ● Polymer thin films degradation induced by MeV ion beam during ToF-SIMS analysis R. Thomaz 1, L. Battú 2, I. Alencar 3, P.L. Grande 2, J.F. Dias 2, L.I. Gutierres 1, L. Amaral 1 1Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR), 2Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre (BR), 3Federal University of Santa Catarina - Florianopolis (BR) The choice of beam parameters (mass, energy and charge) in Total Ion Beam Analysis affects the cross sections involved. Depending on the techniques employed, solid samples might be characterized by means of elemental and molecular composition [1] along with its structure. For instance, the use of low-mass ions favor X-ray emission and Rutherford backscattering, while high-mass ions are more efficient for elastic recoil and sputtering of secondary ions. Either way, an important open matter is how much the exposure to MeV ions affects the sample under study? This is of utmost importance for the quantification of molecules in biological samples. In this work, we exploit the capability of the recently installed Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) beamline at the Laboratório de Implantação Iônica (Brazil) to address such a query. Primary ions are delivered from a 3 MV Tandetron continuously at the sample (up to 2.0 nA current, 1.6 mm2 area), whilst ToF-SIMS spectra are recorded online (i.e. as a function of elapsed time during the exposure). Polymer thin films (polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride) deposited onto silicon were studied. Different regimes were monitored by the number of counts (signal) for a given molecule as a function of exposure time (converted to ion flux via a built-in-house logger system). Above a given value for the ion fluence (number of impinging ions per area), both films initially presented some degree of signal reduction followed by a steep decrease in signal. We estimate this threshold fluence, beyond which the signal drops, for different molecules. References [1] C. Jeynes, M. J. Bailey, N. J. Bright, M. E. Christopher, G. W. Grime, B. N. Jones, V. V. Palitsin, R. P. Weber, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 271 (2012) 107 – 118.

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SIMU-PO2-0068 ● Recent developments in Geant4 for PIXE applications S. Bakr 1, D. D. Cohen 2, R. Siegele 2, S. Incerti 3, V. Ivanchenko 4, A. Mantero 5, A. Rosenfeld 1, S. Guatelli 1 1University of Wollongong - Wollongong (AU), 2Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization - Sydney (AU), 3CNRS/IN2P3, Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan, Université de Bordeaux, Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan - Bordeaux (FR), 4Geant4 Associates International Ltd, f Tomsk State University - Tomsk (RU), 5SWHARD s.r.l - Genova (IT) We describe the recent inclusion in Geant4 of the state-of-the-art proton, alpha and 12C ion shell ionisation cross sections based on the ECPSSR approach as calculated by Cohen et al, called here ANSTO ECPSSR. The new ionisation cross sections have been integrated into Geant4. We present a comparison of the fluorescence X-ray spectra generated by the ANSTO ECPSSR set of cross sections and, alternatively, the currently available sets of Geant4 PIXE cross sections. The comparisons are performed for a large set of sample materials spanning a broad range of atomic numbers. The two alternative PIXE cross sections approach (Geant4 and ANSTO) have been compared to existing experimental measurements performed at ANSTO with gold, tantalum and cerium targets of interest for nanomedicine applications. The results show that, while the alternative approaches produce equivalent results for vacancies generated in the K and L shell, differences are evident in the case of M shell vacancies. This work represents the next step in the effort to improve the Geant4 modelling of the atomic relaxation and provide recommended approaches to the Geant4 user community. This new Geant4 development is of interest for applications spanning from life and space to environmental science. Acknowledgement This project has been funded by the Australian Research Council, grant number ARC DP 170100967. The authors D. D. Cohen and R. Siegele would like to acknowledge National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategies (NCRIS) for funding of the Centre for Accelerator Science (CAS) and to CAS staff for access to their ion beam analysis facilities.

205 / 221 Poster presentations Poster session #2

SIMU-PO2-0210 ● The role of electron screening corrections in the reliability and accuracy of ion beam analysis N. Pessoa Barradas 1, A. Simon 1 International Atomic Energy Agency - Vienna (AT) Screened Rutherford scattering cross-sections are often used in analytic and Monte Carlo simulation of ion beam analysis techniques such as Rutherford backscattering and elastic recoil detection analysis data. Different models for calculation of electron screening are available in the literature, and analytical and Monte Carlo data analysis codes usually implement one or more models. However, so far the influence of the selected screening model in the accuracy of the calculation has not been assessed. With the total combined uncertainty of careful RBS experiments reaching 1%, the contribution of the screening calculation to the reliability and accuracy of ion beam analysis experiments becomes relevant. The participants of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project F11013 "Improvement of the Reliability and Accuracy of Heavy Ion Beam Analysis" measured a large data set of heavy ion stopping powers. In several cases different laboratories measured the same ion/target system in overlapping energy ranges, using different experimental set- ups and measurement methods. In order to make a critical comparison of the results, extensive efforts were undertaken to establish uncertainty budgets for each experiment, providing realistic estimations of their uncertainties taking all sources of uncertainty into account. As part of this effort RBS and ERDA yields were calculated by us using different electron screening models, including with the Universal, Lenz-Jensen, Moliere and Bohr potentials and Andersen screening. Both analytical and Monte Carlo codes were employed in the calculations. We report on the results. It is concluded that the uncertainty in the screening correction can be a significant contribution to the total combined uncertainty of RBS and heavy ion ERDA experiments. References Improvement of the Reliability and Accuracy of Heavy Ion Beam Analysis, IAEA- Technical Reports Series No. 485 (2019) ISBN 978–92–0–103517–2

