January 22, 2021
LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY The administration of the estate of corded in Plat Book 6, Page 33-39, of ENCKO YKVJ VJKU EQWTV YKVJKP VJTGG Division: A DONNA L. TOULOUSE, deceased, the Public Records of Citrus County, OQPVJUCHVGTVJGFCVGQHVJGſTUVRWDNKEC- whose date of death was May 27, 2020; Florida. tion of this notice. IN RE: ESTATE OF File Number 2020 CP 000889, is pend- JCU DGGP ſNGF CICKPUV [QW CPF [QW CTG #NN ENCKOU PQV ſNGF YKVJKP VJG VKOG RGTK- ,#/'595#06,'4 ing in the Circuit Court for Citrus County, required to serve a copy of your written ods set forth in the Florida Statues Section Deceased. Florida, Probate Division, the address of defenses, if any, to it on Plaintiff’s attorney, 733.702 will be forever barred. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR which is 110 N. Apopka Ave., Inverness, Donald F. Perrin, Esq., DONALD F. PER- CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA FL 34450. The names and addresses of Notwithstanding the time periods set The administration of the estate of James 4+02#2QUV1HſEG$QZ+PXGTPGUU HQTVJCDQXGCP[ENCKOUſNGFVYQ [GCTU PROBATE DIVISION the personal representative and the per- (.YKVJKPHQTV[ FC[UCHVGT 95CPVLGTFGEGCUGFYJQUGFCVGQHFGCVJ sonal representative’s attorney are set or more after the decedent’s death will for- was October 8, 2020, is pending in the Cir- File No. 2020 CP 000943 VJG ſTUV RWDNKECVKQP QH VJKU PQVKEG CPF ſNG ever be barred. forth below. the original with the Clerk of this Court ei- cuit Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, IN RE: ESTATE OF All creditors of the decedent and other ther before service on Plaintiff’s attorney or 6JG FCVG QH VJG ſTUV RWDNKECVKQP QH VJKU Probate Division, the address of which MARIE P.
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