Key Threatening Process Nomination Form for amending the list of key threatening processes under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) 2014/2015 Nomination Period

This nomination form is designed to assist in the preparation of nominations of threatening processes consistent with the Regulations and EPBC Act. The listing of a key threatening process under the EPBC Act is designed to prevent native species or ecological communities from becoming threatened or prevent threatened species and ecological communities from becoming more threatened.

Many processes that occur in the landscape are, or could be, threatening processes, however priority for listing will be directed to key threatening processes, those factors that most threaten biodiversity at national scale.

For a key threatening process to be eligible for listing it must meet at least one of the three listing criteria. If there is insufficient data and information available to allow completion of the questions for each of the listing criteria, state this in your nomination under the relevant question.

Note – Further detail to help you complete this form is provided at Attachment A. If using this form in Microsoft Word, you can jump to this information by Ctrl+clicking the hyperlinks (in blue text).

Important notes for completing this form

 Please complete the form as comprehensively as possible – it is important for the Threatened Species Scientific Committee to have as much information as possible, and the best case on which to judge a species’ eligibility against the EPBC Act criteria for listing.  Reference all information and facts, both in the text and in a reference list at the end of the form.  The opinion of appropriate scientific experts may be cited as personal communication, with their approval, in support of your nomination. Please provide the name of the experts, their qualifications and contact details (including state agency, if relevant) in the reference list at the end of the form.  Keep in mind the relevance of your answers to the listing criteria.  It is particularly important that the nomination addresses the impact of the threatening process across its national extent.  Identify any confidential material and explain the sensitivity.  Figures, tables and maps can be included at the end of the form or prepared as separate electronic or hardcopy documents (referred to as appendices or attachments in your nomination).  Cross-reference relevant areas of the nomination form where needed.  Nominations that do not meet the EPBC Regulations will not proceed – see Division 7.2 of the EPBC Regulations 2000 ( As noted under sub-regulation 7.06(2), if information is not available for a particular question please state this in your answer.

Nominated key threatening process


1. Proposed name of the nominated process:

‘Introduction, establishment, and spread of, and infection by, exotic rust fungi of the order Pucciniales pathogenic on of the family

The pathogenic taxon of immediate concern under this nomination is the rust fungus Puccinia psidii Winter,

including the synonymous uredinial morpho-species Uredo rangelii and various pathotypic and genotypic variants identified overseas. However there are three reasons for establishing a KTP with the wider taxonomic focus indicated by the proposed name:

 Unpublished work on the phylogenetic relationships of P. psidii is strongly indicating that its current taxonomic placement in genus Puccinia and family Pucciniaceae is incorrect. Liew et al. (2013, unpublished Health report) investigated the systematic position of P. psidii and state that “The [DNA] results obtained clearly show that P. psidii does not belong in the Pucciniaceae. Its closer relatives include Dasyspora, Sphearophragmium, Diorchidium, as well as Uredo baruensis and P. popowiae. Since none of these genera are [a] suitable systematic home for P. psidii, it is recommended that a new genus be erected to indicate that P. psidii is unambiguously phylogenetically distinct from representatives of Puccinia [sensu stricto].” Pegg et al. (2013a: 6), from separate work, similarly state that “Puccinia psidii … did not have a well-supported relationship with any rust family.”

 Additionally, the existence within P. psidii of genetic and pathogenic variation (whether termed ‘variants’ as here, or ‘strain’, ‘biotypes’ or ‘pathotypes’) has long been known (MacLachlan 1938; Marlatt & Kimbrough 1979; Rayacchetry et al. 2001; Ferreira 1983; Coelho et al. 2001; Aparecido et al. 2003). Phylogenetic and taxonomic work (molecular and pathotype analysis – e.g. Graca et al 2011a, b) within the species P. psidii as currently circumscribed, is gradually providing an improved understanding of these variants and could in the future lead to recognition of formal infra-specific or sister-species taxa. The name of any approved KTP needs to accommodate possible taxonomic and nomenclatural changes at this level also.

Therefore the family and generic placement of P. psidii are both likely to alter, and the possibility of closely related or segregate species also pathogenic on Myrtaceae cannot be excluded. Given the importance of Myrtaceae in the Australian flora (see Section 4.2 below), a broader KTP title seems prudent.

 In addition, in view of the paucity of myrtaceous rusts in the Austro-Pacific region (Walker 1983), and of the importance of Myrtaceae in the Australian flora, the advent of any exotic rusts pathogenic on myrtaceous plants should be regarded as a significant potential threat to Australian species. Hence an inclusive KTP ambit is more appropriate.

The proposed name of the KTP is also intended to cover:

 further introductions of the P. psidii variant already present in Australia since 2010, or of any other variants of that species, or of any other rusts of the order Pucciniales pathogenic on Myrtaceae;

 The establishment (naturalisation) of any Puccinialean rusts pathogenic on Myrtaceae;

 The spread of any Puccinealean rusts pathogenic on Myrtaceae (including further spread of the variant of P. psidii already present).

 The actual process of infection and adverse impact of the rust on its host plant species.

The three consecutive phases of invasion (introduction, establishment, and spread), common to all exotic invasive species, also correspond to somewhat separate practical challenges and opportunities for preparative, preventive and mitigative responses, and their explicit recognition in the name of the KTP is appropriate as a spur to action.

The strict process of infection and pathogenic action, and its consequences at the levels of individual plant population, species, and ecosystem, are the core of the process, but pose a separate set of challenges for understanding and management.

NOTES ON TERMINOLOGY:  The Order of Basidiomycete fungi referred to in this nomination as Pucciniales (Rusts), is also termed Uredinales in some older literature. For the purposes of this nomination they are treated as synonymous. The systematic placement of Puccinia psidii within this Order is not in question.

 In the first year (2010-11) after the detection in Australia of the pathogen known as ‘Myrtle Rust’, there was some debate over its conspecificity with Puccinia psidii Winter (known overseas as Eucalyptus Rust or Guava Rust). In this period much of the Australian literature generated on the incursion (scientific papers, reports, advisories, etc) used the scientific name Uredo rangelii and the common name ‘Myrtle Rust’ for the newly arrived pathogen. Work since, using both morphological and molecular characters, has shown that the morphological characters that purportedly distinguished U. rangelii from P. psidii are not

reliable, and that the ‘Myrtle Rust’ pathogen present in Australia is conspecific with Puccinia psidii

Winter (Carnegie et al. 2010a; Carnegie & Cooper 2011). Uredo rangelii is therefore a taxonomic synonym for Puccinia psidii. This does not invalidate literature generated since the 2010 incursion that uses the name Uredo rangelii.

 The common name ‘Myrtle Rust’ has continued to be applied in Australia, as well as ‘Eucalypt(us) Rust’. “Myrtle Rust” has achieved considerable currency in Australia (cf. ‘Ohia Rust for the same pathogen in Hawaii). In this nomination, the common name “Myrtle Rust” is used to refer to the incursion of Puccinia psidii in Australia (which is so far thought to be a single variant or pathotype) and only in the Australian context. In this nomination, ‘Eucalyptus Rust’ is used for the entire taxon in its global extent. Usages vary in the literature cited.

2. CRITERIA UNDER WHICH THE KEY THREATENING PROCESS IS ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING Please mark the boxes that apply by clicking them with your mouse. The process could be eligible under one or all three criteria. X Criterion A Evidence that the threatening process could cause a native species or ecological community to become eligible for listing in any category, other than conservation dependent.

X Criterion B Evidence that the threatening process could cause a listed threatened species or ecological community to become eligible for listing in another category representing a higher degree of endangerment.

X Criterion C Evidence that the threatening process adversely affects two or more listed threatened species (other than conservation dependent species) or two or more listed threatened ecological communities. 3. CONSERVATION THEME: Is the current conservation theme ‘terrestrial and marine flora and fauna that would benefit from national listing’ relevant to this key threatening process? If so, explain how.

The TSSC theme ‘terrestrial and marine flora and fauna that would benefit from national listing’ is relevant to the nominated process.

The impacts of Puccinia psidii in Australia will become fully evident over a multi-decade time frame – only the earliest stages of impact are yet evident. Management of Puccinia psidii in the wild is extremely problematic except at very small scales, and no effective broad-scale mitigation is in prospect for most wild situations. Accordingly there is no likelihood of eradication in bushland areas of entrenched naturalisation, and only a limited likelihood of practical mitigation in bushland.

National listing (together with other factors) would nevertheless help to develop and consolidate a more coherent and effective national response to this long-term threatening process in several respects. It would assist in focussing greater attention (government, agency, industry and community) in the following ways:

3A Direct prevention/containment strategies

3A.1 Prevention of further arrivals in Australia: The Australasian region is depauperate in rusts pathogenic on the family Myrtaceae (Walker 1983), and the native Myrtaceae of the region is widely assumed to lack co-evolved resistance mechanisms to such rusts. Some Australasian species may have resistance or tolerance to Puccinialean pathogens through autochthonous traits, and there is evidence for a few instances (e.g. Pegg et al. (2013b) for some Corymbia species; Doran et al. (2012) for Backhousia citriodora; and numerous papers overseas for a limited range of forestry eucalypt species and cultivars, as referenced in Graca et al. (2011a,b)). However, the genetic and physiological bases of these ‘resistance’ or tolerance syndromes have not yet been fully studied, and their extent and similarity across the family is unknown. The best-developed analysis of the need to prevent multiple introductions of P. psidii relates to the Hawaiian incursion (Loope et al. 2008; Loope and La Rosa (2008); Loope 2010). This analysis boils down to the risk that the arrival of additional variants could broaden the host range or environmental/geographic range, and/or be more aggressive or persistent on some hosts, and/or could serve to increase the pathogen’s capacity for genetic change and adaptive evolution including circumventing resistance/tolerance mechanisms

where these exist. The potential for differential virulence is well illustrated in a recent study by da Silva et al. (2013) – see Section 4.4 for more detail. Very much the same arguments for preventing further arrivals of P. psidii apply to Australia.

A Commonwealth-level KTP would help focus governmental attention to maintain and if necessary reinforce prevention, detection and quarantine strategies.

3A.2 Prevention of spread to new regions within Australia and the region: The jurisdictions in which Myrtle Rust does not yet occur (Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory) all imposed restrictions on the importation of myrtaceous plant material in 2010-11. Details vary from State to State, but all are using a ‘prevention of arrival’ strategy, with varying degrees of precautionary action, in some cases actively involving industry, environmental agency personnel, and motivated community sectors.

Whilst dissemination of spores occurs by natural vectors (wind and animal), the rapid spread of the disease in 2010-13 at an inter-regional and inter-State level in NSW and Queensland was clearly facilitated by human activities (Carnegie and Cooper 2011; Pegg et al. 2013: 14), mostly likely by movement of live plants for commercial sale and domestic use. The pattern of occurrence and recurrence in Victoria also strongly suggests largely human-mediated dissemination for that State. Human-mediated movement of spores is the most likely vector-set for further spread at these larger scales, particularly for Tasmania, South Australia, and the south-west of Western Australia. Further exacerbating this high potential for human assisted spread via the plant trade is the fact that under cooler conditions the disease cycle (sporulation, infection, to re-sporulation) can extend to 5-6 weeks compared to the normal 2 weeks (Carnegie & Lidbetter 2012), which increases the chance of diseased but un-symptomatic plants being moved inter-State. There is evidence of the introduction of P. psidii into new countries and continents via movement of nominally regulated infected plant material, including into Hawaii (Loope et al. 2008; Loope and La Rosa 2008) and Japan (Kawanishi et al. 2009). Similarly, the movement of P. psidii into Victoria was via diseased plant material from NSW (D. Smith, Vic. DEPI, pers. com. to A. Carnegie, 3 March 2014 ). While natural distribution is difficult or impossible to control, human-mediated spread is at least in some aspects capable of modification to reduce risk.

A Commonwealth-level KTP would help raise awareness in many sectors to support preventive measures and promote vigilance for early detection, especially in relation to human-mediated risk pathways (e.g. the nursery trade). It would also provide a stronger incentive and a broader conceptual basis for cooperative arrangements with Australia’s neighbouring countries to reduce the risk of their acquiring P. psidii from us, or for them to become an entry point for new biotypes to the region.

3A.3 Possible eradication or containment in new States/regions if detected very early: The Victorian situation (at least to March 2014) illustrates a containment strategy in progress. In that State there have been many infections detected in cultivation and nursery situations, but to date no bushland infections (D. Smith, report from DEPI Vic to National Transition to Management Group, January 2014). Some outlying points of occurrence may have been successfully eradicated. While the persistence of infection in the affected region does not bode well for the future, the active containment strategy led by DEPI Victoria does suggest that containment measures may be viable in some regions, especially those less than optimal for the disease, if detection is early enough and adequate resources are mobilised. This is however dependent on active agency leadership and motivation, and high awareness in other sectors. A Commonwealth KTP would help to secure rapid and coordinated action and higher awareness in similar circumstances elsewhere.

3A.4 Reduction of spore load in marginal, new, or high-value areas: As for most invasive species, propagule pressure is thought to be a major factor in the likelihood of outbreaks occurring and growing, and their intensity of impact. In any rapid response phase to outbreaks in new areas, or in longer term attempts to reduce risk or mitigate impact for high-value assets, securing cooperation and agreement for prompt strategic removal of spore source plants or populations (e.g. street plantings of Syzygium jambos) could be expedited by the existence of a Commonwealth listing.

3A.5 Impact-mitigation measures for some very high value biodiversity assets where these are at a practicable scale: Effective fungicidal treatments for Myrtle Rust are available but for financial, logistical

and environmental reasons are unlikely to be usable in most bushland situations. A possible exception is where only a small number of target plants occur in a compact spatial patch. Pegg et al. (2012,

unpublished report CRC70186) have shown that monthly application of fungicide is effective in controlling Myrtle Rust on a highly susceptible species ( rubescens) in the native environment. Certain species listed under the Commonwealth or State Acts could conceivably be candidates for intensive management including such treatments, at least for as long as necessary to secure adequate quantities of germplasm for ex situ conservation (which for seed might require an extended period). An example is the Queensland endemic species Angle-stemmed Myrtle Gossia gonoclada, ‘Endangered’ under the EPBCA, and a confirmed Myrtle Rust host with a ‘High’ susceptibility rating (DAFF Queensland management/health-pests-weeds- diseases/weeds-and-diseases/identify-myrtle-rust/plants-affected- myrtle-rust, accessed 25 Feb. 2014). The NSW endemic Peach Myrtle Uromyrtus australis (EPBCA- Endangered, a known host) is another such case, complicated by its predominantly clonal reproductive strategy. See Section 8 for more detail on these two species.

Some other species of similarly low numbers, not currently EPBCA-listed but which are listed under State legislation and which would qualify for EPBCA listing if nominated, are already under direct threat in the affected States, e.g. the Queensland endemic Narrow-leaved Malletwood Rhodamnia angustifolia (11 trees known, Endangered under State legislation, rated as Extremely Susceptible [DAFF Queensland loc. cit.]).