206 / 221 Authors’ index A Authors’ index Anelli G. ART-PO1-0143 Angyal A. ART-PO1-0238 A Annand J.R.M. EMRG-PO2-0040 A. Corrêa S. EMRG-PO2-0151 Antônio Rasia Filho A. BIO-PO1-0206 Abdalla Z. MAT-PO1-0039 Apel P. MAT-PO1-0028 Abdesslam M. NANO-PO1-0246 Apelt S. NANO-O3-0062 Abo S. EMRG-PO1-0025 Apostolopoulos G. INV6-0261 Aboh I.J.K. BIO-PO2-0090 Apostoluk A. NANO-PO1-0015 Adair K. MAT-PO2-0185 Arista N.R. ION1-O2-0106 Adalsteinsson S. MAT-PO2-0142 Arnold Bik W. EMRG-PO2-0270 Ager F.J. ART-PO2-0171 Arstila K. MAT-PO2-0256 Aggar L. NANO-PO1-0246 SIMU1-O3-0239 Aguilera M. ION-PO2-0064 Audinot J.N. IMGEMRG-O1-0053 Aguirre B. ION-PO1-0117 Augusto L. BIO-PO2-0055 Ahiamadjie H. ART-PO2-0187 Aumayr F. MAT-PO2-0174 BIO-PO2-0090 Axiotis M. PIXE-O3-0168 Ahlgren T. INV6-0261 Azarov A. ION-PO2-0088 Akhmadaliev S. MAT-PO1-0035 B Akoto-Bamford S. BIO-PO2-0090 Babik P. ION-PO2-0116 Al R. EMRG-PO2-0270 ION-PO1-0155 Al Jebali R. EMRG-PO2-0040 MAT-PO1-0103 Alencar I. MAT-PO1-0079 Bachelet C. BIOPROB-O1-0138 MAT-PO2-0186 Baglin V. MAT-PO1-0263 NANO-PO1-0067 SIMS-O1-0074 SIMS-PO2-0254 Bailey M. IMGEMRG-O3-0071 Alvanou E. ION-PO2-0065 IMG-PO1-0199 Alves L. BIO-PO1-0240 Bakardjieva S. MAT-PO1-0028 Alves E. BIO-PO1-0240 Baklouti D. BIO-PO2-0055 ION-PO2-0064 MAT3-O2-0148 Bakr S. SIMU-PO2-0068 INV6-0261 Balden M. MAT-PO2-0036 Alves L.C. MAT3-O2-0148 Baloukas B. MAT2-O4-0192 Amaral L. INV2-0091 Banini G.K. BIO-PO2-0090 BIO-PO1-0205 SIMS-PO2-0254 Banini G. ART-PO2-0187 Ammar M.R. MAT-PO1-0057 Baptista D.L. NANO-PO1-0067 Ananyeva A. MAT2-O4-0192 Barac M. IMG-PO2-0198 SIMS-O3-0201 Andrade E. ION-PO2-0109 SIMS-PO2-0202 ION-PO2-0110 MAT-PO1-0122 Barbalho M. MAT-PO1-0079 MAT-PO2-0170 Barberet P. BIOPROB-O2-0081 BIOPROB-O3-0105 PROB-PO1-0123 Barradas N.P. INV6-0261 Andrei R. BIO-PO2-0041 Barradas N. BIO-PO1-0240 Androulakaki E. ION-PO1-0209 Barranco A. ION-PO2-0109 Authors’ index C

Bassiri R. MAT2-O4-0192 Bozicevic Mihalic I. IMG-PO1-0157 Battú L. SIMS-PO2-0254 PROB-PO2-0128 Bauer P. ION2-O2-0132 Bradai D. NANO-PO1-0246 ION-PO1-0152 Brajkovic M. IMG-PO2-0198 Bazzacco D. MAT-PO1-0077 SIMS-O3-0201 SIMS-PO2-0202 Beck L. AMS-O3-0218 AMS-PO1-0230 Bregolin F.L. MAT-PO1-0082 Bellamy A. MAT-PO2-0223 Brehm N. SIMS-O2-0149 Bender M. MAT-PO1-0263 Brocklebank M. MAT2-O2-0169 Benetti F. ART-PO1-0143 Brongersma H.H. ION-PO2-0116 ION-PO1-0155 Bergmann U. NANO-O3-0062 MAT-PO1-0021 Bernard C. MAT-PO2-0013 MAT-PO1-0103 NANO-PO1-0015 Bruckner B. ION-PO1-0152 Bernini R. BIO-PO2-0269 Brüner P. ION-PO2-0116 Bertrand L. ART-O4-0222 MAT-PO1-0021 Bessouet C. MAT-PO2-0223 Brunetto R. BIO-PO2-0055 Biela A. BIO1-O2-0144 Bugoi R-N. ART-O1-0058 Bielejec E. ION-PO1-0117 C Bilgen S. MAT-PO1-0263 SIMS-O1-0074 Caffy I. AMS-O3-0218 AMS-PO1-0230 Billingsley G. MAT2-O4-0192 Calligaro T. ART-PO1-0212 Boachie-Amasah J. ART-PO2-0187 ART-PO1-0221 Bogdanov O. ION-PO2-0247 ART-O4-0222 ION-PO1-0250 ART-PO1-0243 Bogdanovic Radovic I. ART-PO1-0243 Cannavò A. MAT-PO1-0028 IMG-PO2-0198 Canut B. MAT-PO2-0013 Bogdanovic-Radovic I. SIMS-O3-0201 MAT-PO1-0017 SIMS-PO2-0202 NANO-PO1-0015 Boirot M. EMRG-PO2-0151 Castelli L. ART-PO1-0143 Boissonnat G. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Catarino N. ION-PO2-0064 MAT3-O2-0148 Bosne E. MAT1-O2-0232 Ceccio G. MAT-PO1-0028 Bosseboeuf A. MAT-PO2-0223 Cerico D. BIOPROB-O1-0138 Botha A. MAT-PO1-0019 Cerqueira Alves L. ART-PO1-0221 Bouget M. ART-O3-0249 ART-PO1-0243 Bouillet C. NANO-PO1-0246 Chaby R. BIO-PO2-0055 Boulle A. MAT-PO2-0244 Chami A.C. NANO-PO1-0246 SIMU-PO1-0061 Charisopoulos S. INV6-0261 Bourçois J. BIOPROB-O1-0138 Chartier A. SIMU-PO1-0061 Bourezg Y. NANO-PO1-0246 Chauvin N. MAT-PO1-0017 Bourgois E. MAT-PO2-0231 Chaves P.C. INV7-0085 Bouton O. IMGEMRG-O1-0053 Chekirine M. ION-PO1-0188 Boyd L. EMRG-PO2-0040 Chen K. NANO-O1-0026

