together the William H. Cocke The Lost Weekend Found Hall side of the weekend's performance. An ante-bellum swirl of paper elegance, cen- For Ring Figure 1977 tralized with the bronze knot of the ring symbol, dominates the wooden floor. For years and The place will be the same. pre-set. Beginning with the ring years, boys have played and The people will be much the presentation in Jackson danced there. With a large same. The ring will be much the Memorial Hall, in which the assist from the Hop & F'loor same. The band will share the Superintendent presents the committee, the Paris interior legacy of people like Duke rings, the 1977 Ring F'igure passes as an original. Ellington, who played there. plans go through three stages. Captain William F'lavin's Only the names and numbers First, the figure dance, where talk at the ring presentation have changed. Another class is the Reggie Sadler Revue is comes to life on the floor. He has passing through VMI. It is the scheduled to play. Two, the been there before, and for the Ring Figure weekend of the William & Mary-VMI football Class of 1977, he returns in part, Class of 1977. For those there, it game the next dayr And third, again. Few events defy time will not soon be forgotten. the dinner-dance in the Hotel like the image of neatly-cropped Mike Wilson's permit to the Roanoke, the house the railroad little boys in their story book vSuperintendent reads in part: built. In the rush of the modern costumes, gliding across a "...Ring Figure, Class of world, the Ring Fig,ure is a gloss-lit floor, in the arms of 1!>77...From: i:i:15 hrs. 7 Nov. throw-back to elegance, the girls in pure white. Seldom does 1»7.'). ...To: Taps. 9 November party wild as the times make it. RING FIGURE 1956. proceeds across the floor of Cooke Hall. an ideal come so touchingly i!>7.'i," thus the time has been Wyatt Paris, and his crew put close to reality. VOLUME LXVI NUMBER 9

^ Military Institute/ Lexington/ Virginia November 1, 1975 Mike Freeman Wins France Award

Michael Joe Freeman was today awarded the Douglas Carter France, HI Memorial Award during the Class of 1977's ring presentation ceremonies in .Jackson Memorial Hall. Mike is an Academically Distinguished Civil Engineering major, the First Sergeant of C Company, and is a second class representative to the Honor Court. Mike, a native of Kingsport, Tennessee, was selected for the Red Cross Bloodmobile award by a committee com- prised of ten members of his class; a representative from each company together with the Collects Over 600 Pints class officers. The choice made The Red Cross Bloodmobile's employees of the Institute donated a total of 1279 pints. by this committee was ap- fall visit to VMI fell this week proved by way of a vote of amidst expectation of a record Faculty wives. Red Cross volunteers, and Mr. Charles confidence in its members on breaking donation. the part of the entire second Spearheading the fall-75 effort Turner donated time and supplies, providing soft drinks, class. In being chosen for the were cadets W. M. Dietrick and France Award by his Brother Charles Berry, who spent two milk, orange juice, cookies, and sandwiches at the 200 level of Rats, Mike is singled out as the days on their feet assisting the with "Douglas C. France, III '71 Lejeune Hall donation site. member of the Class of 1977 who Established in 1%9 by tne R^ Cross workers. Nearly 340 Memorial Award" and the Berry commented Tuesday, "has best emulated the Class of 1971 as a tribute to their pints of blood were collected on qualities of excellent character, Brother Rat Douglas C. France, name of the recipient, and a Wednesday, and Thursday's "We are hoping to beat last cash award. Cadet F'reeman year's total, but we can only do selflessness toward his fellow III who lost his life in an collection netted 300 pints. Last cadets, graciousness and en- automobile accident in the was presented the award by the year, cadets^ faculty, and that if everybody at least tries Superintendent, Major General to donate." thusiasm which Cadet France summer of 1969, the award lived by." consists of a class ring inscribed Richard L. Irby. THIS WEEK! Twenty-Six First Classmen To 7 Nov., 2100 hrs., Cocke Hall, Class of 1977 Ring Figure Dance. B Nov., 1330 hrs., VMI , VMI vs. William and Mary. Represent VMI In "Who's Who 10 Nov., 0900 hrs.. HI 105 lecture, chemistry lecture room. "The Status of Women in Historical Perspective," Mrs. classmates. All curricula and Helen H. Davis. Twenty six members of the Honors candidate. Editor of 10 Nov., 2000 hrs., concert, Lee Chapel. The Performers' Class of 1976 have been selected facets of life at VMI are 1976 Bomb, Monogram Club), J. Committee for 20th Century Music (piano, flute and represented. soprano). to represent VMI in the R. Esser (Civil Engineering 11 Nov., Founders Day: Review parade in honor of Gov. nationwide election of "Who's with cum gpa 3.8, Daughters of Mills K. Godwin, assembly 0955: Convocation in J. M. Who in American colleges and Founders and Patriots America Hall, assembly 1045. The nominations for 1976 are: 11 Nov., 1900 and 2100 hrs., movie, FORT APACHE, in 203 universities." These gentlemen, Douglas F. Ashton (2nd Bat- Award in AFROTC, 1974), Reid Hall (W&I.) in the opinion of the "Who's talion commander, t<^ 1 per- William R. Favier (EE with 12-15 Nov.. VMI Theatre's Fall ProducUon, THE WHITE Who" committee, are the 1.IAR.S and BlJ\CK (X)MEDY. Shows at 2000 hrs. cent OCS), Philip C. Brzozowski cum gpa 3.25, Treasurer Class 12 Nov., 1900 and 2100 hrs., movie, RIO BRAVO, duPont standouts from this year's first (Biology, cum gpa 3.871, winner of '76, Prosecutor Honor Court, Auditorium (WAD class. Through academic or DMS), Peter H. Gabriel 12 Nov., Phvsics Seminar, 1630, coffee, 1700 lecture. of several biology awards), J. Auditorium, Mallory Hall. military prowess or a com- C. Coleman (Cadet First (English with cum gpa 3.7, 1st 13 Nov., Reception: Slide-lecture. Miss Isabel Mcllvain, bination of both, they have Captain, top 2 percent OCS, Lt. Bn S-l, DMS. Honor Court, W A L art instructor and sculptor-in-retidence. duPont achieved distinction in the eyes Auditorium. Economics, cum gpa 2.9), of their instructors and Howard A. Curie (English Continued on page 5 Page 7, The VMI Cadet, November 7, 1975 The VMI CADET The U.N.'s Heartbeat Falters