In the case of unlisted and previously non-threatened species, especially those of major ecological importance, impact mitigation might in some cases involve selective breeding for resistance over a much longer time frame – a hypothetical case is Melaleuca quinquenervia, a dominant species in several east coast wetland ecosystems, in which Australian field observations suggest some variation in susceptibility (Pegg et al. 2013: 10), at least to the single strain of P. psidii so far present in Australia (see also Carnegie (2012: 36-7) regarding variation in resistance in M. quinquenervia naturalised in Florida USA). Resistance selection within populations, for land regeneration programs and for reinforcement of natural populations, could be a viable management approach in some cases.

Mobilising resources for such intensive management efforts, if deemed worthwhile, would be helped by a Commonwealth KTP finding.

3B Research and development

3B.1 Understanding P. psidii and other myrtaceous rusts: The need to rapidly fill knowledge gaps about the biology, ecology, epidemiology, and management of P. psidii has been noted in many recent publications. Research projects funded under the Transition to Management Program (Transition to Management Group 2011, under Plant Health Australia) have partially filled the knowledge gaps on some fundamental issues (see précis in Section 12.2; for access to project reports contact Dr Sophie Peterson, [email protected], ph 02 6215 7712). These projects have harnessed expertise in State agencies, CSIRO, and several universities. However only some of the research and development areas initially identified by the TTMG in 2011 received funding, and all funding ceased in 2013, with important indicative results achieved but more work in nearly all ‘theme’ areas. None of the environmental monitoring/environmental impact projects identified in the initial Transition to Management Program (TTMP) plan were funded. Some active research has continued, independently of TTMP funding, in primary industries agencies in NSW (Carnegie and collaborators) and Queensland (Pegg, Giblin, and collaborators), but the number of personnel involved in Myrtle Rust research and monitoring in both those States has been severely reduced since 2012. Much of the recent research that has occurred has been funded by the CRC for Plant Biosecurity. There will be a growing need for data collection and research to track and predict the trajectory of the pathogen and its impacts in Australia – for example, the current understanding of Puccinia psidii field epidemiology is based almost entirely on results from Brazil under quite different climatic conditions on a small set of host species (mostly forestry selections, often clonal). Similarly, bioclimatic modelling of the potential spread of P. psidii in Australia has necessarily been based mainly on overseas information. Glen et al. (2007: 11, 13) note the need for research into possible biocontrols; this aspect has not been addressed in any targeted studies to date, and although a long shot it should be further evaluated.

3B.2 Host range, host susceptibility, and resistance studies: Host-range research in the laboratory (Carnegie et al. 2010a, Morin et al. 2011, Morin 2011, Morin et al. 2012, Carnegie and Lidbetter 2012,

Pegg et al. 2013b, K Sandhu unpublished), coupled with field observations, has demonstrated the uniquely broad host-range of the variant of P. psidii already present in Australia. However there has

been only limited research to date into resistance patterns and their underlying genetics, physiological correlates, and geographical occurrence. The exceptions are mainly overseas studies on a very small range of eucalypt species and landraces of forestry interest (e.g. Junghans et al. 2003; Old et al. 2004; Teixeira et al. 2005; Mamani et al. 2010; Moon et al. 2007; Xavier et al. 2007; Boaretto 2008; Zauza et al. 2010b; Alves et al. 2012; see also summary in Cannon 2011), with only limited work within Australia on the local variant (e.g. Doran et al. (2012), based on a fortuitously surviving multi-provenance orchard of Backhousia citriodora; Pegg et al. (2013b) on Corymbia; thesis work by P. Tobias, University of Sydney on Eucalyptus grandis; and as-yet unpublished work by Kulheim et al. funded by the Transition to Management Program).

Pegg et al. (2013), investigating resistance within Corymbia species, concluded that while the potential for P. psidii to detrimentally impact upon Corymbia in the nursery and in young plantations was demonstrated, estimation of the heritability of resistance suggests that efforts to enhance this trait through breeding have reasonable prospects for success. Similar findings were identified in populations of Eucalyptus cloeziana when comparing provenance and ecotype (Pegg et al. cite Lee et al. in prep.). The endangered E. argophloia was found to have higher levels of susceptibility with the study concluding that this species could be severely impacted if the disease spreads into its natural distribution (XXXX, pers. comm. March 2014). XXXX, also reports some other projects underway on resistance in forestry eucalypts:  Roux, Lee, Pegg (Eucalyptus grandis, E. camaldulenis, E. urophylla, E. pellita – species and provenance level resistance);  Southerton et al. (Genetics of resistance in E. grandis, E. dunnii);  Freeman, Potts, Pegg, et al. (E. globulus, E. pauciflora – provenance and family resistance in comparison to populations tested for Mycosphaerella).

Overall, a picture is emerging that suggest that despite the naiveté of Australian Myrtaceae to most rust diseases, resistance or tolerance mechanisms do exist in some (perhaps many) species, but their genetic and physiological bases, distribution, and heritability remain to be evaluated, and studies of resistance variation in the wild are almost entirely lacking (except work in progress by Pegg on Melaleuca quinquenervia, and Carnegie on and Rhodomyrtus psidioides). Larger scale studies are essential if the potential for genetic resistance to contribute to the survival of these species (whether through natural selection or through human manipulation) is to be properly assessed. Commonwealth KTP listing would facilitate the resourcing and collaborative arrangements needed for a sustained research and development effort.

3B.3 Predicting and tracking impacts: As yet, research into the direct and indirect impacts on host species (other than as noted in references cited in the above two points), affected vegetation communities, and associated or dependent flora and fauna has been very limited and mostly at a desktop level. Exceptions are current projects in Queensland (Pegg et al. 2013 and further DAFF Queensland work in progress, and unpublished Queensland work on some dependent fauna) and New South Wales (Pegg et al. 2012; Carnegie, unpublished data and DPI NSW work in progress). The work in progress includes monitoring the impact of Myrtle Rust on Rhodamnia rubescens throughout its range and impact on Melaleuca quinquenervia regeneration including effects on flower production and pollination. There is considerable potential for mining existing knowledge on the Myrtaceae and relevant ecological communities to assemble baseline data for modelling likely foci of vulnerability (e.g. via species richness patterns), likely critical life-stages for high-impact outbreaks (e.g. for cohort-recruiting species), and for enabling effective monitoring and trend evaluation before and after the disease arrives in any given region. With the exception of some Queensland investigations noted above (now discontinued?), and one short Commonwealth-funded Caring for Our Country project (Giblin 2013a), the nominator is unaware of a single proactive study on any of these issues launched by any environmental agency, and there is no coordinated national effort to fill the gap. A PhD student study in Queensland (XXXX and XXXX, pers. comms. March 2014), on the impacts of Myrtle Rust on Melaleuca quinquenervia wetlands from a fauna perspective, seems to be the only active research on dependent fauna. An Honours thesis (Taylor 2013) on Gossia gonoclada is the only significant

study to date on a listed threatened flora species; a PhD is likely to follow.

Commonwealth KTP listing would facilitate efforts to improve the research situation.

3C. National coordination and communications

National Myrtle Rust Transition to Management Program (2011: pp. 5, 9) identified a need for a national “transparent, consistent and informative communications process as important to making the initial transition from eradication to living with Myrtle rust. Pending the development of a more suitable web portal, the National Outbreak web site is being used to share information between governments, industry and the community. Mechanisms have also been established by industry groups and affected States to regularly update information on host species, the spread and management of Myrtle rust and how it may affect trade within States, between States and territories, and overseas. ” (‘Theme 1 - Coordination and communication’).

These aims have been partially met through a series of technical national workshops, distributed reports on the TTMP-funded research projects, and web-published minutes of the Transition to Management Group meetings. However, an integrated national communications process has not gelled. The Outbreak website remained static and is now defunct. The TTMP website ( has maintained links to some external (mainly government) information sources, including all DPI sites, but the accretion of new environmental information and links has been minimal. The TTM Program is now continuing in caretaker mode, as its earmarked funding ceased in 2013.

The strong bias in public information is thus to State agency sites, in all cases with the main material residing on Department of Primary Industries (DPI) sites. These include some excellent material, but the sum body of information is very fragmented. As an example, public stakeholders seeking an up-to-date consolidated national host list cannot find one (it does not exist at official level) – instead they have to integrate three separate and overlapping lists from the affected States, or rely on lists in scientific papers (if they are aware of these and can access them) which are usually 6—9 months out of date by the time of publication. It has been left to a handful of interested individuals to update and consolidate the national and international host lists (a global list is under review: CABI 2014-) and circulate them unofficially. Similarly there is no fully consolidated bibliography of Myrtle Rust scientific literature publicly available. Environmental agency sites mostly carry minimal information, referring to the resources on the DPI sites. Limited distribution data for Myrtle Rust can be found on the NSW Wildlife Atlas (, which has been populated by both environment agency staff and externals; this is pretty much the extent of the input from environment agencies in terms of (purely distributional) monitoring.

Some States (Queensland, Victoria, and NSW during the initial ‘emergency’ phase, Tasmania in 2010-11, and WA in 2013) have deployed active public reporting or sentinel schemes, targeting strongly motivated sectors and individuals, with considerable success. Other jurisdictions have so far relied on more passive vigilance reporting systems. However there has been limited pooling of information on how such schemes are best designed to meet both governmental and external user needs, particularly for environmental information needs (e.g. impact monitoring). Early (2011-12) proposals for an interactive national site through the Atlas of Living Australia ALA, including a citizen-science component with tools for generating local information and lodging field observations, were not pursued by the Myrtle Rust response organisations, as no participating agency was willing to supply resources to support the data evaluation needs of a national site (although it is understood that ALA is still autonomously considering carrying ‘pests and diseases’ distributional data). The potential for full engagement with the environmental sector using web applications has not been pursued so far, presumably due to the same lack of staff-time support.

By contrast, active non-Web (face-to-face) education programs for targeted sectors, have been conducted by primary industries agency in Victoria, WA, NSW and Queensland; by DAFF Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy in the NT and Papua ; and by the non-government Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc. NSW, Qld, and WA (with substantial environment sector attendance) and in PNG and Indonesia. However the engagement of the non-agency parts of the environment sector has otherwise been very limited in all States except Queensland, Victoria, and to some extent WA. The community- based biodiversity and ecological industry subsectors have not been represented on the

Transition to Management Group (the national coordination body), and only unevenly represented at workshops. Overall there has been a missed opportunity to mobilise a much larger citizen science effort

on the environmental side of the problem.

Industry engagement has been uneven, but with some excellent resources produced, e.g. Cannon (2011) from the forestry sector, and Nursery and Garden Industry Australia (2012) from the ‘greenlife’ sector. Other good-practice guidelines however have remained largely unknown except at local State level (e.g. NSW Roads and Maritime Services 2011).

Commonwealth KTP listing would facilitate the resourcing and collaborative arrangements needed for a more sustained engagement with environment sector stakeholders and probably also the forestry and greenlife industries.

3D. Focussing of environment agency and environment sector attention:

The main bodies of expertise on plant diseases reside in departments of primary industries (DPIs) and in a few university faculties. Management of the emergency phase of any plant disease arrival in Australia also runs through the primary industries agencies in all jurisdictions. In the early stages of the Myrtle Rust incursion it was therefore natural for all environment agencies to take a back seat to the DPIs, especially as the environmental scope was at that stage still speculative. However, this arguably led to a lack of planning for a ramped-up environment agency involvement as the situation progressed. No environment agency (except in Queensland for a short period, and one Commonwealth-funded short- term Caring For Our Country project) appears to have launched any formal research or substantive monitoring initiatives. One or two environment agencies have generated desktop limited-scope management guidelines documents (e.g. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage 2011), and there has been one specific evaluation of the biodiversity conservation aspects of the incursion (NSW Scientific Committee 2011, a State KTP listing). Three environment agencies (NSW, Qld, WA) have also either conducted or given practical and financial support to externally provided staff and stakeholder training workshops. Staff in some environment agencies have built their own expertise and maintained some informal monitoring. However there has been a marked lack of environmental impact appraisals or predictive studies, and of design of specifically environmental impact-monitoring systems and information baselines. To date, structured environmental impact monitoring in the States of occurrence has been almost entirely carried out by staff of DPIs, who have had to use their own budgets un- supplemented by the environment agencies, or find external funds.

Similarly, it appears that there has not to date been, in any jurisdiction, a review of the existing legislative categories of threatened myrtaceous species to reflect the new reality, or to re-appraise previously unlisted species of known high susceptibility that occur in the primary climatic zones for the pathogen. For Myrtaceae-dependent fauna, there has been one finding at a legislative listing level (Threatened Species Scientific Committee 2012a) for the Koala Phascolarctos cinereus, that “A small number of Koala food tree species have been infected but these infections have been minor to date such that myrtle rust does not appear to be a current threat to Koala habitat.” That finding was published at a time when the total (non-lab) host range for Myrtle Rust in Australia stood at 90 taxa (it is now 343 taxa) and about 15 eucalypt taxa (now 80, not counting hybrids). The corresponding Commonwealth conservation advice for Koala (Threatened Species Scientific Committee 2012b: 3) simply prescribes “Manage any other known, potential or emerging threats such a Bell Miner Associated Dieback or Eucalyptus rust.” Knowledge of the potential susceptibility of eucalypt coppice growth (e.g. post-fire epicormic shoots) and of seedlings remains very limited. See also comments on Cassowary, Helmeted Honeyeater, and Leadbeaters Possum in Section 10 below.

Some sub-units of environment agencies have responded proactively. The national network of government conservation seed banks (the Australian Seed Bank Partnership, ASBP –, whose institutional members mostly reside in environmental agency clusters, has accelerated the rate of collection of seed of Myrtaceae in known or likely Myrtle Rust regions, with some priority for currently threatened species, within the constraints of current resources. However this has not yet reached a scale that would allow either large scale experimental screening or breeding of progeny plants for resistance traits, or the implementation of recovery programs at meaningful scale (see ASBP reports to Transition to Management Group). Resourcing further germplasm capture at such large scales should be a high priority in the face of the threat.

All environment agencies are obliged by legislation and/or policy to monitor and report on biodiversity

extinction-risk trends. The absence of planned, agency-led impact assessment programs and species reassessments undermines their ability to meet these obligations.

Commonwealth KTP listing would facilitate a focussing of attention by environment agencies, industries, and community organisations that has been lacking to date.

3E Relationship to the existing ‘Novel Biota’ KTP listing: In 2013, the Commonwealth listed ‘Novel biota and their impact on biodiversity’ as a Key Threatening Process under the EPBC Act. The process outlined in this nomination falls within the scope of that KTP, and the indeed Puccinia psidii is cited briefly as an example within the Novel Biota KTP.

However, the Novel Biota KTP (Section 1.5) notes that “It is anticipated individual novel biota KTPs will continue to be listed as stand-alone KTPs, as the novel biota they cover have a very significant detrimental impact on the Australian environment. Maintaining individual KTPs remains an effective mechanism for drawing attention to and addressing the impact of particular invasive taxa, particularly as threat abatement action is already well developed for these threatening processes.”

