Deals of the Year 2013: Results

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Deals of the Year 2013: Results The World’s Leading Islamic Finance News Provider 8th January 2014 (All Cap) 1050 Deals of the Year 2013: Results 1,020.19 the Islamic fi nancial market players are 1025 adapting. As always, the Islamic syndicated 1,029.27 fi nance market fi lled gaps that the Sukuk 1000 0.89% markets were not able to cover. A number of private equity, corporate fi nance and real estate equity deals also drew att ention. 975 In all, you nominated nearly 400 deals 950 (a 33% increase over 2012) in over 30 T F S S M T 2013 categories (a 20% increase over 2012). The Powered by: IdealRatings® Some bankers and analysts were 2013 Deal of the Year competition soared Volume 11 Issue 1 disappointed that 2013 brought a less past the record set in 2012. robust performance in the Sukuk sector IFN Rapids .........................................................2 than 2012’s record-sett ing year. However, Although 2013 showed more execution Islamic Finance news .......................................23 the leading markets continued to cement of well-tested ideas than innovation and Shariah Pronouncement .................................39 their strong performance, while new despite local political unrest in several key players also emerged on the scene to IFN Reports: countries and global markets as well as demonstrate the ever-widening global the dismay over tapering, 2013 remained a Malaysian Sukuk outlook positive for 2014: scope of the Islamic capital market. good year for the Islamic capital markets. Corporates to drive growth; Maxis’ proposed Sukuk receives preliminary ratings; Cross- The UAE re-emerged as a leading center for The top nominees for Deal of the Year Sukuk issuance in 2013. With the new UAE border skills and knowledge exchange: On the included Saudi Arabian General Authority Sukuk rules expected in early 2014 and the of Civil Aviation (GACA), Malaysia Building increase; Regulatory revisions for the new ratcheting up of Dubai’s plans to become Society (MBSB), East Delta Electricity year .............................................................. 40 the leading center of the Islamic economy, Production Company and Emirates Special Report: we should expect Dubai to grow its role as Airlines. Each of these deals represented an Shariah compliant technology stocks .......44 a jurisdiction of choice for Islamic capital important landmark in the industry, or a market transactions. new development of benefi t to the market. With GACA as the largest MENA Sukuk Country Focus: Syria As always, Malaysia provided the largest issuance ever; East Delta delivering a new IFN Analysis: A country in crisis .................. 42 universe of deals to analyze. Keeping their product during diffi cult times; and the MBSB hat in the ring, the number of cross-border and Emirates deals demonstrating new deals from Malaysia is also growing as concepts that may be replicated throughout Sector Focus: Islamic Debt Capital Malaysian fi nanciers supported deals in the markets, no choice was easy. Market Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore. IFN Analysis: A new year for Islamic debt Nearly three years in the making, the capital markets ...................................................43 Saudi Arabia’s strong domestic Sukuk market International Islamic Liquidity Management enjoyed the fi rst ever clear sovereign support Corporation (IILM) issued its fi rst Sukuk for an Islamic capital markets transaction. in 2013. Designed to support the Basel III- Asset Management Feature: Asset Turkey, Pakistan and Indonesia continued to driven needs of Islamic banks to have access management and Chit funds ................. 48 make contributions, whilst Egypt, Nigeria to high-grade, easily traded securities, IFN Country Correspondents: and Oman jumped onto the Islamic capital the transaction was well received. Finally markets scene with notable deals. stepping into its role to support the Islamic Qatar; Turkey ......................................... 45 fi nancial services industry, the inaugural IFN Sector Correspondents: The fi rst hint of tapering threw a scare into Sukuk of the IILM won the Islamic Finance Takaful ................................................... 