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Chêne G. EMRG-PO1-0257 Czelusniak C. ART-PO1-0143 PIXE-O2-0252 Chernysh V. PROB-PO2-0255 D Chiari M. ART-PO2-0033 D. Cohen D. SIMU-PO2-0068 ART-PO1-0143 Da Silva R.C. ION-PO2-0064 ART-PO1-0243 EMRG-PO1-0235 Da Silva T. MAT-PO2-0036 MAT-PO1-0077 Da Silva M.R. MAT1-O2-0232 Chiba A. EMRG-PO2-0043 Damond E. MAT-PO2-0013 Chicoine M. ION-PO2-0114 Dartora G. MAT-PO1-0037 Chiu T. ION-PO2-0011 David Bosne E. SIMU2-O1-0135 Chow A. MAT-PO2-0196 Davis J. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Christl M. AMS-O2-0092 De Castro O. IMGEMRG-O1-0053 Chytry P. INV2-0091 De Jesus J. IMG-PO1-0199 Clarke E. MAT-PO2-0141 De La Rosa N. EMRG-PO2-0040 Clément H. ART-PO1-0251 De Marzi L. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Codirenzi A. MAT-PO2-0185 De Souza G. BIO-PO2-0269 Cohen D.D. SIMU-PO1-0048 De la rosa N. BIO1-O3-0047 Colovic P. ION-PO1-0129 Debarsy P.L. MAT4-O3-0034 Correa A.A. ION2-O1-0073 Debastiani R. BIO-PO1-0205 Correa R. ION-PO2-0064 Debelle A. MAT4-O1-0027 Correia G. MAT-PO1-0093 SIMU-PO1-0061 Correia J.G. MAT-PO2-0231 Defeyt C. PIXE-O2-0252 MAT1-O2-0232 Dell’aquila D. ION-PO1-0129 SIMU2-O1-0135 Della Negra S. BIO-PO2-0055 Cosic D. ION-PO1-0129 Della-Negra S. SIMS-O1-0074 SIMS-PO2-0202 Delqué-Kolic E. AMS-O3-0218 Costa C. IMGEMRG-O3-0071 IMG-PO1-0199 Demkowicz M. MAT3-O3-0207 Costa A. MAT1-O2-0232 Deng Q. ION-PO2-0011 Costa M.B. MAT3-O2-0148 Devaraj A. PROB-PO2-0236 Costa Â. MAT-PO1-0093 Di Martino D. ART-PO1-0225 Coutinho L. BIO-PO2-0269 Dias J.F. BIO-PO1-0205 MAT-PO1-0017 Couture P. MAT-PO2-0141 SIMS-PO2-0254 Crnjac A. ION-PO1-0129 Dias J. INV2-0091 Crocombette J.P. SIMU-PO1-0061 Dienst S. PIXE-O2-0252 Cruz J. MAT-PO1-0122 Dimitriou P. SIMU-PO1-0102 SIMU-PO1-0102 Döbeli M. EMRG-PO2-0150 Csepregi A. ART-PO1-0238 EMRG-PO1-0183 Cucini C. ART-PO1-0225 SIMS-O2-0149 Cui B. MAT-PO2-0219 Dobrovodsky J. ION-PO1-0156 Culbertson R. MAT-PO2-0196 Doherty D. MAT-PO1-0077 Cummings F. MAT-PO2-0216 Dollinger G. SIMS-PO2-0228 Cupak C. MAT-PO2-0174 Dominguez R.D. PROB-PO1-0123

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Dominko R. MAT4-O2-0078 Ferraz Dias J. ART-PO1-0221 Donnelly S. INV6-0261 Ferreira Selau F. ION-PO1-0115 Dorantes-Rosales H.J. PROB-PO1-0123 Ferrer Fernandez F. ION-PO2-0109 Dorosh O. SIMU1-O2-0181 ION-PO2-0110 MAT-PO1-0107 Dos Santos C.E.I. BIO-PO1-0205 Ferro A.C. MAT3-O2-0148 Droulias S. MAT-PO2-0142 Fissum K.G. EMRG-PO2-0040 Drvaric Talian S. MAT4-O2-0078 Fleury-Frenette K. EMRG-PO1-0257 Du G. SIMS-O4-0241 Flores Z.C. MAT-PO1-0122 Dubernet S. ART-PO2-0166 PROB-PO1-0123 Dumoulin J.P. AMS-O3-0218 Fokter S.K. BIO-PO1-0140 E Fonseca M. SIMU-PO1-0102 Forson A. ART-PO2-0187 Elfman M. BIO1-O3-0047 BIO-PO2-0090 EMRG-PO2-0040 Fortuna-Zalesna E. IMG-PO1-0157 Eliete Iochims Dos Santos C.BIO-PO1-0206 Foucher F. MAT-PO1-0057 Eller M. BIO-PO2-0055 Frost R.J.W. EMRG-PO2-0040 Ellis A. MAT-PO2-0141 Frost R. BIO1-O3-0047 England J. MAT-PO2-0141 Fujimoto T. EMRG-PO1-0025 England J.G. MAT-PO2-0153 Fusaro M. MAT-PO2-0013 Eswara S. IMG-PO2-0052 IMGEMRG-O1-0053 G F Gaberscik A. PIXE-PO2-0147 Facsko S. NANO-O3-0062 Gagetti E. ART-PO1-0225 Faripour H. IMG-PO1-0200 Galaviz D. ION-PO2-0110 MAT-PO1-0107 Fazinic S. IMG-PO1-0157 ION-PO1-0129 Galeckas A. ION-PO2-0088 INV6-0261 Ganem J.J. MAT2-O1-0127 PROB-PO2-0128 MAT-PO2-0213 Fearn S. INV3-0259 Gao D. IMG-PO1-0220 Fedi M. ART-PO1-0143 MAT-PO2-0242 Feil A. MAT-PO2-0186 Garcia Lopez J. BIOPROB-O3-0105 Fejer M.M. MAT2-O4-0192 García López J. MAT-PO2-0170 Feldman L. NANO-O1-0026 Garcia Osuna A. BIOPROB-O3-0105 Feltham H. MAT2-O2-0169 García Osuna A. MAT-PO2-0170 Fernandes S. MAT-PO2-0267 Garcia-Lopez J. ION-PO2-0110 Fernandes Costa Jobim P. BIO-PO1-0206 Garrett P. MAT-PO1-0077 Fernandez A. MAT-PO1-0107 Garrido F. BIOPROB-O1-0138 MAT4-O1-0027 Fernandez-Garcia J.P. ION-PO2-0110 MAT-PO2-0244 Fernández-Garcia J.P. MAT-PO1-0107 SIMU-PO1-0061 Fernandez-Martinez B. MAT-PO1-0107 Gašparic I. ION-PO1-0129 Fernández-Martínez B. ION-PO2-0110 Gautheron C. BIOPROB-O1-0138 Fernández-Varea J.M. ION-PO1-0094 Gautschi P. AMS-O2-0092

