Special Libraries, September 1930

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Special Libraries, September 1930 San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1930 Special Libraries, 1930s 9-1-1930 Special Libraries, September 1930 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1930" (1930). Special Libraries, 1930. 7. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1930/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1930s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1930 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. September, 1930 No. 7 SAN FRANCISCO CONVENTION The Library's Part I in the Development of The Industrial West Bibliography on Classification Digest of Business Books Departments Reports Entered .a second clnaa matter at the Poat OfRm, Provldonce, R. I., under th? Act 01 Mnrch 3. 1879. Acceplance lor mnlllng at special rata of postnge provldnd for In sectlon 1103. Act 01 October R. 1017, nuthorlrd October 22, 1927. Retoe: $6 00 a year. Forelgn $6.60: single mplcn 50 oelta 14s Contents ARTICLES Part the Library is playing in the Development of the Industrial West: San Francisco's Part. By Thomas Cowles.. ............ 248 California State Chamber of Commerce. By Mrs. Amy Caya .............................................248 California Branch Banking. By Annette Win- dele....................................................... 250 Los Angeles' Part. By Guy E. Marion ..................... 25 1 The Petroleum Library. By Byron Edwards.. 253 The Motion Picture Library. By Mrs. H. C. Percey ..............................................................255 The Public Utility Library. By Mrs. Ruth E. Creveling ............................................................. 257 Short Bibliography of Classification, 1920-1929, A. By Jessie L. Arms ........................................ .... 273 DEPARTMENTS Classification and In- Events and Publica- dexing ................. 260 tions.. ...................... 276 Digest of Business Personal Notes........... 275 Books ............. 264 Editor's Desk .......... 259 President's Message. ... 247 REPORTS AND NOTES Classification of Agriculture.. .............. .....................263 Cleveland Meeting ........................................................263 Governmental Thoughtfulness ..............................269 New York S. L. A. Report ..........................................270 Special Libraries Published Monthly September to Ap&, bimonthly May to August by THE SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Publication Office, 11 Nisbet Street. Providence, R. I. All payments should be made to Special Libraries Aasociation. 11 Nirbct Street, Providence. R. I. SPECIAL LIBRARIES September, 1930 Institutional Members California Massachusetts State Library, Boston Lor Angelea Public Library, Loa Angeles Metcalf &'~dd~,Boston Standard Oil Company of California, San Social Law Library, Boston Francisco United Fruit Company, Boston Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco Michigan Connacticut Detroit, Ncws, net1 oit Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford Detroit Public L~hary,Dctrolt Yale University Library, New Haven General Motors Corporatmn, Detroit Mimmouri Deliware Kansas City Powcr & Light Company, du Pont de Nemours, E. I., Wil~nington Kansas City lllinoia New Jsraey Byllesby & Co., H. M., Chicago Bakelite Corporation, Bloomfield. Combustion Utilities Corporation, Linden, Chicago Tribune, Chicago N. J. Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago Montcla~rFlee Public Libraly, Montclair Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, Chi- New Jersey Bell Telephone Cotnpany, Newark I =go Newark Public Library, Br~siness Branch, Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Newark I Insurance Library of Chicago Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, Middle West Utilities Co., Chicago Newark Muaeum of Science and Industry, Chicago R. C. A Radiotron Co., Inc., Harrison Peoplea Gas Light & Coke Co , Chicago Standard Oil Development Co., Elizabeth Indimna New York Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort Alexander Hamilton Inst~tute,New York Wayne American Bankers' Association, New York American Electric Railway Association, New Marylmd , York Condidated Gas, Electric Light & Power American Geographical Society, New York Co., Baltimore American Institute of Accountants, New York Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore American Management Association, New York Mmaachuaetta ~mericanMuseum of Natural History, New Baker Library-Harvard School of Business Y ork Administraiion, Boston American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boston Elevated Railway, Boston New York Boston Globe, Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., General Christian Science Monitor, Boston kibrary, New York Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Boston American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Law. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Library, New York First National Bank, Boston Association of Life Insurance Presidents, New York Insurance Library Association of Boston Baker & Taylor Co., New York Jackson & Moreland, Boston Bankers Trust Co., New York Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Li- brary, Cambridge Battcn, Barton, Du~sti~~ePr Osborn, New York Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York Springfield Blackman Co., New York September, 1930 SPECIAL LIBRARIES British L~braryof Information, New York Standard Brands, Inc., New York Brooklyn Edison Company, Brooklyn Standard Statistics Company, New York Brookmire Economic Service, New York Sutro & Company, New York Child Study Association, New York Time, Inc., New York Cleanliness Institute Library, New York United States Rubber Company, New York Consolidated Gas Co. of New York Walker Brothers, New York. Davisson, Manice, New York Western Union Telegraph Conlpany, New York Doherty, Henry L. & Co., New York White & Kemble, New York Electric Bond & Share Co., New York Wiltlon Co., H.W.,New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York Ohio Ford, Bacon & Davis, New York Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus. General Electric Co., Main Library, Sche- nectady Ohio Oil Co., Findlay 8. Grant Cd., W T., New York Proctor Gamble, Cincinnati Grosvenor Library, Buffalo Oklahoma Guaranty Company of New York U. S. Bureau of Mines, BartIesville Haskins & Sells, New York Pennsy lvrnia India, Government of, Ncw York Armtrong Cork Co., Lancaster Industrial Relations Counselors, New York Franklin Institute, Pldaclelphia International Tclcphone E;r Tclcgraph Co., Houghton, E. F. & Co., Philadelphia Ncw York Jones Sr Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh John Price Jones Corporation, New York Mellon Institute, .Pittsburgh. Library Bureau Division, Remington Rand New Jersey Zinc Co., Palmerton Business Service, New York Philaclelphia College of Pharmacy nnd Science, Philadelphia McCall Company, New York Philadelphia Company, Pittsburgh McGraw-IIill Publishing Co. Inc., New York Philadelphia Electric Company, Ph~ladclphia Merchants Association of New York Philadelph~a Rapid Transit Company, Phila- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New delphia York Phil,idelph~aRccord, I'h~ladclphia Municipal Reference Library, New York Pittsburgh Railways Conipany, L'ittaburgh Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co.. Phila- National Andine & Chernicd Cu., Inc., Ncw delphia. Yorlc School of Fine Arts, Univ. Penna., Philadelphia National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, Westinghouse Electric Research Library, E. New York Pittsburgh National City Financial Library, New York Wyomissing Tradc School, Wyomissing National Investors Corporation, New York Rhode Inland New Jersey Zinc Company, New York Rhode Island State Library, Providence New York Telephone Company, New York Wirconnin New York 'Times, The, New York North American Company, New York First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwaukee Port of New York Authority, The, New York I\'irnbcrly-Clark Corp., ICiniberly. Postal Telegraph Co., New York Mnrshall llsley Bank, h~11lwaukec Putnam's Sons, G. P., New York Canada Railway & Utilities Investing Corp., New Hydroelectric Power Commission of Ontario, York Toronto Russell Sage Foundation, Ncw York Imperial Life Assurance Co, of Canada, Toronto Schwarzschiltl, Otto P., National Statistical Insurance Institute of Montreal, Montreal. Service, New York Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal Selected Industries, Inc., New York Sun Life Assurance Co., Montreal Sinclair Refining Co., New York Toronto Transportation Commission, Toronto Sp,ecial Libraries Vol. 21 SEPTEMBER. 1930 No. 6 President's Message 0 you remember it1 Peter Pan when Maude Adams asked the audience if they D believed in fairies? Well, we believe in fairies and in surprises. Three sur- prises for you all and if you'll believe it they come from the very group of which your president is a member-the Financial Group. Other groups may have made or are making plans for the year, but the Financial Group is the first one setting out under full steam. Surpise No. I Once more the American Bankers Association have asked them to plan an exhibit in connection with their meeting, which this year will be in Cleveland, September 29- October 2. Banking services, clipping, pamphlet and information files as well as standard books on banking will be displayed. Books published during the past year will also be featured. Visualize the mezzanine floor of the Hotel Cleveland, which all
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