Whilst the threat abatement actions for exotic myrtaceous rusts (other than preventive quarantine at national and State levels) are nowhere near “well developed”, the first half of the final sentence is entirely valid for this threatening process: the listing of “individual KTPs remains an effective mechanism for drawing attention to and addressing the impact of particular invasive taxa”. The scale of the threat to wild biodiversity posed by myrtaceous rusts urgently needs such attention.

Description of the key threatening process

4. DESCRIPTION Describe the threatening process in a way that distinguishes it from any other threatening process, by reference to: a. its biological and non-biological components; b. the processes by which those components interact (if known).

4.1 Puccinia psidii – and nomenclature

Puccinia psidii (Eucalyptus Rust, Guava Rust, Myrtle Rust) is an exotic rust fungus of the Order Pucciniales, of South American origin, pathogenic on plants of the family Myrtaceae. It has long been known overseas to infect some Myrtaceae of Australian origin, mainly eucalypts, and to represent a major potential threat to native Australian myrtaceous species, Myrtaceae-dominated ecosystems, and industries dependent on plants of this family (Walker 1983; Coutinho et al. 1998; Old et al. 2004; FAO 2004; Commonwealth of Australia 2006; Grgurinovic et al. 2006; Glen et al. 2007; Plant Health Australia 2009).

P. psidii has established at various points in the Pacific basin in the last decade: California in 2005 (Loope 2010), Hawaii in 2005 (Uchida et al. 2006; Loope 2010); Japan in 2009 (Kawanishi et al. 2009); , in 2009 (Zhuang and Wei 2011); Australia in 2010, and in 2013 (Giblin 2013b). A report (Hardiyanto and Tridasa 2000) of a rust disease in a eucalypt plantation in Kalimantan, Indonesia in 1998, on seedlings sourced from China, has not been fully confirmed as P. psidii , and the disease has not been reported as persisting at that site. The pathogen has now also reached South Africa (Roux et al. 2013).

P. psidii was first detected in Australia on the New South Wales Central Coast in early 2010 (Carnegie et al. 2010b; Carnegie & Cooper 2011). The local outbreak was initially identified under the uredinial morpho-species name Uredo rangelii and given the common name Myrtle Rust; its identity with P. psidii was debated by some. DNA work since has shown the pathogen detected in Australia in 2010 to be fully assignable to P. psidii (Carnegie et al. 2010a; Pegg et al. 2013). A revised composite morphological description of P. psidii, based on Australian samples, is presented in Pegg et al. (2013: 10). The common name Myrtle Rust continues to be applied in Australia, as is the equivalent name ‘Eucalyptus Rust’.

Myrtle Rust is not to be confused with ‘Myrtle Wilt’; a fungal disease of Myrtle Beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii

(Hook.) Oerst.,family Nothofagaceae) caused by the pathogen Chalara australis J.Walker & G.A.Kile (Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, 2011).

4.2 On the Myrtaceae

The Myrtaceae has its centre of diversity in the Australasian region, where it is structurally and floristically dominant in many ecosystems, and ecologically significant in many more. Australia has about 2,253 native species of the family Myrtaceae in 88 genera (XXXX, pers. comm., Aug. 2010); Myrtaceae thus comprise about 10% of Australia’s native flora by species. Roughly half the Australian species occur in the climatic zones likely to be most conducive to P. psidii. New Guinea, the , and Indonesia are also Myrtaceae-rich, with about 600 species (Craven et al. 2003; XXXX pers. comm. 2013).

The Indo-Pacific region, including Australia, is very depauperate in rust fungi that parasitise Myrtaceae (Walker 1983). In this region, nearly all rusts on Myrtaceae are, or are likely to be, of introduced (non-native) origin. Only two rusts of myrtaceous plants are known to occur naturally in Australia and both are rare (Simpson et al. 2006). As a result of the near-total isolation from myrtaceous rusts, the Myrtaceae of the region are thought to be ‘naïve’ to these pathogens, with no co-evolved defences. However, resistance of various sorts may exist through autochthonous traits, and some is now beginning to be documented (see references in Section 3.B.2 above).

4.3 Biology and ecology of Puccinia psidii sens. lat.

There appear to be several variants (variously referred to as strains, pathotypes, biotypes) of P. psidii, incompletely understood but distinguishable on a genetic or pathotypic basis (Graca et al. 2011a, 2011b). All variants infect only plants of the family Myrtaceae (s. lat., including Heteropyxidaceae). These biotypes may differ in host preferences, severity on different hosts, and environmental tolerances. Other variants could also arrive and exhibit or potentially enable (through strain crosses) different severities, host ranges, or environmental tolerances.

The life cycle of P. psidii is described in Glen et al. (2007), and, with some new information, in Morin et al. (2014). In brief, P. psidii is functionally autoecious (it can complete its life cycle on a single host plant), and hemicyclic (no spermogonia and aecia ever observed - Glen et al. (2007), but see Morin et al. (2014) for qualifications). The asexual uredinial life cycle can be completed an indefinite number of times and produces infective urediniospores in great numbers (e.g. Uchida & Loope 2009). The uredinial cycle may take as little as 10 days from infection to sporulation under suitable conditions. Urediniospores disperse readily by wind, by animal vectors, and through human movement of infected material. At least some variants, including Myrtle Rust, also produce sexual teliospores, which are fewer, larger, and less mobile, but allow adaptive variation (Glen et al. 2007), although their functionality in the life cycle of the Australian variant is uncertain (Morin et al. 2014).

Urediniospores are very light and very mobile in the air column in dry weather. There is a noticeably high incidence of infections starting on the lower surface of , only later penetrating to the upper surface; field detection strategies need to take account of this. Some South American data (Zauza et al. 2010a) suggests a gradient of infection with height in plantation eucalypt saplings, attributed to higher spore loads lower in the air column, and to the upper canopy being drier at night compared to lower leaves and hence less conducive to spore germination. Several South American studies suggest lower levels of infection in mature eucalypts, even on seasonal new growth, as opposed to juvenile (sapling stage) plants. In any circumstances, spore load at any one site or structural layer is likely to correlate strongly with the extent and severity of an outbreak (Tessman et al. 2001), and possibly with the likelihood of less susceptible tissues or species becoming infected.

Both the spore germination and pustule growth stages of the pathogen require susceptible host species, suitable tissues (typically new leaves and very young stems), and favourable ambient conditions. The spore germination stage requires wet surfaces at night within a suitable temperature range (althoughXXXX [pers. comm. March 2014] considers that darkness is not an absolute requirement for spore germination if other factors are conducive). The cycle slows or stalls in cold months. Carnegie & Lidbetter (2012) state that the uredinial cycle can slow to a duration of up to 5-6 weeks during winter on the Central Coast of NSW, but is still active during June - July. The presence of new growth flush is also a significant factor influencing disease, with drought conditions likely to reduce rates of host growth as well as providing conditions less suitable for disease development (G. Pegg, pers. comm. March 2014). Both germination and pustule formation require moderate temperatures, usually cited (e.g. Glen et al. 2007) as 13─22(─25)oC based on overseas data. However, there are indications that, in the Myrtle Rust variant, pustules may still form at lower temperatures (albeit at lower frequency), with early winter overnight minima as low as of 8oC (XXXX, pers. comm. 2011) or even 2─5oC (XXXX, pers. comm. June

2012). Kriticos et al. (2013) report that spore germination was observed at 8.8oC with highest germination rates occurring between 12oC and 20ºC, with

reduced germination rates in overnight temperatures >20oC.

The hyphae of germinating spores penetrate the plant mainly though the waxy cuticle, not through the stomates as with some other rusts (Hunt 1968; Coutinho et al. 1998; K. Old cited in Cannon 2011; Taylor 2013). Mycelia then develop and parasitise the plant tissue, and under favourable conditions soon produce eruptive sporulating pustules. The infection process is described in detail in Glen et al. (2007) and in Taylor (2013). Initial symptoms can appear within 5–7 days of infection. The whole uredinial reproductive cycle can occur in 10–12 days in warmer months, and depending on the initial number of infection sites a large outbreak of pustules producing a very high new spore load can develop very quickly.

Spore longevity is generally cited (often following Glen et al. 2007) as 90 days for reduction to low levels of viability, but varies with ambient conditions. Lower longevity occurs at temperatures >30oC. Salustiano et al. (2008) report the survival levels of spores under various storage conditions, noting that spores in deep-freeze and liquid nitrogen storage maintained significant levels of viability at 150 days. Lana et al. (2012: 1) estimated that timber and pulp production facilities were likely to receive spores in “very low numbers” and that “the adverse environmental conditions encountered in these areas and during overseas transport do not favour spore survival. Thus, the risk of spread of this pathogen into new areas in the absence of infected host plants is considered extremely low to inexistent.” This finding is inconsistent with the report of Grgurinovic et al.(2006) of viable spores being detected on a shipment to Australia from South America. Further study of longevity is required to enable general and specific risk assessments, including for seed-banks handling potentially contaminated seed-lots. Long-distance transmission to new areas via spore loads on human clothing and equipment (e.g. hats, rucksacks, tents) is distinctly possible (Tommerup et al. 2003). Studies on spore longevity under wild field conditions (on plant or on ground, after dispersal from the rust sori) are lacking, but there seems to be a general consensus that longevity in these situations will be less – perhaps much less – than 100 days.

4.4 Host species range and susceptibility

A summary of the extra-Australian host-species of P. psidii is presented in Carnegie and Lidbetter (2012), and a revised global host list is in preparation (F. Giblin, University of the Sunshine Coast). Even before its arrival in Australia, this rust was noted as having an unusually broad host range.

Since the arrival of P. psidii in Australia, 343 native taxa (including some hybrids, but in ‘good taxa’ terms still accounting for about 10% of the total Australian Myrtaceae) have been recorded as hosts of the pathogen in Australia (see Attachment 1 for aggregated host list within Australia). A majority have been in ‘field’ situations (wild, open-cultivated, or in the greenlife industry), and a minority only under laboratory test conditions (Carnegie et al. 2010a; Morin 2011, Morin et al. 2011, Carnegie & Lidbetter 2012, Morin et al. 2012; and unpublished work by XXXX). The number of hosts is expected to increase further. Based on field observations only, a majority of the Australian myrtaceous genera (54 out of 88) have one or more species known to be susceptible, affecting almost all Myrtaceae tribes represented in Australia (14 tribes out of 17). Morin et al. (2012) showed that under laboratory conditions all tribes of Myrtaceae occurring naturally in Australia have species susceptible to P. psidii infection. Globally (i.e. including host records from outside Australia), the host range is now approaching 400 taxa in 65 genera (Carnegie 2013; CABI 2014- ).

Separate but overlapping ‘official’ lists of Australian hosts are maintained by the Australian States in which Myrtle Rust currently occurs, and are accessible via links from the Transition to Management Program website ( An ‘unofficial’ consolidated national list has been maintained is in preparation by Fiona Giblin, University of the Sunshine Coast).

There is no clear phylogenetic pattern of susceptibility, with wide variation in apparent susceptibility of species within genera, and sometimes within species. Susceptibility may vary with host genetic factors (resistance of a species or individual plant), host physiological and stress factors, growth stage, and environmental factors including host density, local spore load, and suitability of conditions for spore germination and pustule growth. Notwithstanding the lack of general phylogenetic pattern of susceptibility and severity, certain genera have a high percentage of highly susceptible species, notably Rhodamnia (Malletwoods, Ironwoods) and Rhodomyrtus (Native Guavas).

Severity ratings based on field observations are so far only being gathered and published systematically in Queensland (see Attachment 1), up to 2012 by DAFF Queensland and now informally via Dr F. Giblin at the University of the Sunshine Coast. The Queensland DPI severity ratings in current use are based on foliar infection symptoms only. However, Pegg et al. (2013) report observation of floral (bud and flower) and fruit infection for 28 Queensland species. It has been noted that “One immediate issue of concern that has emerged relates to hosts

that are deemed as either relatively tolerant or moderately susceptible based on foliage symptoms but show high incidence of infection of flowers and fruit. The impact that infection has on flower and fruit production needs to be

further assessed and included as part of a rating system to determine impact from an aesthetic and nursery production perspective and regeneration in native ecosystems” (extract from a progress report by G Pegg, A Carnegie and S Perry to the Plant Biosecurity CRC for project CRC2063 Managing myrtle rust and its impact in Australia, cited in National Myrtle Rust Transition to Management Group, Jurisdictional and other organisational updates, Jan. 2014, A recent study of Rhodamnia rubescens on the NSW North Coast has shown that Myrtle rust infection affects fruit maturation, causes premature fruit fall, and reduces the number of seeds per fruit (XXXX, unpublished).

Some of the more susceptible species are important floristic elements in native ecological communities, and their decline may have a pronounced effect on those communities. The strong susceptibility of new growth on Melaleuca quinquenervia, M. leucadendra and M. viridiflora is of great concern considering the extensive ‘paperbark wetland’ communities in which they occur in coastal eastern and northern Australia. On-going studies on the impact of P. psidii on Melaleuca quinquenervia ecosystems indicate that the disease significantly impacts on growth rate and tree structure of this species as well as reducing its flower production (XXXX, pers. comm. March 2014).

To date, 79 non-hybrid eucalypt taxa (Eucalyptus sens. strict., Corymbia, and Angophora) are known to be susceptible in Australian field situations and/or laboratory testing, and from overseas trials (see Attachment 1). Several are important forestry species in Australia. Carnegie (2012: 8-9) notes that “ …all major forestry species are susceptible to myrtle rust, including Eucalyptus globulus, E. nitens, E. pilularis, E. cloeziana, and Corymbia variegata” – the last three named have their native (wild) ranges largely or wholly within areas highly bioclimatically conducive to P. psidii, and are major ecosystem components there. Carnegie continues (p. 9) “In native forestry, the greatest impact will be on succession, with regenerating seedlings highly susceptible to myrtle rust”, and points (p. 14) to “the first big outbreak of eucalyptus rust [in Brazil] … in 1973, when 400,000 E. grandis seedlings in a nursery were destroyed”.

Only two eucalypts to date (Eucalyptus carnea and E curtisii) are rated as (variably) highly susceptible, and none so far as extremely susceptible, to the single strain of P. psidii present in Australia – see Attachment 1. However, with very few exceptions, field records are sparse for eucalypts and it is not clear how the disease will affect species of these three genera. There are as yet few data on the susceptibility of eucalypts at critical life stages, i.e. post-fire epicormic growth, and seedlings. Infection of cotyledons and early leaves in cultivated seedlings of E. planchoniana resulted in death of the whole batch (Pegg et al. 2013: 10). This suggests a potential for high mortality during the recruitment (seedling) phase of susceptible eucalypts subjected to high rust spore loads and where conditions are favourable for spore germination and pustule growth. Relative tolerance of Myrtle Rust on ‘ordinary’ (seasonal, non-coppice) new growth may not be a reliable indicator for susceptibility at critical life stages, especially where in close proximity to high spore loads and in cases where critical stages are synchronised, as in post-fire epicormic flushes or in cohort-recruiting species. A potential case in point is Blackbutt Eucalyptus pilularis, a key moist forest ecosystem species on the NSW North Coast, for which Floyd (1962: 5) reports “Effective natural germination occurred at the beginning and end of the summer wet season” – these are prime times for high Myrtle Rust spore loads.