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Gazoya E. ART-PO2-0187 H Gazoya E.D.K. BIO-PO2-0090 Haddad F. BIO-PO1-0175 Geissel H. ION-PO2-0247 EMRG-PO1-0176 PIXE-O1-0179 Girshevitz O. ART-PO1-0221 ART-PO1-0243 Hadynska-Klek K. MAT-PO1-0077 Giuntini L. ART-PO1-0143 Hadžija M. SIMS-O3-0201 Goasduff A. MAT-PO1-0077 Hajdas I. ART-PO1-0221 Godignon P. MAT-PO2-0170 Halindintwali S. MAT-PO1-0012 MAT-PO2-0216 Godinho V. MAT-PO1-0107 Hallén A. ION-PO2-0088 Gomez Salvador S. BIO-PO2-0041 Hall-Wilton R. EMRG-PO2-0040 Gomez-Camacho J. ION-PO2-0110 MAT-PO1-0107 Hamilton A. SIMU2-O2-0044 Gómez-Tubío B. ART-PO2-0171 Hanaizumi O. IMG-PO1-0097 Goncharova L. MAT2-O2-0169 Harayama I. EMRG-PO2-0072 MAT-PO2-0185 Harissopulos S. PIXE-O3-0168 Gonzalez J. BIO-PO2-0269 Haruyama Y. MAT-PO1-0056 Gonzalez De Vicente S.M. INV6-0261 Hatori M. MAT-PO1-0017 Grande P.L. ION-PO1-0115 Hattori Y. BIO1-O1-0095 MAT-PO1-0017 SIMS-PO2-0254 Havránek V. MAT-PO2-0267 Grande P. ION1-O2-0106 Hayashi Y. PIXE-PO2-0080 MAT-PO1-0079 Hazim M. PIXE-O1-0179 NANO-PO1-0067 Heddle J.G. BIO1-O2-0144 Grasic M. PIXE-PO2-0147 Heinola K. INV6-0261 Grehl T. MAT-PO1-0021 Heller R. EMRG-PO2-0069 Grime G.W. SIMU2-O2-0044 MAT-PO1-0035 Grudiev A. ART-PO1-0143 NANO-O3-0062 SIMS-PO2-0075 Guatelli S. SIMU-PO2-0068 Henager Jr. C. PROB-PO2-0236 Guedes M. MAT3-O2-0148 Henrotin S. EMRG-PO1-0257 Guertin A. BIO-PO1-0175 EMRG-PO1-0176 Hepp T. MAT-PO2-0141 Guesmia A. ION-PO2-0066 Herbots N. MAT-PO2-0196 Guimarães R. SIMU1-O1-0177 Hijazi H. NANO-O1-0026 Gurbich A. INV8-0178 Hirano Y. EMRG-PO2-0043 Gurbich A.F. ION-PO2-0086 Hirata K. EMRG-PO2-0043 Gustafson E. MAT2-O4-0192 Hiret P. SIMU1-O1-0177 Gustafsson T. NANO-O1-0026 Hitomi K. BIO-PO2-0024 EMRG-PO2-0126 Gutierres L. MAT-PO1-0079 MAT-PO2-0186 Hlatshwayo T. MAT-PO1-0019 MAT-PO1-0030 Gutierres L.I. SIMS-PO2-0254 MAT-PO1-0039 Gutierrez G. MAT4-O1-0027 Hlawacek G. IMGEMRG-O1-0053 Guziewicz E. MAT-PO1-0035 SIMS-PO2-0075 Ho M.D. ART-PO1-0243 Hoang Q.H. IMG-PO2-0052

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Hobler G. MAT-PO2-0036 Julin J. EMRG-PO2-0069 Hodgkinson A. ART-PO1-0212 MAT4-O4-0253 Hofsäss H. MAT-PO1-0082 Junge F. MAT-PO1-0082 Holm K. MAT-PO1-0082 Junpei Y. PIXE-PO2-0080 Holsbeek A. EMRG-PO1-0257 K PIXE-O2-0252 Kada W. BIO-PO2-0063 Horak P. MAT-PO1-0028 BIOPROB-O2-0081 IMG-PO1-0097 I Kaiponen S. SIMU1-O3-0239 Ieshkin A. PROB-PO2-0255 Kajitori Y. MAT-PO1-0056 Incerti S. SIMU-PO2-0068 Kakuee O. ART-O2-0146 Ionescu-Tirgoviste C. BIO-PO2-0041 INV6-0261 Ishii K. BIO-PO2-0024 Kantre K-A. MAT-PO1-0172 BIO1-O1-0095 MAT-PO2-0174 EMRG-PO2-0126 Kappers M. MAT-PO1-0093 Ismail M. MAT-PO1-0030 MAT-PO1-0039 Karlusic M. PROB-PO2-0128 Itkonen J. SIMU1-O3-0239 Kasaei L. NANO-O1-0026 Ivanchenko V. SIMU-PO2-0068 Kasztovszky Z. ART-PO1-0243 Katarina V.M. BIO-PO1-0206 J SIMS-PO2-0197 Jääskeläinen S. SIMU1-O3-0239 Kavalar R. BIO-PO1-0140 Jablonka L. MAT2-O3-0158 Kavanagh K. INV4-0193 MAT-PO2-0196 Jacquet D. BIO-PO2-0055 SIMS-O1-0074 Kavcic M. MAT4-O2-0078 Jagielski J. SIMU1-O2-0181 Käyhkö M. PIXE-PO2-0268 Jaksic M. PROB-PO2-0128 Kazinski P. ION-PO1-0250 Jamieson D. MAT1-O3-0089 Keddie J.L. MAT-PO2-0153 Jelavic Malenica D. ION-PO1-0129 Kelemen M. BIO-PO1-0140 BIO1-O2-0144 Jencic B. PIXE-PO2-0147 MAT3-O1-0101 SIMS-PO2-0197 PIXE-PO2-0147 Jesus A.P. SIMU-PO1-0102 Kelkar A. MAT-PO2-0173 Jeynes C. MAT-PO1-0131 Kenichiro M. ART-PO1-0243 SIMU2-O2-0044 Kenta M. BIO-PO2-0063 Jiménez C. MAT-PO2-0170 Kertesz Z. ART-PO1-0238 Jimenez Ramos M.C. BIOPROB-O3-0105 Kesaria M. MAT-PO2-0141 Jimenez-Ramos M.C. ION-PO2-0110 Khanna S. MAT-PO2-0196 Jin X. SIMU-PO1-0061 Khodja H. INV6-0261 Jin R. SIMS-O4-0241 Khojasteh N.B. NANO-O3-0062 Jiri P. MAT-PO2-0267 Kikuchi Y. IMG-PO2-0124 Johnny F.D. BIO-PO1-0206 Kimura K. NANO-O2-0096 Jonder M. ION-PO1-0115 Kimura A. INV6-0261 Joosten I. ART-O4-0222 Kireev D. PROB-PO2-0255 Jozwik P. SIMU1-O2-0181