by H. Curtis Butterworth terminal mental disease. Opinion TTiomas Wolfe entitled the United Nations. The Amin's racist charges Irresponsible power is inconsistent with liberty, and must corrupt ere of his novels Look United States' monetary those who exercise it. - John C. Calhoun portion of the U.N.'s aimed at Israel were the Homeward Angel and no harbingers of an over- more timely advice could budget is directly proportionally to the whelming vote in favor of now be given to each of us expelling Israel from the Twenty-Seven Months as American citizens. At number of times the U. S. has been kicked around U.N. because of its racist this tumultuous period in policies. Also, the U. S. is ihe history of the United and cursed by many of More Than Half-Way the members of the guilty of the same States we desperately charges because of its need to slow down and United Nations. Ring Figure, 1977. What does it really mean? However, the great close association with Twenty-seven months at VMI, and the molding of a take stock of ourselves Israel. and to evaluate our ob- contributions that are confused and easily frightened adolescent into a made b^ the U. S. to this What action or actions purposeful and not easily surprised young man. Nearly jectives and priorities. Time once was when body are too often can the U. S. take to two and a half years of pressing up the Hill of Science prevent bearing the brunt has had a telling effect on those entering freshmen of the United States oc- forgotten or purposely cupied the pinnacle overlooked by certain of these idiotic charges in August, 1973. It has been a long, seemingly in- the future? The U. S. terminable road for those freshmen, but here we are: position on the ladder of nations such as those now the Class of 1977, today arrived at what may well prove world powers. So referred to as the Third could simply withdraw to be for us as a class the high point of four years at the powerful was the United Worid. totally from the U. N. but I don't think that would Institute. States that it could do For example, it has practically as it pleased solve anything. Instead, TTiis afternoon the class was presented with their only been two weeks it should devise some rings, and with that presentation comes the cementing whenever it was inclined since Idi Amin and his to make a move. TTiis means by which it can of a special bond among the members of the VMI Class travelling circus rolled make known that it iF of 1977. More than simply symbolizing the existaice of enviable situation •no into town. The members longer exists either willing to cooperate with this bond, the class ring is a physical presence en- of the U. N. have not been other nations. However, compassing all of us within the class and forever militarily or treated to such a display economically. Amierca is it should also make it setting us apart. The limits of that encirclement are of moralistic perfectly clear that it is soundly forged of the unforgettable experiences we being forced'to be more showmanship since have shared here. Elach of us has laughed, cried, selective in the areas that not going to be pushed Nikita Kurschev left a around by some sweated, and (less often) breezed his way through it becomes involved in permanent black heel these two years. We have counted days until around the world. This demented head of state mark on the desk of the dressed as if he was going IhanksgiNing, until Christmas, until Spring Furlough, selectivity will also have U. N. General Assembly. until countless weekends and hops, until Summer, and to be carried over into the to be a participant in the Amin who has since been Mardi Gras festivities. now we have exhausted the hours before our Ring decision as to how the described as a "buffoon" Figure. But never has any of us had to go it alone. United States will very emotionally told the This Ring Figure will almost certainly be the last become involved. WiU it world that the CIA was W&L Concert time we \\ill all be together simply for that purpose; to be a military, econoniic, merely an "execution be together as a class. Only Graduation remains, and or political intervention squad" for the U. S. TTiis On Nov. 10 that will not be the same. At Finals '77, how many will or some combination of is not bad coming from a The Washington & Lee be preoccupied with the immediate future, with jobs these? man allegedly respon- Concert Guild series will and graduate or professional schools? And as Alumni, Hie United States must sible for the deaths of present an offering by the how many of us will even return? It in NOW, at our answer these questions Performers Committee for 20th between 25,000 and Century Music. Monday, Ring Figure, that we must affirm in our own minds and and do it immediately. At 250,000 of his own November 10th, at 8 p.m. in Lee hearts our unity as a class, la\ing the foundation for a this moment we are being countrymen. However, it Chapel. productive and' rewarding First Qass year and for- attacked as the was Amin's statement Music will be taken from ming the roots of the pride in our class, in our school, representative of that Israel was guilty of pieces designed for piano, flute, and in ourselves which must sustain us in the years to democracy in the world. racism because of its and soprano. The concert ad- follow. mission is free for students and In what arena are we espousal of Zionism that faculty. JSD III, '77 being attacked? The clearly shows that the sacred cow of the world, man issuffering from a THE VMI CADET Local Politics The VMI CADET is published every Friday during the academic year, except tor the Corps Trip, scheduled holidays, and the Field Training exercise. Entered as Second Class matter Septemt>er 19, 1946 at Read '65 Carries 51 % In Nov. 4 Election the Post Office in Lexington, Virginia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Sub scription, $6 50 out of barracks, $5.00 in barracks. Address: Box 7 VMI Lexington, Va. by Robert B. Reddington Finishing third with 16 per cent grounds for these accusations of the vote was James T. Adams were Beverly C. Read's The VMI CAOET is a member of the membership in the law firm of Virginia Intercollegiate Press Association On November 4th. the people (father of 1st classman Byron Associated Collegiate Press. of the Commonwealth of D. Adams). Foresman, Read & Elkins, Re-elected to the House of which has VMI as a client and Editor-in-Chief: Robert j. Kern Virginia, exercised their rights Managing Editor: Edward R. Crews and voted in state-N*ide elec- Delegates for the 9th district Eric Lee Sisler's affiliation with Opinion Editor: Harold T. Dodge were Independents Charles W. Washington and Lee. John Business Manager: T. ScoH Lloyd, Asst. tions. Ray Pietrusika One of the candidates that Gunn and Lacey E. Putney. Read's reply throughout the emerged triumphant was John Putney and Gunn warded off the campaign was "I have not and Staff Writers: Cris Manno, Tim will not lie about my opponents, Mishkofski, Steve Gallahan, Jack Daniel, "Bev" Read, a 1965 graduate of challenge of Alice B. Rabe of Curtis Butterworth, Robert Reddington, the Virginia Military Institute. Lexington and Shuler Kizer, appeal to hatred in people or Mike Dick, Paul SpwKer, Jack Webber, Beverly C. "John" Read upset Mayor of Buena Vista, to retain deal in vague innuendos about Bill AtwIII, Charles Angemeer, Mike 'vested interests' or such at- Myers, Terry McKnlght, Gerry Snyder, incumbent Commonwealth's their seats in the House of Jack Adams, Phil Upton, Buster Pace. Attorney Eric Lee Sisler, who Delegates. tempts to get away from the Greg Jones. basic simple truth." was seeking his second con- Another local upset was J. Sports Editors: Clint Davis, Hank Dean Marshall Coleman's (R) defeat Beverly C. Read follows a Circulation Staff: Director: Clyde Furr. secutive term as criminal Bruce Cann, Andy Tarr, Wayne Eastt^m. prosecutor and legal advisor to of incumbent Frank Nden (D). long standing tradition of VMI Mike Gotham Lexington and Rockbridge C(4eman's victory is significant men who have distinguished Production Managtr: Sttv* Gallahan for the RepubUcans, as it gives themselves in public life. Mr. Photography: Bill Danieisen, Bill Winfree County. Mr. Read was expected Korelgn CorrvsftondMtt: Steve Woodis, to upset Sisler. However, the the Republicans another badly Read believes "that the VMI Craig Forl>es needed seat in the Senate and system of leadership, training, margin of victory exceded pre- Copy Desk I W. Michael DIetrick election predictions. Read produces Coleman as a rising integrity and hard work star in the GOP camp. prepares a man well for any of Art Depratment: Christopher L Manno. carried 51 per cent of the vote Simon KadomskyI and received 800 more votes During the heated Campaign the charge of "special in- life's challenges. The VMI than second place Sisler. for Commonwealth's Attorney terests" was brou^t up.. The systems does wwk," Publisher I The Lexington News Gaiette The VMI Cadet, November T, 1975, Page 3 Using Force With A Navy Sailing In Harms Way

by Ed Crews

"Force is nevermore that compare our fleet to the all our eggs into one basket. Is it operative than when it is Russian fleet. The Russian sane to put several billion into known to exit out but is not Navy is presently building more several carriers or develop brandished." Alfred Thayer and more ships and their cheaper and more plentiful Mahan present strength is well over cruisers and submarines? 2,000 vessels. The U. S. is hardly Recall that it wasn't so awfully Prior to the First World War in the arms race when one hard to sink billions of dollars of the great nations of the world considers we have a ^Itry 483 a few ships at Pearl Harbor in went on a spree of naval ar- ships of the line. We are totally 1941. Certainly there is mament that took hold of the overwhelmed in the classes of something to be said for safety attention of people, high and large combat ships and attack in numbers. There is also the low, all over the world. A submarines. We stand almost alarming fact that it takes nation's might was measured in neck and neck in the area of seven to eight years to build one tonnage and her military ballistic-missile subs and ac- of the bigger ships. Time in a prowess was determined by the tually have the edge in carries. huge war is of the essence. appearance of her bat- Still, the Russians are moving There is also the question of tleships and crews. The navies ahead with increased building what is really necessary on of the world devoured Mahay and^ development of carriers. American vessels in the way of and established a nautical All in all the prospects look comforts for the crew. aristocracy and image that grim. One carrier of the super- It seems to this writer that clings with us to this day. carrier class costs $1.6 billion there is a lot to be said for many The growth of Japan and her and Trident subs run $1.8 ships over a few ships. expansion was made possible billion. Hurt by cuts in military Especially if one can avoid by the development of her fleet. spending it will be some time sacrificing quality for the sake The German U-Boats largely before the navy can even hope of quantity. Of course there is determined the balance of naval to get the $55 billion it needs to one factor that is valuable and warfare in the Atlantic during even get on an even keel with doesn't even seem to enter the POW Display Opened the same period. It was the present Soviet Fleet size. Of heads of Congress. Any boy who mainly a naval war in the course funding depends largely has read C. S. Forester's POVV DISPLAY OPENED - Life as a prisoner of the North Pacific and there were on what type of mission the Hornblower series will tell you Vietnamese is dramatically portrayed in a new and permanent tremendous rivalries between Navy Department will set for the key to successful naval exhibit. The display contains items belonging to former POW Maj. the carrier admirals and the itself. Priorities as to limited or warfare is the initiative of in- lames R. Berger, a 1961 VMI graduate who spent six years as a dividual officers and the prisoner. Ma j. Berger, a native of Richmond and now serving in the battleship admirals to ascertain nuclear war capabilities still who would deal the death blow have to be determined. At a discipline of the crews. Greater V. S. Air Force in Texas, is married to the former Carole Wright of education of our naval per- l.exington, Va. to Japan. certain point we engage in the There aren't battleship ad- question of overkill and even- sonnel and training of the in- mirals any more because there tually the people in congress are dividual seamen is vital to aren't any battleships left. Yet, going to wonder what is the success. The case in point being the debate now rages on bet- point of it all anyway as nuclear the frequently outnumbered ween the carrier folks and radiation tends to mess the British Fleet of the late 18th and the submariners. The earth for some time. 19th centuries. Bold captains CHINA HOUSE Newsweek of Oct. 27 presents The question also comes up as and skillful crews can and do an analysis of our naval power to whether we should continue save a desperate and almost 30 S. Main Street in an article — "The Navy of to produce only nuclear war- hopeless situation. It is time to Tomorrow." It is fitting that on ships or develop more diesel look at the human factor in In The Robert E. Lee Hotel the 200th birthday of our Navy ships as the Russians are doing. naval warfare and seriously we take a long look at our One also wonders if it is wise to consider the need for creating a capability in that department. devote ourselves to the navy fully capable of taking on OPEN DAILY 12 NOON - 10 P.M. Most alarming are the figures dangerous practice of sinking the odds we are faced with. iMsm^mmm