47 the Islamic capital markets in mid-2013. news Deal of the Year for 2013. Deal Tracker .....................................................49 Nonetheless, as the slowing of quantitative easing in the US becomes a fact, most of (The IFN DOTY Awards Board) REDmoney Indexes ........................................50 Eurekahedge data ...........................................52 KualaKuK alla Lumpur:LLumppur: DDuDubai:bai: Performance League Tables ...........................54 Shangri-LaShhanggri-La RiRitztz CCarltonarllton ((DIFC)DIFC) th th Events Diary.....................................................58 19 FebruaryFebruary 20142014 242 FebruaryFebebruarruaary 2014 Company Index ...............................................59 JJoiJoin usus at at thethheh industryindindustry’sinindustrustrytrtry’sy s most prestiprestigiousprestppreresttigiousttiiiggioiouiousas andn ToT reservereseerve your tatable,blbleb ep, ppleaselease ccall:call: Subscription Form ...........................................60 recocognniizzedd awaardds ceremoniese , cecellebbrata inng Dubai:Dubai: GeraldineGeraldine Chan:Chan:n +971+971 44 2732773 6286282 the bbestt ofof IIsllamimic finfi anceana ce KuKualaala LuLumpur:mppur: StSteveevve StStubbs:tubbs: ++6+60303 22162162 78780000 eextxt 5555 www.islamicfi IFN RAPIDS Noor Islamic Bank to dispose Ableace Raakin and Takaful industry to maintain DEALS of entire stake in Meezan Amanie Group join forces steady growth in 2014 Boustead Holdings to issue Bank to create Dubai-based joint according to industry experts venture eyeing commodity Sukuk worth up to US$209.53 Tax on Malaysian Private Takaful International Murabahah businesses in the million by the end 2013 Retirement Scheme to be Company announces Middle East 1Malaysia Development waived for retirees above the new sanctions for 2014 plans second Islamic debt age of 55 Islamic banking assets in including increased Wakalah rapid growth markets to hit management fee off ering to fund air force base iSfi n signs partnership US$1.6 trillion by 2018, with relocation with Azmi & Associates in MAA Takaful to launch seven Malaysia holding at least Malaysia new Family Takaful products Securities Commission US$390 billion, says EY in the fi rst half of 2014 Malaysia approves Ahmad Meezan Bank to assist Zaki Resources’ proposed National Bank of Pakistan to Takaful Oman Company’s Sukuk Murabahah worth up convert the prime minister’s ASSET listing on Muscat Securities to US$306.77 million Youth Business Loan Scheme MANAGEMENT Market postponed until Bank Asya submits into a Shariah compliant quorum is met fi nancing program Cheraman Financial Services application to issue Sukuk Al Madina Insurance receives permission to launch worth up to US$500 million Pakistan’s Steering Committ ee Company commences Islamic venture capital fund KDU University College for the Promotion of business as Oman’s fi rst issues second tranche of Islamic Banking to deliver Abraaj Group talking to Takaful operator following US$106.48 million Sukuk recommendations by the 31st Turkish food and education regulatory approval January fi rms for possible investment program AIG Malaysia Insurance to Federal government of BIMB completes Bank Islam Islamic banks to fully manage begin re-Takaful operations Pakistan to auction US$847.06 acquisition Indonesia’s Hajj funds by the this quarter end of next year million in Sukuk to fund Business Custodians debuts airport and motorway fi rst Queensland-based First Guardian aims to launch RATINGS maintenance Islamic investment fund Islamic pension fund this RAM maintains MRCB month Bank Rakyat launches second Al-Falaah to roll out Islamic Southern Link’s Sukuk Sukuk issuance under its microfi nance products in Al Meezan Investment ratings on Rating Watch US$2.73 million proposed April Management launches new Fitch affi rms Saudi British Islamic securities program Islamic fund TKSB and the IDB sign Bank at ‘A’ with a stable Amana Bank’s IPO receives US$220 million Mudarabah Essel Finance eyeing outlook full subscription partnership to fi nance energy Malaysian and West Asian Ratings outlook for 2014 projects partners to launch US$100 Luxembourg plans to issue stable for GCC banks million Shariah compliant sovereign Sukuk following New guidelines on Islamic according to Fitch off shore fund introduction of government bill securities from Labuan Financial Service Authority AAOIFI to receive fi nancial MOVES NEWS come into eff ect support from Bahrain’s Waqf Fund to develop CIPA Gulf Bond and Sukuk European Islamic Investment Banque Misr grants Upper program under recently- Association makes key Bank to increase stake in Egypt Electricity Production approved US$1.4 million appointments Rasmala Holdings Company a diminishing budget CEO of the National Bank Musharakah facility worth IFC enters into a risk-sharing of Kuwait to step down aft er US$35.75 million for station facility agreement to increase three decades of service renovation level of available renminbi- TAKAFUL Central Bank of Libya meets denominated trade fi nance in AMMB chooses MetLife as Dubai Islamic Insurance & with Islamic banks to assess China new equity partner for Family Reinsurance makes two key Takaful and life insurance appointments the effi cacy of the country’s The IDB approves US$285.4 operations implementation of Shariah million-worth of development National Bank of Abu Dhabi fi nance
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