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Kirsch L. MAT-PO1-0263 Lamehi-Rachti M. ART-O2-0146 Kiss A.Z. ART-PO1-0238 Lamers B. EMRG-PO2-0270 Kita K. NANO-O2-0096 Lamour E. MAT-PO1-0263 Kitayama Y. IMG-PO2-0124 Langa D. MAT-PO1-0019 Klein M. AMS-O1-0032 Lazarenko G. ION-PO1-0250 Klingner N. IMGEMRG-O1-0053 Le Bourdonnec F-X. ART-PO2-0166 SIMS-PO2-0075 Le Normand F. NANO-PO1-0246 Knebel M. INV2-0091 Lederer-Woods C. MAT-PO1-0107 Koch C. IMGEMRG-O1-0053 Lei Q. ION-PO2-0011 Kohn S. SIMS-PO2-0228 Lemasson Q. ART-O1-0058 Koka M. IMG-PO1-0097 ART-PO1-0212 Kokkoris M. ION-PO2-0065 ART-PO1-0225 ION-PO2-0086 ART-O3-0249 ION-PO1-0209 ART-PO1-0251 PIXE-O3-0168 Lesrel J. BIO-PO2-0055 SIMU2-O2-0044 Leterrier L. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Komander K. MAT-PO2-0167 Levallois R. MAT-PO1-0263 Kopalko K. MAT-PO1-0035 Lévesque C. MAT2-O4-0192 Kostanovskiy I. MAT-PO2-0219 Lewis H. IMG-PO1-0199 Koumeir C. BIO-PO1-0175 Li M. INV6-0261 EMRG-PO1-0176 NANO-O1-0026 PIXE-O1-0179 Li X. SIMS-O4-0241 Koval N. ION1-O2-0106 Lima T. MAT-PO1-0093 Kovarik L. PROB-PO2-0236 MAT1-O2-0232 Krajewski T.A. MAT-PO1-0035 SIMU2-O1-0135 Kristiansson P. BIO1-O3-0047 Lin J. ION-PO2-0011 EMRG-PO2-0040 Lin P.C. MAT1-O2-0232 Krmpotic M. ART-PO1-0243 Lofaj F. ION-PO1-0156 Kubley T. MAT-PO2-0211 Lohmann S. ION-PO1-0046 Kumar S. ION-PO1-0083 Lombardi A. ART-PO1-0143 Kumar R. MAT-PO2-0173 Long J. MAT-PO1-0016 Kuzminchuk-Feuerstein N. ION-PO2-0247 MAT-PO1-0018 Kuznetsov A. ION-PO2-0088 Lucas S. EMRG-PO1-0257 Lugliè C. ART-PO2-0166 L Lussier A. MAT2-O4-0192 Lagogiannis A. PIXE-O3-0168 Lagoyannis A. ION-PO2-0065 M ION-PO2-0086 Ma X. IMG-PO1-0220 INV6-0261 MAT-PO2-0242 SIMU-PO1-0102 Maarten V. ION-PO1-0115 Lai T.L. SIMS-O1-0074 Maasilta I. PIXE-PO2-0268 Lai T-L. BIO-PO2-0055 Mäder M. ART-PO1-0212 Laitinen M. PIXE-PO2-0268 SIMU1-O3-0239 Madhuku M. ION2-O3-0014 MAT-PO2-0216 Lalande E. MAT2-O4-0192

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Magogdi S. MAT-PO1-0012 Mayer M. MAT1-O1-0145 Magureanu D. ART-O1-0058 INV6-0261 SIMU-PO1-0102 Magureanu A. ART-O1-0058 Mazen F. NANO-PO1-0067 Maisheev V. ION-PO2-0059 Mazzinghi A. ART-PO2-0033 Majsterkiewicz K. BIO1-O2-0144 Mehta D. ION-PO1-0083 Makoto S. BIO-PO2-0063 Melbourne T. NANO-O1-0026 Malherbe J. MAT-PO1-0019 MAT-PO1-0030 Mendez A. ION1-O1-0060 MAT-PO1-0039 ION-PO2-0064 ION-PO1-0083 Mandò P.A. ART-PO2-0033 ART-PO1-0143 Mercier B. MAT-PO1-0263 SIMS-O1-0074 Manetti M. ART-PO1-0143 Mertzimekis T. PIXE-O3-0168 Mangani S.M.E. ART-PO2-0033 ART-PO1-0243 Messager C. AMS-O3-0218 Mangiarotti A. ION-PO1-0094 Métivier V. EMRG-PO1-0176 Manichev V. NANO-O1-0026 Métivier F. BIO-PO1-0175 Manteigas V. SIMU-PO1-0102 Michel N. PIXE-O1-0179 Mantero A. SIMU-PO2-0068 Mieszczynski C. ION-PO2-0088 MAT-PO1-0035 Marchini N. MAT-PO1-0077 SIMU1-O2-0181 Marjana R. SIMS-PO2-0197 Migowski P. MAT-PO2-0186 Markelj S. MAT3-O1-0101 Mijatovic T. ION-PO1-0129 INV6-0261 Miller T. PROB-PO1-0031 Marko I.P. MAT-PO2-0141 Miltenberger K.U. EMRG-PO1-0183 Markosyan A. MAT2-O4-0192 Miltenberger K-U. EMRG-PO2-0150 Marmitt G.G. NANO-PO1-0067 SIMS-O2-0149 Maróti B. ART-PO1-0243 Minatogau Ferro R. ION-PO1-0094 Martin K. MAT-PO2-0267 Miraglia J. ION1-O1-0060 Martinu L. MAT2-O4-0192 ION-PO2-0064 Masekane M.C. ION2-O3-0014 Miranda P.A. ION-PO2-0064 Masenelli B. NANO-PO1-0015 Mirea D. BIO-PO2-0041 Masenya M. MAT-PO2-0216 Miro S. MAT-PO2-0244 Mashamba R. PROB-PO1-0031 Misaelides P. PIXE-O3-0168 Matacotta C. ART-PO1-0143 Misako M. PIXE-PO2-0080 Matej M. SIMU1-O1-0177 Mitja K. BIO-PO1-0206 SIMS-PO2-0197 Mateus R. MAT3-O2-0148 Mitnik D. ION1-O1-0060 Mathot S. ART-PO1-0143 ION-PO2-0064 Matias F. ION1-O2-0106 ION-PO1-0083 Matsumoto T. NANO-O2-0096 Mitra D. ION-PO1-0083 Matsuo J. IMGEMRG-O2-0190 Miura K. IMG-PO1-0097 Matsuyama S. IMG-PO2-0124 Miwa M. IMG-PO2-0124 Mauritzson N. EMRG-PO2-0040 Mlambo M. MAT-PO1-0030 MAT-PO1-0039 Maxeiner S. AMS-O2-0092 Mlungisi M.N. ION-PO2-0066