MUSIC NOW thru TUE. Nov. 18 1 •-taw _ Eve 7 & 9 P.M. Sat. Sun. 2 P.M. Elvin Bishop & Pure Prairie League Live Mi 'miBi

-REVIEW- familiar down home flavor. have been much more effective PPL also has a new album Most of Bishop's music is a had they come out first. The coming out and they played rhythmic southern rock with tempo of PPL was somewhat several selections from it. "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH" by Jimmy Lofton Th* humtar km GimI White Shaifc For those who enjoy rock, country overtones. Bishop now slower than Elvin Bishop's and Nothing was played that has two albums out, "Let -it this made them seem almost bluegrass and country-western matches "Two Lane Highway," a trip to Roanoke to hear Elvin Flow" and "Juke Joint Jump." anti-climactic. Some of the best selections This is not to say that PPL's but those played seemed quality Bishop and Pure Praire League PPL. was well wcH-th the effort. included "Travelin' Shoes," music was not good. Led by lead "Stealin Watermelons," and Elvin Bishop played first and singer Mike Reilly, PPL har- "Juke Joint Jump." The band monized very well, especially in from the start delighted the also played several selections audience with their easy their- most well-known songs from a new album not yet •^Two Lane Highway" and rollicking music. Elvin, who released. From the preview, it sang lead vocals and played "Amie." Other than these two, could be the best Elvin Bishop PPL leaned toward their lead guitar, came out shaggy- yet. headed in overalls and rolled-up bluegrass music which is best represented in their last two flannel shirt. Johnny "V" Some of Elvin Bishop was Incorporated Vermazza also played lead albums. The group showed definitely country, but even if talent vocally, and in- guitar with Michael (Fly) you aren't into country music it strumentally; John David Call PHC Brooks on bass, Don Baldwin on would be hard not to have en- drums, and Phil Aaberg on was especially outstanding on WHOLESEIIVIG[, joyed the show put on by Elvin banjo and steel guitar. Near the piano and clarinet. Bishop. WHOLESALEK' Bishop's band obviously end the group got warmed up enjoyed playing. Bishqp writes Pure Prairie League came on and played some fast-paced Richmond, Virginia Kentucky music which was most of the band's music after a long intermission, and in 23200 himself and gives his songs a this writer's opinion they would easy to keep time to. Page 4, The VMI Cadet, military standpoint, seems to The VMI CADET l>e quite unnecessary and uncalled for. True, the Figure was AND SO GOODBYE executed in the uniform and by men whose life is one of rigid discipline. Were these men supposed to "fIn-out" Features irallv lias lurn a swoll wcikcnd. and 1 want lo lliatik yoii I'vtT .so imich for like Rats? Was every step November 7, 1975 and every swing of arm to be lakiiig WW tliroiii;!' '^ii'K I'i.Utiro. I am tonilily sorry that 1 dropped your governed by the great god. riii^'. and I jnst dnn't understand wlu're il rould liavo lionnml to. Init it'll Military? Is the Ring Figure turn up. 1 know, And please don't lie loo anijry willi me; I didn't know to be condemned because one that the niee lookiui; man in that blue luiilorni would jy;o and tell on ns. Back In The Old Corps person observed that not 1 only mentioned lo liim how we were inoiuii; to lool the eouimand;mt. just more than half a dozen what does "ten. two and lort_\" mean' Are you sure thai the slain will second classmen performed eome out of muu" trousers 1 had no idea 1 was goin.ij to slip and spill my as automatons? Decidedly, whole dinner plate in your lap. I'>ul you'll have lo admit I'was the life of ...And There Was \o. The Ring F^igure was not tlie parlv. though. I'll never understand why you were so rude. The last another parade or review for couples were most interestiu};, 1 thoujjht niy tjfiodness. just what would men""already grown weary of we have done if evervoue would have left us alone last uijjht ? .\nd Larry, such functions but an oc- lear. I do want to apoloj^i/c for . . . Ring Figure 1932 casion which made these men feel that the past two For our Ring Figure issue, two and a half years of not and a half years ac- what could be more appropriate mere college life but of the complishments were well than a backwards glance at the worth the time and effort that event itself? Evidently, in days steady grind and monotony was expended. The gone by, a lack of military of military life and hard weariness of routine, the bearing on the part of Second work. The VMI ring stands tenseness of the classroom. Classmen during the Figure for one of the greatest and . and all mechanical drills ceremony was a cause for at- finest of all institutions. What . were cast aside to give sway tack by certain parties. And school boasts of richer and to that one event which no how did the Old Corps react to finer traditions than our own VMI man ever forgets. such criticism? Consider Ring VMI? May the day never dawn Figure, 1932. that sees the Ring Figure just The Ring Figure is an another parade to thrill event which, with the ex- spectators who worship "There is perhaps no ception of graduation, is the brass buttons!" satisfaction greater than that most important event in the Mr. W. J. Jones, wherever made possible by the you may be, forty-five years achievement of something lour years of cadet life. For and some untold distance may worthwhile. The Ring Figure one who is looked upon as an separate us, but you bridged at VMI symbolizes, one advisor and friend to openly any gap between your class and might say. the beginning of criticize the participants of mine with your sentiments, the end: the culmination of the Ring Figure, from a back in the Old Corps... Sixteen Cadets In Bicentennial Debate

sectional, regional and national Sprawling City" were Dick The local round of th Williams and Tom Pender, Bicentennial Youth Debates tournaments. took place at VMI on October 22. The topic for the Lincoln- respectively. Winners in per- Sixteen cadets participated. Six Douglas speaking events were : suasive speaking were Evan of them are eligible to compete "Resolved: That urbanization Haberman, first; and Kimber in the district competition to be has lowered the quality of Latsha, second. Tehir general held at VMI on November 19. American life." The hrst place topic was "The American Representatives from several speaker was Dale Bryson; the Frontier: Crucible of Our colleges and universities in the second place, Robby Burke. The National Character?" All of Shenandoah Valley are ex- top two extemporaneous these men may compete in the fHjcteu lu c'.ttend this event. The district competition. speakers on the topic of "The next levels of competition are