XXXX pers. comm. 3 March 2014) notes: “Myrtle Rust has so far not yet significantly impacted eucalypt forestry. [It has been] Observed in young plantations on second rotation sites (i.e. within native forest areas, not agricultural [1st rotation] areas), significant impact has only occurred to a single young stand of E. agglomerata, with trees now recovered (XXXX, unpublished). Observations in Brazil indicate that impact in eucalypt plantations is more severe where coppice is allowed to regenerate (Carnegie 2013), which would be relevant for some regenerating native forested areas in Australia.” Carnegie (2012: 45) also observed moderate levels of P. psidii on saplings and epicormic shoots of (Turpentine), and (p. 46) on epicormic shoots of a mature tree of Eucalyptus resinifera (Red Mahogany).

Da Silva et al. (2013) tested the susceptibility of the Hawaiian Meterosideros polymorpha, which is so far relatively tolerant of the single strain of Puccinia psidii in Hawaii, to five Brazilian strains, finding three to be highly virulent. Their results demonstrated that some P. psidii strains/genotypes, which are not yet present in Hawaii, could potentially cause devastating disease to native ‘ohia in Hawaii should these strains be introduced (da Silva et al. 2013). The South American literature (Graca et al. 2011a, 2011b; see also Glen et al. 2007, Carnegie 2012, Carnegie 2013, Old et al. 2004, Zauza et al 2010b) suggests the existence there of pathotypes considerably more aggressive on at least some eucalypt species than the pathotype currently in Australia. The Brazilian experience has however also shown the capacity to identify and breed for resistance to P. psidii in eucalypts, albeit on a silvicultural and often clonal basis, and the potential for adaptation of these techniques for biodiversity preservation in Australia need investigation.

4.5 The process and effects of infection

The effects of severe infection may include a loss of new seasonal or regenerative growth (e.g. post-fire epicormic shoots), reduction of leaf photosynthetic capability, distortion of habit, exhaustion of growth potential, loss of some or all reproductive capacity if flowers or fruits are infected or if flowering can only occur on new growt h, and death or retardation of seedlings and juveniles. Whole plant death is known in plantations of some eucalypt and other species in South America after repeated infection cycles (e.g. Tommerup et al 2003; Old et al. 2004), and of entire stands of Syzygium jambos (Rose Apple) in Hawaii (e.g. Loope 2010). Whole-plant mortality in Australia has, so far, mainly been seen in some seedlings, nursery stock, and new bush regeneration plantings, but there are several cases of multiple adult mortality in naturally occurring populations of Rhodamnia rubescens and Rhodomyrtus psidioides (see Section 6.1 below).

Carnegie (2012) draws attention to “the additive impact of insects and rust, with myrtle rust having the potential to multiply the impact of insect herbivory”, his observations based on the interplay of these factors on the Australian species Melaleuca quinquenervia naturalised in Florida, USA.

Repeated infection cycles on highly susceptible hosts may cause decline in gross reproductive capacity, population size or density, with effects on pollination systems and gene flow. Animals dependent on myrtaceous species may be affected. Regional or total extinction of very susceptible species is possible, as are structural and ecological changes in vegetation communities and faunal assemblages, particularly in cases where a single susceptible species is dominant. Loope (2010) notes dramatic landscape-scale effects on communities in Hawaii dominated by the (introduced) Syzygium jambos. Such effects may potentially be even more severe when a dominant or ‘keystone’ species is a cohort recruiter from seedbank, or a post-fire resprouter

4.6 Climatic & geographic tolerances and prediction modelling

Myrtle Rust in Australia is currently naturalised in a latitudinal range from Cooktown (15.5o S) to Batemans Bay (35.7o S), disregarding the Victorian occurrences around Melbourne (38o S) where full naturalisation is still moot. Apart from some nursery and in-cultivation occurrences it has not yet been found west of the Great Dividing Range (one report from Chinchilla, Qld, not confirmed as at 23 March 2014). Occurrences of sporulating Myrtle Rust from higher elevations have been recorded at 600m a.s.l. (Canberra, in cultivation, latitude 35oS); 1,000m (Mount Tomah NSW, in cultivation, 33oS); 590m (Richmond Range National Park NSW, in native bush, 28.5oS), and 700m (Toowoomba, Queensland, 27.5oS), c. 1,000m (Mt Hypipamee NP, Qld, 17.4o S). In Hawaii (21o N), P. psidii (‘Ohia Rust’) “has been found statewide … attacking Myrtaceae from near sea level to elevations of about 1,200 m in areas with rainfall ranging from 750–5,000 mm” (Loope 2010: 1, 6). Temperature and moisture regimes conducive to infection in the field are not yet fully understood but see Section 4.3 above for some references.

Predictive modelling for the potential distribution in Australia has largely dependent on matching South American climatic, microclimatic and epidemiological data (often from plantation conditions and of uncertain P. psidii biotypes) to Australian and Melanesian bioclimatic profiles.

Booth et al. (2000) produced a preliminary assessment of high risk areas for NSW, Queensland and the Northern Territory. A revised continental risk-predictive map by Booth and Jovanovic appeared in Glen et al. (2007) (as pers. comm. – but see Booth & Jovanovic 2012 for the methodology behind this map) and was reproduced in Plant Health Australia (2009). The latter publication also featured (p. 14) an alternative map by R. Magarey (USDA) that includes Australia, New Guinea and most of Indonesia, taken from a global risk analysis (based on distributions in South and Central America) later published as Magarey et al. (2007). Elith et al. (2012) produced a model for Australia using the program MaxEnt, investigating the differences in distribution of artificially grouped locations that they deemed to represent different strains of the rust.

The most recent published predictive risk mapping and modelling is that of Kriticos et al. (2013). It is understood that global risk modelling is in progress by N. Klopfenstein (USDA Forest and Woodlands Ecosystems).

The methods used for these maps differ and there are commonalities and differences in output. All have in common a zone of high suitability for Myrtle Rust along almost the entire eastern seaboard of Australia (now validated in reality), in some areas of Victoria and the coastal south-east of South Australia, and in the mesic south-west of WA. Together these ‘high risk’ zones encompass the great majority of Australia’s remaining forest communities, nearly all of which are dominated by Myrtaceae, as well as many other vegetation types, and contain probably 50% (c. 1,100) of Australia’s myrtaceous species (this estimate still to be fully validated).

The predictive maps differ considerably in relation to likelihood of Myrtle Rust establishment or intermittent occurrence in the Top End of the Northern Territory and around the Gulf of Carpentaria; inland Victoria, NSW, Queensland and WA; northern Tasmania and Bass Strait; and more northerly parts of the WA coast including the

Kimberley. One map in PHA 2009 (p. 14, Figure 4, republished from Borchett & Magarey (2004) and later republished in Magarey et al. 2007: 343, Fig. 7) indicates a potential for infrequent penetration of Myrtle Rust

well into the inland areas of several States and even into the semi-arid zone in favourable seasons. This potential for inland occurrence has not been evident to such an extent in the other maps produced to date, although the relatively small differences in the assumptions and data sets used to generate such models may have large effects on the outputs, as noted (for taxonomic uncertainty) by Elith et al. (2012).

A key issue in relation to the conservation impacts of P. psidii in Australia at the ecosystem scale will be its capacity to maintain itself through the dry season in the monsoon tropics. For the Northern Australia, the most recent published predictive mapping (Kriticos et al. 2013) indicates only a low ecoclimatic suitability for a limited area of eastern Arnhem Land and the Tiwi Islands, and no ecoclimatic suitability around the Gulf of Carpentaria coast or in the Kimberley. Against this however must be set the known high susceptibility of both Melaleuca leucadendra and M. viridiflora, which are very widespread in the region in precisely the habitats (e.g. river margins) where microclimate during the Dry is most likely to favour some Myrtle Rust survival. Note also the authors’ statement that “The significant uncertainty surrounding the wet and hot-wet tolerance limits for P. psidii s.l. should be kept in mind when considering the modelled risks in the tropics.” (Kriticos et al. 2013: 10).

Insofar as some of the predictive maps published or seen show the southern rim of Malesia, they i ndicate a moderate to high degree of risk of permanent establishment of P. psidii sens. lat., assuming favourable local climatic regimes and the presence of susceptible host species.

Indigenous Values

5. INDIGENOUS CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE Is the key threatening process known to have an impact on species or country culturally significant to Indigenous groups within Australia? If so, to which groups? Provide information on the nature of this significance if publicly available. To date there do not appear to have been any projects to assess the potential effects of P. psidii on Indigenous values relating to species or country (although some unsuccessful funding applications have been made). However the scale of the disease, both spatial and in terms of likely floristic impact over time, make it almost inevitable that seriously adverse effects to these values will occur in at least some zones and vegetation types that are particularly susceptible. The apparent lack of assessment of this aspect to date is another argument in favour of EPBC Act listing as a KTP: it would help to stimulate both governmental and non - governmental (including Indigenous) assessment of the threat to these values. Similarly there has been no assessment of possible impacts on non-Indigenous heritage values.

Whilst the longer term impacts of the disease are still uncertain at) this early stage, especially for eucalypts, the host-lists, coupled with the severity ratings developed for Queensland and the available field observations, suggest some potential case studies that would help identify impacts on Indigenous values as well as more general human and ecological impacts:  NSW North Coast wet-sclerophyll forest, coastal floodplain, and ecological communities, particularly as occurring in the coastal Indigenous Protected Areas: Gumma IPA (Nambucca); Minyunmai IPA (Tabbimobile/Bundjalung); Ngunya Jargoon IPA (Lower Richmond).  NSW North Coast and Queensland ecological communities dominated by broad-leaved paperbark species (Melaleuca quinquenervia, M. leucadendra, M. viridiflora);  Wet Tropics, Gondwana , and Fraser Island World Heritage Areas ecological communities, especially those forming core areas for Indigenous cultural and eco-tourism enterprises (e.g. Mossman Gorge, Daintree); also similar areas outside WHAs;  Effects on fauna of cultural or ecological significance that use or are dependent on susceptible Myrtaceae species (e.g. Cassowary in relation to Myrtaceae fruits – see Section 10 below).

Criterion A: non-EPBC act listed species/ecological communities For a key threatening process to be eligible for listing it must meet at least one of the three listing criteria. You do not need to provide details of the eligibility for all questions 6-11, however the more information you provide the more evidence is available to undertake the assessment. If there is insufficient data and information available to

allow completion of the questions for each of the listing criteria, state this in your nomination under the relevant question.

6. SPECIES THAT COULD BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING AND JUSTIFICATION Provide details and justification of non-EPBC Act listed species that, due to the impact of the key threatening process, could become eligible for listing in any category, other than conservation dependent. For each species please include: a. the scientific name, common name (if appropriate), category it could become eligible for listing in; b. data on the current status in relation to the criteria for listing; c. specific information on how the threatening process threatens this species; and d. information on the extent to which the threat could change the status of the species in relation to the criteria for listing.

6.1 Rhodamnia rubescens and Rhodomyrtus psidioides

Two of the most susceptible Australian Myrtaceae species are Scrub Turpentine Rhodamnia rubescens and Native Guava Rhodomyrtus psidioides, rated by the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry as being Extremely Susceptible and Highly Susceptible respectively ( and-diseases/identify-myrtle-rust/plants-affected-myrtle-rust, accessed 27 Feb. 2014). Both are shrub (to small tree) understorey species in wet sclerophyll forests at coastal altitudes along the eastern seaboard in NSW and Queensland. Both are terminal-flowering and soft-fruited (tribe , following Wilson et al. 2005). The ranges and habitats of both species (see e.g., accessed 27 Feb. 2014) are wholly within the established geographical and bioclimatic envelope already occupied by the naturalised variant of P. psidii, and the vegetation type and microclimate in which they occur is also favoured by the Rust. Both species have hitherto been common, and neither species has previously been regarded in either NSW or Queensland as being of conservation concern. Normal longevity of these species does not appear to be documented but is probably of the order of 20-30 years, although forests of this type are prone to infrequent severe fires which may impose periodic cohort recruitment.

Precisely because of their common status and high susceptibility, these two species have featured largely in bushland reports of Myrtle Rust occurrence. For the same reason they are the subject of work in progress (G. Pegg, A. Carnegie, and collaborators) to monitor disease epidemiology and impact at individual plant and population level. Only preliminary observations have been published at this stage. There are 125 reports/localities of myrtle rust in the Atlas of NSW Wildlife (, but the host data for these records is not readily available. A much larger set of NSW DPI data from the emergency response phase in 2010 and subsequently is also not publicly available and has not been assessed for this nomination due to time constraints. One set of data that is available is from Forestry Corporation of NSW flora surveys. XXXX XXXX, pers. comm. 4 March 2014) summarises this as follows: during flora surveys on the Central and Mid-North Coast in 2011 and 2012, Myrtle Rust was detected in 24 separate compartments in 12 different State Forests; of these, 23 sites were detections on Rhodamnia rubescens and one site was on Rhodymyrtus psidioides; other myrtle rust hosts observed at these sites included Acmena smithii, Callistemon salignus, Eucalyptus pilularis, Backhousia myrtifolia.

Observations of the impact of myrtle rust in NSW up to mid-2011 were summarised by Carnegie & Cooper (2011): “In native forest situations from the [NSW] Central Coast to the [NSW] North Coast, infection on native guava (Rhodomyrtus psidioides) and brush turpentine (Rhodamnia rubescens) results in seedling death, fruit infection, and shoot death and dieback in plants from saplings up to 12 m trees (Fig. 4d–e). In several areas (e.g. Olney State Forest) the majority of R. rubescens plants are affected, with continued infection of new shoot growth following earlier shoot death (Fig. 4e).”

Data on Rhodamnia rubescens at various New South Wales sites (XXXX unpublished) supports this picture of severe impact and decline in condition, reproductive potential and demographic structure, with very limited new growth surviving, radically reduced flower set, heavy fruit infection rates, and no seedling-stage plants surviving in sample plots. XXXX, pers. comm. 4 March 2014), provides the following information: “In an exclusion trial in Olney State Forest, where half the experimental trees have been kept free of rust with fungicide application, there has been a gradual decline in foliage production in the three years since myrtle rust was first detected in this forest; trees with rust have on average lost 90% of their foliage while those free from rust have on average lost only 15%. All unsprayed trees in this native forest stand (approximately 500 individuals not included in the fungicide trial) have lost over 75% of their foliage, and 10% of individuals have died. All emergent

seedlings have been infected and killed by myrtle rust, and no flower set has occurred since rust was

first observed in the area. Observations across the native range of R. rubescens have revealed very few instances of flower set over the past 3 years.

