June 15, 2019 • 12th of Sivan 5779 Volume 33 • Issue 76 This Week At YICC NASSO

Kiddush Sponsored by Young Israel of Century City

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Candle Lighting ...... 6:36/7:48 pm HALAKHIC CORNER Mincha (Schlesinger Sanctuary) ...... 6:25/7:55 pm We read in this morning’s Parasha of Nasso the source for Dr. Josh Rabinowitz Z”L Hashkama Shiur ...... 7:00 am Hashkama Minyan (Schlesinger Sanctuary) ...... 7:15 am the practice of Birkat Cohanim. This documents that there is Sal Lowi Z”L Hashkama Kiddush sponsored by: a biblical command, Mitzvah Deoraitta, for the Kohanim to • Robert & Karen Avrech in honor of their 42nd Wedding bless Klal Yisrael. While there is a minority opinion that the Anniversary. Mitzvah is incumbent on both Kohanim and the non- Rabbi Proops’ Parasha Shiur (Mintz Beit ) ...... 8:30 am Cohanim who are blessed, most rabbinic authorities Main Minyan (Schlesinger Sanctuary) ...... 9:00 am conclude that the Mitzvah rests solely upon the Cohanim. Young Community Minyan (Mintz Beit Midrash) ...... 9:15 am Rather than an obligation in the strictest sense, the Mitzvah YCM Kiddush sponsored by the YCM Kiddush Fund of Birkat Cohanim exists as an opportunity to engage in a Library Minyan (Library) ...... 9:30 am positive command. The Rema (O.C.128:4) writes that the Teen Minyan (Levkowitz Teen Room) ...... 9:30 am custom for Ashkenazim living outside of Eretz Yisrael is to Youth Program (Teichman Youth Wing) ...... 9:30-11:30 am only recite Birkat Cohanim during Musaf on Yom Tovim. The Rabbi Etshalom’s Book of the Year Shiur ...... 5:45 pm reason for this is because we want the Cohanim to be able Topic: "The Divine Wedding (Part 6) - A Psalm for to concentrate fully on the blessing and not be bothered and (Tehillim 92)” (Schlesinger Sanctuary) distracted by work. In Israel this is deemed to be less of a Jewish Ethics Lecture with Rabbi Muskin problem due to the innate Simcha of living there. Topic: “Good Advice” (Schlesinger Sanctuary) ...... 6:25 pm Interestingly, Birkat Cohanim is the only Tefillah which must Mincha (Schlesinger Sanctuary) ...... 7:25 pm be recited in Hebrew (Shulchan Aruch O.C. 128:14) based Seudah Shlishit & Shiur with Rabbi Dr. Zev Wiener (Mintz Social Hall) on the phrase in the Pasuk “Ko Tevarachu – Like this you Maariv ...... 8:41 pm shall Bless”. Havdallah ...... 8:51 pm

SEFER MINHAGIM TEFILAH SCHEDULE: June 17 - 21 Shacharit This Shabbat is the 12th of Sivan, which is the last day of Monday & Thursday ...... 6:00/6:10/7:00/7:45/9:00 am omissions in the davening since Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Tuesday , Wednesday & Friday ...... 6:00/6:15/7:00/7:45/9:00 am Therefore, we do not recite Tzidkatecha Tzedek or Kel Mincha Male at Shabbat Minha. We do however say Mond ay-Thursday ...... 7:55 pm Av HaRachamim before Musaf. Ne xt Shabbat- Friday, June 21 Candles ...... 6:38/7:50 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 6:30/8:00pm Our 9 AM Shacharit Minyan for Teens (et al!) Important Halakhic Times: June 15 - 21 Summer schedule Alot HaShachar ...... 4:10 a.m. th Earliest Talit & ...... 4:43 a.m. Starts Monday, June 17 Last Time for Shema ...... 9:19 a.m. We meet Sundays Sof Zman Tefilah ...... 10:31 a.m. plus National & Day School holidays. Earliest time for Mincha ...... 1:31 p.m. Note: This Minyan is not just for teens . Fathers, Rabbis, and ALL Adults are WELCOME! LOCATIONS FOR DAILY MINYANIM & DAF YOMI (Email [email protected] for info) 6:00 Shacharit ...... Nagel Library Wing 6:10/6:15 & 7:45 Shacharit ...... Mintz Beit Midrash 7:00 Shacharit ...... Schlesinger Sanctuary YICC Women's Tehilim Group - Mondays @ 7:30pm Daf Yomi Shiur ...... Mintz Beit Midrash for Cholim, Shiduchim and Israel June location: 1561 Beverly Drive, Apt. 201.