actors this year are newcomers Sweden, Greece, Iran, Jordan, White Liars/ Black Comedy To Open Nov. 12 to the stage. Carrere was ap- Thailand, Saudi Arabia, South prehensive at the beginning, but Korea, Ghana, Indon^sia^, hard work has paid off. Nationalist China, West "Ger- With the players ready for many, and Canada. Their action, final details are being liasons were Captains Day and worked out. Terry Pervis, a English, U. S. Army, QMC, and Lexington High School senior, SFC Wright, all of whom are explains the progress; stationed at Fort Lee, Va. Their "Everything is fitting together. host was Major Bare of the VMI They are going to be good Army ROTC detachment. He plays." was assisted by members of the Tickets go on sale on S-5 staff. November 15th through the VMI The visitors were escorted by Theatre at 463-7629 or may be second classmen Bob Whalen, obtained through Bill Grant in Eliot Ruhland and Dale Bryson. room 119. They observed a DRC for- mation and a formal guard mount. They then attended a special luncheon in the Officers sub-mess, where they were officially welcomed by Colonel Buchanan. During the meal, the 12 Nations officers and enlisted men met and talked with VMI cadets THE CAST relaxes during early rehearsal. from their native countries. Following lunch, the visitors Shipp Hall at 8 p.m. difficult, because the playwrite, toured the Post, the VMI Peter Shaffer, has included In Visit The VMI Theatre production The theatre director this Museum, and the Marshall several scenes which take place Library and Museum. of The White Liars and Black year, Bob Carrere, is very A group of foreign army of- in very dim light. All the visitors seemed im- ( omedy will be presented on the enthusiastic about the progress ficers and enlisted men visited pressed with the history of VMI 12th through the 15th of of the twin bill. The preparation It has also been difficult for VMI on October 9. They and the everyday life of the for the two plays has been the Troupe, since most of the represented twelve countries: November in room 318 Scott cadets, as well as with the U.S. The VMI Cadet, November 14, 1975, Page 5


f I-






continued from page 1) Who's Who Nominees

Monogram Club), D. T. P. wrestling), Ronnie L. Moore Med Society, Reserve Officers / % wm Gilliam (President Class 76, (Varsity football, All Southern Assoc. Medal in AFROTC and head of General and Executive Conference), W. Gregg Mullen Grissom Memorial Scholar- committees, Posit Committee), (CE with cum gpa 3.8, DMS, ship), C. E. Tuday (Cadet Douglas B. Johnson (EE with Managing Editor, 1976 Bomb, Captain, Posit Comm., General cum gpa 3.5, Pi Sigma phvsics Daughters of Founders and Dynamics Award in AFROTC, honor society, DMS), Patriots Am. Award in AROTC, Vice-Commandant's Award in T. J. TURLIP J. P. Johnson (CE with 1974), Carlton G. Opel (CE with AFROTC field training), T. J. mander, DMS, Reserve Officers cum gpa 3.5, Prosecutor, Honor Turlip (EE, Honor Court, Cadet C.D. VILLANI Assoc. Ladies of Va. Award for Court, 1st Lt. Bn. S-1, DMS, Captain, President, Hop excellence in AROTC Ranger and Airborne Platoons, Comm.), Carmen D. Villani ), William R. LaGrone Recipient Superior Cadet (President of the Honor Court, (Chemistry with cum gpa 3.4, Award in AROTC), Ralph C. Douglas Carter France, III Pi Sigma physics honor Reppart (Biology with cum gpa Memorial Award, Reserve society. Cadet Capt., DMS, 3.2, Honor Court, DMS, varsity Officers Assoc. Ladies of Va. American Legion Medal for basketball capt.. New Mexico Award in AFROTC), Richard A. excellence in AROTC), M. E. Invitational All-Tournament Williams (History Honors Linaberry (Chemistry with cum Team, 1973, winner of Program, Cdt. Capt., gpa 3.6, Pi Sigma physics basketball coaches' award), Regimental S-5, Debate Team honor society. President, ACS, Mark G. Swank (CE with cum Captain, winner of several Linville Award in Chemistry), gpa 3.1, DMS, Regimental S-1, awards in debate tournaments, James A. Lofton (Modern Soc. of American Military Militaria Society), Lawrence R. Languages with cum gpa 3.5, Engineers Award and special Wrenn, II (Chemistry with cum varsity football, sports editor, citation, 1975), M. G. Tate gpa 3.0, Cadet Captain, Leslie VMI Bomb), Kurt P. Luckenbill (Regimental XO, Posit Com- German Award in analytical (Economics with cum gpa 3.5, mittee, Symposium Committee, R. A. WILLIAMS chemistry. Honor Court). ODE, nat'l honor society in DMS), William R. Toney L. R. WRENN economics, DMS, varsity (Biology with cum gpa 3.5, Pre- Pa^e ^Indians Have Nothing To Lose.,/' The VMI CADET • REDLINE Keydets Wary Of W&M Big Play