“A recent study of Rhodamnia rubescens on the NSW North Coast (Tucki Tucki Nature Reserve) has shown that Myrtle rust infection affects fruit maturation, causes premature fruit fall, and reduces the number of seeds per fruit (XXXX, unpublished). Branches with flowers were tagged and half were sprayed with fungicide to keep them free of disease. One month after the trial began, sprayed branches had on average 3% of flowers/fruit infected while unsprayed branches had 85% of flowers/fruit infected. At this time, sprayed branches had 80% of their fruit retained while unsprayed branches had 50%; this decreased to 53% retained fruit on sprayed branches and 12% on unsprayed branches after 1.5 months. Fruit collected and further analysed revealed a significant reduction in dry weight of diseased fruit and a significant reduction in number of seeds within diseased compared to un-diseased fruit.

“Monitoring plots established across the native range of R. rubescens (so far stretching from Sydney to Queensland border) have shown that on average most sites have a similar level of damage to that observed in Olney SF above. Using an assessment protocol similar to that of Pegg et al. (2013), most sites had a disease rating score of between 3 (High Damage) to 4 (Extreme Damage) and average defoliation of 75 to 85%.”

It is anticipated that more substantive results from the above work will become available between the closing date for this KTP nomination (27 March 2014) and the time at which the Threatened Species Scientific Committee begins to assess it in detail.

Observations made at frequent intervals over four years of the same patches of plants in two nature reserves on the Central Coast of NSW (XXXX, pers. comms Dec. 2013 and Feb. 2014), support an inference of rapid decline of both species. In Wambina Nature Reserve, where R. rubescens has hitherto been common (many thousands), there has been a declining incidence of fruit set, and infection of most or all fruits seen in the summers of 2012- 13 and 2013-14, severe infection of nearly all new growth and juveniles since 2010, and death of some adult plants in 2013 after repeated cycles of infection since 2010. The single small patch (<10) adult R. psidioides in the same reserve has suffered repeated severe attack and all plants are now dead, save a single isolated individual in a regenerating paddock. In the nearby Wamberal Nature Reserve, Holloman reports that all known patches of Rhodomyrtus psidioides have been severely impacted, with 60-70% defoliation, heavy floral infection since 2011- 12, and no fruit seen in the summers of 2012-13 or 2013-14.

The observation of severe impact on Rhodomyrtus psidioides, including death of multiple adult plants, is not limited to the NSW Central Coast. XXXX (pers. comms June 2013, Dec. 2013) reports and documents by photo the death of adults ranging c. 5—7m tall on the NSW Far North Coast. Death of mature trees and emerging seedlings has also been observed in areas of iconic significance such as Byron Bay ((XXXX, pers. comm. March 2014). Similar observations have been made in areas of Queensland with death recorded of mature trees and seedlings at the cotyledonary stage (Pegg et al. 2013). Giblin (2013a) reports for the Gondwana Rainforests World Heritage Area (Lamington and Springbrook National Parks) that “It has also been observed that new seedlings on the forest floor of highly susceptible plants such as Rhodamnia spp. and Rhodomyrtus spp. with new young flush are being infected at such an early stage by myrtle rust that they are dying at only 10-20cm in size.”

Germplasm holdings of both species in conservation seed banks are at a very low level – two seedlots from two populations of Rhodamnia rubescens held in Brisbane and Sydney, and one seedlot from one population of Rhodomyrtus psidioides held in Sydney (XXXX, pers. comm. 14 March 2014). The orthodoxy (suitability for long-term storage) of the seed of both species is yet to be established. XXXX (pers. comm. March 2014) reports that on the basis of his field observations of fruit production decline in these two species over the last two years, he does not expect to be able to find significant collectable quantities of fruit/seed of Rhodomyrtus psidioides now or in the future, and that Rhodamnia rubescens “may be collectable at some locations for another couple of years”.

Optimal levels of hard data for multiple sites across the range of these two species are still lacking, but it is not unreasonable, for both, to project declines in numbers, densities, recruitment rates and areas of occupancy over the next three generations or 100 years, that would meet IUCN criteria (IUCN 2001, 2011) for listing in either Endangered or Critically Endangered categories.

6.2 Rhodamnia angustifolia Rhodamnia angustifolia is a shrub known from a very restricted area in Wietalaba State Forest near Calliope in Central Queensland, within the current distribution of Myrtle Rust. It is known from very low numbers in the wild

– no recent count has been located for this nomination, but Snow & Guymer (1999) report only nine plants. R. angustifolia is listed as Endangered under the Queensland Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006, but is not currently listed under the EPBC Act. R. angustifolia is rated as Extremely Susceptible to Myrtle Rust (DAFF Qld rating: diseases/weeds-and-diseases/identify-myrtle-rust/plants-affected-myrtle-rust, accessed 24 March 2014). XXXX (pers. comm. March 2014) reports that repeated infection (in cultivation) by P. psidii results in shoot and branch dieback, and that infection of flower buds has prevented any fruit production. Data is otherwise scanty as yet, but Pegg et al. (2013: 13, Fig. 8) present a series of photographs showing progressive defoliation of a cultivated plant, and comment “Some plant species are at danger of disappearing altogether from their natural ecosystems because of infection by P. psidii, especially species that are already rare and endangered, e.g. Rhodamnia angustifolia, Rhodamnia maideniana, Gossia gonoclada and Backhousia oligantha.’

Rhodamnia angustifolia, if nominated for EPBC Act listing, would probably qualify for Critically Endangered status on distributional and demographic grounds alone, but its susceptibility to P. psidii would seem to put its status beyond question.

6.3 Several other species endemic to rust-conducive habitats in eastern Australia, not currently listed under the EPBC Act but of high susceptibility and restricted distribution and/or low numbers, may also be candidate species under this criterion – examples include Rhodamnia maideniana, Rhodamnia spongiosa, reinwardtiana, Rhodomyrtus pervagata, Gossia inophloia, and Gossia myrsinocarpa (see indicative field observations for these species in Queensland World Heritage Areas in Giblin (2013a). However, data on these and other species is at this stage too sparse to make an adequate case.

7. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES THAT COULD BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING AND JUSTIFICATION Provide details and justification of non-EPBC Act listed ecological communities that, due to the impact of the key threatening process, could become eligible for listing in any category. For each ecological community please include: a. the complete title (published or otherwise generally accepted), category it could become eligible for listing in; b. data on the current status in relation to the criteria for listing; c. specific information on how the threatening process threatens this ecological community; and d. information on the extent to which the threat could change the status of the ecological community in relation to the criteria for listing.

P. psidii infections since 2010 have been detected in a wide range of east coast ecological communities. The demographic and other effects of Myrtle Rust on ecologically ‘important’ species will only play out over decades, and data on impacts on all species is as yet scanty. For these reasons it is not possible to assert projected effects on ecological communities with any assurance, but there is cause for major concern for many.

In Queensland, Pegg et al. (2013: 13) state that “P. psidii is now identified from a range of native forest [sic] ecosystems including coastal heath (Austromyrtus dulcis, Homoranthus spp.), coastal and river wetlands (Melaleuca quinquenervia, Melaleuca viridiflora), sand island ecosystems of Moreton, Stradbroke and Fraser Islands, and littoral, montane, subtropical and tropical rainforests (Syzygium spp., Rhodamnia spp., Rhodomyrtus spp.).”

For New South Wales, there has apparently not yet been any reconciliation of Myrtle Rust point records with recognised vegetation types or associations. Most point occurrence data is held by NSW DPI and precise details are not public; some duplicate and some unique records are in the OEH Wildlife Atlas. A reconciliation of these sets of records with broad vegetation types and finer resolution communities would be a useful step, and if the TSSC is able to elicit this from NSW agencies then it would be desirable to make it public.

In the absence of precise analysis, it would be reasonable to say that most NSW records have been from mesic forest and woodland vegetation types. Following the broad vegetation formations and classes of Keith (2004), these include:  Rainforests: Subtropical; Northern Warm Temperate; Littoral  Wet sclerophyll forests (WSF): North Coast WSF (among the major canopy species, Eucalyptus pilularis, E.

grandis and Syncarpia glomulifera are known field hosts in Australia, and E. saligna overseas and in Australian lab [Morin et al. 2012] ); Northern Hinterland WSF (Eucalyptus pilularis, E. siderophloia and

Syncarpia glomulifera are known field hosts); Southern Lowland WSF (Corymbia maculata, Eucalyptus pilularis, Syncarpia glomulifera, and E. saligna overseas , and in Australian lab [Morin et al. 2012 ]).  Forested wetlands: Coastal Swamp Forest (Melaleuca quinquenervia, Callistemon salignus); Coastal Floodplain Wetlands (Angophora floribunda, A. subvelutina, Eucalyptus grandis, E. robusta, E. saligna, E. tereticornis, and Melaleuca styphelioides are known hosts). These types probably account for the great majority of NSW ‘wild’ records to date, but occurrences in other vegetation types (e.g. coastal heaths near heavy spore sources) are not excluded. A very large number of ecological communities recognised for conservation assessment and management purposes occur in the areas covered by these vegetation types; many are threat-listed under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act.

In States and regions where Myrtle Rust has not yet been recorded, a large number of ecological communities occur within the ‘consensus’ areas of high likelihood of Myrtle Rust establishment and persistence. Given the absence of the rust and the limitations of the available predictive mapping, only two exemplar regions are mentioned here:

The Lord Howe Island Group was listed as a World Heritage Area in 1982 largely on the basis of its globally significant biodiversity values. The LHI Group has five indigenous endemic taxa of Myrtaceae. Four of these species have been confirmed as being susceptible to Myrtle Rust infection under laboratory conditions (Morin 2011): Melaleuca howeana, Metrosideros nervulosa, Metrosideros sclerocarpa, and Syzygium fullagarii. The remaining endemic, Leptospermum polygalifolium subsp. howense, has not yet been tested. Melaleuca howeana on Balls Pyramid is also the only host (food and shelter) plant available to the only remaining wild population of Dryococelus australis (Lord Howe Island Stick Insect, Tree Lobster), which is listed as Critically Endangered under the EPBC Act. S. fullagarii is an important wet forest canopy species. Most vegetation types on the main island are, or are adjacent to, mesic closed canopy forest, the microclimate favoured by Myrtle Rust. Lord Howe Island has large mainland tourist visitation (Myrtle Rust-aware quarantine measures are in place) but also receives westerly winds from the NSW coast and cyclonic disturbances from further to the north-west.

The south-west of Western Australia is a consensus ‘high likelihood’ area in all the Myrtle Rust bioclimatic predictive modelling to date, although the extent of ‘red zone’ in this area of strong moi sture gradients varies between models. Taking a conservative approach, there are five IBRA Bioregions (Thackway & Cresswell 1995) with the wettest vegetation types. Collectively these five bioregions contain 1 043 native species of Myrtaceae, c. 46% of the national total (XXXX, pers. comm. May 2013; see Attachment 2). A number of WA species, mostly from within these five bioregions, have been found to be susceptible to Myrtle Rust infection, either in cultivation in eastern Australia or in laboratory testing. Given the proportion of east Australian species already shown to be susceptible in the wild, it is likely that a much higher number of south-western species than are confirmed to date will prove susceptible.

Criterion B: Listing in a higher threat category For a key threatening process to be eligible for listing it must meet at least one of the three listing criteria. You do not need to provide details of the eligibility for all questions 6-11, however the more information you provide the more evidence is available to undertake the assessment. If there is insufficient data and information available to allow completion of the questions for each of the listing criteria, state this in your nomination under the relevant question.

8. SPECIES THAT COULD BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING IN A HIGHER THREAT CATEGORY AND JUSTIFICATION Provide details and justification of EPBC Act listed threatened species that, due to the impacts of the threatening process, could become eligible for listing in another category representing a higher degree of endangerment. For each species please include: a. the scientific name, common name (if appropriate), category that the item is currently listed in and the category it could become eligible for listing in; b. data on the current status in relation to the criteria for listing (at least one criterion for the current listed category has been previously met); c. specific information on how the threatening process significantly threatens this species; and d. information on the extent to which the threat could change the status of the species in relation to the criteria for listing. This does not have to be the same criterion under which the species was previously listed.

8.1 Gossia gonoclada (Angle-stemmed Myrtle) is a soft-fruited shrub to small tree species endemic to south- east Queensland. It is current listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act, having been placed on the schedules (as Austromyrtus gonoclada) at the inception of the Act in 1999 and so lacking a Listing Advice. It is also listed (as Austromyrtus gonoclada) as Endangered under the Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992. It is not known to be represented in any Australian conservation seed bank (XXXX, pers. comm. 14 March 2014), and the orthodoxy of its seeds is not established.

G. gonoclada is rated as Highly Susceptible to Myrtle Rust (DAFF Queensland rating system – Pegg et al. 2013; Taylor 2013:71). The species occurs in small fragmented populations in lowland riparian rainforest, a favourable microclimate for Myrtle Rust. Fungal pathogens are not currently recognised in the Threat Class summary for this species (SPRAT webpage, bin/sprat/public/, accessed 28 Feb. 2014), but at State level the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (2013, fact-sheet) notes that Myrtle Rust “may also be a significant threat to the angle-stemmed myrtle. The angle-stemmed myrtle population at Logan has become infected with myrtle rust, but so far the other populations appear to be unaffected. Research is underway by Griffith University to determine the impact of this disease on the angle-stemmed myrtle.” The research referred to is by Tamara Taylor, who reports (Taylor 2013: 26) significant levels of P. psidii infection on flower buds and flowers in the spring/summer of 2012-13, with “many buds experiencing development failure. The incidence and severity of rust pustules increased rapidly at early flowering stage, followed by leaf infection soon after … No fruit was observed on any of the flowering trees in natural populations in the 2012 - 2013 season that were monitored as part of this project.” Taylor (op. cit.: 71) comments further that “due to the limited number of trees that flower synchronously in any given year and the observation of P. psidii infection on buds and flowers in the 2012 - 2013 season, it would appear unlikely that seed will be able to be collected other than from trees that have received fungicide treatment. In the short term, a greater range of genetic diversity could be secured by propagating through cutting from as many different trees as possible, and continuing to collect seed from specimens treated with fungicide.”

A National Recovery Plan 2001-5 (Austromyrtus gonoclada Recovery Team 2001) has expired, but identifies a number of non-pathogenic threatening processes in operation at the natural sites which are assumed to still be in play. A current fact sheet (Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, 2013) states that “The current wild population of the angle-stemmed myrtle is 285 individuals. This consists of 73 naturally- occurring mature trees and a further 212 trees that have been planted since 1995.” Taylor (2013) concurs, putting total numbers at “approximately 300” plants.

In light of its low numbers and fragmented distribution, restricted area of occurrence, its high susceptibility to Myrtle Rust and its occurrence in habitat favouring Myrtle Rust occurrence and growth, Gossia gonoclada could qualify for Critically Endangered status.

8.2 Uromyrtus australis (Peach Myrtle) is a soft-fruited shrub or small tree species endemic to a restricted area in far north-eastern NSW. It is currently listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act, having been placed on the schedules at the inception of the Act in 1999 and so lacking a Listing Advice. It is also listed as Endangered under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

U. australis is a known host species for Myrtle Rust. No susceptibility rating is yet available. It occurs in moist

rainforest habitat, a favourable microclimate for Myrtle Rust.