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Moens J. MAT-PO1-0093 N MAT1-O2-0232 Naab F. MAT-PO2-0211 Moignard B. ART-O3-0249 ART-PO1-0251 Naja A. PIXE-O1-0179 Moldarev D. MAT-PO2-0142 Nakajima K. NANO-O2-0096 MAT-PO1-0172 Nakamura H. MAT-PO1-0056 Möller S. INV6-0261 Nandi T. ION-PO1-0083 Moloi S.J. ION2-O3-0014 Nannini A. MAT-PO1-0077 Monnet I. MAT4-O1-0027 Napiorkowski P. MAT-PO1-0077 Montanari C. ION1-O1-0060 Narayan S. MAT-PO2-0196 ION-PO2-0064 Narumi K. EMRG-PO2-0043 ION-PO1-0083 Nélis A. MAT2-O1-0127 Montazerzohouri M. ART-O2-0146 Nesladek M. MAT-PO2-0231 Montesinos E. ART-PO1-0143 Neu R. MAT-PO2-0036 Montgomery R. EMRG-PO2-0040 Nicolas V. BIO-PO1-0175 Moore K.L. IMG-PO2-0198 SIMS-O3-0201 Nikbakht T. ART-O2-0146 IMG-PO2-0159 Morard T. PIXE-O2-0252 IMG-PO1-0200 Moreau C. AMS-O3-0218 Nilsson E.J.C. BIO1-O3-0047 AMS-PO1-0230 EMRG-PO2-0040 Moro M.V. EMRG-PO2-0151 Nishida M. NANO-O2-0096 ION2-O2-0132 MAT-PO2-0142 Njoroge E. MAT-PO1-0030 MAT-PO2-0174 MAT-PO1-0039 Moro M. MAT-PO1-0172 Noel J. MAT2-O2-0169 Mouchard Q. BIO-PO1-0175 Nogami M. BIO-PO2-0024 EMRG-PO1-0176 EMRG-PO2-0126 PIXE-O1-0179 Nordlund K. MAT-PO2-0036 Moulin J. MAT-PO2-0223 Nowicki L. BIOPROB-O1-0138 Mous D. AMS-O1-0032 SIMU1-O2-0181 Mousley M. IMGEMRG-O1-0053 Nsouli B. EMRG-PO1-0182 Msimanga M. ION2-O3-0014 Ntemou E. ION-PO2-0065 ION-PO2-0066 ION-PO2-0086 PROB-PO1-0031 ION-PO1-0209 Mtshali C. ION-PO2-0066 Numao K. IMG-PO2-0124 MAT-PO1-0012 Nunez C. BIO-PO2-0269 MAT-PO2-0216 Nuviadenu C. ART-PO2-0187 Mudrinic M. INV6-0261 Nuviadenu C.K. BIO-PO2-0090 Muhl S. MAT-PO1-0122 Muller D. NANO-PO1-0246 O Müller D. NANO-PO1-0015 Odutemowo O. MAT-PO1-0030 Müller A. AMS-O2-0092 Oishi M. MAT-PO1-0056 Munnik F. ART-PO1-0212 Ortega-Feliu I. ART-PO2-0171 Mussard S. AMS-PO1-0230 Osamu H. BIO-PO2-0063 Oswal M. ION-PO1-0083

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Ottanelli M. MAT-PO1-0077 Philipp P. IMG-PO2-0052 Picard S. BIOPROB-O1-0138 P Pichon L. ART-PO1-0212 P. Barradas N. ART-PO1-0221 ART-O3-0249 Pacheco C. ART-O3-0249 ART-PO1-0251 ART-PO1-0251 Pinheiro R.B. NANO-PO1-0067 Palada L. ION-PO1-0129 Pitthan E. EMRG-PO2-0151 Palitsin V.V. SIMU2-O2-0044 Pivovafov Y. ION-PO2-0247 Palitsin V. IMGEMRG-O3-0071 Poirier F. BIO-PO1-0175 IMG-PO1-0199 Pomorski M. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Pallon J. BIO1-O3-0047 EMRG-PO2-0040 Pongrac P. PIXE-PO2-0147 Palmer T.R. MAT-PO2-0153 Popocovski R. ION-PO1-0129 Palosaari M. PIXE-PO2-0268 Popovic-Hadžija M. SIMS-O3-0201 Pálsson G.K. MAT-PO2-0167 Portnykh I. INV6-0261 Papaléo R. MAT-PO1-0079 Praena J. MAT-PO1-0107 Parkin S.S.P. MAT-PO2-0219 Preketes-Sigalas K. PIXE-O3-0168 SIMU-PO1-0102 Pasquali E. MAT-PO1-0077 Preoteasa E.S. BIO-PO2-0041 Pastuovic Z. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Preoteasa E.A. BIO-PO2-0041 Patronis N. ION-PO1-0209 PIXE-O3-0168 Previtali E. ART-PO1-0143 Paúl A. ART-PO2-0171 Prezado Y. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Paula P. SIMS-PO2-0197 Primetzhofer D. EMRG-PO2-0151 EMRG-PO1-0163 Pecovnik M. MAT3-O1-0101 ION-PO1-0046 Pelicon P. BIO-PO1-0140 ION-PO1-0111 BIO1-O2-0144 ION2-O2-0132 PIXE-PO2-0147 ION-PO1-0152 MAT-PO2-0142 Pellegrini G. MAT-PO2-0170 MAT2-O3-0158 Peng N. MAT-PO1-0131 MAT-PO2-0167 MAT-PO1-0172 Penuelas J. MAT-PO2-0013 MAT-PO2-0174 Pereira L. MAT-PO1-0093 INV6-0261 MAT-PO2-0231 Primoz P. BIO-PO1-0206 MAT1-O2-0232 SIMU2-O1-0135 Primož V. SIMS-PO2-0197 Perrey H. EMRG-PO2-0040 Primož P. SIMS-PO2-0197 Perron M. AMS-PO1-0230 Provatas G. IMG-PO1-0157 ION-PO1-0129 Persaud A. ION-PO1-0117 Prucnal S. MAT-PO1-0035 Pessoa Barradas N. SIMU-PO1-0102 SIMU-PO2-0210 Prusa S. ION-PO2-0116 ION-PO1-0155 Pessoa-Barradas N. ART-PO1-0243 MAT-PO1-0103 Petersson P. INV6-0261 Punzon Quijorna E. BIO-PO1-0140 Petr M. MAT-PO2-0267 Punzon-Quijorna E. PIXE-PO2-0147 Petric M. MAT4-O2-0078 Purushothaman S. ION-PO2-0247 Peuget S. MAT-PO2-0244