STATS A young, and winless, William major factor in the game. on the run but have been in- Sports and Mary football team invades The offensive line has played consistent with their pass rush. Senior tackle Ken Brown is The VMI Cadet, November 7, 1975 Alumni Memorial Field together for over two years now Saturday, for another Southern with the exception of a few new probably their best up front but Conference game. The Tribe's faces. Right guard Roger was hurt against VPI and may 0-7 record is not indicative of the Kroeger is rated as their best not play this week. Jeff Hosmer Amateur vs. Mercenary quality players on Jim Root's blocker. Look for him to tangle joins McCurdy backing the down linemen. Hosmer and REDLINE squad. Last week William and with Jones and Willison. At 6'3"- Mary played even with the 235, left tackle Paul Witkovitz is McCurdy are smart and ex- Let us consider the prospect of transforming club Hokies before Virginia Tech the biggest member of the of- perience. Alan Fyke and Tom lacrosse into a varsity sport at VMI within the next scored twice in the fourth fensive front and presents a big Replogle will be responsible for year or two. There are many pros and cons to such a quarter to take a 24-7 win. The challenge for Ned Stepanovich. blocking these two. proposal, and this column will attempt to sort out both Indians have nothing to lose and' The line does a good job The secondary has two will be looking for a few scalps. protecting Rozantz for the sophomores and two seniors. All sides of the issue. Graduation struck hard in the passing game on which William have been guilty of making First the pros. Barracks contains a good many Tribe backfield, especially with and Mary depends heavily. mistakes. The cornerbacks, competent high school and prep lacrosse players who the loss (rf quarterback Bill The receivers have good Kenny Smith and Scott Back, could be tempted into playing lacrosse if there were a Deery. Freshman Tom Rozantz speed but depend on Rozantz' are tough on the run. The safety has started all year and shows accurate arm. Joe Manderfield blitz is Scott Hays' favorite pot of gold at the end of the rainbow—a varsity letter. stunt from his strong safety An automatic rivalry would develop between and promise of possibly breaking is the best receiver because of some of Deery's records. his ability to get open. Although position. Combined with Case's the service academies, and within a three-state radius Rozantz "runs the ball ex- he is small (5'9"-160), he is centerfield play at free safety, there are a number of excellent teams, including tremely well" and throws better tough. They will do anything to the two round out a pretty solid several nationally ranked squads. than Deery, according to the put points on the board. pass defense. Also, this would provide football players a wor- evaluation given by the Keydet The Indian defense has more The Tribe must stop the thwhile sport to participate in during the off-season. defensive coaches. Rozantz. experience than their offense Keydet ground game and make plays an important role in the I- and it shows in the way they the big play against the pass to Remember Jim Brown, the former all-Pro running backfield for the Indians. play. The leaders are Greg keep the pigskin away from back for the Cleveland Browns? He was a three-time Fullback Keith Fimian is the McCurdy, linebacker, and Lou VMI's ball control offense. On all-American lacrosse player at Syracuse. number one ball-carrier Case, free safety. Both players offense the Indians will be And then, there is the ever-present rivalry with because of his hard-nose run- are seniors and get in on most of looking for the big play to get ning and agressiveness. He gets them on the board, and Rozantz W&L. This would be strengthened since the Keydets the action. the ball when the offense needs William and Mary plays a 50 is a big play quarterback. The would then be eligible for NCAA post-season play. yardage. The backfield is defense similar to VMI's with action starts at 1:30 and should Now for the cons. Club lacrosse, as it stands now, young; inexperience has hurt five linemen. They play tough continue 'til the final whistle. may not attract the best lacrosse players in barracks, them and mistakes will be a but it does, far and away, attract the most enthusiastic players. The cadets who participate now do so because the want to play—not because they anticipate a Experienced Wrestlers material reward such as a letter. Their only reward is the satisfaction they gain from playing a sport in which they are truly interested. Furthermore, the Keydets Begin Promising Season are not exactly playing a slouch schedule now. Ask the VMI has m tiie past produced Rios, Kimber Latsha, Mike (Feb. 12). Back-to-back mat- coach for NC State if he considers this team second many outstanding wrestling Dick, Bob Sherrard, and John ches against Concord College rate! teams, and this year's team is Vizzi; and sophomores Bill and William and Mary on Bringing football players into the picture would only no exception. With the loss of Pearson, Bob Longwell, and February 20 and 21 here in serve to force out the cadets playing now who simply only one of last year's senior Ned Stepanovich. Lexington wrap up the regular starters and the return of An- The 1975-76 season opens season for the Keydets. With the would not be able to conipete size-wise with the drew Stewart from the injury early for the grapplers with the emphasis on rigorous con- majority of Thalman's team. The enthusiasm might that kept him from competing Monarch Open Tournament in ditioning that has been the also disappear, since the football players would treat last season, Coach Oscar Norfolk on November 15. The hallmark of Gupton teams, the lacrosse like the animal it would be to them—a second Gupton's team will certainly not schedule promises to be a rough VMI wrestlers are looking be lacking in leadership. Other one with Home matches against forward to an outstanding sport. outstanding wrestlers from last Eastern Mennonite College record and an impressive Then W&L. The rivalry with W&L will, quite year's team include first (Jan. 14), Washington and Lee showing in the Southern Con- probably, always remain, since W&L is W&L. The classmen Mack Curie and John (Jan. 21), Madison College ference Tournament in late closeness of the schools dictates that the rivalry will Mott; second classmen Rick (Feb. 9), and Virginia Tech February, exist naturally. Finally, think of the cost involved in successfully Class Of maintaining a varsity lacrosse team on the level it '61 b would deserve. New equipment, an expanded, full-time SOUTHERN INN coaching staff, and updated facilities are only the Thomas c. ^ beginning, and even at that the expense is staggering. Serving Hne Foods To The VMI Therefore, what is to be the fate of lacrosse at VMI? Bradslraw, II The Cadet would like to hear your ideas. If you do have Gidets For Over 40 Yeors an opinion, pro.or con, send it in a Letter to the Sports Professional Editor, and you may very well express the opinion that Come In And Enjoy Our Delicious becomes future policy. Photography Sundaes And Banana SpHts Lexington Pizzeria Main Street The VMI Cadet ] AMY, & Italian Restaurant BOX 7, VMI I LEXINGTON. VIRGINIA 24450 I I Love You "Best «y Toste" would like to subscribe to the VMI CADET during j A Representative Heinekin On Topi this academic year at $6.50 for 26 issues. |! of the Vanderbilt University Graduate ( ) BUline ( ) CiMckOT cad i enclowd I 13 S. Moin Street Lexington Va. School of Management NAME li. will be on campus ADDEE8S ( Tues. a^ftwnoon Prize Winner If "Nov. 13 CITY STATE I // Holmes, N. W/' IIP I to interview interested I students. Contact the New Cadet Clats" L TODAY! J Placement Office. The VMI Cadet, November 14, 1975, Page 5 Frustrating Season Closes For Soccer "We never gave up, we were great game from co-captain always in the games." These Doug Ashton, held Roanoke in words by co-captain Paul check until they scored once Carrine of the Soccer team again with five minutes summed up the season which remaining. Paul Carrine finally ended with losses to Roanoke came through for the Keydets and Madison. with three minutes remaining Last Saturday against when he scored on a one-on-one Roanoke the team suffered play. With ten seconds to play through what has seemed to VMI got one last chance on a become a ritual for VMI teams corner kick, but a Roanoke this year, dominating the game defender headed the ball out to but losing it when the breaks midfield and the Keydets fell 2- went for the opposition. 1. With Fred Allner, Chark Against Madison, VMI went Tingsabhat, and Carrine up against a team that had leading the charges on the filmed the Keydets four times Roanoke goal VMI appeared to and scouted them at least have things in hand. But a seven. Madison scored first on a couple of shots just off the corner kick. Goalie Kip TINGSHABHAT maneuvers around defender. mark, coupled with a few great Hamilton fielded the ball but saves by the Roanoke goalie, was knocked into the net by fiobody scored. The game endeo one on a head shot by Gus into the game ranked number well as Bill Toney and Jeff three Madison players, and the with the Dukes in front 2-0. Robbins off a corner kick, and ten in the Division 1 polls and Walls. "Captain Clark, who was referee let the goal stand. They "Madison knew us like a the Keydets were held scoreless needed a victory to make the a college Ail-American, has an scored the second time on a book," Carrine commented. in the first half. Meanwhile playoffs. VMI finished the infinite amount of experience direct free kick when a Madison The Dukes put their top fullback Roanoke scored on a hit-and- season with a 3-8-1 record. and is the best coach VMI ever player put a fantastic shot by on Fred Allner, who has led the run play to take a 1-0 lead at half "If the same type of rats had," Carrine went on to say. Hamilton. Madison led at the VMI scoring attack with ten time. come in next year as this year "Everybody is an integral part half 2-0. goals and two assists, and held The second half was more of this team is going places," said of the team, everybody is just as The second half was a stand- him scoreless. "VMI showed up Carrine. VMI is only losing four important" said the outgoing the same. The VMI defense, off. With the VMI defense very well, we never said die," which had good games from seniors, co-captains Paul captain of a team which is playing their usual outstanding said Gus Robbms of the game Carrine and Doug Ashton, as looking for big things next year. Hasgreen and Ogden, and a game, and Madison equaling it, against the Dukes, who came The CADET Talks To Mark Lambert Part 1: Lambert On The Team by Jack Webber second guess the coaches on that game, and we weren't quite As we go to press, that one. We knew that if we able to come back from the 17-0, sophomore quarterback scored there was no way first period hole. But the really Mark Lambert is facing one Virginia could get it back. They great part is that Coach of the stiffest challenges of just weren't moving the ball. If Thalman has never lost faith in his long quarterbacking it had been my decision to us. He understands that we've career. The Keydets must make, I would have done the been getting some bad breaks win their next four remaining same thing. and