A National and State Recovery Plan for the species (Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, 2005) estimated the total number of ‘individuals’ (genets) at 800-1 000 – exact numbers are hard to state because of its suckering habit. XXXX (pers. comm. 4 March 2014) estimates 80 distinct patches (possible clonal) in the ‘core’ area of Nightcap National Park, and a further 20-plus patches further afield, with number of stems per ‘patch’ highly variable; insofar as number of apparent ramets can be estimated he agrees with the figure of “around 1,000”.

Management actions for U. australis are currently administered within the framework of the Border Ranges Rainforest Biodiversity Management Plan - NSW & Queensland (Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, 2010). “Pathogens and diseases” are identified in the 2010 Plan (p. 132) as one threat factor for this species, but as a “low priority” (p. 85) and apparently mainly in relation to Phytophthora cinnamomi dieback and in the context of generic threats to a range of moist forest species. The Plan was published in the same month that P. psidii was first detected in Australia and does not mention it. The current NSW OEH profile for the species (Office of Environment and Heritage NSW, 2012) does not mention pathogens as a threat process for this species.

Uromyrtus australis is capable of suckering after damage (Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, 2005: 8, [based on information from R. Kooyman MSc thesis, not seen]). It has a long life span and a very slow growth rate – the 2005 recovery plan (op. cit.: 7) cites an estimate that the oldest stems “may be four hundred to one thousand years old”. Kooyman’s MSC thesis (not seen)” provides a Population Viability Analysis and based on 20 years of demographic study suggests a 25cm DBHOB stem would be 1250 years old (XXXX, pers. comm. March 2014). However, even long-lived plants must renew their foliage to survive, and suckers by definition start with new shoots – both typical points of infection for Myrtle Rust. If the flowers and fruits are also susceptible to infection there will be adverse effects on soil seed bank and eventually on recruitment.

U. australis is not known to be represented in any Australian conservation seed bank (XXXX, pers. comm. 14 March 2014), and the orthodoxy of its seeds for long-term storage is not established. XXXX (pers. comm. March 2014) reports seeing no seedlings in the wild in 20 years of observation of the species, but has confirmed germinability of the seed ex situ; the reasons for this constrained recruitment strategy are not known.

In light of its existing Endangered status, relatively low numbers, apparently constrained recruitment strategy, and the high Myrtle Rust threat in its region and habitat, Uromyrtus australis could qualify for Critically Endangered status.

8.3 The Helmeted Honeyeater (Lichenostomus melanops cassidix) is listed under the EPBC Act as Endangered. It is substantially dependent on eucalypts in its very restricted range, which is within a zone of Victoria indicated on bioclimatic predictive maps as moderately (see maps in Glen et al. 2007) to fairly strongly (see Kriticos et al. 2013) favourable to the establishment of P. psidii.

8.4 Leadbeaters Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) is listed under the EPBC Act as Endangered. It is dependent on eucalypts in its very restricted range, which is within a zone of Victoria indicated on bioclimatic predictive maps as marginally (see maps in Glen et al. 2007) to moderately (see Kriticos et al. 2013) favourable to the establishment of P. psidii. The possum’s primary habitat is in Eucalyptus regnans forests which are subject to rare high intensity fires imposing strong cohort recruitment from seed, i.e. a massive flush of new growth, with strong seasonal flushes extending over many years. E. regnans has been demonstrated in inoculation experiments as susceptible to infection by P. psidii (Morin et al. 2012).

9. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES THAT COULD BECOME ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING IN A HIGHER THREAT CATEGORY AND JUSTIFICATION Provide details and justification of EPBC Act listed threatened ecological communities that, due to the impacts of the threatening process, could become eligible for listing in another category representing a higher degree of endangerment. For each ecological community please include: a. the complete title (published or otherwise generally accepted), category that the item is currently listed in and the category it could become eligible for listing in; b. data on the current status in relation to the criteria for listing (at least one criterion for the current listed category has been previously met); c. specific information on how the threatening process significantly threatens this ecological community; and d. information on the extent to which the threat could change the status of the ecological community in relation to the criteria for listing. This does not have to be the same criterion under which the ecological community was previously listed.

As noted in Section 7 above, P. psidii infections since 2010 have been detected in a range of east coast ecological communities. The demographic and other effects of Myrtle Rust on ecologically ‘important’ species will only play out over decades, and data on impacts on nearly all species is as yet scanty. For these reasons it is not possible to assert projected effects on ecological communities with any assurance, but there is cause for major concern for many. This would be particularly the case if: (a) further variants (pathotypes) of P. psidii were to arrive in Australia that are more virulent on eucalypt species than seems to be the case (so far) with the single variant present to date, and/or (b) if any variant of the pathogen were to spread to the south-west of Western Australia and impact upon the Myrtaceae-rich ecological communities of the region (the wetter parts of which are a bioclimatic area of high potential for the permanent establishment of P. psidii – see, e.g., Kriticos et al. 2013); several such communities are listed under the EPBC Act. See also section 11 below.

In terms of actual information so far available on the susceptibility of Australian species that play dominant roles in EPBC-listed ecological communities, the most immediate cause for concern is Broad leaf tea-tree (Melaleuca viridiflora) woodlands in high rainfall coastal north Queensland, listed in the Endangered category. M. viridiflora is rated Highly Susceptible to Myrtle Rust by DAFFQ. Pegg et al. (2013a: 15) note that “The impacts that P. psidii will have on fragile and threatened ecosystems in Australia, e.g. Melaleuca wetlands, are unknown and difficult to predict. The disease has been recorded on 15 species of Melaleuca with half considered highly or extremely susceptible based on survey data from this study, including Melaleuca viridiflora, which occurs predominantly in higher rainfall areas of northern Australia (Boland et al., 1992). This species is an integral component of diverse tropical lowland environments in northern Qld (Skull & Congdon, 2008).”

Carnegie (2012) discusses the interactive effects of insect predation and P. psidii infection on Melaleuca quinquenervia Florida USA, where the tree is naturalised and a weed. (M. quinquenervia is closely related to and very similar ecologically to M. viridiflora; DAFFQ rates them respectively as Extremely and Highly Susceptible to P. psidii infection, and Carnegie’s comments are likely to be relevant to M. viridiflora in Australia where a much wider range of insect herbivores are well-adapted to the plants – the same applies to Australian Myrtaceae in general). In the Florida case the insect was an introduced biological control agent. Carnegie (2012: 36) comments that “In severe cases, all new foliage on 60–70 ft trees were covered in rust. This was later attributed to the combination of the biological control agent making trees “more susceptible” to rust. Once insects were released as biological control agents (e.g., weevils in 1997) their feeding resulted in the production of multiple fresh shoots, ideal for rust infection. There is some evidence of antagonistic effects of the biological control agents and P. psidii (e.g. Oxyops weevils don’t feed on rust infected shoots [Rayamajhi et al 2006]), but also of additive or synergistic impact … This has consequences for Australian flora and insect fauna. Myrtle rust could reduce food supply for Australian native insects (antagonistic effect) that feed on Myrtaceae , but could also be resulting in an increased (additive) impact on host plants by damaging regenerating shoots following insect damage. There are early observations of this interaction in Australia. Currently only small trees, or lower shoots on mature trees, of M. quinquenervia are affected by P. psidii in Australia. There are observations of miroid bugs and the rust on M. quinquenervia in northern NSW, as well as monolepta beetles and rust attacking Rhodamnia rubescens (XXXX pers. comm.). Observations in Florida indicate that all the insect biological control agents are inadvertent carriers of P. psidii spores. There are now believed to be 3 separate strains of P. psidii in Florida.” And

further (p. 40): “It was not until Australian insects were released as biological control agents that epidemics of P. psidii were observed on M. quinquenervia [in Florida – ROM]. Of major concern to

Australia is the additive effect of insect damage with the rust. Australia has a wide range of endemic insects that feed on a broad range of Myrtaceae that are either currently a known host or are likely to be a host. There is potential for the combined impact of myrtle rust and insect damage to be greater than that individually of either group.”

Criterion C: Adversely affected listed species or ecological communities For a key threatening process to be eligible for listing it must meet at least one of the three listing criteria. You do not need to provide details of the eligibility for all questions 6-11, however the more information you provide the more evidence is available to undertake the assessment. If there is insufficient data and information available to allow completion of the questions for each of the listing criteria, state this in your nomination under the relevant question. 10. SPECIES ADVERSELY IMPACTED AND JUSTIFICATION Provide a summary of species listed as threatened under the EPBC Act, that are considered to be adversely affected by the threatening process. For each species please include: a. the scientific name, common name (if appropriate) and category of listing under the EPBC Act; and b. justification for each species that is claimed to be affected adversely by the threatening process.

The taxa of Myrtaceae currently listed under the EPBC Act are shown in Attachment 3. It is not possible, at current knowledge levels, to make more than cautionary comments in relation to the threat posed by P. psidii to many of these species – very few as yet have been tested or observed as infected in the field. The few known hosts are indicated in Attachment 3.

It is however clear that a considerable percentage of these listed species occur in regional zones (especially in the south-west of WA) that the predictive maps to date show as either near-optimal or suitable for the frequent or permanent establishment of P. psidii. A number of caveats apply to this, as indicated in the attachment.

It is clear that in order to evaluate the scale of the threat to the listed flora, a good deal more susceptibility testing needs to be done, and that to mitigate the threat, much work on resistance survey and seed banking.

Some Myrtaceae-utilising fauna are listed under the EPBC Act, including the Mahogany Glider (Petaurus gracilis -- Endangered) and the Grey-headed Flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus – Vulnerable). XXXX (pers. comm. March 2014) comments that “Melaleuca quinquenervia habitats are already considered threatened in Australia, with large areas being cleared for housing, road development and various forms of agriculture (Catterall & Kingston 1994). Melaleuca quinquenervia habitats provide valuable nesting or roosting sites for a number of bird and bat species and are an important food source for migratory birds (Catterall & Kingston, 1994). Flowering during the autumn and winter months, they provide shelter and breeding sites for waterbirds, amphibians and insects, and nectar for species such as the mahogany glider (Petaurus gracilis), scaly-breasted lorikeet (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus). The grey-headed flying- fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) and little red flying-fox (P. scapulatus) feed on the flowers (Eby, 1995). Melaleuca quinquenervia can form almost pure stands and is one of a few tree species that can survive periodic or partial inundation (Holliday 1989, in Burrows & Balcunas 1997; Boland et al. 1987). Impact on growth and regeneration of this species by P. psidii may have significant environmental impacts on ecosystems crucial to maintaining biodiversity, as well as the quality of coastal water-ways.”

Pegg’s comments can reasonably be regarded as also applying to the more northerly broad-leaved paperbark communities dominated by Melaleuca leucadendra and M. viridiflora.

The Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius johnsonii) of North Queensland is listed as Endangered under the EPBC Act. The contribution of Myrtaceae to Cassowary diet has not been investigated closely for this nomination, and is likely to vary in degree and the species involved depending on forest types. However, in one

instance, Bradford et al. (2008) studied Cassowary diet in complex mesophyll vine regrowth forest on the eastern edge of the Atherton Tablelands, in an area mostly within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

Myrtaceous fruits were found to constitute 14.6% of the plant fruit remains found in droppings; the remains of flowers of Bumpy Satin Ash Syzygium cormiflorum (a known Myrtle Rust host species) also occurred in the droppings. XXXX (pers. comm. March 2014) notes that Rhodamnia sessiliflora and Eugenia reinwardtiana also form part of Cassowary diet. Both are known Myrtle Rust host species with DAFFQ ratings of “Highly Susceptible” and “Extremely Susceptible” respectively ( and-diseases/identify-myrtle-rust/plants-affected-myrtle-rust, with not only foliage but flowers and fruit becoming infected and fruit/seed maturation impaired or prevented. Giblin (2013a) notes “severely affected host species” including R. sessiliflora in revegetation plantings in far North Queensland. Impact assessment is needed for both the cassowary and for the species of Myrtaceae whose fruits it may play a role in dispersing. Webber and Woodrow (2004: 506) note that “cassowaries are [in Australia] one of only a few frugivores … that can disperse large rainforest fruits, and are the only long-distance dispersal vector for large seeds …”. Complex feedback patterns (including effects on food search behaviour) should be expected if P. psidii impacts on fruit set rates, palatability of cassowary food species, or the density of seasonal concentrations of fruits.

11. ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES ADVERSELY IMPACTED AND JUSTIFICATION Provide a summary of ecological communities listed as threatened under the EPBC Act that are considered to be adversely affected by the threatening process. For each ecological community please provide: a. the complete title (exactly as listed) and category of listing under the EPBC Act; and b. justification for each ecological community that is claimed to be affected adversely by the threatening process.

As noted in Sections 7 and 9, The demographic and other effects of Myrtle Rust on ecologically ‘important’ species will only play out over decades, and data on impacts on nearly all species is as yet scanty. For these reasons it is not possible to assert projected effects on ecological communities (listed and not) with any assurance, but there is cause for concern for many (particularly the first shown). All the EPBC-listed communities shown below are in bioclimatric areas of high consensus likelihood of P. psidii establishment (assuming for non- east coast communities that the pathogen eventually arrives in their region) – see references given in Section 4.6 above for the predictive models and maps. All are Myrtaceae-rich and/or have known hosts as dominant or significant floristic elements.

The ‘justifications’ here are necessarily brief and speculative.

 Broad leaf tea-tree (Melaleuca viridiflora) woodlands in high rainfall coastal north Queensland (Endangered). The dominant M. viridiflora is rated Highly Susceptible to Myrtle Rust by DAFFQ see additional comments in Section 9 above.

Within the existing area of naturalisation of P. psidii, the following may be of concern:

 Blue Gum High Forest of the Sydney Basin Bioregion (Critically Endangered). Main myrtaceous species of concern is Eucalyptus saligna (a known P. psidii host overseas and from lab inoculation in Australia); seedling recruitment is a potentially threatened life stage. Turpentine Syncarpia glomulifera is a minor element and a known host. The largest surviving BGHF remnant (at Cumberland State Forest, NSW) has Rhodamnia rubescens with persistent Myrtle Rust infection.

 Littoral Rainforest and Coastal Vine Thickets of Eastern Australia (Critically Endangered). Includes a significant myrtaceous component varying from region to region, but often with multiple species of Syzygium among a few other genera; other known P. psidii host species in this community include Acmena smithii and Eugenia reinwardtiana.

 Lowland Rainforest of Subtropical Australia (Critically Endangered). Syzygium floribundum (=Waterhousea floribunda), a known Myrtle Rust host, is a dominant of riparian areas in some occurrences. Various eucalypt species occurring as occasional emergent may also be at risk at recruitment stage.

 Mabi Forest (Complex Notophyll Vine Forest 5b) (Critically Endangered). Species sometimes occurring

in riparian habitats within this community include the known Myrtle Rust hosts Acmena smithii, Melaleuca (Callistemon) viminalis, and Syzygium australe.

