indoctrination in society government indoctrination military indoctrination

abuse of authority abuse of real power anti-war activism bread and circuses bureaucracy conflicts of interest in society corruption in society courtly intrigues discrimination in society electioneering in society fifth columns freedom of the press government censorship in society government expropriation of land government regulation in society government secrecy healing after social upheaval independence struggle political issue labor revolt nepotism official scapegoating in society political apathy in society political polarization political purge post-truth politics resistance movement revolution in society secret government project social activism social oppression the control of deadly weapons bad government exports while the people are starving the dangers of unchecked ambition

harassment workplace harassment

relations between social groups in society corporation interfering in politics hatred of exceptional people anti-intellectualism in society

social dysfunction pervasive marketing in society hatred in society ethnic hatred

Christmas traditions antiscience in society arranged marriage celebrity culture in society childish bullying combat sports in society conformism in society cultural preservation cultural symbols as a unifying force in society eugenics hoaxes in society illness as a social construct sociocultural issue mandatory retirement mass consumerism mixed marriage mobile phone overuse in society performance-enhancing drugs polygamy reality television in society racism in society antisemitism in society racial supremacism sex trade in society superstition in society the hippie movement violence in the media youth rebellion prejudice in society AI prejudice in society class prejudice in society lookism in society prejudice against ex-convicts xenophobia in society

sexism in society creationism equal career opportunities for women female education female independence forced fatherhood gender bending gender in sports girl power child labor historical revisionism illiteracy in society indoctrination of a people indoctrination of the young inflexible education system gender issue educational issue mother's right to determine pregnancy sexual harassment the battle of the sexes woman in charge women's suffrage parental controls in society protecting children vs. letting them learn religion in public education the importance of remembering history bestiality birth control bisexualism having a baby out of wedlock incest in society open sexuality in society pornography sexual norms in society prostitution in society transsexualism environmentalism exported pollution homosexuality in society lesbianism male homosexuality climate change and bureaucratic inaction eco-terrorism endangered species human overpopulation natural resource sustainability environmental issue nature conservationism nuclear power safety ozone layer depletion pesticides in society the dangers of radioactivity

pollution in society oil spills in society

waste management toxic waste management

absolute monarchy anarchy caste system colonialism corporatocracy democracy despotism global unification under a central authority national social issue form of government imperialism matriarchy military dictatorship patriarchy religion as a control mechanism rule by strength of arm television as a control mechanism

racial segregation

authoritarianism creeping authoritarianism

unethical business practices fascism Nazism

capitalism communism feminism free inquiry vs. obedience isolationism multiculturalism nationalism religious fundamentalism religious toleration political ideology socialism the merits of autocracy theocracy traditionalist conservatism adds in society big banking in society commercialism in society economic depression elitism energy crisis in society forced labor camp anarchy vs. rule of law aristocracy vs. bourgeoisie conservative vs. liberal cooperation vs. competition diversity vs. unity contraposed political ideologies gentrification intellectual property in society labor strikes in society monopolies in society poverty in society predatory financial practices in society free market vs. regulated market order vs. freedom republic vs. empire security vs. freedom socioeconomic issue price inflation in society privatization in society rebuilding society after a disaster rebuilding society after war refugee crisis slavery social stagnation suppression of a technology to preserve an industry taxation in society unemployment in society healthcare inequality inequality in the justice system social inequality

workers replaced by machines

machines in society autonomous weapon systems in society autonomous weapons system killing everyone

immigration in society Internet crime in society social media in society AI takeover surveillance capitalism treatment of migrants dangerous driving in society drunk driving

information technology in society out of control AI apostacy black markets body snatching data privacy genetic engineering in society human cloning in society mass media in society playing God with nature social change due to new technology sociotechnological issue the dangers of unfettered scientific advancement video manipulation in society crime against the public nonconsensual voyeurism

out of control technology sexual crime indecent exposure pedophiles the crime of adultery terrorist or freedom fighter mass surveillance onerous license agreements terrorism school shooting divorce procedures forced confession impartiality in the legal system inherited liability miscarriage of justice police brutality law and order issue sexual assault statute of limitations the making of a monster to society the presumption of innocence treatment of war collaborators

how to handle a hostage situation witness tampering

obstruction of justice avunculicide

cannibalism poison murder political serial murder spouse murder violent crime

dominicide vendetta crime against justice

perjury vigilante justice crime war crime

child abuse organ theft bribery high treason

false accusations crime against the person

framing someone for a crime what if I were being framed for a crime

aircraft hijacking

child abduction robbery bank robbery mugging organized crime band of outlaws criminal gangs

ransom kidnapping crime against property theft archaeological looting burglary looting legal duty duty to disobey illegal orders duty to rescue duty to return lost property arson blackmail illegal drug trade smuggling tax evasion vandalism collective punishment corporal punishment exile indefinite detention mutilation as punishment punishment as a deterrent to crime legal punishment solitary confinement as a punishment treatment of prisoners treatment of the criminally insane unlawful detention criminal fraud art forgery con artistry insurance fraud match fixing scams against the elderly

military issue antigovernment militia movement desertion drugs for military use prisoners of war the military-industrial complex in society poaching

military secrecy covert military operation

MMORPGs in society alcohol in society genetically modified food in society healthcare in society junk foods in society problem gambling in society public health issue sexually transmitted disease in society in society the dangers of smoking treatment of the mentally ill in society bioengineered human pathogen contagious disease in society epidemics in society child power child's point of view feral children in society orphans in society the role of the disabled in society the role of the elderly in society special interest group issue the role of war veterans in society