is willing to stand by us: regular season games to CADET: Davidson, on CADET: Mark, the Keydets finish with a winning record. Homecoming weekend, was suffered a very tough and very Two of the games look to be probably your finest personal close loss at the hands of The sure bets. The other two effort and the team's best Citadel. It was your second loss remain up in the air. overall effort of the year. But in the conference, and put the THE CADET was curious Fur man was different. The team out of the conference race to learn of Lambert's im- /Offense was sluggish in the first this year. I imagine that you're pressions of the season as a half, but seemed to be able to still sorting things out, but do whole and his perspective of get moving finally for the you have any thoughts on the from the second half. game? signal-caller's spot. So, Lambert: Yeah, Furman was Lambert: Before the game, without further ado, we in- really bad for us. We had 17 we knew it was a do or die troduce a man who needs no total yards on offense in the first situation for us, but there introduction. half and three first downs. We wasn't that much pressure CADET: Think back, for a really only earned one of them, because we knew we could do moment, to the time just before because one came off a fumble the job. They came into the the Delaware game. How did it and one off a penalty. In the game with the number one feel knowing that you were second half we played turn- scoring defense in the country, about to start your first college around football. We moved the but we were still able to move game—against the number two ball easily, just like we should the ball pretty well on them. small-college team in the have to begin with, and were Unfortunately, we couldn't put nation? able to win the game. the points on the board. We Lambert: Il^'s not too hard to CADET: How was playing on made a lot of mistakes—mental remember that game, because astroturf at Georgia Tech mistakes—and the bad breaks it was one of the biggest games I different from the games you've just came for us at the wrong LAMBERT: " will make us a better team." had ever played. Everything we played elsewhere? time. That's the game, that's had done during the summer Lambert: The heat factor is life. I think that the last four time, that's the only way to take was all pointed toward the big thing. On an artificial CADET: Speaking of bad games will tell the season. We it. But, what it comes down to is Delaware. The two-point surface like that, the tem- breaks, the Keydets have play William and Mary, and wanting the winning season and conversion we missed reminds perature is about ten or fifteen dropped four games now by a that's a conference game. It's wanting to beat Tech. That's me of a play we ran in high degrees higher than normal. In total of ten points. Does that also our last home game. Then what it comes down to. really. school in the district cham- this case, Atlanta is about three have a tendency to get the team we go to play Tech, and that is CADET: The team had a pionship game my senior year. hundred miles south of here and down, losing the close ones? THE game of the year. East week off now, an open date on It was run the same way, except we had practiced the entire Lambert: It can't help but Carolina is on the road at night, the first. Did this chance to rest that the safety for Delaware week in cool weather. So, affect you somehow. You have and end up at Connecticut. So if and recuperate, to gather batted the ball away. needless to say, the weather did to think about it. Gosh, we we win those four we would end yourselves, help? play a role in the outcome of the practice all the time and go out up 6-5, which would be a win- CADET: I'm curious abouti there and play our ass off, and the U. Va. game. When we had came. ning season, and that would be Lambert: Yes, I definitely CADET: If you can tell me, the breaks just get us. But I okay. believe that it has helped the ball on the Virginia 26 with think it's going to make us a fourth and about one foot, why what was the locker room scene CADET: How exactly is it everyone. It has helped us get after the Richmond loss? better team in the future, being viewed: a "We've gotta ready, get our minds together did we go for the field goal? It because it's just up to us now to seems to me that we could have Lambert: We were all really win everything" thing or are for William and Mary. It will down after that loss, because we make our own breaks. That's you just going to take them one give us that much more time for scored the touchdown, what it comes down to. We can't especially with the way we were still know we're a better team at a time? the final four games of the than Richmond. The breaks let luck take a hand in it. We Lambert: Well, you really season, and give us the winning moving the ball on the ground. have to do it ourselves. Lambert: I'm not going to went real early in have to take it one game at a record. Page 8, The VMI Cadet, November 7, 1975 Lacrosse Team: New Look With New Coach Under the guidance of Cap- took up the slack at wing tain William Flavin, the 1975-76 defense after the disheartening VMI Lacrosse Team has found injury to Bill Powell last year, is the stepping-stones for a suc- another of Hastings' strong cessful season. For the first returning defensemen. time the team will be under the The surprise of this year's direction of a full-time head team is second classman Jack coach, Malcolm Hastings, a Daniel. After a two-year stint at senior undergraduate student the midfield, Daniel has decided from Washington and Lee to shift his talents to goaltender. University. After aiding in the Hastings, a former goalie at success of the W&L lacrosse Washington and Lee, has team for three years, Hastings contributed greatly to Danliel's has decided to take a position on emergence. The outlook for the the VMI coaching staff. crease is brighter now than it Hastings sees a lot of hard has been in years. work ahead, but anticipates the On the offensive end of the NEW COACH Malcolm Hastings explains fine points of game to goalie Jack Daniel. support of several strong field, there are only two proven Coach Hastings may well find. If Coach nastings can develop returning starters. Rocky team m treshmen Eddie Semler scorers returning from last dealing with the inexperience and Massie Merideth. Semler an adequate offense to com- Glass, team captain and four- season. With only midfielder on offense a full, time job. plement a strong defense, the year starter, will be the back- was one of the tq) scorers in Ray Beazley, leading scorer However, the Virginia Prep Virginia last year and if he can lacrosse team could find itself l^ne of a tough returning from last year's team, and League has contributed two competing for a perfect record defense. Wadsworth Bugg, who continue his scoring ways could attackman Gus Robbins back, capable scoring sticks to the bolster a sagging offense. this year. w Key dels Finish 1-2 In State Rugby Tournament Lack of a kicking game, and play, led by Charlie Aycock's 20 lost two props, opposite Tina several key injuries undid last plus tackles, Norfolk could not Mishkofski and Bartosik, and week's attempt by the Keydet move downfield offensively repeatedly couldn't score in the rugby team to pull off the string except by skillful punts that first half. Wes Naff, Paul of upsets necessary to win the capitalized on VMI's all-out Seufer, John Garrett, Joe State Championship Tour- rush on the ball. Sacrificing Stranger, Aycock and hooker nament in Richmond. everybody to get to the ball, vScott Lloyd pushed Richmond In the opening match with VMI was left vulnerable to a big around in the scrum as the line eventual State winner Norfolk, play offense, usually the five finally came to life. (With Terry VMI had the ball five times Norfolk backs conning down on Wolfe's knee injury in the first within Norfolk's 25-yard line in fullback Brian Frey and either match, the Keydets were the first half. Constantly Hans VanHooser or Bill Meier deprived of most of their real penalized, and with kicker at wing. Keydet organization power to the inside. Wolfe left in Buzzy Moncure academically broke down, and Norfolk pulled an ambulance, and returned sitting it out in Lexington, the' away 24-0. with his leg in a strap cast only Ruggers could not strike first. The VMI offense could not seeing 20-odd minutes of action. Stung by ferocious defensive produce a touchdown until the He was hit on the five, VMI's second half of game two, deepest penetration until the COL. HUNDLEY Delicious Buffet Daily against the Norfolk Irish Rugby second half against Richmond.) Club. Abandoning the outside, Tom Moody raced through the Pete VanHooser worked the ball Richmond line, lateraled as he Col. Hundley Westmoreland inside the rhinoceros props Don was hit, and Lawrence Tayon Robey and Buck Bartosik. blew through for a 34-yard Colony Finally, Bartosik smashed over score. With assists from Tom from two yards out carrying Brooks and Charlie Berry, the Enjoys Running one score was all the Keydets 1-81 Exit 50 most of the Norfolk scrum with Running is pretty much one of Preparation for running the him. The Keydets held on to win could manage, falling 9-4 to the pains of going to VMI for marathon is intense and Natural Bridge, Va. 24578 4-3. Richmond, finishing 1-2 for the most cadets. After graduation, probably requires more self- Sunday's match with Rich- tournament (The Ed Lee Cup), the alumni come rolling in after discipline than any other single and bringing the season record MOTEL: BUFFET: mond brought temperatures a few years away from school event. Hundley has participated and tempers up. The Spider's to 4-5. with a few more incRes around in five marathons. Probably the 703-291-9109 703-291-2364 the waist, so it seems fairly most challenging race was the unusual to us to see Col. Hun- Marathon in Maryland last dley out running every day. year, which he completed in 3 Washington & Lee Hundley has been active in hours 17 minutes and 26 ^83,500,000 running since 1968,.when it was seconds. Book Store suggested that physical exer- His log book is filled with the cise would help him recover monthly distances covered, Most Current Uuelaimed from a back injury. Starting ranging from the usual 250 first with short distances, his miles per month in the summer, interest in running increased. to the 120 miles in the winter litles Available Scltolarsliips In 1969, Hundley started months. Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and running in meets in the Col. Hundley currently has a Below fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000. Current list of Knoxville area for over 40 year foot injury which will probably these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15, 1975. old men. He competed in almost keep him out of t^ meet The Snack Bar. every event during these meets. scheduled for early next month UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS His interest, however, centered in West Virginia. But his goal is 11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, OA 90025 on the marathon (26 miles, 385 the Buena Vista Road Race on 6 • I am enclosing $9.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling. yards). December. Compliments Of - OLD - PLEASE RUSH YOUR CURRENT LIST OF Clarence UNCLAMED SCHOLARSHPS SOURCES TO:

LEXINGTON EMPORIUM Name. Wyatt Address. - COINS - ANTIQUES & GLASSWARE City ^ State_ ^ip. Transfer, inc. (California residents please add 6% sales tax.) - OLD MAIN STREET - Finally.., Sounds Of Silence

took for Pfelosa to stay in the . What The Silence might have backs. Little attention was paid face of constant harassment. lacked in acting and style could to the actual trial which had the It must be said that while have been made up for by in- dramatic potential of any Pelosa was given no whitewash teresting subject matter. The courtroom drama. Also ex- and while the West Point of- Silence is based upon the in- cluded were possible barracks ficials came out seeming cident at West Point where scenes which might have given somewhat less than perfect the Cadet James Pelosa was us great depth into Pelosa's life play did maintain as much silenced by ^e USMA Cadet before and after the "Silence" objectivity as a play of this Corps for alleged honor took place. John Thomas, of nature can supply. It also ap- violations. Silencing, a now Walton fame, failed to give us pears to this writer that some abolished system, took place any more than a surface view of key issues were never tackled when a cadet was not dismissed the man he played. Certainly,' with. Particularly, the case of but was ostracized by his fellow the interest in such a play lies whether Pelosa was being tried cadets. The subject was not to around the inner struggle the for the case which he was found be associated with, except in an man must have felt and the guilty or of or for another early official capacity. reactions of his fellow cadets. alleged honor violation that was Thomas' performance was mentioned but never ruled The TV drama certainly did i "I nt'ver Kave her anylhin);. as he pointed out. There was the small not live up to this writer's ex- stilted and his acting in general upon. Additionally, the constant was presented as though he repitition of the opening scene moor's head. Rut it does not mean anything. She selected it and 1 pectations. The bulk of the film iMiuuht it. That is no way to ){ive a gift. consisted of the interview were reading his lines off cue where Pelosa was told he would cards. It seems that after two needed in order to make the be silenced lost its dramatic What I would like to f(ive her is security, which does not exist years of such suffering Pelosa effect after it was used the 103rd anymore: all my love, which is worthless; all my worldly goods, film and the only glimpses we would feel resentful or proud got of the time. ' which are practically non-existent except foi' two good shot-guns, my but "John Boy" merely made If the play succeeded at all,'it soldier suits, the medals and decorations with the citations, and The TV drama'certainly did him seem like a robot that not live up to this writer's ex- was purely in subject matter. sks. Also a retired Colonel's pay. talked and could not act. One Weak acting, poor direction, pectations. The bulk of the film scene that achieved some With all my worldly goods 1 thee endow, bethought. consisted of the interview and half-hearted dialogue did And she gave me her love, some hard stones, whfch I returned, and degree of believability was not du anything for the story. needed in order to make the Pelosa's encounter with the (h(f iiicture. Well, I can always give her back the picture. I could give film and the only glimpses we One wonders if the play was her my ring from VIVIi, he thought." head of the mess hall. Other , rea|ly worth the film it took to got of the actual cadet life of than that we saw little of what it' • From Ernest Hemingway's Pelosa consisted of short flash- produce* it.'* Across the River and Into the Trees Page 10, The VMI Cadet, November 1, 1975

Post No. 5 Homesick Blues With Roachman Subterrainian

All seems quiet in Ghetto City thanks to you.) red Roach Mobile pulls up in getting late, and that stink is "Leaping Semites, Roach- as the weary truckers pile out of "Ah, Roachman, do I have to? front of the commissioner's getting stronger, let's get man, that's the biggest the green meat wagon and head I just got to the good part of officer. The dynamic duo going." cockroach I've ever seen!" for their racks. Little do they Davis. Where Schrodinger clammer out. Sniff, sniff, sniff. "Yeah, Roachman, but where "Quick, kid, do your thing!" know what evil things lurk butchers the PSI." "Hey, kid, do you smell what I do we start?" Dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, within the dark shadows of the "Hey Kid." smell?" "Where else, kid, but at the spiiiit...drip. Pooh Bear Den. "All right, all right, all, "Sure, Roachman, why that's root of all evil, the Pooh Bear "I can't do it, Roachman, No sooner have our heroic right...hello?" mystery meat, it can't be Den." there's no way, this stuff Rip- truckers retired, than the "Hello, kid. Spike here. The beat!" As the dymanic duo descends Off Red sold me is just plain shadow stirs. Stealthily it Commissioner wants to see you "No, no, kid," sniff, sniff, the dark tunnel to the Pooh Bear stale. We're doomed." moves upwards, ever so quietly, and the Roachman right away. "I've got it! I'd know that odor Den, the kid arms himself: Is the dynamic duo indeed ever so cautiously upwards It's urgent." anywhere, it's the stink of a Skoal 1901, dip, dip, dip, doomed? Will they ever be able toward the first stoop, "The "Roger, wilco, over and out." cockroach, and a big one at spit...spat! to conquer the Phantom home of the Living legends." Click. "Hey, Roachman, that that." "Ready on the right, Roach- Cockroach and make Ghetto Wait, what's it doing? It can't was that funny dog Spike again: "Sure, Roachman, but what man." City a safe place to raise a go in there, Klaus lives there, he says the Commissioner would a big cockroach be doing Suddenly from the dark dyke? Not if Rip-Off doesn't get anyway it's not authorized to wants to see us right away." in a nice place like Ghetto shadows, the giant phantom some fresh dip to the kid ASAP. visit after taps. "Quick, kid, into the Roach City?" cockroach lurches forward, Stay tuned next week, same How can we warn Klaus? Mobile." Varoom, bang, "I'm not sure, kid, but we "Aaaahhh, got you" he paper, same page,.. ...he's a sleeping duck, a varooom. Seconds later the big haven't time to waste, it's screams. ..."HEEEELP!" (Oh well, he asked for it.) Flash! —Later the same day, reports of the vicious night assault reach the desk of the The SalBsians. Commissioner and his best dog, Spike. The Commissioner speaks: "Spike, something has to be done about this. The troops are afraid to come back from White's at night, for fear of being eaten alive in their racks. This phantom creature must be captured." "Sure, .]. C., oops, I mean Commissioner, I'll check it out right away. Just leave it to me." "No time for that, who knows how long it'll take you. Things look grim. Spike. We have nowhere to turn but to that dynamic duo, the Roachman and the Kid. Call them on the Roach phone. Spike, ASAP." "But what if they don't an- True charity isn't swer, commissioner?" always a handful of "Bone them for conduct unbecoming of a legend." rice.. .or the gift of a Several miles away in an warm shirt... it's helping others to help themselves. abandoned farm house a phone A more lasting and dignified way, we say. rings, and rings, and rings... Since oiir foundation in 1859, this has been the "Hey, kid, answer that phone, Saleslan way. Education is the keynote. What good is a I'm busy fix'n this here fuel line meal today when one must think of all the tomorrows? •on the Roach Mobile." (No St. John Bosco knew this well. What good are dreams Love is a giving thii^. unless they are translated in reality by deeds? Around the world, Salesian mlssloners help their "All Request" flock by giving them ways to help themselves. Whether it is agricultural training or technical training for a trade they can learn, people are encouraged to find their Weekend At own niche, their own way of betterment, their own road A perfect Keepsake to human dignity and self help. WLUR diamond says it all, Salesians work primarily for youth, for It is In the reflecting your love in young that hope Is born. There are Saleslan missions In Washington and Lee's 73 countries around the world. If you are Interested campus radio station, WLUR, its brilliance and beauty. in a life that gives as much as it receives, fill-in the will revive its prodigal "All- And you can choose with coupon below... and we will send you additional Request Marathon" this confidence because the Information on the Salesian way. weekend beginning P'riday Keepsake guarantee assures evening. The station will switch perfect clarity, fine white to 24-hour operation starting color and precise this evening at 6 p.m. The phone Sonnet lines will actually open up at 5 Rachel modern cut. There is For more information about Salesian Priests and p.m., insuring a backlog of no finer diamond ring. I Brothers, mail this coupon to: I music. The station dial number Father JoMph, 8.D.B. RoomC-3ei is 91.5 FM; telephone number is 463-2869. I OF ST. JOHN BOSCO I Keepsake* Salesians Filers Lane, West Haverstraw, N.Y. 10993 Morrisey I I am Interested in the Priesthood • Brotherhood • I Box 90. Syracuse. N.Y. 13201 I Please send new 20 pg. booklet, "Planning Your Engagement and Wedding" plus Name. Age I full cobr folder and 44 pg. Bride's Book gift offer all for only 25<. I Street Address. I Name. I ice cream cai^ CHy. State. Zip. Cwiwr Of IMmii kU JtHwiw Stmt Address. I I SANOWICHIS • ICI CHAM College Attending. City- la Jmi Ot nu Cuttwf fhtmct I I Ortm II A.m. Hir Mi^uttln r.m. hUtrttHf UltJtr State. Zip. Class of. JAM OUT OMOm Find Keepsake Jewelers in the Yelbw Pages or dial free 800-24)-MCC. nomutw I. .1 The VMI Cadet/ November 7, 1975, Page 11 Moody HaU Repairs To Total *250,000