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Q Rodriguez-Ramos M. ION-PO2-0109 Qin L. MAT-PO1-0131 Rofors E. EMRG-PO2-0040 Qing J. ION-PO1-0117 Rohatgi A. PROB-PO2-0236 Quarshigah G.K. BIO-PO2-0090 Röhrs S. ART-PO1-0212 Quashigah G. ART-PO2-0187 Ronden D. EMRG-PO2-0270 Quiles A. INV5-0260 Roorda S. ION-PO2-0114 MAT2-O4-0192 R Ros L. BIO1-O3-0047 Radomir K. MAT-PO2-0267 Rosenfeld A. BIOPROB-O2-0081 SIMU-PO2-0068 Rafí J.M. MAT-PO2-0170 Raisanen J. ART-PO1-0221 Roumie M. EMRG-PO1-0182 PIXE-PO2-0229 Räisänen J. ART-PO1-0243 Rubel M. IMG-PO1-0157 Rajh A. MAT4-O2-0078 INV6-0261 Ralite F. BIO-PO1-0175 Ruberto C. ART-PO2-0033 Ram S. MAT-PO2-0196 ART-PO1-0143 Ramos M.M. BIO-PO1-0205 S Ratajczak R. MAT-PO1-0035 Saada S. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Reboh S. NANO-PO1-0067 Sa'adeh H. EMRG-PO2-0162 Regvar M. PIXE-PO2-0147 EMRG-PO1-0235 Reichart P. INV6-0261 Sackey H. ART-PO2-0187 SIMS-PO2-0228 Sackey H.L. BIO-PO2-0090 Reiche I. ART-PO1-0212 Saito M. MAT-PO1-0056 Reis M. INV7-0085 MAT-PO1-0082 Rekilä H. SIMU1-O3-0239 PIXE-PO2-0080 Ren F. MAT3-O3-0207 Saitoh Y. EMRG-PO2-0043 Reslan A. EMRG-PO1-0182 Sajavaara T. MAT4-O4-0253 MAT-PO2-0256 Respaldiza M. ART-PO2-0171 PIXE-PO2-0268 Ribaud I. BIO-PO2-0055 SIMU1-O3-0239 SIMS-O1-0074 Salvador S. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Riccardi M.P. ART-PO1-0225 Sanchez D.F. NANO-PO1-0067 Ridard B. ART-PO2-0166 Sanchez-Benitez A.M. ION-PO2-0110 Ridikas D. INV6-0261 Sanchez-Valencia J.R. ION-PO2-0109 Rius G. MAT-PO2-0170 ION-PO2-0110 Rocchini M. MAT-PO1-0077 Sand A. ION2-O1-0073 Rocha M.I. MAT-PO1-0122 Santanen J.P. SIMU1-O3-0239 Rocha M. MAT-PO1-0122 Saramago B. BIO-PO1-0240 Rocha Barajas M. MAT-PO1-0122 Sato M. BIO1-O1-0095 PROB-PO1-0123 Sato Y. IMG-PO2-0124 Rodrigues C.L. EMRG-PO1-0180 Satoh T. IMG-PO1-0097 SIMU1-O1-0177 Sattonnay G. MAT-PO2-0244 Rodriguez Ramos M. BIOPROB-O3-0105 MAT-PO1-0263 Rodríguez Ramos M. MAT-PO2-0170 SIMS-O1-0074

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Sauvage T. MAT-PO2-0223 Siketic Z. IMG-PO2-0198 Scafes A. BIO-PO2-0041 PROB-PO2-0128 SIMS-O3-0201 Scheidenberger C. ION-PO2-0247 SIMS-PO2-0202 Schenkel T. ION-PO1-0117 Sikola T. ION-PO2-0116 BIOPROB-O3-0105 ION-PO1-0155 Schiettekatte F. MAT2-O4-0192 MAT-PO1-0103 Schinner A. INV1-0258 Silva T. EMRG-PO1-0180 INV6-0261 Schlueter K. MAT-PO2-0036 SIMU1-O1-0177 Schneider E.B. MAT-PO2-0141 Silva H.M. ION-PO2-0110 Schulz M. MAT-PO2-0153 Silva R.C. MAT3-O2-0148 Schury D. MAT-PO1-0263 Silva M. MAT-PO1-0093 Schwarz-Selinger T. EMRG-PO2-0042 Simões G. BIO-PO2-0269 MAT3-O1-0101 Simon A. ART-PO1-0221 Schweikert E. BIO-PO2-0055 ART-O4-0222 Scrivano S. ART-PO2-0171 ART-PO1-0243 SIMU-PO2-0210 Sechogela P. ION2-O3-0014 PROB-PO1-0031 Singh U. ION-PO1-0083 Seidl P. ION-PO1-0117 Singh G. ION-PO1-0083 Seitz B. EMRG-PO2-0040 Singh K.P. ION-PO1-0083 Sekiba D. EMRG-PO2-0072 Skogby H. SIMS-PO2-0228 Sellami N. MAT-PO2-0244 Skrobas K. SIMU1-O2-0181 Senatulin B. PROB-PO2-0255 Skryleva E. PROB-PO2-0255 Sera K. BIO1-O1-0095 Skuratov V. MAT-PO1-0030 Serro A. BIO-PO1-0240 Šmit Ž. ART-PO1-0243 Servagent N. BIO-PO1-0175 Smith R. MAT-PO2-0153 EMRG-PO1-0176 Soares G. INV2-0091 PIXE-O1-0179 Soic N. ION-PO1-0129 Sestan A. MAT3-O1-0101 Sona P. MAT-PO1-0077 Sharpe M.K. MAT-PO2-0141 Sorieul S. ART-PO2-0166 Shen H. IMG-PO1-0220 MAT-PO1-0057 MAT-PO2-0242 SIMS-O4-0241 Sorrentino B. ART-PO2-0033 ART-PO1-0143 Shigeo M. PIXE-PO2-0080 Sortica M. ION-PO1-0111 Shink R. MAT2-O4-0192 MAT-PO1-0017 Shino K. PIXE-PO2-0080 Soueidan M. EMRG-PO1-0182 Sho T. PIXE-PO2-0080 Souza V.S. BIO-PO1-0205 Shukla N. MAT-PO2-0173 Srour A. EMRG-PO1-0182 Shutthanandan V. PROB-PO2-0236 PIXE-PO2-0229 Siegele R. SIMU-PO1-0048 Stadlmayr R. MAT-PO2-0174 SIMU-PO2-0068 Stedile F. BIO-PO2-0269 Sigmund P. INV1-0258 MAT-PO1-0037 Siironen S. SIMU1-O3-0239 Steydli S. MAT-PO2-0213 MAT-PO1-0263