 Swamp Tea-tree (Melaleuca irbyana) Forest of South-east Queensland (Critically Endangered). M. irbyana is not to date recorded as a Myrtle Rust host species. M. nodosa, a secondary constituent species of this community is a recorded host of high susceptibility (DAFFQ rating). M. sieberi also occurs in the community and is a recorded host from a few instances only.

Outside the current distribution of P. psidii in Australia, the following TECs are of concern, on the basis of their myrtaceous component combined with their occurrence in areas that appear bioclimatically to be of medium to high likelihood of P. psidii establishment (see predictive maps in Glen et al. 2007, Plant Health Australia 2009, and Kriticos et al. 2013). The first set of six TECs (five in south-west WA and one in SA) are all in more or less Mediterranean climates but at the wetter end of that biome at least in good years.

 Corymbia calophylla - Kingia australis woodlands on heavy soils of the Swan Coastal Plain (Endangered). The dominant species Corymbia calophylla does not yet appear to have been tested for susceptibility. Other Myrtaceae occur at lower frequency.

 Corymbia calophylla - Xanthorrhoea preissii woodlands and shrublands of the Swan Coastal Plain (Endangered). The main dominant tree, Corymbia calophylla, does not yet appear to have been tested for susceptibility. Eucalyptus wandoo (occasionally dominant) is a known host from inoculation testing under laboratory conditions (see Attachment 1). Other Myrtaceae occur at lower frequency.

 Shrublands and Woodlands on Muchea Limestone of the Swan Coastal Plain (Endangered) The co-dominant trees Eucalyptus decipiens and E. foecunda, and the major myrtaceous shrubs Baeckea robusta, Melaleuca acerosa, and M. huegelii, have not yet been tested for susceptibility. Numerous other Myrtaceae occur at lower frequency.

 Shrublands and Woodlands on Perth to Gingin ironstone (Perth to Gingin ironstone association) of the Swan Coastal Plain (Endangered). Swamp Kunzea (shown in Listing Advice as “Kunzea aff. recurva’ – perhaps now = K. glabrescens?) and Melaleuca viminea are major elements; other Myrtaceae occur at lower frequency.

 Shrublands on southern Swan Coastal Plain ironstones (Endangered). The Kunzea shown in the Listing Advice as Kunzea aff. micrantha, and Pericalymma ellipticum, are typical and common elements. Neither have been tested for susceptibility. As per the Listing Advice, a number of Myrtaceae species are totally or largely confined to the southern ironstone soils, including Calothamnus sp. Scott River (Royce 84), Calothamnus quadrifidus sp. Whicher (BJK & NG 230), Chamelaucium roycei ms, Darwinia sp. Williamson (GJK 12717), Melaleuca aff. incana subsp. Gingilup (NG & ML 593). (Some of these taxa may have acquired formal names since listing – yet to be checked for concordance).

 Swamps of the Fleurieu Peninsula (Critically Endangered). The predictive maps generated to date indicate a relatively low likelihood of establishment and persistence of P. psidii in South Australia, but insofar as bioclimatically suitable areas for the rust exist in that State the models do encompass the Fleurieu Peninsula. In this TEC, the two dominant shrubs are both known hosts: Leptospermum lanigerum (known host from lab inoculation) and L. continentale (known host from eastern Australia and from lab inoculation).

 Arnhem Plateau Sandstone Shrubland Complex (Endangered). The potential for occasional or permanent establishment of Puccinia psidii in the monsoon tropics of Australia is uncertain, as noted by Kriticos et al. (2013), the most recent and detailed predictive analysis. Given that all predictive studies to date have been dependent on overseas data about the tolerances of P. psidii, and given the known high to extreme sensitivity of the broad-leaved paperbark species that often dominate riparian zones in the region (perhaps providing a suitable microclimate and host for the pathogen to survive the Dry), the potential for substantial spore sources and more or less permanent naturalisation of P. psidii in at least some parts of the Top End should not be underestimated. The listed Arnhem Land Sandstone Shrub complex contains numerous Myrtaceous species, and at least six that are endemic to this TEC (see flora list at Appendix A of the Listing Advice): Calytrix decussata, Calytrix faucicola, Calytrix inopinata (shown as ‘Near Threatened’), Calytrix micrairoides (‘Near Threatened’), Calytrix rupestris (‘Near Threatened’), Calytrix

surdiviperana (‘Near Threatened’).

Five further communities listed under the EPBC Act, all in the Sydney Basin, are also potentially affected, although they are somewhat drier communities and Myrtle Rust occurrence records to date are either not or only uncertainly assignable to them (XXXX, pers. comm. March 2014). These communities do however all have Myrtaceae species (including some known hosts) as dominant or conspicuous floristic elements, and all are somewhat prone to either wildfire or require periodic managed fire for conservation purposes. The critical life stage susceptibilities of the potentially affected species have not been evaluated.

 Turpentine-Ironbark Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion (Critically Endangered). Turpentine (Syncarpia glomulifera) is a known host.

 Western Sydney Dry Rainforest and Moist Woodland on Shale (Critically Endangered) No records as yet of Myrtle Rust in this community but most are on private land and have probably not been checked. The known Myrtle Rust host species Melaleuca styphelioides is an important, sometimes dominant element; another known host, Eucalyptus tereticornis, is an important emergent species.

 Cumberland Plain Shale Woodlands and Shale-Gravel Transition Forest (Critically Endangered).

 Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub of the Sydney Region (Endangered).

 Shale/Sandstone Transition Forest (Endangered).

Threat Abatement

12. THREAT ABATEMENT Give an overview of how threats posed by this process are being abated by current (or proposed) activities. Identify who is undertaking these activities and how successful the activities have been to date.

12.1 For States/Territories where Myrtle Rust is not yet present:  Interstate quarantine provisions for myrtaceous material are in place, under DPI aegis (see State DPI webpages linked from Maintenance of these at strict levels is essential – XXXX pers. comm. to XXXX 3 March 2014) points to continuing evidence of movement of diseased plant material from NSW to Victoria. Pressures for relaxation of restrictions for commercial reasons are a risk factor. The degree of input of environment agencies to discussion of relaxation is unclear.  Vigilance systems are in place, but the scale and nature of these varies. The degree of involvement of environment agencies with these is unclear. At least one ‘uninfected’ jurisdiction (WA) has trialled a limited community-input vigilance program (‘Adopt-a-Tree’ monitoring); the status and continuation of this is unclear.  Some environment agencies have developed limited guidance policies for vigilance, early response, and management (NSW, WA?). The consistency and depth of these needs to be evaluated and experience shared.

12.2 For States where Myrtle Rust is present (NSW, Qld, Victoria):

 NSW: Data on new regional and new host occurrences (only) is still being accumulated through DPI website; targeted monitoring and research is being conducted by DPI Forest Health staff (one main person only); NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (2011) has adopted a ‘Management Plan for National Parks Estate’, but has not conducted any coordinated monitoring or baseline data gathering. The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust has been involved in research on the phylogeny of P. psidii, advising on Myrtaceae, and in education courses on P. psidii.

 Queensland: Threat analysis and abatement activity seem to have been adversely affected by recent departmental reorganisations and staff cuts and reassignments in the relevant agencies. Substantial research and extension material and educational activity was generated in 2011-13, and continues with

much-reduced personnel resources at DAFFQ and at University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). A short USC project funded by the Commonwealth under Caring for Our Country in 2012-13 (Giblin 2013a) included

the development of advanced-draft field manual and rating protocol for web publication (current status unclear); these were developed in the particular context of monitoring and management for the Queensland World Heritage Areas (Wet Tropics, Gondwana Rainforests, Fraser Island, Lamington NP, Springbrook NP). XXXX (pers. comm. March 2014) reports that “Data on new regional and new host occurrences is still being accumulated through the DAFFQ website along with susceptibility assessments; targeted monitoring and research by DAFF and Sunshine Coast University staff is being conducted. This data is being used to identify species and plant communities most at risk to Puccinia psidii. Data on disease epidemiology and impact in relation to climate continues to be collated for subtropical regions and will provide information essential in developing disease management processes. Impact data on Melaleuca quinquenervia regeneration is ongoing and has identified resistance levels within populations but also identified the significant impact the disease has on stand structure and flowering rates. Disease resistance levels and patterns have been and continue to be examined across a range of eucalypt (Eucalyptus and Corymbia) species and have identified resistance within all species tested at a family level. These resistance levels have also been compared with resistance to other endemic diseases.”

 Victoria: continuing detection/vigilance and treatment program (including sentinel sites) and public/industry education program run by DPI; the exact degree of bushland monitoring and involvement of the environmental agency are unknown to this nominator.

12.3 Commonwealth and national:  Myrtle Rust Transition to Management Program (TTMP, based in Plant Health Australia) has funded several targeted research projects and has held technical workshops with some wider stakeholder involvement. The funded research has gone a long way to filling some critical knowledge gaps about Puccinia psidii itself, but not about its environmental effects. Final reports for the funded projects have been lodged: - Genome sequencing of P. psidii (Tan et al.) - Genetic basis of P. psidii pathogenicity (Sandhu & Park) - Chemical control options (Horwood et al.) - Phylogenetic position of P. psidii (Liew et al.) - Genetic markers for resistance to P. psidii (Kulheim et al.) - P. psidii life cycle (Morin). It is anticipated that the reports will lead to fully published work. For access to these reports and authors in the interim, contact the TTMP via Dr Sophie Peterson, ph (02) 6215 7712, [email protected].

 Australian Seed Bank Partnership (the national consortium of government conservation seed banks) has facilitated its member organisations to prioritise initial (small-scale) germplasm collection of at-risk Myrtaceae, within resource constraints. Some associated research projects exist for the study of species for which normal seed storage techniques are not appropriate.  Some non-government environmental organisations have had involvement in delivery of general public and targeted education activities (Greening Australia in Queensland in 2011, Invasive Species Council web-based 2010-11, Australian Network for Plant Conservation 19 workshops in regional centres 2011- continuing).  A CRC Plant Biosecurity project to develop and deliver a nationally standardised myrtle rust rating system for a range of myrtaceous species growing under different environmental conditions.

12.4 International:  Work by Morag Glen (Tasmania) and Acelino Alfenas (Brazil) to identify the level of variability within the Puccinia psidii pathogen at a global level. This work is essential to evaluating the significance of any variability in virulence, host range, environmental tolerances, etc.  Other work in South and North America, Hawaii, New Caledonia and other locations, some involving Australian collaborators, is in progress or in prospect – full details are not presented here. The South American work is largely though not exclusively driven by the economic importance of plantation eucalypts in Brazil and other countries, but has clear implications for understanding wild species impacts, and perhaps future management options, in Australia. Closer integration of these efforts and better information flow with the environmental (biodiversity) response in Australia is highly desirable.


13.1 TAP and overarching institutional arrangements

A Threat Abatement Plan (TAP) is appropriate and urgently needed. Many of the threat abatement actions proposed in Section 14 below could be partly or wholly accommodated in a TAP.

The nature of this threatening process cuts across both the environmental and primary industries sectors (the latter including the ‘greenlife’ horticultural sector), with preventive and mitigating actions also having potential implications for other sectors (e.g. tourism industry in certain areas; internal and international trade in myrtaceous material; interstate transport and bush-vehicle movement such as interstate and international training exercises of civil defence, bushfire and military units; and others). Cooperation between these sectors in containing and managing the threatening process is both mutually advantageous and essential for success. Given the broad spectrum of the threatening process, and the narrower (mainly environment agency) focus of a normal TAP, an overarching arrangement may be a co-requirement, in which a TAP could be nested.

National-level steerage and reportage on Myrtle Rust issues (and quarantine) has up to now rested in Plant Health Australia / Commonwealth Dept of Agriculture, and in all jurisdictions the main response agencies have been the primary industries departments, by virtue of their disease expertise and by the terms of the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed and the more recent National Environmental Biosecurity Response Agreement. Arguably, and notwithstanding the good and intensive work done by the PI agencies and a very few units in the environment agencies, an inadvertent effect of this arrangement may have been a failure by the environment agencies to fully appreciate the scale of the threat, and to develop their own environmental preparedness and management responses beyond a pretty basic level.

It is suggested here that for full effect, a more integrated national approach, needs to be established. A TAP would be an essential element of this, but additional overarching arrangements (in a prompter time-frame than a TAP would normally entail) are needed to galvanise attention and resources beyond the scope of single departments and single legislative mandates, and across jurisdictional boundaries. Until very recently, a potential mechanism would have been a coordinated cross-sector approach under the joint aegis of both SCoPI and the Standing Council on Environment and water (SCEW), with the aim of encouraging a focussing of attention and a strengthening of activity by environment agencies in all jurisdictions, and a dovetailing of efforts by both sectors. Since December 2013 the COAG arrangements have been in flux, with both SCoPI and SCEW abolished. A new National Environment Protection Council has been mooted to replace at least some of the functions of SCEW, but nothing is yet in place.

By the time the TSSC finalises its consideration of this nomination, the COAG situation may have clarified. Depending on the latitude that the TSSC has for advising its Minister, a recommendation that the apparatus that replaces SCEW should establish a joint and high-priority approach with the SCoPI successor could be a very important step in facilitating the institutional arrangements necessary for abatement of this threat, over and above the necessity for a TAP under the EPBC Act remit.

The time lag involved in both a TAP process and in any de novo cross-sector arrangements is a major concern. The pathogen has already moved very quickly, and insofar as it is susceptible to management actions, review and tightening of arrangements is urgent.

13.2 Prevention of further arrivals As noted in previous sections, the further arrival of other variants of P. psidii is likely to compound the threat already present, either through new introductions having different pathotypic features (e.g. severity, host -range, environmental tolerances) or through increasing the potential for evolutionary adaptation of the pathogen (initial work by Graca et al. (2011a, b) found no outcrossing between variants, but the possibility has not yet been totally excluded).

Given the known paucity of myrtaceous rusts in Australasia, and the strong presumption that our species therefore lack co-evolved (pathogen-specific) defences, the prevention of introduction of any exotic rusts pathogenic on family Myrtaceae is in the national (and regional) interest from both environmental and primary industry points of view. Maintenance and if necessary strengthening of quarantine and inspection procedures to meet this goal are outside the scope of a TAP and of the EPBC, and would need to be dealt with at a level commensurate with the joint or whole-of-government approach proposed above.

Note also the international obligations that Australia may have to neighbours and trading partners to minimise the

risk of spread to their shores. This is particularly relevant for the Myrtaceae-rich island arc to our north and in the south-west Pacific, which are likely to be high-risk climatic areas of P. psidii. Having regard to Australian

obligations to and prior investment in supporting the biodiversity conservation needs of neighbouring countries, facilitating information flow with these neighbours would be highly desirable, including familiarisation visits and training as appropriate. It would also be likely to assist the process of ensuring regional biosecurity against the threat of spread and arrival of new pathotypes of P. psidii, or new myrtaceous rusts.

13. ELEMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN A THREAT ABATEMENT PLAN If the threatening process is recommended for listing under the EPBC Act, what elements could a threat abatement plan include?

13.1 Prevention of further arrival in Australia of rusts pathogenic on Myrtaceae:  Exclusion of further arrivals in Australia of Puccinia psidii (or any other Rusts pathogenic on Myrtaceae), especially P. psidii variants other than the Myrtle Rust variant. See Loope and La Rosa (2008) and Loope (2010) for good summaries to date of the arguments for extreme vigilance against further arrivals. Carnegie (2012: 52) notes that “There is currently only a single strain of P. psidii in Australia. This single strain is already causing significant impact to several key species, including endangered species in world heritage areas and some industries (e.g. lemon myrtle). The current strain is having little impact in eucalypt plantations, and there is potential that a different strain could have a greater impact (as seen in Brazil). Continued quarantine restrictions are essential in preventing the introduction of other strains of P. psidii into Australia.” See also da Silva et al. (2013) for a case study that illustrates the differential severity of five strains of P. psidii on the Hawaiian Metrosideros polymorpha.

14.3 Re-establishment of a nationally coordinated, cross-sector approach to the threat:  Commonwealth formal responsibility lapsed at end of emergency phase in December 2010. Commonwealth-led Transition to Management program continued to end 2013 by grace of DAFF/Plant Health Australia. Future arrangements for national coordination, communication and reportage seem to be entirely moot. A renewed national focus, preferably under COAG aegis (see Section 13) is desirable, to put it mildly. Absent that, inclusion in a TAP of the need for close dovetailing of the efforts by the environment sector and agencies, with those of the primary industries sector, would be essential. Development of a consistent and supported contact network across the environment agencies, and well connected to the primary industry network, would be essential for a meaningful level of joint research and action. Support resources, maintained over time, are essential. A TAP as such does not generate any such resources; the good offices and creative advice of the TSSC in pursuit of an effective arrangement could be critical.

14.4 Research and development: Further research and development are needed in at least the following areas:

 Understanding P. psidii and other myrtalean rusts: biology, ecology, epidemiology, chemical and biocontrol treatments, phylogeny, and global variance (pathotypic and genetic), resistance/susceptibility studies, host-range/severity trials for overseas variants, including development of an international differential set to assist in detecting new strains.

 Ecosystem/species impact – establishment of long-term study sites to investigate impact on species survival, changes in ecosystem composition and impact on associated fauna

 Germplasm for conservation: Large-scale accumulation of geographically and genetically representative germplasm (seed and other) of at-risk Myrtaceae, sufficient to enable both broad-scale screening for resistance traits, establishment of seed orchards and provenance trials, and eventual species recovery programs as needed. For species used in forestry there will be synergy with forestry needs.

 Treatment options: research and practical development of chemical or other treatments, including any options usable at any scale for high-priority in the wild. Coordinated maintenance of State permits for appropriate chemicals such that need for rapid response (e.g. in new areas of arrival) is not hampered by lapsing of permits.

14.5 Environmental preparedness:

 Establishment of baseline information on Myrtaceae of all at-risk areas (e.g. breeding systems, fecundity, population structure and recruitment syndromes, other ecological variables), and same for other organisms utilising or dependent on Myrtaceae. Much of this is information-mining, not new research, but needs dedicated resources. Development of contingency planning as appropriate at State and regional levels.

 Establishment in ‘un-infected’ but high-risk regions of pre-arrival monitoring plots or transects, and of vigilance programs [preferably involving motivated sections of community and relevant industries.

14.6 Evaluation of potential cultural and social impacts:

 Development of Indigenous involvement in assessing potential impacts (see suggested case-study projects in Section 5 above).

 Assessment of general (not limited to Indigenous)cultural heritage and public amenity issues associated with the threat.

14.7 National coordination and communications

 Re-establishment of a national coordination and communication hub involving both PI and environmental agencies, with improved representation of industry and non-government environment sector.

 Maintenance of some form of periodic national technical workshops for interchange of information and experience.

 Establishment of an integrated national public information hub (at least for environmental monitoring) that encourages easy citizen-science input, and allows meaningful output of updated information to stakeholders (i.e. not just a passive information-out site). Atlas of Living Australia would be an appropriate site and platform, but quality checking of both incoming and outgoing data and information would require non-ALA support resource. Meaningful comparison and improvement, across jurisdictions and sectors, of impact monitoring tools and systems is needed.

 Support for training programs targeted at motivated community, agency and industry personnel to support prevention, detection and mitigation strategies.

 Environmental impact assessment – from individual species to whole ecosystems – is needed to gain a better understanding of the actual scale of the threat of P. psidii in Australia and to enable adaptive environmental management to the degree possible. This could take on multiple forms: widespread monitoring by environmental agencies being coordinated by a single hub (e.g. research organisation); more highly focused University-based research projects; citizen science including motivated community groups and NRM practitioners. Data collection, collation and analysis needs consistent resourcing over a long term.

14. ADDITIONAL THREAT ABATEMENT INFORMATION Is there other information that relates to threat abatement that you would like to provide?

Reviewers and Further Information

15. REVIEWER(S) Has this nomination been reviewed? Have relevant experts been consulted on this nomination? If so, please include their names and current professional positions.

Prof. Paul Adam, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UNSW, Sydney:

[email protected]

Dr Jeremy Burdon, Research Fellow, CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra: ph 02 6246 5546; [email protected]

Dr Angus Carnegie, Principal Research Scientist - Forest Health, NSW Dept of Primary Industries: ph 02 9872 0131, [email protected]

Dr David Coates, Senior Principal Research Scientist, Program Leader Flora Conservation and Herbarium, Science and Conservation Division, Dept of Parks and Wildlife, Western Australia: ph 08 9219 9048, [email protected]

Dr Fiona Giblin, Senior Research Fellow, Forest Industries Research Centre, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of the Sunshine Coast: ph 0438 043 891, [email protected]

Dr Gordon Guymer, Director, Queensland Herbarium (and Myrtaceae specialist): 07 3896 9325, [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Michelle Leishman, Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University NSW (and Chair of the NSW Scientific Committee): ph 02 9850 9180, [email protected]

Dr Louise Morin, Group Leader Ecology Program, Ecosystem Sciences/Biosecurity Flagship, CSIRO, Canberra: ph 02 6246 4355: [email protected]

Dr Geoff Pegg, Senior Forest Pathologist (Horticulture & Forestry Science, Agri-Science Queensland), Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry, Brisbane: ph 07 3255 4381, [email protected]

Dr Brett Summerell, Deputy Executive Director (Science and Conservation), Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, Sydney; ph 02 9231 8113; [email protected]

Dr Lucy A. Sutherland, National Coordinator, Australian Seed Bank Partnership, Canberra: ph 02 6250 9473, [email protected]

Graham Wilson, Manager, Pest and Ecologicaql Management Unit, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage: ph 02 95856651, [email protected]

Dr Neville Walsh, Senior Conservation Botanist, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne: ph 03 9252 2300, [email protected]

Dr Peter G. Wilson, Principal Research Scientist (Myrtaceae specialist), National Herbarium of New South Wales, Science and Conservation Branch, Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, Sydney; ph 02 9231 8158, [email protected]

16. MAJOR STUDIES Identify major studies that might assist in the assessment of the nominated threatening process.

Cannon AM (2011) Myrtle Rust – Forest Industries Issues Paper. Project No PRC 218-1011. Forest & Wood Products Australia Ltd. (Available at:

Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC, Crous PW (1998) Eucalyptus Rust: A Disease with the Potential for Serious International Implications. Plant Disease 82:819-825. (, accessed 12 Sept 2011.)

Glen M, Alfenas AC, Zauza EAV, Wingfield MJ, Mohammed C (2007) Puccinia psidii: a threat to the Australian environment and economy – a review. Australasian Plant Pathology 36: 1-16

Graça R, Aun C, Guimarães L, Rodrigues B, Zauza and E, Alfenas A (2011a). A new race of Puccinia psidii defeats rust resistance in eucalypt. Australasian Plant Pathology 40(4): 442–447. DOI: 10.1007/s13313-011-0056-8.

Kriticos DJ, Morin L, Leriche A, Anderson RC, Caley P (2013) Combining a Climatic Niche Model of an Invasive Fungus with Its Host Species Distributions to Identify Risks to Natural Assets: Puccinia psidii Sensu Lato in Australia. PLoS ONE 8(5): 1-13. e64479. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064479

Loope, L (2010) A summary of information on the rust Puccinia psidii Winter (guava rust) with emphasis on means to prevent introduction of additional strains to Hawaii. US Geological Survey Open-file Report 2010- 1082. (, accessed 19 April 2011).

Morin L, Talbot MJ, Glen M (2014) Quest to elucidate the life cycle of Puccinia psidii senu lato. Fungal Biology 118: 253-263.

NSW Scientific Committee (2011) Key Threatening Process – Final Determination: ‘Introduction and establishment of Exotic Rust Fungi of the order Pucciniales pathogenic on plants of the family Myrtaceae’. Available at:

Pegg GS, Giblin FR, McTaggart AR, Guymer GP, Taylor H, Ireland KB, Shivas RG, Perry S (2013) Puccinia psidii in Queensland, Australia: disease symptoms, distribution and impact. Plant Pathology Doi: 10.1111/ppa.12173

Plant Health Australia (2009) Threat Specific Contingency Plan – Guava (eucalyptus) rust Puccinia psidii. Industry biosecurity plan for the nursery and garden industry. Plant Health Australia, Deakin ACT. (Available at: [select ‘Plant Information Document Database’, then ‘Nursery and Garden Industry’], accessed 9 August 2010).

17. FURTHER INFORMATION Identify relevant studies or management documentation that might relate to the species (e.g. research projects, national park management plans, recovery plans, conservation plans, threat abatement plans, etc.).

XXXX (pers. comm. March 2014) mentions a CRC Plant Biosecurity project to develop and deliver a nationally standardised myrtle rust rating system for a range of myrtaceous species growing under different environmental conditions, intended to enable affected stakeholders to better manage myrtle rust and its consequences in Australia.

18. REFERENCE LIST Please list key references/documentation you have referred to in your nomination.

Alves AA, Gonçalves Rosado CC, Faria DA, da Silva Guimarães LM, Lau D, Brommonschenkel SH, Grattapaglia D, Alfenas AC (2012), Genetic mapping provides evidence for the role of additive and non-additive QTLs in the response of inter-specific hybrids of Eucalyptus to Puccinia psidii rust infection. Euphytica 183(1): 27-38. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-011-0455-5

Aparecido CC, Figueiredo MB, Furtado EL (2003) Groups of physiological variability in Puccinia psidii populations. Summa Phytopathologica 29, 234–238.

Austromyrtus gonoclada Recovery Team (2001) Recovery plan for the angle-stemmed myrtle Austromyrtus gonoclada 2001-2005. Report to Environment Australia, Canberra. Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Brisbane.

Boaretto LP (2008) Identificaҫão de proteinas diferencialmente expressas e avaliaҫão da composiҫão quimica da parede cellular de folha de clones de Eucalyptus grandis em resposta à ferrugem (Puccinia psidii Winter). [Identification of proteins differentially expressed and evaluation of the chemical composition of the leaf cell wall in Eucalyptus grandis clones in response to the rust fungus (Puccinia psidii Winter)]. [MSc dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura ‘Luiz de Queiroz’, Brazil].

Boland, DJ et al. (1992) Forest trees of Australia. 4th edition. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Vic.

Booth TH, Old KM, Jovanovic T (2000) A preliminary assessment of high risk areas for Puccinia psidii (Eucalyptus Rust) in the Neotropics and Australia. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 82: 295-301

Booth TH, Jovanovic T (2012) Assessing vulnerable areas for Puccinia psidii (eucalyptus rust) in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 41:425–429. DOI 10.1007/s13313-012-0130-x

Borchett DM, Magarey RD (2004) A guide to the use of NAPPFAST

Bradford MG, Dennis AJ, Westcott DA (2008) Diet and Dietary Preferences of the Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius). Biotropica 40(3): 338–343. 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2007.00372.x

CABI (2014) Puccinia psidii. Invasive Species Compendium. [Carnegie & Giblin, under review.]

Cannon AM (2011) Myrtle Rust – Forest Industries Issues Paper. Project No PRC 218-1011. Forest & Wood Products Australia Ltd. (Available at:

Carnegie AC, Glen M, Mohammed C (2010a) Rapid screening of commercial forestry species to Uredo rangelii (myrtle rust) and distinguishing U. rangelii from Puccinia psidii (guava rust). Project number: PRC179-0910. Forest & Wood Products Australia Limited (

Carnegie AJ, Lidbetter JR, Walker J, Horwood MA, Tesoriero L, Glen M, Priest MJ (2010b) Uredo rangelii, a taxon in the guava rust complex, newly recorded on Myrtaceae in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 39: 463-466

Carnegie A and Cooper K. (2011). Emergency response to the incursion of an exotic myrtaceous rust in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 40(4): 346-359. DOI: 10.1007/s13313-011-0066-6.

Carnegie A and Cooper K. (2011). Emergency response to the incursion of an exotic myrtaceous rust in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 40(4): 346-359. DOI: 10.1007/s13313-011-0066-6. (PDF downloadable from:

Carnegie AJ and Lidbetter JR (2012) Rapidly expanding host range for Puccinia psi dii sensu lato in Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology, 41(1): 13-29. (Available as pay to download at

Carnegie AJ (2013). Puccinia psidii (myrtle rust): preparing for an invasion. 19th Australasian Plant Pathology Conference Proceedings.

Coelho L, Alfenas AC, Ferreira FA (2001) Physiologic variability of Puccinia psidii – the rust of Eucalyptus. Summa Phytopathologica 27, 295–300.

Commonwealth of Australia (2006) Contingency planning for Eucalyptus Rust. In ‘Records and Resolutions of the Primary Industries Ministerial Council’ [PIMC 10, 20 April 2006]: 100-104. (Available at:, accessed 9 August 2010).

Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ, Alfenas AC, Crous PW (1998) Eucalyptus Rust: A Disease with the Potential for Serious International Implications. Plant Disease 82:819-825. (, accessed 12 Sept 2011.)

Craven LA, Sunarti S, Mudiana D, Yulistiarni T, Wardani M (2003) Identification key to the indigenous Indonesian genera of Myrtaceae. Floribunda 2: 89—94. da Silva AC, de Andrade PMT, Alfenas AC, Graça RN, Cannon P, Hauff R, Ferreira DC, Mori S (2013) Virulence and impact of Brazilian strains of Puccinia psidii on Hawaiian ‘ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha). Pacific Science

68(1):47-56. 2014. doi:

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19. APPENDIX Please place here any figures, tables or maps that you have referred to within your nomination. Alternatively, you can provide them as an attachment. Attachments: ATTACHMENT 1: Known plant hosts of Puccinia psidii in Australia, as at 21 March 2014.

ATTACHMENT 2: South-west WA Myrtaceae species richness vs predicted high risk zones

ATTACHMENT 3: Myrtaceae species listed under the EPBC Act (at 28 Feb. 2014)

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