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WORK PROGRESSES on the exterior of Moody Hall as expenses mount. the statute of limitations tor deteriorated porus stone facing The long and drawn-out suit civil suits, seven years, had run to prevent further damage, brought by VMI against Lee, out. The Institute's lawyers resulting from expansion and Ring, and Pool, architectural immediately appealed the contraction of the stone during designers for Moody Hall, decision. continues on despite a Cir- the freezing and thawing cycles. The assistant State Attorney The new contract calls for cuit Court decision ruling in General, in a letter to favor of the firm. The court $179,000 as a base with ad- Superintendent Richard L. ditional costs to bring the total threw out the $250,000 damage Irby, counseled that the appeals suit, resulting from the poor repair bill to $250,000. The process would take about a year commonwealth provided VMI workmanship and precipitating to account for. design flaws in the original with a loan to finance repairs Meanwhile, work is progressing already under way. construction, on the basis that on the replacement of the Debaters Score At ASU

The VMI debate team com- Catawba College. Of the peted in a forensics tournament seventy speakers in their at Appalachian State University division. Fountain and Johnson during the weekend of October tied for tenth and sixteenth 31—November 2. Out of the respectively; Robby Burke tied twenty-nine schools for twelfth. represented, VMI placed fifth in In extemporaneous speaking, total scoring. Dick Williams finished fifth out The novice debate team of of thirty-two speakers. Frank Fountain and Ed The next tournament for the Johnson finished third with an team will be at Madison College overall record of 6-2. They during the weekend of defeated teams from Carson- November 14-15. Officers for the Newman College twice, the llagreen. F. H. II Regimental S- > \ivis. J. S. Comm., BCo. University of South Carolina King Figure parade, to be held McAteer, J. J. Ill Regimental S- ' Rhodes, S. P. on 7 November 1975, will be Comm., C Co. twice, Notre Dame, and Tlngsabhat, C. Regimental S-4 Atkinson. R. K. Comm., D Co. Second Classmen. Those to be Coe. J. C. Regimental S-5 Fontaine, S. E. cadet captains during Ring Comm., ECo. Post Columnist Figure are as follows: Freeman. M. J. Comm., 1st Bn. Desalvo. Tom J. Comm., F Co. Neas. S. L. II Regimental Browder, D. S. Comm., 2nd Bn. Johnson, J. D. Comm., Band Co. Comm. Reach, K.W. Comm., A Co David S. Broder At W&L

Ollie Logan Retires The Washington Post's David vention. Broder, who covered S. Broder, one of the nation's the 1972 campaign from the zoo foremost politico-fournalists, plane and beyond, brings ex- Forty-Two Years In Crozet Hall will deliver the lecture tensive knowl^ge of the inside "American Politics in 1976 and feeling in a political race to Lee Imagine eating in the mess much either. "And they never spilled any Beyond," Thursday, November Chapel. He worked in the same hall when white tablecloths "Back then they were a lot on me. I was too quck for 'em." 13th, at 8 p.m. in Lee Chapel. newsroom with the staff that were used every meal, there rougher on the Rats. They Open to the public, the lecture broke both the Watergate and were no women workers, no didn't even give those boys time He commented on the com- is sponsored by the Contact Agnew stories. cadet waiters, and when food to eat. It's better since they parative quality of the food. "I series and the Mock Con- was brought to each table on a stopped all that. I'd like to see it think it's better now than back hand tray held overhead. all stopped, but if that hap- then. There's more of it, and That is the way Crozet Hall pened, I reckon there'd be too was in September, 1933 when many people here." they're seasoning it better." ENSOC Begins Renovation Ollie Logan first began working "Having women working Likewise, he considers the here. down here is right nice. And the state of Corps itself improved. Sixty-six years old On Oc- cadet waiters have improved "I like the bigger size, and In Jonathan Daniels Library tober 8, Logan retired 6 October service, too." 1975 after serving thousands of He laughed when asked about also that their are more blacks cadets for over 42 years. serving from trays. As he put it, here now than ever before. They Col. Boettjer and the English submitted to Col. Roth for the Logan, a pleasant man who is "Gas and whiskey don't mix." seem to want the military Society have taken charge of members of the English Society short on stature but long on It seems that every now and training." renovating Jonathan Daniel to handle the job. The request then one of the mess hall boys smiles, served cadets with but when asked if he would Memorial Library with funds was denied. The task of painting names such as Irby, Rawls, would come to work a little from the English Society films. the library was turned over to tipsy. He would end up serving have come here, he replied with Morgan, and Buchanan during an emphatic, "No!" The first priority was to clean Buildings and Grounds, to be his employment. the entire table with one quick up, reorganize, and shelve the done at their convenience in one flip of the tray; food and drink Upon retiring Logan, who books. Col. Davis of Preston He smiles when questioned resides at 313 Massey St. in of the variety of soft Institute about the way the mess hall would go everywhere, including Library sent several cadet pastel colors.. the cadets' laps. Lexington, was presented by assistants to handle the task. used to be. Gen. Morgan with a chair for It was also learned that the "The way the mess hall is "But I never did that. The his home as a gift from Gen. Some additions to the library location of the library might be organized now is about the secret was not to put too much Irby. include new furniture and a changed to the 400 level of Scott same as it was then. Family on the tray and to use two coffee pot. The final stage of the Shipp Hall in order to ac- style meals were served in this hands. One to hold the tray, one renovation will be paiijting tlje commodate the additions to the building. That hasn't changed to keep it steady. walls and ceiling. A permit was library collection. Page 12, The VMI Cadet, November 7, 1975 Wdulda lwo%ar Scholarship Worth Up to $10,000 Interestli>u?

An Opportunity for 450 A Challenging Job Highly Qualified Sophomores Upon graduation, you are commissioned as an Officer in the U.S. Navy. And from then on If you're the kind of person we're looking your career can take you anywhere in the world, for, you've already started to think about what in a variety of fulfilling jobs. you'd like to do after graduation. Those who apply for the NPCS Program If a scholarship leading to a career as an have a particular challenge ahead of them: The Officer in the U.S. Navy appeals to you, you'll find Navy's Nucleai' Power Program. Not everyone this message well worth reading. who applies makes it: the men in charge of more than two thirds of our country's nuclear TWo-lfear Full Scholarships reactors must be a very special breed. Final The opportunity is very attractive. If you're acceptance into the Navy's Nuclear Power selected, we'll provide full tuition during your Program is determined during your Senior year Junior and Senior years, pay for your books and after an interview in Washington with the educational fees, and give you $100 a'month for Director, Division of Naval Reactors. 10 months each year to help cover your living A two-year scholarship worth up to $10,000. expenses. A unique opportunity to serve as an Officer in the There are two different programs you can U.S. Navy. You'll want to act now. The deadline apply for. The first is the Nuclear Propulsion for acceptance is May 1,1976 — and once the Candidate Scholarship Program (NPCS). To . quotas are filled,you'l l have lost your chance to qualify, you must have one semester each of earn yourself a scholarship. calculus and physics (or two semesters of If you think you've got what it takes to calculus) and have a B-minus average or better. qualify, fill out and mail the coupon below, contact It is open to men only. either your local Naval Recruiting District or the The other program is the Two-year NROTC Professor of Naval Science on your campus, or Scholarship Program. The only difference in the call 800-841-8000, toll-free, anytime. qualifications is that you must have a C average A 803 (2.3 out of 4.0) or better. It is open to men and The Navy women. MAIL TO: Capt. H.C. Atwood, Jr.. U.S. Navy NAVY OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION CENTER For both programs, you'll need to pass Navy P.O. Box 2000 qualification tests. And, quite frankly, it will help Pelham Manor. N.Y. 10803 Dear Sir: if your major is math, physical science, or I am a College Sophomore. Please send me more Information on engineering. the two-year scholarships available. I am interested primarily in: • Two-year NROTC Scholarship Programs (including nuclear option). (0K) The Girriculum • General NROTC information. (0T) NAME (Print)- After you're accepted, you begin with six first last weeks of training next summer at the Naval STREET Science Institute at Newport, R.I. During your CITY -STATE. final two years of college, you take several ZIP -DATE OF BIRTH. required courses in math, physics, and Naval PHONE ( )- Science. You also go on a summer cruise prior to [f 1 COLLEGE- -UIGRAD.DATE. your Senior year. (Of course, you're paid for all [<>] ACADEMIC AVERAGE [A] MAJOR. your summer duty.) • I don't want to wait. Call me at the numt>er above. (0K) If you prefer, you can call us toll-free at 800-841-8000. In Georgia, call 800-342-5855. In Alaska, call collect-272-9133.