Young Israel of Century City • Office address: 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 • www.yicc.org

MAZAL TOV • Rabbi Alan & Sandy Kalinsky on being honored at the DAF YOMI SPONSORSHIPS Wes t Coast 50th Anniversary Banquet on Tuesday We offer our members the opportunity to sponsor a week of Daf th Yomi learning for $225 - a wonderful way to commemorate a evening, June 18 , 2019. Yahrzeit, celebrate a Simcha, or support Torah learning in our • Dr. Robert & Jacqueline Bocian on the engagement of Shul. To sponsor please call or email the Shul office. their daughter, Shani, to Joshua Steinberg, son of Michael & Julie Steinberg of St. Louis. This week is sponsored by • Rav Yitzchak Etshalom and the Daf Yomi shiur on ID CARDS – Make Sure to Order & Carry NOW

their completion of Masekhet ; they will be Recently, the need to carry an ID on Shabbat and Yom celebrating the siyyum tomorrow at which time they Tov has become a reality we cannot ignore. will begin studying Masekhet . All are welcome Considering this need, and as a service to our members, to join as we near the end of another Daf Yomi Cycle we have found a company and designed a Shabbat ID card that will include your pertinent ID and contact .information, as well as any necessary medical notes חן חן !and gear up for a festive Siyyum haShas To order your card(s) please go to the following link לאורייתא • Dr. Steve & Sarah Fink on the birth of a grandson, https://www.yicc.org/idcard - and then make sure born to Liora & Yoni Herskovitz. to never leave home on Shabbat or Yom Tov without it! • Elianna Mellon upon her graduation from Columbia

University with a PhD in Applied Behavior Analysis • Geoffrey Mellon, on his License in Clinical Social Worker, LCSW, MSW YICC’S SHAVUOT YIZKOR • Miriam Libo and David Libo on the birth of a grandson, SECURITY APPEAL born to Jamie & Jordan Denitz. Mazal Tov also to

great-grandparents, Joel & Roz Linderman. This year our Shavuot Yizkor Appeal was made • Ronnie & Jennifer Sieger on the birth of a baby girl, in support of our Shul’s Security program. Our born to Ariella & Eli Weinstein. goal is to raise $50,000 to help our Shul meet its

Security budget.

Please include the following names in your prayers, We thank those who have already responded, and may each be grante d a Refuah Shleimah and request our members who received pledge cards in Shul to please redeem their pledges.

• Ak iva ben Miriam Devorah • Refael David ben Ella • Baruc h Shmuel Halevi ben Penina • Reuven Betzalel HaCohen Pledge cards have been mailed to those • Bat Ami bat Beth ben Fayga members who did not receive them in Shul. We • Bayla Bracha bat Malka Hinda • Rochel bat Esther • Bella bas Luba • Schmuel Zev ben Gitel request and encourage those who received their

• Berel ben Ida • Shmuel ben Rachel pledge cards in the mail, to please support this • Binyamin Yehudah ben Lieba • Sima bat Liba Devorah • Chaim Menachem b/ Hena Raizel • Sorah Gitel bat Chava Raitzl appeal and help us reach our goal.

• Chana bat J o hanna • Tuvia ben Ellie • Chana Devor ah bat Baila Raizel • Tzipora Rachel b/ Sasha Thank you! Todah Rabah! • Devora Abigayil bat Pesha Mindel Rivka • Dov Ben Meira Tzipporah • Tzvi ben Masha • Eliezer ben Chaya Sarah • Yaakov ben Maasha • Eliezer ben Reshelshen • Yaakov Meir ben Rosa • Eliezer ben Gittel • Yehoshua Dov Ben Sara YAHRZEITS: June 15 - 20/ Sivan 12 - 17 • Gitta Rivka bat Chaya Risa Esther Sat, June 15 Meir Brunelle’s father, Avraham ben Avraham, • Gittel Zelda bat Malka • Yehuda Yitzchak ben Gitel Z”L • Leah bat Mattel Shifra Sun, June 16 Nigel Hamer’s mother, Sheila DaCosta Leah • Liba bat Chana • Yisrael Yehudah ben Miriam • Milka Yehudit bat Simcha • Yisssacher Dov ben Frayda bat Yosef, Z”L • Moshe Mordechai ben Rachel • Yitzchok Isaac ben Blima Tue, June 18 Jennie Lewkowicz’s mother, Blima bat • Necha bat Riva Leah Chana Yehuda Aryeh, Z”L • Ne chama bat Dina • Yosef ben Rachel Wed, June 19 Heidi Sokol’s mother, Edith Miriam bat Eli, • Ora bat Nechama • Yossi Levi ben Margalit Z”L • Oz er ben Leah • Yosef Lipa ben Blumah Leah • Ra chel bat Julie Zohar Barry Rub’s father, Avraham ben HaRav • Raphael Daniel ben Malka David, Z”L

YICC Youth & Teens in the

Teichman Youth Wing


Located in the Levkowitz Teen Room at 9:30am

Teen Minyan sponsored by Young Israel of Century City Great Davening, Lots of Food, Surprise Raffles!