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Stodel C. MAT-PO1-0263 Thomaz R. MAT-PO1-0079 Stols-Witlox M. ART-O4-0222 MAT-PO2-0186 SIMS-PO2-0254 Strivay D. EMRG-PO1-0257 PIXE-O2-0252 Thome L. MAT4-O1-0027 Ström P. EMRG-PO1-0163 Thorpe R. NANO-O1-0026 Subercaze A. EMRG-PO1-0176 Tissieres P. BIO-PO2-0055 Šubrt J. MAT-PO1-0028 Toader O. MAT-PO2-0211 Sugisawa Y. EMRG-PO2-0072 Tobbeche S. ION-PO1-0188 Sun X. MAT-PO2-0185 Tomic K. PROB-PO2-0128 Suresh N. MAT-PO2-0196 Topete A. BIO-PO1-0240 Suzuki K. MAT-PO1-0056 Torrisi A. MAT-PO1-0028 Sweeney S.J. MAT-PO2-0141 Toshio S. IMGEMRG-O2-0190 Synal H.A. AMS-O2-0092 Toyama S. IMG-PO2-0124 EMRG-PO2-0150 Tran T. MAT2-O3-0158 EMRG-PO1-0183 Trombini H. ION-PO1-0115 SIMS-O2-0149 NANO-PO1-0067 Szabo P. MAT-PO2-0174 Tromson D. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Szikszai Z. ART-PO1-0238 Trusso S. MAT-PO1-0028 T Tukhfatullin T. ION-PO2-0247 ION-PO1-0250 Tabacniks M.H. SIMU1-O1-0177 Tuovinen T. SIMU1-O3-0239 Tabacniks M. EMRG-PO1-0180 Tyburska-Puschel B. EMRG-PO2-0270 Taborda A. INV7-0085 Taccetti F. ART-PO1-0143 U Tacconi N. ART-PO2-0033 Ullah R. ION2-O1-0073 Tadic T. IMG-PO1-0157 Uroic M. ION-PO1-0129 Takaaki A. IMGEMRG-O2-0190 Ushijima H. BIO1-O1-0095 Takai Y. IMG-PO2-0124 Uzonyi I. ART-PO1-0238 Tan C.H. MAT-PO2-0141 V Tancrez H. MAT-PO2-0213 Vacik J. MAT-PO1-0028 Tandoh J. ART-PO2-0187 Vagena E. ION-PO1-0209 Tandoh J.B. BIO-PO2-0090 Vajente G. MAT2-O4-0192 Terakawa A. BIO-PO2-0024 BIO1-O1-0095 Valiente-Dobon J. MAT-PO1-0077 EMRG-PO2-0126 Valjakka N. MAT-PO2-0256 Terwagne G. MAT4-O3-0034 Van De Pol M. EMRG-PO2-0270 MAT2-O1-0127 Van Eck H. EMRG-PO2-0270 Testov D. MAT-PO1-0077 Vana D. ION-PO1-0156 Thabethe T. MAT-PO1-0030 Vantomme A. MAT-PO1-0093 Thevuthasan T. EMRG-PO1-0237 MAT-PO2-0231 PROB-PO2-0236 MAT1-O2-0232 Thiaudiere D. NANO-PO1-0246 SIMU2-O1-0135 Vasily L. MAT-PO2-0267 Vassily B.V. SIMU1-O1-0177

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Vavpetic P. BIO-PO1-0140 Wang T. MAT-PO1-0016 BIO1-O2-0144 MAT-PO1-0018 PIXE-PO2-0147 MAT-PO1-0018 Velthaus V. MAT-PO1-0263 Wang Y. MAT-PO1-0131 Vemuri T.H.E.V.A. PROB-PO2-0236 MAT3-O3-0207 Verkhoturov S.V. BIO-PO2-0055 Ward M. MAT2-O4-0192 Vibert C. ART-PO1-0212 Was G. MAT-PO2-0211 Vicentin F. BIO-PO2-0269 Webb S. ART-O4-0222 Vickridge I. MAT2-O1-0127 Webb R. IMGEMRG-O3-0071 MAT-PO2-0213 IMG-PO1-0199 Villalpando A. BIOPROB-O3-0105 Weis F. SIMS-PO2-0228 Villalpando Barros A. MAT-PO2-0170 Wendler E. MAT-PO1-0030 MAT-PO1-0039 Villareal R. MAT-PO2-0231 Wendling O. MAT-PO2-0223 Villarreal R. MAT1-O2-0232 Westerberg L. EMRG-PO1-0163 Vittone E. BIOPROB-O3-0105 Widdowson A. IMG-PO1-0157 Vizintin A. MAT4-O2-0078 INV6-0261 Vizkelethy G. ION-PO1-0117 Wirtz T. IMG-PO2-0052 Vockenhuber C. AMS-O2-0092 IMGEMRG-O1-0053 EMRG-PO2-0150 Wolf P. ION-PO1-0152 EMRG-PO1-0183 SIMS-O2-0149 Wolff M. MAT-PO2-0142 MAT-PO2-0167 Vogel-Mikus K. PIXE-PO2-0147 MAT-PO1-0172 Volz K. MAT-PO2-0141 Wood J. SIMS-PO2-0228 Von Toussaint U. MAT1-O1-0145 Wozniak W. MAT-PO1-0035 Vos M. ION1-O2-0106 Wrzosek-Lipska K. MAT-PO1-0077 Vosoughi Y. IMG-PO2-0159 IMG-PO1-0200 X Vretenar M. ART-PO1-0143 Xia B. MAT-PO2-0213 Vukman N. ION-PO1-0129 Xiaong X. NANO-O1-0026 Vuksic M. IMG-PO1-0157 Xue H. IMG-PO1-0220 MAT-PO2-0242 Vukšic M. ION-PO1-0129 SIMS-O4-0241 W Y Wachter J. ION-PO2-0064 Yadollahzadeh B. IMG-PO2-0159 Wacker L. AMS-O2-0092 Yamada K. EMRG-PO2-0043 Wahl U. MAT-PO1-0093 MAT-PO2-0231 Yamada N. IMG-PO1-0097 MAT1-O2-0232 Yamada S. IMG-PO1-0097 SIMU2-O1-0135 Yan S. MAT-PO1-0131 Wakaya F. EMRG-PO1-0025 Yang Z. MAT-PO1-0016 Wakayama Y. BIO1-O1-0095 MAT-PO1-0018 Wang Y.Q. INV6-0261 Yang B. PROB-PO2-0236 Wang Q. IMG-PO1-0220 Yao S.D. ION-PO2-0011 MAT-PO2-0242 Yasuda K. MAT-PO1-0056

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Yokoyama A. BIO-PO2-0063 Yu T. IMG-PO1-0220 MAT-PO2-0242 SIMS-O4-0241

Z Zahmatkesh M. IMG-PO2-0159 Zahradnik I. BIOPROB-O2-0081 Zamboni I. PROB-PO2-0128 Zavasnik J. MAT3-O1-0101 Zhang W. SIMS-O4-0241 Zhang G. ION-PO2-0011 Zhang J. MAT-PO1-0018 Zhang Z. MAT2-O3-0158 Zhang H. IMG-PO1-0220 MAT-PO2-0242 SIMS-O4-0241 Zhang Y. NANO-PO1-0015 Zhao Y. MAT-PO2-0185 Zhao J. MAT-PO1-0018 Zhou X. MAT-PO2-0219 Zhu J. MAT-PO1-0131 Zhu Z. EMRG-PO1-0237 Zielinska M. MAT-PO1-0077 Zinovev A. ION2-O4-0130

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