Kiddush this week is sponsored by: Young Israel of Century City

This Shabbat, Naso, is the last Teen

 Minyan for the Summer; we will

Sam Werthman June, 16 resume after Summer vacation. Dael Nagel June, 17 Michael J. Nagel June, 20 Asher L. Stark June, 21

Noah Weindling June, 21 Our 9 AM Shacharit Minyan for Teens (et al!) Summer schedule  Starts Monday, June 17th We meet Sundays plus National & Day School holidays. Note: This Minyan is not just for teens. Fathers, Rabbis, and

ALL Adults are welcome! (Email [email protected] for info)

BNEI AKIVA OF LOS ANGELES www.bneiakivala.org (310) 248-2450; [email protected]

Moshava Alevy: Session I begins on June 24th! Time is running out - sign up today for an athletic, creative, inspiring, AMAZING summer of sports, arts, nature, friendship and ruach. For more info: [email protected] or 855-MOSHAVA.


SUNDAY • The Dr. George Fox Z” L Memorial Shiur with Rabbi Dr. David Fox (Nagel Library Wing) ...... 8:45am

Shabbat Afternoons, May 4 – August 31 MONDAY Summer Ethics Lecture Series • YICC Beit Midrash in Conjunction with Link Kollel featuring With Rabbi Elazar Muskin and Guest Lecturers Chaburah with Rabbi Dr. Zev Wiener Sponsored by the Kupietzky Family (Nagel Library Wing) ...... 8:30pm

WEDNESDAY • Rabbi Proops' Parasha Shiur for women ...... 9:00am (Nagel Library Wing) Sunday, August 25 (note new date) • Sefer HaChinuch with Rabbi Nechemia Langer The Ariel Avrech Z”L Hachnasat 10:00am (Pollack home: 1458 S. Beverwil Dr.) ...... 8:30pm Sponsored by the Avrech Family & Friends DAF YOMI – Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom www.dafyomiyicc.org • Daf Yomi – Monday - Friday ...... 6:45-7:45am Shabbat Afternoons: Sept 7 – Sept 28 • Daf Yomi on Shabbat ...... 8:45am Judith S. Levine Memorial Pre- High Holiday • Daf Yomi on Sunday ...... 7:15am Lecture Series TBA – Sponsored by Levine & Meier Families in loving memory of Judith Levine, Z” L EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR OUR RABBIS: Rabbi Elazar Muskin: [email protected] Rabbi James Proops: [email protected]

IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS The YICC Annual Dinner videos are on the Hatzalah: 800-613-1911 w ebsite! To view follow the link below; Eruv: 877-378-8463 Mikvah: 310-550-4511 RCC: 212-389-3382 http s://www.yicc.org/video-gallery.html Ilana Gadish- LA Yoetzet Halakha: 424-341-5601 Email: [email protected]

TREE OF LIFE Y ICC’s Tree of Life is located on the 2nd fl near our Youth Rooms. One way to commemorate a Simcha is to de dicate a leaf engraved with the date and Simcha on our Shul’s Tree of Life. Whether it be a Birth, Bar/Bat- Mitz vah, Wedding or Anniversary, our Shul’s Tree of Life is the perfect way to permanently celebrate your Simcha.

Man y of our members have leaves on our Tree that were dedicated in their honor. It would be so nice to dedicate new leaves to honor new celebrations: marriages, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, babies…!

For more information and pricing,

please contact the Shul Office at 310-273-6954 /[email protected]

Community Announcements:

• OU West Coast 50th Anniversary YICC SECURITY Banquet Tuesday, June 18 at 5:45 pm at Seph ardic Temple. Daniel Silverman, Vice President of Security Honorin g Rabbi Alan & Sandy Kalinsky Steven Silver, Security Director and Pat's Restaurant & Catering NEW SECURITY CONTACT INFO • Join Sharsheret for a day of food, fun, For any security concerns, and activities in support of Sharsheret please reach out to [email protected]. featuring an Art Bus, Game Truck, the Beat Either Daniel Silverman (VP Security) or Steven Silver

Buds, moonbounce, and more! (Security Director) will respond accordingly. Sharsheret’s Family Fun Day will take place on June 23, 2019 from 12-3 pm at WE THANK OUR SECURITY TEAM Jacob’s Garden, 9030 W. Olympic Blvd. Tickets: $36 per adult, $25 per child (under Adam Lewis (CSS), Alan Karben (CSS), 1 free). Includes access to all activities and Allan Sternberg (CSS), Ari Ruchlin (CSS), one meal ticket from Schwartz's Bill Azerrad (CSS), Bonnie Siegal (CSS), Marketplace. RSVP by June 17th to Brian Hyman (CSS), Daniel Silverman (CSS), link.sharsheret.or g/familyfunday. David Abrams (CSS), David Weiss (CSS), Jacob Stark (CSS), James Frankel, Jeff Coen (CSS),

Joe Kempe (CSS), Larry Platt, Lee Rubinoff (CSS), Marsha Wasserman (CSS), Matthew Schames, Max Gersht (CSS), Michael Billauer (CSS), Michael Loboda,

Seth Berkowitz, Sharon Azerrad (CSS),

Shoshana Factor (CSS), Steven Silver (CSS)

The Ariel Avrech, Z"L, Hachnasat Sefer Torah

has been rescheduled to take place on PL EASE VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE TO VIEW UPLOADS Sunday, August 25th, 2019, at 10 am.

www.yicc.org The ceremony will be followed by a brunch.